#also kudos to my friends who are flexible in the styles they can do
bones-n-bookles · 5 months
Hey why is it so much easier to add SO MUCH EXTRA DETAIL to art than it is to simplify art
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orime-stories · 3 years
Fic ask game: 10 + 21 for your FFXIV fics... and 13!
Thank you! <3 Asks here. More answers here: x x x x x x
10. Who has been your favourite character to write about in your FFXIV fics? What do they bring to the fic?
I'm going to cheat and choose a cluster of characters rather than just one, but Aurelle's family. I wanted to challenge myself to write a character that has a happy, healthy, loving family for once (that hasn't been killed off for the drama), and I'm having way more fun with that than I thought I would. I've only shared a handful of small moments with them so far (x x x x x), but I've got a fic I'm cooking up where Aurelle's mum accosts her while she's showing Aymeric around Gridania and insists that she invite him round for dinner. They're still keeping the relationship quiet at that point so Aurelle keeps asserting that they're only friends, but her family is having none of it, getting straight down to business in determining whether he is suitable for their youngest or not. As for what they all bring to the fics, they help to ground Aurelle in her home - to show how much she loves it and how fiercely she'll fight to keep it safe. They're also a safe place to rest in between plot dramas. A source of comfort and wisdom when she's faltering on her journey.
13. Do you prefer writing multi-chapter fics or single-part fics? Do you prefer reading multi-chapter fics or single-part fics?
A question I don't have an answer to yet as it's something I'm actively experimenting with right now! I've been publishing my Pillars of Eternity stories as one big multi-chapter fic, and then I'm trying out publishing my Final Fantasy XIV stories as individual pieces in a larger series to see which style I like better. Having things as one multi-chapter fic encourages me to fill in the blanks between key moments so that everything flows together better as one story, and since all the comments and views are happening on the one work, it certainly helps those numbers look nice and big. Plus, every time I update, the whole story gets pushed back to the top of people's searches, maybe making it easier for new people to come across it all.
But then having things as individual stories in a series makes it easier for me to clearly tag what happens in each one rather than there just being one giant incomprehensible list at the top of everything that might or might not be relevant to each chapter, and this style probably feels a lot more accessible to some readers too since it's cutting the word count down into smaller chunks they can dip in and out of more easily. It also makes things feel more flexible for me if I want to bounce around with the story and not fill in every single little detail, since they're all presented as standalone works that are complete in their own right. It also allows people to leave kudos on multiple parts of the story should they want to. So both methods seem to have their good points, and I'm curious to see which one I vibe with better over time. As for reading, I'm always happy to consume stories in whatever form they come in.
21. If you were a character in your FFXIV fics where would you fit in?
Hahahaha, I'm not sure? I'd probably be a throwaway npc somewhere that the characters encounter between plot points. Maybe a random shopkeeper or innkeeper. Might even add a bit of background exposition to things if I'm feeling particularly fancy that day.
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maxparkhurst · 4 years
Are there any characters you’re interested in wanting to roleplay as? If you could recommend at least five blogs to your followers, who would they be?Is there someone you admire on here?
Are there any characters you’re interested in wanting to roleplay as?
I’ve made an in-game version of Augustine if that counts! :D 
I’m pretty limited in my scope of writing when comes to roleplay characters. Two is already kinda pushing the limits, too many more voices in my head and things are going to get a bit hectic. If Max and Auggie weren’t a thing, though, then I’d guess I’d work on making a Thornspeaker/ Ex-coven acolyte from Drustvar. That’d be pretty rad. 
If you could recommend at least five blogs to your followers, who would they be?
@godshands / @thetraitor 
You like new, innovative writing styles that pull you into a story faster than you can slap mayo on a sandwich? Do enjoy a supportive environment for your roleplay where you feel like your voice DOES matter? Well, look no farther friends. This particular person is an excellent writer and a hilarious person. The only thing you’ll have to worry about is how you’re going to keep up with them when they write literal liquid gold. 
Do you enjoy talking about headcanons with someone who is genuinely interested in everything you have to say? Like it when someone puts in as much effort into a scene as you do? Like them speedy replies? Speedy and quality replies?! Then this person has got your back! They are the NICEST person ever and I’ve enjoyed roleplaying with them immensely. And, they’ve got multimuses for your viewing pleasure. You should go check them out. Right. Now.
Also, thank you for being so patient with me and my slow ass <3
Extra! Extra! Read all about this amazing person! Emotes? On point. Story-telling? Excellent. Syntax? Don’t even get me started. This broski is fire when it comes to Roleplay. Most importantly, they’re super helpful. Need some reliable feedback? They’ve got it PLUS ways to improve/make a process easier for you. And they do it in such a kind fashion <3 
You’ve never met a cinnamon bun as sweet as them or your money back guaranteed! They’ve got great attention to detail and are always genuinely enthused by your muse. I’ve spammed their DMs with character ideas before and they’ve filtered through it with the biggest smile. Also, they’re the best editor in existence. And they’re writing isn’t half-bad either <3 I’m only kidding. They’re writing is very immersive. 
What? You’re not following them yet? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, FOOL? Get. On. It. They’re sweet, supportive, and super approachable. Little nervous about getting your feet wet? They’ve got your back. They’ve got a very open personality and a super flexible character. Plus. Plus. Plus! They’ve got a unique style which is palatable yet engaging. 
