#also the fact that I used to sign my diary entries
thattheater-kid · 7 months
The most validating thing I ever experienced is:
Me: yeah I think Logan was the host for like a year in middle school.
My childhood best friend: FOR REAL? THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE.
Me: how?
My best friend: you used to go by Logan and any time something happened, no matter how horrific or painful, you’d just sit there and stare blankly, and then respond like a robot. you used to scare the shit out of me cause someone could die and you wouldn’t even cry. you’d just shrug and go back to work.
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susiephone · 1 year
wtf is dracula daily?
i’ve seen a couple people ask this question on my posts about it, so i thought i’d go ahead and clear it up here!
ok so, the classic horror novel “dracula” is an epistolary novel - that means it’s told via letters, diary entries, ship logs, and news articles. (technically the term “epistolary novel” refers to works told solely through letters or emails, but many have expanded it to mean any work that is told via in-universe documents, hence why diaries and logs often get included as well. “frankenstein” is another classic example; the whole framing device is robert walton is recounting the story he heard from victor to his sister via letter. a modern example would be “several people are typing,” which is told via slack messages, or “the perks of being a wallflower,” which is told via letters from charlie to his anonymous pen pal, which is functionally more like you’re reading his diary.)
because of the nature of the narrative, we actually know the exact day nearly everything in dracula happens - the letters, news articles, diary entries, etc. are all dated.
“dracula daily” is a substack project where the novel is broken up into parts, with people who are subscribed to the project getting emails every day something in dracula happens - for example, the novel opens with jonathan harker’s journal entry on may 3, so on may 3, subscribers are emailed that entry. the action of dracula takes place from may 3 - november 6, plus an epilogue set some years later. the project started in 2021 (i think), but fucking BLEW UP in 2022, and they’re doing it again this year! lots of us are very excited - especially people like me who fell behind last time.
why not just read the book?
valid! due to some parts of dracula being told out of chronological order, dracula daily does reorder some things. for example, the first section of dracula is told entirely from jonathan harker’s pov, then the second section switches the pov to mina murray. their sections have some overlap in the timeline, so dracula daily jumps back and forth between their perspectives.
if you want to read the book as bram stoker intended, dracula daily may not be for you. but for a lot of people (myself included!), it breaks up a very long text into easily digestible chunks (....mostly. there is one entry that is 10k words), and the fact that it’s a big project means there are a lot of people reading along with you.
i think there’s also something valuable about experience the slow revelation of wtf is going on along with the characters. the book which you might otherwise get through in a few days is stretched out into months of suspense and agony as you wait for the other shoe to drop, and it’s great.
plus, the whiplash between “jonathan harker’s neverending horror” vs “lucy is basically on the bachelorette” that you get in dracula daily is very very funny.
how do i sign up?
right here! and if you sign up and fall behind in the emails, no worries - the dracula daily website posts past entries so you can catch up.
what if i prefer audiobooks?
have i got great news for you!
like i mentioned before, i couldn’t keep up with the emails last year. part of it is that it is much easier for me to focus on an audiobook or keep up with a podcast than it is for me to sit down and read, especially with longer entries.
this year, there is going to be a podcast titled “re: dracula” that was inspired by dracula daily. every episode will be a dracula daily entry, with a full voice cast! (seriously, if you listen to british podcasts, you will recognize some of these names. the magnus archives and wooden overcoats girlies are WINNING.) you can find that here.
there is also a podcast called “cryptic canticles” that has an already-completed audiodrama of dracula that i’m told is also extremely good, and was also broken up by date. you can find that here.
why do i keep hearing about paprika/the boyfriend squad/lizard fashion/cowboys?
you’ll see.
oh god am i gonna hear about this nerd shit for the rest of the year
yes. sorry.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
Letters van Helsing has now read:
9 May - "I am longing to be with you, and by the sea, where we can talk together freely [...] I shall try to do what I see lady journalists do: interviewing and writing descriptions and trying to remember conversations. I am told that, with a little practice, one can remember all that goes on or that one hears said during a day. [...] I have just had a few hurried lines from Jonathan from Transylvania. He is well, and will be returning in about a week."
24 August - "I found my dear one, oh, so thin and pale and weak-looking. All the resolution has gone out of his dear eyes, and that quiet dignity which I told you was in his face has vanished. He is only a wreck of himself, and he does not remember anything that has happened to him for a long time past. [...] ...after saying that she could never mention what my poor dear raved about, added: 'I can tell you this much, my dear: that it was not about anything which he has done wrong himself; and you, as his wife to be, have no cause to be concerned. He has not forgotten you or what he owes to you. His fear was of great and terrible things, which no mortal can treat of.' [...] I have had a great shock, and when I try to think of what it is I feel my head spin round, and I do not know if it was all real or the dreaming of a madman. You know I have had brain fever, and that is to be mad. The secret is here, and I do not want to know it. [...] I took the book from under his pillow, and wrapped it up in white paper, and tied it with a little bit of pale blue ribbon which was round my neck, and sealed it over the knot with sealing-wax, and for my seal I used my wedding ring. Then I kissed it and showed it to my husband, and told him that I would keep it so, and then it would be an outward and visible sign for us all our lives that we trusted each other; that I would never open it unless it were for his own dear sake or for the sake of some stern duty."
17 September - "Jonathan wants looking after still. He is beginning to put some flesh on his bones again, but he was terribly weakened by the long illness; even now he sometimes starts out of his sleep in a sudden way and awakes all trembling until I can coax him back to his usual placidity."
18 September - "But it is here that the grave shock that he experienced tells upon him the most. Oh, it is too hard that a sweet, simple, noble, strong nature such as his—a nature which enabled him by our dear, good friend's aid to rise from clerk to master in a few years—should be so injured that the very essence of its strength is gone."
He has also read Lucy's diary, the first entry of which (24 August) contains these lines: "I must imitate Mina, and keep writing things down. [...] Last night I seemed to be dreaming again just as I was at Whitby."
So, the impression he will have of the facts, upon writing his letter to Mina today, goes something like this:
Mina's then-fiance went to Transylvania and was supposed to return by around 16 May.
Instead, Mina found him terribly ill in a hospital in Budapest on 24 August, about three months later. He had been raving about great and terrible things, but could no longer recall them.
He had written a record of these things.
No one knows what is inside his record, but Mina has possession of it.
He is still fragile/slowly recovering.
Mina was with Lucy on Whitby, where Lucy was likely first attacked.
Mina kept a thorough record of those days.
So his goal in asking to speak to Mina is likely to try and get access to her journal from Whitby, and Jonathan's journal as well if he can manage it (less directly linked but suspicious). Not knowing that she has already read Jonathan's journal, it probably feels like a huge ask (since she sealed it up with great deliberacy) and he probably expects her to have no knowledge of the significance of anything she remembers from Whitby either. No wonder he is so polite and apologetic in his letter.
