#also it's an analysis but there is also a lot of tips inside to help people writhe their own ocs
frenchgremlim1808 · 7 months
guys help my midori essay is currently 20000 words long
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clownboymcchucklefuck · 8 months
Zecharias Theory
Before I start rambling, I do want to say that surprisingly a song lyric was what inspired me to write this theory because it made me think of Zecharias and therefore my brain started going off the charts with theorizing. I’ve also wanted to do something with Zecharias for a while now so if this also ends up being a analysis and also a theory at the same time then yall gonna have to deal with it.
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“But you made me want to plan out my last days on earth, eating you. The tips of your teeth fit perfect in me. You’re a shower of light I’d devour any day of the week.” -LIGHT SHOWER by Melanie Martinez.
Now you might be thinking how this made me go into full theory mode. So let me explain.
It’s been mentioned a few times/implied that Zecharias has had muses before MC and in the NSFW alphabet it has even mentioned somebody but I’ve only seen who ever this person is mentioned in this one part and hasn't even been asked about smh.
“He hasn't been able to meet a lot of other people, much less get the chance to do the deed with them. At most, he likely could have done it with one person, but they're as inexperienced as he is.
Who is this person? Well, you’ll find out in the game. :>”
But here’s my thing, if what we know about Zecharias not being human then he’s probably immortal especially that I’ve noticed a few implications that he might be a god or demi-god (Hell, bring Percy Jackson into this and say possibly half-blood.) with one part of Be My Muse and there was a few lines about MC being into greek mythology and he brought up the god Mnenmosyne. (HELP I JUST REALIZED THAT'S HIS LAST NAME WHY AM I ONLY PUTTING THIS TOGETHER WHILE I'M WRITING THIS) Well now that I just figured that out it just puts more evidence to back up my theory and of course with all of those powers he has and everything. Now I know that in the SFW alphabet did somewhat imply that he would die for MC if it was to protect them but I think that just might have been figurative language. .
Zecharias eats people too, but it’s also been said he just does this as a way to survive so I’m not about to bash him about that.
“He’s only interested in adults to be his muse or his meals.”
ANYWAYS, Finally to my main theory that made me write this. Zecharias is likely immortal or lives for a very long time. But (from what we know) all of his muses have been human including MC. It makes me wonder what happened to the old muses, I mean of course it’s very likely they died inside of the backrooms, maybe from old age or something else. BUT that also brings the question of what happened to their bodies so going back to the lyrics that made me think up of this theory. I think it’s very possible that Zecharias could have probably eaten the old muses? Since its for his survival to eat humans and him being obsessed with them could prove this. Or he might just have those fuckers stored somewhere in the backrooms lmao.
I don’t know what else to go on about without going into a full analysis of Zecharias which would include me going more into what we know about his backstory so far and me explaining his motives and all that good stuff but I guess I’ll see how this theory does before starting to write all of that jfnlaajan.
Also keep in mind that this is all a theory, A YANDERE VN THEORY- *gets hit with fridge*
Word count: 647.
Zecharias belongs to @letmeremindyouvn
Taggy tags:
@dont-wannadothis-anymore @mr-ritza @mysticnebula
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hello! here in a few weeks i'm going to get a transvaginal ultrasound done, which will be my first pelvic exam, as well as my first time having anyone root around down there.
needless to say i'm a bit nervous! is there anything i should know or do beforehand? any tips to make the experience less awkward?
hi anon,
I'm going to borrow some explanation from our friends at Cleveland Clinic, because I like some of the info here. I'd definitely recommend checking out the page for an in-depth explanation of what transvaginal ultrasounds are and how they work for anyone who has questions about the procedure, and they have some helpful tips for how to prepare:
Wear clothes that you can slip out of easily. You will have to remove your pants and underwear, and you may have to wear a gown. Remove your tampon before the procedure if you’re on your period. Follow your provider’s instructions about when to drink fluids and go to the bathroom. Having a full bladder affects the way your organs appear on an ultrasound. You may need to arrive at your appointment with a bladder that’s empty, full or partially full.
I'm particularly fond of this note on shaving:
Do I need to shave for a transvaginal ultrasound? No. Having pubic hair won’t prevent you from having an ultrasound. Groom to your comfort before the procedure.
hell yes! groom to your comfort!
there are also these helpful notes as to what you can expect to actually physically happen during the process:
Your ultrasound will occur in an ultrasound room in a hospital, private radiology practice or clinic for obstetric and gynecological imaging. In some instances, your provider may order an abdominal ultrasound before your transvaginal ultrasound. Both imaging procedures together provide a more comprehensive view of your pelvic organs that may be needed, depending on your symptoms. You’ll lie on an examination table as if you were having a pelvic exam — with your knees bent, and your feet possibly in stirrups. Your provider will place a condom and a warm lubricating gel on the transducer and gently insert it inside your vagina. Once it’s inside your body, the transducer releases sound waves that record pictures of your pelvic organs. These images get projected onto a screen. The technician performing the ultrasound may ask that you lie still or shift your body so that the transducer can record your pelvic cavity from different angles. The technician may perform additional steps if you’re having saline-infusion sonography, or a sonohysterogram. Once enough images are taken for a thorough analysis, the technician will remove the transducer.
now, the place where I have to disagree with ol' Cleveland Clinic comes in the next section, where our well-meaning writer assures you that no, this absolutely will not hurt because the ultrasound wand is curved and will have lube on it. the real tell is the sentence where they say that a transvaginal ultrasound "may feel similar to a Pap smear," which is actually a very painful process for a lot of people (myself included, hi!). especially considering that a transvaginal ultrasound generally takes much longer than a pap smear, I would be remiss not to point out that this shit can fucking hurt - especially if you're unaccustomed to people rooting around down there.
I don't say that to scare you, only to let you know the full reality of what you're dealing with here. as much as possible, please don't go in shaking and afraid and certain of suffering - that will make things so much worse. just be upfront with your care providers about your lack of experience with penetrative exams and set expectations together before the procedure starts. ask them to start out slow, and make sure it'll be okay to take breaks if you start getting overwhelmed. I've definitely benefitted from having my gyno pull out the speculum and give me a break so I can take another run at a pap smear when I've had a chance to collect myself a bit, and even just knowing that the option is there to call for a timeout can be a huge comfort.
also, hey: if you're worried about how the transvaginal ultrasound will go, it may be helpful to talk to your healthcare providers about having a backup plan in place. many gynecological health issues can be assessed with non-penetrative ultrasounds; will that be an option for you if necessary?
tl;dr: talk to your healthcare providers about literally any and all of your questions/comments/concerns. don't worry for literally a second about seeming dumb or awkward; they've definitely heard weirder questions and they've seen too much genitalia to think yours is weird.
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The Role of Diversification in Mitigating Investment Risk
Investing is one of the most critical strategies you can use to minimize your investment risk and this is why diversity is essential. In other words, it means spreading your investments across various types of assets so that you do not suffer great losses due to poor performance in any one share or investment. This article focuses on how diversification can help reduce investment risks while giving practical tips on how to diversify portfolios effectively.
