#also my lips always go super red when im eating something i look so fucked rn
basslinegrave · 2 years
what the fack i hate existing outside im eating a really good kebab at the station and i thought of the jerma burger "omg..🤭" and choked and now my face is all snot and tears
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gojology · 4 years
Jealousy. (2/3)
𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆 | I AM MAKING THIS A 3 CHAPTER STORY CUZ IM TOO LAZY TO WRITE EVERYTHING TODAY. anyways, jealous mad gojo is so, so cute. i was considering making this super angsty and sad but i figured ill save that for another time. ALSO THERES LIKE 0 ROMANCE HERE IM SORRY 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 | Teen! Gojo Satoru x Gender Neutral Reader 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 | 1186 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 | Cursing, mentions of body parts. ALL CHARACTERS HERE ARE AGED DOWN FROM PRESENT ANIME/MANGA INTO WHEN THEY WERE TEENAGERS. 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 | Shoko, confronting Gojo about her theory on Gojo’s crush, attempts to get an answer. Unlucky for her, you and Geto crash the occasion. Gojo, being the little angry baby he is (gojo slander is acceptable), rage quits and storms away. Geto comforts him about you.    Gojo gawked, turning over. The can tumbled down his face, leaving a trail of water behind, water droplets rolled down Gojo’s pale skin. Shoko’s grave eyes glared directly back, her usual laid-back atmosphere had evaporated into thin air. The can landed on his t-shirt hem, cursing to himself in his head as the water seeped into the fabric.     Gojo gulped, an unbreakable, heavy silence loomed over the two. Could he ever catch a fucking break from Shoko’s smart ass? Gojo could hear all the rustling of the leaves, the screams of (Y/N) and Geto, and never before had he realized how much he hated Geto’s screams and laughs compared to yours.     All he had wanted to hear was you, and no one else.     “Why would I have a crush on them?” Gojo laughed awkwardly, impulsively flicking open the can of pink lemonade. He took a light sip in an attempt to appear casual and nonchalant. “Are you being sarcastic Shoko? I legit can’t tell.”     Shoko exhaled dramatically, leaning onto the tree as well. Pulling her knees toward her chest, she wrapped her arms around her legs, enjoying Gojo squirming and trying to appear as if he wasn’t panicking. She was sure to relish the feeling of power, because usually, with Gojo destroying everything in sight, he hogged all the power.     “No, I just notice how you’re always staring at them, and even though Geto’s your best friend you look like you want to use the extent of all your powers and pulverize the guy with a flick of your wrist.” she stuck her hand in the icebox, shuffling around and looking for a drink, letting out a shudder as the icecubes rubbed against her.    Gojo spat out his drink.    “You are smoking some HAIRY ASS FUCKING COCK, Shoko. Geto’s my best bud, shit we even compared dick sizes once! If he wants to go after (Y/N), it’s whatever, I don’t care.”     “Didn’t need to know that Satoru, back to the point.” she yanked out a carton of apple juice, stabbing the straw into the carton. She took a long sip, setting it down before crawling up to Gojo.    She looked directly into his eyes, her tone unwavering. “I’m afraid you’re the one who’s smoking... You know, I prefer not to use vulgar language like that. I’ve always realized that you stare at (Y/N) more often then you don’t.”     Not knowing how to respond, Gojo turned around, looking for anything to occupy his time. Firmly gripping onto the picnic basket, scavenging inside of it, trying to forget Shoko’s piercing eyes.     He took a deep breath in, turning over with a bag of packaged red bean filled mochi in his hand. You know what? Maybe he did have a thing for (Y/N), fuck how could he know? He didn’t really have any experience with intimate relationships, the closest he had gotten was fucking a few girls in bed, maybe for a few weeks. That was the extent of it all. He tore the wrapper open, opening his mouth to speak.     “Okay, fuck, maybe you got me. I-”    Suddenly, Geto and (Y/N) burst into the scene. Panting heavily, Geto’s hands on his knees, sweat pouring from his forehead. (Y/N)’s hand over their stomach, you crumpled to the ground, thankfully on the picnic blanket, in a fit of laughter and tears in your eye.    “Heard something about hairy cock, Satoru.” he grinned, extending his arm to his best friend. “I got some, if you’d want it.”     Silence pounded in everyone’s ears, no one even dare breathed a word, aside from heavy breathing from Geto and (Y/N). The trees rustled and whistled with the wind.    “Geto!” you laughed, desperately trying to make conversation, slapping his hand away. You looked at Shoko and Gojo, hoping for some form of reaction, you were almost sure Gojo would chuckle a bit, shaking Geto’s hand. Instead, both appeared disgruntled and were incredibly close to eachother.     You felt your gut twist.     “...Do we have any ramune?” you timidly mumbled, the atmosphere was incredibly serious, you noted, a far cry from the bright, cheerful one you just had with Geto earlier.     “Yeah.” Gojo calmly replied, a tone of negativity carried in his voice, tossing you a bottle. You caught it, fumbling with it a little before it dropped to the ground, dirt rubbed the bright, colorful design printed onto the glass bottle.    He strode off, hands shoved into his pockets and mumbling about something. Geto blinked.     “What’s wrong with that guy?” Geto looked down at Shoko, who was now playing with her hair. He gestured to Gojo’s figure disappearing as time passed by.    “Dunno, why don’t you ask him?” Shoko playfully suggested, drinking from her carton with a small smile on her lips.     “Thanks, smartass, will do.” ‧₊˚✩彡.    “Yo, Satoru!” Geto jogged over, feet repeatedly hitting the pavement, it sorta sounded like a rhythm.     Gojo glanced over his shoulder, begging to all things good that it was (Y/N) about to dramatically confess his love to him. On any other day, Gojo would welcome Geto with open arms, ready to go pick up chicks in Tokyo and take them to the bedroom, but an anger was brewing inside of him instead.     “Hi.” he muttered, anxiety now overfilling out of the brim of his body. What did Geto have that he didn’t?     Geto strode up, spitting at the ground as he did so. “What’s with the long face, didn’t get any pussy recently?” he joked, placing a hand on his shoulder.     Gojo, in response, jerked his shoulder away.     Geto looked at Gojo’s face, a mixture of confusion before a look of understanding settled in.     “Hey, man, you good?”     Gojo nodded, glaring at a group of pigeons eating scattered bread. Staring back at Gojo, they hopped backwards, small bits of bread in the hold of their beaks.     Even Geto didn’t know how to respond to such a serious Gojo. He smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head.     “Um, well, you know there’s a shit load of time left for the picnic. You can come back whenever, (Y/N)’s been meaning to talk to you about some bullshit.”     Gojo perked up, his slump disappearing. It seemed like the guy had a whole new personality.     “Really?” a tinge of hope in his voice, he tried hiding it.     Geto nodded before grinning, looking down at Gojo’s feet, and then looking up.     “What, you checking me out?” Gojo scoffed, a hint of relief at the casual talk. It had been a while since he had really talked to Geto like a best friend.     “Nah.” Geto faced towards the picnic area, his back now facing Gojo. He glanced back, long black hair blowing in the wind.     “I’m gonna assume this is about (Y/N), good luck..”     Gojo watched as Geto casually walked back to the site, as if he didn’t just say weirdly serious sounding shit, like he didn’t carry all the worries in the world with his shoulders.     “What the fuck could (Y/N) want?” Gojo murmured to himself, kicking at some pebbles as he looked at the ground.         
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kireimarkeu · 4 years
Yellow; l.mk
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+another repost, one of my favourite works ever. its unfortunate not many liked it... ;-; but im still gonna post it anyways. i did not make any changes to this fic.
summary: a journey where boxer!mark and you start to fall for each other.
5.8k words... it wasn’t supposed to be this long.. sorry guys ):
i changed the title because sunflower reminded me of johnny lmfao! also i know you guys don’t like long fics but istg i didn’t want it to be so long either ;;
warnings: mentions of blood & violence, f words 
+Day 1
The loud cheers were really starting to annoy you. Why did you let your friend drag you here in the first place?
You let out a grumbled sigh when your friend had pulled your hand, leading you closer to the ring. Truthfully, you hated anything that has got to do with blood or violence. You didn’t dare tell your friend that since she told you that she has always wanted to go to an underground match.
People were pushing you around as you struggled to keep your balance. You hold onto your friend’s wrist, to avoid from falling.
Your friend must have noticed your discomfort and leaned towards you, “you okay?”
Shaking your head, you reply, “yeah... this- this is just not my type,”
She pouts, “do you want to leave?”
“No, no, you’ve been waiting for this, let’s just watch the match,” you reply, looking back to the ring. Your friend nodded, looking back front.
The match started within a few minutes, both participants standing on each side started getting closer, waiting for one of them to throw a punch.
“That’s Jung Jaehyun,” your friend says, pointing to the one who had chocolate abs. He had some parts of his black hair dyed a dark green, which really suits him.  
He was handsome. Pretty face— really pretty face. However, his neck was filled with tattoos, which gets rid of his cute demeanour. You already knew he was the type to get lots of girls just by doing nothing.
“And that’s Mark Lee,”
Your eyes gazed on the boy with black hair.
He’s cute. He’s really cute. Super cute features. Plump lips, cute cheeks— you just want to pinch. You were surprised why he would be in a ring with such adorable features. You wanted to coo at his ears, why are his ears so cute?
If you were to pick one, you would pick the latter. He’s just your type.
Great, you’re doing it again. Thinking which boys you would choose.
Shaking your thoughts away, you focus on the match.
Jaehyun suddenly throws a punch, to which Mark managed to dodge. Mark suddenly throws a punch, straight to the other boy’s cheekbones.
You let out a gasp, flinching at the sight. Though, the crowd continues to cheer.
In a blink of an eye, Jaehyun has Mark under him, his arm tightening around Mark’s neck.
“Isn’t that dangerous?!” you screech, turning to your friend who was happily watching the match.
“That’s what makes it fun,” your friend winks.
Your mouth was left wide open as you look back at Mark who was struggling to breathe. You notice Mark tapping on Jaehyun’s arm as the latter lets go of his crazy tight grip on the boy.
“This is crazy,” you whisper out.
Despite being absolutely terrified of the scene that had just happened, you wanted to see more.
After a few matches, it was declared Jaehyun had won this time’s match. You actually expected it- seeing how he was slightly more builded than Mark. At the same time, you were disappointed that Mark had lost the match.
The people around you started getting closer, excited by the first match. It was making it hard for you to breathe.
You tap your friend’s shoulder, “I am going to step out for a while,”
“Do you want me to follow?” she asks.
You shake your head, “no, enjoy the rest of the match,”
“Okay, text me if you need anything,” she tells you as you let out a hum and step away from the crowd. You climb the flight of stairs, pushing the tinted glass door open. You take a deep breathe, finally able to breathe fresh air.
You rest your back against the brick walls, fishing out your phone to reply to some texts and scroll through Instagram.
“Oh, jeez!” you jumped, your hand pressed against your chest, turning to see Mark.
Mark laughs, staring at you in amusement, “weren’t you from inside? I saw you,”
You gulp and nodded, “yeah, yeah I was, I saw you too,”
You scan his features. He had multiple bruises and cuts on his cheekbones and lips. You notice a deep cut on his eyebrow, and a bruise on his neck. You look back up to his eyes.
“Are you okay?” you ask him, pointing to the bruises painting his face.
He chuckles at your question, wiping the blood staining his lips. “Your first time here?”
You nod, your head moving to scan the cuts on his face, “are you going to clean that up?”
“I’m okay,” he reassures you, a small smile playing on his lips, “this is nothing,”
You wince. That was nothing? You would be crying in pain if you had that many cuts and bruises on you.
“Okay,” you whisper.
“I’m Mark,” he says again, “what’s your name, pretty?”
Your face turned a crimson red, “y/n,”
“y/n,” he repeats, the name rolling out of his tongue smoothly, “beautiful name for a beautiful girl,”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his words, “how many times have you used that phrase, Mark?”
Mark was flustered for a moment, but quickly regain his coolness, “well, as of 3 seconds ago… once?”
He laughs when you grimace at his response, shaking your head in astonishment.
“So, what were you doing in an underground boxing, y/n?” he asks you, “you don’t seem like the type to be around this area,”
“My friend has been dying to come to an underground match and she dragged me with her,” you explain.
He hums, “ah, your friend? She really caught Jaehyun’s eye earlier,”
You smirk, knowing your friend definitely has been crushing on Jaehyun too.
“We should set them up!” you say excitedly.
+Day 15
2 weeks later, you were back at the same place. This time, you weren’t forced, you had begged your friend to bring you again. You would go alone but being alone in a place filled with rowdy men scares you. You knew your friend would agree since she wanted to see Jaehyun too.
“You usually don’t like this type of things, why are you suddenly so excited?” your friend asked, grabbing her bag, while you were tugging on her arm. 
You bit your lip nervously, knowing the exact reason why, but you refuse to tell her. 
“You’re back again,” says Mark, looking down at you with a smile plastered on his face.
“Yeah, I just need some break from the chaos at school,” you explain. You were actually doing well in school. Unlike other students, you let out your stress from doing work and projects.
Mark hums as he looks around, “wanna go somewhere quieter?”
“But—” you turn away to find your friend, but she was nowhere to be found.
“She’s talking to Jaehyun,” Mark tells you.
You turn back around, holding your breathe when you see Mark leaning awfully close to your face. When he saw your flustered state, he started smirking, letting out a low chuckle.
“Come,” he says, tugging on your elbow, pulling you out of the crowd. Climbing the familiar stairs, the both of you walked towards an empty playground. The both of you take a seat on the swings.
“It’s kinda scary to be in a playground at night,” you state, looking around the extremely quiet area.
You hear Mark laugh at your statement; you look at him confusingly. “You know what you remind me of?”
You raise your eyebrows.
“A sunflower,” he tells you, making you blush. “Anything with the colour yellow,”
“And why is that Mark?”
He rests his head on the rope of the swings as he stares at you, “You seem like someone who is absolutely cheerful, everyone needs someone like you in their life,”
You smile at his sweet words.
Your eyes gaze on his hands that was wrapped in bandages, blood seeping through them.
“Are your hands okay?” you ask, nodding your chin towards his hands resting on his lap.
He looks down at his hands then back at you, smirking, “why? Did I make you worry?”
You look at him like he was crazy, “of course you did! The guy went pretty hard on you,”
Mark felt embarrassed at that. You came to watch his match twice and he still couldn’t win in front of you.
He looks away from your gaze, “it was nothing,” he murmurs.
You were quiet for a while. You felt guilty for bringing it up, knowing he was already beating himself up for it.
“You did great,” you blurted out, “I came to support you actually,”
“Really?” he chuckles, his gaze still on his shoes.
“Yup, you did so well, I think I should take you out for lunch,” you blurt out without realising. Your eyes widen at what you had just said.
Oh god, why did you say that? Did you have no shame? What if Mark didn’t even feel the same way?
Mark swiftly turns to look at your confused face. Fuck, he just wanted to hug you so bad.
“Are you asking me out on a date?” he asks, an amused grin plastered on his lips.
Oh god. 
You quickly face away from the boy who was staring at you with amusement. “N-no,”
He lets out a defeated sigh, “damn, really? I was hoping it would be a date,”
Oh fuck, he was smooth. 
“Shouldn’t you be asking me out on a date?” you huff.
“Do you want me to ask you out on a date?”
“No! I mean—”
“Y/N, will you go on a date with me?”
+Day 17
The date was originally scheduled in 5 days but Mark was too excited and had asked you to meet slightly earlier, to which you agreed.
This time, Mark wasn’t in a tank top and shorts, he didn’t have cuts on his face or bloody hands wrapped in bandages. He was dressed in a button up and black skinny jeans.
He’s so adorable. 
“What?” you look at him weirdly.
“You keep staring at me,” he points out, “do I have something on my face? Or am I too handsome?”
You grimace at his words and threw a fry at him, giggles leaving your lips.
Mark wanted to take you out on a proper expensive date, but he was also a broke college student— just like you. He felt bad about not being able to take you out on a proper date, but you had reassured him that you’d rather eat McDonalds kids meal than eat a $50 meal that is the size of a pea.
“You know,” you start, leaning back on the chair, “If I saw you for the first time, I wouldn’t believe it if you told me you were a boxer,”
You shrug, “you look like a baby to me,” you tell him, “just wanna pinch your cheeks,”
He scoffs, puffing out his chest, “I may look like a baby, but I fight like a man,”
+Day 23
Mark: hey are you coming later
You: where?
Mark: my match you loser
You: I don’t think so :(
You: i have a bunch of work to do :((
Mark: :(
Mark: oky then :/ make sure you rest enough
You:  I will :) don’t worry haha
+Day 25
“I didn’t know Mark had many girl friends,” your friend says.
You raise your eyebrows at that. The both of you weren’t official yet, only at the talking stage. He has never mentioned his friends or his family, but the information had your suspicions growing.
You pretend to not be affected by the words, “how’d you know?”
“You know the day you couldn’t come for his match?” you hum, “I think he invited some girls because they were all hugging and talking,”
You would be lying if you weren’t heartbroken by your friend’s words. However, you have no rights stopping him from seeing his friends. The both of you weren’t a couple.
“Aren’t you guys a couple?”
“No,” you answer with a sharp tone, “it’s his life he can do whatever he wants.”
“You’re not fazed by it?”
“Why would I be?” you murmur, “he’s not mine to begin with.”
+Day 35
Mark: hey :)
Mark: it’s been a while
Mark: I miss you
You: I knw haha
Mark: are you coming for my match tomorrow night?
Mark: no no you have to come tomorrow!!
Mark: ok?
You: hahahah
You: I will oky
You: im finished with my work & all so why not haha
You: but I need you to come get me hehe
You: my friend wont be following so its just me :3
Mark: that’s great!!!
Mark: I’ll send u home too ok
You: oky Markie :3
+Day 36
You had your hands resting on Mark’s face, cleaning up his bloody face. Mark had lost this time round; his opponent was three times your size and had beat Mark down like a pipe.
“I don’t even know why I support you doing this,” you mumble, wiping the blood running down his face, “you make me worry too much,”
“I’m okay.”
You glare up at him. “If you think this is okay then I don’t what’s your definition of the opposite.”
He frowns at you but didn’t say a word.
It took you a good 30 minutes to clean up all of his wounds. You lean away from him, “make sure you rest for a week,”
He hums, staring at you, “thank you,”
You felt bad for being so harsh on him. You reach for his hands, holding it in yours, your thumb stroking the back of his hand.
“Can you take me home now? I’m tired,” you sigh.
Throughout the ride home, you had one of Mark’s hand resting on your lap. You didn’t let go for a second, loving the warm feeling of his hand clasped in yours. Before you knew it, his car stopped infront of your apartment building.
You pout, turning to face him., “I don’t wanna leave yet,”
“Me neither,” he chuckles, “don’t go,”
You lips break into a grin, “you loser,”
He hums.
You unlock the door, ready to open the car door but Marks tug on your hands. You face him. He lifts his free hands, his pointer finger tapping on his cheek.
You snicker at his actions, your pointer and middle finger pushing his cheek away. You stick your tongue out when he pouts at you. You open the car door and left the car, shutting it, turning to face the boy who was still pouting.
“Thanks for today,” you say, “make sure you rest for a week before you start working again,” you reminded him.
Upset that you didn’t kiss him, Mark clicked his tongue and gestured for you to go in.
+Day 40
Your eyebrows furrow when you saw the pictures Mark was tagged in Jaehyun’s photo. You knew this photo was recent from the evident bruises on Mark’s face.
You had already warned him to completely heal for a week before going back to work but why was he so stubborn?
The girls who was surrounding the guy you like didn’t go unnoticed by you. You noticed how he had his arms snake around both girl’s waist.
Shutting your eyes close, you let out a frustrated sigh.
“Is this from today?” you ask your friend, showing her your phone.
Your friend takes a look and nods without hesitation.
A loud and angry groan left your lips. Getting up from the couch, you stomped to your bedroom, shutting the door as you climbed in bed.
