#also she drools when shes happy hence her second name
its international cat day?
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Katya Drusilla is ready to be showered in gifts, affection, and treats!
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victakestaipei · 7 years
“Manila Killas”: Vic Takes the Philippines
As I said in my previous post, we all met Thursday night at 10:15pm to take the MRT to the airport. It took us about 45-hour to get to the airport, but it didn’t seem long at all! Maybe due to sheer excitement. We all packed pretty light, with one carry-on/one personal bag each.
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Upon arriving to the airport, we tried to go straight to security since we printed our boarding passes online. We read online that it’s better to print them beforehand so that we don’t have to pay to print at the airport, but, once we got to security the man turned us away and told us we needed “real” boarding passes that we had to get at the check-in counter. So we backtracked back to check-in and waited in the long ass line. When we got to the front we learned some interesting news... Bunny was overbooked. When she first booked her flight, they didn't send her confirmation email, so she feared that her booking didn’t go through. She booked again the next day with my booking, but as it turns out both went through (despite never getting the first email) so she was charged $100 for each flight on her account. AND She couldn't get her money back. The representative told us that the only amount she was allowed refunded was the airport tax which amounted to a whopping $6 US. Needless to say, Bunny was pissed.
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We were allowed 7kg (15pounds) as the weight limit for our carry-ons. But this was the total amount allotted for our carry on AND our personal item combined. I brought a small suitcase and my little yellow backpack. When I put the suitcase on the scale it was already overweight at 8.7kg. The price to check the carry on bag at the airport was around $40 US, and for a $95 flight, we weren't willing to do that. So we made it work. Both Jeannie and I had overweight carry-ons. I stuffed a few items into Bunny’s backpack in order to get my suitcase down to 7kg. But Jeannie had a harder time... She ended up taking clothes out of her bag and putting them on her body in order to make the bag less weight. Both Jeannie and Bunny piled on extra shirts, and Jeannie also took stuff out of her backpack and stuffed it into her leggings that she had on. It was pretty comical actually. 
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The lady at the ticketing counter would not give us our boarding passes until our bags totaled to 7kg. When it came time to weigh (finally), we walked over to a different counter where the scale started at -0.5kg instead of 0, and weighed our bags. I knew my backpack would still make my bags overweight, simply because my suitcase was already at 7kg, so I put my flannel on over my backpack and just never weighed it. (I finessed them hoes like a G!) 
After we all passed the moment of truth, we headed to security. But not before stopping and allowing Jeannie and Bunny to peel off all the layers of extra clothing to put back into her carryon suitcase. 
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After getting to the gate, we met a Muslim German girl named Shamaila, who is around our age and an avid world traveler. I want to be like her when I grow up. Turns out she was in Taipei for this Buddhism monk meditation retreat... Have any of you seen the movie “Eat, Pray, Love”? And you know how she spends that time in India at the Temple?? It was literally like that. The program she was in was to last 4 weeks, but she ended up having some conflicting feelings about it, in relation to her practice of Islam, so she quit after a few days. She stayed in Taipei a bit longer then decided, on to the next spot! Which brings her to the Philippines. She also spent the first day with us in Manila before taking her flight to the next destination, which is one of the smaller islands in the Philippines, I just can’t remember the name. She was super sweet though, and if I ever make it to Germany, I’m definitely giving her a call!
The flight itself was 2 hours. The plane was cramped as hell and my knees were pushed against the seat in front of me. If I didn’t have leggings on, I’m sure my knees would have little red blotches on them from being constantly pressed up against the seat in front of me. AND my seat did not recline at all. What a joy. Our flight left at 1:45/2am and we landed at 4am so I intended on getting some shuteye on the flight. But, they kept the lights on the ENTIRE FLIGHT. THERE WAS NO POSSIBLE WAY I COULD SLEEP. WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS??
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I'm in the window seat so the lights are bright as hell right over my face. I didn't think to take my flannel off and put it over my face until maybe like 30min until we landed... and I was just starting to fall asleep when we did. 
It was a very harsh landing I might add, You could hear the thud of the wheels hitting the pavement and all our heads bobbing up and down as we bounced in our seats. I was jolted from my sleep so I freaked out for a few seconds (I also had my flannel over my face) before realizing what was going on, and that we weren't actually dying. 
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This had to have been the most uncomfortable flight I've ever been on. I am extremely tired. Actually, I don't think the word "extremely" does my situation justice... I am tired as fuck. Air Asia might be worse than Spirit airlines...Air Asia is the Spirit airlines of the Far East. The CAT Bus of the sky... But nonetheless, I’m happy to be on solid ground.
