#also my feet have never EVER been this tired im so glad i only brought my most comfy shoes
acebytaemin · 1 year
madrid museums are fucking SICK there’s a temporary exhibition on the occult in the thyssen-bornemisza museum and it’s got themes like demonism astrology dreams prophecies etc and the descriptions next to the paintings are so well made and interesting i want to live here
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ericsonclan · 3 years
A Romantic Holiday
Summary: Clementine and the others get ready to celebrate Valentine's Day with their significant others.
Word Count: 1000+
Read on AO3:
Start from the beginning:
“All I’m saying is that a movie and cuddling is a totally valid way to spend Valentine’s Day,” Brody looked back at her friends who all nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, it totally is,” Clementine walked up beside her auburn friend and gave a smile.
“Nothing wrong with that,” Louis jogged forward, immediately intertwining his fingers with Clementine’s. With a gentle sway their joined hands began to move back and forth. Louis’ bright smile faltered when he saw the look on Brody’s face. “Unless you don’t want that to be your Valentine’s Day evening.”
Brody’s eyes grew large for a second before she looked down at her shoes. “It’s stupid. It’s not like Mitch or I have the money to blow on a fancy Valentine’s Day,” Brody gave a sigh. “But I would be lying if I said I didn’t want something more romantic.”
“Then tell him,” Violet’s eyes met Brody’s when she glanced up. “Mitch is a dumbass but he also really likes you so he’d want to make you happy,”
“Violet is right,” Prisha smiled over at Brody. “If you communicate with Mitch then perhaps you can find a romantic date idea that isn’t pricey,”
“Yeah, you guys are right,” Brody gave a shaky sigh then proceeded to take a few deep breaths. “So what are your guys’ plans for Valentine’s Day?”
“A carriage ride through a park. With the snow and each other it will be magical!” Louis pressed a kiss to Clementine’s cheek then spun her around once as a surprise before the two rejoined the group who stopped to wait for them.
“Violet and I are recreating our first ever date and going stargazing with tons of blankets of course,” Prisha wrapped her arms around Violet then looked down at her with a loving smile.
“That all sounds amazing. I just wish I had an idea of what I wan-”
“Well if it isn’t Prisha!” a voice boomed from a short distance in front of them. Brody looked as well as the others, curious who had cut the conversation short. A fairly tall man with a thick, gray, full beard walked forward with a happy smile. Based on his uniform and hat it was clear that he was the sheriff. His jaw was set in such a way that it gave him an aura of sternness but based on the crinkle of joy in his eyes it was clear that he was a good man. “I haven’t seen you in forever.”
“Sheriff Kenny! What a pleasure to see you. What are you doing on campus?” Prisha smiled over at Kenny before a realization struck here. Violet was still within her arms, a sight she wasn’t sure how Kenny would take considering that the only ones who knew of her orientation were the group of friends she had now. Kenny studied Prisha and Violet for a moment. Violet’s grip on Prisha’s arms remained as constant as always as she shot over a pointed look at the sheriff who remained quiet for a few seconds. Violet continued to look at the sheriff with a protectiveness in her eyes until he spoke up.
“I didn’t know you had a girlfriend. Good for you,” Kenny tipped up his hat and gave a casual smile.
“Thank you,” Prisha held Violet closer. Violet noticed that Prisha’s tension had lessened quite a bit before it flared up again. “My relationship with Violet, my father...” Prisha’s voice trailed for a second.
“Don’t worry, I won’t go shooting off my mouth about anything. I’m just glad to see you happy. Damn, you sure have grown. I remember the days you would run around the station and pretend to find clues with a copy of some Sherlock Holmes book tucked under your arm,” Kenny’s recounting made Prisha grow embarrassed as she listened to the sheriff share story after story. Louis, Clementine and Brody seemed to be enjoying hearing all these stories that Prisha was sure would be brought up again and she noticed that Violet was also having fun hearing stories about Prisha from before they met.
“Anyways, I’m talking your ears off and I haven’t even asked for any of your damn names.” Kenny sighed apologetically before his eyes focused on Louis for a second as if he had recognized him somehow. “My name’s Kenneth Callaway but you can just call me Sheriff Kenny.”
“Nice to meet you, sir. My name’s Louis and this lovely gal beside me is my girlfriend, Clementine!” Louis smiled over to Clementine who returned it.
“Guess I’m next, I’m Brody,” Brody had a nervous expression on her face, likely due to a mixture of it being a first meeting and that the person she was introducing herself to was the sheriff.
“Nice to meet you all. I picked up on your name already,” Kenny looked over at Violet who gave a short nod.
“Well then, I shouldn’t be taking up any more of your time,” Kenny tipped his hat then turned to leave until a voice called out to him.
“Dad! I didn’t know you’d be on campus!” A young man with short brown hair strolled forward, his pinky intertwined with a person with hazel eyes.
“Hey there, Duck! I was just here to take a look around campus since so much has been going on here lately. Then I ran into Prisha and-”
“Prisha is here!” Duck’s eyes immediately lit up and slipping his pinky free he ran forward. In an instant Prisha was wrapped into a tight hug. “I was hoping I’d see you around campus ever since I started this semester.”
“Duck, you’re hugging me a bit too tight,” Prisha wheezed out before giving an appreciative smile once Duck had let go.
“So, still being a great detective as always? Are you working towards that degree to become a superhero?” Duck smiled brightly at Prisha.
“Well, I’m just becoming a lawyer, not a hero.” Prisha looked away, slightly worried that her eyes or her friends’ would show some sort of sign that they were in fact superheroes.
“Eh, it's basically the same thing!” Duck placed his hands on his hips before a flicker of realization appeared. “Oh, that’s right! I’ve never introduced you to Oakley before!”
Duck ran back and stood beside the person that had been walking with him. They seemed to be completely lost in the simple joy of letting snowflakes fall on their tongue. A small smile was on their lips as a snowflake right on the tip of it.
“This is Oakley, my paramour!” Duck grinned brightly as his pinky wrapped around Oakley’s once more. Prisha’s eyes grew large at that word while Kenny gave a tired groan.
“Son, you could use another word,” Kenny looked over at Duck who shrugged.
“It works for us,”
“But you’re referring to Oakley as your illicit partner. Do you see the issue with that?” Prisha looked at her friend who brushed it off.
“It would be an issue if someone else used it like that but this is different. Anyways, wanna say hi, Knox?”
Oakley stopped in their task for a second then moved their eyes to look at the group. “Hi,” Without another word they soon returned their attention to the sky. Duck didn’t seem to mind though and instead began to get everyone’s names. Soon it was his turn to share old tales involving Prisha: how they would pretend to be heroes around the station and such until one day she had left for Chicago and the two hadn’t really kept in contact until now.
After a while Kenny cleared his throat. “Well, we should be getting out of your hair,” Kenny patted Duck’s back to make sure he got the message too.
“Alright. See you later, Prisha!” Duck gave one final wave then walked off, happily talking with Oakley who listened as they intertwined their fingers. The group watched them for a minute longer before continuing down the path and picking up the conversation that they were having prior to the Sheriff showing up.
Prisha glanced at her phone for a moment. She had some time to kill before she had to start on assignments. Her thumb instantly wandered over towards the Discord app logo and with a quick tap she opened it. As luck would have it the channel she had last been on had begun to pick up with a brand new conversation after Brody and Ruby had finished up their tea talk.
Sing-us-a-song: Wee woo wee woo
Violet just told me that im her beast friend
Best friend
OrangeuGlad: Congrats!
Bro: wait
Aasim: You are already best friends
Bro: Aren’t you already best friends?
Sing-us-a-song: Its official now
Best friends :3
Knife2meetU: Louis
Stop sharing stuff from our private convos in DMs
Sing-us-a-song: Oop
Sorry bestie <3
Knife2meetU: No heart
Sing-us-a-song: Sorry bestie!
Knife2meetU: And no bestie
You’re this close to losing your best friend rights
Sing-us-a-song: Are you sure? Smirk face
There’s no take backs
Knife2meetU: Wanna bet?
Sing-us-a-song: Vi waig
We’re Bffs!
Thats forever
Prisha watched the conversation continue with amusement when all of a sudden her attention was drawn away from the chat and towards the door. Therissa walked in with a tired groan. Her feet dragged on the floor before she fell onto the couch.
“If I committed murder, would you represent me and get me off scot-free?” Therissa looked over at her roommate with a tired smile. A few strands of her dark brown curly hair fell over her face, covering her eyes.
“Oh? What got you so heated? You’re usually fairly level-headed,” Prisha placed down her phone and walked towards the kitchen area to start some tea.
“I am, but this professor is a total ass. First he praises my writing in his Creative Writing 103 class saying that it’s great but then when the second semester starts and I take Creative Writing 205 then he basically starts telling me it's shit now. It makes no sense and he keeps acting snarky and pissy with me. So now on Valentine’s Day I have a day full of classes, work and a writing tutor because I need to pass this class,” Therissa groaned and sat up when Prisha walked over with two cups of tea.
“Would you want my help on any homework?” Prisha smiled at her friend who accepted the tea gratefully.
Therissa took a long sip before answering. “No, you’re super busy as is. You’re always studying and when you’re not in class you’re rushing around everywhere. I’m surprised you haven’t been passing out recently.”
“Thanks for the compliment,” Prisha’s expression was hidden behind the cup as she took a sip of tea.
“Wasn’t a compliment. I’m trying to point out that you push yourself too much. It’s a good thing Valentine’s Day is the day after tomorrow. Maybe you can finally relax for a day with your girlfriend. Speaking of which, you better have a nice outfit that you're wearing for the date.”
“I am!” Prisha smiled brightly. “In fact, after this tea I can show you it!”
Therissa returned the smile. “Good, then after Valentine’s Day we can return to plotting murder.”
“Sounds good to me.” Prisha took another sip and soon she got caught up in a conversation with Therissa.
“Shit, fuck, shit on the- fuck!” Violet ran over to the heart-shaped bowl that was over a simmering pot of water. The bowl was starting to slip due to the condensation from the heat and the fact that it had been placed poorly over the pot. Luckily Violet had caught it before most of the contents fell into the water. Violet gave a frustrated groan that turned into a hiss when her fingers brushed against the hot metal of the pot. Jerking her hand back, Violet ended up spilling the rest of the chocolate into the water. “Fuck, no!”
“Violet! Are you alright?” Prisha walked forward, the concern clear in her eyes when she saw Violet clutching her hand.
“I’m fine,” Violet could see that Prisha didn’t believe her. Silently Prisha guided Violet over towards the sink and started to run cold water over her fingers. Violet stared at the water for a moment then up at her girlfriend. “This was a fucking stupid injury,”
“It wasn’t. You were just trying to save the chocolate. It’s a shame that you got hurt in the process though,” Prisha noticed Violet’s face fall. “Don’t worry, I’ll help patch up your fingers and you can give the process of making chocolate one more go.”
“I don’t know. I fucking suck at it,” Violet mumbled, her eyes sad until she felt a kiss being pressed to her cheek.
“I beg to differ.” Prisha smiled lovingly at Violet who returned to look until Clementine’s voice drew both of their attention away from each other.
“Why does it look like there’s a pile of shit in the pot?”
“Oh horsefeathers! Did we lose another batch?” Ruby bustled over and huffed with annoyance as she began to clean up the mess.
“Sorry,” Violet’s quiet voice made Ruby glance over, her eyes softening.
“Aww, Sug, don’t worry about it. Luckily Brody had been as worried as ever and overbought on supplies,” Ruby nodded over to Brody who was working on preparing another batch.
“Seems like my anxiousness paid off this time,” Brody smiled at her friends then looked down at the ingredients that would soon make milk chocolate. “Do you think Mitch and the others will like this?” “Are you kidding? Of course they will! Louis is a sucker for sweets and so is Mitch,” Clementine placed a hand on Brody’s shoulder and gave a smile.
“Aasim loves all things romance and besides two of the people that are getting chocolates are with us and both of them have been all worried about making the perfect chocolate,” Ruby sent a teasing look over to Prisha and Violet.
“Well, ‘perfect’ is a strong word. I just want to make good chocolates for Violet,” Prisha messed with her braid for a moment.
“Yeah, what's wrong with not wanting to fuck up?” Violet crossed her arms and looked over at Ruby.
“I don’t think Ruby said it was bad, just sweet,” Brody gave another smile then took a deep breath. “Now let's kick this chocolates’ ass and surprise the guys!”
Clementine and Ruby cheered at that and soon all the girls were working on chocolate once more. It took a few more tries but soon the chocolate was being poured into the molds. After being placed in the fridge for twenty to thirty minutes the chocolates were done and the girls moved to the next step. Each of them worked to put the chocolates into little homemade heart boxes that Brody and Ruby had spent the night before making.
Violet swore under her breath while she worked on her box; Brody seemed to be in no better a boat. Meanwhile Ruby and Prisha had mastered putting together boxes of chocolates. Both of them were tying picture perfect bows on the boxes to seal them. Prisha hummed a happy tune to herself as she finished the final touches. But as soon as the others noticed that she was singing she quieted down. Lastly Clementine gave it her best effort and got a middle of the road result; she didn’t seem to care though. She knew that Louis would love it. Just as that thought had finished a knock came on her front door. Brushing her hands on her pants, Clementine walked forward. Her eyes grew large when she spotted Louis, Mitch and Aasim at the door. “Louis! What are you doing here?”
Clementine’s exclamation made the other girls poke their heads out of the kitchen to see the boys standing in the doorway. Each of them had a clip-on bow tie and a rose in their hands.
“Hello, my darling,” Louis leaned forward and planted a kiss on Clementine’s cheek. “We are here for our early Valentine’s Day surprise!” Louis grinned back at Mitch and Aasim. Mitch felt like his nerves were all over the place as he pulled on his shirt collar. Meanwhile Aasim seemed to be practicing something in his mind, his eyes focused elsewhere. Louis quickly snapped his friends out of their mindset and led the way inside. “We are here to serenade our lovely girlfriends with a barbershop quartet!”
“But isn’t a quartet made of four singers?” Brody walked forward, leading the way for the girls who all filed out to see what song the boys were about to sing.
“Right you are, Bro! Prisha, mind switching sides and completing our quartet?” Louis smiled over to his music confidant.
“I’d love nothing more,” Prisha smiled confidently as she walked forward and accepted a clip-on bowtie and rose.
Louis quickly gathered the three others and played a note for them all to be the same key. Soon the four of them began to sing Just in Time by Frank Sinatra. It was an older song that Violet was sure Prisha had pushed to be the choice for today.
“Just in time, I found you just in time
Before you came, my time was runnin' low
I was lost, the losing dice were tossed
My bridges all were crossed, nowhere to go,”
The four of them sang, each of them using their natural singing octave. Prisha and Louis were by far the best singers while Aasim wasn’t bad by any stretch of the imagination. That left Mitch in last place who clearly couldn’t sing as well as the others but that didn’t stop him from powering through and singing loudly.
“Now you're here and now I know just where I'm goin'
No more doubt or fear, I found my way
For love came just in time
You found me just in time
And changed my lonely life that lovely day,”
The four walked forward towards Violet, Ruby, Brody and Clementine. Each of them looked at their girlfriends with loving smiles. Even though the song wasn’t sung the strongest, the girls could tell that Prisha and the boys were pouring their hearts into the performance despite it being obvious for some this whole thing was overwhelming.
“Now you are here and now I know just where I'm goin'
No more doubt or fear, 'cause I've found my way
For love came just in time
You found me just in time
And changed my lonely life that lovely
Lonely life that lovely
Lonely life that lovely day,”
As the four hit the final note they held out their roses to their respective girlfriends. Louis gave a playful wink Clementine’s way as she accepted the rose before all of his confidence melted away into dorky happiness when Clementine stole a quick kiss. Ruby accepted the rose, her rosy cheeks growing rosier as she got on her tiptoes and showered Aasim with quick, soft kisses. Meanwhile both Brody and Mitch were blushing messes as Brody took the rose and gave Mitch a compliment that made him even more flustered. Both of them tried to find the right words as they held each other’s hands. Soon they each decided it was better to just let their actions speak louder than their words and shared a strong kiss. Lastly, Violet took the rose and knew that her face was as red as the flower.
“I’m glad you enjoyed the quartet,” Prisha smiled at Violet who gave a short nod. The two were silent for a moment before Violet snuck a kiss. The romantic action made Prisha freeze in place for a moment.
“Oh!” Ruby’s voice made everyone look over at her. “We should give the chocolates!”
“Chocolates?” Louis’ eyes danced with excitement at those words and it only grew as Clementine disappeared and reappeared with a box of chocolates.
Soon all of the chocolates had been exchanged to which all of its recipients were extremely happy. Mitch wrapped his arms around Brody from behind and pressed a kiss to her cheek before he grew almost as overwhelmed as Brody by the action. Aasim was happily talking about how much he appreciated Ruby and all the thought she had put in this early Valentine’s Day surprise. Ruby  blushed and quickly told him that he had been just as thoughtful if not more. Violet watched nervously as Prisha took a bite of the chocolate and was relieved when Prisha’s eyes sparkled with happiness. Clementine watched her friends for a moment then looked back over at Louis who was gushing about how lucky he was to have a girlfriend like Clementine, especially on Valentine’s Day. Clementine smiled softly and held onto Louis’ hands.
These Valentine celebrations were already going great and it wasn’t even the holiday yet. All of them had knocked it out of the park so far and after hearing the plans for the others Valentine Day dates Clementine was sure tomorrow would be a fantastic day for all of them.
Clementine’s eyes wandered over the map of Ericson University one last time. She had to be sure that there were no rifts opening up. If one appeared while she was busy getting lost in the joy of a date… It couldn’t happen. Luckily when she checked it for the sixteenth time it was the same as it always was. Blank and void of any shimmering blue or red dots. Clementine gave a shaky sigh of relief and tucked it away in her winter coat. Lee and Carley had already headed out, both of them looking giddy at the thought of starting their Valentine’s Day date. Soon after they had left, a babysitter showed up for AJ who was waiting to work on his second Valentine’s card that he wanted to give to Telulah as soon as he could. His foot tapped impatiently as he waited for Louis so that he could say hi before him and Clementine headed out. A few minutes passed of awkward silence and of the babysitter wanting to get AJ to focus on games instead of staring at the door when a knock appeared. Jogging forward, Clementine opened the door and found her boyfriend smiling brightly at her, in his hands a dozen roses.
“Happy Valentine's Day, my darling!” Louis leaned forward and captured Clementine’s lips in a soft kiss.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Clementine reached out and took one of Louis’ hands in hers.
“Are you ready for a magical carriage ride?” Louis smiled at Clementine who gave a short nod.
“Yep,” Clementine glanced back at AJ. “Okay, we’re going to be heading out now,”
“Wait!” AJ scampered forward and skidded to a halt in front of the pair. “You better keep her safe!”
“Will do, little dude!” Louis gave a huge thumbs up at AJ who beamed.
“Oh! And get her back by curf- curvs-”
“Curfew,” Clementine helped her little brother who nodded firmly.
“Yeah! Curfew!”
“Of course! I will make sure Clem is back and safe by curfew. You have a gentleman’s promise,” Louis noticed the happy smile on AJ’s lips at his words.
“Good!” AJ placed his hands on his hips for a second then rushed forward and tackled Clementine with a hug before running back to get started on the fun.
Clementine and Louis shared a smile and quietly laughed as they walked out the door. Clementine looked over at Louis. He was wearing a long brown coat as well as a green scarf that seemed to only add to his adorable winter vibes.“You’re looking cute today,”
Clementine’s compliment made Louis look over with a dorky smile. “Why, thank you! I picked it out myself. Well, that's not entirely true. Marlon helped me pick out this scarf,”
“Well then both of you did a good job picking out your outfit,” Clementine smiled when she saw how happy those words made Louis.
“Awww thanks, but I don’t look half as cute as you,” Louis swung their joined hands then nodded over towards Clementine's outfit. It was a dark blue sweater covered by a black winter jacket that all complemented her fuzzy blue winter hat.
Clementine blushed lightly at the compliment. “Thanks,” She quickly leaned over and pressed a kiss to Louis’ cheek. The two walked happily towards the location of the horse-drawn carriage, sharing as many kiss as they could surprise the other with until they reached the spot.
“M’lady,” Louis held out his hand with a warm smile. Clementine returned the smile and took his hand as he guided her up the steps of the carriage. Soon he was right beside her, immediately handing over the dozen roses. “Are you ready for a romantic carriage ride?” “I was born ready,” Clementine gave a playful smile that made Louis’ nose crinkle with amusement. Sharing one more kiss, Louis gave the signal and the carriage driver flicked the reins, causing the horses to snort before moving forward in a slow trot. Clementine scooted closer and wrapped her arm around Louis’ waist. Louis’ face grew warm and he gently kissed Clementine’s forehead then pulled her closer. Nuzzling his face against the top of her head, he slowly leaned his head against hers and the two took in the beauty of the snow-covered world around them. Both of them commented here and there about how lovely the park was as the carriage moved forward. After a few moments Louis began to hum a tune that Clementine couldn’t place for a moment. It took her a few seconds to pick up what he was singing.
“Are you humming Jingle Bells? After Christmas?” Clementine looked up at her boyfriend with a smile.
“Yes, I am, and there is nothing wrong with that,” Louis grinned down at Clementine and stole a kiss before continuing to hum. Soon his warm tune was joined  by a softer voice. Louis glanced down to see that Clementine was joining him in humming. The two began to hum some more then quickly proceeded to sing the song out loud along with any other song that their hearts desired. Both of them looked at each other with joyful, soft smiles. This really was a magical carriage ride.
Ruby stood in front of the mirror and turned this way and that, causing her red dress to sway. Her brows furrowed for a moment before she looked back at Brody who was busy pacing.
“Brody, do you think my dress looks alright?”
Ruby’s voice snapped Brody out of her thoughts and she glanced up. “What? Are you kidding? Aasim is going to lose his mind when he sees you!” Brody stopped her pacing and gave a warm smile to her best friend.
“Yeah, you’re right. I think I’m getting into my own head.” Ruby looked back at the mirror. “Just like you are about your date with Mitch,”
Those words made Brody’s eyes grow large before falling. “It’s stupid. I was so busy the last few days that I didn’t even talk to Mitch about changing our Valentine’s Day plans. It's too late to change them now and besides, he sang for me yesterday which was a really nice surprise.”
“Brody, I don’t think you need to worry your head about this. I’m sure you’ll have a grand time with Mitch,” Ruby looked back at Brody through the mirror, a playful knowingness in her eyes. The sight of that confused Brody and she wanted to ask about it when suddenly a knock on the dorm room door appeared.
