#also the locked class stuff sounds like a nightmare
gabessquishytum · 2 years
okay so uh here's another kink to throw into the pile if you want. absolutely ignore this if you're not into it but uh
so personally watersports/wetting are pretty squicky for me but what i am into is like. bladder control? so consider, the corinthian locking a nice thick sound into hob's caged cock and then letting him mostly just go about his day, and it's not until they're hanging out watching a movie and hob's already had a couple of beers that he realizes he is... not going to be able to piss like this, he's going to need to convince the corinthian to let him, and hob's already embarrassed and he hasn't even started begging yet.
for even more fun, the corinthian eventually gets permission to go places other than hob's apartment (as long as he stays with hob) and that means he can follow hob to work. thankfully there's a private bathroom near hob's office, because the corinthian's been very kindly bringing him tea all day and hob only has so much time before his next class.
goodbye i'll see myself out
Skskssksksk listen. Watersports and wetting adjacent stuff is one of those kinks where I'm like, I personally would NEVER do it but yes i am going to read about 2 fictional idiots doing it to each other, absolutely. So that's uh. A thing that nobody needed to know about me! Anyway.
Bladder control is the perfect step up from orgasm control. It's another way of showing trust and exerting power. It's also fucking fantastic alongside a humiliation kink, you know. The Corinthian is absolutely going to coax Hob into drinking a few beers, and then a glass of water because alcohol is actually quite dehydrating, and it's very important to stay hydrated, isn't it? And then the Corinthian is going to insist on sitting on Hob’s lap, which isn't unusual per-say, but its suddenly very uncomfortable when he leans right into Hob’s bladder and won't fucking budge. Which of course means that Hob has to start saying please, and telling his lovely nightmare that he really needs to go, he'll be right back but he really needs the bathroom.
And the Corinthian just strokes his stomach and kisses his forehead and says no, actually, he doesn't feel like moving. If Hob wants to go then he'll have to work harder than that. Hob turns absolutely bright red and squirms but it's no good, the Corinthian is a dead weight and all that movement is just increasing the need. If he didn't need to piss so much and he wasn't caged, Hob would be so fucking hard.
The Corinthian can work Hob to the point of being absolutely wrecked just by sitting there, rubbing over his lower belly and telling him how pathetic and weak he is, and really is there any better way to spend an afternoon? <3
///yeets myself out the window///
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lightlycareless · 1 year
sooo can we get a sneak peek 👀👀
Heya anon!
Was planning to do a post for that, kind of like "if I get one like I'll post a sneak peak" and then like it myself lol but you won me to that!
Anyways, here's the first page/segment of the next chapter :) I hope you enjoy it!
WARNING: spoilers for chapter 33🤭 also, some words might change. Gotta give it that last proofread if you know what I mean.
“Dear Hinata—
I hope this letter finds you well.
I’m still not used to writing that, the whole dear Hinata thing. It reminds me of those really old letters, like from the Victorian Era or something, or those during the war, when people used to be very polite and stuff, super formal even with their own friends and family! I don’t know how to describe it… I hope you get what I mean.
But yeah, reading back through my letters after I'm done writing them always makes me laugh because I think I’m being melodramatic.
In my excuse, it’s all because of those etiquette classes we were forced to take since, I don’t know, we were born? Ugh, and only because of our roles in the clan! Which I don’t mind! Really… but sometimes the elders tend to be very weird about it, and it makes me feel like they don’t deserve to be treated respectfully at all! I know that you, more than anyone else, would understand what I mean.
Ah, well, I’m not writing to you to complain about my preferences, I’m doing so because… there’s no other way to put it: I miss you.
It’s been a while since I heard anything from you, or at all. And I’m not writing either to complain about that! I don’t want you to feel guilty, if you ever get time to read my letters, for not responding because I know for a fact you’re very busy with work. 
Last thing I heard was that the crisis was getting worse. It was already bad during my last mission, so I can only imagine how it is now.
Either way, even when I understand why you can’t respond, it’s still… painful to not hear anything from you. I wish I could at least get one letter from you, a call, even a smoke signal for god’s sake, I don’t care, just to let me know how you, Ren, dad, and everyone else is doing.
I hope Satoru isn’t bothering you too much, Sumire too. I know very well how annoying they can be on their own, so I feel even worse knowing that I can’t help you ease the burden of their antics ^^; hang on, Hinata!!
As for me, life here has been… ok, to say the least. The life of a married woman is surprisingly boring, but I think that’s mainly because there’s so many new things I now have to take care of that I ever thought of before! Mom and dad sure made it seem so fun… or that’s what they wanted us to think? 
Anyways, now that I’ve experienced a bit of the “married life” I now feel confident to tell you that you did the right thing in not marrying Satoru. Being a wife is boring, you’re expected to keep most of the time in the house, tending to it and its inhabitants… So yeah, definitely boring. Although I think Satoru could’ve managed to also make it irritating. 
But yeah, being a sorcerer is much more exciting, totally.
That kind of makes my life sound terrible, right? Like I’m locked or something. Please, don’t worry. I’m ok, busy, but ok. Just missing you, and Ren. 
I hope dad is ok too. He worries me the most. I… hope he hasn’t taken up on drinking again. You know how bad he gets when he spirals… please take care of him if you can.
From there, I don’t really have anything new to say. My ladies, Mariya, Haruko and Hitomi, have been quite calm nowadays, and that’s a bit eerie if you ask me! Anyways, I hope you can meet them one day. Or Mai and Maki, I think you’d find them adorably funny too! And mischievous. They kind of remind me of us when we were younger. Oh, but they’re definitely way nicer, we used to be our parent’s nightmare, remember?
But all in due time, I suppose.
Well… I guess the main point of this letter is to tell you that I miss you, very, very much. That I hope you’re ok and… don’t worry about me. Keep doing what you’re doing, and I’ll be here.
Take care, and give everyone a big hug from my part.
Yours truly, Y/N.
P.S. Don’t let Satoru get the idea that just because I’m not there, my things are his. They’re not. And please, please, please don’t let him delete my save files. I do intend on playing them again when possible”
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ash-a-twst-simp · 1 year
Start: To The Villains World, Ch 4
" You keep saying, students. I think you also said something about a college or something?"
She didn't know if this cat was telling the truth or not but the information it gave wasn't harmful, so why not listen to what it had to say?
" It's Night Raven College. Do you have to explain that too?"
The cat-like creature made it sound like it was something obvious but she had no idea about this Nightmare College.
" How would I know what this Nightmare College is?"
The girl shrugged her shoulders.
" It's not Nightmare College you idiot! It's N.R.C! Night. Raven. College!"
The girl looked at her surroundings.
" Seems like a nightmare though."
The cat-like creature became furious.
" Fugnah! Do you think I am stupid?! I know that you're making fun of me right now because you don't believe that we are in N.R.C! It's okay because when we meet the staff, we will see who's the real idiot!"
The cat-like creature angrily stomped away from the girl while grumbling. Murmuring things like," stupid human" etc.
And before the girl noticed the cat-like creature had gotten far from her, almost reaching the end of the hallway where another big wooden door was located.
" Hey! Wait!"
The girl wanted to ask what the hell this College even was but first, she needed to reach this raccoon-like cat monster!
When she reached the door and opened it for both of them.
It was another hallway with countless doors.
" Just how large is this building?"
The girl tried to open one of the doors but unfortunately, it was locked.
" I don't know. I just know there are a lot of rooms and useless classes here since a lot of students study here."
" I see."
Again with this school stuff. Let's hear more about it.
" So can you tell me more about this Night Raven College?"
The cat stopped walking, turned its head, and looked right into the girl's eyes.
" You don't know about N.R.C? You asked a lot of questions so I thought you were mocking me."
" Look, I don't know what you're thinking, but I haven't heard of Night Raven College at all and have no idea what it is."