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The exchange rate here is 50 pesos to $1 US. Which I'm happy about because it'll be much easier to mentally convert than 30 NT to $1 (like in Taiwan). We found a place to sit, in the Arrivals area, to take a load off for a few hours before heading to exchange our money, eat, and leave the airport. I tried to sleep on the benches but was unsuccessful. The bright lights of the airport and the constant bustling of people moving around made me uneasy when trying to sleep. The lights make it feel like a hospital, and the constant noise and voices made it feel like people were watching me sleep... and granted, some were. 
At this point its 6:30 am and I've probably slept a total of 2-3 hours in the past 24 hours. Before leaving the airport we bought portable wifi and split it amongst the four of us... it’s super convenient especially since none of us have consistent data and we’ll need it to call Ubers and stuff! We named our wifi network “Manila Killas,” hence the title of this post.  
The five of us (Bunny, Jeannie, Nick, Shamaila, and I) headed to McDonald's to eat and figure out our itinerary for the day. I ordered the egg sausage mcmuffin (I'm basic) but they had a lot of stuff not offered in the states, like fried chicken fillets, garlic rice, etc... My sandwich was super good and tasted fresh. Significantly better than US standards. The egg was definitely fresh and the yolk was the texture that it’s supposed to be. In the McDonalds they were playing songs by Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, etc... it felt like I was back in the States, but in the year 2013. After we left McDonald's, we were in search of a Starbucks. We wanted to use the wifi and relax and get coffee. We ended up staying a while too... Like 4 hours. Our check in time for the airbnb was 2pm, so we hung out at the Starbz until then. I charged my phone, drank a green tea frap, relaxed a bit.... Couldn't sleep at all still. I am delirious at this point. After Starbucks we took an Uber to our airbnb. 
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Our airbnb neighborhood felt very safe, with gates and guards at both entrances/exits. I am thankful for this, simply because once you step outside the gates, it doesn’t feel as safe anymore... there are beggars/panhandlers everywhere, and the whole atmosphere just changes once you leave the community. We were definitely in an urban and poor area. It was eye opening.
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The airbnb itself was small but had everything we needed. Two bunk beds, a tiny kitchen, closet, AC, Wifi, and a bathroom/shower. It was super cute and reminded me of those shows where people buy tiny houses on purpose. And I honestly hate those kind of people... they’re just so extra. 
As it turns out I didn’t get any pictures of the airbnb itself, just of my bunk. So I’m sorry about that... but if you’re really pressed I can send you the ad of the airbnb if you want to check it out lol.
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Before heading out to find food and see some sights, we took a nap for about 40mins. I woke up with DROOL ON MY PILLOW. That’s how you know ya girl was TIED. We wanted to see some Spanish Cathedrals, so we made our way to the historic district of Intramuros. We walked to the train station and took the high speed rail to United Nation station. From there we hopped off and headed on our way on foot. We stopped at a few food stands along the way and got an array of yummy street food: from fried squid, to lumpia and rice, to piaya. All super cheap, and all super BOMB.
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When we were walking, Jeannie fell in some mud, so we stopped at the nearby National Museum of Anthropology so that she could go to the bathroom and clean off... It was pretty funny, the whole situation, but it was too soon to make jokes so I just kept them to myself. Here are some pics of me infront of the museum, and in front of a statue that stood super tall in the nearby park..still not sure who that statue is of... I’ll google it and get back to you.
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Jeannie running up the steps.. lol ^
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After walking a bit longer, we finally arrived at Intramuros. Intramuros is a historical district within the city of Manila. This is where the Spanish Cathedrals we wanted to see were located. We saw San Agustin church, and Manila Cathedral. 
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We hung out at the park in front of Manila Cathedral for a while. There were kids doing flips off the park furniture and onto the grass.. they were so free spirited and spunky and I just admired them from a distance like a creep. There was also this huge wooden structure, with a book exchange underneath, that you could sit on and enjoy the park and look at the Cathedral from there too. You can take a book if you leave one behind, I love that idea. This whole area is very quaint with huge paintings on display in the grassy area. I could spend an afternoon here with no problem.