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peachkkuma · 2 months
𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆 ˖ ࣪ ✧ ˚ ࿔
𝑻𝑰𝑭𝑭𝑨𝑵𝒀’𝑺 SIGNING OFF : last tumblr post 07.15.24
╰─▸ dark mode recommended
• explanation + goodbye post
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⠀˒ ⊹ ݁ ִ   𝑫𝑬𝑨𝑹 𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑬𝑹…
hello, hope you’re doing well! i’ll get right into it, this is the end of my posts for now. i never really had any sort of big idea or expectations for this blog but i definitely never thought it’d only last four months, or that it’d have so few posts (my drafts on the other hand are a different story lmao).
i had made this blog because i was struggling with the law and needed to get out of my head. im really big into journaling, it helped me get my thoughts in order and i wished i had something like that but for the law. something that would allow me to observe and work through my troubles with the loa. that’s when this blog was created, that’s why i had made this my loa diary.
this blog had given me a space to see where i was going wrong and allowed me to have my own epiphanies. but despite the fact that i made this blog and its posts for my own sake, i hope something here has helped, encouraged, or just gave you something to relate to.
im ending this blog for now because i don’t need it anymore. my last entry was a month ago and since then i have had my fair share of struggles and confusions but lately, its all been kind of…calm ig. i dont know how to explain but it all just makes sense? like, the law is the law, its not this never ending complex theory. it’s a universal law and all the information has already been laid out for me. all that’s left for me to do is to learn and apply. idk but i think I hadn’t realized that before. i always felt like as soon as i’d make sense of the law, i’d read another loa post and all of a sudden i was wrong. it felt like learning the law would be a never ending journey. that I’d never truly grasp it on my own. but I don’t feel that way anymore. I think that mainly has to do with me just being in this community for years, so ofc sooner or later I’d get the hang of it, but I also think that it has a lot to do with me cutting down my time on tumblr tremendously and focusing on Neville’s works.
so, yeah, there’s nothing for me to “figure out” anymore. i don’t need to read anymore loa advice posts and there’s nothing else i have to discuss about the law anymore. if you’re gonna take away one thing from this post— remember that the loa is simple. there’s no need to overcomplicate or overthink it.
for a while it felt like i was almost fighting the loa. i didn’t want to accept that it was as simple as it was. but the lesson I’ve learned now is that regardless of how i feel, the law will always be what it is. there’s no need to make it harder or overcomplicate it, dont distract yourself by doing that. if i could go back and give myself advice, i’d tell myself to accept the law for what it is because there’s no way around it. if you can’t do that then you might as well stop trying to use the law because what’s the point? 🤷‍♀️
tldr: I no longer have any need to be on loa tumblr so im signing off :)
even tho im happy the law isn’t hard for me anymore, im sad to be leaving this blog 😭😭 thank you for reading and goodbye!!
kisses, peachkkuma
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lauralot89 · 3 months
When the sun grew so high this morning that it struck the top of the great gateway opposite my window, the high spot which it touched seemed to me as if the dove from the ark had lighted there.
see and this is why they tell people with seasonal depression to get light boxes, it works wonders
It has always been at night-time that I have been molested or threatened, or in some way in danger or in fear.
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I have not yet seen the Count in the daylight.
Hey wait a second.
May 7th Diary Entry: All at once we heard the crow of a cock coming up with preternatural shrillness through the clear morning air...I went into my own room and drew the curtains, but there was little to notice; my window opened into the courtyard, all I could see was the warm grey of quickening sky. So I pulled the curtains again, and have written of this day.
May 8th Diary Entry: I only slept a few hours when I went to bed, and feeling that I could not sleep any more, got up. I had hung my shaving glass by the window, and was just beginning to shave. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, and heard the Count’s voice saying to me, “Good-morning.”
so you have in fact seen him in the day and have in fact been molested by him in the day, sir
At the worst it can only be death; and a man's death is not a calf's, and the dreaded Hereafter may still be open to me.
I have made the effort, and God, helping me, have come safely back to this room.
for all the shit I give Jonathan, if this were me I'd have gotten the vertigo and straight up died if I ever even found the nerve to try in the first place. the man is brave as hell
The only thing I found was a great heap of gold in one corner—gold of all kinds, Roman, and British, and Austrian, and Hungarian, and Greek and Turkish money, covered with a film of dust, as though it had lain long in the ground. None of it that I noticed was less than three hundred years old. There were also chains and ornaments, some jewelled, but all of them old and stained.
literally all I can think of any time I read about gold, I apologize
At the bottom there was a dark, tunnel-like passage, through which came a deathly, sickly odour, the odour of old earth newly turned.
that's one of the best smells, are you a madman
At last I pulled open a heavy door which stood ajar, and found myself in an old, ruined chapel, which had evidently been used as a graveyard.
wait, Dracula can sleep in a chapel/graveyard? he can be on hallowed ground? or is there a way to somehow unhallow it
But there was no sign of movement, no pulse, no breath, no beating of the heart. I bent over him, and tried to find any sign of life, but in vain.
"Please don't be dead, I'm more afraid of your ladies than I am of you"
I thought he might have the keys on him, but when I went to search I saw the dead eyes, and in them, dead though they were, such a look of hate, though unconscious of me or my presence, that I fled from the place
honey out of everything you've been through how are you even fazed by a guy with resting bitch face sleeping with his eyes open
leaving the Count's room by the window, crawled again up the castle wall.
again, Jonathan is a braver soul than I could ever be
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talesfromthebacklog · 11 months
Random: A gamer’s diary entry for October 2023!
While I finish writing, and playing, my next backlog games I’m excited to add to the wishlist ‘Little Goody Two Shoes’. Which looks like it’s going to be getting a physical release. (Which I won’t be picking this game up until the physical drops. I already know I’ll like it.)
One of my favorite YouTube channels called Nostalook worked on the trailer (and I think the in game cutscenes as well) and their work is stunning as usual. It really captures the 90s anime look. It deeply reminds me of Princess Maker.
Also it’s a shoujo yuri. Female romancable characters only! (And they’re all so ✨ PRETTY ✨) I can’t explain how HAPPY that makes me. I just hope it stays in an innocent direction.
You know, because in majority yuri isn’t made for women. 😐
I get it, but at the same time I feel locked out of the content because it’s so obviously not for me. But that’s a complaint for a different post on a different day! Makes me wonder if men feel the same way about yaoi.
I was very bad this month. There were a lot of physical sales. And then my preorders for new games rolled in. I always prioritize my physical games over my… “digital” games, so those will be in the front of my backlog!
Let’s take a look at what I picked up! (I paid full price for nothing on this list. I am wickedly good at finding deals and coupons. Which upon review I will attempt to pass onto you!):
Sonic Superstars
Coffee Talk 2
Moon A Remix RPG
I’m already playing a few of these games, so my reviews on those should be out next week!
