#also must take into regard how one is going to look while 'yeeting' such an object
take their pod and chuck it? also works to flex your superior object throwing skills
That is a good idea! The energy is slightly different though, same insult in a different font, but definitely is still a usable tactic.
The insult of taking something and dropping it directly in front of them for destruction is one thing. Sending them on a petty fetch quest is another.
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megashadowdragon · 3 years
What Noctis Learned: a tl;dr essay
So I've been thinking about this for a while and seeing so many posts/articles/character analysis on this game has finally prompted me to put it down in words. This is going to be a giant spoiler for the whole game so if you haven't finished it or Episode Ardyn yet then do that before reading this.
Everybody good? Okay.
I've heard lots of people look at FFXV as a coming of age story, with the main character changing and growing from a somewhat lackluster teenager to a responsible adult and in some respects that's absolutely right. It is a story about Noctis' growth from a reluctant and poor leader into a Kingly King like his dad (get it? Regis? Kingly King?). But then people usually follow that up with stating that Noctis started out as a selfish guy who didn't appreciate his friends thought he was too good for them and....wha? Were we playing the same game? Were we watching the same story?
Noctis has always appreciated his friends. Noctis has never thought he was better than them. That was never his issue. In fact, the issue is somewhat the opposite problem. Here me out:
The lesson Noctis needed to learn was about sacrifice. Not just self-sacrifice, although that's certainly part of it. But the heavy burden of sacrifice that only Rulers experience. He needed to learn how to sacrifice others or let them sacrifice themselves for the greater good. The theme was laced throughout the game from the beginning.
Everyone sees Regis as a great King. What makes him so great, though? Well, he knows how and when to sacrifice, not only himself but others for the sake of the future. He takes on the burden of knowing that people are dying for him, and for his kingdom. The Crystal is just a big old reminder of that burden, and so is the Wall, a physical representation of what it means to sacrifice.
Everything outside the Wall has been sacrificed to the enemy so that everything within the Wall may have peace. And then when it's revealed that Regis must sacrifice his only son in order to save the world, he accepts that burden too. He also accepts than in order to let his son realize his destiny, all of Insomnia must be sacrificed.
When Noctis rages at Cor in the tomb, it's because he doesn't agree with his father's sacrifice, both of himself and Insomnia, in order to save Noctis. He doesn't accept that noble burden. He rejects it and is plainly not ready to take his rightful place as ruler. He sees that a bunch of people just died for him, including his family members, and he doesn't think he was worth that sacrifice at all.
When Gladio demands to know before the fight with Titan if Noctis is "of Royal blood or not" it's because he feels the weight of his own father's sacrifice and needs Noctis to understand that he is ready and willing to do the same. If you'll note in the scene, this happens after Noctis has recklessly tried to dart ahead of Gladio and prevent him from doing his job (i.e. shielding and sacrificing his own body for the King) and he wants it reaffirmed in Noct's mind to accept that duty. To accept that yes, he might actually need Gladio to die for him and since Gladio's going to that extent he needs to know that Noctis will actually be worthy of that sacrifice and continue on to fulfill his destiny.
Luna's sacrifice in Altissia, followed by Ignis' blinding and then his moment of doubt where he actually asks Noctis to halt their journey basically represents the lowest point for Noctis, where all his fears seem justified. Noctis fears that he's actually not special or "chosen" at all, he can't save everyone, he couldn't even save the one person he thought he was meant to save, and now Ignis who already sacrificed his eyesight for him is voicing out loud his fear that all this sacrifice might be too high a cost.
So Noctis falters. He doesn't put on the ring. He doesn't head for the Crystal right away. And Gladio becomes upset, not because he thinks Noctis doesn't care about Ignis, but because him not pushing on despite the sacrifice kind of renders it pointless. And Gladio doesn't know that Ignis himself kind of tipped the scales on Noctis' reluctance to sacrifice others for the good of the kingdom here.
Then Prompto gets yeeted off the train, Gralea happens and the sacrifice of Noctis' last real link to his dad, the Regalia. And Noctis has to go it on his own, using the ring's power to survive, and here's where people like to say that being without his friends makes Noctis appreciate them. But I think being without his friends actually makes Noctis realize that he HAS to continue on without them, that his destiny still needs to happen with or without his friends and family surviving to see it. He's starting to accept the true burden of being a leader.
The scenario before he enters the Crystal has him needing to choose between fighting with his friends or possibly leaving them to die in order to fulfill his Calling. Ardyn taunts him with this choice, calling him selfish for abandoning his friends.
Ardyn himself never learned the lesson of sacrifice, which started the entire problem in the first place. As a healer, he refused to accept the deaths of others, and thus kept taking more and more Scourge into himself rather then letting a single person be sacrificed, even to the point where it would damage the future envisioned by the Gods. While we're obviously supposed to regard Somnus as the other end of the extreme; sacrificing people pointlessly for his own gain, I don't think we are supposed to view Ardyn's refusal to sacrifice anyone as a good alternative either. A good leader is supposed to know when and how much to sacrifice for the good of the nation, so when the Crystal rejects Ardyn it's because he hasn't learned how to sacrifice.
So we get to the timeskip, Noctis baked in the Crystal and now he's all done and ready to accept the true burden of being King. No turning back, no preventing his bros from sacrificing their own lives for the effort, no changing his mind about whether it's "worth it" or not. Noctis finally learned the burden of sacrificing for the future, one that he won't get to be a part of.
Originally, the Lucis Caelum line was meant to be a sect that worships Etro, Goddess of Death. Some remnants of the story still show this, what with the Ring of the Lucii requiring blood sacrifice or at least a sacrifice of lifeforce in order to gain its power, the theme of skulls and the significance of the colour black for the royal family.
All this long rambling is meant to say is that FFXV is a story about the main character learning how to accept the burden of noble sacrifice and not really about a lazy slacker learning how to stop whining and appreciate his friends.
source: www . reddit . com/r/FFXV/comments/ol3te6/spoilers_for_the_entire_game_what_noctis_learned/
comments :
Noctis's lesson is also exemplified when he has to encourage his own dad to deal the final blow that sends him to the void. It mirrors Noct's own reluctance, and the choice to push onward anyway, when the sacrifice feels too great to bear. It solidifies the fact that he deserves his seat on the throne.
I agree overall, though I'm also inclined to think that sacrifice itself is intended to throw value judgments into the starkest possible relief by demanding the loss of a lesser good for the sake of a greater good.
Regis makes the astoundingly vast sacrifices that he does because the salvation offered by the Chosen King is the greatest available good. And it takes Noct a long time to understand that because his value judgments are off -- he can't bear being responsible for the loss of an individual even if the alternative is the loss of every individual.
And yes, I think that Noct's choice to let his friends hold off the daemons while he went ahead to reach the Crystal is the point where he truly understands what's required of him... and that it is a very effective reflection of the difference between the point he had finally reached and Ardyn's continuing rejection of that dynamic.
One interesting thing about Ardyn is that he is willing to sacrifice others for his plans, but his value judgments are still really wonky. He went from valuing individual persons to such an extent that he risked being completely ineffective to valuing nothing but himself and his own desire for revenge. Somnus' value judgments are wonky, too, of course, because he over-values his own ambition.
As for the ultimate conclusion of Noct's growth, he develops a quiet confidence in his value judgments that allows him to take risks and accept sacrifice without second thoughts. ("A king pushes onward always, accepting the consequences and never looking back.") Just before he ascends the throne, his friends have to stay behind to cover for him again... and he doesn't think twice about allowing them to fulfill their duty by doing so. Then he willingly endures an agonizing self-sacrifice knowing that doing so will bring about the much greater good of the world's salvation.
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
Hello. Thank you for all your all post and analysis. I LOVE LOVE your mind. I'm new to BTS and all the skinship was confusing to me. I blame heavily edited YT videos and my own definition of what a committed relationship should look like. I have 2 small questions. 1) How can anyone resist Park Jimin? Once you Jimin you can't Jimout is real... 2) Do you see any of the other members being a temptation to JK or JM this far along in their relationship?
Woke is what you are. And you are right about most shippers making a big deal out of skinship. It can be confusing especially if you have no idea the difference between conventional shipping and alternative shipping.
Honestly, it's cute and I don't see anything wrong with that as long as that is not the basis for determining if two people are in fact LGBTQ plus and in a relationship with eachother.
Any member being a temptation? As in Jikook being attracted to any other member besides eachother?
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Sorry. That was a good one. Lol.
No but seriously, all the boys are handsome and attractive and have qualities that are equally legitimate and attractive. So I guess in that regard, any of them can be a temptation to Jikook?
I mean they are human...
But for anyone within the group to be deemed a threat or temptation to either of Jikook they must possess not just looks but qualities that are absent in either of Jikook that results in an emotional need that Jikook may want to look else where for the fulfillment of such said need because the other couldn't meet them.
They must be fulfilling a need that either of Jikook cannot and have not been fulfilling in each other.
I haven't seen Jimin or JK express the least sexual interest or romantic interest in any of member besides each other in that regard.
I've not seen them demand emotional fulfillment from the other members the way they demand emotional and physical fulfillment from each other either.
Whatever needs they have, they fulfill it for eachother and where the other person falls short I see them negotiating and bargaining until those needs are met.
What I mean is, Jimin wants JK to be the one to meet all his emotional, sexual needs and he often negotiates with JK till JK fulfills them. Jk does this too. Isn't that what I said had been going on between them? Jikook asserting themselves against each other?
