#also next week we're going on holiday and i really wanted to be done with this
foxstens · 1 year
over 100 hours into this game and it still leaves me speechless
so i found out you can actually go to outskirts from outer expanse via this subarea called facility roots. the entire thing is literally like 4 screens but before you get to it there’s this long drop where pictures of the past plays. i knew it would happen since it was mentioned in the post where i even found out about this but fuck i still cried
and it leads to the one-way path and long swim section where spearmaster’s campaign starts. it was such a cool moment oh my fucking god. so then i proceeded to delete the save and restart bc i want to do a survivor run where i get all passages
then the opening cutscene played and i cried again and it got me thinking about how you go into this game thinking it’s about finding slugcat’s family but then when you talk to pebbles it turns into slugcat trying to escape the cycle BUT THEN when you dive into the lore and turns out it’s actually a story about these struggling supercomputers created by a previous civilization and slugcats are actually just their messengers.
it’s such a weird thing bc to me one of the things that makes this game so interesting and so fun to play (and probably so polarizing for everyone else) is the fact that it’s really not about the player. but then when you think about it, it kind of is? bc survivor and monk do actually have their own stories and they’re not messengers for the iterators so in their case this really is a rat-in-manhattan sim with a utopian sci-fi backdrop
whereas for every other slugcat (bar the one that doesn’t exist) their story revolves solely around what they have to do for someone else, whether that be delivering a message to pebbles or saving moon or ascending everyone - idk how to explain it but there’s a very big difference between the two and i freaking love it
ugh im so sad about saint. i wanna go back to moon and pebbles and i wanna go through rubicon and i wanna reach the ending myself so i can feel the emotions. but i do not have the patience and i literally can’t with the lag. and at this point i should be pretty much done with the game but i dont wanna be so i guess ill get all passages. and try artificer. and do gourmand’s food quest. and do smth with spearmaster bc i love him. ugh.
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pandorasprongs · 1 year
INTERLUDE | are we still friends?
'it's nice to have a friend' fic masterlist + playlist | previous chapter
PAIRING: jamie tartt x fem!reader
SUMMARY: after months of ghosting, reader finally gets to talk to jamie again at the end of her second year.
WARNINGS: language
A/N: so we're going back in time to when reader's in uni and early in jamie's man city career :) hope u all enjoy! (also i know frats aren't a thing in the uk but i didn't find that out till after i published the prologue rip) i'd also suggest listening to 'are we still friends?' by tyler the creator for this chapter too just for the vibes — also!! thank you so much for 200 followers it's insane so many of you enjoy my fics :))
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Age 19
"And that's it for this semester! Congrats everyone!" Your professor greets the room as the last person finishes their presentation. The room cheers, — albeit weakly given that most of the students there were coming down from their finals week caffeine addiction, — and everyone soon starts filing out.
You pass by your professor on the way out with Liv and hand her the trinket that the two of you planned on giving out to all of the professors you've had this semester. Some out of gratitude, some to make them feel guilty for the low marks they've given. This certain professor, a lady in her mid-40s who has been in the STEM area of research for years, had designated the two of you her favorites.
"Thank you so much, ladies. It was such a pleasure having the two of you in my class." You both give her a warm smile before heading into the hall. 
When you make it outside of the building, Liv lets out a cathartic scream of relief. "It's finally done!" You laugh at your friend's reaction. You were glad too, but not enough to yell in public.
As you headed back to your student hall, you pulled out your phone. It had become routine to message Jamie every time you were heading back to Manchester, which you were the next week when your parents picked you up.
Hey Jamie! How've you been? How's Man City? Saw the match with Cardiff, you did great.
You press send before adding on, If you're still here, maybe you want to meet up before you go back? I'm heading back to Manchester next week too if you want to meet up then instead. 
You send that too and type out I miss you, but after glancing at the rest of your unread messages, you delete it and sigh in defeat.
You don't even know why you're still trying. You haven't spoken to Jamie in months. No, it's almost been a year. The last time you did was when you went home for the summer holiday after your first year of uni, but even then, Jamie seemed distant and cold. He left the lunch early too after he got a call from his manager, much to your dismay. Even before that, his messages to you were getting less and less frequent till he finally stopped replying a few months into your second year.
Maybe it stung more knowing it was around the time you left that you realized how really felt about him. It wasn't just platonic love anymore; you might've actually been in love with your best friend then. But those feelings have since disappeared, at the same rate that Jamie disappeared from your life.
So now you were in a pub, supposedly celebrating the end of your second year in uni, but you couldn't stop staring at your phone, waiting for a reply. You've been re-reading your message to him and staring at that delivered in the corner until you finally broke out of the trance thanks to one of your friends calling out to you.
"Oi! You're not even tipsy. Are you playing or not?" Tina asks and you shut your phone before shifting your focus to the conversation. Right, you're playing Never Have I Ever.
"Shit, sorry," you apologize before lifting your hand. "I am now. What's the last one?"
"It was never have I ever slept with a footballer," Liv explains quickly, but the entire group had this knowing look on their faces that told you everything they thought of you.
Maybe it was fueled by the anger directed at said footballer or the fact that you knew they all thought you were a prude for not having hooked up with anyone the whole time in uni, — as far as they knew, — but you give them a knowing look that caused everyone's expressions to shift.
"No fucking way, you have?" Sam asks and you take a shot as confirmation.
"Technically yes," you explain but decide to hide which player it was. Because if they knew it was one of the up-and-comings of the Premier League, you'd never hear the end of it. Plus, one of them was bound to snitch to a newspaper for sure. "Back when I was 17 and before I left for uni, I slept with someone who ended up getting scouted." You neglect to mention that someone was your best friend, who agreed to be your first time because you were sure you'd make a bad decision the moment you stepped foot in a uni.
If they knew where you were from, they would've figured it out instantly. But you didn't have a Mancunian accent and none of them had ever bothered to ask where you were from over these two years — except Liv, who was no longer paying attention to the whole game and just scrolling on her phone, — so you were basically in the clear.
They moved on from your grand revelation quickly and continued with the game. At the end of it, you were probably the most sober out of all of them, so you ordered a Cosmopolitan. Maybe alcohol led to bad decisions, but at least it kept you off your phone.
You continued to talk with your friends till Tina gasped. You all turn to her to ask what happened when she exclaims, pretty loudly, "Looks like all of us have a chance at checking 'hooking up with a footballer' off our lists tonight." She giggles before leaning back into her seat.
You join the rest of them to look at what Tina had just seen and realize that not one, but two teams' worth of players had just walked into the pub. From Cardiff City and... Man City.
You already feel your heartbeat quickening and your eyes instantly start looking for Jamie in the crowd. The thoughts of 'he has to be here,' and 'he can't be here,' battle it out in your head, but when your eyes finally land on your former best friend, you don't know if the butterflies in your stomach are a good thing or not.
"Well, fuck it." You hear one of the girls you're with say as she downs another shot and gets up from the table. Some of the others join her in the group, but you're still frozen from nerves. Best way to heat up? More cocktails.
You watch with the other girls from a distance as the braver ones take their chances with the footballers on the other side of the bar. But for most of it, you can't take your eyes off Jamie. 
He looks really different, like bad different. He's loud and boisterous, but not in the way he was before. You watch how he talks to his teammates and you can almost see how his overconfidence masks the level of insecurity he has with much older players. Or maybe you're overthinking it. You haven't seen him in a while.
When your friends get back to the table along with some new drinks and stories, you try and listen intently. But you really couldn't stop looking behind them.
You don't think Jamie's felt your eyes on him, so you weren't worried he'd turn and see you staring. But if he did, you wondered how he'd react. Would he go wide-eyed and stare back or just look away as if he didn't just spot his best friend of a decade at a pub? You were about to find out.
After downing one of the drinks in front of you, — you weren't even sure if you were the one who ordered that one, to be honest — you excuse yourself from the table. When they saw where you were walking over to, they decided to start cheering. It did help your nerves, even though you were approaching them for different reasons.
"Jamie!" You get his attention and the moment his eyes land on yours, shock fills his face. You almost scoff at that. He goes to the place where you're studying and assumes that he wouldn't run into you?
You didn't even plan out what you were going to say, so instead you sarcastically greet, "Nice to see you here. In Cardiff. Where I go to uni."
Jamie doesn't say anything and just continues to stare at you. His cocky facade almost slips too, till one of the other Man City players rests his arms on Jamie's shoulders and he suddenly tenses. You've seen him before, probably in one of those tabloid articles, judging from his overall demeanor. He seemed like the type to get into those scandals.
"Ah fuck, I thought we got rid of you lot already. Don't you have enough drinks from your friends over there?" George, you finally remembered his name, states and you're taken aback. He must've seen you coming from that direction.
"No, I'm not here for that." You answer bluntly before turning back to Jamie, starting to get annoyed. "Are you seriously not going to say anything?" 
The Jamie you knew would be the first to defend you, even if it was just over someone knocking into you in the halls or stealing your pens. But it wasn't that you were after, honestly. You just wanted him to say something, anything at all.
"You know her, Tartt?" George scoffs and looks at Jamie. When Jamie continues to stay silent and just looks down at his feet, he chuckles and nudges the younger footballer. "A past hook-up, huh? Judging by your reaction. No need to be embarrassed, Jamie," he glances back at you and tries to whisper, "She's quite fit. Well, by your standards."
You roll your eyes, the anger starting to bubble. Now, Jamie had to say something right? But seeing no reaction, you correct him yourself. "Look, I'm not one of his bitter exes. I'm his..." You actually don't how to end that sentence.
George takes advantage of your pause and by now, some of the footballers around them had turned their attention to the scene. "Look woman, I don't care who you are to him, but take. the. fucking. hint."
You still don't remove your eyes from him. "Jamie," you whisper, almost pleading at that point.
Jamie looks up and seeing the multiple eyes on him at the moment, he finally speaks up, "You want an autograph or something? We're trying to enjoy our night, so I'll sign a napkin for you and you can be on your way."
The coldness in his response causes you to stumble and you take a step back. What did he just say to you? You try and search his face for any sign of remorse or guilt. Something that says, 'Please don't hate me, I didn’t mean it.' Nothing.
The sounds of the other footballers laughing don’t help either; it only contributes to the rising feeling of heat and embarrassment in you. You can feel the tears starting to form. There's no reason for you to break down in front of all of them, so you answer quickly, "Right. No need. Sorry for disturbing your night." 
You turn around quickly, but not without hearing George ask Jamie who you were. For a second, you almost thought he'd give him the truth.
"Dunno, probably some fan I met before." That breaks the dam and the first few tears drop to your cheeks. A crying girl isn't an irregular sight at a bar, but you really didn't feel like staying in the same place as Jamie anymore.
You approach the table to grab your things when you notice that most of your friends had already scattered across the pub. The only one left there was Liv, — who was the designated driver for tonight despite your university being a 5-minute walk away — who notices your tear-stained face and is quick to rush over to you. "What's wrong? What happened?"
You shake your head. "Don't worry. I just want to head back." Liv hadn't even known you for two years, but she knew that you weren't one to talk about your feelings. Instead, she nodded and offered to help you out of the pub, but you shook your head once again. You had a relatively high limit and partner it with what just happened with Jamie, you were practically sober. You grabbed your clutch and coat before rushing out of the place, furiously wiping the teams from your face.
Fuck Jamie Tartt. Fuck those Man City losers. Fuck everyone involved in turning your best friend into whoever that was. The boy you once knew was gone. Fully and completely gone. You had to accept that.
But even then, you thought you'd hear the door open behind you. You thought it would be Jamie. You thought he'd chase after you. You thought he'd pull you into a hug. You thought he'd apologize for what he did and for everything. You thought he'd cradle your face as he did so. You thought he'd plant a tender kiss on your lips as an apology too. You thought he'd re-enter your life as if nothing had changed.
But he did none of that. 
And you went home alone.
"(Y/N)? It's Liv, again!" You hear from the other side of your door, but make no attempt to move from your position in your bed. It was just too comfortable, perfect for wallowing in when you've officially ended the longest friendship you've ever had. Liv continues, "I'm heading home soon, but I asked Donna if she could keep bringing food for you to your door till you head home."
You were touched by the gesture but knew you weren't going to touch any of those bags till late at night when the hall was completely deserted. Till then, you'd be sleeping. Your parents had delayed picking you up till the last day and you've never been more glad about that.
"See you next semester! Love you!" were Liv's parting words and once you heard her footsteps recede, you fell back to sleep.
In all honestly, you've lost track of time at that point. Yeah, it was pathetic sitting in your room as if you were mourning the death of a loved one, but it's not like anyone cared. Well, Liv did, which is why she started bringing you food when she realized you weren't leaving your room, but she was heading home to London. Your parents had no idea what happened and you intended to keep it that way. The rest of your friends were off with their own lives, not even giving you a second thought. Jamie sure as hell didn't care what happened to you. He made that clear.
So for the rest of your time left in the hall, you just stayed in your room. Like a hermit. Jamie would've found it funny, you thought once, till it caused you to burst into tears once again. The more you tried to forget Jamie, the more you thought of him, which was the worst loop you could be in.
He's even in your dreams. One of them felt so real because you were in your exact position in reality when your phone rang. You saw his name as the caller, but 'dream you' just pressed decline. Even deleted the missed call notification. Good for her.
Then, you wake up to a missed call and a text from your mom. On route to Cardiff! Can't wait to see you, sweetie. 
Ah, fuck. Had that much time really passed? You jumped out of your bed and start fixing up. Technically, you had 3 and a half hours to do so, but counting showering, cleaning up your suitcases from your dusty closet, and shoving almost a years worth of items into said suitcases, then you were in a bind and never prayed for traffic more in your life.
And from the sheer fear of your parents giving you a sermon in front of the entire building, you almost forgot about your former state of wallowing in self-pity. Then you were faced with taking down the decorations on your wall. 
There was a mix of everything from school banners, even flyers, and pictures you'd taken with your friends and parents. You started with those first until the only ones left were the ones related to Jamie. You had pictures with him from multiple stages of your life. There was one from the first football match of his you ever attended and one from your graduation, too. 
You had kept the note he made you when you were 16 and you joined your first individual debate tournament. ‘Fucking smash it!’ was scrawled in his handwriting on a post-it note, which you've hung on your wall since your first year of uni. 
Even the rings he used to buy you for your birthday till his mom told him to find something new. You slowly pulled them from your desk drawer and realized there were only four. One missing. They were old anyway. You end up shrugging it off and placing them into your suitcase.
When you started inserting the rest of the items into an envelope, you continue to look at that picture with Jamie from when you were seven. Suddenly overcome by an emotion — rage, pity, nostalgia, you're not really sure, — you crumple it with your two hands and hold it like that for a few seconds. 
You finally let go and see the two distorted faces, you're suddenly overcome by feelings of guilt. 7-year-old Jamie didn't do anything wrong; what was the point of taking your frustrations on a picture of him? Maybe you can throw darts at a printed photo of the current Jamie when you get home instead.
You flatten the picture as best you can before putting it back into the pile in the envelope. You finish packing your desk and place all the items into one of your suitcases. You look around the room, satisfied. Sure, your sheets weren't made yet, but you were going to leave the place anyway and you needed to shower. It was 40 minutes till your parents would knock on your door, — as seen in the picture they sent of the GPS — so it was more than enough for you to get ready.
Time passed by quickly and soon, your dad was helping bring your bags down to the car while your mom talked about how much weight you've lost while you were away, like they always did. 
"Oh! Jamie, he had a game against Cardiff last week, right?" Your dad remembers as he starts the car. You almost freeze at the name, but turn to look out the window to avoid your parents catching whatever expression you had on your face. You were too tired to mask it properly.
"Yes, he was amazing!" Your mom exclaimed before asking. "Georgie said she told him to meet up with you here. Did he?"
"No," you answered quickly. You never lied to your parents, which is probably why they accepted your response so easily. You don't look back at them and continue to look at the passing trees. "Must've been busy."
A/N: yeah... and there you go! here's what happened that night in the pub and hopefully it makes me much more clear why reader still holds something against jamie! we're going back to the present day timeline for the next one so stay tuned!
TAGLIST: @moonflowersandsparkles @faith-alons26 @rexorangecouny @aiyaiy @thegirlthatwantedtowrite @giggling-sewer-ginger @katdahlali @higherthanheroes @guccilongboard @alipap3 @rockchickrebel @ellietartt @shineforever19 @skewedcherries @jamietarttdodo @meg-ro @deepdarkvelvet @taytaylala12 @scaramou @rae4725 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo (couldn't tag you for some reason?)
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Happy Everything....
No I'm not gone... Just Busy... Busy... Busy... But eh, what else has changed/is new.
Happy Belated mothers day to all you wonderful mothers whether that's Furbabies/Feathered babies or of the little kid kind.
I have to admit I gave the most Mothers Day/Early/Belated Mother's Day Hugs I have in a long while thanks to my new work. My prior work really didn't allow this unless someone initiated it first.... So it kinda was amazing. i can also thank a unexpected coworker to help me break past these long held barriers on a job and branch out into more personal means in my line of work.
I know I keep leaving Busy messages but I mean it. I'm sorry for any birthdays and Holiday wishes I've missed giving out since my last update.
Like I said I hope to make more a update comic then spelling things all out here to keep it short.