“Oh, that must be him!” Ruby bustled over and opened the door, revealing Aasim who was decked out in a suit with a red tie. Tucked in his left hand there looked to be a piece of love poetry based on the seal and the red bow around it.
“Hello, my dove,” Aasim leaned down and gently kissed Ruby. Ruby instantly cupped his face and deepened the kiss before giving two more quick ones.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Pookie,” Ruby took Aasim’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Are you ready to go to the tea shop?”
“I sure am! I heard the tea there is divine!” Ruby smiled up at her boyfriend then glanced back at Brody. “I’m heading out. I’ll see you later.”
“Okay,” Brody gave a quick wave and after Aasim helped Ruby get on her coat the two disappeared down the hall.
The pair walked in serene silence for a bit, enjoying the winter wonderland that their campus had turned into. They shared small kisses here and there as they walked, placing them on each other’s wrists and hands. Ruby’s rosy red cheeks turned even brighter in the cold of winter which made Aasim’s heart pitter patter happily.
Soon the two had arrived at Sarita’s Tea Shop where the owner welcomed them with a friendly smile. A large man stood beside the owner who they learned went by the name Tripp. He gave a quick kiss to Sarita before guiding Aasim and Ruby to their table. After placing their orders, Aasim and Ruby immediately held each other’s hands.
Aasim looked at Ruby with such tender love as he placed kiss after kiss on her hands. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that I found you. In fact, I tried my best to put into words my feelings for you,” Aasim slipped one of his hands free and held out the love poetry.
“Why, Aasim,” Ruby gently took the gift and slowly began to read it. Her eyes wandered from left to right, reading the words her boyfriend had so lovingly put on paper. With each sentence her heart grew warmer and warmer until she had finished reading. Silently she placed down the paper and leaned forward across the table, kissing Aasim softly. Aasim’s eyes widened for a moment then closed as he deepened the kiss. After a moment the two pulled apart and shared a soft look.
“I’m happy I found you too,”
The two smiled at each other, holding each other’s hands until the tea was brought forward along with the pastries. Tripp silently poured the hot water over a rose blossom in a clear teapot. Slowly the rose bursted open, blossoming and flavoring the tea. Ruby and Aasim stared in awe then shared another smile. This was turning into a truly unforgettable Valentine’s Day.
Brody sat on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Ruby had left a while ago and based on the haphazard text she got from Mitch he was nearly here. It wouldn’t be bad cuddling and watching a movie together. Feeling Mitch’s arms around her, stolen kisses.. Brody covered her face with a  pillow as she felt herself grow overwhelmed. Just as she was about to go on another spiral of thoughts, a knock showed up on the door.
Peeking out from behind the pillow Brody got up, quickly readjusting her t-shirt before walking over to answer the door. When she opened the door her eyes grew wide with surprise. There, standing in the doorway, was Mitch in an honest to goodness tux. The dark blue tie was sloppily placed and the suit was a bit too big on him.
Mitch pulled at the collar for a second before he noticed Brody. “Brodes! Happy Valentine’s Day!” Mitch’s voice boomed a bit too loudly as he thrusted out his arm which held a metal trident. Brody blinked in awe of the trident then took it. Slowly her eyes began to examine it. “I thought that a stronger weapon is never a bad thing so I made you one,” Mitch’s eyes were focused on the floor. “It’ll protect you way better than that prop one you had,”
“I love it,” Brody smiled up at Mitch who looked at her with shock then proceeded to pump his fist.
“Yes! Fuckin’ A! I actually didn’t fuck up on Valentine’s Day! Because look!” Mitch leaned over and picked up a soft yellow dress then held it out for Brody. “Ruby helped me pick it out because I’m shit at this sorta thing but you gotta dress up for our plans.”
“Plans?” Brody accepted the dress and held it close to her chest with a soft smile.
“Yeah, it took me fucking forever but I saved up enough money to take you to one of those fancy restaurants, one of those places where you have to dress fancy and shit,”
Mitch’s words made Brody’s mouth open slightly in surprise. She definitely wasn’t expecting this. Silently she placed down the items then got on her tiptoes and pulled Mitch into a kiss. Mitch instantly wrapped his arms around her waist and deepened the kiss. Once they pulled apart the two stared into each other’s eyes.
“I’m gonna go get changed,”
“Okay, I’ll wait out in the hall,” Mitch whispered. Both of their faces were super red as they squeezed each other’s hands and let them slip free. Mitch waited out in the hall, kicking his foot impatiently as he leaned against the wall. After a few minutes Brody emerged from the room in the short, soft yellow dress. Mitch’s mouth hung open for a second.
“Well, do I look okay?” Brody did a small spin.
“You look fucking amazing!” Mitch walked forward and stole another kiss from Brody. Brody hummed at the touch of the kiss then pulled back, her face a bright red.
“Thanks, you look pretty amazing yourself,” Brody’s hands wandered forward and held onto Mitch’s tux for a second.
Mitch had a confident smile on his face. “I borrowed this tux from my dad and he helped me pick out this tie,” Mitch’s confidence radiated off of him as he displayed his outfit before it faltered when he noticed his tie’s placement looked like shit. Silently Brody helped fix his tie then intertwined her fingers with his. The two shared a quick smile then after locking the door headed out towards the restaurant.
Both of them felt extremely out of place at this fancy restaurant. It was way out of their normal price range.
“Why the fuck do they have two forks?” Mitch looked at the table placement with confusion as he and Brody waited for their steak dinners.
“I don’t know. Maybe it's in case you drop one?” Brody shrugged, unsure of her own answer. Mitch stared at the forks for a moment longer before a mischievous grin appeared on his face. “Mitch, what are you thinking?”
Mitch was silent as he looked up at Brody before his elbow knocked off a fork. After a moment a waiter came forward and replaced his fork. Brody sighed which only made Mitch’s smile grow.
“Come on, Brodes, y’know you love me,” Mitch’s smug smile faded in an instant when he realized what he had just said. The two shared a look, both extremely red once more before looking away.
Brody was silent for a minute then answered. “Yeah, I do.”
Her answer made Mitch drop his glass of water directly on his crotch. “Fuck!”
“Mitch! Are you okay?” Brody pushed back her chair to check on her boyfriend.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. It just looks like I pissed my pants,” Mitch was silent for a moment, wondering if he should go for it. “I love you too,”
His answer shocked Brody who in her surprise knocked over a plate which slammed onto Mitch’s toe. This date was absolute chaos but both of them seemed focused on the positives of the moment, chaos and all.
Violet hopped up onto the back of her old, beat up, blue pickup truck, parked in the same spot that Violet had taken Prisha all those months ago on their first date together. Her hands worked to place the last few pillows in place before double checking that all the fake candles were on. After frantically checking once more Violet got off the truck and walked towards the door. Opening it, she saw that Prisha still had her eyes closed.
“Okay, it's ready. Here, take my hand,” Violet instructed and Prisha immediately held out her hand which Violet grasped. Silently she led the way towards the back of the pickup truck. After getting Prisha in the right spot, Violet took a few steps back beside the truck.”Okay, open your eyes.”
Prisha’s eyes slowly fluttered open before growing large in awe. The back of the pickup truck was covered in blankets and pillows. Along the edges of the truck were fake candles as well as two vases filled with violets, baby’s breath and forget me nots.
“I did my best to make it like our first date but, y’know, better,” Violet awkwardly scratched the back of her neck then hid her hands away in her front hoodie pocket.
“It's absolutely beautiful! Violet,” Prisha’s voice hitched in her throat and she ran forward, cupping Violet’s face and capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. Violet’s eyes grew large at the romantic gesture for a moment then she deepened the kiss. Prisha pulled back and looked lovingly into Violet’s eyes. “I love it.” “I’m glad,” Violet smiled at her girlfriend then intertwined her fingers with Prisha’s. “So, ready to stargaze?”
“Of course!” Prisha returned the smile, kissing Violet’s nose quickly before getting up on the back of the pickup truck with her. The two worked together to get under the blankets and snuggled close. Both of them soon became lost in the beauty of the sky when all of a sudden Prisha reached out and held onto Violet’s hand once more. Violet gave a soft laugh at that which confused Prisha as she looked over at her girlfriend. “What?”
“Nothing. It's just on our first date neither of us was even sure if it was one and we both kept accidentally dodging each other’s hands,” Violet’s eyes traveled over to Prisha’s. “I’m really glad that you held my hand that night,”
“I am too. I can't even express how much you’ve grown to mean to me, Violet. How deeply I care about you, how much I love you,” Prisha turned her body so that she was closer to Violet. Her eyes soon became lost in Violet’s.
“Me neither. To think I’d find someone like you,” Violet whispered and moved closer. “I’m really fucking lucky. So, thanks for choosing me,”
Prisha’s smile grew and she gave Violet a soft kiss. “I wouldn’t choose anyone else. I love you,”
“I love you too,” Violet snuggled up closer to Prisha and soon the two repositioned themselves. Violet’s head gently rested on Prisha’s shoulder as Prisha’s arms wrapped around Violet. The couple’s gaze slowly returned up to the starry sky. Violet snuck a quick glance at Prisha then looked up at the sky once more. Being here with her and the stars that shone brightly in the sky, in that moment Violet needed nothing more.
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softlyjiminie · 4 years
black swan | two.
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⇢ pairing(s): professional dancer!park jimin x figure skater!reader.
⇢ word count: 4K.
⇢ rating: 16+, mature.
⇢ genre: angst, eventual smut, fluff, e2l, fake dating!au, corrupted idol!au, dancer!au, figure skater!au.
⇢ summary: a life of skating was all you’d ever known, your heart craving the feeling of ice beneath your feet and the light brush of cool air against your skin under thousands of sparkling lights… what a shame, if only you’d known that one night, one accident could rip you from the life you’d grown to love, leaving your career in the unsteady hands of the prince of ballet, park jimin.
⇢ warning(s): please read for this chapter! angst, taetae on the verge of tears, angry joon, soft jungkoo, yoongi cursing and emotional distress rip.
⇢ author’s note(s): hey everyone!! chapter two is finally here, im so sorry for the delay :( i had a run in with t*mblr and they were hiding all my works from tags! it should be okay now so i hope you like <3
⇢ previous | series masterlist | next
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taehyung sits quietly as he watches the tea cup to your left, lose its steam— the heat fading like the light that usually emanated from you. eyes falling to his lap, the skater’s fingers curl in the paws of his— joon’s... black sweater as a guilty feeling settles in his chest. his fingers were itching to reach out and take hold of your hand, but taehyung knew that you would only push him away, locking yourself behind a door and falling away into an empty shell. part of him was glad that you wouldn’t let him touch you; in fear that he’d break you again just like that day on the ice, whilst the other half missed his best friend, whom he’d drown in his arms and fond touches. he missed his YN.
taehyung was grateful that namjoon didn’t mind your affectionate relationship, how tae’s large palm would settle on the small of your back or how his lips would brush against your cheek or your hairline. it was something that gave you both comfort, and namjoon understood that— after all you had been there for each other in the darkest of times while the man himself was studying in the US. nonetheless, taehyung was restless. he needed to know if you were okay, he needed to hold you to tell you it was going to be okay.
but you were too far gone in your own little world, trapped in your chair that was tucked away in a corner by your old fashioned TV (in which he’d begged you to  replace because he hated the static noise it made on certain channels), watching old performances of yours on vhs from when you were younger— you’d switch to your laptop from time to time to watch more recent ones. the chair had become your safe space, since you refused to walk around on your new crutches, all motivation lost with the end of the skating season approaching.
taehyung was worried, really worried.
he knew you ate less, a tired grey tint to your skin casting a shadow over your usually glowing tones. he knew because he’d brought all the teas and pastries you loved to snack on, with each of them growing cold. “please eat baby,” the boy tries, quietly prompting you to take a bite of the cream puff he’d brought this time. “just a little.”
you tilted your gaze from the tv to your partner, irises dull and heavy with an unimaginable amount of sadness. the expression read no, causing taehyung to frown sadly but he perked up as your lips twitched in order to speak. “toe loop, ina beaur.” you whispered, as the latter’s eyes fell to the screen behind you where your younger self followed the streams of classical music into the moves that trickled from your drying lips.
your partner slumps in his seat, defeated and heartbroken as you turn back to the screen, solemnly. “please... just eat something YN. it’s been days since joon or i last saw you—“
your fist slams down on the table where your pastries sit, jolting the china teacup taehyung knows that you love. he lurches forward to steady it, although his heart beats rapidly and he flinches at your sudden actions. “would you eat?” your question burns at your lips with a dark poison that stings your friend. “would you eat if everything you knew and loved had been ripped from you because of one stupid accident? i don’t think so.” you know better than to scold tae and put the blame on him, but anger at the world and your situation burns brightly behind your logical senses—clouding you’re judgement. “what if all you could do is sit and watch, sit and watch, sit and watch until your mind went numb? could you focus? breathe? eat? sleep? no! so stop asking me and leave me alone.”
you regret your words as soon as they’re said, turning back to your tapes as tears brim in the corner of taehyung’s treacle eyes. he withdraws from you completely, dabbing at his eyes quickly to rid then of  his salty tears as the front door to your apartment opens and closes. namjoon steps through, carrying rustling bags full of essentials that you might need. your friends have been good to you, so good but you can’t help but be mad, be sad and hurt.
your best friend stands abruptly to help his lover put away the groceries, tucking cans and jars away— while hiding his soft whimpers. but namjoon is not a fool, the elder can feel the thick cool settling over the room as he tilts his head towards taehyung. “are you okay, love?” the blonde asks lowly, tilting his gaze between yourself and his boyfriend, immediately sensing that something is wrong. “what happened?” he says louder this time— as if he’s trying to gain your attention too.
“nothing, baby—we...” tae whispers quietly, clenching his fists and unclenching them. he’d always hated conflict between three three of you, he was too sensitive whilst you and joon were head strong and stubborn. “it’s nothing...”
“are you crying?” the elder slices through taehyung’s words as smoothly as a butter knife— making you flinch in your seat at his rough tone. your coach was never one to get angry, his temper was often cool and calm but one poke of the wrong button would start something you didn’t want.
“n-no joonie-!”
“what did she say to you?”
guilt trembled in your grip, hating that you were the reason taehyung cried, the reason that namjoon was angry. for goodness sake, YN, you were friends and this is how you were treating them? joon mutters to the younger about packing up his things before turning his steaming attention to you. thick arms and firm palms sink into the arm rests of the chair, making your gaze turn to your lap. the thing about kim namjoon is that, in away, when you were in the wrong— he made you feel like a child for doing so. “this is the last straw, YN,” he scolds, running a hand through the thick of his dyed hair. “tae and i have tried to be there for you, tried to support you in this time but all you do is push us away.” the anger that bubbled in your chest before has faded to a dull sense of hurt, mad at yourself for paining your friends. “it’s been weeks and you haven’t attended a single physical therapy session, we’re afraid that if you don’t— you’ll never skate again. we all know that’s not what you want, YN. so get your shit together and we’ll be back when you do.”
taehyung appears in the doorway leading to your bedroom just as his boyfriend ends your lecture. you feel your own tears burn in the corner of your eyes at the ultimatum you’ve just been given but swallow them down as your best friend gives you a weak smile. namjoon makes a non-committal grunt, prompting his lover to scurry out of your now open, apartment door. “think about what i said,” he mumbles, tone much softer now.
they leave not long after, leaving you to think about your choices— just as the award ceremony appears on screen while younger you wins her first olympic medal.
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there’s a quiet knock at your door, just two days later. part of you hopes it’s taehyung as you hop over on your crutches— but you know namjoon better than that, you won’t get to see them until your coach sees that you’ve made some improvement , he was pesky and annoying like that. you also know that it’s to give each other some time to get ready to apologise, you for upsetting tae and joon for being so harsh. your friendship had always worked like that.
“noona, are you there?” you recognise jungkook’s voice from the other side of the door, struggling to open it with just one hand  while you use your other to cling onto your crutches. it’s been hard, but you’re slowly learning how to use them better, joon would get a kick out of it for sure. “noona— oh!” the cherry haired boy beams brightly as you swing the door open, a matching hue adding further warmth to his melanin rich skin. “you’re here.”
the younger skater is wearing a heavy, oversized sweater despite the warming spring breezes that carry cherry blossoms outside, and black combat pants and matching boots to complete his outfit— his signature large backpack hangs loosely over his shoulder as he stares down at you, being at least half a head taller than yourself. “kookie,” you breathe, hugging him instantly. his sweet, floral scent brings comfort to your racing heart almost instantly as you bury your face in his broad chest. “what are you doing here?”
chuckling quietly, jeongguk pushes you back into your apartment and closes the door behind you both, being careful not to knock you off your unsteady feet. once you’re inside, he fully wraps his arms around you and buries his nose into your neck— finding comfort in your own simple vanilla scent. yourself and the boy always had something unspoken flickering in the air between you, ever since he’d joined your company at seventeen (there was only a year between you both, and jungkook had been a novelty skater until then). your partner always joked that the boy was into older women, whilst you argued that you both admired each other or found one another’s presence highly comforting.
nonetheless, you would be a fool to say you hadn’t noticed how nicely jungkook had grown up since joining you at namjoon’s agency but you could never make your feelings known, not when you were both well known competitors.
“ah— well, namjoon hyung sent me. he said you’d need a fresh face to keep you company...” the younger mumbles, sending shivers down your spine at his proximity. being the sweetheart that he is, jungkook mistakes your shiver for something of pain and guides you to sit on your small fabric couch, pressing a shy kiss to your hairline with burning cheeks as he pulls away. “is it alright if i use your kitchen, i brought some ingredients to make us— i mean you... some dinner!”
“knock yourself out, kookie!”
he nods appreciatively, moving off to your kitchen as you turn back to your tapes, watching over more of your older performances. this time, it’s one from an event just before your first olympics— crisp in quality allowing you to see your skating more clearly. you remember the day that yourself and taehyung qualified for the south korean team, the joy you felt put into every competition since then but now you looked on them with a forlorn expression, wondering what you did wrong? were your movements sloppy? did you bring taehyung down? why did your legs look like that when you jumped?
jungkook fumbles with a frying pan not far from your left as he cooks the meat, a question passing from between his lips that you miss due to lost focus. “hm?” you blink once and turn to face the boy. “what was that?”
“i-i was just asking how you were!” jungkook stammers as his doe eyes catch yours, he blushes deeply, almost as red as his hair before his gaze drops to the broth he begins to serve for the two of you. “unless...of course... that’s a dumb thing to ask...” he bites his lip, dishing out a healthy portion of meat into either of your bowls as he makes the meal look presentable. jungkook places both of your bowls onto a tray before bringing it to your coffee table with a set of chopsticks. “forget i said anything, eat up!” he concludes, taking a seat by your side and handing you your meal.
you smile to yourself, scooping some of the noodles into your mouth and humming at the salty taste. “it’s fine kookoo,” you comment warmly, wiping at your mouth. “i’m just... feeling a bit out of place, not myself... you know?”
the boy only nods, falling silent in favour of watching a younger version of you skate across the ice on screen. the pair of you sit quietly for a while, nothing but the sounds of bowls and chopsticks clanking together, and ice on skates resonating throughout the room. “you’re triple axels were always my favourite,” jungkook whispers before your figure even tumbled into the move, piqueing your interest just a bit. “you were how i leaned to do them.”
“how did you know that was next, though?”
jungkook blushes, setting his dish on the coffee table and thumbing his knuckles shyly. your heart warms at the gesture, causing your smile to broaden. “i-i watched you at the olympics... i’d never taken skating seriously until then so i used your routines to get better, good enough to qualify at the same company as you...”
you fall into yet another silence after squeezing the boy’s hand appreciatively— the red hue to his cheeks only darkening. the cherry haired skater excuses himself to the bathroom and in that time you decide to clear up as a thank you to him for keeping you company. the kitchen is only a short walk, you only have two dishes to carry, it should be fine. except it’s not, like a baby giraffe you are still unsteady in your feet— taking steps without your crutches has proven to be difficult, especially with an armful of kitchenware. if you could just make it to the doorway, at least. at least then you’d know, you weren’t completely useless.
but your concentration slips as the unused muscles in your leg choose this moment to  seize up and suddenly you’re falling to the ground. ceramic bowls clatter against your hardwood floor, smashing into pieces while you use your hands to brace for impact— one that doesn’t come. warm arms encircle your waist, jungkook having returned just in time to stop your fall, and pull you closely into his chest. you can feel your body tremble from fear, from anger at yourself for thinking you were even near ready for something like this— so you end up crying before you notice.
“noona, baby please don’t cry,” jungkook lets the pet name slip without realising, clearing the broken shards away with his foot as he sinks to the floor with you in his arms. “it was an accident... you weren’t ready yet...” he coos into your hairline, kissing it gently as he tugs you into his chest.
you feel suffocated, trapped at home and trapped in the mindset that you’ll never be a skater again but jungkook is jungkook, he knows you more than you might have let on— dressing you up to leave the house and taking you to the one place that might soothe you.
the rink.
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jungkook’s sweater swaddles you to warmth as you watch him enter the rink from the stands. it’s eleven pm and you have no idea how he got the keys— especially when namjoon closes early on a sunday. your finger tips are cold so you slip them underneath the sleeves, tucking your nose under the collar of the black cotton fabric as it heats up your cheeks and remind you of what it’s like to be in koo’s arms.
he waves at you from down below and truth be told your heart stops for a second before the younger skates to the middle of the rink. you don’t even know how he managed to get the music playing and the lights set up just for him, but jungkook has always been good at everything so you don’t put it past him. the song you recognise as  ‘wild’ by troye sivan fills the empty rink and the hairs on your skin prickle with familiarity— a song you had used in your first ever competition with taehyung. it shakes you a little, in a meaningful way, to know that jungkook went to the depths he did to learn from you and develop his own style of skating— one of gentle touches but locked down movements. he was everything and then some.
‘been a while since i’ve been a fool, for you...’
just as the high not ends, jungkook takes off, leaping into a perfected quadruple axel that you didn’t even know he’d learned to do. he loops four times in the air but lands a little shaky, they were a risky move and very rarely completed in competition but seeing that he’d taken your signature move and completed it better than your own abilities makes you smile. with a spark in his eye he mouths the words of the song to you ‘leave this blue neighbourhood, never thought loving could hurt this good,’ as he extends his right leg behind him and twirls across the ice.
this easily allows the boy to adjust his position into a camel spin, his legs parallel to the ice as he falls in tune with the lyrics before pivoting. you remember the routine and it’s every element, tracing them in your head as jungkook executes them perfectly right into the climax of the song, he’s perfect— maybe even better than you. nothing going wrong as he falls to the lower ice for a hydroblade, finger tips just brushing over its surface while he sweeps past.