Jk not wanting to hide their relationship, Jimin wanting the Kumbaya of the group, yadda yadda yadda?
They don't allow the others to fulfill their needs nor do they use others to fulfill their needs. Nor do I think the others can fulfill their needs. Especially when the others for the sake of the longevity of their careers would rather they hide their relationship when hiding is the last thing JK wants?
No one in the group is a temptation for JK. No one. LMHO.
They are eachother's romantic and sexual awakening as I've said several times and that I feel is sacred to them too- especially JK who is a hopeless romantic.
Jimin has said he wants the person he falls in love with to be the only one for the rest of his life- I think that's the bell that sold JK. Lol
Jimin has said his ideal partner is a cross between JK and RM- RM because of his intelligence and ability to have deeper conversations about a broader range of topics I believe.
But funny enough, RM is the one member JM has expressed the least romantic interest in. I mean did you see his face when RM bit off food and placed it back in its box? This is the same dude that ate a cake JK blew his nose on- nasty ass but only for JK. Bless him.
Then I've seen JK drool over Tae's body? I'm not talking about the new Jersey VLive where he was touching Tae's chest and biceps. No, no, no, no- this is worse.
Remember that wet photoshoot they did? Dude leggit yeeted JM out of the way so he could have a better view of Tae's wet back emerging from the pool with his wet shirt clinging to his chiseled back- if I remember correctly. It's in Taekook sexual tension edits find it.
Plus he also seem to have a fetish for RM's thighs? Chileeee. These boys are weird as fuck. Lmho.
While others may see all these and yell gay, cheater and other slurs born out of nothing but insecurity, I've been around boys enough to know it's typical of men.
We are being exposed to the intimate inner workings of male masculinity and masculine behaviors and interactions in a way most people just aren't privy to in their day to day encounters and that can be a bit confusing for most people.
Truth is men do admire each other's bodies a lot especially aspects of the male body they want to have in order to appear equally masculine and attractive.
Masculinity is the sum of traits that make men feel like a man- having a dick is not enough apparently. No shade to dicks. But men want to look a certain way, speak a certain way and appear a certain way.
JK is a man too, wants to be seen as a manly man as RM has said. So of course he is going to admire other features in other men.
But how are we going to joke about JK packing and bench pressing after Jimin admired another idol with hyperbolic masculine traits and then fail to see how Jin's broad shoulders, RM's thighs or Tae's biceps would be features JK would equally want to have too because those features are deemed attractive in typical masculine men? Something he wants to be seen as?
As a queer person I find men and this whole masculinity business exhausting. But as a girl, I admit we do it too. Big boobs, snatched waist, phat ass while being skinny- can't relate but I want it if it will get people off my back. Naa, just kidding. Y'all fat phobic bunch can kiss my ass.
Seriously though, imagine being told you are a lesbian and attracted to a girl simply because you find another's girl's nails as fab. To men that's what it is.
Women express their femininity through their looks, the hair, makeup, nails, bags, heels etc. Men do the same with their six packs, chiseled jaw, broad shoulders, Gucci belts and others too.
I think it's bizzare to associate a person's expressions of femininity or masculinity with their sexuality. It's really weird.
My point is, as strange as these things JK does may seem, they are also very typical behaviors of the Male species.
And so to me when JK is doing all that I'm not going damn he wants to jump Jin's bones, I'm thinking wow so that's a quality he wants to have too- good for Jin.
That's not to say when JK is clutching his groin region while watching JM dance that he wants to have lean muscles like Jimin too. Lol
Jikook admire eachother. But I find they admire eachother's work ethics, talents and skills rather than their expressions of masculinity. Jimin's masculinity is not exactly something JK admires or want to be nor does JM want to be JK or appear as masculine as JK.
Often if you find them checking eachother out it's because they want to jump eachother's bones. In my opinion. Bless them.
In the their earlier dynamics, before 2016, I find that was the phase they were exploring and experimenting with their sexuality in my opinion and so the lines looked a little blurry- for both of them: Jimin with his dark eyeliner, hypersexualized persona and come hither look. JK with his hyperactive alertness to judgement magnifying his inner inhibitions thus making him appear most times passive to others' sexualization of him *cough cough- if you know you know* which I feel he sometimes lowkey enjoyed and at times partook in or initiated- definition of Stock Holmes. Lmho.
Pre 2016 was wild. BTS back in the day were wild and dangerous- sneaky hormonal teenagers. Bless them. But they have since outgrown that phase and any substantive relationship post their teenage era has been formed and solidified.
Thus any sexual entanglement can and will have serious consequences on the groups dynamics so I honestly don't think they even let their minds wander there to be honest.
That being said, again they are human. But I really don't think or see them as attracted to anyone within the group besides eachother- not emotionally, not physically.
Jimin I believe is JK's ideal man and partner and I don't see anyone similar to him in any way that can be tempting for JK. There's only one Park Jimin.
Jk is equally Jimin's ideal type. I just think he thinks there's more room for improvement there and JK seems bent on doing whatever it takes to be that person for Jimin.
As for Park Jimin, we don sold our souls to an androgynous she devil. Not that I'm in a hurry to free myself. *Wink, wink.
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abduct-me-helen · 4 years
Class 108's Apocalypse Field Trip | Chapter 1.
The world ended on a Tuesday. Quite suddenly, halfway through class. After the sky split open and green light bathed the earth, things changed. Some lived.
Some didn’t.
Class 108 stayed together, for the most part. They took up a base in the school, and boarded up the windows and doors.
Sydney was the one who first learned they didn’t need to eat. Other revelations of that sort followed. Sleep was not needed, nor was water. Air seemed to be, though, as they learned after Cal passed out from holding their breath.
The first one to die was Cú.
They don’t talk about Cú.
Of course, some things are unavoidable in the end. Logically, Sydney knew it was only a matter of time before something managed to slip under the cracks and they’d all get killed; god knows they’d narrowly scraped by enough times to be considered cosmically lucky. Tabitha had been spreading rumors, as was her nature, about the school itself being sentient, trapping them inside with false promises of safety.
On the worse days, Sydney believed it.
Sydney stepped into the classroom slowly, craning her head to where Tabitha and Rosie were explaining their theories. She didn’t know which theories, but she’d heard most of them by now.
“G’morning.” She said.
It was night.
No, she thought, the sky is dark, but that doesn’t mean it’s night.
Rosie gestures towards a desk, and she avoids the chair toppled over at her feet as she sits down on top of it. She takes not of who else had decided to attend this “session” of theirs today. There are 12 students left out of the thirty who had originally made up the class. Ten of them had disappeared after running away from the school in shock after the eye in the sky had first opened. They hadn’t been in homeroom during the “blink,” which is what they’d taken to call the eye opening, and hadn’t seen any teachers since that day.
She remembered it vividly.
Ms. Bruis had tensed, eyes wide in shock, before telling them to calm down and stay indoors. She immediately went outside the room to check on everyone else.
That was the last time they’d seen Ms. Bruis, but not the last time they’d seen her face.
Besides the initial chaos, there wasn’t anything attacking the school. It was just shouting and screaming and running. Sydney had stayed in the classroom, clumsily trying to close the blinds on the window.
People just, left. And they didn’t come back.
The first venture was when they lost Cú. She doesn’t like to talk about him, never mind think about him. Nonetheless, her mind often drifts towards his death.
It was about four hours after the chaos. People had been nearly sucked out of the building, teachers included. The only ones that remained were the thirty students of 108.
Sydney didn’t know why they were the only ones to remain. She still doesn’t now.
The students decided to have a short party go out and scout. Sydney, Katie, Cú, Tabitha and Rosie. Four survived, one did not.
Rosie was always the thinker of the group, and as such she took the front. Katie was chosen for her seemingly nonchalant disposition to going, and Tabitha for her mind, which was always going too fast and often arriving at far-out conclusions. Despite this, she was a quick-witted person and had been selected for her dexterity and speed. Cú was selected for his physicality. He was a teddy bear, but a strong teddy bear.
It didn’t save him in the end.
And Sydney, well, she was cautious. She wonders if she could’ve saved Cú if she’d been just a little bit wearier.
They wandered a few blocks before hearing the sound of skin and bone splitting. Tabitha immediately ran toward the sound, as was her nature. The rest, Rosie at the lead, followed, hiding behind a corner.
Katie didn’t make a face, but even she was visibly pale.
When the sound came again, louder, and a creature made of wet flesh and twisted muscle stepped out of the alleyway, she became practically white.
Sydney retched. She’s not ashamed to admit it, you would’ve too. Anyone would’ve retched if they saw that sight.
It got worse.
“Hello?! Someone! Help me, please!”
It was Ms. Bruis-no, it looked like Ms. Bruis.
Cú ran. He dodged the creature, running to Ms. Bruis and starting to try to pick her up off the ground, before he noticed she was rooted to the cement. His eyes widened as blood ran down her face
She smirked.
Sydney will always remember the flash of teeth before she plunged her hand-no, her claw-into his stomach. He made a choked sound before the creature bounded back over and ripped his jaw clean off.
They ran. They ran. They ran.
And then they came back to the classroom, and they wept.
There were more expeditions after that. They lost seven more after that, but in those ventures, they collected knowledge. This knowledge went on Rosie’s list, though it also doubled as a rulebook.
