#also juke
thedeathdeelers · 2 years
the sun, the moon, the stars
she was the sun.
at first he thought she was the sun.
she was the first spark of light after he crash landed back down on earth; like seeing a glimpse of the rising sun following a cold, seemingly never ending, dark night.
her glow only intensified once he heard her sing, that dazzling voice blinding him in one fell swoop, leaving his eyes struggling to adjust. it was beautiful the way she would shine just as brightly onstage as she did in the privacy of her own home, her voice warming him to his very core, one note at a time.
the only problem was that he could never afford to get too close — if he did, if he tried, all the dreams and illusions that were built up in his head about this new life would burn to a crisp, leaving behind smoke and a trail of shattered hopes.
she was the sun, and he was no one.
she was the moon.
when he got the chance to get to know her a little more, when he found himself inevitably starting to fall for her, he realised he had been mistaken — that maybe julie wasn’t the sun, but rather the moon.
a quiet ethereal beauty that cast light on everything in its path, guiding lost stumbling souls out of the depth of the shadows and into its brilliance. with all odds against him, against them, she had managed to pull him out of his nightmares, and help shine a light on a home that had been long forsaken by hope.
it was also an undeniable fact that she had the distinct ability to pull him in and keep him in her orbit. he always found himself gravitating towards her, her voice effortlessly pulling him in like the rising tide of the ocean’s waves, her power on him never wavering.
and unlike the sun, touching her wouldn’t destroy him; wouldn’t set him ablaze. but she was still too far out of reach, fingers outstretched as far as they can go, yet still coming up empty.
she was the moon, out of reach, and he a ghostly shadow.
she was the stars.
more time had passed, and his thoughts kept shifting; the longer he looked at her, the more he was convinced she was the stars.
twinkling in the night sky even when surrounded by darkness, refusing to give in to the shadows. obstacle after obstacle, she rises up, never letting anyone dim that light shimmering in her eyes.
he always looked at her the same way, as one would a starry night — in awe and reverence at its sheer sparkling beauty, with millions upon millions of little glittering lights coming together to paint a masterpiece.
he could never look away.
but this only solidified what he already knew — just like the stars belonged to no one, she would never be his, was never meant to be his. her place was in the heavens, where her brilliance could mesmerise any who looked her way.
she was the stars, but who was he?
it was only when his fingers reached out and traced the soft curves of her cheek, palms pressing against forbidden warm skin, did he finally realise.
did he finally understand.
she wasn’t the sun, the moon, nor the stars.
she was all of them combined,
she was his entire universe.
and maybe, just maybe, that meant he was someone.
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faiell · 4 months
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inspired by a scene from this heaven of mud by @garagepaperback
Sitting near but far, legs spilled off the edge of the bed, Potter turned to look at him. There were two wide windows on either side of the bed, drapes drawn back. The lights in Draco’s bedroom were off but it didn’t matter, the flat being in the city. Draco learned it was called light pollution- It meant you couldn’t see the stars. It meant it was much harder not to see what was right in front of you.
Potter looked beautiful. It should have ended months ago, preferably before it started.
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mouse-fantoms · 25 days
On top of being robbed of so much Juke content we’ll never get, what I think about alot is how Juke would have been approached more if it went further.
One of the (many) reasons I love jatp so much is it makes me believe their characters are real, that they have background, they have their own goals and ambitions to them, they’re fleshed out.
That moment of Flynn going “my girls got a crush and his name is Luke” and Julie going “what no?! Luke’s a ghost😳.” And Flynn saying “a cute ghost” and Julie giving in and saying “…with a perfect smile☺️” and adding that Luke is “cute air” which implies she has indeed given this Luke crush idea some thought.
That moment of just two best friends talking about the others potential crush like that’s such a good moment bc I genuinely believe that I am watching these two genuine besties just have that kind of talk with one another bc that happens!
Like that moment we have with our friends when they’re like “hey I got something to tell you 👀” or they approach you like “so… umm… I’ve been kind of noticing your behavior lately around this person.” It’s the realistic little things like that which is why I appreciate this show so much.
Julie having the line of “what no! Luke’s a ghost!” Means so much that, on top of acknowledging “hey he’s got a cute smile, and he himself is cute” she also acknowledged “…he is a ghost though…” but then our Julie being who she is (we love her for it) went “but he still do be cute though 🥰” like this is a genuine teen girl in high school having a crush
And then later on when Reggie and Alex bring up how Luke and Julie ooze chemistry (and the way that throughout the show when Julie and Luke are being cute and them, the looks that we see Reggie and Alex give like Juke and then each other is so good bc I genuinely believe like “yeah these boys are all friends with one another so of course they’d react that way to their other friend showing an interest in their fellow friend”) Luke’s like “no come on I have chemistry with everyone I sing with” HE DOES THE SAME THING JULIE DID WHEN THE EXACT SAME TOPIC EAS BROUGHT UP TO HER! (Soulmates your honor!)
