#also sorry for my crappy english lol
kinerxy · 1 year
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vorrentis · 1 year
Reader x Jihyo - Looking Out For You (Part 1)
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I can't believe I haven't put this up yet lol.
Just in time for Jihyo's solo so let's say it was planned.
One of my first chapters ever so if it's crappy, I'm sorry.
WORDS: 6314
It was early as usual, and you were the first one in class, since you had nothing else to do.
You walked into class, ready for the boring lecture set for today, but today had a surprise for you.
Behind your seat, was a girl you've never seen before. 
She was sitting there looking at her phone. 
You went towards the teacher who was at her desk.
"Um, Ms. (teacher)?"
"Hmm," You used your eyes to motion to the girl. "Oh, she's a new transfer student. It's her first day here. That's also her new seat by the way."
"Ahh, okay. Thanks." The teacher nodded and you went towards your seat, which was in front of hers.
She looked up and you waved your hand. She was really cute.
"Hey. My name is (YN). I'm guessing you're new here?" You asked.
"Jihyo, sorry, my English...not so good." She said with a bit of trouble.
"It's fine," You then looked down to see her handwriting, it was in Korean, "Korean right?"
"Yeah. How'd you know?" She nodded a bit surprised.
"Mannaseo Bangawoyo" (It's nice to meet you)
"You know Korean as well?" She said in her language.
"Yeah, my dad's side is actually Korean so I know Korean." You said in Korean.
(You're speaking Korean to her from here on out.)
"Hey, do you need someone to help you out? I'll show you around and everything, I can even teach you English if you want."
Her face looked surprised.
"Sorry, I know it's sudden, but I don't want you to be lost or anything."
"Oh no no, it's just that I don't want to waste your time though, and no offense, but you don't even know me." She said.
"Well, I know your name so that's good enough for me. Besides, it's much easier with a person translating than the machine you have." You said pointing at her translator, which was a mini laptop that she typed into to get her translation.
She looked back and forth at you and the mini laptop. Then she closed the laptop and put it away.
"Then (YN), I'll take your offer." She said smiling as you smiled back.
That was the start of a new friendship...
Throughout the next couple of months, she was by your side whenever you both had classes. You did not mind one bit though. You were helping her with her assignments, notes and even teaching her the basics of English.
She was learning pretty quickly, but she said that she was learning lessons at home to, so it was no wonder she was learning quickly.
By this time she was getting used to the language and soon was able to understand some of the lessons too. She was very thankful for your help.
You just waved your hand and said that it was nothing.
Soon both were hanging out outside of class: showing her around the city, taking her to your favorite places to eat, the mall, even each other's places.
She introduced you to her parents and her to yours. Her's were happy that she found a friend quickly that was helping her out and they were thanking you for it. Your's were happy that you've finally found a girlfriend.
You quickly corrected them as both you and Jihyo blushed. She knew what they were talking about since she was learning quickly.
But other than that, everyone was going smoothly...was...
"I don't know what to do bro." You were currently at your room, on your phone with another friend of yours, (FN).
"Easy, just ask her out. Simple."
"It's not that easy, (FN). Maybe for you, but for me-"
"Man you're really taking this hard...and since when did you start liking her that way anyway?"
"Last week, I took her out for dessert, you know the ice cream place at the mall."
"and when we were at the table together, I just imagined that we were on a date..."
"But haven't you already taken her out before and stuff."
"Yeah, but last week was...different. I've never seen her that way before, but the way she looked, ate, laughed...It was just ice cream, but I really felt like we were on a date...and I wanted to go on more with her."
"So just ask her out."
"I don't even know if she even likes me. What if she sees me as a friend only? Imagine this...
"Jihyo, I was wondering...umm...would you like to maybe...go out with me?" 
"Ohh...(YN)...I'm sorry," You said impersonating Jihyo's voice. "I...I don't have the same feelings as you.
"(YN)...I'm sorry."
"No it's fine really...um...can we just...forget about this..."
"Y-yeah...sure, she says and then after that, we both don't talk regularly and both start to avoid one another
Yeah, that's how you thought in your mind the scene was going to go as you told your friend about your situation.
"Listen (YN), no offense, but you're pretty stupid for thinking that that's going to happen."
"It's just...I don't know what to say to her...we've only been friends for a couple of months, but-"
"I know, I know, she's the best girl you've ever hanged out with, she's different, she's funny, cute, etc, etc. I get it." Your friend said cutting you off. "Look she's not going to say no to you, after everything you both do. Look I've got to go, but you better ask her out soon, I'm rooting for you." Your friend said as he hanged up after.
With a sigh, you laid in your bed, covered your eyes and prepared for tomorrow.
Yeah, it's been a week since your conversation.
You were really nervous and kept coming back to your initial theory of what might happen. But today was the day, you had all your courage and made it a mission to ask her out.
You were looking for Jihyo, but she wasn't where you would usually meet. You shrugged thinking she went on ahead.
You then walked into the lunchroom and looked at your usual table, but she wasn't there. You looked around...until you saw something that was hurting you.
Jihyo was sitting somewhere and someone had their arm around her shoulder.
'No...don't tell me...'
Jihyo then spotted you and got up from her table and went towards you.
"Hey (YN), sorry for not meeting you."
"No it's fine, it's just that, why are you over there?"
"Oh...well, you know Daniel right." You nodded slowly. "I wanted to wait till I thought we were doing well and it just so happens that that day was yesterday. Dan and I are in a relationship."
'...No way...' Your heart was dropping after this.
"R-Really, umm, when did he ask you out?"
"Maybe a couple of weeks ago, we already went on a couple of dates too. But I wasn't too sure about the relationship, but he was sweet and told me that we could take it easy." Jihyo happily said with a big smile.
There was one major problem with that...
Daniel was a playboy.
No one knew to expect you. 
You caught him on multiple times with different girls, sometimes being with someone else when he already had a relationship with someone.
You've seen him with a girl at school and on that same night, with someone else.
You hated this kind of people that treated women like 'trophies'. 
How you caught him is that you got a job at this restaurant, one of the best around actually...as a busboy, but it still was a job for you.
The worst part was that it was Dan's family restaurant.
And being one of the best around, your guess was that he brought them here to show off his wealth. He even has his table prepared whenever he wanted.
Good thing was that he wasn't that smart. He doesn't even notice you since you've never interacted with him, school nor work, but you saw him from afar, flirting and holding on to his ladies. It was always the same antics.
You didn't see the same girl often and you've seen only about 1 or 2 girls from school. Your guess is that he dated girls from other schools as well.
And now here he was taking Jihyo as well.
You wanted to say don't bother and go out with me instead, but you didn't...you couldn't...but she seemed so happy at the thought that you couldn't just say don't do it to her.
Even if you did, she wouldn't believe it anyway or even simply agree with you.
"That's great Jihyo." You said with a fake smile.
"Thanks (YN)... but that doesn't mean that won't hang out though. Today I'm going to sit with them if that's okay with you?"
"No, go ahead. I'll hang out with (FN) instead."
"Great thanks (YN)." And with that she left, leaving you miserable.
You've been hiding the fact that you still didn't like the relationship Jihyo has been on. You both still hang out, but whenever Jihyo brought his name up you couldn't help, but ignore her. You also spend fewer days together since she was now hanging out with Dan and his friends.
Saturday night came and it was your day off, you asked Jihyo if she wanted to do something, but she was busy studying for a test on Monday. At least she wasn't with Dan you thought. But your parents asked if you wanted to see the new Halloween movie that came out with them after the learned that you aren't going anywhere.
You nodded and got ready.
It was nighttime and you were leaving the movies with your parents, you both went to see that new Halloween movie that came out.
As you three were walking out, you saw someone at the side of your eye. Your eyes widened at the sight.
It was Dan and his friends...but that wasn't what caught your eye, Dan was with a girl...and it wasn't Jihyo. They were kissing with each other in line while his friends ordered the tickets.
'Damn it. I knew this was going to happen. Okay just need to take a quick-' but Dan then turned towards your direction, and you quickly turned around yourself and left.
'That was too close...' you turned around and saw them head inside.
'Well it's too late now, but at least I caught him. I knew it, I just knew something like this was going to happen...now for the hard part.'
You quickly went to find Jihyo, this wasn't something to do over the phone, but in person. You went early to school again knowing that she was going to be there, she was there earlier than you sometimes.
And it turns out she was.
She was at her locker grabbing stuff. 
You quickly went to her and she saw you while smiling.
"Morning (YN)."
"Dan's cheating on you." You whispered as Jihyo didn't seem to understand.
"Dan, he's cheating on you." You were assertive as Jihyo gave an short laugh.
"Heh, are you serious?" 
You nodded.
"I've caught him last night. I went to the movie theaters and saw him with another girl."
Jihyo shook her head.
"(YN), Dan told me he was going to the movies with a cousin of his that he hasn't seen in a while. I didn't go because I was studying. It was probably her."
"Jihyo, they were kissing." You whispered the last part.
"Kissing? Are you sure?"
"I'm pretty positive."
Jihyo looked away for a few seconds and turned back to you.
"Do you have proof? (YN) this is-I can't believe that."
You mentally sighed.
"No I don't, but Jihyo I know what I saw. You have to believe me."
She took some seconds thinking and you saw her lips purse.
"...I'll talk to him."
"Talk? Jihyo he-"
"(YN), I'll talk to him okay. I need to hear from him."
"He's going to lie Jihyo." 
"He's honest (YN)." You rolled your eyes.
"No he's not Jih-"
"Hey babe." You both looked to see Dan coming closer as Jihyo smiled even more at him.
He came close and the two hugged as you scoffed and gave a look at Dan.
"How are you doing?"
"Great, just talking to (YN)."
"Sup (YN)." You motioned your head to say hi.
"Hey sorry about yesterday," Jihyo nodded.
"It's okay, don't worry," Jihyo excused as you turned away from them and started walking, catching the eyes of her and Dan.
"Did I interrupt?" He asked as Jihyo looked at him.
"Dan, we need to talk." 
10 minutes passed by and students were starting to get into their seats. 
Eventually Jihyo came along as well and sat behind you whie Dan came in with his friends.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned as Jihyo leaned closer.
"I talked to him."
"And..." Of course, you knew what the answer was going to be.
"He said that he was with his family/friends and what you saw was him kissing her on the cheek, that was a cousin of his that he hasn't seen in a while. Even his friends confirmed it."
'That lying piece of-'
"He also said that I was the only girl he's ever had his eyes on. He said that he would never go behind my back. Even though we only been dating for some weeks now, but I can tell he was sincere in his words."
You couldn't say anything to argue that, what could you say. You didn't have proof.
"I know what I saw Jihyo."
"(YN) seriously, Dan is nothing like that okay. Just drop this." She said with a serious tone.
And after that, none of them said a word to each other. The whole day. It was hurting you, but you needed some kind of prove that Dan is cheating on her.
You walked home alone, you didn't bother saying goodbye to Jihyo.
About a good 10-minute walk from school and someone shouted your name.
"Hey (YN)."
You turned around to see the man you despise himself, Dan. Along with a couple of friends of his.
"Can I help you?" You asked.
"Yeah you can. So you're good friends with Jihyo, right?" You nodded.
"And as friends, I can understand how you would want to protect her."
"Where are you going with this?" You said as he had your full attention.
"Now I know that nobody knows about my...relationships that I had before. And somehow Jihyo knew about last night and of course, I had to sweet charm her into thinking I was the only one for her. Now I don't know how, but I know for a fact that she was told this...am I right." His friends then circled around you.
You looked around at the three.
"Jihyo deserves better. I know you're seeing someone behind her back." You said.
"Saw you last night...you were right by the way. Can't keep this a secret any longer from you."
"So it's true. Why?!" You said angrily.
"Why not, Sarah's cute and all, but Jihyo...with that body...I think I'll keep her for a while."
You clenched your teeth and formed a fist, but suddenly your chest felt pain and all the air was gone from your lungs as Dan kneed you in the stomach making you get on your knees.
You clenched your mouth and hugged your stomach as the pain was coursing through your body.
"If you ever, say anything to Jihyo again. I will personally make you suffer."
You got up after the three left you. You clenched your stomach. But the pain was going away. Now you know that it's true, you have one objective.
Catch him again.
It's been a week since the incident and you were now focusing on trying to catch Dan. You barely even talked to Jihyo.
You came up with a plan though.
Your plan was the restaurant. You haven't seen Dan yet for a while, but that means he hasn't brought Sarah (his other girl) here yet.
You asked for a shift for each night, it was going to be hard work and you didn't know when he might come, but you needed to catch him. You couldn't get all the nights, but four of them only.
You were praying that this night was his night to be here.
'Please...you know you want to bring her here.'
Luck was on your side today, as of course, Dan came through the entrance with the same girl as you saw him with last time.
You smirked as you waited till you got some photos of him doing something flirty with her.
It took a while, but you saw him putting his arm around hers and even gave a kiss on the cheek.
'Perfect' You thought as you scrolled through the photos.
The Next Day
You immediately went towards Jihyo's locker and there she was alone too. You both were always the first ones here. There was no one, but a couple of students walking around.
"Jihyo." You said as you fast walked to her. She turned towards her name and saw you.
"Hi (YN), look about last ti-" She said with a smile.
"I caught him. This time I have prove."
"Caught who?"
"Dan," Jihyo rolled her eyes, "I caught him cheating on you again, except this time I have some prove." 
"(YN), I'm not having this conversation again." She said with her tone getting agitated.
You didn't respond, but you took your phone out and showed the multiple photos that you took of Dan and the girl he was with.
Jihyo took the phone and looked through each one.
"See, now I know this must be har-"
"Have you been spying on us!?" She said angry.
"These are fakes aren't they." She looked up at you.
You just blinked a couple of times. 
Surely you didn't hear that right.
"What do you mean 'fakes'?" You said confused.
"(YN) this is the same exact place that we had our date a couple of days ago. We're even sitting on the same table...wait...have you been stalking him?" She said with a shocked look on her face.
"N-No, Jihyo look I-"
"Why are you so hellbent on making us break up?" She spat as you...
"...I-I'm looking out for you Jihyo. What other reason could I possibly have or need?"
"...you have feelings for me." She uttered as your heart raced.
While it wasn't how you wanted her to know, it wasn't the time to act timid.
"My feelings have nothing to do with this Jihyo. He's been cheating on you this entire time," You pointed at your phone. "Look at it again and tell me that these aren't fake." You pushed your phone forward as Jihyo stepped back.
"(YN), now you're taking this too far...you're starting to creep me out." Jihyo said worryingly, "...maybe...maybe we shouldn't see each other for a bit." Jihyo said.
Your head leaned back.
"Y-you can't be serious?! You think this is a joke Jihyo?!"
"Why can't you understand (YN) that he loves me and I love him."
"No (YN), you don't have the right to even speak! Dan is sweet and caring and he's been nothing but loving with me." Jihyo was getting angrier.
"And I haven't?! Who's been there for you since day one Jihyo! And now I'm suddenly the villain!" You pointed at yourself.
"Well you certainly aren't acting like a good person right now (YN)! Dan makes me happy! Why can't you get that!"
"He's only using you Jihyo, he wants to brag about getting you at his side! Jesus why aren't you getting this!"
Jihyo took a few moments.
"...you're jealous."
"Oh my-"
"No, you are. That's why you're trying so hard to get rid of Dan, so you can have me for yourself." She said accusingly.
"I told you my feelings-"
"Well it ain't happening. Dan is a lot of great things (YN), more than you can think! And right now, more than you! That's why I would choose him over you! Dan makes me feel wonderful and I want you to stay away from us!"
Your heart shattered at what she just said.
It was at that point that whatever you said didn't matter...not that you had anything else to say...what could you say?
You closed your eyes and shook your head.
"...do you what you want then," you muttered, "I was only looking out for you. And if you think it's best if we don't see each other, then, fine." You said while turning away, trying to keep your composure.
Jihyo then huffed her frustrations and turned around towards her locker. 
She couldn't believe what just happened. 
You were getting too far.
'I can't believe (YN). How could he just say things like that.'
Then she closed her eyes and took deep breaths. She opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was the inside of her locker door. 