1. Some creatures can make copies of people you know in order to trick you. They don’t bleed, so your best shot at not meeting eyeball daddy up close is to yeet the fuck outta there//bold of you to assume I don’t want to meet eyeball daddy uwu//
2. Don’t trust meat. Ever. Meat comes alive. WE ARE VEGANS IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2018(?)
3. Don’t answer the door, even if you’re armed. No, Eric, we do not count your big muscles™ as a weapon.
4. If you MUST answer the door, don’t. You have been stopped.
5. A short section on the happenings of the places(?) known to us as “nightmares.”
Nightmares trap humans in these crazy places. We’ve only seen two, but they are extremely dangerous, and both encounters ended in casualties. They trap your mind and make you experience terrible things, and like the rest of the world (to our knowledge at least) don’t follow normal time or space rules. Basically, if you want to avoid a ,’ , |,’_’, you should not screw with that shit.
6. Always check with someone else before eating or drinking. Sometimes, your mind will play tricks on you and you won’t notice that you’re eating something…not good. Honor cal for their sacrifice regarding this matter (sorry cal)
7. Always shut the blinds. Eyeball daddy is watching you//YOU DID NOT NEED TO SAY THAT TABITHA
8. Don’t leave the building without consulting all of class 108.
9. Don’t read books that others haven’t read first, especially if it says it’s from the library of Jurgen LeitnerSTUPID IDIOT MOTHERFUCKING JURGEN LEITENER GOD DAMN FOOL BOOK COLLECTING DUST EATING RAT OLD BASTARD SHITHEAD IDIO//yes, Riko, we get it, but good point. Be Jared, 19.
10. Don’t invite anyone in.
“What are we on today?” Sydney asked.
“Tabitha’s on about the categories again.” Cal said.
“I really think it could work!” she said loudly. “Look, there’s consistencies in every single encounter we’ve had. Think about it. Remember what happened at the theater?”
Katie grimaced silently. “How could we forget?”
Tabitha ignored her. “The webs. Spiders and the rest of those insects are different categories. The wriggly silver worms are more like, bugs and wriggly things and judging from the infestation we had they all work together.”
“Like a hive?” Cal asked.
Tabitha nodded. “Exactly like that. Spiders are different though; you saw how many were crawling about during the amphitheater incident. And that whole thing was about control. All those people who were laughing…they, they were there. They didn’t want to do it! They didn’t want to laugh, you saw their eyes. They were being controlled. And when,” she paused, gritting her teeth, “and when Marcy died she was being controlled too. Puppeted.”
That’s two. Then we come to the next one, guns and murder and war and shit like that. Simple enough. But I think it has to be humans killing humans, because the thing that killed, killed Cú wasn’t like that. It was, it was different. I don’t know. I’ll get back to that.
“Then we have the cover up, or the anonymous things. Things like those little creatures that hide in your plates that you can’t notice are there until someone tells you. That’s why I’m confused, because I think the weird fleshy creature we faced was aligned with that but also with those meat things that broke Rosie’s leg. I don’t know how to explain it, but, ah. Sorry. I think they’re the same category.”
“I’ll humor you; can a thing be two categories?” Katie questioned her dully.
“I think so. Maybe it’s like colors? Really angry colors. They’re all separate, but the same because they’re all made of the same stuff. And they all blur together sometimes?”
“Yeah,” Katie snorted, “we’re being killed by really angry colors.”
Tabitha flushed. “Hey! It was just an analogy.”
Rosie seemed to be considering what Tabitha had said, before she looked up. “I believe you.”
“Y-you do?” Tabitha blinked, taken back.
Rosie nodded. “It makes sense. Really angry colors.”
“Really angry colors.”
A few hours-well, time was weird, but Sydney supposed it was hours-later, the class was doing yoga. Well, not “yoga” per se. They were beating each other on the head with torn up yoga mats.
“Hey!” Riko shouted as Tabitha tripped over her mat while chasing Cal. “Watch it! This is where I sleep!”
Tabitha stuck her tongue out and Katie snorted, not looking up from her book. Sydney wondered how she did that; Katie always seemed to have an astounding amount of situational awareness at all times.
“Real mature.” Katie groused.
Tabitha grinned, and Rosie smiled softly.
“I’M GOING TO MAKE YOU MEET EYEBALL DADDY!” she shouted to Cal, who’s eyes widened in mock fear.
“Oh no! The horror! OwO!” They said dramatically.
“Did they just say “OwO”?” Sydney asked in a deadpan. Rosie nodded solemnly.
“You ever wonder…” Sydney trailed off, the muffled shouting of their peers drowned out into the background.
“Wonder what?” Rosie tilted her head in question.
“What happened to Mr. Sims.”
“He’s probably…not with us anymore.”
“Yeah. Still, could you imagine? He was a bloody cryptid. He’d probably take all this with no sweat.”
“Maybe he’d give us concerts too.”
“Good ole Jonny D’Ville.”
Rosie snickered.
“You know how he always drew eyes everywhere? During tests?”
“Oh god, don’t mention that to Tabitha, I don’t need her going on about another conspiracy.”
Sydney grinned to herself and Rosie groaned.
“Well, I was thinking, maybe it was an omen.”
“An omen?”
“Yeah. I’ve never been spiritual really, but the worlds gone to shit so who knows what’s real. Maybe the Mayans were just a few days off.”
“Ah, the apocalypse calendar.”
A noise rang out from the entrance to the school, loud and imposing. Sydney’s heart started to thump wildly in terror.
They all shot up, and Katie got her switchblade out from her pocket. She was lucky enough to have it on her at the blink, and it was their best weapon.
Cypress shot inside the classroom silently, eyes wide, red curls bouncing. He clicked the door shut quietly, pale. “The others sent me. They’re hiding in place. I think we should just stay put.”
Rosie nodded, gesturing him to come over. She placed a finger over her lips in order to get them to stay silent, then nodded to Katie. Katie had always been gifted with really good hearing, and it had saved their assess more than enough times for Rosie to know that letting her try to hear who was at the door was the best safe bet for situation and the time being.
Katie closed her eyes, but after a quarter of a minute shook her head.
That’s when they heard it.
Sydney brought a hand to her mouth to clamp down a scream.
It was Cypress.
Eyes wide, she glanced over to Cypress, her Cypress, who’s expression was now glazed over. Was his skin always that waxy? Why was his hair so smooth? It looked like that of a dolls, curls made of softly bent plastic.
Katie saw the flicker of light before she saw the blade, and she lunged.
Her switchblade pierced his skin-no, his stuffing, with a sound akin to ripping a toy. It didn’t seem to stop this not-Cypress.
Oh god, Sydney thought, today is the day I die.
There was a sound like static now in the air, and the faint smell of burning. Sydney began to feel sick, almost lightheaded.
The door swung open, and Sydney whipped her head around to see Cypress, who was trailed by…Mr. Sims?
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pinky and the brain - s1e1: das mouse
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dejavu! have we been here before?
episode summary: brain concocts a hypnotic pancake recipe in order to hypnotise the surrounding population into being his loyal minions. however, one of the crucial ingredients is the meat of a specific type of crab, which can only be found in the reckage of the titanic.
the rundown:
we open with the mice attempting to blow their cage open.
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SENIOR PRODUCER: TOM RUEGGER. sorry about that, y’all, but the opening credits are in the actual show, now, so nothing i can really do about it. at least they seem to have a water bottle in their cage, this time, which is good.
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NEVER MIND I GUESS. IT EXPLODED. literally every frame there is a smear frame - again, nothing i can do.
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poor mousie go bomp. ):
apparently, the plan was less regarding explosive force, and more to set off a rube goldberg chain of events that completely disobey the laws of physics to end up picking the lock.
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it’s hard to convey without animation, but this spoon flies through the air and just straight up lands in the lock. it’s wild.
“ooo!” says pinky, watching this all impossibly unfold. “good one, brain!”
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“they’re all good ones, pinky.” we will never be free of brain’s face, it seems.
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as the mice wander along, brain tells pinky that tonight’s plan will "recieve the aid of legions of unassuming humans”, because he intends to hypnotise them all with the secretions of!
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“what, a frog?”
yes, a frog. apparently the frog sweats out hypnotic fluid. it is Filled With Peptides. (pinky’s response to this is “naaaaaarf”, which is very helpful.) after they collect this fluid, brain just needs to work out how to get thousands of people to ingest it.
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“like a giant pancake jambouree?”
“please, pinky, i--”
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so pancake jambouree it is. brain cooks pinky an experimental batch before he decides to release them to the masses.
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look at brain’s lil dress! and pinky has his tongue stuck out. everyone here is having a good time and it’s very cute. this is exactly what lori alexander wants marriage to be.
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pinky does briefly express his concerns that he might, yknow, be hypnotised, but apparently the concoction doesn’t attain Full Potency until he adds the meat of a fancy crab, and these are just test batches so he can work out how to hide the taste of the Frog Juice.
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it goes about as well as one would hope.
but never mind, eh? time for crab.
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turns out all the crab is stored in the titanic.
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still, brain is pretty convinced that they can just.... go down there and get it. look at his lil scheming face. pinky argues during today’s pondering segment that “there’s still a bug stuck in there from last time” (okay?) and brain cuts him off to insist that they GO DOWN TO THE DEPTHS OF THE OCEAN AND RAISE THE HULL OF THAT SORROWFUL SHIP.
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he does a gay little point and everything.
so obviously, they have to steal a boat.
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brain got one taste of crime from stealing that minivan, and it just never went away.
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“behold the alvin, pinky. our ticket to the ocean depths.”
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“look, brain! a baby sub on the front!”