I decided to skip this month’s two biggest releases altogether until about next year. I want the GOTY Spider-Man 2 when it comes with all of the DLC for $20. The first one was amazing. I’m just willing to wait on it. Which is a similar story for Mario Wonder. I mostly use the fall season to get all the titles I’ve been wanting for a freaking sick deal. Why should I have to pay full price?
The older I get, the more I feel like I appreciate weird games and indie titles more anyway. I feel like those other projects have the freedom to take more aesthetic risks than the big companies. Not because of the creatives inside (They tend to always have good ideas), but the stockholders. 🙄
I adore some of these triple A titles to my core, but I crave to see more new things too. Different things.
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Dave The Diver is a good example. That seems rad. I like ocean games. I like that we get more of them now. I’m gonna wait and see if that one gets a physical as well. You collect fish to go back to your restaurant to make sushi? Sign me up!
Don’t even get me started on Limited Run’s releases this month.
While ‘Persona 4’ and ‘This Way Madness Lies’ are no brainers for me; I was EXTREMELY on the fence about ‘Persona 3 Portable’. (I did pick it up reluctantly)
The remake of Persona 3 will be upon us soon and I don’t know if I’ll want to play P3P again. The problem lies in the fact that most of these games become much more expensive later. Buying it on “launch” from Limited Run usually IS the cheaper option.
That shit annoys me so bad. I don’t like picking up games for value. But because the game might be value I have to be ahead of the scalpers and pay for it at its maybe cheapest.
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I collect games because I like ‘em. I want to play them and love them. I want to use my stuff. I don’t give a fuck about the “value”. I respect the folks that do care about that stuff but I plain just don’t.
But that’s also just kinda life. Not much can be done about other people. You can only truly control yourself. 🙄
Overall October has been an exceptionally excellent month for gaming! We’ve had so much good stuff come out this fall season. I’m excited for next month as well! Super Mario RPG will be making its re-debut and I can’t wait to talk about that one!
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scrawnytreedemon · 2 years
Back on my FFXIII-Capital-G-God bullshit.
[ramblings below the cut!]
Went ahead and decided to watch the final battle in JP. Good lord... Look, I am no judge of Japanese voice-acting, but I feel so much of the jank is amended with just that. Lightning's voice-work is wonderful in both version's; Vel's, however... Dear lord does his English work feel generic and forced— WHICH honestly makes sense, considering the script-changes.
Yuki Kaji, who voices Hope, does an excellent job on this guy. Divinity, eagerness, and adolescence all executed brilliantly. You really get the sense that this is a being way over his head, who, in desiring to eventually walk among humanity in the new, flawless world he created, took on the body of a teenage boy— Volatile feelings and all.
I've spoken about this before, but Bhunivelze is just... Goodness, he is at once deeply well-meaning but also horrendously authoritarian. World's ending due to an overflow of Chaos, Bhunivelze seeks to create a new world for all the worthy, living souls, and destroy the Chaos— Issue is, Chaos is the collective souls of the dead: a Lifestream to use FFVII terms. You destroy that, you destroy all those souls awaiting rebirth, and destroy the memories of those deceased in their loved-ones— Vel considers this a positive, because as a demiurge with hitherto no prior experience with emotions(except endless paranoia after tossing his mother's body in the cosmic basement oop--), he considers grief a needless suffering to be washed away in his new world.
Having built her up to be the new goddess of death in the wake of Etro's death, Bhunivelze challenges Lightning to a last match after she rebels against him. Their dynamic, by the way, is extremely romantically-charged in the JP— Teenage boy feelings do that to you. After a longass, multi-phased fight, Lightning, inevitably, defeats him...
And he goes full:
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This bitch, to the surprise of everyone in the arena including himself, starts sobbing his fucking eyes out. Realising he has lost control of the situation, and will have no part in the world he created, brother starts feeling it all— Sadness, grief, anger —The whole shebang.
My guy, in Peak Teenage Boy Angst, declares his intent to cast Lightning out. This, of course, proves ineffectual, and also One of the Most Video Game Divorces of All Time™! She wasn't even married to him! This is a trainwreck; I am obsessed with their dynamic; what is wrong with hiiiiiim????!?!
I bet £100 fucking bucks this guy was scribbling their initials together with hearts in some cheap pink spiral-bound notebook, kicking his non-existent legs back and forth as he imagines their wedding day. I bet he signed his diary entries with her surname. I can't. I'm fucking losing it. This is like Sephiroth if he was so much more desperate aND SEPHIROTH IS DESPERATE AS F U C K LMAOOO
Lightning is not having any of it. She signed up to get her sister back, not whatever the fuck this is. Did I mention he ripped the vestiges of Serah out of her heart, thereby emotionally crippling her? This fucking tool thought it'd be all fine once the plan went through. God. Dear God. He has no idea what he's toying with.
The fact that they toned all this down to Evil God Wants To Turn Humanity Into Mindless Slaves makes me so mad on so many levels, but I also wholly know why they did it.
The fact that Bhunivelze is an essentially all-powerful God who, to the best of his abilities, is genuinely sympathetic and loving, reiterating this time and time again, and yet not only despite but because of this fails in his role as a caretaker as he is unable, and unwilling to stoop down to humanity's level and engage with them on their own needs and terms, instead opting to follow his plan on crafting a utopia that would gut them of their memories and negative emotions struck a little too close for Western localisers.
Religion is a hot-button issue.
Far better to turn him into another cold, unrelatable Lucifer-like. Someone without love or care, who takes only to fuel his own arrogance.
I've talked before in another post similar to this written, god, what? A year ago? —About how this examination of a loving yet ultimately distant and detached god struck a chord with me. The romantic character especially— Within my old church, the relationship between God and the Church, you and He was always illustrated as akin to a groom and his bride.
I completely understand Lightning's drive to throw off that.
No love is worth being hollowed out. Even with the promise of being filled again.
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pansy-placebo · 3 months
Hi, I'm Pansy! Here are the facts about me:
I have a sex and a gender, or something. I suppose the important thing is that my pronouns are He/Him, or Xey/Xem if you want to take a walk on the wild side.
I'm disabled. I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) aka Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). I also have severe ADHD, which isn't being treated due to the medication shortage. But the CFS is really the one which makes my life boring as fuck rn.
🌸->->->->(info continues under the cut, including a DNI)<-<-<-<-🌸
I'm m🩵m and in a polyamorous relationship. Currently with my long-term partner, who has a boyfriend (we call each other boyfriends-in-law or BIL). My boyfriend/partner is also my carer. We've both had relationships aside from eachother but his current boyfriend has stuck around the longest 🩵🩷🩵
I really really like rays and skates! I love any and all kinds of them!!
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I have a growing plushie collection, which includes plushie rays and skates.
I'm a goth, which means I like goth music. If you don't know what goth music is, you can check out my favourites: Sisters of Mercy (This Corrosion or Lucretia My Reflection) Siouxie and the Banshees (Spellbound) Bauhaus (Bella Legosi's Dead) Depeche Mode, The Cure... There are many bands that make or made goth music, so even if you don't like what I've recommend you can likely still find something to your taste within the genre.
