#also it made sense (in the SHOW) for them (sansa dany)to be opponents
gaykingslayer · 10 months
people act like alicent and rhaenyra being the focus of the conflict is bad for faux feminism reasons and its so fucking stupid. “heurheur they’re just going to make it a misogynistic catfight like they did with sansa and daenerys”. big fucking news for you, women can be each other’s enemies and political opponents 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 they can want each other fucking dead and that doesn’t make it silly, badly written or a ‘catfight’. also, daenerys and sansa weren’t queer coded and they had no compelling history at all so even comparing rhaenicent to that is an insult. get your lets braid each other's hair and call each other bestie hihi girl powah out of here.
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aylinnworld · 3 years
You want Yona to not have the protagonism in her own manga and for what I saw you are ok with the misogynist trope of the 'mad queen' with Dany? OMG just say you hate women and go!
Yeah, I don't want her to be a protagonist. This is exactly why I proposed in one of my posts here that she should be the person who defeats the dragon gods and be hailed a hero for it, to give her something properly protagonist and heroic-like to do at the end.
As for Yona having no business on the battlefield and being useless when coming up with strategy and tactics, you should thank Kusanagi that Yona the General makes no sense at this point. What was stopping Yona from showing interest in strategy in the beginning of the story? What was stopping Yona from asking Hak about it and learning from him? Nothing, plus the fact she had a super comfortable position of having the four dragons, so she never had to think hard how to outwit her opponents when she had the brute strength of dragons to defeat them.
As for 'Mad queen', I only thought it might have worked in the Game of Thrones if it were well-written and other factors, which should also have been well-written, made up for it. It was however shoddily written, and I dislike the show as everyone else. I would have no problem with the idea that the one ruling would be a girl without a supernatural advantage of dragons, but Dany's fall into madness was unconvincing and badly-written and in spite of the show trying to tell us how smart Sansa is, it was poorly done too, to cap it all, Bran who did nothing for an entire season, showed zero interest in administrating\ruling\political history, etc. and had zero experience in ruling anything become the King.
But yes, I do not like characters with a strong supernatural advantage over others, which is why I was never a big fan of Dany. However, this is not a sign of misogyny, but a sign of my personal preference.
Also, I guess having an avatar with the main heroine of the Song of the Long March is a sign of my great misogyny..... lol
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RIGHT, she always wants the upper hand. No equals. Good point! So one last question as we are on a roll! Now, if we accept that Dany believes she loves Jon and Jon's feelings for Dany are maybe love, maybe part infatuation/lust and part political. WTF was going on with Jon and Sansa? I felt they kinda had that "love triangle framing" but the show never committed to it. Was it just a mistake and bad audience interpretation? Some days I'm convinced the show hints at it and other days I don't know.
Lol absolutely, my friend! Oooo, yes I would love to dig into this with you. I’m warning you that possibly another 100 page paper may be headed your way. ;-)
Jon & Sansa - the would they/wouldn’t they pair. It’s a loaded question with an even more loaded answer but I will try my best.
They definitely were going for a love triangle. There was no mistake, I don’t think, or even bad audience interpretation or any shippers wearing shipping goggles for the triangle or either of those pairings. I think it was all very intentional and we picked up on it because of them doing it intentionally.
Like you mentioned, the framing, the promos, the cast interviews, the story, the 8x06 script confirming Sansa loves Jon and Jon knows it, hell even the editing -- all of it lead up to exactly what we saw playing out on screen. And I believe they did this for one reason & one reason only (sadly): to be a contributing factor to Dany’s fall. To cause Dany paranoia not only because of her feelings for Jon, but also as a political opponent (& rival queen, like that tense moment in 8x04 where Dany makes sure to say “under their rightful queen” at Sansa and Sansa’s chin lift). I personally didn’t care for this portion of the story they chose to tell in that last season (and I know a lot of people like to say “Jon and Sansa as a ship is weird, they’re siblings, even the show said they only love each other like siblings” to which I say “its GoT for crying out loud, the Starks have married cousins before, Jon and Sansa were not close growing up & have been separated for years now” & then point to all below, the 8x06 script confirmation of Jon knowing that Sansa loves him, and ask why Sansa was a point of contention for Dany then when it comes to Jon at all if there wasn’t something there, it doesn’t make sense, but I digress). There are so many similarities (maybe not as many as there are differences between them but they’re there) between the two characters. And while I understand Sansa’s suspicion of Dany being an actual tyrant and it’s all in character, I didn’t care for them having two of the strongest female characters on the show essentially fighting over a man when it was about so much more than that for both of them. But alas, that’s what we got. 
Before the 8x06 script confirming the love triangle angle they went for, they definitely showed:
Sansa giving heart eyes to Jon in 8x04 (0:08 - x), her jealousy to Dany and Jon’s warm smile exchange & getting up to leave right after that moment
her heartbroken expression in her argument with Jon when asking if he bent the knee to save the North or because he loved Dany in 8x01 (which of course, we never got a textual answer for from Jon himself)
Dany suspecting jealousy in her convo with Sansa in 8x02 with “you know he loves you” “and that bothers you?” and then Dany’s look trying to gauge if that’s the case
Sansa’s “why her?” when watching Dany and the dragons flying above Winterfell & her emotional reaction to Tyrion saying that Jon has told him that he’s not a Stark (which I think had more to do with her being upset that he still thinks this no matter how many times she’s told him otherwise, that she’s losing him, as family & as someone she loves) (2:27 - x)
her expression when saying goodbye to Jon at the dock in 8x06 (2:05 - x, I think this particular part was meant to be multi-layered, he’s her family that she’s losing, she’s in love with him, she couldn’t save him from his fate, she’s sorry that she had to tell his secret and break his trust, she’s sorry that he had to be the one to kill Dany to save them & the world by extension, she regrets that she can’t get him freed or restored as the King in the North, that she couldn’t keep him completely safe, all of it -- not to mention in the script, this is the part where it mentions that Jon knows Sansa loves him but he can’t forgive her for telling her secret and what it led to, which I personally think over time he would have, she’s still his family and he killed his love to keep her safe but moving on)
plus all of Sansa’s hoping for Jon to return & mentions of him in season 7
Littlefinger’s knowing expression (2:37 - x) as Sansa watches Jon depart from Winterfell after he was choked/threatened by him in response to Littlefinger telling Jon that he loves Sansa like he did Cat
It was all meant to set up this love triangle, if you will.
Personally, my feelings on it are complicated because on one hand, I’m glad that it confirmed everything I had been picking up on watching the show, especially from 6x04 and on. On the other hand, I was annoyed because they confirmed Sansa’s feelings but not explicitly textually, and only used them to help further along Dany’s story in the end while making Sansa look like the horrible villain (like they were trying to make her a Littlefinger 2.0), regardless of how her story ended. I remember a lot of people actually hating on Sansa for that decision that she made and I was there holding my hand up going “wait, do you know her character, though? do you not realize she didn’t tell his secret and break his trust to get at Dany or to get back at Jon? that she actually did it to save his life? have you ever seen the movie Gladiator? you can’t kill someone publicly without reason in this universe, not if you’re going to be sitting on an iron chair in this country and are hoping to come across as the savior of the people, the benevolent but strong queen, a secret is much easier to snuff out, folks.” That’s one of the ways I believe Sansa’s characterization got muddled in the end. Everything she did, she did to protect Jon and her family as well as the North, and Arya confirms it in dialogue in 8x01, what Sansa’s true motivations were at the time (not to mention David Nutter’s direction to Sophie for the courtyard scene with Dany “This is your house”) and that’s why Arya stood fast with her. But I’m going off on a tangent, sorry, back to the Jonsa/love triangle framing.