“that’s the jason junior, pinky. an additional sub carried by the alvin for remote exploring.”
it’s an additional sub because there’s already one on this mission. (i sweat, watching the fbi draw their guns on me, and insist that i definitely meant submarine. what else could that be, right, guys?)
(the fbi put their guns down.)
anyway the mice steal the boat.
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in they go.
the first thing brain does is swap out his hat for one that he brought with him, and demand to be referred to as “captain brain”, so he is definitely someone everyone should take seriously.
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he just packed that specifically.
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the second thing he does is pull out his big map of the ocean and give pinky a whole bunch of co-ordinates to follow. “bowplans at 2-2-9, on my mark!”
“um, brain?”
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well that’s a bastard. brain blames “the sub club”, which i’m sure he knows a lot about BECAUSE HE’S REALLY INTO SUBMARINES, MR PRESIDENT, PLEASE WITHDRAW YOUR MEN
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and pinky works out that he can dislodge the wrench-- the submarine clamp??? the county council clamped their submarine for overstaying their welcome in the library submarine park???? - enough for them to make right turns, but not left. inconvenient, but doable.
but before they can set off, brain directs pinky to the radar console.
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this apparently stands for Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and is their special signal that they would use to trace their submarines for oceanographic purposes. brain requests that pinky randomise the signal so they’re not followed.
a difficult job? sure. good thing pinky is a trained sub operator with a good few years of experience.
.....you can literally see him operating the submarine a few pictures up. stop looking at me like that.
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with a few minutes of careful handiwork, pinky successfully scrambles the sub’s internal computation, and leaves it probably a little dazed and confused.
good thing ‘narf’ doesn’t actually mean anything, in this universe, apart from being one of pinky’s verbal tics?
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oh dear.
turns out that the CIA have found the submarine, and have realised that it is, for the most part, unidentified, apart from the letters NARF.
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“have you ever heard of jack mcguire?”
“captain, north atlantic. cold war nut. he was discharged-- always saying that when the enemy arrived, it would be with some mythical--”
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“nuclear attack readiness formation.”
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“the old man is concerned.”
“the president?”
“no, just some... random old man.”
so dearest “jonesy” (blonde) is instructed to track down jack mcguire in hopes to get rid of the submarine. because nobody can track down a sub like jack mcguire (hm) and “the boys want that thing terminated.”
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“you mean the pentagon?”
“no, my two boys, josh and aaron.”
meanwhile, at the sub club, brain plots their course for the titanic.
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see they’re here,
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and the titanic is there,
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but they can only make right turns, so what should be a two hour journey will take, by brain’s calculation,
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“seven months.”
“well. that’s a bit longer, then. isn’t it.”
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“are you jack mcguire?”
“who wants to know?”
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“the cia. got a job for you. there’s a sub in the water, and they want it terminated.”
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“so the boys finally saw it my way, huh?”
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“the pentagon?”
“no. josh and aaron.”
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“hold onto your newtons, desk jockey. we’re going sub hunting.”
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“how long have we been at sea, brain?”
“seventeen minutes.”
it turns out that pinky is so bored that if he doesn’t do something soon, he’ll die. please, brain. this is also me whenever i have to spend more than half an hour in the car.
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brain suggests that he tries to improve his pancake recipe, and pinky can try it out for him.
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pinky decides that actually, he’s busy, thank you very much.
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no dice.
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“i’ve got another reading”, says jonesy, in the meantime.
“4-6-0-0-5, bearing 2-2-7.”
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“they’re running the nautilus.”
“the what?”
“1943. german boat captain heinz grindelwald evaded destruction by running a circular course, based on--”
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“a nautilus shell.”
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“so we cut them off.”
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“whoever these guys are, they’re good. they’re probably plotting a missile trajectory at the oval office as we speak.”
meanwhile, pinky throws up.
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“well? any better?”
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i hope that answers your question, brain.
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“pinky! are you alright?”
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he does drop him immediately after pinky confirms that he is, indeed, still alive, but it was cute while it lasted.
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“why don’t you let me try making the pancakes yummy, brain? my mother fed us very well.”
“please, pinky. you’re practically the poster child for cheese whiz.”
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(he gets to make the pancakes.)
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because they have bigger problems now, presumably!
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that can’t be good.
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it wasn’t!
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and neither is that. brain laments that “someone is dropping death charges,” while pinky goes and shuts down the engine.
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the sub operator saves the day once again.
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“this is..... jacques cousteau.”
“really. can you prove that?”
“here, ze ocean is teeming with life. but everywhere, there are signs of man’s encroachment.”
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“darn! it is jacques cousteau!”
unfortunately pinky decides now is a good time to chime in with a “haha, nice cousteau, brain” so jack declares that his “little ruse will cost him.”
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“i must admit. i admire your skill. perhaps in another time, maybe we could have been friends. we are very much alike, you and i.”
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“i doubt that.”
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so mcguire fires another charge, and the mice go down. ocean mice! sink.
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“haha! yeah! we did it!”
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“i get no joy from the demise of another man.”
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(”take the jason hr on ahead full, mr pinky.”
“aye aye, captain brain.”)
this is a long episode.
still, now that they have a vehicle that steers properly, the boys seem to make it okay.
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“we should be approaching the hull of the titanic at any--”
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“yes, pinky. soon we will have the white crabs of the titanic, and then,”
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“about that recipe, brain, and, um, getting rid of that bad taste--”
“not now, pinky.”
“but brain?”
“just cut it out.”
“oh! aye aye.”
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so the mice bodge an air pressure mechanism to yeet the titanic to the surface. as you do.
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“but brain, the icky stuff--”
“i said cut it out, pinky.”
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the balloon expands, as balloons do, and the titanic wobbles a bit.
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“our journey is almost at at end, my friend! we release the air and propel the ship!”
that’s a very cute happy face!
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so brain does exactly that, and the titanic farts itself over to california.
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i’m not exaggerating.
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perhaps brain feels vaguely at home on the titanic. he has vague memories of being drunk out of his mind, and bathing in a sink. best not to unpack that.
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instead, he decides to crash it into acme labs. for the lols.
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the pancakes are jamboureeing. it’s very cute.
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jonesey and mcguire are here too! “nothing like a pancake jambouree after blowing up a sub, huh.”
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they’re dating now, i guess. i mean, i hope they’re dating. they should be.
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“as the hypnotic fluid winds itself through the minds of our friends, they shall return, happy and content to have us rule over them.”
“well isn’t that nice,” says pinky, in a very condescending manner. “narf.”
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“but tell me, pinky, about your pancake batter. how did you manage to hide the taste of the hypnotic sapo?”
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“well, the hypnotic stuff tasted terrible, brain. so like you said. i cut it out.”
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anyway this one goes to pinky because he is emotionally intelligent enough to A, understand sarcasm, and B, to know and/or remember what the plan was in the first place. perhaps he deliberately threw it out to make sure nobody had to eat bad pancakes? honestly, i don’t blame him. pinky, defender of the earth.
brain: 4 ½ pinky: 6 ½ outside influence: 10
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“here’s our course. heading 3-2-9, depth 100 metres, bowplanes at 15 degrees. any questions?”
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“um. if you could be any animal, what would it be.”
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“oh, i’d have to say a hawk, pinky,”
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“so i could soar through the sky,”
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“and grab tiny white mice in my claws,”
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“and feed them to my young.”
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“that’s just... weird, brain.”
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lovemychoices · 4 years
The Lost Prince - TRR AU [Liam x MC] Mini Series - Chapter 4
After being married for three years and unable to produce an heir, Liam and Riley are about to give up when Liam gets an unexpected news that changes his life forever.
Genre : Romance, Drama
Characters except my OCs belong to Pixelberry, I am just borrowing them
Word count : 2k ++ ish.
Chapter Summary: 6 months later
A/N : One more chapter to go and then an epilogue! Sorry I couldn’t put the keep reading option since I’m posting via phone. Anyways enjoy.
Warning : I’m rating this PG18 cause there will probably be PG18 stuff that’s going to happen in future chapters. So if you read this series you acknowledge that you are 18 and above.
Catch up with other chapters HERE
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6 months later...
The sound of the bustling staff parade through the halls of the Cordonian palace as they get ready for what was going to be a memorable day for the country. Liam sat in his office going through some proposals that required his attention before he had to get ready for tomorrow's big event and he was excited because it’s going to be Theon’s official debut as the crown prince of Cordonia.
When they first brought Theon to Cordonia six months ago, the press would not stop hounding them. Apparently someone tipped them regarding the King returning to Cordonia with his illegitimate son. Between retaking the paternity test as demanded by half the council and the couple trying to help Theon adjust to his new home, things weren’t as easy as they thought or at least it wasn’t at first. Luckily Theon adjusted quickly to his new life, he began to grow on Riley the more time they spent together and loved him like he was her own son.
4 months ago..
Riley sat in front of the dresser putting on her moisturizer, she smiled as she saw her husband's reflection in the mirror as he entered the room. “Is he finally asleep?”
“Yes, we didn’t even make it halfway through the story.” Liam replied, walking up to his wife giving her a kiss on the forehead. Riley lets out a soft giggle. “He must be tired from our picnic by the lake this afternoon, we had quite the adventure.”
Liam took her hand and kneels beside her, his head tilted upwards, eyes gazing into hers an adoring expression on his face. “Thank you, Riley.”
“You don’t have to thank me Liam, I love spending time with Theon.” She replied with a genuine smile.
