#also people why is it that when you see me postig my stuff you ignore it but when a fuckface steals it suddenly it's funny and you engage?
tarnussy · 4 months
not gonna lie, the fact that people keep stealing my posts and reupload them unsourced getting about 100x more interactions while my OG posts get like 3 makes me not want to create anything for this fandom ever again
none of them @ me either, sad
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hellishvu · 5 years
— where taehyung is known for being a hard ass but really he has a soft twitter that he shares his thoughts about his crush.
tw: homophobia !! bullying !! not edited due to school !!!
words: 2314
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"Follow my new twitter fuckers."
Taehyung posted a normal link, straight to his "brand-new twitter." expect that the link wasn't that. It was his soft twitter about a certain boy, he didn't notice it. Finding himself postig it and then later falling asleep not knowing that what had happened was the biggest mistake and blessing he's ever had.
You clicked through the stories of your friends and mutuals, you had seen that Taehyung posted something on his twitter causing you to grumble, you hated him. He would cause unnecessary fights and when you two fought he would always punk out and leave, you clicked on it seeing his link. You clicked on it to see a bright pink and colorful pastel account, you saw the header.
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Taehyung woke up feeling a rush of cold sweat going down his back, Taehyung checked his phone seeing massive amount of nofications seeing his phone vibrate every 2 seconds. Taehyung yawned as slide the lock screen seeing.
Faggot! I knew it!
Across the top of his screen, Taehyung as he found himself laughing meaning it was a harmless joke. The casual insults that are throw at him every couple seconds. The small paranoia of "what if they found out." The small devil that stood on Taehyung's shoulder as he went to school every day.
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Taehyung felt himself panic, the amount of times he's dreamed of this nightmare being true, Taehyung scrolled through his messages, unknown callers texting him homophobic comments. Taehyung felt the most panic he's ever felt. The school reputation was everything, in college you would think ruptation shouldn't matter anymore. Expect it does to Taehyung, he cares what others think of him. If he wore something outside of his comfort zone and got made fun of it by his "friends" he would never wear it again. There's a side of his closet where it's left alone collecting dust. The slight insult made Taehyung want to shiver and disappear.
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"No this isn't happening this literally is my worst nightmare." Taehyung has muttered under his voice feeling himself gain the anxious feeling he gets preforming. The slight anxiety that triggers when he's standing in front of his entire colleagues singing for a assembly.
The slight problem was that he later found out the rumors of him talking about you in his twitter. Taehyung was on good terms with everyone or at least he tries to, the only person he isn't is you. The sneaky comments he made about you behind your back was made of jealousy that he couldn't have you. The built up anger at himself for letting you slip from his hands was being sent to not himself, but to you. Arguments that sometimes had to be broken up by security and the common yell match that every student has seen at least once.
Taehyung went back to bed, seeing this could just all be some horrific fantasy that some sick twisted dream god put on him. The snoozed on his notifications as once again texts came storming through.
Taehyung woke up, seeing it was his alarm this time waking him up. The slight difference was that his soft twitter or private twitter was getting stormed with hate, the cute soft posts about his day and about his crush was full of homophobic jokes and slurs. Taehyung began to feel that heavy weight on his chest, the burning in his eyes and the consciousness saying to give up its over your secrets out. He didn't want to believe it, he wanted to wait till he was out of college. Out of his self hatred, that he feels when he found someone sweet and kind and handsome and having to either get over it or see them get taken away from someone's else's hands. The title straight was labeled on him and he made sure no one else though otherwise
Taehyung walked to school, the fear of going on the city bus that many of his friends go on. The slight anxiety of thinking of texting his friend for a ride. Walking was fearless and something that could numb the pain of biting his lip.
The music in his earbuds hearing that slight vibrate of the street cars passing by him, Taehyung looked down at his bullet journal seeing the to-dos and the quotes that made him feel a little less afraid. Taehyung took a deep breath as he reached the college seeing his friend Jungkook waiting for him.
"At least he's still there for me." Taehyung smiles at him as he waved seeing Jungkook's nose red from the cold. The snow that was softly squished, Taehyung walked up to him, Jungkook feeling flares and daggers at him and Taehyung.
"How are you?" Jungkook asked as he had black overalls with a fake fur coat keeping him warm but fashionable.
"I've been better. Is it still true what happened?" Taehyung asked eager to hear a "no taehyung you're fine. your secret is perfectly safe." but was quickly snapped out of the fantasy.
"It's.. posted all over the school website. Is it true? Is the tweets about Y-Y/N?" Jungkook asked as he shoved his cold hands into the pockets of his jacket.
"Why does everyone thinks it's him?" It's not fucking him!" The slight aggression of his voice took Jungkook back. The sudden outbursts of anger was common with Taehyung.
"Because Taehyung he's the only person that you hate. I guess it's reversed." Jungkook said as he looked at his clock seeing it was time for class.
Jungkook waved bye as he had left Taehyung alone, the casual group of friends he had grouped up with didn't show up to the regular meeting spot. He would show up, hours go by and no one came by. He would walk to class and see them all together laughing and doing the regular stuff that he was apart of. Taehyung glared at them, feeling the betrayal and the stab of the back. Of course he would later cry about it, regularly he would post about it on his soft twitter getting comforted by his online friends and followers. The safe space got invaded by raccoon that just wanted dirt on him.