I’ve got a BUNCH more people I’d recommend,but these were the ones sitting at the top of my head and who’ve gotten to interact with a bit. I’d alsoooooo recommend @dawncloudrising @lightsong-legacy @masonkohler @renardsnoir  aaaaand @arcanist-starweaver if you’re looking for super duper cool people to RP with :) 
Is there someone you admire on here?
This question...We meet again -.- 
Another person I admire, huh? 
I’d say @inkedwolf-compendium. Love writers who have strong characters and a clear voice in their writing. It’s been a real honor to get to roleplay with them and I love the aesthetic they’ve created for both their characters :) I’m also impressed that they’re able to pump out quality emotes in real-time. I find myself floundering when roleplaying in-game so kudos to them! They’ve got a quick mind <3 
Thanks for the ask mysterious stranger. I think you’re cool too <3
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confettipizza · 4 years
Lunar Recap
How it started. How it’s going. How it ended for the last lunar cycle of 2020.
This lunar cycle began with the New Moon on Jan. 12, 2021 @ 11:01 PM CT (Jan. 13 @ 05:01 UTC). It was the 13th Moon of 2020 according to the lunar calendar. And it ended Feb. 11, 2021, just before the 1st Moon of 2021! Happy Lunar New Year 2021, Year of the Ox!
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South Korean Court Orders Japan to Compensate Women Forced into Sex Slavery
Colorado AG Opens Grand Jury Probe of Police Killing of Elijah McClain
Guantánamo Bay Prison Starts 20th Year of Indefinite Detentions
Pfizer to Boost COVID-19 Vaccine Output as WHO Warns of Vaccination Inequality
Lawmakers Catch COVID-19 After Sheltering in Room Where GOP Reps Refused Masks
FBI Warns of “Armed Protests” in All 50 States and at Biden’s Inauguration
Tomorrow is Sun conjunct Pluto. Something that’s been lurking in the shadows bout to jump out. Might be pretty big, but there’s also the individual personal experience of this event and might feel more like an early Full Moon for you.
House to Impeach Trump as GOP Shows Signs of Backing Removal
Well this is dumb. Sun conjunct Pluto?
The $3,000-a-month toilet for the Ivanka Trump/Jared Kushner Secret Service detail
I also remembered/realized how much I really love Anna Sui designs since I was a kid which is pretty random to pop up on my radar, but this woman gets that all I want is sparkly heart shaped objects in lacquered black and flowy hippie dresses
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Trump Tells Aides Not to Pay Giuliani’s Legal Fees as Bid to Overturn Election Fails
All I know is talking about dreams and discussing them with others makes you feel better. The tarot angle is there to shed some light on what the dream is actually telling you.
Joe Biden Unveils $1.9 Trillion Coronavirus and Economic Relief Package
ICE’s Acting Director Resigns After Two Weeks on Job
Found out today the woman at the car mechanic I've been faithfully taking my car to for the past two years can speak to the dead and had some messages for me from my dad who passed in October-
Intuitive guided tarot card pull.
Waxing crescent into Aries Monday, January 18, 2021 at 1:06 AM CT Today’s Astro x Tarot forecast valid for the next 24 hours: Feelings are flaring up for you to make a statement, a very zippy move or a quick decision about someone or something.
So long as you remain flexible and agile, whatever you choose to do with them will work to your advantage. If you decide not to impose hyper-agility into your decision making rn, then kudos to you! You’ve gained practice points in self-control experience.
More Than 760,000 Pounds of Hot Pockets Recalled
‘I Answered the Call of My President’: Rioters Say Trump Urged Them On
Raphael Warnock and the Legacy of Racial Tyranny
The Extraordinary Courage of Aleksei Navalny
Whoa, I was like a cycle early on celebrating the lunar new year! I’ve been a month into the future for a week now. My bad! I apologize for any confusion.
I was thinking that the soul's law of attraction is probably pretty unstoppable even concerning partners, so like, if someone didn't love you back then it's not some mistake or human misunderstanding that you or they need to fix.
To find one's soulmate looks something like 2 souls flying towards each other from opposite ends of the galaxy to join their physical selves together in a collision force so brutal you're stuck like that and if that's not what yours looks like then maybe that ain't your soulmate?
All the men going to jail for their poop smearing Capitol rioting have online dating profiles and that’s reason no. 2 I do not date online! Reason no. 1 is ain’t nobody cute on there.
The Witch’s Myth: The true story of the crane husband
Where are your witch stars, Circe and Hekate, located? Their location can explain your relationship to witchcraft. Circe is in my 1st house influencing my outer appearances and Hekate is conjunct Jupiter influencing my domestic style and home to be distinctively witchy.
Sun into Aquarius Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 2:33 PM CT Here is your Sun into Aquarius forecast effective for the next several weeks of Aquarius season. 
Down to earth and grounded is our most qualified position to receive everything we need and use everything we receive. This is the reality of ourselves, the human condition.
We love reality based reality.
Get ready for reality-grounded White House press briefings
Why do people believe the lies they’re fed? Because those lies are designed to be more palatable than reality. Lies offer a quick easy patch, but what you’ve gotta ask yourself is are those lies actually designed to support the flow of all things into your life?