I'm an artist and I can draw, paint and sculpt. I try my best to keep up my skills when I'm having good days. I've also done a few performances, a couple of the drag variety.
My politics are left wing. I used to go to protests and make posters and signs when I was well. When I get well again, I will likely continue doing so.
I'm a recovering drug addict.
All drugs should be decriminalised, or at least legalized. If people's drugs are cut with another, it can lead to secondary addictions, overdose, or death. Fear of being arrested directly causes higher rates of death among drug users. People OD'ing end up taking the risk on their lives because they're scared of losing everything and going to jail. People end up not getting help with their addictions for the same reason.
Following that thread, I'm a recovering/recovered drug addict. I'm taking prescribed medication to prevent withdrawal, and going to weekly group therapy. I highly recommend it. Group recovery, I mean, not drug addiction. But we all do what we can to get by; I don't judge.
Trigger warnings:
I try to tag stuff but I will forget, so consider this a warning for my blog in general.
Drug addiction/recovery, sex, kink discussions, occasionally I'll engage with The Discourse™, talk about disability, discrimination (sometimes) and diary entries that are usually positive but sometimes aren't.
Do not follow/interact:
if you're queerphobic in any way- including/especially if you're a TERF or a transphobe, if you're pedo, if your account is a SH blog, pornbots (like that'll actually stop them, lol) right wingers/conservatives, anti sex work (including SWERFs. Your feminism isn't feminism if it doesn't include the most vulnerable), if you hate people of colour or pretend you just hate their culture, if you think ugly people are lazy or beneath you in any way.
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miss-kitty-fantastic · 10 months
Wow. I've been going through some old keepsakes and found this entry, in an old diary from high school.
People seem to think that I am smart. I don't know where they get this idea. It's all just an act, an act so badly executed that I'm surprised anyone is fooled by it. I have a bad memory, I have no initiative, and absolutely no people or social skills. I know very little about anything - and of the few facts that I do know, there are very few that I'm sure of.
I have wandered through my entire life feeling inadequate, stupid, and always just a few steps behind the rest. Yet, I have recently become aware that people see me as some kind of know-it-all. Which is surprising, considering that I spend all my time in a state of frustrated confusion. So it would appear that I am not only a bit slow, ill informed, and mnemonically challenged - but also highly obnoxious. That's nice to know.
Maybe this overestimation of my intelligence in the eyes of other people, stems from the fact that I tend to use large words in order to express myself. Plus I pronounce my words fully and don't have much of an Australian accent (grace a ma mere francaise). People must assume that a large vocabulary and enunciated speech indicate intelligence. I have a talent for expressing myself on paper, and to a much lesser extent verbally (due to paralysing self-consciousness and insecurity). This is not a sign of great intelligence, it's just an ability to bullshit using big words.
I wrote that when I was 16! Holy undiagnosed autism batman! 😂
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outofcontexturi · 1 year
wed aug 23 2023 10:15am journal
maybe I should consider using astrology to help me understand myself better but not to the extent of recruiting generalisations of signs and aspects that represent my birth chart as an indicator to my success or not. I have to remember that whatever I believe to be true also exists and that astrological predictions aren’t also accurate and that they’re predictions for a reason not facts. I’m living midly/low comfortably. I want to be living high/great comfortably. I thank God for the strong mental fortitude he’s offered me. I probably would’ve killed my self if I wasn’t strong enough. one of my closest friends stopped speaking to me recently. I’m not working regularly. I need to pay bills. we’re still in a cost of living crisis. I have a task to transform my life into what I want to it be and if the people around me don’t support or want to be around so be it. I’ll find others who will support me. But one things for sure and it’s I’m seeing everything I set out to see. I truly believe I’m going to. This last month or so has been a awkward limbo. But talking to people and it feels like a lot of us are in the same boat. I haven’t found the thing that works for me yet but I’m in the pursuit of it and that’s a start. I have to start somewhere. I think less time on Instagram and Twitter would be a good thing especially when I have so much time on my hands. Tumblr seems to be the only place I feel I can express my ideas. And where I’m not constantly bombarded with someone else’s lifestyle even though it’s an app where multiple pictures and users are found like a Twitter or an Instagram, it just feels different. That’s why I like it. I also just get to have a diary entry of my time here on earth which is cool. My digital footprint left on here. Nice. The more I read other people’s blogs about how they attained their wealth/success I’ve noticed a pattern in how so many of them say they suffered to get there. Maybe that’s where I am now. I’m in the process of “suffering” and if this is my suffering to get to where I want/need to get to to see nirvana on earth then so be it. I’ll go thru the fire. I think I’m trying as much as possible not to feel the pain of rejection but like all I’ve known since I’ve left drama school is rejection. I’ve had agents reject me, I’ve had job applications reject me, I clearly had friends who no longer want me, I’m doing rather good as far as suffering goes lol. Growth requires suffering. it’s probably why they call it growing pains. One of my redeeming traits is my positive outlook. I believe things will get better. I believe so because I’ve seen it happen to others around me and I’ve also been in situations that have seemed dire but have transformed my life for the better. My road to drama school wasn’t easy. The application process and the audition processes and the long months of waiting to hear back as well as hearing others had already got in. Things get better. It’s life. I do not for a single second believe I’m unfortunate. I’m greatly fortunate. My suffering is simply lessons I must go thru to impart on to someone else to help them understand life. But I’m very very fortunate. Fortune is stuck to me forever. I’d take offence to someone telling me I’m unfortunate. I really thank God that I’m thinking more wiser. I can clearly feel the growth. It’s 10:58am. 59 now. I need to bath and eat breakfast. I’ve been journalling for a while now. Time to make a move.
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alyssascorner · 1 year
Diary Entry #2 
Title: Navigating Heartbreak and Finding Self-Worth: Reflections on Ghosting
Written by: Alyssa | 7/6/2023
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Life has a way of throwing unexpected challenges at us, and sometimes, those challenges come in the form of heartbreak. This week, I experienced a painful and bewildering situation when my boyfriend of six months completely ghosted me following his baptism. As I struggle to make sense of what happened, I find solace in expressing my thoughts and emotions, hoping to find healing and clarity in the process.
The Shock of Ghosting:
The signs of trouble began with the untimely revelation of his baptism plans, shared at the ungodly hour of 1 am. This unexpected disclosure served as the first red flag, leaving me questioning the sincerity and commitment within our relationship. However, the real heartache came when he disappeared from my life entirely after the baptism ceremony. Not a single word of gratitude for my presence, no explanation, no response to calls or texts – just silence. The pain cut deep, leaving me feeling abandoned and betrayed.
The Clash of Worlds:
To exacerbate matters, some of the people from my religious community were present at the baptism, unaware of our relationship. The surprise they expressed upon seeing me heightened my confusion and played with my mind. Did their reaction have something to do with his sudden disappearance? Were they involved in his decision to ghost me? The sense of isolation and rejection intensified as I grappled with these questions.