It was with a two clips of selfies of you and her. Each photo had both of them smiling and goofing off.
She remembered each one when she and you took them in the photo booth machines in the mall. One for the first time they went there and the other wasn't that long ago with her new hairstyle.
She shook her head and closed the door after getting her materials. 
Two days have passed and it wasn't good for Jihyo.
She didn't mean what she said.
She was angry at what you were suggesting and lost it.
She liked Dan a lot, but she enjoyed being with you too.
You were right, you were looking out for her well being.
She was going to apologize to you the next day and talk about this more calmly but you didn't show up.
She called you but no answer.
After school, she went to your home, but you weren't their either as your parents wondered the same.
That's when Jihyo started to get worried.
She went and called her friends and asked, but no.
She called your friends but nothing either.
That's when Jihyo started to panic.
She remembered the last words she said about not wanting to see you for a while, but she didn't think you'd take it this hard.
Guess that's what happens when you break someone's heart.
Now she felt horrid about what she said about 'choosing Dan over you' and 'to stay away'.
That's not true at all.
You made her feel welcomed and happy too.
God she was an idiot.
If she hadn't lost it, this mess wouldn't be happening and if anything happened to you...she didn't know what she'd do.
And now, sitting on her desk, staring forward at the lone table while students around talked, she couldn't think of anything but you.
'Where are you (YN), I'm so sorry. Please be safe.
As class was about to start...
"Jihyo?" The teacher approached her, "Mr. (Principal) wants to see you in his office."
Jihyo nodded slowly.
"Is it about (YN)?"
"I don't know."
Jihyo's breath shook.
With that Jihyo sat up from her desk and with a heavy weight, proceeded outside the classroom, noticing the lack of emotions from other students, including Dan fooling around with his friends.
'Can't they see he's missing...'
With a couple of minutes walking, she made her way to the principal's office and knocked on the door.
"Come in,"
is what she heard and she turned the doorknob and stepped in...to see the principal, along with two officers.
She started to stress seeing them.
'No...no, i-it can't be-'
"Ms. Park, please sit." The principal waved at the empty chair as Jihyo sat down as her heart couldn't take it.
"Is (YN)-..." She couldn't bring herself to say what she thought.
"That's why we're here. We're from the (Location) police department, we're here to question students about him. His parents filed a missing report."
Jihyo felt her body go limp.
Ice in her veins.
And a loss of breath.
"Yes, now, Mr. (Principal Name) has informed us that you and (YN) are close. May I ask your relation to them?"
Jihyo's mind was scattered.
She just assumed you were at home moping.
"Ms. Park. I understand it's difficult to process, but we need your information."
Jihyo turned her head to the principal and then to the cops, one who had a notepad.
"...w-we're friends."
"And when was the last you spoke to them?" He wrote down her answer.
And that's, when the conversation of you and her came in like a flood.
"T-tuesday morning...a-are you sure he's missing?"
"His parents stated that he hasn't been in contact at all and based on the school cameras, he walked off the grounds shortly before school ended. You were the last seen talking to him in the halls."
Now Jihyo was starting to freak.
"May I ask what you were talking about?"
"...I-it was about my boyfriend...w-we were talking about...about..." Jihyo's breath rate increased.
"It's okay, take your time." The second cop suggested, "and take deep breaths. I know it's difficult, but we're doing everything we can to find him and every information helps." The cop explained as Jihyo nodded slowly.
"...we were talking uh, my boyfriend potentially cheating on me. I didn't believe him, we had an argument and he left."
"Did he say where?"
'What did I do...'
Jihyo shook her head.
"Did he say something that he was going to do?"
'I did this...'
Jihyo shook her head once more.
"He said that...that he was sorry about it and he left. I-I didn't see him after..." Jihyo rose her hand over her mouth, "I-I didn't mean to be rude-I-I-was mad at that point and-"
"It's okay Ms. Park, no one is blaming you." The principal lowered his hand but it was futile as Jihyo started to shake in her chair, "these men are looking for leads."
"Ms. Park, are you absolutely sure that he didn't say anything." The first cop asked as Jihyo shook her head as the first cop nodded.
"Well, then may we ask everything about (YN). We're hoping you have something new for us. Something that may lead us to somewhere."
Jihyo slowly looked up at the cop and nodded.
Jihyo hurried and ran towards the door of your home.
Immediately after school, Jihyo drove towards your place.
After finishing up questions, she went back to class and hurried for school to end.
She only gave information that they seemly already knew from asking your parents.
Favorite restaurants, places, etc.
Although nothing was new as the cops assured her that they're doing everything they can and she was excused.
And when Jihyo left the room, she went to the nearest bathroom stall...and cried.
You were missing and Jihyo blamed herself for it.
After sobbing for some time, even when class was almost over, Jihyo vowed to find you.
She had to find you.
"(YN)! Is that you!" Jihyo heard from behind the door.
The door swung open to reveal your mother with your father behind her
"J-Jihyo..." She said weakly as started to become emotional, "w-we don't know where (YN) is..."
"I know, the cops asked me about him."
"Oh god..." Your mom started to cry a bit. "We tried contacting him and now we have the police out searching, but...but..." She stopped talking as she broke down. 
Your father came over and consoled her.
"Jihyo, if you know anything, anything that could cause him to disappear, please tell us."
She broke your heart.
That's what happened.
"...N-no, I-I don't know. I'm going to look around as well."
"Maybe something at school, was he getting bullied?" Your dad asked.
Jihyo shook her head.
"My baby..." Your mom sobbed as Jihyo was almost at the same state, "(YN)..."
"Shh, he's okay (mom's name) he's okay, he's strong. Jihyo, help us find him," Your dad asked as Jihyo nodded.
"I-I'll look around..."
"Thank you," You dad said as he hugged your mom and ushered her back in, "I'll join as well," he said as he brought your mom back inside, instructing her to remain here.
Jihyo's eyes fell and her body felt like gravity increased by 100 times.
'I did this...'
Five hours later
Jihyo was sitting in her car, thinking of anything. 
ANYTHING that she could have missed.
It's been five hours since your parents and she couldn't find you.
She wished to every god and deity to find you sitting somewhere safe, but no.
It was getting night and Jihyo was all out of ideas on where you could be.
But she wasn't going to stop.
She'd search every corner of the city to find you.
'Where could he have gone...(YN)...maybe...maybe Dan knows something? After all, this started with him...but I'm hoping he didn't do anything.' She didn't think of Dan at all after these two days.
She texted and after a bit of not answering, she called him twice, but he wasn't answering either.
She scoffed and she drove towards his house to see if he was there. 
After a short drive, she arrived at his house, parked outside his pathway, went out the car and towards the door.
She rang the doorbell as she looked around the front yard.
"It's about t-" Jihyo noticed that Dan's eyes widened to the fullest and he was all in a pretty nice attire as well, "J-J-Jihyo!?" He then looked over Jihyo's head and back to her, making Jihyo wonder why he was acting strange, "W-What are you doing here? Damn it you should have called!" Dan demanded and had panic in his tone.
That was a bit much, but Jihyo didn't care at the moment.
"Twice I called you pabo. We need to talk, but I'm guessing this is a bad time." She said as she nodded.
"I-I'm just about to head out with family, so we'll talk later okay!" Dan said quickly as Jihyo sighed. 
"Fine, I'll talk to you later then, but I have one quest-"
"Jihyo just go." Dan said as Jihyo burrowed her brows.
"Don't tell me to just leave!" Jihyo barked back. "And why are you so paranoid?" She asked with venom in her tone as Daniel's eyes tightened.
"Just ask your damn question." 
Jihyo did not like that language.
"(YN) is missing. Do you know anything about it?"
Daniel scoffed.
"How should I know? Maybe he's just done with life."
Jihyo then rushed towards him as Daniel's eyes widened as the door was pushed open and Jihyo was in front of him with a glare that sends shivers down his spine.
"Don't! Don't you dare say something like that!" Jihyo pointed at his face, "this isn't a joke or laughing matter! (YN) is missing and I need to know if you know anything Kang Daniel!"
Jihyo was fuming and it was only going to be worse since...
Daniel's eyes widened and prayed to the gods for help.
Jihyo turned around and noticed a pretty nice yellow car was parked and someone stepped out the driver's seat and started to come towards them.
"J-Jihyo I'll answer anything, but you have to leave now." Daniel said fast as Jihyo kept her eyes on the person arriving.
A blond girl with a nice attire as well.
"Hey Dan~" Was the girl's tone as she stepped closer "Sorry for being la-and who's this?"Jihyo didn't know who she-...no...wait...
No, no she recognized who she was...she just can't figure it out...
"M-Marissa...c-can you give us a minute." Dan asked cautiously as Jihyo kept her gaze on the girl. 
"Sure babe~"
Everything in Jihyo froze.
"B-babe..." She repeated.
Then it hit her...
It was the same girl from your phone.
Jihyo froze and stared at the girl's appearance, it was exactly her and her saying babe...
She turned around and saw Dan's perplexed face.
Her frozen body was engulfed with fury.
"(Y-(YN) was right...you were cheating on me..." Her fist formed and her tone was cold.
Dan held his nose hard as he looked at Jihyo, who had a glare that looked like she was going to murder him.
"You bastard! You two-timing bastard! (YN) was right!" Jihyo shoved him as Daniel went back a step.
"We're done! We're so over! I don't ever want to hear or see you again you hear me!"
Jihyo screamed so powerful that it left Daniel and even the girl hurt in their ears as Jihyo stormed off.
"C-cheating?! You were cheating?!" Jihyo heard the other girl yell from behind, but she didn't turn around to observe.
She was so furious...and so blameworthy.
She, in quick time, got into her car, and drove away without looking back.
During the drive, she thought how incredibly stupid she was. 
You were right...
The whole time you were telling the truth and she didn't believe you because of affection for that piece of shit.
She drove you away from her because of that...
Because of her blindness and mistrust...
"(YN)...oh god...I-I'm so so-agh..."
The tears came down.
Jihyo was at her desk, by herself in the class. 
She came to school early to avoid that piece of garbage Kang Daniel, knowing he never arrives early to school
She was staring at her phone, nothing was going to distract her. 
The very millisecond it rings, she was going to answer and no one was to stop her.
All night last night, Jihyo cried and called you many times.
She felt horrible and felt every negative emotion in her as she was on her bed just calling and texting nonstop.
You were right...
You were looking out for her.
She should have known better.
And what hurt the most is that you could have been-
No, no she couldn't think of that ending.
Jihyo needed you to be with her ASAP and safe and she'll do whatever she can to have your trust and friendship back.
But she didn't even think that's possible now with what she said to you, but Jihyo will find a way no matter what.
"Jihyo?" Jihyo tensed up, she knew that voice.
It belonged to Leon, one of Dan's friends.
"How are you doing?" He asked but she didn't turn around.
"Ms. Park, Leon here would like something to you, I think you should listen." Another voice spoke up, she turned around to see the principal behind Leon, whose expression was hurt.
She didn't reply, nor did she want to talk to any one of them. 
If they were friends with Dan, then they were now nobody to her.
The principal nodded and looked down at Leon.
"Understandable, Leon." He spoke with a serious tone as Leon gulped.
"Listen Jihyo. I wanted to tell you that we got expelled," Jihyo's glare softened and her eyes were curious, why was he telling her this? "Mason and Dan included." 
"And?" She spoke with confusion as he looked downward.
"We threatened (YN)." Jihyo recoiled, "Dan even hurt him."
Jihyo stood up with lightning speed and rushed at him only for the principal to stop her in time as a couple of other students and the teacher was staring with awestruck looks as Jihyo swung her arms.
"You bastard! ALL OF YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM LEON?!" Jihyo screeched with malice in her voice.
"Ms. Park, Ms. Park! I know you're disconcerted, but please lower your attitude. He knows nothing of (YN) after that." The principal fought against her grip as Jihyo lessened her movement, but kept her glare.
"...why? Why the hell would you hurt him?!" She barked at Leon as he looked down.
"Dan wanted to keep him shut, he told you that he was cheating on you." Jihyo's eyes widened and her whole body went solid. "He threatened him to keep quiet and...god I'm so sorry Jihyo, but I swear we had nothing to do with him after. I felt so guilty about it and I turned us in." He rubbed his arm as Jihyo remained still.
"The other two don't know about him telling me and all three will be expelled. Even though he says he's done nothing with (YN) after that, we fear that that bullying led (YN) to being scared and leaving." The principal added as Jihyo felt a dagger in her already wounded heart.
"Jihyo, I'm so sorry. I know it doesn't really mean anything now, but Mason and I were trying to find him too. We didn't mean-god we-I-I'm sorry..." Leon apologized, but it was meaningless as Jihyo didn't acknowledge him with the principal figuring that was it.
"Jihyo? Would you like to ask or say anything else?" The principal asked as she shook her head.
"I want him gone..." She muttered as he nodded.
"Leon let's go grab your belongings." He instructed him as Leon nodded with the principal walking forward and turning back to see Jihyo's heartbroken look, "And don't worry Jihyo, rest assured we'll find (YN)." He expressed up as she merely sat in response, as the principal felt horrible that she was like this and looked to see the teacher as she nodded at him. 
With one look at her, both males left the room as Jihyo sat with her face buried in her hands.
"Jihyo?" The teacher was near her as the other students watched, "I don't mind if you need to go home. Would you like to call your parents to leave?" She asked, "I'll send you-"
"...Okay. And I'll allow your phone to be on your desk, but silent please."
The teacher knew how much you meant to her, you were her first friend here.
"We'll find him Jihyo, we will." She spoke with a soft tone as she patted Jihyo's shoulder and left her to her desk, leaving Jihyo. 
Dan hurt you, he hurt you...
Jihyo couldn't 'believe it...
She couldn't believe she dated that monster...and she said that she'll choose him over you...
Jihyo started to shake and cry silently.
If she had believed you back then, you would still be here.
They would still have lunch and be close and...
Jihyo shook her head.
'(YN)...please come back...I'm sorry...'
News about your disappearance was all over the school and even news station.
The students in the class at the time gossiped and of course, like any rumor, it spread like wildfire.
Students were chatting about you which led to multiple guesses about why you left.
All Jihyo did was search around and hoped that you will come to school or her home soon. 
She and her parents helped your parents by looking for you at places you have been to.
Jihyo went to each spot that was both her favorite place to go each day, but nothing but hurt and sadness were brought to her as she recalled memories of each place.
She left messages, voicemails, and calls just about every time she picked up her phone hoping you will hear her and come back to her. Each one was apologetic about how she was and that she needed you.
Currently, Jihyo was on her bed, holding onto her phone. She hardly talks at school and rushes home and lays on her bed, watching and waiting on her phone to ring.
Her parents were worried, but they understood that you were important in her life. 
Even though it was only about three months of them knowing each other, you were her first friend here.
You got her adjusted to the school, to the language and showed her around.
And what did Jihyo do...
Break your heart.
Told you to stay away.
That she'd want...
Jihyo just held onto her phone for dear life, she felt empty on the inside and she just wanted to hear your voice, she wanted to be near you.
She just wanted-
Jihyo's eyes widened and answered right away.
"(YN)!" Her hopes were in the positives after what felt like an eternity...only...
It wasn't your voice.
"Who's this?" Jihyo asked sadly.
"It's (Mother's Name), (YN)'s mom." 
Jihyo sat up in bed.
"Did you find him?!"
She started to shake.
"W-where is he?" Jihyo asked frightened.
"Ms. (LN)?"
"...the emergency room."
And that's that. 
Thanks for taking a pause in your life to reading this. Vote/Comment if you want. And thanks again.
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Betrayal Never Felt So Good (König/Fem!Reader) Chapter 5
You can find Chapter 1 here, Chapter 2 here, Chapter 3 here, Chapter 4 here, and Chapter 6 here!
Word count: ~9.5k
Rating: Mature
A/N: Lots of slice-of-life fluff, and of course, some lovely smut to level out that sweetness as well. In the next chapter or two, we will be confronting some more serious topics so let’s enjoy these fun times for now! Also, I’m sorry this turned out so long but I hope it makes up for the lack of posting this week!