I admit I probably felt some Winter Drawls and well was getting used to the energy I was using weekly. (I'm walking like 13,000-20,000 steps at least four times a week which means I'm getting over the recommended 40,000 steps a week walking for exercise...) So that said been loosing wait and growing back muscles I really hadn't realized lost their oomph a while ago.... back. So my off days were trying to get a normal flow and used to days not expending so much energy.
There were good and some emotionally draining things that happened but mostly I've moved passed the negative.
Other updates, had an amazing date with a guy I've been in communications with for a while. I think it went well and we're looking to going on more. Although our schedules really are iffy for such I think we both want to make it work. He's a fellow writer which is kinda how we connected and our love for certain themes. And honestly after our first date while I was worried about this or that, it was the first time in a while that I've dated a guy who held a conversation even more then me, and didn't make me in some way feel weird on a first date... Actually scratch that first guy in my history of dating since at least late high school, who on the first date didn't give me any creepy vibes or make me question what I thought a date should be like or how one interacts on them. Since the early days even talking with him my way of talking with him for no reason just seems so natural. I'm not sure I'm smitten exactly, I'm still trying to figure it out. But, honestly this guys a breath of fresh air in the several/manyish first dates I've had...
So sometimes my focus was on some more personal matters then working on art. I've done little things. And as I plan to address in my update comic eventually (Hopefully I get to it and release it in the next few weeks or months). Honestly, whats taking the time is this is just a big project and when I started I knew that, but as it's grown I realize it's going to take time. I've centered my attention to focusing on chapters, namely the early ones I still have a family member with connections who wishes to read. I've been focusing on cleaning these up most which takes time. I'm really happy with the story STRY has become and has grown into.
I do plan to release art work, and stuff in the future again. It's just been a little slow while I've adapted to my new schedule.
I have ideas of either in the near future or closer to the the comic and some chapter releases to hype up the book (and I mean of course creating the comic in release itself too) in the early parts of the books finality or even the comic chapter releases (and novel chapter releases) to have "OUT OF CONTEX" meme post releases. It's a recent concept I've come up with to keep things going between stuff. But I also don't want to do this so much that I risk giving away to much even if one liners... OR risk running out of memable out of context stuff to use/or boring you with too much to soon or all at once... (Hopefully that makes sense).
Anyways another long update out of the way. I hope to see you soon. I do plan to release my art from last year soon I kept promising. It's just gotta finish the last few touches and such...
See you guys soon.
Take care
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fandomsaligninstories · 5 months
Year Two: Valentine’s Day
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Chapter List WC: 3,124
14th February, 1993, Sunday
The following weeks were quiet. Too quiet, many students felt, causing everyone to be tense and guarded. There had been no more attacks, but tensions continued to be high between the houses, especially whenever Harry Potter or Draco Malfoy were around. Harry had taken up the stance of defending himself through constant arguments, not that it helped his cause. And Draco had taken the stance of ignoring anyone that tried to accuse him of being the Heir, though he readily spoke ill of muggle-borns.
There hadn't been any more petrifications, but there had been attacks of other kinds. Many students, all muggle-born, were finding themselves on the wrong end of jinxes and hexes, primarily at the wands of Slytherins. Several students had been sent to the hospital wing with missing appendages, broken bones, boils or warts that wouldn't go away, and other worse things. The Slytherins were getting more creative, admittedly.
Through it all, Violet maintained her distance from any talk of the Chamber of Secrets or the Heir. She knew people still spoke about Draco and Harry behind her back, but at least they weren't doing it in front of her anymore. And, despite their utter contempt for him, her friends were at least trying not to be rude towards Draco.
It was a regular occurrence for Violet and Draco to meet up after meals and classes, whether it was to walk to their next class together or to go to the library. Aimee and Hannah would sometimes nod their head or wave to Draco whenever he would appear, and sometimes he'd acknowledge them. Caroline was still avoiding Violet, which she'd stopped minding, but there was one absence she'd noticed more and more recently- Cedric.
Ever since the incident after the Dueling Club, Cedric had been avoiding Violet. He'd stopped talking to her, waving or smiling. He refused to sit near her at meals, he'd gone so far to leave the common room whenever she would join him and their friends. Violet tried to pretend it didn't hurt as much as it did, but it was difficult. She'd grown very fond of Cedric and their friendship.
Their mutual friends tried to cheer her up. They made excuses for Cedric, but Violet knew that nothing they said mattered. So long as she sided with Draco, Cedric wouldn't want to be around her. She didn't like it, and it hurt, but she told herself that it was time to move on.
When Violet and the other students arrived for breakfast on the Fourteenth of February, none of them expected for the Great Hall to be covered in a flurry of very bright pink.
There were a great many flowers covering the walls, in a variety of sizes and lurid pinks. They draped down and across the walls, creating a sort of wall of pink flowers. The head table also had a variety of the same flowers stretched across the front of it, either attached to something or held in place by magic. Then, as if the pink flowers weren't enough, there was pink and red heart confetti falling from the pale blue ceiling.
"At least it's nice outside." Violet muttered to herself, curious but not excited for whatever was to come.
She knew it was Valentine's Day, but she never expected the whole school to do some sort of celebration. They hadn't the previous year, and as far as she had learned, it had never been done before. Halloween and Christmas, sure, those were big holidays everyone loved... but Valentine's?
"I think it's beautiful," Aimee spoke up once the trio was sat at their table. They had to brush off paper hearts from the food to fix their plates, "A happy holiday for happy people."
"Too bad we're not happy people." Hannah rolled her eyes, only partially joking.
"Sure we are!" Aimee chided.
"Yes, okay." Violet wanted to argue, because really, who was truly happy these days? But her friend seemed so excited about whatever festivities may happen that she didn't want to drag her mood down.
Before their conversation could continue, there was a commotion at the head table. Professor Lockhart was standing, a huge smile on his face as he waved at the students staring. He was wearing robes that were the same lurid pink as the flowers around them. All of the other Hogwarts staff had stony expressions, looking as if they'd rather be anywhere else.
"Happy Valentine's Day!" Lockhart shouted, "Thank you to the forty-seven people who have sent me cards thus far! I've arranged a little surprise for you!"
Unsurprisingly, several girls around Violet sighed dreamily and started giggling.
Lockhart clapped his hands once, and everyone turned to the back of the hall as the doors flew open. In marched a dozen surly looking dwarfs, all dressed in golden wings and holding harps. Many students in the hall began to laugh and scoff, but the professor wasn't done.
"My friendly, card-carrying cupids! They will be roaming around the halls today delivering your valentines!" Lockhart was beaming, obviously proud, "And the fun doesn't end there! I'm sure your other professors would love to assist you in your journey of love! Ask Professor Flitwick about Entrancing Enchantments, or Professor Snape about a love potion!"
Professor Flitwick had hurried his face in his hands, trying to vanish from sight, while Professor Snape looked like he'd poison anyone who asked him about love potions.
Lockhart returned to his seat without any further fanfare, but the entire hall had erupted as students started talking about the "card-carrying cupids". 
"Oh, I know! Hannah, you could send one to that third-year Ravenclaw you like!" Aimee was nudging her friend, the biggest smile on her face as Hannah's face turned a deep scarlet.
"I'm not sending Thomas anything, he doesn't even know I exist."
"Yes, he does!" Aimee argued, looking to Violet for help. 
Violet stared at Aimee for a moment, unsure what she was up to, "Yeah, uh... Hey, weren't you two just talking the other day?"
"Yeah!" Aimee nodded enthusiastically, "After Potions on Thursday!"
Hannah groaned, "He was handing me something I dropped. He called me Mia."
Violet had to refrain from wincing for her friend, but Aimee didn't hesitate, "What better way to make sure he remembers your name than to send him a cupid?"
"I'm not sending him a cupid!" Hannah shook her head, looking at Violet with a pleading expression, "Please, get her to stop."
Violet looked at Aimee, "If she's not interested, maybe let it be?" 
This was the wrong thing to say, evidently, because Aimee turned her sights on Violet.
"Okay. Then why don't you send lover boy a cupid?"
There were only two people she could be referring to, and neither of which did Violet plan to send a cupid to.
"Don't deny it!" Aimee cut off Violet before she could say a word, "You two spend all your time together. He might be evil, but we all see how he looks at you. That boy fancies you."
It was Violet's turn to turn scarlet. She simply turned back to her breakfast and shoved her mouth full. She knew she couldn't deny it; she felt the same way about Draco. They never explicitly said it, but they both knew they fancied each other. It was evident in the way they'd obviously become each other's favourite person. 
Draco brought Violet violets, and other flowers or plants, from Professor Sprout. He sat as near to her as he could, given any chance. They never touched, Violet learned very early on that he didn't like to be touched, but he was always close; walking and sitting, he had to be as close to her as he could. And that was just when they were alone. He'd always find her in any hallway or classroom, even if he wouldn't go to her, he'd acknowledge her. And the Slytherins had started avoiding anyone Violet was close to, never cursing, jinxing, or tricking them. 
Draco wasn't good with words, but he was good with actions. Violet was better with words. She spoke more than he did, about the most random things, and he'd always listen. She learned to pick up on his mannerisms, so she knew when he was comfortable, uncomfortable, sad, happy, angry. She'd learned how to alter his mood; if he was angry, she'd ramble on about things that made her happy, until he started to cheer up. Or if he was upset, she'd sit and listen if he wanted to talk. Sometimes, all it took was her presence to cheer him up, so she'd sit in silence when that's what he needed. 
"She's daydreaming about him again." Hannah rolled her eyes, pulling Violet's attention back to the present. 
"Sorry." Violet smiled sheepishly. 
"Four sickle that he'll send you a cupid." Aimee was a giggling mess when Violet looked at her in shock, "What? Don't think he will?"
"Are we talking about the same Draco Malfoy?" Hannah stared at Aimee, just as dumbfounded as Violet, "Draco Malfoy? Doesn't know affection? Can barely speak two sentences at once?" She flinched when Violet smacked her shoulder, "Sorry, but you get my point. Draco Malfoy would never send a cupid."
Aimee only shrugged, a not-so-innocent gleam in her eyes. Violet and Hannah shared an apprehensive look before returning to their now cold breakfast. 
After a few hours of homework and studying with Hannah and Aimee in the common room, Violet needed a break. She decided to venture around the castle, something she rarely did out of fear of getting lost. Even being a second-year, she found the size of the castle overwhelming. She wished there was a map she could use, something that could track her and say "you are here" and labeled with the different rooms. With all the things magic could do, why wasn't a magic map possible?
Violet was surprised by the amount of cupids she watched throughout her walk. They weren't very nice; they ran after and trapped the students they were meant to deliver a valentine to, going so far as to sit on a few students that tried to run. Their voices weren't very pleasant and they couldn't hold to tune, but they tried to sing out many valentines. Some were silly, some romantic, some embarrassing. 
Despite her initial disdain for the holiday, Violet found herself feeling a sense of longing throughout the day. She never fancied herself a romantic, or even someone that considered dating or love or crushes, but something about seeing all the happy couples around her all day made her wish she could experience it. Not the slightly terrifying cupid-dwarfs, but the love and joy the others were feeling. 
She was on her way back to the common room when Violet stopped at a small crowd. A few Slytherins were huddled together and making loud, obnoxious comments. The closer Violet got, she realised the Slytherins were surrounding a person. 
She didn't hesitate, "Hey! What do you think you're doing?"
As one, the Slytherins turned to face her, sneers on their faces. She recognized a few of them as Draco's friends-- Blaise, Pansy, Goyle-- but not the other two boys. Between them were a familiar blonde, her eyes trained on the floor, where her belongings lay.
Violet stormed forward, pushing between the Slytherins to stop in front of Luna, "Luna? Are you alright?"
"Like freaks to a flock," Pansy scoffed, crossing her arms as she glared at Violet. 
Violet paid her no mind as she bent down to pick up Luna's belongings, handing them to the girl who still hadn't spoken.
Violet turned to face the crowd. Blaise, Goyle, and the other two boys were staring very intently at nothing in particular, but Pansy remained glaring.
"Have you got a problem?" Violet matched Pansy's defensive stance.
"Yeah," Pansy spat out, "You. Why don't you mind your business, mudblood? Your presence obviously isn't wanted."
Violet's cheeks heated as she felt a rush of anger. Luna had been nothing but kind to Violet, and vice versa. She wasn't about to let the girl be bullied, whether she asked for help or not.
"If anyone's not wanted here, it's you, Parkinson." Violet jumped back when Pansy tried to rush forward, only stopped by Blaise and another boy grabbing her arms to hold her back.
"Watch it, you freak! You might be protected now, but it won't last forever!" Pansy growled, and for a brief moment, Violet felt fear at what this girl could do to her.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Violet snapped back. She was tempted to get in Pansy's face, but Luna's gentle hand on hers stopped her.
"Yes, what is that supposed to mean?"
All heads snapped to the sound of a new voice. All eyes focused on Draco, who was standing off to the side, the very picture of deadly calm. He stood ramrod straight, arms at his side, his face clear of any emotion, but his eyes held nothing but anger.
"Draco-" Goyle started, but shut up when Draco glared at him.
"What happened?" Draco's gaze focused on Violet, his eyes calming the slightest bit as they searched her expression.
"Nothing, just a difference of opinion." Violet didn't know why she lied. She could've told Draco exactly what happened, it wouldn't have made any difference, except...
His gaze focused on Pansy, who was staring at the floor. His voice was a near growl as he spoke, "Pansy?"
Her gaze slowly met his, "We didn't touch her, Draco. We were just messing with the Ravenclaw when she stepped in, like some little hero-"
"Her name is Luna." Violet spoke calmly, looping her arm through the other girls. She looked over at Luna, who was staring at her with her typical wide-eyed wonder.
"A friend of yours?" Draco asked, despite knowing the answer. Violet had spoken several times about the strange Ravenclaw. Draco nodded, turning back to his friends. A silent conversation seemed to happen between the lot of them before they all took off, Blaise pulling a glaring Pansy away.
"You didn't have to do that," Violet said in way of thanks, "I could've handled them."
"Of that, I have no doubt." Draco relaxed when his friends were out of sight, his lips tipped in a smirk, "I only feared for them, of course."
"Of course." Violet replied as if it were totally reasonable for her to take on five Slytherins.
"You're really alright?" He stepped forward, his eyes searching hers, then glancing to Luna.
"Fine." Violet answered, nudging Luna.
"Oh, yes, quite fine. They found something quite amusing about my valentine, I suppose."
Violet and Draco shared a surprised look. Violet tried not to sound as shocked as she felt, "You got a valentine?"
Luna simply hummed, smiling dreamily. Without another word, she wandered off. 
"I'll never understand how you're friends with... her." Draco stared after the retreating girl, who had begun to walk on her toes and twirl around.
"She's sweet, just a bit odd, but aren't we all?" Violet smiled warmly at Draco, "What did she mean?"
"Hm?" Draco feigned ignorance, but one look from Violet had him caving, "There might be a threat out against anyone who bestows any harm to you or your friends."
It took Violet several moments to process what she'd heard, then another several to comprehend it. Her voice was laced with awe, "You threatened your friends if they hurt me or my friends?"
"My entire house." He spoke so quickly that the words blurred together, but once Violet picked them apart, she gasped.
"The entire Slytherin house?! What- Why?!" 
She didn't know why she was so shocked. She'd figured as much out, as she and her friends hadn't been bothered by Slytherins in weeks, but to hear him admit it?
Draco's ears and cheeks were tinted pink and he'd begun glaring at the wall, so Violet took pity on him. She wanted to hear his answer, but didn't need to. She already knew.
She changed the subject, turning to begin walking down the hall towards the common room, "So, send anyone a valentine?"
Draco followed without hesitation. His tone was distressed, "Absolutely not. This holiday, if you can even call it that, is for fools."
"Love sick fools." Violet joked, laughing at his appalled expression, "Careful, Malfoy, or I might think you're hiding a girlfriend from me."
Violet couldn't stop laughing when Draco missed a step. His expression read 'I'd rather you killed me' as he stared at her. It took her a couple of minutes to stop laughing and straighten herself, wiping the tears from her eyes. She didn't miss the way Draco was smiling affectionately as he stared at her now. She sighed warmly as she continued forward, Draco walking right alongside her. 
Draco and Violet parted ways at the Great Hall. She hadn't realised it had gotten so late in the day, lunch already halfway through. She was still smiling when she sat at the table between Hannah and Aimee.
"Oh, she must've found Draco." Aimee joked, "Do I get my sickles?"
"Huh?" It took Violet a moment to remember Aimee's earlier bet, "I thought you were kidding about that. Anyway, no. He said he didn't send anyone a cupid."
"Well, obviously he wouldn't tell you if he sent you one!" Hannah rolled her eyes.
Aimee agreed, "Really, why would he ruin the surprise?" 
"If you two are done, I'd love to tell you about the run in I just had with Pansy."
"Parkinson?" Hannah sat up, her attention now wholly on Violet, "She's one of the worst Slytherin second-years. What'd you do to get her attention?"
"Who said I did anything?!" Violet threw her hands up, but went on to tell her friends what had happened. When she finally finished, having explained Draco's threat to his entire house, Aimee and Hannah were staring at Violet with wide eyes and open mouths. Even a few of the other Hufflepuffs who had been listening were staring.