Him denying it, like Julie did, implies too that he also had the thinking of “…she is alive though and I’m not” (I mean me personally I feel like Luke didn’t truly realize he liked her until later on even if there were signs earlier, just bc he seems like the kind of person where like music was his absolute everything like even if the Sunset Curve fangirls were always like ‘omg Luke is amazing 😍’, I just get the vibe that he would never really notice the advances towards him bc he is just so consumed in music and that is his whole existence, so when Reggie and Alex see that Luke appears to be falling for Julie it’s a big deal bc they’re probably like “Luke has NEVER shown any interest ever so the fact that a girl has replaced music in his life THIS IS A MASSIVE DEAL”)
And then the moment when they’re on Julie’s porch and she tries to hold his hand but ya know CANT (huge what a gut punched) and then she awkwardly looks away and he’s like “…this is an interesting little relationship you and I have” and they’re just there for a moment just looking and smiling at each other (THEY’RE FLIRTING SO MUCH WITHOUT SAYING ANY WORDS UGH TAKE ME 😩)
I am sat there genuinely believing that these are two teenagers who even though they know they’re not *supposed* to feel a way about each other, they still do. Like that scene is their confession to one another and it’s so sweet and genuine bc in that moment where Julie tries to hold his hand, they’re brought back to reality as to what they are and yet, they can’t help but still like one another and appreciate each other bc of what the other person has changed so much in their life.
AND THEN, that scene in the beginning of the last episode how Julie asks to talk to Luke (and Reggie and Alex immediately are like “oop leave them be 👀 they’re having a moment” being the greatest friends that they are) and they’re both standing there, in each others presence, it takes a moment for Julie to say what she wants to but they’re just two kids who ended up in each others lives and they know they like each other but they know they can’t act on those feelings yet they still just have this love for each other is so enduring and charming. The way Luke tells her “anything Julie you know that” MAKES ME MELT like ugh 😩 their dynamic and friendship has grown so much with each other from episode 1 to like now and it’s so just ugh it gets me
When I think how Juke could have been approached if we had gotten a chance, I would have loved to see the new like “glowing touch” development and how that would impact their dynamic. (I just imagine Reggie just hugs Julie all the time bc he can (he just seems like such a hugger and I feel like he’d give good ones🥺) and Alex also will gives her side hugs (they just take advantage of being able to physically touch her bc they don’t know how long they’re able to do it for with their new ghost development)) I feel like Luke and Julie would just be a bit apprehensive since the hand holding thing on the porch, and maybe their hug was just a one time thing.
Would have loved to see Carlos referring to Luke as “Julie’s boyfriend” (he was there for edge of great and stand tall THERES NO WAY he’s thinking anything of than “the sleeveless one is indeed my sisters boyfriend”) would be extra great too with like Luke being in the room and Carlos just says that and Julie quickly trying to make him not talk about it bc it’s embarrassing 💀 her just being like “Carlos, he’s a ghost” and him being like “…hey with you having a boyfriend are you going to have less time with Dad and I bc you’ll be busy kissing him?” And Julie’s face just goes pale as Luke takes the time to take himself out of room meanwhile his face his like bright red
Would have loved to see when Carrie’s redemption is happening and it’s Julie and Carrie and Carrie’s like “sooooo 👀 I’ve seen how you look at your guitarist” and she immediately tries to shut it down but Carrie is like “Jules, we may not have been that close in the past year and some but we’ve known each other for how long? I can see your tells!”
I just think a lot about how this ship, even though they’re not meant to like each other yet they do and still care about each other, would have been approached more if we got the chance
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writerownstory · 8 days
I found this on Pinterest and couldn’t find the name of whoever made it (but it wasn’t me) but it’s too good not to share
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✨happy juke jeudi🥳✨
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blorb-el · 1 year
so apparently. dc editorial/carmine infantino decided bruce wayne was gay. in the early 1970s. and then every single bronze age writer proceeded to ignore it. no one actually followed through. if elliot s! maggin's recollection from 40 years later is accurate.
“No you don’t understand, Elliot,” Archie interrupted me. “This morning Bruce Wayne was a millionaire playboy who wasn’t gay, but now he is gay.” “Really?” I said. “Yeah,” Julie said. “So from now on Bruce Wayne is gay, until further notice.”