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Once it started to sprinkle a bit, we hopped in an Uber to head to Fort Strip. Fort Strip is a popular market/restaurant area. But, the Uber ride there was almost two hours... to drive 7 miles... because traffic was horrendous. And it started to pour rain right before we got to our destination. We found a place to eat, and sat/ate to hide from the rain and relax a bit. I've been an emotional wreck all day. I start my period today so the emotional side of it has already been hitting me full force. Mix that with the lack of sleep I've had, and it's a recipe for a "bitter ass Vic". I'm sitting here barely sheltered from the pouring rain under the awning of this bar...Our food just came, they're playing Bob Marley mashups/edm mixes... it's as if everything in me has been falling apart and coming together at the same time. I’m looking around the table and seeing how all of us struggled to get here, how tired and hungry and grouchy we all are... yet HERE we are. In the fricken Philippines! Can't help but smile and sing along to "every little thing, is gonna be alright;" all while scarfing down my beer-battered spam and egg rice bowl. (Which was flame by the way).
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One thing to note about the music here... which I find pretty fascinating. It’s clear that they love Western music, pop especially. But I find it funny that they love the song, but every time I hear familiar lyrics, it’s always paired with a remixed beat/melody, and vocals that aren’t of the original singer. And 99% of the time, the person singing these lyrics, has a vocal register that is significantly higher than that of the original artist. It’s like I’m hearing covers or karoake mixes constantly. Pretty funny actually. I wish I would have recorded some songs for you all to hear... 
After we finished eating, the rain let up a bit. We looked around the Fort Strip area to the other restaurants and bars before heading home. We were all pretty slumped from the day, and the 40min nap we had before heading to Intramuros was not enough. After we got to our aibnb, we noticed that there were bugs everywhere... They definitely weren’t there before so it still bugs me to think about how they just popped up out of nowhere. And a lot of them were in Jeannies bed (ew), and the shower. I know I shouldn’t say this, but all I could think about was how THANKFUL I was that the bugs weren’t crawling around my bunk. Bless up!!! Hehe (Karma will get me later I’m sure). 
We left the house by 11:15am to head to Salcedo market. Salcedo market is a market that’s only open on the weekends and is super local. It’s basically a farmer’s market. Everything here was super cheap (remember the 50 peso - $1 US ratio), and I ordered a bunch of different types of food. The first thing I got was some pork bbq (on a stick) with rice combo. It was 159 pesos, and super duper delicious.
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The next thing I ordered was this beef shawarma pita, because I was craving Mediterannean and the smell was calling my name. I spent about 140 pesos on this and I have no RAGRETS. I also got a fresh smoothie, some bread from a bakery stand, and tried some dimsum, courtesy of Jeannie. All in all it was a delicious and filling brunch.
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Next we headed to Green Hills shopping center, which is basically a huge indoor flea market. I bought a bunch of goodies for myself and friends. And we probably spent about 2 hours there. And after Green Hills we went to SM Mall of Asia. We walked around, and it reminded me alot fo the Fashion Show mall in Vegas, complete with literal fashion show. We went into Forever 21, and I bought a swimsuit that I didn't need (how unusual of me). It was so cute though lmao.
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Next to the SM Mall is the bay, and there’s a small amusement park there too. I can imagine it gets pretty poppin’ on the weekends here. We tried to catch the sunset but it was a bit too cloudy for that. It was still beautiful though! 
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After the SM Mall it was getting kind of dark and we were all pretty winded from the long day. We decided to get some grub before electing to take the bus home from the Mall. (Google maps said that it would be quicker than Uber and traffic is already bad enough as it is.) We stopped at a restaurant called “Goldilocks” which is pretty popular here. We chose this restaurant because one of our Uber drivers recommended it. I ordered the pork combo and added lumpiag. It was really good. The huge egg roll thing on the right side of the plate is filled with veggies, for those wondering.
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Afterwards, we hopped on the bus and made our way to the house. The buses are a bit different in the sense that they’re like those VIP buses you would get when you’re on a high school sports team and you travel to another city... with the cloth seats and the television at the front of the bus... I can still smell the bus’s smell lingering in my nose. It wasn’t necessarily a bad smell... just a distinct one. 
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After being on the bus for 20 or so minutes, the conductor waved for us to get off because our stop was approaching. Little did we know we were hopping off the bus in the middle of traffic and the bus itself would not come to a complete stop. I got off and immediately saw the lights of another bus right in front of me.. My life flashed before my eyes as the incoming bus honked loudly for us to get out of the street. Terrifying!!! But also kind of exciting in a “omg I’m alive and this is how people really live in the Philippines?!?!?” sort of way. 