‘you’re driving me wild, wild wild,” your mind drifts away with the music— convincing you that the younger skater is better than you, hes clean and sharp and— what do you have on him now? a pathetically broken leg with you unable to stand on two feet. you barely realise when the song ends and jungkook has made his way to middle of the rink to close because you’re too distracted with the emotions that clog your throat and tears that litter your galaxy eyes.
you cry, pathetically because what else is there to do.
the younger looks up from the ice, lose long sleeve shirt is littered with sweat from his exertion but he pays no mind as he noticed your tears. they shine under false light while jungkook kicks off his skates as fast as humanely possible because he hates the way your tiny body shakes as if you’re cold, he hates how your soft cheeks dampen and how you’re going without his hold for far too long. dashing up to the gallery with only socks to warm his feet, the young skater slides into the seat beside you— immediately pulling you into his heated embrace.
“baby,” he coos gently, cupping your head as you whimper into his neck. “please don’t cry, not anymore...”
you clutch at his shirt with the finger tips that peek through the sleeve of his jumper. “i can’t...it hurts not to be—be on the ice with you, that’s where I—“ you cut yourself off as a sob crawls from between your chapped lips, you crave the tight squeeze of leather skates on your feet and the cold beneath your arms, they would console you more where jungkook couldn’t.
throat burning with heartache, you nuzzle further into the boy and let him toy with your hair. “i think you should go to physical therapy noona,” jungkook whispers quietly, as though not to startle you. “you’re hurting not being out there, i see that...but if you don’t try and heal— you’ll never get back on your feet.”
jeongguk is annoyingly wise for someone  just below your age, so you nod and lace your fingers with his— tracing over the small tattoos that paint his knuckles, silently agreeing to his plea. you let him drive you home that night, clinging to him as he carried you through the door of your apartment.
he doesn’t leave, sliding into bed with you as he holds you close— comforting you once again.
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“son of a motherfucking bitch,” you mumble through gritted teeth, as you attempt to step back up and down from the false steps yoongi (your physical therapist) has set up for you. he’s more of a dance therapist than anything, but his exercises are well known in your industry  for rehabilitating skaters and namjoon did say he would get you the best. the pain subsides fairly quickly, unlike the months prior when you had first started with yoongi but you’ve learned well and gotten better— even making up with your coach and best friend.
“yes ma’am?” yoongi answers from a whiles away, causing you to chuckle whilst deciding to sit down for a break. you wipe the sweat from your brow and take the bottle of water that your therapist hands to you, gulping it down to ease your ragged breathing. “you’re doing so much better than when you first came in.” you look to yoongi as he sits next to you, a short ish man (compared to jungkook, taehyung or namjoon) but still taller than you, with warm brown hair and honey eyes along with a gummy smile that makes your heart melt. he’s strict on you, but also caring in the smallest of ways— he knows your limits but when to push you too and has helped you make a pretty fast recovery.  “you’re even laughing more.”
you push at his shoulder, watching the hair fly from yoongi’s face despite his bandanna. “i laughed before!” you defend yourself with a smile.
“barely! i’m just saying, that i’m proud of you YN-ah. i’m glad you came to me in the end, it’d be a shame to see such talent go to waste.” his voice is smooth, not as deep as tae’s but soothing enough, your smile still falters at his words while he locks and unlocks his fingers, staring at the ground.
“you make it sound as if you’re leaving me,”
yoongi looks up at you with a cheeky smile, but his eyes remain slightly dimmed. “well, technically i am...” he sees the confusion on your face as your brows push together.  “an opening came up for a dancer who’s pretty big in the states and over here too, he’s korean so his fan base is large over here and—“
“but you can’t leave me!” you practically yell, shocking both yoongi and yourself— he couldn’t go just yet, not when you were so close. “i’m almost fully recovered and if you leave? a-all my progress could come undone and i’ll never get back on the ice, let alone back in time to train for the olympics!” you feel the familiar emotion of panic bubble in the pits of your stomach, tightly gripping onto yoongi’s wrist as if he’ll disappear into thin air.
the older boy puts a hand over yours, looking to you fondly. “you know that’s not what our end goal is, we want you back on the ice remember?” he reminds you calmly but you slip free from his grip anyways— feeling defeat settle heavily over your heart. if yoongi left now, there’d be nothing for you to work towards and no physician would compare to him. “besides, i already talked namjoon into letting me bring you with me...” you perk up at his words, eyes lighting up brightly at the thought of not being separated this far into your progress. “figure skating is like dance for the ice and your leg is strong enough for you to move on it in that kind of way...”
you figure yoongi is right, it’s not like you hadn’t danced— ballet lessons were almost necessary to become a figure skater, aiding with the grace and light movements you needed. if yoongi was offering you an opportunity to use dance to get back onto the ice, who were you to pass it up. dance therapy would advance her recovery much faster than your regular routine.
yoongi can tell your answer by the look of joy on your face. “so is that a yes? you’re coming with?”
“of course it is, asshole... you should’ve lead with that!” you scold him playfully, pushing the older boy with a roll of your eyes.
a feeling of hope settles, comfortingly amongst your bones— this could be it....
this could be exactly what you needed.
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⇢ taglist ! ( comment, like or dm to be added! )
@periminkle​  @ggukkieland​   @aishots​ @ownthesunshine​ @codeinebelle​ @taeass​ @trviahope @singular-itae​ @preciouschimine @yoongismykink @idiakh @honeyspillings @kimsdior @chimshoe95​ @cypherft-v @tangledsparkles​ -@ultraanonymousey @rjsmochii​ ​  @thenoblr 
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nct-jungjaehyun · 5 years
[10:48pm] ever since that time you hung out with the rest of the boys, jaehyun has been letting you use his phone freely. you asked for it to play games, because he has a lot of storage, and he never minded. as time went by, you began to just take it and use it, and he was okay with it. he had nothing to hide.
however, recently you noticed the abundance of notifications he gets from instagram after he made his new instagram account. he asked you beforehand and you were so sure that it was a great idea to connect with fans, but you’re beginning to doubt yourself. not only that, he had also been hiding his phone and taking phone calls privately.
you jumped as another notification popped from the device in your hands.
‘ComE meet me outsiDe in 15 miNNutes IM comLng over tTo y0ur houze’
out of instinct, your finger tapped furiously at the notification and it was from another girl.
she looked really young and pretty, which boiled your stomach. her user doesn’t ring a bell at all, unfortunately. well, jaehyun never talks to you about any other girls he knows.
you scrolled up to read any other messages, but they were mostly really relaxed texting, nothing special.
you had no choice. you decided to delete the message. if jaehyun sees it and meets her outside, who knows what will happen?
your heart pounded as your finger hovered over the delete button.
in the end, you couldn’t bring yourself to doing it. you decided to not click it. you were already in the wrong for looking through his phone. you can’t make another dumb mistake by deleting his messages. he has a right to decide who he wants to be with. you wish it to be you, but the decision is his to make.
you exit the app and toss his phone around in your hands. just then, jaehyun walks into your shared room.
he climbs into bed beside you and cuddles your waist. “hey baby,” he sighs.
you automatically shove his phone on the opposite side and slide down the bed into his embrace. “hey,” you respond back weakly.
after a few minutes, he sits up and reaches over you to grab his phone.
he always checks his phone before sleeping to set an alarm and look through his groupchat. he leaves the 97 line groupchat on mute, though.
you forgot one thing, the mysterious message must’ve marked read because you touched it. that means that he’ll know you snuck into his dms. oh no!
panic spread through your body when he tensed under your fingertips. you wrapped your arms tighter around his waist. you don’t want him to leave.
“baby, uh, i need to go downstairs a bit,” jaehyun said.
you pretended to be nonchalant, “hm? why? Is there some-, something wrong?”
you wished that stutter wasn’t there, ugh.
he shook his head slightly, “no, everything’s fine. just go back to sleep. i’ll be right back, i promise, okay?”
you bit your lip and nodded reluctantly. you were glad he didn’t mention the part about his message being read, but you didn’t want to see him go.
he climbed out of bed and pulled the covers over you. before you can call him back, he already turned off the lights and left the room.
your hands twisted together nervously. who was she? why was she texting him? why has he never mentioned her to you? is everything going to be okay?
your legs rushed you downstairs and you bolted through the doors in your way. you slowed when you reached the front doorsteps. you creeped behind the staircase wall and peeked out to see what was going on.
they weren’t at a close distance so you can’t exactly hear their words. their voices were very muffled, but you swear you heard her mention your name.
you gasped when she threw her arms around him. jaehyun slammed her arms away and pushed her away, sending her stumbling backwards. her figure was a bit drunk, almost ghostly. he then marched to the street to call a taxi.
the next thing he did shocked you. he lifted the girl by her arm and tossed her into the cab. before she drove away, you can see how she looked through the window. her makeup was smeared and mascara ran down her eyes from the tears. her bloodshot eyes confirmed her drunken state.
you looked back over at jaehyun, who was currently sighing and rubbing his palm over his eyes. he seemed really stressed.
before you knew it, he was walking back towards the house, which was where you were hiding.
you had no time to think and you quickly turned to run up the stairs. your feet caught the puddle of water in the middle of the stairs before your eyes did and your sandal slipped. gravity launched you forward, but a force yanked you backwards into something sturdy, jaehyun’s chest. beside you was jaehyun’s muscular arm, holding you steady.
he twirled you around to face him, “are you alright? what was that? didn’t i tell you to stay in bed?”
you grabbed your heart and huffed, “no, that was terrifying, oh my god.”
he showed a cheeky grin, “let’s get you back up in bed before your clumsiness lands you in the hospital. what would you do without me?”
you laughed nervously. you know it was a joke, but what he said hit you hard. what would you do without him?
he sat you on a chair and rubbed your ankle to make sure it wasn’t sprained or hurt or anything.
“does this hurt?” he would ask when he examined your foot.
every single time, you said no, but it was because your heart hurt more.
he noticed how down you seemed and ended up dragging you to bed.
you laid there with so many thoughts running in your mind. the same questions were listed in your head and they were still left unanswered. it bothered you, but you can’t ask jaehyun. not after you checked his phone, anyway.
jaehyun interrupted your thoughts when he leaned over you to ask, “are you not sleepy yet? do you want to play some games? i know it’ll get you tired and help you sleep. subway surfers? candy crush?”
your mouth slightly opened.
he handed you his phone, “here, only for a little bit, though. it’s not good for your eyes to play so late.”
your fingers wrapped around his phone, and the ring on your finger caught your attention. it was a promise ring jaehyun gave you. you two promised to be honest with one another. you should come clean.
“jaehyun, is it okay if i talk to you for a little bit?” you asked timidly.
“yeah,” he sat up, “what is it?”
“earlier tonight, i looked at your dms and i read your messages.”
“so then you ran downstairs?”
you froze, “you, you knew?”
you couldn’t read his eyes. they were still and they stared back at you unforgivingly.
your hands waved back and forth, “i’m so sorry. i didn’t mean to. i just saw the message and i panicked and i began thinking that you’ll leave me and then i-”
before you can finish, jaehyun’s lips pushed against yours. you kissed him back and arched your back from his strong kiss. his hand landed on the small of your back.
when he pulled away, you weren’t breathless, but it was a sweet kiss that left butterflies in your stomach.
“baby, i’m sorry for being secretive with my phone lately. it’s my fault for making you suspicious.” he started.
you shook your head, “no, don’t...”
he took ahold of your hand, “the girl i was texting was a junior of mine. she let go of being a trainee and i supported her. but she went down the wrong path, she joined a modeling agency and it turned out to be a scam. she did it out of jealousy.”
“right after she left SM, you joined and debuted immediately.”
“so i took her spot?”
“no, don’t ever think that. you didn’t take her spot. i never told her until tonight either, but i found out that SM never planned to debut her. she was talented and had the looks, but her personality was horrible. her kindness was just to deceive the public. it was what mark told me last week when i asked, because they used to know each other on mickey mouse club.”
you nodded for jaehyun to carry on.
“she did all this to get my attention, because if she gets my validation, then it would mean she’s better than you. there was no chemistry between us. i only saw her as a junior. i thought it was best to hide it from you. i didn’t want anything between us to change.”
“things between us did change. this brought us closer. this just means that we have to be honest with each other.”
he smiled and pulled you into his arms for a big bear hug.
his voice was soft beside your ear, “i’ll be honest from now on. feel free to check my phone whenever you want. look through it proudly, i’m okay with it. you’re my girlfriend, you can do anything.”
that night just before falling asleep, you heard his soft whisper, “i mentioned earlier, what would you do without me. i don’t know what i would do without you either.” he sealed it with a soft kiss on your forehead.
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bokutosvoid · 4 years
slowly, with no remorse | o.u
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Pairing; uraraka x (gn) reader, a pinch of platonic todoroki x reader
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Warnings; major character death!! Minor explainations of bruising and people dying (very brief)
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Genre; a n g s t
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(a/n); this is really sad like, really, really sad. Also if you don’t ship tododeku that’s okay!! I don’t really either but i really wanted to do uraraka so it works | also haven’t ever posted any of my bnha writing so enjoy!
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We watched the world we once knew burn. Right in front of our very eyes.
No one could have predicted the chaos you were swept into. Thick smoke made it hard to see the place that was once home, but everyone knew that it wasn't what it used to be. The last string of fleeting hope slipped through your fingers and into the wind when you had stopped receiving intel from the pro-heroes and the space around you went silent.
There were only four of you left, your other classmates left scattered around the city, none of them had made it. That truth was bitter on your tongue, trying to swallow this feeling only reminded you of how your screams burned your throat bare upon finding Katsuki Bakugou’s body. The person you had thought would be the only one who could have made it, was crushed under rubble trying to save a child.
After that moment, my world kept crashing down. Over and over. Slowly, with no remorse.
Defeat breathed scorching kisses along your tired bodies as you stood above, watching buildings crash into the ground and explode into clouds of dust and nothing more than wreckage. You closed your eyes, allowing tears to fall freely down your cheeks, painting streaks along your skin due to the debris that had swarmed you just before. You thought about the people you couldn’t save, now just left forgotten in places you didn't know.
“What are we going to do?” Uraraka cried out, her voice breaking over her words. You would give anything to hold her, touch her, tell her. Tell her you loved her, you had loved her all these years, all this time, and you will love her in each and every single life you can find her in.
Tell her that even if you were in different universes, different worlds, or under different skies, you'd always find her.
“I don't know…” Midoriya spoke quietly and in a way that broke down on your defeated heart. He was always shining, always. He was supposed to be the world's new hope and beacon of light. But it seemed he had lost it all, filtered away when realisation settled in his stomach. You couldn't see the pair, too busy battling yourself to be able to tell Uraraka what you've been holding in for years.
“Hey, look at me. it's okay. Im here.” Midoriya's voice was soft as her sniffles lessened. You looked up and saw him holding her tightly, cupping her cheeks in a way you wished you could. A painful clench to your heart caused your breathing to hitch in your throat. This feeling overtook your body as you stared at the scene before you, knowing that this was your last chance. And you couldn't have it. It wasn't yours for the taking and you knew that, but part of you didn't want to lose your only chance before you’d see her again in another life.
It felt like searching for something your entire life, reaching and running after that thing, only to find it was never there in the first place. She was there, just not there for me.
But there was so much you wanted to say. So much you needed to say. It had finally hit you. It hit you hard and all at once, stomping your withering heart into the cracked concrete you stood upon.
“Ocha-” you held your hand out for her, only to feel a hand press on your shoulder.
I was so close, so very close, practically a breath apart but it felt like we were separated by an ocean.
“Don’t,” Todoroki's voice brought your attention, you whipped your head around to see his face. His cheek wore a large bruise as frostbite marks remained on his skin. “We have to let them be, even if it's not what we want.” he spoke, never taking his eyes off Midoriya. His eyes were welling up with tears, running down the abused flesh once they filled up enough.
You hadn't ever seen Todoroki emit such an emotion. The end of the world truly changes someone but never enough for Shouto to be blinded by his own feelings. He knew not to bring attention away from them in their final moments together and for that...
“But we have each other, right?” he held out his hand to you, biting down on his bottom lip to keep them from quivering, from giving him away. But it didn't matter either way. You nodded your head slightly, the action was almost invisible as your entire body just wanted rest, your body so achingly wanted to lie down and sleep.
Even after I've had everything taken from me and then some, I just wanted to close my eyes, for only a second or for an eternity. Either would be fine.
“Right.” you took his hand, watching the world burn at your feet from every direction. There's this bitter triumph in crashing when you should be soaring. Heroes always win right? So what did you do wrong? What could you have done?
There was a quiet moment that passed between you, only needing the small touch of your hands to keep yourselves and your unmatched feelings at bay.
“y/n…” he spoke softly, quietly, gently. “If there was anyone I could have died fighting beside, I'm very glad it's you.”
And for that, Shouto Todoroki was the bravest hero I had ever known.
You smiled at him, eyes welling with more tears as you hooked an arm around his neck, pulling his body towards yours. You stayed like that until the world had finally perished beneath you, leaving behind nothing more than smouldering buildings and young heroes whose dreams were broken and crushed in front of their very eyes. And you had to watch the girl you love, kiss goodbye the boy you wished you were, the hero you wished you were.
But maybe, in some other life, you would be able to be the one who got the girl in the end, just maybe.
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
Backstage Whispers
Idol: Nayeon (Twice)
Prompt: heyyy, could I request a fem!reader x twice’s nayeon where they’re girlfriends and had a fight a day before an award show that both of their groups would be, then it’s all awkward there till the reader starts to feel bad and has to get to the backstage for a while then nayeon gets worried and goes after her, angst with fluff ending please <3
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: How is Miss Im Nayeon so hot? Her in that purple two-piece outfit actually ended me. Feel Special is the song of the year confirmed. Anyway, I used some of the PD48 girls as idol!reader’s members and I hope you all enjoy reading!
♡ Tip Jar♡
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The thing about dating fellow idols was that it made it really awkward during award shows if something happened. You stood with your back straight as a rode, feeling nervous and weird as you avoided looking Nayeon’s way and plastered on a smile for the photos. Even both groups felt awkward, bowing to each other with little smiles and trying not to look between you and Nayeon, not speaking a word to each other. It felt strange, and you knew that people might point out your behavior as you stepped off the red carpet, away from Nayeon, and let out a relieved breath, but you couldn’t help it. It was hard not to be awkward when your girlfriend, who you might be on the verge of breaking up with after a terrible fight, was only feet away.
It had been a dumb fight, now that you looked back on it. Weren’t all fights dumb, though? It had started over something little and escalated until the two of you had stopped talking because of it. Nayeon was fiercely headstrong and stubborn, and even when you calmed down and realized that the argument was stupid, you didn’t want to apologize first. Call it petty, but you knew an apology from you first would only make her more headstrong. And plus, she’d been the one who started it all. You wanted to hear an apology from her for once.
So you’d kept up your silence and cold shoulder, and now the two of you were at an awards show, and it was so awkward you could hardly stand it. You felt sweaty and nervous for the first time in a long time, and it wasn’t because of the flashing cameras and the eyes of fans everywhere. From the moment you’d gotten up that morning, you’d been feeling sick, stomach in knots as you dreaded having to come.
“(Y/N), you’re looking pale,” your leader Kaeun said, knocking you out of your thoughts as she put her hand on your shoulder and turned you to face her more. She looked worried, eyebrows furrowed as she checked your temperature. She knew what was going on, and although she’d also put on a smile in front of the cameras, you knew she was worried about you. She’d been worried since the fight. Since you’d started to seem more sad, since you’d started to mope around and sleep more. “How are you feeling?”
“Not great,” you admitted, but gave her a smile. “Don’t worry, though. I’ll be able to get through this.”
She looked like she wanted to say something else, but there were people with listening ears around, so she pursed her lips and gave your shoulder a pat. “Hang in there. Let me know if I can do anything to help.”
As you sat down in your designated seat, you let out a sigh, allowing yourself to close your eyes for a moment. Award shows were always kind of exhausting, with all the waiting and stress and over-the-top styling and cameras everywhere. But you’d never felt quite this exhausted. You hadn’t slept much the night before because of your nerves, and it was really starting to catch up with you.
As much as you didn’t want to, as you opened your eyes, you found yourself glancing over at Twice’s table. Nayeon had her head down, staring at her lap, and you quickly looked away before she could catch you, feeling your stomach twist. This was so stupid and awkward.
“Are you feeling tired?” Miyu asked, taking your hand in her own.
“Yeah, but we’ve barely even started the show. I’ll just have to hang on.”
“If you need to, you can always step backstage.”
“I don’t want to make fans worry,” you said, sighing again and letting your head rest on her shoulder. “It’s my own fault.”
“Awe, don’t say that!” Miyu huffed. “It’s not your fault! She should just apologize already-.”
“Shh, let’s not talk about that here.” You brought a finger up to her lips, and she closed her mouth, nodding. Still, her little outburst had made you feel a little bit better. At least you had your members on your side.
“Our fans will be more worried if they see you passed out,” Kaeun pointed out, butting into the conversation. “So listen to Miyu and go backstage for a little while if you start feeling sick.”
“Okay.” You finally agreed, laughing softly, appreciating their concern. “If that’s what you guys think would be best, I’ll do that.”
It ended up happening faster than you thought it would. The lack of sleep mixed with the bright, flashing lights and the loud crowd was making your head hurt, and your stomach hurt from all the nerves as you tried not to look over at Nayeon. After performing and a while of just dealing with it, you decided that you should heed your members advice and slip backstage, at least to get something for your headache and to help you wake up. So you politely excused yourself and walked towards the bathrooms, wobbling slightly on your feet and hoping that nobody noticed how you were feeling.
After getting a drink and sitting down backstage, you felt a little bit better. It was quieter back there, and you could let your head rest against the wall and close your eyes without any fans worrying about your health. You weren’t going to stay back there very long, after all, your group might win an award. You just wanted to rest for a moment.
“(Y/N)?” An all too familiar voice made your stomach twist, and you opened your eyes to see none other than the woman you’d been trying so desperately to avoid. Nayeon was looking down at you with wide, worried eyes, ignoring the strange looks that the staff were sending her way. Not like she ever cared what other people thought of her anyway. “Are you okay?”
You didn’t know what to say. You hadn’t spoken to Nayeon in over a week, because of the cold shoulder she’d given you first, and yet there she was, standing there like nothing had happened. What could you say? That this was because of her? “Uh,” you settled for instead, looking down at the water bottle in your hands. “Yeah. Just, um, tired.”