Understanding Diversification
You do not put all your baskets in one egg carton. Therefore, by investing in different assets like stocks, bonds, real estate and commodities, if one investment fails then it will save a lot from losing anything with a greater amount. The rationale behind this system is simple: different kinds of investments usually react differently to market conditions. For example when some are going down others may be growing hence ensuring an overall stable return.
Importance of Diversification
Mitigates risk: diversification helps spread the risks. Investing everything into a single share which collapses leads to losing mostly all one's money. However if he had a diversified portfolio such a situation would not have affected much on the entire portfolio since before there used to be good gains in some areas but now as compared it seems lesser than before.
Smooth Returns: A portfolio that has good diversification would experience lesser fluctuations. This implies that you will not experience vast changes in values brought about by investing in just one category of assets. By doing this, your profits are likely to be constant even as time passes.
The Possibility of Higher Returns: Even though the assumption of constant returns from different classes is not true, yet on average it leads to stability over all returns. If you have different kinds of financial tools some may perform well making other investments more profitable.
Conduct a proper market research and analysis like fundamental analysis, technical analysis etc. There are lot of websites which provides various tools to conduct analysis. One of the best websites for fundamental analysis is Trade Brains Portal. Trade Brains Portal has various tools like Portfolio analysis, Stock compare, Stock research reports and so on. Also the website provides fundamental details of all the stocks listed in Indian stock market.
How to Create Diversification
First Invest In Different Asset Classes: The initial stage of diversifying is distributing investments among diverse asset classes. You might include:
Shares: For instance invest into various sectors and industries which protects against any concentration risk.
Debts: Join corporate and state obligations that have various due terms.
Property: Purchase land or consider REITs which will go a long way in further diversity for the filling
Blacksmith’s tools: This allows one to hedge against stock price fluctuations since there are shares made from gold or liquid petroleum.
Asset Classes: Inside Each, Diversify More: Inside every asset class, further diversification should be encouraged. For instance, your stock portfolio may comprise both large, mid- and small-cap stocks pulled from various industries such as technology, health care or finance. Conversely, for fixed income investments you could consider both short- and long-term bonds from different issuers.
Geographic Diversification: Don’t confine your investments to just one country; consider allocating funds to global equities and debts so that you can ride on worldwide growth spurts at the same time lowering chances of going broke due to national downturns only.
Utilize Index Funds and ETFs: Index funds along with exchange-traded funds (ETFs) create fantastic platforms for diversification. Basically, these are investment vehicles which collect funds from numerous investors to buy a spectrum of stocks or bonds which automatically leads to diversification in the fund itself. As such; investing in index or ETF money market accounts results in an instantily diversified portfolio.
Strategic Diversification
Design Balanced Portfolios: A balanced portfolio will include stocks, bonds and other assets. The exact mix of these three categories depend on your risk appetite, investment objectives and time frame. For example; if you are young with an extended investment period ahead like 30 years or more, then perhaps you could have a greater percentage of equity shares. Conversely before retirement age it is likely that one would move towards more fixed income securities and other low-volatility options. Inorder to reduce the risk, one can invest in large cap companies or also investing in companies which has good dividends, bonus and splits can be a better choice.
1. Re Judiciously: With the passage of time, every investment’s worth may change thus creating an uneven portfolio. “Rebalance” refers to the act of bringing back into line one's desired proportions of investments as stocks, bonds or other such asset categories. This ensures that risk levels correspond with individual investment objectives.
2. Follow Up and Amending: Literacy needs one given fiscal policy to always differ and be changing as per preferences of that certain individual in the market at a particular time upon follow up from it regularly. Periodic adjustments may be required so as to keep an overall investment mix in balance hence giving opportunity for some time before buying any new ones.
Common Mistakes
Over Diversification: It is evident that although diversification matters; it can also harm your profit margins through excessive dilution. Avoid extensionalizing too thin your assets or choosing funds too far too many Aim for a balanced approach based on few investments.
Ignoring Asset Correlation: Diversification works well when these assets are not related closely. Investing in closely related assets ends up negating the effects on one’s portfolio during downturns and making this strategy less beneficial. All your assets ought to have different levels of risks as well as respond independently to different market conditions.
Minimizing Hazardous Behavior: Asset allocation must be aligned with your appetite for risk as well as your investment objectives. Don’t just diversify simply for the purpose of it. Ensure that your portfolio represents your comfort with risk and conforms to your financial aims.
A potent strategy for curtailing investment risks and obtaining more steady returns is diversification. When you spread out investments throughout various asset classes, industries and regions, the effect of bad performance on one specific investment will be reduced thus enhancing stability of the entire portfolio. Remember to diversify within asset classes, utilize index mutual funds along with ETFs then periodically check and adjust the mix in order to have an ideal level of diversification throughout your life cycle; this way you will be able to handle any changes in the marketplace hence working towards fulfilling all your dreams.
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void-inked-pen · 2 years
hi! another sai user here. i’ve been a martial artist (shaolin kempo karate) for about a decade now, and while i don’t practice with my sais extremely often, i feel like i have a general understanding of them. i would imagine how one uses a weapon would differentiate between the different fighting arts a little bit, but in my experience, there are actually moves where you CAN hold sais by just the handle — but these aren’t very common, and as you said, definitely aren’t a starting move. my sai form is, naturally, mostly defensive, but there are a fair amount of stabbing movements; they’re just not always with the tip of the sai, but with the pommel instead! there’s probably a different name for it, but it’s still a stabbing-like motion so i’m calling it stabbing. i do agree that raph often holds his sais incorrectly, as i myself often find i am holding my sais by the bottom half of the tine in the crook between my thumb and pointer finger, and — as i think you mentioned — keeping the shaft of the sai against the inside of my arm for protection. however, to be fair, i don’t think raph can do that considering the size of his fingers lmao
i feel like the fighting in tmnt 2012 mostly suffers from the writers and/or animators/artists not doing enough research on how these weapons actually work, rather than from a place of in-story incompetence. not to say that the turtles don’t mess up or should probably know better sometimes, that definitely does happen, but it sometimes feels like their skills are sacrificed for the sake of adding drama to whatever problem they’re facing that day. i don’t think that they’re COMPLETELY useless without their weapons (as one of the episodes you referenced was actually them struggling with using each other’s weapons, then struggling a bit with no weapons but quickly adapting), however they probably do use them as a crutch and may feel like they are useless without them, as seen in said episode. i definitely would’ve loved to see them fight more hand-to-hand combat or potentially with other weapons they feel confident with. it’s not uncommon for a martial artist to be skilled in multiple weapons (i personally practice both kamas and sais). like in the season one finale, raph brought tonfas, implying he knew how to use them, but then we NEVER SEE THEM USED!! seeing them use different (or slightly different) weapons in situations such as the spirit quest episode or in the space arc is so cool but it’s often, just… not utilized? which, again, i personally feel is a writing thing. i usually try to fix the fighting whenever i’m writing for tmnt 2012, but since i only really know the bō, dual katanas, and dual nunchucks secondhand, some things can’t be helped. i think it’s really cool how you’re analyzing the fighting in these shows and i totally agree with most of your points! keep up the good work!
