#also she said if i didn’t have it done by tmr i’d be grounded for three days
prettyboysmlm · 1 year
did that just fucking happen
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mcheang · 5 years
2 sperate fics: 1 with after Lila got exposed Alya is bitter and resentful at Mari for cutting ties with her former classmates and Mari's thriving career and Mari and new friends confront her on this angry grudge she's holding. the 2nd is similar but Marinette asking Lila why she did what she did and why she tried so hard to ruin Marinette for just trying to expose her
Part 1: Grow Up
I am so excited. This is my first request! Normally I post one fic per day, but I actually have a (spoiler!) double feature tmr, so what the heck. I hope this satisfies you. I will warn you that I will only answer half of your request in Part 2 because I already wrote a fic for why Lila lies, which I will post tmr. 🙂
It all came to a head at the next class president election.
The previous semester, the majority of the class had decided to vote for Lila to be class president after she expressed interest in it.
Alya ignored Marinette’s warnings and agreed to be that liar’s deputy.
Chloe and Sabrina played dirty of course. But a surprise came when Adrien supported Marinette as her deputy. Alya had been surprised then because she didn’t think he could spare the time. She didn’t know he knew Lila was a liar and that her reign would be intolerable at best.
Lila won, of course. Despite Sabrina providing evidence that Lila was a liar. The class believed it was all fabricated.
It wasn’t until later that Mrs Rossi forced Lila to tell the truth. Apparently Chloe managed to get the last laugh after all.
After that, the class pleaded for Marinette to take up her old post but she declined because she already made commitments to her new commissions on her website.
Apparently with Lila as class president and Alya as her deputy, Marinette had more free time, which she chose to spend with Adrien since he had also avoided Lila like the plague.
Life became worse. Lila would not be graduating at the end of the year and had detention for the rest of it besides. And all her promises about fabulous class trips and easy fundraising was false.
Without Marinette, the class field trips became commonplace museum tours. Fundraising was hard without her families’ free pastries.
To rub salt in the wound, Aurore had started her own blog. She interviewed Ladybug who finally expressed relief that someone questioned Lila’s interview.
After that, Rena Rouge and Carapace were replaced.
As Alya’s blog support dropped, MDC.com flew up the charts. Celebrities kept name dropping Marinette.
Audrey even gave her a raving review.
Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale hires Marinette to design their outfits for their joint tour.
Whenever Alya tried to talk to Marinette or get some time with her, her own deputy duties got in the way, or Marinette was busy with something else.
Alya wasn’t blind. She knew Chloe and Aurore had replaced her as Marinette’s BFF.
While the rest of the class had supported Lila, Marinette had her own clique: Adrien, Chloe, Sabrina, Alix, Nathaniel, Marc, and Aurore.
When the elections came up again, Alya wondered if Marinette would let her be her deputy again. But to her surprise, Chloe was the only candidate.
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That was the last straw. Alya’s bitterness finally overflowed.
All she had wanted was her Best Friend back. To go back to the way things were. She wanted her blog to be popular again, she wanted to be a hero again, and she wanted Marinette to be her bestie again.
She didn’t know who this popular designer girl was.
Alya protested Chloe’s victory. Why should the class bully be nominated. It should be Marinette. They had done such an awesome job last time.
To Alya’s surprise, it wasn’t Chloe who shut her down. It was Ms Bustier.
She gently admonished Alya for not giving Chloe a chance.
Marinette even piped up that she was too busy. Besides, she believes Chloe will make a good class rep.
Alya wanted to scream. Instead, she sat back down next to her embarrassed Boyfriend. Ugh, couldn’t he be more supportive?
At lunch, as Alya sat with Nino, Kim, Ivan and Mylene, Marinette and her posse came over.
“Alya, what’s gotten into you?” Marinette looked so disappointed. Ha. She’s got some nerve. “How could you say those stuff about Chloe?”
Alya snapped back, “How could I? How could you? How can you all stand there and forget all the mean things Chloe has done.”