When we got home I immediately napped, because we were to go to the club/bar. We wanted to check out the nightlife here because it seems like it would be a fun time!! But, it ended up raining (hard) and we knew traffic would be awful (per usual), so instead we just got drunk as a skunk in our airbnb... off of rum and coke that we bought at 7/11. (For less than $3 US!!!!) WOW!!!
We had alot of plans for our weekend trip here in Philippines, but the weather really did us dirty. We wanted to go check out Ta’al and Mt. Pinatubo, which are both beautiful volcano areas that are not too far from Manila. But because of the rain, it proved to be a bit too dangerous in terms of hiking. Next time (if I ever make my way back here) I’ll be sure to check out the Islands, and not come during typhoon season *ugh*.
After Nick and I got thoroughly wasted on cheap booze, we headed to our nearby Jollibees at 2am. Jollibees is like America’s McDonalds, but better tasting food, and food that’s better for you. We headed out the house in the rain with an umbrella in tow. Both of us forgot our glasses as we stumbled along the gravel, around the corner, to the fast food joint. It was hard for me to read the menu because I didn’t have my glasses on, and I giggled uncontrollably as I ordered my burger and fries. The workers there probably thought I was insane. Welp. *shrugs*... but BOY WHEN I TELL YOU!!! that food and pineapple juice HIT!!!! So so so good. Maybe it was because I was drunk??? still...  
After we finished eating Nick and I made our way back to the complex. Nick insisted we go a different route which was “shorter” and conveniently dark as hell too. I’m never listening to Nick again. He’s like Brien. Something about white dudes man.... Anyway, we got lost. IN THE POURING RAIN AND DARKNESS. I am turnt and therefore paranoid. I keep thinking the people who are just sitting in their carts are actually jumping out the bushes and trying to terrify us. I haven’t been that jumpy in a long long time. And the dark alley way we were going down seemed never ending. We came across a river and that’s when Nick was like “OKAY. I haven’t seen this before let’s head back.”... I’m looking at him like ??? BRUH. You cannot be serious. He then tries to reassure me by saying “We’ll be fine. Im a tall white dude, they aren’t going to try to do anything to us, they’re scared of me.... But little do they know I’m a bitch.” And then proceeds to drunkenly laugh hysterically.
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Thanks for that Nick, thanks. Seems like if anything goes down, I’LL have to be the one to throw hands.... nice to know where you stand, Bud.
Anyway, we made it back to our apartment scotch-free and knocked the hell out shortly after that. I was dead. literally D-E-D. 
Today we woke up around 10am... My stomach was turning a bit so I tried to go back to sleep, with no luck. After all of us rose from the dead, we went to the pool for the morning.
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We ate at Jollibee’s for lunch... yes, the same place as last night. And I was right, it wasn’t because I was drunk, the food STILL SLAPPED. I really like that place. 
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After we ate we stopped at a local bakery and got some street food too before heading back to the airbnb. Below is a picture of me and some tiny bananas, for your viewing pleasure hehe ;)
We relaxed in our airbnb before heading to the airport around 6:30pm.
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When the Uber picked us up, we got pulled over by the cops shortly after. We all sat there in silence as the Uber driver BRIBED THE OFFICER RIGHT IN FRONT OF US... HAH! I wish it was that easy in the States. (but no, not really). I still don’t know exactly why we got pulled over, but I think it had to do with us driving in a specific lane?? Not sure, because they definitely were not conversing back and forth in English. After the cop let us go, we continued on our merry way.... But needless to say it was a very quiet and awkward 20 minutes...
Once at the airport, getting through check-in / security was a breeze! We had no problems with the weight of our bags because we decided to check one of our bags so that we could put all our souvenirs and heavy items in it, making our carry-ons lighter. 
We went to eat at Max’s, and had a feast of sorts. I also tried some Filipino beer called San Miguel’s. It was really really good. I ordered some fried shrimp and some canton noodles that I split with Jeannie. 
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After dinner we headed to the gate and relaxed. We were supposed to take off at 11:15pm. But we didn’t even board until after midnight, and our gate changed too. We boarded and departed for Taipei, and again the same thing... seats didn’t recline, no space for my long legs.... Such a drag! But it was a bit more comfortable since there was no one in the middle seat, just me and Bunny sitting in the aisle and the window seat of our row. 
We landed around 2 am, but I didn’t get home until over an hour and a half later. We took the bus to Taipei Main Station, because all of the other forms of public transportation (MRT and city buses) stop running at midnight. And then from there, we took a cab to our dorm. I was in bed just before 4 am. Once I crawled into my bunk bed at home I knocked out pretty hard, and slept better than I have my entire stay! 