Liam shook his head. “It's not just that, it’s for everything else. You’ve been so supportive of Theon and of me. I know it’s not easy helping raise someone else’s son.”
“To be honest Liam, I was afraid at first. I didn’t want to make Theon think that I was replacing his mother. I was afraid he might hate me because of that but it’s quite the opposite, he is a very sweet and kind boy just like his father. And I love him just as much as I love you.”
“You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that and I think Theon cares about you too. He wouldn’t stop going on about his time with you today.” He beams. “We’re both lucky to have you Riley.” Riley gave Liam a thoughtful look before broaching a subject that’s been on her mind for quite some time. “About Theon, I know we never talked about it because you probably just wanted to spare my feelings but I think you should speak with the council and declare Theon as your legitimate heir and the official crown prince of Cordonia.”
Liam’s expression is somewhere between surprise and joy. “Riley, I don’t know what to say. Are you sure about this? But what if we have a child someday?” Riley smiled, taking his hand and giving it a warm squeeze. “Then I will still stand by my decision, Theon will be the next heir of Cordonia. Also, I think it’s time we file the paperwork and make him an official Rhys.”
Liam beamed his heart filled with happiness at that moment, he scoped Riley in his arms and twirled her around, making her giggle. Liam gave her a kiss on the lips. “You don’t know how much hearing this from you means to me. How can I ever repay you, my queen?” She grinned mischievous at him. “I know one way you can start.” She gestured towards their luxurious king size bed. “As you wish my queen.”
Present day.
“Knock Knock.” A voice calls out from the entrance of the office door, Liam lifts his head and sees Maxwell peeking his head between the gap of the door. “Mind if we intrude for a little?” Maxwell asks beaming.
“Stop blocking the door Maxwell and go in already!” Drake growls, giving an eye roll. The two enter, Drake holding a bottle of whiskey in his hand while Maxwell saunters towards the bar cart grabbing a few glasses. The two take a seat opposite Liam. “Thought we could use a drink to celebrate.” Drake mentions as he opens up the bottle of whiskey and pouring it into the glasses. “Drake is that the vintage whiskey I got you for your birthday last year?” Liam questions him.
“Yup, only the best for special occasions.” He beams, taking a sip of the expensive amber liquid. “Where’s Leo? I thought he’d be here by now?”
“His flight got delayed but he and his family should be arriving at the palace in an hour.” He replies, giving both gentlemen a curious look. “Have any of you seen Riley?”
“I saw her with Hana, talking final preparations a few moments ago. Apparently Madeleine has been missing all day for some reason so Riley and Hana are picking up the slack.” Maxwell answers with a shrug. “We’ve been trying to call her all day but no answer.”
Drake snorts a laugh. “She probably heard Leo is coming and is trying to avoid him and Amara.” “I won’t fight you one that answers.” Liam chuckles, taking his phone on the desk to text Riley.
Liam : Hey is everything going ok? Drake and Maxwell told me about Madeleine suddenly being MIA.”
Riley : I have most things under control, by the way can you have Maxwell meet me and Hana at the east wing?”
Liam : Alright, I’ll let him know.I Love you my Queen.
Riley : I love you too my king.
Riley giggles at the text she got from Liam, even after all these years being married she still gets butterflies whenever her husband tells her he loves her. It was an hour past noon and Riley still had a lot of arrangements to take care of before Theon’s big day, things that should have been done by Madeleine had she not decided to suddenly go missing. Luckily for her she had friends who were more than willing to help her out.
“Riley, I’ve talked to the baker, they’ll have the cake delivered tomorrow two hours before the event and Olivia has just arrived, she’s going to meet us at the kings office.” Hana informs Riley as she saunters towards her beaming. “And I’ve talked to Bastien, he already has the guards stationed everywhere in case anything happens.”
Riley lets out a sigh of relief, looping her arm with Hana’s. “Thanks Hana and I’m sorry I got you roped into all this, especially since you’re in your last trimester.”
Hana chuckles gently placing one hand on her 8 month pregnant belly. “It’s fine, besides i could use some exercise. Now common, Maxwell should be waiting for us at the east wing right now.”
While Liam and Liam were hanging out at the king’s office and Riley, Hana and Maxwell were busy going through some last details, Theon was in his room at the kings quarters playing with his favourite stuffed lion.“Rwww!” He roars, jumping in front of his nanny. She acts surprised and gives an exaggerated gasp. “Oh no! A fierce lion is going to eat me, whatever will I do?”
“Lancelot the Lion isn’t going to eat you. He is here to protect from all the bad people. Lancelot the brave is what they call him.” He said, his expression stoic.
The nanny chuckles. “Well then, We must be really lucky to have him on our side.” Theon nods beaming then continues to run about the room with his stuff Lion. “Be careful young prince, we wouldn’t want any bumps and bruises before your big party tomorrow.” She reminds him, shaking her head then continues with her reading.
A little while later the doorbell to the quarters rings. The nanny closes her book and puts it on the side table before heading for the door, when she opens it and is greeted by one of the king's guards. “Package for the queen, his royal majesty requested I send it here.”
The nanny gives her an inquiring look, she’s never seen this one before, must be one of the new recruits that came last week. “I’m sorry I’ve never seen you before, where is Mara?”
“Mara is my senior, I am currently training under her and she asked me to bring this over while she runs something with Bastien. Something about the last security details before the big event tomorrow. Now if you don’t mind, this box is quite heavy.”
The nanny hesitates but nods and steps aside to let her in. “You can put it over there.” She gestures towards the white marbled island. The king's guard enters, placing the box on top of the island. “Is that all?” The nanny asks.
The king's guard takes one look at her, a wicked grin curling at the corner of her lips. “Actually there is.” She said reaching for the inside of her blazer and pulling out a gun with a silencer attached, shooting the nanny dead straight in the chest without another word. The woman sneered as she hovered over the nanny, watching as she lay on the floor lifelessly bleeding out. “Pathetic.” She scoffs, taking off her wig letting her real hair flow down her shoulders, she starts peeling off the silicone paste from her nose and cheeks. “Now onto the next business.”
She heads upstairs to where Theon’s room is located, when she opens the door she sees him still playing with his toy. He turns around when he notices her walking over towards him. “Hello Theon, would you like to play a little game?” She sneers, a glint of wickedness in her eyes.
Back at the king’s office, the two men were still seated with a glass of whiskey in hand chatting when Riley, Hana, Maxwell and Olivia entered the room. “Ah I knew the two of you would still be here.” Riley said as she sauntered towards her husband, leaning in to give him a soft kiss before turning to Drake. “I’ll have a glass of that if you don’t mind.”
Drake chuckles. “You sure look like you could use one.” Riley and Hana lets the men get up to speed on everything they have been doing since they found out Madeleine decided to go missing this morning for some “urgent business.” A little while later they are interrupted by a knock on the door. “Come in.” Liam states.
The door opens and in walks his assistant with his hand folded behind him. “Your majesty, Dr Suri is on the other line. She wants to have a word with you and the Queen.” Dr. Suri was the new gynecologist they started seeing a week ago. She was highly recommended by Hana and since they were going nowhere with their old doctor they decided to try this one. But no one except their friends knew about this. The doctor suggested that Riley and Liam have another test done to see if there was something the old doctor missed.
Liam gives a nod and the assistant walks out of the room. The rest of the gang give each other a knowing look. “We should head out, the two of you might want some privacy.” Drake mentions.
“No it’s fine Drake, we could use the moral support for whatever the result is.”
The couple give each other a comforting look before pressing the speaker on the phone. “Dr. Suri, it's King Liam and Queen Riley, are you calling about our results?”
“Yes, I’m sorry to bother both of you. I know our next appointment is not for another two weeks but I think this couldn’t wait. The two shared a worried look, Liam holding onto Riley’s hand giving it a comforting squeeze. Both hoping it was nothing serious. “Is it something we should be worried about?”
”Goodness nothing of the sort. The two of you are perfectly healthy, the reason I’m calling is because I found high levels of estrogen and progesterone in her majesty’s blood system. If you don’t mind could you send me a picture of the supplements you’ve been taking these past three years? Not the bottles but the pills inside them.”
Riley raised her eyebrow curious, the others also made the same expression. “Sure, would you give me a minute, I have them in my purse.” She quickly grabs her purse and takes them out from a small pill organizer then takes a clear picture and sends it to her doctor.
“I’ve received your photo.” She acknowledges. “And it’s as I suspected. Your majesty you’ve been taking birth control pills instead of folic acid this entire time.” An air of silence filled the room, everyone was shocked by the news. All this time Riley thought there was something wrong with her when there wasn’t it was the pills that were the problem but still she had to ask. “Are you positively sure doctor?”
“I am, I’ve been doing this for more than two decades and I can assure you these are birth control pills not folic acid. I suggest you speak with the person who was in charge of handling your medication.”
Liam and Riley share a knowing look. “Madeleine.” They mutter in unison. Madeleine was the one who was in charge of getting Riley’s supplements and vitamins. In Fact she herself insisted on it not even Riley’s assistant was allowed to get them. “I always knew that bitch couldn’t be trusted.” Olivia spat.
Suddenly Bastien barges into the room, starling everyone, a worried expression on his face. “Apologies for your majesties for barging in like this but something happened in the king's quarters.”
Liam jumps out from his seat, his heart racing. “What happened Bastien?!”
Bastien gives Liam a regretful look. “One of the staff went to the king's quarters to bring the prince his lunch and found the nanny laying on the floor in a pile of blood. She had been shot in the chest. And the prince, he is missing.”