Fun fact, there’s a little scene in here where the reader reminisces on discovering that König liked that she was plus-sized. You CANNOT convince me that the giant that is König wouldn’t love a woman he knows he can throw around without hurting, someone with a little extra curve for his massive hands to hold onto. If you disagree, shhhh. It’s my HC and let me be delulu lol. 
Also also, if you’re interested in hearing the song referenced on the car ride, I’ll link it here! Any of my mask/obsessive/stalker kink lovers will get a kick outta the video I think. 🤭 The lyrics match obsessive König to a fucking T babes!
Discussions of weight and being chubby - both in a positive and negative light. Reader has to confront anxiety and bad feelings. Reader’s sexuality has never been talked about but in this chapter, it alludes to her being -at the very least- slightly attracted to a woman. Lots of emotions. THE L BOMB! Smut, oral, rough sex, face sitting, multiple orgasms, size kink, praise kink, unprotected sex, dom/sub, creampie, BREEDING KINK AND BREATH PLAY! I promise those two trigger warnings will not be used often, so if those aren’t your cup of tea you can easily skip over the end of the smut in this one! Pet names (in English and German), bad German translations bc I’m STILL a lame monolingual American, and STILL no beta because we die like jackass Graves.
Crappy Translations:
Arschloch - Asshole
Dummköpfe - Fools/Idiots
Maus - Mouse
Schatz - Darling
Liebling - Love
Süßes mädchen- Sweet girl
Scheiße - Shit
Du hast keine verdammte Ahnung, wie sexy du bist - You have no fucking idea how sexy you are
Ich würde die Welt für dich niederbrennen - I would burn down the world for you
Weißt du, wie sehr ich dich füllen möchte? - Do you know how much I want to fill you?
Du würdest so schön aussehen, wenn du mit meinem Baby schwanger wärst - You would look so beautiful pregnant with my baby
Oh, verdammt, ich komme! - Oh, fuck, I’m coming
“What are the chances we are together again, hmm?” Amy asked, grinning as she bumped her elbow against yours then whispered, all conspiratorial, “Not that I’m complaining. It’s good to have another woman around these meatheads.”
“Right?!” you groaned back to the redhead, eyes darting to said men loading up the SUV, “They must have noticed what a badass team we make when it comes to paperwork.” 
“Alright, chatty Kathy, let’s get it goin’.”
Max hooked an arm around your neck as he walked by and dragged you to the vehicle with him, not releasing his hold no matter how hard you fought until right at the doors. 
“I can fucking walk by myself you know?” you bit out with red cheeks.
He snickered and retorted, “I’ve seen you walk into glass doors before, kid, I don’t trust a single thing you do.” 
There was a sense of satisfaction at the guttural groan he released when your elbow landed perfectly in his gut and you took the chance to jerk the front door open, hopping in and locking it before he could do anything about it. 
“I call shotgun,” you sang gleefully. 
When the driver-side door opened, you couldn’t bite back the smile that grew on your lips, trying to hide it with a little cough instead as König slid his massive frame into the too-small spot. You’d never seen him in a “small” vehicle before, much less the driver seat. It was amusing to watch him mutter little German curses under his breath as he adjusted the seat back until his long legs were comfortable and his head wasn’t crammed against the ceiling.
“Coulda let me drive,” Horangi called from the very back row, seated next to Luke, your other teammate.
You grinned as König simply tossed the operator a scathing glare before finally starting up the SUV.
“Alright, let’s get this road trip on the way!” Amy cheered from her seat behind König.
“You know this isn’t actually a road trip, right?” Max teased her.
“You know you’re annoying, right?”
Eyes brows lifting in surprise, you watched as the two began playfully arguing. Soulless Ginger, Meathead, and other tasteful nicknames were tossed back and forth as they bit into each other verbally. They’d been like this since your teams had met up this morning and you were almost one hundred percent certain it was instant sexual tension that caused it. 
Your gaze traveled to König and you subtly tilted your head back to the duo, silently asking if he was thinking the same thing as you. The only answer you got was a slight shrug before he handed his phone your way. 
“Put some music on to drown out those dummköpfe,” he instructed you quietly. 
A wave of something sweet and longing warmed your chest as you unlocked his screen to open YouTube. It was domestic, really. This was the most normal thing you’d done with him in the entirety of your relationship. Sure, it was all a guise to cover up the mission your teams were on, but you were going to soak up every last drop of normality. 
When you were first approached with the mission details, you were worried about being in such close proximity to König around others for so long, but then Graves had made it clear that you all were going undercover, as a group of friends camping out in the woods for a few drunken nights of fun while in reality, you would be gathering intel on an Ultranationalists’ base deep in the valley. That meant you were free to do whatever it took to sell your cover from the time you left base until you all made it safely back home. This afforded you two some leeway. Friends could talk. Friends could hug, lean against one another, and enjoy each other's company. Sure, you couldn’t just kiss him in front of everyone, but being able to spend time with him was honestly just as good. 
Max’s cry of pain tore you from your inner thoughts and you quickly brought up one of your new favorite artists, a German rapper you had rediscovered while deep-diving to learn more of the language in hopes of impressing König. As the first heavy notes of Devilish Polo’s Bei Dir hit, you locked the phone screen and set it down on the console, letting your gaze turn out the window as the music filled the vehicle. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like it had interrupted Amy and Max’s little lover’s quarrel but at least it covered the noise for the most part. As the first hook ended, you could practically feel König’s eyes on you, as heavy as ever when you started singing along with the first- and your personal favorite- lyrics of the main verse.
“Du weißt, du kannst nicht entkommen, Bin für immer in dei'm Kopf.” &lt;em>(You know you can't escape, I'm in your head forever.)</em>
Your German wasn’t anywhere near perfect but it was passable enough after practicing, enough that he would understand that you knew what you were saying. You turned to face him when his gaze got to be suffocating but you couldn’t hide the satisfied little grin curling up the edges of your lips.
“Problem?” you asked sweetly.
It’s clear he was itching to say something, his sharp blue eyes dark and heavy as they flicked from the road back to you, and you watched contentedly as his big hands tightened around the steering wheel. 
“Interesting song choice,” is all he muttered after a moment. 
You gave a little hum of agreement and replied, “Yeah, I found it a couple weeks ago. I <em>really</em> like the lyrics.” 
You know you were laying it on thick but the way his hips subtly shifted in his seat and the little “Scheiße” let you know you’d hit your intended target. It had been a guess, albeit an educated one, but something told you he would enjoy a song about possession and obsession as much as you did, especially considering it was in his native tongue. From the moment you had heard it and translated the lyrics, you’d been dying to share it with him, mind filled with images of your bodies coming together to the beat. 
A hand over yours dragged you out of the deep dirty recesses of your mind and your eyes widened slightly before you schooled your expression. The way you were angled with your hand resting down against the cupholders, there was no way any of them could see your hands together unless Max or Amy leaned forward really far. Your heart thumped heavily in your ears as you carefully turned your hand so your fingers could intertwine with his, breath catching when he squeezed a little too tight before releasing back to a comfortable hold. 
“Warte nur, bis ich dich später erwische,” he rumbled lowly, eyes narrowing as he watched the road. 
You weren’t sure what he said but god did it ever make you wanna say fuck the mission and drag him to the nearest hotel. Unfortunately, reality struck with the loud laughter of the four in back, as Amy screeched about throwing Max out of the car if he didn’t stop and he retaliated with a threat of cutting her hair in her sleep. As annoying as the random outbursts were, you were still on cloud nine. König at your side, friends and acquaintances having a good time in back, it just felt… right. As you rubbed your thumb along his, you couldn't help but question if maybe one day he’d actually want to leave the military life so things like this could become more common. 
“You’re sure this is okay?” you questioned for the fifth time, cradling the bottles of vodka close to your chest for safekeeping. 
“For the last time, yes!” Max groaned, “This first night is practically R&R before the real shit starts. We might as well live it up while we can, brat.”
It felt wrong to be allowed to drink while on a mission but he did have a point, as insufferable as it was to admit that. Admitting defeat with a small nod, you waved him off and continued to the other drinks, set on grabbing a couple chasers and waters to last you through the night. 
Your intense studying of the sodas was broken by a sudden grunt as your hand came into contact with something soft when you swung the door open. Lips parting in shock, you looked over and found the something soft to be a man. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you-”
He chuckled deeply as he made a show of rubbing his stomach but muttered, “It’s fine.” 
“No, it’s not, really!” you groaned, shutting the door and stepping in closer, “Did I actually hurt you? I don’t think I could cause any lasting damage but I <em>am</em> a nurse so I could check it out?” 
Concern for his well-being shifted suddenly into concern for yourself when he grabbed the hand reaching out for him and placed it on his stomach, now firmer than before as if flexing to show off. Heh. If only he knew that your boyfriend could break his spine in one fell swoop.
“See, no harm done,” he said brightly, “Besides, it’s not every day I can say that I got literally hit on by a woman as hot as yourself.” 
You instinctively jerked your hand away into your chest and forced on a weak smile. 
“Uh, thanks. I’m- I’m glad you’re not hurt,” you sighed, “If I can pay for your drinks or something to make up for it…?” 
Brows burrowing over his dark green eyes, he took a step closer, a pensive expression crossing his face. 
“Now that you mention it, you could make it up to me by letting me take you out for a drink.”
Of course. Fucking hell. You tried to politely decline him, explained that you weren’t from the area when he pushed even harder, and even offered to just throw cash his way, but none of it was working. 
“Look, I have a boyfriend and-”
“Where’s he at then, because I don’t see him?” he asked, voice deepening with something dangerous as your eyes fluttered shut. 
“He’s outside, he’s-”
Before you could finish your sentence, the man let out a shriek much higher pitched than you’d ever imagine coming out of him. As soon as your eyes opened, you found König pinning him to the cooler door. 
“H-Hey man, we- we don’t gotta do this,” the creep tried weakly. 
König’s eyes softened as they looked over you and he asked, “You okay?”
“Better now,” you replied, sliding over to rest your palm against his lower back, “He’s not worth it.” 
The noise he let out was a clear indicator that he completely disagreed with your statement but you could feel the way some of the tension seeped out of his muscles as you started to rub his back. 
“Come on, let’s just get back on the road,” you urged.
When he finally released the guy, the smaller man nearly tripped over himself as he tucked tail and ran for the door. It was hilarious, honestly, but the amusement drained once you caught the worried look in his eyes. 
“He didn’t hurt me,” you promised him. 
König snorted but didn’t reply, grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you along to the back where he practically threw you into the women’s single restroom. 
“König, we can’t bring this in here! I haven’t paid-”
You barely registered the sound of the door lock clicking before your back slammed against the metal,  eager hands taking the bottles out of your grasp. He put them aside, god knows where, only to grab your hips and lift you onto his waist. You barely caught the sight of his gaiter being drawn down before his mouth was on yours. 
“I can’t fucking take you anywhere without men tripping over themselves to talk to you,” he snarled, “Do you know how fucking frustrating that is?!” 
He silenced you by shoving his tongue into your mouth, welcoming each eager moan you let out like it were better than oxygen itself. His hands slipped down to cup your ass and a shiver ran down your spine as he massaged your globes gently. 
“König,” you whined, “We- We can’t- we don’t have- time to-”
 Despite your objections, you wrapped your arms around his neck and tugged him in closer. It’d been almost a month since you’d properly touched him and you couldn’t lie and say you hadn’t been thinking about this since you were given the mission brief from Graves. 
“Then we will <em> make time</em>, maus, because I am not leaving this room without hearing you moan my name, do you understand?” 
Eyes rolling back in your head, you gave in with a weak whimper when his hips ground against your cunt, the hard seam of your jeans being pushed perfectly against your clit by his growing erection. His nose brushed against yours, his mouth so close you could feel his breath panting across your wet lips yet just far enough to deny you the kiss. Digging your hands into his shaggy blonde locks, you tried to pull him forward to no avail.
“Say you understand, Süßes mädchen,” he demanded gruffly. 
“F-Fuck, König, I- I understand, just- please!”
Your words were silenced by a sudden pounding on the door, your heart clenching in pain at the sudden shock. Neither of you moved, eyes locked as your face burned hot. And then they knocked again. 
“If you two are done fuckin’ in there, we’re ready to go!” Max sang quietly. 
“Jesus fucking- Just give me a second,” you shot back, unable to keep the frustration out of your tone. 
Well, fuck. The cat was out of the bag, at least to Max. Hopefully, you could get him alone and talk to him about it before he said something. You trusted him, a lot, so if you could just get him to <em>agree</em> to keep it quiet, you believed he’d keep the secret. You could hear him cackling to himself as he walked away and instantly slumped against König with a whine. It wasn’t even half a minute later before his hand was on your face, fingers and thumb pressing into your chubby cheeks as he lifted your head and stared into your eyes keenly. 
“Tonight, keep your tent opened for me,” he breathed.
“U-Uh, okay,” you murmured in shock. 
Another soft kiss and you were set down on the floor, left to watch in awe as he pulled the black gaiter back up. 
“Oh, hey, lean down,” you murmured, crooking your finger at him.
Lifting a brow in confusion, he did as asked and you giddily fixed his out-of-place hairs from your actions. 
“Didn’t wanna leave you with almost-sex hair,” you teased. 
His chuckle ran shudders down your spine, straight to your cunt, and you silently cursed out Max for ruining your first alone time with König in weeks. Letting out a sigh, you collected the vodka bottles and followed the big man out to the register, snagging a two-liter of Sprite from one of the aisles you walked through on the way. It would have to be good enough. You didn’t want to hold up the group any more than you already had. 
König took the drinks and set them up with his other stuff as the cashier started to talk to him, drawing your attention from him to her. She was pretty, like, really pretty; Could be a model pretty with her long blonde curls, bright green eyes, and petite figure. For a moment, you couldn't figure out if you wanted to look like her or date her more. 
“Did you find everything okay?” she asked, her voice warm and soft.
“Ja, thank you,” König replied simply.
Aaaaannnd she instantly melted. No one was immune to him it seemed, not that you could blame her. Without his sniper hood and kit, he looked much more approachable, his beautiful blue eyes unmarred by the usual eye black and his tousled blonde locks basically begging to be touched. Add in the fact that he was six foot eight, about two hundred and eight pounds of pure muscle in a tight black shirt and khakis, and the Austrian accent to boot, no male-attracted person <em>wouldn’t</em> want him. 
“I’m glad to hear it! Haven’t seen you around these parts before. You new to town?” she pushed on, a cute pink now decorating her cheeks. 
König made a non-commital noise and muttered, “Passing through.”
The cashier began rambling on about all the things to do in the small town but you tuned her out when you noticed König tapping his fingers rapidly against his thigh. He was quite good at guarding his expressions but apparently not his body, his movements screaming anxious or annoyed. He’d talked with you a little on the subject when you mentioned getting anxious over meeting your trainer for the first time, but you’d never really been in a situation where you saw his. 
Hesitantly, you reached out and brushed your fingers against his, waiting for a reaction before you fully committed to the action. You wanted to help but you weren’t sure if a public display of affection would just make it worse. When he grabbed your hand, his gaze met yours and you saw that familiar little crinkle appear by his eyes, his lips quirking up under the fabric. 
“Danke, meine liebling,” he said softly, squeezing your hand.
“So your total is twenty-eight thirty.”
The cashier speaking broke the comfortable little bubble around the two of you. Flushing softly as you saw the annoyance in her glare, you apologized to her for getting distracted and let go of König to grab your wallet from your purse only for your hand to be smacked away. Confusion brought your head up when you heard the beep of the card reader and watched him take the bag from her. 
“I was going to pay for that,” you mumbled, arms across your chest as you pouted. 
König chuckled and leaned down, resting a hand on the dip in your back to lead you out as he murmured lowly, “I know, but you will not pay for a single thing while I am here.”
“You don’t have to do that, you know? I do have my own money.” 
“Ja, but you are mine, and I always take care of what’s precious to me,” he replied smoothly.
Butterflies stormed your belly and you found it impossible to hold his gaze as he opened the glass door for you, urging you through first. What was this man doing to you? Treating you like a princess in bed was one thing, but to have him doting on you like this the rest of the time too? It was going to take some getting used to.  