God, why was liking a boy so hard?
Tears started rolling down your cheeks. You were so frustrated with Mark. You liked him so much that you hated seeing him being hurt— even if it was something he loves doing.
It wasn’t the first time he was seen surrounded by girls. Although the both of you weren’t in an official relationship, you didn’t enjoy seeing him touching girls. Maybe you were being dramatic with the girls, but did you really want to date someone like him? Someone who could potentially be taken away in a flash?
You sit up, rubbing your eyes with a deep sigh. Everyone deserves a chance, even if he had hurt you.
You turn on your phone to send Mark a text.
You: you went to work today?
It took him less than a minute to respond.
Mark: how’d you know?
You: jaehyun’s Instagram
You: I thought I told you to rest?
Mark: sorry :( it was just a last minute match
You: hm
Mark: but on the bright side, I won this time!
Right. Of course he would win the match when you’re not there to support him.
You: was it fun?
Mark: yeah! Our friends came to support us
You: ohh who?
Mark: just some ex-school friends, you don’t know them haha
You: okay hha
Mark: you’re not angr right? Haha
Mark: angry*
You: no why would I be
You: you’re not my boyfriend so I have no right to be
You: mad
+Day 58
“Hey,” Mark sends you a bitter smile, “you okay? Been a whole year since we last saw each other,”
“It’s been 2 weeks, Mark,” you reply dryly.
Mark pouts and takes a seat next to you, “two weeks too long~”
He leans his head on your shoulder as his gaze on your phone. You turn to him slightly, offering your bubble tea to the male who happily accepts. He rests his hand on the plastic cup and your hand holding the cup, pulling it towards his lips.
You giggle, “you’re so cute, Mark.”
He squints his eyes cutely at you as he continues sipping on your drink. You didn’t complain, you love seeing him all happy.
You clear your throat, earning his attention, “I want to ask you something,”
He tilts his chin upwards, “what’s up?”
You try to think of a way to phrase your words together without sounding possessive.
Mark notices your furrowed eyebrows, he cracks a grin and nudges you with his shoulder, “don’t be so serious, what’s up?”
“Are you going to introduce me to your friends?” you blurted out.
Mark fell silent at your question. He wasn’t annoyed or anything— not at all, he couldn’t ever be mad at you. But it was just so sudden, where was this all coming from?
“I mean- you don’t have to, if you don’t want to,” you explain, “it’s not like I want to,” you laugh awkwardly, looking away from the male.
“N-no,” he stutters out, “it was just so sudden, where is this coming from?”
“I’m sorry,”
“Do you want to meet my friends?” he asks.
“I’m not forcing you,” you state, “it’s just a question- it’s not important,” you mumble the last part.
He let out a chuckle, “I want you to meet my friends,” he says, “but, they just…”
You purse your lips, already expecting the answer. Of course he won’t introduce you to his female friends. It would be a lie if you said you weren’t disappointed, but you couldn’t do anything. you can’t force him into doing something he doesn’t want to.
“I’m sorry,” he sounded sincere, too sincere. It’s weird.
You feign a smile, “It’s okay, but I have to go now,”
He frowns, watching you stand up to grab your bag, “already?”
You nod, “I’ll see you when I see you, I guess,”
Before he could even hug you goodbye, you had already left the bubble tea shop.
+Day 62
You had this habit of overworking yourself whenever you were down. You had drowned yourself in projects and work. The incident that happened a few days ago has left your mind, especially when he hasn’t sent you a single text.
“Hey,” your friend called, you hum in response, although your gaze was still glued on your laptop. “Have you been talking to Mark lately?”
Your fingers freeze at his name. Suddenly you were furious just by hearing his name.
“Why?” you reply crudely.
“He’s been asking me about you. Did something happen?” your friend asks, worried about you.
He’s been asking about you? So he has been thinking about you this whole time? Your heart fluttered a little at the thought. You genuinely liked Mark and it sucked that the both of you were already having arguments even before being a couple.
You bit your lip, turning around to look at your friend, “what did he say?”
Your friend passes you her phone, showing the text message between the two.
Mark: hey, im sorry if im disturbing you but
Mark: is y/n okay?
Mark: we haven’t been texting lately and I thought she needed space so i gave her that
Mark: I just want to know if she’s okay? If shes eating healthily?
Your lips tugged upwards at the text. God, he was so cute. You scroll down a little more to read more texts.
Mark: could you update me everyday on how she’s doing?
Mark: I miss her :/
“He really likes you, you know,” your friend says abruptly.
You pass her phone back, looking up at her.
“I know I’m not officially his and I have no right on stopping him who he should hang out with,” you explain, “but it upsets me seeing how he’s being surrounded by girls every single night,”
Your friend places her hand on your shoulder, her thumb caressing your shoulder comfortingly, “you should talk to him about it.”
She was right. Communication is key. You can’t keep it a secret forever. If it upsets you, then you should voice out.
You were going to talk to him about it.
+Day 67
You were at the underground boxing area again. Mark had texted you to come and support him. You were going to talk to him about it today. After his match. This was the only way that was going to make you feel better.
This time, you were standing near the wall, furthest from the boxing ring. Mark had warned you to stay here because of all the rowdy men crowding the area.
“With your petite size, you are just going to be stepped on,” he had said. 
You locked eyes with Mark who was standing in the ring. You automatically grin at him. Mark struggled to keep a straight face after seeing your adorable smile.
‘Good luck!’ you mouth, lifting your hands to show a thumbs up, then sending a heart to the male.
Mark’s heart flutter just by looking at you. He looks away to keep a straight face. Soon, the match started.
You swiftly turned to see a handsome male standing next to you. You send him a polite smile before turning back to look at Mark.
“What are you doing here?” he asks.
“I’m just here to support a friend,” you say plainly, your eyes gazing on Mark intently.
“I see,” the man says, “I’m Yuta,”
Does he ever stop talking? You hum, hoping it would stop him from talking to you.
“What’s your name?”
You wanted to roll your eyes at his question. You face the man, “I’m y/n,”
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” he flirts, winking at you. You grimace at his words. “You’re really pretty,”
You didn’t respond, irked by his presence.
“Do you hate talking or something?” he asks you. He rolls his eyes when you didn’t reply. “Do you have a boyfriend?”
“No, I don’t, Yuta,” you sigh.
“Then? Do you hate me or something? Do you hate someone you’ve never met?” he asks you, leaning closer to you.
Unbeknownst to you, Mark saw you talking to the male and was distracted by it, which resulted in him getting punched in the jaw by his opponent.
Loud gasps and whistles filled the room.
You quickly turn to see Mark laying on the ground, getting stepped on by his opponent. Your hands went up to your mouth, watching in horror. Once his opponent was pulled away, you ran to find Mark, but was stopped by Yuta grasping your arm.
“Let go of me!” you shrieked, pushing his arm away, running to find Mark.
You see Mark in the room, holding his jaw painfully while Jaehyun helped him bandage his hand.
“Mark!” you call, running up to him. You instantly hold onto his elbow, scanning his face that was littered with bruises. He had a black eye too.
Mark meets your worried gaze. His eyes held something different— anger and annoyance.
“Are you okay? Are you badly hurt anywhere?” you ask.
The male suddenly pushes your grip off him, looking away from you. Your eyes widen at his actions.
Did you do something wrong?
You look at Jaehyun, hoping he would signal you something— anything. But he only looked away from you guiltily. You frown at the both of them.
“Mark?” he ignores your voice.
You felt your heart clench painfully. You didn’t know what you did wrong for him to treat you this way. A disappointed sigh left your lips as you turn around, leaving the underground boxing match.
You rest your back against the brick walls, you felt tears trail down your cheeks. You came here with Mark and was expecting him to drive you home, so you didn’t bring any money with you.
“Fuck,” you whisper, your fingers wiping the stray tears.
You fish out your phone, unlocking it but only to see a black screen. You harshly pressed on the button multiple times but it wouldn’t turn on. Great, your phone must’ve died. You look around, trying to find someone who could help you out.
“Are you going to get in?” a deep voice says.
You look up to see Mark standing next to his car.
A shaky sigh left your lips, brushing away the tears that wouldn’t stop leaving your eyes. You look out the window, hoping it would distract you. Another tear rolled down your cheeks.
“Stop crying,” Mark murmurs.
You wanted to scoff at that. How ironic, especially when he was the one who made you cry.
“I’m fucking trying,” you say through gritted teeth.
The car comes to a halt as you see your apartment building outside. However, you didn’t leave his car.
“Did I do something?” you ask. You have been dying to ask the question ever since.
He rolls his eyes, “I don’t know y/n, did you?” he responds sarcastically.
“Can you stop that?!” you shout, turning your body to face him, “Just tell me what I did so I can fucking apologize!”
He scoffs at your words, “who was that man? Openly flirting while I was in a match?”
Your brows knit in confusion. Is he being serious?
“Firstly, I don’t know who the hell that man was, and I was definitely not flirting with him,” you explain, “and secondly, you’re not my boyfriend. So, even if I wanted to flirt, I am allowed to.”
This relationship was starting to get confusing.
“We are in the talking stage!” he shouts, “technically you are mine.”
You laugh at that, “really? I can’t flirt with anyone but you’re out here hugging and touching random girls!”
He becomes quiet, looking away from your intense gaze.
You push your hair back, frustrated. “what now, Mark?”
He looks down at his lap, playing with his fingers. He felt like crying— he never cries. “I don’t think this is working out,” he whispers, voice cracking. “I think we should stop seeing each other,”
You feel your lips tremble, tears threatening to fall again. You close your eyes, the tears falling down your cheeks. Your hands clenched into fists, hoping it would stop you from letting out sobs.
“Okay,” you mutter, “I’m going to go,”
When you reached your apartment, your hand immediately rests on the wall, steadying your balance. You couldn’t even breathe properly as you let out loud sobs. Your heart was beating rapidly from your unsteady breathing.
You felt like you were going to die. You didn’t expect this to hurt so much.
You are going to get through this. You will get through this. 
+Day 83
It has been a few weeks since you had last seen Mark. You had spent most of your time in your room crying your eyes out. If it wasn’t that, you would be sobbing on the couch while your friend would try her best to comfort you.
You didn’t have the energy or appetite to eat. Your friend always made you drink lots of water and would sometimes make a sandwich for you.
Your friend had secretly sent text updates to Mark, but he would just ignore them. He was hurting as much as you were. Just by hearing your name, his heart would clench painfully. Mark had spent most of his time at the ring, taking out his frustration by throwing punches and kicks.
You were washing the dishes since your friend had left to support Jaehyun in the underground match. She had invited you to come with her, but you’d rather stay home, knowing Mark would probably be there.
Your phone started ringing. You let out an annoyed sigh, quickly putting the plate on the rack, then walking over to grab your phone. You answer the call.
“What?” you sigh, “I’m busy cleaning, you know?”
“y/n,” your friend breathes heavily. This was weird. “Can you come here?”
Your eyebrows knit in confusion, “what? Why? What happened?”
“Mark passed out,” she tells you.
Your eyes widen, “w-what?”
“He’s going to be sent to the hospital, you need to come, now,”
“What room is he in? Is he okay?” you ask, looking at your friend and Jaehyun with wary eyes.
“He’s okay,” Jaehyun says, “he’s in the room,” he nods towards the door.
You had tears threatening to leave your eyes. You couldn’t help but let the tears fall. You felt your body grow weak, you squat down, covering your face with your arms as you let out loud sobs.
It was all your fault. If you hadn’t taken care of him more often, none of this would’ve happened.
Your friend frowns at your state. She bends down and pat your back comfortingly. “Go in,” she persuades, “he has been dying to see you,”
You lift your head to look at her, a small pout on your lips. Your friend wipes your tears with her thumb, smiling at you.
Letting out a soft sigh, you stand up, smoothing your hair and your pants. Walking towards the door, you knock softly before sliding the door open. Mark tilts his head, seeing you walk in quietly with your lips pursed.
He didn’t know what to do. Should he send you a smile? Should he act cold?
When you got closer to him, you scan the state he was in. He had his forehead bandage and his arm in a cast. His lips were busted, a plaster on the bridge of his nose.
“Hey,” you say, voice still raspy from the crying earlier, “what happened?”
He clears his throat and looks away from you. He feels bad making you worried. But at the same time, he didn’t expect you to be here.
“Just a few bruises here and there,” he says.
“It’s nothing, really!” he exclaims.
You glare at him, “fuck you,” you spit. “I came down here because everyone was so worried about you. I was so worried about you. And now that I’m here, you’re going to tell me it’s nothing?”
Mark was unbelievable. God, why do you like him so much?
His eyes soften at your words. He bit his lip nervously, intimidated by you, he slowly looks up at you, “I just don’t want to worry you,”
You scoff, “your job already worries me, Mark.”
He pouts without even realising. He looks down at his lap guiltily, playing with his fingers.
You felt bad for shouting at him. Letting out a huff, you amble closer.
“You’re okay now, right?” you ask him.
“Yeah,” he mumbles, his gaze glued on his lap.
A pregnant silence fills you two, unsure of what to say to each other. You didn’t want to leave, and Mark doesn’t want you to leave. You bit your lips awkwardly as you look everywhere but Mark.
“I think I’ll leave now,” you say, “I have work to do and I don’t want to… disturb you,”
You stare at him, waiting for him to say something. Anything. disappointment fills you when Mark looks away from your gaze. You turn around, ready to leave the room when Mark calls your name.
“Did you mean it?” he asks, “that day,”
You stop in your tracks, your back facing him. Your grip tightens on your sweatpants.
“Mean what?” you repeat, “you suggested it, Mark,”
“I know,” he breathes, “I regret it,”
You missed Mark. You missed his dumb jokes and his annoying laughter which you loved so much. You turn around to look at him.
“I don’t like seeing you this way, Mark,” you confess, “your job scares me, it worries me,”
“What can I do to make you not worry, y/n?” he asks, eyes widening, “should I stop doing it?”
“That’s not what I meant,” you reply harshly, “if you would actually let me stay by your side, it might ease my worries,”
You step closer to the boy, your hand resting on his cheek. He subconsciously lean against your soft hand.
“I’m sorry for what I said the other day,” he professes, “I..I didn’t mean what I said,”
You take a seat on the chair that was next to his bed, holding onto his hands tightly. “Then, why would you say that Mark?”
“I just—“ he sighs, “I just didn’t want to lose you to someone else, y/n,” he explains, looking up at you, “we weren’t even dating yet! I just knew that I genuinely like you.”
Your heart clench at his words. “I didn’t like seeing you with other girls either,”
“I know,” he huffs, his free hand going up to ruffle his mop of black hair, “I was just stupid,”
Your thumb strokes his hand comfortingly, “It’s okay. It’s all over now,”
“I don’t want to deal with this anymore,” he tells you, “all this, jealousy and possessiveness.”
Is he going to…?
“I have been dying to ask you this question for the longest time,” he continues, “would you like to be my girlfriend?”
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rosiehrs · 3 years
a little push | seulgi
group ; red velvet
genre ; fluff.. i think? T^T
au ; highschool!au
pairing ; highschool student!seulgi / fem! reader
request : hello! are you taking requests? if so, could you please do a seulgi x fem!reader college au where seulgi and reader are best friends and seulgi is in love with reader but doesn't know how to tell her? maybe they could do homework together and seulgi tells her? super fluffy please!
a/n ; AAAAAA IM SO BAD AT FLUFF BUT I TRIED, I'M SORRY ANON - and it's more of a smol drabble bcs bibi brain blank ALSO I DID FUCKING HIGHSCHOOL INSTEAD OF COLLEGE AAAAAAAAA stupid
word count ; 763
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“seulgi? earth to seulgi!”
the loud voice snapped seulgi out of her thoughts, instantly looking up at her friend. “yes! yes, i’m here, what’s up?”
“i asked you what the answer to question 15 is, you stupid idiot.” you replied, making her slap you. “you have no right calling me an idiot when you don’t even know how our digestive system works! the answer is pancreas, you stupid idiot. i don’t understand how you passed junior year, this is basic shit, l/n!” she teased, watching as your lips curled and your eyes turned into adorable little crescents.
“i’m not gonna lie, kang. i’ve gotta agree with you, i don’t know how i passed either, guess everyone just really liked me.” you smiled before you continued to look down and write the answer down on your worksheet. she couldn’t contain the smile on her face after your reply. because you were right, everyone really liked you. you were so loveable and likeable - it was impossible not to like you. that’s why it was so easy for her to fall in love with you. she was in love with you, and she didn’t even try to hide it. everyone around her could tell how in love she was with you except, well. you.
she has been your best friend for as long as she could remember, she’s wanted to tell you so many times - but your friendship just means so much to her that she doesn’t wanna ruin it. god knows how much she’s tried to suppress her feelings for you, but she just couldn’t do it. she can’t resist you, she’s just too in love. she spends time with you everyday and just wants to call you hers and kiss your soft lips. you just bring so much joy to her, you’re her sunshine. seeing you daily makes everything so much better for her.
“okay, seul, you’ve really gotta stop zoning off. you’re really worrying me. what’s on your mind, bear?”
the nickname never failed to make her heart flutter, she’d always imagine waking up with you in your arms whenever you called her that. something about it just really made her so happy and giddy. so what if you called her that whenever you woke up in her arms? what if you called her that everytime after she kissed you?
i’ve gotta do it, i really have to do it.
you giggled at the bluntness of her tone, “me? you’re thinking of me, cheeks?”
“yes, y/n. i’m thinking of you, i just- i can’t get you out of my mind. it’s eating me up inside.” seulgi’s heart feels like it’s about to explode or beat out of her chest. she wants to do it, she needs to do it. if she doesn’t tell you now, she feels as if she wouldn’t be able to pretend like everything was normal.
the quick realization hit you, she wasn’t kidding. something was eating her up inside and it was because of you. “oh shit, you’re being for real? what’s wrong, seul? did i do something?” you asked, dropping your pen and sitting closer to her, grabbing her hands. “please tell me, what’s wrong?”
“nothing’s wrong, y/n.. i just, i need to tell you something and i want you to promise me nothing will change between us, okay?” seulgi’s voice was trembling and she was shaking uncontrollably. you tightened your grip on her hands to try and calm to down. “of course, seul! you know i’m always gonna be here for you.”
she took a deep breath before looking right into your eyes. “i love you.”
you blinked at her before smiling sheepishly, “i know, seul.. i love you too?”
“no, y/n. i mean i’m in love with you.” she stated clearly, making your heart stop. your grip loosened slightly as you froze.
“fuck, no, y/n, i’m sorry! let’s just.. no, i’ll go home-”
before another word could leave her lips, you pulled her close to connect your lips with hers. seulgi kissed back without hesitation, realizing how long she’s been waiting for this moment. how much she’s longed to just even remotely brush her lips against yours, and now that it’s finally happening - she doesn’t focus on anything else but you.
you were the first one to pull away, caressing her cheek lovingly. “i love you too, bear. i mean it.” you continued to kiss the blush on her cheeks as she hid her face in your shoulder.
“ugh, please say it again.” she whispered.
“i love you too, seulgi.”
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apricotgojo · 4 years
yo.. I saw the request that you posted today? IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD WHAT THE HELL? and I looked for the prompt and ended up finding it , Can you do a part 2 where the news reporter lady gets akumatized again finds the video that she was looking for? where y/n's crazy mafia father threatens to kill her now abusive ex boyfriend because he cheated on her but she was so blindly loyal and didn't want anybody to find out? like because that would be embarrassing but instead y/n didn't know (1)
HELLO! so I didn’t really understand the request well but i wrote this out and i’m planning on making another part related to this! so here it is! thank you for this request im so happy that you liked the first one.  Speaking of which, if you haven’t read the first one here it is!  Part One
The other part will be posted soon ;)) 
Strawberries, sunshine and Adrien Agreste on a red picnic blanket.