Here’s what I believe on this despite the obvious plot device they turned the love triangle setup into:
For Jonerys, they promo’ed it heavily for the last season, right? There was this:
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And of course this:
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They had been given a love scene in 7x07
Dany’s costume from 7x06 to 8x03 was meant to indicate that Dany was in love with Jon as reported by Michele Clapton, the (brilliant) costume designer
they even had their own love theme “Truth” that was being played during some, if not most, of their scenes
They were purposely framed: 
the shot of them coming out of the cave together in 7x04
them sitting at the table in the great hall together in 8x01 (which they definitely threw Sansa in there as well)
the shot of them closing the door in the boat cabin in 7x07
them standing together talking about the dragonglass in 7x03 with the dragons in the background
them walking back to the castle in 7x05 after Dany returns from battle
them talking privately in the dragonpit 7x07 while waiting for Tyrion
them walking up to the dragons in 8x01
them watching the Dothraki attack the White Walkers in 8x03 from the mountaintop
them framing Tyrion in the middle when the White Walkers arrive at Winterfell in 8x02 (because let’s face it Tyrion will be coming between them in a way in 8x06)
them standing & facing Lyanna’s statue in the crypt in 8x02
them standing at the waterfall in 8x01 and kissing
them on dragons at the same time in 8x03 in battle mode
the whole framing of their warm smile exchange in 8x04 and then them standing together in the bedroom scene in the same episode
them standing together in the destroyed throne room in 8x06
They did all of that to show that this is a couple and a power couple at that, which could possibly turn into a ruling couple. Even at the premiere of the final season, I remember at the time seeing a photo circulating around this site, showing that Sophie, Kit, and Emilia were placed within vicinity of each other when the cast took the stage, and even then it was obvious not only that they were playing up the Jonerys angle but also the love triangle framing (especially with this promo at 1:11 x). They knew they had an audience for that particular angle but in this last season, they brought it to the forefront, just not in the way anyone would expect (in their minds). That’s why they had the cast (namely Kit and Sophie) drumming up PR since season 7 (and possibly earlier), hinting and teasing that there would be so much tension between Jon and Sansa, that there would be a power struggle (wtf? what power struggle? because she questioned a decision of his & it showcased just how different he was from rulers before him like Joffrey & showed us he was a good ruler, one she believes in? sure, Jan, power struggle, sure) and all of that good stuff. Because what did everyone expect to be endgame? 
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And those who didn’t that maybe thought Jon might be in love with Sansa or vice versa, or even if there was going to be another romance for Jon or Sansa or both: 
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And the thing D&D and the show kept saying? “Subvert expectations” -- that was their whole goal while trying to tell this story
Personally, I don’t think they ever intended to make either pairing endgame. I believe they wanted people to think one or the other, but I don’t think they ever intended to go further than that (that I’m aware of, I should say). I know there were some rumors that supposedly they had planned for a Jonsa endgame all along, and had even shot scenes for one, but I don’t think they did (if I’m wrong, I would be more than happy to be). And the reason I don’t think they did besides for the love triangle to be a plot device contributing to the end they had in mind for all three characters? The way they ended everyone else’s arcs that did not make a lick of sense. I think Jonsa was heavily foreshadowed as Ned and Cat 2.0 but I think they planned to do it only to bring this to the viewers’ minds in order to make Sansa a romantic and political rival, enough that Dany sees the threat, Jon knows it, and it influences Sansa’s decisions enough that it also affects Jon’s and Dany’s decisions.
As much framing as they did for Jonerys, they also did for Jonsa. The only difference was that it began more almost subtle (though the framing was screaming loudly even back when they were building up their forces to take back Winterfell in season 6), Sansa wasn’t a queen yet, and she didn’t have dragons or a direwolf pack behind her. This is just my personal opinion, but I think Sansa was always meant to play a part in this triangle, like I mentioned Sansa and Dany have many similarities, they also show the contrast between both ladies in Jon’s life as well as how they would rule as queens (while hinting he would be the King half of each relationship):
I don’t remember where this post is (if I find it again, I’ll come back and edit, I want to give them proper credit) but I know I saw it on here somewhere. Roz confirms in season 3 that when Sansa was born, they rang the bells all day in Winterfell. (x) When Dany was born, not only was there a great storm with dogs howling all night (which further proves she is one of the two threats to Westeros like GRRM said) (x) but what was going on while she made the decision to torch KL? They were ringing the bells to surrender (x)
Sansa organizes the defense for Jon (like a Queen Regent would do), handles the Littlefinger situation, and rules the North while the pack makes its way back home so to speak in season 7 all while Jon is away; granted Dany already has her armies, she is already a queen, so she doesn’t need to do any of this and she does go to North to assist Jon in the Great War & save Jon and the guys in 7x06 but she also chooses to burn all of the supplies in the battle with the Lannisters in 7x04, doesn’t really concern herself with the little things like food (I know she has a Council for that but I think they show this contrast purposely to show she’s not really a ruler) and gets annoyed when that is questioned (granted Sansa was a bit snarky here but it was a very good point to make and actually echoes Jon’s own ruling method/concerns from season 5 as Lord Commander)
Sansa brings reinforcements for Jon in 6x09 using her connections so to speak just like Dany shows up to save Jon in 7x06 & brings her forces north in 8x01 to assist in the Great War
Dany is shown ruling in 8x02 when Jaime Lannister arrives but eventually she is outvoted (which is a nice way of putting it lol) by Sansa and Jon who agrees with the logic of getting every person they can get to fight this war - but they also make sure to show that while Dany isn’t listening to Jaime or Tyrion (as her Hand), Sansa listens to Brienne (her sworn sword) and that factors into her decision making, meaning she will weigh everything and not let anger or emotion cloud the issue & she will take things under advisement before so doing
the convo that takes place in 8x02 between Dany and Sansa, when Dany walks into the library, Sansa is seen giving instructions to keep the gates open for more people to come for safety to Royce who gives her respect after, and the bare minimum respect to Dany as he leaves - we also see Sansa thinking of everything outside the Great War box by asking about what happens afterwards and after they defeat Cersei, and then of course we see Dany’s narrow scope of an answer “I take the iron throne” and she has no answer for what after which launches Sansa into steel mode & asking again about the North more strongly
after their convo, we see Sansa and Dany walking in and standing in front of Theon and his men. Theon gives Dany her due respect as their queen but he makes it clear who he is there to address, who he is there to fight for, and gives Sansa her due respect as well. But we also see Sansa’s reaction to Theon pledging to fight for them as we see Dany’s reaction to all of this and her confusion, seeing it’s not duty that Theon is fighting for, but love, love for Sansa & his chosen family -- more importantly, love that Dany doesn’t have which she confirms in 8x04 and 8x05
We see Sansa make the point in the battle planning scene in 8x04 about the men needing to rest, that the generals need to be spoken to. Dany who feels she has waited long enough after she came to fight the Great War alongside Jon doesn’t want to hear this. But it actually is a very good point to make & consider, as we know. Yes, Dany still won in the end, but possibly she wouldn’t have lost Missandei (we can only assume) or Rhaegal or anymore men or wouldn’t have even razed KL to the ground (possibly). But because she didn’t want to wait and it was Sansa who made that point, it’s immediately dismissed. 