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pearlcaddy · 2 years
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jukebox + endgame julie and the phantoms 1.09
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pink-flame · 6 months
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You're my neck of the, neck of the woods Leave you, babe, I never could Ginger and gestures of goodwill go forth, let go Of sorrow and sadness and spite I'm somebody taller tonight
Neck of the Woods - Maisie Peters
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missjoolee · 7 months
Chapel of Love
1.1k words
The barest hint of hot, dry air ruffled against the baby hairs on the back of her neck doing little relief. Long gone were the multi-layered stage outfits, having learned she needed something more breathable underneath the stagnant tent two days ago at the start of the music festival. Instead, she wore a poofy crop top with shorts, and she could feel Luke’s eyes roaming the revealed skin of her shoulders, midriff, and legs with each song they sang together. He'd been winding her up with each set.
Her hands grip the top of the mic stand as she leans into where the mic sits, holding herself in place where normally she would be dragging it over to share with Luke in this moment. But they are halfway through the seventh and final set and his eyes weren’t the only thing she could feel looming nearby. Just outside the Loud & Local tent sat the “Chapel of Love”. And the next lyrics were too close to vows that she might do something stupid if she got too close to him. Why had they written them this way, again?
They hadn’t seen the simple archway that signified the “chapel” when they had arrived to set up, the van being parked on the other side of the tent that held the stage that they would share with four other bands over the three day festival. And when they finally had a chance to roam the festival grounds, Reggie pulling them to the food truck selling fancy milkshakes, they saw it but didn’t know what it was. Even on the information board sporting a map, it was just a tiny innocuous dot.
It had been later on a water run that Alex and she saw a small gathering of people under it, two of them sealing their love with a kiss. Apparently, you could get married at this festival.
"Huh," Alex had said, taking a drink from his bottle and then resting his arm on her shoulder. "That's a decision." "I don't know. I think it's kind of sweet," she'd responded. A snort rang out from above her head. "Of course you would say that." She'd sent an accusatory glare up at him, dropping her shoulder so his arm would fall way. "What's that supposed to mean?"
She had known exactly what he meant though. Her eyes close against the crowd in front of her and drift open to her left, knowing exactly where Luke would be.
She can feel electricity thrum through her body as she begins the call and response moment.
"I've got a spark in me."
She can see the confusion on his face, but he smiles at her as the words slide out of him with ease.
"I've got a spark in me."
She closes her eyes against the assault of love intertwining with the electricity already coursing though her. In her mind, the simple archway looms above them. This is why she was fighting her entire being from going to him. It was too soon. Too impulsive.
"And you're a part of me."
She can't escape the feelings that have been building with each performance they've done this weekend. The euphoria of performing their music with the her best friends, and the man she loves, not caring that she shut her eyes in an attempt to block it out.
"And you're a part of me."
Luke's voice right next to her sends a shiver across her shoulders, her eyes jumping open to see he'd closed the distance to share a mic with her. Not letting her run from him, not realizing she wasn't running. She was trying to reign in some very impulsive thoughts. She can see the concern in his eyes behind the determination and can't help the smile that graces her face, softer than what is normally part of her stage persona.
"Now till eternity."
His response is accompanied by the smile he normally saves for her when they are in the studio. One that Alex and Reggie unfortunately have to put up with because it side tracks things often enough. "Now till eternity."
The mental reigns she's been wrestling are completely forgotten about. She's a goner. Their voices twine together like they have thousands of times before.
"Been so long and now I'm finally free."
The rest of the set goes off without a hitch. The adrenaline and dopamine high intoxicating. She feels Reggie's arm go around her shoulders as Luke's goes around her waist and she looks at all her band-mates with pride. This weekend was amazing and did a lot to promote them, even if they were competing for attention with signed bands that have been around a whole lot longer on two other stages. They take a group bow to the crowd before they disperse like the non-existent wind.
Luke's arm tightens and he leans down to her ear to be heard. "Everything okay?" His voice is raspy and a bit lower than normal from doing seven performances in three days.
Perfect. The word rings in her head, bolstering her onto her toes next to his ear so he can hear her response.
"Marry me." Her own voice rough, lower and more sultry than she expected.
He looks surprised as he processes her words, but not like they made him uncomfortable if that same smile he saves for her lighting up his face means anything.
"Yeah. Okay."
She grabs hold of the hand on her waist, interlacing their fingers as she heads for the exit of the tent with determination. He drags behind her a bit.
"You mean right now??"
The first flicker of doubt hits her. "Yes?"
