#also sanji as mr prince was so good. i hope they give him glasses if they include this in opla s2
p2ii · 1 year
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galamalion · 10 months
┈ ✧.* 𝓇𝑜𝓂𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝒹 𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒
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╰┈➤ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ summary﹕you experience a shameful hangover after you night out at the baratie, then go get breakfast with your new friends. how could anything bad happen at breakfast?
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╰┈➤ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ pairing﹕one piece x fem!reader
┈ ✧.* chapters﹕[i] [ii] [iii] [iv]
╰┈➤ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ w/c﹕3.1k
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┈ ✧.* chapter ii﹕drunken memories
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Your first night at the university was a rough one.
Upon waking up in your bed—and thankfully not the street—you immediately felt sick. You threw your blankets off and looked around the room, standing up to see Vivi and Nami still lying in bed, the latter looking rather worse for wear, tossing and turning with her blankets.
You threw open the door to the bathroom and sprinted inside, leaping across to hunch over the toilet to puke your guts up. Your stomach was never the strongest, and unfortunately neither was your alcohol tolerance. Speaking of, how much did you drink? You only got a small glass of wine to fit in with the Italian vibe, and you hadn’t even drank half of it! But—oh, that’s right, Nami was there. 
A memory—or rather, memories— came flooding back in an instant, all of Nami ordering small little fruity drinks. She insisted you tried all of them, ‘just a sip!’ she said. Well, all those little sips clearly did a number on you.
“Damn you, Nami…” you grumbled, stumbling back to bed.
After exiting the bathroom, you picked up your phone from your desk, noticing it had been charging. Did someone do that for you as well? It would have struck you as kind if you hadn’t been hungover. All you could think about was your pounding headache and upset stomach.
Before inputting your password, you noticed you had a text from one ‘Mr. Prince,’ a name and number you hadn’t recognized. 
| Mr. Prince: Hello Sleeping Beauty!! &lt;;333 | Mr. Prince: I hope you slept alright, you got were pretty smashed after Baratie  | Mr. Prince: but not in a bad way!! in a super cute tipsy kind of way!!!! | Mr. Prince: Also it’s Sanji!! I put my number in your phone so you wouldn’t be confused or anything!! | Mr. Prince: Luffy saw and also put his, and then Usopp wanted to put his, and then Zoro decided to put his…… | Mr. Prince: Anyways, just text me when you wake up Sleeping Beauty, just want to know that you’re safe!! <333 ^3^
Were you really the drunk one in this situation? You were pretty sure you hadn’t even spoken to him, only remembering his flirty attitude and writing him off as a playboy. But if the name in your phone was anything to go by, he seemed more like a Prince Charming-esque character. 
| You: i’m ok | You: thanks :)
You hoped the smiley face would help you sound like less of a prick. It was hard to be friendly after years with no friends, and you were doing your best to adjust to the sudden change. 
Before returning to bed you chugged a glass of water for your nausea and headache, praying the pain would go away after your short nap. Nami and Vivi would probably be awake by then too, giving you an even better reason to take this nap. And maybe your dreams would be more pleasant than your current state of consciousness. Nausea doesn’t follow you into sleep, right? Right?
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“‘m not drunk…” you mumbled, staggering out of the restaurant with your new friends in tow. 
“Come on, ____!” Luffy begged, trying to drag you down the sidewalk. “It’s time to go home!”
“No use arguing with a drunk, Luffy,” A voice chimed in, slowly getting closer to your location.
“This isn’t home~” you hiccuped, “‘is college!”
“Alright, let’s go…” the voice spoke, leaning down near you. “Arms around me, darling.”
You felt yourself being hoisted up, and despite your drunken flailing, your front fell firm against a solid back.
‘Smells good…’ you thought, laying your head on the warm structure before you.
“You’re doing great, sweetheart,” the voice whispered to you. “Just keep everything inside and we’ll have a wonderful conclusion to this wonderful night.”
“Yer’ warm…” you mumbled, snuggling your head into their neck. 
For a moment you were able to focus, seeing the bright lights of downtown flicker all around the streets, as well as the blonde head of hair directly in front of you. It looked soft, like that Chinese cotton candy stuff you’d heard about. What was the name again? Would his hair taste like it? No, better not to try now…wait for later, when he’s not looking.