“Have a good night! Don’t forget to stop by on your way back through!” 
You had to give it to her, she didn’t give up easily. If only you had the same gumption. You couldn’t have even imagined talking to König, let alone hitting on him, if he hadn’t been the one to initiate the conversation. 
“Thanks, have a good one,” you called back as König gave a half-assed little wave, letting the door shut behind you.
The warmth of his hand left your back as you approached the SUV, Amy and Max smoking at the back while Horangi and Luke yelled about something to do with cake from the back seat. 
“All good?” Amy asked.
You saw the mischievous look in Max’s eyes as he took a drag off his cigarette and lifted a single brow. 
“Yeah, everything good?” he parroted, a much more suggestive tone to his voice. 
Barely containing the urge to strangle him, you forced on a smile and nodded in reply. 
“Peachy, König had to rescue me from a douche bag but otherwise-”
“What?!” “What!”
Both were instantly at attention, Amy practically clucking around you like a mother hen while Max mumbled about figuring out who it was so he could “just talk to him”. It was adorable honestly. 
“He’s gone,” König interrupted, a tinge of amusement in his tone as he walked by to get to his door, “Practically pissed himself on the way out.” 
Once they were certain you weren’t hurt, they finished their cigarettes and you all climbed back into the SUV. König instantly passed you his phone again, a silent understanding that you’d control the music, and you were on the road once more. 
“Oh, shit, did you see that cashier though?!” Luke cried suddenly, as if having a revelation. 
Horangi and Max instantly leaped on the topic. 
“Dude, right?! What a smoke show!” Max jeered eagerly, “She knew it too because there was no denyin’ the way she was tryin’ to show us her ass to get that pack of Marlboros.”
Amy let out a groan that matched the way you felt about the subject matter. At least they weren’t being too gross about it. You could imagine Amy, like you, had heard too much from the guys you worked with. 
“And what an ass it was,” Horangi groaned then raised his voice, “I bet the big man had an even better view down her top too, ain’t that right, König?”  
König went stiff beside you and you did your best to not react as you spotted the slight flush peeking over his gaiter. You could practically feel the nerves rolling off of him in waves, or were you projecting your own onto him? Did he usually talk about that kind of thing with Horangi? Not like you could really be upset with him if he did. Nobody knew about your secret relationship, and it wasn’t like looking at other people was illegal anyway. You could only imagine the beautiful women he worked with at KorTac. Fuck, take Amy as an example. She was gorgeous, and you had no doubt his fellow military members were attractive as well, especially since they all had to keep up a certain fitness level. No, you couldn’t- wouldn’t- be mad if he did the usual guy talk with his friends, but it didn’t make the knot of jealousy and insecurity in your chest any less painful. 
He made a non-commital noise in reply and Horangi burst into laughter. 
“I knew it! She try to pick you up too?” Horangi snickered.
Max slapped his leg and added, “She practically begged Horangi and me for a threesome.” 
“Think she’d be down to run a train if we-”
“Okay, enough!” Amy snapped.
When you looked back in surprise, you felt your heart tug in empathy at the deep red patches across her face. Yeah, she definitely felt the same way you did. 
“You have two women in the car with you assholes! Can you not be disgusting for five minutes?” she added on, “God, we don’t want to hear the way you talk about women as if we’re just pieces of meat for you to fuck.” 
The guys quieted down, a clear look of embarrassment or discomfort on their faces. 
“She’s not wrong,” you added quietly, “It’s just… it’s weird to hear.” 
Max was the first to break the silence, nudging Amy gently as he said, “Hey, I’m sorry. Don’t worry though. You’re fitter than her by a long shot.” 
It was clear he said it to ease the tension and thankfully it worked, Amy’s face darkening again but with a little smirk curling up the ends of her lips. 
“Shut up, you… man,” she shot back with a groan. 
As everyone seemed to relax back into normal conversations, you busied yourself on your phone for a distraction. Scrolling Instagram for a while helped somewhat calm your thoughts, but they came back instantly when you felt König’s fingers touch yours. 
Fuck. As you slid your fingers between his, you did your best to calm the emotions brewing in your belly. It wasn’t like you were mad, or even jealous really, you just felt… inferior, mentally comparing yourself to her. 
“Schatz?” he asked quietly, drawing your attention up.
The concern in his eyes made your heart ache. He knew you so well that it was honestly scary sometimes; a subtle reminder of how much effort he put into understanding you because he liked you <em>that</em> much. Despite being able to have anyone he could want, he chose <em>you</em>. Tapping your thumb against his, you flashed him a little smile. 
“I’m okay,” you assured him.
He seemed unsure of your response but, thankfully, dropped the subject. However, you did notice him holding your hand a little tighter and looking over at you even more until you made it to the drop-off point.
“Alright, remember to take everything. We are not coming back here until the camping trip is over,” König instructed as he slammed his door shut, “If you forget anything, that is on you.” 
“Copy, sir,” Luke replied.
The process of unloading the car took even longer than loading it had, and you really started to feel the fatigue of the day hit during the trek to the camping spot. They had determined that approximately five miles in from the usual campgrounds would be far enough out to avoid strangers dropping in but close enough to claim they got lost if they <em>were</em> discovered by anyone. It also left them about three miles from the supposed Ultranationalist’s base. Smart, but tiring nonetheless. You were suddenly quite happy for all the cardio and training you’d been doing with Max because, before that? You would have never been able to make the hike. 
“We’re here, sir,” Max said suddenly, lifting his GPS toward the colonel.
Thankfully the chosen spot was in a little clearing, not perfectly flat but better than sleeping directly on tree roots and rocks. A silence fell over the group as you all worked on assembling your tents. You and Amy were the only ones with a separate tent all on your own. Horangi and König shared a big one while Luke and Max did the same. By the time the last tent was up and ready, it was already starting to get dark. 
“Okay, fire time, anyone here a pyromaniac?” Horangi asked.
“Okay, okay! Never have I ever… slept with someone the same day I met them!” Amy said with a grin, eyes gleaming with the flames before her.
Max cried something about “unfair” while Horangi and Luke just took their shots with a sigh. Immediately your eyes went to König, blushing when you realized he was already staring at you. You subtly lifted your glass to him before downing the shot, grinning when he did the same.  
“Luke, your go!” 
The blonde leaned back and stared up at the sky for a second before a wide grin crossed his face. 
“Never have I ever received anal, and by that, I mean actually taken a dick or dildo up the ass. Fingers don’t count,” he finally said. 
You barely caught your mouth from dropping open in shock when Horangi, Max, and Amy all took shots. 
“Really?” you asked curiously.
“Yeah, you haven’t?” Max shot back with a snicker.
Cheeks heating up, you shrugged in reply, suddenly feeling a little out of place. 
“Hey, not everyone likes it, it’s not a big deal,” Amy assured you, “I don’t even really, I just did it for a guy a few times.” 
“I just haven’t really trusted anyone enough,” you explained.
“Oh, yeah, trust is definitely a big thing,” she agreed. 
Max popped open his last beer and took a long drink, eyes surveying the group as he made a show of thinking over his question. 
“Ah, got it! Never have I ever faked an orgasm!” he cried.
Both you and Amy immediately groan, taking the shot like good little troopers. You were surprised to see Luke take a drink as well. 
“Damn, both of you? Really?” Horangi hissed, “That’s harsh. Like, with a one-night stand or-”
“I don’t really do that so… no,” you replied with a shrug, “Been left high and dry by friends with benefits and relationships.”
Amy grimaced and said, “Yeesh, mine was at least with a guy who didn’t know me well. Fuck, if I’m gonna have sex with him more than once, he’d better know what he’s doing or there won’t be a third time.”
A laugh bubbled out of your throat, nearly spraying Sprite from your mouth like a fountain until you clapped a hand over your mouth and groaned. 
“Annyywaaayyy, on that note, I’m gonna turn into a pumpkin,” Max sighed, dropping his now empty beer bottle in the growing pile between him and Horangi. 
“Already?” Luke groaned. 
“Yeah, man, this has been fun but I don’t wanna be hungover tomorrow,” Max explained. 
As he got to his feet, you followed suit, telling the group you were headed to bed as well. Really you just wanted the chance to talk to Max about König and you. On the way over to the tents, you pulled him to a stop. 
“Hey, about earlier-”
“I’m not goin’ to say anythin’,” he cut in, smirking down at you, “Big guy deserves happiness and so do you.”
Blinking in shock, you stammered through questions until you finally asked, “What?”
“König; I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this happy,” he explained as he pushed his hands into his pockets, “He’s a good guy once you get passed the happily-murderin’-people thin’, and I know that he’s not goin’ to hurt you, so I’ve no reason to say anythin’.”
At that, your brows furrowed. 
“You knew König before today?” you asked. 
Max stared at you as if you were stupid for a second before he groaned and said, “Shit, he hasn’t told you yet? I thought you knew there were some of us keeping an eye on the Shadows?”
“No, no, he told me that, I just didn’t know that <em>you</em> were one of them.”
“Why else do you think Declan’s shit got aired when it did? Not only was the guy a creep, but König didn’t want someone he couldn’t trust bein’ alone with you that often,” he explained, “Thus, voila, me!” 
Things slowly began to shift into place; The reason he was so insistent on training you properly, always keeping an eye out for you, and treating you like a sister. You weren’t sure how you felt about it. You knew König had spies inside the Shadows, and had admitted to using them to get to know you, but he was still manipulating your life even now? Why didn’t he just tell you? 
“Don’t be upset with him, aye? He’s just lookin’ out for you,” Max said suddenly, clapping a hand down on your shoulder.
“Yeah, no, I’m not mad,” you replied instantly, “Just… confused.” 
“That’s fair. Anywho, good night, oh and if <em>you</em> hear anything comin’ from Amy’s or mine, no ya didn’t,” he snickered, throwing a wink your way when you made a face. 
“Yeah, uh, okay then. Good night.” 
The two of you parted ways and you crawled into your tent with a sigh, thoughts rushing a mile a minute. You were honest when you said you weren’t upset at him, but you definitely wanted an explanation as to why. Turning on your little lamp, you used the light to dig through your bag until you found the black nightie you’d thrown in last minute. It was the only remotely sexy thing you had to sleep in and you wanted to be wearing something other than ratty old pajamas if König stuck to his word and actually joined you. Thankfully, it was pretty warm despite the time of year, so you were only slightly cold before you buried yourself in your sleeping bag and blanket. As you got comfortable, you listened to the sounds of the others talking and laughing, and despite your best efforts, you found your eyes fluttering closed. 
The next thing you knew, you were woken by the sound of a zipper and the tent rustling. At first, you thought about screaming until you heard a soft German curse by your feet. You sat up quickly to find his shadow struggling outside the tent. 
“H-Hold on,” you whispered, crawling forward to open it from your side, “I’m sorry, I thought I’d left enough room to get it open.” 
“It’s fine,” he replied.
Watching his giant form crawl through the tiny ass entry to the tent was probably the funniest thing you’d ever seen. He zipped it back before turning to face you, the lack of space in the tent making his proximity seem even closer. 
“Hey you,” you murmured softly, putting a hand out his way. 
He pulled your hand forward and placed a little kiss on your palm as he rumbled, “Hello, meine schatz. I would have been here sooner but Horangi wouldn’t stop talking about some football game- Ah, it does not matter, I’m just glad to be with you now.” 
You agreed quietly as he crawled to close the distance between your bodies, pushing you back onto the blanket as he did so until he was hovering over you with his hips firmly against yours. 
“I am sorry for earlier,” he said suddenly. 
“Hmm, earlier?” you asked, caught off guard by the statement. 
He gestured behind him and said, “Them, their talk about that woman. I could tell it upset you.” 
Well, shit. You weren’t sure how to respond to that. 
“And for the record, no, I did not look down her shirt,” he added, leaning down until his lips were barely brushing yours.
You couldn’t help but giggle at that. 
“I wasn’t upset about that, König,” you assured him softly, “Though I wouldn’t blame you if you did. She <em>was</em> very pretty. It was mostly just how they talked about her that bothered me.” 
He made a noise low in his throat that made your skin tingle. When his mouth finally met yours, it was rough, teeth clacking and tongues battling. One hand planted itself by your head while the other wrapped around your throat, tilting your head up to give him better access to the furthest back parts of your mouth. You couldn’t resist rolling your hips up in search of friction and were rewarded with the delicious pressure of his hardening cock. When he finally broke the kiss, you were both panting for air.
“Scheiße, why would I ever look at her when I have everything I’ve ever wanted right here?” he groaned, fingers giving your throat a little squeeze before trailing down your chest, “Nobody could compare to you, kleine maus.”
“F-Fuck!” you gasped out as he pinched your nipple through the nightie. 
Your chest was heaving with both lust and emotion as he slowly slid the strap down, revealing your breast to his hungry gaze. 
“Look at this, I barely touch you and your body reacts so perfectly to me,” he groaned softly. 
As his fingers slid over your tit and squeezed, you pulled him into another eager kiss, your nails scraping down his shoulders to his back as your legs wrapped around his hips. As sweet as his words were, you’d gone too fucking long without him and you needed him badly.
“Have you seen <em>you</em>?” you teased breathlessly between kisses, “You could just be sitting there and I’d be wet for you, meine lieb.” 
The noise he let out sent chills down your spine, the animalistic growl doing nothing to help the need growing between your legs. He suddenly pulled back, dodging as you tried to follow him for more and you couldn’t help but pout.
“That reminds me. You played a very naughty game earlier,” he said sternly, “That song? Where ever did you find that?” 
Grinning proudly, you replied, “I was looking up tips on learning and speaking German and I got distracted by German music and then I found that one. It just… It was kind of ironic, you know? Also, ya know, pretty hot.” 
“How did it go? Du weißt du kannst nicht entkommen, bin für immer in dei’m kopf, du beugst dich über ziehst am spiegel, während dessen zieh ich zopf” &lt;em>(You know you can't escape. I'm in your head forever. You bend over pulling at the mirror while I pull on your braid).</em> 
Blinking in shock, you quietly reply, “Uh, yeah. How’d you remember that?” 
A devilish smirk crossed his face as he finally leaned back down, but he changed his directory quickly to bring his lips to your ear instead.
“I may have listened to it a few times while Horangi was rambling,” he whispered, breath teasing your ear lightly, “Ich will, dass du weißt. Ich bleib bei dir. Ich bleib bei dir, baby, ich bleib bei dir.” &lt;em>(I want you to know. I’ll stay with you. I'll stay with you, baby, I'll stay with you.)</em>
“Oh <em>fuck me</em>,” you hissed, reflexively coiled back to stare up at him in awe. 
Not only had he paid attention to the song, but he had learned it in less than an hour. And he could fucking <em>sing<em> like <em>that</em>?! While his voice was beautiful normally, his gravelly tone fit the song so well that it almost sounded like it was made for him. Your eyes fluttered shut in bliss when he started kissing down your neck and humming bits of the song in between. 
“König, please,” you whimpered, fingers threading into his hair as he bit into the side of your breast and sucked. 
“Yes?” he asked, voice dripping with amusement. 
“I need you, please, now.”
Your efforts to pull him closer were thwarted when he pulled back once more, leaving you to glare up at him in frustration. 
“Not yet, scoot over,” he instructed, patting your hip until you begrudgingly moved to give him room. 
Tugging off his shirt, he tossed it aside before laying down on his back, unbuttoning his pants as he motioned you closer once more. You wasted no time climbing over his hips, a grin tilting up your lips at the way your thighs burned with the stretch to fit over his. 
“Ah-ah, nein, come here,” he grunted, taking hold of your waist.
Eyebrows furrowing in confusion, you let him lead you up his body until you were hovering over his chest but when he tried to get you to move farther, you stopped. Unease settled in your chest when he tried again.
“What are you doing?” you asked blankly.
“I want you on my face, now,” he retorted sharply.
Hands sliding down and around, he cupped your ass at the same time as he arched his back, using the momentum to practically throw you forward until you were on hands and knees at his shoulders. 
“Are you fucking serious?”