Grimm suddenly grinned. This girl seemed to be stupid huh? Well, nothing could be done, he had to tell her who was.
" Fufufu, it can't be helped then. I will explain what Night Raven College is. Follow me. I will explain while we search for staff."
As they walked, the cat-like creature explained what this Night Raven College was. From what it said, N.R.C. was one of the world's best magic academies. The other best academy was R.S.A which wasn't as good as N.R.C but was still one of the best. N.R.C was famous for producing powerful mages and a lot of people who studied in N.R.C were already big shots. If you graduated from N.R.C., you were going to be respected.
But what the girl heard was different. This magic and mage stuff were code names for criminals or something similar. N.R.C and R.S.A too should be powerful secret organizations. Everyone that was in this organization, was powerful people who had a lot of influence…
But it was all some gibberish that suddenly came to her mind, she didn't take her thoughts or the cat-like creature's words seriously. It was similar to a TV show, it wasn't real but it wasn't false either.
"Since I'm going to become the best mage in all history, I have to study in a proper school and N.R.C was a great option. But the Magic Mirror that chooses the students never sent a Black Carriage after me. Stupid dirty stained glass."
The cat-like creature frowned while grumbling about the mirror.
So the Magic Mirror is the big shot that gives jobs and positions to everyone but he never sent the black limousine to get this cat-like creature.
Didn't she see an actual Black Carriage tho?
" Wait, are you talking about the same Black Carriage which you said brought me here?"
" Yup."
" So this means I was chosen by that Magic Mirror you just mentioned?"
" Yeah, if the Black Carriage brought you here, then the Mirror has chosen you."
But that was a real carriage with real horses, not a black limousine… sigh, the situation was getting more confusing just like a messy dream.
After that, the cat-like creature and the girl passed an exterior hallway that let the girl understand they were on the second floor, then they entered a large lobby that had black and white square tiles, and had two staircases to the second floor, then they went to a place that was like a large dining hall.
" This place kinda reminds me of the Main Hall in Hogwarts."
The girl murmured.
Even though it didn't have a sky-like ceiling, a magnificent chandelier was hanging from the ceiling, making it no less than Hogwarts' Main Hall.
" Did you say something?"
The cat-like creature seemed to have heard her murmuring.
" No, nothing."
She decided to not tell anything about it the creature and stop thinking about it. If this was a dream, she didn't want to dream of Dumbledore's old hairy ass.
After getting out of the big dining hall, they passed another hallway, and when they got out of the hallway…
" We are out!"
The girl cheered happily. They were finally in the courtyard she had seen while they were in the 2nd-floor exterior hallway.
" We are still on campus, we aren't out you idiot."
The cat-like creature commented.
" Who cares? All that matters is that the air here is fresh and cold so it's different from inside the building."
" I don't care! Let's just find the staff so I can enroll in the N.R.C. instead of you!"
This was a plan that the girl had come up with, since she didn't want to enroll in this college and had also ruined the creature 'plan', then this cat-like creature could take her place. After hearing this, the cat-like creature had been fired up to find the staff.
The girl turned her head and looked at the courtyard. It was silent, but its silence seemed faked. She had a feeling that she and the cat-like creature wasn't the only ones here.
Not long after the girl and the cat-like creature left the hall of coffins…
" What on earth?"
Was what the man said as soon as he stepped into the Mirror Hall.
A coffin, unlike the other coffins, was laying flat on the floor and its lid was on the other side, thrown on the floor.
" Is something the matter, Professor Crewel?"
Another man, who was on the older side, also stepped into the hall.
The man who saw the coffin first, Divus Crewel, was already kneeling on the ground and was examining the coffin lid.
Divus Crewel had an appearance that could be described as stylish. His hair was parted on the side, making one side longer and the other one shorter with the longer section being white, and the shorter section being black. He wore gray studs on each ear and had narrow-shaped silver-blue eyes with black eye makeup that matched his clothes. He wore a thick, black, and white fur coat that had several tail-like appendages hanging from the bottom of it. Beneath his coat was a tuxedo that consisted of a black dress shirt, red tie, a vest that was black and white on each side and had red buttons, black dress pants, red socks, black and white spectator shoes, and a black belt with a silver buckle, studs, and spiky sections.
Overall, he was a handsome man with an extraordinary fashion sense.
" Is this even possible?"
The hinges on the coffin lid were broken which meant it was separated from the coffin by force. The thing was, that the coffins were all sealed with magic, so if someone wanted to open them by force, they needed to have inhuman strength, which was unexpected for a 16-year-old brat.
' Could it be that the student inside the coffin was a fae?'
Faes were a strong race with great physical strength, and since students from all races could attend Night Raven College, it wasn't strange to have a fae in the coffin.
' But even the Malleus Draconia himself didn't break open his coffin!'
" How was he even awake to do this?"
Normally, when students get into the coffins in the Black Carriage, they fall into a sleep-like state, not waking up until the start of the entrance ceremony.
So unless the student inside the coffin was already awake, he couldn't have broken the door open.
Crewel stood up and looked at the coffin on the ground. The other man who also entered the Mirror Hall with him, Mozus Trein, was already standing beside the coffin.
Trein was a tall elderly man who was almost in his sixties. Most of the time he was stern-looking and unapproachable, perfectly showing his stubborn personality. Trein's eyes were small and narrow and had an ever-green color to them. He had graying hair that was neatly combed back, with some white strings here and there. His clothes contained a black-gray suit and a long purple-red maroon robe that had a shade of brown. There was also a white jabot attached to his collar, which was tied off with a turquoise-colored pendant.
Unlike Professor Crewel, who was like a model on the front page of a fashion magazine, Professor Trein was more like a portrait of an old nobleman in an antique shop.
But right now, unlike his usual stern look, he seemed to be in shock and disbelief.
" What is it? Why do you look like that-"
Crewel said as he walked toward Trein but wasn't able to utter one more word when he saw the inside of the coffin.
" What the-"
The matters inside of the coffin that should have been white were covered in dark red.
It was blood.
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kdyism · 2 years
special place in my heart for bang gu-ppong. he is a weirdo but he is our weirdo </3
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jawabear · 3 years
1 of 10 (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
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Not my GIF (look at this man...)
A/N: so here’s that Bucky fic I’ve been talking about. This took me too long to write but I like it? I’m absolutely loving Falcon and The Winter Soldier! I’ve mentioned this before but Bucky Barnes is my all time favourite fictional character. This is set before the events of episode one but maybe like a week or so before. I hope you enjoy. Sorry for any mistakes. Stay safe.
Genre: fluff, angst
Warnings: fem!reader, tfatws spoilers, Bucky being awkward, nightmares, therapy, Bucky isn’t as smooth as he was in the 40s but he’s still cute
Summary: Bucky has ten contacts in his phone. One of which belongs the the girl he feels he has been searching for for 106 long years.
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The times in which he found himself now were more than confusing. But that was the best way Bucky could think to describe them. For him though it seemed a lot worse than for others. For others, they had a gap of five years missing. For Bucky, he had far more than that.
From 1943 to 2023 there was a lot missing. He remembered it however. He remembered everything. The good, the bad, and the horrifying. What was meant by missing was that it wasn’t him who was living. He had missed out on living between those years. He had missed out on everything. And he knew, like the billions of others, he would never get those years back.
But now he was a civilian. Working to make amends from his past after being given a pardon. However, settling into his new easy life was proving far from that. It had been a few months now since the whole ordeal with saving the blipped half of humanity, Bucky included, and it had been a few months now since Steve went back in time and started a new life leaving him and Sam behind.
Sam. Right.
Sam was an avenger. More so than Bucky could ever be. So he was off doing his avenging work while Steve’s shield gathered dust in a wardrobe somewhere he was sure. Sam didn’t have it in him to take up the mantle of Captain America. He felt the shield belonged to someone else. It was Steve’s. It only ever could be.
