#also probably gonna make more simpy posts about stuff
msdrproffangirlmd · 1 year
I am legitimately afraid of what next week’s story mission stuff with Eris and them is gonna bring. Scared and excited? Idk, I just know it’s gonna be Ikora breaking down, probably crying (am not prepared for), begging Eris finally to stop turning herself into a bug-god-shaped bomb so she can be shot at Xivu like KO bullet. Cuz it’ll kill her, Ahsa, Sloane’ll lose the rest of her mind when that happens…
And Cayde’s just sittin up in the Traveler, waiting for the DLC to come around, like “I’m so danged bored.” 😭😂
And I’m overly charged with feelings bc I’ve played both Gambit AND Crucible today, so there’s that!
I need a hug. And maybe a slap across a face. Probably both. Then I’ll laugh more, bc pain funny.
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articulately-composed · 7 months
Thoughts on the ATLA live action
I may not post about it a ton, but ATLA was what brought me into fandom culture over a decade ago, so as you may assume, I have some Thoughts about the live action netflix series. Now, I'm gonna preface this by saying I didn't hate it. Surprisingly enough. I came into it thinking the whole series was gonna be a hate watch, but they actually did some interesting stuff with it.
Let's start with the positives.
Sokka - When I heard that they were removing Sokka's sexism, I thought his character was doomed. That's so much of his season 1 arc, I had no idea what was gonna be left. Turns out, they didn't take away his preoccupation with being a manly warrior, they just made it less overt, and honestly, that brand of "girls suck!" sexism that exists to get refuted in early 2000s kids tv probably would have sounded out of place and preachy in a 2024 show geared towards adults. In the end, Sokka felt like one of the most fleshed out characters. His original arc was left in tact, with the bonus of him being a simpy bottom for Suki in a way that kinda fits.
Zuko - I really liked that they added some extra backstory between Zuko and Iroh sooner. The bit with the funeral was honestly really nice. I saw some critiques saying that zuko was made out to be sympathetic far too soon, but honestly, I think it worked. The show is so well known that I don't know if gaining sympathy for zuko later on would have the same effect as it did 20 years ago. I thought the Zuko and Iroh moments really helped solidify their bond on Zuko's part, and tbh, that's gonna make his season 2 betrayal that much stronger (if they pull it off well). I also like the stuff they added with Zuko's journal. Of course he's a fuckin nerd who takes detailed notes with sketches about the stuff he's researching. If Zuko existed irl he'd have a bullet journal youtube channel.
The structure - I hate that no tv series gets more than 8 episodes anymore. it's ruined so much when it comes to pacing in literally everything. That being said, I like what they did when it comes to combining plots. It really made the show feel like it's own thing and not a 1-to-1 adaptation. They stuck Jet and the Mechanist in Omashu, and it worked. Roku's temple and The Blue Spirit were the same episode. Obviously, there was a lot of picking and choosing when it came to what plot points they kept and what they scrapped, and it did do a number on some of the characters' development, but the episodes they chose to keep were important ones, and they managed to weave them together surprisingly well.
And now, the negatives...
Episode 1 - The setup is dreadful. The show starts with a solid 20 minutes of backstory. Before you even meet Sokka and Katara, you know literally all the details about the air nomad genocide. And because they show you the entire genocide on screen before Aang is released from the iceberg, you don't get the experience of having it revealed to you as Aang is experiencing learning about it. His avatar state reaction to seeing Monk Gyatso's corpse just doesn't feel warranted when there's not that slow buildup to finding out about the war and Aang's denial of the whole thing. Episode 1 in general felt messy, rushed, and missing a whole lot of vital character growth.
Aang - Honestly, Aang's character in general felt flat. He gives me ipad kid vibes. He feels like a prodigy kid who just doesn't care, instead of a fun-loving goofball who 's scared of responsibility. He makes so many quips about not paying attention to the monks or falling asleep during meditations, and while it's not like he was super studious in the original, the thing he's doing to avoid studying is goofing around. Playing pranks with Monk Gyatso instead of paying attention to the monks. goofing off in a river with Sokka instead of learning waterbending. He's so un-silly in the live action and it's to his detriment. I guess this is just a part of the 8-episode curse, but because those filler moments have to be erased, you really lose out on all of Aang's stupid kid shenanigans.
Katara - Katara fell so damn flat, which is such a tragedy. I saw someone else on here talking about how the lack of Aang helping her be a kid again in episode 1 took away a lot from her, and they are totally right! Specifically, it took a ton away from the bond the two of them have. Really, there's no reason why Katara should have traveled with Aang in the first place. She didn't bond with him over riding animals, or help him understand what happened in the last hundred years (Gran Gran takes care of all that exposition...), and they don't even head towards the northern water tribe to find a waterbending master until after Kyoshi Island, so that's not why she chose to come either. Katara is also missing her whole "had to become the mom after her mom died" schtick. Not that she should be reduced to group mom, but that's still a part of her original character. She got plenty of backstory regarding her mom, but it was mostly grief. There was a little sprinkling of her sense of justice in there, but that's another one of those "victim of the 8-episode curse" things. So much of her character got lost when the filler was cut that there's not that much left over.