(small note, kind of unrelated, but iirc in one of your posts you mentioned donnie and mikey would have stronger muscles in certain areas because of how their weapons are used? i do agree with the general statement, but i also have to note that these moves that often hit human muscle are hitting their shells most of the time and that should probably be kept in mind. sorry if it seems kind of nitpicky, i find your analysis really interesting and i can’t help but add my own opinions. have a good day!)
yall are SPOILING me with these asks!!
okay, fighting analysis aside, I will agree that a lot of how the turtles look should be taken into account when it comes to how they fight. they have less fingers, they have shells, these are aspects that DO contribute to a lot of stuff. HOWEVER! they don't UTILISE THEIR SHELLS!!
I can't remember a specific time in season one where they have actually used their shells as they're intended, for protection. Like they might have popped into their shells a few times but I can't remember if they ever used their shell or plastron as any kind of shield. A lot of how they fought was similar to regular martial arts and if I remember correctly they always jumped around to make sure they still faced the enemy. You personally should never turn your back on a foe but they have protection back there. wouldn't that make them feel idk a LITTLE overconfident in their own defensive abilities? just food for thought because you brought up a good point about their turtle physiology and now I'm curious how that could have been written in better.
in general, the writing in the show was... bad. when it came to fights and how stuff was written during those fights... I cringed more watching the fights then I did at some of the character writing (which I know I've said before maybe in passing but I REALLY do not like the character writing in 2012, literally me and my friend had to sit together as emotional support just to watch season 1 and I couldn't get any farther into season 2 on my own because one of the episodes started of with a HUGE phobia of mine and I had to stop)
I know some of the crew who worked on 2012 moved over to rise, JJ talked about how he was brought on as a board artist there and he was proud of what he did and learned while a part of that crew and the main writers of rise were support writers on 2012 and have stated they openly did not like how the turtles were written and wanted a more family focus in rise, so they were aware that the writing and such wasn't all that great in 2012. a lot of that stuff was a learning experience for them and 100% think that's why the writing in rise is so much better!
Like I mentioned, I'm a board artist who does action mainly. When I look at 2012 I see so many flaws in fights that drives me nuts! When you want to create a realistic fight that is interesting to watch and fun for the audience you have to keep in mind several things! Rule of cool is part of the process and can supersede logic a lot of the time (see any shonen anime ever) but it still has to be GROUNDED in some key parts. The environment should always be utilized to the fullest, how a character moves should be taken into account, using their weapons in fascinating and fun ways based on their real-world use, and showing your character is THINKING (or sometimes NOT thinking if its a rage induced fight) can make a fight so much more!
I am not sure I openly stated this in my last ask but what I meant by them going from switching weapons to not using them AT ALL was also a good character moment to show they all relied too much on their weapons like a crutch (like you said) and it would have been more fun if they just.... started to adapt.
Ninja weapons were originally farming tools. people who were fed up with their local lords would take up arms because they didn't have weapons like the samurai did, that's why those weapons exist. so learning to adapt to the situation is very important in ANY story and especially with modern takes on martial arts. learning how to fight with old school techniques and adapt them to more modern situations is what makes a lot of the turtle franchise fascinating... but we hardly see it.
thank you for your ask! appreciate the convo talks with all you guys its so fun to talk about this stuff :>
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rtc headcannons because ive fallen deep into this musical
noel drinks from wine glasses and exclusively wine glasses
ocean has a fringe/bangs but doesnt know how to grow them out so she just pins them up with headbands
ricky has so many badges its a problem at this point. just buckets upon buckets of badges.
i am making them all autistic bcs im autistic and i need more autistic characters damnit
ocean has a special interest in politics and literary analysis
noel has a special interest in france, poetry media analysis
sometimes they discuss different films and books together and yes they get very heated over their wildly differing interpretations
ricky (obviously) has a special interest in space and cats, but also video games.
constance has a special interest in autism itself, flower language and art history
penny (be aware i have not seen legoland yet so take this with a pinch of salt) has a special interest in animals and mythology
mischa has a special interest in horror and rap, as well as linguistics
noel speaks pretty good french. he uses duolingo but he hates the notifications because they annoy him at the most random times
ricky uses all pronouns, no preference. and by all, i mean ALL. you could bring out the boink/boinkself pronouns and shed be chill with it
constance really likes hot chocolate with cinnamon and two shots of caramel in it
penny has mild heterochromia. one eye is green and the other is a darker green with a brown rim
ricky has an aac, but they all know at least basic sign language. theyre still learning
ocean stims by bouncing on her tiptoes. one time she fell over in the middle of a big speech because she tipped forward. she was fine but very embarrassed. noel was no help
noel's mother is from a french-speaking provenance/precinct (i think thats what theyre called)
mischa owns two hats, but flips them inside out so it looks like he owns more
noel has tried white wine. he doesnt want to admit it but he absolutely despises it
penny has textural issues with anything slimy. she tried a facemask once and almost broke the wall from slamming so far backwards into it.
mischa has talia's number memorised, but still keeps a litle slip of paper in his phone case with her number on it
ocean colour codes EVERYTHING. if even a single colour is out of place on anything she will spend ages trying to fix it
everything noel owns is very low contrast, and most of it is some variation of dark, desaturated reds and blues or monochrome
ricky owns a pair of purple cat ears
ocean isn't one for sweet things but adores chocolate oranges.
most of the time they all eat lunch together in the choir room
penny is a vegetarian bcs she doesnt like the texture of meat, ricky is a vegetarian because hes allergic to red meat
when ocean found out noel works at taco bell she spent a week going up to him at work just because. she still goes occasionally. noel dies inside a little bit more each time
noel actually managed to convince some other kid to day the second line in the nativity play. hes still proud of that one
mischa really likes rasberries
ricky loves to sleep in hammocks, but its a pain getting in and out of them so they dont do it often
noel's mother owns a lot of old french dvds which is how noel got into them
constance is very good at playing instruments, like harmonicas and flutes.
noel used to buy those fake sweet cigarettes all the time and pretend he actually smoked. he didnt like the flavour though. too chalky
mischa really likes palma violets.
penny doesn't watch movies often, but when she does she asks a lot of questions
noel really likes dramas, but he doesn't say so that often
for a bonding activity they all made bracelets for eachother, but none of them knew how. they picked who theyd make the bracelet for out of a hat. ocean researched before hand and made a nice flower chain for penny. penny made a green singlet with star beads for ricky. ricky made a red bracelet with "bad egg yt" on it for mischa. mischa made a purple and white bracelet for constance. constance made a black and red bracelet with a rose charm on it for noel. noel made an orange and blue bracelet with a shell charm and the word "lake" on it for ocean
penny wears hers and constantly fiddles with it. ocean keeps hers despite being annoyed by the word. mischa wears his often, but its slightly small so hes very careful to make sure it doesnt snap. noel keeps his on his bedside. ricky wrapped his around one of his crutches. constance wears hers often as well, and keeps it in a small box specifically for the bracelet.