We see Sansa as someone who would go to war for her family by the dragonpit scene in 8x06 - while she’s in love and they’re threatening the guy she’s in love with who is another member of her family who is being held captive, she is not unleashing fury unless Jon gets hurt which is confirmed by her dialogue to Grey Worm; yes, Dany holds back in 8x04 when Tyrion attempts to compromise with Qyburn & Cersei while they hold Missandei captive & Euron has already killed Rhaegal, she did not attack KL as soon as she landed in Westeros, but the desire to was always there & showed to us in moments throughout the last 2 seasons, never mind all of the hints we were given of what would happen if she came over to Westeros before then
Another contrast is how Dany handles executions vs how Sansa handles them - both are brutal of course and not fun, but how they were conducted says a lot (though they both definitely have in common that they both swing the sword so to speak after they pass the sentence) - Sansa gave Littlefinger his chance to defend himself as he asked though no one would help him, Varys was never given that chance (even if she told him what she would do to him if she discovered him betraying her, which in a way he did look her in the eye first and tell her like she asked but she ignored him and I don’t think that constitutes as a full betrayal, he was never given a trial like setting, only a chance to say his last words, which fun fact that Cersei does the same with Missandei and slightly weirder but I suppose it was weird at the time since Jon was fresh back from the dead, Jon in season 6 with his murderers, though the crimes are: Littlefinger - getting Ned Stark beheaded and starting the Lannister/Stark conflict, Varys - treason, attempt to overthrow a ruler, Missandei - being in the wrong place at the wrong time & for shock value, Night’s Watch murdering squad - murdering Jon so all different I suppose if I’m being fair, but the styles of executions...I’m just saying)
Sorry, I ran off on a tangent there for a minute but I think it all relates to the whole framing of this love triangle and Jonsa itself. Jonsa was definitely going to be a thing, maybe not the way we thought it would, but it was definitely brought to the forefront in season 8. And they purposely hooked us with the framing they gave Jonsa alone as Ned and Cat 2.0. Like Robb, Jon is named King in the North. Instead of the Young Wolf, he is the White Wolf. His costumes and hair styles are meant as callbacks to Ned. Sansa’s own look is meant to be a callback to Cat though she has different hairstyles and different costumes. Her dress in 8x04 at the feast has a scale-like look to it and this is also meant to call back to the Tully side of the family (which is interesting because she’s a Stark through and through yet in this moment, a moment where we see her giving heart eyes to Jon, she is wearing a dress meant to callback to her mother while Jon had just been sitting at the head of the table where Ned would have sat...yep). There were tons of shots framing them as the ruling couple of Winterfell, as Ned and Cat come again:
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Oh and this gem in comparison to the hand shot up above for Jonerys:
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Not to mention the callbacks in other ways:
Ned choking Littlefinger in season 1 when going to meet Cat in a brothel --> Jon choking Littlefinger in the crypt in 7x02 after the latter admits he’s in love with Sansa, just like her mother
Ned & Cat watching Bran practicing archery in the courtyard before they are interrupted --> Jon (and Sansa with Davos) in 7x02 watching people practicing archery in the courtyard as they discuss Tyrion’s scroll; Jon & Sansa talking in 7x01 above the courtyard when they are interrupted)
This brilliant video shows so many parallels, visually and textually, that show the Ned/Cat & Jon/Sansa callbacks so much better than I ever could
Michele Clapton is one hell of a brilliant costume designer. She is the one who said the costumes on the characters will hint at their desires. She is the one who went in depth on what certain costumes or accessories mean, so much so that they tell their own story outside of the acting, framing, music, and dialogue. She’s really brilliant. Jon was in a similar costume to Ned in 6x09 in the tent scene and then during the Battle of the Bastards. Then, Jon was in Stark clothing up until the end of 8x02, until he was in a sigil-less costume (funnily enough after he is having his identity crisis) though he still maintains the Stark cloak. He continues to don that cloak, except at the feast in 8x04. 
Though when he goes to battle in 8x05, he is wearing the Stark emblem as expected, since he’s leading the Northmen into the fight. But then Arya shows up at the end after Tyrion has been arrested, as Jon watches Dany walking away which funnily enough they’re playing a Targaryen-esque theme again, and boom there’s Arya and his choice is in his face again but moving on. Then when he goes to talk to Tyrion, he has no Stark clothing, all sigil-less again. (I think this was done because he still hadn’t made a decision yet while they also were trying to keep the audience in the dark as to what would happen). But when he goes to talk to Dany, even though his clothing is sigil-less, his outfit looks very familiar to what Ned and Robb have worn in the past (indicating stealthily that he had made his decision, not to kill Dany, but that he was a Stark). Sansa’s crown has two wolves at the top, meant to symbolize the pack/her family as was her coronation dress. In my opinion, I don’t think she ever gave up hope that Jon or Arya would return home at some point.
So when it comes to Jonsa, I don’t agree completely with what they did but I do think those who rooted for them as a pairing or just their characters individually were left a very generous open ending so that others could take it and do what they would with it (fanfic, fanart, etc), that this open ending could make room for GRRM’s own ending in the last two books (I’m not sure how this will go in the books, if he even has any plans for it, but I have seen a lot of meta circulating on this site from the book readers who like the idea of the pairing showing clues they’ve picked up that there could be a hint to a Jonsa ending). 
To answer your question with a long lengthy answer (sorry!), yes I think they intended to frame Jonsa romantically but not have Jon reciprocate or confirm/deny textually (or even have Sansa put words to it textually). Because they weren’t going to go with one of the predictable endings after all of the hinting/foreshadowing had been laid, (terrible writing to use the Ned/Cat thing as a red herring since the Starks were the underdogs to begin with, no pun intended) GRRM even says himself you can’t just suddenly change it, or do framing to build up something only so you can use it later on as a red herring and then go “gotcha! you didn’t expect that, did you? Oh I’ll give you Jon and Dany but not how you expect, oh I’ll give you Jon and Sansa but not how you expect, oh I’ll give you Jon as a king but not how you expect, expectations and predictability are the scourge that must be subverted at all costs” so they can pat themselves on the back with a “job well done” at fooling the audience and how they shocked them and go “OMG I did not see that coming!” I say the same for Jonerys with the pregnancy/child talk and even their framing, though at least they followed through on the romance part of it textually (regardless of story intentions). 