The Weight of Broken Promises:
Our plans for a celebratory dinner after the baptism now lay shattered. The promises we made to each other, the dreams we shared, and the love we nurtured suddenly seemed like distant memories. It's devastating to realize that someone you trusted and opened your heart to can discard you so callously, without even a shred of explanation. It's an affront to the value we place on communication and mutual respect in a relationship. The promises we made to each other during our relationship now seem like distant memories, fading away into the abyss of unanswered questions. We had dreams, aspirations, and shared goals. We nurtured our love, cherishing the connection we thought we had built. It is heartbreaking to come to terms with the fact that someone we trusted, someone we opened our heart to, could discard us so callously. What hurts the most is the absence of any explanation. Ghosting leaves us with a profound sense of confusion, leaving our minds to desperately search for answers that may never come. Communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, and the lack of it feels like a betrayal of our shared values. We placed importance on openness, honesty, and mutual respect, and to have those principles disregarded in such a hurtful manner is an affront to our core beliefs.
The pain we feel is not just about the loss of a relationship but also about the erosion of our trust in others. It becomes difficult to open up again, to let someone into the sacred spaces of our heart when we have experienced the deep disappointment of being left without explanation or closure. The emotional wounds inflicted by this kind of abandonment take time to heal.
Learning from the Pain and Moving Forward:
In the midst of the heart-wrenching anguish caused by ghosting, it is crucial to remind ourselves that we deserve better. No one should be subjected to emotional manipulation or have their insecurities exploited. It's natural to feel hurt, betrayed, and even question our own self-worth in the aftermath of such an experience. However, it's essential to recognize that this painful encounter does not define who we are. Every hardship we face, including the pain of betrayal, can serve as a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. It becomes a turning point, propelling us towards a stronger and more resilient version of ourselves. As we navigate the aftermath of ghosting, we can choose to rise above the pain and use it as a stepping stone toward a brighter future.It's vital to remember that our worth as individuals is not determined by the actions or choices of others. We are inherently valuable, deserving of love, respect, and open communication in our relationships. The betrayal we have experienced does not diminish our worth. Instead, it highlights the importance of recognizing our own value and refusing to accept anything less than we deserve. As I navigate the path to healing, I am reminded of the strength within me. While it's natural to be hurt and to question our own judgment, it's crucial not to blame ourselves for the actions of others. It is not a reflection of our worth or our ability to love. In time, the wounds will heal, and we will emerge stronger and wiser. Healing takes time, and it is a unique journey for each individual. It involves honoring our emotions, seeking support from loved ones, and engaging in activities that nurture our well-being. It's essential to create space for self-reflection and growth, allowing ourselves to heal at our own pace. Along the way, we may discover new passions, uncover hidden strengths, and gain a deeper understanding of our own needs and desires. While the pain of betrayal may linger, it does not define our future. We have the power to choose how we move forward from this experience. By acknowledging our worth, learning from the past, and cultivating resilience, we can approach future relationships with confidence and clarity. We can set healthy boundaries, communicate our needs, and surround ourselves with individuals who uplift and respect us.
Experiencing ghosting after a significant event like a baptism is undeniably painful and confusing. It tests our faith in others and challenges our ability to trust again. However, by acknowledging our feelings, seeking support from loved ones, and focusing on self-care, we can gradually heal from the heartbreak and emerge with newfound resilience. Remember, our worth is not defined by the actions of others, but by the love and respect we have for ourselves.
Xoxo Alyssa
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luanna801 · 2 years
On Jonathan’s PTSD Symptoms and Memory Loss
(Excerpt from a longer paper I wrote in college when I was getting a degree in Psychology, in which I went through all the diagnostic criteria for PTSD as laid out in the DSM-V and described how Jonathan checks off each criterion.)
The third criterion is avoidance of trauma-related stimuli after the event. One form this can take is avoidance of trauma-related thoughts or feelings, which Jonathan shows on several levels. He claims to remember nothing of his time in the castle, but whether this is true loss of memory (also a symptom of PTSD, discussed below) or avoidance is left ambiguous. Mina describes Jonathan’s memory loss with the disclaimer that “at least, he wants me to believe so”, further adding that “he has had some terrible shock, and it might tax his poor brain if he were to try and recall it”. Jonathan has also kept a detailed diary of his time in the castle and yet refuses to read it, handing it over to Mina for safekeeping instead, telling her to “Take it and keep it, read it if you will, but never let me know” unless as a last resort. This is both an avoidance of his memories of the castle and also avoidance of a physical reminder, the second type of avoidance symptom.
The fourth criterion is negative alterations in cognitions and mood, which must manifest in at least two different ways. One of these is inability to recall key features of the trauma, and as discussed above, Jonathan claims to remember nothing of his time in the castle after recovering from his initial delirium, Mina noting that “he does not remember anything that has happened to him for a long time past.” After seeing Dracula again in the incident described above, Jonathan seems to have once again forgotten everything when he wakes up, and Mina worriedly comments that “I don’t like this lapsing into forgetfulness; it may make or continue some injury to the brain”.
Tl;dr, intentional avoidance of traumatic memories and involuntary memory loss are both symptoms of PTSD; in fact both are specifically cited by the DSM-V as symptoms to be used as criteria for a diagnosis.
My personal guess is that Jonathan is experiencing true memory loss, which would be an extremely common trauma response in this scenario. (I think for example, that the way he totally blanks out after seeing Dracula in this entry is probably all too real.) But he also shows signs of intentional avoidance such as refusing to read his diary, and I don’t think it’s a stretch to assume he doesn’t really want to recover those memories at this point because it would just be too traumatic.
Without getting into any spoilers, he also later brings up being afraid of whether his memories are even trustworthy or just a sign that he’s lost his mind, and that’s definitely a factor to consider here as well. My take would be that he has at least some total blanks in his memory, and the rest of his memories are so jumbled and terrifying that he can’t stand trying to focus on them, both because it would be too traumatic and because he’s afraid they’re just hallucinations caused by his breakdown.
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shortprince-cos · 2 years
An analysis of Darius' feelings towards Hunter:
because I have nothing better to do than think about this
Any Sport In A Storm spoilers ahead!
(Note: This is just my opinion and thoughts on Darius. It might not end up being canon, but this is how I'm observing the dynamic in this and previous episodes.)
I think the way Darius' feelings shift in this episode is so very interesting (and so sweet) that I feel the need to write about it for who knows how long. So, let's dive in!
The Annoyance
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This could all be chalked up to his personality being vain, arrogant, and slightly rebellious, but I like to overthink things, so let's just use his personality as more evidence.
Its first shown (or, well, stated) in Hunter's diary entry how Darius and Hunter usually interact; Darius being annoyed, and ignoring Hunter while Hunter doesn't seem to mind much (probably because he was brought up with this being normal, but that's a whole other issue).