“I know you’re not just tired.” Her voice was firm. Of course she knew you were lying. She knew you better than even your own members. As she sat down beside you, she let out a sigh. “Is your stomach hurting?”
You bit your lip. Half of you didn’t want to give in like this. The other half of you was tired and sick and just wanted your girlfriend back. “Yeah.”
“I thought so.” Her tone was softer this time. “Your stomach always hurts whenever you feel anxious or nervous.” So she’d known. That was why she’d come back here after you. For a moment, the two of you just sat in silence, because you didn’t know what to do. Then, as the staff cleared out of that area, she turned her head to look at you. “I’m sorry.”
It was the apology you’d been waiting for. The apology you’d wanted since the fight occurred. You just hadn’t expected to get it here. Your eyebrows raised high, you jerked your head towards her. “What?”
“I’m sorry. For everything I said. For being stupid and stubborn and then putting you in this situation and making you feel sick. That fight was stupid and I shouldn’t have given you the cold shoulder. It was my fault.” She licked her lips, a nervous habit, and you knew this had to be hard for her. As friendly and sweet as she was, she always got awkward and nervous when apologizing or admitting her wrong. “I shouldn’t have done any of that. I let my pride get in the way even though I promised myself I’d work on that. So I’m sorry.”
“Oh.” Some of the twists in your stomach began to go away, even though you were still nervous, hyper-aware of the fact that staff and fellow idols were walking back and forth. This wasn’t the best place to have a heart-to-heart. Still, if Nayeon was willing to be so forward and open, you weren’t going to mess this up. “Thank you for apologizing.” Your voice was at a whisper as you swallowed. “I’m sorry too. For being petty and not apologizing first. That fight was really dumb.”
Nayeon’s hand was warm as she put it on top of yours, concealing the fact that she was holding your hand with her flowing skirt. Her voice was also at a whisper as she spoke. “So now will you tell me what’s wrong?”
Your cheeks flushed, embarrassed. “I had a headache and a stomach ache because I was nervous and didn’t sleep enough last night. It’s dumb.”
“It’s not dumb. You aren’t feeling well.”
“I’m feeling better now,” you said, smiling at her. “I took medicine for my headache, and I don’t feel as nervous anymore.” That was true. A lot of the knots in your stomach had faded away with Nayeon’s apology, relieved that she wouldn’t be breaking up with you. “Thanks for coming to check on me.”
“You’re my girlfriend. I’d be an awful person if I didn’t come check on you.” Even thought the blush on her cheeks was concealed by her makeup, you could see her ears go pink as she made a face.
“Still, thank you. It made me really happy.” You squeezed her hand, and she smiled.
“I’m glad we settled that. I was really scared you’d break up with me.”
You raised your eyebrows, shocked and a little amused. “I was scared you’d break up with me!”
“That definitely isn’t the case. I like you too much.” She glanced around the corridor before leaning closer to you. “I have to go back, our stage starts soon. But have you forgiven me?” She was so pretty that your heart skipped a beat.
“Of course. How could I not?”
Her bunny smile came back, and it hit you just how much you’d missed seeing that smile. “Good. Now I can really get out there and perform. This one’s for you.” Once again, after making sure the coast was clear, she whispered into your ear. “I love you. I seriously do.”
You smiled so wide that it hurt, leaning your head against hers for the second that you could. In a minute, you’d have to go back out there and deal with the crowd and cameras and flashing lights. But you felt better, now, knowing that Nayeon was still yours. That no petty fight was going to get in the way of her feelings for you. That she’d still come to your side when she saw you sick, no matter how mad she’d been. The two of you would probably have a longer chat later about everything, and both of you had room for growth. But for now, you were happy with this backstage, whispered reaffirmation of her feelings for you. And you were so glad you’d listened to Kaeun’s advice.
“I love you too.”
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lunalovefics · 5 years
hazy shade of winter PART 1
pairing - felix rosier x mc
requested ? yep ! unfortunately i didn't get a username so i couldn’t tag them, but if this was yours please leave a comment because I loved writing this !
summary : you stay behind at hogwarts over christmas holiday and become much closer with a certain prefect while all of your friends are away...
warnings : slow burn ?
(also i haven't written anything in a hot minute so if this sucks i apologize and very much appreciate any constructive criticism as im trying to improve my writing. but im very excited this is the first fic im posting to my new account!)
It was a another freezing winter morning as I woke up unusually early, bringing the covers up over my head tossing and turning trying to fall back asleep to escape the cold for just a few more hours. I groaned throwing the heavy blanket away from my face taking in a deep breath, brushing the stray pieces of (h/c) hair from my eyes. It was no use. I was completely and fully awake, totally aware of how quite the room was without all my friends going about their usual morning routine. The only sound keeping me company today was the wind rustling harshly against my window as I stare at the ceiling now desperately wishing I had taken Rowan or even Bill’s invitation to spend the break with them. It was only the first day of holiday and I already missed them. ‘‘ it’s only two weeks.”  I tried to reassure myself.
I look over to the window the sun still not even up, “if the sun gets to sleep in i should be able to.” I frown to myself as I realize i’m going to have to get up at some point. I bite the bullet and decide to try and make to most of the day, that thought lasted all of five minutes as after I brushed my hair and teeth I couldn't be bothered to exert any more energy. Assuming I’m either the only one in slytherin who stayed behind on holiday or at the very least the only one awake at this hour I decided there would be no better way to spend these next few hours then curled up in the common room next to the fireplace getting ahead of my studies. I quickly pulled on an over sized (f/c) sweater not even bothering to change out of my pajama pants and grabbed a few textbooks as I made my way down to the common room to find it actually decorated quite nicely, a christmas tree dawned our house colors, stockings over the fireplace, and a few other decorations here and there. I smiled taking in the scene as I sat back into the couch getting as comfortable as possible before opening my potions book. 
I’d say I got in a good forty-five minutes of studying before I ultimately fell asleep. Potions always seemed to do that to me, hence why Penny had to tutor me so often. I was sure I had been out for a at least an hour or two as I finally woke up yawning as a rubbed my surprisingly still tired eyes. Looking down I noticed my book set neatly on the table in front of me and a blanket covering my now very warm body. It was only then that I looked over and noticed that I was in fact not alone here. Not even two feet away from me sat a familiar form.
 “I see you are finally awake.” he didn’t sound as cold as he normally did, in fact he almost sounded pleased? 
“Felix? What time is it?” was the only thing that managed to escape my lips as I was a bit shocked to see him.
“A bit after eight I suppose.” he replied marking a place in his book before sitting it on the table, turning to give me his full attention. “You know I don’t consider it wise to spend the night in the common room, I imagine it’s not very comfortable and it can get quite cold.” he added glancing down for only a moment.
That’s when I realized what exactly he was looking at. I was now all to aware of the fact that he was the one who had covered me with this blanket and neatly arranged my books. But why would he do that? Was he sitting there waiting for my to wake up? Was I overthinking this situation? Probably. I mean he was just looking out for his housemate, that’s what a prefect does after all. I tried not to make the situation any more than it was but I was unable to suppress the blush creeping up my cheeks. I sat up, now sitting criss cross only a few inches separating us.
 “I wasn't down here all night.” I corrected him. “I woke up pretty early and couldn't go back to sleep so I thought it would be a good idea to come down here and try and get ahead of my lessons, but you can see how well that worked out.” 
“I can’t say I’m surprised considering how many house points you've lost us by falling asleep in Snapes class.” shockingly he didn't sound as if he were scolding me like he normally did when it came to house points. 
“It’s not my fault his voice is so unbearably boring that I have no other choice than to go to sleep.” I joked trying to lighten the mood. I swore I could see the corners of his mouth turn up ever so slightly. “What are you doing here anyway? Wouldn’t you rather spend the holidays at home instead of being cooped up here?”
“You know I could ask you the same question (l/n).” he replied raising a brow. I suppose he was right. Who am I kidding, he was always right.
l smiled at his response just sitting there for a moment taking in his features. It was nice seeing him outside of his house robes and uniform. He was wearing a simple grey turtle neck, black pants, and his normal black dress shoes. Good to know he still remained quite formal even when no one was a round to see. His hair was still slicked back and his cheek bones were just as sharp but something seemed different. His expression seemed less tired, almost relaxed. But I suppose that made since, even though we were stuck at Hogwarts we were still on holiday.  
He cleared his throat, though our eyes never broke apart. Oh Merlin. I thought to myself, just how long have I been just staring at him. I averted my eyes as fast as humanly possible, practically jumping out of my seat. Smooth (y/n) smooth. 
“Want to go to the Great Hall? I could really use some coffee.” I smiled mentally face palming myself as hard as possible.  
He shrugged getting up from his seat, “Sure.”
And just like that the two of us started to make our way to the Great Hall.
(Felix’s pov)
It was only six am when I awoke to the cold nipping at me from under the covers, I looked around to my empty room and sighed as I would be spending yet another Christmas alone at Hogwarts. 
“at least i can get some peace and quite.” 
I soon got up to get dressed and made my way to the common room ready to get started with the day. Of course I didn't expect to see anyone else here at all let alone at this time, you could definitely say I was more than taken aback to find someone asleep on the couch. I felt my heart rate speed up even more when I realized that it was you. Questions immediately began to pop into my mind. Why hadn't you gone home on break? Why were you asleep in the common room? Had you been there all night? What were you dreaming about? I had caught myself off guard with that last one.
I looked around the common room at all the decorations I managed to get up that night before making my was over to you. Gently brushing a piece of hair away from your face tucking it behind your ear I smiled at how serene you looked. As I pulled the book you were reading from your hand my fingers grazed yours, you were freezing. After placing the book neatly on the table I went to my room to get you a blanket. 
If you were going to sleep in the common room you should have at least brought a blanket with you. It’ll be a wonder if you manage to not get sick. I mean really you need to start being more responsible. 
As I walked back in I couldn't help but just stare at you for a moment as I covered you up, I had never been more glad you were asleep as I was sure that you would have been able to hear every beat of my heart. I debated on whether or not I should sit in a different seat worried you would find my decision to sit next to you odd at the very least but I couldn’t resist. I sat down as slowly and as quietly as possible doing my best not to wake you, managing to sit back and start my book without causing so much as a stir.
I tried to read my book and ignore the fact that you were asleep next to me but it was almost as if the more I tried to concentrate the harder it became. I read the same sentence over at least ten time before finally giving in to watch over you as you slept, my eyes shifting back and forth from you, to the fire burning, and finally back to the book as I realized what a creep I was probably being and decided to try and give reading another attempt. But I still couldn't help but smile at every little snore. (if you don’t snore, well you do now uwu)
This went on for just a little over an hour before I felt you moving around, looking over as you woke up. When your tried gaze met mine I could feel my face soften, there really was no one like you. 
(y/n)’s pov
It didn't take long to make it to the Great Hall as we walked there in almost total silence, not that I minded it was honestly nice just to have the company. Truth was I was grateful not only was I going to have someone to spend the holiday with but I was going to be able to spend it with Felix. I know we weren't close or anything, and given all the times I lost our house points he probably didn't like me very much but i’d be lying to say I didn't enjoy every moment I could steal from him. 
As we walked through the doors I looked around taking in the sight of all the decorations, even with how empty it was the room felt so full of joy. Felix of course kept the same stoic expression as he always did but I like to think he enjoyed the scenery as well. 
We took our seats at the end of the table sitting across from each other as we had our breakfast. 
“So (y/n) what are you doing here on holiday if you don’t mind me asking?” he questioned finally breaking the silence.
“And what if I do?” I replied teasing him a bit.
 He raised a bored brow, but I could tell he was a bit taken back by my response. 
“You’re not here to cause trouble I hope.” He was already on to me, I had to think quick.
“Who? Me?” I asked looking around. “Felix please I am the back bone of this house, I would never.” I smirked even though it was a very obvious lie. He rolled his eyes at the “back bone of slytherin” however he was amused to say the least.
“Well that certainly is a shame.” he started before taking a sip of his tea. “Because if your offer still stands, I say we make this break interesting for once.” 
I didn't know what to say, was this all a trap to get me to reveal my plans? He was prefect after all, was he really willing to get in trouble? But all my mind could really focus on was the fact he even remembered my offer. 
“Well (y/n), what will it be?” 
What came over me I don’t know, maybe it was the look in his eyes. A mischievous glint I had never seen in him before, maybe my curiosity got the better of me. Or maybe it was that skip of my heart that made the decision for me. 
“Alright Rosier, let’s do it.” I grinned going against all better judgement I agreed extending my hand to seal the deal. 
As he grabbed my hand he pulled me closer to him, leaning across the table, “I must warn you if we’re going to do something this reckless we do it my way. I won’t have us getting caught.” I could only nodded in agreement as words were not even an option in this moment, he finally realized the position we were in and let me go. Though a small part of my wished he hadn’t.
He went back to his tea focusing rather hard on it trying to hide the ever so slight blush forming. I couldn't quite wrap my head around what had just happened but I had a feeling I wasn't going to be able to stop thinking about it any time soon. 
It wasn't long before we were both finished and ready to head out deciding to head to the library to read up on some information that could help us in our adventure. As we were walking I forced him to take a slight detour stopping by the courtyard to look out at the frosty morning. I let out a happy sigh watching as my breath came out in a cloud. The air was bitter and I definitely wasn't dressed for such cold weather but I had never been so happy to shiver. Seeing the ground covered in a beautiful sheet of white as even more spilled from the sky almost made me forget about everything else going on around me. I walked out looking up at sky trying to catch a snow flake on my tongue. 
“(y/n) get back here ! It’s freezing, you're going to get sick !” I heard Felix call after me but it was like it really just went in one ear and out the other. Little did I know how intently he was watching me, I didn't even think of how silly I probably looked but in that moment I couldn't care less. Twirling around in the snow I become almost lost in my own little world and didn't even notice when Felix had come up behind me.
I jumped as I was snapped back to reality feeling something rather warm wrap around me. Looking down I saw a scarf now resting on my shoulders. I quickly turned around staring up at Felix who was now standing right in front of me, snow now starting to cover us both. My (e/c) eyes met his brown ones and the heat immediately began to rise to my already rosy cheeks. I tried taking the scarf off but he placed his hands on mine to stop me, re wrapping it before his hand moved to my cheek. His hands felt so warm even out in the freezing cold.
“You’ll get cold.” I said averting my gaze trying to protest. 
“I’m not the one shivering.” he smiled as I felt his hand move from my cheek to brush a fallen strand of (h/c) hair behind my ear. Little did I know this wasn't the first time he had done this.
I had no idea how to respond, it seemed like he never failed to make me speechless, but this? This was a side of him that I didn't even know existed. How did the point obsessed prefect become so.....sweet? As I looked up at him I smiled gently cupping his hands in mine, raising them to my lips blowing out a bit of warm air. 
“I will shiver in this cold happily if it means I get to stand here next to you.” staring up at him I was glad to know I was no longer the only one blushing. 
“Lets head inside before we catch our death out here.” he said before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead, I could feel a smile form onto his lips as I intertwined his hand with mine. 
These were going to be an interesting two weeks.
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soundofseventeen · 5 years
13 Days of Christmas (Joshua Hong)
I am very tired, rip. gif credit to owners...im off to cure my cold
Word count: 1676
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You wouldn’t call yourself the grinch, but you definitely hated the holidays. You couldn’t stand how the moment Halloween was over, Christmas trees were not only put up everywhere you turned, but the music seeped from the stereo and into your brain (and sometimes your dreams). And then there was the holiday shopping. There were people who didn’t deserve anything but you still had to get them something because you hung out with them. But then there were those who deserved everything the world had to offer, but you couldn’t afford that because the money in your bank account liked to laugh at you for even thinking it. None of that, however, compared to the ridiculous hours you had to work.
The worst job in the world, you liked to say, was retail. You didn’t mind dealing with people as long as they were friendly and didn’t send you into a panic attack after one interaction. They made your days bearable...and also not hate your job too much. But the ones who treated you like gum under their shoe or a roach they couldn’t kill made you wanna gouge your eyes out...or douse them in gasoline and set them on fire. You were fine with either option. It seemed like they all came out to play during the holiday deals and make your life even more miserable than it already felt. You’d been mentally preparing yourself for these days since July, maybe earlier...you didn’t know to be honest. Time now seemed like a foreign concept. Halloween meant dealing with parents fighting over the tiniest accessories for costumes to screeching for a manager because of a nonexistent discount. And the teenagers who acted too cool for everyone had you screaming into whatever you had in your hands. And November brought angry people who basically cursed you and your future generations for not having a bigger display of Thanksgiving items (despite few people celebrating the actual holiday.)
But those didn’t compare to the month-long Christmas. Christmas, ironically enough, was the holiday from hell. Most of the time, you clocked in early in the morning as the sun rose and there was a good chance you wouldn’t come out until the stars were out. If your manager didn’t have you mopping the floor from a coffee that a careless mom spilled, you worked the register, praying that you had the strength to get through your shift. You envied everyone who walked in or passed through those doors because they didn’t feel dread coursing through their bodies. All in all, if you could quit your job without worrying about your next paycheck, you would’ve walked a long time ago, because sometimes it didn’t feel like they paid you enough to deal with that bullshit. 
Tonight seemed like no exception when you trudged through your apartment door, your feet feeling like they’d give out at any second a little after midnight. You let yourself fall on your couch, ripping off the ridiculous Santa Claus hat your coworkers begged you to wear with them, wondering if you could “lose” it somehow. Your face hurt from the mostly fake smile you wore the entire time. You wanted a hot shower to relax your muscles; you wanted to sleep in to the new year so the stress would go away. You needed to look for your laptop so you could start your Christmas shopping so you could spare the other retail workers. (While customers left you apathetic, the empathy you felt for everyone else who dealt with them skyrocketed and you vowed to make things easier for them.);  you needed food so your tummy would quit whining at you to eat something; you needed to remind yourself that no other job paid above the minimum; you needed the fucking cold to go away so you could be less cranky. You just hated everything right now.
As if your night couldn’t get any worse, a scream sounded next door to you. It wasn’t an, “Oh my god, I’m dying here, someone please save me,” yell but one of, “Oh my god; what is this?!” How that was possible, you didn’t know but it was enough for you to leave your couch and out the door in record time to give them a piece of your mind. Some people were asleep at this hour and some like you wanted to wallow in their self-pity because they had to repeat today tomorrow again. 
You had a few choice words for the white flakes falling from the sky because now you had to officially accept that Christmas was coming and you were gonna die of premature stress. But then you saw the culprit who startled you and ruined your night and yelled out an irritated, “Hey!” with hopes of rolling whatever you could spew at him.
He looked at you, his emotions one of wonder and surprise at being acknowledged, his hand midair as if reciting a Shakespearan monologue.
His eyes were a lot sparklier than the ornaments that decorated the Christmas tree at work and you weren’t expecting that, so your expansive vocabulary of bad words died on your tongue, and the longer you looked at him, the harder it was to form a sentence of, “Why the fuck are you so loud?” or something along those lines...and goddamn it, now you were blushing because you had no idea what to do now. His black hair fell into his eyes as the wind blew and he made zero effort to move it, making him seem more attractive and if you weren’t frozen on the spot, you would’ve gone back in and let the roof cave in over your head.
“Hello,” he finally spoke and you were officially fucked. “Can I help you with something?” That. Lisp. With lips redder than Snow White’s had you melting into a puddle and ready to scream at whoever decided to make your life this hard.
“Yeah,” you hated yourself for how meek you sounded when you meant to sound intimidating. “Why’d you yell? Some of us have to be up early tomorrow.” Or in a few hours...time lost its meaning. All you knew was that your alarm had been set up already.
“I’m sorry. I-I just I’ve never seen snow before tonight. See, I’m from LA and it never snows there. Like, we’d go somewhere like Lancaster or more up north, but this is the first time I’ve seen it fall while I’ve been here.”
“Yeah, but so loud? Was that necessary?” Fuck, he was really cute with his reindeer antlers and you really needed to focus because now was not the time to look like a fool in front of a cute boy. Well, any more than you already have.
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah well just don’t let it happen again.” You finally found the strength to move and you went back inside to let your neighbor have fun with the falling snow, trying to ignore your racing heart and blushing cheeks.
“Oh, shit this is cold!” 
“Dude!” you threw your head out.
“I’m Joshua,” he waved at you.
“And I wanna sleep.” You sighed. “Listen, I know you mean well, but I have to deal with unpleasant humans tomorrow and the day after that and this whole fucking month until the new year so if you shut up for the rest of the night, then I would appreciate it.” 
He shot you a finger gun and clicked his tongue. “Ahh, you work retail. I could tell by your attitude.” He shivered from the cold. “I’m sorry if I disturbed you; I was just excited to see it-”
And now you felt like a jerk. “No, I’m sorry it was just a really long day and people were annoying and some five-year-old kid almost made me cry and December is just a nightmare and it’s only the beginning. I didn’t mean to snap at you, and enjoy the snow.” You closed the door slowly and opened it again just as quickly. “Also, wear gloves because frostbite is not a joke. Okay, sorry for disturbing you.” *
The next morning, after digging in your closet to find all the accessories to keep you warm, you were running late. So much so, you didn’t even bother turning on your alarm. (It was insured so you weren’t too worried about something happening. And in your haste, you ran straight into...Joshua. Great. 
“I’m sorry. I’ll pay for any damages tonight. My boss’s gonna kill me if I don’t get there soon.”
“Do you ever just take a second to breathe?” He asked you, gently blowing on his coffee cup. The smell of it mixed with French vanilla wafted through the air and into your nostrils. “It’s not even eight yet. What’s the rush?”
“Traffic, and long lines to get breakfast.”
“Well, I have a bagel. Here.” 
“I don’t know you.”
“Well, it’s either take my word for it or you’ll be hungry for hours.”
“How’d you like the snow?” Better to change the subject even if meant getting there a little later than usual. You looked at his bagel a little longer and hesitantly reached for it. (And you realized you didn’t have dinner last night, making it look twice as good.)
“It’s really pretty. I’m kinda glad I live here now.”
“It won’t be like that after a while, trust me. And I really have to go. Uh, thanks for the bagel. I’ll pay you for that.”
“Just don’t yell at your neighbors anymore for seeing snow and we’ll call it even. Good luck at work. I think you might need it. Also, I didn’t get your name.” The cold air left his face red and you hated yourself for how attractive he looked.
“I’m Y/N.”
“Well, Y/N, I’ll probably see you after work. Have a great day.”