The spirit world - I know I just said I liked what they did combining episodes together, but honestly I think they tried to do too much with the spirit world episode. They use the Hei Bai episode to get into the spirit world, but the whole burned forest plot from the original is pretty much scrapped for a Koh plot, which combines the original Koh plot with the fog of lost souls from Korra, and the mother of faces from the sequel comics? The spirit world episode ties to Roku, like in the original, but Roku barely does anything outside of info only important to that episode. Out of all the avatars Aang contacts, Roku is the least relevant. Kuruk is more relevant than Roku. The bit with Monk Gyatso was sweet, but it did feel like one more thing on top of an already cluttered episode. Also, I don't love that Yue was a fox in the spirit world, it felt kinda out of left field. I didn't love what they did with Yue and Sokka in general, their whole vibe felt rushed.
Final thoughts, obviously it wasn't incredible. It's a show that doesn't really need or want to exist. They stuffed the first season of a cartoon with notoriously thorough writing into 8 episodes. But I didn't hate it. Honestly, I was pretty entertained. I fully intend on seeing season 2. I want to see what they're gonna do with Azula moving forward, how they're gonna handle Toph, and what the fuck they meant by "there actually is no war in ba sing se" bc clearly there was a fucking war in ba sing se, Iroh nearly gets crushed by a boulder by a vengeful soldier over it. I came into this with rock bottom expectations, and I was pleasantly surprised
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sango-blep · 6 years
A little real talk before everything here goes to hell
As much as we always joke about this site being hell and about the recent events, I’d say it’s probably clear that what is garbage about this site are the people and staff behind it, not the actual site.
It still really pains me and makes me incredibly sad that I can’t continue posting art on my side blog here, and maybe will even be forced off my main blog eventually. That being said: A HUGE thank you to everyone who has been sending me nice and supportive messages. I’m still a bit floored by all the love I received ♥
Tumblr really offers a uniqe experience, like no other social media site does. Not only in the way you can interact with the community and followers here, but it doesn’t force you to reveal any information about yourself.It doesn’t force you to synchronize with your contacts. You can just exist here without worrying that someone you don’t want to will find you here. (I’m looking at you instagram, garbage site)
Also, I’m still part of the fandom who rather wants to keep fanart and fandom stuff away from creators and actors..hence me not liking instagram etc. Especially the kind of stuff I draw, which is heavily focused on ships/shipping, even if the images are not explicit.
Tumblr has always felt like a little safe space. Especially since I know that there are people who have to live in a shitty and/or homophobic environment and it feels like they’re taking that away now.
A little  clarification for people who are stll confused or misinformed about what is actually happening:
Tumblr (unsurprisingly) has been lying about everything they said so far. I mean it’s obvious to most people that this is not about protecting children or their users. They never gave a shit about any of that. Of course they had to wrap it into some pretty words because they can’t just say “Hey we’re banning nsfw because we want more ads and money” ! Please don’t believe for a second that they’re doing this because they care about their users.My blogs are flagged while unflagged porn bots are still running wild in my notifications.
There are no real people behind this flagging system. Imagine how many people and time/and money that would take.They have a dumb AI who’s flagging the posts. This system will never work properly. It simpy can’t. It’s impossible. Amen
Furthermore the next lie was obviously that users get e-mailed or notified when their posts get flagged. Never happened. They’ve been shadowbanning and flagging blogs NSFW without any sort of notification or any way for you to check!
My main sfw blog right here, has been flagged as explicit by them ( The only way to check that was to to go to postlimit.com, which gives you informaion about your blog) . Meaning you can’t find my blog or its post in the search results, people already had trouble seeing my posts and getting to my blogs, and if they don’t remove it you might even have trouble accessing this blog. I’ve contacted them about this almost two weeks ago I think, but still nothing.
They said that they’re not gonna delete blogs, but with what they’re doing right now, they might as well. They’re literally killing blogs with that. I’ve already seen smaller blogs being forced off this site because tumblr completely killed the traffic on their blog. I’ve heard from several people today that they had extreme difficulites to even access my side blog in any way.
I thought I could at least continue posting sfw stuff on here for a while, but with them tagging my blog nsfw and lying about EVERYTHING?..who knows what will really happen.
What’s the point of posting when tumblr is making it impossible for people to see and find my posts/ blogs?
But don’t worry I will still be here for now! (unless they really start to delete blogs) As I said I don’t want to leave this site. All those years I spent here, built up a community, made friends. It really hurts to think about it.
I’m on twitter for now ( Sango_blep) just so I’m on some sort of other social media, tho not for art posting. Also on pillowfort( Sango). Pillowfort is really my only beacon of hope right now. I hope I can start to repost my nsfw works there soon and that they open the site for everyone in the near future.
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