Chloe rolled her eyes. “I’m standing right here, you know.”
Adrien said gently, “people change, Alya. And Chloe has changed for the better.”
“But Marinette has changed for the worse!” Alya finally yelled, causing even her own table to stare at her.
While Marinette looked stunned by the accusation, her friends looked furious.
“Excuse me?” Alix demanded.
Alya finally let loose the tirade Caline had build a dam over. “Last time, Marinette was the kind of girl who made time for everyone, who helped everyone, who stood up to bullies. But you...” she shook her head at Marinette. “I don’t even recognise you anymore, girl.”
Sabrina made the first defense. “Marinette doesn’t have to help everyone. It is her decision. You do not get to pressure her like that.”
Marc added, “Yeah, besides she still helps us when she can. She helped us to come up with costume designs for our comics.”
Nathaniel nodded. “And she does spend time with us. Sabrina’s right, Alya. Marinette is free to choose how to spend her time and with which friends she chooses to hang out with. Just because she doesn’t hang out with you anymore doesn’t mean you aren’t friends.”
Chloe sniffed, “Though with how you’ve been treating her, it’s no wonder Marinette moved on. Honestly Alya, you’re a crow. The moment you see something shiny, you fly away. And that’s what you did. When Lila came along in all her glitter, you had a choice to support 2 candidates and you made your choice.”
Aurore stared Alya down. “We all know why you want Marinette back. You want the security of your first year here. You want your blog back. But have you even thought about Marinette’s own feelings? Did you ever apologize for doubting her once Lila was exposed, without asking for anything in return? Did you ever ask her what she wanted before speaking for her? Did you even congratulate her for her success?”
No. Alya swallowed. No, she had not.
Marinette looked at Alya pityingly. “I had hoped you would adapt Alya, that you could see the good in others and let go of the past. But it’s time to face the facts. We can never go back to what we used to be. It’s time to grow up, Alya.”
And with her final word said, Marinette led her clique away. They were going to eat lunch at her place.
And they left Alya behind to pick up the scraps of what had remained of her life.
Part 2: here we are again
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Lila was in the toilets again. This was her new haunting ground. Not the star of her entourage, sitting as if she were on a throne. Not with a trail of admirers following her to class. Here, in this stinky cubicle, listening to all the gossip.
Ever since Chloe outed Lila, the class had treated her like a pariah. Alya only talked to her when necessary, mostly to discuss their duties as president and deputy.
Honestly, Lila wished that goody 2 shoes would have replaced her. Hell, even Chloe would have been acceptable. At least then she would be left alone to stew in peace.
But no. Marinette was too busy now with her flourishing business. And Chloe refused to accept the position as second choice.
When Lila had snapped at Alya to just manage without her, Alya had growled back, “No way in (swear word) hell. You ruined my blog, and I’d sooner carry bowling balls to school than do your work for you.”
Lila had rolled her eyes then. “Like it’s my fault you’re a tabloid writer.”
“What did you say?!”
Long story short, Alya had called Mrs Rossi who threatened Lila with military school and no allowance unless she did her duties.
Lila did them. Her class was unappreciative of her hard work. She didn’t blame them. She had been on one of Marinette’s organised trips. She knew her own were mediocre.
Class funding had reached an all new low, too. No one wanted to support the lying president’s fundraisers.
Lila bore her class’ hatred with grace. Sure she had her time with an akuma but Hawkmoth can only keep targeting her so much before he moved on to Alya or some other dupe.
Besides, it was only a matter of time before she moved anyway. Lila could hold on until then. She just needed to be patient.
“Lila?” A knock on her cubicle door.
Lila had patience.
“What do you want?” Lila called back bitterly. “Here to finally gloat?”
“No,” Marinette answered calmly. “Just to get answers, and closure.”
Lila barked out a laugh. Why not? She might as well put an end to their feud. Lose with dignity.
“Ask away.”
There was a pause. Then, “Why? Why did you try so hard to bury me? Even when I stopped trying to point out the holes in your story, you still targeted me.”