"Okay, you're freaking me out, close your mouths." Violet leaned back from the table until her friends' mouths snapped shut. 
"I just... I can't believe it." Aimee was still staring, but now at the table.
"He really said that? Word for word?"
Violet nodded. She hadn't thought on it too hard as she'd been busy talking with Draco, but now that she'd said the words aloud, she realised just how crazy it was. There were something like two hundred students in every house, and Draco, a second-year, threatened his entire house? And they took him seriously? And for what, Violet? A girl he'd barely been able to stand a few months ago? 
One thing was for sure. Violet owed Draco. Even if he hadn't meant for her to find out about this... protection order? Yes, that sounds right. Even if he hadn't meant for her to find out about his protection order, he'd still done it to keep her safe from people he owed his loyalty to. She'd find some way to show him just how much she appreciated it, appreciated him.
━⊱༻ ༺⊰━ TAGLIST:
@stellarlune-love @helendeath @skz-xii
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Weekend WIP Game
Thank you for tagging me @welcometololaland @alrightbuckaroo and @lemonlyman-dotcom!
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more).
WIP List:
I have A LOT of ideas. As for things that are actually in progress, I have 4:
TK Project: My project for TK Strand Turns 30. I've been working on this for a few weeks now and should be wrapping up either this weekend or early next week. I'm pretty happy with how it's turning out!
A special project that I'm not going to say anything more about here but will be posted in the first week of November.
TK Babe/Baby, a project using my comically large hoop that will feature quotes of every time TK calls Carlos babe or baby--this one has a complete pattern, a hoop all ready to go, and even a single letter stitched in the center so I know where to start. I'll probably start working on it in earnest over the holidays.
Lone Star Christmas Ornaments--so far I've created one pattern for "Catan is spicy." I want to make at least 2-3 other ones.
Then I also have a variety of ideas, some fairly concrete, others vague notions that require more development and simply exist in a list in the notes app on my phone:
Wise Ass/Lollipop--a Gwyn quote from 2x01, heavily inspired by suggestion from @lemonlyman-dotcom--I haven't made the pattern yet, but it's pretty much fully formed in my head.
The third in my Loft Series--so far I've done one involving the bedroom and one involving the dining area. The third will be the same level of detail as the dining area one but involve the loft entrance, couch, table behind the couch, etc. I need a quote for it and I'm thinking possibly "Welcome home, TK" but I have a couple other ideas too. This pattern will likely take a few hours to create and it's something I'm excited to get working on either in November or maybe during the time off I have at the end of December.
A Carlos Project that would be a companion piece to my current TK Project. I have a list of ideas for it on my phone, but that's as far as I've gotten.
A Lou the First cross stitch with the quote "You brought a flesh-eating reptile into our home?!"
Another Lou one that's kind of ridiculous but I would love to do it if I could pull it off. It would be "He wasn't eating it. He was just...hanging out" with a little Lou poking out of a leg 😂
The fourth in my Loft Series--I want something involving Carlos' punching bag and TK's salad from 3x11. That's as far as I've gotten.
Then I have a variety of quotes that just feel like they should be cross stitches but I haven't thought of solid ideas to go with them (and if anyone has ideas, I would love to hear them!):
Marjan's quote "I'm allergic to poor leadership."
Judd's quote "I wasn't even me 'til I met you."
"Hi. You're TK. I'm Carlos. And we're soulmates." (this one is part of the TK Project, but I think it also deserves its own)
"If I'm your friend from work, then what we did this morning was very unprofessional."
"When you're in yoga clothes, I'm not a very good talker."
"In this house, we Catan."
"Tyler, can I say yes now?"
2. Which WIP is your most complex?
Of the ones I'm actively working on, the TK Project is the most complex. Of the planned future WIPs, it would probably be the third in the loft series, as it's intended to have the same level of detail as the loft dining area piece I recently finished. That one was definitely the most complex I've done up until this point.
3. Do any of your WIPs involve you using a technique/style that you haven't used before? What inspired you to try it?
The ones I've listed really don't, but I do have some vague ideas of branching out into some Lone Star embroidery. I'd need to come up with the right idea for it, but it's something I might try working with when I have time off over the holidays.
4. Which WIP do you expect will take you the longest?
Of the ones I'm actively working on, TK Babe/Baby will definitely take the longest. It will probably take at least 4-5 weeks to complete once I really get going with it.
5. Which WIP are you finding the most enjoyable to create?
I'm really loving the TK Project. It's made up of a bunch of little images and quotes, so it's really fun to see it come together as I complete each individual section.
6. Do you have a favourite character to draw/stitch/paint/depict? Are they in many of your WIP projects?
The majority of my projects are TK/Carlos/Tarlos related due to the fact that I often think of little else.
7. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
The loft entrance/third in my Loft Series definitely gives me the most self-doubt. Mostly because it will be a detailed pattern. I'm still fairly new to pattern creation on that level.
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of creator's block?
I haven't had any stitcher's block yet, thankfully. I've been stitching non-stop since April and, as I've made clear here, I still have more ideas than I can handle!
9. Do any of your WIPs contain characters outside the main ship? How are you finding creating those?
My first two projects were the Lone Star logo and an Owen quote. Every other one, including the WIPs that I'm actively working on, has been TK/Carlos/Tarlos related. So I guess I don't branch out from that main ship much! I would like to in the future, and a couple on my ideas list do involve quotes from other characters.
10. What emotions are you hoping to convey through your WIPs?
Mostly the joy and love I experience through Lone Star and Tarlos.
11. Are there any features/details you are finding challenging in your WIPs?
A challenging element of TK Babe/Baby will be the use of the comically large hoop. It has a 23 inch diameter so I can only stitch with it while sitting on my bed because I need somewhere spacious to rest the hoop otherwise my arms get too tired.
12. Which WIP has the most complex shading/colouring?
Probably the loft entrance, the third in my Loft Series. The thing that I think will be the most challenging is the couch, particularly managing to show the shape and dimensions of it properly. I'm not sure how I'm going to get it to look right, but I'm looking forward to messing around with it with my pattern making software. I'm not particularly skilled or experienced with using color gradients to show shadows/dimensions, but I guess I'm going to have to learn!
13. Which WIP has the most complex background?
Same as the last answer, since pretty much the whole thing will be background.
14. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for?
Again, same answer. I want it to meet the expectations set by the loft dining area piece I recently finished. I was thrilled with how that one turned out, so I really hope I'll be equally satisfied with this one.
15. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
I don't think I've ever dreamed about cross stitching. I spend so much time doing it that it seems like I would have by now, though.
16. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other art doesn't?
The TK Project involves several French Knots, which is a different type of stitch that can be very finicky. @reasonandfaithinharmony knows what I mean!
17. Are any of your WIPs commissions?
I haven't done any commissions so far. It's not something I'm necessarily opposed to, so if someone is interested, feel free to dm me and we can talk about it! I just have a lot of my own ideas to work through and cross stitch generally takes a pretty long time to complete, so anyone looking for commissions would need to be ok with waiting a while. Also, I might be willing to mail some of my previously finished pieces to anyone who's interested (due to the unfortunate cost of shipping, this is probably going to have to be limited to people in the US and Canada). There are some that I'm not willing to part with, but I think I've almost reached display capacity, even with many finished projects stored in a box under my bed, so it might be nice for some of the others to find a home.
18. Do you have a character that is more difficult to draw/stitch/paint/depict? Are they in many of your WIP projects?
The majority of my projects so far have been centered on quotes. I don't think any one character is more or less difficult to depict in that way. However, I have run into one issue like that...one of my future ideas is for a Carlos Project that's a companion to my current TK Project. I'm finding it a lot more difficult to come up with ideas for little images and quotes to represent Carlos than it was for TK. One problem might be that I'm reluctant to go stitching a bunch of cop imagery.
19. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
The stitched portion of TK Babe/Baby will be about 16 inches x 15 inches in size.
If the third in the Loft Series is anything like the loft dining area piece, it will probably take me somewhere around 80-100 hours of work to complete.
I feel like everyone has been tagged, but I'm going to follow the directions and tag 11 people, one for each of my listed WIPs: @tellmegoodbye @ladytessa74 @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @carlos-tk @inkweedandlizards @rosedavid @thebumblecee @reasonandfaithinharmony @redshirt2 @louis-ii-reyes-strand @carlos-in-glasses
(And here's the original post that has the questions for writers if you need that!)
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legitimatesatanspawn · 7 months
Something I can't stop thinking about: Present Mic's work bullshit schedule.
His three jobs are teacher, pro hero, and radio show host. Now to be fair pro and radio can have different hours but...
Radio Shows have set times. Even if we assume he just has the prime time hours because hero, that's still 3 or 4 hours that day on top of whatever prep or office stuff or paperwork has to be done.
UA's schedule seems to follow the standard 8-ish to 4 pm just for homeroom and classroom stuff, not even getting into faculty meetings or grading homework or if he helps students with a club or anything like that. There's also basically April to next March minus August and like... I want to say a week or two for the winter break? So let's lower it down a little to 10 months, not counting the different hours for Saturday or the absence of Sundays. The hours at the start of this paragraph doesn't include getting to work or leaving for one of his other jobs.
And then there's the Pro Hero job which has god only know what hours and how he does it. Does he have set patrols? Does he only do nights and Sundays now because of his schedule?
But you know what set it off my thoughts this time?
The CD Drama.
Hizashi gifted All Might the complete 4 terabyte set of his show's broadcast. "100,000 hours" or so he claimed. Much like Aizawa in the clip I heard, I was baffled. The math doesn't work out by any stretch of the imagination.
Even if we assume that Hizashi has done his radio show for the full 11 years of his being a hero, whether it's just Prime Time hours or if he had different slots to keep enemies on their toes, that's 3-6 hours a day for upwards to the full 11 years. Which by math is 12,045 to 24,090 hours. The 100,000 hours meanwhile is about 11 years and 5 months of nonstop 24/7 chatter.
By every aspect that is physically, temporally, and practically impossible.
I know it's just a joke but this is why I should not be given math and existing structures.
Present Mic's schedule is difficult if feasible but the CD Drama's hours are genuinely impossible. Unless the "100,000 hours of my show" are padded out 87% to 76% with music and other stuff.
But what if I'm more charitable with the time?
Let's say Hizashi's done the thing as part of a UA school project that he got approval for - in half hour segments - starting in Year 2. And let's say he managed to do six hour segments before getting into UA as a teacher. Let's... go with him being a teacher for 6 years of the 11 he's been a Pro for, to give him a long enough time on the job to be comfortable but short enough that he had an established name before it. And as a teacher he limits himself to 3 hour segments aside from holidays or school breaks where he does 6.
And because I don't feel like giving the full math on it for sick days or Sundays off or him doing actual breaks, we're going the full maximum on time just to show off how bad the schedule still is. But keep in mind UA students have about... remember the time? So that's 45 days out of 365 where he'd be at 6 hours (teacher) or 0 (student).
UA Student: 2*(0.5*(365-45))=302
Pro Hero: (11-6)*(365*6)=10950
Teacher: 6*(( (3*(365-45))+(45*6)))=7380
So instead of the rough estimates of 12,045 to 24,090 hours, we have a more precise maximum estimate of 18,632 hours across a show's 13 years run. Without the subtraction of Sundays, vacations, sick days, and so on because doing the show nonstop like that would build up stress and burnout and all kinds of health risks.
But as you can see it still isn't enough time to make the claimed 100,000 hours. Which would require 24/7 Awake Nonstop Talking Ever to be possible. ... I forgot the leap years but that'll just add like a negligible amount, like 18 hours?
If there is actually that much harddrive space eaten up, I really wanna know what the rest of it really is.
tldr: Present Mic's radio show is likely around 12,045-24090 hours or an estimated max of 18,632 hours of playtime. 100,000 hours is literally impossible as that's about 11 years and 5 months of 24/7 talking.
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whatwewrotepodcast · 6 months
WIP Questionaire Tag Game
Thanks @jackiezenauthor for the tag!
On a bit of a The Second Coming run so I'll use that for this.
What was the first part of your wip that you created?
The first chapter? Haha so this is probably the 4th or 5th time we've re-written/re-done this story. The first version was about 120 hand written pages long, spewed out over a few weeks in high school. We then re-wrote the whole thing, it wound up being 150k+ words so we decided to turn it into a trilogy, and that's where we're at. But we very much started at the beginning, with chapter
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Bleeding out by Imagine Dragons. ID is pretty much the soundtrack for this story, and was the main music we listened to while we wrote it and so they're always indelibly tied together in my mind. But this song sort of sums up the vibe really well to me.
3. Who are your favorite characters you've made? Why?
Belial is definitely a fan favourite for us. He was never really meant to be a main character - he was a side character! He was just an NPC! But somehow he ended up becoming vital to the story and then the next thing you know he's a POV character. Belial is such a great character because he's so complex. He's a good person! Kind of! But he isn't afraid to do what needs to be done and if that means doing things that aren't so savoury, he's willing to do that. He's loyal to those he thinks are deserving, he's brave when he thinks it'll make a difference. He's also extremely hot.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fanbase for your story?
Hmmm interesting. I mean, I don't love the comparison but fans of Cassandra Clare would probably enjoy TSC because it does have similar feels and themes. Potentially also Laini Taylor? Anyone who likes modern fantasy? Maybe Good Omens fans too, though we're not nearly as funny haha.
5. What has been your biggest struggle while writing?
Oh my god the editing. Honestly we are in editing hell right now and it's just excruciating. It's so disheartening to have to throw big chunks of writing in the bin and have to write the scene again because it wasn't quite right.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
There aren't really, which is kinda weird because we're both huge animal lovers.
7. How do your characters get around?(ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
Mostly in Merry's beat up old Kia.
8. What part of your wip are you working on?
Currently doing editing/rewrites on Anarchy, book two of the trilogy, a rough draft of which we spat out during a writing holiday back in 2020 and haven't had time to get back to.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
We definitely have a couple of good ships, lots of action and great fight scenes, but I think (hope?) the characters are what people will enjoy. We want people to love our characters, to want to know more about them, to spend more time with them.
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
Honestly, publication with this one! We really think it has the chops to go the distance, we just need to find someone willing to take a chance on us. Or, for our podcast to get popular enough that we have a chance to self pub. Whatever works!
Tagging @illarian-rambling @cssnder and @xenascribbles
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bangtaninink · 2 years
“i’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” + jimin + bf2l if i may 🫶🏻
drabble 002 member park jimin (jimin) au stripper
"hey, _____. you're up in ten."
"yep," you say, not looking away from your reflection in the mirror as you sweep a brush across your cheeks, rose-coloured blush staining your skin.
now off stage, jimin skips down the stairs, one hand holding his ripped thong against his crotch, the other holding a bundle of cash, as he runs behind the line of female dancers sitting at their tables.
he comes to a full stop behind you, grinning as he looks at you through the mirror with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
"oh? we're going with the pink glitter tonight? what's the occasion?" he asks, leaning forward to rest his chin on your shoulder.
"the occasion is that, after tonight, we are officially on holiday for two weeks," you reply, combing mascara through your eyelashes. "also, why are you so close to me when you're basically naked right now?"
"ah, a holiday," jimin repeats, sighing wistfully as he steps back to lean against the wall with a smile, letting you finish your makeup. "why does it feel like it's been ages since we've taken time off?"
"are you two going somewhere?" saehee, who sits in front of you, asks, peeking around your mirror. "you two are gonna be gone for a while."
"yeah, thank god," hyemi says next to you, brushing her hair. "maybe some of us will finally get a chance to score some money, instead of these two stealing everyone's attention and getting all the dough."
"hey, i told you: yoga, bitch," you say, packing up your makeup and laughing. "you start doing yoga, and i guarantee you'll start dancing better."
"tsk. you're just gonna give away our secret like that?" jimin asks, frowning.
"i said she'd dance better. i didn't say she'd dance as good as us."
"you do yoga, jimin?" saehee asks, eyebrow raised.
"pfft. what? no. of course not. eww," jimin says, running off to the other dressing room.
hyemi snorts quietly, watching him disappear into another room before she looks at you, nudging your arm.
"well?" she asks.
"well what?"
"are you two gonna fuck or not?"
"what?!" you look at her, scandalised. "wh— h-he's my best friend! what do you mean are we gonna fuck?"
"pfft. please," saehee says, walking around to join you and hyemi, slipping another bobby pin into her hair bun. "best friend or not, i'd still tap that. everyone here wants to tap that."
"everyone except you, apparently," hyemi says pointedly. "you're going to... where are you going again?"
"japan," you answer.
"you're going to japan with your super hot best friend for two weeks, and you mean to tell me you're not even gonna attempt to sleep with him?"
"that... okay, hyemi worded that really creepily," saehee says, sighing. "but our point is, you two have been best friends since you started dancing here, and he obviously really likes you, and you obviously really like him."
"yeah, as a friend," you say.
"girl, you're not fooling anyone with that 'we're just friends' shit," hyemi says, rolling her eyes.
"look," saehee says. "if you're not gonna ask him out, then that just means he's free for the taking — is that what you want?"
coming down from the stage, one arm covering your chest, your free hand holding a thick wad of bills, you get to the end of the stairs to find jimin waiting for you — now dressed — holding a packet of makeup wipes and a bottle of lemonade, your robe draped over his shoulder.