Taehyung walked in class seeing you in the corner up on the top rows of the class. Your regular seat as you had been listening to music, you hummed as you unplugged seeing Taehyung standing at the door. You looked down after making eye contact, the pitt fights were over and now it's just awkward so so awkward eye contact. Taehyung sat at his regular seat, away from you at the very least.
"Taehyung, I want you to move next to Y/N. If you two can't be mature like a young adult you two are than I will force you to. Sit next to him please." Taehyung heard his teacher say as he widen his eyes, he literally just sat down at his chair. The weekend was just over and he's faced with the worst news, to sit next to you after you probably read all about how much he loves you.
"Hey." You said as you waved seeing the awkward air between you two. Taehyung smiled as he wrote notes not speaking a word to you the entire class. The ignorance as you tried to talk about the situation. What if I liked him back? You asked yourself as you continued to bring it up somehow but would get shut down by Taehyung.
"If I had one thing to wish upon the stars is that you shut the fuck up." Taehyung said as you were starting to get annoyed the sudden rise of anger that built on Taehyung's face.
"The answer this one single fucking question, is the tweets about me?" You asked as Taehyung gulped, the world fades and you two are like in a drama people watching, the lights dimmed having 2 spotlights on you two.
"..No. It's not about you so get your big ego out of it." Taehyung bluntly said as you nodded clicking your pen going back to notes. Taehyung looked at you, in class during your unrealized beauty that he wants to wake up every morning to. He wants you more, no words can explain how much he wants you so bad. The love and the caring, the only thing getting in the way was his own ego and the fear.
"I'm also not gay." Taehyung commented as you scoffed going back to notes. That ticked off Taehyung a little more than usual. Taehyung grabbed your pencil pouch and threw it, you frowned your eyebrows as you saw all your pencils and pens on the ground.
"What the fuck?!" You glared at Taehyung seeing the cocky smile that masked his regret. The sudden anger that fucked him up all the time.
"That is your account, own up to it like a man." You said as you grabbed your notebook leaving the class a bit more early than usual. Taehyung saw his classmates staring at him, Taehyung quickly grabbed his stuff and also left the class.
Taehyung plugged in his headphones as he sat in the library. He was fucked up, the amount of bad luck that had happened today. His body is shaking and his head was throbbing, he needed to go to bed or forget everything that happened today. His group of friends that he would usually skip with him didn't text him at the usual time. Taehyung leaned against the wall, Taehyung looked up from his phone seeing the skipping group without him. They all shuffled past him quicker than regular.
Taehyung was feeling hopeless. He wanted to drink till he was sick, Taehyung waited till he was alone to let out a sob, but the sobs kept going and going. He needed a good cry but now wasn't the time. Taehyung walked to his car with blurry vision. The anxiety that he felt passing when everyone was going to their next class or job he was put into shame. Taehyung saw you outside doing your regular thing, Taehyung quickly tried to unlock his car but received nothing on the other end. Taehyung saw you get up from your bench and walk to your car which was literally right next to his. Taehyung clicked his lock and finally saw it unlock. Taehyung opened the car door quickly as he saw you gain up to him and drove off.
Taehyung sighed in his car, parked in his dorm. Taehyung sobbed in his car, the music that was being played made him want to sob but that was good right? When was the last time he cried due to societies pressure to be perfect in almost everything and have no emotion besides anger.
Taehyung got out of his car deleting all his social media's. The last post would be him explaining why he left on his soft twitter. Deactivating was hurting and he finally build a support system.
Taehyung checked his messages, seeing the spam of hate calm down to 1-2 messages rather than 16. I guess the homophobia do have lives afterall. Taehyung saw one notifications from a special someone.
Do you want to talk about it?
No, i'm not gay for the last time.
Taehyung, i haven't told you but when we were drunk that one time, you told me you were gay. You cried on my shoulder and explained how you were so afraid.
I was drunk nothing more nothing less.
Taehyung heard a knock on his door, look though the peel hole to see Jungkook. Taehyung sighed as he opened the door seeing Jungkook and You at his door. Taehyung was going to close the door before you pressed your foot so the door couldn't close. Jungkook cleared his throat trying to separate the awkward silence.
"Taehyung we need to talk."
"If you wanted to talk why did you bring him?"
"Taehyung you cant always be a dick to him-"
"Yes I fucking c-."
"What did I do? Huh Taehyung?" You asked as you walked in his apartment not caring if you had permission or not.
"Go away!" Taehyung yelled as he felt the same sting in his eyes. You walked closer to him, Jungkook being behind you making sure you two didn't fight.
"You can go and hate me all you want." You said as Taehyung sighed his eyebrows frowning.
"All I want is an answer of why you hate me so much?" You pleaded, being tired of this nonstop bickering back and forth.
"It's because I liked you, no! I love you. You made me feel things, you made me want to do things I never tried but always had a passion for. You always were there, when I sang alone in the halls when I had detention you would be there. Always... Always be there and I couldn't help but want to catch up to you, and tell you how good you make me feel. I don't think you notice or even fucking cared." Taehyung hit your chest as he rested his head against your chest. Sobs leaving him, you hesitantly wrapped your arms around him. Holding him tight.
"Who even knows if you're gay? I could be running after a straight person this entire time." Taehyung let out a dry chuckle.
"I am gay and I always wanted to get to know you, but you never let me. You never let me break your guard." You admitted as Taehyung sniffed.
"I was so scared of accepting myself and my feelings.. of loving you."
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