More often than perhaps Bucky would like, he would get texts from Sam. Asking him how he was and telling him about missions he was going on. Bucky never replied. He didn’t know how to half the time and he didn’t want to.
He didn’t know how he was. He didn’t know if he was okay. He was forced to go see a therapist but all he did was lie to her.
“Have you had any nightmares recently?” She would ask him.
Bucky would think back to the night before their meeting and all the others as well. Each night he’d have to be faced with the horrors of his past. Every mission he carried out. Every person he carelessly killed.
“No” he would answer. And it wasn’t like he was wrong in his answer. The things he saw in his sleep were not nightmares they were memories. The nightmarish horrors he was were his reality, so when he said no in response to her question, he found it difficult to be accused of lying.
There were few things he could agree with her about. But the one thing he could see eye to eye with her about was the fact he was alone.
Sure, he had Sam. But only when Bucky wanted to acknowledge him which had not been often as of recently. And as his therapist so kindly pointed out he only had ten contacts on his phone. But in his defence, he still wasn’t used to the whole world of mobile communications and internet. So his phone was basically redundant to him. His mind was still in the 1940s where you’d find a date, what would now be classed as, the old fashioned way. By looking in person and talking. Not just texting or swiping left or right on an app.
Granted, Bucky did try his hand in online dating but it was far too much for him. It wasn’t only hard for him to figure out but also he saw too much of people he didn’t even know. The openness of the internet was something that was mind boggling to him. So that was thrown out of the window pretty quickly.
But what his therapist had failed to note was one name in his contacts. The name of his neighbour and quite possibly the one he wanted to end his loneliness with.
Back in his time, when he didn’t just have the looks of someone in their 20s, Bucky was in fact quite popular and good with the ladies. But the ladies, he found, of this new age were completely different to the ones of his time. Not that there was a problem, he just knew that he couldn’t used the same moves now as what he could back then.
He met (Y/N), his neighbour, as he was first moving in. After coming back, loosing Steve and getting a pardon, Bucky thought it be best to try and start a new. He did that by moving back to his old home of Brooklyn. His old apartment was obviously gone and with little money to his name he couldn’t afford the one that replaced it. It was far to big for him anyway. But he managed to find a smaller more affordable one and he much preferred it. If not only for the quieter location then the others in the building too.
(Y/N) was the first person he spoke too when back in Brooklyn. She was sweet and kind when introducing herself. She offered to help him move in but he really didn’t have that much stuff to use in making his new apartment more homely. And he had no food either. So (Y/N) did the neighbourly thing and invited him in for some food. A meal of sorts although she didn’t have much food either at the time. Even so, it was nice for him to be in company for once. And it was such warm company. They didn’t speak about much but he learnt a few things about her.
And now, on most Thursday evenings, he’ll find himself with her in her apartment eating a meal, sometimes she’ll cook, sometimes they’ll order take out, but he enjoys it regardless.
It was clear from the offset that she knew who he was. He frantically explained to her that he wasn’t what he used to be anymore and explained the terms of his pardon and how he’s making amends. But he needn’t have waste his breath on it. She didn’t seem to care about it. About who he used to be. She told him that she doesn’t live in peoples pasts and that she wanted to get to know him for who he is, not who he was. Those words meant a great deal to him. And from that moment on he had fallen for her.
Bucky sighed as he dragged himself up the stairs to his floor. He desperately wished there was some way of getting out of these therapy sessions. But he was tied to them. He couldn’t stop going to them even though he wanted too. But there, it wasn’t really like he had anything better to do. Nothing but either sitting at home in silence or walking around busy streets constantly looking over his shoulder. Those were his only other options.
As he walked to his apparent at the end of the hallway (Y/N)’s door opened and she walked out dressed for the outdoors, it was getting cold so it was smart of her to be wearing a warm coat. “(Y/N)” he called gently to her. She lifted her head after locking her door and gave him a warm smile.
“Hi James” She said, she always called him James rather than Bucky. He didn’t know why but he didn’t exactly mind. “How was your session today?” She had memorised the times at which he went to his therapy sessions. She probably knew he schedule better than he did.
Bucky shrugged “the usual” he told her making her laugh a little.
“That bad huh?”
“I guess” he said scratching the back of his neck.
“Well, I’m heading to the store to get some food if you wanted to talk on the way? Don’t feel you have to”
“No, that sounds good” he tried to smile but it was a little awkward, but she didn’t seem to say anything and just motioned her head for him to follow.
The shop wasn’t too far away so it was a quick walk. Bucky wasn’t the talkative type, not really anyway. Especially not to someone he didn’t like. And Dr Raynor was someone who he didn’t like. He was sure that deep down she was a lovely person but he didn’t like the fact she was insistent in getting him to admit his feelings. Although that was her job.
It wasn’t long until they arrived at the store “so what happened?” (Y/N) asked as she picked up a basket.
“Just the usual...she asked me if I had a nightmare-“
“Did you?” Bucky didn’t answer and just looked away from her. “James, you know that it’s her job to help you. And it’s in your best interest to let her”
“I know...but at the same time...I don’t see the point. These things are mandatory. So if I don’t want to go then I don’t see it being helpful”
“I can understand that” her eyes flicking between two boxes of cereal as she inwardly decried in which one to get, but her indecisive nature got the better of her so she opted to get both. Her indecisiveness, Bucky thought, was incredibly cute. It linked in with her kindness, on their Thursday evening meals together it takes ages just to decide what to have. “But still,” she continued, Bucky following her like a lost puppy “like you said, it’s mandatory. And there are people who would love to be in your position. Getting therapy I mean. So you should at least make the most of it while you can”
“I mean...yeah. I guess. But...I don’t know I just...well it’s easier to talk to someone like you then it is to talk to her” (Y/N) smiled at little at this as she finished putting on the last few items before making her way to the till.
Neither of them said much else. Expect for (Y/N) making light conversation with the cashier as she paid although both (Y/N) and Bucky knew that the cashier really didn’t want to be there. Luckily it didn’t take long for (Y/N) to bag her items and pay for them before they were both leaving the store.
It had gotten colder outside then when they left originally. (Y/N) shivered and pulled her coat around her a little more before they both began walking back to their apartment building.
“So what is it about me that makes you find it easier to talk?” She asked, she brushed her hair from her face as a sudden gust of wind blew it out of place when she turned to look at him.
“Well...” he muttered shoving his hands into his pockets “for one, you don’t sit there with a passive aggressive notebook ready to write shit about me” this made her laugh a little, she always found it funny when he’d talk about this notebook Dr Raynor had. She didn’t really know why he hated it so much, and she knew she shouldn’t have found it funny but he never stopped her from laughing about it, in fact often times he would join in thereby encouraging her.
“Yes, that is something better I guess. Although, I’m sure I could find a notebook if you wanted” she teased.
“Oh god. Please don’t” He said holding back a smile.
“Anything else?” She asked him.
Bucky thought for a moment. There were many things about her that made it easier for him to talk to her, but he couldn’t list them all. For one, that would be embarrassing, and two he didn’t think he’d have the breath to do it. “Well-“
He was cut off when he saw (Y/N)’s smile fall and her pace began to slow right down to a stop. Bucky stopped and looked at her “everything okay?” He asked her, his voice full of concern.
She turned sharply to the side so she was facing the road “y-yeah..” she stuttered nervously “just...my ex is walking this way and I really don’t want him to see me”
Bucky felt a strange feeling inside him. He didn’t even know she had been in a relationship. It must’ve been a recent thing right? Unless it was a really bad break up in the past, or this guy had done something to her to prompt her being so on edge. Bucky turned to try and scope out this guy but he didn’t have a clue what he was looking for. So he reached over to her and pulled up her hood on her hoodie that she wore under her coat and pulled her into his side so that her face was hidden from view.