Overall, Philippines was definitely something I won’t soon forget. I do wish I had more time to spend there, and that I could’ve traveled around to the other islands and seen the “nature” aspect, instead of the “urban” aspect. But for my first trip it was definitely a good time, and spent with even better people.
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therightnewsnetwork · 8 years
Liberal Women Behaving VERY Badly
I didn’t want to do this…but because of the abject stupidity of it, I now feel compelled to issue this article and address it to specifically those…whatever they were…at last weekend’s parade of pussies in Washington DC.
What in THE hell, were you bunch of drooling, slobbering liberals thinking?
Seriously…you wanted to have a voice…you had the biggest stage imaginable…you wanted yourselves and whatever cause it was you claimed to represent to be taken seriously, and you dressed up like clowns from a circus of hookers, drew up vulgar signs and pranced about like a 500,000 member gaggle of shrieking, malcontented, pissed-off sufferers of PMS pansies.
In just 24 hours, you mangy morons managed to show more disrespect, more abject hatred of your own gender and did more to demean your cause that President Trump could possibly do in a lifetime.
And speaking of gender… I was under the impression that liberals, regardless of their gender, didn’t give a happy puss 13damn about gender, and that being the case…why on earth were you out there demanding anything specifically related to one gender?
You can’t be gender-neutral and be marching for any gender’s rights at the same time…unless of course, you’re admitting your own hypocrisy.
Please, any one of you who were there, name even a single right that you had as women before last Friday at noon that you lost as OF noon on Friday when Donald Trump was sworn into office. Just one. Anyone?
You can’t, because you haven’t lost even a single right, so what was it again you were out there for?
Oh, yes…a woman’s right to have an abortion…and you’re scared that if the Supreme Court swings back to the Conservative…you might lose that right.
We know that this was exactly what your little parade of fools was all about because we know that Right to Life groups asked to be included in your orgy and that the organizers OF your orgy refused them.
What really has your parts all puckered up is the idea that the Conservative majority in Congress might vote to divest the American taxpayers of funding Planned Non-Parenthood. Now here’s a couple of things you probably haven’t spent too much time thinking about, and by the look of so many of your get-ups at your protest last weekend, I rather doubt that very many of you take the time to think at all…but Planned Parenthood, is not a non-profit bastion of abortion. They are FOR profit, and therefore probably don’t deserve taxpayer monies to begin with.
Now before you start telling me that oil companies get taxpayer dollars and they’re for profit…let me just point out that Exxon isn’t killing the soon-to-be-born on demand, so there is a difference.
Here’s an idea…why don’t you just pay for your own abortions, or better yet…don’t get pregnant to begin with and judging by the way you presented yourselves at last Saturday’s rally…the latter shouldn’t be much of a problem.
It really is amazing how you liberals want the government involved in everything…in every aspect of our daily lives, but you draw the line at government not paying for your abortions. You WANT the government to protect your ability to HAVE an abortion…you WANT them involved in your vaginas at THAT point…but you march about carrying signs telling the government to stay OUT of your vaginas.
So…which is it? In…or out…or in…or out…or in…
And don’t start screaming, “OH GOD, OH GOD,” because we know that your ilk doesn’t even believe in God.
You claim that you have the collective RIGHT to have an abortion.
No…you don’t. Finger through all the Amendments in the Bill of Rights, when you aren’t busy fingering something, or someone else, and you won’t find a single thing in their about any right, endowed by the Creator, regarding you having any right to end the life of a soon to be born child. And while you’re at it, take a moment to discover that our Constitution and our Bill of Rights makes it clear that our unalienable rights do not come from the government.
So…how did the organizers of this obtuse gathering pull it all together so quickly? Simple…it had been planned for months…as a celebration of Hillary’s win…which never happened…hence the need for hand lettered rather than pre-printed signage.
And women’s rights? Really? That’s what this was all about…in a country where women have equal rights? What about all the countries, many of which donated money directly to Hillary Clinton via her pay to play set up at the Department of State where women most assuredly do NOT have anything even slightly resembling equal rights?
Countries where women are stoned to death for being raped? Places where women are beaten for daring to be seen in public without their husbands? Countries where women are not allowed to drive, or get an education, or vote, or decide for themselves who they will marry?
