#also tangenial but
elliebell77 · 6 months
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you caught him with his glasses off
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trainingdummyrabbit · 5 months
actually it was bothering me that i couldn't remember any of them so my favorites. i would like your thoughts on them
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OUGHHG TWO OF THEM.... iwill try my best boss!! o7
Design- i love her design to Death ok. literally everything to me. the hooded cloak, the black and white scribbles, the pop of color. cute little ribbon and shadowed face like a black hole. the doinker is CHARMING yall are just COWARDS!!!!!!!! also Big Fuckig Spear. she looks straight out of a storybook and it means the entire world and more to me, especially considering how fragments is. id kill for a cool comfy cloak like that. yall dont UNDERSTAND.
Theme- listen. im always a sucker for not-quite-human things trying their fucking damndest to be understood and not quite getting there. the neurodivergent experience, or somethingk. fragments i love you so much. its about the inherent isolation, the desire to reach out, yet in trying only pushing them away even further. (only tangenially related to angela aswell, the decision that the best way to communicate when words wont do being settled as song... something as innocent as singing, to the mournful wail of the lonely. ok 👍)
this ones harder t split because of how it ties in both, but the fact that she is completely faceless without the use of something like a mask REALLY drives home that Alien-like feeling. the idea that shes something Incomprehensible, something that doesnt quite belong here. the scribbly image invoking the image of something like a childs drawing, looking not unlike some sort of knight or hero, yet contrasted by its gentle flowy look almost like a wanderer's cloak... grabs and SHAKES. the antenna adorned with a heart, chosen as an image ubiquitously known as a symbol of love and connection. casting that out into the forefront, literally sticking out like a sore thumb. im going to explode.
[Our Galaxy] girlie how r u so hugelarge.
Design- god she is so pretty but MAN she has so much going on. i ADORE the starry motif thats almost unbound to her physical form, the big ol cloak, hair spiraling out of the grasp of gravity. they really went all out with this one, but honestly i have very little to note about it! potion of Just Look At Her, Man. i wont pretend to understand what her little crown-halo dealie is, but its sick as hell. yuh 👍
Theme- honestly i hadnt thought about it much past simply what child of the galaxy's theming is, but the more i look at it the more i see it as pinned right at the end of the final days of lobcorp-- the loneliness, then carmen's meddling. the speaking of darkness, endings, the realization that she had truly been abandoned; "I can never let this be the end..." it takes the lead as that innocent hope that she could have another chance at it all. of course im threading this along as i go, but i really am thinking about it. "Draw the curtains to reveal the stars in the night sky, and we’ll count them together. Walk this night sky with me. The galaxy dotted with numerous hopes." in that context, it really does paint an image. even so, regardless, it brings forth the desire to share that future with anyone who would stay with her, which. has me thinking, yknow. but what really kills me is the line: "Stay with me forever. We’re… …s. Right?" the recall of one of child of the galaxy's lines, blotting out the word "friends"... ohhhh girlie you are SO fucked. (something about yearning for something you wont even allow yourself to hope for...... thinks real hard......)
in conclusion: wails. wails. wails. wails. w
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feistydesigner365 · 1 year
..as love or what happens after kissing.
Let's revisit Crowleys idea of love.
So he knows that people get wet in rain and hide under an awning and they kiss. What next? Something must change. Some magic must happen! What exactly changes? He has no clue, and calls it a "vavoom", something unfathomable and ineffable, also "love", or his version of "happily ever after".
He tries to find out what it is with Maggie and Nina, but that all goes pear-shaped.
Then he has a chance to see by himself. He kisses Aziraphale and waits. Has anything changed? Has love happened or dawned on them?
Aziraphale utters his 'I forgive you', and no miracles happen, no angels singing, nothing. Apart from being heartbroken, I guess Crowley is disappointed too.
Silly goose has no idea that love, or vavoom, has already been happening to them since s1e1, for our joy.
PS Tangenially, i love how in one of the interviews Michael Sheen speaks of Crowley along these lines: I love how Crowley is much less cool than he thinks of himself, and how David plays him in a way that makes him still incredibly cool 😎
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folie-lex · 6 years
Crazy (unlikely) theory with respect to “The Mole” in Queen of the South 3.11
I think we’re at a place where yes all signs point to Kelly Anne (foreshadowing, the episode promo, eppy stills, her overall character development etc), and I’m basically operating under the assumption that it is her, and I’m walking into this week’s episode execting to not at all be surprised by the revealton that that is so.
The only “twist” they can throw my way at this point is pivot an make it be Lil T who they have also set up for a bit, but not nearly as much.  She’s a more secondary option IMO.
But I’d be remiss if I didn’t throw his out into the world, just because I’ve had a slow weekend, and I’ve had time to mull things over and do some rewatching and research, and some things kinda came together... So.... here it is....