Life is so serene, so perfect at this moment. Especially with the blond resting his head on your lap as you run your fingers through his soft blond locks. He hummed and smiled softly. You noticed his cheeks were tinted red because of the time he spent in the sunshine. He’s gorgeous.
You pick up a strawberry from the plate and pop it in your mouth, the sweet juice bursting and dripping from the corner of your lips. Before you could react you felt a hand move to your face and wipe the substance with the thumb. You look down and see Adrien looking at you, his green eyes glistening and full of life. You couldn’t help but move down and kiss him softly on the lips. It was a slow, tender kiss which you didn’t want to pull away from but you did in order to catch your breath.
“Ma Belle,” Adrien whispers, moving a lock of your hair behind your ear. “How do you feel about coming to a film festival with me tonight?” “Film festival? You need to elaborate on that babe.” You say quirking your eyebrow up. You’ve never been to a film festival before, you didn’t even know what happened there. Fuck, you’ve never even been to a movie theatre before because you basically have a whole private theatre in your house.
He furrows his eyebrows at you and chuckles. “Basically once a year the students organise a film festival on school campus. Students get to show their own short films and projects that they’ve done while we sit on the grass with snacks and drinks. It’s really fun.” He explains.
It really seemed like fun but you end up looking down. You knew that after last time’s event some people still thought of you as a bitch. People still whispered behind your back and they still judged you. Other than that reason, your father was coming home tonight from Madrid and you were going to ask Adrien to come with you to meet him for the first time.
“What’s wrong? Don’t you want you come?” He asks you and you look at him, a slight frown on his face. “Alya is going to present her film today and I told her we’d come..” He continues and looks to the side.
“No, no I do !” You say quickly and sigh, “My dad is coming tonight and I was going to ask you to meet him.” You say, averting your eyes to the side.
You feel him stiffen up. “Oh.” He says.
“But I can tell him that we can meet for brunch tomorrow instead.” You say and hold his hand. “I know you’re nervous about meeting him but I just want my two favorite boys to finally meet.” You say and give him a small smile.
 He softly chuckles and grabs your hand, kissing it. “Of course mon ange.”
You giggle and hug him. It made you happy that he was willing to come. He knew it would make you happy.
“What should I wear for the festival? I don’t want to be under-dressed.” You say suddenly pulling away, already thinking about the outfits you want to wear.
“I think I’d worry about you being over dressed instead.” He laughs a little bit and you playfully hit him on the shoulder.
  “Nadja, if you don’t get me any scoop on them by tonight you’re fired.”
“Fired?!” Najda exclaims getting out of her chair. She watches as her boss raises a questioning eyebrow at her and she clears her throat.
“But madam, I can’t-“
“By tonight Nadja.” Her boss urges sternly, causing the red-head to gulp.
She nods slowly and keeps her head down as she walks out of the office.
Rage started eating her up from the inside. She needed to do something. Anything.
  “Hey girl!” Alya closes you in a tight hug and hands you a red solo cup filled with juice which was already spiked with some type of liquor.
“Hey Alya.” You smile at her and give each other a friendly kiss on the cheek. “Are you nervous?” You ask her.
“No..” She scoffs and suddenly downs her drink, laughing nervously. “Okay maybe just a little bit.” She says quietly and it causes you to laugh.
“I’m sure that your film is amazing.” You reassure her.
“Thank you.” She says warmly. She looks you up and down. “You always love dressing up dont you?” She raises an eyebrow at you.
“I told her that it’s going to be causal.” Adrien sighs and you roll your eyes playfully.
“This is as casual as I can get.” You state and arrange the beret on your head, smiling proudly.
 The two laugh and you feel Adrien kiss your cheek and sliding his arm around your shoulder.
“Marinette and Nino saved you guys a place up front, I’ll be joining you guys a little later.” She explains and nods over to where Marinette and Nino were sitting. You see them waving at you guys.
“Okay we’ll see you later then.” Adrien says and you both start walking away from her.
There they were, the whispers, the eyes all on you as you walk past the people. Adrien felt it too, you knew he did, that’s why his grip on you was tighter but it was also somewhat comforting.
“Allô!” Marinette says and giggles while she hugs you both. You could tell that she’s already had a few too many to drink You all sit down and start talking about what’s going to happen tonight, what films are expected to show and what you thought Alyas film is going to consist of.
You sip your drink slowly. This shit was strong but you didn’t mind it.
“Alya’s film is going to be the best.” Nino says proudly and confidently. “She’s been working super hard on it non-stop.”
You smiled at him. The way he talked about her with his adoring eyes - you could just tell that what they had was real. It reminded you of You and Adrien. Maybe you two weren’t there yet but the way he looks at you was the same.
“Luka’s coming later because he got held up at his gig.” Marinette groans and sprawls herself out on the blanket, her phone resting on her chest.
“are you and Luka getting serious?” Adrien asks, grinning at her.
She hums and nods. “I really like him.”
“I’m happy for you Marinette, you guys look really cute together.” You say and she sits up quickly.
“You think?” She asks, batting her eyelashes at you. You nod, grinning. “yay!” She exclaims and hugs you unexpectedly.
“Okay I think that Mari has had enough of this.” Nino says and takes away her drink, chuckling.
The atmosphere was amazing. People drinking, laughing and chatting all around you guys.
  Everything died down when the screen in front of you turned on and everyone started cheering.
Alya quickly joined you guys and you all greeted her again quietly as you clapped for opening of the first film.
It was a love story between an alien and a human which formed because of their mutual love of French toast. Weird ass story-line but it was beautifully filmed for some reason. You could tell it was amateur but the shots and the beauty of the movie as the human and the alien shared their first bite of French toast really immersed you into it.
“those berries look so good im going to bust a nut.” You hear Nino whisper and Alya hushes him, earning a snicker from Adrien.
“I wish someone would eat me like that French toast.” Marinette blurts out and you clasp a hand over your mouth trying not to laugh.
As the film showed the ending credits the creator got up from where he was sitting and everyone cheered, whistled and clapped for him.
“Isn’t it Alyas turn now?” Adrien asks and Alya nodded taking a deep breath in.
Nino squeezed her hand and kissed her cheek. “Everyone’s going to love it babe.”
Everyone got quiet as it started.
Two people were sitting on the roof,
“It’s the end of the world isn’t it?” the character says and before the other person could respond, the screen went pitch black.
Everyone started whispering to each other in confusion and you looked over at Alya as she furrowed her eyebrows.
The screen turned on again but it was a different setting.
Two men were now sitting at a large table, one with a cigar between his lips and the other in front of him. Both of them were wearing a suit.
“Mother fucker.” The man says as he lights his cigar.
“What the fuck? This isn’t what I filmed.” You heard Alya whisper.
You were confused as to what was happening but you were too focused on the film in front of you. The man with the cigar came into view even more. He looked famillar.
“You can’t kill him.” The other man says.
“he cheated on her, Johnny!” the guy with the cigar shouts and hits his hand on the table.
Wait. Holy shit, that was your dad.
“He cheated on her and she still went back to him.” He blows out smoke and looks to the side. Disgust evident on his face. “I thought I raised her better than that, I guess she’s stupid just like her mother.”
A picture of you on his desk was shown in view.
You were visibly shaking, your mouth dry. You heard people around you ask you questions but you couldn’t hear anything. You couldn’t even react.
Your father pulls out a gun and clicks it. “I’m killing that bastard tonight, pay off a few people to make it seem like a car accident and we’re going to Paris. Just her and me. I’ve got too many problems with my junkie wife and I don’t want an ignorant daughter too.”
Tears stream down your face. It wasn’t a car accident. Your father killed him. That’s how Trevor died. Trevor cheated on you with one of your best friends back In New York but you never left him because you never wanted people to find out that someone cheated on you, you had too much pride for that.
You get up from where you were sitting and run away, ignoring the murmurs of people and gasps as the film continued. You felt like you were going to throw up, you felt like everything around you has been all a big fat lie. You heard Adrien call out your name but you kept running away until you froze when you heard a familiar evil laugh.
You turn around and see the villain from last time again. but this time it she was holding your father In her arms while he’s passed out.
“Finally! I got it!”
People started to scream and you simply fell down to your knees. Too weak to move. Too weak to do anything.
Your heart was shattered.
Flashbacks come back to you at Trevors funeral. You were sobbing as you watched them bringing out his casket. Little did you know that your own father was the reason for his death.
You were broken.
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h2bakugou · 4 years
i would like to drop a cute but spicy headcanon request of how shinsou, denki and kirishima (separately) react to coming back from a mission/patrol to see their female s/o cooking in only their oversized hoodie and white lacy pantie. 🙈
all characters aged 18+ au!!
a/n: ahhh i love thiss! i also love your pfp omg, i havent done a hc or scenario like this so im super excited sjfhsjdah thank you for the request love! 
headcanon: them walking in on you cooking in just an oversized hoodie and lacey panties
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, smut (spicy tingz ahead), a really god awful absolutely unnecessary pun.
nsfw under the cut!!
»»————- ★ ————-««
hitoshi shinsou
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Shinsou is tired and worn out from a long day so he’s pretty happy to be heading home.
He’s even more excited by the delicious smell coming from the kitchen.
It doesn’t take long before he strolls in and sees you standing in one of his indigo sweaters, the one with the cute little black cat symbol the back, and a pair of lacey white panties.
Shinsou’s suddenly much more awake than he was.
He’s horny on main.
“What a sight, kitten.” He coos, stepping closer to you. You smile and turn to face him, happy to see him back in one piece.
“How was work?”
“It was work, but it was worth it if I get to see you like this afterward.” Shinsou places a kiss on your neck, his hands resting on your hips.
He’s pushing you up against the counter, hoisting you up so you’re sitting on it now.
“Toshi.” You whisper as his calloused fingers slip under the waistband of your panties, teasingly toying with your sensitive bundle of nerves.
His finger flicks across your clit a few times and you’ve become a moaning mess.
You’re gripping onto the cold marble counter tops as his fingers begin to pump inside of you, curling upward as they rub against your walls.
“Such a naughty kitten, wearing such naughty things.” Shinsou’s back to kissing and biting on your neck, marking you up good and well. You’d have those marks for a while which was exactly what Shinsou wanted.
“Fuck!” You moan out, feeling your stomach tighten into a knot as your climax approaches.
It’s not long before you’re cumming on his fingers and making a bit of a mess on the counter top you’re sitting on.
Shinsou cleans his fingers in his mouth, licking off your juices.
“The food!” You yelp, quickly jumping down from the counter to check on the food you’d been cooking.
Thankfully it wasn’t too hurt, but you couldn’t risk letting it get burnt like that again.
“Ready for round two kitten?”
“Shinsou dinner is gonna brun-”
“I have a perfect meal right in front of me.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
denki kaminari
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»»————- ★ ————-««
He’s more or less a volt or two away from short circuiting. He needs a serious recharge, and thankfully he gets to go home and do just that.
When he walks into the apartment the two of you shared, he’s enticed by the sweet and savory aroma filling the place, coming straight from the kitchen.
He’s taken back when he sees you in his favorite hoodie.
It’s black with a big lightning symbol across the chest and a cute little storm cloud on the back.
He’s even more surprised when he notices it’s all your wearing along with some cute lacey panties.
“Woah.” Denki is almost speechless. He’s always got a loss of words when it comes to you, but sometimes all he can manage to say is how impressed he is.
“Oh hey babe!” You smile, walking over to give Denki a kiss. 
It starts out innocent, but Denki’s hands begin to wander, from your hips, down to your ass, grabbing it roughly and feeling it up.
“Someone’s excited to see me.” You tease, poking fun of the growing tent in his hero costume.
“Of course I am, god look at you.” Kaminari is eager to touch you. His lips move to your neck as he backs you against the counter.
He kisses down your neck before pulling his lips off of you and squatting down between your legs.
Tossing one over his shoulder, he hooks a finger under your panties and moves them to the side before diving in to what he’d been waiting for.
His tongue slides through your folds, flicking over your clit a few times.
Your hands tangle into his hair as he begins to eat you out, moans spilling from your mouth.
“Kami!” You cry out as he pumps two fingers inside you, adding to the pleasure he was already giving you.
It doesn’t take long for you to get all worked up. He;s making you cum within minutes and it’s messy.
Your juices drip down his chin but he doesn’t care. He’s hungry for more.
Overstimulating you is his specialty.
He brings his tongue through your folds a few more times before scooping out some of your juices with his two fingers, letting it drop into his mouth.
“You taste so good babygirl.” He mewls, his amber eyes staring up at you.
Your chest is heaving and he finally let’s you catch a breath. He stands up and places a few soft kisses on your cheek.
“I can’t wait for dinner.”
“It’s probably burnt by now!” You quickly turn to look at it, and to your dismay it was.
“Guess we’re eating out tonight!”
»»————- ★ ————-««
eijiro kirishima
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Kirishima is worn out but he could probably keep going for a bit. Nonetheless, he’s happy to be going home because he gets to see you.
Your house is quaint and pretty small and very homey.
Kirishima can already taste the delicious meal you’re cooking just by smelling it. It’s savory and smells delicious.
He’s tossed down most of his things by the door, excited to see you.
And excited he is.
He admires you, speechless by the sight of his beautiful girlfriend cooking in his red hoodie. The one with the rips in the sleeves from him using his quirk in it while training. 
His eyes wander down to your legs which are bare. His eyes stop at the lacey panties your wearing. He feels bad for staring but you’re just so gorgeous.
“I know you’re there Kiri.” You call to him, pulling him out of his daydream.
He’s rushing over to you, hugging you from behind. You can feel how excited he is to see you.
“Are you using your quirk or are you excited to see me?” You tease. Kirishima’s cheeks are as red as his hair.
“I’m happy to see you.” Kirishima places a kiss on the back of you neck as his large hands pull your lacey panties to the side.
“Kiri!” You mewl, your chest pressing against the counter as he pushes you down, pulling his own pants down just enough to release his aching cock.
He’s hard as a rock.
“Fuck.” Kirishima curses, stroking his cock, just admiring your pussy from afar.
“Stop teasing me.” You whine, wiggling your hips at him.
One of Kirishima’s hands moves to pin your wrists against your back.
“You got it, princess.” Kirishima’s hips buck forward as he slides his cock into you, drawing a moan out of your throat.
“Kiri!” You mewl. He’s stretching you out. His cock fills you up so well it’s almost hard to ever get used to him.
“Fuck princess.” His hips are moving and slapping against yours, the lewd noises filling the kitchen.one of the only sounds over the low sizzling of the dinner you’d forgot about and the string of moans and curses you and Kirishima are letting out.
“Taking my cock so good.” Kirishima murmurs, his speech incoherent as he’s getting closer and closer to letting go.
You’re clenching around him and Kiri feels like you’re just about going to milk him dry.
“So tight.” He growls, sending an open palm down against your ass cheek. You throw your head back in pleasure as you feel yourself letting go.
“Kiri!” You cry out as you cum, Kirishima’s groans getting louder as you tighten around him, doing just what he thought you’d do.
Kirishima came inside of you, his hot seed sticking to your walls as he pulled out, the white liquid seeping out from between your folds.
“Fuck princess.” Kirishima curses again, admiring your post-fuck form still bent over the counter.
Something smells burnt.
You look over to dinner and notice it smoking. Your legs feel like jello and you can hardly move, but Kirishima manages to turn the stove burner off.
“What are we going to eat now?” You pout as Kirishima helps you clean up.
“Guess we’ll just have to order some food.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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jeontaehui · 4 years
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baekhyun baekhee
there was this tension at the start. you wouldn’t notice it at first glance but when you really pay attention to how the both of them act around each other ,,, you’ll just wonder how they are off-cam.
taehee mentioned during wgu era baekhyun was one of her role models when it came to the entertainment industry ,, so some fans wondered maybe there was still this senior-junior relationship between them while the rest were getting close with her.
but baekhyun hates awkward. luckily, they were roommates when they came to the states for their debut. 
he figured he could get closer to taehee by making her laugh a lot, and he succeeded !!! it was easy since they basically shared the same humor.
he also took her out to eat when they came back to korea ,, discovered her love for playing video games and that they had a lot more in common
taehee enjoys playing hard to get when it comes to baekhyun.
(superm midterm exam ep. 1) “but you said i was your role model!!!” “when it came to being funny, yes...?” “W H A T !!!!”
as much as possible, baekhyun wants taehee to show off or be given attention to. whether that came to lines on the script or bragging about what she can do, not only does he do this as a leader but as someone who wants to show that taehee is as capable as them.
(200913 vlive) taehee comes up to the camera and nervously laughs, “yah, how do i do this?!” she turns around to face the rest of the boys who have challenged her into doing taemin’s killing part in the ‘criminal’ mv. “just do it like you would usually do!” baekhyun encourages cheerfully. “don’t act shy! you know you can do it.”
iconic moment (mtopia ep. 11-2) "whoever competes with baekhyun hyung is likely to lose,” kai says, watching as the eldest prep himself for the game. hearing this, taehee instantly shot up from her seat and moved to the red square opposite of baekhyun. though determined, she lets out a casual remark, “i’ll fight him,” and the others laugh. 
ever since the first game of the night, baekhyun and taehee teased each other back and forth, trying to get the other off their game. the scoreboard between the two of them was currently 2:1, with taehee having won the paper cup game and the team game with mark and the others. baekhyun glances to the side nervously, until an idea pops in his head. 
he lights up her candle shortly and hands it to her, “here.” taehee accepts the candle without protest as she sat down, until kai says, “he gave you the weaker candle.” her head snaps up to see baekhyun dead set on making his flame stronger than hers, his fierce expression making all of them crack up. “oppa!” taehee complains but she laughs. “yah, baekhyun hyung, that’s unfair!” taeyong backs the maknae up, well aware of the feeling of losing quickly to their leader. “jeon taehee, you better win this,” taeyong tells her, his tone was laced with seriousness yet his pout said otherwise. “avenge me,” and taehee gives him a salute and a wink in return. 
not sooner than later, their match begins. their hot battle keeping the members on their toes, they too were aware of their rivalry from earlier. “jeon taehee, let’s go!” mark cheers. although taehee could barely see with the water getting in her eyes and hair, she moved her candle in all directions in defense to her opponent’s shooting (at this point, taehee figured baekhyun was just trying to shoot at her face but she’s not complaining... that much). with a sharp aim, taehee was able to distinguish baekhyun’s candle in just less than a minute. 
“i think water went into my nose,” taehee giggles as she lowers her candle down, removing any excess water from her eyes once her other hand was free. meanwhile baekhyun looked shell-shocked, taemin and the others laughing more at the result. “hyung, you looked like you won!” kai teases him further. “i won,” baekhyun jokingly seethes, “I WON!”
taehee laughs, “알았어, loser.” the team breaks off into a louder fit while baekhyun smiles in disbelief. taehee sure was different. 
song falling by trevor daniel
taemin 2tae
despite both of them being the most quiet during the first meeting, the both of them got closer the quickest !!!!
first day they were like ‘hi hello annyeong’. next day, they’re sharing recipes, having inside jokes, mini-handshake (courtesy of taehee), play-fighting, making funny faces at each other whenever they make eye contact during dance practices ....
dance prodigies !!! amazing, talented, remarkable dance prodigies !!! aces at everything !!!! their stage presence !!!!
(superm reveal which member has the best hair and who is the funniest of the group | billboard) “these two,” taeyong gestures to taehee and to taemin, “how do i say this? they look immoral on stage.” the others chuckle at his bluntness, “i think that would be the best term for it.”
taehee finds taemin very cute and would willingly watch his aegyo.
(’one’ dance practice behind) “hyung, you are honestly so cute,” taehee centers the camera to taemin, “times like these, i wish you were my younger brother.” he laughs. 
meanwhile, taemin finds himself laughing at taehee’s antics most of the time (totally didn’t expect the chaotic energy coming from this one).
taehee always manages to find her place next to taemin somehow, and when taemin turns to find out she was beside him this whole time, he’d smile at her and pat the top of her head. 
taemin became one of taehee’s comfort people !!!! from having a senior-junior relationship to being one of taehee’s most trusted friends, they grew really close after time and related well with each other.
iconic moment (’one’ dance practice behind) “woah, oppa you look really pretty from this angle,” taehee tilts the camera to the sides until taemin starts doing aegyo, causing laughter to bubble from the girl. “hey! hyung, why are you seriously so cute?”
taemin recalls the other day he and taehee hung out together, and he sits up straight before telling the story. “you know what taehee did the other day?” his lips break into a wide smile, his tone piquing interest from ten and mark. “what did she say?” mark said. 
