#also sorry if this doesnt make sense but its been rattling around in my brain for a min and needs to be freed
hillerskaroyals · 2 years
the anatomy of a hug in young royals
there’s a good chance i’m overthinking this but over my last couple rewatches i noticed something interesting about the way wille hugs and gets hugged. i’ve boiled it down to this general rule:
if the intention of the hug is to comfort wille or is for wille in some way, his arms going around the other person’s waist. if wille is hugging someone else for their sake his arms tend to go around their shoulders.
at first i thought this might just be due to height differences but in both seasons edvin is taller than most of the other actors and it does seem to stay pretty consistent across both seasons.
i did a quick rewatch and tried to capture every time wille is hugged/hugs someone and here’s what i found. (this ended up being hella long so the pictures are below the cut)
s1e1 erik is hugging wille to comfort him (arms around waist)
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s1e4 felice is hugging wille to comfort him (arms around waist)
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s1e4 lilja annette is hugging wille to comfort him (hard to see but i think his arms around around her waist here)
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s1e4 wille is hugging simon as thanks for rescuing him (arms around shoulders)
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s1e4 simon is hugging wille to comfort him (not really a hug and wille isn’t an active participant but i still think it works)
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s1e5 wille is hugging simon for simon (arms around waist but above simon's)
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s1e5 simon is hugging wille to comfort him (arms around waist)
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s1e6 wille is hugging himself for comfort x2 :(
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s1e6 wille is hugging simon for simon to show him he still cares (arms around shoulders)
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s2e1 wille is hugging himself in erik’s jacket both as a way to comfort himself as well as to feel close to his brother :(
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s2e1 hugging alexander to comfort him/welcome him back to the school (arms around waist)
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s2e1 hugging felice bc reasons (tbh probably as thanks for being a good friend and being there for him over break)
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s2e4 hugging felice in apology for kissing her (arms around shoulders)
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s2e5 hugging simon to comfort him about his decision to go to the police and to comfort him if this is their last chance to be together (arms around shoulders)
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s2e5 hugging simon to comfort him following sara’s betrayal (arms around shoulders)
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s2e5 kristina hugging wille to comfort him since she found him crying in the stairwell (arms not pictured but assumed to be around waist)
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leafcabbage · 1 year
Hi. Heyyy. Hi. Guess who AGAIN LMAO. Firstly thank you for the answers to my asks I will hold them gently and then let them rattle around endlessly in my brain as the Hunger Games AU continues to captivate me…
Onto another question! This one is more of a hypothetical I guess, but I saw that a bit ago when you were talking about the drdi x hunger games lore that you mentioned the possibility of Tubbo thinking Ranboo was dead when the double bombs went off. If that were to happen, and you don’t mind sharing, do you have any fleshed out ideas of that? Like is it similar to THG where Ranboo would be helping out with the injured pekple when the second explosions went off? And survived either with or without injuries. Or was it a “thought they were there but weren’t” situation
hi!!! sorry about the delayed reply! i havent been entirely sure what to say because because im not sure so i will just put my thoughts out here and see if it gets me anywhere lol
so the more i think about it the more i do like the idea of ranboo actually being there. even though ranboo doesnt die, they would definitely be injured again (and jesus christ they've already been through a lot... like they are not recovering from this, and of course that's okay, they'll have support and love and everything, but its a miracle theyre alive and they're gonna have a lot of chronic pain and mobility issues and lasting effects of multiple brain injuries etc). i think them being hurt by it and originally presumed dead is the push tubbo would need to ultimately do what katniss did and kill whoever is in charge of 13 (i think its still gonna be coin, i did talk about how its a crossover and not a whole AU because i dont have enough characters to fit all the parts). but i think its pretty vital to the story that that happens, so i gotta keep it.
i dont think theyre even like, really part of the medical team or anything, theyre just close enough to want to rush in to help, but on the edges enough not to actually get killed. tubbo just sees them like, getting there, then the bombs go off, and it just... doesnt look like they should have survived it. because of the situation, and the fact that he and tommy were also definitely injured to an extent from being close to where the bombs detonated, it takes a while to find out that ranboo did survive it, and the boys are fully grieving ranboo for at least a day, maybe a few with how much of a mess everything is, before being told that they're actually alive and being treated for their injuries (which are extensive).
i guess i came up with an answer while i talked lol, i hope that all makes sense :] thank you for all your asks about the AU ive been enjoying them a lot!!
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spohkh · 2 years
Hi hello!!! Will you please tell me some of your ofmd headcanons??
hello hi!!! here are some thoughts that have been rattling around in my brain :-)
stede helps brush out ed's hair ONCE (one (1) time) and after that ed's like oh okay this is going to be your job forever now ❤️ so every night stede will brush it out and braid it for him. VERY important part of their nightly routine that also soothes ed into sleep :-)
VERY obsessed w the idea of stede being like. im a pirate. i NEED a tattoo. the convo i imagine is like theyre just lying in bed and stedes looking at eds tattoos and is like hmmm... i think i should get one. and eds like. holy shit absolutely. but of what? stede: maybe the flag of the revenge? ed: LOL which one we have like 5. stede: all of them! why not!! right down my arm! ed: stede i admire your ambition but maybe start small. anyway i think itd be cute for ed to give stede like a small stick-and-point star or something on his hand and then eventually they will get matching lighthouse tattoos thanks ❤️
weve already seen that stedward are CANONICALLY that annoying ass lovey-dovey couple and i KNOW once theyre actually together its going to be a ZILLION times worse and the crew of the revenge is going to be like voluntarily walking the plank just to get away. its not even necessarily PDA its just this like aura of Devoted Love they give off that has a 5-mile radius its insane. lucius and pete are like we openly make out in front of people but somehow yall are even more annoying. fish in the sea are like bro. the thought i keep having is of stede holding a meeting and at the end hes like ok any questions? and ed goes yeah ive got a few questions and the crew collectively groans and is like alright meetings officially over see ya. and stedes like what??? no its not!! lucius: every single time ed has a "question" at the end of our meetings that he needs to "ask in private" and then we dont see you guys for like an hour he just means he wants to make out. we know bc you guys are NOT quiet. and it happens LITERALLY every time. stede: thats not true! that. well. it doesnt happen EVERY time. does it? (looks at ed) ed: no yeah it does sorry but you being all captainy really gets me going. stede: oh! ed: yeah ok so lets go. and stedes like well cant argue w that
stede almost immediately starts using my love and darling and sometimes sweetheart at ed which makes ed absolutely high-five angels every time hes like ME??? ...ME... and conversely while i think ed may OCCASIONALLY call stede like, babe, or even love, i dont think any word will compare to just saying stede's name for him. but also he DOES keep calling stede mate, which he canonically uses a ridiculous amount and absolutely means it in a "dude (romantic)" way
on marriage: i really really love the idea of them exchanging rings in a literal sense, as in stede giving ed his turquoise ring and ed giving stede one of his ruby rings. i also have a different thought abt what they might do instead of a ring exchange but i shant say here bc im writing it into a fic :-) i also like the idea of them being like. ok we're husbands. like fuck a "proper ceremony" or whatever they just decide it and its law and then they throw a shipwide party after that the end
ok let me stop here but these are the main thoughts haunting my brain recently! :^)
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