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~* First Quarter Jan. 20 3:02 PM CT (21:02 UTC) *~
Biden and Harris Attend Memorial to Honor 400,000+ COVID-19 Victims in U.S. on Eve of Inauguration
Steve Bannon Among Final Trump Pardons and Commutations
Trump Admin Declares Multiculturalism Is “Not Who America Is” as WH Releases Racist, Revisionist Report
4,000+ Columbia Students Back Largest-Ever Tuition Strike
Today, whatever you’re doing or are wishing to become will be to the benefit of this unifying, love-aligned uprising.
Joe Biden Sworn In as 46th President of the United States, Ending Trump Era
Good inauguration Astro climate this morning feels like. #BidenHarrisInauguration
“What has shaken the U.S. population so badly, this assault on the Capitol yesterday, is really nothing by comparison to what U.S. operations have done in Latin America, in Asia, in Africa, in the Middle East, to other democratic movements and elected governments over the years.”
Progress towards wholeness can’t be made until we own up to the roles we’ve played in the past.
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Read the full text of Amanda Gorman’s inaugural poem ‘The Hill We Climb’
When did politics get so vibrant and fashionably uplifting? Please and thank you! #Inauguration2021
The two of wands says to review your options, do your research, crunch the numbers, imagine the outcomes, but there’s no need to force making a choice if you don’t have to. Buy yourself some time and let the plans for a resolution find you, not the other way around.
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Donald Trump Leaves Office and Washington, D.C., Threatens “We Will Be Back”
Watchdogs Demand Transparency as Corporations Pour Millions into Biden-Harris Inauguration
Senate Dems File Ethics Complaint Against Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley over Jan. 6 Insurrection
Federal Forces Arrest Ex-Marine for Beating Officer with a Hockey Stick During Capitol Riots
It’s Friday and it just feels good to be alive, a socialist and calling Bernie Sanders cute on Inauguration Day week! What a difference a pandemic makes.
Instacart Lays Off 2,000 Workers, Including Group Who Started Company’s First Union
Mars square Jupiter January 23, 2021 @ 1:49 AM CT (7:49 GMT) Someone wants you to know that you are ready to conquer your perceived limits to arrive at expansion in your thoughts, feelings, emotions and understanding today.
Waxing gibbous into Cancer January 25, 2021 @ 12:51 PM CT (18:51 GMT) It’s a supportive Moon for dreaming for mental health and well being. Begin a dream journal or review your latest dreams, reflecting on them for a few minutes today.
You are opening yourself up to an emotional practice that includes care for yourself in ways no one else (besides you and your connection to the Moon) can provide.
And too my Tarot Dream Readings are open if you would like guidance or support on a particular dream. See my pinned tweet for how it works.
When one’s soul is allowed to lead one’s life, working in the dark shadows, the invisible silence, the soul’s manifesting results are way more lasting and way more powerful than egocentric anything.
Good morning, self! A reminder my ego has never done a thing for me my soul can’t do better.
National Guard Deployment at U.S. Capitol Becomes COVID-19 Superspreader Event
Russia Violently Cracks Down on Protesters Calling for Release of Alexei Navalny
Trump Plotted to Oust Acting AG, Use DOJ to Force Georgia to Overturn Election Results
Hunts Point Market Workers in the Bronx Win Wage Increase After Week-Long Strike
This mourning brooch is a mindful way to mark the death of a loved one while paying tribute to the impact it has had on you. Bring back this Victorian trend!
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Veteran Talk Show Host Larry King Dies After Hospitalization for COVID-19
Hank Aaron, Who Overcame Racist Barriers to Become Home Run Record-Holder, Dies at 86
We don’t give our bodies or our intuition enough attention and nourishment a lot of the time, so today’s the day we practice finding and sitting quietly with our inner voice.
~* Full Moon Jan. 28 1:17 PM CT (19:17 UTC) *~
House Delivers Article of Impeachment to Senate, Triggering Trump’s Second Trial
Dominion Voting Systems Sues Rudy Giuliani for Lying About 2020 Election
President Biden Increases U.S. Vaccination Goal to 150 Million Shots in 100 Days
President Biden Reverses Trump’s Transgender Military Service Ban
Biden Restores Plan to Feature Abolitionist Harriet Tubman on $20 Bill
Value is further added the more you mint your words with a most whole and complete love. Love is the greatest asset we can let appreciate in our lifetimes.
This Full Moon tomorrow sends a flash point that reminds you to circulate this wealth because it’s the greatest emotional gift we can bestow upon our loved ones, family, friends, neighbors, elders, members of our community, etc.
Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn January 28, 2021 @ 10:18 AM CT (16:18 GMT) Going through your day today uncovers a forgotten desire or creative goal. You find yourself asking something like: Remember when I wanted to become a pastry chef?
Although you decided to pursue a different course, take a moment to focus on and honor this memory when it arrives and then release it. What did you become instead and why?
45 Senate Republicans Back Dismissal of Trump Impeachment Trial
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Supported Violence Against Pelosi and Others in 2018 Facebook Posts
Taking the time to recognize and honor your past desires gives the respect these memories deserve and it integrates them into the whole wider scene of the individual, both shadow and light on your path builds confidence in your steps, confidence in yourself.
You are who you are for a reason.
Had no idea how literal this grassroots King of Pentacles card was gonna materialize today, but here it is folks! When a subreddit takes down a hedge fund!