He let out a huff of a laugh and retorted, “Yes? Why do you seem so surprised?” 
Your eyes widened in shock and you gestured to your body emphatically. 
“I’m not a tiny woman, König, I could hurt you… fuck, I could <em>kill</em> you!” you snapped, face burning hot as his eyes traveled over your form. 
A heavy sigh escaped his lips when he finally rolled his gaze up to meet yours, irritation clear in his eyes slowly melting away as his hands began kneading at your ass. 
“Schatz, you are not going to kill me, nor will you hurt me,” he muttered, “I am more than capable of moving you off if I had to, but I will not need to. Now, come.” 
He made it seem to be cut and dried; Like you wouldn’t be literally restricting his ability to breathe, like you wouldn’t have <em>all</em> of your weight on such a delicate part of the body. 
“I- I can’t,” you whispered with a shake of your head. 
“Why are you resist-”
“I have big thighs, König, and I know you’re fucking muscle man but what if you lose too much air and you aren’t coherent enough to move me away in time and–”
A sharp slap against your ass had you crying out before you could stop it, the stinging pain radiating through your cheek something fierce as he started to rub the area. Tears welled up in your eyes as he did it again but on the other side. You slapped a hand over your mouth in preparation for more, not wanting to be too loud. As he massaged that too, the pain slowly settled into a low ache that made your pussy throb. König speaking tore you from your inner turmoil and you listened intently. 
“I need you to trust me, meine liebling,”  König demanded, tone leaving little room for argument, “Now, get up here or I will continue to reprimand you until you are unable to even sit tomorrow.”
“You wouldn’t!” you hissed, earning a blank look from the big man, “Fuck! For the record, I don’t feel comfortable doing this.”
Despite your words, you let him guide you the rest of the way until your bare cunt was level with his mouth. Fingers squeezed and rubbed at your soft cheeks as he hummed in reply and pulled the nightgown up to rest above your hips. 
“Good thing I don’t care what you want right now.”
Your brain short-circuited in response. Sure, König had always been the dominant and controlling one, but it was always with you in mind. To hear him blatantly state that he was ignoring your concerns was startling… and yet somehow hot as hell. 
He rumbled happily as he pulled you down just shy of sitting on him.
“I’ve been kept well informed about your daily activities and those little boys who think they can win you over.”
The first stroke of his tongue startled a little yelp out of you and you were quick to cover your mouth again, afraid of waking up the fellow campers nearby. His chuckle vibrated your clit in a way that had you almost falling completely against him but you managed to strengthen your legs at the last second and braced one hand on the ground. 
“They- They weren’t-” 
“Nein, do not lie to me. I know about the flowers and the invitations,” he snapped. 
With a little huff, you retorted, “Then you know I threw them away and rejected them, yeah?” 
“That is not enough. They deserve to be <em>flayed alive</em> for even daring to ask you out. The same goes for that arschloch who tried to hit on you today. As if a single one of them is worthy of you, or capable enough to worship this pussy like I do. I am going to remind you just why you belong to me, and why you are only one for me.”   
A little voice in the back of your head dared you to speak up, to tell him it wasn’t their fault they didn’t know you were taken because you had to hide your relationship, but that thought was thrown out the window when he suckled tight on your clit. 
You muffled your little moans again as your other hand found his resting on your hip. Sliding your fingers between his, you slowly let your body relax and allowed him to draw you down even closer, earning a hungry growl from the beast below you. Bit by bit, he coaxed you into rocking your hips. Every movement was met with praising noises from the colonel and it made your anxiety slowly drift away. 
That familiar coil began to tighten in your core as he lapped at your clit faster, broad tongue deft and strong in its motions. It had been way too long since you’d felt his touch and the situation wasn’t making it any easier, the thought of being caught by either of your teammates one that invoked panic and lust. 
You tried to swat away his other hand from where it came to rest on your lower belly, pressing at the extra plush you weren’t comfortable with, but he was too stubborn. He did this the last time you were together too, seemingly understanding how uncomfortable you were with your weight and rolls but refusing to stop touching them. He said he liked how soft you were, that while you were tiny and breakable, he felt better knowing you had that added layer of protection from him and his… excitable tendencies. It kind of hurt, at first, to hear him admit that he noticed that you were indeed chubby but he took his time to <em>prove</em> without a doubt that he saw it as a good thing, something he actually enjoyed on you. The fact that he’d gotten hard while kissing each part of your body that you found imperfect made believing him somewhat easier. 
“O-Oh, oh fuck, König, ju-just- mmh!” 
Biting hard into the meat of your palm, you couldn’t resist giving in completely to your desires, hips moving of their own accord as you chased that growing high. Unfortunately, he tried to say something and, although muffled, his noises instantly broke the spell. 
“Oh god, what? Are you okay?!” you squeaked in shock.
When you tried to move to give him room, his hands clamped down so hard on your hips that you actually cried out and smacked him reflexively. He loosened his grip just enough but didn’t bother letting you go, urging you into moving again. It took a second to calm your heart but once you were certain he hadn’t been calling out for air, you let him pull you back into the waves of bliss. Every stroke of his tongue had your toes curling, little needy mewls of pleasure panting against your palm as your nails dug into the back of his hand. Without really thinking, you reached down and snagged a handful of his hair, pulling him closer as those familiar pulses steadily pushed you toward the edge. 
“König, god, fuck, please baby, I- I-”
Once still, his hands jerked you down until your pussy was flush with his face and his tongue thrust into your core, grinding your clit against his nose with each rut of your hips. It was almost unbearable. Embarrassment tried to rear its ugly head as your thighs clenched around his face but the sudden aggressive moans König let out were enough to fuel you on. 
When it finally hit, it hit hard. Your hand did nothing to stifle the pure, unadulterated ecstasy pouring from your lips, nor the heated mantra of his name as you rode his face. He pushed you through wave after wave of pleasure until you clawed at his hands to release you, escaping from his clutches and falling to the ground beside him in a messy pile of sweat and whimpers. 
König didn’t sound to be in much better shape, his breaths as heavy as yours, but within a minute he was over you, shoving your knees to his chest with one arm while the other tore down his pants and pulled himself free of his boxers. A peek of guilt flashed in your chest as you took in his red, disheveled appearance, but it was as if he sensed it, eyes immediately locking onto yours as he lined up his cock. 
“Du hast keine verdammte Ahnung, wie sexy du bist. Ich würde die Welt für dich niederbrennen,” he panted, “I will spend the rest of my life proving to you how beautiful you are, how much I love you.”
Before you even had the chance to react, he thrust forward and buried himself in your cunt with a heady groan. Your hand once again found its place over your mouth as you nearly screamed his name. Sobs broke through your fingers and your other hand found the silky fabric of your sleeping bag, nails scratching and embedding themselves in the fabric in some last-ditch effort to keep yourself grounded.
“Look at me, Süßes mädchen,” he growled, a slight tremor vibrating through his form, “Let me see those beautiful eyes while I wreck you.” 
You tried to listen but the moment he drew out and slammed back in, your eyes instinctively shut against the pain and pleasure. It felt like he was breeching your cervix but the pressure against your g-spot felt so good it nearly canceled it out into something pleasurable. Fabric was no longer enough. You needed more, your hand coming to grab at his wrist and digging your nails into his flesh with a whine. 
“Eyes, Y/N.”
Though hazy and tear-filled, you managed to force them open and found him watching you closely, lip bitten his lips as he groaned softly and started fucking you slowly. The slow pace didn’t continue long, much to your simultaneous relief and downfall. When he shifted and pushed your legs further back, it tore a moan from you both. His cock hit that same sweet spot over and over as you clenched around him and the tears finally broke through. 
“F-Fuck, yeessss, there!” you keened weakly, arching into him with the help of his hold, “So- so good. Ohmygod. König, please don’t- don’t stop, Jesus, don’t ever stop!” 
A devastating snarl filled the air as his thrusts grew violent, fingers squeezing your soft thighs so hard you’d certainly have unexplainable bruising in the morning. That thought alone squeezed your walls tighter around him in need. 
“Scheiße!” he hissed suddenly, jerking his hand away from yours. 
Startled, your eyes popped open only to find him staring at his wrist in awe, fresh drops of dark blood running down his arm. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I-!”
In the next breath, your legs were down around his waist and he was leaning over you, one hand on the ground and the other on your throat so hard you could barely think over the pounding of blood in your ears. 
His voice sounded inhuman as he growled your name and bit out, “Don’t apologize, ever. It is an honor to drive you so mad that you wound me. Mark me all you want, maus, I will wear them with pride.” 
Oh. Oh, that was new. You managed a weak little nod before you lost yourself in his touch, rolling your hips up to meet his as the sounds of bodies slapping muddied the air. 
“I feel you tightening again, schatz, do you want to come for me again? Hmm? Going to be my good girl and come so I can fill this pretty little cunt?”
A little positive squeak was all you could make out under the pressure of his hand but it was enough. Every point of his body against yours felt like pure molten lava. Every thrust of his hips rubbed perfectly against your clit. It was heaven and hell in the best of ways. 
“Pl-Please!” you gasped out as you felt that spark flickering to life. 
“Ja, that’s it, taking me so well,” he grunted. 
It was obvious how close he was, the waver in his voice and the way his pace faltered, and his grip tightened just enough to cut off your air supply. Fear became reality for a moment, but when he cried your name, it was over. Your head slammed back into the ground as you silently screamed for him. The world felt upside down when he suddenly released your throat and the blood rushed back into your head, your lungs panting for much-needed oxygen only to whimper his name with reverence. 
“Weißt du, wie sehr ich dich füllen möchte? Du würdest so schön aussehen, wenn du mit meinem Baby schwanger wärst,” he groaned, voice taking on a high pitched whine, “Need to fill you, breed you, bitte, bitte, can I?” 
The moment your brain registered what he had said, a third orgasm hit and you jerked him into a frantic kiss, ignoring the need for breath. Hearing König say that he wanted to breed you? Instantly, logic was gone. It didn’t matter that you were on birth control and couldn’t get pregnant. At that moment, you wanted nothing more than for him to come in you so deep that you’d never be completely rid of him. 
“Bitte,” you whimpered back, “König, bitte, yes!” 
 His reaction was instant, voracious moans pouring into your mouth as he started pounding you so hard it actually hurt.
“I love you so much,” he growled darkly, “You’re mine forever, you know that, ja? Mine to love, and protect, and fuck, and breed. Gott, you’ll look so fucking beautiful, all round and soft and pregnant… fuck, with <em>my</em> baby. Mine- Oh, verdammt, ich komme!”  
A sob broke through your lips as he buried himself with one last thrust and your walls clung tight to him as he throbbed deep in your cunt. His whines filled your ears like the sweetest symphony, hips twitching and breaths shaky as he rode out his orgasm. 
Pressing a much softer kiss to his mouth, you bumped your nose into his and pushed your forehead to his. If asked later, you would swear that it was at that moment you knew that you were one hundred percent irrevocably and undeniably in love with König. You wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life with him, to act on his wishes, and to have him as the father of your children and as your life partner. You would do anything and everything to keep him, to make him as happy as he made you.
Fingers coming to thread into his hair and massage his scalp softly, you whispered against his lips, “I love you too, König, so much.”
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captainnait · 3 months
(Decided to reuploded this post because literally no one saw it. . . Oh well. Might as well tag @whocaresifwearecrazy since they could be interested in this idk)
Something that literally no one asked for - a TTwM compilation!!
I enjoyed gathering all the questions for this one. I'm not sure if I found *all* of them, but. . . Yeah. Some clips (4 out of 13) aren't mine, so I left the source in the description.
Also I wrote a little analysis/commentary thingy for all of these, which you can read down below. It's mostly just me rambling about Bob and Milan and how stupid these two are, so don't take it too seriously. I just— I just need to get this off my chest, okay 😭 also sorry for the broken english in some of these. I was half-awake when writing lol
Anyway, would really appreciate if you watch this compilation. I might do some others in the future idk. Enjoy 💖💥
As for commentary, here it is ✨
"Ode to a Garbage Can": I put this one first in the compilation, because (imo) it shows Bob's and Milan's overall dynamic perfectly - Bob tries to be as positive and supportive of Milan as he can (although with a mild success), while Milan. . . Well, he's just being himself - extremely forward and harsh, but, in the end, not minding Bob's attitude, and even engaging in a playful back-and-forth with him. It's simple, it's nice and it's going to be a repeating pattern.
. . . Aaand it's probably the most analytical I'm going to get here. Probably.
Anyway, can't say much else about this one. They're silly
"A Crappy Question": Bob here sounds so genuinely guilty 😭. And the fact that he immediately tries to make up by helping Milan with his classes— it's pretty wholesome. . . Milan slapping the living shit out of him in the end isn't tho lol
"Get Your Finger Out of Your Nose": Milan calling out Bob on literally anything is also the main point of a lot of these. And, tbh, if I worked as a janitor somewhere, where mfs like any of ydkj hosts work, I wouldn't be so happy either bruh
Anyhow, the gross out humor in the end is nothing unusual for this game. But damn, the way Milan said "chucklehead" at the end. . . He loves that idiot I'm sorry 💥💥💥
"Urinal Chips and Dip": Bob being an idiot and getting what he deserves will NEVER not be funny to me
"Wait a minute, is this a trick question? 😠" "For you? Yes 🙄" I can't with them—
Also Milan helping Bob out a bit at the end was surprisingly nice. . . And uncommon too
"Swapping Spit": Milan calling Bob "host boy" at the start caught me off guard completely when I first heard it. And yet, somehow, he gets even more wild with the nicknames later on in the other questions lol
"Moron? Hey! >:[" Bob sounds so hurt here 😭 i like to imagine that before that he wasn't catching any insults from Milan at all up until this point. He's clueless like that
"Ugh, Milan! Why do you say things like that?" "To make you blush" Okay that's just straight up flirting—
Also Bob doesn't sound so opposed to that huh. . . Interesting. I wonder when this is going to come up again—
Ahem. Anyway, "Bob-friend" is such a great nickname, 10/10, amazing job, Milan.
Bob's "MILAN! WHAT? 😨😳" is literally my favorite thing ever
"Please? Look, begging is not gonna help, my friend" yup, I figured
(I'm not even going to comment on the last few lines lol this is already too much)
"Seven Minutes in the Broom Closet": And just when you think it can't get gayer than the last one. . . This title. What the fuck are they doing in the closet—
Bob mistaking alliteration with liter is just so him
"Haha, you said pee :D" this man literally has a mind/humor of a toddler
And yeah, Milan leaving Bob confused with his words/sayings is. Everything
"I'm Not Your Chew Toy": I'm pretty sure this is the shortest question in this category in terms of dialogue
I love that this one highlights just how patient can Bob be with Milan's rather snappy attitude (which, to be fair, is pretty reasonable for him to have)
"Gift Ideas from the Bathroom": This one. This is my favorite question in the whole game probably. . .
Milan calling Bob "Robert" (which continues running joke of Milan calling Bob different nicknames). Milan sharing his collection with Bob, who seems to be not only interested in it, but also wants to implement it in the question. Bob being a clumsy ass moron and dropping the jar, with Milan following with his (almost) catchphrase "I'm not cleaning that". Milan sharing his culture with Bob and feeding him a homemade soup, with Bob being absolutely joyful and excited to learn new things from his favorite person (while also being taken care of by said person). Milan's little "jerk" at the end, that sounds just a bit too soft to sound like an actual insult, and more like an affectionate pet name. I love this. This is amazing. If this isn't not one of the most wholesome moments in ydkj series, idk what is tbh
"Little Red Outhouse": "Hey Milan, how you doing? Good to see ya 😁" "It's a pleasure for you to see me 😇" "Yeah, i— Uh what? 🤨" This is one of my favorite exchanges between them. Milan has such a way with words sometimes idk. . .