noel stims by rubbing his fingers and fixing his collar
ricky has made an entire map of the solar system zolar is on. zey made it on a giant piece of a1 paper and hung it by his bed
ocean is scared of boats. the irony is not lost on anyone. however noel is also scared of boats, so he doenst make jokes
penny eats paper sometimes. not often, but often enough to concern the choir. she prefers plain and hates tissue paper
noel owns a large notebook for his favourite pieces of poetry/writing to be written in. it has a large design of roses and skulls on the front and is on a fancy textured cover. he keeps it in pristine condition and has shown exactly two people that it even exists. his mother and mischa
mischa sends noel song clips to review and noel sends him poetry snippets
constance and penny spend evenings at the cafe together, they do their homework there and they talk for hours once shes finished
penny and ocean are actually pretty close, those two and constance sit together in most lessons and convince the teacher to put them in a three for pair activities.
noel knows talia is real and they're actually friends. mischa is glad they get along and someone else believes shes real.
this led noel to learning some ukranian and talia learning some english to avoid the hells of google translate
ocean began learning french to spite noel but actually quite likes the language
constance really likes the count of monte cristo
mischa canmot finish books for the life of him. he begins reading, gets bored and remembers twelve weeks later he even knew of the book
there is a singular shitty library in uranium in st. cassians. its old and decrepit but the librarian is nice.
ocean volunteers after hours in the library on thursdays and fridays
ricky and penny watch animal documentaries together. they also spend a lot of timw with rickys cats. penny loves them
noel has tried that french whipped cream hot chocolate and loves it
ricky doesbt like throwing away her clothes so they sew the holes up with penny and ass little patches on them.
constance and penny read together and penny likes to help constance in the cafe with things like sweeping and clearing tables
mischa and ricky are bros. they watch sci fi together, and tend to watch a lot of scifi horror
noel and ocean hate eachother in the "you are genuinely so insufferable. i never want to talk to you, no, i dont even want to see you again. of course we're still on for saturday i'll meet you at ten, see you there" kind of way
penny dyed her hair blonde and noel dyes his hair black. his natural hair is a pretty dark brown but he likes his dark dark.
the choir hang out every saturday. they do things like hang at the cafe or go to the mall.
in an everyone survives au, none of them like cars that much after the rollercoaster
post canon penny hosts memorials and told talia about what happened. she was devastated, but penny felt she needed to know. she also managed to stop taco bell from making the hungry hombre meal
noel cannot stand fast food after working at taco bell because hes seen how its made.
noel is friends with a coworker, a woman in her late thirties who knew his mother briefly in highschool.
ocean cannot handle spice at all. she can barely hold her own against the lowest spice rating on a nandos menue
ricky talks to noel about zolar and all xeir ideas for it. noel is fascinated by just how detailed and extravagent it all it, so he ignores the sexy cat people
ricky convinced the rest of the choir to watch cats. there is now a mandatory background check before each movie on movie nights
ocean wears a lot of yellow and blue
because of oceans oarents, she has very limited internet access, so she normally uses a laptop her parents dont know about, courtesy of constance, at the cafe
constance writes fics on ao3. not often, but she does. shes pretty good at it ngl
noel's mother actually gave him the monique wig
when asked for a self portrait noel gives two- one of monique and one of him, often side by side
will probbaly do more later, maybe focused more on shipping and identity bcs i wanna make one on that
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zizekianrevolution · 5 months
The four drives that he discusses are all linked to erogenous zones on the human body so this also gets a chandler's question about how the signifier gets attached to the human form and he says all four of these drives are attached to bodily orifices that all kind of have this the same rim-like structure so one drive that you've heard about is the oral drive an oral driven person is somebody who gets off on doing things with their mouths obviously the erogenous zone that would be attached to the oral drive would be the lips an opening in the body that has a rim-like structure hear the mouth the lips that is the erogenous zone where the oral drive takes root so this is usually somebody who enjoys putting things in their mouth having themselves in other people's mouths and putting themselves in their own mouths so each drive is going to have an active a passive and a reflexive structure actively if i have an oral drive I enjoy putting things into my mouth so this could be i enjoy eating this could be i enjoy smoking this could be those two great things that go hand in hand cigarettes and drink both of your hands occupied and putting things in there that's the active i enjoy putting things in my mouth that's the oral drive passive you enjoy being eaten by others now you can think about that sexually for sure but there are lots of other ways to think about how someone might get off on being in another's mouth what if you are on the tip of everybody's tongue what if everybody at pacifica is talking about you right now wouldn't that satisfy your passive oral drive because now you're in everyone else's mouth it could it could be as abstract and symbolic as that and then the reflexive voice you enjoy eating yourself this could be somebody who can't help but bite their nails i mean autocannibalism is a real thing you can go down to mexico and have your foot amputated bring it back in a bag and have foot tacos with your homies by the end of the week that can actually happen autosarcophagy is a real thing you know it happens naturally too the skin from the inside of your mouth is oftentimes breaking off and you swallow that stuff do you know how many of your own pubic hairs are in your stomach right now lots we are constantly ingesting our own hair it's everywhere it's inside us so it's not just about the nervous biting of nails it's kind of a natural phenomenon too for us to eat ourselves so you have jouissance at the level of orality you have an active a passive and a reflexive voice and these are sites at which you can access joiussance within society in other words without having somebody call the cops on you...like a third term at the top of the graph i'm curious why lacon didn't do that why isn't love at the top of the graph so i mean you were talking about how you know the teleological endpoint of analysis is between jouissance and castration basically this kind of you know going back between them but where is love at the top of the graph i i just find that to be so bizarre that's not included here i think this is an area of his work that has needed more development and that's why you have a book like the one bruce just wrote called lacan on love because lacan never really got around to working it in 
-Samuel McCormick
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cuetcoaching · 6 months
Insider's Guide to CUET Coaching: What It Involves, How It Enhances Learning
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If you're a student in Bhopal looking to get into a top university, you've probably heard of CUET coaching. But what exactly is it and how does it enhance learning? In this blog post, we'll give you an insider's guide to CUET coaching in Bhopal, so you can decide if it's the right choice for you.
CUET coaching, also known as Common University Entrance Test coaching, is a specialized program designed to help students prepare for the competitive entrance exams of top universities in India. These exams include the likes of JEE, NEET, and AIIMS, which are known for their difficulty and high competition. CUET coaching in Bhopal aims to provide students with the necessary skills, knowledge, and techniques to excel in these exams and secure a spot in their desired university.
So, what does CUET coaching involve? First and foremost, it involves a thorough understanding of the exam pattern and syllabus. The coaching institutes in Bhopal have experienced faculty who are well-versed in these exams and can provide students with a detailed analysis of the exam structure, question types, and marking schemes. This helps students to strategize their preparation and focus on the areas that require more attention.
Also Read: Best CUET Online Coaching
Apart from understanding the exam, CUET coaching also involves regular practice and mock tests. These tests are designed to simulate the actual exam environment and help students get a feel of the real thing. They also help students to identify their strengths and weaknesses and work on them accordingly. The coaching institutes also provide students with detailed performance analysis and feedback, which can be extremely helpful in improving their scores.
One of the key aspects of CUET coaching is the personalized attention and guidance provided to students. Unlike school or college, where there are a large number of students in a class, coaching institutes have smaller batches, which allows for individual attention. The faculty can closely monitor each student's progress and provide them with personalized tips and tricks to improve their performance.