You couldn’t tell if he was being sincere or sarcastic but you knew that he was cute and you may have believed in Santa Claus for bringing a cute boy to be your next-door neighbor.
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sleepypeaky · 5 years
{getaway} final, pt.4
Reader is the Blinder’s chauffeur….naturally that entails getaway driving too
Part 4/4 ———-part 1, part 2 , part 3
also this was unintentional but the reader is gender neutral
WC: 1458
Warnings: Shooting, blood, dramaaa
A/n: set just after season 5, like the day after the last episode.
and no this isnt historically accurate obvs but i had to do it to write the fucking thing
tnis is so fun to write so try and stop me. this is kind of a Finn x reader?? idk?? finn is my wife?? but he also smol gay boi?? im confused.
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“Where’s Finn!?!” Ada yelled as she kicked open the door to Tommy’s study.
Tommy was at his desk with his head down. Arthur ventured to answer,
“We haven’t seen him since the speech. Johnny Dogs said (y/n) went to look for him.”
“Arthur that was 12 hours ago! They could be hurt!”
Tommy raised his head and grabbed the phone.
He eyes widened.
He slammed the phone back down on the receiver, and scrambled to his feet.
“Mosley’s been shot.”
They stared at each other.
Ada gasped.
“Oh my god.”
They all ran out the door.
“NO NO NO NO FUCK! FUCK!” You screamed into the steering wheel.
To say that you were speeding was an understatement, you were going so fast that you weren’t sure the car could handle it.
And at the same time, to make things even more dangerous, you were flicking your gaze to Finn’s marbled complection. 
“Finn Finn come on come onnnn!” You slapped his face lightly, trying to wake him up.
He made a breathy groan, you weren’t sure if it was voluntary, but at least he was alive.
You cursed yourself,
“FUCK (y/n)!! WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!” You yanked the wheel to the right and were thrown along with it as the car screeched into the direction you gave it.
You were almost at the hospital. It wasn’t smart considering what had just happened, but by the amount of blood you figured it was either this or him dying, and you were not taking that chance.
And this was far enough away that maybe it would just be passed off as a casualty of one of the many daily gang shootings.
You tore into the hospital driveway and slammed on the brakes, the tires were so shot from the drive that you skidded about 3 feet.
Throwing open the door and screaming for help, you sprinted around the car and flung open the passenger side door, grabbing finn’s face in you hands and trying to call him out of the depths of his mind.
“Finn finn wake up please please.” You cried.
His head lolled in your hands, but his eyelids fluttered, you whimpered with relief.
Two men with a stretcher came up behind you.
You let them to him and watched as they ran him inside.
Your legs, as heavy as led, followed suit.
Ada sat frozen in the passenger seat of the car. A million thoughts going through her head.
She had her eyes pressed shut, hoping to anyone that would listen that her suspicions weren’t true.
Tommy’s hands were gripping the steering wheel so hard they resembled a skeleton’s. His face was in its usual stone mask, but his eyes were wind and active, no doubt thinking the same thoughts as Ava.
Arthur was silent in the backseat.
They pulled up to the scene and halted the car. Police were everywhere. The rain obscured the scene and oddly made it seem less intense than it was.
Two black tarps lay out on the ground.
Tommy sped over to them and in one swift motion, looked under each. The officers on the scene had recognized him and were awaiting his arrival, so they let this trespassing happen.
Though he let none of this show on his face, Tommy stood up and was relieved, both in seeing Mosley with half a skull, and seeing that the other body wasn’t Finn.
Maybe he wasn’t involved after all.
Nevertheless, before he went to speak to the press and police, he nodded to Ada: the signal to check the hospitals just in case.
“I’m sorry you can’t come in here.”
A nurse grabbed your arm.
You looked at her in a daze,
She looked apologetic and led you to a chair.
You looked down at yourself: your left shirt sleeve was drenched up to the elbow in blood from holding onto him during the car ride. As well as many other spaces on your clothes. And no doubt the car seat was completely ruined.
But all that was moot. 
Because you gave into Finn he was fucking bleeding out in the other room. Why didn’t you just fucking say no? No Finn, we are not going to assassinate a parliament member. No Finn, i won’t drive you. Maybe you thought that you being there would somehow protect him? Doesn’t matter.
You leaned your head back against the wall and closed your eyes.
You sat like that for who-knows-how long when you heard your name called.
You stumbled to you feet, looking around for the nurse who called your name. Instead, you locked eyes with Ada.
A sob escaped your mouth as she ran towards you.
“Jesus fuck (y/n)! What happened?!” She held you.
You lowered you voice, 
“I don’t know why i didn’t stop him. I could have but didn’t.”
She inhaled and nodded softly,
“It was you then.” She whispered.
You nodded,
“So fucking stupid–”
“At least you were fuckin’ there! If you weren’t there he would be under that black tarp with the faschist.” She harsh-whispered.
I made you feel a tad better, but still.
Polly walked to the ringing phone with a usual speed.
“Pol, it’s Ada.”
She tilted her head,
“What happened.”
Ada sighed over the phone,
“Finn is in the hospital, i’ll explain when you get here.”
“Jesus– not again. I’ll be right there.”
She shook her head and went to the door.
“Shhhh! Pol!”
Polly looked around to see if she was the only sane person in the room. Surely it wasn’t out of line to react like this.
She looked over at where you were sitting, still covered in blood and leaning on your hand.
“This family needs to calm the fuck down.”
“Not likely, pol.”
The appearance of feet in your sightline brought you back to reality.
You looked up.
“He’s resting now, he’ll be ok.”
You stood up, shaky.
You gestured to Polly and Ada.
“Can we see him?”
The nurse nodded and led you to his room.
6 hours later
The first thing that moved were his fingers, they looked as if he were playing an invisible piano on the white sheets.
Finn opened his eyes, taking in his surroundings. White walls, his feet, you passed out in a chair.
He smirked,
“Oi.” He croaked.
He watched your eyelids snap open confusingly, then they made contact with his.
“Tired?” he jested.
You glared,
“You’re a bastard Finn Shelby. A right bastard.”
You stood up and looked down over his bed, you flicked his nose.
“Ow wha’ the fuck!?”
“That,” you slipped, “Was for draggin me into this mess and then making me save your ass.”
“yeah thats fair.”
You sat down again, but pushed the chair closer. You took one of his hands.
“I don’t want to be covered in your blood again.”
He grunted, 
“Can’t guarantee anything.”
You smiled at his humor, but you felt sad inside.
“I can’t lose any more of you.”
He understood what you meant. John and you had been close, you were like an extra sibling. 
Finn turned his hand so that your’s fell in place. He squeezed.
“I don’t plan on going anywhere.”
You smiled again and lay you head down on the bed beside his shoulder.
It was here that Finn felt good, where he could embrace the quiet sensuality of plain love. Not forced, or made to behave differently, he could be himself.
He leaned his head atop yours.
1 Day later
“and in conclusion, you are never, to ever, do anything like that ever again. Not, that there will be an occasion to do so.” 
Tommy finished his drastically long scolding of Finn.
“And (y/n), i want to be mad, but essentially the same goes to you as well. But you were doing your job, and i’m glad Finn wasn’t alone. At least there was one working brain in the plan.”
You blinked,
“I still have a job?”
Tommy chuckled,
“What, you thought this would change that? I did tell you there would be excitement didn’t i?”
“Yeah, my body feels real excited.” Finn groaned from the bed, rubbing the bandages that were wrapped around his midsection.
“Yeah but thats what you get.” You said.
He frowned.
The car rumbled beneath you, and with the windows down, your hair cooled in the breeze.
You looked into your mirrors, he was gaining on you.
“Fool.” You muttered.
Your foot lowered further on the gas.
The finish line was in sight,
Again, not a surprising victory. 
You eased off the gas and began the process of stopping the car.
The screech of brakes continued until you exited the car.
You threw up your hands,
“Really?! I thought i taught you better than that Shelby!”
Finn flipped you off and hopped out of his car.
“Well i’m not insane, like someone know.”
you punched his arm.
You looked up at him and grinned.
He did the same.
He leaned down and kissed you, you returning it naturally.
You smiled into the kiss, before reaching up and grabbing his hat.
You broke off and frisbeed his hat into the grass.
“Race you!” You squealed as you ran to your car.
Finn stood in confusion at how quick that progressed.
You got back in the car, and started the engine.
The End
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vore-scientist · 5 years
In Which Sophia makes an Impractical Discovery (safe/soft M/f platonic GT vore)
A (mini) tale of the mystic woods
Premise: The Princess Sophia discovers a method to incapacitate the half-giant wizard Yonah from inside his stomach. Not exactly a practical method, but it sure is silly!
No warnings! Vore is slightly unwilling but mostly Sophia is just... fed up... heheheh
The princess Sophia awoke completely squashed by warmth, and mucus covered flesh. This wasn’t surprising, Yonah had gotten peckish last night and couldn’t be bothered to get normal food. Nope. It had to be live human. So without even asking he had gobbled her right up! Frustrating as Fuck, even if she was turned into glass so she couldn’t be digested.
In a very tantrum like manner Sophia lifted and slammed her feet down. No particular rhythm, and making a not exactly pleasant squelch each time.
The utterance rumbled down as the Wizard woke up.
Or sort of. He did his very best not to.
“YONAH! Wake the fuck up!” Sophia hissed.
“What is it… I’m trying to sleep.” He grumbled.
She could feel him shift to his side and rub at her affectionately. That earned him another kick.
“Let me out!” she ordered
The rubbing did not stop.
“Naw princess, you’re staying right where you are.” The rubbing briefly became soft jolts as he pat his full belly. Though she couldn’t see his face, she knew he was smiling. Jerk.
“I don’t want to be here anymore! Spit me up!”
Now he sat up. Finally awake enough to hear the harshness in her voice. He sat on the end of the bed, with a hand still pressing into his stomach. Gosh, if she wasn’t mad at him it would be a perfect moment. Well not really. He’d rather still be asleep. There was really nothing like sleeping with a permanently full belly.
“Come on, it’s only been,” he put on his glasses and lit up his eyes to shine upon the hourglass,
“Two hours. Is everything alright?”
He had two hours left of happy fullness (unless he reset the spell, but he wasn't going to try and convince her to do that… my). Two more hours, he wanted to use them! Maybe she was just cranky.
“Why must you be such a evil bastard?!” She bellowed. Pounding at his insides.
Her anger was sour but the massage provided by her punches and kicks were oh so sweet.
Sophia did her darnedest to protest her confinement. With her feet she cycled, kick kick kick kick kick, at the bottom of the stomach! It wasn’t enough to get her point across so she stretched out and with her hands she brought down punches like she was playing a big drum, slamming them into the flesh at the top of the stomach.
Infuriated as the wizard made small sounds of glee as increased her efforts.
Then the soft flesh around her tensed. The small giggles from above stopped. Yonah gasped. It was so loud, so sharp, so cold, that it sent shivers down Sophia’s glass spine. And a second later everything relaxed.  The stomach walls went softer than they’d ever been and the pressure from Yonah’s hand fell away.
As Yonah himself fell off the bed, with a THUMP, onto the floor. It would have hurt a bit if he could feel anything at all. His ears would be ringing with Sophia’s shouts if he could hear anything at all. He could be scared out of his mind if he could think anything at all. The only thing he could do was see whatever was in front of him. And even that he couldn’t see as he had taken off his glasses after checking the time. The world was dark and colorless, even his eyes were dimmer than normal in complete darkness.
“Yonah! Yonah!!! YONAH!!!”
Oh great gods of magic what had she done! For she was sure this was her doing. Yonah wouldn’t just pass out on her like that. And he wasn’t sick. Oh dear what if he had fallen suddenly and deathly ill!!!
It was great not having real blood or a heartbeat for she wouldn’t have been able to calm down enough to feel his slow, dull one. Regular and strong, just gentler. Or hear his lungs breathing shallowly but steadily. He was alive.
But for how long? How long would he be like this? Sophia had extra glass paste, so she could maintain this form for at least two more days. By then either he’d have recovered or would he dead. Right? Sophia didn’t know anything about the limitations of the human body. And Yonah wasn’t human. For all she knew he could go a week without food and water.
There was no point in giving up now, she didn’t need air and did not tire, so she kept screaming his name.
It was only about 5 minutes but it felt like an eternity to Sophia.
No change in heart beat. No other moments. Even the breathing remained the same as the vocalizations were made on the exhale.
“Yonah! Can you hear me?”
There was No real answer but the next groan had a distinct “uh huh” feel to it.
“Can you move?”
The body temples around here but to no avail. When it stopped the heart rate shot up. The next groan sounded like “nuh uh”.
Well, only a few minutes ago he had been completely unresponsive.
Nothing felt right. Everything felt very very wrong. As the fog drained from his brain and he regained feeling all the muggy bliss turned into panic. His brain was working again but his body was not! It felt filled with lead! Of course his stomach was full of glass. And while he couldn’t move, she could, and she was screaming!
No. No. No! It was horrible! How long had he been out? Was it minutes or hours? Or Days!? Was Sophia low on glass? She could be dying!
No… she was asking him questions. If she was in imminent danger she would be screaming to be let out. Not asking if he could do things like speak or move. He answered best he could be his mouth wouldn’t move at all. He could barely manage groans.
When his heart caught up to his brain the blood thundered in his ears. Feeling was coming back to his extremities. He moved his tongue around in his mouth.
“Sophia” he said, a little lispy, but he said it.
“Gods abound! Yonah! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know that would- if you had told me I wouldn’t have even! I’m sorry!”
Had she… done this? He couldn’t really recall much right now. He had to think extra hard. There wasn’t any other explanation.
“Im as surprised as you are, I couldn’t have warned you,” was what Yonah wanted to say but it was much too consonant heavy and it slurred badly.
“Take you time.” Sophia cooed, but his heart didn’t slow. His brain was still firing on all thrusters.
This made no sense! If her squirming had caused this, why hadn’t this happened before!? Surely some particularly large and strong thief should have triggered this reaction. It must be something else. But if it WAS that… He was glad it hadn't been a thief or adventurer. He didn’t know how long he was out but surely long enough for a human to die, or at least getting close to it.
For there were those who had struggled more fiercely than Sophia, those who were larger, who wore armor. Either he was sick, under some spell, or Sophia did something specific and unique.
None of those options were particularly good ones. However His own gasping breath bright him back to reality. And he felt Sophia nearly jump with excitement.
“Yonah!” She called again, “are you ok!”
When he spoke the words actually came out.
“I… I think so. I can’t move.”
“That doesn’t sound ok…”
She stroked his insides. any other time it would’ve have calmed him down.
“I can twitch my fingers!” He said, trying to offset both their worries, “I think I l- hold on.”
Shaking, he sat up. He had to brace himself on the bed frame but he managed it all the same. The effort left him panting, his body was still working against his brain.
“Great! Now spit me up!” Sophia was no longer concerned for him. Well. Nice while it had lasted.
“I will, I will, just.” He stopped to breathe, “need a few more minutes.”
“But you WILL let me out? You won’t go back to bed as soon as you’re able?”
He very much wanted to rest a hand over his stomach, over Sophia, and press down gently. But one arm was pushing against the floor, the other holding onto the bed. If he let go he would fall over.
“Yes, I promise.”
There was silence for a while then-
“Has this… ever happened to a thief?”
The question rang in his head but thankfully he had already thought about this. She too, had realized if it had been anyone but her, they would be dead. Still, Sophia sounded like she didn’t want to know the answer, assuming it had.
“No.” He felt her sigh with relief, “This has never happened before. And I don’t like it.” He added.
“So it was my trashing?”
“I think so…”
“There’s only one way to be sure!”
He didn’t like the devious cackle in her voice, and tended as she started kicking at his insides again.
“Listen!” He said, now able to rub at his stomach, “I agree we need to test this but not tonight.”
“Ok…” she said.
“I thought you wanted to be released?”
“I do! I do!” She insisted.
“I’m going to stand up.” He said, well, he was going to try.
Bad idea bad idea! His head swam and his stomach did summersaults. Which made Sophia do summersaults!
“What’s happening! Yonah! what’s wrong!?”
Sitting back down did not help.
Guess Sophia was getting what she wanted earlier than he’d planned, as he heaved violently.
He leaned over as he threw up. First came a noxious glob if bile, then the princess. As she entered his mouth he stuck in his fingers for her to grab onto, so he could pull her out, and lay her on his lap as he continued to retch. It made his head pound even worse, and his face flushed, a few tears ran down his cheeks.
Eventually he was just breathing hard in between infrequent coughs. Sophia had climbed onto his chest and he held her tightly in one arm.
Before looking at her he drew up some magic to clean himself off. And Sophia. Much better. Now he met her gaze and it was indeed angry, but also mischievous.
“Next time I ask to be let out, don’t fucking argue with me!”
He smiled, “I’ll try to remember that.” And he meant it. “Is there any particular reason you wanted to tonight?”
She closed her eyes and shrugged, “Nope, but  Idon’t think I need one. Sometimes a girl is just done being eaten.”
She reached up to scratch his stubbly cheek, he liked that “Deal with it.”
Fine. He could. He was able to stand now, if a bit jittery, and set her down on the nightstand, dismissing her curse and turning the hourglass on its side to top the clock. There was a rope bridge from the desk to her “room” (which was a massive, golden, ornately decorated, bird cage). But she did not cross it.
She watched Yonah get back into his bed, which he did very slowly. And lay down, facing her, he smiled and closed his eyes.
Well! She said she wanted to be let out! She had said nothing about sleeping in her own bed.
She backed up to the edge of the nightstand and ran, making the easy jump onto the bed.
Yonah opened his eyes, giving her a quizzical look as she climbed over his arm which was draped around his head,and snuggled against his face. The hair on his face was a bit scratchy, but the hair on his arm was soft, and Yonah in general was soft as well. So soft. So warm. And the air was fresh, she had a heartbeat and felt genuinely tired.
“Much better!” She declared. Flipping her braid at his eyes. He closed them again but his smile broadened
Once she got comfortable she felt his lips delicately kiss her back. And then they relaxed, slightly open, to blow a gentle warm breeze across her. While she was mostly ok with being eaten, and occasionally actually enjoyed it, she much preferred to be on the outside of the wizard’s body. She especially loved sleeping tucked into his arms. So strong, so powerful, but so gentle, so careful with her. And she knew he loved snuggling his face against her, even if he didn’t say as much.
And they fell asleep.
[Thanks for reading! please reblog/message me with feedback! for more mystic woods go to vore-scientist.tumblr.com/tagged/+mystic+woods+story or search ‘mystic woods story’ on my blog! For thief stories only search “MW Thieves”]
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ohshcwrites · 5 years
Maybe it’s cuz I’m wearing your cologne (Kyoya x reader)
So, I hope this is good lol. I redid this like 10 times and im still not ‘happy’ with the outcome. Requests are open!
“Hey. Hey, (y/n)? Wake up, we’re going to be late for school.” Kyoya’s voice brought (y/n) to her senses. Shooting up straight in a hurry made the two bump heads.
“Oh crap, That's going to leave a bruise. Sorry babe.”  (y/n) rubbed the growing red spot on her forehead, while using her other hand to run Kyoya’s growing bump.
“You're even clumsy when you just wake up.” Chuckling lowly, Kyoka pulled (y/n) into his chest. “We leave for school in 10 minutes, I have an extra toothbrush in the bathroom.” nodding (y/n) gave Kyoya a small kiss and ran to his bathroom.
Once she finished brushing her hair, teeth, and she washed her face she called out to Kyoya. “Hey, babe?”
Looking up from his solid black notebook he grabbed his and (y/n)’s school bags. “What is it?” It wasn’t normal annoyed voice, this one had a bit of caring undertone to it.
“You wouldn’t happen to have another uniform dress, would you?” Her (s/c) face popped out with her natural (wavy, straight, poofy, etc) hair swinging behind her.
“Kyoya’s mouth turned up at the sight. What turned into an accidental sleepover was probably the best thing that had happened to him in a while. “Now tell me, sweetheart. Have you ever seen me wear a dress to school?”
A bright smile came from (y/n). The exact opposite of what Kyoya that would happen. “Y’know, Haruhi and I were talking and she told me about how the whole host club cross-dressed just to stop her from moving schools.” (y/n) let out a mocking laugh going back into the bathroom to try to fix the wrinkles in her long yellow dress.
With a sour face, Kyoya looked at his watch, “Time to go, I need to have a talk with Haruhi. I got your bag.”
“Huh? Wait, I didn’t shower today! Or get my contact solution! Do you have any perfume I can use.” Sighing Kyoya took her chunky black glasses out of her bag so she could see. (y/n) hated her glasses, she thought it made her face look weird. But on the opposite side, Kyoya loved seeing her wearing glasses. No real reason, he just loved every part of her.
“(y/n), look me in the eyes and tell me if you really think I have perfume.” Kyoya’s sarcastic voice made (y/n) blush as she acknowledged her mistake.
“Okay, at least let me use your cologne. I don’t want any chance of me smelling rank at school.” rolling his eyes Kyoyawalked over to his dresser and grabbed his cologne.
“It’s strong, just use-” too late, (y/n) sprayed one squirt on her neck and one on her wrist rubbing her two wrists together. (y/n) was used to the weak smelling perfume that never lasted for a minute. “One.”
“Ugh. come on, I just want this day to be over.” (y/n) grabbed Kyoya’s hand and pulled him out of his room.
A fond smile found its way onto Koyay’s lips. The saying opposites attract seemed to be true in this situation, and surprisingly Kyoya didn’t mind at all.
Fast walking down the extravagant stairway, the couple came face to face with Kyoya’s father.
“Hello, Sir.” A polite smile spread across (y/n)’s face. “I apologize for staying over without your permission. Kyoya was helping me study, since he is one of the smartest people I know, and I fell asleep.”
“Don’t worry. Your company is always welcome here.” That was the biggest compliment in the world, well at least to (y/n). She was glad that one of their dads approved of their relationship. Yes, (y/n)’s mom knows and she accepts it with a full heart, but her father was a different story.
“Thank you, Sir.  If you would excuse us, we’re running late to school so we best be going. Thank you once again, and for raising such a smart and wonderful son!” With a blush on her face and a red tint on Kyoya’s, they were out of the house and settled into one of the Ootori’s limousine.
“You look beautiful, darling.” Kyoya pulled (y/n) by her waist and kissed her forehead.
“You think so? I’m bare faces, my hair is a mess, and I'm wearing my glasses, plus I didn’t get to shower.” (y/n) whined leaning into Kyoya’s uniform blazer.
“I believe you're gorgeous no matter what you wear.” (y/n) ‘aww’ed and gave Kyoya a lengthy kiss.