He? Oh, that’s right, Sanji’s blond. Or did he have red hair? You were having a difficult time remembering. But you did know he was a flirt, and not a good one. It wasn’t gonna work on you, even if his hair smelled delicious…
Thousands of thoughts raced through your mind, and their constant thrum slowly lulled you into sleep, head still resting on Sanji’s shoulder.
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“Oh yeah, that happened,” you mumbled drowsily, half asleep.
The conclusion of your dream-memory had roused you awake, your muscles slightly achy after only an hour of sleep. You really were that drunk, and not the ‘cute tipsy kind’ like Sanji said. But college was supposed to be a learning experience, and last night you learned the valuable lesson of watching your liquor.
You hoped Sanji didn’t take your drunken rambles the wrong way. But you didn’t voice all of your thoughts, just that he was warm! He didn’t know that you thought he smelt good. Unless your sniffing was really loud…
Oh God, what if you were sniffing him really loudly? At that point he probably just thought you were weird. But he called you a cute drunk, right? That meant something! But then again, you hardly knew him. And yet you had his number!
Your obsessive pondering was interrupted by another text, and from Sanji no less. Was he going to confront you? He seemed so pleasant in his last texts, what more does he have to say?
'Just stay calm, stay cool, and stay casual,’ you breathed, ‘if you pretend like you don’t know, maybe he’ll pretend like he doesn’t know!’
| Mr. Prince: HI | Mr. Prince: GOOD MORNING | Mr. Prince: WANT 2 GET BRAKFAST?
‘What the fuck?’ you thought, quickly typing a response.
| You: breakfast? | You: also why are you typing in caps lol | Mr. Prince: IT LUFFY STOL SANJI PHONE RUNNING
‘Well that explains it,’ you scoffed, rolling your eyes.
| You: didn’t you also put your number in my phone?
A moment passed without a text back, leaving you anxious for Luffy’s safety. Sanji wouldn’t hurt him too bad, would he? You soon got your answer through another text.
| Straw Hat: Hi this is my phone want to get brakfast? | You: lol brakfast? | Straw Hat: Ya you want? | Straw Hat: Zoro and Sanji and Usopp and Chopper too | You: chopper? | Straw Hat: New friend!!  | You: nice, can vivi and nami come? | Straw Hat: Ya!!!!!!!!!!!! | You: will be there soon! | Straw Hat: Attachment (1) Image
The picture in question was of Luffy holding a much smaller, cheerful boy who looked to be about 13, but if Luffy just met him, he had to be a college student. Unless Luffy kidnapped a local child, which you wouldn’t put past him. Luffy looked worse for wear despite his classic grin, having a large bump on his head and a very angry Sanji behind him, mid scream.
You giggled at the image and got out of bed, preparing to wake Nami and Vivi up. But after standing up, you noticed that both of them were gone. Did they leave without you? How long were you asleep for? It was just a small nap, you woke up in the middle of the night, after all. They probably thought you were weird after that night out, saw you still asleep and snuck out without alerting you—
“Good morning, ____!” Vivi’s voice called out as the door swung open.
You jumped backwards at the sudden intrusion, subsequently tripping over your feet and falling flat on your butt.
“Oh my gosh,” Vivi rushed over to you, “I’m so sorry, I thought you’d still be in bed! If I had known I would have—”
“What’s done is done, Vi,” Nami stepped into the room, “one apology is more than enough…”
You glanced up at Nami, noticing her familiarly sour expression.
“Hungover?” you asked.
“Hungover,” she sighed, fumbling over to her closet to change.
“I made some tea for Nami to help her,” Vivi offered, picking up the small pot of hot tea. “If you would like a cup, I can pour you a cup!”
“Thanks, Vivi…” you smiled, accepting the fresh cup from her. It tasted sweet, with just a slight tingle of mint within the brew. Even if it didn’t cure your headache, at least it tasted good.
“Hey,” you stood up from your spot on the floor. “Luffy texted me and asked if we wanted to get breakfast with the guys again. Are you guys cool with that?”
Nami immediately sprung up as if she wasn’t hungover two seconds ago. 
“Sure! Anything to get to his brother!”
“How about you, Vivi?” you asked.