He drops her hand and scrambles to get the guitar strap over his head. "Oh hell yeah."
Her smile is so big she can feel the ache in her cheeks but she doesn't care. He wants this as bad as she does.
A voice interrupts them. "Uh Julie? Luke? Where are you going? We have to pack up our stuff so Midnight Mayhem can go on."
Reggie looks confused, his thumb pointing over his shoulder off the back of the stage. Alex's looks suspicious. Julie can feel heat soar to her cheeks as she looks up at Luke's face and sees the eager giddiness there and then back at Alex. Yeah, that tracks.
"Sorry guys. Got a little distracted. Band meeting after we get everything packed up."
She pulls Luke back over to their gear to begin packing up. Squeezing his hand before dropping it to unplug her keyboard.
He looks at her with confusion. "Band meeting?"
"We'll need witnesses."
"Riiiiiight. Nice."
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ahalliance · 8 months
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finally getting around to posting @etoiles-week :] day 5: injury
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shima-draws · 2 months
So Game Grumps started playing Danganronpa V3 (which I’ve been waiting for them to play for AGES) but I got so impatient and I know it’ll take at least a year for them to finish it/release all the episodes so I was just like. Fuck it. I’ll buy the game it’s 65% off on the Switch and play it myself
Anyway I just finished chapter one and I am NOT a happy camper,
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I started watching dead boy detectives and I just finished episode 5, and Edwin's hand on his chest after Charles hugs him, followed by "I wasn't talking about you" UM?!
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mouse-fantoms · 6 months
I found out a co-worker of mine is into Jatp too and she was saying how she likes Willex, “I think my favorite though is Alex’s boyfriend, I forget his name-“ me immediately answering “Willie mhm mhm” and she was like, “yeah his actors na-“ “Booboo Stewart” and she said yeah
…Is that what it’s like to casually like Jatp? 💀 like the difference between us is like she forget names and then I just IMMEDIATELY answered
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teddybeartoji · 6 months
here's a little snippet of the toji zombie apocalypse au that i've been working on!!!!
the name is going to be "blinded by the light" and that is ofc inspired by the iconic tlou quote "when you're lost in the darkness, look for the light."
you inspect the inside of the bag: chocolate, cans of spaghetti on top of cans of spaghetti, surprisingly clean clothes, a small pocket knife and two bottles of water. your body has a mind of its own as it goes to grab the obvious - the bar of chocolate but a piece of glass cracks way too close behind you, your eyes flick over the now ajar door as you try to reach for the gun on your thigh— but when you feel the cold metal of a gun barrel resting against your temple... you freeze. "don't." ... it's an answer to your stupidity and curiosity in a form of a deep rasp; confident and sure of himself - the gun against your skin doesn't move, it doesn't shake. when you try to turn your head toward him, he just presses it more into you, forcing you to keep your eyes on the ground below you. from your peripheral vision, you can see that he's absolutely towering over you and you feel like an useless little ant that's about to be stepped on. your heart is pounding so loudly, making it the only thing you can hear. it thumps in your ears as if it's trying to distract you from the fact that it is trying to jump out from your chest and make an escape all on its own.
you really aren't the little lamb he thought you were. "don't let me see you again, old man." the moon shines on his face and you take a mental picture of him before throwing your bag over your other shoulder and stepping out.
+ @staryukis & @dollsuguru bc you're the ones that knew about this anyway hihi come get your crumbs my lovelies
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thedeathdeelers · 6 months
remember when we realised julie had actually given luke heart socks and not plain red ones in her perfect harmony dream sequence
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pearlcaddy · 2 years
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Sorry for yelling but like, the kitchen scene right??
Iconic, I know.
But imagine in s2 when the boys are ALIVE AGAIN and Julie goes down for her midnight pb&j and finds Luke looking in the fridge but this time he can actually eat!! And instead of walking through each other when Julie goes for the OJ they bump into each other and Luke reaches out to steady her and her hand lands on his bicep (iykyk) and it’s A WHOLE MOMENT of eye contact and skin on skin contact and MAYBE this is quite soon after The Hug™️ so there is a lot of Tension 👀
OH AND THEN the porch scene right??? Imagine a tense conversation, maybe a “what am I going to do about my parents? Should I tell them I’m alive again?” moment (because we love when things come full circle) and they meet on the porch afterwards for a little apology as is their way and we got an ACTUAL Hand Holding Moment™️ and Luke (the little shit) says “this really is an interesting little relationship you and I have” I would simply lose. my. mind.
Oh and don’t even get me STARTED on an Edge of Great parallel jfc I’m gonna have to go lie down 😫
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