And they definitely intended there to be a love triangle between Dany, Jon, and Sansa:
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(the last one is I think meant to show the ruling portion, especially as Dany as the head, but it also shows these were the three main characters when it came to power, despite Cersei of course - though I think Jaime represents that Lannister reminder here as well & she’s being discussed so we don’t forget who still sits on the IT - and despite all the supporting players that go into the whole story)
The whole funeral scene in 8x04 (x) - we see Dany mourning Jorah, then Sansa mourning Theon and then who do they show afterwards? Jon. Then they show Dany walking back to her side, then Sansa walking back to hers in the wide shot. In 4:42, in the wide shot, it’s Sansa, Jon, and then Dany at the funeral pyres, watching them burn. Even when they’re walking away, they’re framed again with Dany in the middle of Jon and Sansa. Then they show Dany’s face, then Sansa’s. It’s just nuts. (to me, this whole scenario gave it away that we opened with two queens mourning their two knights/courtly lovers if you will, and then the rest which just proved more to me that this was a love triangle and that Sansa was in the running to be a queen just as much as Dany and Cersei were). We also see the scene where Jon studies Lyanna Mormont’s body and then turns to look at Dany who is just looking at him, waiting for him to give the signal to light the pyres. I might be reading too much into it but I find it interesting that Lyanna is the one he is going to burn, the same girl who presses Jon when he returns in 8x01 for giving up his crown & holds his feet to the fire, that she was the first to proclaim him as her king in 6x10 - x, first to come to Jon & Sansa’s aid in season 6 that we were shown though that was also due to Davos’ intervention, that she was loyal to House Stark even back when Stannis was around & this shot is followed by him looking at Dany, the reason he is no longer King in the North.
And how many times did Dany mention Sansa to Jon over that season after meeting her? Why was Sansa the one (I mean chosen story wise) to break the secret and be the catalyst for Varys to attempt to usurp Dany with Jon? That Dany was bothered by the most besides Cersei? Yes as a rival queen, a political rival, sure, but she mentions Sansa to Jon far too many times for it to be strictly that. She mentions Cersei a fair bit, too, but the tone is very different, even after Missandei being executed and Rhaegal being killed. Cersei is a bug to be crushed that simply stands in her way and has taken things from her that she should have never touched (the IT, Missandei, Rhaegal) but Sansa... Sansa is almost mentioned with as much vitriol (though way less name calling) by Dany as she is by Cersei. (The War of Five Kings? I think this really became the War of Three Queens at some point)
While Jon chose to protect his family, Arya was not pushing for Jon to kill Dany, she was only pushing for Jon to wake up and realize that he’s not safe since he would always be considered a threat to Dany (x) and would eventually end up being killed (”I know a killer when I see one”). And while I believe Arya would have stood by Sansa loyally and never backed down (that would have put her in danger in Jon’s mind solely, since he doesn’t know about her faceless training), Sansa was really the one that he knew wouldn’t bow down to Dany. The dialogue in that scene “Try telling Sansa” in 8x06, Tyrion mentioning Jon’s sisters and then Sansa specifically in that jail scene in the same episode (though I know he did this to also get through to Jon, exploiting this weak point) (x), Jon’s question to Dany in the throne room later on “what about everyone else? what about all of the other people who think they know what’s good?” and Dany’s “they don’t get to choose” (x) followed by Jon’s look afterwards...he knows, he also knows Sansa won’t back down and she’ll eventually be executed most likely the same way Varys & the Tarlys were (this is confirmed in the script with the line “Jon understands what this means for the people he loves the most” & he remembers Dany’s line in her speech to the Unsullied & the Dothraki mentioning Winterfell), he makes his decision right then and it weighs heavy on him but he does it - he ultimately lived up to his promise that he made back in 6x09 “I’ll protect you, I promise” to Sansa though she doubted it was possible at the time. (x)
Plus, I’m also looking at Kit’s acting choices here, the Master of Microexpressions himself:
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(x) (x) (3:37 - x) - and just to point this out for the whole thing above, isn’t it funny they go from a shot of Jon after Sansa walks away that they go to Torumnd and Brienne, a redhead whose affections are not returned, sure it’s meant to be comedic and obviously Jon is not disgusted by Sansa but also...eh, maybe I’m reading too much into that editing choice...)
This in sync movement as well as framing here (0:48, and before this, just to note, Sansa’s horse keeps pace with Jon’s and she keeps pace with him while walking until the fight breaks out, while also speaking up and keeping in the conversation, meaning not only is she trying to be heard but she’s on an equal level with Jon, they’re a team trying to take Winterfell back, she has the Stark name & he has the military experience - x)
Why the breathlessness, Kit & Sophie? Why acting choices? (3:36 - x) (1:02 with step forward after - x) (1:35, this little inhale right here - x) (1:54 - his shocked reaction to seeing the Starks & his inhale and who is front and center in the lineup? & why that last look after [what I think he’s doing] memorizing Sansa’s & Arya’s faces for the last time, 4:46 when Sansa is not his favorite sibling & they lined them up by affection level almost for Jon with Sansa being the furthest back? x)
It was definitely portrayed as romantic, almost as much as Jonerys was, to feed into the love triangle theme later on they wanted to present. And while the scripts hadn’t been written yet for season 8, D&D did confirm they had started planning the show’s end around the time season 6 was being shot. They also worked with GRRM on certain planning of the final season, they said through video calls or something like that (I’m not sure if they discussed this part of it at all but I’m sure they discussed Dany and Jon and Dany’s fall and what could contribute to it). Benioff also said that the relationship between Jon and Sansa would “be crucial to watch” (though at the time, he was talking about the conflict between them, that Sansa doesn’t trust Jon, didn’t tell him about the KotV, etc). 
I think the love triangle was intentional, I think framing Jon and Sansa as the second coming of Ned & Cat was intentional, and I think Sansa having feelings for Jon & their romantic framing/coding was very intentional. I just don’t think the Jonsa endgame (as far as I know) or the Jonerys endgame was intended to be an HEA for either one at the end.
It was always going to come down to Jon having to choose one house or the other, which family, but also choose which queen. In the end, as we know, he chose the Starks, the family he’s always been with and loves, and kept his promise to Sansa. Dany broke the wheel, sure, but Jon ended up being the “shield that guards the realms of men” by taking out the other threat for Westeros, making room for Sansa to remain safely in her home (which is what she’s always wanted) and not under anyone’s thumb or boot heel. Jon took that safety away when he brought Dany up North (though he had to) but thankfully, he restored it even if he wishes that it didn’t have to happen in that way, even if he continues to question if what he did was right (it was, even though I love Dany, she wasn’t going to stop). Sansa was in love with the idea of love as a child, the stories about princes and knights, we know this canonically about her character (more from the books, but I think they intimated it in season 1 with the whole Joffrey arc). I think in her eyes, Jon is that prince, that knight, especially after she saw how he was as a king, even if his decisions frustrated her at times. I think she trusted him after they take back Winterfell (though she didn’t care for his decision to bend the knee and now we see that she had good reason) but she never naively did, if that makes sense. She still kept her wits about her, and even though I don’t think she ever expected Jon to do what he did in the end, killing Dany, I think she still hoped he would be safe and would she, and by extension Arya (should she return) and Bran, and that maybe hopefully someday Jon would come back home. She still had her feelings but she accepted that Jon had made his choice (even if she didn’t understand it or agree) and it wasn’t her or the Starks (from that convo with Tyrion in 8x04). But in the end, Jon did choose her and the Starks, and absolutely proved himself a Stark, and part of the pack.