I personally believe that Darius feels and acts this way because all he knows about Hunter, the new Golden Guard, is that he is Belo's right hand man. A puppet. Someone who only follows orders, and who most likely didn't even have a face for most of the time he's known him.
"You're very good at doing exactly what you're told."
Another reason is the fact that Hunter replaced whoever his predecessor was, the other or original Golden Guard. Someone who Darius seemed to revere with high respect and admiration.
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Obviously, seeing someone you look up to get replaced by a bratty teenager just because he's your boss' nephew would make you kind of hate him, wouldn't it?
It makes sense that Darius would dislike Hunter because of this, even going so far as to call him "Little Prince" as a clear sign of why he detests him.
He also doesn't take Hunter very seriously, telling him to "go play arts and crafts" when they canceled the meeting, something that Hunter was supposed to lead.
Darius ignores him because he thinks Hunter is just Belos' annoying kid, who took the place of someone he considered better.
The Change of Heart
Darius' feelings towards Hunter changing in this episode is SUPER interesting because I didn't think that Darius would become an important figure in Hunter's character development AT ALL, so I think it's important to talk about why Darius' feelings shifted so quickly.
Throughout the episode, Darius is continuously being exasperated by Hunter, just saying things to get him to leave him alone on his day off, and hoping that Hunter wouldn't take this "mission" seriously.
However this all changes the minute Hunter rebelled, something that Darius didn't expect from him.
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He's surprised, and in his own words, impressed that Hunter is becoming his own person, and finally making some friends his own age outside of the coven.
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He's even proud that Hunter is learning to stand up for himself and be stronger.
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Clearly, Darius is someone who values life outside of the coven, and that's why he is starting to view Hunter in a higher regard.
He's learning that Hunter isn't just "the new Golden Guard", he's just a kid trying to live up to the title, and in a way, it makes Darius see him as more of a human (metaphorically) rather than an entitled soldier.
TL;DR: Darius is a dad now.
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mrsgojosatoru · 2 years
The funny thing you are missing is Amber Heard is the abuser, she has repeatedly been violent and instigated fights. You can hear in the audio. There’s plenty of evidence. Even before she was with Depp of her violent streak. She also has some mental health issues that have been brought up. She needs to be taking medication for. It’s actually quite disrespectful for her to claim she’s a victim when she’s the one who’s been abusing and being physically violent with people. It’s all just very sad. She even mocked JD saying no one would believe him if he ever tried to come forward. She is only giving a bad rep and making it harder for those who actually go through these kinds of things. She’s been caught in a lie many many times. It’s very obvious that its premeditated.
And JFK is going to come back any day now and put Trump back in his rightful spot in the presidency.
I'm really sorry school has failed you so much that you fell for an online smear campaign without looking at any of the other evidence. You should work on your media literacy skills.
Amber did what is called reactive violence, this is not uncommon in abuse. Amber did not have the power to abuse her older, heterosexual, wealthy, famous husband. An expert witness just testified the other day about this. How much of the trial have you watched? Or are you just regurgitating an a smear campaign from Adam Waldman in my inbox?
Anyways her partner claimed that report was filled due to homophobia.
Amber was diagnosed with BPD and the defunct histrionic personality by a doctor wined and dined by Depp who talked to her for 12 hours. Other doctors have diagnosed her with PTSD and Battered Wife Syndrome. But I should stress even if Amber does have BPD to use that against her as a sign she is an abuser is gross and ableist.
That audio of her "mocking" D*pp is a clip taken out of context and passed around the internet as part of a smear campaign orchestrated by Adam Waldman. (Who btw has ties to Russians oligarchs who likely spread disinformation about the 2016 election.) The clip cuts off before she goes “Because you’re big, you’re bigger and you’re stronger. And so, when I say that I thought that you could kill me, that doesn’t mean you counter with you also lost your own finger. I’m not trying to attack you here. I’m just trying to point out the fact of why I said call 911. Because you had your hands on me after you threw a phone at my face. And it’s got crazy in the past, and I truly thought I need to stop this madness before I get hurt.” 
You're really going to tell me the pictures, witness testimony, videos of johnny breaking stuff, expert testimony on IPV, the fact that johnny just got caught in a lie about his finger yesterday, the misogynistic text messages, and the fact that a judge ruled in the UK that amber was abused all is just what? A lie?
For that to be true, Amber would have had to been plotting this and faking this since she started dating D*pp. Diary entries, emails, text messages, fake photos, getting people who aren't even her friends anymore to keep lying for her. For what? 7 million dollars? When she was entitled to over 30 million? Like what's the pay off? SO she could have people attacking her every single day, calling her a gold digger and a liar and amber turd, and a psychopath. Like what was the fucking benefit to do all that?
For Johnny to have abused her a man with a history of violence would just have to have used his power to abuse his much younger wife.
Amy Dunne isn't real, Harvey Weinstein is.
Anyways get better soon bestie, and brush up on your media literacy skills. Maybe stop getting all your news from tiktok memes. We've got an election coming up in 2 years and at this rate it'll be so easy for Trump to pull another misinformation campaign on ya'll. I mean that's who's pushing all these anti-amber heard stories on social media anyways.
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theflyingfeeling · 2 years
The Day I Made Joel Hokka Laugh, aka concert report from High 5ive Summer Fest @ Stockholm, 1.7.2022 🖤
By now these are more like diary entries so I'm gonna start by telling how goddamn nervous I was because first of all I had to make my way to the venue all by myself in a foreign city, and when I had done that successfully I had to get nervous AGAIN because holy fucking shit I was gonna meet the boys face-to-face at the signing session? 😵
And like. Where do I even start 😅
..I guess with Niko, as he was the first one in the row to sign the card! As soon as he addressed me I said "MOI" as clearly as I could to indicate I'm Finnish 🤡 Then I, umm, talked about the weather?
mä: Ootteko tarennu
Niko & Aleksi: Ollaan tarettu joo.. (😂)
Niko: Laitetaanko tällane [nimmarikortti]?
mä: Laitapa semmone 😎
(Sorry, my extremely deep and intellectual conversation with Niko doesn't translate to English that well 😇)
And remember how I was low-key planning on printing pictures of our family dachshunds for them to sign? I didn't do that (because my printer wasn’t cooperating 🤣), HOWEVER I did show Aleksi a picture of Osku and Bobby on my phone 😃 ..and proceeded to talk about how old they are and how Osku has had some back issues lately and how Bobby learned to swim last Monday and we just bonded over dachshunds 😭💞
Aleksi: Ai että! Mäyräkoirat on ihan parhaita! / Dachshunds are the best!
mä: Nii onki! mutta välillä vähän itsepäisiä. / They are! But stubborn sometimes.
I don't remember what exactly Aleksi said then but he agreed 🥲
Joonas was also taking a peek at the dog picture on my phone but I didn't say anything to him because I was recovering from the exchange I had had with Aleksi 😆
And then there was Joel <3
mä: Moi :)
Joel: Moi. Oot Suomesta tullu tänne? / You’ve come here from Finland?
mä: Joo!