"is it weird to say that your dancing turns me on?" he asks, handing you your robe before shielding his eyes.
"that's very weird to say," you reply, snorting. "but also kind of means i'm doing my job right, i guess. i'm done."
jimin lowers his hand as you finish tying your robe closed. "i feel very conflicted by it — y'know, since you're my best friend and all. where are the other girls?"
"they're doing some private dances with clients." jimin follows you to your table, handing you the makeup wipes. you set your money down next to your makeup bag, patting the stack of bills. "but this, my good friend, is coming to tokyo with us."
"i can't wait to eat more bowls of ramen than you," jimin says, grinning.
"keep dreaming, buddy."
"oh, i forgot to say," jimin says, buckling his seatbelt. "i wrote a list of stuff i wanna do in japan while we're there."
"wait. so did i," you say, hands on your neck pillow.
jimin turns to you with a smirk.
"i'll show you mine if you show me yours."
"i bet mine's longer."
"oh, you are so wrong."
with narrowed eyes, you pull your phone out, scrolling through your notes until you eventually land on a checklist of places to go and food to try in japan. next to you, jimin has done the same, holding his phone to his chest to shield the screen away from you.
"on three?" he says; you nod.
"one... two... three!"
the two of you are speechless when you find your lists are almost identical in both length and what things you'd both written down.
"oh my god," jimin says, leaning back against his seat as he laughs. "what are the chances?"
"you wrote down 'go to a maid café' too? you perv," you tease, nudging his arm.
next to you, jimin groans quietly, shutting his eyes with a sigh.
"you okay?" you ask, eyebrows furrowed.
"i'm fine," jimin says. "just motion sickness."
"oh god, are you gonna throw up on me?"
"honestly? maybe."
"oh god."
he chuckles softly, sliding his mask back up to cover his nose and mouth, before leaning over to rest his head on your shoulder.
"i might just need to sleep it off. is this okay?" jimin asks.
"if it means you won't throw up on me, you can stay like that for the rest of the flight," you reply, reaching over to fix the blanket draped over him.
it doesn't take long for jimin to fall asleep, and you lightly shake your head when the flight attendant walks past, asking if she should leave a tray of food for him — but you take the cinnamon scroll for him anyway, tucking it into the front seat pocket.
you fix the blanket around him once more where it's started to slide off his shoulder, pressing the back of your hand to his forehead just in case it isn't just motion sickness. relieved to find his head isn't warm, you lower your hand.
suddenly, the plane starts to tilt and jolt slightly as the pilot navigates through some mild turbulence. you hear some other passengers gasp and mutter quietly, some huddling closer to their companions, and parents reassuring their children.
from under the blanket, you feel jimin's hand slip out to wrap around yours and entwine your fingers.
you look down at him, surprised, but he doesn't open his eyes or make any move to show he's awake.
holding back a smile, you gently squeeze his hand, resting your cheek on the crown of his head.
21 notes · View notes
zunniva · 2 years
The Wallflower part 2
So this is part 2 of The Wallflower,been writing and rewriting for weeks. I wasn't sure which way I wanted this to go. Still not sure I like it, but I hope you guys do
Also... I'm sorry if I'm making absolutely no sense when I mention the dom/sub aspect. I'm not that well educated in it but I hope I'm not offending anyone with that short part ❤️
🛑 Warnings 🛑 Sexual activities, strong language, some violent behaviour, mention of SA and r**e
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“Is there a reason your fucking guard dog ALWAYS seem to be answering the phone when I call?” fuck... I shouldn't have answered. I know better by now! It's been about a month of Eddie answering every call and Laura hanging up on him.
“Well...what can I say. He's faster than me” I sigh
“Bet you tell him to answer, you don't want to talk to your own sister?”
“Not really, no”
“So? Are you coming home any time soon? Or do mum and I have to go to fucking Nowhere, Indiana if we wanna see you from now on? That is if I'm ALLOWED of course” she's so bitter, and it makes me feel soooo good
“Why wouldn't you be allowed to travel to Indiana?” I love playing stupid with her
“For fucks sake, you know what I mean! Well I guess having a guard dog is pretty easy when you have money” she snickers
“Laura, careful” I say “I don't have the best patience when it comes to you any more”
“You think I care if you try to insult me? Sweet sister, I am the mean one here. I bet this Eddie is just someone you're too NICE to throw out so he's there spending your money. Well...don't come back here crying when he leaves you”
“Never have truer words been spoken Laura” I say
“I KNEW IT! I'm right, he's not your boyfriend just some loser you paid to tell me that”
“I meant that you're the mean one” I smile “what's really the problem Laura? Are you lonely? Is that what's triggering this excessive calling? Used to be every other week you'd call to insult me. Now it's every other day... Jealous much?”
She lets out a scoff “Why would I be jealous of YOU?”
“Well, I'm happy now. And I've made good friends which then makes that question unnecessary for you to ask. I haven't heard you brag about your friends in a while, or any of the myriads of men you date...” I knew this would hit the spot
“I don't have to tell you EVERYTHING about my life” strangely her voice isn't as confident any more
“Well, you've been telling me everything for years now...to make ME jealous so I mean...what's changed?”
I hear keys in the door and Eddie comes in. He looks at me, looks at the phone and raises an eyebrow like a question. I nod at him and roll my eyes.
“You ok?” he mouths at me and I nod and he smiles and goes to the bed room to change out of his work clothes
“So now you're not even listening to me?” Lauras voice breaks through my admiration of the guy that's undressing in my bed room.
“Whaaaat?” I sigh
“I said that nothing's changed... I just don't feel you need to know about my personal life” her voice is getting less and less confident by the minute
“Strange, you've never been that considerate in your life. Look I don't have time for you now, Eddie just got back from work so we're having dinner”
“Of course, the hired help got there. Well I beat him today so you can just send him home. Well ARE you coming home at all?”
“I was planning on taking Eddie with me to Seattle for mum's birthday. I can close the store for a couple of days then so it might be good timing” I sigh, she really doesn't need this information, I wasn't going to bring him until Christmas but then I thought that if I could get the awful meet and greet done with earlier than that it might not ruin my favourite holiday.
“Riiiight, and then when mum's birthday arrives he 'has to work' or someone in his 'family is sick' or something right?” her snappish tone is back
“Whatever Laura, have a good day. I'm sure you can discuss this further with Eddie next time you call” I hang up before she starts up again
I pinch the bridge of my nose and inhale sharply.
“What's to be discussed with me next time?” I hear from the door to the bed room. I turn and I let out a moan. Eddie's standing there, naked and glorious.
“Oh, just how you're my hired man. You don't love me you're just annoying her for the money. You know...the obvious” I say and I lock eyes with him as I slowly start walking towards him unbuttoning my dress as I do
“Oh, yeah that! Damn she caught me” he smiles not letting me go with his stare “I mean I have noooo interest in you other than the pay check” he mumbles as he starts to stroke his hardening cock “no interest what so ever”
“No I can tell, totally uninterested” I say as I unclasp my bra and throw it behind me. I step out of my panties just before I reach him “I mean if it wasn't for the obvious lack of interest I might fuck you some time, but as it is...I mean why bother. Right?” I smirk
“Don't you fucking DARE put those clothes back on!” he grabs me and presses me up against the bedroom wall, pinning my arms up over my head with one hand. The free hand quickly moving down between my legs, fingers sliding in to my folds with ease. “Do you get wet just looking at me sweetheart? You're soaking” he purrs at me as I moan at his touch
“Have you seen you? Of course I get wet just seeing you” I pant and I move my hips so I can meet his hands movements.
He tuts at me “Nah pet. I'll be doing the touching here. You just be a good girl and take it” he smiles at me
“Yes, master” I whisper and it has the same effect now that it had the first night I tried calling him that. I'd been reading a particularly spicy novel before he came here that night, the girl in the book called her man 'Sir' but I didn't think that suited Eddie. Then I thought of his roll as dungeon master in Hellfire. So that night when we were making out he asked me to take off my panties for him. I answered him 'Yes...master' and he fucking lost it. He makes me so comfortable in my own skin, which just a few months ago would have been something I'd never ever think would be possible for me.
“You're gonna kill me sweetheart, making me so fucking horny calling me master like that” Eddie growls in my ear as he pushes his fingers in to me with a squelching sound. My knees wobble a bit and he chuckles softly “what's got you weak in the knees honey? Could it be this?” he smiles and lets one more finger slide in to me and I buckle under his touch. Eddie quickly catches me before I slide down the wall completely, swooping me up in to his arms and carrying me to the bed. “Wanna spread those amazing thighs for me sweetheart?” his grin is so sexy is takes my breath away. I do as I'm told, spreading my legs as wide as my body lets me, making Eddie smile even wider “there it is...fuck I love watching you do that babe” he murmurs at me slowly creeping up the bed towards me eyes locked on my pussy.
He sits down on his knees between my legs letting his hands play over my breasts and down my tummy. “So fucking soft and warm, God I love your body” he's in his own world now and I love him for it. His hands reach the inside of my thighs and Eddie grabs a handful of the soft flesh in his hands, growling deep down in his chest as he does. Then he finally leans in and lets his tongue slide up my slit from asshole to clit in one go making me yelp from the sudden impact. He begins sucking and running his tongue in circles over my clit while letting one hands fingers slide in to me again reaching that soft spongy part inside that makes me melt like snow in his hands. I squirm, I writhe and I moan like I'm possessed from his touch, it never fails. He knows my body like it's been his for years and years. The orgasm hits like a freight train and I'm pretty sure I sound like some kind of banshee. Before I can even come down from my high I feel Eddie pushing him self in to me, one thrust and he's in to the hilt. He pauses for a second, eyes closed and a smile on his lips “fuck yeah babe, this is it... God I've been longing for this all day” he grabs my hips and starts moving, slow and deep at first. He feels so good, filling me up like he's made for my body and my body alone. His thrusts get faster and he's making the sexiest sounds imaginable as he fucks me. His hand moves in and he begins working my clit again with skilled fingers, knowing exactly what's gonna make me fall apart again. “There you go babe, scream my name... I wanna feel you cum all over me...” he's fucking me so good and I can feel that knot in my stomach growing larger as he pushes me closer and closer to the edge of sanity. “That's my good girl, fucking me like no other... cum for me...” he growls and I let go
“EDDIEEEEE FUUUUCK!!!” I scream as he sends me over the edge one more time following close behind. I feel him pulsate in me and hear him let out the most delicious groans as he fills me up. Then he slumps down on the side of me pulling me in real close kissing me deeply
“God dammit woman! I love you” Eddie's panting and smiling at me
“Love you to....master” I say winking at him
“Well aren't I lucky” he mumbles in to my lips as he keeps kissing me “I have found the best girl out there”
We lay there for a bit cuddling. Eddie gets up on his elbow and looks down at me
“So...how bad was she today?”
“Laura?” he nods “nah not too bad actually. She just went on about how you were someone I hired to act like my boyfriend. She keeps referring to you as either 'the guard dog' or 'the hired help'...she's so jealous it's killing her. Mean as it might make me sound I LOVE it” I say and I blush a little
“Sweetheart, with all the shit you've told me I can't blame you” Eddie chuckles and pulls me in closer hugging me tight “as awesome as this is... I'm kinda hungry” he says
“What? You always eat when you get home from work, did something distract you today?” I smile in to the pillow
“Did something...?” Eddie laughs “Hell yeah, I'd say something distracted me. The sexiest god damn book store employee there ever was made me go all feral because she's so fucking hot” he tickles me making me scream with laughter
“LET ME GO EDDIE MUNSON!” I scream as he pins me to the bed tickling me all over “Or there will be no more sexy book store employee for you” he lets go with a pout
“Awww...mean” he says with a wink
We get out of bed and I start dinner as Eddie takes a shower and changes in to more comfortable clothes. He's basically living here now, almost all of his things have found their way to my drawers and closet. Nothing we've discussed it just kind of happened slowly over time. I've noticed and I'm thrilled. I want to talk to Eddie about it but I don't quite know how to start up a conversation like that. Some things still make me nervous, talking about relationship things is one of them. I always have this little voice in the back of my head saying I've gotten ahead of myself, that I've misread the situation, that I've misunderstood Eddie...things like that. Then we have what ever talk we need to have and everything is fine, just...my fucking mind.
We eat dinner, Eddie praising my cooking as always.
“Hey, I wanted to ask you something” I look down at my hands trying to swallow that lump of uncertainty forming in the back of my throat
“Yeah?” Eddie beams at me like he always does making me feel safe and loved...but still the lump is there
“So... I mean... It's been 3 months, I know it's probably too soon to even mention this but... If you'd like...this is a big apartment” my voice no more than a whisper at the end
“Sweetheart... Are you trying to ask me if I wanna move in with you?” Eddie smiles and takes my hand
“Well...” deep breath “yeah” still can't look at him
“Babe, look at me” he says and I do, his smile is wide and reassuring “I would love to, been thinking about it myself. Can't even remember when I slept in my own bed last. Not even sure I want to sleep there again, it would be too empty without your soft body to keep me company” he says and I let out a big relaxing sigh “Did this really make you nervous? Asking me if I wanna move on with you?” he asks me surprised and I nod in response “But why?”
“I...don't know. Maybe it's the fact that all I've ever known about relationships is what I've seen my mum and Laura go through. They were always in such a hurry with everything and nothing ever lasted... I guess I was afraid I was moving too fast for you and that you'd get cold feet” I admit looking down at my hands again. I see Eddies big hands enclose mine in a warm embrace
“Kat, c'mon... I'm not easily scared, you know that. Besides I love you too much, you're not able to get rid of me. So don't worry about that. I mean... I've basically been living here since that first week haven't I” he chuckles “I went to the trailer the other day, realized all my stuff is here. So it's not like I live there any more. Only thing I need to get is my guitar and some other small things, all my clothes are here. So it's not really you who need to ask me if I wanna move in. It should really be me asking if you're ok with me already having moved in”
I look at him then I get up from my seat and I walk up to him sitting down on his lap and pressing my lips to his.
“I love you freak, and I'm so happy you've moved in” I say as we part “another thing I was meaning to talk to you about is my mum's birthday. It's in 2 weeks, are you able to get some time off work and come with me? I kinda let it slip to Laura I was thinking of bringing you, so if I don't she'll have all the ammo she'll need to ruin the whole weekend” I look at him
“I think that's doable, wouldn't wanna leave my best girl in the claws of the devil all on her own. Hey, what if we make it a road trip? Maybe Robin and Casey wanna come along, I remember them talking about visiting Casey's family. And what the hell we'll bring Harrington as well, he could do with a change of scenery” Eddie smiles at me hugging me tight
“Sound like a good idea, I'll call Casey and see if that'll work for them. Should we be keeping Steve or do we send him along with them?” I giggle
“Let's keep him with us, maybe that's what your sister needs? A good guy with a big cock and a fat wallet” Eddie laughs
“Jeeesus Eddie, I didn't need to know that about Steve” I laugh “maybe that's what SHE needs but I hardly think Steve needs a narcissist with a spending problem and a foul temper” I say on a more serious note
“He'll be fine, he's not as meek as he seems” Eddie kisses me “thanks for dinner by the way it was lovely as always” he says “wanna come with me to get the last of my things then?”
“Sure, I just need to clean this first” I say and I get up
“WE need to, c'mon do you think I'm expecting you to do everything around here?” he gets up and collects the dishes from the table as I take the leftovers in to the kitchen.
When we're done cleaning up after dinner we head off to the trailer park to gather the last of Eddie's stuff. There isn't much left as he said. His guitar, some photos and a few books. He stands in the door to the trailer and I can see his eyes filling with tears, it's been home for quite some time after all. I go up and I wrap my arms around him
“You're sure about this? I wouldn't want you to leave if you're not 100% sure you wanna live with me” I say
“I'm a 1000% sure babe, just...this place holds memories...not that many good ones but still. Hey can we invite Wayne some time? I want him to see I did make it out of here at last” his voice breaks at the end and my heart fills with love for this sensitive dork of mine
“What kind of a question is that? Of course you can invite your uncle to your home. Just 'cause I wouldn't want my family within a 100 miles from Hawkins doesn't mean you can't have your family come over any time you want. It is YOUR home to now” I tell him and he smiles at me and gives me a long hug
“OUR home...wow...that's insane. Hey...I'ma be livin' with a giiiirl” he chuckles “think about all them cooties”
“Dork” I say and I laugh at him as I pick up the bag of photos and carry them to the car. On the way home we stop at Family Video. We head inside only to once again be met by Steve sighing behind the front desk and Robin loudly arguing in the stacks. “WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GET IT IN YOUR THICK SKULL THAT TOM CRUISE SUUUUCKS”
“Hey Buckley....Gareth” Eddie calls in towards where the sounds are coming from
“Hey Freak...can you come get this...I think it belongs to you” we hear Robin call back and Eddie chuckles and heads towards them, not sure who he's really saving
“Hey Steve” I smile at him, can't for the life of me stop my eyes from glancing down his body quickly without him noticing
“Hey Kat, what's up” he smiles back at me
“Not much, been to pick up the last of Eddies stuff from the trailer”
“So he's officially moved in now? Like 3 moths after he ACTUALLY moved in” Steve laughs
“Something like that” I laugh with him “hey... I wanted to ask you if you might wanna join me and Eddie in Seattle in like 2 weeks. Mum's birthday is coming up and Casey and Robin are coming with us for a road trip. We just wouldn't wanna leave you behind”
“Cool, yeah I think that'll work. But you sure you want me to tag along? I'm not going to be in the way?” he asks
“No, of course not. I was thinking at first that you maybe wanted to go with Robin but I know that Casey's family hasn't got that much room. Mum does and she's been saying she'd wanna meet my my friends. We've been getting along better now...there is of course the matter of the devil incarnate thou...”