It was a fair question.
Lila answered. “You were always a target, Marinette. No matter what you did, you would always have been.”
The ensuing silence was a request for more information.
Lila continued, “At every class I’ve been to, there is a leader. Someone with influence over the school. Someone to knock off their throne. Chloe may be the queen, but her only entourage is Sabrina. You’re the president and the class practically sings you praise. You were real competition. I targeted you before I even met you.”
And she had temporarily succeeded. Before, the classmates that would have once listened to Marinette, had hovered around Lila to answer her every beck and call. The power she had felt back then had felt so good.
“And this doesn’t have anything to do with Adrien?” Marinette was skeptical.
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“Oh, I saw how close you were. And yes, you were my main competitor then too. Kagami was the other one. But thanks to Ladybug, he saw through me. You know he was the one to get me to make up that lying disability.”
“Yes, I know. Your story was very moving,” Marinette recalled with annoyance. Even her own Mother had easily forgiven Lila. “Is that all there was to it? Crush me so you could rule my class and win Adrien?”
Lila leaned back. “No, there’s one last thing. I don’t like loose threads. Adrien had something to lose because he let me manipulate the class. But I knew that as long as the class had faith in you, eventually you would come up with some proof that would plant the seed of doubt in my stories. I had no hold over you, so there was no way you would have escaped my plans even if you weren’t class president or into Adrien.”
There was silence once more as Marinette absorbed this.
“Satisifed?” Lila called through the stall door.
“Not exactly,” Marinette admitted. “But i got what I came for.”
Lila nodded, even as she knew Marinette couldn’t see. “Then I’ll see you in class.”
More like Marinette will see her. When Lila became president, Alya suggested they switch seats so they could make plans more efficiently. Adrien had stubbornly followed Marinette to the back. When Lila was exposed, Alya sat in front with Nino, leaving Lila with her own table once again.
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As the main door opened, Marinette paused. “One more thing. Do I have anything more to worry from you?”
Lila laughed, a genuine laugh that actually sounded pleasant to hear. “Even if I said no, would you believe me?”
They both knew the answer to that.
But it was the truth, Lila had no vendetta left for Marinette. It was Chloe who had earned her ire, but she was too powerful. Lila was through with Françoise Dupont College. It was no longer worth her effort.
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years
Hehe ya I’m not the biggest fan but if I get really hyped up it’s kinda fun. Plus I did t really feel like doing leg day so I rescheduled that for tmr!!
Hot guy alert- everybody look!! Good tactic brigid lol. Got us in to help distract. We love you!! We would be so chaotic. Awww yes we love some team hand holding but acting like it isn’t happening. I don’t think quinner can feel his hand after this meet. Lol I’m sorry, but good thing imma make it up to you;) a hot makeout comin your ways lmao. Brigids busy doin other stuff w dyl and Jamie 😏😉. Oo thank you for the tip!! I didn’t know that it got hot during swim meets. I usually wear tanks or shirts underneath lol. I’m always to afraid to wear without. Hehe Dylan’s face in my hoodie and he’s like “I can’t look, did she win, is she swimming, why are they blowing the whistle” I’m just there to reassure him it’s a good distraction so that I don’t get to nervous lol. Team trample is happening, we would all fall down and that would be bad.
Brigid the chips, I’m sorry they will just be happening constantly like Ryan and I held off for many hours but that’s all we can handle lol. Aww Dylan and Jamie taking care of you, I love that!!. I’ll make sure they buy you some squeezy applesauce and some for myself cuz I wanna try. Wait seriously , you like green bananas?.
Ooo that’s a cool jersey brigid!! You would probably start yelling at everybody during the game lol.