Joel: M I K S / W H Y
mä: Miksei? / Why not? 😂
Joel: Ei tää ihan mikään Tuska oo mutta... / This ain't quite like the Tuska festival (=a heavy metal music festival theyre perfomong at today)
Joel was SO talkative and it was such a shame I couldn't hear (or understand 😆) half of what he said 🥺🤲
He was wearing a bun when they arrived but let his hair down once the signing started and then tied it up to a bun again immediately after the signing session was over. An important detail, I know lol you're welcome
Tommi, on the other hand, didn't say a single fucking thing in true Tommi manner and used the opportunity (of Joel's talkativeness) to quickly scribble his signature on the card and pass it on to Olli
And oh my fucking god
Like. You've all seen pictures of Olli? Seen videos of him? You all know he's stunning? Gorgeous? Heavenly?
From, like, one, metre away, though? With the sun lighting up his eyes? Him looking straight into your eyes and smiling at you? He is fucking beautiful
In fact, he is SO beautiful, suddenly just THERE in front of me when I had barely recovered from having Joel talk full sentences to me that I swear I lost my consciousness for a second there. I'm not exaggerating, I felt like I was hit by a truck:
He said "moi" (hi)
I said "kiitos" (thank you)
Then I was just. Shaking for about five minutes. The first thing I could make myself say (besides "oh my god") was a dumbfounded "Olli smiled at me?!" 😵😂
I've been grinnning at this interaction ever since 😅
After I had recovered from the thrill of getting to interact with them (safe for Tommi "just some dude" Lalli) and seeing the queue to their table sort of die out, I was like "...I'm gonna go there again! :D"
And I did!! 🙈 to get a signed card for "a friend who couldn't make it" (👋) and Niko was like "sure!" 🥰
It was also cute how carefully and concentratedly Niko writes/draws his signature 😭💖
I didn't say anything to Aleksi this time around because I was gathering courage to talk with Joonas: I told him they should play Den Glider In 😅
Joonas said that it would be convenient since the venue was right next to Globen (the arena where Team Finland won its first ice hockey world championship title in 1995 against Sweden and proceeded to "steal" their official song made specifically for the tournament, the aforementioned Den Glider In). He added that maybe they should use it as the intro song lol (they didn't 😔)
Then Joel asked me to shout "PERKELE" during the show 😂 (which I did! I don't think they heard me though, but at the end of the show I heard the Finnish dudes standing behind me shout "perkele" as well 💙🤍
Joel went on about some (assumably) Finnish band (didn't hear which one) that managed to have a whole arena of people to chant "perkele" at their concert 😅 Joel baby I would've been up for that, where were you?!
..and again Tommi managed to avoid small talk by signing the card as quickly as he could and passed it on again 😆
..*sigh* to Olli 😩
Like, I had planned to break the ice by joking how the first time around I had said "thank you" instead of "hi"
But like. Olli's method of avoiding awkward small talk is clearly to just. Look into your eyes like you're the only person in the universe, smile that stunning little smile of his, and say "moi"
I managed to say "moi" back this time though, but there was no way I could've stayed to, like, actually have a conversation with him 🙈 he is so beautiful?! 😭
I bet they put him last on purpose because I don't get how anyone could recover from his beauty to be able to perfom any sort of human interaction for the following 5-10 minutes 😅
So I got TWO cards with their signatures, and on my way inside the venue I tried to put them in my backpack but I dropped one on the ground and immediately after a member or staff came from behind me and stepped right on Olli's pretty face 🤣 I started laughing at the comical timing of the situation and so did the stranger next to me who witnessed it 😂
And the concert itself? Let me start by saying that it was so..pleasant? In comparison to all the BC concerts I've been to in Finland, all of which have, safe for the time BC was on stage, been rather UNpleasant due to a LOT of teenagers and little kids screaming and disrespecting your personal space 🙄
There was none of that, not even on the first row?! 😭
So yeah. First fucking row. I could literally see the sweat gleaming on Porko's tits 💦
And speaking of Porko it was SUPER fascinating to get to see his guitar playing so up close 👀 that man sure has skillful fingers...
And on the first row you realise even more how there's SO MUCH STUFF happening on stage ALL THE TIME, it's hard to decide what to focus on :')
I feel like I can't actually remember anything, the whole thing was like a fever dream? 😂
Like, Joonas was RIGHT in front of me in all his shirtless glory 💖
Olli visited our side fairly often (so often thay Joonas had to push him away at some point, as I was told afterwards 🤣 (didn't see this myself sadly but I can imagine)), and I feel like Olli and I sang to each other a couple of times, but that could've been just wishful thinking 😇 He def looked into my camera once while singing along but his face is all dark in the video so I have no proof of this lol but yeah. Was an experience 💖
In Jyväskylä when I made eye-contact with him I started giggling nervously, but this time I was brave and held his gaze 😤
And say what you say, Don't Fix Me slaps live 😤
At some point during Left Outside Alone maybe (after I had just stopped filming) Joel was literally walking backwards towards Aleksi's lap/crotch (who had come down to the stage from behind his table) because that's how much he wants to be the little spoon 🥰
That was some time before the Olli/Joonas butt slap that I caught on camera lol
Sadly no Niko/Joonas kiss 😔
If you need to hear Joel speaking literally 3 words of Swedish, hit me up, I got it on video 😁 (and when I say "literally 3 words" I mean LITERALLY "ett, två, tre" 🤣)
There was a moshpit or something during Over My Dead Body, we just barely avoided it by being on the first row lol
"We" as in @thesupernaturalwhovian (thanks for the water bottle!) and @forehead-knife 🖤 it was so nice meeting you, thanks for hanging out!
It was such a shame their set was only 40 minutes, it went by way too fast :( Perhaps their next gig in Sweden will be at one of the bigger venues 😌🖤
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hopeymchope · 3 years
Judging the Danganronpa x Sanrio character pairings
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You may have already heard that a DANGANRONPA X SANRIO line of crossover merch was announced a few days ago! Which is obviously AMAZING, because they’re combining cutesy characters that have often been marketed to wee children with everybody’s favorite murderdeathkill game! I LOVE IT.
I have a niece who went through a Sanrio/Hello Kitty phase, so I actually know a few of these characters. In turn, this means that I have THOUGHTS on how the DR1 and Sanrio cast were paired up.
Granted, I still had to look up a lot of these guys and read about them. But now I feel adequately educated to the point where I can judge just how well the Danganronpa and Sanrio pairings actually match up. 
Makoto Naegi/Cinnamoroll - Obviously this totally works because Makoto IS something of a cinnamon roll, eh? EH? But Cinnamoroll is said to be shy albeit still very friendly. He also likes to seek out fun new adventures. So, aside from “very friendly,” I’m not sure that this sounds like Makoto. I also doubt that calling a character a “cinnamon roll” is common slang in Japan. So this is whatever.