“Your sister? Yeah I think I can take her” he smiles
“Eddie said something like that” I suddenly blush
“What the hell, why are you blushin all of a sudden? What has he said to you?” Steve is looking very amused
“I told her that her sister might need a nice guy with a big cock and a fat wallet” Eddie comes up to us laughing
“C'mon Munson...don't embarrass your girl like that” Steve scoffs at him but there's a hint of a smile on his lips
“I wasn't lying so...” Eddie kisses me on the forehead “sorry babe” he mumbles and smiles at me
“S'ok...just...can't help but look now” I whisper at him and he roars with laughter. Steve probably has an idea what that was about and he blushes and shakes his head at us
“Morons...the both of you. But I'll come with...what am I to do if you all lave anyway...might as well deal with the devil” he smirks “and for the record... I can get a hotel room. No need to house me, my cock and my fat wallet” he laughs
I sigh and shake my head “whatever you like Steve. But I'll tell mum you'll be coming with us so she's prepared for one extra guest at the table” I say
The 2 weeks before we leave are quiet. The store is slow, not a lot of customers right now. Mum was thrilled I'd be bringing my friends. She even insisted that I invite Casey and Robin over for lunch. Something that's never happened during the 17 years I've been friends with Casey. This guy she's with must be a real gem, making her act this civil towards me. Laura is still a story all on her own, she still calls almost every day. I still let Eddie answer and she goes off on him telling him he's a loser, a hired help, a fucking thief for stealing my money from me etc. It's going to be so much fun setting him lose on her in a couple of days. She still thinks I'm coming alone, she has absolutely no trust in Eddie actually showing up.
The trip is awesome, we take a couple of days off all of us so we can take our time driving. We leave Wednesday and we reach Seattle on Thursday late in the evening. I take the last part of the drive seeing as I know my way around. We drop off Casey and Robin at Caseys parents house and then we drive the five minutes to mum's house. It's weird seeing it, I feel like I just left a couple of days ago at the same time as I feel like it's been years. I dread going in but Eddie gives me a reassuring hug and Steve a big smile.
“Lets go grab these bulls by their balls now babe!” Eddie says and takes my hand. We go up to the door and I knock. We hear footsteps and a very handsome and kind looking man opens the door.
“Hello, you must be Katherine! I'm Henry it is so nice to finally meet you. Ruth has told me all about you” He smiles a warm smile at us and steps to the side so we can enter
“Hello Henry, I wish I could say mum has been telling me all about you to but I guess we've mostly been talking about me. I have heard your name and some stuff about you though” I say feeling I need to be honest
“Well, I'm not much to brag about” he chuckles “Welcome you 2 as well, where are my manners” he says looking over at Eddie and Steve
“Hey man, I'm Eddie. Kat's boyfriend this is our good friend Steve” Eddie shakes hands with Henry
“Eddie and Steve, yes I have heard about you to” Henry smiles at them and I hear my mum coming from the kitchen
“Are they here?” she enters the hallway wiping her hands on... A APRON?
“Since when do you wear aprons?” I can't stop myself
“Well hello to you too honey...” she hugs me and looks me up and down “you look good sweetie. And I wear aprons when I cook” she smiles
“Cook? You know how to cook?” I'm confused...are we in the right house
“I'll tell you all about it. Now aren't you going to introduce me?” she glances at the boys
“Sorry...of course. Mum this is Eddie, my boyfriend and this is our friend Steve. Guys this is my mum Ruth” I say dreading her reaction
“Eddie, so good to finally meet you” she smiles so widely I'm beginning to suspect I AM in the wrong house. She even gives him a hug... what the hell is happening here? Then she turns to Steve “and Steve, I have heard lovely things about you. It is nice to finally meet you as well” she gives him a hug to and I feel like I need to sit down
“Is she here?” I ask
“Who? Oh Laura...but she's on her way I suppose” mum looks nervous
“Well...ok. I need the restroom, I'll be right back” I say
“Me and Steve will get the things from the car” Eddie smiles at me
“You do that, thanks” I say and I head to the downstairs toilet. I splash my face with cold water and I look in the mirror. There is something so wrong here...who IS that woman? Could it all be Henry's doing? Then that man is my new hero... I like this version of my mum, she's never before told me I look good. Making me suspicious though. I go back in to the hallway, I hear mum and Henry in the kitchen laughing. Weird sound in this house... But where are the guys? It shouldn't take them this long to get a couple of bags? I look out the window and my blood freezes. They're standing by the car having a smoke and well...she's arrived... I open the door and I head outside
“Laura” I say and she spins around with a great big smile. I sneak a peek at Eddie who's got this mischievous smile on his lips and Steve has the same look. What are they up to?
“Kaaaat... You came” my sisters voice is so fake it hurts my ears
“Yeah? I mean I did tell you I was coming so”
“Well... I see I was right” she has a very smug look on her face
“You were right? About what?” Eddie and Steve are giggling quietly and suddenly I get it. She hasn't figured out who they are. They haven't told her
“Well, we can talk all about THAT when we get inside. I was just talking to these goooooorgeous guys here” she gives them a dazzling smile
“Oh...” I fight the urge to laugh out loud at her.
“Where's your car by the way? Don't tell me the hired help has wrecked it and you're stuck with THIS?” she points at the car we borrowed from Eddies boss so we'd all fit and we wouldn't have to take 2 cars. I look over at her as I take the bags out of the trunk and then I throw the keys at Steve.
“I did no such thing... Hello Lucifer...” Eddie smirks at Laura
“Yeah...that's Eddie...and this is Steve our friend” I say and we all laugh at the look on Lauras face as we take our things and head back inside “Are you coming in or are you just going to stand there all night?” I ask as I'm about to close the door. Laura isn't making a single sound, she just walks up to the house and past me as quick as she can. She's not even looking at Eddie or Steve she just rushes in to the kitchen
“Oh that was...priceless. She was flirting SOOO heavily with us the second she turned the corner and saw us” Eddie laughs
“I've never seen her that speechless” I say “I kinda like it” I snicker “I'm going to take the bags upstairs, you go join the others in the kitchen” I kiss Eddie and I take the bags
“You need help?” he asks and Steve nods
“Nah, I'm a big girl I can handle them” I smile and I head up the stairs to my old room. I open the door and I'm instantly back to feeling as small and insignificant as I did the last time I was in here. God I hated this place... I put our bag down on the bed then I head to the guest room to leave Steves things in there. I finally convinced him it wasn't a problem having him in the house, he needn't get a hotel room for 2 nights. I hear footsteps behind me as I'm putting his bag on the bed
“Seriously?” Laura is fuming...now I recognise her
“Seriously WHAT Laura?” I sigh with my back still turned at her
“That's who you're paying to act your boyfriend? You couldn't have... I don't know stuck to YOUR league? You really think anyone one of us believes that perfect specimen of a man is for REAL your boyfriend? C'mon Kat... And Steve? How many hot men are you paying to try and convince me you have a life?” she scoffs at me “You might be able to fool mum and Henry, but I know you Kat. You are not the girl to bag a guy like that. Why the hell would they be friends with YOU? The most boring and insipid person known to man? What are you going to do to yourself when the money runs out and they leave you? Huh? Gonna come back here and hide at mums and become the wallflower again? Jesus fucking Christ Kat, you should have left them at home, I'm not falling for that” she's so angry and I feel like crawling in to the walls, how is it she can make me feel this small. I haven't got any answers for her, I know her and now she's going strong. She won't listen to anything I say, she's made up her mind. They're hired help both of them. I'm standing there head bent trying to find words when the door is flung open and all I see is a shadow as Laura shrieks and then I hear Eddie's low growling voice. I look up and I see him holding her by her throat a few inches of the ground pinned to the wall
“If I hear ONE more thing coming out of your mouth that belittles Kat I will fucking END you! Why the FUCK are you here if you can't act like a human being? Huh...you fucking bitch” Eddie is furious
“Eddie...let her go she's not worth it” I say quietly
“Do...you...understand...me?” his voice is no more than a deep vibrating note. I see Steve coming in, he looks over at them. He goes over and he puts his hand on Eddies shoulder
“Hey man, not worth it. Kat's been telling us what she's like, what did you expect? This one can't act civil so just ignore her. Saw it the second she stopped outside, she's nothing but a brat. I wouldn't waste my time even trying to tame this one, ugly insides make awful outsides” I'm shaking to the core, Laura is going to be 100 times worse from this
Eddie's eyes are black as he slowly lowers Laura to the ground.
“One more word... Just one...” he growls. Then he turns to me “you ok babe?” he wraps me in his arms and kisses my head “sorry if I scared you, I noticed she disappeared from the kitchen when we came in there. I was worried” he looks down at me and his eyes are back to the delicious brown color they usually are. I glance at Laura who's standing by the wall holding her neck staring at us. She looks over at Steve who shoots her a disapproving look and sighs. Then I can see she takes a deep breath. Fuck no...
“WHAT THE HELL! This is fucking unreal, you pay people to abuse me now?” her voice is high pitched but with a hint of nerves
I feel Eddie tensing up and gritting his teeth. He lets go of me and spins around. I grab him
“No Ed, please. Leave her... It's 2 days then we never have to see her again. Just... I agree with Steve this devil can't be tamed. She's never going to be anything but a bitch to me. You can kick her ass from here in to next month and she still won't believe I'm not paying you. Let her think so, I don't care” I'm staring back at her “let's just have a good time with mum and Henry and this one can sit in her corner sulking”
“THIS ONE? So your sister is worth less than some asshole you pay to...” *SMACK* I strike the side of her face with every bit of frustration I have in me
“I have no sister” I growl and then I leave the room, hearing Eddie and Steve gasping then Eddie comes running to catch up with me
“Jesus babe, that was one hell of a slap... I'm so proud” Eddie chuckles and grabs my hand stopping me from stomping down the stairs. He pulls me in and gives me a deep kiss “are you ok though?” he says as he lets me go
“That was...cathartic” I say “never thought slapping my sister would make me feel alive” I look back at the door to the guest room “Where's Steve?”
“I don't think he wants to leave his stuff alone with...that. He'll be right down once she leaves the room” Eddie says and we head down the stairs again. I see mum at the bottom looking worried
“What...did she do?” she says
“She was being Laura” I tell her
“Well... I guess she'll come crying about it later. I smacked the shit out of her and told her I haven't got a sister any more” I say “after Eddie pinned her to the wall and told her he'd end her if she said another word....which she of course did. She'll be fine once her fragile ego has healed so I give it 10 minutes” I scoff
“You...hit your...her?” mum sounds surprised
“Well... 'bout time someone did wouldn't you say?” we hear Henrys voice from the door to the kitchen. I think I love this man!
“Well...yeah” now I need to sit down, mum agreed...
“What the hell has happened to you?” I say unable to stop myself
“Well... I've tried to change. I was” she clears her throat “court ordered to therapy after I threw a fit in the grocery store.” she blushes
“You what now?” I say and Eddie is slowly trying to give us space “No Eddie, stay” I say and I take his hand
“Yeah, not my proudest moment... But I met Henry, so it wasn't a complete waste. I...haven't been talking to her for almost 2 months now. My therapist made me see just how venomous she is...and that she's been turning me against you” I see tears in my mums eyes, I don't think I've ever seen her show emotion like this. I am not entirely sure I trust this...
“Well...yeah” is all I have to say to her “the two of you have made my life horrible”
We hear stomping from upstairs and the sound of a door slamming shut.
“Well I guess we can count her out of dinner then” Henry smirks
“Not a fan?” Eddie asks
“Not even a little...” Henry scoffs
Steve comes down the stairs and he whispers something in Eddies ear, his eyebrows shoot up. “You sure?” he asks Steve and he nods in response
“What?” I say
“I'll tell you later” Steve says “well Ruth, sorry about that. Can I help you in any way?” he turns on the Harrington charm and my mother is lost
“Oh...well...thank you Steve. You can open the wine if you don't mind?” she blushes and giggles at him
“Passed over by a 20 something guy...I'll be damned” Henry chuckles
“Oh hush now...” mum smiles at him. We head in to the living room and sit down making conversation with Henry. He really is a very nice man. So far from any guy my mum's dated before.
“So... Were you also in therapy when you met mum?” I have to ask
“Well, no. I worked in her therapists office, at the front desk. I fell for her the instant she walked through the doors her very first appointment” he smiles widely
“Is that...ok?” Eddie asks with a tentative tone
“No, it was frowned upon when they found out. Since then I've switched workplace so that it won't cause a problem. I'd rather be with your mum than keep that job” he looks at me “I do love her Kat, and I hope you and I will get along. Seeing as I don't...with that” he makes a gesture towards the second floor. I laugh
“Well, very few get along with that so don't worry. I think you and I will be just fine, you seem like a real good guy” I smile at him
“Great! I'm actually from Indiana myself, so I would love to take your mum on a trip there. Maybe visit you also?” he says
“Sure, that sounds good. She needs to get away for a bit I think” I tell him and Eddie agrees. We hear movement from upstairs, a door opens. I can feel my whole body tense up, no more. Eddie puts his arm around me and pulls me closer whispering in my ear
“Babe, relax. I think the worst is over an done with” he looks at me with a smirk
“What do you know?” I ask and Henry looks at him with the same question in mind
“Not my thing to say” he tells us and then he says nothing more
Mum and Steve have finished in the kitchen and call for us to come in to the dining room. We head in there and we see a very grumpy Laura at the table already. Mum is looking at her nervously and Henry draws a deep breath beside me. My mind is racing, I don't want to do this...couldn't she just have stayed upstairs until dinner was over.
We start eating, the conversation isn't as natural any more. Seeing as we have the devil at the table...she's glaring at us all. Not saying a word just mean looks and small snorts at things we say. When we all grab seconds of the delicious meal mum made for us Laura can't restrain herself
“Really Kat? Like you would need seconds” my heart sinks and I put the fork down instantly. I can feel Eddie vibrating next to me and his breathing is strained. Then I notice Steve in the corner of my eye, holding his hand to his chest with one finger up. Patting his chest slowly with it looking straight at Laura. Her eyes widen, then she looks down.
“Ahem...sorry...that was mean of me” she says and I damn near pass out. So does mum and Henry. We all stare at her... what in the actual hell?
“Uhm...yeah...that's nothing new?” I say. She looks at me anger in her eyes, I can tell she NEEDS to say something but she's fighting the urge so hard. What did Steve say to her before he left her upstairs?
A deep sigh escapes her “Well...still it was rude of me. Eat as much as you like” she says through gritted teeth
I look at Eddie who has tears in his eyes from trying SO hard not to laugh at her. I make a questioning look and he shakes his head. “Later” he whispers
Dinner is pleasant enough, the atmosphere is weird after that, whatever that was. Everyone is just waiting for Lauras next meltdown. But when were all done and mum gets up to clean the table. I see Steve staring at Laura who blushes and gets up hastily “I can do it mum. You sit” she says and starts clearing the table
“You...can? Are you sick?” Mum and Henry are staring at her in disbelief and so am I. Laura is 21 years old and has NEVER ever help clear the table after a meal. Something is really weird here
Laura laughs a strained laugh “No...just thought I'd help” then she scurries off in to the kitchen
“So aliens DO exist?” Henry says with a chuckle “either that or she's hit her head real hard or she's in dire need of an exorcist. I mean is everyone seeing this or am I dreaming?”
“Maybe she just...realised how she's been behaving?” Steve says a little TOO innocent
“No hell no, this is somehow your doing Harrington. I don't know what you did or said but fuck it...keep doing it” I say and I glare at him “but just so you know...either you move here or you take her home with you. I am not taking her back the way she was before” I point my finger at him and mum nods in agreement
“Me? I've done nothing...” he says and not a single soul in the greater Seattle area believes him
“Yeah right, and I'm the god damn pope...” I say and Eddie breaks down next to me
“I've always wanted to know what the pope has under that robe of his” he laughs “guess I'll finally find out” I poke him in the side
“Idiot” I laugh
The rest of the night is ok, we're still all walking on eggshells around Laura just waiting for her to snap. We can see she wants to but she's keeping a very close eye on Steve all the time. Then it hits me... something Eddie and I were talking about after I called him master that first time. Dominance... Steve is being dominant with her...so my sister is a submissive person? Eddie had explained some things he knew of the practice to me, he said he learned some of it from a friend. I think I know the friend... But Laura...a sub? Makes absolutely no sense to me. But it's the only thing I can think of...