It’s almost wasted potential, but I think that’s what they were kind of going for. I know the actors themselves balked at the idea of Jonsa as a romantic pairing (Sophie’s response at a comic con when a fan mentioned Jonsa as a ship, Kit’s recent reaction on a video call or panel with “that’s weird” when someone mentioned Jonsa as a ship, etc) but after all of this, you can’t tell me that’s not what they were shooting for even if they never intended for it to became overtly textual like Jonerys did, even if it was only used to push Dany towards her fall in the end. Bittersweet, indeed.
So, my friend, I hope this very long post answers that question for you. I’d be very curious to hear what you think, too! <3
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Dany deliberately targeting innocents in KL was horrible and OOC af, but I think what really irritated me was Tyrion's condemnation and shock. He's so shocked she didn't listen to his advice when the city surrendered. Like, DUDE, what counsel have you given her in the last 2 seasons that has ACTUALLY WORKED? Tyrion lost Dany her allies. He told her Cersei would keep her word. He told her the North would support her if she fought for them. (1/?)
(2/2) He told her to treat with Cersei, and Missandei was beheaded. Literally, Tyrion was one of the WORST things/people to happen to Daenerys (Besides Jon Snow and Sansa Snark). Literally what reason did Daenerys have to believe anything that came out of Tyrion's mouth? Everything he advised her to do ended badly for her. She was punished for listening to her advisors. And then harshly judged, side-eyed, gaslighted, and treated like she was crazy when she wasn't. Ugh.
You are absolutely right. Let’s start by saying that Dany killing innocents “because reasons” is total bullshit. This woman couldn’t even look at innocent people murdering each other for sport in the fighting pits of Meereen. It was tradition but she was 100% against it because innocent people died for so good reason at all. She accepted it because it was important to her people. She locked up her own dragons to prevent them from killing another child or harm anyone else. She used her dragons to fight her opponents because that’s what smart people do and dragons are her power, she doesn’t need to wield a sword. However, she only killed soldiers and people who opposed her because that’s what all monarchs do if they want to rule. 
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There are shameless double-standards regarding Dany in this fandom because she’s a woman who commands the most powerful forces in the lore. She also embodies both female and male energy and traits - and this makes fragile men feel threatened and women with internalized misogyny feel uncomfortable. Other male characters did far worse than she in their quest for power and they aren’t treated as harshly as she is. Tywin literally slaughtered an entire House because they rebel against the Lannisters. Robb and his troops destroyed the Riverlands; the innocent people who lived there didn’t care about Ned Stark or the Northern Independence, they just want to live in peace - for them the Red Wedding was a blessing (actually by “avenging” the Red Wedding and killing every male Frey in GOT, Arya probably caused a fight among the other Houses to decide who would take control over the Riverlands. Of course this is glossed-over because the Starks are moral superior to every other character and can do no wrong). Jaime commanded the slaughter of everyone in Highgarden: including innocent men, women and children. Not only that but King Bran saw fit to name one of those murderers to take hold of Highgarden in the end: I bet the surviving farmers who were terrorized by Bronn and the Lannister soldiers feel really safe now. The Starks also fought to get back their home. It doesn’t matter if it was their ancestral home: it belonged to House Bolton by royal decree. They had to take it back by force and many Northern houses didn’t even support them. Afterwards, Sansa even wanted to strip Lord Umber (a child) and Lady Karstark (a teenager) of their ancestral homes because their parents fought against in Starks in the Battle of the Bastards. Fortunately for these kids, Jon opposed to this idea. 
When I saw “The Bells” I couldn’t believe my eyes. The stupidity of it. First, the ringing of bells doesn’t even mean surrender in the GOT/ASOIAF universe and that’s well established (ever since Season 2) but I guess Dumb and Dumber kind of forgot. Second, Dany had no reason whatsoever to target innocent people in the streets when Cersei was locked in the Red Keep. She only needed to fly to Red Keep and be done with it. She would eventually kill innocents in the process but at the very least it would have made sense. When I read the leaks, I thought it would go down like this. But instead, they made her burn down several streets before getting to Red Keep for no good reason at all.  Cersei doesn’t care about the people and Dany knows this. Some can justify it as revenge for Missandei’s death but that’s bollocks. Those people didn’t kill or cheer for Missandei’s death: they probably don’t even know about her. At its core, this was only a plot device to make Jon look heroic while murdering her in the next episode and for Tyrion not to look like a traitor.
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And this, ladies and gents, is how you ruin a TV series.
As for Tyrion suddenly caring about the people of King’s Landing is yet another Dumb and Dumber bullshit. Tyrion doesn’t care about the people: he is selfish in both books and show and he craves power too, mostly because the wants his father’s approval. Tyrion even wanted all these people dead a few seasons ago and resented saving their lives when Stannis attacked the city. The same with Varys: he fed Aerys’ paranoia by constantly telling him about traitors and acting like a snitch but in the TV show they had him all remorseful about witnessing Aerys’ burning people he considered traitors.  He even sided with a King that commanded the sack of King’s Landing (leading to the murder and rape of innocents) and laughed at dead children (Elia’s children) as they were placed at his feet by Tywin. 
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Was Tyrion really on Dany’s side? Because he clearly didn’t want his siblings hurt or killed. And he knew Cersei would never give up her power and Jaime would stay by her side. He persuaded Jon to do his dirty work (= killing Dany) to save his own skin because he knows he would probably be executed for treason, not because he cared about the people. 
What they made Dany do in GOT is wrong and off-character. But what House Stark, House Baratheon, House Arryn and House Lannister did in the sack of King’s Landing was far worse so people really should stop acting so self-righteous. Drogon turned those innocents into dust in a matter of seconds because dragonfire is hot as hell, but when those soldiers raped and murdered it wasn’t so quick and the women who were raped had to live with the trauma and probably with the offspring of that rape. Ned opposed to it and went to look for Lyanna, yes. But his soldiers and the other Northern houses didn’t follow him: they stayed in King’s Landing murdering and raping until they had enough. That’s fucking disgusting. It’s also fucking sickening painting Dany as the ultimate evil of the series when all of this happened.  