Not much to say about this one, except the fact, that Milan washes Bob's microphone in the toilet bowl, becomes much more disgusting when you know, that in one of the questions Bob smooches his microphone. You're welcome 😇
"It Happens to the Best of Us": Crying Milan is the last thing I expected from this game, but here we are ig. As much as I feel sad for him, I can't deny that his crying voice is incredibly stupid (/pos)
"It was a horribly sad incident which took place today" I like how even when he's distraught he still tries to flex his english skills. What a king
The way Bob instantly goes "yes sir" right after Milan tells him to shut up is just. . . 😭 no comments
"Don't Forget to Wipe": Ah yes, the one where Milan blackmails Bob. Anyway
"Hm, would you like to know" THE WAY HE SOUNDS HERE I— 💥💥
Also the way Milan interrogates Bob here is just so funny to me. He's like an annoyed and slightly disappointed owner that find out his dog made a mess in the living room again. . . Weird comparison, but oh well (I've been writing this commentary for way to long)
"There's a Swosh™ on My Tush": I love this one. Mf just plays basketball in the middle of his work day and that's it. No disgusting twist, just basketball
. . . Well, except the last few seconds, where Bob straight up drools on Milan's shoes. . . Like a dog—
Okay, nah, that's it, that enough of these guys for me today istg
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anunusers · 3 months
Hiya love!!
Saw your post and though I would ask! 😁
Can I ask all of them? 1-36 lmao
Last question is: what's your biggest fear?
Love u, byeeeeee🩷
OMG this made me so happy!!!!! I'm a nobody and you want to know about me?!?!? 😭means the world to me!!!❤️I love you !!!!!
I did try to answer all of the questions and I thought I posted it but I am new with posting so please forgive me! Also, I'm an over sharer so I'm sorry in advance for that too!
What is your nickname?
Lately, my colleagues have been calling me Jay. Other times I'm Jen or Jenni.
When is your birthday?
4/3 :)
What was your longest relationship?
I've only been in one serious relationship and those were the hardest 4 years of my lifeeeee! Seriously, barely made out alive. 😮‍💨
What is your favorite book?
I have so mannnnyyy! It's so hard to pick one but I'll share a few that actually caught my attention and still have resonated with me:
A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman
Anxious People by Fredrik Backman
Tony and Susan by Austin Wright
It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover
I'm thinking of ending things by Iain Reid
I honestly have so many more, but these are the ones I have read recently and absolutely loved. Also, Fredrik Backman is currently my fav author so I definitely recommend checking him out !
What is something you're insecure about?
My appearance for sure. I don't feel confident in my looks whatsoever haha. I feel like I am fugly most of the time but that just what has been embedded in my brain since I was younger. Also, I've recently have gotten insecure with my voice. Which is so random but I kind of hate my voice LOL.
5 Male celebrity crushes
Jake Gyllenhaal (obvy LOL), Pedro Pescal, Jaime Camil, Tenoch Huerta, Aaron Taylor-Johnson. I honestly have many more and they are all from Novelas. That is all I grew up watching with my mom hehe.
5 Female celebrity crushes
Elizabeth Olsen, Emma D'arcy, Scarlett Johanssan, Ana de Armas, Anne Hathaway and again, I am many many moorreee.
What is your dream job?
I always wanted to do something in music or theatre. A singer or actor. I was a huge choir nerd in high school. I even did piano lessons for a few years. On my last year of high school, I ended up doing theatre and it was so much fun! I did plays and that experience really made me love theatre. Maybe one day in the future... 🙏
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?
I haven't accomplished much in life to be honest so I don't know what I would consider an accomplishment. Maybe being able to learn different professions throughout the years. I am a Certified Patient Care Tech and all though I am not even that work field anymore, I still very much enjoyed learning about the healthcare process and what different titles mean when it comes to taking care of patient and getting the help that they need.
What is a fact about you that nobody would believe?
I have no clueeeeeeeee......maybe that I'm from MX ?? LOL My accent is completely gone now from the 12 years that I've lived in the States. Which is so sad cause not only do I suck at speaking English, my Spanish is going down hill too.. I'm slowly turning into a sabo kid!! 😭😭
What were your highs and lows for this last month?
Lately, my lows have been just feeling very lost and out of place. I feel like I should be at a certain point in my life but I am so far from reaching it or maybe I won't ever come close but yeah, its a very crappy feeling. My high this month is definitely receiving this ask from you. Made my day 100% better! ❤️
Where is somewhere you'd like to visit?
I have sooooooo many places I would like to visit!!! In States, I would love to visit New York, Florida for Universal Studios and World Disney. Out of States, I would love to visit Sweden, Italy, Japan, South Korea.
How do you de-stress?
I nap like my life depends on it. I'm stressed, NAP. Upset, NAP. Happy, NAP. Sad, Nap. I could rot happily in my bed if I could get paid for it.
What are your favorite apps besides tumblr?
I honestly only mainly use Tumblr and Tiktok LOL they control my life right now. I don't think I use any other apps. Maybe Amazon and Barnes & Nobles 😁
Describe yourself in one sentence.
Lover girl in a world where love no longer exists. 🫠
What do you think makes you attractive?
I don't know actually... I would like to say my personality perhaps? I think I'm pretty cool I think I'm quite hilarious actually haha. I had someone once say that my eyes and smile was the most attractive thing about me, but I think the opposite.
What is something you're really good at?
Procrastinating. I procrastinate so good that when the deadline of something is like 5 minutes away, I overwork and stress myself out so bad that my work just comes out beautifully. I work amazing under extreme and stressful situations. Not healthy at all so please don't try!!!!
What is something you're really bad at?
Math. Which is funny because I was doing accountant work for a Retail store as my first job and I was amazing. Maybe it was the power I felt while holding thousands of dollars a night while making minimum wage 🥲LOL
A time that you told a lie.
I never lie, I speak my truth all the time but while I was in my first serious relationship, I lied ALOT about being okay and happy. It was such unhealthy relationship for me and I wanted to keep the peace at all times that I lied a lot to my family. Trust me when I say, even if they are older, does not mean they are mature. Learned that the hard way.
What's a totally random and useless fact that you know?
Our brain doesn't know our eyeballs exist and if they did know, they would attack them. You can permanently go blind if our brain was like, "wait a min, where did they come from??" Freaking GNARLY!
Who knows you the best?
My mommy ❤️
What is your most prized possession?
I am in LOVE with V for Vendetta. From the moment I saw it back when my dad would let us rent random movies from Blockbusters, I just love it. I read the comics and love the theatrics of how V is and how beautifully he was portrayed by Hugh Weaving. I ended up buying a screenplay book that contains the directors notes and small changes that were made that didn't make it to the movie and that is my most prized possession. Definitely fueled my love for acting and everything that comes from just being able to shoot a movie.
What is your longest friendship?
9 years but unfortunately, life drifted us apart :(
When did you first feel like an adult?
When I did my taxes for the first time. I was not ready to adult, and I still can't adult correctly but surviving!
Do you/ Have you played any sports?
Yes, volleyball!!!! My family used to play it all time when we lived in MX. I turn into a competitive monster.
How are you feeling right now?
Tired and hungry. I've been surviving on Moster Energy drinks these last few days.
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
I'm honestly neither. I used to be able to stay up all night but now, I can barely wake up early and can barely stay awake lol I'm old now.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
I do, I'm a hopeless romantic.
Favorite song lyrics right now?
I've been listening to sad songs lately. Currently have I Can't Make You Love Me by Bon Iver on a constant loop. "I'll close my eyes, then I won't see. The love you don't feel when you're holding me. Morning will come and I'll do what's right. Give me 'til then to give up this fight." UGH gets me every time! 😭
What does self care look like for you?
Honestly, a nice hot bath in a candle lit bathroom, bright enough to be able to read a book and because I love in AZ, thunderstorm sounds in the background. My definition of self care ❤️
Describe yourself with 3 singers.
This is on hard! I don't know. Ummmmmm can I say 3 of my favorite singers? Amy Lee from Evanescence, RAYE, and Beyonce.
What makes you nervous?
Knowing that we have only explore 5% of the ocean and ocean nearly takes 70% of our planet. Not sure what phobia that is but thinking about that makes me nervous. Also meeting new people. I'm very shy so I get super nervous and anxious.
What’s a pet peeve you have?
When I am with someone and I am sharing something or just telling them something and they are on their phone, not listening at all. Then they have the audacity to say, "Huh?" Like no thank you. The excitement is over and now I'm hurt. 🥲
What will always make you cry?
Thinking about my life. Kidding! I am a huge crybaby so it doesn't take much to make me cry. Show me a sad video, I'll cry a river.
What kind of first impression do you think you make on people?
I don't know, I smile a lot so maybe they form some kind of opinion based on that. I hope it's all good first impressions though. 😊
Special Question: What's your biggest fear?
I have a lot of fears and some may seem so little. I am afraid of never being able to accomplish or become the person I dreamt of being. I'm afraid that I will never get back on track with how I envisioned I would be right now at 24. It's dumb little things that scare me. Never finding love and having a family of my own or not being able to be fully happy. Sometimes it feels like something is missing and maybe that's why I have been feeling lost lately. Those are biggest fears.
THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN!!! I really enjoyed answering these questions and would totally love to see you answering them too!!!!!! Love you!!!❤️❤️❤️
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lilover131 · 1 year
Clear Card Chapter 72 Analysis
Sorry for the delay y’all! Still dealing with some real life stuff, but I’m in a much better place emotionally! I’ll try to make sure I’m not so late next month!
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In this chapter, not a lot actually physically happened, but we DID get answers, some of which I’m not sure how I feel about. Enjoy my “gif of the month” above (trademark from Cinzia. Hahahaha) and my thoughts below under the cut! I apologize again in advance for the crappy red page screenshots from youtube. I currently have no way to get good quality English scans, so this is how it’s gotta be for now! 
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The color spread is GORGEOUS as always, but has a rather lonely and somber feeling to it. Sakura has an expression like she is empty and missing something, and maybe the ‘jewels’ in front of her represent the memories she has lost as a result of the timeline change. Beautiful, sparkling memories, and she absentmindedly reaches towards one with such a gentle looking cradle. The crystal she reaches for reminds me quite a bit actually of the crystals that actually showed memories in Clockland. I could be overthinking it, but honestly when you’ve read CLAMP mangas as long as I have, you find yourself doing it a lot. Hahahaha.
 The chapter itself starts off with Lilie and Sakura meeting in the dream world, right where we left off in the last chapter. Sakura remarks about how Lilie looks just like Akiho, and Lilie seems overjoyed by this. But of course she would be, she’s her mother! However, the tone shifts not long after when Sakura asks her if she knows Akiho, and the look on Lilie’s face is so painful. She’s clearly saddened to never know her own daughter, and to know in this timeline that she’s not even her daughter at all anymore must be heartwrenching. To make matters worse, this version of Lilie is still only a child, so it must have been so difficult for her growing up just knowing everything that would happen after. She probably had to grow up faster than most children, and especially with so much pressure from her clan on top of things!
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Lilie explains that she had tried many times before to talk with Sakura directly, but she seemed to get mixed up in her premonitions instead and was unable to say anything. Flashes of dreams Sakura has had in the past show, such as the beginning where her key was being pulled, the dream with the dragon, and all of these were apparently intended to never have a cloaked figure at all. Every dream with a Cloaked Figure appearance was literally just Lilie trying to talk to Sakura. LOL. 
 We then finally get an answer to a big question, and that is regarding the Cloaked Figure Syaoran. Turns out Sakura was having a dream of Kaito pretending to be Syaoran, and Lilie got mixed up in this one too, so it blended together to make what we saw as Cloaked Figure Syaoran. I’m glad we have answers, but I’m also somewhat…frustrated? It feels awfully anticlimactic in the end and turned out to be a Lilie oopsie, but I’m also frustrated cuz’ I made like a BAJILLION THEORIES ABOUT THIS AND ALL OF THEM ARE WROOOONNGGGGG!!!! -huffs- I give up. Clearly trying to theorize about CLAMP series is futile and they will always, always trick you.
 -deep breath-
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 I was kinda hoping for a slight Syaoran brainwashing for funsies and drama, but alas it seems that is not the sort of story CLAMP is going for, and that is all right. I have seen plenty of amazing Syaoran moments in Clear Card (WHICH WE GET TO SEE ANIMATED NOOOWW), so I really can’t complain.
 Lilie also clears up another question we’ve had by stating the cards Sakura made in the previous timeline no longer exist, but her connection to the Sakura cards are stronger than ever. She also mentions that the power of the forbidden magic can only rewrite history so far back and cannot go beyond the time the caster was born (aka Kaito). Because of this, there are parts of Lilie’s past he could not rewrite due to her being older than him. This is also why Lilie is reaching out to her at this age, since this is a time before Kaito is born and could not be touched by the magic.
 She tells Sakura that she has a message for her, and when asked if she’s able to see the future, she advises that she can, and even the future beyond her death. Sakura, being the caring person she is, seems worried about her. Surely she’s heard stories from Eriol about how tough it was for Clow to always see the future, and he never wanted that for Sakura. She asks Lilie if it hurts to always know what is to come, and Lilie, although seeming sad about it, has a absolutely beautiful response. “The things I can do…and the things I can’t…make me the person I am”.
 Honestly, what a wonderful thing to say. I feel like this can really be taken to heart for nearly all situations in life. You are you. Do what you can, and don’t distress over what you cannot. You are still you, and these are all pieces of the puzzle that makes you.
 Lilie then gets to brass tax and tells her exactly what she needs to hear. She tells her straight up that her memories and life have been rewritten. Sakura is obviously very surprised by this, and Lilie goes on to state that Kaito even mislead Momo into thinking his intention was to swap Sakura and Akiho (now I feel much less bad for thinking the same, considering even Momo was fooled, but it also confirms that this is exactly what CLAMP wanted us to believe). He deceived Momo so she would not know his true intention was to take on the artifact himself, because clearly she would’ve absolutely smacked the shit out of him and talked him out of it. Because Momo believed he intended to switch the girls, she tried to give hints to his ‘motives’, but because she too was deceived, she was off the mark in her warnings. Lilie even calls him an idiot basically in a whisper, and I just find this hilarious. He’s just going to be marked ‘idiot’ for eternity. But one thing Momo said still reigns true even though she was wrong about his intentions, and that is the question of “What is Happiness to you?”. Lilie tells her that her answer and the ‘other Alice by her side’, are one in the same. And we all know very well what this is about. Obviously happiness to Sakura and Akiho is to have the ones they love by their side, and dammit that includes Kaito!! Lilie confirms this by stating that what happiness could there possibly be in a world where the people you hold dear are gone (I’M LOOKING AT YOU KAITO).
 It's at this moment that the dream starts to break, and Lilie advises that she likely will not remember the conversation they had after she wakes due to the forbidden magic being able to reach her, however Lilie is safe due to existing in a time it cannot touch. Before Sakura is kicked out of the dream, Lilie tells her she believes in her, and goes on to elaborate the both of them, which includes Akiho.
 With that, Sakura wakes up in Syaoran’s arms, and he is clearly very worried about her. But one very interesting and telling thing is how Syaoran responds to her here. Sakura says “huh..?” and he says “Don’t you ‘huh’ me!”, which very much reminds me of the somewhat snarky Syaoran we knew and loved from the original series. 
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Cinzia very graciously confirmed that the Japanese speech isn’t much different here, and that it has the same tone. So what this tells me is that Syaoran never actually changed at all. The version we have seen of him in Clear Card so far was him essentially constantly worried and trying his best to protect Sakura. But in this timeline, where none of this has happened, he is far more at ease and can be his true self, like Yue once spoke of. He mentioned Syaoran was always honest in his feelings and how he expressed them, and he has been hiding that. This is a flash of Syaoran’s true real self!! So to all the people who said they didn’t like Syaoran the way he is now and how he’s changed, I leave you with this.
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 Sakura says she had a dream about someone who looked like Akiho, and even Syaoran teases her a bit and says something about a “sister complex”, and honestly I find that really funny. Syaoran legit thinks Sakura is just dreaming about her own twin sister. Hahahaha. But he quickly realizes this is different and that she might’ve had a premonition. Sakura states she can’t remember, but she  does remember that whatever it was that was said to her was important, not just for her, but for everyone. She seems determined, so I’m sure she’ll figure it out.
 The chapter ends there, and I think in the next chapter, it will likely have a lot more Akiho, perhaps something to do with the watch she’s been left by Kaito, and I think this will help trigger Sakura breaking through the forbidden magic. What happens from there, I have no idea…but it should be fun!