“she said, ‘hyung, it think it would be nice if you were my dongsaeng.’ and i haven’t said anything yet and she said, ‘yaja time? start. taeminnie, what do you want to do?’”
mark and ten burst out laughing, taehee feigns ignorance. “what? when was that? i don’t remember that.”
taemin chuckles, “taehee is really so precious.”
song it’s tricky by run d.m.c
kai kaihee
kai was a bit awkward with taehee too at first.
he was very cautious around her, even if it was just standing close to her during photoshoots.
kai, keeping his distance: “is this okay?”
director: “closer!!!!”
kai: fuck
but now he teases the hell out of her you’d probably mistake them for being friends for a long time.
(superm on knowing bros) “baekhyun hyung? baekhyun . hyung???? you seriously find him the most attractive out of all of us?????” “BEAUTY IS IN THE EYES OF THE BEHOLDER!!!!!!” “YOU NEED TO GET YOUR EYES CHECKED THEN”
he makes fun of her accent (jokingly ofc) but also loves it.
“how do you say ‘귤’ in english?” “tangerine” “ahh you are so cute !!!!!!”
also teases her by wrapping his arm around her shoulders and proceeding to shake her aggressively.
before superm, kai already found taehee super cool .... he was probably intimidated by her.
when kai is not teasing taehee, they’re both teasing mark.
in the end, there is an i-will-tease-the-heck-out-of-you-until-your-ears-turn-red kai and a im-her-father-no-one-touch-her kai
iconic moment (mtopia ep. 11-1) “i feel like taehee would get this though,” baekhyun says and the others agree with him, taehee’s agile. they all watch as she puts her hands on each side of the toaster, preparing herself by biting on thin air. “okay, i’ll start now!”
using her left thumb, she pushed the press handle down and released. but instead of catching the piece of bread, she caught her tongue in between her teeth. she immediately pulled back and brought her hands to her mouth, walking away the pain as the members pointed out she wasn’t able to succeed. kai was the first to notice her, “what’s wrong, taehee?”
“i bit my tongue and it hurts so much,” she winces. kai cackles, “바보! taehee!”
“it was an accident!” she exclaims. “i know but you don’t put your tongue out like that!”
taehee grumbles at kai’s remark as she sat beside him. the latter pulls her close by the shoulder and ruffles her hair, laughing as she poked her cheek. “you want to eat bread?” kai smiles at her, already reaching out for the plate of extras. 
“i’m gonna eat bread.”
song mambo no. 5 (a little bit of ....) by lou bega
taeyong yonghee
taehee’s all up for the ‘taeyong babie’ agenda since it’s so cute to see the older members tease and baby taeyong.
knowing that baekhyun likes to poke the fun out of these two, taeyong and taehee would team up against him.
(superm mtopia ep. 1) “taehee, let’s make baekhyun hyung out,” taeyong tells her, taehee mirroring the determined look on his face. “we got this.”
taeyong hypes taehee up like a stage dad or something lol he’d go like, “WOOOO!!! THAT’S MY BABY,” and taehee would find herself smiling before resuming to whatever she was doing. 
taehee had to stop herself from clowning taeyong when they went surfing for mtopia and instead gave him tips and all. of course, she tries to bite her lip from laughing while doing so.
(mtopia ep. 3) taehee goes to sit beside a nervous taeyong on the dock as he waits for his turn. chuckling, she says, “hyung, just pace yourself, alright? don’t rush—“ but then kai cuts her off, also noticing the scared look on the rapper’s expression, “you won’t die anyways.” taehee whips her head back to glare at kai, though it was clear she was trying to hold in her laughs. “HEY!”
iconic moment (mtopia ep. 2) taehee was the first to pick out of the eight of them. whether she’ll start shedding tears or not, her fate relies on the fifth sushi she had chosen, hoping that it wasn’t the one with wasabi. “it’s the one. she lost it,” baekhyun says as he tries to throw taehee off guard. “it’s not,” she replies, though her eyes said otherwise.
once she grabs the piece of sushi in between her chopsticks, she takes a tentative glance towards the staff and keeps her eyes on them as she took it in whole. taehee knew she was doomed on the first chew, the spiciness of the paste burns her tongue and brings tears to her face. she laughs dryly as a few tears slipped down her face and sniffs, “i never knew wasabi was this spicy.” the boys behind her laugh at the crack in her voice, the staff handing her a tissue as she staggered back to her place beside taeyong who immediately wrapped his arms around her to comfort her. “taehee can’t handle spicy foods well,” taeyong chuckles, “are you okay?”
“yeah, my mouth just feels like it’s burning!,” taehee exclaims, her wild gestures adding humor to her expression. taeyong lets out a hearty laugh as he gave her water, “have this.” he watches her down the water in one go, though there were still tears in her eyes, “taehee, you are too cute. i’m serious.” taehee laughs as she wiped her eyes, and they continue with the game. 
song train wreck by james arthur
ten tnt
they are literal geniuses !!!! but... they have their moments.
(200930 live) “he’s the main character in ‘aladdin’, right?,” and with knowing smiles, the others nod at ten’s question. clueless, ten decides to ask more, “what was his name? a whole new world~” and baekhyun and mark tell him he’s right, but ten has literally no clue. chuckling at his cuteness, taehee speaks up, “hyung! he’s the main character in ‘aladdin’! aladdin!” mark and kai laugh loudly at her hint, she was already giving him an answer. kai notices that, like ten, taehee hadn’t got her question correct yet with all the obvious hints they were giving her, and so he laughs harder. “taehee! don’t act like you’ve got you’re question correct!,” the said girl shrugs exaggeratedly, bringing her hands up in the air as if to question the heavens. “you told me he was powerful! so is he like a superhero or something? thor?,” she exclaims, and the others began laughing at her guess, the maknae unaware of the large ‘LEE SOOMAN’ on her cap. “who is it?!”
their banter that goes back and forth are one of the things that make the members’ stomachs hurt from laughing. 
(superm: ready to fly in la) “the three maknaes are my babies,” ten tells the camera, tilting his head to look taehee into the eye before continuing, “but then you’d be my least favorite.”
taehee knows that ten secretly has her as the favorite loves her too, so she always makes it a point to call him cute or something to throw him off guard. 
iconic moment (superm as we wish ep. 1) it was very obvious how taehee felt about ten’s drama. she tried to hold back her smiles but ten was just too cute, it made her heart run in circles. when his drama ended, the boys praised ten’s performance, but baekhyun noticed how much taehee liked it. he calls her out,  “taehee-ssi, you seem to like this very much.” 
a surprised ‘really?’ comes from ten while taehee spoke. “ten oppa just looked so.... natural while doing it,” taehee says, her words and expressions assuring ten he really did a great job. “my heart is doing flips right now?”
the boys laughed, “did you fall for him?” and before taehee got to answer their leader’s question, ten said, “i’ll date you based on your performance.”
“i didn’t even say yes!”
song positions by ariana grande
lucas luhee
lucas took one look at him, mark, and taehee and just went, “you know if someone took a look at us, they’d think taehee was the oldest.” (taehee had punched him on the shoulder while mark hit the table, laughing)
but then he clarified that it was just because taehee had this motherly aura around her and that she takes care of him and mark really well. 
from then on, lucas would accidentally call taehee ‘noona’; sometimes, he would call her that intentionally when asking for the snacks that were kept in her bag, or teasing her.
(superm as we wish ep. 2) “unnie,” they hear taehee say from the monitor. while the boys accompanied each other in different work environments, taehee went alone to a little café to try out the experience herself. she found herself well acquainted with one of the staff members that had showed her around, and she found herself asking, “how old are you?” the boys erupted into choruses of ‘ooh’s’ when they heard her, baekhyun jokingly asking if she was there to find a date. taehee shakes her head shyly, but she busts out laughing when lucas shouts, “NOONA, FIGHTING!”
we see more of taehee being a baby with lucas in superm :(
he’d give her piggyback rides or ask her if she’s eaten yet, and if she says no, lucas would be like, “come on, man! the last time i saw you eat was breakfast but you only ate a sandwich. wait for me here, i’ll get you a plate.”
iconic moment (mtopia ep. 11-2) as mark and kai shoot each other’s candles out with their water guns, taehee leans into lucas’ side as she laughs with her head buried into his shoulder. it was an endearing sight to see them comparing hand sizes, both of their eyes widening at the size difference. “you’re hand is so small!,” lucas says. “well, duh. your hand is like the size of my face!”
song rather be by clean bandit (ft. jess glynne)
mark markhee
taehee knows so well that superm mark lee is a different breed
(the story of ‘jopping’) “you look so handsome these days,” taehee said to mark as she took in his appearance, causing the latter to become shy and flustered, “really?”
but mark caught onto it this year and ‘complained’ that taehee had favoritism .... to superm mark
“you’re cute in 127 and dream!!!! you’re different here, what’s wrong with that?”
taehee LOVED ‘talk about’. she posted a video of her jamming to it in her manager’s car on twitter.
in mtopia, taehee literally took a glance at mark’s quiz in the first episode and said, “ahh you should get this one the first try, it’s easy.” cue a pouty mark
during games, mark knows taehee in and out so it comes off as an advantage to him and a disadvantage to her. 
(mtopia ep. 6) “it’s taehee. taehee is the liar.”
mark and taehee are roommates most of the time and their nightly routines just consist of putting face masks on each other and listening to music while waiting!
iconic moment (mtopia ep. 11-2) “sleepover!!!!,” taehee says excitedly as she sat on the bed with mark. she had just finished brushing her teeth while mark brought out facemasks from his bag. “you wanna put them on each other?,” mark asks, tearing one of the packets open already. 
he turns his head to his right and giggles. taehee had her bangs tied up in a short ponytail, her eyebrows arched in a cheery smile. “you look like 뚱이!,” mark laughs, “dude, seriously. you’re so cute.”
“whatever, just put it on,” taehee rolls her eyes playfully as she hit mark’s shoulder. she closes her eyes but hears mark chuckle again. opening only her left eye, she says, “what’s wrong?”
“you’re really cute,” mark repeats, both of taehee’s eyes now wide open at his compliment. she goes to say something but chooses against it, closing her eyes back again when mark begins putting the mask on her face. 
song until the last falling star by matthew perryman jones
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peakywitch · 4 years
Little Hands - Michael Gray
warnings: none (i think this one has angst?)
gif: @oberelias
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A knock on the bar door caught Harry's attention. He immediately knew who it was. He opened the door, seeing the young woman from a half hour ago.
"Y/N?" he asked, not understanding anything. A girl of about 17 years, crying at the door of the Garrison. Harry thought he would never see such a thing.
"Sorry Harry, I had nowhere to go..." she sobbed; Harry invited her in and poured her a glass of water as she sat down at the bar.
“Are you better?" he asked her, after a few minutes.
The girl had been staring at the glass of water since Harry had offered it to her. The silent tears kept falling from her eyes. What will I do now? She would go home alone. She would forget about being a teacher and would have to dedicate herself to whatever she could, so her son would have something to eat.
Her son.
Y/N still didn't get it. She was seventeen, a minor, and her ex-boyfriend had just left her. She could not abort, she had found out too late.
"What the fuck am I going to do..." she whispered, asking Harry.
"You in trouble?" he asked, worried that she was hurt.
"Yes, in a giant problem." She replied, drinking more water.
“I think whatever it is, you can work it out. If you have people who want you by your side, you'll be fine." He said, as he rearranged the liquor bottles.
“The person I love doesn't want to be with me, Harry. He said horrible things to me and I…”The poor girl bursted into tears, Harry felt so out of place.
The man, not knowing what to do, approached the small kitchen that was at the back of the bar and took out some pieces of brownie that were carefully protected. When he returned to her side, he opened the noisy bag, filling the Garrison with a strong chocolate smell.
"You know?" he asked “My mother was a baker, and she made the best cakes in town. She made these brownies when I was sad or had a broken heart." He smiled wistfully; Y/N's red eyes focused on him “Last night, I felt a heavy sadness. And all I could think of was brownies." He placed the two brown squares on a gray plate. "I firmly believe, these brownies will heal you a bit." He held out the plate to the crying girl, she tried to grab one "Wait, not yet."
He reached under the bar, pulling out a glass bottle of milk: “There is a kitten that had a baby, and in the morning when I am leaving, I serve her some on a plate outside. But a broken heart deserves a sip to accompany brownies. "
She poured the milk into a pint, and told her she could eat now.
Between brownies, laughter, and some milk, she was able to stop crying and laughed at some stories Harry was telling her.
When night fell, Y/N stayed in one of the rooms upstairs. Harry had offered it to her for free, as Y/N had been very good company while he set up the pub for that Friday night. However, she insisted that she would return the favor by cleaning up on Saturday morning with him. Also, she wanted to see the kitten and her baby.
Ten o'clock at night showed up on the clock, telling Y/N that in two hours this hellish day would end. She was lying with her dress still on. The poor deluded woman had thought she would return home with… Michael. The more she thought about the subject, the more her heart ached.
“I won’t be with you, get rid of him. It would be easier. "
It was final: she would be a single mother.
Michael entered the pub at ten o'clock, tired, nervous, angry, sad, helpless, and heartbroken. He was disappointed in who he was. He had been infuriated by the fact that this new person that he was, had hurt Y/N. Michael could be called Henry, Benjamin, Patrick, or Mirtha. It didn't matter his name, he loved Y/N. So when he walked into the private booth at the Garrison alone, Tommy knew why. How was he going to find her, if she was as far as she was near?
"I thought I told you not to come back if it wasn't with her, Michael." said his cousin.
Gray sat down dejectedly in one of the chairs. He snorted and poured himself a whiskey.
“Looked everywhere. Shit, I even walked into that disgusting station with idiot Campbell. I looked in every square, on the outskirts, I asked in each hostel: nothing. I know her, she got on the train hours ago and she must be in her bed crying." His gaze was so lost on the beer bucket on the table, that he did not notice the knowing looks of his cousins.
“Tom,” said Arthur “go on. Tell ‘im. Look at ‘im.”
John slipped a chuckle.
"Tell me what?" Michael asked, looking at Thomas. "Tommy, if you know something, please tell me ..."
"Michael," tommy cleared his throat, "you well know that nothing happens here without me knowing."
"Here? Small Heath? As I said, I don't think…” the Shelby interrupted his cousin.
“No, here like the Garrison. And I think you forgot that if you go upstairs, you will find a lodging that I mount..."
Michael didn't let him finish, cutting him off as he stood up abruptly.
"You knew all this damn time where she was!?" he roared.
"I have known for a few hours." he answered calmly, after drinking more Scotch.
Before Michael could say anything, Tommy spoke again: "Third door to your right."
And just like that, Michael came out of the booth like a bullet. He crossed the bar quickly, no matter who he shoved in his way. The stairs were climbed even faster, leaving him in a matter of seconds in front of Y/N's door.
He breathed. He realized how nervous Y/N must have been. He knocked on the door with a simple double knock.
Both knocks woke her up, bringing her back into the world. She stopped and approached the door carefully. Meanwhile, Michael was dying of nerves.
"Who is it?" Y/N asked.
"Me." Michael said.
"Who is Me?" she ask.
Y/N recognized that voice, of course she did. But she didn't know who the person with the voice was. She felt totally alien to this Michael Gray. Henry would never, ever have yelled at her.
"Y/N... lovey, please..." he begged.
"Do not call me that way. You don't feel that about me. Neither do I, I don't know you. "
Y/N was being too harsh for her liking, but Michael knew perfectly well that he deserved never to see her again.
“Y/N, I need to talk to you. Please…”he asked, he was about to cry.
"No. Goodbye." She sentenced.
Michael sighed in frustration. He sat in the doorway; he would sleep on the floor if necessary.
Now what can I do? If he opened the door, it would bother her even more. But if he left her alone, he would lose her forever.
"Y/N..." began the boy, and waited for an answer, nothing.
"Do you want me to leave you alone?" he asked again.
"Well, here goes nothing." He sighed.
“Hello Y/N, my name is Michael Gray. I was born in 1903, and when I was four years old my father passed away. I was taken away from my mother, Polly, when I was five. I had a sister, they also separated us. The government changed my name to Henry. I was in an orphanage for about three years, until the Johnson, a very nice couple, adopted me. I grew up in the suburbs in a beautiful house with an apple tree in the garden. I met my first friend, she had your name, you know? "
Y/N was sitting on the other side of the door, listening to her favorite person speak. When she hear herself in the story, she smiled through tears.
“When she asked me to play family, I always pretended to propose to her. I never knew why. After a while I realized: the girls did not have germs. Then she started to seem like the prettiest girl, then the most beautiful young woman. I was in love with her for several years, I realized late. But one day..." Michael smiled wistfully" One day I plucked up the courage... a year ago and something, maybe. And I told her everything that happened to me with her. She kissed me and we started dating. She would come to my house after school. We would eat apples from the tree and study a little. And then we’d kiss a lot in the neighbor's barn at night. "
Y / N gave a little laugh, and that triggered Michael's pulse.
“Then I reconnected with my family, with the Shelbys. And I was so mad at the Johnsons for keeping my true story from me… they had told me, they’d abandoned me. When Tommy told me the truth, I was blinded by the pain of the lie and the thrill of finding my family. I did not realize that by meeting my old family, I would be abandoning one that was beginning to grow, you know?" They both wiped away tears.
“So, my girlfriend, she came to my homwtown angry, alone and pregnant. She was super, super angry and sad. And she told me everything, and I never felt worse. For having abandoned her, for seeing her cry about it and for abandoning her again when she told me she was pregnant. So..." he sighed "I am this, a simple stranger, who tells the story of his life, to the love of his life. Hoping that she forgives him. Because, you know, I know she knows I'm a bloody idiot. I mean, when we kissed for the first time, I accidentally bit her lip and left a small scar. "
They both laughed, listening to each other and wiping their tears.
“So…yeah. If you ever see her, tell her that for me, I know she doesn’t want to see me.” Michael said, with remarkable sadness.
Y/N wiped away her tears and gently pulled her hair. She stand up and knocked on the door three times. She then heard Michael stand up quickly.
"Who is this?" Michael asked.
"My name is Y/N, can I come into your life... again?" she asked, crying.
Michael's heart began to skip multiple beats and his smile spread across his face. He opened the door and saw his girlfriend standing, tired and crying. When their eyes connected, both bodies exploded into a loving embrace. They were both crying, they missed each other.
"I’m so sorry Y / N, so, so, so, sorry..." he stroked her hair.
"I love you, Michael Gray. But the next time you leave without saying goodbye, I will kill you with my bare hands. "
"Your hands are little, lovey, you can’t." She laughed, while Michael was filling her face with kisses.
"So, wait to see what a woman with little hands does to you at three in the morning when you don't want to take care of your baby."
Michael stopped the kisses and looked into her eyes.
"For a moment I had forgotten." Laughed Michael.
"Oh my God." Y/N joined in on her boyfriend's laughter.
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bitchiha · 4 years
may i request kiba nsfw headcanons and kakashi smut also ily lizzie mwah :33
Kiba NSFW HC’s
A/N: ily too anon!! So this is obv the Kiba NSFW and I’m currently working on a Kakashi smut. Also I combined this request with another one which was asking for Kiba w a biting / marking kink and I think that’s pretty spot on for him so I’ll just add that here as well!
Okay first things first, Kiba does not know how to be gentle.. like this fucker will really try okay, like he’ll try and kiss you softly, but it just gets him all flustered and before you know it your lips are bruised again. Same thing with sex like omfg he tries to make it savoury but his instincts just kick in and now you’re all bruised on the inside. He feels so bad afterwards, but you kind of like it and he can’t help it.