TRR/TRH @charliejane-blog @dcbbw @hopefulmoonobject @cmestrella @pixieferry @lodberg @traeumerinwitzhelden @romanticatheart-posts @gnatbrain @the-soot-sprite @texaskitten30 @ao719 @desireepow-1986 @emceesynonymroll @jessiembruno @kinkykingliam @jlpplays1 @annekebbphotography @thecordoniandiaries @rainbowsinthestorm @jessiembruno @leelee10898 @cordonianroyalty @lauradowning29 @msjr0119 @janezillow @heauxplesslydevoted @cordonia-gothqueen @kacie-0156 @bebepac @queenjilian @sanchita012
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post-itpenny · 4 years
The Regret
A sequel to The Challenge.
Just as ridiculous as the first time. 
Dwight’s anxiety had skyrocketed to a level he never thought possible. Two trials after his run-in with The Legion and he had hardly slept, he couldn’t focus at all in trials, at the campfire he was always looking over his shoulder as if half expecting the masked teens to be right behind him.
Dwight adjusted his glasses as he made his way through the collection of tents and fragile structures that made up the survivors camp, coming to a small lean-to at the camp’s edge. Jake, like many of the vetran survivors, had plenty of time to gather the materials needed to make a more stable shelter. They never had to worry about rain but a warm place to sleep was still a luxury, Dwight had gone through enough nights sleeping by the fire without so much as a blanket to know this. He found Jake sitting outside the lean-to salvaging what was left of a beaten-up tool kit.
“I messed up.”
“I heard… Nea told everyone.”
Dwight sighed as he ran his hands through his hair, of course she told everyone.
“What am I going to do?”
Jake didn’t answer right away, instead taking the time to clean a few spare gears he had picked up somewhere. Dwight was used to this, he and Jake were two of the few that had been here the longest and understood Jake liked to take his time in answering; just as cool and level headed as always. Dwight once questioned Claudette why people didn’t see Jake more as a leader. Her answer was short- “he’s not meant for that pressure, that’s you.”
Jake finished his work, snapping the toolbox close before looking up at Dwight. “You and I both know the Legion has the combined attention span of a walnut. Keep low and give it a few trials, I garuntee someone else will do something stupid enough to outdo you.”
Dwight relaxed a little, Jake really did have a point.
The very next trial and someone really did outdo Dwight in level of stupid.
David King was running from The Huntress, as she threw a hatchet Feng screamed “yeet!” from behind and the killer just snapped. Pivoting on the ball of her foot and charging at the survivor with a speed Feng never thought her capable of. David panicked, Feng was on her third hook and he had to do something. David dashed ahead of the Huntress just as she threw a hatchet at Feng Min-
And David caught it.
Perhaps it was his previous life as a rugby player, or the power of adrenaline…. or maybe just pure dump luck. But David caught the hatchet by it’s handle, the blade inches from his face.
For once The Huntress was silent, staring open-mouthed in shock. David was surprised as well, looking at his wide-eyed reflection in the polished blade.
Feng however recovered quickly, dashing off without a second glance. The Huntress shook her head and yanked her hatchet free of David’s hand, taking off after the other survivor. Feng Min was hooked a few minutes later, David however didn’t come to his senses until the gonging of a bell triggered the endgame collapse. He and Adam being the only two to make it out that round.
That evening David’s catch was the only thing they could talk about. Truly legendary and what would be regarded by some of the survivors as King’s finest moment. The next day David was a part of the trial against The Nurse, the strange spirit seeming to regard the survivor with… uncertainty? It was very hard to tell what the apparition was feeling considering she wore a bag over her head and all. After a few minutes she seemed to make a decision-
And mori’ed him on the spot.
None of her usual soft regret came afterwards but Steve, who had been hiding nearby, swore on his ranger med kit he heard The Nurse rasp what sounded eerily like “yeet” before teleporting off.
When Dwight heard the story it was through Nea cackling about how The Nurse yeets herself around the map much to an annoyed David’s chagrin who was still struggling to get his breath back. Claudette fussing over him saying the killer really did a number on his windpipe.
Dwight chewed his nails, this wasn’t right, and he had a bad feeling it would get worse.
Two trials later and Nea was sneaking around Lery’s, with Nancy and Adam already dead it was just her and Tapp stuck with three generators. It didn’t help Nea was for once without a flashlight
She had just started working on a generator when spine chill went off. With no heartbeat she could only assume the killer, whoever it was, was either just out of range or had concealed themselves. Nea snuck away into the shadows, rounding a corner and climbing into a nearby locker despite her better judgment.
Nea held her breath, maybe it was Michael? He normally didn’t check lockers and she could get lucky. Unless it was-
“Boo!” Ghost Face laughed as he yanked open the locker door. Nea screamed and backed away only for the killer to grab her shoulder and pull her out of the locker. There was a bright flash and Nea found herself blinking away spots as the killer held up the screen of his camera for them both to see.
It was a picture of The Ghost Face and a panicked and confused looking Nea, the killer giving her a set of bunny ears.
“Yup, that’s definitely going on the wall.” Ghost Face chuckled, “ok Punk Rock you have two seconds.”
Nea was still trying to regain her sight, “wh-what?”
“One second.”
The survivor bolted, crashing into a stray gurney as she did so.
Nea probably wouldn’t have said anything except several copies of the picture were found on the log benches around the campfire soon after. They all laughed until Tapp asked the question of how the pictures got there.
The implications put them all on edge after that.
Dwight had become a nervous wreck, chewing off what was left of his nails as he made his way to one of the largest tents in the camp.
Nancy and Zarina had become instant friends over their love of investagative journalism. Nancy had been quick to begin documenting everything she could the moment she and Steve had first stepped into The Fog. She enlisted Jane to take every survivor’s testimony while she used every trial she was in to explore the nooks and crannies of the different realms to learn what she could. When Zarrina arrived these efforts were doubled. The tent served as a home base where their findings were stored and catalogued. Dwight, having never ventured inside before, was very surprised to see a map of each trial ground on display and an even larger map of The Fog half finished on a table.  
“These aren’t the normal maps,” he observed.
Zarina looked up from her writing with a grin, “correct!” Nancy had the idea to use a couple of the generator maps- along with a lot of observation- to make a detailed map of every trial. We found the totems, exit gates, and hatch don’t actually spawn at random! The Entity seems to like following patterns and will manifest these in a few choice locations.”
“No wonder you two find totems so fast!” Dwight gasped as he looked over the nearest map of Haddonfield in amazement at the detail. “So the larger map-”
“It’s a guessing game I guess,” Nancy chimed in. “We looked at how long it takes to enter a trial, what direction we were facing at the campfire vs. direction facing at the start of a trial, stuff like that. We could be wrong though… but we could also be right.”
Dwight looked at the maps in awe, then to the scraps of paper, stitched together notebooks, and folders that sat in stacks around the tent. It was all very impressive.
“Did you need something Dwight?”
Dwight shook his head, focussing again. “Y-yeah you guys have been taking notes on the killers yeah? H-have you noticed if-”
“They have been acting off yes!” Zarina grinned, grabbing three folders and flipping them open.
Inside were drawings Jeff had done of The Nurse, Ghost Face, and Wraith along with several pages on each killer.
“So yesterday Ash and Kate got back from a match saying The Wraith just followed people around ringing his bell the whole time. He even camped Yui after hooking her and rang that stupid bell in her face until The Entity came for her. Weird right?”
“Yeah I gue-”
“Then Nurse hardly says anything yeah? I think the most anyone heard was Nea who said the killer spent a whole match whispering some name over and over. Andy- Andr… I don’t know, Nea didn’t quite catch it. But what IS important is that The Nurse saying “yeet.”
“Though it was Steve,” Nancy pointed out, “he’s kinda dum-”
“But he is our only witness and no one has said that word in Nurse’s match at least in front of her AND she understood what it meant.” Zarina pointed out. “So with Ghost Face and the picture I now have a running theory.”
“What’s your th-”
“My theory is that perhaps just as the survivors can interact with each other outside of trials so can the killer’s! The Huntress must have said what happened in the trial with David-”
“So The Nurse got revenge?” Dwight questioned. “Why would she do anything?”
Zarina frowned, “first of all it’s rude to cut people off like that Dwight. But yes it may be that. My theory is that the killers are having a game of their own. Why else would Wraith and Ghost Face act so off?”
Dwight felt the bottom of his stomach drop out, “so would The Legion-”
“Sure why not,” Zarina reasoned with a shrug of her shoulders. “They’re a bunch of teenagers. Hell it might even have been their idea for all we know.” Zarina paused, as if she suddenly remembered something. “Hey Dwight, didn’t you-”
Dwight passed out again.
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ironwoman359 · 6 years
Our Own Villain Ch. 6
Prologue, Ch.1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch.7, Ch.8
(please look in the notes for a link to read on AO3. Tumblr’s current glitch makes adding external links to a post hide it from the search function)
Full Fic Masterlist 
 Word Count: 2,626
Summary: Maddie must make a choice...and may end up with more trouble than she bargained for. 
Pairings: Logicality, could be read as romantic or platonic.
Warnings: Food mention, please let me know if I need to add anything else!