“What are we going to tell people when they see us leaving the same car?”
A bit of background information; (y/n)’s father doesn't approve of her dating Kyoya. Why? Well, the (l/n) business was doing much better than the Oortori’s own. (y/n)’s father's plan- not her mothers; she hated it- was for (y/n) to marry up in the business food chain, so to speak. On the other hand, Kyoya’s father was as proud as he could be towards his third son. A marriage between the two families would be a huge deal for the Ootori business.
“Would it be so bad to have our relationship go public?” Of course, Kyoya had his doubts about what people would do and say, most of all how Mr. (l/n) would react.
“You should be worried about the host club. It’s one of the ways you want to show your father you can run your family's company. I’d be happy if we would go on dates outside of your house, but I love the close intimate moments that being alone provided. And with my father, I’d deal with whatever he says or does because I love you that much. I’m not going to leave you, well unless you get tired of me.” sliding her smooth, (s/c) hands to his cheeks making sure she conveys her true feelings to him.
Kyoya moves his face away from her hands and gave a small hum, showing he was deep in thought.
“Well, it looks like we're here. (y/n) go ahead and get out now, ill have the driver pull around.” A cold smile was stuck on his lips, disappointed that (y/n) would want to continue to hide their 7th-month relationship.  
“Kyoya Ootori, I love you! And only you. Don’t you dare doubt that for even a second! I just like you being alive rather than dead. If you were dead then I would kiss you,” With a sweet lingering kiss, (y/n) took her to leave and walked up to her friends as the sleek black limo pulled away.
“Hey, (y/n)! You're late today. Come on we have class in 10.” another second year, Mina, said as she linked arms with (y/n).
“Wait for me!” A giggling Keia
“Hey, do you smell that?” Keia walked closer to (y/n), smelling the air as she went. “Why do you smell like cologne?” Keia asked with a smirk on her face. The two girls had been trying to convince you to tell them you had a boyfriend. Yet they had no luck or even proof.
“Oh my god! We knew it! You DO have a boyfriend!” The yelling Mina did in the hallway caught most people attention. (y/n) was popular, well not her but the business aspect of it, there would definitely be rumors by the start of lunch if not sooner.
“Hush will you?! If I tell you will you be quiet?” (y/n) snapped, pulling the two girls by their wrists making sure they go to class on time.
“Promise!” Mina and Keia said together.
“Fine, yes I have a boyfriend I’m not saying who. But i-”
“Class has started ladies. If you do not quiet down I will send you somewhere else. Now separate.” The strict voice of the physics teacher rang out, embarrassing all three girls. A little laugh that (y/n) could place anywhere. Fu***n Kyoya Ootori. He was laughing at (y/n)’s pain and no one knew it was him chuckling, which pissed (y/n) off further. Not even giving him the satisfaction of looking in his direction,(y/n) got up out of the desk chair and walked further away from Kyoya.
A vibration only (y/n) can feel comes from her satchel bag. While pulling out her books, pens, and pencils, (y/n) also took out her phone.
‘ ’ - (y/n)
Underline- Mina
Bold- Keia
U need 2 tell us y ur wearing his cologne
(y/n) rolled her eyes, knowing there was no escaping them now.
‘I stayed the night at his house...’
AHHH! Girl, I knew u were dirty
Yeah! Did u do the Wham Bam Shang-A-Lang?
‘Oh no,’
‘We were studying and I fell asleep.’
‘I’m still in my clothes from yesterday, so I’m wearing his cologne’
“That's it!” A bang of a ruler as it hits the table rang out causing some female students to yelp, including the three that were on their phones. “(l/n), outside now! And leave your phone on your desk.”  blushing, more like wearing a mask of, red (y/n) quickly put her phone down and walked out of class.
Tears of frustration welled up, “God, why am I crying?” (y/n) sat on the floor, sitting against the wall a few feet away from the classroom door. Time has passed, most likely 10 minutes before (y/n)’s tears stopped.
The door to the classroom swung open making (y/n) tense thinking it was the teacher. To her surprise and fortune, Kyoya walked out of the room. Once the door closed Kyoya walked to (y/n), helping her stand on her feet.
“Kyoya I-” The tears came back, but before they could fall Kyoya squeezed her forearms tightly.
“Can you hold on for a little while longer?” His silk like voice sounded into her ear.
“Y-yes…” came (y/n)’s unstable reply.
“Then hold out your hand.” Pulling back Kyoya sets his own hand out for (y/n) to grab. Once (y/n) placed her hand into his, Kyoya pulled on (y/n)’s hand spinning her into his chest so her back is smooth against his chest. “We are having a talk about why you're so distracted later, my love, but until then try to behave.” kissing (y/n)’s neck in various places Kyoya tries to be cool when he really happens to be anxious about why (y/n) causing so much trouble today.
“Go back to class, baby. We don’t need you getting in trouble too, now do we?” (y/n) laughed as Kyoya spun her back out.
“No more tears. I’ll see you later. Don’t worry I’ll get your phone back.” With a sweet kiss, Kyoya walked back inside the classroom.
“I can’t believe that a** hole left you outside of the room for an hour,” Keia complained as she handed (y/n) her school bag.
“I know! And this is the first time that (y/n)’s ever been in trouble, well in her class that is.” Mina slightly laughed. A tense silence was strung along while (y/n) was waiting by the door. “Sorry, about getting you in trouble. And that we couldn’t get your phone back.” Mina whispered as she shifted her dirty blonde bangs out of her eyes.
“No worries guys, I’m not upset.” A true smile set on (y/n)’s face made her two friends very confused.
“What do you mean? You literally never go anywhere without it.” Keia pried, something she was very good at.
“I just have someone dealing with it…” A fond smile slowly crept upon (y/n)’s face.
“Oh my! It’s has something to do with your secret boy toy doesn't it!” The perky girls yelled out in unison, making everyone around them stare hard. Including Kyoya and Tamaki who just strolled up next to the trio.
“Girls! He’s not my ‘boy toy’, I actually love him- very much.” (y/n) snuck a peek at the boys next to her blushing all the while.
“Wow, not even going to tell us off for being loud? You must realllllly like this guy.” Mina’s words caught Tamaki’s ears and were implanted into his brain, which told him to butt-in on their conversation.
“Ah, what are my dear princess talking about?” The blonde boy asked as he stepped before Keia, knowing that she would be the one to spill the gossip.
“Ah, Tamaki, what do you want?” Mina, and (y/n) obviously, visit the host club enough to know the host king himself. Plus being personal friends of Haruhi (knowing she is a she, but others not knowing that they know) helped a bit too.
“I overheard that one of my favorite princess’ has a crush on someone. So, (y/n), whos the lucky guy?”
“Ha! More than like, she told us that shes in loooove with him.” Keia laughed bumping shoulders with the most embarrassed girl in the world.
“Pray tell, Keia,” Kyoya said sliding into step with (y/n), his hand grazing hers.
“Keiaaaa!” (y/n) whined, if the girls only knew that (y/n)’s secret boyfriend was walking right next to her. “I told you to keep quiet!” An angry blush spread across her face.
“Oh hush, now. I don’t see why it’s a big deal to announce your love for him to the world!” Mina laughed, mocking (y/n) a little bit.
“Hey, (y/n)?” Tamaki asked suddenly turning serious.
“Is everything okay… at home?” A confused expression sprung across (y/n)’s face, totally unknowing where Tamaki was going with his point.
“I guess? I didn’t go home last night.” (y/n) shrugged, turning her attention to the blonde male.
“Yeah, hehe, (y/n) stayed with her boyfriend.” Keia laughed, but on the contrary, Tamaki’s expression darkened a bit.
“How did you get that bruise?” (y/n) had totally forgotten she had bumped heads with Kyoya this morning, her skin is sensitive so when she got hit even bumping into a table she would bruise.
“Tamaki, what are you implying?” Kyoya asked his jaw tightening. Tamaki, even if he doesn’t know he is the one dating (y/n), pissed him off by thinking he’d even lay a single finger on (y/n). Just the thought was sickening to him.
“(y/n), I think what Tamaki is trying to say is…. Did he-- hit you? Is that why you didn’t go home?” (y/n) stopped walking, her chest tightening in an angry fashion.
“Excuse me?” The group stopped walking and turned to face the angry (h/c), haired girl. “You obviously don’t know him that well then! I mean Tamaki you literally spend every day with him! How can you possibly think, even for a second, that he would hurt me in any way? And you girls, I literally tell you not to tell anyone- but no, you had to open your mouths. I have to get to class. Kyoya you're the only one who isn’t pissing me off, walk with me to class.” (y/n) and Kyoya left the three others in their wake, both of them upset.
“I want to go public.” (y/n) said abruptly, making Kyoya shift his eyes over to her smaller figure.
“You’re only saying that because you’re angry.” A loving kiss is placed on top of (y/n)’s head. “We will talk about this after school. I think that since you told Tamaki about your secret boyfriend, we need to tell the host club… before this gets any more attention.” pressing a gentle, slim finger to her purple bruise.
“Fine, I love you.”
“Love you too.” they walked into their separate classes, both waiting anxiously for the day to end.  
Walking out of (y/n)’s last class of the day she wandered the empty halls slowly making her way to music room 3. The teacher held her back to go over some questions she missed on her last math test.
(y/n) decided to get her stuff out of her locker before heading over to see Haruhi. She gently placed her hands on the lock and twisted in her combination. She took her books out and closed the locker. Turning around (y/n) didn’t expect to be pushed into the lockers.
“What the hell?!” (y/n) yelled, the metal digging into her back making her cry out louder.
“I saw you today. With Kyoya.’’ the voice of some girl (y/n) has never seen before gives (y/n) a light scare.
“Let go of me you psycho b*tch!” (y/n) struggled but the force of the shove knocked the air out of her lungs, making her not able to put up much of a fight.
“No, you listen to me. You will break up with Kyoya. You will not talk to any of the host club members again. And you will never speak of this to anyone. Understand?” the girl pushed (y/n) into the lockers with more force, pulling (y/n) up and then slamming her back down. The sound echoing around the spacious hallway.
“Or what? You’ll t-tell daddy? I think y-you’re forgetting who I am.” (y/n) grunted out her chest having a hard time breathing with all the force on her.
“I don’t care who you are. You’re pathetic and ugly. You’re not good enough for Kyoya!”  The mystery girl swung her hand up fully prepared to slap (y/n) across the face.
“Enough!” The strong voice of the boy they were ‘discussing’ bounced off the walls of the corridor. Kyoya pushed the girl back hard enough to have to step a few paces back.
“WHat the HeLl is gOinG oN?” Haruhi yells as she, and the rest of the club run up to a shaking (y/n) in Kyoya’s arms.
Tamaki and the twins are left in charge of taking care of the girl, a terrible decision really.
“Kyoya, how did you know where I was?” (y/n) asked, ignoring the others that had crowded around them.
“Nevermind that, are you okay?” Kyoya leaned away to check for any noticeable damage.
“My back hurts, but it’s mostly my pride.” (y/n) giggled a bit, trying to lighten the mood.
“You’re such an idiot sometimes,” Kyoya said with a sigh.
“Yes, but I’m your Idiot!” (y/n) giggled before kissing Kyoya slowly, it was only for a second or two before (y/n) could hear Hikaru yelling,
“Woah, Woah, Woah! There are children here.” Haruhi pushes the hand that Hikaru had over her eyes.
Ignoring the yelling between the twins, Haruhi, and Tamaki- with the occasional yell from Honey- The couple gets lost in their own conversation.
“So, have you decided on our ‘secret’ relationship?” Kyoya hummed into (y/n)’s neck making her laugh the wholeheartedly.
“Okay, okay. You got me, let's go public!” (y/n) laughed as Kyoya kissed her. “Thinking about it now, it’s not a big deal.”
“To me it is. I get to claim you as mine- and only mine.”
“Hold on! Since when did you start dating?!”
“Hush Tamaki-senpai, they’re having a moment”
“But mommy hid something from daddy!”
“Oh no, not again-
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garbagequeer · 5 years
hey hello im writing a piece for laptop ensemble that involves sampling and i need the most repressed/tender/yearning quotes you got. just as gay and heart wrenching as you can. but also no pressure I know youre a stranger on the web I just feel like you post that kind of stuff a lot thank you bye
hope this isnt like too late school keeps me busy :( (also can you put a read more on asks? guess i’ll find out). i ended up choosing many quotes from the same texts cause im indecisive as shit but i’ll bold my favorites from those in case that makes it easier for you!
anyways first of all you can never go wrong w richard siken as obvious as that is. these are both from you are jeff
You’re in a car with a beautiful boy, and he won’t tell you that he loves you, but he loves you. And you feel like you’ve done something terrible, like robbed a liquor store, or swallowed pills, or shoveled yourself a grave in the dirt, and you’re tired. You’re in a car with a beautiful boy, and you’re trying not to tell him that you love him, and you’re trying to choke down the feeling, and you’re trembling, but he reaches over and he touches you, like a prayer for which no words exist, and you feel your heart taking root in your body, like you’ve discovered something you don’t even have a name for.
Let’s say you’ve swallowed a bad thing and now it’s got its hands inside you. This is the essence of love and failure. You see what I mean but you’re happy anyway, and that’s okay, it’s a love story 
this one’s from planet of love (the format got fucked bc tumblr is not actually a finctional website but :/ )
I have a megaphone and you play along,                                                                 because you want to die for love,                                                            you always have.     Imagine this:You’re pulling the car over. Somebody’s waiting.                      You’re going to die                                            in your best friend’s arms.             And you play along because it’s funny, because it’s written down,you’ve memorized it,
from litany in which certain things are crossed out 
I make you pancakes, I take you hunting, I talk to you as if you’re            really there.Are you there, sweetheart? Do you know me? Is this microphone live?                                                       Let me do it right for once,
sorry about the scene at the bottom of the stairwell                                    and how I ruined everything by saying it out loud.            Especially that, but I should have known.You see, I take the parts that I remember and stitch them back together            to make a creature that will do what I sayor love me back.
We were inside the train car when I started to cry. You were crying too,            smiling and crying in a way that made meeven more hysterical. You said I could have anything I wanted, but I                                                                                just couldn’t say it out loud.Actually, you said Love, for you,                             is larger than the usual romantic love. It’s like a religion. It’s                                                                                                 terrifying. No one                                                                        will ever want to sleep with you.
from snow and dirty rain
I had a dream about you. We were in the gold roomwhere everyone finally gets what they want.
that scene from when harry met sally where sally says:
One day I was taking Alice’s little girl fro the afternoon. I’d promised to take her to the circus, and we were in a cab playing “I spy” - you know, “I spy a lamppost”, “I spy a mailbox” - and she looked out the window and there was this man and this woman with two little kids, and the man had one of the kids on his shoulders, and Alice’s little girl said “I spy a family”, and I satrted crying, you know? I just started crying, and I went home
(like anyone else sometimes cries when u see a family doing something nice? is it because i want to participate in a sense of family of my own but have been excluded as a gay person from it’s portrayals and it makes me go :^( cause i dont feel there’s room for me there but i want there to be and i just have to long for this nuclear family heteronormative way of life that i’ve been made to believe is idylic? is it because my parents got divorced and my dad’s an ass and my mom is just a very angry lady and i want to re-do my own childhood? who knows. should we ban movies? yes we should!)
from maurice (ultimate source of tender)
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“There was something better in life than this rubbish, if only he could get to it, love, nobility, big spaces where passion clasped peace, spaces no science could reach, but they existed for ever, full of woods some of them, and arched with majestic sky and a friend”
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‘Did you ever dream you had a friend, Alec? Nothing else but just “my friend”, he trying to help you and you him. A friend’ he repeated, sentimental suddenly. ‘Someone to last your whole life and you his. I suppose such a thing can’t really happen outside sleep’
we are all so lucky i don’t actually own maurice in english this would just turn into me quoting the whole book
ee cummings voices to voices, lip to lip
the thing perhaps isto eat flowers and not to be afraid.
from virgina woolf’s letters to vita
7 september 1925
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january 21 1926 vita writes
I am reduced to a thing that wants Virginia. I composed a beautiful letter to you in the sleepless nightmare hours of the night, and it has all gone: I just miss you, in a quite simple desperate human way. You, with all your un-dumb letters, would never write so elementary phrase as that; perhaps you wouldn’t even feel it. And yet I believe you’ll be sensible of a little gap. But you’d clothe it in so exquisite a phrase that it would lose a little of its reality. Whereas with me it is quite stark: I miss you even more than I could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal. So this letter is just really a squeal of pain. It is incredible how essential to me you have become. I suppose you are accustomed to people saying these things. Damn you, spoilt creature; I shan’t make you love me any the more by giving myself away like this—But oh my dear, I can’t be clever and stand-offish with you: I love you too much for that. Too truly. You have no idea how stand-offish I can be with people I don’t love. I have brought it to a fine art. But you have broken down my defences. And I don’t really resent it …
and on january 26 virginia writes back
Your letter from Trieste came this morning—But why do you think I don’t feel, or that I make phrases? ‘Lovely phrases’ you say which rob things of reality. Just the opposite. Always, always, always I try to say what I feel. Will you then believe that after you went last Tuesday—exactly a week ago—out I went into the slums of Bloomsbury, to find a barrel organ. But it did not make me cheerful … And ever since, nothing important has happened—Somehow its dull and damp. I have been dull; I have missed you. I do miss you. I shall miss you. And if you don’t believe it, you’re a longeared owl and ass. Lovely phrases? … 
from virginia’s diary, about vita on december 21 1925
I like her and being with her and the splendour–she shines in the grocer’s shop in Sevenoaks with a candle lit radiance, stalking on legs like beech trees, pink glowing, grape clustered, pearl hung.
from virginia woolf’s to the light house
What device for becoming, like waters poured into one jar, inextricably the same, one with the object one adored? Could the body achieve, or the mind, subtly mingling in the intricate passages of the brain? or the heart? Could loving, as people called it, make her and Mrs Ramsay one? for it was not knowledge but unity that she desired, not inscriptions on tablets, nothing that could be written in any language known to men, but intimacy itself, which is knowledge, she had thought, leaning her head on Mrs Ramsay’s knee. Nothing happened. Nothing! Nothing! as she leant her head against Mrs Ramsay’s knee. And yet, she knew knowledge and wisdom were stored up in Mrs Ramsay’s heart.
Love had a thousand shapes. There might be lovers whose gift it was to choose out the elements of things and place them together and so, giving them a wholeness not theirs in life, make of some scene, or meeting of people (all now gone and separate), one of those globed compacted things over which thought lingers, and love plays.
there forced themselves upon her other things, her own inadequacy, her insignificance, keeping house for her father off the Brompton Road, and had much ado to control her impulse to fling herself (thank Heaven she had always resisted so far) at Mrs Ramsay’s knee and say to her—but what could one say to her? “I’m in love with you?” No, that was not true. “I’m in love with this all,” waving her hand at the hedge, at the house, at the children. It was absurd, it was impossible 
(fun fact: the spanish translation adds something that i’d translate as “one could not say what one meant / what one wanted to say”, which i really like and i was disapointed to find out isnt on the english edition)
It was love, she thought, pretending to move her canvas, distilled and filtered; love that never attempted to clutch its object; but, like the love which mathematicians bear their symbols, or poets their phrases, was meant to be spread over the world and become part of the human gain. So it was indeed. The world by all means should have shared it  
from the great gatsby
I didn’t want to go to the city. I wasn’t worth a decent stroke of work but it was more than that—I didn’t want to leave Gatsby. I missed that train, and then another, before I could get myself away (…) Just before I reached the hedge I remembered something and turned around. ‘They’re a rotten crowd,’ I shouted across the lawn. ‘You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together.’ I’ve always been glad I said that. It was the only compliment I ever gave him
from kafka’s diaries
may 27 1911: Today is your birthday, but I am not even sending you the usual book, for it would be only pretence; at bottom I am after all not in position to give you a book. I am writing only because it is so necessary for me today to be near you for a moment
parts from a from a letter he wrote to oskar pollak on february 4 1902
When we talk together the words are hard; we tread over them as if they were rough pavement. The most delicate things acquire awkward feet and we can’t help it. We’re almost in each other’s way; I bump into you and you - I don’t dare and you. When we come to things that are not exactly cobblestones or the Kunstwart, we suddenly see that we are in masquerade, acting with angular faces (especially me, I admit), and then we become sad and bored. Does anyone make you as bored as I do?
then I fall silent and you fall silent and you become bored, and I become bored and it’s all like a stupid hangover and there’s no use lifting a hand. But neither wants to say this to the other, out of shame or fear or - You see, we are afraid of each other, or I am.
