#also the first thing i learned about wesley was that my friend randy had a raging crush on him when he was like 15
https-chaos · 5 months
i love wesley crusher so much. i love his sweaters and i love his big brain and i love the fact that he has the attitude to match it. he's so serious and he wants to be taken seriously so bad but he's just a little guy. i want to tell him he's the smartest specialest enterprise boy and his hard work doesn't go under the radar
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nemossubmarine · 8 years
For the Tabletop RPG Ask Meme: 2, 7, 13, 17, 21, 23, 26, 30
2.) When did you start role playing? How old were you?I’m quite new to this, actually. We tried to start few games of DnD back in high school, but never got farther than one session (and the second attempt stopped at character creation), so it don’t really count. It mostly failed on the fact that it all felt so complicated. I started the Dragon Age RP I’m still playing in 2014, actually, we’ll be going exactly 3 years this month. :P I was 20.
7.) Longest campaign you’ve run or played in?3 years of DA RP. :D I’ve both played in it and ran it. About 50/50 time-wise. Longest single adventure was 9-sessions of boats and pirates we did last spring, I was playing in that.
13.) Your most ridiculous character. Def Juicyman666 or just Juicy. I visited a friend last month for a week and he took me to his local RP-club and I got to partake in a Cyberpunk RP for a session. Juicy was my friend’s character’s bf. He did bodyguard jobs mostly. He always wore bright neon colored crop-tops and booty shorts with the word “JUICY” on the butt (the pre-rolled character sheet said that he didn’t wear much so I just ran with it). And he was really fond of one-liners. And really really 90′s in general. Like Wesley Snipes in Demolition Man? That’s what I imagined him like.
17.) Something that shouldn’t have worked, but did.Literally the first thing I thought of was the awkward seducing incident. So, the story goes, our characters are trapped in a dream-world. Our dwarf warrior, Randy, thinks he’s an elf, because dwarves don’t dream in DA-universe. Cahair (my elven rogue) and Elspet (human mage) try to go get him, but he has somehow gotten himself into this situation which involves lots of naked elves and rocking horses (don’t ask). So. Logical thing for my character to do is strip down and go seduce him. Right? Right?? It worked. And then Cahair spent almost the entire trip in the dream-world dragging Randy around, pretending to be his boyfriend (which was super-awkward bc Cahair’s unrequited love was there too). It basically ended with Cahair making a deal with a demon just to get Randy back to normal.(we… don’t talk about this incident IC at all, we have all agreed it’s for the best)
Oh and I guess, one time we were so lost we asked a demon for directions? It worked. We wished it wouldn’t have… Caused us a lot of trouble that.
21.) Your favorite NPC and how the party reacted to him/her  Aah, that’s no doubt Konstantine, my necromancer mage I introduced in last campaign as a teacher for one of our mages. Well that mage in question hit it off with him right away, though the rest were a bit slower to warm up to him, since y’know, necromancy (or “black magic” as some referred to it, even tho it’s totally respectable in Konstantine’s home country) Our templar was most suspicious, since Konstantine has escaped from the mage tower. But, he’s part of our pirate crew now, and people have warmed up to him, and they seem to think he’s good enough with his magic to be a teacher and not need constant surveillance.
23.) Something you made up on the spot. Well, the DnD campaign I’m running rn is at least 50% made up on the spot as I don’t have time to write very detailed things. :D That’s going to bite me in the ass. It already has. The party found a body last session and for some reason I went a lil overboard with the blood descriptions and it basically ended with me going “yeah, clearly there’s been more people killed here, but you have no idea where the bodies are”. And… I don’t know where the bodies are, or why, oh no…
I also held a one-shot story about one of our DA RP characters killing his father with the help of some assassins (well, he wanted to rescue his mother and the father-killing was an unfortunate plus) and since I didn’t want to tell the players playing the assassins that assassination was the order of business, I had no idea how they were planning on doing it, before we began playing. Had to play the whole session by the ear, basically.
26.) The craziest thing your players have ever done, and how it affected your plans.I don’t think my players do crazy things that would affect my plans so greatly. Partly it’s because (esp in the past, but I’m getting better) I’ve been a bit of a rail-roader. Secondly we have pretty level-headed characters, so that even if someone wants to do something that might fuck me over (such as killing the arl’s son since he saw them breaking into the arl’s mansion) they’ll usually come up with a better solution (drugging him).
