#also it was always clear to me that nanon didn't want to participate in bl culture but accepted this particular queer role bc he -
ryansjane · 11 months
I'm not interested in OhmNanon either, I watched their series "Bad Buddy". Twitter/X went crazy. Chinese fans, to be precise. Something keeps showing up on the main page. They even sent cars to GMMTV to explain why they were separated. He writes such nonsense. They say that OhmNanon wants to be together. I didn't observe them much. But it was obvious that something was wrong.
​This is not normal behavior. They think that because they spent money on them, they have to get an explanation. They care about "ship", not them. Crossing boundaries is very bad. And I feel sorry for them.
Many fans treat their idols as toys. Without emotions. In their opinion, if they are actors, they are not people. Just their toys to play with and command. But they are humans. They do bad things, mistakes. They did something without thinking. Because they are people. Not angelic creatures. At the same time, they are idealized and treated as toys.
I have a full video on bl fanservice that tackles this exact topic, and yeah exactly, thai actors have become products. I'll share this real life encounter that really shook me bc I think it shows perfectly what you're saying: most of my classmates here in bangkok are gmmtv fans & bl fans. I told one of them that off was my favorite actor & she said word for word: "I think off is okay. but I don't like how much tay & gun always sideline him & do more fanservice than him & gun. it feels like gun doesn't care for him." apart from this statement being factually untrue, this girl basically told me the reason she doesn't like off is bc he doesn't get enough fanservice with his ship so he doesn't sell her the bl dream she wants to get. she did not understand that I talked about off individually, even though I am indeed an offgun fan, bc I love off OUTSIDE of offgun as well. she didn't even stop to think for a moment that off is my favorite actor bc he has the best personality ever, is incredibly talented, is beyond absolutely gorgeous & so fun to follow and stan... in that moment, she saw off as a product who was not performing what she wanted from him bc tay & gun ARE close friends and cuddly even though they're not a ship. and for me that really cemented the mindset that many toxic bl fans have. these are real people, with real life relationships & struggles, yet they want them to be only ONE THING: a bl ship that gives them what they want 24/7. there are many choices that off makes that I do not approve of, notably I feel like he doesn't push hard enough to get roles for his caliber that would put him at his most advantageous. and that's okay. as fucking OBSESSED with off as I have been for FOUR YEARS, I accept all of him & his choices & his failures & his mistakes. many people don't understand that. they don't want to stan a real life person, but a robot that they wish to own & control. it's sick honestly... and thai actors do not owe their fans an explanation for anything, especially for their fallouts & fights. maybe if fans opened their eyes they'd realize that likely the reason why long time best friends like ohmnanon barely interact anymore is bc of the fanservice culture that their bl ship has put them through 🤷‍♀️
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