#also speaking of kal
oifaaa · 2 years
Apollo survived the war world saga he was just captured and I believe mind controlled. (iirc only lightray and manchester black fully died in that arc but I might be forgetting people). Also I don’t think they’re in nightwing’s generation they’re still batman/superman ages of like anywhere from late 30s to 40s (I think they have a slow aging thing but that might have been taken out in the current iteration? I love them but boy does dc not)
I don’t think Jenny Quantum/Jenny Quarx’s has a confirmed current status. I know she sacrificed herself in the 2008 wildstorm and was in the 2011-2014 dc stormwatch but I don’t believe she’s really been referenced since. The 2017 The Wild Storm reboot had Jenny Sparks? JQ should be 23 now but I think dc just doesn’t know what to do with her and she’s got that thing where she’s too powerful and not popular enough for writers to want to use her
See I remember the mind control thing I just honestly don't remember him getting fixed from that tbf that arc went really weird at the end it felt like it went straight from they won to being back on earth but I might of just missed an issue or something
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daughterofsarenrae · 4 days
just added a few shrimp to Kal's tank, everyone please send them "not eaten by a betta" energy ❌🚫🦐🍽️🐟🚫❌
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callisteios · 11 days
extremely unemployed voice: guess who nearly finished their house md spreadsheet
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kaleidoscopiccc · 1 year
for all my fellow bitches who are having constant anxiety attacks, or just people who want to support an amazing queer disabled artist, try listening to yannick-robin mirko's discography
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a-drama-addict · 7 days
i fr am so gnawing at dragon age dwarves always. DA dwarf lore is the only one i went out of my way to really read into
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I realized today that if you put Dipper Pines, Janner Wigiby* and Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III in a room together with Ford’s journals, Pembrick’s Creaturepedia and a book about dragons they’d probably never leave.
Meanwhile, Mabel, Kalmar and Camicazi are outside committing war crimes and Leeli’s trying to teach Fishlegs to play a whistleharp.
*last name misspelled on purpose because there are new fans lurking about. thanks Peet.
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computerpeople · 1 year
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drawings my brother did of a couple of my alters based off of vibes
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dumbkiwi · 2 years
that post is going around again about heroes going around to villains when theyre hurt for help but like. a villain who makes a convincing threat shouldnt have any qualms about killing their weakened opponent and it should be the other way around. who is more likely to be isolated and pushed away everyone close to them? to have no one to turn to? to be forced to trust someone whos always fought for the right thing or whatever? i think the moral quandary faced by the hero to help a bad person -- someone who is, in all likelihood, going to continue being a bad person -- is more interesting than a villain going goo goo eyed for someone they already have feelings about thanks for listening to my ted talk
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hyunrun · 9 months
im listening to a podcaster who says 'sh' like the tumble messaging sound and it's making me jittery T-T
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newvegascowboy · 2 years
My brother and his family have also moved in with us which is predictably weird but at least my niece is fun to hang out with
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feyburner · 5 months
In ur version, does Batman or Superman even approve of Kon and Tim being together?
Lol sorry I’m sure you intended this as an art prompt but instead I used it as a silly little writing exercise.
Clark Kent (Daily Planet) »
Hi! Do you have a moment to chat?
« Bruce Wayne
That depends.
Clark Kent (Daily Planet) »
On what?
« Bruce Wayne
On the subject matter, Clark Kent, Daily Planet Reporter.
Clark Kent (Daily Planet) »
Shoot. hang on
Superman (Justice League) »
Hi! Do you have a moment to chat?
« B
How many times a day does that happen
Just tell me. I can take it
Superman (Justice League) »
Not… that many…
« B
How many records are we scrubbing.
This week.
Superman (Justice League) »
You are the one who chose to make secret phones that are identical to normal phones
I don’t know what you were expecting
« B
It’s precautionary. In case they get lost.
They’re not identical. The Batcell’s haptic interface hardware is superior to the iPhone’s.
Slightly bigger too.
Superman (Justice League) »
I’ll refrain from the obvious comment
But know I am thinking it
« B
So there’s a visual difference.
You have x-ray vision.
Superman (Justice League) »
If you think I’m going to x-ray my phone to figure out if the haptic interface software is 0.3mm larger than an iPhones every single time I need to send a text you are nuts
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That’s you
« B
Learning memes are we.
Superman (Justice League) »
That’s not a meme. It’s a reaction image
I think
« B
Doesn’t a reaction image have to be sent in reaction to something? By definition?