Massive thank you to @theinvisiblespoon for helping me edit this and @a-valorous-choice for letting me yeet ideas into your dms! Love you both loads! <3
Patton wished, not for the first time that day, that he was dreaming. His mind was racing, and he found it suddenly very difficult to swallow as he stared at the poster in Maddie’s outstretched hand. He supposed most people would be upset to find their own face plastered onto a wanted poster, but oddly enough, that’s not really what bothered him. It was the handwriting, loping and elegant, yet bold and dramatic and so perfectly Roman’s that sent Patton’s heart plummeting into his stomach. He swallowed thickly, making a point to avoid looking at Logan. The last thing he wanted to see right now was the “I told you so” that would likely be flashing in his friend’s eyes.
He couldn’t stare at the poster forever though, so instead he turned his attention back to Maddie, and the expression on her face made his heart ache. Her eyes were narrow as she searched their faces, any semblance of trust they’d built with her gone. She was just a little girl, a child, she shouldn’t have to lurk in the streets just to survive and wonder if an act of random kindness would cost her everything. She wouldn’t even look so scared right now if it weren’t for them, and Patton felt a wave of guilt wash over him. He sighed, and resisted the urge to close his eyes and curl up into a ball. The last thing he needed was for this to start affecting Thomas on top of everything else.
“Enemies of The Crown...” Logan read aloud, his voice cutting through Patton’s thoughts. “So you are saying that both Patton and I are on these posters you’ve been asked to distribute?”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m saying,” Maddie replied, shoving the poster into Logan’s hands and quickly taking a step back.
“Kiddo, wait, just...just hang on for a—” Patton stammered out, but Maddie cut him off.
“The two of you come into town out of nowhere, have no idea about curfew or the guards or the Red Sun or anything, you say the guy I saw get taken to the castle by the soldiers is your friend, and now you’re...you’re Enemies of The Crown, or something?”
“I...no, we…” Patton struggled to speak, to somehow explain what was happening, but how could he, really? He barely understood what was happening in Roman’s realm anymore. He desperately wanted to believe that somehow Roman wasn’t responsible for all of this, but the handwriting on the poster was pretty clear. Roman had made that poster. Roman was offering 1,000 gold for Patton’s capture. Roman had just declared Patton his enemy. The thought made him feel like throwing up.
“Maddie, do you consider the crown to currently be in a good state?” Logan asked suddenly, catching everyone’s attention. The girl shrugged, still eyeing the two suspiciously.
“I dunno.”
“Well, you spoke of how the kingdom worsens whenever this Red Sun rises. Increased monster activity, more oppression from the government, an increase in traveling dangers, etc. So at its current state, would you say that The Crown is, in fact, a good thing?”
“I mean...I guess not, when you put it that way.”
“So we were declared enemies of something that you’d call bad, something that scares you,” Logan said patiently. “Doesn’t it stand to reason, then, that we would be the opposite?”
Patton glanced over at Logan, a small smile twitching at the edge of his lips. No matter what the situation, Logan always managed to impress him with his ability to assess things with a cool and level head. Patton had barely been able to stop thinking about Roman and what could have caused all of this in the first place, but Logan had been able to focus and give an answer that was simple, but still made sense.
“Yeah…” Maddie’s voice was hesitant, but there was less fear in her eyes now, uncertainty taking its place. “But...I don’t understand? You didn’t even know anything about this place. How could you be its enemy?”  
“It...is a long story,” Logan admitted. “But…” he glanced over at Patton, and Patton nodded at him encouragingly. “Suffice to say that we...Patton and I, that is...we know Prince Roman. So does our friend Virgil, the one who the guards took? The four of us...we are…” he paused, as if searching for the right word to use.
“We’re a family, Kiddo,” Patton supplied quietly. Logan nodded, and Patton’s spirits lifted ever so slightly.
“We are not from here,” Logan continued. “In fact, Roman himself...well, he created this place. We visit it sometimes, but not enough to know the intricacies of your politics or customs. Certainly, we have never before witnessed this Red Sun you are currently experiencing. And to my knowledge, Roman has never mentioned it, either.”
Logan looked to Patton, as if for confirmation, and Patton nodded. Out of the three of them, he visited Roman’s realm the most often by far, and he’d never once seen it as anything other than a cheerful, sunny paradise. Then again, Roman had never seen Patton’s room as anything other than the Nostalgia Nirvana that Patton was so careful to present whenever he invited the creative side over...was it that far of a stretch to say that Roman perhaps did the same?
“So...the prince created the whole kingdom? How, with magic?” Maddie asked, tilting her head to the side.
Logan opened his mouth, but Patton answered before he could get too in-depth about the inner workings of Thomas’s mind and Roman’s control over the imagination.
“Something like that, yeah, Kiddo.”
Maddie regarded them for a moment longer, then seemed to come to a decision.
“Well, if you’re not from here...maybe you should go. It doesn’t seem like he wants you guys around right now.”
“No,” Patton and Logan said in unison.
“We will not leave this place until we retrieve our friend,” Logan added.
“We can’t just leave him behind,” Patton said, glancing over at Logan. There was understanding in his eyes, and Patton felt some of the tension from earlier melt away.
“Get your friend…” Maddie repeated slowly. “From the castle dungeons. The most heavily guarded place in the kingdom, during the Red Sun, when everything is guarded way more than normal.”
Patton grimaced. When she put it that way, their chances of rescuing Virgil didn’t sound very good.
“We have no other choice,” Logan insisted. “Surely there must be some strategy that will grant us the upper hand.”
“Two of you against the entire royal guard during the Red Sun?” Maddie laughed. “There is no strategy where you would get the upper hand.”
“Falsehood. We just witnessed you face on an entire street gang single-handedly,” Logan pointed out. “Clearly it is not numbers that matter, it is technique.”
“I...all I did was throw a few rocks and run away.” Maddie fiddled with the pouch on her dress, running her fingers over the smooth pebbles she kept inside. “I’m honestly lucky they haven’t caught me yet.”
“Perhaps, though I would attribute it to a high level of experience and skill,”  Logan said matter-of-factly.
Maddie looked down at her feet, a shy but satisfied smile spreading across her face.
“I am serious,” Logan continued. “You were quite impressive in your methods. And between the three of us, I’m sure we can figure out a way. That is…” he hesitated, and looked over at Patton. After a moment, Patton nodded to him, and Logan turned back to Maddie. “That is, if you’re willing to assist us.”
“It’s your choice, Kiddo,” Patton added quickly. “It’s okay if you say no. But...well, like we said, Lo and I don’t really know a whole lot about this place.”
Maddie was silent for what seemed like forever, seconds stretching out as Patton waited with bated breath for her to answer. He glanced over at Logan, who was fiddling with his glasses. To an outsider, it was a seemingly innocent gesture, but Patton knew it meant Logan was also unsure. What would they do if Maddie said no? What if she decided to turn them in instead? What if–
Patton blinked. Had he heard her right?
“I’ll help you,” she added, and Patton released a breath. He looked over at Logan, who was clearly very pleased by her answer.
“Let’s do this, then,” Logan said, and Maddie gave a small nod.
Then, the three of them sat down in a circle and began to plan.
Maddie skirted the edge of the market square, nibbling on a warm roll she’d purchased with the few coins the castle steward’s errand boy had thrown her way. It hadn’t been much, certainly not a fair amount for an entire night’s work, but it was still the first time she’d had fresh food in days.
“Outta the way, you damned urchin!”
Maddie ducked away to one side, narrowly avoiding a collision with the large, gruff man shoving his way through the crowd. It was early in the morning, and people were packed into the main market square, buying their breakfast and beginning their work for the day. Maddie was no stranger to the crowds; she was fairly used to being in the square when it was this busy. In fact, it was usually the best time to find dropped coins, scraps of food, or if she was lucky, a kind matronly woman who would offer to buy her a biscuit, or an overworked apprentice who would happily shell out a few copper coins in order to have someone else run their errand while they caught a few more minutes of sleep.
But this was no ordinary morning in the square; this was a morning during the Red Sun. People all over the kingdom had opened their eyes at dawn, hoping to see a hint of golden light peeking through the clouds, only to be greeted by another day bathed in crimson and shadow. Shoulders were hunched, conversations were deprived of their usual cheerful small talk, and eyes were focused on the ground as people hurried about their day, doing their best to avoid looking up.
Maddie worked her way through the crowd, slipping past vendors and shoppers alike, keeping her eyes peeled. Usually, she would be scanning the ground, looking for anything worth scavenging, but today, her head was up, looking through the sea of legs for the flash of a familiar face in the crowd. Seth would be here soon for the morning rush. He was always one of the first to arrive, but Maddie beat him nearly every morning. It was the advantage of having a spot so close to the market, something she’d fought tooth and nail to keep. Something that, apparently, she was now willing to give up.
Just as the thought crossed her mind, she spotted him as he flashed through the crowd, his dirty face and unkempt mop of blond hair catching her eye. She wove her way towards him, ducking between legs and around stalls, reaching for a pebble from her pouch as she did so. Pressing her back up against a fruit stand, she waited until he paused to check for something on the ground before flicking the stone in his direction. It rolled to a stop in front of his feet, and his eyes snapped up, scanning his surroundings. His gaze fell on Maddie, and she tilted her head towards an alleyway before sliding into its shadows herself.
“Maddie?” he hissed as he edged in, looking around carefully. “What do you want?”
“Your pet castle servant. Where does he meet you?”
“Where does he meet you?” Maddie repeated urgently. “Is it in town, or one of the servants’ entrances?”
Seth narrowed his eyes.
“What’s it to you?” he asked, and Maddie sighed, running a hand over her face.