Haha me crying during my match is like the funniest thing. People always think that if you cry something hurts but nothing hurts I just saw the best people!! Kesh, I’m excited you are excited !! I hope you enjoy. Lmao I’d probably also fling my resistance band at Ryan hehe. Ya that driving test was awful but I passed sooo:))) I can’t wait for you to pass your test. Oh for sure I would start laughing if I made eye contact w you. I’d probably get a warning tho lol. I’m sorry every time I read Ryan getting hit by a ball and you dying of laughter I just lose it. It’s so funny. Like Jamie is like omg omg she’s out of breath, why is she laughing so hard. Hehe brigid I can just see you yelling at me and being mildly stressed.
Y’all I just wanna go to Coachella !! Wtf I need to go now w you kesh and the team lol. Yaaa Dylan’s feeling special atm, Jamie is literally just glaring at the two of you for 30 mins straight. Dylan has some under appreciated hair so you play w it. Hehe yes braden was just being nice and Quinners mad because he was too late lol . Yes shoulder buddies! Kesh is just having the most chill time w Kirby. She’s just enjoying the music. I knowwww Jamie coming up and wrapping his arms around your waist and putting his chin on your shoulder is 🥺🥺 and swaying omg this is to cute. The kissing under the fireworks is just amazing. I want that to happen. Oo yes matching Dutch braids would be so cute, I might add a ribbon to be braided in or something lol. Or get ones of those hair charms like beads, mini stars to braid in hehe. water is a must and sunscreen!!
Kesh I’ve read until Greece! I love it! I’m excited to reply 💗 some airport ideas coming your way.
Xo Lexi.
Anonymous said:
Ooo I just saw keshs post about Coachella and sports so imma add a bit,
First - hehe yes we are super hype, and yes I am glad to be anywhere w you !!
Hehe thank you, it was a hectic day lol.
Lmao um guys does anybody have an ice pack?
Hehe yes Dylan is handsy but i think Brigid is enjoying it ?!.
Hmmm maybe Ryan and Braden find some girls but I don’t think we can last that long without chirping hehe
- kesh I agree you do have the best shoulders in the sense that Kirby is 6’4 and broad lol. You lucky gal.
Ok yes to all the insta pics!!! Ok we are matching again and I love it 🥰
Kesh thank you for replying !! Imma write about Greece, sports, Coachella and the road trip tmr!!
lmao i love that. i can never push off my workouts bc i just have to do what my coach makes me lol. but anyways another long post
hehe yep, i’ll get all the other girls out of their zone by pointing out the hot guys in the stands who may or may not have come with me lol. and then you guys will just be so chaotic up there and you’re all squeezing each other’s hands so hard but not admitting it lmao. haha yeah i don’t think quinner can feel his hand but once he realizes you’re gonna make it up to him he doesn’t care😏 haha maybe i am busy later😏😉 don’t tell kesh tho lol. haha yes it gets really hot unless you’re wet and then you’re freezing. so then dyl’s using you’re hoodie and refusing to look and asking you what’s happening every 5 seconds, so then you have to keep reassuring him. but i could also see you messing with him and saying i’m doing really bad when i’m actually winning just to see his reaction lmao. haha team trample at the end and we all end up on the ground, i stg if my suit rips y’all are paying for it
lmao as soon as i’m done you and ryan are chirping me bc you’ve held off way too long. maybe i’ll make dyl and jamie make you shut up if you annoy me too much lmao. but yes dyl and jamie taking care of me and helping me get ready for my race🥺 haha you would probably end up having to go with them to get the applesauce so they don’t get lost lmao. yes, ik i’m a weirdo but i can’t stand mushy bananas, i only like them when they’re super firm and green
hehe thank you! i love my o’c jersey. haha yes i would be yelling sm and i would be cheering for the US. we’d have to see what the guys had to say about that lmao. don’t think dyl and jamie would appreciate it very much, but you got to do what you got to do
lmao yes everyone would be so confused, and you would just be like no i’m fine i’m just happy they’re here. haha i can just see you hitting ryan with your resistance band and he tries to come after you, so then we have to keep him away from you so you can finish your warm-ups lmao. haha yes honestly i’ll start laughing too if we make eye contact. wait you could get a warning from laughing? that’s bad but also kind of funny lmao. haha yes now i really want to see ryan get hit in the face with the ball just to see the chaos ensue. and jamie is just simultaneously trying to make me drink water bc i’m just choking and being like ummmm i think ryan might need an icepack. and he’s like what is wrong with brigid bc it should not have been that funny but he can’t worry about it too much bc he’s worried about ryan and he’s trying to find an icepack somewhere. haha yes i’ll just be yelling at you sorry