Nearly all of those countries have an embassy in Washington…where these liberal woman could protest for women’s rights…where women’s rights are desperately lacking…but did they?
Of course not.
Those liberal moonbats protested for their right to have their soon to be born children killed, as a matter of birth control…and to have their deeds paid for by the American taxpayers.To those liberal women, and the smattering of liberal men who attended…the greatest injustice that women here face is the prospect of having to pay for their own abortions, or worse yet, in their eyes, the prospect of not being able to end the lives of their soon to be born children at all.
Oh, the humanity.
Let me now put the finest, sharpest point on the abject stupidity of this march that I possibly can…once it went from being a Hillary Celebration party to a so-called “women’s rights” march in protest of President Trump…the CO-CHAIR of this “women’s rights” gathering of liberal loons was…Linda Sarsour…a Muslim, tied to terrorist organizations…WHO SUPPORTS SHARIA LAW…which contains absolutely NO rights for women.
Okay, all of that said…allow me to address some of the idiots who joined the parade of pussies last weekend individually.
First up, we have what at first blush seems to be a woman dressed as a cow, but upon closer inspection, and after a little research, it is actually a cow dressed up as a woman. EradiGate is not how you spell…eradicate…which I believe is what you may have meant and I’m sure that had you possessed a dickshunairy…you would have known that.
Next…we had THIS liberal wordsmith…who had well over a month to come up with something deep to write on her sign…
But felt compelled to wallow about on the shallowest end of the gene pool she could find in order to show us all that liberals really are…staggeringly more enlightened than anyone else.
Then, we had this glowing example of liberal womanhood…
A woman who somehow managed to put her ass on backwards last Saturday morning, and she wore a shirt proclaiming that “the struggle is real.” Yes…yes it was…
After that, we come to THIS…
One can only imagine that she is trying to tell the rest of the world that she has managed to plow through all the available American men, and lesbians…along with having hosted all the illegal aliens in her own, private sanctuary city, so now she’s inviting all of Obama’s unvetted “refugees” through the front door.
Apparently, she isn’t particularly interested in vetting anyone who takes the plunge, therefore all but admitting her status as a multi-cultural slut…but there are a few things of which she might like to be aware…
All of Obama’s unvetted “refugees” are from Islamic countries, and some of them tend to wear clothing packed with dynamite, and some are prone to early self-detonation which could well lead to her first ever explosive orgasm. Also, those Islamists are looking for 72 VIRGINS and if one reads between the lines of her welcome mat…she doesn’t qualify.
Next up…
Her voice coach has been trying to get her to sing from her diaphragm…apparently, with some measure of success.
How about this tremendous example of liberalism who managed to turn her 15 seconds of shame into a TV interview
While I would tend to agree that building the wall she suggests would most likely repel illegal alien invaders…I have a hunch she wants the American tax payers to foot the bill and not the Mexican government.
If yours are ROARING…you’ve got problems bigger than Donald Trump.
This next one is a real head-scratcher…
Let’s see…you’re at a rally promoting abortion, but you have a toddler…maybe 3 or 4 years old….and you’re parading that child around carrying a sign containing 4 words…at least 3 of which she doesn’t even understand…in the hopes that she’ll grow up to be both as stupid, and as bitter as her mother.
Mom of the year.
Just a couple more…I promise…
What’s really ironic is that the vast vaginal majority of last weekend’s prancing genitalia hate Trump because, 10 years ago, he made a comment about grabbing a pussy…and those who actually voted…voted for the wife of Monica Lewinski’s former boyfriend who used his girlfriend, as a humidor.
And finally…speaking of liberal men…
THIS guy showed up at the weekend march with THIS sign…
Atta boy…way to prove my point.
Now that we have seen the mindset of the garden variety liberal woman, on full display, let me wrap this all up with perhaps the most ironic, hypocritical and bone crushingly stupid part of last weekend’s waddling parade of vaginas…a parade supposedly meant, in part, to convince men to stop objectifying women. As your keynote speaker…there to whip the collective women’s movement into a frothy lather, and once and for all times put an end to men treating women as little more than the receptacles they were dressed as last Saturday…you put Madonna on center stage…Madonna…the very woman who promised oral sex to anyone who voted for Hillary.
In the course of a single day, somewhere near 500,000 liberal women managed to delegitimize, and make a total mockery of their entire agenda, because never again will anyone with an ounce of common sense or caring hear one single word they have to say without envisioning their absurd costumes.
And trust me when I tell you, that nobody takes a 5-6 foot tall, vulgar, slobbering, drooling and acerbic vagina…seriously.