Of course I understand it. It’s boring to stand for years in front of an ugly wall and it just won’t crumble away. Of course, but the wall is afraid for itself, fro the garden (if there is one), and you get out of sorts, yawn, have headaches, don’t know where to turn
You often talk with her, not only for the sake of talking. You walk around with her somewhere here or there, or in Roztok, and i sit at my desk at home. You talk with her, and in the middle of a sentence somebody jumps up and makes a bow. That is me with my untrimmed words and angular faces. That lasts only a moment, and then you go on talking. I sit at my desk at home and yawn. I’ve been trhough it already. Wouldn’t that separate us? Is that so strange? Are we enemies? I am very fond of you
from his leters to milena
Last night I dreamed about you. What happened in detail I can hardly remember, all I know is that we kept merging into one another. I was you, you were me. Finally you somehow caught fire.
jane wong. from clearing
We want to believe everything has meaning.Plums blossom over a power grid
and I am in love again. The shame of it.
from leslie harrison’s [sirens]
I’m not Penelope married to faith married to waitingbound in fine soft strands of silk dyed and stretchedin my world longing has teeth and fins has a tastefor blood longing is a room built entirely of knives
Lorde’s melodrama tour interlude
Don’t you wish you could go inside a heart, see the strings and atrium’s, everything beating and bleeding. It’s kind of funny, I spend almost every minute thinking about love. Being guided, and divided by love. But I’ve never seen it. It’s just a rumour, a comedown, an afterglow. I wanna see it, in colour. In the summer, I can almost picture it
from Andrea Long Chu’s on liking women
One day, you tell yourself, it will give you what you want. Then, one day, it doesn’t. Now it dawns on you that your object will probably never give you what you want. But this is not what’s disappointing, not really. What’s disappointing is what happens next: nothing. You keep your object. You continue to follow it around, stash it in a drawer, water it, tweet at it. It still doesn’t give you what you want—but you knew that. You have had another realization: not getting what you want has very little to do with wanting it. Knowing better usually doesn’t make it better. You don’t want something because wanting it will lead to getting it. You want it because you want it
ada limón, In a Mexican Restaurant I Recall How Much You Upset Me
But love is impossible and it goes ondespite the impossible. You’re the muscleI cut from the bone and still the boneremembers, still it wants (so much, it wants)the flesh back, the real thing,if only to rail against it, if onlyto argue and fight, if only to missa solve-able absence.
i dont think i need to get into mitski songs because you probably already know but basically pink in the night/come into the water/once more to see you/in happy when she says if you’re going take the train so i can hear it rumble one last rumble/in i want you from the first verse to the first time she goes “i just need a quiet place where i can scream how i love you” (YES the card thing is very important)/the first verse of i will (w emphasis on everything you feel is good i f you wold only let you)/abbey/strawberry blond
sufjan steven’s futile devices obviously predatory wasp of the palisades you know the drill 
was going to find some twin fantasy lyrics but i started thinking about famous prophets (minds) and like. emotionally left my body so. i wont be thinking about it or any other songs anymore it makes me too crazy
from frances ha
It’s that thing when you’re with someone and you love them and they know it and they love you and you know it but it’s a party and you’re both talking to other people and you’re laughing and shining and you look across the room and catch each other’s eyes. But not because you’re possessive, or it’s precisely sexual, but because that is your person in this life and it’s funny and sad but only because this life will end and it’s this secret world that exists right there. In public. Unnoticed. That no one else knows about. It’s sort of like how they say that other dimensions exist all around us but we don’t have the ability to perceive them. That’s what I want out of a relationship. Or just life, I guess.
from ellen lee’s notes on twin fantasy that i revisit constantly
there’s no going back to deliver these words to the ones they were really meant for. That’s how heartbreak feels, I guess. It feels like your heart in between the teeth of someone who’s looking away. When you’ve lost your loved object, what happens to all the things you have to say to them? When they’re turned away, what happens to all the things that you couldn’t, but desperately need(ed) to, say to their face? He dissociates himself from his own romance until it becomes a fantasy. You have your bleeding heart, you have a finite set of memories — when nothing new enters and you’re unwilling to let go, then you have a fantasy. The loved object enters into you and transforms.
the journey home by dermot bolger(havent read this at all dont really plan to/dont know a thing about it either i just came across this shit like 2 years ago and i still think about it)
I wanted to hurt him; I wanted just to touch him. What I wanted I’m not really sure. If he had stopped and opened his arms I would have walked towards him; I would have sat on the kerb all night with him
adam b, sweet i have a (really gay) heart
i feel like my body is the extension of a lake. i feel really badabout not telling you the truth, sometimes. i feelreally small next to you. tall boys remind me of bean stalks.i wish i had your legs. i wish i could know your handsbefore i even touch them
aaaand i think that’s all i could think of and track down, hope this is actually helpful and not too long (i am indecisive no kidding). also ksjdfg it’s nice that you thought to ask me this and i did have fun going over all these quotes so thank you 💖💖💖
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inactiveblogxoxo · 5 years
whoa i wrote a fic again
crAZY ((sorry i was sick for like two months and then i moved but now im hopefully writing again))
AYWAY: Kiribaku fic
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18345518
what do you mean
Sum:  Kirishima thinks Bakugou has a girlfriend. Bakugou just wants Kirishima to act like he usually does. Will they ever understand what they mean to each other? ((yes. They will.))
tags:  Bakusquad (My Hero Academia), Movie Nights, Jealous Kirishima Eijirou, Misunderstandings, solved almost immediately, No Angst, straight fluff, Fluff, jirou and bakugou are bffs, im so tired, Not Beta Read, One Shot
full fic in read more
They settled into watching some super old horror. The film was in black and white and from before quirks appeared, but it was bloody and entertaining enough.
Kaminari and Sero sat cuddled up on Sero’s hammock, Ashido rested in a bean bag chair next to the them that she had brought up from her own dorm. Jirou sat on the floor, her back resting against the bean bag. Kirishima and Bakugou shared Sero’s bed, their backs both against the wall and their feet hanging off the side in from of them.
They were twenty minutes into the film and every time Bakugou happened to brush against Kirishima, Kiri would shift further away from him. It was driving Bakugou insane. Kirishima was always throwing an arm around him and pulling him closer, what the fuck did he do? He had been distant all week.
Sunday night he had been tutoring the gaggle of idiots he spends his time with, minus the red head who had been visiting his moms that weekend. Sero and Kaminari left early to binge some anime together, leaving just him and Ashido. Ashido jumped into gossiping, which gathered the attention of Jirou, Hagakure and Uraraka, and soon Bakugou found himself surrounded by them at the once productive table in the common room.
That’s how Kirishima found him when he walked into the dorms with his over night bag over his shoulder.
“Kiri! Welcome back!” Ashido called out to him. Kirishima had smiled and sauntered over.
“Hey, Mina!” He smiled and bent down to hug her. Turning as he stood, he made eye contact with Bakugou and rose an eyebrow at him. “So, what’s going on here?”
“Bakubabe was giving us some hot goss!” Ashido rested her chin in her palm as she smiled.
“I fucking told you not to call me that, raccoon eyes,” Bakugou bristled, his chin tucked to his chest to avoid Kirishima’s gaze.
“And I told you not to call me raccoon eyes, bakulicious.”
“bakulicious” Uraraka snorted under her breath.
Bakugou scoffed and rolled his eyes but said nothing else, he was tired and Kirishima was back. The rest of this night no longer mattered.
“Kiri, how are your moms?” he asked instead, partly out of curiosity, partly to draw the attention away from him.
Kirishima lit up, “oh! They’re great! You should come back with me next time, they asked about you!”
“Oooooo,” Hakagure cooed, “you guys know each other’s parents? Just how close are you?”
Bakugou again rolled his eyes and Kirishima just smiled.
“Wait, have I been so focused on the budding romance of Uraraka and Midoryia-“
“W-What!” Uraraka interrupted with a blush.
“-that I’ve been missing out on the one blossoming right before my eyes?” Ashido continued as if Uraraka said nothing. Bakugou groaned and rested his forehead against the table, figured she would say something completely idiotic.
“Hm, I could see it happening,” Jirou mused. Fuck, he forgot she was there. He lifted his head and found her staring at him with a menacing grin. Fuckkk, he never should have told her anything.
“Right?!” Hakagure gushed, “you guys would be so cute together!”
“Aw, c’mon, guys, stop. We’re just good friends,” Kirishima spoke up for them, hand awkwardly rubbing at the back of his neck.
“Bakushima… no, wait, Kiribaku… no, wait, maybe-“
“What the fuck are you doing, Ashido?” Bakugou interrupted her musing.
“I’m trying to make a cute couple name for you two!” She grinned, “like dekuraka! For Midoryia and Uraraka!”
That seemed to KO Urauraka, who slammed her hands down on her face and floated away while bright red.
“Don’t fucking bother! That’s dumb as shit,” He grumbled, sinking into his chair. He felt Jirou’s eyes on him still and he hated the feeling.
“C’mon, it’s kind of cute,” Jirou twirled one of her ear jacks with a smirk. “Admit it, Katsuki.”
“I’m gonna kill you, Kyouka,” he snarled. How dare she taunt him. How dare she use his first name to do it.
“Uh, anyway, I’m gonna go to bed,” Kirishima coughed awkwardly, gaining all of their attentions.
“Me too,” Bakugou jumped up and followed him towards the elevator.
“Good night, guys!” Kirishima called with a wave. The girls jeered after them and Bakugou flipped them off until the elevator doors closed behind them.
They stood in silence for a while but Bakugou didn’t feel uncomfortable, he was glad to finally have a moment away from the idiotic giggles of Ashido and Hakagure and the knowing stare of Jirou.
“So uh, Kyouka, huh?” Bakugou furrowed his eye brows, what did that mean?
“…What?” He glanced at Kirishima with a blank expression.
“Nothing, I just… Uh, never mind,” Kirishima backtracked and the elevator opened. “Well, good night, dude!” He rushed over to his dorm.
“Hey, Kiri, wait!” But it was too late, Kirishima was already behind the door. Bakugou huffed and jammed his hands in his pockets, trailing his feet to his own dorm.
God damn it, how did he fuck up this time?
Kirishima had avoided him the rest of the week.
Bakugou had purposefully arrived at Sero’s dorm late for their movie night. Ashido, Sero, Kaminari, and Jirou, idiots that they were, had picked up on the tension between the two and had left the only empty space the one next to Kirishima.
It was his usual seat anyway.
But even with the ease of their usual routine, Kirishima was still doing his best to avoid him. He really couldn’t figure it out, he went over everything that happened over and over again in his mind. The teasing had been weird, sure, but he didn’t think it was enough to make Kirishima avoid him. Was he really that sensitive about their relationship? Was he disgusted by the idea of them as a couple? He had tried to stop the girls a couple times, but he hadn’t seemed angry… Awkward, but not so uncomfortable as to cut off their friendship.
He had asked about his trip home and Kirishima had seemed over joyed. He was terrible at faking so he knew it couldn’t have been anything from home that had upset him so much.
So, it was something he did.
Fuck, what did he do? How does he make up for something when he has no idea what went wrong?
He moved his legs to sit criss-cross and when his knee brushed Kirishima’s thigh, the other boy shifted until they were no longer touching.
And that, was the final straw. Bakugou, officially, was losing it.
“Kiri,” he whispered, leaning into Kirishima’s space just so he could be hear over the movie. “What the fuck- uh, I mean… fuck.” He took a deep breath to start again. He had to be calm, he was trying to apologize. “Are you upset with me or something?”
Kirishima started at him, wide eyed with an open jaw. “Wha… What, I mean, why do you say that?”
Bakugou wrung his sweaty hands together in a nervous gesture, “you’re not,” fuck he couldn’t say ‘you’re not trying to cuddle with me during the movie and I’ve tried to initiate it, but you keep pulling away and its making me sad and I don’t know why and I also don’t know why you won’t.’ He couldn’t say ‘you’ve been distant and avoiding me all week and I don’t know why and I’ve missed you.’ He couldn’t say what he was feeling and he couldn’t voice what about Kirishima he missed but damn, he had to say something.
“you’re not acting… like you usually are and I… I feel like I must have done something and I’m…sorry,” the last word he breathed out quieter than the rest. He only wanted Kirishima to hear, it was only for him.
“Oh,” Kiri’s face melted into a soft smile, “it’s fine, Bakugou, it’s me… I’m just, being,” he sighed and shook his head. “I’ll get over it.”
Bakugou grumbled at the answer. He purposefully brushed his leg against Kirishima and Kirishima moved away again.
What was he doing? Clearly Kirishima didn’t want to be near him. He bit his cheek in embarrassment and looked away.
He said it was nothing, he said it was just something he was working through, so then why was he still not acting like normal?
As far as Bakugou could see it, he had three options. 1: Leave this fuckfest of a mental headache and go the fuck to sleep. 2: Ignore Kirishima right back and just watch the movie. 3: Force Kirishima back to normal by taking on his role of the initiator for the night.
He bristled at his options.
He deiced he wasn’t a pussy and tomorrow was Saturday so if it went poorly he could just hide from this gaggle of idiots until it all blew over.
He slummed onto Kirishima’s side. He felt the redhead stiffen but he didn’t push him away. He didn’t look away from the movie and he didn’t move to wrap his arm around him. Usually, the idiot had his arm around Bakugou’s waist and was checking in on him every few minutes. Whispering what he thought about the movie and giving Bakugou a shoulder to sleep on when it got late and Bakugou passed out.
Angry, he gripped Kirishima’s arm and wrapped it around himself. Kirishima stared at him again with panicked eyes but Bakugou only frowned at him.
Kirishima stiffly looked from Bakugou to Jirou and back, “uh, I know that you… but won’t… I mean…” He sighed to steady himself, “Bakugou, if you want to… Then maybe you should sit with Jirou, I don’t mind moving.”
What? “Fucking what?”
“I just mean,” Kirishima bit is lip, “I don’t feel comfortable, like, hanging out the way we used to, now that you have a girlfriend.”
WHAT? Bakugou felt his hands shaking. His palms cackled with excess sweat he couldn’t control.
“Kirishima,” he tightened his grip around the red head’s now hardened arm, “I really need to talk to you. Now.” He pulled at Kirishima’s arm as he stood from the bed, forcing Kirishima to follow behind him as he excited the dorm.
“Hey, where are you guys going?” Kaminari called after them but Jirou and Ashido hushed him.
Bakugou pulled Kirishima down the stairs and pushed his way into the other boy’s dorm. Only once inside did he let go.
Kirishima cast his gaze to the floor and sat down on the edge of his bed. “So, what do you need to talk about?”
Bakugou huffed and sat next to him, “Kirishima, I don’t have a girlfriend. I don’t know why the fuck you think that but I fucking don’t.”
“But,” Kirishima finally met his gaze, confused. “You and Jirou, you guys called each other…”
“Oh,” Bakugou ran a sweaty hand through his hair. That’s what this was about, “she just!” he breathed deep a couple times to calm himself down, he didn’t want to scream all this. “She was just taunting me. She was making fun of me because-“ he cut himself off, embarrassed.
He groaned and fell back against the bed, an arm thrown over his eyes. “Because I told her that I… liked you.”
“You liked me?” He could hear the confusion in the red head’s voice.
“Like, I like you, Kirishima.”
“Oh,” he whispered back then again, a few minutes later, “oh.”
He felt the bed shift and moved his arm to see Kirishima adjusting himself to lean over him. He watched with what he hoped were expressionless eyes, but he still felt his ears get hot.
“You like me,” Kirishima repeated, breath fanning across Bakugou’s face. He felt like if Kirishima had a tail he would be wagging it with the way he was grinning.
“Yes,” Bakugou murmured. His eyes watched Kirishima’s. He licked his lips quickly, suddenly feeling so dry, and watched as Kirishima’s eyes followed the movement.
“I’m going to kiss you now,” Kirishima spoke, eyes drifting back up from Bakugou’s lips for a moment.
Bakugou reached up with his hands to grip at Kirishima’s shirt where it hung lose against him. He closed his eyes as he breathed in deeply to calm his nerves. On the outtake of his breath, he adjusted his neck slightly to get more comfortable. He opened his eyes and found Kirishima’ red eyes watching him closely. His smile was replaced with a fond expression Bakugou was embarrassed to find he liked.
Flushing red, he leaned up and brushed his nose against the bottom of Kirishima’s jaw and whispered: “okay.”
Wasting now time, Kirishima turned his head and crashed his lips to his. He kissed hard as if he was trying to convince himself this wasn’t a dream by adding pain to the kiss.
Bakugou didn’t try to soften it, he met Kirishima’s hard kiss with his own. Their teeth smashed together, nose pressed uncomfortably to each other’s faces. They broke apart and rejoined over and over. Bakugou’s hands drifted from where they fisted at Kirishima’s stomach to wrapping around Kirishima’s neck. He used this leverage to pull himself closer, press harder. Kirishima smiled against his lips, pulling away to plant light kisses all around his face. He left one arm to the side of Bakugou’s head to support himself, the other gripped at Bakugou’s hip. Calloused thumb rubbed small circles into his skin, his hand gripped him tight and pulled him ever closer. Their lips found each other’s again. Kirishima opened his mouth and when Bakugou felt his tongue on his lips he broke away.
Panting, he smiled. Tucking his face into Kirishima’s chest.
“You like me too, then?” he asked.
Kirishima laughed and he could feel the vibrations of it all around him, “I do. So, so much.”
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peacedolantwins · 6 years
Clean (E.D.) Part 4
A/N: I know its been a while since I’ve last updated this I’m so sorry, but hopefully the next one wont take as long, I’m already working on it. so heres part 4, hope you enjoy! :) part 3
After your talk with James, you had texted Ethan and met up with him a few days later. You two got to talking and after some apologizing on both sides, you for overreacting and not hearing him out and him for saying what he did and how he treated you in the car.
That was three months ago. Thats also how you found yourself on the twins couch with Ethan's arm slung around you as he still slept. Everyone had decided to have a sleepover at their house and everyone was around the room in different areas. James was on the other couch across from Grayson while Emma and Ian were laid out across the floor in piles of blankets and pillows they must have stolen from the boys’ room.
While it may have seemed like you two were moving quick, it didn't feel it. You and Ethan just seemed to click right away and everyone was able to see it. He was more open when you were around and he smiled so much more. You were finally doing better than you ever were because he showed you how to have fun just living and doing little things. It felt amazing that he brought back your ability to feel childish which was something you thought you lost a long time ago.
Gently moving his arm off of you, you got up and headed outside. Your feet covered in fuzzy socks to keep warm softly pattered the wood floor as you quietly opened the glass sliding door not wanting to wake up anyone else. The sun was barely beginning to rise and it was always so beautiful and you had to take advantage of the view the boys had from their backyard.
You winced when the door made a loud click as you shut it, hoping no one else heard it. Looking through the glass, no one seemed bothered so you went and sat down next to the pool, pulling your legs up to your chest. Just breathing in the chilled air always calmed you down but at the same time, you hid your arms back in the hoodie you stole from Ethan to keep warm. You thought about how much your life has changed and you couldnt be happier for it.
So consumed in your thoughts, you didnt hear the door shut again and it wasnt until someone was next to you wrapping half the blanket around you did you realize someone else was here.
“Morning, kitty” James leaned over and pulled you into his side.
“Morning. Sorry if I woke you up, I didnt mean to,” you apologized and leaned into him, really glad for the warmth he was providing. While LA never really got too cold, that didnt mean it was always completely warm.
You two sat there in silence just appreciating each others presence. As your best friend, James could tell there was something on your mind.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
“Hm? Oh, no.. I just… I'm really happy about where I'm at right now. With you and Ian… I cant say thank you enough for still letting me stay with you after everything. And with Ethan too, I really like him and I'm so happy you brought him, well both of them into my life but I-” you stopped, not really sure if you wanted to get into this so early in the day.
“I'm scared.” While James wasnt sure what you were going to say, that wasnt it.
“Im scared that if I tell them about before they'll leave.” You said it so quietly James wasnt sure if he heard you correctly.
“Y/N… why would you think either one of them would leave?”  
“Are you really asking why? You've heard them and what they say. They dont hang around with “people like that,” and I happen to be one of those people. Theyve even said it in videos how they dont like it. And thats okay that they dont but I just-” you took a breath in and looked away from James.
“I dont want either of them to see me as that. I dont want them to look at me the way everyone back home looked at me. You wouldnt even talk to me for a few weeks when you found out and you're my best friend but I get it.”
“Y/N, I'm going to stop you right there. Hun, I am so sorry I wasnt there for you during everything and I'm so sorry I didnt talk to you when you needed me or just about anyone.” He turned to face you and held you at arms length to look at you properly.
“I was so embarrassed and ashamed when you found out and I am so scared of what either of them will say if they find out. I know it'll only get worse the longer I keep it hidden away but I dont wanna ruin anything and I dont want to lose Ethan- oh god what do I even say to him? ‘Hi, really quick just wanted to let you know youre dating an alcoholic that also has videos and photos of her naked and doing god knows what else out there’?” You knew how they boys felt about drinking and partying and just the thought of either of them finding out terrified you.
“If you dont want to tell them, thats okay. Me and Ian wont say anything to them.” He tried to comfort you after seeing how worked up you were getting.
“But I dont want to have to hide it. I fucked up in the past and I know that. Im dealing with it. These past few months have been exhausting trying to cover everything up. Im tired of having to come up with lies about where I go twice a week a night for meetings. I dont like seeing you or Ian getting asked all the time why you take my money and ID when I'm upset and leave the house. I dont want to ever have to deal with what would happen if Ethan saw my phone and saw me calling my sponsor and thinking I'm talking to some other guy. Everything is so good between us and I dont want to mess that up but not saying anything could also ruin everything and I dont know what to do.” You wiped away the few tears that fell with the sleeves you- his hoodie and fell into James's arms.
He held you and patted your hair while you got your breathing under control and once you were doing better, he peeled you off of him.
“Listen, if and when you feel ready to tell them, I'll still be here for you. Ian and I arent going anywhere. If you want, we can be there with you when you tell them, okay? I know you're older than me but you're still our little sister and were not going to let anything bad happen if we can help it.” You nodded your head in his chest and turned back to face the sunrise. While your morning may have just got a lot more emotional than you were planning, you were still going to appreciate the little things you still had.
You heard the glass door open and shut behind you, but you didnt bother turning around, assuming it was probably Grayson since he was always up early.
When someone plopped down next you, you werent expecting them to pull you from James and tuck themselves under your am and end up basically laying on you. Looking down you found Ethan cuddling into you and pressing his head into your chest.
“Found you,” he pulled hard on the blanket to take it away from James to which he let out an “excuse me” at that made you laugh as Ethan threw the blanket over the two of you. Knowing he wasnt a morning person, James left it alone probably for the better considering how close you all were to the pool.
“C'mon, lets go back in,” You patted his back and tried to sit up but his weight kept you down.
“Ethan, lets go back inside and we can cuddle on the couch okay?” After a very long and over dramatic sigh, he finally got up and pulled you up with him. He started walking in, taking the blanket with him and left you and James still outside. After helping your friend up, he turned to you.
“Sweetheart, that boy is all over you and does anything you ask. He’s never up before noon but he got up because you werent next to him. There's no way he's going to leave if you tell him.” You both walked over to the doors and watched as Ethan stole another blanket off the ground and threw himself down on the couch.
“I really hope you're right,” You smiled at James before heading back in to join your boyfriend in a much needed cuddle session.
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thejokersenigma · 6 years
Loki Laufeyson x Reader - Cat’s Eyes - Part 5
Ok, I promised this last night, but I was tired and it was getting worse and worse, so I finished it this morning. It’s still not great, but my writing is a bit rusty at the moment - I think I need to make it a habit to write a whole series in one go so I don’t lose my characters rather than writing a part here and there mixed with other bits.
Anyway, sorry it’s not the best - as always, im literally making this series up as I go, so I apologise for that haha
Let me know if you want to be tagged in anything!
“I just - I just - ” Pepper glanced over at you as the two of you made your way down New York, deciding it better to walk than hail a cab – by the speed Pepper was striding it was clear she wanted to walk off some of her emotions. “I really can’t believe you.” She finally managed out again – repeating the same comment for the umpteenth time.
Once Pepper had stormed into the room, you had nothing to do but let it all out then – the hanging off the side of the tower, the time alone with Loki - “I can’t believe you were alone with him of all people!” She exclaimed hysterically, “Do – do you honestly have a death wish?!”