A crazy out of the box, optimistic, HIGHLY unlikely theory:
What if nobody is the mole?
Hear me out....
The episode title is “Diez De Copas”. Looking up the tarot card, keeping in theme  when it comes to the episode titles of the season:
“The divinatory message is evident in this image, in that it represents fortunate marriage, contentment of the heart, and the perfection of human love and friendship. It can also refer to the town or country where the querent lives. This is one of the most positive cards in the entire Tarot deck  (...) Other divinatory meanings include a peaceful environment”
SIDENOTE: As I said I did my homework so I will mention that reversed it means “quarreling, violence, and a troubled heart (...)  a disrupted routine, and selfish exploitation”. But I think we all know how that interpetation plays out as a possibility on the show. So I’m not touching on that. This whole thing is about exploring a different option.
Now if we do take the upright interpretation of the card, then that could very well mean that there isn’t a mole, and that the lot of the team is still loyal to Teresa.
“But,” you’ll say “they lost their supply and we have indications that there is a hole in the operation: There’s a tracker in Guero’s necklace. Devon found them. Kelly Anne has been a mess. Lilt T is apologising for messing up.”
Firstly they got a hit and lost their supply because SOMEONE betrayed El Santo! Teresa’s inner operation is running rather smoothly.
But as to the the indicators that the traitor is among Teresa’s people, well... lets take a minute here:
- I think we’re all so caught up over pointing fingers at the ladies, but I thnk it’s important for the record for something to be said about it NOT being either Kelly Anne or Lilt T.
One could claim that Devon is exploiting Kelly Anne’s growing addiction and knowing who she really is to blackmail her. BUT would she really help him out? Especially after the waterboarding? When she knows she can turn to Teresa & Co at any time? Granted addiction is a terrible beast and she is going through a trauma, so it’s not like it’s not a believeable situation, but I do think it is a bit contrived for this character. And well... maybe it’s the show having spoiled me a bit, but they don’t really do contrived on QotS
Lil T doesn’t even KNOW Devon. They’ve legit never actually crossed paths... how would that connection even happen? Someone at the Afterbuzz mentioned that she called Evelyn from her phone and maybe that’s how they found her... and that’s possible I guess, but I dunno... As I’ve said before: after the whole butting heads with James and trust talk in 3.05 and then putting her through that ordeal with Pecas, only to turn her traitor just seems redundant. And if it was foreshadowing instead, IMO it wasn’t very good.
- THE TRACKER: Honestly, I think the tracker could have been put on Teresa by James, but not on Devon’s behalf.  Just for himself to be able to find her in case something happened. He said in 3.07 “Last time you went off on your own you ended up in a cell in Mexico.” Clearly he worries about losing her again, and even voices as much in 3.10. I can see him being proactive, and paranoid, and invasive (like he can be), and seeing how attached she’s gotten to Guero’s medalion thinking that it would be good place to hide the tracker and be able to find her as a contingency if she goes missing again. In truth, Teresa assumes the tracker she found was what led Devon to El Santo’s. But we don’t have much of an indication that that is indeed the case. When the ambush happened, the soldiers were using drones and heat signals, not tracking a transmiter.
- DEVON FOUND THEM: Devon said he had “another way” to get to El Santo. He didn’t specifically say it was through Teresa again. A man as methodic and careful as Devon, trying to get to get to El Santo via Teresa for a second time after how poorly his first attempt went down, feels a bit sloppy... and desperate... and more vendeta driven that smart. I actually think there’s a decent chance he had a whole other connect in that dinner party... And I think that was Sasha. We spent way too much time with her to have her be this one off.... She mentioned “getting in the wrong plane” as her starting point of getting involved with El Santo.... And, remind me, who has an aviation company again? Also lets not forget that the CIA got to the coke making compound. Which means whoever snitched knew about and where the compound was. If the mole is Kelly Anne or Lil T how did they get that info? They weren’t involved in that part of the story at all last season, and I doubt it’s information Teresa would have devulged. James is the only other person from Teresa’s crew who knows about it, and I mean.... It’s NOT JAMES! So... It’s more likely someone else who was in deep with El Santo must have given that information up. Also Sasha was super shady throwing people under the bus left and right, trying to get out of there ASAP (possibly before the ambush she knew was coming...). And I think El Dentista telling Teresa he knew who the “traitor” was but never actually getting to reveal it to her was a rather telling scene... If he knew it was her, or someone tangenial to her, he would have been more accusatory and hostile towards her, not just scared. Also he noticed Teresa was talking with Sasha earlier durintg dinner... That could have been build up...
... Just some things to consider... It would just be interesting to have this “hunt for a mole” only to figure out there never really was one... Granted, I don’t expect it to be true... As I said: This is just a crazy out of the box unlikely (and optimisic) theory... 