Well.. I guess they did skip one side-plot completely, bc they were just having none of that. There was this cursed house campaign I did, and a side-plot had to do with helping the ghosts of the kids in the house to rest (it wasn’t like, spelled out to the players but would have quickly became apparent). One of the kids (a teenager) they found so annoying that they just didn’t talk to her after the first time. :D Other was a very tiny boy they found in his room. He started bleeding and screaming. And our templar just… closed the door. Ah well. Stay restless my kids. I just skipped that content completely, it was a side-plot after all. (although they found the third kid (who was turned into a glass statue) again in a later campaign and are now trying to free her, so I guess the key was not talking?? :D)
30.) What makes GMing fun for you. I really like trying all sorts of different things for campaigns, content and game-play wise. I don’t think I’ve written two campaigns that were the same. I also like that I can write stories that are more than just a bit cliche and that can have some self-indulgent stuff in them that can still be enjoyable to gm and for the players to play. And writing campaigns, it’s just like, this creativity that keeps on building and rolling. I get so much joy from trying to figure out the plot points I left for myself and making sense of things and thinking “how can I lay these things out for the players to pick up?”Also I like working with players in learning about their characters and incorporating some personal elements into the campaigns (though the second part might not always work).And and when players take something that has happened to their characters in a campaign and use that as character development moment. Rly makes me happy, even tho idk how often that happens either. I just rly dig when situations I put people into inspire them to have character moments. ;A;
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placetobenation · 4 years
Home on the Range
Release Date: April 2nd, 2004
Inspiration: N/A
Budget: $110 million
Domestic Gross: $50 million
Worldwide Gross: $145.5 million
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 53%
IMDB Score: 5.4/10
Storyline (per IMDB): Alameda Slim (Randy Quaid), a wanted cattle rustler, uses an alias to buy up properties all over western Nebraska, and his next target is the Patch of Heaven dairy farm, where the widow owner cares more for her “family” of yard animals than she does for profit. She just doesn’t have the cash to keep in business or to prevent Slim from taking her farm. The animals, mainly carefree youngsters, are unable to help, however, three cows of very different temperaments rise to the desperate occasion and set out to do battle for their dream home. They team up with the Sheriff’s megalomaniac horse and any other animal who can possibly help, even a crazy lucky rabbit and an invincible buffalo.
Pre-Watching Thoughts: We continue on through the 2000s with another film that I’ve never seen before and to be perfectly honest, my hopes for this one are not too high sadly simply because of how poorly the last few films have done. As I usually do, I am going in optimistic that perhaps the film will surprise me and I will enjoy it very much, and hopefully things start to turn around with this film.
Voice Cast: In the last film, we had practically a whole new batch of actors take part in the film while there were a few returning actors in minor roles, and the same holds true here as we once again have a predominantly new cast. We did have a few actors return including Patrick Warburton who voices Patrick the horse and also Estelle Harris who voices Audrey the chicken, but again these are just minor roles as the new cast take up the main characters. We start off with Roseanne Barr who voices Maggie in one of her few film roles, and then we have Dame Judi Dench who voices Mrs. Caloway in one of her few appearances in an animated film. Next, we have Jennifer Tilly who voices Grace as she was hitting her stride with her career by this point, and then we have Cuba Gooding Jr. who voices Buck as he was also hitting the stride of his career at this point. We then have Randy Quaid who voices Alameda Slim as he was starting to wind down his career by this point, and then we have Charles Dennis who voices Rico in one of his few film roles in his career. Next, we have Charles Haid who voices Lucky Jack as he was also starting to wind down his career as well, and then we have Carole Cook who voices Pearl in one of the last film roles of her career. We then have Joe Flaherty who voices Jeb in his final film role before moving onto a career in teaching, and then we have Steve Buscemi who voices Wesley as he was at the peak of his career at this point. Next, we have Richard Riehle who voices Sheriff Sam Brown as he was hitting his stride in his career at this point, and then we have Lance LeGault who voices Junior in one of his final film roles of his career. We then have G.W. Bailey who voices Rusty as he was starting to wind down his career by this point, and then we have Dennis Weaver who voices Abner in his second-to-last film role as he would pass away two years later. Next, we have Sam J. Levine who voices the Willie Brothers in minor roles and finally we have Ann Richards who voices Annie in one of her few film roles. This was a case where we have a solid number of big stars in a film as opposed to one big name and a few slightly big names, and we will see which way future films are cast as we keep going forward.