Later when were in bed I turn to Eddie
“So he's being a Dom with her isn't he?” I say
“You figured it out did you? I thought you might, seeing as we talked about it. But yeah, that's what he whispered to me 'this is a mean one but I think I can break her' is what he said. Say...has she EVER been nice to you? Like even if it's just been for a short while?” he asks and I have to think long and hard
“Yeah...when you mention it. There's been like...maybe twice she's been civil with us” I say
“Bet that's been when she's had some sort of a relationship?” Eddie's smiling now
“Yeah...maybe...yeah I think so” I say
“Right...probably when she's been with a guy who could give her what she wants. Domination... She's probably wanting it so bad but can't find it and that frustration is what's fuelling her anger. And that anger is then directed towards the more submissive one in her life...you. Only you're submissive in another way than her. Yours isn't a lifestyle it's what she's made you. Fuck...of course it took Steve to realize this. I would have never figured it out” he chuckles. It all makes sense, from what little Eddie told me about it. She needs someone to control her in every way or she'll just lash out. At me...because I'm easy to break.
“BITCH” I can't help it “so she's been having all these pent up needs and taking that out on me...from way back when she started dating guys basically...that's when she became real mean”
“Guess so...it's no excuse by any means. But maybe...just maybe Steve can make her a little bit better?” Eddie looks at me
“Oh I doubt that... That demon isn't tameable...” I say
“Give Harrington some time, you'll see” Eddie smiles and pulls me in to his chest “Well no matter what I still love you so much. AND I was fucking turned on when you bitch slapped the crap outta her” he giggles and kisses my neck “My babe is such a badass” he mumbles letting his tongue play on the soft skin under my ear. I gasp and grab his hair
“Yeah? Making you all hot and bothered when I show some force does it?” I moan as Eddies hands have found my breasts kneading them and pinching my nipples
“Oh yeah, you looked so fucking hot” his kisses have moved down my neck to my breasts kissing the nipples, tugging softly at one of them with his teeth. I grab him and I flip us over, making me straddled over his hips looking down at him. I start moving my hips against his hardening cock.
“Yeah? Too bad Steve's taming her then...” I smirk, rolling my hips against Eddies bare skin. His hands trail my hips and up towards my breasts again. I smack them away “Nope... No touching until I say so...keep em above your head” I say with a stern voice, Eddies eyes widen and turn pitch black as he exhales loudly and slowly raise his hands above his head.
“Good boy...keep em there no matter what” I say giving him a small wink. His eyes are locked on me. I sit back a little so he can see my pussy clearly. I'm already soaking wet and he can tell by the dark patch on my underwear. I stand up over him and I slowly start moving my body to an imaginary song in my head. I let my hands play all over my body until they reach my panties. I grab the lining with my thumbs and I ease them down slowly. I step out of them and I take a small step up towards Eddies face, I let my hands slide in between my thighs and I spread myself open for him. Letting my fingers run through the slick of my folds and circle my clit.
“Fuuuuuck babe... I wanna help, can I help please” he moans
“Nah...you can watch.... Any touching and I stop and we sleep” I say locking eyes with him, Eddie sighs and nods. I back up a little and I kneel down again, sitting myself down on his cock that's twitching like mad underneath his boxers. I rub myself over him, kneading my breasts while I do. Eddies eyes are nearly popping out of his skull. I stop and I look at him “Now I'm going to rub myself all over this delicious cock until I gush all over it...as for you...you can't cum until I say so” I wink and Eddie whimpers in response. I pull down his boxers, his cock slaps up against his stomach. I sit myself down on his cock letting it slide in between my folds. I rub all down the length of it, moaning as the head rubs over my clit. At first I go slow, making sure to lean back so Eddie gets a clear view of it. His eyes are black and he looks almost crazy squirming beneath me. Once he moved his arms down towards me but I stopped and I shot him a meaning smile and glanced up at his arms. He quickly pulled them up again and secured them under his head.
“Sorry babe, didn't mean to” he groans “you just look so amazing, and you feel soooo good”
“Mmmm...nothing compared to how you feel rubbing against my wet pussy. Gonna make myself cum soon rubbing my clit on your cock” I pant as I pick up the pace of my hip movements. I can feel it in my stomach, I'm about to come undone all over Eddie I'm rubbing myself faster and faster against his hard cock making him cry out in desperation
“Fuuuuck...can I please put it in, god I wanna feel you cum around me...please babe” he's whining now.
“No....gonna cum and then I'm gonna smear my juices all over your shaft...then maybe you can fuck me” I moan locking eyes with him as I feel myself growing closer and closer to orgasm. Eddies hands are tangled in his hair, grabbing handfuls of locks just holding on for dear life so he won't accidentally touch me and ruin this. I smile at him and I grab my breasts and I start playing with them as I feel the tension rising and suddenly I snap and I cry out his name as my pussy gushes with more wetness all over Eddies cock “Fuuuuuck Ed...God that felt amazing” I pant and I can tell he's going crazy underneath me waiting for the all clear to touch me. I lean forward so my breasts land on his chest and my pussy hovers just above his cock. The head is just at the entrance, one move and he'll slide right in. He's shivering under me, moaning and breathing deep. “Wanna fuck me handsome? You were such a good boy for me, come on, do what you want to me” I whisper and in one instant Eddie's arms are wrapped around me, his lips pressed against mine and his cock shoved deep inside me. The sound he makes is pure need, a guttural deep growl. He sits me up on his lap and then tips me on my back, not letting go or sliding out for a second. Then he begins fucking me with a desperation I've never felt before
“Fucking hell that was the hottest thing ever...God I thought I was going to explode... I love you so fucking much” he's groaning in my ear as he plunges in me with deep thrusts “please babe, cum on me again, I wanna feel that squeeze” he moans in my ear before he slides his hand down and start working my clit with his fingers. “I'm so close now...fuck babe....such an amazing pussy” the knot in my stomach is growing and I can feel another orgasm coming in fast, the way he sounds and the way his cock slides against the perfect spot inside of me. It hits like a ton of bricks again and I once more cry out Eddies name and I hear him moaning my name as he follows me close filling me up with his warm seed. We're lying there panting, Eddie slumped down on my chest.
“Fuck I love you Kat” he whispers
“Yeah? Well not as much as I love you” I whisper back and I place a kiss on the side of his neck making him shiver. He rolls of to the side and gets out of the bed and goes to the bathroom and gets a warm towel to clean us off with. Then he crawls back beside me and wraps me in his arms
“Well, if Harrington could do that to your sister she might become tolerable” he chuckles and I shake my head
“Eww Ed, I DO NOT want to think about Steve fucking my sister...however pleasant it would make her” I giggle. We joke around about this for a little while and then we settle in and fall asleep.
The next morning as I head down to the kitchen I'm met by my sister, alone... I flinch. What's going to happen now... I have no one with me. I glance at her
“Good morning Kat... Coffee?” she says and I nearly drop dead
“Ehm...sure. Thanks...” I'm thinking there has to be a catch. She hands me a cup and sits down at the table flipping through the newspaper. I stare at her, sipping on the coffee...well it doesn't taste poisoned... I sit down on the edge of the seat ready to bolt any second. But she just continues reading the paper and drinking her coffee. I relax a little and I look put the window for a bit. I kinda missed the view from mums kitchen, that being pretty much the only thing I've missed about this place
“So... Last night” Lauras voice cuts the silence and I jerk “I was...out of line”
“Aren't you always?” she may be civil but I haven't gotten there yet myself
“Perhaps... I don't hate you, you are my sister after all. I do understand if you hate me...I'm not stupid, I've given you no reason to like me. Steve...ehmmm...well we had a conversation last night after I yelled at you in the guest room. He.... I....”
“You're a submissive person aren't you, and he's a dominant? He's pretty much what you've been looking for? What you need to feel at ease?” I ask and I look at her with interest, how will this be accepted. Me knowing
“Oh...you know... I didn't think you...understood such things” she says, straightening herself a little and I can hear she's doing her best not to snap
“Well... We talked about the practice a few weeks ago me and Ed, just last night I got it...what happened between you and Steve. So I asked Eddie if I was right in my suspicions”
“Well aren't you all well informed these days” she snarls, there she is...
“I wouldn't say well informed...just... me and Eddie have a very open discussion about sex. I can ask him anything and he'll answer to the best of his abilities” I say wanting to be honest with her
“So you got yourself a manwhore that's been around I see... Well as long as he's not on the payroll I guess I can be supportive” she snaps
“Now now” I tut at her “what would Steve say about this change in attitude?”
“Don't fucking push it you have NO idea what you're talking about. Fucking wallflower, that longhaired freak up there probably took your virginity then filled your head with all sorts of crap so he can mould you in to his own sex toy” her temper is searing now but mine isn't far behind
“DON'T FUCKING TALK ABOUT SHIT YOU HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT LAURA! I fucking lost my virginity when I was 19, I was fucking molested and abused by some asshole at a party YOU made me drive you to so don't fucking talk about me like you know anything about what I've been through. I wished I had a sister back then to talk to but all I had was you, a selfish mean fucking bitch demon in sheep's clothing. Don't for a second think that I'll like you any better just because Steve can be what you need...you're still the devil spawn that made my life a living hell for so many years. What...cat's got your tongue? No snappish remark about how I had I coming because I was shy? No? Nothing?” I stare at her and I can feel how crazy I look right now, I've never ever raised my voice like this at her. She's pale as a ghost and all she can do is swallow audibly “What Laura? No comment? Not a single snarky thing to say about your sister being fucking raped at at party you made her go to? You know what...go straight to hell and stay there” I get up and I storm out of the kitchen leaving her there, tears are flowing down my cheeks as I storm up the stairs and in to my bed room. I throw myself on the bed and I cry so hard.
“What the hell happened? I'm snoozing and all of a sudden here you are, a fucking crying mess? What did she do? Babe...talk to me” I forgot about Eddie in my emotional state
“She...and... I... I yelled, I told her about the ass at the party and I told her to go to heeeeell” I say between sobs. Eddie pulls me in close to him, rocking me and kissing my head as I let the tears fall.
“There, there babe it'll be ok. You wanna go home? We can rent a car or get a flight and Steve can pick up the girls tomorrow and drive my boss's car back” he's stroking my head
“No, we still have mums birthday dinner tonight. She's been great, and I really like Henry. But if Laura stays I'll go to Casey's until tomorrow. I'm sorry I'm done now” I sob
“I get that, but I can't let you go alone... I don't wanna be here without you” Eddie kisses me
“She just made me so angry... And once again she was attacking you. Now you're a manwhore wanting to keep me as a sex toy because I'm so innocent you can teach me all the things you want to use me for” I smile up at him through my tears
“Me use you? Yeah right...like last night you mean...I felt I had a lot of power there” he smiles and gives me a kiss
Suddenly we hear commotion downstairs, shouting and furniture scraping against the floor. I look at Eddie confused and we get out of bed and head out into the hallway. I hear my mums voice booming from downstairs
“I WANT YOU OUT OF THIS HOUSE! I heard Kat... I heard what she said happened to her, all because YOU needed a ride. I'm as much to blame for making her take you... But you were supposed to have her back. Don't you fucking roll your eyes at me missy... Get your things and get out before I throw you out. I have no doubt there is a, what did you call him? A longhaired freak upstairs with no hesitation if I ask him to help me” I look at Eddie and he's as shocked as I am. Steve appears behind us
“What the hell happened this morning?” he asks
“All hell broke lose apparently... I think your services aren't needed any more. At least not to help this one” Eddie smirks at him
“Yeah? Make friends?” Steve says
“Does it sound like it?” I say with a dark tone
“Oh... She went off on you again? Should I...”
“I don't care if you wanna keep up this thing with her but don't ever bring her near me again” I say and I look at Steve “not EVER, you hear me? She can go back to whatever hell she crawled out of and stay there. I am done now”
“Noted... It was just a little fun, I wasn't planning on it becoming anything. I was just doing it to try and help you Kat. I would never chose her over our friendship. She can find someone else to dominate her the way she wants to. We leaving or...?” he hugs me
“Nah, I wanna celebrate mums birthday. But as I told Eddie, if Laura stays I'm going to Casey's until dinner. And then I think I'll crash on her couch until we leave in the morning” I say
“Sounds like you won't have to go anywhere” Eddie says and pulls me to the side as a furious Laura stomps up the stairs not looking at anyone of us. She gets her things and she storms down the stairs again and out the door.
“Good fucking riddance I say” Eddie shakes his head and goes back in to the bed room to get dressed. I stay in the hallway with Steve
“Are you disappointed it didn't go further? I sorta figured out what was going on last night...” I ask him
“Nah, I mean it just ONE side to me. And I have a feeling your sister would be more of a brat than I would be able to deal with...don't worry sweetie. I'll be fine, it was a fun night though” he winks at me
“OH...yikes...well...ok then. Not just us then” I say and I giggle
“Nope...sorry” he smiles
“It's ok...just never mention it again” I say
“Deal” he laughs
“What are you 2 laughing about?” Eddie comes back out to us
“Oh you know... Steve using my sister as his personal cock warmer last night” I say and laugh so hard tears roll down my face and Steve looks like he wants to crawl under the carpet and hide
“Well, good boy Harrington!” Eddie high fives him and Steve blushes even more
“Fuck the two of you... This isn't going to die down is it?”
“When we tell Buckley you mean? No it'll live in infamy” Eddie roars with laughter
“Fuuuuck” Steve turns and heads back in to the guest room leaving us laughing in the hallway.
The atmosphere in the house changes drastically when Laura left. We all have an amazing day, Casey and Robin come over for lunch and my mum actually apologizes to Casey for any and all bad things she's said to her over the years. Casey drags me to the side and asks me if my mum's dying or something. I laugh and tell her that apparently being court ordered therapy for throwing a fit in a grocery store does wonders to people. Casey has to hold the railing to the stairs to keep from falling down laughing. I tell her about the incident this morning and she hugs me and tells me it's probably for the best.
Mums dinner is a success, much thanks to me and my cooking. Henry and Eddie seem to have made it a competition to see which one of them can compliment me the most in one sentence. I don't think I've ever felt this good in this house, I tell mum this as we're in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner. We tried telling her no, she shouldn't have to on her birthday but the woman wouldn't listen to reason.
“I'm so sorry I never listened to you back then Kat. I kinda suspected something had happened to you but...well...yeah” she looks ashamed
“Mum... Even if you'd asked I don't think I was ready to tell you anyway. I wasn't planning on telling now either it just came out...in anger” I say and I take her hand
“But...did he force you, hurt you?” she's pale as a ghost
“Force no... he fooled me though. I thought he liked me so I gave in....then he turned heavy-handed on me. It is what it is mum. It can't be undone. It's all in the past now, Eddie's helping me heal” I say
“I like him, he's a real gem sweetheart” she smiles
“He is... So is Henry mum, I really like him” I tell her
“Oh, good” she smiles and I look at her
“He's asked you something hasn't he” I smirk
“Well...yeah...he did. This afternoon when you were all in the living room talking. He cornered me in the kitchen” she says and takes out a box showing me a beautiful ring
“Oh mum, that's gorgeous. I'm happy for you... I'm not saying all is forgotten, but we've made progress haven't we?” I say hugging her
“I hope we have Kat, I want you here for my wedding... I want you all here, well almost all of you”
“We'll be here I promise. Just let me know the date so I can see if someone can mind the store for me”
“Yeah how's that working out for you? Have you spoken to....Stella? How is she doing?”
“It's great mum, right up my alley. I spoke to her last week, she was beginning her tour of Asia. So she's got quite some time left on her trip, but she sounded like she's having the time of her life.”
“If you don't mind...could you have her call me. If she has the possibility... I wanna pick her brain on a destination for our honeymoon” Mum smiles at me
“I'll tell her, not sure how often she can call but the next time I speak to her I'll ask” I say
The next morning we're all up early. We want to get going as soon as possible so we won't get home to late the following day. Mum hugs me so tight and cries a little as we leave. It feels strange leaving again, but also it feels like this chapter is finally done. And if I'm lucky Laura actually IS gone from my life... I hope. I'm so done with her... I do hope for mum though that they can mend some of their relationship. But who knows, maybe she'll be at the wedding maybe she won't makes no difference to me.
We arrive in Hawkins the next day, late in the afternoon and as we go to get my car from Eddies boss I sigh deeply
“We're home Ed... We're finally home”
“Yeah we are...” he sounds confused
“No I mean... This is home, Seattle never felt as good as this does. It never felt like home, not even now coming back did it feel like a home I left. I felt like... I don't know a place I visited when I was younger?” I try to explain what I'm feeling but I'm not sure I'm making sense
“I get it, I think. I mean this is the only home I've ever had so... But it feels better now that I'm sharing it with you that's for sure” Eddie smiles at me “So how you feeling about your sister? Really?” he asks
“Relieved, annoyed, angry...but most of all so fucking done” I say
“So, you're ok with the outcome?”
“I never thought we'd get to have a good relationship in any scenario. Even if Steve would have tamed her and turned her in to a purring kitten would I have been at ease around her. She ruined this all on her own and I'm ok with her being gone” I say
“Well as I said... Good fucking riddance” Eddie beams
Life was good before this trip, life is better now! I talk to mum once a week, her therapist had her write down all the things she knows she's done to me and then he wanted her to talk to me about them, hear my side of it and really listen to ME when I tell her how it effected me. It's just as good for her as it is for me I think. We cry a lot, and we laugh. There is hope for a good mother daughter bond in the future... Laura hasn't been in touch with either one of us.
So yeah, bringing the hired help with me was a good call... Maybe I ought to give him a raise...or maybe a ring...