“Seth, just listen, I don’t have time for this. Do you or do you not know where the servants’ entrance to the castle is?”
“I- yes I know where it is, Maddie, why the hell are you asking?” “I need to know where it is. Can you show me?” Maddie pressed.
“Wait…” Seth leaned back and folded his arms, a knowing look on his face. “I know what this is about.”
“You...you do?”
“Yeah. You’re trying to make a cut into my errand earnings, aren’t you?”
Maddie groaned.
“No, Seth, I-”
“It’s not enough that you have the best spot next to the market, you want to try and sneak one of the more reliable jobs right from under my-”
“Seth, if you show me where the servants’ entrance is I will GIVE you my spot by the market, okay?”
Silence hung in the air between them, Seth staring open-mouthed at Maddie as he processed what she had just said.
“You...you’ll give me the spot?”
“Yes. All you have to do is show me where the servants’ entrance is.”
Seth thought about it. The work from the castle servant already provided him with more money than most, that combined with Maddie’s spot in the alleyway, close to the market and hidden from the gangs...it’d be the closest thing to security he’d get while living on the streets. Hell, if he played his cards right, he might be able to eventually get off the streets.  It was a good deal.
Seth frowned, eyeing Maddie with a renewed suspicion. It was almost too good a deal.
“What’s the catch? And don’t you dare say there isn’t one, there’s no way you’d offer a deal like this if there wasn’t a damn good reason.”
Maddie rolled her eyes.
“The only catch is on my end. If what I have planned works, it will have been worth it for me to give it to you. If it doesn’t, that’s my problem, not yours. You have nothing to lose here”
Seth mulled it over for a moment longer, then nodded.
“Okay then, you have yourself...a…” His sentence stuttered to a stop and his eyes went wide as he stared at something over Maddie’s shoulder.
“Wha-” Maddie started to speak, but was cut off as a huge pair of arms wrapped around her from behind, pinning her arms to her sides and lifting her off her feet. “What the- hey! Put me down, you big- mmph!”
The arms shifted and a large, sweaty hand clamped over her mouth, effectively silencing her.
“Run along now, if you know what’s good for you,” a familiar voice purred behind her. Maddie saw Seth bolt for the market square as her assailant carried her deeper into the alley, away from the prying eyes of the early morning shoppers “Now then…”
The leader of the Arachnids came around to face her with a grin, absently twirling his knife between his fingers. Maddie squirmed, but the grip of the thug holding her only tightened, constricting her breathing as he kept his hand pressed firmly against her mouth.
“You owe us, little fly, and it’s time to pay up.”
Maddie silently cursed herself for not thinking of saving some coins to pay the Arachnids with. A foolish mistake, which didn’t happen often to her, but then again, it only needed to happen once, right?
The hand over her mouth moved until it wrapped around her neck, the thumb and forefinger pressing just a bit too tightly her windpipe. Maddie’s heart pounded against her ribcage, and she fought the sudden impulse to swallow. The message was clear: You can talk, but scream or call for help and you’ll regret it.
“I don’t have money,” she said as clearly as she could manage.
“Oh, that’s alright.” A grin spread across the bandit leader’s face, and he held up one of the wanted posters with Logan’s face on it. “You have something better, don’t you?”
A/N: Hoo boy, what a wild ride that chapter was to write! I’ve been insanely busy in my personal life, and have had major writers block on this story, so I’m so happy to finally have the next installment out .Thank you all so much for your patience on this fic, I hope you enjoyed the other fics I posted in the meantime between updates! Hopefully next time it won’t be 5 months between updates, haha. 
Because of Tumblr’s current glitch where adding external links to a post hides it from the search function, I will be posting the link to my AO3 and ko-fi page in a reblog of this, along with my taglists (so y’all who are tagged will see the links and jazz right away). Thank you all so much for your likes, reblogs, comments and kudos, they really mean the world to me!  -Taylor <3 
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nny11writes · 5 years
ALL of your Ahsoka headcanons
Canon AhsokaHeadcanons
Because I have severalcontradicting headcanons, I’m trying to keep things contained to what wouldactually be likely versus what I enjoy headcanoning for Ahsoka as a character.I think anyone can headcanon anything about characters, and no one can say they’rewrong. Just, to make it easier for me I’m going to focus on things I think are morelikely true in canon instead of things I can’t prove/explain (clutching my newlyfound togruta have worse eyesight than humans and are “color blind” head canonto my chest y’all). There are probably things missing since I had to kind of blind search for these (my brain often needs a reminder before I remember I think something about something else lol)
I think canon Ahsoka is aromantic. She feels stronglytowards Lux and /tries/ to make that work but doesn’t really get it. She justknows that she cares a lot about him and isn’t that probably love? It’s alsowhy she gets catty with Steela, Ahsoka thinks she probably should be butrealizes that it’s kind of silly. Once she stops trying to act the way shethinks is expected, Ahsoka finds herself much more comfortable with them.
 Ahsoka feels awful that she was being purposefullystandoffish and weird with Steela, she feels like she wasted time that couldhave been spent with her friend. I think this is a bit of a wake up call momentfor Ahsoka in the war as well. That her friends can die at any moment, and sheshould make the most of being with them while she can.
 I think young Ahsoka had a sense of invincibility, which iswhat made her engage Grievous, go to the Citadel, and do many, many recklessthings. Post Order 66 I think Ahsoka has that falsehood torn away violently,which is why she becomes so much more cautious leading up to Raada.
 Ahsoka believes the ends justify the means. This mind set isdangerous and often leads her to act coldly or even cruelly. I think Ahsoka inthe Forces of Destiny short where she fought Ezra is a perfect example of this.That boy is traumatized, has trust issues, and doesn’t really know her. Ahsokayeets his crystal into the stars knows where and those strikes, whilecalculated, are still aimed to hurt or kill. Ezra looks panicked, and I thinkhe believes Ahsoka might actually hurt him to make a point. This all gets sweptunder the rug because he gets the lesson and they laugh. This was A TERRIBLETHING TO DO TO A CHILD, it was manipulative, a scare tactic, and possiblyabusive (not sure if there has to be any length before something is technicallyabuse). Ahsoka gets away with it and it’s framed as an ok thing, but it’s not.
 I think that Ahsoka gets a lot of passes for her shittybehavior in universe because she is skilled, competent, people who know her(see Bail post Order 66, but Anakin/Obi-Wan/Plo pre Order 66) know she hastrauma, and these same people know she meant well. It made her a brattypre-teen, and a show off as a teen. As an adult, this just fed into herfeelings that “she was doing what she must”.
 Ahsoka is deeply religious, and while no longer a Jedi shestill practices her faith. I think since leaving the Order her faith has gottenstronger but also narrowed. I don’t think she’s beyond listening to people andadjusting accordingly, but I think she uses her faith as a shield fromconsequences and as protection, and as something to have hope in. It’scomplicated and as I’m not religious I don’t think I can really explain in thebest way what I mean by this all.
Ahsoka doesn’t think she’s responsible for Anakin’s fall.She feels guilty because if she had noticed, maybe she could have prevented it.If she hadn’t, Ahsoka often feels like she could have stopped him somehow. Or atthe very least helped more Jedi escape the slaughter.
 Ahsoka is a near obligate carnivore. She doesn’t need to ONLYeat meat, and in fact having grown up in the upper rings of Coruscant she doesn’tlike or want raw or undercooked meat. Having grown up with the Jedi her dietwas healthy and balanced, and heavy on the veggies and fruits so Ahsoka eats evenless meat than the average person. This has done nothing to hinder the factthat Ahsoka /does/ enjoy hunting, or if she’s in dire straits Ahsoka will chokedown insects, raw/undercooked meat, etc.
 Ahsoka can fall asleep anywhere thanks to her time in theGAR, she can even sleep standing up. This would be much cooler if she didn’talso have nightmares and insomnia hindering her. She’s become more of a take anap here and there person instead of getting healthy sleep.
 Ahsoka cares/cared about the Clone Troopers. But she alsonever saw their production and use in the war as enslavement. Ahsoka came froma sheltered and privileged life (in many regards), I just don’t think she knewenough about the world to make those connections. Post Zygerria, maybe, but Idoubt it.
 I don’t think Ahsoka was particularly close to the clones ingeneral, nor they to her. I think she made strong bonds with some of theTroopers (clearly, I’m looking at you Rex and the rest of torrent, bluesquadron get over here), but despite how I wish she and the troopers were superclose…they weren’t. Between having a busy ass schedule, being naïve, and beinga bit bratty I don’t’ think Ahsoka made the effort she could have. And Trooperswould /never/ make the first move towards friendship. That was trained out ofthem.
 Ahsoka is a workaholic. I don’t think she knows what to dowhen she has down time, often using it to practice or talk to people. When she’solder this goes hand in hand with her terrible sleep. It’s part of what madeher such an important player to the Rebellion, Ahsoka works hard and fast anddoesn’t take time in between to rest. She just goes to a different part of thegalaxy to let the last area she was in cool off.
 I don’t think Ahsoka forgave Anakin, or ever will forgiveAnakin, for becoming Vader. Ahsoka is willing to reach out if she thinks there’sa snowball’s chance in hell, but Anakin proved that there wasn’t to her. Ithink ironically, while meeting on Malachor opened a chink in Vader’s armor thatLuke was able to fully capitalize on, I think it also built up the armor aroundAhsoka’s heart. So I don’t think a meeting with Anakin’s ghost would go well.At all. She takes betrayal VERY personally, for pretty good reason.
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