“I would love to,” she replied gracefully.
With that matter settled, the three of you prepared for the day and left together towards the dining hall.
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The three of you entered the dining hall, grabbing breakfast and reconvening at one of the numerous tables. You didn’t see Luffy and company when you walked in, and you didn’t see them after sitting down either. Maybe they were at one of the outer tables?
| You: u here luf? Delivered 9:34 | You: earth to luffy? Delivered 9:39
Memories of Luffy’s carefree nature danced in your head, and with that in mind you decided to text a different member of the party. One with more sense. The question, however, was who?
Despite your pleasant conversation with Zoro, you felt like he might leave you on read, and not because of his stoic attitude, no. He gave you an archaic vibe, like your grandparents asking you for help sending a text. So he was off the list.
Usopp was your best bet, but after careful consideration you decided against it. You hadn’t had a conversation with him, and despite his seemingly more mature attitude—at least compared to Luffy—he gave you a cowardly vibe. 
And that left Sanji. The most sensible? Maybe, maybe not. But, you were nervous to text him. The texts he sent you made you feel tiny butterflies in your stomach. It wasn’t his flirting that caused that tickling, it was the care he put into contacting you. He didn’t have to text you, but he chose to.
You felt stupid, like the kind of childish stupid where you have a crush on the kid who lets you borrow their pencil. But you were older, more mature. You knew not to read into every little message and movement of a person. So you could text Sanji, easy peasy!
| You: hey sanji, u guys at the dining hall? Read 9:39 | Mr. Prince: I’m sosososo sorry my Princess!!! | Mr. Prince: We let moss head lead us to the dining hall and we got lost ;o; | Mr. Prince: Lesson learned!! heading over asap!!! ^3^
“Alright, looks like they’re on their way,” you sighed, looking up to your friends.
“Are you kidding me? They’re the ones who wanted to meet!” Nami grumbled, “what gives?”
“According to Sanji, they let Zoro lead them here, but then they got lost.”
“What the hell? Their dorms are, like, fifty feet away?  How the hell do you get lost?” Nami scowled.
“I believe that’s a question for Zoro,” you replied, taking a bite of your toast.
Ten minutes later and your rag-tag crew of misfits barrelled into the dining hall, almost knocking over a dozen students on their way in.
“____!” Luffy called out, heading spinning around as he searched for the three of you.
“Over here,” you yelled, raising your hand up.
You should have realized the consequences of your actions sooner, as Luffy hurled himself at the three of you at full force. There weren’t many options to ensure safety, besides cover your heads or duck under the table, which you and Vivi immediately did. 
Nami, on the other hand, stood up and pulled her fist back. Luffy was going too fast to avoid her punch, and knowing how powerful Nami could get when she was angry, there was no way he’d be able to tank it without injury.
It passed by in slow motion, you and Vivi peeking up to see the collision, Usopp yelling in fear, Zoro and Sanji running to try and stop their friend, and the remaining student population watching in horror.
And just like that, it was over. Luffy laid on the ground, utterly defeated by Nami’s strength. A small bump arose on his head, slowly growing in height.
“Jeez, Nami,” you coughed, “nice…shot?”
“Thanks!” she giggled, flexing her surprisingly muscular arm. “I like to keep people on their toes. If you two ever need a strong-arm, just call me, ‘kay?”
“A-alright,” you stuttered.
Why did you stutter? You weren’t scared of Nami, were you? No, this wasn’t fear, it was more like awe. But not the kind you feel when you see someone do a card trick. More like when—oh, dear. The butterflies were back, fluttering around in your stomach, bouncing off the walls of your intestines, scattering through your body and hitting all of your nerves—
“Luffy!” Usopp and a boy—Chopper, if you remembered correctly— screamed, rushing over to cradle the body of their companion.
“You killed him!” Usopp declared, pointing an accusatory finger at Nami.
“Actually, he’s alive,” Chopper chimed in, “he’s just sleeping.”
“He’s what?” Nami and Usopp deadpanned.
Luffy shot up like a zombie rising from the grave, earning a shriek from Usopp. He stretched his arms above his head, letting out a long yawn.
“Oh boy, what happened?” Luffy asked, looked around at the crowd of spectators before he landed on you. “Hey, ____!”