“Tell me when he’s gone” Bucky muttered to her. She nodded her head and let him walk her along the path, she kept her eye on the path ahead as best she could while still covering her face. But she was now more focused on two things, his arm around her and his wonderful smell. Never did she think she’d ever get this close to him. She never thought he’d let her, but here she was attached to his side with his arm wrapped around her, holding her protectively against him.
And his smell. It was just as comforting as she dreamed it would be. A mix of his cologne and what she could only describe as Him. All she wanted to do now was to just melt into his strong and warm embrace and just stay there forever.
In all her daydreaming she didn’t notice that her ex had long since walked by and they had reached the entrance to their apartment building and she didn’t tell him he could let go or that it was safe for her to walk properly.
Bucky came to a stop and slowly slipped his arm from her “I mean...I take it he’s gone now right?” He said a little nervously. (Y/N) stood up straight and pushed the hood from her head and nodded quickly, her cheeks burning in embarrassment.
“Yeah. Yes, right. Sorry. Yes. He’s gone. I um...I just wanted to make sure he didn’t suddenly turn around you know? That’s all” she said in an unconvincing tone. But Bucky himself was too flustered to actually care that she was flustered as well.
“Of course, that’s smart. Well we made it back” he said stepping up to the door and pushing it open for her. She nodded and thank you and quickly hopped inside the building, Bucky following after her.
The walk up the stairs was an awkward silence. They felt like teenagers after their first ever date. Who says something first? What do they even say? Luckily for them, this wasn’t a first date, and they weren’t teenagers. They were fully grown, mature adults. But that doesn’t mean adults can’t get flustered in the presence of their crush...right?
After what felt like hours, but was more like five painstaking minuets, they finally got to their floor and walked down the hall, both briefly forgetting that they lived right next to each other.
(Y/N) stopped at her door and placed her bag of food on the floor to fish out her keys from her pocket. “Uh...you want to come in?” She asked whilst fiddling around in her pocket to find the keys. “I know it’s not Thursday but we didn’t really talk as much as usual...” her voice seemed to trail off as she finally found her keys and put them in the key hole before unlocking the door. “You don’t have too..”
“I’d...like to...” he said in a soft voice with a gentle smile to try and put her at ease even though he too was freaking out inside. She smiled back and picked up her bag before walking inside her apartment, he did too.
They both made their way into her small kitchen and he made himself at home by sitting in his usual seat at her white kitchen table and she began to unpack the shopping “Do you want me to help?” He asked her as he went to stand up but she waved off his offer.
“No no, it’s fine. There’s only a few bits anyway” she told him as she began to pack each item away in its rightful place.
“So uh...” Bucky began quietly as he scraped his metal finger again the wood table. “This ex of yours...what’s the story there?”
Bucky was a little cautious of his words. He didn’t want to say anything to hurt or offend her but at the same time he wanted to know what about the guy made her so on edge earlier.
“Oh uh...” she muttered as she pulled two cups from her cupboard.
“You don’t need to tell me if you want want to. Sorry..”
“It’s fine” she assured him “nothing really happened I guess. It was just a bad break up. He didn’t really take it well and for a few weeks after that he just kept texting me and trying to call me. He came round to my place too to try and get me back. He never did know how to take no for an answer. But about a month ago he finally got the message and stopped all contact with me. Seeing him today...I was just worried that he’d try it all again”
“He sounds like a real asshole” Bucky said flatly making her laugh a little as she went about making some tea for the both of them. “But in his defence, if I lost a girl like you, I’d struggle with taking no for an answer as well”
(Y/N) let out a nervous laugh and almost dropped his tea cup from the shock of his comment but she was a little more used to his flirtatious nature that would sometimes make an appearance when they were in her apartment. After he told her about his boyish charms back in the 40s she noticed how he would often slip back into that era. It was cute to say the least.
She set down his tea in front of him and he flashed her a “thank you” smile before wrapping his fingers around it.
There was a brief silence in the room. She was greatly over thinking is earlier comment. But so was he. Maybe he shouldn’t have said it. He meant it though. But what if he had pushed the limit a little too far?
“What was the other reason?” She asked him, her finger nail scratching again the tea cup trying to avoid eye contact with him at all costs.
“Huh?” He questioned looking over the table to her.
“Earlier. You were going to give me another reason why I’m easier to talk to. What was it?”
Bucky’s muscles tensed as his fingers gripped the tea cup handle as he stared into the black tea she had made for him. “If I’m being honest...” he began slowly “I think...there are too many reasons why I find talking to you easier. But I guess one is that you don’t do it because you have to or it’s your job to. You do it out of kindness. And it’s...easier to talk to someone who’s listening because they want to. And yes, I get that Dr Raynor probably does want to help me but I also know that at the end of the day, it’s all for a pay check. But with you...you do it because you want to. Or at least...I think you want to”
“I do want to, James. I’ll always be around to ask if you’re okay. And to make you okay when you’re not. I care about you...”
“And...I care about you. Another reason I prefer talking to you is because...I like you...a lot. I just think you’re the most beautiful woman, and you have such a sweet and caring nature and a good heart that is wasted on me. But I can’t help but like you...” he couldn’t really believe he just said what he did. He wasn’t mean to tell her that. It was meant to stay a secret within him into the end of time. But there was a shift in atmosphere that just made it all slip out.
“You...you like me?” She asked, still not looking at him.
“Yeah...” he said. There was a little more confidence in his voice as he admitted his feelings towards her.
“I like you too..” she too held a little more confidence in her voice as she admitted her returned feelings. It felt...good. Especially since she knew he returned the feelings she had harboured for him since they met.
She stood abruptly and held her hand out to him. He looked at it and looked up at her again before taking her hand. She pulled him to his feet and a little close to her.
He smirked a little as he looked down at her “you want me to kiss you or something?” He said almost proudly.
“Yes..” she said “but first...I want to know something”
“What do you want to know?” He asked her. She squeezed his hand and dragged him out of her kitchen.
She lead him to her bedroom and noticed the worried expression on his face when he looked at her bed. This was what she wanted to know.
“You don’t have a bed in your apartment...” She told him quietly. (Y/N) turned her body so she was facing him completely, he cautiously lifted his hands to settle on her waist.
“I know...” he mumbled.
Bucky paused but he felt safe enough to give her an honest answer “I...I’m...scared. Of them”
“What is it about a bed that scares you?” She whispered, her fingers gently trailing down his cheeks. Bucky didn’t answer right away, for one he was to busy focusing of the beautiful touch of her hands, and for another, he didn’t really know the answer to her question. But he could take a guess.
“Because I...I don’t think I’ve slept in one since 1943. And I...after everything I’ve done...I don’t deserve to lie in such luxury...” his voice was quiet and barely audible, had it not been for the close proximity they were in, she probably wouldn’t have heard him.
“James...” she laid her forehead against his and he instinctively griped her waist a little tighter. The comfort and warmth she was bringing him was something he didn’t want to loose. She was someone he didn’t want to loose. He felt safer with no one but her. For once he actually felt...okay. But he felt he was holding her too tightly, but if he was she was wasn’t willing to tell him that.
“You know that you have no reason to be afraid. You are changing. You are becoming a good man. You do deserve to live in luxury, even if that starts with sleeping in a proper bed. Maybe it is scary for you...but...if you’ll allow me, I’ll help you face it”
“Please...” he whispered with a nod before pressing his lips to hers.
Taglist: @lunaserenade @phoenixhalliwell @slytherin4ever
276 notes · View notes
bruhlsbees · 3 years
paradox burning ; 1/5 || ernst schmidt x fem!reader
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summary: after the fight between volkov and schmidt, you comfort schmidt in his quarters
pairing: ernst schmidt x fem!reader
warnings: over the clothes touching
word count: 4,666
taglist: @itsametaphorbriansblog
a/n: if you haven't read the preview i would suggest reading that first to understand the vibe of their relationship better!! chapter two will be up tonight!! just wanted to get this out as i've been lacking content these past few days since i've been celebrating my birthday. hope you enjoy and as always if you want to be added to the tag list let me know!