Superman (Justice League) »
I dont know.
« B
I don’t either.
Superman (Justice League) »
« B
You said you wanted to chat?
Superman (Justice League) »
And let me just preface this with:
I am about to tell you something and I need you to be, with all due respect, so normal about it
« B
Jesus fucking Christ, what happened?
Superman (Justice League) »
Nothing!! bad
Nothing bad
« B
Where are you? Can you call?
Superman (Justice League) »
Ok calm down, I’m fine, everything is fine
I can theoretically call but I think this is the kind of thing you’re going to want to sit with, on your own, for a second
Maybe 30 full seconds actually. Maybe sit for 30 full seconds before taking any action
« B
Kal El, I am catastrophizing at the speed of sound.
Superman (Justice League) »
Then I bet it will be such a huge relief to learn that all Im going to say is I have it on good authority that Superboy has something to tell you, and normally I would never breach his trust like this, but again: I cannot emphasize enough that I need you to be so, so normal. When he tells you. Which I have reason to believe he will, imminently
« B
Alfred has just informed me that Superboy is on the doorstep.
On the doorstep, Kal.
Of my home.
Superman (Justice League) »
« B
He’s asked to speak with me in the parlor.
“In the parlor.” Quote.
I forgot we had one of those.
What is this.
Superman (Justice League) »
I think there’s a chance Kon is about to be very, very brave, to your face
And—keep in mind I’m saying this as someone who thinks the world of you and has boundless trust and faith in your ability to be kind, selfless, and accepting—
If he doesnt leave that house with a smile on his face and a spring in his step I will ruin your life.
« B
I know you’re only threatening me because of that, thing I said. Last time.
And yet, it’s still effective.
Superman (Justice League) »
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« B
Superman (Justice League) »
« B
Superman (Justice League) »
« B
I have to go meet your kid. “In the parlor”
Superman (Justice League) »
Be nice :)
« B
I will.
I know what he’s going to say anyway.
Superman (Justice League) »
« B
He, and coincidentally also Robin, needs to work on his situational awareness.
With an emphasis on remembering to scan the environment for CCTV cameras.
Superman (Justice League) »
Ok to be fair there are a lot of cameras these days
« B
The incident in question took place on the rooftop of Wayne Tower.
Superman (Justice League) »
I see.
« B
Superman (Justice League) »
Unrelatedly are you coming over later?
« B
So you can ruin my life?
Superman (Justice League) »
See you then :)
« B
It’s not weird now that…?
Superman (Justice League) »
Holidays may get awkward but I’m sure we will all cope.
« B
Superman (Justice League) »
Tell Kon I said hi!
« B
I will.
« B
Hey it’s Batman. I fucked up.
Superman (Justice League) »
« B
Not with Kon’s thing. That went fine. But we kept talking and I mayh ave let something slip and I’d liek to apologize in advance bc I htink he’s on the way
Superman (Justice League) »
Kons at my window???
« B
Superman (Justice League) »
I will ruin your life!!!!!
« B
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suzukiblu · 7 months
Five headcanons from the obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU for Paradox. Decided to spend these on a bit of a “word of god” peek into Kon’s current state of mind post-museum/dinner/planetarium, haha. 
Kon is pan and has known this about himself for at least a few months now. Was his gay awakening in any way related to any weird situations involving any princely beastmen who adopted him as a pet while he was a feral amnesiac (no I’m not in romantic love with that specific story arc, why do you ask?)? No comment. Ever. He is not publicly out due to feeling like the conversation would just be too awkward. Specifically the conversation with SUPERMAN would be too awkward. “Hey Kal, so how about that whole concept of sexuality being, uh, genetic . . . ?” Nope. No. No way. That conversation is NOT happening. 
Buuuuut Kon was also not even SLIGHTLY concerned about Tim outing him when he got weird over Tim making the joke about not being able to explain him to his dad, he was just self-consciously assuming that Tim meant he didn’t WANT to explain him to his dad. “Self-esteem”?? What is this “self-esteem” of which you speak???? 
I cannot exaggerate how Not Used to being pursued Kon is. He has never been the pursued one. Ever. Flirting/dating is a contest and a chase and a test and he is ALWAYS the one who’s supposed to be proving himself to someone. That is just how it is supposed to–wait what do you mean you wanna ask HIM out, attractive person?? WIthout him even really DOING anything first?? Does not compute. Does not compute whatsoever. 