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Leader of Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, Was a Government Informer
U.S. Freezes Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia, Reviews Deal with UAE Made Under Trump Admin
Poland Enacts Near-Total Ban on Abortions, Triggering More Protests
Honduras Locks In Total Ban on Abortions, Attacks Marriage Equality
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Confronts Parkland Survivor David Hogg in Newly Resurfaced Video
The stock market this morning: Sh*t! Normal working class people read the market and figured out the game! Time to change the rules again. Let’s write it in ancient Babylonian hieroglyphs this time. They’ll never figure that sh*t out.
A message crucial to promote the awareness of your personal role in the collective will become evident over the next three weeks. You will come to ask yourself, What am I doing with my life?
If you aren’t familiar or comfortable with seeking your inner journey, then the greatest clue I can offer you at the start is to become open to the invisible world within you. How you learn to relate to it is completely personal and uniquely your own
Speaking in more concrete terms the next few weeks may manifest a life event for you where you must apply both logic and feeling in order to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion concerning an interpersonal relationship or the question what am I doing with my life?
This Mercury retrograde should be a cinch, but during it don’t buy tech if you don’t have to. And remember to triple check communication before hitting send. If you arrive at conflict be quick to apologize and say no more until tomorrow 
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President Biden Expands Affordable Care Act Enrollment Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
House Speaker Blasts GOP for Assigning Racist Conspiracy Theorist to House Education Committee
Lawmakers Demand Probe into Trading App Robinhood After It Blocked Stock Sales That Hurt Hedge Funds
Pioneering African American Actor Cicely Tyson, Winner of Two Emmys, Dies at 96
Sun in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus February 1, 2021 @ 4:33 AM CT (10:33 GMT) The warrior’s edge has melted away and now you can take the scenic route through a field of wildflowers and mushrooms instead of blasting your way through a hillside of obstacles.
This energy catalyzes a scene that supports growth through varied experiences and it encourages everyone to seek their own way to resolutions, conclusions and understandings that are uniquely their own. Searching out your own way illuminates a strategic aspect of your purpose.
Happy Venus in Aquarius! The idea to refresh your wardrobe, hairstyle or redecorating by public opinion can be too hard to ignore under this influence. Your personal style will be influenced by the collective for the duration.
Burmese Military Stage Coup, Detain Aung San Suu Kyi
FBI Uncovers Evidence Jan. 6 Attack Was Premeditated as More Far-Right Rioters Face Charges
Trump Faces More Businesses-Related Woes as His Legal Team Departs a Week Before Impeachment Trial
It’s only the 21st day of the lunar cycle and already we’ve gone from the end of a rotten presidential era to the people’s revolution of the stock market, ok? And this moon ain’t even finished yet!
~* Last Quarter Feb. 4 11:38 AM CT (17:38 UTC) *~
U.S. Tops 26 Million COVID-19 Vaccine Shots, Surpassing Confirmed Coronavirus Cases
Moon Last Quarter in Scorpio February 4, 2021 @ 11:38 AM CT (17:38 UTC) A time for Descending, settling, closure, receiving compliments for doing a good job. Prime time for tying of loose ends and wrapping up unfinished business.
Democrats Say Trump “Singularly Responsible” for Jan. 6 Insurrection in Impeachment Brief
With consciousness humans are able to transcend the unconscious and reconfigure our relationship to it.
Though we can transcend the unconscious through viewing ourselves objectively, we are still apart of the the unconscious. Those rules still apply to us even as we contemplate their logic.
Jeff Bezos Steps Down as Amazon CEO After Amassing Huge Personal Fortune
Amazon to Pay Contract Drivers $61.7 Million After FTC Probe Finds It Stole Tips to Pay Wages
Republican Leader Won’t Punish Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene over Racist and Violent Rhetoric
Prosecutors Seek Rearrest of Kyle Rittenhouse, Wisconsin Teen Charged with Killing 2 Protesters
Sometimes the right thing to do is protect your one actual valuable thing not by defending it, but closing up all the channels the valuable thing is being attacked from the outside. Sometimes you just gotta block, delete or remove your account and move on with/to what's good.
What if we wake up one day and COVID has disappeared, like poof! It vanished into thin air? Maybe it’s the moon opposed to Uranus that’s got me wishing wild problem solvers would pop up overnight.
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Poll Reveals 25% of U.S. Adults Plan to Gather at Super Bowl Watch Parties
VP Harris Casts Tie-Breaking Vote to Move Ahead with Democratic COVID Relief Bill
House Removes Marjorie Taylor Greene from Committees over Violent, Bigoted Rhetoric
Smartmatic Sues Fox News, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell for Election-Related Lies
I unfollowed some lawmakers this morning after feeling second hand anxiety over the handling of their interpersonal conflicts. Realized they were me on IG two years ago and I’ve moved on since. Can relate, but don’t wanna relive, thanks!
I just want to let y’all know that I’m coping w insufficient candle syndrome & will be studying the art & science of candle making to save myself potentially hundreds of thousands of $$ by making my own delicious smelling coconut wax babies in diy terra cotta flower pots.