You gave him a small wave, trying to keep your horrified expression hidden behind an apprehensive smile. Before you could get a word out, however, Luffy was quickly sent back into the ground by a punch from Sanji and Zoro.
“You idiot,” Zoro growled, “way to cause a commotion.”
“You scared my lovely ladies!” Sanji hissed, turning to flash a reassuring smile at you three. “I hope you’re alright, my Princess!”
“I just wanted to say hi to ____…” Luffy croaked, eyes falling shut.
“Oh my God, he’s dead!” Usopp wailed.
“Nope,” Chopper reassured, checking Luffy’s pulse. “He’s just asleep again.”
“Again!?” Zoro and Sanji yelled, staring shocked at their sleeping friend.
Vivi slowly uncovered her head, looking at Luffy, “Maybe we should stop hitting him…?” she offered.
The two men huffed, stuffing their hands in their pockets.
“Perfect,” she sighed, doing her best to smile. She turned towards Chopper, who was doing his best to tend to Luffy’s injuries. “And what is your name?”
Chopper looked up, startled before stuttering, “C-Chopper, miss! I’m a medical student who is staying on the same floor as Luffy!”
“A medical student?” Nami asked, “but you’re…”
“I know, I know,” Chopper sheepishly grinned, “I was able to skip a couple grades when I was younger, so…”
“Wow, you must be smart,” you blurted, peeking from under the table.
“N-not really!” Chopper reassured, “I just know a lot of medical stuff! I had a teacher when I was younger…”
“Meat…” Luffy muttered, drooling in his sleep.
Zoro sighed, “Well, you heard the man, let’s get some grub.”
“He didn’t mean you, idiot,” Sanji argued.
“The hell?” Zoro barked, turning to face Sanji.
“Now now,” Usopp interjected, separating the two men and walking off with them, “I think there was wisdom in Luffy’s words…”
The three of you—not including a sleeping Luffy and attending Chopper—sat back down, saying nothing for a minute as you all processed the events that occurred.
“Well,” Vivi finally said, breaking the silence, “I’m grateful that our friends are quite energetic! Back in Alabasta, I would have been escorted to a bunker if this happened!”
“I’m glad you got something out of it, girl,” Nami groaned, eating a tangerine slice.
“I kinda get Vivi,” you replied, finishing off your slice of toast. “It’s an exciting change of pace compared to my life before.”
“Alright, I get it,” Nami mumbled, “maybe you two have a point…”
Suddenly, Luffy arose from his slumber, awaking with a cry.
“Meat!” he howled, rushing to the lunch line.
The four of you watched helplessly as Luffy ran over the entire line of students, piling his plate full of meat, so much so that there wasn’t room for anything else, much less more meat.
“Do you think every meal will be like this…?” Chopper whispered, horrified by the display of gluttony before him.
You stared at your table, seeing Vivi’s intrigue and Nami’s curiosity. Then you turned to watch Zoro and Sanji argue, a moment away from turning into a full on fist fight. Finally you looked at Luffy again, seeing the joy in his eyes as he not-so-carefully maneuvered his giant pile of food.
“I can’t say for sure,” you sighed, a smile gracing your face, “but I’m hoping they’ll be similar to this.”
“Look!” Luffy shouted, slamming his plate onto the table. “They let me have all of this! Isn’t this place great?”
“I doubt they let you, Luffy,” Sanji said, approaching the table with Zoro. “More like they were powerless to stop you.”
“Shishishi!” Luffy chuckled before diving into his mountain of meat.
Before long the dining hall’s aura returned to normal as students resumed eating, only glancing at your table occasionally.
‘Probably to make sure they’re at a safe distance,’ you thought, finishing your food.
But after a while the chatter once again died down, only a whisper being passed along tables as an odd air filled the hall.
“Well,” Nami huffed, “you five took so long that we’re all done with our food, so you better hurry!”
“Go get more, then,” Zoro retorted, earning him a bump on the head.
“That’s a good idea!” Luffy cheered, “let’s all go get more food after—”
A small black blur zipped across the dining hall, barely scraping by the top of Luffy’s head and bisecting his plate of meat. You all turned towards the source, shocked at the blatant murder attempt, with hundreds of witnesses no less. But Luffy was furious, standing up and turning towards the culprit.