“It was just one of his illusions…” You muttered guiltily under your breath. You had decided best not to tell her that Loki had been on the balcony with you – dangling off the side of the tower was probably enough for her really – not need to stress her out over the fact a mass murder had been standing above you the whole time with no one else to be able stop him if he chose to attempt anything.
Despite your low volume murmur, Pepper heard the comment, now pausing in the middle of the street and turning to face you straight on in the middle of the busy pavement. “You really don’t understand, do you?!” She demanded frantically at you, throwing her arms up in exasperation. “Haven’t you ever stopped to consider what could go wrong?! Go so easily wrong?!” She exclaimed. “You know what?” She said shaking her head and waving her arms as though clearing everything that had been said, wiping her hands of it. “You’re grounded!” She declared simply before striding off again.
You looked after her retreating back in disbelief, your mouth open in disbelief at this. “W-wait!” You exclaimed, jogging after her. “Pepper! Please!” You protested in annoyance, “Come on! You can’t,” You whined, “I’m not a teenager anymore!”
Pepper stopped again at this, letting out a short sigh of exhaustion. “No, you’re not.” She agreed, eyeing you sternly, “And I’m not your mother either.” She admitted, “But. I can ban you from that tower.” She pointed back down the street without looking to where the Avengers Tower still loomed behind you. She saw the look on your face as you glanced back at where the tall glass building towered. “I’m just trying to keep you safe.” She insisted, her voice softening slightly, and you glanced back at her, able to see the worry in her face now her anger had dissipated. You did feel bad, you forgot that what you did didn’t only affect you anymore – that people cared.
“But,” Pepper’s face clouded over sternly again, though there was something less dangerous in it now, “– if you still manage to find trouble elsewhere I will not hesitate to ground your adult ass.”
You smirked weakly at your aunt, “Noted.” You murmured, ducking your head.
“Good.” Pepper nodded, still trying to sound firm, then her frown collapse and she smirked back at you. “Now. Come on - I can’t be bothered to cook tonight,” She flung her arm around your shoulder, “– you want Chinese?” She asked.
You nodded weakly, “Sounds good.” You murmured gratefully, glad the air between you had largely been cleared, letting her steer you towards home.
 “So, this is where the genius works, hmm?”
You spun around in your desk chair to face your bedroom doorway where Tony Stark had seemingly materialised. “Tony.” You greeted, frowning in confusion, “What are you…”
“You hacked my system.” Tony said as if, somehow, this was a way of an explanation.
“Didn’t Pepper already make me apologise for that?” You muttered, spinning round in your chair to face your desk again, just wanting to put the whole situation behind you.
“I’m not looking for an apology…” Tony explained, now striding casually into the room, absentmindedly picking up a cat toy which sat on your bedside table near the door. “I’m looking for an employee.” He admitted down at the stuffed mouse, twirling the small creature between his fingers.
“What?” You frowned, pausing in your work and pushing your self quickly around in your chair to face him again.
“I want you to come work for me.” Tony said quickly, now tossing the toy carelessly onto the bed where it bounced and rolled before Kali suddenly leapt up from the other side of the mattress, landing on it and pinning it under her feet. You watched Kali roll onto her back, the material of the mouse catching on her claws as she pawed at it above her. “Well - for the Avengers.” He corrected, swaying his head uncaring at the technicality.
“Uh – doing what, exactly…?” You asked uncertainly.
Tony perched on the edge of your duvet, his back to kali who happily entertained herself, occasionally letting out a meow at the mouse. “I want you to do what you did.” He said simply.
You furrowed your brow at him in confusion, “Aren’t you more than capable of doing that?”
“That’s beside the point -” Stark tried to argue.
“Tony." You sighed, shaking you’re head, “You – you had one crack – one –“ You insisted, “in your security! You even knew it was there – “
“True.” He interrupted, pointing a finger at you, “And I could do it.” He confirmed with a nod. “But, see, I‘m more of a detail man,” He explained, gesturing at his chest, “Whilst you,” He gestured both his hands towards you now, “You, seem to have a knack for spotting loop holes.” He observed.
“It was one time –“ You continued to protest, shaking your head anxiously.
“MIT?” Tony questioned with a raised brow, standing up, “SHIELD?” He questioned, stepping towards you with wide eyes. “Oh yeah, kid,” He scoffed, “I know all about that one.”
You ducked your head, biting your lip. You shouldn’t be surprised really – Tony probably hacked them as well – hell you’d seen some of his viruses at work when you’d been breaking into their databases. “Please tell me you didn’t tell Pepper about them?” You muttered at your lap, praying. It wasn’t for your sake - you didn’t really care about another lecture from her - but you honestly didn’t want to stress your aunt out anymore than you already had. Especially not when the dust had barely settled on the last trouble you’d caused.
Tony’s face softened slightly, seeing the worry on your face. “I haven’t said a word and I don’t plan to.” He informed you. “But I want you to work for me.”
“I’m grounded.” You gestured around the room. It wasn’t strictly true, but you were definitely banned from the tower and you decided it was probably best if you tried to confine yourself to the apartment for a bit to show Pepper you were serious when you said you were sorry.
“You’re an adult woman.” Tony reminded you shamelessly. “Plus,” He slipped a hand into his jacket pocket, pulling out a USB stick which he held in the air. “Pepper doesn’t need to know.” He smirked.
“And that’s…?” You murmured, eyes on the stick.
“Something to warm ya up.” Tony tossed it to you and you caught it easily. “I want it back in an hour. Tops.” He informed you, turning for the door. “‘Else you’re off the team.” He called back lightly.
“Wait - what?” You asked in surprise.
“I believe in ya, kid.” Was all he called back in response and all you could do was just scowl at your empty doorway, glancing down at the little device in your hand.
 You walked the corridors of the tower openly and without a care, despite the niggling feeling int eh back of your mind telling you to at least be more discrete.
What did you care, though? You might be banned from the Avenger’s Tower, but Kali certainly wasn’t.
You turned down one of the many corridors. The problem with this form, though, was your inability to access certain parts of the building: you couldn’t use the stairwell thanks to the fire doors being too heavy, and even the elevator was a struggle, it being quite a stretch – literally – to reach the buttons to call the lift, then even more so to choose the correct floor.
The breeze from nearby ajar window ruffled your fur and accentuated the swing of the USB device tied to your collar as you turned yet again, knowing the elevator you required was at the end of a couple more corridors. That breeze, however, also brought a scent along with it besides the usual cut grass and fumes of New York, a familiar, sweet, almost minty scent. You couldn’t place it straight away until you froze as a figure suddenly appeared at the opposite side of the long hallway and he, in turn, faltered slightly at spotting you. Loki raised his eyebrows at you, surprised and questioning his discovery of you whilst he’d seemingly just been wandering, bored and lost in thought, around the floors of the tower.
You suddenly remember that scent – the same one from about a week ago when you’d been tracking it down one of the tower’s corridors – the scent that had led you to Loki’s door.
You had a strong urge to turn on your heels and run in the opposite direction, but something inside you bit this down, and instead you found yourself sashaying playfully towards where Loki stood, flicking your tail in interest. Loki watched, slightly bemused, as you wandered towards him, letting out a meow you’d never meant to release. You were feeling something you’d never felt before. Like you were losing control – like Kali was… like she was fighting you. All you could do was watch, as though from afar, as Kali now butted against the god’s legs, winding her way around his calves affectionately. You could feel the purr vibrating in your chest.
You were going to have to have words with this cat again, you thought, scowling inwardly at Kali’s behaviour. You might have pulled any shred of control you had of her then, return to your own body, but you still had a job to do and Stark’s timer was running out.
If you’d had much influence on Kali, she might have jumped when you felt the pressure on her back, but instead a louder purr escaped you and, when you glanced up, you found Loki had bent slightly at his knees to now run his hand gently along your back.
A few more repeated motions like that and – you couldn’t deny it - Kali was right to purr, the sensation so nice you couldn’t help but give into the instinct to arch your back into his hand, stretching your neck up in pleasure.
You shouldn’t enjoy this – this was a man – a god! – that had ridiculed you on first meeting him, that had called you irresponsible, often referred to you as a pathetic Midgardian, not the least he was a villain to Earth –
“So, you enjoy this?” You startled slightly at the voice and froze for a moment, making Loki’s hand pause against your back at how rigid you’d suddenly. You tried to relax. He was talking to Kali - not you. He didn’t know it was you. You continued to try to reassure yourself and slow your racing heart, now actually letting Kali take control. She knew what she was doing and immediately began rubbing against Loki’s paused fingers, meowing impatiently for his attention to continue.  
Loki began to stroke her again, though more cautiously now as though worried of scaring you, you purred to encourage him that it was all fine and Kali now turned, sitting back on her haunches and now stretching up Loki’s thighs in a request you knew well.
“Has that \\   girl lost you again?” Loki muttered again and, had you been in control, you might have bristled at this comment. Loki’s eyes now flickered to the surrounding corridors, briefly scanning both ways before he crouched down, and Kali made the most of this, lithely jumping up onto his folded legs, then onto his shoulder as though this was all a regular thing to do.
Loki straightened up, rather unperturbed by this apparent ‘alien’ creature now perching on his shoulder. He reached up casually to scratch behind Kali’s ear, just where she liked it, and she purred in delight. The USB stick at Kali’s throat swung with her movements and seemed to catch the corner of Loki’s eye because he paused again, turning more towards where she sat.
His fingers easily managed to catch the device, now able to read the Stark Industries stamp engraved into the metal and he raised an eyebrow at this. “So, she’s working for Stark and hacking his system…” Loki’s eyes flashed up to Kali’s where she watched him expectantly. “You do have a most interesting companion…” He murmured to Kali who meowed as though in agreement.
He let the USB go, and you were surprised he wasn’t tempted to steal it – though did Asgardians know how to work an Earth computer? “And here I was thinking Midgardian’s were boring…” Loki mused, now turning his head away his mind lost in thought. Kali meowed once again, as though she too, agreed with this statement. “I must confess, I am surprised though,” Loki muttered, continuing to confide in the cat and your ears perked up, “My impression of the girl was one of independence. Employment by the Tin man’s cooperation didn’t seem to suit her…”
This took you by surprise – first that Loki had thought about you enough to make this assumption – secondly that he, in fact, right.
You weren’t a sell-out in any sense - always preferring free-lance work, being your own boss, and never managing long in any large cooperation jobs you had tried when in desperate need for money. People had always joked you had to be a cat person because you were so self-sufficient and rarely found yourself tied down to anything.
Loki began to walk now, Kali still happily perched above him, back the way he had come, apparently happy to escort her some of the way to her destination. You could only watch as the two walked – well Loki walked – in companionable silence and in complete ease of one another. It certainly making the journey faster and easier for you – no longer requiring such effort on your behalf to use the elevator or stairs, or even slipping through the occasional fire door that separated the corridors – but the journey also left you with a lot of questions. When had Kali and Loki become so friendly? You’d only been in New York a couple of weeks. He’s seemed disgusted and cautious of her on your first meeting, then simply curious about the cat when he found her on the balcony with you.
Loki paused behind one of the heavy fire doors that led to the main lab part of the tower where Tony so often spent his hours. Without needing to be told, Kali dropped from his shoulder to land lightly on the floor next to him, watching the door, her tail held high, the end flicking above her. She meowed as Loki pushed the door open for her to slip through, in an almost parting remark. You thought you caught his lip twitch, but Kali was already padding down the corridor.
 Your room swam into view in front of you now and the tell-tale ache pounded between your eyes as a punishment for just how much time you’d spent with Kali. You’d left her to make her own way back home after delivering the USB stick – knowing she was more than capable and also knowing you weren’t sure how much longer you could have kept the connection. You dropped your head onto the desk in front of your, the cool, treated wood nice against your flushed skin.
You had been so bored you’d walked Kali all the way to the Tower as well as up it, and now you were paying the price. You screwed your eyes shut against the pain in your forehead and in an attempt to get some moisture back into your dry eyes.
Stark wasn’t likely to turn down your offer. Before returning his USB to him, you had snuck into an empty office and created a – rather crude thanks to your form at the time – note for Kali to drop on his lap.
You’d turned down the job.
You weren’t sure whether to thank Loki or curse him for making you remember yourself and your principles. It wasn’t that you had refused the work though, you were more than happy to help Tony and the rest of the Avengers – how could you possibly turn that down?! – But you weren’t going to be an employee. You weren’t another brick in the Tower’s walls.
You lifted your head enough to place your folded arms under your forehead as a cushion and sighed heavily. What were you doing? One day you were going to have to take a serious job or else you’d be living off your aunt forever. She didn’t seem to mind of course, and it wasn’t like she was lacking for money, but you didn’t like having to rely on Pepper to survive. Maybe it was time you stopped offering your services for free, had to start turning down the people that couldn’t afford you. No. That wasn’t you. You couldn’t turn away someone in need.
The only thing left then, though, was for you to get yourself a well-paying job in a huge heartless company – something that gave you enough money to cover all the unpaid work you did – become your own charity. But what if you lost yourself then? Stopped caring? What if –
A throat was suddenly cleared behind and you shot up in surprise, your head throbbing painfully in protest. You turned sharply only to see Loki now stood in front of your closed bedroom door, holding Kali up the scruff of her neck in one hand. “Didn’t I warn you about misplacing this?”
 Tags for Everything: @jemjem-chan @angelicshinigami @white-chocolate-mocha-fan@arkhamsurviour @sheldonsherlocktony@thatwriterizzy @nerdybirdyfiz @beautifulbows924
Tags for Loki: @lexiiiii28 @imagine-that-100 @hakuoyuki @frostymoon11 @vanyali07 @ernesto-deserved-it @drakesfiance @spider-piggyxo
Tags for Cat’s Eyes: @ruffdog921 @leleleish @marvelfan-18 @cassiopeia-barrow @markusstraya @lillyrosegirl @sydthekid1518
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fubukimori · 6 years
Lift-of-the-ground hug
Basicly it was going to be not longer than one page silly attempt at writing in English, but I’ve got carried away a bit ^^” This is dedicated to @crazy-bone-lady​ (Nevia belongs to her), bc she is a nice person dragged me into a bunch of cool people in my current fundom, where I was introduced to so many cool characters i would never know by myself. I really aprechciate this ^^ Since Nevia is my favorite one, I decided to write something she inqluded. I hope i didn’t mischaracter her ^^” (im also willing to write something like this with ataric but not really sure if i capable of that)
Also a reminder that I’m not an English-speaking person, so my apologies to you if you find this writing full of mistakes of different kinds (still need to figure out how to put direct speech into shape properly). I warned ya ;3
It was awfully early in the morning. Barely a few people were slumberly heading to their work places to get prepared for the daily Tower routine. Guardians are rarely wandering here that early, even commander Zavala wasn’t  here yet. Nevertheless Fubuki was already on her feet, cheerful and vivacious after a good “two hours nap” which started yesterday noon and ended just an hour ago. Deserted Tower seemed so nice and unnatural so she was just strolling around, humming random melodies and enjoying the absence of croudy guardians while looking for the perfect place to sit and crochet the shawl she’d promised to Ikora.
Passing by the lord Shaxx’s survey point and obviously finding him here, already boisterous and loud, Fubuki noticed someone on the place commander Zavala usually stood. The Warlock’s poor eyesight didn’t allow her to recognize who was that person, so she called her Ghost out to help. “Ori, who is that over there?” she asked, pointlessly squinting at the stranger. Should’ve taken her glasses. “Oh, that is Nevia. That huntress from the Crucible”.
Usually lord Shaxx doesn’t match kinderguardians like Fubuki with fabled veterans of the Crucible, but some time ago he decided to give everyone a challenge, mixing up together guardians completely randomly. Most of the youngsters immediately started complaining about unfair difficulty since they were supposed to face and fight guardians way more skilled than themselves. Fubuki on a counterverse liked the idea of the challenge, but after some matches, where opponents were literally wiping floor with her, she almost gave up and decided to avoid the Crucible this week. “Just another one and I’m done with this humiliation” she thought, heading to the Nessus special fighting arena. This time was just like the others - she died and died and died… Almost crushed enough to explode and rage quit the match, Fubuki saw an opponent Titan, already speeded up enough to smash fragile warlock against the wall with their shield bash, but suddenly she felt a firm grab at her wrist and then was pulled behind the pillar next to her. Titan’s shield bash slammed loudly against the wall. Fubuki got panicked and threw her pulse grenadine towards the Titan’s direction. Confused Defender shrinked back, but wasn’t fast enough. In a split second Fubuki saw a cloak in front of her and then a flashy sword swing. The Titan clutched his chest plate with a shaky hand then dropped dead on the ground.
“Hey!” the cloak person turned back to an unusually speechless Warlock, brushing blood off their Quickfang. “Watch out where you are daydreaming, nerd!” Huntress barked and headed forward, searching for the other enemies. Fubuki followed her since she had always been told to stick with teammates in the Crucible, especially if they were actually capable of killing others.
Huntress seemed completely unbothered by a “never asked to be” companion, she was concentrated on winning this particular match. When she went through a giant stone arch in the middle of the arena, there was an unexpected foe. Another Hunter was hiding behind, squatting with Tractor cannon. Fubuki was shadowing her, so she met with this enemy Hunter face to face, while he was attempting to finish powerless opponent. Before he managed to shoot down Fubuki in a close range, she slapped him with an Arc charge, hurting him just enough to be finished with a single shoot in the head from the Huntress’ hand cannon. A perfect team work, yet absolutely spontaneous. Fubuki placed a healing rift, recovering the Huntress from that dirty trick. “Thanks” the only thing the Huntress said, reloading her magazine. Fubuki just nodded silently.
“I see you’ve got a little friend, Nevia, hahaha! Mind you, Fubuki, Nevia is a great warrior, but a terrible teacher!” lord Shaxx had been satisfied seeing twenty kills in a row by one of his favorite Crucible fighters and was praising their duo for the last five minutes. Nevia was doing most of the work, when Fubuki was putting all the effort to support her, providing healing, Arc souls and grenades, hitting the right spot barely half of all the times. When the match was over and everyone headed to collect rewards, Fubuki finally got a chance to have a good look at her savior. She was surprisingly very short woman, an Awoken just like Fubuki herself, with a severe gaze and short shaved head. “H-hey!” Fubuki exclaimed with her voice shaking of excitement, though the frown look she gained from the Huntress made her feel chill crawling on her back. Nevia looked up and down at the Warlock and then raised her brow. “Oh, it’s you”. The Huntress had probably recognized messy Crucible Warlock’s armor colored in Metroshift which Fubuki had been wearing during the match, her gaze softened a bit. It immediately brought a delighted expression back on the Warlock’s face. “Yes, it is me, your faithful support from the last match, hahaha!” she responded with a rather high-pitched voice. That’s what she does when she is excited or nervous. “I just hope I was not bothering you”
“Nah, you did fine”
“Hope so. By the way, your name is Nevia, right? I am Fubuki, it was a pleasure to fight alongside with such skilled guardian!”
“Hah, thanks”
Seeing the Huntress wasn’t really in the mood for a chatter, the Warlock got a move on with finishing this little pep talk. “Well, we are doubtedly matching in the next one, so, um… Good luck. May the Traveler's Light shine upon thee” she made a profound bow, spreading her hands in a proper Warlock’s sign of gratitude.
“The same goes for you” Nevia raised her hand, a shadow of a smile on her face. ��See you around”
From now on, Fubuki was meeting Nevia in the Tower sometimes. Every time the Awoken met each other, Fubuki waved her hand in a greeting, Nevia responded with a simple nod. Sometimes they shared a word or two. Amicable Warlock would love to make friends with this gloomy Huntress, but she seemed not really into making friends with anyone, so Fubuki was trying hard at least don’t be obtrusive. However, being in such a good mood, she decided to make a move. Fubuki jumped in the air and glided toward Nevia. Noiselessly landed behind the short Huntress, way taller Warlock grabbed her and then lifted of the ground in a snapshot. “Heya, Nevia!” she cheery exclaimed, holding tiny Huntress on her arms. “Glad to find you here tod…”
In the next few minutes Fubuki learned several lessons. First, never ever mess with Hunters before they are finished with their morning coffee. Second, if you’d spooked them or spilled their coffee, no matter how high you can jump or how many times you cried “I’m sorry!”, you’ll get stabbed. If you’d done both, it is for sure.
Fubuki was always the one learning in a hard way.
When Ori revived her, lord Shaxx, who had seen all the scene, was still laughing, definitely already bursting in tears, if only there was no helmet on his head. Nevia was already missing. “That...wasn’t such a good idea” Ori concluded. Fubuki didn’t say a word to him, only cursed to herself in several languages.
At the end of the day Fubuki was tired and really unhappy. She still felt guilty for the morning incident, and also very stupid. “You must always think first, you stupido. Now she is probably thinking I am mental or something” she rumbled to herself, heading to the vault. “Well, guess I deserved it anyway”
Fubuki didn’t hear someone approaching, so a sudden voice from behind made her flinch. It was Nevia staying behind with her her arms crossed on her chest. “Oh, em… Hi” Fubuki didn’t expect the Huntress to get close to her after she pissed her off. There was an awkward silence for a moment. “That… wasn’t very wise of you. You have to make sure this won’t happen again” she said, shifting from one feet to another. “I know, I am really sorry!” Fubuki exclaimed in response. “I… I just get really childish sometimes, I really do sorry for that”
“Yeah, and I could have played it cooler” Nevia said, lifting her gaze up to the Warlock. “Dammit, why are you such a pole?”
“I… I do not know. I was like this from, well, from the very beginning” the Warlock was a little frustrated, but it seemed the Huntress wasn’t pissed off anymore. And she kinda… made an apology too?
“So, no hard feelings, right?” Nevia asked, her face was less frown than usual. “Absolutely!” Fubuki responded with a wide smile on her face. The Huntress hold out her hand, the Warlock immediately shook it. “Glad we are cool now” she said, squeezing Huntress’ smaller palm. “If you ever need help with, well, some abstruse thing or maybe will need a medical advice, you can always call me for it”
“Sure, thanks. We should go outside the Walls someday” Nevia responded with a smug smirk. “Someone is gonna teach you not daydreaming right in the middle of the battlefield”. Fubuki laughed awkwardly. The Awoken took their leave of and both went where they were planning to. The weight of the guilt finally loosed from Fubuki’s shoulders. She hates being disturbing for anyone and the fact that Nevia had let the morning incident go made her finally feel good again.
“I hope you are not thinking you are already friends, right?” Ori hovered next to her, preaching as usual. 
“We might become ones some day. She is actually nicer than she tries to look like”
“I doubt that”
“You doubt anything, little one”
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