#also once again this gif is like 6 different videos stitched together lol
kckenobi · 4 years
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What I Want
Summary: Obi-Wan butt-dials Cody with a message his commander is definitely not meant to hear. 1.5k, humor/fluff
Hands fumbling for the comm, he told himself he must’ve imagined it—he hadn’t recorded himself just now. No. Of course not. He was just a bit tired and loopy, and he absolutely did not just send a holo—
Frantically swiping the screen, he skimmed the transmission history. His eyes zeroed in on the first line.
CC-2224. 30-second recording. Outgoing message.
Kriff, kriff, kriff—
With the collected composure of a Jedi Master who had absolutely gotten enough sleep and was decidedly not panicking, Obi-Wan bolted from the briefing room.
It’s fine, Obi-Wan told himself, slowing to a brisk walk at the sight of a few troopers down the hall. Just find his comlink and delete the message before he sees it. Of course, Cody was usually diligent about answering his comm immediately, but, ah—perhaps just this once he’d be just a tad less ridiculously competent of a commander…
Obi-Wan turned the corner blindly, only to run face-first into someone tall and familiar.
For one terrifying second he thought it was Cody. But mercifully, Obi-Wan stumbled backward to look into the face of his former Padawan.
“Obi-Wan?” Anakin said, eyebrows lilted. “What’re you—”
“Have you seen Cody?”
“Uh, no,” he said. “I’m just coming from the shuttlebay. Why?”
“No, no reason.” Obi-Wan coughed dryly. “I just—ah—sent him something I didn’t intend to.”
Anakin’s eyebrows shot up before a smirk trickled onto his face. “Ooh, saucy. Well, I’ve seen the way he looks at you during briefing meetings, Master, and trust me—I really don’t think he’ll mind—”
 “I—wh—Anakin! No! I meant—I didn’t—We are not—” Obi-Wan sputtered. “It has to do with the war! He sent me the Chancellor’s message and—”
“Yeah, sure, Obi-Wan. Whatever you say.” Anakin elbowed him as he stepped past. “Well, I guess I’ll see you later. Better go find your—”
“Oh, stop that.”
Anakin’s laughter followed him down the hall as Obi-Wan took off again, face prickling with heat.
Cody could’ve been any number of places right now—the man somehow managed to be everywhere at once, Obi-Wan sometimes believed. But at this hour, he was most likely to be in his quarters. And that would…complicate things a bit. How to be discrete…how to distract him while I find it… Perhaps he could tell Cody there was an emergency on the bridge to get him out of his quarters. Of course, he’d likely bring his comlink with him, or wonder why Obi-Wan wasn’t coming along…alright, maybe something less extreme. A munitions inventory, perhaps. In the middle of the night. Or maybe he could claim communications were disrupted, an excuse to get his hands on the comm…
Obi-Wan stopped in his tracks just as he passed the refractory. And as he did so, could practically hear the shattering of his half-baked plans.
Because there in the doorway was Cody.
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