Kon is, however, still MUCH more comfortable with the idea of being pursued as a datemate than being pursued as a friend. Like, there’s a script for that he can figure out, and a transactional setup he can follow. The friend idea, though? Nooooot so much, no. Not at all. The friend idea is confusing as fuck, especially when it’s not just CASUAL as fuck. It makes much more sense to him that someone wants into his pants than just wants to hang OUT with him. Just SO much more. 
. . . wait Tim didn’t try to get them a motel room or anything for after their museum/dinner date? Like, he just planned ANOTHER activity to do together that he thought Kon would like? Like–he went to all this trouble to take him somewhere nice and then DIDN’T try to fuck him as an ingrained part of that “nice”? Like, that was just not in his plan, somehow? What the fuck?!?? THIS IS THE WRONG KIND OF TRANSACTIONAL.
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daughterofsarenrae · 2 months
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Kal-El might not be the smartest fish but at least he's pretty!
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callisteios · 7 months
I will die doing what I love: jaywalking while logging a 1 star letterboxd review for hollywoods latest attempt at doing cinema for women
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An idea came to me reading a fic where Danny was a kryptonian. What if Amity Park instead of being a city in the USA on Earth was once a city on Krypton (in what would be a kryptonian version of early 21st century or at least about 100 years before the planet blew up). Basically almost everything that happened in cannon DP happened and everything is mostly the same but with a more alien then earth tone to it.
After Phantom Planet Danny's parents except him being part ghost, the government overturn the Ecto Acts, and he able to finish high school and goes on to college after which he is happily welcomed to for work for KASA (Krypton Aeronautics and Space Administration). He becomes an Astronautical engineer. Danny is in his early thirties when he is testing out a new experimental space ship engine for KASA. While doing a flight test Danny's ship losses signal and no one can find it (kind of what happened in the show Farscape).
100s of years go by Krypton explodes baby Kal-El is sent to Earth where he grows up to be Superman. The JL suddenly get a signal/warning about some alien tech on the edge of the solar system. They send one of the Green Lanterns to take a look, where they report a spaceship dead in space. They don't expect any life forms but surprise because of his ghost half Danny was in a sort of suspended animation. He is brought back and wakes up in the Watch Tower.
Just Random ideas...
Kryptonite is the crystalized form of ectoplasm because of this Danny is not effected by it.
Danny's kryptonian name is Daniel Fen-Ton
The phantom zone projector was originally called the Fen-Ton zone projector or is was based off a Fen-Ton gadget.
Years after Danny disappears Krypton starts turning on ghost again, so the town of Amity, which now has a symbiotic relationship with ghost, vote to pull the whole town into the Ghost Zone. So it is not blown up like the rest of the planet though Danny does not know this in the beginning.
Danny has an easier time learning to use Earth technology then he does the Kryptonian technology in Superman's Fortress.
Danny also has slightly easier time when getting the regular Kryptonian power set due to the yellow sun because he went through something similar when getting his ghost powers.
Danny adopts Connor almost immediately. Maybe during Danny's time there was laws about cloning and clone rights on Krypton. Also while Connor is not a replacement he sort of fills in the void of losing Ellie.
While Superman has no idea who Danny is, Kara/Supergirl has a faint idea because he was briefly mentioned in her Krytonian History class. Also she is happy to have someone who can natively speak the kyrptonian language even if it has older vocabulary. Don't get her wrong its great to speak it with Kal-El but he learned it later in life.
Holly char this is amazing!
How many people will have a stroke when they see Danny casually pick up a piece of kryptonite? Batman? His normal Kryptonian contingency plan won't work. Luthor? There's a version of superman IMMUNE to Kryptonite. Clark? What the hell do you mean you can touch kryptonite
I think after Danny explains everything about his past and species so many people are going to just...give up. Hahaha a stronger version of superman who isn't effected by kryptonite, goodbye world
Connor will be ecstatic, Danny will do ALL the dad stuff, teaching him their language, proper training, engineering lessons and you bet he's going to use jazz's psychiatrist stuff on this kid
Danny's probably going to get mega-depressed, all his hard work breaking the racism against ghosts only for that to come back a few years after he left? And he can't even fix it again because their world went bye-bye
Also- here me out
Co-pilot Valerie
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dalekowrites · 8 days
What would your favourite choice of the games interactive stories be? Would you have a favourite type? Romance, Fantasy etc. and did any of the inspire you with the ones you are currently writing? 😁
Oh boy! This is going to be a long answer, brace yourself lol
Let me start by saying that I have a degree in English literature (in fact, I'm going to do a PhD on it), so reading, in general, is one of the core activities of my life.