CUET coaching in Bhopal also involves regular doubt-solving sessions. Students can face a lot of doubts and queries while preparing for these competitive exams, and having a dedicated faculty to address them can be immensely helpful. The coaching institutes also provide students with study materials, including notes, practice papers, and reference books, to supplement their preparation.
Now, you may be wondering, how does CUET coaching enhance learning? Well, for starters, it provides students with a structured and organized approach to their preparation.
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How do you acquire CE mark Certification in Malaysia?
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How do you acquire CE mark certification in Malaysia?
Getting CE mark certification in Malaysia entails a sequence of actions and conformity with European Union (EU) plans. The CE mark is a needed certification for objects furnished within the EU, suggesting that they satisfy the favored safety, physical fitness, and environmental protection needs. Right proper correct, here's a thorough overview en route to get CE mark certification in Malaysia:
1. Identify Applicability:
Prior to beginning the certification method, become aware of whether your product drops under the type of CE noting demands. The CE mark relates to certain item instructions, consisting of virtual tools, equipment, scientific systems, playthings, and lots much more.
2. Determine Appropriate Regulations:
Each item appeal undergoes outstanding EU tips. Establish the important regulations proper in your item. Circumstances incorporate the Machinery Guideline, Low Voltage Instruction, Medical Instruments Policy, and many others.
3. Conduct Product Analysis:
Evaluate your challenge ensure it adheres to the critical demands within the appropriate tips. This might also integrate ironing out threat examinations and documents of technological specs.
4. Select a Conformity Evaluation Treatment:
Select a best consistency analysis therapy depending upon the man or female of your item and the relevant instructions. This can include self-certification, involvement of an educated body, or a mix of each.
5. Mark a Licensed Agent:
If your enterprise company venture is not based within the EU, assign an ordinary agent inside the EU. This depictive act upon your part and interacts with regulatory authorities.
6. Construct Technical Paperwork:
Prepare complete technological data that show consistency with the important goals. This paper is vital to the CE mark application and need to be given to suitable authorities upon call.
7. Use the CE Mark:
When you are ensured that your item abides by the pertinent instructions, affix the CE mark on your thing. This mark requires to be seen, clean, and enduring.
8. Produce a Statement of Uniformity:
Draft and accredit a Declaration of Consistency, which defines that your object follows the exact EU hints. This file ought to be documented and offered to authorities if asked for.
9. Try To Find Alerted Body Participation:
Details object companies need the participation of an informed frame for uniformity analysis. Inspect whether your product comes below this class and engage an alerted structure if necessary.
10. Register with Malaysia Authorities:
While CE marking is a pan-European want, joining your item with the Malaysian federal government is useful. This can be achieved via the Malaysia Rivals and Customer Affairs Authority (MCCAA), which manages product safety and consistency in Malaysia.
11. Persisting Compliance:
Assurance regular consistency with the relevant laws. Regularly replace your technical documents and make any type of required modifications to your thing if there are adjustments that can impact consistency.
12. Remain Informed:
Keep up with changes behind bars pointers or regulations that can influence your product. Regularly check for updates from the ideal federal government to guarantee persevered conformity.
Obtaining CE mark certification in Malaysia includes a clinical strategy, from recognizing pertinent regulations to making sure daily compliance. By adhering to those actions, teams can browse the Certification strategy effectively and reveal their devotion to standard EU requirements for product security. It is an extraordinary principle to search for specialist help and, if required, interact with specialists acquainted with the regulative landscape to assure a tidy Certification technique.
Why did Malaysia choose Factocert as its method for CE Mark certification?
Our human-powered organization in Malaysia, CE Mark Professional, generally produces restrained consequences. Today, each device head requires itself, so the industrial employer business that utilizes them can also work without them. This works perfectly, regardless of the fact that the methods no more affect how the affiliation prevails.
With a focus on huge environmental ISO demands, we provide professional CE Mark solutions that symbolize CE Mark Professionals in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, George Neighborhood, Penang, and many prestigious huge Malaysian facilities. The contemporary ISO requirements are ISO 22000, 17025, 45001, audit enrollment, power education, and ISO demands. The item satisfies ISO 14001 and ISO 27001 demands, amongst particular ISO needs.
With ISO values, Malaysia's monetary acknowledgment can be considerably enhanced. In reality, we are presenting you with an approximate preference for the certification cost.
Visit: CE Mark Certification in Malaysia
Related links:
ISO 21001 Certification in Malaysia
ISO 22301 Certification in Malaysia
ISO 37001 Certification in Malaysia
ISO 27701 Certification in Malaysia
ISO 26000 Certification in Malaysia
ISO 20000-1 Certification in Malaysia
ISO 50001 Certification in Malaysia
CE Mark Certification in Malaysia
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stepsoothing · 8 months
Insoles for Shoes: Comfort Redefined, Style Enhanced
Have you ever thought about those special inserts that make your shoes super comfy? Get ready for a fun trip into the world of insoles! These cool things can make your not-so-comfortable shoes feel like walking on clouds. So, what are insoles? Well, they're like soft layers you put inside your shoes, giving you extra cushion and a bit more comfort. But wait, there's more to them!
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Perfect Insoles for Shoes
I). Benefits of Using Insoles
Imagine a day when your feet are really tired. That's when insoles come to help, making your shoes feel amazingly comfy. Just slide them into your shoes, and it's like walking on air. Insoles are not just about comfort; they are like foot heroes, supporting your arches, stopping foot tiredness, injuries, and even smelly feet. They also help your posture and alignment, acting like your personal foot massager all day!
II). Types of Insoles
Excited about insoles? Let's check out the types:
A). Orthotic Insoles
Orthotic insoles, like superheroes, come in custom-made and store-bought types. Custom-made ones help with specific foot problems, while store-bought ones give reliable comfort.
B). Arch Support Insoles
These are the secret heroes for your feet, coming in different shapes and sizes for different foot arch types. They're like a warm hug for your feet, cradling them just right.
C). Cushioning Insoles
Feel like you're stepping on clouds with cushioning insoles. They're made from gel, foam, or memory foam, giving you super comfort and absorbing the impact of each step.
D). Specialized Insoles
Specialized insoles are like chameleons, changing to fit your needs. Whether you're into sports, work, or just walking around, there's an insole for you.
III). How to Choose the Right Insoles
Choosing the perfect insoles might sound tricky, but don't worry! Just know your feet and what you need:
A). Foot Type Analysis
Figure out your foot type – flat feet, high arches, or somewhere in between. Match it with the right insole for the support and comfort you need.
B). Understanding Specific Foot Conditions
If you have foot problems like plantar fasciitis or bunions, talk to a healthcare pro before choosing orthotic insoles.
C). Consideration for Activity Level
Pick insoles based on what you do. If you're into sports, get shock-absorbing insoles. For work, get durable and protective ones. Everyday use? Cushioning insoles are your pals.
D). Fitting and Sizing Guidelines
Choose the right size for a snug fit. Follow the size guide or ask for help from customer support.
IV). Proper Maintenance and Care
Good job on finding the perfect insoles! Keep them in good shape with regular cleaning, changing them on time, and storing them right.
A). Cleaning and Deodorizing Techniques
Insoles work hard for your comfort, so give them some love. Wipe them with a damp cloth, don't soak them, and sprinkle some baking soda to keep them fresh.