He’s a possessive little shit sometimes too. Like one time when you came home you smelled like Naruto and it got Kiba so pissed off lol. He’s like, “where’ve you been?” And you tell him you went to get ramen with Naruto and he’s being too pissy about it, which just leads to him fucking Narutos scent off of you and a shir ton of hickeys. That drive just makes his thrusts 10 times more aggressive and like you’re so worn out after because like I said, he cannot be gentle with regular sex so imagine just imagine the jealous sex..
Because he’s so possessive he always leaves marks on you. Like if you’re not marked up after a good fucking is that really Kiba laying next to you?
His favourite spot to leave marks is on your thighs. Likes when you wear skirts and you move your legs a certain direction, accidentally letting a few hickeys peek out. He gets a kick out of watching your flustered face as you desperately try and cover them.
When he’s eating you out, leading up to it he does a real good number on your thighs. They’re so soft and squishy and he’s biting them and sucking and licking and just he loses track of time, but your whimpers always snap him out of it. Then he gets down to business. He does the same thing with your tits and sometimes you have to claw at him to stop because it’s way too stimulating. He can’t be gentle so he’s sucking and biting down on your nipples like there is no tomorrow. PLUS!! He’s really good at massages so if your tits are sore afterwards he’ll make sure to rub them real nice for you.
Also like.. after he’s already did a number on your chest and you’re going at it again (like literally the next day because Kibas libido is >>>>) wear a lacey bra. His head will explode. He will go feral. Like He goes to lift your shirt off your head and then he has to pause at the sight of your tits because wow. They’re covered by this really fucking hot lacey white bra and hes drooling over how it contrasts with the purple and red marks he left all over you.. yah he’s a goner <3
As much as Kiba loves lingère on you, you don’t wear it for him very often. This is strictly because he always ruins the pieces. Once you wore this really cute matching set of a purple bra and panties and kiba ribbed the panties off you. Like straight up ripped them off you. In the moment you didn’t care because right after he ripped them off his dick was fucking you senseless, but the next morning you were pissed. He even managed to shred up the back of your bra. Like he just got irritated with the clasp and scratched it off you.
He doesn’t think it’s a big deal, lingère is hot and it’s meant to be ripped off you, right? Plus you can always buy a new set.. but when you show him the price tag after you’ve dug it out of the garbage his eyes pop out of his head. Who knew that small amount of fabric could cost so much??
Jealous sex is always the best. He just gets so worked up and he can go on for hours. If you piss him off enough he’ll be into orgasm denial, but for the most part he’s trying to show you how much better he is than whoever you tried to provoke him with, so he’ll try and make you cum as much as possible.
Anyway, I think Kibas loud in bed. I mean like I think he’s just the type to not care how loud he is?? Like he’s just horny and the only thing he’s thinking about is you. He wants to make sure that you’re loud too though. Don’t hold them back girl, let him hear it. Or don’t and he’ll try like 100 times harder to make you moan.
He groans a lot, but he also says dirty shit too and like I don’t think he even cares how dirty it is. Also he has a thing for claiming too, so expect a lot of talk with regards to that. “Taking by dick so well baby, so eager for me to claim you?” “You’re all mine.”
Uhm tbh I think you could just lay down forever and let Kiba just go at it.. like he just has so much energy that he doesn’t mind expelling it onto you. Of course he wouldn’t mind if you returned the favour every so often. Like don’t get me wrong he loves getting his dick sucked. More than most boys do.. and he also likes if you want to ride him too. Riding him is the best treat ever, bonus if you wanna dig your nails into his shoulders or chest. But for the most part he doesn’t mind doing majority of the work. He likes going down on you or just treating you because he gets so excited at the noises you make.
Kibas an ass and tits man. You cannot and will not change my mind. He likes cumming on them too LMFAOO. Like ok he likes cumming in you a lot — he has a breeding kink, but if you’re not into it or he’s not in the mood he’ll just let his load off on your tits. It doesn’t matter if he’s hitting from the back because he’ll just flip you over and finish himself off. Your ass works too though. You’ll scold him for doing it sometimes because he likes to make sure it’s all over your tits or your ass, but he’ll just shrug at your scolding and give you a smirk.
Okay back to the breeding kink omg.. let me collect myself for a second here.. Kiba is a dirty talker okay, but when he’s really getting into his breeding kink his dirty talk turns kinda soft?? “Look how pretty you are all filled up.” “You’re so gorgeous like this, so ready to have my kids.” I mean.. That’s pretty fucking nice man, I feel like he may also manage to be a tad bit gentle when he’s getting into the whole breeding thing, just because the idea of you having his kids makes him soft, but it just depends on his mood tbh. Sometimes he just flips a switch and just goes for hours like he’s on some next feral bullshit and other times he takes it a little slower.
I don’t think this really makes sense and I don’t really have much to go off of to prove this point but.. I think he’d be good at aftercare? Like he would always have to shower you in complinments after, please give him some too, “that was great babe, you did really good, so good.” Then he’ll help you clean up. He ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS, gets you a glass of water after sex. Probably drinks it halfway back to the bedroom and has to go and fill it up again, but the effort is what counts.
Uhm aftercare got me thinking of showers and now I think that he would also like shower sex. It’s kinda like what I said about kakashi in my NSFW headcanons for him, but I think Kiba would want to do it with you anywhere in your apartment: in the shower, on the bathroom sink, on the dinner table (WITH the dinner on it), on the coffee table, the couch... and do I really need to continue this? I think you all get it. It just ties into his claiming thing.
So when your friends are over and you’re eating snacks on the couch with pizza on the coffee table, it kinda makes him smirk because he’s like.. we did it on that coffee table lol
Also when either of you come home from mission, expect Kiba is gonna wanna fuck immediately. Like he’s not even halfway through the door but he’s taking his shirt off and telling you to do the same.
Ugh. Magnificent. Exquisite. Delectable. Like if he’s laying down, his head is titling back on the pillows, if he’s ontop his head is tilting down and all his fair falls in his face. He definitely squeezes his eyes shut and makes a little hissing sound, plus, he curses after. “Fuck, yeah right th-there.” “Shit, b-babe, I’m cumming.” Yes I believe he stutters when he cums. Don’t try me <3 AND ITS CUTE TOO. Okay also his mouth will fall open a little and it’s super hot because you can see his little canines peeking out.
This man
This man...
I am whore knee for this man.
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Memories - Grayson Dolan
here i am, back with another fic based on a dream i had! also, i did not proofread this so im sorry for the mistakes!
summary: You are childhood friends with the Dolan siblings and you recreate childhood photos, but one recreation results in surprising consequences.
word count: 3.8k
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“I can’t believe they made me do this,” you growl at your own reflection when you finish your already ridiculous look with putting your hair up into piggy tails. You look like someone who has fully lost her mind and acts like a child while being an adult. The denim overalls fit you loosely since you found it in your brother’s wardrobe, but it was the closest you could find to what was required from you. The striped shirt however is a little too tight, given the fact that the last time you wore it was in seventh grade. You’ve definitely gotten bigger in certain parts since then, but this is the only striped shirt you could find in such a short notice.
You feel ridiculous, but still excited. When the twins called you last night to ask if you’d be in recreating your old photos from your childhood there was just no way you could refuse. One, they sounded so thrilled and eager and two, you found it just as interesting and promising as them. You’ve been stuck at home for so long, you just couldn’t say no to some fun with your favorite neighbors. Growing up next door to the Dolan household has been one of the best things in your life. You instantly had two more awesome brothers and a big sister and friends you knew would always be there for you. When the twins left from home and Cam moved because of collage you were afraid you’d lose them since you stayed, only attending the local community college so you could help out the family business, but they proved you wrong. Endless video calls, nonstop texting and snapping and surprise visits whenever they came home to the family reassured that this is surely gonna last a lifetime.
Now in this messed up situation with the virus, they are all home with Lisa and being the restless goofballs that they are, there’s always something crazy they are up to and this time they made you join them.
“Y/N!” your mom calls from downstairs and though you already heard the quads arriving she lets you know the boys are here for you.
Taking your backpack that’s filled with your other childhood outfits you stomp down the stairs when you appear in the corner Grayson is the first one you spot. His eyes widen at you for a second before that shit-eating grin stretches across his face at your outfit, even though he looks just as ridiculous as you in his old, purple shirt with Sponge Bob on it and the hideous red shorts, socks pulled up almost until his knees.
“Look at you, Tootsie!” he chuckles and you roll your eyes at the nickname only he uses still. You couldn’t say the letter F normally until you were about seven, turning the word footsies into tootsies and everyone liked to tease you about that, especially Grayson. The name got unstuck by the time you turned sixteen, but not for him. He still calls you Tootsie whenever he has the chance. You don’t mind, it always awakens those damned butterflies in your tummy.
As you get to the bottom of the stairs his hand immediately reach up to curl a strand of hair from your piggy tail to his finger, playing with it a little before he lets it slip out of his grip.
“Woah, Y/N, you nailed the look!” Ethan shows up with freshly baked cookies in his hands that he probably got from your mom who is experimenting in the kitchen again. That’s her new favorite thing since the quarantine started.
“I know, right?” you grin, doing something that you meant to be a curtsey, but it turned out more like an awkward bopping.
Ethan has a black shirt on with striped pants, socks just as high as Grayson’s with his tennis shoes. They both nailed the vintage looks pretty well and you can’t wait to see their other outfits. Grayson sent you a bunch of photos last night that they want to recreate and he got you curious what will turn out of this.
Your mom walks out of the kitchen, oven mittens on her hands and she gasps seeing all three of you.
“Om my! How cute you all look!” she cheers and gathers all three of you into a group hug. “Time flies…”
“But you look just as pretty as you always did,” Grayson smirks at her and you can see her blushing. He never fails to make her feel better, one thing you absolutely adore in him.
She packs some more cookies for you before you finally leave, the quads waiting on your driveway. You go to Gray’s without a second thought, you always ride with him. Ethan used to make a fuss about it when they first got them, but eventually gave up on the fight and you guess he accepted that Grayson is your ride when it comes to the quads. You always told him it’s because you think he is a better driver, but in reality you just love sitting behind him, arms hugging his waist, thighs pressed together.
His sweet scent makes you smile as you sit behind him, waiting for him to start the quad and you often wish the way from your house to their would last longer, giving you more time to enjoy this little moment with him. Crushing on your childhood friend has taught you to savor these little things as if they are happening for the last time in life, because these are all you had and still has.
“Piggy tails!” Cameron greets you upon arriving, jumping down the stairs rocking the same hairstyle as you.
“We should do them more often,” you laugh as you get off the quad, unwillingly letting go of Grayson, going to hug her tight.
“We look fucking awesome for sure,” she grins.
The boys bring everything that’s going to be needed during the photoshoot into the pickup while you go inside to greet Lisa and the three of you girls have a quick little chat.
“Oh, I can’t wait to see the pictures,” she cheers happily, hips leaning against the edge of the counter. “I love these recreations.”
“We will look so ridiculous on all of them,” Cameron snorts finishing up her lemonade.
“We always end up looking ridiculous when we are together,” you smirk at her and she points at you nodding.
“You’ve got a point.”
Once the boys are done with loading the car you go to the backyard to shoot the first few pictures that were taken there. Ethan is responsible for the camera, Grayson controls the set while you and Cam try your best to nail the poses like on the pictures.
They turn out amazing. You all managed to recreate the outfits almost perfectly and you could find the exact spots from the photos, making it possible to nail them precisely. Lisa watches you work from the kitchen window, a wide smile on her lips and it makes you happy to see her like this. So carefree and full of life.
“Okay, we have one last photo here,” Ethan directs, zooming in on the picture on his phone. “Gray, Y/N, go to that tree.”
Nodding you follow the instructions, though you know which photo it is going to be. You adjust your piggy tails tugging on your shirt. You’ve changed from the overalls, now rocking a yellow polo shirt with high-waisted denim shorts and sandals. Many of the pictures were taken on the same day, so you can recreate more in the same outfits.
“Alright, Y/N has to sit on your shoulders and hold onto a branch.”
Gray nods and turns to you, rubbing his hands together.
“I’ll squat down, you sit on my shoulders, okay?”
“Yeah,” you nod, feeling a bit nervous. The guys used to pick you up, carry around on their back and shoulders a lot, but your teenage years made you super insecure about your weight, so you asked them to stop. They respected your choice and though you’ve successfully overcome this situation, they are still very careful around you.
Grayson squats down and you stand behind him, hesitant before lifting your leg up and planting it onto his shoulder. You freeze when his hand holds onto your thigh above your knee.
“Don’t worry, I got you,” he softly reminds you, thinking you froze because you’re afraid he would drop you, but in reality it’s because of his touch.
“I know,” you quietly say before placing a hand on his head for support, fingers digging into his now long hair before you lift your other leg up and finally put it to his shoulder. He counts back from three before he stands up and you suddenly tower over everyone in the backyard.
“Hold onto the branch!” Ethan instructs you and looking up you grab the first branch you can reach. Grayson’s hands on your thighs are basically burning and you can’t tell that it’s his palms that are so hot or your skin under his touch.
You manage to focus for a few so the picture can be taken and when Ethan says you got what you needed Grayson slowly descends so you can hop off his shoulders.
“You okay?” he asks brushing his hair out of his face once you are both standing on your own feet.
“Yeah,” you smile shyly as he brings a hand to your back, gently caressing it to let you know without words that you did great.
Once the backyard pictures are done you all load into the pickup and head into the forest, the place where you’ve had so many adventures growing up. You knew this recreating would be a lot of fun, but you finally feel like it’s all like before, when adulthood hasn’t set in, the twins and Cam were still living next door, making it easy to hangout whenever you wanted.
You take picture after picture, and not just recreations, you are making new ones, eternalizing this new memory the four of you share now.
“Alright, we have one more picture to take,” Ethan announces with a knowing grin and you furrow your eyebrows at him.
“What? I thought the one with the ladder was the last one.”
Walking over he shows you his phone, already laughing and your eyes go wide when you see the photo he wants to recreate.
“You did not send me this!” you protest as you stare down at the photo you’ve seen so many times before, but never thought it would cause you to almost have a heart attack.
It was taken of you and Gray, the two of you are sitting on the back of Sean’s old pickup, you were probably five, max six years old here, little arms hugging each other and Grayson is giving you a big smooch right onto your lips. This was technically your first kiss, if you count the innocent childhood kisses. Back then you had no idea what crushes or love were, you only knew that you liked this silly boy who lived next door and happened to have a clone, as you used to say it. Your feelings for Grayson originate from way back.
“Come on, Y/N! This is one of mom’s favorite,” Cam tells you grinning and you’re annoyed that she and Ethan are enjoying this more than they should while you are probably now as red as a tomato. Glancing over at Grayson you see that he is just standing there, looking nervous maybe? Eyes avoiding to look at you.
“She would be so disappointed if this one doesn’t get a recreation!” Ethan nags you and he is such a rat, using Lisa against you. They know you’d do anything for her, she is like a second mother to you, saying no to her has never been an option for you and they know that too well.
You are defeated, so walking over to the truck you just simply hop on the back, trying not to look like you are about to pass out from your nerves. Ethan makes his brother sit next to you and it feels so awkward, you definitely did not think this would ever happen.
“You don’t have to do this because they are blackmailing you with mom,” Grayson whispers to you while Ethan and Cam are busy with setting the camera up.
“It’s fine, really,” you say forcing a smile to your lips, but it’s so not true and he knows it too.
“Okay, so Gray, you just lean in and… go for it,” Ethan laughs as if he is a kid again, talking about kissing like it’s a forbidden thing to even say out loud.
The two of you adjust your position, turning to each other a little before you hug each other like in the photo. Grayson looks deep in your eyes, giving you the chance to bail out, but you just stare back at him, ready to go with whatever is about to happen.
“Okay,” he whispers to himself and before you could even have a second though his lips are on yours.
Your eyes close immediately at the sensation, arms loosening around him, making the hug more comfortable as you let your lips part a little. Far away you hear the camera clicking, but it doesn’t sound real, your heart is beating in your throat and that innocent smooch slowly turns into a real kiss.
“We got it!” Ethan’s voice snaps you out right before it could take a more radical turn. Leaning back your eyes are met with Grayson’s startled face, lips parted, hands still on your waist.
“Great, great,” you mumble awkwardly, hopping off the trunk, out of his arms.
The mood has definitely changed because of the kiss. Ethan and Cam start teasing the two of you about it, but you just try to shrug it off while forcing yourself to forget what it felt like to have his lips on yours, because the more you think about it the more you crave another kiss… and another one… and another one…
It seems like Grayson wants to say something, or this is what you see in his eyes, but he keeps quiet on the way back to the Dolan house. Cam invites you to stay over for a movie while Ethan edits the pictures and you accept it. Arriving back to the house you are wandering inside feeling distant and dizzy when a hand slides into yours and pulls you back before you could walk inside.
“Wait,” Grayson keeps you back and you turn to him with a puzzled look. “Can we…”
“Just take her to your room, Gray!” Ethan shouts from the front porch with the most annoying grin on his face.
“Shut up!” he snaps back at his brother. “Come with me,” he nods at you and he pulls you towards the quads.
“Where are you going?” Ethan calls after the two of you.
“Where you are not there to be an asshole!” Gray retorts making you laugh. You hop on the quad behind him. “Hold on tight, Tootsie,” he chuckles as you wrap your arms around his waist.
You have absolutely no idea where you are heading, you’re just enjoying the ride, face pressed against his broad back, feeling the muscles moving under your cheek every time he takes a turn.
When he stops and you look around you immediately recognize the place. The little abandoned patio you found about a decade ago in the woods still stands, vines and plans have taken over it, the wood looks like it would give up if a harsh wind blew through it, but it still looks like a magical place. It was you secret place with Grayson, you came her often when you both wanted to escape from home, just sat on the dirty floor and watched the sky through the cracks of the roof of the patio.
“I can’t believe it’s still here,” you chuckle walking closer while Grayson turns the quad off behind you.
“Yeah, looks deadly though,” he comments scoffing.
“Probably been through a lot,” you smile back at him. “What are we doing here?”
Hopping off the quad he walks towards you pulling his phone out of his pocket with a nervous, but excited smirk on his face.
“I wanted to recreate one more picture.”
He hands you his phone, a photo from about five years ago shown on the screen. You both were just teenagers, the phone was put to the ground on a timer and the two of you sat in front of it in the patio, laughing carefree, he had an arm around your shoulders and you were leaning into him. It was just a random day you spent out in the woods when Ethan had a doctor’s appointment and Lisa asked Grayson to stay over at ours while they are not home. You wandered in the woods for hours and of course ended up at the patio.
“You want to recreate this?” you ask with a smile, looking up at him as you hand him back his phone.
“Yeah,” he nods with a shy smile.
“Let’s do this.”
He sets his phone up the same way as you sit on the floor in the patio, waiting for him to join you. He thuds arriving next to you as the timer counts back from ten. Swinging an arm around your shoulders you look him in the eyes as you lean at him.
The urge to kiss him is back, you want to feel his lips again so bad, but you don’t know if you should. The counter reaches the end and the phone snaps the picture, but neither of you moves.
“We should have laughed,” you whisper, feeling like his eyes are locked on yours, not letting you look anywhere else but him.
“Should we make another picture then?” he asks and starts leaning closer.
“I guess,” you breathe out right before his lips meet yours.
It’s so much more than the one you shared earlier on the trunk. This kiss is real, full of lust and longing, not something kids would share, but you are not kids anymore. Cupping his face in your hands you try to get as close to him as possible, pushing yourself to his lap and he falls back to the ground pulling you with him. You share a laugh, rolling around in the dirt, Grayson getting on top of you, kissing you again and again and you don’t want this moment to end.
“Sixteen year-old Grayson would be so proud of me now,” he smirks against your lips.