As for text adventures, even if not from Choice of Games Ltd., I'd like to mention a few inspirations: my passion first came from the original Choose Your Own Adventure series, and I still remember which numbers obsessed me as a child: Mountain Survival #28, The Dragons' Den #33, and more than any other, Space Patrol #22! (The latter may have also fueled my unhealthy obsession with Star Trek TOS, actually). For those unfamiliar with this fantastic book series, the genres of the three books I mentioned are, respectively, adventure, fantasy, and sci-fi. This gives you an idea of how varied my tastes are...
Later on, I discovered interactive fictions and text adventures. Dude, it was a dream come true. I started with Adventure ('76, never finished it, of course) and Zork ('79, never finished that either… of course. How damn hard were they?!). Then Mystery Mansion ('78), Castle Adventure ('82), and too many, many others. I'm a sucker for Sorcery! from inkle, and I deeply loved Magium (RIP Chris, you won't be forgotten). For my Italian-speaking friends, I also really enjoyed the Fra Tenebra e Abisso series (although its current status is unknown).
But back to CoG-related things. I've read a lot, and I'd probably be faster telling you what I didn't like! As you may have figured out by now, I don't have any particular genre preferences as long as a story is well-written, though horror-thriller stories usually grab my attention more easily.
Important note: I've read a lot of stories and, with a few exceptions, I liked most of them. To avoid writing a too-long list, here are the published stories that really impressed me:
A Crown of Sorcery and Steel,
A Midsummer Night's Choice,
Blood for Poppies,
Blood Moon,
Broadway: 1849,
Choice of the Cat,
Choice of the Vampire,
Doomsday on Demand (1 and 2),
Gilded Rails,
Golden Rose: Book One,
Jazz Age,
Lies Under Ice,
Life of a Mercenary,
Life of a Space Force Captain,
MetaHuman Inc.,
Noblesse Oblige,
Paradox Factor,
The Evertree Saga (all four books),
Revolution Diabolique,
Siege of Treboulain,
Tally Ho,
The Daily Blackmail,
The Dragon and the Djinn,
The Fernweh Saga: Book One,
The Fog Knows Your Name,
The Gray Painter,
The Grim and I,
The Ghost and the Golem,
The Lost Heir,
The Midnight Saga: The Monster,
The Parenting Simulator,
The Play's the Thing,
The Soul Stone War (1 and 2),
The War for the West,
Tudor Intrigue,
Vampire Regent,
Vampire: The Masquerade (all of them),
Way Walkers: University (1 and 2),
Welcome to Moreytown,
Werewolves: Haven Raising,
Zombie Exodus,
Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven.
And now, onto works in progress! There aren’t that many because I barely have time to follow my own (heh…), so here, in alphabetical order, are the ones I'm following with the most interest:
Adoriel's Tears (@adoriels-tears-if),
A Father's Love (@kal-down),
Crown of Ashes and Flames (@coeluvr),
Dawn Chorus (@dawnchorus-if)
Disenchanted (@disenchantedif),
Dragon's Edged (@dragonedged-if),
Elysium (@elysiumcircusif),
Fallen Lights (@fallenlightsif),
For King and Country (@forkingandcountry-if),
From The Ashes We Rise (@kal-down),
Hubris (@hubris-the-if-game),
Kingdoms and Empires (@kingdoms-and-empires),
Return to Misty Cove (@fluorescent-if),
The Abyssal Song (@ri-writes-if),
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - An affair of the heart (@doriana-gray-games),
The Lonely Shore (@thelonelyshore-if),
The King's Hound (@the-kingshound),
The Reaper Watches Me (@thereaperwatchesme),
The Bureau (@thebureau),
The Unseelie (@theunseelieif),
Van Helsing (@vanhelsing-if),
When Life Gives You Lemons (@when-life-gives-you-lemons-if).
Okay, that was… a lot. As for direct inspirations, I don't have any direct ones, but I can say I felt like writing a post-apocalyptic story after reading Doomsday on Demand! Other than that, I guess the collection of narrative, text adventures, and interactive fiction I've read have led me to where I am now.
Damn, it took me hours to write this answer. I hope it's satisfying at least! Thanks for asking ☺
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