B). Replacement Timeframes
Insoles don't last forever. Watch for signs of wear and tear, and change them every six months to a year, or sooner if you use them a lot.
C). Storage and Protection Tips
Keep insoles in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. If you have more than one pair, switch them around to make them last longer.
V). Common Misconceptions about Insoles
Let's clear up some wrong ideas about insoles:
A). Myth Debunking
Insoles aren't just for people with foot problems; they're for everyone! They make your feet comfy, prevent issues, and keep your feet healthy.
B). Clarifying the Role of Insoles in Foot Health
Insoles aren't just a quick fix; they're an investment in your foot health. They support, cushion, and align your feet, reducing strain.
VI). Conclusion
Insoles are more than just accessories; they're like your feet’s best buddies, making sure they stay happy and healthy. Get good insoles, and let your feet say thanks with every comfy step.
For Comprehensive guide Click Here
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nishakakati · 11 months
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10 Email Marketing Secrets No One Has Told You Yet.
For many years, email marketing served as the foundation of digital marketing. Even with the emergence of social media and other marketing channels, email marketing continues to be a dependable and successful strategy for drawing in customers. Still, the email marketing industry is always changing, and it takes insider knowledge to stay on top of the game. This post will go into great detail about ten email marketing tips that are sometimes disregarded but can have a big impact on your email campaigns. These pointers can assist you in improving your email marketing outcomes, regardless of experience level.
1. Individualization Beyond Name
The idea of personalization in email marketing is not new. In order to personalize their emails, a lot of marketers already use the recipient's first name. Personalization, though, extends beyond naming. Try segmenting your email list according to user behavior, interests, or geography if you want to establish a deeper connection with your readers. This increases audience engagement and conversions by enabling you to send product recommendations and highly relevant content to various audience segments.
If you're an online clothes retailer, for instance, divide your list into sections like "accessories," "women's clothing," and "men's clothing." Next, personalize your emails by including product recommendations based on the interests of each segment.
2. Make Mobile Friendly
It's critical to optimize your emails for small screens, as mobile devices account for the majority of email opens. Making sure the content of your emails is readable on mobile devices requires a responsive design. Deliverability of your email is increased and the user experience is improved with a mobile-friendly email.
On smaller screens, emails that are not mobile-optimized may appear cluttered, be difficult to read, or have broken formatting. These problems may cause recipients to instantly delete your email. Use responsive design templates and test your emails on a range of mobile devices before sending them to ensure that they display well on mobile devices.
3. Your Friend Is A/B Testing
Split testing, or A/B testing, is another name for this effective email marketing technique. When determining what will work best for your audience, don't rely on speculation. You can compare various email elements, including subject lines, email copy, images, and call-to-action buttons, with A/B testing. Through trial and error and data analysis, you can optimize your email campaigns for increased effectiveness.
One way to find out which subject line gets higher open rates is to run an A/B test between two different ones. These small adjustments over time can have a big impact on how effective your email marketing is.
4. Harness the Power of Narrative
Email marketing is just one of the many media where marketers have found storytelling to be an effective tool. You can engage readers with your emails by telling a gripping tale. Provide client endorsements, success stories, and even behind-the-scenes brand narratives. Narratives captivate people, and they can foster a closer relationship between you and your subscribers.
If your business sells software, for example, you could tell a tale of how a specific client used your product to overcome a difficult situation and include before and after pictures. These anecdotes have the power to connect with your audience and highlight the benefits of your goods and services.
5. Establish Confidence through a Regular Timetable
A crucial element in the success of email marketing is consistency. When subscribers are aware of when to expect your emails, they are more likely to interact with them. This consistency not only helps you gain people's trust but also validates your authority as a trustworthy information source.
Maintaining a regular schedule is essential, regardless of how often you send emails—daily, weekly, or monthly. By using this strategy, you can be sure that your subscribers are ready to receive your content and will interact with it more frequently.
6. Subject Lines: Concise, Endearing, and captivating
When recipients open their emails, they see your subject line first. This is your opportunity to make a memorable first impression. Make the most of your subject lines. Make them captivating, succinct, and engaging. Use humor, urgency, or to pique people's curiosity, but never resort to spammy or clickbait methods. Having an attention-grabbing subject line can greatly increase your open rates.
An email with the subject line "Exclusive 24-Hour Sale: 50% Off Everything!" for example would entice readers to open it and learn more by conveying a sense of excitement and urgency.
7. Divide and Customize Email Lists
Segmentation serves relevance purposes in addition to personalization. Segment your email list according to a range of factors, including engagement level, purchase history, demographics, and more. Sending content that is specifically tailored to each segment will enable you to increase open and click-through rates.
If you sell software, for example, you may divide your list into three categories: paying customers, trial users, and users who have signed up but haven't bought yet. Customizing your emails to each of these groups' unique needs and interests can increase conversion rates.
8. Make Email Content More Skim-Friendly
Many recipients will scan your emails quickly, skimming the content rather than reading it all. Make your content scannable by using short paragraphs, bullet points, and attention-grabbing headlines to accommodate this behavior. Make sure you can see the most important information without having to scroll far. Readers are kept interested and can quickly locate what they're looking for with the help of skimmable content.
To help skim readers grasp and act upon your email, consider segmenting your content into sections with distinct headers, highlighting important features or benefits with bullet points, and adding a clear and succinct call-to-action (CTA).
9. Use Automation Cautionarily
Email marketing automation can improve campaign efficiency and save you time. Create automated workflows to handle repetitive tasks such as sending out welcome emails, contacting customers who left their shopping carts empty, or nurturing leads through email sequences. But it's crucial to keep in mind that automation is a continuous process. To make sure your automation sequences are still applicable and efficient, you should constantly review and adjust them.
10. Keep Your Email List Clear
Your email marketing campaigns won't be successful unless your email list is clean. Make sure to regularly purge your email list of inactive or disengaged subscribers. This not only increases email deliverability but also lowers your email marketing expenses, saving you money. Since you're sending emails to people who are actually interested in your content and offers, an engaged list will produce better results.
Finding subscribers who haven't opened your emails in a given time frame (such as six months) and sending them a re-engagement email is one way to clean your email list. If they remain unresponsive, you might want to take them off your list. By doing this, you can be certain that you're reaching a more responsive audience and upholding your sender reputation.
To sum up, email marketing is still an effective way for companies to engage with their audience and encourage clicks through and sales. Even though many best practices are well known, these ten email marketing secrets are frequently missed but have the potential to significantly impact your campaigns. The secrets to maximizing the impact of your email marketing campaigns include personalization, mobile optimization, A/B testing, storytelling, consistency, subject lines, segmentation, skimmable content, automation, and list maintenance. By putting these strategies into practice, you can develop campaigns that are more successful, increase engagement, and produce better results. Put these tips to use now, and you'll see your email marketing campaigns reach new heights.