Wyoming GOP Censures Rep. Liz Cheney for Backing Trump’s Impeachment
Mass Protests Continue in Burma Opposing Military Coup, Removal of Aung San Suu Kyi
You may tell others like it is today, but hopefully this inspires you to check in with yourself and be honest/come clean about something you've been overlooking.
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Indian Farmworkers Blockade Roads as Mass Protests Show No Sign of Slowing Down
Black Sheriff’s Deputy in Louisiana Dies by Suicide After Condemning Police Violence and Racism
Amazon Workers in Alabama Begin Historic Vote on Unionization
Second Impeachment Trial of Donald J. Trump Opens in the Senate
Georgia’s Secretary of State to Probe Trump’s Efforts to Overturn 2020 Election
Mercury square Mars February 10, 2021 @ 6:14 AM CT (12:14 UTC) Still talking about talking, it’s also Dark Moon time to shape or let a habit form. This practice can come from breaking free of outdated relationships with yourself or with others in order to spur growth.
Dreamed Jungkook was correcting my pronunciation of Korean last night. I’m sorry! I’ll try harder to take this lesson seriously
Senate Votes to Proceed with Impeachment as Managers Present Harrowing Video of Jan. 6 Insurrection
Gov’t to Send Vaccines to Community Health Centers as U.S. Continues Ramping Up Vaccinations
WHO Team Confirms COVID-19 of Animal Origin; Ghana Shuts Parliament After Outbreak Infects Lawmakers
Journalists Decry Raid on Progressive Indian News Site NewsClick
U.S. to Pursue Extradition of Julian Assange as Press Freedom Groups Warn of Dangerous Precede
Fossil Fuel Pollution Causes One in Five Global Deaths
Four Louisiana Officers Arrested over Police Brutality Cases and Other Misconduct
Two NYT Journalists Exit Paper Following Revelations of Improper Conduct
Venus conjunct Jupiter February 11, 2021 @ 8:59 AM CT (14:59 UTC) Receive the overflow of creativity into your life. Welcome it even if you aren’t sure what to do with it. Write down project ideas if you don’t have the energy to start on them now. You can work on them later.
I'm cool with double masking, but a lot of folks still aren't even doing the one :|
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“The Inciter-in-Chief”: Democrats Accuse Trump of Being “Singularly Responsible” for Insurrection
U.S. COVID Death Toll Tops 471,000; Half of All Deaths Occurred Since Nov. 1
Saudi Women’s Rights Activist Loujain al-Hathloul Released After 1,001 Days in Prison
Biden Administration to Continue Trump-Era Policy of Turning Away Asylum Seekers at Southern Border
Sen. Bernie Sanders Grills Neera Tanden, Biden’s Pick to Head OMB
Sen. Bernie Sanders: “According to The Washington Post, since 2014, the Center for American Progress has received roughly $5.5 million from Walmart, a company that pays its workers starvation wages; $900,000 from the Bank of America; $550,000 from JPMorgan Chase; $550,000 from Amazon; $200,000 from Wells Fargo; $800,000 from Facebook; and up to $1.4 million from Google. In other words, CAP has received money from some of the most powerful special interests in our country. How will your relationship with those very powerful special interests impact your decision-making if you are appointed to be the head of OMB?”
Neera Tanden: “Senator, I thank you for that question. It will have zero impact on my — on my decision-making.”
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acapelladitty · 6 years
i follow your fanfics and I love your gotham stuff and I see that it gets kudos. I write a little too.but it never gets hits or anything so do u have any advice for me? to get more popular,?
Hey, love! I’m very flattered and I appreciate the kind words! I’ve had a few asks like this and i’ve always avoided them because I didn’t know how to answer because i honestly don’t consider myself a ‘popular’ creator. But i know how i conduct myself and i’ve thought about this ask and consulted others about it enough to try and give it a go.
Now this is all from my own perspective as I can only speak for myself and how I look at things. I am not the best writer, by any stretch of the imagination, for ANY of my pairings/fandoms but I am also aware that at times I have a little bit more success than perhaps I deserve.
The factors that contribute to perceived popularity are varied but as i look at people i consider ‘popular’ they can be placed under two umbrellas (imo) and those are Content and Personality.
Familiarity – One thing which I think people like fic is the familiarity of the characters and how they should still be recognisable compared to their ‘canon’ counterparts. If they’re so divorced from their original incarnations in terms of personality and/or look that people have no idea who they are then they seem to just…pass em by. People seem to like these obvious tendrils of connection. It makes for easy reading and that’s what people, essentially, look for.
Regularity – Regular(ish) content is always a good thing. Personally, i always try to post content on a regular basis, even if it’s just a wee drabble or excerpt, because it’s good to keep developing skills and thoughts. Plus, it’s nice for people to see that you’re still plodding away on things and it allows more people the opportunity to discover new writers.
Consistency – Not only is regular content good, but also consistent content is always a plus. And I mean that in terms of being consistent across a specific canon or personal ‘verse’. It will do wonders. Same goes for a consistent style or flavour, it’s just…nice to get a feel for an individuals particular methods.
Perception – Fandom is as changing as the sea and sometimes, if things are kinda hitting a massive lull, it can be good to see what everyone else is doing. A quick look at the tags will give a feeling of what’s in vogue and if there’s a gap which you can fill. Like angst vs fluff? Dialogue vs description? Shipping vs Gen? It’s good to have a feel.