“What?” you smile at him pushing him a little back so you can look into his eyes.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you here so many times, I can’t even count.”
“Yeah. Like the day the photo was taken. I was just a chicken and I thought you didn’t like me back.”
“I did. I still do,” you smile, brushing his hair out of his face but it keeps falling back.
“Sorry for earlier.”
“What do you mean?”
“The kiss on the pickup. They just wanted to urge me to do something because they are done with my pining after you.”
“What? It was all a setup?”
“Yeah,” he chuckles and rolling off you he sits up and you push yourself up as well. “Ethan planned it all out, hoping I would finally do something if I’m forced to kiss you, but I honestly thought you wouldn’t agree to take the picture.”
“But I did.”
“Yes you did,” he chuckles and reaching over he tugs a strand of hair behind your ear that escaped from your piggy tails. “Want to know something funny?”
“Mhm.” Nodding you scoot closer and kiss his lips softly, just because now you can.
“Remember how fussy Ethan used to get when you’d only ride with me on the quad?”
“Yeah. Like a baby,” you chuckle.
“That was because he used to have a crush on you too.”
“What?” Your eyes widen as you stare back at him. “He did not!”
“Yes he did,” he laughs. “We had a fight over this, because he didn’t know I liked you. But then I told him and he realized he has no chance.”
“How did he just realize it? What do you mean?”
Looking away from you he seems nervous to answer you and you give him time. You know he is going to share it with you.
“He said that… He has no chance, because he just likes you while I… I love you.”
Oh how long you’ve been craving to hear those words from him! And now it’s reality, not just a daydream in your mind. Leaning closer you kiss him, sweet and slow, taking your time with him.
“I loved you too. I still do,” you smile at him and wrapping his arms around you he pulls you down with him back to the floor kissing you all over and over again.
When you return to the house about an hour later Ethan and Cameron come out running to the front porch the moment you hop off the quad, clearly waiting for something holding their breath.
You don’t say a word, just try to hide your smile while Grayson gets off the quad too and stepping next to you he laces his fingers together with you. The moment this happens Ethan and Cam starts screaming and shouting, running to you and jumping all over the two of you.
“Oh my god, guys!” Grayson chuckles showing his siblings off to give us some space to breathe, but you don’t mind their enthusiasm. It’s cute that they were rooting for you so bad.
Lisa appears on the front porch, confused about all the noise, but then she sees as Grayson pulls you to his side, kissing the top of your head and she immediately knows what’s happening.
“You’re not joking, right?!” she gasps walking down the stairs.
“No, mom. It’s serious,” Grayson chuckles shyly and as his mom finally reaches you she embraces both of you in a tight hug, laughing happier than you’ve probably ever heard her.
“Finally! I’ve been waiting for this to happen for so long!”
“Mom!” Grayson whines, but you find it so sweet.
“We all did, Lisa,” you admit chuckling.
She invites you all inside for dinner and you gladly join. What happened today didn’t change anything in the dynamic you shared with them. Dinner is just as heartfelt and fun like it always is, or even better. When you’re done eating you all go into the living room and watch the little slideshow Ethan put together from the photos, laughing so much on both the old and new ones.
Today surely started as a day of old memories, but the new ones you’ve made are way better than any other you’ve made with your favorite siblings, especially one of them.
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
I should be asleep but this haunts me. What head over heel romantic nervous like tropes so the skeletons usually do? I mean the whole "i can't stop staring at your lips when you talk ." Or "You smile and my brain short circuits." Or "I am usually really smooth but when you come around I get tongue tied." Or "I cant stop blushing when you're around" or "I talk a mile a minute" and etc etc I hope I worded this right
I think what it boils down to is "what are the skeletons like when they have a crush?" If I'm reading it right. Yes?
Classic- When he has a crush on someone, he plays it cool. He’ll be all buddy buddy with them, and very cheeky/ punny, throwing out humor, but none of this is really different than being really close friends with him- except the staring. In a situation of watching tv and hanging out; friends- joke, watching the show... joke about the show... laughing and watching the show with stupid commentary. Crush- joke, pretending to watch the show, steeling glances at them from the side of his socket. Joke about the show, laughing... watching them out of the corner of his sockets. Joke about the show, maybe a friendly bat with a pillow or soft food item like popcorn... It turns into an all out rough house, tickling, flailing, trying to escape, knocking each other over... whatever he can do to get close to them without it being obvious.
Creampuff- It is really hard to tell when this boy has a crush! And also not at all. He will be more excitable than usual, though he’s pretty excitable already, and he gushes about them, more than he does his friends, which is still quite a bit. It would look a little something like; friend- THAT PERSON IS AMAZING! THEY’RE MY FRIEND! THEY’RE ALWAYS DOING AMAZING THINGS, AND WE DO THEM TOGETHER, TOO! or crush- CAN YOU BELIEVE HOW WONDERFUL THEY ARE? THEY’RE AS GREAT AS ME! I HOPE WE GET TO SPEND MORE TIME TOGETHER, SOON! NYEH HEH HEH HEH!!
Red- Strangely, it’s hard to tell when he has a crush, unless you start looking for patterns. He flirts with everyone, and tries to get into anyone’s pants, casually. Friend- heh, nice shirt. it’d look better on my floor. Enemy- heh, if ya wanted me ta fuck ya up, ya coulda jus’ took off yer pants and bent over! Crush- hey, doll, nice haircut, it’ll look better after ya roll around in bed wit me. The patterns are what gives it away. He’ll fluster someone he’s good friends with, or even strangers if he’s feeling it, he’ll also just hit on them and proposition a one off with them. If they say yes, he’ll either tell them he was joking (if he’s just messing around) or they’ll go to it. If he likes what they’ve got, he’ll come back around, play a bit of game, and get another round if they’re agreeable. The next time, less game, and so on until it’s just, “hey, feelin’ horny. wanna fuck?” With a crush, when he jokingly offers a night together, if they say yes, he’ll get flustered, instead. “i- i mean- i was kiddin’, but if ya wanna-!” The second time he comes around, more game, more flirting, like he’s working them up to ask them for the first time again. The third time is like that, too, and so on, and so on, until their relationship changes. And then it’s just a cute little lean over and nuzzle to their neck and a soft, “hey, sweetheart, i got an idea... wanna go do somethin’ fun?” They’re also the only one he doesn’t talk about at all. He doesn’t generally boast about his conquests, but he’ll mention something if some asks about things he’s done, or needs advice. But his crush? He may admit that they’ve been together... but not much more than that.
Edge- One word- tsundere. He for some reason always ends up having to be in the same place that his crush is. “IT’S NOT LIKE I’M HERE BECAUSE YOU ARE! I JUST ALSO HAPPEN TO NEED TO DO LAUNDRY TODAY!” He also has a tendency to do things for them because of their “incompetence”; “JUST LET ME DO IT- IT’LL BE DONE FASTER!” Somehow, this mess of a boy can manage to be super abrasive, but also super sweet at the same time. And the glare when he’s trying to hide a blush... pretty cute...
Blue- The most noticeable thing? He’s quiet. And very talkative. In shifts. It’ll make your head spin! “I REALLY LIKE THIS ONE SHOW THAT’S ABOUT THIS HERO WHO CAME TO EARTH AND WAS CONFUSED ABOUT THE CUSTOMS HERE- I RELATE TO THAT A LOT SINCE IT’S SO DIFFERENT FROM MY HOME- AND THEN HE HAS TO DEFEAT THE BAD GUY AND HE HAS THIS PERSON HELPING HIM THAT IS REALLY COOL AND HAS NO POWERS BUT A LOT OF SKILLS, AND WE SHOULD WATCH IT TOGETHER SOME TIME! WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE SHOW?” *silence as he listens intently* He also stares a bit (a lot), and is silent while they just relax together. He’s also somehow made them believe that he’s just a super cuddly skeleton! He wants all those cuddles! ... so he can practice what makes them comfortable, and when they’re all comfy laying there one day, he plans to smoothly nuzzle them, and say, “You Know, We Do A Lot Of Cuddling For Just Friends... Do You Like Cuddling Me? ... I Like Cuddling You, Too... Maybe We Should Do More Than Just Friendship Cuddling... Maybe... I Could Kiss You, And We Could Work From There?”
Stretch- He might be the hardest to know. He has that thing where he doesn’t really like someone, but somehow, he still ends up being nice to them...? what the fuck... god damn it... i meant to tell you to go eat dick, not that your shoes are nice... hell... And the emotions that show on him the easiest are amusement and irritation. So he could hate someone and be laughing at their misfortune, but they think he’s just sharing friendly comradery. The easiest way to tell if he likes someone is if he actually spends time with them, not just, he happens to be in the same room and they’re both watching tv, but, he actually meant to find them and sit down to watch the show with them. Maybe share some snacks.
Black- For some reason, it seems like he’s always just trying to control some people, but... he’s really just trying to be friendly and spend time with them... It’s just a bit awkward when you don’t know how to people in a society where you don’t have to pretend to hate everyone, or be sucking up to them or that you're more forceful/ powerful than them. Back home a conversation between him and Alphys might go, “ARE YOU GOING TO COME EAT LUNCH WITH ME, OR GET WEAK AND DIE?” (want to eat lunch together?) “Fuck off, I’m doin’ other shit.” (can’t, have to finish this work/ bullshit) “OH, GOOD, GO EAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND’S TWAT, THEN!” (fine, be like that (friendly)) Nice, friendly conversation! But he’s lost here, and when trying to show affection, he’s just so caught up on how much danger it will put on those he loves/ wants to love, so he tries to protect them by making it seem like he’s big and tough, and forcing them to hang out with him- so that his enemies don’t hurt them.
Mutt- He cuddles them. He becomes super cuddly. But he's from the same world as Black where any affection puts a target on their back, so, by being super cuddly, he's basically taunting everyone else, telling them that he's not afraid of them, and he can take out anyone who tries anything, he won't even have to let go of his crush. Come on, bitch, I dare you to try, with a dash of, the second you get too close, you're dead, and a whole lot of, this person is mine. They're mine. Mine! Mine mine mine! Touch them and die. He actually loves that due to the cultural differences, his crush thinks he just wants to cuddle all the time, but he's actually being super territorial and getting his scent all over them so there's no mistaking it. They are his, and anyone who challenges that will be at the wrong end of a burst of overkill attacks.
Axe- Protecting. When he has a crush, he wants to make sure they don't get hurt, and will do whatever it takes to do so, including stalking like behavior, threatening those he thinks has put them in danger or maybe just done things he doesn't like, like make them uncomfortable.
Crooks/ Bun- He wants to be around them. He wants to spend lots of time with them, and take their wants and preferences into consideration. He'll stand up for them, do his best to find and give them things they like, and always try to defer to them. He's ace, so there's not a lot of making out, tension, that kind of thing, but there is lots of fond, friendly, loving cuddles.
Dusty- You won’t know. Hell, he won’t know. He’ll have no idea, just start the yandere insanity of, “i’m really obsessed with this person... i must be really wanting to kill them... i wonder why...” So... until about forever later, when he figures out that he doesn’t want to kill them, they should probably stay far away.
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Lost on You
Chapter 10
Peter Parker x Sister!Reader Steve Rogers x Reader Avenger x Reader; Hybrid Social Media AU
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"Can we please talk?" Steve pleaded.
"Please Y/n,"he begged, his voice cracking, "Five minutes and I'll be out of your hair, for good. I promise."
"Okay," I agree.
As he closes the door, I take a look at his appearance. He doesn't look so good, I mean physically he looks the same, because of the serum. But if you really knew Steve, like the way I do, you can tell he isn't. His eyes immediately give him a way, dark circles surrounding them. They don't look as bright as they used to.
I can't help but feel bad for him, it's a normal human reaction. Even though he hurt me, that doesn't mean all the love we had went away. It's still there, maybe it'll always be there, but whether or not I want to continue that love, I just don't know if I can.
Steve stays by the door, trying to give me some space.
"I know I've apologized countless of times, but I still just need to say how utterly sorry I am. I don't think I'll ever not be sorry for what I have done. I hurt you, when I have promised you countless of times that I would never. You expressed your fears of relationships, having been hurt in the past and I had promised I would never do that. Yet here I am, no better than them, because not only did I do it, I broke that promise and your trust. If I have to spend my whole life making it up to you, I will," he starts off.
"That won't be necessary," I interject, I give him a wave continue.
"I love you, Y/n. And what happened that night, should have never happened. I can't even give you a real answer as to why it happened, other than the fact that we weren't thinking.
No, let me rephrase that, I wasn't thinking. I don't know what came over me, because why would I do that? Not when I have you. Not when our relationship was at it's all time best. Why would I throw all of that away for cheap mindless sex," he pauses, noticing my wince at that.
I nod for him to continue.
"I've kept myself up the last two weeks questioning why did I do it. And I don't have an answer. I just don't. And that's not good enough. It isn't. Because if the shoe was on the other foot, which I know it never would have been, I wouldn't accept that answer as well. And you don't have to, accept it. Because it's cowardly," he clears the lump in his throat, trying to hold back.
"I so badly wish I can go back to two weeks and never do that again, but I can't and now we have to deal with the consequences of it all, and that's all on me," he breaks.
"I love you so much. And I fucking ruined that. I was going to ask you to marry me and I fucked that up," he cries out, falling to the floor, his hands on his face as he cries.
"Steve," I rush over to his side, rubbing his back soothingly.
"I know that doesn't change anything, because I still cheated," he says looking over at me, his eyes red.
"It doesn't," I confirm, feeling myself begin to cry.
This is it.
We both know that.
That this moment right now, is our last.
We stay there, looking at each other as we cry. Steve reaches for me and brings me into his arms, and we just hold each other as we cry.
"I am so sorry," he cries into my hair, his grip tight, afraid to let go.
"I know," I cry into his chest, "I know you are."
After god knows how long, we slowly pull our faces away, still holding on to one another, just to get a look at our faces. The crying is now just silent tears rolling down our faces.
"I love you," he whispers.
"I know," my throat hurts, "I love you too."
I did the only thing I could think of, I let my heart take control, and I slowly leaned up to meet his lips. You can feel the desperation and heartache behind the kiss. The kiss got a little more heated, both of us so desperate, knowing that we will never be this way with each other again.
Next thing I knew, we were both naked in my bed, Steve hovering over me.
"Are you sure?" he asks, making sure I was okay with it.
"Yes," I whisper, trying to take in every feature on his face.
The way he looks while we make love for the last time.
There's something incredibly sad about making love for the last time, knowing that it will be the last time. Most couples don't have that pleasure of knowing the last time they made love was their last, so they don't get to treasure it. Always hoping that they could've had one more night together, just to know that there was love there.
Here in this moment, there is love. I don't doubt that Steve didn't love me, I know it. The look in his eyes in this very moment say everything I needed to know about our relationship, and I hope mine do as well.
The sadness, the love, the regret, it's all there.
We try our best not to cry, but we can't help it. It's sad.
It's sad knowing that this great love is over. And not knowing if you'll ever find one like it again. Or even not knowing if you'll ever love again.
After we're done, we lay there, not in each other's arms. We remain quiet, seeing which one will be the first to say the final goodbye.
"Steve," I whisper so quietly, that if not for his super soldier hearing I don't think he would've been able to hear.
He looks over at me, tears rolling down his face. He nods his head, knowing what I'm thinking.
He slowly gets out of my bed and makes his way around the room getting his clothes on.
I don't dare look. I can't. If I do, I don't think I'll be able to let him leave.
"Thank-you for everything," he quietly says once dressed, opening the door, "Goodnight Y/n."
He quietly closes the door behind him as he leaves.
I close my eyes and let the tears fall, hoping the exhaustion of the day will consume me into a heavy sleep soon.
The next morning I'm woken up by FRIDAY letting me know that the team meeting starts in an hour. I thank her, my voice hoarse, don't know if it's because I just woke up or the aftermath of last night.
I quietly get dressed, and look around my room.
It's quiet. Peace.
It's lonely. I kinda like that.
It no longer feels like home.
I don't think I can stay here much longer.
Now that Steve and I are officially done, I think it's time I find some independence.
If the last two weeks have taught me anything is that, I need a little more independence.
I need a life outside of the Avengers.
A life where I don't work and live in the same building. Where I can escape.
Play music as loud as I want. Eat whatever the hell I want, and not worry if someone else has eaten it already.
Don't get me wrong I loved living here, I really did. I never had that college experience, we couldn't afford tuition and dorm living. Living here has let me experience the roommate life. But things are starting to get crowded. Everyone knows everything. You never have a chance to just breathe.
That's what I want, just a moment to breathe, without Sam and Bucky fighting over the tv remote. Without Tony dropping in in the middle of the night because he needs you in the lab ASAP, because he had a revelation in his sleep. I love Wanda, but sometimes you just need a break from even your best of friends. And now that Steve and I are officially over, how is dating going to be like for either of us. Not that that's going to happen anytime soon, but it's eventually going to happen, and I really don't want to see that with him, and him with I. It's just too complicated.
I have never been alone before. I've always had someone right there.
I think, no I know, it's time I be on my own. Doesn't mean I won't be an Avenger or work for Tony, it just means that I won't be living here with them.
And for the first time in the last two weeks, I feel content.
Like I can finally breathe.
That's how I know this is the right decision for me.
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Summary: Y/N Parker is Peter’s older sister. She is ten years older than Peter, making her 26 years-old. She is also an Avenger, her powers are very similar to Wanda’s; telekinesis, mind reading, teleportation, and elemental bending. She has been an Avenger far longer than Peter, and like Peter her identity is kept a secret. As well as being an Avenger she works in the lab alongside Tony, she is a science genius. She has also been dating Steve Rogers for the past 3 years. Their relationship is as great as it can possibly be, that is until Steve does something that has Y/n questioning not only their entire relationship, but her place in the Avengers. It opens her eyes to how much of her life has revolved around Steve and work. Never really experiencing life like everyone else her age has.
Series tag list: @chaoticpete @eliza5616 @supraveng @faithtrustandrobbiekay @inquisitor-selvala @dumbbitch11 @im-not-an-armrest-im-short @jessyballet @reann-loves-sebstan @thelostallycat @castalette @lovely-geek @malfoyy123 @zombieninjadinostayssilent @welovecaptainamericaass @dontbetooobvious @stop-drop-and-drumroll @cvelarded @ophelias-heart​ @csigeoblue​
Permanent tag list[let me know if you want to be taken off]: @rosegolddivinity @definitelynotafangirl @1awesomeash @princess-evans-addict @geeksareunique @24kbratz @introvertatitsfinest @imagine-all-the-imagines @whatthefuckimbisexual @also-fangirlinsweden @the-queen-of-the-nerds
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baroquebucky · 4 years
a/n: this fic is for the sweetest person @broken-hearted-barnes !!! you deserve the world and more and you’re so amazing and ilysm !!! i hope you enjoy it :~) <3 also im trying out a new format (???) for my fics, let me know what you guys think !
in which you and bucky bake together
Baking. Your escape from the world, your muse, and best of all, delicious food. You baked all the time at the tower when you had a chance. Everyone would beg you on the way back from a mission to make some cookies, a pie, a cake or anything at all, they adored your baking. You tried teaching them so they could learn themselves but it was way too much of a shitshow. Tony tried to eat the batter, Steve got confused half way through, Nat didn’t even try, Clint shook his head as soon as you extended an apron his way, Thor tried the most, but it just wasn’t for him. Sam looked at you, laughed, and turned back around. Bucky blushed deeply, eyes going wide before looking down. And Bruce kept getting distracted by Tony messing with his batter. You even tried teaching Peter, who nailed it but was terrified as soon as he presented his pastries to the team, almost getting ran over as they all scrambled to get some. Safe to say he wouldn’t bake in the tower anytime soon.
So for the time being it was just you baking. You were okay with that, you didn’t have to share your supplies or your kitchen, you could just blast your music and enjoy the sweet, sweet smells of the food you made. Then you realized that someone had been using your ingredients, your utensils were slightly misplaced to the right and the over smelled slightly like raspberries. Strange. You shrugged it off and continued about your day, training and following your own routine. Then you heard the mention of the red fruit you smelled before and your ears perked up.