“TAD throttle control, 8636. Line secure.”
Mother Mary be with us...be with Mama and Papa and sissy and Joe.
“Accelerator system status?”
Father give us the strength today, for we have dove into the depths of space to restore humanity as we know it.
“It’s holding for pre-ignition.”
Look after everyone down below on Earth - for times are dark and the sun does not appear to be rising anymore.
“Shepard team, you are go for countdown.”
I pray that you forgive all of our sins, Father, as we have learned our lessons and strive to move forward in honoring thy.
“We’ve all got our fingers crossed here at Mission Control. Let’s make this first one count.”
And help guide us through these troubling times and help everyone remember why we are up here.
“Status boosters?”
Is this Hell, Father?
Have you damned us all to Hell?
“The GNC?”
To pay for our sins?
Tell me, Father...
“Power up.”
Are we damned?
“Commander, Shepard team standing by for your go.”
Perhaps we are and this is where are days will end.
“On my count…”
Among strangers and empty.
Away from family...
Away from friends…
Alone in our own thoughts.
God, help us all.
You awoke with a start. Gasping for air as you tugged at your tank top, as if the thin material was suffocating you. Not giving yourself time to process what had happened, you threw your legs out from under the warm covers and let the cool air hit your bare legs, your elbows resting on your knees with your head in your hands, catching your breath.
This was the second week in a row now that you’ve woken up from a nightmare. Drenched in sweat and tears spilling from your eyes. It was always a reimagine of the previous one. If you dreamt of your father dying one night, the next it would be your mother. This night, it was your own life that you dreamt slipping away. Your finger pads swiped away the tears that fell down your cheeks before sliding onto the cool flooring, clasping your hands together to begin and pray.
“In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…” You began, crossing yourself as you settled on your knees, eyes closed and hands squeezed together tight. “Heavenly Father I ask that you watch over Mama and Papa...sissy and Joesph, and all those back home,” You cleared your throat, choking down the tears as you continued on once more. “We have been onboard for over two years and I miss everyone dearly. I hope to speak with them soon as Joesph is teaching Mama and Papa how to use video call.”
Even with all the photos that you had around your room, all the videos that you had programmed in to watch whenever you pleased, you were beginning to forget simple things - like how they smelled, the warmth of their hugs, and how they always tried to pawn your younger siblings onto you. You were always so mad babysitting them, losing out on time with your friends, but now...now you wished that you had the chance to babysit them, to be with them once again.
“Father, I ask that you forgive me for my sins, guide us through this mission, and take us home. All of us. Let this mission go well, and we can save Earth. Amen.”
You crossed yourself a final time, bringing your cross necklace from your chest where it sat and to your lips, kissing the gold piece of jewelry before standing up from the floor.
This was an everyday routine for you. Waking up, saying your morning prayer, taking a shower, and being down for breakfast by 08:00. It was early, you knew that, but you enjoyed having the calmer moments before everyone else woke up.
When you entered the bathroom, you went straight to the shower, turning the handle to let the warm water spute out. You were tired, swaying gently in your stance as your eyes grew heavy. The sudden spitting of water struggling to get out woke up, making you jump as you watched the water pressure went from weak to strong.
You pushed down your shorts from that night, pulling your tank top above you, and stepped out of your shorts, dropping the tank top on the floor before stepping into the shower. You were pleasantly greeted by the hot water, sighing as it hit your back and began easing the tension in your muscles.
Morning showers for you were always dangerous - either it could go very well and you’d be out in minutes, or it could go bad and you’d end up falling asleep leaning against the wall. On this particular morning, after dreaming of your own death, you did not wish to fall asleep again, scared of what could come from your slumber. You quickly washed yourself off, massaging your scalp as you washed your hair before taking the toothbrush you kept in the shower, opening up the tube of toothpaste, and began brushing your teeth.
It was such a mundane routine - almost finding it boring the longer you were onboard. Perhaps it was your schedule that was down to the second of when you did things. You never were one to be so particular about your schedule, having one so precise, but after a year of pure chaos on board, a mundane routine is what kept your little sanity still hanging.
When you were finally ready for the day and changed into your suit, you slid on your shoes and pulled your hair back into a low bun, tucking some of the loose pieces of hair behind your ear before heading out of your room and down the hall, going towards the common room to join the others for breakfast.
By the time you made it down to the common room, you were only the third to arrive - Mundy and Acosta beating you to it.
“Well look who finally decided to wake up!”
From your spot at the bagel machine, you looked over into the game room where Mundy and Acosta stood playing foosball, Mundy looking all too proud - indicating that he perhaps was winning. On the other hand, Acosta looked tired, almost too tired to be playing a game of foosball so early with Mundy.
Letting out a laugh, you shook your head and turned your attention back to the bagel, sighing once it finished before pulling it out from the machine and placing it on your plate. You truly didn’t understand how half the stuff you consumed was edible, but you supposed it beat other things you’ve seen those in space eat.
Taking a seat in your spot at the table, your back facing Mundy and Acosta, you brought the bagel to your mouth and took a bite, maybe a little bigger than what was more polite, but you didn’t care, you were starving.
It was the Commander who came in next, greeting everyone with a morning as he got his own breakfast before sitting across from you at the other end of the table. When the two of you locked eyes, you nodded, continuing to chew your bagel before looking down, not wanting to draw too much attention to the fact that you had a shit night.
You were pleased when Commander didn’t seem to notice, glancing occasionally into the lounge room where Mundy and Acosta continued to play foosball, Acosta finally gaining the upper hand on Mundy for once.
One by one the rest of the crew began to show: Volkov, Tam, Schmidt, before eventually Hamilton joined as well. When Schmidt came in, walking beside Tam speaking in Mandarian about what you assumed to be something related to the Shepard power accelerator. As the two sat down with their breakfast, Schmidt looked over your way, his mouth twitching into a smile before his attention fell back to the screen pad in front of him that Tam was holding.
You listened in on their conversation, picking out what you could understand through the technical language the two spoke on. As a medical crewman, you weren’t familiar with all of the technology onboard, only the ones related to the medbay that you primarily worked in. You went to school for medicine, exceeding expectations in your classes, and found yourself working for military hospitals since. It came as a surprise to you when they asked if you’d like to be a part of the Cloverfield station. What business did you have going up in space?
When you told your family about the news, they were proud, no doubt, that their eldest child would be going into space to directly help with the ongoing energy crisis. It was evident how proud they were of you, but also how worried with you going into space. You lived with your parents and younger siblings your entire life, leading up until your departure for the Cloverfield station. Separating from your family was hard, and having them not understand how to work even something as simple as a video call hurt more.
Your sister, Mila, would be sixteen now - learning how to drive and preparing for her final days in school before going into higher education, if that’s what she wanted. Your brother, Joseph, would be twenty-three now, doing who knows what with his young man mind. You hoped he wasn’t getting into trouble, or knocking some girl up...although the idea of having a little niece or nephew to come home to didn’t sound all that bad.
But your parents, how were they doing? They were older, growing slower as the days went on. Were they still making it through all of this? You assumed Papa was still running the family shop downstairs, selling candies to the little children of Lapovo - whatever children were left in Lapovo that is.
Mama though, how was she doing? You couldn’t imagine how worried she was, probably baking her troubles away in the kitchen. You missed waking up to her cooking, smelling the sweetness of baklava and sarma. She always wrote you letters while you were away either at school or on the military base that was outside of Lapovo where you worked. Now that you were in space though, sending letters just didn’t happen.
Perhaps tonight you’d try and see if Joseph was online and able to chat.
Everything had been going peaceful that morning, which you enjoyed after the sleep you poorly had. That is until Volkov finally spoke up.