Flexibility – Again, i can only speak for myself, but I am very flexible in my work (pairings, plots, themes etc) and I believe that this is a serious benefit to my overall experience. Placing a character in different situations/relationships allows for multiple sides of them to be explored and can help to flesh out their development and understanding. Flexibility is important.
Sociability – Being sociable is great. Joining groups of people who enjoy similar things and networking across these to discover new content and also putting your own content out there to interested parties is an amazing way to get needed feedback. All these different groups are amazing for brainstorming ideas and meeting new friends.
Friendliness – Be polite and friendly to people. That might seem obvious but fuck me if I haven’t seen some utter bullshit on this website. Good manners cost nothing and people will never support someone who takes pride in being an arsehole. If someone approaches you with kind words about your work then listen to what they have to say and thank them. Never be rude to someone unless they’ve earned it.
Relax – This one is kinda associated with being friendly, but I would love to stress the importance of just…chilling about things. Like, if someone doesn’t like your work or style that much and they’re polite about it then that’s fine, accept that it might not be for everyone, and move on. You cannot and will not please everyone. Don’t blame others for your own misgivings. Take everything with a pinch of salt.
But most importantly, enjoy what you are doing. Now that seems like fortune cookie bullshit but if you aren’t enjoying what you’re doing then what’s the point? Unless you’re being paid then writing fanfic is just a fun hobby and should be considered as such. 
To be brutally honest, and i wouldn’t say this if it weren’t true, if your entire happiness surrounding fic is going to be based on how much response you get then I really think you kinda need to reassess your needs because, in this saturated climate, reader response is pretty much non-existent and I don’t see that changing until there’s a major shift in attitude.
I hope you found this at least a little helpful because this is all i can really say on the subject without going into specifics about certain issues! xx
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like-a-bucky · 7 years
Fanfiction tag
I was tagged a while ago by my sister @niniel-kirkland to answer these few questions, let’s go!
Why/How did you get in fanfiction?
I found my first fanfictions by complete chance, wandering through forums and blogs, until I ended up on fanfiction.net. I kept reading and reading because it was absolutely wonderful to see my favourite characters keep evolving and existing beyond the limits of the original work.
Why did you get into writing?
I can’t exactly remember, it was a need, an itch I needed to scratch. I still do, I just have so many thoughts and ideas in my head that I need to let them out somehow. Also, so many fanfictions made me dream/cry/sob/laugh I just feel like it would be nice to offer the same emotions to a fellow fan.
How long have you been writing?
Around nine years, I think?
Do you think you’re a good writer?
I only base myself on my readers’ comments to say that apparently, I am. I think that a good writer is an author who manages to bring their readers on a journey, to convey the emotions of their characters and, for a little while, to make the readers’ and characters’ hearts beat together. From the comments and feedback I’ve received from my readers, I have apparently managed to do that, which is amazing.
Do you think you’ve improved?
Oh yes. Rereading my old (non-published, apparently I have some survival instinct) fanfictions makes me cringe, haha. Too cliché, too basic, not plotty enough... I also improve from story to story, especially when I start writing in a new fandom: I feel like my two or three first stories (mostly oneshots) are only first tries where I get around the characters’ personality and features, I need to explore them a little in simple stories before I can take them on a bigger journey.
Name one thing that helps you write.
Music is pretty helpful, I like to have the right atmosphere to what I’m writing.
Have you ever gotten hate related to fic?
No, thankfully. Authors write what they write for themselves and for the people who like the same tags/AU/kinks/whatever. If you hate a story, don’t hate the author. If you really can’t hold your tongue, try to explain calmly what you didn’t like, with better arguments than I don’t like it because it sucks. I’m all for pointing out real problems (really bad and impending grammar, disrespectful words/ways of describing characters and so on) but some people hate on writers just because they wrote A/B/O and they, as readers, didn’t like it. Dude. Don’t do that, just don’t read the fic.
Fanfictions or books?
Both. Some books suck, some fanfictions are amazing and vice-versa. It’s not because you hold a published book in your hands that it’s better than fanfiction (and it’s not because a fanfic has been published that it’s a good fanfiction.) Fanfictions tend to include a wider-range of characters/sexuality/gender than books do, which is important, and books are sometimes limited with that but write it better. So really, I read both, depending on the topic and the mood.
Do you want to professionally write? If not, what would you like to do/what do you do?
I would love to be a published writer but I have a hard time writing something original that I would deem good enough for publishing. I know some people publish their fanfictions by changing the characters’ names and so on but I would be totally unable to do that: if I write something about Steve and Bucky, then it is and shall remain Steve and Bucky. Not John and Thomas. I just can’t.
Have you ever been published professionally?
What is the favourite story(ies) you have have written?
Warm kisses from your cold lips (Captain America, Stucky)
Take it off (Shadowhunters, Malec)
A man’s best friend (Fantastic Beasts, Gradence)
In Death’s palm (Captain America, Stucky)
Why is it/are they your favourite(s)?
Mostly, it’s because they mean a lot to me. The ideas for these stories struck me like lightning and I was completely frantic/obsessed with them. I just really, really needed to write them and I, for once, really liked the result.
What is the least favourite story(ies) you have ever written?
Maybe Carry my heart gently (Supernatural, Destiel).
Why is it/are they your least favourite(s)?