“those raspberry scones you made were amazing barnes! You’ve been holding back on us” sam spoke loudly, you rounded the corner and you could see a very red bucky, rolling his eyes at his friend. “wait until y/n finds out you can bake, she’s gonna freak out” Bucky’s blush deepened and Steve nudged his shoulder.
“you know if you asked her out she’d say yes” he looked at him pointedly, and Buckys smile faltered a bit. He shook his head slightly, his long hair falling into his face. “i don’t think I’m her type, she likes all those celebrities with curly hair” he spoke, looking at the other two men in the room. As Steve was gonna speak your you entered the room, ready to give an earful to bucky.
Then he looked at you and any anger you had melted away, you were left with fondness and the want to kiss him all over. “uh hi” you spoke, a bashful smile on your face as he gave you a grin. “hi” he replied, a giant smile on his face as his eyes darted between you and the floor. “Do you guys know who baked earlier? It smelled really good in the kitchen, like raspberries.” You looked ag Bucky, he knew that he was caught.
With a laugh Steve and Sam both yelled out “it was Bucky!” Before darting out of the room, leaving the two of you together. Your eyes landed on the super soldier in question, chills running down your body as your eyes locked. You felt goosebumps rise on your arms, you rarely ever got cold, the tower was always the perfect temperature, what the hell was going on. From down the hall Sam and Steve told FRIDAY to lower the temperature in the room the two of you were in, they knew bucky would give you his sweater in an instant.
“So you like to bake huh” you smiled, sitting close to bucky, unintentionally scooting closed so you could feel his body heat. Bucky looked at you and noticed how cold you were, instantly taking off his bomber jacket and sliding it over your shoulders. “sorry i hate the cold” you smiled sheepishly as you held the jacket closer to your body. “Don’t worry about it doll, looks better on you anyway.” He smiled, eyes going wide as he realized what he had just said. You blushed deeply, suddenly growing very warm at his words.
“you can’t avoid my question barnes, you like to bake?” You held eye contact with him and he smiled, looking down at the ground before nodding and looking back up at you. “I didn’t want to take that from you, I always thought baking was your thing so why intrude on it” he shrugged his shoulder, looking at his finger while you studied his side profile.
“i really want to stab you right now buck” you sighed, laughing as his eyes went wide for a second, “it could’ve been our thing this whole time! I love having someone else baking with me, hence why i gave everyone baking lessons.” He smiled at you and moved ever so slightly so that both of you were pressed up against each other.
“you’d really want me in there with you?” He turned to look at you, butterflies in your stomach as the two of you grew closer. You nodded, not trusting your voice. The two of you glanced at the others lips, too scared to make a move first. You both stayed like that for a while, just trying to memorize every small feature on the others face. Then you pushed forward, your lips landing on his softly, kissing him gently. He smiled into the kiss, immediately reciprocating your movements as giggles left your mouth.
Days passed and you and bucky were almost always in the kitchen when you weren’t busy. The team was more than happy, getting many pastries in return for dealing with how sickeningly cute you and bucky acted all the time. You had realized yesterday after baking a cake for the team that you were low on supplies, so you made a mental note to go tomorrow to buy some more so you didn’t run out.
When you woke up early the next morning you got dressed, not bothering to tell anyone you were heading out. You calmly went through the aisles of the grocery store, leaning on your shopping cart and walking slowly to try and spot the brand of flour you use. You hummed along to the song softly playing over the speakers, putting the bag of flour in your cart before heading to get the sugar.
Bucky woke up nervous. He barely slept last night because of a nightmare he had of you. He knew it wasn’t real but he had to make sure you were okay. You never woke up early so he immediately went to your room and softly opened the door, expecting you to be sleeping soundly under your too many blankets. Bucky’s heart dropped when he saw how messy your sheets were. Signs of a struggle.
Yeah there was a struggle; a struggle to get out of bed so you could keep to your schedule.
Bucky ran back to his room, grabbing his phone and calling you, texting you and even leaving a fucking voicemail. You didn’t answer.
As you cruises down the shopping aisles, getting some peach lifesavers to make bucky try, you wondered if you should stop by the coffee shop you loved and get something really quickly. You smiled to yourself and headed to checkout, forgetting you never took your phone off Do Not Disturb.
Bucky ran all over the tower looking for you, asking FRIDAY and every living being if they had seen you. Everyone was both shocked and amused that Barnes was losing his mind over you not being in your room, they assumed you went for a walk but Bucky didn’t want to believe them, he was too paranoid.
You decided against getting the drink, heading straight home instead, your heart fluttering at the thought of bucky missing you. You smiled to yourself and tapped on the steering wheel to the beat of the your music.
Bucky slipped on his boots and fixed the knife near his ankle, he was gonna find you no matter what. It wouldn’t be that hard considering you were already pulling into the tower and trying your best to carry all the bags at once.
Bucky rushes out the tower, a menacing look on his face, searching everywhere for your face. You locked the car door and immediately booked it for the doors, not wanting to risk dropping a bag and having to make two trips.
As you ran towards the doors, Bucky game out of them, his menacing expression fading away as he ran towards you arms open and smile on his face.
“don’t hug me! Get a damn bag and help me dammit” you laughed, pushing him softly as he took all your bags and you sighed in relief. “okay I get it you’re strong” you giggled, noticing how stressed out he looked you furrowed your brows.
“bucky are you okay? you look stressed” you noted, he smiled sheepishly at the ground before turning to you when you entered the kitchen. “I’m not- well anymore at least” he chuckled and you cocked your head, urging him to continue.
“i- well when i woke up you weren’t here and so i freaked out and” he pulled the knife from beside his ankle and the gun he had behind his back, “i was gonna go look for you to make sure you were okay.” He blushed and you felt your heart explode into a million pieces, a giant smile spreading on your face as you jumped into his arms. He held you up with ease and buried his face in your neck, your legs wrapping around his waist.
“you are too much james” you whispered, smiling as he set you down softly. “I went to go get more baking supplies, we were running low, and i just realized my phone was on do not disturb, so sorry for missing your” you glanced down at your phone and you choked on your spit, “36 missed calls” you bursted our laughing and he frowned at you. You gave him a small kiss on the cheek before jumping up on the counter next to him, swinging your legs.
“well? if you were so worried then put the things away or else im really gonna be distressed because i hate putting groceries away” you smiled at him and he rolled his eyes, giving you a kiss on your lips before moving to put everything away.
“im only doing this so you can teach me how you made the scones the other day” bucky smiled at you from behind a cabinet and you laughed. “secret recipe” you piped up, sliding off the counter and hugging him from behind.
The kitchen was your guys’ safe place, a place where you could mess around and be disgustingly cute. A place to kiss between tasting batter and have one too many flour fights. Baking in the kitchen with your Bucky was your safe place. 
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sexy-monster-fucker · 5 years
Fuck Me Up
NSFW Eddie Brock/Venom x Reader
requested by anon: Eddie/Venom w/ a girl that has serious daddy kink (bc that’s me) Like she accidentally slipped it out and it just turned on Both Eddie and Venom so freakin much but Eddie just don’t want to admit but venom is like a super freak about it that will be nice thanks
requested by anon:  *slips quietly into the ask box with a hoodie pulled down over their face and slips a little note in before quickly running away into the night* 'What if Venom has a daddy and/or breeding kink?' *as you look at the note all you can think is* 'wtf'
requested by anon:  hello 🅱️🅱️ could you do some kinky eddie/venom x reader where the reader has a daddy kink 👁👄👁 oops maybe some ddlg factors in there
warning:  male dom, explicit smut, daddy kink, oral 
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Eddie kicked the door shut behind him as he held your waist in his hands.  Your lips were pressed together tightly.  You had been waiting for this all night.  You had went to a nice dinner with Eddie, it was a treat.  It made you feel special to know he cared so much about you.  
Eddie took you there to make you feel like a princess for a night.  The princess he knew you were, at least to him.  He had been craving you all night.  He wanted you more than anything right now.  Even at dinner, all he could think about was getting on top of you.  He watched you eat, wishing you were putting something else in your mouth.  Venom made sure to play into Eddie’s thought.  “Just wait ‘til we take her home,” he placed the thought inside Eddie’s mind.  He had already been thinking about you, but the monster amplified his feelings.  It took everything in him to keep from growing stiff at dinner.  The little dress you wore only encouraged him more.  Your breasts hung out and your ass was very visible.  Every curve could be seen, nothing was hidden.  It made him more territorial of you tonight.  He could feel Venom stewing inside him anytime any male even slightly looked at you.  Even if it was the waiter asking you for your order, he was angry.  You were his, not anyone else’s.  He only wanted his eyes on you.  He knew he was being dramatic, but that did not matter when Venom got involved.  “We will show her who she belongs to very soon,” he hissed in the back of Eddie’s mind.
He held onto the back of your neck tight, his lips pressing even more firmly against yours.  He had you pinned against the wall next to the door.  He ran a hand down your backside, grabbing your ass and squeezing it.  You moaned at his touch.  Eddie purred at your sound, “Tell me, princess.  Who did you go and get all dressed up for tonight?”  You smiled through his kisses, “You, Ed.”  He grinned, “Oh?  Little ole me?  Is that so?”  Eddie bit his lip.  He ran his hand up your dress, stopping at your soaking opening.  “Oh, God.  Already so worked up, little girl?  I did not know I had this kind of affect on you,” his mouth hung open.  He stuck two thick fingers inside you and began thrusting.  Your head fell back against the wall.  “Damn, you’re so tight,” Eddie growled.  
Eddie nipped at your neck, “Now... tell me, who is it that you belong to?”  Your breath was escaping you.  His fingers pumping inside you had your mind spinning.  “You, daddy,” you spit out.  Eddie’s motions stopped and he pulled his lips from your neck.  His eyes looked into yours, “What did you just call me?”  You felt your cheeks fill with your embarrassment.  “I-I-I’m sorry... I-It just slipped out... I-I-I,” you muttered under your breath.  “Say it again,” Eddie whispered breathlessly.  You bit your lip and whispered, “Daddy.”  Eddie breathed out quickly.  His expression was serious.  “Holy fuck.  You have no idea how much that turns me on,” he whispered.  His breathing became heavy.  A new sensation of running through him.  He felt more dominant than ever.  You were his, and you admitted it.  He placed a firm hand on your neck, “So, you’re daddy’s little girl, eh?  Never thought you’d call me that.  But, God, I am happy you did.”  His hand felt so good on your neck.  He was being so dominant.  You wanted him now more than ever.
Suddenly you felt something crawling up your leg.  “So, we’ve got a new nickname,” Venom growled in your ear.  Eddie’s attention did not leave you even with the arrival of Venom.  Venom wrapped himself around you, making his way under your dress and feeling you.  You shivered at his touch.  Eddie cupped your cheek in his hand, “Oh, the things I am going to do to you tonight.  You have no idea what you’ve done to me now.”  He pressed his lips back to yours, sloppily.  “Daddy’s gonna take real good care of you,” he mumbled.  In a swift motion, he picked you up and began carrying you to the bedroom.  Venom stared at you the entire way, his arousal very apparent.  Eddie laid you on the bed gently.  You looked up at him.  He rubbed his hands together as he stood looking over you.  He bunched up your dress, revealing your lace panties.  He quickly pulled them off, throwing them to the floor.  He leaned down and placed a tender kiss against your lips, “How would daddy’s girl feel if he worked a little magic before fully going in?”  You shook your head in agreement.  “That’s what I like to hear,” he groaned.  He knelt down in front of your opening.  He placed your legs on each shoulder.  He pressed his face between them, licking up your slit.  You threw your head back in pleasure, moaning his name.  Eddie bit his lip, “Now, now.  What is my actual name?”  You moaned, “Daddy.”   “That’s more like it,” he growled.  He pressed his face deeper between your legs, his touch began making circles on your clit.  You gripped the sheets below you, balling them up in your hand.  You called out to him, making sure to call him the thing he wanted to be called.  He moved his attention to your inner thigh, kissing and biting it.  He shoved three hefty fingers inside you, pumping them fast.  “Fuck, daddy,” you could feel yourself getting close to the edge. 
Eddie promptly pulled his fingers out of you, standing up.  You whined at his sudden movement.  “Bratty little girl, aren’t you?  Don’t worry, daddy is about to give you the thing you’ve been wanting,” he purred above you.  He pulled his pants down, revealing his member being contained by his boxers.  You bit your lip in anticipation.  He slowly pulled his boxers down, teasing you.  When he finally revealed his long, hard cock you groaned at the site.  You could feel yourself quivering at the site of him.  You suddenly felt Venom wrap himself around you neck, “Now then, tell us what you want us to do to you.”  You moaned, “Fuck me.”  Venom licked your neck, “Who do you want to fuck you, baby girl?”  You groaned.  Eddie grabbed both your wrists and pinned them above your head.  His cock was resting at your opening, one thrust and he’d be inside.  Eddie looked you in the eyes, “You heard him.  We don’t know who you want to fuck you unless you tell us.”  You licked your lips, “You, daddy.  I want you to fuck me.”  Venom growled in your ear, “Good girl.”  
With one swift motion, Eddie’s cock was inside you.  You screamed out in euphoria.  It was music to Eddie and Venom’s ears.  “Fuck.  Daddy’s little princess knows exactly what he wants to hear,” Eddie moaned.  He thrusted inside you, keeping a steady pace.  Venom kept his grip on your neck, now also holding your wrists above your head.  Eddie held your hips in his large hands.  “Faster, daddy,” you called out.  Eddie smiled, “As you wish.”  He picked up the pace, pounding into you now.  You could feel your orgasm approaching, but you did not want to finish until you knew Eddie would allow it.  “D-Daddy, I-I’m real close.  Do I-I have you-your permission,” you asked.  “Of course, baby.  Cum for me,” he purred.  Your orgasm ripped through you.  Your entire body was tingling from the sensation.  Eddie soon followed after you.  He finished inside you, making sure to fill you up. 
Eddie laid down beside you, pulling you into his arms.  He kissed you on the head, “Daddy’s girl.”  You giggled, “Always.”  
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Galactica, Chapter 47 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Violet bombed her design pitch, and Adore and Pearl broke up.
This Chapter: Violet gets a lovely surprise, Aiden gets angrier, and Courtney comforts a friend.
“So,” Fame looked over at Raja, leaning back on the green velvet couch. “What do we think?”
Ivy had come by with lunch, two salad containers now sitting half empty on the table. They had received printouts from Ivy with the original couture sketches, whatever samples the designers had handed them, and polaroids of the garments as they looked today.
“About the couture looks?” Raja smiled. They were talking about the Spring collection, but Raja was also finalizing the dresses and roles for Monday’s holiday collection showroom show.
“Mmh,” Fame nodded, fiddling with her thumb, the edge of her manicure looking like it was cracking.
“Who do we want this on?” Raja held up one of Kiara’s holiday designs, the dress a lovely red. “I’m thinking blonde?”
“Good call.” Fame smiled, that particular dress without a doubt ending up in Chad Michaels’ closet. It always got Fame in the best of moods to watch Raja work, her friend at her very best when she was pulling final styles together, her eye for the entire picture unmatched.
“We still need a holiday dress for Raven,” Raja smiled, holding up her fiance's headshot. “Opening or close?”
“Who says she’s getting either?” Fame teased, a laugh leaving her when Raja shot her a look. “I want her closing. She does that very well. Makes everyone feel like spending money.”
“Mmh,” Raja smirked, a proud expression on her face, putting Raven with one of the prettiest dresses in the bunch. It was weirdly romantic how Raja always looked out for Raven, though Fame was sure she’d deny it if she was ever confronted directly.
“Okay,” Raja sat back on the couch, putting her elbow on the back, golden bracelets clacking on her wrist as she rested her head on her hand. “What’s the verdict for couture?”
“Hmm,” Fame chewed her lip, flicking through the folder on her lap. “I think Alexis should open. This sky-inspired piece of hers,” Fame pulled the sketch out, “is lovely.”
“I agree.” Raja nodded.  “And closing?”
There were several to choose from, but if Fame was being honest, there was only one that made sense for her.
“What about Violet’s?”
“Violet’s?” Raja sounded genuinely surprised, her eyes widening. “I thought you hated it?”
“What? Why?”
“Because you cut her off?”
“Raj, please,” Fame rolled her eyes. “She was talking my ear off, explaining all these incredibly unnecessary details when her work clearly spoke for itself. It’s very unbecoming to need that much reassurance of a job well done.” Fame pulled Violet’s dress from the folder, the flared sleeve and horizontal beads exactly what Fame wanted.
“Good.” Fame put it down on the table, not noticing the small smile on Raja’s lips. “We’ll email everyone, and start looking for our exclusive models if we need anyone from overseas-” Fame paused. “Hold on. I have to call Courtney. This manicure is driving me absolutely crazy.”
It was always a rare relief when Fame decided to go into Raja’s office for a meeting rather than the other way around, and today was one of those lovely days, Ivy taking care of everything they needed and urging her to go take a real lunch break while she had the chance, that she’d call her back if necessary.
Which for Courtney meant a visit to her favorite department at Galactica: makeup. It was incredible how just walking into their suite made her whole body relax, the bright and sunny creative energy something she absolutely craved. Even the way people dressed was better down here: bright colors and fun patterns and hair every color in the rainbow. Alaska gave her a warm welcome as always, inviting her to sit down and eat with them, even sharing some of the Chinese food they’d ordered, which was a very nice addition to Courtney’s own sad little garden salad.
“You know,” Kim said, wiping her mouth with a napkin as she took in Courtney’s face, eyes squinted as if imagining the way the colors would look, “the Spring Rain palette would look amazing on you.”
“Omigod, it so would! Let’s try it out!” cried Amy, clapping her hands. Amy was the department’s coordinator, and Courtney hadn’t spoken to her much, but based on her electric-blue pigtails and ruffly Lolita dress, she knew she liked her.
“Whaddaya say, Court? Wanna be a canvas for a bit?” Alaska asked.
Soon, Courtney was sitting in a director’s chair as Kim and Amy went to town on her face.
“Are your eyes green or blue?” Kim asked, tilting her chin this way and that in the bright light.
“Green. But I think in some lights they look blue.”
“Yeah, this cerulean is really picking that up.”
“Try adding a bit of the peacock,” Amy suggested.
“Yes! Good call!” Kim said, picking up the palette again.
Courtney closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of brushes being swiped against her skin, Kim’s movements both precise and certain. It was awhile before Courtney felt any urge to speak again, asking a question that had been on her mind for awhile.
“Um...do you guys know Bianca Del Rio?”
“No, I wish!” Kim chuckled. “She’s such a badass.”
“We have mutual friends. Why?” Alaska smiled curiously, and Courtney suddenly felt a bit embarrassed.
“Well...I don’t know, I was just wondering what you think of her.”
“She’s everything I want to be when I grow up,” Amy piped up, swatching a few lip colors on Courtney’s arm. “She’s supposedly a real ball-buster, but my friend at Marie-Claire says she’s a decent boss. At least, people like working for her.”
“That’s cool,” Courtney said, biting her lip, cheeks growing hot under the lights as she worked up the nerve to ask what she really wanted to know. “What about, um...her...dating history. She’s gone out with a lot of girls, huh?”
“Yeah...she has,” Alaska replied slowly, exchanging a look with Kim as Amy stepped up to apply the chosen lipstick.
Kim waved a pair of lashes in the air, waiting for the glue to become tacky.
“The thing about Bianca is…” Alaska paused, seemed unsure of whether she should continue, before saying, “She’s not really into relationships. She just doesn’t ever seem to want more than flings. I mean, we’ve crossed paths dozens of times over the years, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her with the same girl twice.”
“Oh.” Courtney nodded, settling back while Kim applied her lashes, wondering why her heart was pounding so fast.
“But that said, I mean...she does seem to treat people pretty well. You certainly never see girls crying about her in the tabloids, which I think says a lot, considering her...volume.”