Hero/Prince: To be perfectly honest, we have had a recent string of subpar heroes after having some strong ones in the 1990s, and it’s not the complete fault of these last few heroes as they have just not stacked up well. Sadly, that trend does continue here as our hero to talk about is the former prize cow Maggie who is brought to Patch of Heaven to live, and after the animals learn of the farm’s future fate Maggie decides to get them the money with the help of Mrs. Caloway and Grace. They learn that the reward money for the capture of Slim is enough to save the farm so they decide to capture him, and they come across a herd of steers that is captured by Slim though they manage to escape. After some tension between the three, they meet Lucky Jack who leads them to Slim’s hideout and they free the steers though Slim escapes, and they follow him to the farm which he tries to buy in disguise though they expose him and he is captured as Maggie becomes a member of the farm. Maggie is an interesting character in that she has lived the high life as a show cow and is willing to show off to the other animals at the farm, and she is often at odds with Caloway though they eventually become friends. She is loud, bombastic, and slightly obnoxious, but she clearly cares about the farm to the point that she would risk her life to save it, and while she is a fine hero for the film she is probably the weakest hero to this point.
Princess: N/A
Villain: Similar to the heroes of these last few films, the villains have also been pretty tepid and we have seen a major downgrade in the quality of the villains, and that trend doesn’t end here as we have the outlaw cattle rustler Alameda Slim. He travels the countryside stealing cattle from various ranches that he used to work at with the help of his nephews the Willie Brothers, and then he buys the ranches at auction under the alias of Yancy O’Dell to fully complete his revenge on those he feel has wronged him. After stealing close to 5,000 steers, he heads to Patch of Heaven as O’Dell to purchase the farm at auction only for Maggie, Caloway, and Grace to stop him, and they reveal his true identity and he is arrested with the cows receiving the $750 bounty on him. We have had some pretty basic villains to this point and some very memorable ones, but Slim is certainly not memorable at all and is about as basic of a villain as you could get with his only unique feature is being able to yodel and puts cows in a trance. He is possibly one of the worst villains that we’ve had to this point and it will be interesting to see if he ends up being the worst or if there are any others worse than him.
Other Characters: As has become the norm with these films, we have a large group of characters though only a handful of them really play a major role in the film and the rest are just background players. We first have the pair of Mrs. Caloway and Grace who live at the farm with Caloway acting as the leader and Grace who is innocent but simple minded, and when Maggie decides to try and save the farm they go with her. They go off to capture Slim and are nearly captured themselves only for Grace to save them due to her being tone deaf and she is immune to Slim’s yodel, and Caloway ultimately decides to go back to the farm though Grace and Maggie convince her to help when Lucky Jack leads them to the hideout. They rescue the steers and stop Slim from buying the farm as they reveal his identity and are hailed as heroes. We then have Buck the horse who is conceited and selfish as he doesn’t care about the animals or their troubles, and he is chosen by Rico to chase after Slim though he is to be sent back to the Sheriff and he decides to go after Slim himself. He is beaten to the hideout by the cows and after Rico is revealed to be in collusion with Slim, he joins the cows in saving the steers and becomes a hero. Next, we have Rico the bounty hunter who tells the Sheriff that he will capture Slim and he takes Buck with him, but it is revealed that he is in cahoots with Slim and Buck turns on him as he joins the cows in stopping him and the Willie Brothers. We then have Lucky Jack the rabbit who meets the cows and cooks for them as he reveals the hideout of Slim, and he joins the cows and Buck in defeating the Willie Brothers and Rico as well as saving the steers. Jack and Buck then help the cows reach the farm in time to stop Slim and Jack becomes a part of the family. Next, we have Pearl who owns the Patch of Heaven farm and she is threatened with having her farm auctioned off unless she comes up with $750, and during the auction Slim is caught and captured as the cows receive the $750 which they use to save the farm and Pearl welcomes new animals to the farm. We then have Sheriff Sam who is sympathetic to Pearl but has to let her know that her farm is being threatened with auction, and he ends up hosting the auction until the cows reveal Slim out of his disguise and he arrests Slim which leads to the farm receiving the $750 and Pearl being able to save the farm. We then have other minor characters on the farm like Jeb the goat, Audrey the chicken, and the various other animals in the film, and then we have other minor characters like Wesley the evil businessman in business with Slim, Junior the buffalo that guards Slim’s hideout, Rusty the dog who is owned by Sam, Maggie’s former owner Abner, Annie the owner of the saloon, and the Willie Brothers who are the nephews and henchmen of Slim. This was an interesting film in that the majority of the film was focused on three specific characters and the others were either minor or again just background, and again we will see going forward if that trend continues.