 Until next time!
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I'm in dire need to overshare. My partner has been on a rough patch for the past few months and I don't remember the last time I heard their laugh.
I started to read to them 'Unexpected'. Now they call Lloyd "my friend" lol. And, a few moments ago, while I read the part where he shows reader he was serious about being pegged, they laughted. Genuely.
I need to thank you for that. 'Cause your story did THAT.
Thank you for your talent! ❤❤❤❤
Ps: Sorry for my crappy grammar, english it's not my first language
Please never apologise for English not being your first language. I understood everything clearly.
I'm so happy I was part of that and that your partner got a little bit of laughter. I hope they start feeling better and you too. I can tell it's affecting you deeply so please, take care of yourself and them.
Also it's cute you can read to them from my work. I don't think I could even do that.
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ummmlife · 9 months
OMG YOURE SO PRETTY!! 🥺 btw I’m so embarrassed. This is the same anon that asked about teenage Nanami and I just realize the word “think” got cut out of the sentence lol I’m sorry for my crappy typo!
thank you ⸜(> <⑉))⸝キャッ !!! that's really sweet of you to say 🩷 i'm flattered!
oh and don't worry, i don't even speak fluent english so you can makes as many typos as you want because i will never notice them 😌☝️
also, since you are the person who requested the headcanons, i want to ask you, in the result of the poll the canon timeline nanami won but i want to know if you specifically wanted any of the two options. i don't want to do something that you won't enjoy reading later 🩷 feel free to send another inbox or dm me if you want to, if not, i'll stick with the poll results
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2ha Update
Hello! I'm so sorry for how long it's been since I last posted but I've got some news. So I'm sure most of you have heard the unfortunate news that 2ha was locked on JJWXC because of China's current purge of a lot of danmei novels meaning even people who bought the chapters can no longer read them. However, Seven Seas has licensed the novel in English so it's going to be coming out anyway in October!
Until October, however, I still have drafts of chapters that I was translating and I don't want to just leave the story hanging. What I'm saying is I'm still able to translate more of the story and I will continue to do so (at least until the officially licensed translation is released lol). There's also the issue of people potentially stealing English translations to post for themselves to earn money off of them and, if I'm being honest, I really don't care. I never started these translations with money in mind. I just wanted to read these novels without having to suffer through disjointed MTLs. I do have a ko-fi page but that's about as far as I'll probably ever go in terms of personally monetizing my translations. I'd feel really crappy forcing people to pay money for something I'm doing for fun. So, if someone steals my translation, it is what it is. I'm just doing it because I want to.
I'm currently doing a master's right now and that's why things have been pretty dead but I'm done my classes and should be back on a somewhat more active schedule now! I'm trying to finish several chapters now so you should be seeing some new uploads within the next week or so.
I've seen all the messages you've been sending (even if I suck at responding to them) and I truly want to thank you for all the kind words. It really means so much to know that people were enjoying this translation and want me to keep going. Thank you for reading my translations! I'll be continuing my translation of Dig a Grave (because that has little to no chance of getting licensed in English lol) but if there's any Chinese danmei you've ever wanted to be translated but maybe only has an MTL available, let me know! It'll fill the void of 2ha once I inevitably have to hide my posts so I don't get sued.
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bonecage · 2 years
Seeing Elta’s new post got me thinking, she’s gotta have someone write her posts for her right? Because I see this and that crappy long ass thing she posted about Radio company and then I compare them to those earlier tweets of hers when she was getting into petty arguments with supernatural fans and it just doesn’t make any sense. I don’t exactly remember but I think her degree had something to do with English and literature right? Maybe she decided to finally put it to good use lol
I have no idea what her degree is sorry. i think it has to do with getting older, plus having bigger word limit, and most importantly Jensen can see, plus not wanting to be canceled. It was more acceptable to be trashy and mean when she was on twitter in those years also, but she seems to want to project an image of a more down to earth woke and above it all persona. Tho sometimes she cracks and reverts back to her early twitter attitude with “🖕father of my 3kids” etc but deletes it.
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habitbslouis · 3 years
the lovely @purplepantsniall tagged me for 20 questions <3 thank youuu
what do you prefer to be called name wise?
- you can call me sue or sun i guess? my name's related to that but i don't have many nicknames sadly :(
when is your birthday?
- dec 5
where do you live?
- latam
three things you're doing right now?
- reading, having tea and doing this thing? jdbdjf
four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
- louis & harry, and for other things i like i'm not really into the fandoms now :( used to be in a lot tho
how is the pandemic treating you?
- i'm very privileged! stayed home the whole time, i usually don't wanna complain about it even if it's felt like shit sometimes? lost people very dear to me so there's that. this week i saw friends at school i haven't seen since the pandemic started (march 2020)! the situation in my country is complicated, but it's been fairly chill for like a month or so
songs you can't stop listening to right now?
- amoeba by clairo, if only by raveena and paranoid by black sabbath
recommend a movie
- last movies i watched were before sunrise and amélie i think? so that? but i want to rec a book because i can and it's open water :D (tw)
how old are you?
- feels intimidating saying it here but 17 ;)
school, university, occupation, other?
- school, i'm finishing in like a month or two !! scary
do you prefer hot or cold?
- this one's tough because i love-hate both! i just go with whatever tbh it's winter now and thursday i woke up to 30º celsius and yesterday to 12º, so living here has taught me to just embrace whatever i get :) wouldn't go below 15º or above 35º maybe but whatever it's ok
name one fact others may not know about you
- i started this blog at like 12 i think but i've been here on and off because i didn't speak english and didn't really understand the website then ahjahsjahk
are you shy?
- yes, sometimes excessively i'm afraid. at times i come across as extroverted because i'm one of those people who want everyone at the party to enjoy themselves so i make myself go talk to them, but i'm very very shy
do you have any preferred pronouns?
- she/her but don't think i mind he/they really
any pet peeves?
- unnecessarily slow and inefficient things i think? lol that one has been pointed out to me, but being forced to socialise is a big big one, or when people leave stuff wet aaaaaa
what's your favourite dere type?
- don't know i'm sorry !! but a friend said i look like i'd be into a kuudere type if it helps? or boku (something like that?). the one that's like cold/emotionless but is soft inside and the "boyish" one, hope i didn't mess up the names
rate your life 1-10. 1 being really crappy and 10 being the best you could ever be
- i will overthink this so 5
what's your main blog?
- this one !! (many rebrandings later lmao)
list your side blogs and what they're used for
- not gonna @ but i have a random blog where i save miscellaneous stuff (mainly langbrs)
is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you?
- i'm very annoying and i talk a lot or not at all and i have too many feelings and i either answer texts within an hour or in 4 to 7 business days and i'm just basically a heart-shaped mass of stress. also as you may have noticed from this thing i can't give straight answers
this was fun but stressful hsbsjshsh <3
i'm tagging these lovely people: @jortslinson @strawberrysos @longhairlarry @holyshit @hearyouhowling @darkrainbowlouis
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jaeyunluvs · 4 years
jj’s girl - jj maybank
Requested by @loveableniall : Hey I have a imagine request for JJ. The reader meaning y/n is best friends with the group. However she is delivering stuff to figure 8 and runs into some kooks. The kooks beat her up. But thank goodness the group (aka her best buds) come to her rescue,and in the end JJ ends up confessing his feelings for her. (Hope all that made sense haha. Can’t wait to read!) ☺️
Requested by @emmileeb1 : i was wondering if you could do something where the reader is a girl and gets beat up pretty bad by any of the kooks like topper or rafe or smth and jj is there to find her?
A/N: Soo, I decided to combine those two requests, since they’re similar. Thank you both so so much for requesting, I hope you’ll like it! <3
disclaimer: i don’t own the characters, english is not my first language so im sorry if i have mistakes and please let me know!! I’m all open to any feedback or conversation!
warnings: angst there’ll be fluff, mentions of hurting, beating up, swearing and crappy writing asdhash
i was listening rudy’s “Jams for JJ” playlist while writing this so go check it out :) you can listen it from here
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gif credits to netflix i guess lol
It was 8.30 in the morning and you woke up because of a text. You groaned but as you noticed it was from JJ, you smiled. But when you realize you’re smiling you immediately stopped. No pogue on pogue macking Y/N he doesn’t even like you You thought to yourself. 
JJ: wake up sleepy princess we’re coming to get you in 30
Y/N: okay dumbass thanks for the reminder
You quickly took a shower, packed some food into your bag, just like Kie does, since you guys were the ones who were getting food supplies to the gang. You looked at the time, it was 9.1, still no notification from anyone. You knew you were the last person to get into the boat, but you still got worried. 
As you patiently waited outside, petting your dog, you heard a similar voice shouting your name.
“Y/N, the best Pogue on the Earth, mademoiselle” JJ bowed his head and offered his hand. HMS Pogue and the gang were getting closer to you.
“Hi JJ!” You accept his offer, took him by the hand, hugged him and get into the boat. As soon as you greeted everyone, you sat down by JJ. He smiled at your actions.
“So, what took you guys so long?” You asked everyone while John B calmly, driving the boat.
“Pope’s dad asked us to deliver some stuff and we couldn’t say no. We have plenty of time and if we split the stuff, we thought it would end fast.” JJ explained to you.
“Yeah it’s not gonna take long, besides it’ll be some kind of exercise” Kie smiled at you, then stealing glances at Pope. Ah these lovers. 
“That’s cool, I’d love to help” you said genuinely. JJ smiled at how genuine you were, sitting closer to you. You and JJ started to talk about normal stuff. He asked you how was your job at the Surf Shop, you asked him how he was feeling. You knew about his dad and you were so worried about JJ. Despite all of your worries, JJ reassured you that he’s completely fine and if something happens he’ll directly come to you. You just grinned and mumbled an “whatever you say JJ” 
When you were enjoying JJ’s company by your side, you saw Pope and Kie cuddling and enjoying each other presence. JJ whispered,
“Isn’t it obvious they like each other?” He giggled.
“Yeah and it melts my heart” You giggled back looking at him. You both wished you guys could be like that. After all the peaceful moments, John B made an announcement.
“You four lovebirds, stop making me feel like a fifth wheel, I’ll have Sarah soon so you can cry, but anyways so here’s Figure 8, it’s our stop for today. Let’s go.” John B gave everyone supplies and a place to go. Before you leave, JJ came beside you.
“You sure you wanna go alone? We can go together?” He asked worried because he hated Kooks, especially Rafe and Topper. They hate each other and if they do something to you JJ would almost kill them.
“Yeah don’t worry, and besides I’m going to Mrs. Brown, her place is the closest from here.” You cupped and kissed his cheek, smiled. Then you left before he could say something. JJ just stayed there, trying to process what’s going on.
“Just date already, duh” John B said behind JJ. 
“What are you talking about?” JJ said quickly turning his back to John B.
“Isn’t it obvious that you guys like each other? Like seriously if i was someone outside, I would literally think you guys were a couple.” John B said minding his own business and encouraging his best friend. 
“You should confess her, there’s no way she would say ‘Oh JJ I don’t feel the same’ ” John B said with the impression of your voice.
JJ just stared at him for a second, got the things he need to deliver and left before they could talk. 
“Listen to my advice JJ!” John B shouted behind his back.
“Whatever you say Johnny Boy” JJ muttered himself. On the way, he thought if you liked him back. JJ she kissed you But that doesn’t mean she likes me arghh JJ thought to himself. 
Thankfully, any Kooks were there in JJ’s sight. He peacefully delivered the stuff Mr. Heyward gave and a bonus, he got 40 dollar tip. He thought about buying you a flower with this money because he wanted you to be happy.
You on the other hand while walking to Mrs. Brown’s house, you were peacefully walking and admiring the nature. You were thinking about JJ mostly. He’s so cute, Y/N STOP, he doesn’t like you back, what if your friendship would ruin because you kissed him? You panicked but your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a few guys and girls screaming your name.
“Wait isn’t that Y/N, JJ’s girl?” Rafe smirked.
“It looks like it” Topper with his devilish grin.
They slowly walked closer to you.
“Topper, Rafe stop, please just let me go.” You pleaded horror filling in your eyes.
“Don’t worry princess, we don’t live in a fairytale, so your prince JJ is not gonna save you.” Rafe mocked JJ, with the word “princess”. 
And without a minute, they started to punch you from everywhere, some girls also joined. They continued to punch you, hurt you, but you didn’t understand why they would do such thing when you literally did nothing to them.
On the HMS Pogue, everyone was there, waiting for you. The gang was getting worried because Mrs. Brown’s house was the closest of them all. JJ was getting worried the most. 
“I need to go find her.” JJ said worried, while couldn’t help but thinking the worst case scenario. 
“I’ll come with you.” Kie said ensure of herself. You were like a sister to her.
“Of course we’re coming too.” John B said, speaking for both Pope and himself.
JJ smiled at their friends - family not leaving his back. 
When they were walking they heard people shouting “HIT HER HIT HER!” constantly. They wondered whats going on so they went there. 
When the gang saw a familiar person getting beating up, they ran faster. And then they realized you were the person who was getting beaten up.
JJ realized this first and literally the second he realized he punched Rafe fastest as possible. He started to punch her. Slowly then the gang joined you. Kie got the girls, John B got Topper, Pope went to Kelce and JJ went to Rafe. You were already fainted but they kept fighting. When Rafe got beaten up really bad, and JJ was choking him, the gang stopped him because he was almost killed him.
After Rafe got hurt really bad, the kooks left the place. They shouted “FUCK YOU ASSHOLES DON’T MESS WITH THE POGUES AGAIN!” and ran to you.
You were laying down the ground not moving at all. JJ picked you up bridal style and ran to HMS Pogue to take care of you with medical supplies. 
You were so hurt, your face covered with blood. However, JJ was the same. He was so furious. He could have protected you in the first place. In the boat, you were still not opening your eyes, laying in the arms of JJ. The gang was pretty sad about you. JJ was almost crying and the gang could do nothing but hug him.
After a few minutes of emotional moments, you started to open your eyes and see four people bruised, puffy eyed hugging on you.
“Guys?” you mumbled. JJ looked at you in shock, hugged you so fast and started sobbing. 
“Y/N, you scared the shit out of me. You’re alive. You’re really alive.” He said like thousand times. You just smiled at how worried he was. He looked extremely cute. 
Kie noticed a special moment between you two. She nudged John B and Pope so they could understand.
“We’ll deliver this package to Mrs. Brown” Pope said. But you and JJ were too busy admiring each other to care. There was a short period of awkward silence but JJ decided to break the silence and let his feelings go. He remembered what John B told him before.
“Y/N?” He asked while you were still leaning on his lap bridal style.
“Yeah?” You looked up to him.
“I have something to tell you, and I hope you won’t get mad at me.” JJ said gulping.
You stood up to show him that you’re listening carefully.
“Argh okay, so umm” He couldn’t speak “I like you Y/N, so much and you were getting beaten up by Rafe, just made me almost kill him. I don’t know what you’re doing to me but you do.” You just stared at him, at a loss for words. JJ noticed your shock, and started to panic.
“I know you didn’t feel the s-” He was interrupted by your blooded lips, kissing his passionately.
The kiss was long, it was full of admiration and it was a way to show JJ you liked him back. 
When you pulled away, you couldn’t help but laugh. “Does this explain a lot Mr. Protector?” you asked. JJ smiled at your goofiness and kissed you again. This kiss wasn’t long as the last one but it was good as it was because they’re JJ’s lips come on!!
“So are you my boyfriend now?” You asked looking at him smiling.
“Yeah, you’re my girl. No one can hurt you, I’m here now” JJ said holding you close.
“YES FINALLY!” Pope shouted from the harbour.
“GO GO GO!” Kie shouted.