yessss we have to go to coachella with everyone now. hehe yes dyl is getting handsy and i’m enjoying it, but jamie is getting super jealous and i don’t even realize lol (i’m sorry jamie ily). oooh yes, i get to play with dyl’s hair while i’m sitting on his shoulders. honestly he has really nice hair. hehe yes quinner is jealous that you’re sitting on braden’s shoulders, but it’s only bc braden offerred first. but then you get on my shoulder and ryan and braden wander off to find some girls lol. and then kesh is just chilling with kirby, and i’ll admit that she does have the best shoulders bc kirby is so broad. omg i need this now, jamie just coming up behind me and we’re swaying together to the music🥺 and we would all get our kisses under the fireworks from our men. oooh yes charms to braid into our hair would look so cool, and we could have all the best matching insta pics together. and ofc we need sunscreen and water
i’m excited to see all your replies!
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Bittersweet || TMR Minho
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Summary: Y/N is being held as a test subject in The Last City and she finally reunites with Minho after months of not seeing him.
Word Count: 1.4k
Authors Note: I’m sorry these are taking long! I sprained my wrist and it hurts to type for a long time. For this story, you’re subject A11 and yeah there’s obviously another boy in the glade that has that number but just pretened okay?!?!?
Warning: Mention of needles and the reader feeling depressed. It’s not really death cure spoilers since I changed it up and we all know what happens to Minho at the end of Scorch Trials. 
With everyday that passed, every test being done, every trial you had to endure, and everyday you had to suffer, you felt your body give up on you. You hadn’t seen your friends since they fled the Wicked compound and you weren’t sure how long you had been kept as a test subject in the last city.
Everyday was the same routine. You were dragged out of bed, got probed with needles and test tubes, went under different trials, got your blood drawn, more tests, more trials and then back to your isolated room.
You had tried escaping exactly sixty two times in the span of five months, ranging from knocking out a guard and wearing their gear to stabbing scientists with small syringes you managed to hide. Each time you tried to escape, you were always caught and brought back to the lab, where you were picked and prodded at all over again.
After the sixty third time trying to escape, you finally gave up and accepted your fate. You knew that your friends weren’t coming to get you and you knew that trying to escape was pointless, you would die in here before you ever got the chance to see your friends. You would never see Minho again.
The last time you saw him was through the door that seperated the two of you and you would never forget the look on his face when Janson and his guards dragged you away. It must have been almost a year since you last heard his voice and you were starting to forget what his touch felt like. At times, the trauma was so bad, you had forgotten what Thomas’s  laugh sounded like or even what color Newt’s eyes were.
It was painful at first, everynight you would cry yourself to sleep because the trials took a toll on your body and soul. Each time they drained your blood, you felt a part of you draining away as well. It came to the point where you started to stop feeling pain or suffering whenever the doctors ran tests on you, you were finally numb. The only thing that gave you any type of feeling was the thought of Minho.
You missed the feeling of Minho’s embrace and his dimples that would emerge from a terrible joke he made. You spent every waking moment in the glade together and when you two were seperated, it was like a part of yourself was ripped from your body.
You prayed that he was alive and well, that he was somewhere safe and finally happy. A small part of you thought that he was dead and it plagued you constantly before you went to bed. You could only hope that if he died, that he went out peacefully in this cruel world and wasn’t suffering like you were.
“ You know your way back to your room, don’t try anything stupid,” The guard said as he unlocked your handcuffs and watched you walk away from him. You rubbed your wrists which were red and swollen from the tight handcuffs you always wore whenever you left your room.