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gizkasparadise · 5 years
I know this is forever ago now but one way got disappointed me was in dany/sansa interactions. I had really hoped they could have an interesting allies dynamic because they have a lot of reasons to relate to each other, and it would have been cool to see them in scheming mode but also actually like each other. Like idk I know it’s too much to ask that d&d write a compelling female friendship but, I just hated how much they hated each other
lmao i could write a book on how much i hated the woman to woman dynamics.
i think if they were going to have sansa and dany as opponents, there were about 100 other ways to do it better. like i could NOT at sansa implying jon was some kind of political mastermind in their 8x2 (or maybe it was 8x1? idr) conversation. and while i get that sansa was upset at winterfell bending the knee it wasnt like 1) something surprising since that was some s7 shit, and jon’s been v clear that he doesnt gaf about the bigger political scope because Night King Comes First 2) acknowledged by the narrative as antagonistic for the right reasons? it straight up came off as JON IS MAKING TERRIBLE DECISIONS BASED ON YOUR WILES which lol im dying inside. but mainly if sansa is supposed to have this political acumen, she should recognize the quid per quo sitch going on. she should’ve jumped in on it -- the north needed dany’s armies.and her dragons. this was uncontested. cooperation was an opportunity for her to get on dany’s good side (or at least fake it?) for a more generous alliance like we saw with yara--who got!! an independent kingdom promise!! because she came with something to barter with, which the north doesnt have! but it could, if say, the armies went to defeat cersei for queen dany afterward when her forces took a hit (if we want to be brutal about it, her armies appeared to have the most casualties, putting her in a position where she needs the North more than they need her, now that the NK is defeated). like man yall wait 2 episodes, then revisit negotiations as someone who appreciated dany’s alliance/contributed to her securing the throne? jon screwed this up a bit by making his motivations so transparent to her in s7, but that’s on brand for him because that Ned Stark Honesty. but sansa should’ve put some work into brokering a better deal--if in-character as the show’s developed her, she would have.
it didnt make sense for sansa to be that transparent in her dislike the way she was--not only did it show the cards (stupidly) early, it also immediately set off an antagonistic relationship for someone they needed. now maybe you can spin it as sansa didn’t believe in the threat of the wights/NK, but that should have been demonstrated more clearly by the narrative. sansa’s supposed to be tactical--arya calls her the smartest person she knows. at the time, being on dany’s side is a huge tactical advantage. that’s not demonstrated by the narrative and i chalk that up 100% to a dude-bro writing room because they just don’t get the nuances to any of the female characters in GOT--that sansa could hate the situation/want northern independence, but still play the game in a way that didnt lmaoooo result in blatant treason? like geez, wonder who betrayed daenerys maybe the person talking shit the entire time she’s known her
lol so long-winded way of saying idk if they would be friends, but they definitely would’ve (should’ve) made for allies
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cannoli-reader · 5 years
A Thought or two on the race of the Wheel of Time casting.
So “The Wheel of Time” has cast a group of people to play the characters born to Two Rivers families, Nynaeve, Perrin, Egwene & Mat.  And there have been concerns.  And there have been people making knee-jerk assumptions that these concerns are entirely founded in racism. And hey, maybe there are some. But I don’t think all of them necessarily are. 
First of all, some personal context. I am not really a SJW or much concerned about race issues in general. I am white, of entirely European ancestry, but I haven’t the slightest bit of “white guilt”. “Get Out” did not make me the least bit uncomfortable because I had absolutely no comprehension of the white characters. I understand that “representation matters” in media, but it matters to white people as well, which is why ‘Hollywood’ which is not a monlithic entity, mostly casts white people.  I don’t care if there are not enough black people or too many white people in any given movie.  We can have Scotsmen playing Lithuanian-Russians or try to pass off their burr as a brogue. We can have Terry Molloy, Stanley Kowalski and Vito Corleone, members of immigrant communities from very different parts of Europe, played by the same man. 
That said, while I think adaptations have a degree of responsibility to be faithful to the original work or to the historical time period, I don’t care that Michael Jordan and Reg E Cathay and Jessica Alba were cast as members of a family that is white in the picture books in which the Fantastic Four originated or that black paratroopers were in “Overlord”. I would not approve of T’Challa being played by a white person, because that IS important to his character.  And insisting on casting a woman of color as Cleopatra in the name of historical accuracy instantly destroys my respect for you. 
What we know about the appearance of the Two Rivers people is that they seem to be about average height for their part of the world.  Nynaeve & Egwene are short by modern standards (for a white or black North American), while Perrin is tall and Mat above average. They have somewhat darker complexions than the very Nordic-looking Aiel and possibly Andorans, but on the other hand, no character ever uses Two Rivers folk as a touchstone for dark skins, the way they do the Sea Folk or Tairens.  Even Domani are often mentioned as having coppery colored skins, with Two Rivers people using the terminology the same as lighter-skinned people, suggesting that they too, are lighter-skinned than the Domani.  When Elaida points out that Rand’s natural skin tone is unusually light for a Two Rivers native, she pushes up his sleeve to show the untanned skin, which to me suggests that Two Rivers people are not much, if at all, darker than a very pale person tans. So people do have a point that the actors for Perrin and Nynaeve, at least, if not also Egwene, are darker than they are portrayed in the books.
To which I say, “So what?” The important thing is that Rand is clearly different from the others.  That is probably even easier to convey visually if they use actors from different races, so Rand clearly stands out.  It might have been more interesting to make Rand the person of color, but then you’ll turn all the stuff into racial issues, and we don’t need that in discussions of the show.  Seriously, that was one of the more tedious parts of reveling in all the on-line criticism of Season 8 of Game of Thrones, which I prefer to think of as HBO’s six-part documentary, alternatively titled “Cannoli Was Right All Along.”  They didn’t kill off the Dothraki because they are racists, they killed off the Dothraki, to the extent that they did, because they long ago jettisoned everything else in service to spectacle.  Which brings me to the point that TV writers can’t be trusted and there are lots of other concerns in what they are going to do, beyond letting some black folks get full of themselves because Nynaeve would make Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman and Rey hide under the bed when she’s annoyed at them. 
One of the problems in “Game of Thrones” was that a lot of adaptational choices were not thought through, long term, nor were the implications. Like how Daenerys crowd-surfing on her freed slaves would look, compared to her riding her horse through a cheering crowd.  Or how abandoning a lot of the world building meant some things made very little sense.  If you read the books, between the lines, you know that the Dance of the Dragons (a war in-universe, not the book title) pretty much put paid to the idea of a woman inheriting the Iron Throne. But on the show, all we heard about that is that Stannis thinks the name is stupid.  In the books, he has definite opinions, including that the losing female contender was a traitor for attempting to claim the crown over her younger half-brother. But this sort of world-building would justify the characters’ stated preference for Jon’s gender over Daenerys in Season 8.  Going by the show alone, that makes no sense, because most of the nobles left at this point are women, and very few of the male lords would have reason to favor Jon over Dany, or else they were opponents of Dany for other reasons, like their die-hard support of Sansa, who was pro-Jon. The show’s worldbuilding undercut their own point of conflict, but they tried to fall back on book worldbuilding they had never serviced and made deliberate choices to omit characters or storypoints that would have supported that detail.