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acrirealty-blog · 10 years
Go Beyond Your HOA Insurance to Cover the Interior of Your Dwelling
New Post has been published on https://blog.hoa-websiteservices.com/home-appliance-protection/go-beyond-your-hoa-insurance-to-cover-the-interior-of-your-dwelling/
Go Beyond Your HOA Insurance to Cover the Interior of Your Dwelling
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Your homeowner’s association membership covers a lot of community elements, from landscaping to repaving the parking lot, to repainting the exterior of your condo unit. Aside from the roof and common-facing areas of the unit, however, little else is covered by the blanket insurance policy that your dues help cover and your personal property still needs to be protected. Luckily, finding discounts and reasonably priced policies to cover your possessions and the interior of your unit is quite simple; all it takes is a little research.
Dwelling Coverage is Key
Heaven forbids there’s a fire or burglary at your unit, because the HOA is likely unable to help you replace stolen items or repair damaged interior infrastructure and, unfortunately, blanket community policies rarely provide all-in coverage that includes the interior of individual units. But double check to see if your association has a master policy that covers the entire complex to that extent. Chances are the inside is your responsibility and the HOA has a “bare walls” policy that covers nearly everything … anything inside the unit.
It’s important to protect your investment with dwelling coverage to protect against water damage, fire damage, theft and other issues that happen in your home. The outside public-facing parts of your unit are commonly part of the blanket association coverage. So, if a broken tree branch damages tiling on your roof or tears the kitchen siding, the HOA is obligated to fix it.
Limits vary based on the level of coverage you need, but for inside the home, you should look into condo insurance to handle your personal items and everything inside the four walls of your home. Insurance can be expensive, which is why providers like The Hartford offer discounts on home and auto policy bundles. Hartford also provides credits for AARP members and condo owners who have fire or security alarms.
Other Condo Dwelling Policy Tips
Generally, you’re looking for $300,000 to $500,000 in liability coverage, based on your personal situation and contents of the condo. Policies like the HO-6 cover personal liability in the event that someone is injured inside the unit, as well other potential damage or theft coverage.
Special items like jewelry or collectibles might need to be individually itemized but definitely, speak with your insurance carrier about those specifics. Consider the total value of everything, including investments you’ve made in appliances and upgrades and how to protect them from loss. Owning a condo is not the same thing as owning a traditional single-family home with a full yard, garage, and other elements like a single backyard pool. The bottom lines of searching for a condo policy are:
Find as many discounts as possible
Make sure the coverage limits fit your lifestyle
Confirm that you have coverage where your HOA doesn’t
Don’t leave it to chance. Insurance is about protection, and with such competition now for policies and insurance bundles, there are so many options available that meet your needs, there really is no excuse for not getting as much insurance as possible.
As a homeowner under the Acri Management umbrella, we will perform a free analysis of your current insurance policy.Call our Acri Insurance Counselor, Lori Miller at 412-459-0111 extension 123. She will perform a complete review of your needs and evaluate your present insurance coverage. She will make sure your current policy is matching up with your association’s insurance policy. Your current agent may not be aware of the particulars of your association’s policy. Make sure you are adequately protected. Call Lori or email her today @ [email protected]
ARE YOU COVERED CORRECTLY? Find out today! As a homeowner under the Acri Management umbrella, we will perform a free analysis of your current insurance policy. Our Acri Insurance Counselor will perform a complete review of your needs and evaluate your present insurance coverage to make sure you are not over or underinsured according to your association documents.
Please also be sure to check out the Acri Home Protection page for other appliance and protection plans.
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TW Jackson “The Magic Of Making Up” Review [PDF Download]
People end everything in the heat of the moment just to realize later what a terrible mistake they have made out of anger or stupidity. By then it is too late as getting back together is one of the most difficult things because of ego problems, anger, bitterness and other emotions. Sometimes the ego comes in between or sometimes the couples are not sure whether they really want to get together or they are just not able to let go their Ex. This dilemma makes the situation even more complicated and painful. The author of the The Magic Of Making Up book gives suggestions as how one must approach his or her ex. Very many people have used the information found in this eBook to improve their relationships. Many of them have confessed that the magic of making up has played a significant role in making relationships with your ex-work. If you’re feeling completely hopeless and in a great deal of heartache, then the Magic of Making Up may be the spark showing you how to win back your ex.This is a guide that believes that all relationships can be salvaged, and there’s a “recipe for love” to win back your ex. There is always hope regardless of your situation.
I picked up the Magic of Making Up after my boyfriend broke up with me. I had been trying to talk him into coming back to me and I had even started seeing a therapist because I was so upset about the breakup and I felt that some insight or help from a professional might give me some ideas on how to get my boyfriend back. I also spent way too much of my time at work searching the internet for information on how you get your ex back but most of it was quite lame. The program will let you know exactly what to do to get your ex back on a date. Follow the instruction guide inside the program and it will be easy as pie because it will seem so natural. This book is written by relationship guru TW Jackson. TW Jackson, affectionately known as “T Dub”, has been giving out relationship advice for most of his life.Growing up in a military family, TW’s family moved a lot. He met a lot of different people during his childhood.He also learned how to make friends quickly because he had to do so. This taught him some things about relationships. The magic includes his “Fast Forward Technique” and the “Instant Reconnect Technique” as well as the “Bonding Secret”. It includes a number of techniques you have never heard of. There are also tips, revealed in the “Fast Forward Technique”, for you to feel better after your painful breakup. You will get your lover back in no time if you follow all the steps.
The techniques and principles contained in the guide have helped hundreds of men and women to repair relationships by finding the magic that can once again hold them together. The analysis of feedback from different users of TW Jackson magic of making up a course around the globe reveals that over 96% of its users are complete and truly satisfied with their purchase.They all confess that the magic of making up an excellent ebook by T. Dub Jackson has really helped them to get their ex back with ease. Though the book contains a wealth of useful information, it does require effort and action on your part. It is not like you just buy the book, and that you then get back with your ex. You have to follow the direct the magic of making up reviewions – be they easy or difficult – and only then you can expect the ‘magic’ to work. Many people struggle when they go through a breakup, but this book offers very valuable advice to help anyone who is in this predicament. All in all, it is a very valuable relationship advice book and it will help you to deal with these difficult emotional situations without saying the wrong thing or doing something you regret.
Click to Download the Magic Of Making Up System
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govindhtech · 1 year
Mastering Lenovo Tab M9 – Tips and Tricks
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Lenovo Tab M9 :
Customers who are searching for a secondary device that can be used for streaming material from Netflix or other key apps like web surfing are likely to find that a tablet equipped with a low-end version of the Android operating system is a good alternative to explore and should give it some thought. Customers who are seeking for a tablet with a higher-end version of the Android operating system should look elsewhere.
Customers who are looking for a secondary device that may be used for streaming material from Netflix or other fundamental activities like web surfing should give serious consideration to obtaining a tablet computer. Because it caters to the particular requirements of users who have younger children, this option may also be useful to users who have children of a younger age.
Lenovo Tab M9 Tips and Tricks:
Another gadget that stands out among its rivals and is presently at its lowest sale price ever is the Lenovo Tab M9, a 9-inch slate that just dropped to its lowest sale price ever. The well-known Amazon Fire tablets are not the only intriguing goods in this category; the other one is the Lenovo Tab M9, which just fell to its lowest sale price ever.