Songs: Once again, we have a film where I didn’t thought have any songs in it and instead it does have a few songs in it, and much like the last film the songs mainly take up space in the background as none of the characters sing anything. The first song we have is “(You Ain’t) Home on the Range” sung in the beginning and picked up a bit throughout the film, and it was a fine film to establish the setting of the film. The next song is “Patch of Heaven” which is sung when we arrive at Patch of Heaven and it was a fine film to put over the wholesomeness of the farm, and then we have “Yodel-Adel-Eedle-Idle-Oo” that Slim sings to draw the cattle to him and it is again a fine song as it is rare to hear a villain sing a song. The final song to be sung is “Will the Sun Ever Rise Again?” which is heard during the down point of the film when everything seems to be lost, and it is a fine but somewhat forgettable song. That has been the theme of these last few films where the songs have been fine for their specific films, but in the grand scheme of things they are very forgettable and pale in comparison to the songs of the past.
Plot: We continue the trend of having original stories taken precedent over films being adapted from something else, and to this point the original stories have been slightly off the mark and that looks to continue here with the story of this film. In this film, Maggie is a former show cow who is forced to leave her ranch after the steers were stolen and the ranch went under, and her former owner delivers her to Patch of Heaven though that ranch is also in trouble of going up for auction. Maggie convinces fellow cows Mrs. Caloway and Grace to head into town and convince the sheriff to give them more time, and when they hear that the reward money for Alameda Slim is the exact amount that they need to save the ranch they decide to go after him. They merge themselves into a cattle run that Slim happens upon and he steals all the cattle except for the three cows, and they continue to go after him as well as Buck the horse who wants to capture Slim to make himself a hero. Caloway eventually decides to want to go back home though they come upon Lucky Jack the rabbit who leads them to Slim’s hideout, and they fight back against Slim though he manages to escape thanks to bounty hunter Rico who is in league with him. Buck joins the cows and they take out Rico and Slim’s henchmen while setting the cattle free, and they return to the farm just as Slim attempts to buy it during the auction under a fake name. They expose him and the sheriff arrests him as he gives the reward money to the farm, and they begin to prosper as the animals win 1st prize in the county fair and they are joined by several new animals. Again, the story itself was fine for what it was and it worked for the film, but the story was probably one of the weaker ones to this point and it is just another example of how poorly this film ended up being.