“Six hundred and ninety-four.”
Looking up from your bagel and to your left where he was at, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as Volkov screwed the water bottle back closed, making his way over to the table to join the rest of you.
“Six hundred and ninety-four days I’ve kept our O2, CO2, N2, hydrogen, water vapor and methane at optimal levels.”
Congrats, what did he want, a fucking cookie?
You watched as Volkov stood on the other side of the table in front of Schmidt, almost directly talking to him. There was always something going on between the two of them, and quite frankly it annoyed the living shit out of you. You felt like a mother some days, scolding Schmidt for clearly egging Volkov on - him and his damn anger issues.
It was no different today, as Volkov began his tangent on whatever it was he was about to lay into you all, Schmidt was sitting across from him, a smirk on his face.
“You know how many pressure leaks we’ve had? Not one. No microbe overgrowth, nothing. You know why?”
“This is a long speech, Volkov.” Schmidt quipped, reacting in you rolling your eyes and pushing your plate forward, leaning back in your chair with your arms crossed over your chest, wondering where this would be leading to next.
“Because I disinfect the decks every seventy-two hours.” It was Acosta to interrupt Volkov this time, stating that he was actually the ones to disinfect the decks. He was right, you couldn’t remember how many days you spent helping him, on your knees scrubbing at the decks.
It seemed finally everyone was growing annoyed with whatever Volkov was getting at, Commander Kiel finally stepping in and stating that if he had a point he wanted to make, he should make it now.
“There’s one part of this station. One part that is not working. This is interesting, do you know what part that is? The Sheppard Accelerator.” Volkov continued, not seeming to be in any rush to get out what he wanted to say.
In Mandarian, Tam finally intervened, claiming that eight billion were counting on us and asked what his point was. You could agree, what was this all about?
It was then that Volkov stated that he didn’t have a problem with Tam, but with Schmidt - ‘her German boyfriend’. You couldn’t help but snicker at the comment, clearing your throat just as quick, hoping nobody heard. But someone did, and it was Schmidt, giving you a look that screamed ‘you’re not gonna find that as funny later’.
Everything began to really go downhill from there, nobody seemed to be able to get to Volkov and stop him before he said even more that he would regret. Hamilton directed him to go back to his quarters only for him to snap back that she wasn’t his mother. Commander and Mundy even jumped in, trying to calm him down, but nothing worked.
“Two years on this ship, and this man has delivered nothing,” Volkov pushed on. You hadn’t noticed it until then, but Schmidt had moved from the table and was now standing only feet away from Volkov. You felt your heart begin to pound as you watched the two men. Two men with strong anger issues at only breakfast time, something more than just a disagreement on the way to erupt.
“Volkov, enough!” Schmidt snapped, glaring forward at him. “You need to think very carefully about what you’re saying.”
There was a brief moment of silence, and you thought maybe, just maybe Volkov actually shut up for once. But that brief moment of silence was just that, and he was back to speaking, this time more quiet than before.
“We’ve both heard the reports,” Making his way closer to Schmidt, “Germany is preparing for war, Serbia taking alliances with Germany, and everyday that goes by more and more Russians are starving.” The comment made your heart stop for a moment. That was just a rumor, in all of your messages with Joseph, not once had he mentioned going to war alongside Germany to be true.
You didn’t know why you felt the sudden urge to cry, but you did. Bringing your fingers to your mouth, you began to bite down at the skin around your nails, chewing away at the flesh until you tasted the iron of your blood. Nobody outwardly spoke badly to you, besides the occasional poorly landed joke from Volkov, but you couldn’t help but feel like an outcast, wondering if people really thought you were what Volkov said you to be.
By now Volkov was in Schmidt’s face, the two men radiating their own heated anger off one another, tension filling the room, making you feel like you did in your nightmare, suffocating. You pulled at the collar of your suit, taking the zipper and unzipping the front enough to get yourself feeling less trapped.
“Maybe you’re not in a hurry to get the Shepard working. Is that it? Are you stalling us to help Germany get the upper hand? What about you? What are you doing in the med bay alone, mixing something up for us to take? To slowly kill us?”
He laughed, he actually laughed when he looked at you, a shit-eating grin on his face.
It all happened in a matter of seconds. When Volkov turned back towards Schmidt, it was only half a second before Schmidt’s hand wrapped around Volkov’s throat, pushing him back before sending a punch across his face. Volkov was quick to regain his posture, grabbing at Schmidt’s own throat and shoved him back towards the corner, both men trying to pin one another against the wall.
When the scene unfolded, you stood up in shock, mouth gaped and you took a step to the side to try and do whatever you could to help, but felt someone grab your wrist. Turning, you looked down to see Tam’s hand before looking up at her, watching her shake her head ‘no’ and to just wait. And you did, it took everything in you to stick by her side, but you did wait.
Commander was the one to grab Schmidt, pinning him onto the table with his face squished onto the glass. Mundy, on the other hand, held Volkov in a choke hold, keeping him restrained while the Commander lectured the two men - one of which was still trying to get the last word in.
“Keep your mouth shut, Volkov!” The Commander finally boomed, causing the room to come to a standstill. “We have a job to do.”
The room finally fell silent, both men seeming to be relaxed enough for the Commander to think they were free to be broken from their restraints.
“Now, can you two get along for just one day without us having to pull you off of one another?” Moving back, you watched as Schmidt laid on the table for a moment, almost debating on if he wanted to go at it with Volkov again. He decided against it and finally stood up, fixing his shirt before shooting a glare towards Volkov, knocking past him and out of the common room.
You gave it a moment, smiling over at Tam when you felt her squeeze your hand. You nodded her way, squeezing her hand back before you quietly slipped away, moving down the hall quick to go and find Schmidt.
It took a while for Schmidt to really calm down, so it wouldn’t be a surprise if the Commander didn’t rush the test that you were all supposed to conduct that day. It was bad enough everyone was stressed, but having someone be stressed and pissed off just wouldn’t work. You could almost bet that the reason the outburst that morning even happened in the first place was because of the high tensions on board, especially leading up to the next test.
If this test failed, they only would have enough for three more tests. After that... well, they could kiss humanity goodbye.
It didn’t take long for you to find Schmidt, in his quarters struggling to get his suit on as the zipper seemed to be stuck. He was mumbling something in German and you couldn’t piece together what he was saying other than the occasional ‘fuck him’.
When you stepped inside his quarters, the door shutting behind you, he paused his moments, his hands on his zipper, not wanting to look at you. You took a hesitant step forward, not wanting to be on the other hand of his outburst, before stopping once you were only a foot away from him.
“If you’re here to tell me that I was an idiot, don’t bo-”
“I’m not here to call you anything, Ernst,” His cheeks grew red at the sound of his first name, his gaze glancing up at you, watching as you stared back - only instead of something angry, like he expected, your gaze was more somber, worried even, “I just came to make sure you were okay. Here, let me.”
You gently moved his hands away from the zipper of his suit, taking another step forward to pinch at his suit, tugging the fabric down to help the zipper not get bunched in the fabric. You could feel his ragged breath hit your forehead, his chest heaving as the zipper moved higher until your hand stopped above his heart.
His mouth twitched into a smile, feeling your head fall forward to rest against his chest. You felt his arms wrap around you as he pulled you in tighter for a hug, as if you could get any closer to him. His lips sat on your hairline above your temple, kissing you sweetly.
“You trust me, right?” Schmidt suddenly asked. He could feel you tense up in his arms and he pulled back, his hands resting on your arms, squeezing them, “I just, don’t want you to be wrapped up in the middle of whatever feud Volkov has with me. Tam already gets it enough and I just don’t want you to have that on yo-”
You stopped him with a kiss, smiling into it before pulling away, seeing his own smile on his face.