Maybe because I loved the idea so much and I feel like I can’t do it justice? It’s not finished though, so maybe I’ll get it right eventually?
What is something you expect from a fanfiction?
The pleasure of reading a nice story in which I’m thrown into, with the characters I love and their personality from the original works, even in AU, although I’m flexible when it comes to their personalities with AU (if you’re writing about abuse, you can’t expect the characters to react in the exact same way as in the original work where he/she’s not abused.) Slow plots/too much crack/too OOC stories tend to bore me.
How do you feel about troll fics?
What is your favourite writing style?
I like something natural, something that flows. I’m all for metaphors, except those that make you feel like the writer had to burst a nut and break their brain to find them.
Do you write for the sake of popularity?
No, I write for myself and the fans. Most of them enjoy it (again, from the comments/kudos I receive) and that’s great, I’m not doing this to gain followers/be worshipped.
Do you think fanfiction is a good way to get into writing?
I think so, yes. It may be easier (which doesn’t mean lazzy, like I’ve seen some people say) to start with fanfiction and characters you already know and love. You can focus on creating your AU world, your plot, your depictions of the characters while having a focus point. Then you can start twisting the personalities/characters if you want to, you can literally do whatever you want (with a bit of constency along the story.) It’s also great to have the feedback from fellow fans who will honeslty tell you what they think of what you did with their favourite characters and in my experience, most of those readers will actually encourage you and help you along the way if you feel like maybe the story/plot/descriptions aren’t good enough. People tend to give constructive criticism when they do criticise or draw your attention to a plot hole/fact that you hadn’t noticed, too caught up in your story.
What is something you like about the fanfiction world?
The easy way to publish and have feedback. It’s so hard to actually get published IRL... While it is really easy to leave a comment on a fanfiction you read online. So comment! I see too many people reading and liking/subscribing/bookmarking but leaving comments is actually the best way to show your support to a story and/or an auhtor.
What is something you dislike in the fanfiction world?
The fandom wars and endless discussions about who tops/bottoms in a male/male relationship. Some people can’t see past that which is disrespectful (for starters.) Also, as I said before, people who will read something they know they don’t like and then feel like commenting with I hated this story. Seriously?!
What is a pairing you’re currently shipping?
Magnus/Alec (Shadowhunters)
What is something canon you will never ship?
I don’t actually have any ideas right now... Or maybe Pocahontas and her second boyfriend whose name I have forgotten? I actually pretend I never saw Pocahontas II, hush.
What is something fanon you will never ship?
I can’t think of anything at the moment...
In conclusion: any writing advice?
Good God no. Do what you want, do what you have to do to enjoy yourself and your writing. Don’t tell yourself I have to write like this other, super popular writer. Write however and whatever you want to write. But then again, don’t take my advice if you don’t want to. You’re free.
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fitfitnessmagazine · 5 years
If you have decided to be strict with yourself, you might have to rule out several health-destroying habits from your life. Of course, you will have to force some good habits too. Other than filling your plate with yummy yummy veggies, you would need a fitness equipment or a gym membership to advance towards your goals.  Of course, being a gym slave is not for everyone out there.
So, if you are looking for an affordable solution to stay fit from home, the Weider Ultimate Body Works might just be the perfect fit for you. It’s an all-in-one, top of the line home gym equipment that has garnered a lot of eyeballs from fitness enthusiasts around the world.
Let’s dig deep into this review to know more and see if it’s the best fit for you. Before we start we must mention that we do have a slight opinionated review of this home gym because it simply is just that great. For the price it is unbeatable. End. Of. Story.
  How the Weider Ultimate Body Works Treated Us
  Our house hosts few big dudes. Frankly speaking, a new fitness equipment is not always well-received by our family because we are not easy-to-please individuals. Given our past experience, we are able to tell if the product is a hit or a miss right off the bat. Fortunately, this machine did please most of us.
Things We Liked
The sheer variety of exercises that we could perform on this home gym gave us an indication that the machine would live up to our expectations for the most part. Believe it or not, we kept discovering and inventing new exercises as we started sparing more time for our workouts. Better yet, we loved the fact that we could get a faster more efficient workout from this machine. Also, we discovered that the prep time for moving from one exercise to another was very little. So, kudos to the smart product engineering.
  The entire movement of the machine felt like butter. It was smooth and easy. Also, the gliding motion wasn’t any noisier than a silent bee. The resistance band didn’t fail to impress either. They are undoubtedly a great touch to add extra resistance for a more challenging workout. It helped us do bodyweight exercises more efficiently. The exercises that the Weider Ultimate Body hits certainly targets every muscle group in the body, providing a total body workout. Do note we were also able to do quad and hamstring workouts on the machine.
As for assembly, it definitely wasn’t that difficult either, as Bowflex made this a straight forward simple process. Due to shipping constraints, the machine doesn’t come assembled. But, there are only a few parts to put together to enjoy a good time with the equipment thereafter. Also, the instructions are easy to follow. Someone with half a brain should be able to put together the machine in less than 30 minutes.
Not to forget the fact that the price of this machine is considerably lower than the products in the same niche. It appears that the makers have done everything possible to knock off their rivals.