Sayaka Maizono/Wish Me Mell - Mell has the power to connect people’s hearts by simply stating the feelings they keep inside. She was initially withdrawn and believed she didn’t have any friends, but the people who cared for her finally broke through her shell and convinced her that she DOES have friends. So uh, Maizono... I guess music can also bring out people’s feelings? And perhaps you could plausibly HC that Sayaka has often felt like her surrounding friends were “fake” and only there because of her celebrity status. There’s not really much to go on here. 
Leon Kuwata/Tiran - Tiran is an orange T-rex that is said to be scatterbrained but still a strong and reliable leader. Meanwhile, Leon has orange hair, and he’s certainly strong and kind of scatterbrained sometimes. It sorta works.
Kyoko Kirigiri/Marroncream - Marroncream is bright, positive, and fashionable. She is talented at making crafts and sweets. She lives in Paris. She has nearly nothing in common with Kyoko, although Kyoko did live abroad a lot in her younger years. So I could try to latch onto the Paris thing.
Hifumi Yamada/Pokopon - Pokopon is a raccoon that loves to read but dislikes ghosts and “the thunder god.” (uh... what?) He also finishes his sentences with the unusual suffix “-das.” Of course, Hifumi loves to write (which certainly is connected to reading), and he likes to end all names with a weird suffix (”-dono”), so I can see how they might make a cute pair.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru/Pekkle - Pekkle is a duck who is good-natured and kind. He loves to sing and dance. It kind of sounds like he should’ve been matched with Sayaka, but instead he’s here with Taka. While Ishimaru is definitely a good person, I don’t think most people would immediately describe him as “kind.” And he certainly isn’t known for his love of music.
Yasuhiro Hagakure/Monkichi - Monkichi is a laid-back, easygoing guy who is upbeat and loves puns. His dream is to become a poet. It’s said that once he sets his mind on something, there is no stopping him! And in comparison, Hagakure is... well, he’s kind of laid-back in the sense that he’s kind of lazy? But he’s actually pretty high-stress a lot of the time, too. Honestly, there’s not much linking the two.
Chihiro Fujisaki/Kurousa and Shirousa - Shirousa is the white one and is the older sibling to Kurousa, the brown one. Shirousa is described as an energetic leader and Kurousa is described as being nice but lazy. They like to make cakes. What does any of this have to do with Chihiro? Beats me. This particular pairing is nonsense.
Byakuya Togami/Badtz-Maru - Badtz-Maru is said to have a bad attitude and dreams of being “the boss of everything” when he grows up. He tends to act a bit selfish, and he mocks things he dislikes/disagrees with. He enjoys expensive food and collecting photos of movie villains. With the exception of that last point, I’d have to say that this sounds like a near-perfect match for Togami.
Mondo Owada/Goropikadon - The Goropikadon are a group of cave boys whose actual names are Goro (blue hair), Pika (pink hair), and Don (teal hair). Goro is always hungry and joking around. PIka is a thoughtful, shy mama’s boy. Don is serious and places a high value on honesty. Overall, I suppose that how quick Mondo is to get angry and resort to violence kind of makes him seem like a stereotypical caveman? But in terms of their distinct personalities, only Don’s focus on honesty rings true for Mondo. 
Toko Fukawa/Lloromannic - Another multi-character one. The Llormannic are a pair of creatures named Berry (the black one, who is male) and Cherry (the pink one, who is female). They are mischievous and love to play pranks on humans. Cherry was originally alone and created Berry for companionship; however, she mixed up her magic spell ingredients and used salt when she meant to use sugar, which resulted in Berry turning out to be a more hostile being than Cherry. I suppose the fact that Berry is a darker creation of Cherry’s sort of reflects the relationship between Toko and her other self, Genocide(r) Syo/Jack. However, Berry and Cherry are still best friends. Toko and Syo/Jack are definitely not that.
Celestia Ludenberg/Kuromi - Kuromi is the rival of a bunny named “My Melody” who doesn’t appear in this promotion. Kuromi is said to look “tough and punk” in her jester’s hat with the pink skull on it, but in reality she is very girly. She enjoys writing in her diary, reading romance books, cooking, and checking out good-looking guys. I suppose Celestia did have that dream of living in a mansion where she was served by handsome guys dressed as vampires? So... they both like hot guys? But that’s all I’ve got here. Pretty sure this pairing only exists for aesthetic reasons. And admittedly, their aesthetics mesh very well.
Aoi Asahina/Keroppi - Keroppi lives with his family on the edge of Donut Pond. He is bubbly, a fantastic swimmer and, because of the name of his home pond, is often associated with donuts and/or things that are donut-shaped. Ok, so this was an obvious pairing, then. They nailed it. Probably the single best pairing they came up with.
Sakura Ogami/My Sweet Piano - Yes, the character’s name is literally “My Sweet Piano.” She’s described as soft, kind, and girly. Given Sakura’s secret love of girly things, I can see how this soft, pink, girly sheep would be something she’d love to be around. 
Junko Enoshima (...?)/Hello Kitty - Hello Kitty (a.k.a. Kitty White) is described by Sanrio as “cute, bright, sweet, kind-hearted and tomboyish.” They also say that Kitty is very close with her sister, Mimmy. As for Junko... look, the only reason I think maybe this is supposed to be Junko is because Mukuro already has her own Sanrio matchup (see the next entry), but in terms of her appearance, this “Junko” sure looks like it’s “Junkuro.” The telltale sign is that giant bow on the left side of the head, which only Mukuro-as-Junko has ever worn. I doubt we’re supposed to be thinking that they did two Mukuros in two different outfits, though? 
It’s like this: If it’s Junko, well, I guess both Junko and Kitty are icons within their respective brands. And Junko tries to put on a “cute and bright” exterior persona, I guess? But that’s pretty thin. On the other hand, if this is Mukuro in disguise, this is actually a semi-decent matchup! Mukuro is arguably tomboyish and certainly very close to her sister (at least from her own perspective), so these two are not without their parallels. 
In either case, both Kitty and the Unknown Despair Sister have a big bow on the left side of their head. Which I think is the real reason they’ve been paired, honestly.
Mukuro Ikusaba/Little Twin Stars - Kiki and Lala are a pair of twins that were born on December 24th. Mukuro is one half of a pair of twins ALSO born on December 24th. Instant connection! Kiki (the blue-haired boy) loves fishing and inventing things. He is curious and cheeky. Lala (the pink-haired girl) loves drawing, writing poems, and cooking. She is rather timid. In short, the “twins with the same birthdate” thing is the only thing connecting Mukuro to these two. Still, it’s not bad.
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Also, the most amazing thing to come out of this team-up so far HAS TO BE MonoKitty. Hello Kitty cosplaying as our favorite psychotic MurderBear? How great is that? SELL ME MERCH OF MONOKITTY.
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