“I can handle myself, Schmidt...I’m not worried with what Volkov has to say,” You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling him wrap his arms around your waist, “Volkov likes to get a rise out of anyone who gives him the time of day. It’s how he keeps himself busy on board.”
The joke seemed to land well with Schmidt, earning a laugh before you felt him begin to rock you both side to side. “But what’s this about Tam being your girlfriend?” You teased.
You grinned at the sight of him rolling his eyes at you, “You don’t have to be jealous about Tam, you know that she’s-”
“Who said I was jealous?” You asked, a smirk toying on your mouth. The two of you often were fond of teasing one another, poking at one another until the other grew red - then you’d smother the other in kisses to make up for the relentless teasing. “Do I need to be jealous of her? Is that why it takes you so long to come to my room at night, are you seeing her before you see me?”
You had pulled away from him midway, now seated on his cot. He was red in the face and gaping as he tried to intervene, but you kept talking.
“I mean, wow, Tam? I didn’t realize you were the type that liked to be dominated-”
It was your turn to be cut off, giggling when he moved across the room, pinning you down against his bed. You felt your heart begin to race, your own cheeks turning red as his face sat merely inches away from you, his large hand squeezing your wrist down beside your head onto his bed.
“You really like to get under my skin, don’t you?” He asked, squeezing your waist. Behind his glasses, you noticed his pupils were blown, his eyes dark. “Do you like seeing me mad, liebling? Does it get you hot and bothered when you see me wrapping my hand around Volkov’s throat? Do you wish that was you?” You felt his hand moving up your side, groping at you until his hand wrapped lightly around your throat.
His thick German accent, mixed with the sultry tone that was dripping from his tongue, made your stomach flip, the heat between your thighs pulsating. Biting down on your lip, your free hand moved up to grip at the collar of his suit, panting slightly.
“Maybe it does.”
Your simple quip seemed to do it for him. Feeling his body shift slightly, Schmidt hummed in though, his hand moving from your neck and down, pressing into your lower stomach, pawing almost at your body before squeezing his way down to your thighs, pulling one up so he laid in between your legs.
By now you were hot and bothered. Feeling him grab at you, call you the sweet German pet name adored to call you. You felt his breath against your neck, shivering slightly before letting out a sweet moan when his lips pressed against the side of your neck, his teeth nibbling at the sensitive spot he knew of.
But you knew now wasn’t the time. Right now you two needed to be with the other crew members to initiate the next jump. The last thing you needed was for someone to walk in and catch you and Schmidt doing, well - that.
“Schmidt...моја љубав...my love, we need to get back.” You withered your hand from his wrist and to his chest, pushing him back until he was staring down at you, a disappointed frown on his face. You couldn’t help but smile, shaking your head at how childish he was acting.
“Oh, Ernst - come now, I’ll make it up to you later.” You leaned forward and pecked the corner of his mouth, rolling out from under him before standing up, smoothing down your suit as you walked to the mirror by his closet, looking at yourself in the mirror as you began fixing your appearance.
It wasn’t that you two were embarrassed of each other, no you two were smitten for one another and it was truly sick. You just knew that given the dire of your work, what everyone expected out of the two of you, flaunting your attraction could be seen as distracting.
But that was just it, you two weren’t even dating. You weren’t sure how it all started, but one day the constant pinning became more - and now a year later you were where you were now. Sneaking off at night to see each other, to lay in bed and hold one another. Once this was all over, you knew that you’d return home, would Schmidt go with you?
By now Schmidt was standing behind you, obviously aware of your state of mind, deep in whatever thoughts you were having. When you caught glances with him through the mirror, you blushed and looked away. At that point, you heard him laugh and move forward to help you fix your hair, smoothing the parts that stuck up and tucking the longer pieces behind your ear.
“You look beautiful as always,” He pecked your cheek and wrapped his arms around you, holding you in an embrace, “Do you want to go out first, or me?” He asked against your ear, letting the silence sink in between you two.
You wanted to suggest why not the both of you just leave together, but you knew now wasn’t the time to let a potential argument break out, especially given how sour his mood already was - and it wasn’t even noon yet.
“Why not you?” You finally said, reaching your hands up to squeeze his, “After all, you need to be down there more than me. Acosta and I are just there for moral support.”
Turning in his embrace, you looked up at him and smiled, leaning into his touch when he held your face, “Yes, well, I’d like to think of you as my good luck charm.”
You scoffed, shaking your head at his comment, “If that were true, we’d be off this ship by now.”
Shrugging his shoulders, Schmidt leaned forward and kissed your temple, “Maybe,” He mumbled against you, kissing you once more before pulling back, beginning to make his way towards the door, “Maybe you’re my good luck charm in the sense of keeping me from really doing something stupid.”
Your mouth twitched at the comment, not into a smile, nor a frown, almost like you winced. Besides Tam, you were probably one of the only people on board that completely trusted Schmidt. His temper left him to be rather difficult to be around at times, but perhaps he was right - maybe you were his soft spot, his good luck charm as he liked to say, because never has his temper ever gotten to you.
But there was still that sinking feeling in your stomach, as he headed out of his room and down the hall to meet with the others, leaving you standing alone in his quarters.
If this test were to fail - would Schmidt truly snap? Would you finally feel his wrath?
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bakugohoex · 4 years
I was rewatching death note and when L did his monster speech this request was born! So the idea is Bakugo and iida (separately ) with a s/o who has trust issues and is liar ,nothing extremely serious like betraying them! More like smaller stuff? They probably confront them asking why they lie so much!”
({and btw if you haven’t herd L’s monster speech you should for inspiration buts that’s your choice! Have a happy holiday!✨)
“y/n just tell me the fucking truth for once”
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pairing: katsuki bakugo x female reader
cw: this long sorry, violence, language, some topics of abuse but it isn’t in detail, kissing and fluff 
word count: 5200+
a/n: hi sorry i don’t write for iida cause i find him really annoying and i don’t think i have the facilities to write him, but i do write bakugo so here it is, also i love the L speech sm and anything in italics is either a reference to the speech or directly incorporates the speech, have a happy rest of the holiday as well 
summary: in which you were raised by villains, by being saved by the heroes, the trust issues and lying you were brought upon reflects you now, bakugo grows ever more frustrated at your lying and all your truths come out
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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The echo of the wind bashing against the windowsill roared through the commission, the white walls cascaded around you, it was painful and enduring at how you sat in the middle of the silent room. Waiting. No. Watching, you were listening and seeing those around you, a muzzle around your mouth to surpress your voice. Your wrists coated with the metal handcuffs, you were trapped, and you being stalked by those around you.
“Miss Y/l/n, we have found your family.” The voice is loud and monotone, you didn’t care, fuck your family, fuck what they did to you, fuck them.
Unable to move your hands to put a middle finger up at the camera, one movement causing an electrifying bolt run through your arms. You hated being here, you would rather fend for yourself on the streets than be involved in a hell hole like this.
“No words of happiness.” The sound of a certain pro hero caught your ears, the one who had captured you, held you against your will, locked you in this room. Number two pro hero Hawks.
“You can kill them for all I care.” Your voice dripped with malice not looking up at him.
Monsters who will not show themselves and will cause trouble.
You heard him say something quietly behind him before the jingle of keys were heard. He walked to the handcuffs undoing them, the muzzle clenched against your face, leaving sore marks, he grabbed at it making you face him. You were about to activate your quirk, but he quickly let go making you stop.
“We’re sending you to UA.” You eyes widened, what did a shitty school like UA need with a villain like you.
He looked at your sore wrists, before the signs of the bruises vanished underneath your thumb which you had been rubbing against the purple. He watched you touch your neck which had bruises from being pushed to the ground, all disappearing in a single touch. “A school like that doesn’t need me.”
“Of course it does, your quirk can be used for good.” He softly speaks sitting beside you on the white floor. The room was suffocating, and you wanted to leave it as soon as you could.