Random Watching Thoughts: We get another special version of the logo as it is used like a branding iron; Lucky Jack wakes up for a brand new day and is immediately met by a wolf; Lucky Jack is not feeling too lucky with everything that is happening to him; I feel like $750 is too low of a reward; I wonder if having Maggie tied to the back of the wagon and being led like that would constitute as cruelty; Lucky Jack is lasting a long time with that snake on his head; I don’t mind having puns as they can be funny at the right times, but I feel like they went overboard on the puns in this film; That was a record time for those eggs to hatch; Pearl and these animals have running this farm down to a t; That rooster is terrible at his job if that chick can crow better than he can; Pearl must have some affection for Mrs. Caloway if she went out of her way to give her a hat; That’s not too nice of Jeb to call the piglets “cocktail wieners”; This is an organic problem and there’s a holistic solution, Grace clearly is the most level-headed animal in that farm; Caloway makes it seem like she is scolding the piglets when she is giving them the can from Jeb much to his frustration; Jeb says he doesn’t have enough cans when he has a large pile right next to him; Abner was spot on in calling Maggie “headstrong”; Miss Happy Heifer; Caloway is such a lady that she has to call Maggie by “Margaret”; Apparently Maggie is also a magician; Caloway clearly likes when everyone is neat and tidy; Sam needs some work in keeping Buck in order while he’s riding him; Pearl was quick to blow off the bank statement until she finds out that her farm will be up for auction if she doesn’t pay in time; They never mention where the farm is, but where would it be if they have blizzards?; Sam seems like he truly cares about Pearl and wants to help her, but she flips out on him when he suggests her selling some of her animals for money; I don’t know why, but for some reason Pearl reminds me of Widow Tweed from “The Fox and the Hound”; So right after I mention about not knowing where the farm is, Maggie mentions Chugwater which I looked up and it is a town in Wyoming so that is where the film is set; Even though Maggie is new to the farm, she is more than willing to step up and save it; It’s a chick thing, as in the chickens doing their thing; Grace clearly has no issues with singing to her heart’s content even though she can’t sing worth a lick; The vultures were premature in thinking that one of them was dying; Caloway says that Buck is a legend in his own mind and we see a glimpse into his mind as he fights off numerous outlaws by himself; So much for their game of tic-tac-toe; Various normal noises going on and the cows think they are under attack; They see a star on the door and think that’s the sheriff only to be revealed as a saloon entrance; The entertainment in that saloon must’ve been really bad if the girls fighting with the cows was the best thing the customers have seen in a long time; Unlike the sheriff who seemed to care about Pearl, Buck could care less about them; That should’ve been some foreshadowing that a storm came through the town as Rico arrived; Sam was describing the horse that Rico needs and Buck shows off his skills, but I guarantee that Sam was going to name another horse had Rico not mentioned Buck; Caloway can only take so much, but when her hat gets messed up that’s when you go over the edge; Rusty goes to the lowest common denominator when he sees Maggie and Caloway fight in the mud; That is weird that they just happen to walk past the farm where Maggie used to live; Mr. Y. O’Dell Esq.; Those steers must not have seen many dairy cows for a long time if they are so smitten with Maggie, Caloway, and Grace; How many cattle rustlers can yodel like Slim can?; Of course Grace would be the only one that isn’t hypnotized by Slim since she is tone-deaf; Whoever worked on this film must’ve been influenced by the “Pink Elephants on Parade” scene from Dumbo to do the scene with Slim rounding up the cattle like they did; Slim just happened to find a boulder that perfectly fits in the space to close off the pathway; Of course Grace would think her pitch is perfect; Buck shows off in front of the cows and Rico believes that he is scared of the cows; Buck clearly thinks lowly of the cows yet Grace is willing to let him join them in chasing down Slim; Again, Buck only cares about himself as he wants to prove himself as a hero by catching Slim yet shows no compassion for the cows and is willing to see them lose their farm; Slim has come up with quite the elaborate plan to get revenge on those that he thinks wronged him; That one brother’s head just happens to match the exact land formation that Patch of Heaven has; Slight error here as they have September 24th on a Thursday, but in reality that day in 1889 actually fell on a Tuesday; Buy one, get three free; That is a dick move by Buck; Of course it would start raining which clears away the tracks; You would’ve thought the Great Flood was happening with how much rain was coming down and the cows got caught up in the flood; Caloway was pretty harsh considering it wasn’t Maggie’s choice to go to their farm and then she wanted to help save the farm; Maggie went from being completely apart from Caloway only to end up sleeping next to her; Of all the places to see before you die, you have that strong a desire to see Utah?; It’s not often you see a rabbit with a peg leg; He slices and dices up that scorpion like a chef would do to a piece of meat or fish; Jack kicks at a picture of Slim only to hurt himself on the cactus; The Willie Brothers are clearly not too bright if anytime Slim puts on a hat and pair of glasses, they think he’s a completely different person; Black market livestock; Wesley sure pays top dollar for the cattle; Buck tries to befriend the cows now since they can help him get in, but they see right through him and he is forced to stay out; The buffalo looks like the bouncer of a club; Once again, Buck being manipulative by causing the horse to run away so he can be with Rico again; Slim should’ve realized it wasn’t smart to count the money while the brothers are taking count of the steers; Grace comes up with the idea to use Jack’s tail as makeshift earplugs for Caloway; Would clown college have really been any better for Wesley?; That buffalo is super tough to have survived a fall like that; I feel like the animators were also inspired by “Temple of Doom” with the chase down the mineshaft; How much dynamite did Slim really need?; I can’t believe those three cows were able to stop a moving train even though it was braking; It’s only after he realizes that Rico was in league with Slim that Buck comes to realize that he was in the wrong and decides to do the right thing by helping the cows; Caloway went psycho when Maggie dropped her hat out of the train; Those two steers trying to chase after the train to court the cows; Leave it to Buck to use Jack’s peg leg to flip the switch to save the train; How does Sam not hear that a train is barreling down behind him yet he still tries to auction off the chicks?; Slim nearly gets the better of them again until Grace knocks the bell into his mouth; Maggie was already to keep her end of the bargain and leave until she heard the nice things said about her and she decides to stay; Maggie wasn’t lying when she said that they could all win at the county fair; After all that, Caloway finally decides to let Maggie wear her hat.