“What’s the big idea!” he yelled, clenching his fists.
“Oh, come on now, Luf! That’s no way to greet somebody!” a voice called out, stepping through the crowd of students, wearing the most ostentatious outfit you’d seen during your time here and carrying a hockey stick, clearly his weapon of choice.
You watched as Luffy’s fists unclenched and his expression changed to one of brief confusion, quickly morphing to one of insurmountable joy.
“Ace!” he cried out, sprinting away from the table.
“Ace?” Chopper questioned.
“The hockey player?” Sanji gaped.
 “The brother?” Vivi asked.
Ace grinned, tucking the hockey stick behind his shoulders.
“The one and only!”
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tag list: @sylum , @dimplewonie
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yoshi4sushi · 6 years
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(purupurupuru) (purupurupuru) (gocha!) (coo!) (coo!)
 Happy 2019! We are deeply, deeply sorry for the long hiatus. Flu season is getting around, and the crew are still sick, plus I’ve been majorly busy with loads of work now that spring is coming and job hunting season/ visa renewal season for me. But to make up for the long absence, the crew gathered everything everyone missed even while being sick so I will lay out everything. First off, the chapter will resume this week I think as last time, it was left where Zoro gets acquainted with his new friend, Yasu as he brought him to a town of smiles and suffrage, Ebisu town. Everyone was all smile despite the hunger, pain, and illness going around, they still keep a big happy face. Zoro thought it was strange, but understood the hardship they are w/standing. One of the villagers mentioned to Yasu that a Robin-hood hero pass by the village again. Supposedly, this hero brings them food and water to ease the hunger of the villagers. Who could this stranger be? They call him ox-free. Back at Onigashima, MAJOR trouble stirred up! Big Mom showed up to get Zeus back, and brought her whole crew with them. It was chaos! They steer the mother ship towards the water fall almost reaching to the top, but King, one of the big honchos, used his devil fruit, the dragon-dragon fruit, pteranodon style. He turned into a dinosaur, pterodactyl. Anyway, King knock the ship down as Big Mom sinks into the ocean. At the end, Sanji, Franky, Ussop, and Law are heading for the hills to avoid getting caught. Law tells the guys that if they caught, they must not reveal their plans, and to not pick a fight as it would ruined their chance to fight for real. Sanji then hears screaming from the village, and it was none other than Page. Demanding for Sanji to show up, he destroys the soba stand, and hurting the villagers. Suddenly, Sanji kicks Page to the curb. He tells the guys to go on ahead as he pulls out the weapon that Niji left for him back at WCI. Sanji then pulls out his weapon and BAM! The dark knight, Soba Mask, appears! Black suit, family hair do, shades, rocket shoes, I mean the whole enchilada. Apparently, this new suit really is useful and beating Page. At the end, a surprise got washed up ashore. Chopper takes a stroll with Tama, Kiku, and Momo and they spot Big Mom. However, when she woke up, she doesn’t know her where she is nor who she is. EH?! AMNESIA? Will it last? What’s gonna happen if regains her memory? Big time yonkou will clash! What fate will hold for the kingdome of Wano?! GAH! So many mysteries and questions! Guess we’ll have to leave it up to the big man. Let’s be surprised. Also, if you want to read official manga, please use official websites. Do not go around revealing spoilers on any media such as FB, TW, or any other to everyone who are patiently waiting for the official released. It’s rude and messed up. Be considerate. Next, totally behind on the anime, but we’ll wrap it up in one. We finally see Luffy catching up to Katakuri’s level and getting the respect after finding out that Flampe pulled a dirty trick and put that brat in her place. This past weekend’s episode was a major throw down! We finally see Luffy’ new awesome gear 4th move, SNAKE MAN, which it increased his speed of his attacks. Katakuri however was still one step ahead thanks to his awesome observation haki. Both warriors are going all out majorly. The guys pulled their final move into a huge impact of haki!! Meanwhile, Sanji and Pudding wait in an alley. Pudding hesitates to say goodbye to Sanji, but approached him for a final request. At the end, the fight is over. The victor is…none other than our fellow rubber champ, Luffy-kun! Katakuri stands up and asked him if he will beat Big