“You were talking about me giving the d, JJ right? Now it’s your turn bro” 
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milaswriting · 4 years
Hello! Just fyi, i’d love it if you got a patreon :) you/golden makes me so happy and i love it/you and i’d love a chance to read/see more of your work and also help support you/golden. For me its a win win and i feel that there’s so much work, dedication and love that goes into a story like Golden that it’s only fair if we/us who gets to enjoy your work can ”pay you back” in ways that helps you. Sorry if i’m rambling/crappy english, but yeah. I love Golden and i am in awe of your Imagination, creativity and writingskillz/writingstyle. You’re awesome and i appreciate you so much - is that weird to say? I hope not lol 🙄🤭
Hellooo! Aw, thank you so much! I’m glad Golden is able to make you happy, even though much isn’t out yet - especially considering the situation the world is in at the moment. It’s nice knowing that my IF can be an escape from that. 
Your English is great, and thank you for your kind words. It’s definitely amazing and so nice to read them whenever they pop up.
Thank you for your ask, and I appreciate you so much! 💛
~ xXx
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cindersassasin · 4 years
Well since you asked here!! A headcanon for the prompt “this is the part you hug me and kiss me on the forehead and tell me it will be alright.🥺” hope that’s what you wanted?! Anyways thanks byeeeee💛
Thank you, anon !! 
Going to attempt to write something random, sorry if it’s crappy !! im a total beginner whoops (also decided to change it a bit, hope you don’t mind!) (Also, don’t think I’ve mentioned this: English is not my first language, and while I have studied it for years and speak it on a daily basis due to school, I sometimes confuse grammar or some of my wording don’t make sense due to my poor translation, hopefully you don’t mind lol)
Also this would technically be my first fic I post here (still working on my other Kaider one but im positive ill finish editing that one soon) So while we wait, here, have some Iko x Cinder brotp
Word Count: 704
taglist: @arushahisatroll @cerenoya @addies-invisible-life @salt-warrior @winterrhayle @elysian-starbucks-frappe @starry-tea-party @cindersnightmare @strawberry-seraph (let me know to be added or removen !)
Physical Contact
Iko stood in-front of the bathroom’s mirror to take in her new look. The glowy tan skin, the braids with the several hues of blues, and the golden eyes with the subtle shades of brown and green made her, for the first time, feel beautiful. She was more than satisfied with the new body Thorne had gotten for her. She finally felt closer to accomplishing the dream she would never fully achieve: to be human. But she didn’t let that thought bother her. At least now she looked human, and that was enough to make her happy.
But most of all, she was finally able to interact with the people around her. She wasn’t this invisible being that was just there whenever she was called upon. She could finally move around and see people, which then again, went back to feeling more human. 
Iko realized how much time she had been wasting staring back at her reflection and left the Rampion’s bathroom. Tomorrow they would be arriving to New Beijing to attempt to tamper the wedding. Iko was filled with elation to fulfill her role in the plan. For once, she would be contributing in the action and not just staying idle and waiting for their return, unable to do anything incase they failed. She prayed to the stars that it would work. The thought of Kai getting married to that witch made her wires fry. 
Iko was heading towards the galley before her attention was caught on something in the cargo bay. She didn’t have to walk more than two steps before realizing that the figure was indeed Cinder laying down in the centre of the room. Iko let out a laugh - or a sound that was meant to be a laugh - and walked towards her best friend.
“What in the world are you doing?”
“Huh?” Cinder turned her head toward her and sighed. “Oh. It’s you. Thank god”
Iko was confused with the confession, but didn’t complain as she sat next to her. “Glad to hear my presence is wanted.”
Cinder let out a weak laugh as she sat up and scooted closer to Iko. She crossed her legs and Iko tried to hide her immediate giddiness when she realized their knees were touching. 
physical contact. something humans do.
“I just needed to talk to someone, if that’s okay.” She hesitated, before beginning to fiddle with the hem of her work gloves. “I was just down at the podship dock before I realized how nervous I was about this whole thing and just came to lay down here.”
“Nervous about tomorrow?”
“Terrified. So many things can go wrong. As dumb or far-fetched as it sounds, the future is in my hands. It is up to us to defeat Levana. If we succeed, it will be up to us to end the war as well. I am just scared that I won’t be able to do any of it, and that I will let people down.”
Iko couldn’t feel anything but sympathy towards Cinder. She sometimes thought about how unfair it all was. Cinder was practically dragged into this whole mess and as determined as she is to end it, she is terrified that every small move she makes will end in Levana dominating the planet. Gross. 
“Is this the part where I hug you and kiss you on the forehead and tell you it will be alright?”
Cinder met her gaze and gave her a wry look, followed with a soft giggle. “Are you using this as an excuse to touch me because you finally have a body?”
She shrugged. “Maaaybe. Maybe not. But can I?”
A small smile touched Cinder’s lips as she opened her arms wide and moved towards her. “Come here.”
She did not hesitate to return the hug and gave her a small peck on the forehead. She felt Cinder flinch slightly at the touch but therefore did not react. “Trust me. It will be alright,” Iko muttered into her ear. Cinder only nodded and hugged her tighter.
With this, Iko finally understood what had infatuated her so much about humans. It was the feeling of love and safety that was brought on by physical contact. 
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being-worthy · 4 years
Saturday Home Cinema: Mulan (2020) - A very honest review!
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I just had to write this review because Mulan is one of my heroes and I’m a huge fan of the original Disney Mulan (1998). I saw the movie for the first time as a kid when I had trouble feeling integrated and was daily bullied at school. I re-watched it again and again and again until I was able to learn by heart the script and all the songs in German (and later on, even in English). I just saw so much of myself in Mulan (maybe except for the fact that I’m not as beautiful or witty as she is). I too always felt out of place and I couldn’t be my true self and I was never very ladylike either. I also looked up at her and saw her as a role model. Sometimes I thought that if I stared long enough at my reflection in the mirror, it’d show me my true self - and I’m still waiting to this day… Disney’s 1998 version of Mulan was and still is my favourite Disney movie.
The best thing about this movie is the soundtrack, especially at the end. Christina Aguilera was the right choice to sing Reflection and Loyal Brave True. The goosebumps her voice gives, I can’t even describe how extraordinary her voice is. In the end credits, you can listen to the English version of Reflection as well as the Chinese version (sadly sung by Liu Yifei  ¬¬). It’s worth to watch the end credits and listen to the songs.
*My suggestion: Stop whatever you’re doing. Put on some headphones (even better if they’re noise-cancelling), close your eyes, play the song Reflection song (and Loyal Brave True if you feel like it) by Christina Aguilera, no distractions no interruptions, forget about everything and everyone, let the song flow through your ears, mind, heart, body, and soul, and you will feel like you’re Mulan, especially when the drumming gets louder, it’s epically epic! (Sorry for the redundancy but it IS a remarkable song!)
I welcome the idea of wanting to take a classic and do something new, something fresh with it but humanity could’ve gone without this movie and they shouldn’t ask for $35 to watch it on Disney+ and sometimes a classical doesn’t need to be redone. Additionally, I can’t entirely understand what’s going on these past years not only with Disney but Hollywood and all other big movie production companies. It’s either remake of this classic or a 2nd/3rd sequel of a movie that doesn’t actually require a sequel but it’s still done anyway. Why even bother wasting big amounts of money to create a disaster? You’re better of donating that money to charity (or to me lol). The main thing that Disney has been doing lately are remakes of many of our childhood movies Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Dumbo, The Jungle Book, The Lion King, among others, and now Mulan. Some have a few good parts in them but they still can’t and never will compare to the original. Why is there no originality and innovation anymore? Have they run out of ideas? Furthermore, let’s be honest people will always compare the remake (either consciously or unconsciously) with the original because there are less than a dozen movies where the remake either was (almost) as good as the original much less better than the original. The movie Mulan (2020) had a massive budget and is the most expensive film made by a female director (Niki Caro), yet how they made it, the battle sequences and CGI effects, etc. they’re all crappy.
Budgets of all Mulan interpretations:
Mulan (1998) - $90 million > Directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook. Made $304.3 million in the box office
Hua Mulan (2009) - $12 million > Directed by Jingle Ma. Sadly, made only $1.8 million in the box office. It deserved more love!
Mulan (2020) - $200 million(!!) > All that budget was a waste!
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I’ve seen all three versions. The 1998 version is for everybody and it’s funny and you feel with the characters and the film. Let’s be honest, the granny is one of the best characters, most of us have or had a granny like that in our lives. The 2nd one is a 2-hour long movie, a more mature adaption which illustrates the ugly harsh truth about war and the loss and death it brings with it and that there’s nothing funny or cool about it. This one is not suitable for children. You feel with the characters and their sacrifices and they also develop along the movie. I can only recommend to watch this version if you haven’t. And the latest one is a disgrace.
I’m a bit confused as to what the message of the movie is. On one hand, it tells you shouldn’t hide your inner beauty, you shouldn’t hide who you are, you shouldn’t hide your abilities, you shouldn’t try to hide who you truly are in order to conform to what the world/society wants you to be or who you should be, let your true self shine and be yourself and don’t allow anyone to tell you that you’re inferior just because they think/say you are. This is something powerful and admirable but, on the other hand, at the same time, it tells you that you can only do that if you are the chosen one. Let me explain... In the beginning, we see Mulan as a little girl chasing a chicken up to the roofs of the houses at the village where she lives. Basically, she’s born as a one-woman army (almost deus ex machina) and doesn’t require any further training which is total and utter rubbish. She has all the skills because of her powerful chi (vital life force energy) but has to underplay them because it’s not very ladylike to behave like she wants to and she still underplays them when she trains with the soldiers so as to keep a low profile. Her being so powerful from the beginning makes me feel alienated from her and I can’t empathise with her. It’s also not very realistic, nobody is born with their abilities fully developed. For example, even Bruce Lee had to train hard to get where he got and he wasn’t the only one.
The original version shows us a regular girl, at times clumsy (which is a cliché but we still liked it) and when she’s confronted with new situations, she analyses them and finds a quick canny solution to them. She also has to train her body and mind to get to the peak of her potential and accomplish what nobody else could in her time, and here the character is done from the start of the movie and the only thing she has to do is choose not to hide her chi anymore. This tells us that you don’t have to work hard to achieve your dreams whereas in reality you actually do have to work your butt off!
I’m not a fan of the leading actress they chose for Mulan, aka Liu Yifei, not only because she’s a police brutality supporter according to her controversial tweets a while back - this already makes her unworthy to portray Mulan who is the complete opposite - but also because she didn’t do a good job at depicting this great role. Mulan is a role model for every girl and woman and it’s a massive contradiction if a woman who agrees to the atrocious police methods impersonates her role. What message do we send out to every girl out in the world? In her acting she’s this blank and hollow person through the movie and transmits no emotion whatsoever - not even when she cries. This also makes it difficult for me to identify myself with her. She’s this wooden plank, she is and stays a blank canvas through the whole movie with no growth in her character and it’s frustrating having to see this because the character of Mulan isn’t at all like this. Mulan experiences many emotions from the moment where she makes the decision to enlist so her father doesn’t have to or when she experiences the loss of her comrades or has to kill someone for the first time, etc. she suffers along her journey and all this changes her but you see nothing of it in Liu Yifei’s Mulan.
In the Disney version, there are some crucial moments that are missing in the new one. For instance, the most crucial one is the moment where Mulan decides to go to war. If you remember the animation one, she’s sitting in the rain by the dragon statue and at that moment makes a decision that could kill her or worse bring dishonour to herself and her entire family (including ancestors) which was far worse than death during that time! She gets up, marches to the altar of her ancestors, takes her father’s sword and cuts her hair (I know men had long hair back then too but still), puts on the armour and goes to war. All this while being accompanied by an epic song written by Jerry Goldsmith called Haircut. This is one of the most intense and dramatic moments in the movie and in all Disney movies! You can understand and feel the importance of this decision for the character and you feel the weight of it! In the 2020 one, she takes the sword and the next shot presents her already with the armour on - there’s zero dramatic impact here. That was a great missed opportunity!! By omitting important scenes and their dramatic impacts like this one that are essential to the story and to the characters, to their development and their journey throughout the story and you really need to rely on the original from 1998 to have this context.
The battle scenes are like many modern movies: lots of action, lots of moving (too fast-moving), a few amazing fighting moves and fights but not showed entirely. I at least expected some similar quality, like we’ve seen in films such as Hero (2002), House of Flying Daggers (2004), and Tiger & Dragon (2020) to name a few. Sadly, these movies had better fight scenes quality than Mulan which were filmed in high frame rate but over-edited with action that is negatively frenetic and have artificial CGI effects (even the CGI effects in Independence Day were better - I’m watching the movie while writing this). We’re in the 21st century with great advances in technology and movies are given big budgets (particularly Hollywood films), yet despite all this, most movies end up with CGI effects from another era. How come this happens over and over? In this one, we see people running too fast, horses running too fast, and they’re all like a big mass of headless chickens and you don’t know exactly what is happening where. All this fast running, the constant cut and paste of scenes looks all too modern and doesn’t fit the current time period of the movie and it surely doesn’t transmit the way of fighting of that period. 
Moreover, we get lots of flashback-lesson learning scenes throughout the movie. This is another fashion in movies lately, playing the film in the present time while at the same time jumping back and forth between flashbacks. It spends a good portion of the movie with these flashbacks. This is not a big issue and admirable per se but when these scenes are insignificant because they’re glossed over and transmitted without zilch emotion, then why even bother to include them in the first instance?
As a last comment, I like the fact that they hired Chinese actors and actresses for the movie (although I don’t know why it had to be in English, I’d have preferred it to be in Chinese, it’s not like we’re allergic to subtitles - unless they’re not done properly), some of them of renewed name, like Gong Li, Rosalind Chao (I loved her in The Joy Luck Club), Jet Li, Donnie Yen (legendary Ip Man), Jason Scott Lee (saw him in Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story), Tzi Ma but they won’t be able to save the movie even with a great cast like this one. 
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galvanizedfriend · 4 years
Happy birthday, Yokieee! I'm so ksgsjsujs right now! I was expecting your bday for so long and we are finally here. Last year was such a crazy year but joining this fandom and meeting you was truly a blessing. Thanks for being YYYYOOOKKKAAANNN when I'm excited, Yokie when I want to give u hugs, Yokmom when I have responsibilities or when I don't know a english world, bnf when you amazes us with your nonstoping talent and for always being so sweet when I come up with different and random nicknames!
Yokan, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Yoo-kan: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Yoo. Kan. Jsgsjshjshs (I had to, sorry not sorry) 👁👄👁
I don't think I deserve all the love and support you give me, but I'm such a lucky girl to have you as my patootie friend! I still remember the first time I messaged you on fanfiction.net and you were so unbelievably kind with me. Also remember the beginning days of the union when I was so shy. The woman I met back them terrified me, I was intrigued, but I never felt save, or myself really... and now look at us (*cough cough*) akgsjshs (I did feel myself but I'm just adding random kc quotes lol) And now I tell you to shut up everytime. Wow, lovely!
You are such a good writer and your edits are in whole other level, I will never get tired of saying it, but you are also such an amazing patootie friend!! And we are so grateful to have you and to count with you! 😭
I hope you have a great birthday and that you'll enjoy all the surprises we prepared for youu.
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I love you 5!! 💖🎉💐
Beena! 💖🦕 My beautiful Sebasaurus!
I'm sorry I'm only getting to this right now. 💖 DID YOU JUST QUOTE LOLITA TO ME USING MY NAME? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 And the Klaroquote sdgashdgsahjgdadhs 😭😭😭😭
Friend, your message put tears in my eyes, for real. 🥺 I don't know what I did to end up with such amazing friends like you gorlies, but I feel so lucky and blessed right now. I was in my second lockdown birthday, haven't seen any of my RL friends in a year and yesterday could've been such a crappy day. Instead, I had you guys showering me with love every 15 minutes, making me laugh my ass off with your amazing memes and killing me with your beautiful gifsets and fanart (I WANT TO LIVE IN THE YOKAHONTAS MOODBOARD FOREVER AND EVER). I cannot thank you enough for that. 💖 You are too precious for this world and I love you so much!
You are such a bright light and I you never cease to amaze me with your immense talente, even though you're a baby! 😭 I adore you and you kill me when you use all of those nicknames (and also that emoji face, deaded 🤣).
Thank you so, so much Beena! I LOVE YOU FIVE! 💖💖💖
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