Overall Thoughts: Overall, this has to be the worst film in the Disney canon to this point and it wasn’t even close, and we have had some pretty bad films to this point though this is arguably the worst to this point. I know that the films from the 2000s don’t have a stellar reputation and I always go into this films with a positive outlook even though I haven’t seen any of them, but to this point most of them have not changed my initial outlook on them which is really sad. You can call me nostalgic for the older films because I have more love for them than these films, but a few of the films that I’ve not seen before have pleasantly surprised me and I’m hoping that the upcoming films can improve from here. As for this film, it is the worst film in the Disney canon to this point and it will be interesting to see if anything ends up being worse than this.
Final Grade: 2.5/10
0 notes
tlcrescuepa · 8 years
New Post has been published on To Love a Canine Rescue
New Post has been published on https://tlcrescuepa.com/week-end-update-gloomy-day-pick-me-up/
Week-End Update: Gloomy Day Pick Me Up
Blech, this weather is enough to give anyone a bad case of the winter blues but, luckily, we’re awash in dogs & puppies and they do a pretty good job cheering us up. Our sweet, tripawd, Bully mix Pearl started the week out right by falling madly in love with a family that with a family that knew she was perfect for them! As hard as it was for her foster family to say good-bye, they couldn’t be happier for her and can’t wait to hear updates after she’s settled in.
While we’ve been busy debating whether Lady’s litter are teddy bear or ewok mixes, Lager, Lally, Latane & Lawler were been busy charming families and getting adopted. Danielle, Destiny (now Gabby), Duchess, Kefir, Klev, Mike, Morticia, Nugget & Trixie also celebrated their “gotcha” days.
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  Of course we received some nice updates as well:
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Hannah is doing very well. I did not change her name as she seemed very used to Hannah. We have been busy on long walks in the woods! Her hair is growing back nicely as her itching has mostly stopped. I haven’t yet had the time to get her to my vet, but am planning to do so shortly.
  Darla FKA Evelyn
Darla FKA Evelyn
My husband and I adopted Darla (formerly Evelyn) back in July and things have been wonderful. She’s now 9.5 months old and doing great. We took her to training from about August-November and she was the top of her class- she’s very intelligent, although quite mischievous. She’s adjusted to city life in Philadelphia and absolutely loves going to the dog parks, and trips to visit my parents and their dogs in the suburbs. We’re still working on a few things with her- mainly jumping and chewing on the rug- but we couldn’t be happier with our girl.
  Bo FKA Ridge
Bo FKA RIdge
Hi, the puppy is doing great, his name is Bo (his name was Ridge when we got him) and is a very sweet dog. He gets along great with our other dog, Luna, who is about eight months older than Bo. Bo is very healthy, he is a little over 50 lbs. right now, and seems to still be growing. Attached is a picture of Bo that I took just a few days ago. Also, we were wondering if you have any information or pictures of his sister, she was in the same cage as he was the day that we adopted him, she was very beautiful, we are really interested what she looks like now.
Tara is doing great. Getting big. 
          Prue (mom to the brindle P litter from June/July 2016)
Hello TLC.
We love our sweet Prue!  We are thrilled with our new addition.  Prue has adjusted very well and she is so happy with her new home.  Her tail is constantly wagging  and she is full of joy.  Prue is happy and healthy and we could not ask for anything more.  She is such a nice little dog.