Absolutely nobody.
Source: TheNationalPatriot.com
The post Liberal Women Behaving VERY Badly appeared first on Tea Party Tribune.
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Liberal Women Behaving VERY Badly
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Liberal Women Behaving VERY Badly
I didn’t want to do this…but because of the abject stupidity of it, I now feel compelled to issue this article and address it to specifically those…whatever they were…at last weekend’s parade of pussies in Washington DC.
What in THE hell, were you bunch of drooling, slobbering liberals thinking?
Seriously…you wanted to have a voice…you had the biggest stage imaginable…you wanted yourselves and whatever cause it was you claimed to represent to be taken seriously, and you dressed up like clowns from a circus of hookers, drew up vulgar signs and pranced about like a 500,000 member gaggle of shrieking, malcontented, pissed-off sufferers of PMS pansies.
In just 24 hours, you mangy morons managed to show more disrespect, more abject hatred of your own gender and did more to demean your cause that President Trump could possibly do in a lifetime.
And speaking of gender… I was under the impression that liberals, regardless of their gender, didn’t give a happy puss 13damn about gender, and that being the case…why on earth were you out there demanding anything specifically related to one gender?
You can’t be gender-neutral and be marching for any gender’s rights at the same time…unless of course, you’re admitting your own hypocrisy.
Please, any one of you who were there, name even a single right that you had as women before last Friday at noon that you lost as OF noon on Friday when Donald Trump was sworn into office. Just one. Anyone?
You can’t, because you haven’t lost even a single right, so what was it again you were out there for?
Oh, yes…a woman’s right to have an abortion…and you’re scared that if the Supreme Court swings back to the Conservative…you might lose that right.
We know that this was exactly what your little parade of fools was all about because we know that Right to Life groups asked to be included in your orgy and that the organizers OF your orgy refused them.
What really has your parts all puckered up is the idea that the Conservative majority in Congress might vote to divest the American taxpayers of funding Planned Non-Parenthood. Now here’s a couple of things you probably haven’t spent too much time thinking about, and by the look of so many of your get-ups at your protest last weekend, I rather doubt that very many of you take the time to think at all…but Planned Parenthood, is not a non-profit bastion of abortion. They are FOR profit, and therefore probably don’t deserve taxpayer monies to begin with.
Now before you start telling me that oil companies get taxpayer dollars and they’re for profit…let me just point out that Exxon isn’t killing the soon-to-be-born on demand, so there is a difference.
Here’s an idea…why don’t you just pay for your own abortions, or better yet…don’t get pregnant to begin with and judging by the way you presented yourselves at last Saturday’s rally…the latter shouldn’t be much of a problem.
It really is amazing how you liberals want the government involved in everything…in every aspect of our daily lives, but you draw the line at government not paying for your abortions. You WANT the government to protect your ability to HAVE an abortion…you WANT them involved in your vaginas at THAT point…but you march about carrying signs telling the government to stay OUT of your vaginas.
So…which is it? In…or out…or in…or out…or in…
And don’t start screaming, “OH GOD, OH GOD,” because we know that your ilk doesn’t even believe in God.
You claim that you have the collective RIGHT to have an abortion.
No…you don’t. Finger through all the Amendments in the Bill of Rights, when you aren’t busy fingering something, or someone else, and you won’t find a single thing in their about any right, endowed by the Creator, regarding you having any right to end the life of a soon to be born child. And while you’re at it, take a moment to discover that our Constitution and our Bill of Rights makes it clear that our unalienable rights do not come from the government.
So…how did the organizers of this obtuse gathering pull it all together so quickly? Simple…it had been planned for months…as a celebration of Hillary’s win…which never happened…hence the need for hand lettered rather than pre-printed signage.
And women’s rights? Really? That’s what this was all about…in a country where women have equal rights? What about all the countries, many of which donated money directly to Hillary Clinton via her pay to play set up at the Department of State where women most assuredly do NOT have anything even slightly resembling equal rights?
Countries where women are stoned to death for being raped? Places where women are beaten for daring to be seen in public without their husbands? Countries where women are not allowed to drive, or get an education, or vote, or decide for themselves who they will marry?
Nearly all of those countries have an embassy in Washington…where these liberal woman could protest for women’s rights…where women’s rights are desperately lacking…but did they?
Of course not.