At this point I can’t see how the particulars of the Two Rivers’ ethnicity would affect the story, but I also thought cutting fAegon from “Game of Thrones” was a good idea when Season 5 rolled around.  To the extent that it is an issue in the story, the Two Rivers district of western Andor was once the heartland of a legendary nation called Manetheren.  When the nation was betrayed by their allies, the army fought alone to hold the ford of one of those eponymous rivers for far longer than anyone had thought possible, with civilians taking up arms to join them in hopes of preserving some fraction of the population.  In the end they all died fighting, but the enemy force was wiped out as a result of their defense, and so the few survivors who had got out came back, rebuilt their homes and said “We’re only leaving this country feet first.” But they lacked the human capital or resources to rebuild the nation and have been reduced to a rural farming community centered around a trio of villages.  There is a fourth village, called Taren Ferry, at the river crossing that is the only known way in or out of the Two Rivers, but they don’t have much to do with the rest of the area, and are looked at askance by the proper Two Rivers folk.  
It is also established in the text that the Taren Ferry people are the only ones to interbreed with outsiders or to have much intercourse with them at all.  The people living deeper in the Two Rivers are an isolated culture and breeding population.  Itinerant enterainers, merchants buying their crops and peddlers selling goods they cannot make themselves are their only contact with the outside world, and at one point a character actually scoffs at the idea of marrying one of them.  Rand is physically unique because his father, nearly equally uniquely, left the Two Rivers as a young man and came home with a wife from somewhere else and their baby.  
Because the Two Rivers people have only been reproducing among themselves for two thousand years, certain characteristics are reinforced in their genetics.  This is revealed when one of them, in a moment of stress, facing the same enemy that destroyed Manetheren, starts shouting in the language Manetheren spoke, using phrases specific to Manetheren.  This is later diagnosed as a kind of racial memory emerging, and strongly suggests that the character is a descendant of strong geneological connections to the last king of Manetheren. A second character feels a sort of recognition, suggesting a lesser degree of this Old Blood as it is called in the books. The other two native Two Rivers people don’t feel it. 
Now here’s the two fold problem with the casting.  The problem is not Marcus Rutherford and Zoe Robins, it is Barney Harris. They should ALL be the same race.  They’re isolated and have had very very few reproductive encounters with outsiders. Mat Cauthon should not be played by a clearly white actor if the rest of the Two Rivers is something else. 
But the really funny bit comes with the implications of the casting with regard to the Old Blood. 
Because these are the two people who are not the purest royal-blooded Two Rivers folk:
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while this is the one with maybe a hint of the blood of the legendary hero-king:
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and THIS is the pure-blooded descendant of ancient royalty:
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Ooops.  Gonna be fun when the people whose major problem with Missandei’s death is that a black woman didn’t have get to be in the last two episodes, watch the scene where Rosamund Pike tells THAT GUY, up there, how special his bloodline is.
But maybe they just rolled with the casting choices because they are going to skip the Old Blood issue. Okay. But like I said above, you never know what’s going to bite you in the butt seven or eight seasons down the road.   But the cynical part of me is greatly amused at the implications of the apparent mixed race heritage of the Two River people, and what it suggests about who the nobles and who the commoners were in the glory days of Manetheren.  On the other hand, you get the suggestion that the barriers between lords and commoners came down as they fought side by side to save their land and then worked side by side to make their community survive and we got people intermarrying without regard to the old social divisions.
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shazyloren · 7 years
The Room: Chapter 22 - Eyeing the Competition
Links: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12710496/chapters/30301704
Jon knew as soon as the two Beauxbatons students names came out together that he and Daenerys were going to be Hogwarts champions, he'd felt it. He'd been correct of course, and now, as they both trudged down the steps into the trophy room after Professor Lannister who looked like a man on a mission, he was starting to wonder why he and Daenerys keep getting drawn together like this. Perhaps it's the year they were meant to resolve their conflict.
The trophy room was dimly lit, the candle light flickering as it casts ungainly shadows across the walls. The trophies danced in the yellow glow, gleaming as they sit proudly in pristine cases which contain them. Jon's eyes found the Quidditch trophies, pissed he'd never get a chance to ad his name to the Quidditch captain lists due to this blinking tournament. He saw Harry Potter's name first, a boy of fourteen he'd been when he entered the tournament.
Of course it was a huge scandal, the boy had not entered himself yet his name was pulled out of the goblet and their had been four champions. He'd gone on to win the tournament at the cost of the life of fellow champion Cedric Diggory, who has a memorial bench on the castle grounds out by the Whomping willow.
It had recently announced by Potter's state that he gave his winnings to the Weasley twins to start their joke shop which was now a global brand. Jon wondered if he won, would he keep the money? He always thought on moving out of the Stark's house as soon as he joined the Auror Programme, but perhaps there was something else he could do with the money? Maybe if he kept half for himself and gave some to charity, that'd be cool.
You actually have to win it first, your name has just been pulled out of the hat.
The other students were gathered talking, but Jon kept his distance as did Daenerys. If one thing he knew about these types of competitions is that he did not want to give anything away to the opponents. So he kept his distance and observed them instead. Perhaps it was anti-social but he knew it was right. Daenerys stood next to him however, he did not need to study her to know what she was good at. They'd been in classes together for seven years now.
"How does something like this happen?" Daenerys whispered to him. Jon smirked as the light grew and he saw Daenerys' purple iris glow a weird indigo shade instead of the usual amethyst. They looked beautiful, and while her thought this in his head and knew it was a strange thought for even himself he did not say it allowed. She'd probably hex him.
"Well you write your name on a piece of par-"
"-Don't get smart with me, Snow!" She hissed as the Headmasters all brooded angrily with each other.
"Sorry" He offered a small apologetic smile. "I genuinely don't know how this happened - it's ridiculous, only a powerful wizard would be able to confuse the cup. It happened in 1994 during the Triwizard then and it's happened again. I don't think it's a coincidence that dark wizard were rising then and they are now"
"I agree - I think whoever is behind the attack on the Seventh Floor is in on this too" Wait, did she just agree with me? Jon thought he must be going mad if something like this is going on. She never agreed with him, only if she's being coerced to. But then, when he thought on it, she was opening up to him a lot more. Their whole discussion on her mother still felt uneasy with him, he knew she was hurting but it pissed him off that he did not know how much.
"The questions is who?" Jon raised an eyebrow. Professor Lannister and Stannis Baratheon's voices were louder now, they were having a full on argument over the legality of the event going forward with six champions. The other students had stopped speaking with each other and were just waiting for what was going to happen next. "I don't trust Baratheon"
"Me neither" Daenerys replied as Jon stared at the man. He was tall and thin, his hair was greying and his skin almost so too, he was a hard-weathered man. He looked down at everyone even if they towered over him, he kept wearily glancing around the room at people at Professor Lannister went on his rants about the tournament having to go forward. As they continued to argue, the Head of the Department for Magical Sports and Games entered with some ministry officials.
"Well this is a complication" She spoke. He was a tall grey-haired man too, although he had a far kinder face than that of Stannis Baratheon's.
"Mance, thank you for getting here as quickly as possible" Professor Lannister thanked him. There was a few minutes where the champions were not doing anything as all the grownups talked. Jon and Dany did not speak with one another either, they just watched as the two Beauxbatons' students talked with each other as did the Durmstrang students. They were jovial, not seeming to care about what situation could be unfolding before them.