Thank you TLC for saving Prue for us to love. 
Skye & Bolt (FKA Harmony & Harbor)
Skye FKA Harmony & Bolt FKA Harbor
Hi- here is Skye and Bolt in their first snow! They loved it! We are all doing great…. they get a lot of love, attention and frequent trips to the local bark park! They are getting along with our senior dog, Buster, and they have given him new life! They all lay on top of one another after a long walk and it couldn’t be any more adorable! We just weighed them on the scale and Bolt is 60 lbs and Skye is 50 lbs! We are lucky to have them as part of our family! 
  Tucker FKA Jackson
Tucker FKA Jackson
Tucker,(aka Jackson) is doing well.  He gets along with his big brother and spends time with his cousins Ria and Wylie. 
Tucker has learned to touch, leave it, drop it and he just figured out we have a upstairs. We have a blast with him and love the little guy so much.
Thank you so much for letting us adopt him, he brings joy and a little havoc into our lives. Here is Tucker and Zeeke they are always together.
  Gregor FKA Hampton
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Gregor is the light of our life and he’s doing very well. He’s an absolute champ in nosework class and I am certain we will be able to compete in trials once his training is complete. He’s the nicest dog we’ve ever had – not a mean bone in his body. 
  Elvis FKA Harold
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Elvis is doing great! He and our daughter are best buds. They play a lot together. When we go to the park she learns to ride her bike while he runs around sniffing trees and meeting other dogs. He has really become a part of our family. Thank you for all you did to bring him into our lives.
  Mina FKA Layla & Heath FKA Rocco
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We are SO HAPPY with Layla, now known as Mina (I named her after a character from the book Dracula since Corey got to name Heath after a Steelers play!). Mina and Heath are best friends and attached at the hip. They spend all day playing and snuggling together. Mina has turned Heath into a lazy non-morning dog and they love sleeping in together. It is amazing how quickly she fit in with our family and with Heath. They act they have been best friends since birth! I’ve attached a bunch of pictures of them playing and snuggeling! The love playing tug of war, running around in the backyard, and going on walks together followed by lots of couch time! Mina definitely completed our family perfectly! It is like Heath and Mina were meant to be! We hope to enroll them both in training and agility this spring!
Thank you for all of your help as always! We love having Heath and Mina
  Blake FKA Ethan
Blake FKA Ethan
“Renamed him Blake he is doing just great he’s a very loving and smart dog we are so bless to have him in our family. “
          Hazel Grace FKA Daisy
Hazel Grace FKA Daisy
  Hazel Grace (fka Daisy) hasn’t quite gotten the hang of the “no furniture” thing! However, she’s mastered sit, stay, touch, paw, dance, high five, down and almost figured out crawl and roll over. She has brought knew energy to her fur sister Sofie and her puppy antics keep us smiling every day.
  Willow FKA Autumn
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We adopted Willow in July and what a joy she is.    She has two sisters, Oli  a rat terrier and Misti the beagle.  They love to run around the yard and chase each other and then come in and sit by the fire and chill.  She is a great addition to our family.
Here are many pictures of the three of them!  🙂 
  Copi FKA Christian & Daisy FKA Xandra
Copi FKA Christian Daisy FKA Xandra
Copi FKA Christian and Daisy FKA Xandra are doing great and getting along wonderfully
          Ivy FKA Buttercup (Angeline’s pup)
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If her siblings ever have a get together let me know. She is doing great. She loves her fur brothers and is a happy and spunky puppy. 
  Luna FKA Mona & Jagger FKA Renwick
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Everything is going great!!! Luna (fka Mona) is a great dog. She can be a handful sometimes but she’s a terrier. She has a very sweet and playful personality. Her and Jagger (fka Renwick) have been absolutely wonderful with our new human addition to the family. Jagger watches the baby like a hawk and doesn’t let her out of his sight for long. Luna tries to sneak in kisses when she can so she has to be watched but she is surprisingly gently with the baby as well.
  We also received pics of some other alumni to share too
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Jojo & Gizmo’s pup RIta FKA Morrigan
Theo FKA Liam celebrated his 1st birthday
Wyatt FKA Randy
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