The guard watched you take a few steps and went back to a different part of the facility where there was something urgent. Your steps were small strides and you kept your head looking down towards the ground, not wanting to stare through the glass where other immunes were tested.
You were so deep in thought, you didn’t hear the quick footsteps coming your way at first. Before you could look up to see who was approaching, someone had grabbed your arm and pushed you into a small space, something you could only assume as a closet.
Your back was pressed up against a shelf that they used to hold empty syringes, some of them shaking as you leaned back on it. Your chest was only inches from the other person and if you were to back up any further, you would’ve knocked the shelf over.
With a dim, purple  light coming from the ceiling, you tried to make out your capture, your breath hitching in your throat.
“ M-Minho? Is that you?” You asked softly, for a second you didn’t even recognize your own voice.
Minho’s eyes lingered over your arms and neck, spotting the bandages that covered up where needles have pierced your skin countless times. His heart felt anchored down as he took in your broken appearance. Your eyes weren’t bright like they were back in the glade but replaced with a darker, more sullen look. Physically and mentally, you were worn down and it took every single fiber in Minho’s body to keep himself together, but a few tears managed to cascade down his cheek.
“ It’s me Y/N, it’s me….Shuck.. What did they do to you?” Minho asked, not being able to control himself. He reached for your arm but you flinched at his touch. Minho pushed down his pain at your flinch and reached for your face instead, softly cupping your cheek. You were scared, you didn’t know if this was another test or if Minho was even real. Your worries vanished when you felt the warmth from his hand and you melted into his touch. You didn’t even realize you were crying until his thumb rubbed underneath your eyelid, wiping away your tears.
“ I never thought I’d see you again,” You cried out softly, not wanting to draw attention to you and Minho’s in the small closet,” what are you doing here? H-How did you find me?”
“ Ratman took me from the scorch and  I’ve been shipped around ever since. A couple of days ago when they were taking me to my room, I saw you in that lab and I swear Y/N, I wanted to barge in there and stop them but it would have ruined everything. They would’ve tried harder to keep us apart and this was the fastest plan I could come up with. I just needed to see you.”
Footsteps rang throughout the hallway, causing you to hold your breath. Minho’s eyes scanned back over to the door and his jaw clenched when he heard voices coming closer. The voices passed but you could make out the walkie talkies mentioning “A7” and “A11”.
Once the footsteps and voices faded, you exhaled,” They’re looking for us. I think we blew our cover. You have to go.”
Minho looked back towards your face and even though there was a huge risk in getting found, the only thing he was worried about was never seeing you again.
“ I’m going to find you again, okay? I promise this isn’t the last time you’ll see this gorgeous face again,” Minho’s attempt to make the situation less tense didn’t work as well as he wanted it to but you managed a small smile.
Before you could respond, Minho leaned into you, his hands came forward to rest them on your hips and his lips grazed yours briefly. Minho pulled away for only a moment to see your reaction but you pressed your lips against his, the idea of possibly never seeing him again swarmed your mind. His lips were softer than you remembered and it brought you back to the kisses you two shared long before. You two could have stayed in there forever, exchanging desperate, passion filled kisses until your lips were swollen.
You knew that it would only be moments until the guards figured out where you were and while you knew you would be punished for not going to your bed, you didn’t want to also get in trouble for making out with Minho in a closet. It seemed that Minho had the same idea because once you two pulled away, he gave you one last longing look.
“ Stay strong okay?”
Minho pulled you  into a tight embrace, not wanting to let go. Something as simple as a hug had the ability to let the stress and fear slip off your shoulders like when you wore Minho’s shirts back at the glade. You eased into his touch, wanting to remember the warmth that radiated off of Minho and hugged back as if it was the last hug you two would ever share.
You didn’t want to let him go, he’s slipped through your fingers before and you never forgave yourself for that. Now that he was here, after months of thinking the worst, you finally saw the ever so bright light that resembled hope in such a miserably dark universe. But Minho’s deep and utter love for you was enough to fight off the darkness and hopelessness that was taking over your conscious for the longest time.
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