Those liberal moonbats protested for their right to have their soon to be born children killed, as a matter of birth control…and to have their deeds paid for by the American taxpayers.To those liberal women, and the smattering of liberal men who attended…the greatest injustice that women here face is the prospect of having to pay for their own abortions, or worse yet, in their eyes, the prospect of not being able to end the lives of their soon to be born children at all.
Oh, the humanity.
Let me now put the finest, sharpest point on the abject stupidity of this march that I possibly can…once it went from being a Hillary Celebration party to a so-called “women’s rights” march in protest of President Trump…the CO-CHAIR of this “women’s rights” gathering of liberal loons was…Linda Sarsour…a Muslim, tied to terrorist organizations…WHO SUPPORTS SHARIA LAW…which contains absolutely NO rights for women.
Okay, all of that said…allow me to address some of the idiots who joined the parade of pussies last weekend individually.
First up, we have what at first blush seems to be a woman dressed as a cow, but upon closer inspection, and after a little research, it is actually a cow dressed up as a woman. EradiGate is not how you spell…eradicate…which I believe is what you may have meant and I’m sure that had you possessed a dickshunairy…you would have known that.
Next…we had THIS liberal wordsmith…who had well over a month to come up with something deep to write on her sign…
But felt compelled to wallow about on the shallowest end of the gene pool she could find in order to show us all that liberals really are…staggeringly more enlightened than anyone else.
Then, we had this glowing example of liberal womanhood…
A woman who somehow managed to put her ass on backwards last Saturday morning, and she wore a shirt proclaiming that “the struggle is real.” Yes…yes it was…
After that, we come to THIS…
One can only imagine that she is trying to tell the rest of the world that she has managed to plow through all the available American men, and lesbians…along with having hosted all the illegal aliens in her own, private sanctuary city, so now she’s inviting all of Obama’s unvetted “refugees” through the front door.
Apparently, she isn’t particularly interested in vetting anyone who takes the plunge, therefore all but admitting her status as a multi-cultural slut…but there are a few things of which she might like to be aware…
All of Obama’s unvetted “refugees” are from Islamic countries, and some of them tend to wear clothing packed with dynamite, and some are prone to early self-detonation which could well lead to her first ever explosive orgasm. Also, those Islamists are looking for 72 VIRGINS and if one reads between the lines of her welcome mat…she doesn’t qualify.
Next up…
Her voice coach has been trying to get her to sing from her diaphragm…apparently, with some measure of success.
How about this tremendous example of liberalism who managed to turn her 15 seconds of shame into a TV interview
While I would tend to agree that building the wall she suggests would most likely repel illegal alien invaders…I have a hunch she wants the American tax payers to foot the bill and not the Mexican government.
If yours are ROARING…you’ve got problems bigger than Donald Trump.
This next one is a real head-scratcher…
Let’s see…you’re at a rally promoting abortion, but you have a toddler…maybe 3 or 4 years old….and you’re parading that child around carrying a sign containing 4 words…at least 3 of which she doesn’t even understand…in the hopes that she’ll grow up to be both as stupid, and as bitter as her mother.
Mom of the year.
Just a couple more…I promise…
What’s really ironic is that the vast vaginal majority of last weekend’s prancing genitalia hate Trump because, 10 years ago, he made a comment about grabbing a pussy…and those who actually voted…voted for the wife of Monica Lewinski’s former boyfriend who used his girlfriend, as a humidor.
And finally…speaking of liberal men…
THIS guy showed up at the weekend march with THIS sign…
Atta boy…way to prove my point.
Now that we have seen the mindset of the garden variety liberal woman, on full display, let me wrap this all up with perhaps the most ironic, hypocritical and bone crushingly stupid part of last weekend’s waddling parade of vaginas…a parade supposedly meant, in part, to convince men to stop objectifying women. As your keynote speaker…there to whip the collective women’s movement into a frothy lather, and once and for all times put an end to men treating women as little more than the receptacles they were dressed as last Saturday…you put Madonna on center stage…Madonna…the very woman who promised oral sex to anyone who voted for Hillary.
In the course of a single day, somewhere near 500,000 liberal women managed to delegitimize, and make a total mockery of their entire agenda, because never again will anyone with an ounce of common sense or caring hear one single word they have to say without envisioning their absurd costumes.
And trust me when I tell you, that nobody takes a 5-6 foot tall, vulgar, slobbering, drooling and acerbic vagina…seriously.
Absolutely nobody.
Source: TheNationalPatriot.com
The post Liberal Women Behaving VERY Badly appeared first on Tea Party Tribune.
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