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ranger-kellyn · 2 years
it's not exactly easy to sit here and type this up after two bad mental health days, but i'm doing my yearly tradition of sitting in lilsimsie's stream until it's midnight on the east coast, and have about ~40 minutes before this edible kicks in and well. better get writing lmao
looking back in my 2022 journal, i think it's fairly safe to say that the start of the year is always rough on me, mentally. we're officially in winter, and the seasonal affective disorder is in full swing, so like. i KNOW what's wrong. it happens every year. doesn't stop the low from kicking me in the gut, though
2022 has been a rough year. my job responsibilities have been picking up, we've been traveling more, and it's only looking to increase even further as i continue. and sure, that's the typical progression of a job regardless, it still stinks at times. the only thing that makes it manageable is the fact that i genuinely do like all my coworkers. it's always a good time when we go out for dinner and drinks when we're on travel, and the holiday party i went to the other week was a blast.
but 2022 has also been a bit of a...i can't think of the word. reckoning? the realization that like. (and DONT fucking come for me i KNOW i'm still very young but hang with me here) i'm aging.
and with aging comes different health concerns and whatnot. as much as i have the bad tendency to overshare on the internet, there's plenty i haven't really talked about, and i'm at a point where i really need to like. take control. before things get worse. two (or more honestly) health problems i've had this year are directly related to me having such a sedentary lifestyle. if i don't take control and start holding myself accountable to getting up and being more active, things are going to start getting bad.
i've already been trying to get up and do more stretches throughout my day when i can. it was also part of the "deal" i made with myself for allowing me to have my tv up in my bedroom. if i wanted to keep it up here, i have to do at least a few minutes of stretches each day, and so far it's never felt like a punishment, so hopefully i'll be able to hold myself accountable.
i'm also working on eating better. my aunt got me this super fancy rice maker for christmas, and it makes really good steel cut oats as well. there's not much i can eat in the morning without getting horribly nauseous, but oats seem to be the exception so. that's been nice to have! my first baby step goal with eating is to just. eat. 3 meals a day. they don't have to be huge elaborate meals, but at least something. from there, i can start worrying a little more about content. my other first goal is to try to ease off on the soda bc i KNOW i drink way too much. the last time i was able to cut it out was when i started by just. drinking a glass of water before i allowed myself to have the soda, so that's my plan for now.
also. cut back on the weed bc like...being high practically every weekend just so i can disassociate it away. is uh. Not Healthy, but clearly i'm not starting that one tonight dskflhk
BUT. enough about the negatives--
there were positives in the year, too. i moved to a bigger apartment. i got to travel to new places. i took my bestie to my cousins wedding and had a great time. i got to spend time with my friends. i went to a pride event at the science museum, and went to the My Brother My Brother and Me live show. i was fortunate enough to get tickets to see taylor this next year, nashville and two nights in seattle!
i also got a TON of writing done. i didn't finish my goal of finishing any of the three ongoing fics, but i DID get a lot of good writing done. after a multi-year hiatus, i was able to update Getaway Car with a new chapter before Midnights was released, and with only three chapters left to go, the end is within sight.
i've also done a ton of writing on countless other stories. i'm hoping i can carry this energy into the new year, and actually finish one of my fics in 2023 lmao
i'm also really hoping i can get back into drawing.
but anyways.
here's to hoping 2023 is a good one
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airsoftaction · 25 days
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celestialpotat0 · 3 months
'Cause baby, you're a fiiiiiiiirewooork
i spent the end of winter through the fourth of july being too busy to jot down anything; it whirred by and now we're in the heart of summer again. i romanticize summer so much but i guess it's one of the few things i get very excited about anymore these days so i guess i should embrace my hype rather than subdue it.
i worked 2:30-11pm on the fourth of july. i was able to take a break at about 10pm, when i went out to the balcony patio on the top floor of the hospital and watched fireworks from various different cities in the distance.
when i arrived to the patio i found jamil already there; he said if you close your eyes it sounds like you're in a war zone. the fireworks were audible but not loud, given how far away they were from us.
standing there at the hospital watching fireworks for about 10 minutes before i had to reluctantly return to work, i found myself pulled toward both ends of a glass half full vs empty analysis. at work i was busy and neutral, had been preoccupied and had forgotten, or at least not at the forefront of my mind, what i was missing out on.
half full: i was working a shift where i luckily had the freedom to take my break at that time where i could still catch the end of firework shows if i was lucky, so i felt grateful and happy when i took my break and ran to the top floor and saw fireworks still going on outside. had i been scheduled any other of the evening shifts, i wouldn't have been able to take that break time.
half empty: when i stood out there and i kept looking at my phone time to keep track of the minutes i had left before getting back to work, i couldnt help but feel disappointed that i was stuck at work afternoon and all evening on my favorite holiday. i wanted to be sitting in the cool evening air directly underneath the fireworks show, like all of those years of tradition.
i oscillated between these two feelings, but was ultimately grateful and thought it couldve been worse, i couldve not had a break at all.
in the past year ive really felt the duality of so many aspects of my life. four new friends i made moved back to their home country this past month. it's of course sad because what used to be seeing them regularly this past year has now become the reality of seeing them probably only a handful of random occasions throughout the next many years. but i also think back to the circumstances of how we met and how easily we might have not become friends, had we chosen to ignore each other instead of chat with each other. my sadness exists now only because of the good that was created from befriending them and fortuitous circumstances.
i am done with residency with no kids in the near future, so i should be embracing this time with the most freedom, yet ironically i feel busier than ever. of course, im not as busy as during residency, but now i replace this free time with the obligation to cook (like when i have a day off i feel like i should meal prep for the next week of work)/meet up with friends long overdue every time/address finances, work emails and competencies, write thank yous, respond to texts, and the endless tasks on my to do list/organize my apartment/etc. and i guess all the different obligations from all directions makes me feel busy. you make more work for yourself because you no longer have residency or school to focus on, and suddenly the other things seem pressing or like important tasks youre supposed to do. the more free time you have, the more you feel you oughta be filling that time with productive tasks.
the duality of feeling like writing my memories down in here is helping vs hurting my happiness. is writing this a waste of time in the sense that i could instead spend my precious time being productive and maybe ill be happier if i chip away at emails and organize my apartment to be closer to that long-awaited marvelous day when ill be at inbox 0 and finally have my apartment unpacked properly. so what if i never jot down any reflection; if so many other people don't journal and are perfectly content with that, maybe i should just forgo this too. how much do i really have to gain by writing in here?
i want to jot down my reflection of the past few months on my strongest paddleboarding in austin, really appreciating the time i had with amazing company in austin, the life-changing kaiseki in japan, learning that choosing giant sequoias is always the right choice, icy trails in yosemite, my conversations with locals in japan, tidepooling on a day when the clouds cleared away to become sunny, hiking amongst redwoods with a friend, upholding my tradition of jumping into the river again this year. but at the same time i feel anxiety about what if it's pointless. what if im spending my precious time on NOT doing errands and writing in here but it will actually yield a net negative impact on my happiness, because this is not productive.
nobody cares, and an important lesson i have to learn is being okay with this. it could be worse :)
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perfectionts-virgo · 5 months
"You leaving already?" Makayla asked sitting at her vanity while touch up on her makeup...
"Yeah I'm about to head out, I'm going to hit you up when I make it home" I replied while putting on my white adidas.
She just nodded with a blank expression on her face while fixing her hair
"You okay ?" I asked turning to face her
"Yes, I just want to spend some time together, for the rest the summer about to leave for couple weeks " she replied she hung her head
I looked at her confused because this whole summer I'm with her and our friends... the only person that should feel any type of way is my mom because I'm about to get ready to leave for couple week from now.
"Really we been hip to hip this whole summer , I been spending time at your house for weeks" I said turning away
"Okay but we really leaving and the only time we're going to see each other for holidays & next summer break" she replied she tilted her head
"I don't want to fight but I'm being real, I just want to get things done and hang with ma dukes" I said getting up grabbing my car keys
"I don't want to I'm just want to spend time with my boyfriend before we head off our separate ways" she replied getting up turned around facing me
"I understand but I need to spend time with my mom also, I'm going to be busy because I'm a athlete student" I replied rolling my eyes
Don't get me wrong I understand what she saying but we been hip to hip since we walk across that stage..
Makayla Been my girlfriend since freshman year til now that we graduated high school going to two separate college's things going to be a difficult... she going to Clark Atlanta University and I'm going to Florida A&M University but she needs to understand she not the only one that I need spend time with.
"We Got Three weeks left, it's not going to be same" she replied slowing walking towards me with glossy eyes
"I know I know" I said holding while she weep feeling my hoodie being damp form her tears
"I just want to spent more time together that's all I'm saying and I understand but I'm not ready for the big Change that all " she replied looking up at me
"Yeah going away from here is little scary but let's think about the good things we're going to see & call each other so no big deal" I said rubbing up and down her arms with a sly smirk
She sly turned her head for trying to hide her face from blushing...
"Yeah but I'm going to miss you tho" she replied backing up turning around walking to bedroom door and out..
then out of nowhere I heard a bing form her phone.. I around to see my Close is clear and grabbed her phone and I seen a contact 
" Bae 🥰💕" open it and seen
I felt the world stop.. the picture the guy look familiar... before I type a response here comes Kayla walking back in the room . Looking scared out of her mind...
"Baby what you doing ?" She asked looking nervous
"Oh I'm baby now who is bae Kayla?" I replied
Looking at him with my head tilt
"Nobody baby I promise " she said look like she seen a ghost
"Is that the nigga you was entertaining while our break ?" I asked looking back down at her phone reading the text message
"Please don't lie to me I'm really not in the mood " I said looking back at her
"Yes it's Jason, our relationship is not what it use to be I'm always second and I'm tired I want to be the first and only at once there are you happy" she replied turning away from me
"Ecstatic I'm happy you finally said what you truly feel and for that you're free " I said putting her phone back start getting up walking out her bedroom with her on my heels
"What you mean you're free ?" She asked walking the stairs hot on my tail grabbing my shoulder turning me around to face her
"I mean I don't have to worry about your selfish, spoiled, stubborn, childish ass anymore I'm done I wish you nothing but the best at Clark and I hope you find somebody that truly make you happy because there's no more us" I said turning to face her front door open the door
"If you walk out of that door, don't even think about coming back" she said stomped her foot
"Have a good life" I replied turning around grabbing the front door knob closing it behind me, walking down the stairs walking to my car
I finally made it back home after breaking up with Makayla I feel good stretch that I'm relieve,Pulling the driveway, turning off my car grabbing my key out ignition getting out closing the door made sure I press the lock button.
Walking up my stairs to the front door put my my house key to open the door hearing Sade "sweet operator" threw the household.. smelling fried Fish & Shrimp, following the smell I walked in the kitchen seeing ma dukes putting coded fish & shrimp in pan of hot oil slightly dancing to the music til she turned let out scream that you hear in horror films...
"Josh What The Fuck!" She screamed holding to her Chest having a distress look on her face
"I'm sorry I was wondering who was making the house smell wonderful" I said trying not burst out laughing
"Boy you scared the shit out of me" she replied calm tone with sly smile
"My bad Ma" I said walking towards her giving her a hug
"Hi my baby you home early" she replied giving me a kiss on the cheek
"Yeah me and kayla got into a fight" I said looking out the kitchen widow
"Oh No what happened baby ?" She asked stop from taking out the last Batch of the fried seafood and looked up concern
"She want to spend the rest of the summer underneath me,I want to spend time with you and she had story why should or shouldn't but the whole time she a side pice all long" I replied having aggravated look on my face
"What she had another boyfriend ?" She said looking at confused
"You remember we had a break because I wanted to focus school work and games so we made a deal and I wasn't entertaining nobody but she was a boy name jason but I found out they been talking ever since I'm just tired of her I'm single only worrying about school & basketball for now" I said washing my hands in the kitchen sink
"I know that's right baby, She been no good I'm been telling since you brought her over but I wanted you to live your life figure it out on your own plus on the bright side y'all going to separate college's " she said focusing back on her mash potatoes
"Yeah you're right" I replied with sly smirk
"Mother's always remember that" she said turning off the stove, grabbing her glass of red wine taking a sip
One thing y'all need to know about my mom is my adapted mother, her & my dad was very young parents that didn't stop from graduate high school & College and follow their dreams, ma duke is a business owner, she owns her beauty salon / nail & spa " Nola Dream" and my father is a big time lawyer when I'm around five years old he was found murder til this day we still don't have justice... it effect us but we push thru ma found a good man " Greg Robinson " he own a Construction business and they got married and have my little siblings....
"We'll forget about her you mail today" she said facing me with a small smile
"Really ?" I replied looking back at awkwardly
"Yes it's college exceptions letter and Famu information mail" she said giving my mail
"Dang why so late for the exception letter ?" I asked Looking at it, looking back at her with one eye brow raise
"Well the school different form the other college's that's why but they offering much more than Famu" she replied taking a other sip
"Really how ?" I asked being curious
"Well they offering what you looking for plus much more I just called and did my investigating so don't worry the college sound much more fun baby I think you should go there then Famu trust me" she said taking a another sip looking at me
"Do we have to pay, how much is it ?" I asked
"It's already payed for, they told me on the phone" she replied looking away taking another sip
"Okay I'm in, but what about Famu ?" I asked looking at both of the envelopes
"Don't worry I called Famu and Derek going to take your spot and before you say anything I already called his mom and yes I will pay for his college education he is also like another son why not help y'all for a better life" she said with a proud smile, smiling back at her giving her the biggest hug I ever
"I have to call Derek to let him know the news" I said walking out the kitchen & up the the stairs and went in my room calling Derek...
Derek is my best friend since kindergarten, I have two working parents.. he always had his mom and other siblings, she worked two jobs to helped out paying the bills and their enjoyment and he leave a hard life without having a father but him and his siblings fought thru it... his six older siblings are high school & College graduates and living their best live with their own families... but for Derek was in middle of self jeopardy for choosing the streets or school now that I'm going to deliver good new makes me horrible night to a night he will never forget
"He Was In disbelief" I said break apart my fried fish looking at my mom
"I know he was " Greg replied looking at my mom with sly smirk
"Derek deserve a good education and I'm not going see him let his dreams go down the drain, not on my watch" she said taking a bite of her salad
"Umm excuse me, no phone at table little girl" ma said staring dagger at my little sister
"Sorry ma" replied putting her phone away
"So you're sophomore year coming up how you Lisa" Greg said turning to face
"Good little nervous " she replied taking a bite of her salad
"I want to make a toast for Blessings" Greg said lifting his wine glass meeting everybody else's
"Blessing's" We said smiling
30 Minute Later
After taking a shower... Cleaning my room and finishing packing and now I'm laying on bed looking out my window slowly dozing off...
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evsvolunteerstotem · 8 months
New year, new things
Šťastný nový rok!
- Okay, to be honest, this saying comes a bit late haha but I mean it's been more than a month since I last posted here. And since then there was a turn of the year and now we're already here in 2024. Of course, at the end of last year, many things were happening too but I'll keep the topic of Christmas and New Year's Eve short, otherwise, it would get out of hand before I could even shed light on the current month.;D
To sum it up: I enjoyed a very nice Christmas holiday with my family, had the chance to see many of my friends again and to name some events - I was in the theatre, went partying, watched a movie in the cinema, went bowling and celebrated New Year's Eve together with my friends. I was pottering with my sister, enjoyed a movie night as well as going on lots of coffee dates with my girls and that's not even all…
My holidays at home were wonderful and I'm so happy that I took the chance to meet so many people again but therefore it was also busier than expected and there was definitely not enough time to relax completely. That's also what I felt when I came back to Plzeň and has probably been the reason for me to become ill right on my first day of work. :/ Gladly I only needed a bit of rest and was able to be back already the following day. The first conversations were very nice and I felt the energy everyone had for the new year. It felt good to be back in a routine and to have some order in my everyday life again.
Nevertheless, I had the feeling that it was time for some change. I mean - new year, new resolutions and new motivation to try something different, right? That's why I had some "first times" in January… Let's start with the cultural part of my life.;) This month I visited the Great Theatre in Plzeň for the first time and watched a performance of "The Nutcracker" together with my colleague Lenka. I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that this was one of the best theatre visits I've had in my life so far. The costumes, the ballet performance, the stage design, the live orchestra together with the choir and the mix of original pieces with modern and humorous parts - everything was just right and I felt more than entertained during that evening. The Great Theatre itself is beautifully detailed as well as quite impressive and of course, our tickets for the next show at the beginning of February as well as in April have already been booked and I'm looking forward to being there again soon.