Jon looked at them and tried to order them into the threat he thought they'd be when it came to the tournament. The boy from Beauxbatons wasn't a threat. He was good in combat, Jon could tell from his build. But Jon did not see anything that would make him fear him. Jon was excellent in combat, and would be good enough to take him no problems. The girl however, she looked a handful. She had an aura around her that reminded him of Arya, a tenacity that should not be taken lightly. Plus she was small, she'd be able to be silent and creep up on you when you least expect it.
The Durmstrangs posed different threats. Daario didn't seem more than strength, his arms which were showing in his uniform were thick and bulging. He'd be a brute force of strength but Jon did not think there was much for a thinking brain underneath it all. He also noticed he was left handed which could be used to Jon's advantage to.
The girl from Beauxbatons was a bit of a mystery to Jon. She did not seem strong or tenacious, instead she sat in silence with a worried look planted on her face, but also an intensity Jon often associated to Sansa's thinking face. Jon wondered if the girl was all brain.
They'd for sure have to think on their feet and solve puzzles and retain knowledge on mythical creatures and the like, perhaps she'd be a little like Daenerys in that sense.
And Daenerys was the last of his opponents. Having known her for seven years and knowing what she is capable of when it came to Care of magical creatures and charms and particularly potions He knew she was one of the ones to beat. They may come from the same school, and they may be being civil towards one another, but Jon was in this for himself.
He wanted to win.
Daenerys he decided, was probably his biggest task in the brains department and the Beauxbaton boy who'd been called 'Greyworm' was probably his biggest threat in the physical sense. It was his fighting style that Jon wondered about the most, it was just so different from all the other wizards he'd ever duelled before. He could make weapons Jon had only ever thought about, if the rumours were true that is.
It would probably do Jon well not to think about it too much, but considering he'd just been chosen to be a champion for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in one of the most dangerous tournaments in the world, he couldn't help but think about it slightly. Especially as he was being made to sit in this cold and dim trophy room, some candles going out as he could hear the sounds of students eating above them.
Gods he was hungry, he tried not to think on it but he really wanted some chicken wings right about now with some wedged potatoes and oodles of gravy. Forgetting where he was momentarily he let out a groan in annoyance, earning a few stares from different people.
"Is there a problem, Mr. Snow?" Professor Lannister asked him.
"Oh nothing, Professor Lannister, just wondering if i'll get to eat this evening" Jon smirked cheekily. Daenerys, who had not said a word since their brief exchange when they first got down here, snorted a little.
"You can go when we've agreed on how to proceed" Lady Melisandre hissed at him for his insolence. Jon did not care for the way she spoke to him so he stood up and walked over to them all where they stood. He huffed his chest out as he stared directly at her.
"The Goblet of Fire is a powerful magical object, only a powerful witch or wizard would've been able to confuse it to make this happen" Jon sighed. Daenerys was stood by his side all of a sudden, Jon wondered if she wanted in on the conversation that was happening. "But it's powers are still strong, we have to go ahead as planned, we just have six champions instead of two. It's simple, or at least as simple as it can be. You all know what happens if anyone of us don't compete after being chosen from the Goblet?"
"You seem to know a lot on the subject matter for only being a seventeen year old now, Mr... Snow was it?" Stannis Baratheon added into the conversation to try and get Jon to back down. "Perhaps you know of some information that could be useful to us in this situation? Information that I don't have to get out of you with Veritaserum"
"Stannis!" One of the ministry officials exclaimed. "He's one of the two students who got attacked in the Seventh Floor! Of course he's smart enough to know what's going on. I don't think any of us are stupid enough to think that the dark forces that were rising near your school are not involved with this!"
"Actually it's called reading" Jon shrugged. "And I guess having a brain too"
"Jon" He heard Daenerys speak next to him. "Calm down"
"I am calm, I'm just bloody hungry!" Jon shouted as he walked off and took a seat back down again. Daenerys followed but he still spoke loudly enough for the teachers to hear him. "Why are we sitting here acting like this is a shock to us when we know that something is coming. We've just got to stay vigilant and go with the course that the events are taking us on - expect the unexpected at any moment"
"You sound like an Auror" Daenerys chuckled.
Jon did not laugh - in fact, he just sat grumpily for the next forty five minutes until the ministry officials and the teachers confirmed that they were indeed just going to stay the course and see what happens. By the time he and Dany left the Trophy room, the hall was empty and dinner was finished with. He grumbled in annoyance at the pointlessness of whatever that so called meeting was and got to doing his rounds with Daenerys.
Lady Melisandre and Stannis Baratheon watched him all the way as he left the Great Hall with Dany by his side. He knew she had a lot to say on this matter but he doubted she would say anything today. They both still had to process the idea of being champions, something that really did not sit well with him all of a sudden. With the dark forces rising, someone could really die in this tournament if they were not careful.
"Jesus I'm fucking famished" Jon groaned. He didn't even have his bag with him that he kept bits in to nibble on. He just had to make sure the patrol was finished as quick as possible so he could get to the common room and pig out on chocolate frogs.
"I could use some food If I'm honest" She agreed. Their patrol was pretty silent for the most part but every now and then they'd share the odd comment about passing statues and the different memorials around the school. They should be patrolling in fours, but there was nothing that could be done about it. Robb and Theon would probably be on their way back to the common room.
"What did you say to Joffrey by the way?" Jon asked intrigued. Daenerys eyes found his and suddenly he was found drawn into them.
"I stood up for myself for once" She shrugged.
"He's a pillock" Jon chortled.
"Agreed, although I'm kind of surprised you asked me this after everything we've just experienced together" She smiled, and this time, jon saw it reach her eyes. It warmed him. She'd been so torn apart by the shit that's been building up in her life that her smiles had been a facade. But here, tonight, it looked genuine.
"Well, crazy seems to follow you and me around" Jon smirked.
"That's because we're crazy" She retorted.
"Speak for yourself, crazy cat lady"
"Please, if I'm any type of lady I'm going to live in the mountains with seventy dragons" She scoffed at his banter. It felt... nice. They stopped by the balcony on fourth floor by the gargoyle pig statue and looked out to the amazing view below. You could see Beauxbatons carriage and Durmstrangs ship in the distance. The moon shimmered like diamonds on the watery reflections if the surface. "Everything is going to change now"
"It is" He sighed.
"And you, are you going to fight me when the time comes?" She asked. Jon felt hesitant to answer this question. He did not know if she wanted him too or if she wanted him to team up with her and win it for Hogwarts together. "Safety in numbers could be a good thing"
"And yet if I agree why do I get the feeling you'd hex me and call me a wuss or something and tell me you'll enjoy kicking my ass" Jon laughed. "Even if you couldn't in defence combat. You'd still believe it"
Daenerys stood inches away from him. She purposefully looked up to him, their faces literally millimeters away. Jon felt his breath hitch. She was being cryptic. "There are more ways to conquer a man than to defeat him in one on one defence" She took a step back and smirked at him with revelry. "Goodnight Jon Snow"
"Y-you're going?" He blinked furiously, confused at what happened.
"Can't hang around with a wuss anymore, I'll lose my streetcred"
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