Mom. He vowed to come back and do so. Katakuri finally passed out defeated for the first time. At the end, Luffy leaves his hat on his face as show of his respect and Pekoms shows up. It’s 5 until 1 am. Next time, Pekoms helps Luffy by awakening his sulong form, but will it save our hero? DON’T MISS IT! Thank you, Katakuri for putting up a major fight. We hope to see you down the road. Now on with the goods! First, we received a telegram from Tongari-san as he caught the flu, but will get better in no time. He says that in March, the tower will be celebrating its 4th anniversary, and loads of fun events will be happening. The anniversary week will start from March 13th to the 16th. There will be a special live performance from Kitadani Hiroshi and Ostuki Maki. Details of events and special live will be announced soon. Moreover, check out the new theme for the 4th anniversary. It’s an Alice in Wonderland theme. They’ll be selling new buttons of the Straw Hats including, Ace, Sabo, and Law. The tower will also be having a stamp rally event so more details will be announced soon. The spring event and buttons will be available on March 1st. Next, the tower is celebrating the beautiful Nico Robin’s birthday. Her bday is on Feb.6th. To celebrate, the stores will be selling Robin’s birthday button and key chain, another bday button, art board, tote bag, & postcard set. Also, they’ll be giving out a bromide card if you visit the park, & a free poster if you purchase over 3000 yen. The café will be serving her Flower-Flower Soybean milk pudding. It will come w/ an edible flower w/ a bit of drizzled berry sauce. Delish! The café will also celebrate Vivi’s birthday. They’ll serve her royal white curry udon noodle with some blue jelly and an edible flower. If you order either, you’ll receive a free birthday card. Also, if there are those in the mood to celebrate Valentine, the café will be serving this limited time Mr. Prince’s aka Sanji’s Love choco banana waffle served a glasses sweet crisp shape. Available until Feb.14th. Anyone have a sweet tooth? Well, now you can buy your own character chocolate piece. Deco chocolate are selling cubes of any of your favorite characters. You can make your own box of chocos. You pick a box, pick the characters, and done! You’re ready to check out. You can buy 3, 5, 10 pieces for one box. It’s a perfect gift for friends, family, or if you are the lovey dovey type, it would be a great Valentine or White day gift or some other special occasion. If you want to buy a whole box of one character, that is possible too. I bought one box.  Next, the store is also selling these limited ed. café goods of Sanji such as a button set, a can of candy, a box of waffle cookies w/ a free random sticker, and an acrylic key holder. It’s still in stock.  Last, but not least, the store is still selling the New Year gift pack that comes with an acrylic stand, long towel, and button set. Next, FIGURINES! Majorly awesome new ones! First, if you are in the arcade, be sure to win yourself these World Figure Colosseum Treasure Cruise figurines of Luffy, Nami, and Zoro in their cowboy look. They’ll also be stocking this awesome Grandista figurine of Sanji as well so get those coins ready to beat the crane. Next, stores will be selling this awesome new Figure Arts Zero figurine of Luffy in Snake Man mode. It will be released in May. POP will also release figurine of Luffy in Snake Man mode as well. It will be released in August. They’ll also be accepting reservations for this new POP figurine of Hina. It will be released in July. Last, but not least, this adorable POP figurine of Chopper ver. OT. It will be released in May. Next, new stuff! First, the popular brand, Graff Art are selling these cute goods of East Blue such as acrylic key holders (6 random), pass cases, a pouch, 3 memo pads, and a pencil case. Next, the stores will also be celebrating Robin’s b-day. To celebrate, they’ll sell her bday button and acrylic stand. If you purchase over 1000 yen, you’ll get a free mini poster of her. Next, a new flower pot of Chopper will be sold soon. It will come an engraved box with Chopper in it. It’s a perfect for friend or someone. Next, this year, Mugi Mugi will be having new plushies from East Blue. This month, they’ll be selling mugi mugi of Shanks, Luffy, and Coby. Very adorbs! Next, in March, they’ll be selling memo pad stands of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, & Keita-san. Next, new phone covers with all the Straw Hats individually or in group. Next, this week, stores will be these cute tote bags in gold and silver color. Possible to