  Things We Didn’t Like
The package does not come with a workout poster (this is helpful when wanting a bigger visual reference to know which exercises to perform). Frankly speaking, we were expecting one because we didn’t think of it as an ugly or unnecessary thing. Nevertheless, this isn’t a major drawback because it’s easy to find daily exercise routines from the web. But, it would have been nice if they had included a workout poster to hang on the wall for easy reference. Given the fact that this machine can perform many many exercises, the makers should include a workout poster or a DVD to make it a better product. On a side note, the outside of the box does include few exercises. But, it’s only a small fraction of what you can do with the equipment. So, relying on Internet searches and your own imagination can be helpful over here to find new exercise material.
Of course, if you are looking to make a career out of bodybuilding, this machine is not for you because you might quickly outgrow it.  So, professional bodybuilders may have limited progress from this equipment. Because of increased intensity and power, elite guys out there may not be able to stick to any one piece of gym equipment for too long. As they say, “No home gym equipment is perfect for everyone.” As such, this home gym is more suited for body toning and general health/fitness.
With efforts, it can definitely sculpt your muscles, but not necessarily turn you into the next Arnold Schwarzenegger of the city. So, it helps to be real with one’s expectations to avoid unnecessary disappointments down the road.
Weider Ultimate Body Works Exercises
Total Bodyworks 5000 Exercise Chart
What Are Customers Saying About the Weider Ultimate Body Works?
Customers love the fact that this piece of fitness equipment is great for small spaces. It doesn’t doesn’t take any more space than a standard weight bench, yet offers a host of options for workouts.  For quite a few folks out there, it also proved to be a life-changing product, especially those who work from home. Even those who weren’t allowed to leave early from work by their nasty bosses, appreciated the fact that the product helped them stay in shape by devoting as little as 20-30 minutes a day. It left them with no excuses for not training. It gave them a decent amount of definition without devoting a lot of time for training.
Most users have nothing but positive comments on the product’s versatility, durability, usefulness, and functionality. On the whole, the machine has been well-received and appreciated by the vast majority of the masses.
  Benefits & Best Features
The machine features a sturdy structure made of tubed steel. It makes use of the body’s natural weight for resistance. Plus, it includes four power bands and a cable pulley system to help one take their workout to the next level. The cable pulley system stimulates the muscles effectively by allowing one to do a full range of motion like nothing else out there. Also, the machine is smartly engineered to adjust the positioning to vary one’s workout intensity.  One can target their arms, chest, shoulders, and just about any other body part for a complete body workout from the comforts of their home.
Getting a Weider Ultimate Body Workout can do a world of good to one’s flexibility. You will only be able to realize this once you use the machine. My limbs feel so free after using this bodyweight style home gym, it feels as if i have gone to chiropractor and received an adjustment.
As the makers declare, the product also has a supersaver design to it. This machine can be conveniently folded for easy storage to free up the real estate space.
It doesn’t carry any fancy features or bells and whistles, but it holds great merit for what you pay for it. It clearly caters to the needs of individuals who admire bodyweight workouts. Within few months of use, everyday tedious tasks such as picking up kids, gardening, grocery bag lifting may seem a lot less torturous on the body due to the increase in strength that one can derive from the machine.
So, one can expect real results over here. When compared to other low-end products, this machine doesn’t eat space or wobble during use. Because of its durable construction, it can offer years of use for a fraction of the price you would pay for other all in ones.
It’s highly-crafted despite the low cost. From the personal gym standpoint, the product is made to please one and all. It’s designed to offer you everything that a gym membership can offer you minus the trouble of traveling and of course, the recurring gym membership fees.
The warranty on this home gym isn’t best out there, but they do have your back covered for 90 days. Yes, there is a 90-day warranty on the parts and labor.  If something goes wrong within 90 days, the weird happening will be covered by the company. Of course, the chances of any fitness equipment going bad is high after few months and not when it’s almost new, so it won’t be an understatement to claim that the warranty is just an eye-pleasing formality. That being said, there are hardly any reports of a premature machine breakdown. In fact, the product exceeded most expectations with regards to the quality and durability for the money paid towards it.
The shipping weight of this piece of equipment is 72 lbs, and the product measures 62 x 19 x 8 inches. From the measurement, it’s easy to tell that it won’t take up a lot of space, making this one of the best compact home gyms you can buy.  But, you might have to remove a few parts to fit it under your bed. Also, it’s a bit heavy to move around from one room to another. It’s better to let the machine sit in one corner of the room to avoid the hassle involved in the transition. As such, the machine can be folded to move it out of the way. The assembled dimensions are 71L x 25. And, for those who don’t know, the weight capacity for the machine is 250 pounds. One of our family members weighs 230 pounds, and the person is able to use this machine without any hiccups. So, this workout apparatus can support the advertised claim. Therefore, it can be used by all or most members of the family.
  Last Thoughts on the Weider Ultimate Body Works
  The Weider Ultimate Body Works can easily be your only source of exercise tool. Not to forget the fact that the machine won’t put your bank account in the ‘red.’ Even if you are going through a brief period of unemployment, you can still afford this fitness equipment. Reflecting on the myriad of health benefits you can derive from this fitness product; its homecoming should be a no-brainer affair.  For general fitness, it’s hard to beat this home gym at its price point. It’s a clear winner in its class. It’s a relatively small investment for great results!
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The post Weider Ultimate Body Works | Our Honest Review appeared first on Fit Fitness Magazine.
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