To be more precise, Best Buy is now selling, for the affordable price of $99, the MediaTek Helio G80 octa-core CPU-equipped Lenovo Tab M9 tablet. This tablet was released earlier this year and is equipped with 3 GB of Random Access Memory (RAM) in addition to 32 GB of extendable mass storage space. It is up to the customer to decide whether they would want to get free shipping or free store pickup in conjunction with this transaction; it all depends on which option they choose.
Amazon, the same online retailer that offers the Lenovo tablet in the United States for a price of $109 a unit and is available in both the United States and worldwide, is also an option for purchasing the Android 12 gadget. Amazon is also an option for purchasing the Android 12 device. Take note that the bargain that Amazon is now giving is the only way to get the official Folio Case for the Tab M9, so be sure to take advantage of it while you can.
If a consumer in the United States plans to use the tablet without any type of protection or assistance, then the additional ten dollars required to purchase this case is not regarded to be worth it in that scenario.
Please go to that article if you would want further information on the shockingly sophisticated metal chassis that is included in the Lenovo Tab M9. In our in-depth study, this issue is discussed in more length, so if you need any further information, please go to that analysis.
In addition to that, even this WiFi variant that is more favorable to your wallet comes fully equipped with a GPS module that has already been put inside it. Both the long battery life, which lasts around 16 hours while online surfing, and the IPS display, which does not flicker, are characteristics that have proved to be of great use to us.
On the other side, the cameras on the Lenovo tablet aren’t very outstanding, and the process that the Chinese technology giant utilizes to upgrade its software is one that could most likely need some fine-tuning. On the other hand, customers who do not work with professional applications or customers who do not play Android games that are especially demanding may want to pay more attention to this bargain because of how helpful it is to their wallets.
Customers who do not work with professional apps or customers who do not play Android games that are particularly demanding may save a lot of money by taking advantage of this deal.
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gillbroking123 · 1 year
Tips and Calls Make On a Daily Basis Heyday in Stock Market
Tips and Calls Make On a Daily Basis Heyday in Stock Market
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The stock market is an extremely enticing front to make quick cash. But added caution should be absorbed order to discontinue from wrecking your hard earned money. The stock market is an area where supplies and also shares of numerous excellent companies are dealt. When you buy a share you are virtually being a partial partner in a firm. They do not give you the right to have a say in their daily working but most definitely entitles you to get part of earnings. There are a range of stocks offered out there and also basing upon needs the stocks need to be purchased with great caution and also vigilance. Some shares allow you to be entitled to regular dividends while some have wonderful potential keeping future leads in mind. The type of supply you purchase need to be appropriate to your economic condition as well as care need to be taken not to over delight in the marketplace trading. The stock exchange is a very fascinating area when costs of supplies and shares falls or increase, people are seen clambering about like nuts. The volatility of stock exchange is very high and it fluctuates significantly within short spans of time. Supplies are traded via stock market like BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) or NSE (National Stock Exchange). In India BSE holds the leading setting as it has the largest number (thirty) of blue chip companies provided in it. These consist of business like BHEL, Bharti Airtel, HDFC, ICICI, L&T, ITC, NTPC, Mahindra & Mahindra, reliance, TCS, Wipro etc. They represent about one fifth of the capitalization of the Indian exchange and also are thus provided the should have interest. The way in which various capitalists operate depends upon the knowledge of the inside working of the share market. Some like to take their personal choices while others favor availing services of a professional stock broker company which specializes in providing handy clever tips, cool calls, intraday calls, intraday pointers, as well as option pointers and so on various on the internet stock broker firms provide value added services like suggestions with 99.99% precision which will help high end people take crucial choices at the nick of the moment. There goes a lot of study and also analysis right into providing pointers as well as calls. The companies do a lot of study on business profile, firm history and various other current market fads to predict future surge or fall in prices of shares. The Indian securities market is very strong which can be proved by the truth that it was not impacted by the global economic crisis which struck most of the world. Hence obtaining knowledge through trading continuously will lead you to additional elevation. Individuals will gradually be able to comprehend the fundamental nature of the market as well as will slowly but regularly develop a sense of risk measuring qualities as time flows. Thus taking computed threats is the lineup. And also one must always keep in mind not to succumb to false pretensions of small time center males, false rumors or rip-offs that typically emerge out of nowhere. Write-up Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3882131
DISCLAIMER : Investments in securities market are subject to market risks, read all the related documents carefully before investing.
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funnl · 1 year
How To Build An Effective Inside Sales Team
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It can be challenging to create an effective inside sales team. You need the right mix of skills, experience, and attitude to succeed. But with the right approach, it’s possible.
The most successful inside sales teams are those that clearly understand their target market and know how to reach them effectively. They also use data-driven methods to track and measure their progress. If you are looking to build an effective inside sales team, here are some tips on how to build an effective inside sales team:
Structure sales team
To build an effective inside sales team, it is essential to structure your sales team in a way that allows for scalability and productivity. By organizing your sales reps into groups of specialists, you can better manage and monitor their activity and create a more streamlined process for working with customers. 
Define your goals
What are you trying to achieve with this team? Are you looking to grow your market share? Increase revenue? Bring in more leads? Once you know your goal, you can start assembling the right team and setting up the necessary processes and tools to help them succeed. However, creating an effective inside sales team that meets your needs and objectives without a clear goal won’t be easy.
Create a process
By establishing key steps and timelines, you can ensure that your sales process runs smoothly and efficiently. Here are a few things to keep in mind: 
Make data analysis a priority
As an inside sales team, your reps will access a lot of data. Therefore, they must know how to analyze and use it to their advantage. 
Create dashboard templates 
This will help your team focus on the most critical aspects of their job and keep track of their progress. 
Track the right metrics 
When it comes to inside sales, there are a few key metrics you should be tracking: call connections, phone time, leads generated, opportunities logged, etc. 
Establishing key steps and timelines can help ensure your sales process runs smoothly and efficiently.
Hire the right people
Just like you are looking for prospects who are an ideal fit for your product or service, you should look for the right representatives when hiring. You need to identify salespeople who have the ideal skills and experience for your company. To do this, you must understand what key competencies are essential for each role. 
Then, create attractive job descriptions that will attract attention. Consider adding salary information in job descriptions as that will filter out the salespeople you cannot currently afford. Then, conduct a meeting to understand their sales skills better. 
Train your team
Train your inside sales team to be more effective by providing tools and resources. Implement a training program focusing on the most critical aspects of the job. Teach them how to prospect for new clients, build relationships, and drive growth.
Hold your team accountable
 It is vital to hold your team accountable for their results. This means setting regular check-ins and performance reviews.
Reward success
Finally, make sure you reward your team for their successes. This will help to keep them motivated and engaged.
So, how do you go about building an effective inside sales team? We’ve outlined four essential steps for you here. But remember, this is just a starting point. Every business is different and will have its own needs regarding its inside sales team. Most importantly, you need to take the time to determine your needs and build your team accordingly. Then your business can reap the benefits of an effective inside sales operation with the right people. 
If you’re looking for more information on generating leads through inside sales, we suggest reading our Beginner’s Guide To Generating Qualified Leads Using Inside Sales. It dives into the process in depth and offers actionable tips that you can start using today.
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