make an ita bag. Stores are also selling these new smartphone pocket of the gang, and these awesome plastic gold & silver tote purses with the OP logo on it. Next, anyone likes Valentine? More luck. The stores will be selling imprinted Valentine and White day cookies. Girls are now in stock. Great gifts. Looks so colorful to eat. They’re also selling these JUMP stickers available at JUMP Shops and Mugi stores according to its location: Tokyo, Osaka, & Fukuoka w/ differ designs. Stores are still selling these New Year goodie bags. Both bags have hand towels & Luffy mugi mugi mini pillow. Red bag will have button set of Luffy, Sanji, & Katakuri. Blue bag will have button set of Luffy, Zoro, & Law. Get them while they last. They’re also selling these adorable New Year mugi mugi of Luffy & Chopper in their kimono, these neat socks of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, & Chopper, this adorable mugi mugi purse perfect to store them, and hat with the anniversary design on the inside. Next, the Hello! OP exhibition will be holding it in Fukuoka region from April 20th to May 12th. They’re selling new goods such as a ticket mini folder, mini art stands, new mug of Nami, Sabo, & Shanks, folder, poster, tote bag, motto long towels of Luffy & Zoro, t-shirt, and a goodie bag. Next, big events happening: Hong Kong will host a marathon; registration is full, and a big shiop event going in Yokohama bay to celebrate 20th anniversary of the anime. They’ll have an OP café. More details will be announced later. More new stuff at the stores. They’ll be selling these adorable winter designs of Chopper’s hometown mascots including hiking bear. They’ll have masking tapes, pen, and a small notebook I think. It will be in pink or blue color. Next, stores will be selling these mini RUN! RUN! acrylic mini stands of the Straw Hats, Law, Ace, & Sabo in kid and adult versions. Adult versions will be available on Feb.16th. They’re also selling these mini stickers, new vivre cards of Robin, Shirahoshi, Blackbeard, and Hordy Jones. Coming very soon, these new acrylic straps and big & small pixel stickers of many various characters and t-shirts of Katakuri & Zoro. Next, stores are selling these new adorable Chopper goods such as this t-shirt, small pillows, shiny folder, and acrylic stands wearing differ hats from various characters. They’ll also be selling this Zoro sleeping mask and various new hand towels and long towels. Next, YO HO HO HO! Music! Coming soon, new stores will be selling this golden album of OP Music Material of BGM. It will be available on Feb.22nd. Next, month, they’ll be selling the OP 20th anniversary Best Album of all the songs throughout the 20 years including the hit song, WE ARE! It will be available on March 27th. If you haven’t purchased, be sure to purchase of the new single of V6 for OP’s theme, SUPER POWERS! This CD will have the songs with its animation cover of the boys w/ the Straw Hats. Other CD will have songs and DVD with the MV making. Next, if you haven’t purchased it, be sure to get your copy of the new OP magazine vol.5. It will have Zoro’s wanted poster. Also, the Kumamoto x Tokyo Girls Collection will be accepting votes for a postcard to be included in the next issue which will be available on May 24th. It will have Nami’s wanted poster. Also, Tsuruya dept. store will be having the collaboration of OP with TGC. They’ll have a café selling delish dishes of the girls, desserts, and drinks. They’ll be giving out free random coaster of the Straw Hats if you purchase a drink. For goods, they’ll be selling a folder, acrylic straps & buttons of Nami, Robin, Chopper, Hancock, Perona, Tashigi, and Big Mom, postcards, a tote bag, and acrylic stands of Nami, Robin, and Hancock. Next, new info for the upcoming OP movie, STAMPEDE! On March 1st, all movie theaters in Japan will be selling advanced tickets to the movie, and if you purchase it, you’ll be given a free 10 button set of the gang’s new look including a new jolly roger. Its limited time so be sure to check out your local theater at a town near you. YOWZA! Finally, here’s the new DVD cover of vol.18 of WCI that has the awesome Katakuri. You can find on the JP site of amazon. Phew! That is whole thing we cover for the January and this month’s news. We are truly sorry for falling behind. We won’t make a bad habit of it. We promise. That’s all we got. Be sure to tune in for more news next time. Boys! Job damn well done! Let’s call it a night.
 TGC: http://www.tsuruya-dept.co.jp/tgc/cafe/index.html
OP movie: http://www.onepiece-movie.jp/
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