#look I’m not naive #I know this is most likely NOT how it’s gonna play out  #Kelly Anne is sooooo the mole #maaaaaaaybe Lil T for the surprise element #but I just wanted to put this out there... #just get some thoughts that have been eating at me since Thursday written down #plus it was fun to nitpick and deep-dive fanhawk... #haven’t done that in a while....
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viralnews-1 · 2 years
Gerhard Erasmus to lead Namibia at T20 World Cup; Lohan Louwrens, Tangeni Lungameni make the cut
Gerhard Erasmus to lead Namibia at T20 World Cup; Lohan Louwrens, Tangeni Lungameni make the cut
Gerhard Erasmus has been retained as Namibia’s captain for the upcoming T20 World Cup in Australia, having led them into the Super 12s of 2021 tournament in the UAE. The 16-member squad also features T20 globetrotter David Wiese and left-arm seamer Ruben Trumpelmann who earned a gig with Desert Vipers for the upcoming International League T20 in the UAE. Source link
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upstartpoodle · 7 years
Debbie Horsefield, You are Accused of Willful Character Assassination. How Do You Plead?: The 3x03 Magistracy Disaster
I honestly wasn't going to delve into this hornet's nest of bad writing, but I've found that, nearly three weeks on and no longer watching the new episodes, no, this still annoys me. The issue of George's new position as magistrate was really one of the first signs to me that his character was beginning to go off the rails but, unwisely, I decided to give the show one more chance and witnessed the horror that is Osborne Whitworth (alright, I was kind of amused by him failing epically at trying to squeeze money out of George but the context prevented me from getting any true enjoyment out of that sequence). But this isn't about Cornwall's resident slimeball. This is about, as you might have guessed, the rape trial.
I couldn't even look at that scene when it came on, and it made me furious at Debbie for putting both George and Elizabeth through that. I mean, I understand why he did it in the context of the show. It's been emphasised a couple of times that George wants to secure a future for Valentine where he doesn't have to fight for his social position, and angering the Godolphins, who are implied to be Important People™ (though in what way and to what extent is anyone's guess) would likely not only jeapordise his own position, but also that of the rest of his family. It's not really presented this way, though, or even considered at all. Instead, the only protection we get against the heavy layer of Evil Actual Devil George Warleggan Being Evilly Evil in the writing is Jack's acting barely keeping his character together (save him).
What annoys me the most about this (aside from Elizabeth being surrounded by reminders of rape, which is just...horrible) is that the magistracy is a plot point with so much potential for developing George's character and his relationship with his new family. Of course, that potential was completely ignored, otherwise it might have taken valuable time away from Ross punching French people which is...absolutely what we're all here for. But anyway, before I go into a tangeny about the pointlessness that was the Adventures of Ross Poldark and Tholly the Fake West Country Accented Pirate Bloke Across the Channel (though on a completely unrelated note, how did Ross get back to Cornwall without a boat because there's no way he swam there directly from France), I'll go onto say what I would personally have liked to have seen from this particular plot.
Firstly, if I had been writing this, I would have started by actually establishing the Godolphins as characters. All Debbie's really told us about them is their name, so it's difficult to understand why George is so obsessed with gaining their favour, let alone being able to fully explore a plot point whose main instigators are almost completely absent from the story. What I would have wanted to see of them was exactly how influential they are and how much of a threat to the Warleggans they could be if George decided to ignore the bribe and find Lord Godolphin's nephew guilty.
After that, I would want George and Elizabeth to actually have the chance to discuss what to do about the bribe and the issues surrounding it instead of cutting straight to the trial scene. Though I reckon they would both be fully aware of the potential consequences of refusing the bribe, I imagine Elizabeth could persuade George to do so if she wanted to. I think that would be an interesting development for both of them, as it would highlight the influence Elizabeth could have in their relationship as well as the ways George's better impulses are often smothered by his determination to thrive in high society at all cost, and how Elizabeth might help him find a better balance between those two. If nothing else, it would at least bring back some of the old conflict of his series one and two characterisation, which has been sorely lacking this series.
From there on, I could see it going two ways: he accepts the bribe or he doesn't. For the former, that plot line would probably work best by expanding the magistracy plot for George and taking time to delve into the developments mentioned above across the series. The latter would likely lead to a conflict with the Godolphins, and a plot about how they endure that both individually and as a family unit. Either way, it would hopefully turn the focus of George's narrative arc from Ross and onto the characters he, you know, actually lives with. While I adored the "both full of noise but ultimately lacking in substance" quip, now that George has a family that doesn't consist entirely of Uncle Cary and one drowned cousin (sorry Matthew), as far as I'm concerned, he has better things to do than be Ross' increasingly flanderised foil.
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