“It helps that she’s apparently god-level in bed,” Amy giggled.
“Don’t trust the rumors,” Alaska warned.
“Well, I’ve heard it from someone first-hand, so…” Amy trailed off, giving a suggestive wink before reaching forward to finish the look with a delicate, shell-pink lip gloss, as Courtney tried her best not to squirm in her seat.
“Umm...anyway…” Alaska began awkwardly, when loud buzzing from the table interrupted. “Oh, Court, it’s Fame.”
Alaska handed her the phone, the usual seizing of Courtney’s stomach whenever her boss called telling her that the fun was over.
“Courtney. I’m done with Raja, and my thumbnail is chipped.”
Fame hung up before Courtney could respond, leaving her slightly puzzled.
“Thanks guys, this was super fun,” she said, sliding off the chair and grabbing her handbag, knowing she’d be expected to send a memo to design right away, along with apparently finding a manicurist to come to the office? Maybe?
“Wait!” Kim cried, holding up a lighted mirror for her to see the whole look.
It was certainly a lot more colorful and dramatic than the makeup Courtney normally wore, and for a split second, she let herself imagine that she was backstage getting ready to perform, or on the set of some glamorous photo shoot, before pushing those silly fantasies down and giving Kim a grateful smile.
“Thanks, really, you guys are awesome,” Courtney said, internally lamenting the fact that she had to leave this colorful and fun office to go back to the stark white institutional tension upstairs.
From: Courtney A. Jenek To: (undisclosed)
Subject: Spring Runway Selection
Please find attached the selected looks for the opening and closing of the Spring runway show, along with the alternates that we are keeping in the show, placement TBD.
Additionally, make sure to note the following upcoming deadlines in relation to the Spring couture collection:
December 5, 7 pm - submission for the rest of the Spring couture runway looks
December 11, 7 pm - final revised Spring couture submissions
December 12 - Selection of final couture looks/alternates
December 14 - Individual designer meetings with tailoring dept
December 18, 11 am - First fitting
January 11, 11 am - Second fitting
“Oh...“ Violet couldn’t believe it.
She had clicked on the placement, hoping that her dress would be in there somewhere, Trixie’s promise that nothing would get scrapped completely not enough to reassure her, but there it was, in black and white.
Her first couture look for Galactica was closing the fucking Spring show.
“Holy shit-” Violet whispered, the information not sinking in at all.
She had been chosen, she had done well, she was making the company proud.
Violet was just about to panic, everything so overwhelming, when a second email ticked in.
From: Courtney A. Jenek To: Violet Chachki
Subject: Fwd: Spring Runway Selection
Violet snorted, Courtney’s excitement radiating through the screen, that message somehow making it real.
From: Violet Chachki To: Courtney A. Jenek Subject: Re: Fwd: Spring Runway Selection
Aiden closed the door to Trixie’s office firmly behind him, using all the strength in his body not to slam it with full force. He briefly imagined how good it would feel, to be able to make the walls vibrate with all of the rage he felt inside. Instead, he swallowed down all the bitterness and headed to his desk.
It had been an awful meeting, Trixie pulling his typical nice guy act to say that he was “concerned” about Aiden’s “attitude” and wanted to make sure that he was gonna be the right fit for the Galactica team long-term. That he wanted to see more collaboration with the other designers, and as a learning experience, he should be prepared on Monday to assist backstage for the Holiday collection show.
Aiden was a designer, not a fucking tailor, not a fucking assistant, and this was going to be a new low. Not to mention that he was already in a foul mood, having seen the selection for the opening and closing Spring runway looks. That new little brat, the baby with no experience, not like Aiden, had been chosen to close the show.
He sat at his chair for almost a minute, saying nothing, just breathing deeply. Before Kiara asked, “Everything alright, dude?”
“Oh yeah. Everything is fucking great!” Aiden snapped, not bothering to stay and take in the stricken look on her face before getting up and marching to the restrooms, where he could at least lock himself in a stall and get a tiny minute of peace and quiet.
“Omigod, I’m so happy to see you!” Adore exclaimed, pulling Courtney inside her apartment, over to the sofa. “I stole a bunch of alcohol from Bianca before I left, so I’m well stocked! What do you want?”
“Gin and tonic?” Courtney asked, taking off her coat and settling down against the plush velvety purple fabric of Adore’s sofa.
“Coming right up, ma’am!” Adore exclaimed, walking over to the open kitchen to pour Courtney’s drink.
“So, you seem...how are you?” Courtney ventured, knowing that Adore was probably still in a fragile state, but not wanting to destroy what seemed like a decent mood.
“Well you know… It’s been shit. But I stayed with B all week and she’s like, kinda the best in this situation. She didn’t even gloat over being right.”
“Aww, that’s sweet. I’m glad she took care of you.”
Adore set Courtney’s glass down.
“Yeah, it was nice.”
There was a firm knock on the door, and Adore jumped up again, running to answer.
“Pizza’s here!”
“Yeah, I ordered ahead because I knew you’d be working late and you probably haven’t had a real meal all--thank you!” She closed the door, carrying the boxes and a bag over to the coffee table and setting it down with a smile.
It was such a sweet gesture, and Courtney was truly starving, so she almost felt bad reminding Adore, “Um...I’m still doing that vegan thing, remember?”
“Oh shit. I’m so sorry, I totally forgot, I-” Adore bit her lip, looking more distraught than was probably necessary, given the circumstances.
“It’s okay, I’ll just pull off the cheese, don’t worry!” Courtney reassured her.
“But you’ve told me like a billion times and I keep forgetting and I’m just the worst friend ever,” Adore sniffled. “I’m so sorry.”
“Baby, it’s okay, really.” Courtney crawled over to Adore, hugging her tightly.
“It’s not. I got you a kale caesar salad too because I know you used to like those but that’s not vegan either. God, what is wrong with my stupid brain?”
“Nothing. Nothing at all. You’re human, you make mistakes. It was still so nice of you to get all this.” Courtney pressed a kiss to her temple. “And you know what? I’ve been so strict for a few weeks, I think it’s okay to have one cheat day.”
“Are you sure? We can order Chinese or Thai if you want, or there’s-”
“I’m sure. I came here to try and cheer you up. Not to make you feel guilty.” Courtney snuggled against her, head on her shoulder.
“Okay. We can postmates some vegan gelato for dessert.”
Adore sighed, leaning her head against Courtney’s for a moment before sitting up and opening the food. Courtney accepted the plate from her, pulling the cheese off her pizza and shaking up the caesar salad - she decided that she could handle the dressing if she omitted the little container of parmesan.
They ate in silence for a few moments before Courtney looked up at Adore and asked, “Do you want my cheese?”
Adore’s eyes widened, looking down at her plate.
She took it with such enthusiasm that it made Courtney laugh.
“Was this the plan all along?”
“I wish. I’m not that smart,” Adore told her.
“Yeah you are. You’re very smart. You’re the best.”
Adore held her gaze for a few moments, eyes welling up before the tears spilled down her cheeks. She covered her face, and Courtney shoved the plates aside, laying Adore’s head down in her lap.
Courtney stroked her hair for awhile, letting her cry, not saying anything, tears soaking into her skirt and tights. When her sniffling finally subsided, she asked, “So on a scale of 1 to 10...how much do we hate her?”
Adore rubbed her red, swollen eyes. “That’s the hardest part. I don’t really hate her at all. I mean, I asked her to be honest with me, and she was, and...it just wasn’t what I wanted to hear. So...no, I don’t hate her. It would be too exhausting to hate her.”
Courtney took her hand, holding it tight and solemnly saying, “Okay. Then I’ll hate her for you. So you don’t have to.”
Adore’s face crumbled as her tears began falling again.
“You’re the best friend in the world.”
“No, you are,” Courtney said with a grin. “Come on, let’s go wash your face and order that gelato!”
“I just can’t believe that my dress is going out on that runway, like, I was so sure Fame absolutely hated it, and-”
“You don’t need to chop the parsley that finely lovely eyes,” Sutan smiled, stirring the pasta puttanesca sauce they had made together. Sutan wasn’t necessarily the best cook in the world, neither he or Raja ever really picking up on their mothers love of spending time in the kitchen, but he could do a few dishes well, and after seeing Violet’s fridge, he had made it a mission to make sure his girlfriend had a minimum of culinary experience.
“Oh,” Violet paused, looking down at the cutting board. “Sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Sutan pressed a quick kiss against her temple, standing side by side in the kitchen surprisingly nice. “I know it’ll be just as amazing as your holiday dress.”
“Please,” Violet smiled, though Sutan could see on her face that she was pleased. He wasn’t going to buy anything at the show, but he was still coming along, both to test one of his newer models, but also because he wanted to see what Violet had created in action.
“I’m serious.”
The sauce was almost done, Violet pulling a face when she had seen him slice up the anchovies, but Sutan was pretty sure that she’d like the dish, if what she tended to gravitate towards could be used as any indication.
“Would you mind setting the table?”
“Not at all,” Violet smiled, putting the knife down, quickly washing her fingers, her jewelry left in the little bowl by the sink that Raja and sometimes Raven had used when they all lived together.
Sutan hadn’t actually noticed it until Violet had dumped her rings into it, the fact that it was there completely escaping his attention, interior design never something that had interested him.
When he had gotten married to Kahmora, he had moved from this apartment directly into her place and back again after their divorce, how she wanted things decorated not anything that had mattered to him in the short time they had been married.
He had never really lived with Jinkx, their relationship thankfully never moving any further than their disastrous engagement, but he was fairly certain that he wouldn’t have been asked about his preferences, shame momentarily curling in his belly at the thought of how unfair and terrible he had been to Jinkx.
“Sutan?” He was pulled out of his thoughts by Violet’s voice, the woman standing by his cabinet with a smile on her face. “Did you buy wine? To have with dinner?”
“I got us a bottle of red.”
“Okay,” Violet nodded, grabbing the wine glasses from the shelf. Juju used to complain when she came over, and had told both Raja and Sutan multiple times that the apartment was furnished for giants, but Violet never had trouble getting anything.
Sutan’s alarm went off, telling him it was time to drain the pasta, Violet handing him two plates so he could serve up their meal, both of them sitting down at the table.
“Do you like it?” Sutan smiled as he watched Violet taste the food, a thoughtful expression on her face as she chewed on it.
“It’s fine.”
“So you hate it?” Sutan lifted an eyebrow, a smirk on his face.
“No!” Violet seemed outraged. “Don’t put words in my mouth.” Violet kicked him under the table, smiling now. “It’s nice.”
“Sure,” Sutan laughed, Violet’s deadpan deliveries still something he was getting used to, her dry humor a lot more enjoyable than he had ever imagined. “Good.”
They ate for a while, chatting back and forth, Sutan refilling their glasses, Violet almost finished with her pasta when she put down her fork.
“I-” Violet looked at him, her teeth biting into her lip. “I’ve been thinking about Aspen?”
“And I’d like to go.”
“Oh?” Sutan wasn’t aware that it had been something she had been considering, the fact that she was even thinking about turning it down not even crossing his mind.
“Well I’m glad.” Sutan smiled, hiding his confusion. “Mostly because I already booked your plane ticket.”
“Really?” Violet sounded genuinely surprised, almost as if she wasn’t sure if he had been serious about the offer.
“Really, not that I would have forced you to come.” Sutan tapped her foot under the table, Violet still such a mystery to him. “Raven on the other hand,” Sutan smiled. “That could have been a problem, since she’s bought matching everything for you two.”
“... What?”
ADORE: Courtney’s a vegan, you know.
BIANCA: Yeah, she told me.
ADORE: I keep forgetting like an asshole so I just wanted to make sure you knew and would have some vegan stuff on thurs
BIANCA: It’s gonna be 100% vegan, I hired a chef to cater. She even making vegan relleno de pavo
ADORE: How the FUCK do you make vegan relleno de pavo?
BIANCA: I dunno, but she’s a professional.
ADORE: And what about the corn pudding? IT NEEDS BUTTER
BIANCA: Would you relax? It’ll be delicious
BIANCA: I don’t eat turkey. You’re outvoted 2 to 1.
BIANCA: I’ll get you a package of fucking Hillshire Farm, calm down
ADORE: I want to be mad at that but I love Hillshire Farm. lol
BIANCA: You’re welcome
BIANCA: Btw you’re also welcome to cook whatever you like and contribute to the meal
ADORE: Um...no thanks
BIANCA: Thought so, cunt
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73 questions.
I was tagged by @wescoasts @machine-gun-casie (BABES)
Almost all my friends have been tagged and I don't wanna be that asshole so ill try not to be. I tag @awkwardrocker @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @trixiehoe @she-who-is-timey-wimey
On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?
Well it’s finals week so about -864. After that I have two weeks of legitimate nothing where I will bake my heart out so we’ll see
Describe yourself in a hashtag?
#yikes #ughshesinherfeelsagain 
If you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be?
Milo Ventimiglia, Kells, Rook.....being a music video love interest is only my life’s pipe dream 
If your life was a musical, what would the marquee say?
And that’s on daddy issues and no supervision...
What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
I used to model like went to modeling school and got paid for it type shit
What’s your wakeup ritual?
get woken up by my dog tired of hearing my alarm, walk said opinionated quadruped, feed quadruped, get dressed, COFFEE, then take life as it comes
What’s your go to bed ritual?
melatonin gummies (gotta make anxiety fun), skincare when executive dysfunction will allow, brush teeth, fight dog for my spot in bed (moving a 90lb animal is no joke), turn on my sleep playlist or use my ambient noise app, stare at ceiling
What’s your favorite time of day?
witching hour followed by golden hour
Your go to for having a good laugh?
lately tiktok and Kellyvisions, previously vine compilations or Netflix specials
Dream country to visit?
Ireland. I NEED to go to the motherland. My families castle is still standing and I get in for free. its on my bucket list FOR SURE. 
What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?
getting into nursing school and chiropractic school. I’m a loser and I’ve never had a surprise party. I’d melt in puddle of love tbh
Heels or flats/sneakers?
Flats 98% of the time. Heels are reserved for business casual necessity, Halloween, or if I’m feeling myself 
Vintage or new?
both, depends on the item
Who do you want to write your obituary?
Amy-Sherman Palladino 
Style icon?
lmao a what? on the real though catch me fucking with those eco-friendly kitchen witch vibes. All the dainty jewelry, linens and converse/docks fam
What are three things you can’t live without?
my dog, my family (found and blood), healing people however I can (medicine ruined me for any other career and its sucks you guys)
What’s one ingredient you put in everything?
tbh salt, I question a recipes validity if salt isn't involved 
What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?
Kells and the band (I'd be too nervous for a one on one), a dinner party with my MGK fam, Elvis
What’s your biggest fear in life?
Failure, not accomplishing anything 
Window or aisle seat?
window all day everyday, on the wing preferably cause I like to feel the landing gear #pilotsgranddaughter 
What’s your current TV obsession?
Roadies forever, pry that series from my cold dead hands (also Gilmore Girls and Criminal Minds)
Favorite app?
tie between Tumblr and Pinterest (im an aesthetic slut)
Secret talent?
I am bomb at disney princess songs, the girls I babysit for treat me like a jukebox at bedtime, cutest thing ever
Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
delivered a baby has hands down been the coolest thing I’ve ever done
How would you define yourself in three words?
I fucking hate this question. always have. empathetic, resilient, intuitive 
Favourite piece of clothing you own?
overall: my senior prom dress. its emerald green, backless, with a slit to upper thigh chefs kiss 
everyday wear: Colorado sweatshirt
Must have clothing item everyone should have?
I second Jude: over sized hoodies
Superpower you would want?
nonspecific healing powers so they aren't limited to physical ailments
What’s inspiring you in life right now?
Best piece of advice you’ve received?
HA. probably that the body remembers more about trauma than the mind and your seemingly irrational physical reactions to things are your brain’s attempt to protect you
Best advice you’d give your teenage self?
his mistake does not define your worth. I went for a variant of these boys aint shit don't judge me cause she needs to hear it
A book that everyone should read?
Harry Potter series (yes the whole thing), Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson, The Giver by Lois Lowry 
What would you like to be remembered for?
empathy, the way I made people feel
How do you define beauty?
FOR THE LAST TIME ITS SUBJECTIVE, things that give you peace, it could be a song, a person, a sunset, a scone, a leaf. If it makes you stop a second and exhale then its beautiful to you
What do you love most about your body?
holy trigger question Batman...my eyes, my hair color, texture, and its ability to grow
Best way to take a rest/decompress?
drive with the windows down and blast music while singing at the top of my lungs
Favorite place to view art?
unexpected places, like street corners, carnivals, just somewhere it takes you off guard and makes you stop and pay attention
If your life were a song, what would the title be?
it’d be one of those crazy long 2000s fall out boy titles for sure, subject matter yet to be determined 
If you could master one instrument, what would it be?
violin hands down, it hits me different
If you had a tattoo, where would it be?
I have a bunch planned, plane on my right shoulder, Kells related between 3rd and 4th ribs (maybe lower in case I ever need a chest tube), watercolor portrait of my dog at some point location TBD
Dolphins or koalas?
dolphins are stoners and they're super smart, but koalas cause they’re grumpy af and honestly same
What’s your spirit animal?
again Jude and I are vibin: I've been identifying with a phoenix as of late. according to pottermore im a greyhound though (yes a patrons is a wizarding spirit animal. fight me)
Best gift you’ve ever received?
seven year old me was stoked to get a functional microscope and metal detector, I was in my egyptology/archeology phase, I still have them lmao
Best gift you’ve ever given?
oh hell idk...I made my cousin cry once cause I made cupcakes for her birthday party, they were cherry limeade flavored and had little straws and everything. that was pretty cool, granted she was seven. I also made my teacher cry cause I made sea salt caramel chocolate cupcakes for her going away party. I guess my baking brings people to tears
What’s your favourite board game?
candy land, battleship, cards against humanity even though there isn't a board
What’s your favourite colour?
forest green atm
Least favourite colour?
bright yellow/orange, its offensive to my general The Dirt Mick Mars disposition
Diamonds or pearls?
pearls (actually opals though)
Drugstore makeup or designer?
not picky provided they are evironmentally friendly. I really like Besame Cosmetics though
Blow-dry or air-dry?
air-dry, I don't have the patience for blow drying
Pilates or yoga?
Coffee or tea?
COFFEE, im still learning to like tea
What’s the weirdest word in the English language?
holy shit how much time do we have, my favorite weird word to say is fistula or omphalocele (they're medical conditions, don't goole it unless you have a strong stomach) 
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
dark chocolate
Stairs or elevator?
Summer or winter?
neither FALL BITCHES   winter if I had to pick cause I love Christmas 
You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?
A desert you don’t like?
red velvet cake....just why is it a thing that exists 
A skill you’re working on mastering?
baking scones or shit that’s flaky in general 
Best thing to happen to you today?
being tagged to do this twice, I felt special for a hot second (thanks babes)
Best compliment you’ve ever received?
that I would make a good doctor (I handled a scary pt situation like a champ, they didn't know I threw up after I made sure my pt didn't die. puking in a foreign country on the download is a skill in and of itself)
Favorite smell?
bergamot, baking bread, baking spice cakes at Christmas
Hugs or kisses?
If you made a documentary, what would it be about?
gifted kid fall off
Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?
In These Walls - Machine Gun Kelly
Casual Sabotage - Yungblud
genius assholes...
Lipstick or lip gloss?
lipstick for special occasions but actually tinted chapstick or lip stains 
Sweet or savoury?
savory to eat sweet to make for someone else
Girl crush?
Brittney Furlan Lee, Alexis Bledel, Lauren Graham 
How you know you’re in love?
you look at them and just say yep. them. usually while they're doing something stupid 
Song you can listen to on repeat?
imma out myself but Swing Life Away - Machine Gun Kelly
If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?
the grass is not greener ya’ll. id rather go back and relive days 
What are you most excited about at this time in your life?
hopefully passing my first trimester of chiropractic school. fingers crossed pls
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