I also felt extremely motivated for sports in the new year. Even though I had already been active here before and had mainly done home workouts and short runs, I also wanted to try something new. So, on the one hand, I spontaneously bought some really good running shoes to motivate myself a little more to jog aaaand I also completed my first volleyball training here last week! :D This was honestly a really spontaneous thing. I played this sport for about 1 year, when I was younger and after that almost every summer at the beach or sometimes in school and I still love the combination of playing in a team and moving my body in various ways. So I thought to myself "Why not starting again? – but I think one thing that has stopped me a bit so far was the fact that this team sport also lives from communication and I was not sure if I would find one club in Plzeň where English conversation was possible too. But then I just surfed the Internet and it didn't take me long to find this cool club named "Beach Service" that offers beach volleyball training for young people as well as adults. After a short email exchange and phone call with all the information I needed, I had my first training session. It was definitely tough but enjoyable at the same time and it's so nice how the coaches always explain to me everything in English again. I'm motivated to continue with the sport and of course, I'll let you know if they already send me to the Olympics this year. ;D
This month I also met Isabelle, the new German volunteer of "Tandem", another organization here in Plzeň. Our energy matched right away and we quickly realized that we had a lot in common. At our second meeting Isabelle and I went to the cinema before we had dinner at the "Pivstro" (the best Burger place in Plzeň :D) and took a nightcap at one of my favourites - "Café Regner". We talked so much and when I arrived home I only saw the message from Isabelle saying "I just realized that we spent 6 hours together!!" - and I also thought how crazy it is that time flies by when you feel comfortable around somebody because that was exactly what I experienced with her. :)
There is also some news at work. Besides the tasks I've already had before I started a new little project outside of TOTEM. Every Tuesday I go to a school for one to two hours and join the English lesson for children between 9 and 11 years. I remember, how excited they have been and how overwhelmed I was when I first visited them. It was something completely new for me as the children of course were very energetic and boisterous- the opposite of the seniors I work with. But I've got used to it and they are also not as agitated as at our first meeting but always happy to see me haha. And I'm very happy to meet them too, because everyone is so unique and lovely and at the same time it's nice to have some more variety at work right now.
But I want to be honest with you, besides all the good and exciting things that happen, I'm not super happy all the time. I can remember how it took me a few days to get used to being here again, to have a routine again, and sometimes things at work don't go as planned and I have the feeling that I could do better. For example in the conversational lessons, when I create a video for the TOTEM YouTube channel, or during my Czech lessons when I have the perception that I should be much better in the language so far. But in those moments I often tell myself to not concentrate on the negative thoughts I have or mistakes I make but rather to focus on the good things and on the positive feedback I get. In those moments I try to be proud of everything I've not only achieved but also learned so far. I want to make my time here enjoyable and unforgettable and therefore I want to look back at my year without thinking about the negative situations but with a smile on my face and the thought that everything happened for a reason and that I'm glad for all the experiences I was able to make. :)
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Picture of the snowy landscape on my way home
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Santa Claus comes to visit on Christmas Eve ;D
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With my girls on New Year's Eve <3
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Back in Plzeň in the beautiful Great Theatre
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Inauguration of my new running shoes :D
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Sunset at my favourite place at the Kamený rybník
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Coffee date with Isabelle;)
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The most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen <3
Next month is going to be very exciting and busy and I'm already looking forward to it.
Stay tuned and see you in February Laila:)
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taiblogcomics · 9 months
Lordy Lordy, Look Who's 40
Hey there, the Hall of Dangling Onions or Possibly It's Garlic. All right, it's not my usual update day, but we're not doing soda. It's only a day late, I can set my own schedule! I didn't expect to be out of town, and when you get a look at this thing, there's no way I was typing this up on my phone. I was holding onto this one because I wanted to do it as close to Decemberween as possible. MLP has done holiday specials before, but this one's not. But I think thematically, of the issues I have in my backlog, this one fits best here. I hope you'll agree~
Here's the cover:
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Yeah! Can you believe that? My Little Pony is forty years old. Think about that a moment! Like, Ghostbusters won't be 40 until next year. The NES won't until 2025. I'm only 37 myself. (I'm 37, I'm not old!) That's wild, huh? Anyway, what's more on-theme for the holiday than kids receiving toys? Like, I think the only MLP toy my sister ever had as a kid was a Christmas one. (It was a G1 Merry Treat, if you were curious.) It just feels on theme. Man, though, I hate to say it, but I do not like this cover. These are some ugly little girls. Like, I don't necessarily like to insult the art styles for these, but maybe stick to drawing horses.
So we open on some rather static poses of some G1-style ponies. Butterscotch announces that Ponyville is in trouble. In fact, the world is ending. They debate this for a while, with Cotton Candy worrying this might be a problem too big for ponies. In G1, this might be so, but by the time of FiM, it's practically a daily event. But it's not an issue, because if there's one thing consistant for every generation of ponies: when they're together, they're unbeatable! Also, they have a secret weapon: this is all being made up by a little girl.
Yeah, the rather static poses and expressions is cleverly foreshadowing that these are all toys, and the scenario is all the imagination of our actual protagonist. She owns two of these figures, Snuzzle and Blossom. Cotton Candy and Minty belong to Tiffany, Butterscotch is Melanie's, and Blue Belle is Kelly's. Refer back to the cover. Starting from top left and going clockwise, you have Melanie, Tiffany, Julie (our protagonist), and Kelly. I hope you're getting all this, because there's absolutely a quiz on it later.
But indeed, this isn't a story about ponies. It's a story about the little girls who love them, which is a really neat idea for the 40th anniversary. Anyway, as you might expect from a group of pre-middle school girls who play ponies in Julie's basement all summer, they're also real horse girls. The lot of them are driven out to a barn where they hang out with some real ponies. And also being girls who are about to enter middle school as summer wanes, there's some angsting among them about remaining friends in the face of this new stage in life.
Now then! Given the G1 ponies, names like "Tiffany", and some of the dress sense, I think it's fair to say it's the 1980s in the comic. Maybe the early '90s at worst. So what's missing from this plot? How about a greedy man in a business suit threatening the continued existence of the farm~? Yes indeed, Julie overhears Mr. Pine in his office, discussing something on the phone. Tiffany sneaks off to the other line and hears the conversation: Grogar Developments (get it?) is planning to bulldoze the farm and build a mall. Oh good, you're almost in middle school, girls! You need a mall to hang out at!
The group resolves to let nothing happen to their favourite hangout, even forming a pinky promise over it. But the very next week, school starts up. The others give Julie their ponies so they'd always have a reason to return to her and to give her some extra courage. Alas, though, real life sets in and the friends begin to drift anyway, with the rigors of middle school both in and after school keeping them apart. Kelly in particular is being kept busy with her schoolwork while her parents glare at her from ten feet away. Even with the Asian stereotypes aside, no pressure, huh~?
Tired of waiting for her friends to call and also just tired in general, Julie drifts to sleep. Upon waking, she's siezed by an idea. In the middle of the night, she slips out and heads to the farm, which is indeed proposed for demolition. She finds a mysterious book under a haystack, and reads out a Latin phrase. Roughly translated (and by "roughly", I mean "I ran it through Google Translate"), it's something like "by the virtue of the universal knight this creature would send the life of addseer into his house". As usual, it probably loses a little something in translation.
The effort of casting a magic spell from a book she knew was hidden in the barn through a dream she had takes a lot out of Julie, and she falls asleep on the hay nearby. When next she wakes, she finds herself surrounded by… ponies! The six ponies that were once her and her friends' toys have been brought to life, expanded to full size. They've heard her plea, and have transported themselves over from Equestria to help her in her time of need. Honestly, this is a lot. Even knowing what franchise I'm reading, I did not expect this angle~
Julie tries to call her friends, who aren't willing to skip school to meet her at the barn. Are you sure they're your friends? Or even real kids, at that point? Before she can follow that up, Julie's surprised from behind and everything goes black. We cut over to the other three friends, who split up despite clearly riding to school together on the same bus. As the day goes on, though, they notice Julie is absent, and they decide to fake being sick and go after her. Oh, so skipping school entirely's a no-go, but ditching it early is just fine?
Upon arrival at the barn, they find Julie tied up and gagged, which is the second time I've had the "I did not expect this comic to go there" feeling. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. Before they can help their friend, she indicates what's behind them. And they bear witness to their ponies come to life, just as she had. And here's where the third nickel drops: also behind them is Mr. Pine. He's a magician. And what I mean is that he's actually magic. It was his book that Julie found, and while he was content to just open a shopping mall, he'd be even more jazzed to open a portal between dimensions. Sure, we all would!
So, long ago, he was a wizard from Equestria, where he likewise planned to build a shopping mall. I mean, far be it from me to criticise one's magical ambitions, but… I think he could be shooting a little higher. Ah, but here's his grand plan as of now. With the kids in command of the ponies, perhaps they can persuade the tricky equines to open their portal and let him return. Where he can then open two shopping malls! Imagine! Slow down, we got a badass over here. But the girls refuse, telling him they don't control the ponies. They're friends with the ponies.
Cue a two-page spread of Magic Mr. Pine and his goons (yes, he has uniformed henchmen) fighting the girls all riding their magical ponies, all in front of a rainbow backdrop. Fantastic. The power of friendship and the strength of equine legs beat up the villains. And Magic Mr. Pine ends up sealed inside his own book. Victory!
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And then Julie wakes up. Yep, it was all just a dream. No Magic Mr. Pine, no portal to Equestria, no book of Latin under the hay, and no talking horses. She never even left home. Before Julie can suck herself back into despair, her mom comes in to give her some good news. Seems the contractor decided to pull out of the deal and not demolish the farm. And even better, all three of her friends are here to cheer her up! They just heard the same news about the farm, and it's this good news that's pulled them together to apologise for their lack of communication lately.
So that was one story! Would you like another?
Well, we celebrated the G1 ponies. Let's leap to the other end of the timescale and do a G5 story! We open at the Brighthouse with Hitch helping to lift a heavy box to a higher level. With some strain, he manages to raise it, collapsing in a heap afterwards. Inquiring what the heck he just hauled, Sunny explains that it's books! It's her dad's old research into previous Equestrian societies. Izzy pokes through some of them, wondering what kind of place Fillydelphia was. Sunny replies that her dad believed they had magical sunshine every day. Oh, ha ha.
One of the dustiest books Sunny finds, however, is called "Tales of Dream Valley". The fun part of this is that, down to the font choice and rainbow banner, it really looks like an old G1 storybook. They find a page of character profiles, running commentary on each of them. Once again we're dealing with Butterscotch, Minty, Blue Belle, Cotton Candy, Snuzzle, and Blossom. This one also correctly names the G1 setting as Ponyland instead of Equestria. Izzy also notes that none of them are unicorns or pegasi, so maybe pony segregation has always been a thing.
The book then immediately contradicts my joke by focusing on Dream Valley, stating that Dream Castle was home to earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi, flutterponies, seaponies, grundles, and bushwoolies. Hitch wonders what bushwoolies are, and boy am I glad some things never came back for future series. Meanwhile, Izzy goes nuts over the concept of seaponies, deeply wishing to call upon them. Sunny points out that all of this could be just stories, and they should do more research. Let's go tell Zipp and Pipp about it, and maybe use the library at their place. This story ends as quickly as it began, with a dedication thanking MLP for being there for so many years and so many stories.
So that was another story! Would you like one more?
We open on a perfectly ordinary suburban-looking home. Like, a human-looking home. And indeed, first thing we see is a human woman coming downstairs to check on a young girl named Bonnie, who is watching an episode of G5 MLP on TV. Aunt Vicki can tell, but she questions why she has so many other screens also. Which Bonnie explains as also having the wiki open on the laptop, and using a tablet to look at MLP comics. She also has her phone out, to talk to her friend Kristen, who's watching at the same time. This kid is incredibly valid and relatable.
Suddenly a storm knocks out the power. While Aunt Vicki goes to check the breaker, Bonnie checks the status of her electronics. Like a fool, she's been running them all unplugged despite being at home, and the battery is at zero for all of them. Man, have you ever had three devices that all ran out of battery simultaneously? That's kind of impressive. But not very helpful for Bonnie's entertainment. Vicki comes back, noting the power's out all over the neighbourhood. So Kristen is probably powerless too, which doesn't cheer Bonnie up.
Aunt Vicki gets an idea, and hauls an old box out of her attic. Inside the box, they find Vicki's old G1 ponies. Minty and Butterscotch, who seem to be universal constants, are here again. Vicki also has a G1 Applejack, leading to Bonnie's confusion about the lack of hat. Vicki laughs at the differences between generations, remarking then that she also once had a Twilight. Not Twilight Sparkle, and not a book about vampires either. And then Vicki enters a lengthy flashback as she remembers her toy.
Way back in 1983, Vicki looked remarkably like her niece. She also had a friend she had an argument with. See, Jessie (her so-called best-friend-forever) went to a sleepover with Caroline and Chelsea and didn't even tell Vicki about it. Jessie points out that Vicki couldn't have even come, she was spending the weekend at her grandparents' house anyway. And she only got invited because her mom is friends with theirs. And turns out, they're pretty nice. So… what now? Is she gonna be their best friend instead?
This is also what Bonnie is wondering. What happened next was: nothing. Turns out you can be friends with multiple people, and the amount of friendship you spread around doesn't actually get smaller! Who knew~? As an apology, Vicki writes Jessie a note declaring this, gifting her Twilight as well. And this is basically the same story with Bonnie and her friend Kristen. Kristen went rollerskating with some other girl, and they fought about it. Bonnie wants to apologise, but can't because her phone's out. Vicki shares something else with her from the past: a land-line phone.
Yeah, I don't buy it. First, Vicki's not that old to still have a landline. If she was a kid in '83? Like, my mum doesn't have a landline, and she's at least 10 years behind that. Vicki's at most mid-40s. Nobody less than 70 has a landline anymore. Secondly, if the power went out, even the landline phones aren't working. That's how it always was when I was a kid. But despite reality, Bonnie calls up her friend and spends a merry time chatting with her, even missing the end of the storm and the beginning of a rainbow. And the comic ends with the power's return, while Vicki sends a photo of Applejack to Jessie, who sends back a pic of her with Twilight.
Well, as an anthology, we should react to the stories individually, yes?
Despite my criticisms, I do like the first story a lot! The premise is fun, and I'm a big sucker for the various '80s/'90s cliches and story beats. But with fair criticism, the art is amateurish at best and bogs the thing down. There's a lot of wasted space, empty backgrounds, and more than a few pages are huge splash pages that could be condensed. I don't think it ruins the experience, but it does dampen the whole thing. The ending is also kind of rushed. Once it dips back into reality, everything just kind of congeals to a finish. If the story had been paced a little better and less padded, it could've been really great.
The second story being set in the G5 universe is a fun spin on the formula, cheekily poking at the differences in the franchise between then and now. Both the art style and the oldness of the book are re-created perfectly. I only wish it was longer, and maybe had some sort of more definitive conclusion.
The third is very nice as well, with a more focused story about the differences in generations--and the things the same about them that bring them together. I like that this one at least brings up FiM a little bit, it seems a bit criminal to celebrate MLP's 40th anniversary and not mention the fourth generation, the one that had the most impact on the franchise's popularity and longevity. You think there'd even be a comic book for your 40th if it wasn't for Friendship is Magic? Highly doubtful. Anyway, Bonnie is relatable as heck with her ADHD screen spread, and she is right to be incredulous about Aunt Vicki's landline.
All in all, as a way to celebrate the franchise's 40th anniversary, this was a great idea. Not just stories about the ponies, but stories about the people ponies were meant for--both then and now.
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ohthehypocrisy · 10 months
A Thanksgiving Invitation to Pokemon Unite!
Here in the real world, there is a holiday those of us in the U.S. celebrate called Thanksgiving, where we take the food and ingredients that we have and cook it all up for one big feast. The point of this dinner is to emphasize on that which we're grateful to have, that being food, and with the people we appreciate, such as friends and family. Yes, it's an opportunity to stuff our faces, but back in the day, food wasn't a guarantee, so it's a one-time dinner of the year where we all pause for a moment to appreciate what we have.
And while some of us may disagree, I for one am grateful to Pokemon Unite for what it's done for me and the people I've played with online. While I have not spent a single dime on the game, nor do I ever intend to, I do diligently play it as much as I can and always look forward to new releases.
Speaking of which, the theme of this poll is centered around Food Pokemon, or rather, producers in the in the food chain. Now, I'm not going to mull over whether or not pokemon are eaten in the games, nor will I entertain the idea that any pokemon could be edible, but some of them are clearly given the purpose of making food for humans. As a major contributor to the diets of humans, we should give thanks to these hard working pokemon and see if they deserve more than just our gratitude. Let's see if they have a shot at Pokemon Unite's Roster.
Just like my last poll, I wanted to avoid oversaturating the post with Grass Types. I mean, I don't believe everyone in the game is a vegan, but is it still cruelty-free if the Grass Types all move and talk? That's a disturbing prospect.
Sorry for fans of Arboliva and Scovillain, but my point still stands. I even had to exclude obvious picks like Exeggutor and Parasect. The former has no record of producing edible food for humans, while the latter is described as being apparently toxic stuff. So, no shiitake mushrooms for Thanksgiving.
Also, why did I add Slowking? Well apparently, Slowpoke tails are really tasty, and considering the tail remains untouched after evolving into Slowking, I figured maybe it's still edible. I mean, technically anything is edible, and they have the Regenerator Ability, so maybe we can farm some of the stuff?
Everything else is fair game, except for maybe Cherrim and Vanilluxe. I dunno, cherries are really tasty, and I also like my ice cream, even though I know that stuff is just snow. Also, I had to put Gourgeist on the poll, as you can't have a Thanksgiving Dinner without a pumpkin pie, eh?
One last thing, if you voted for Polteageist, I have made a moveset for the little spook over here on my blog. It's a bit of a long read, but I'm somewhat proud of it.
Thanksgiving is in less than a week! Make sure you get dinner ready and prepare the dining table! Also, vote and check in on the results next week!
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