“I can’t, I know how to kill, I was raised to kill.” You put your hands to your face, getting rid of the cuts that erupted on your face, with an instance it was all gone. “If I touch you and activate my quirk, I could break you.”
He looks at your tired eyes, a child broken and used by your family to become a villain. “I’ll make a deal with you.”
It gains your attention and with an instance you look at the man, he holds his hand out you grab it with ease, his fingers were soft, you could imagine them breaking under your touch. He guides you out of the room, you walked past to where many other rooms which you assumed where blank and lifeless. Before seeing a window, it was to another room, you saw a woman in bed, she was bandaged up but the silver around her wrist made you in an instance know who it is.
“Your mother she’s dying, the families she ruined wont get proper justice, but I’ll let you go in, you can scream, shout hell you can kill her yourself, but you will join UA.” The sound of being able to kill her, kill the woman who had stolen you away.
“She’s not my mother, she found me.” They were never your family; they had seen you at such a young age and stolen you to indoctrinate.
Monsters who abduct children.
He nods already knowing, “we’ll lock the door.” All that flashed through your eyes was murder, she had taken it all from you, you never wanted to see her family, her stupid husband and her stupid son, you hated them all and you were going to kill her.
The sound of the door locking made you move towards her, she looked up thinking you were hear to save her. “My daughter.” The words were careless and made you angrier.
“I was never your daughter…” You pause her frail fingers had started to wrinkle and her face becoming grey and hair patchy.
“Y/n.” He breathing was rough, but you didn’t care, with an instant you went up to her exposed hands.
A smile formed on your lips, maybe you were a sadist, but you could do one last villainous action, make her fie even quicker, make her beg for forgiveness. Then you would go to UA, you would forget about the torture, forgot about them. You would become something a lot more than they had ever expected.
“I’m going to kill you.” It was comical but her face fell.
“You heartless bitch.” She shouted, “you fucking bitch, no wonder nobody loves you.” You didn’t care about her words smiling away.
The way her fingers cracked under your touch, each bone breaking the screams filling the room. You didn’t care touching even more of her before you moved directly to her heart. Hawks had heard the screams ignoring it maybe it was wrong of him to let you do this. But you deserved justice, your hand moved on top of her chest.
“Y/n…please.” She begged it was heaven in your ears, the woman who had tormented you was begging for you too stop and what else could you do but disagree. She had clinged onto your wrist, tightening her grip, unable to use her own quirk due to the medication, this was your only chance.
Hawks knew it was over, opening the door to see you walk out, he looked at you expecting some emotion but was brought with happiness, almost joy. “Where are the other two?” 
“You’ll see them again when they’re locked up, but that’s it, you cant kill them.” You nodded, you’d find a way, you’d find a way to kill them both, but you kept your composure.
The day flew past he explained how you’d have to lie, pretend your life was normal. But the main thing he wanted you to know was.
“If you kill any of them, I’ll be the one to kill you Y/n.” You nod, you had a straight face for most of his lecture, but you felt like he was trying to replace the adult figures you had had in your life. “If you get into any trouble, call me or just want to know how to act human, I know you haven’t been in the best education, but this is a fresh chance.”
“Okay.” It was simple and whilst sleeping in the commission in a much better area with colour and natural light. You watched the sky, watched how the stars danced around the moon, you admired it from a far but oh how you wished to see it up close.
The night was calming, and you were restless, but it wasn’t out of fear of going to UA, it was of fear they would find out who you were. Find out you were a villain, find out that you had caused deaths along the way. You were confident in your abilities, but they were new people, you had been surrounded by A rank and B rank villains all your life. Hell you had been classed as an A rank villain but now you would become something in life.
Hawks hadn’t bothered to tell you about your real parents, all that was known was you had been on the streets, you were a nobody and you would remain like that if you tried hard enough. The night had led to a lack of sleep with tossing and turning, the nightmares blaring through your head. The torment the way they would use your quirk at the tender age of five to kill and kill again.
Monsters who devour dreams.
The sound of coughing woke you up in your slumber, you hadn’t grown close to the winger hero. But he was trying, he gave you your new uniform, helped you pack a bag with everything and even gave encouraging words along the way.
The uniform was gross but after being trapped for weeks in solitude you were finally getting human contact, experiencing the world. “I’ll help you settle in; the teachers know your…past.” You nod, he was avoiding it and so were you, the drive being filled with silence.
Your gaze had been out the window, the hues of red and yellow cascaded through the sky, it was beautiful. A month ago the only thing you had seen was thick concrete walls, murder only occurring inside of the building you had called home for years.
“We’re here.” He whispers opening the door for you, taking your bags he watches you hit the air and feel the sun, “I think that’s the first time I’ve seen you smile.”
Your surpress the smile looking down, “make friends Y/n.” You nod, you were able to make friends, of course you were it was the not sticking out like a sore thumb that bothered you.
These people will have known each other for a month’s now but you, you weren’t normal. Hawks gave a smile walking you inside the building, “I’ll go drop your bags off to your new room once you’ve settled in.”
You walked past the doors, before arriving in front of a humongous door, shrugging at how Hawks spoke about the class. “The league tried to get them.” You mutter out. “They had talked to Shigaraki about it prior, we were going to go with them but my bro…he got sick.”
It was a lie of course; it wasn’t that he had gotten sick. You had touched him; broken his arm and you had been punished in an instant. You were made to sleep in the rain, eat off the ground, it was torture and you had felt sucked to death.
Monsters who suck blood.
Hawks nods, you misspeaking made you nervous, this was the first time you would be talking and listening to people who you weren’t about to kill. The door opened and you didn’t dare face the class, the teacher who you assumed was Aizawa stood in a sleeping bag, you dismissed it knowing how powerful his quirk was.
“We’ve got a new student today, Y/n Y/l/n and pro hero Hawks is here.” The shock on there faces was something, but it felt more to Hawks than it was to you.
“I’ll be leaving I’ll call tonight.” You nod at Hawks watching him leave with your stuff, your bag hanged loosely on your shoulder. You analysed them all, scanning up and down before you saw the boy who you knew Shigaraki had captured, the Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya who your ‘parents’ had told you about.
You stopped staring at them, Izuku looked down not meeting your gaze whilst Bakugo scowled at you, “why don’t you introduce yourself?”
“Oh umm…” You stuttered Hawks had made you practice a fake backstory but, in an instant, it was forgotten, “I’m Y/n Y/L/N, I moved here with my family a…and ugh.”
Monsters who always tell lies.
You didn’t know what else to say, refusing to meet their gazes as you looked out the window, the birds chirping, petals falling in the August heat, it was beautiful, how life spewed out into the world. But also how easily it was to destroy life, how in one touch everything could break and deteriorate, “Y/n.” Aizawa had been repeating your name but you hadn’t gotten out of your daze until the third time.
“Yes.” You whisper.
He points to a seat behind Bakugo and in front of Midoriya, “go sit behind Bakugo.” You nod, walking past them all, they seemed already accustom to their friends. This was going to be a lot harder; it wasn’t like you were infiltrating it to gain anything. You going against the indoctrination and being the opposite of what you had been brought up to be.
You felt someone tap your shoulder as Aizawa went to what looked like sleep, quickly turning around to meet the green haired boy. “I’m Izuku Midoriya.”
You pretended to not know him, smiling as you introduced yourself again, “Yeah I heard.”
“Why did your parents move?” A blonde boy shouted, you saw the black in his hair, it was a look, but you had seen a lot worse hairstyles.
“Oh, work.” It was an easy enough lie which nobody would be able to see through. “We move around a lot.”
He doesn’t say anymore, as some of the girls come around the table, all introducing themselves, you smile thinking this had become easier by the minute. As quickly as introductions had occurred between the whole class, the day had begin to conclude and all that was left was training.
You didn’t have a hero costume so remained in the UA uniform; it was easy enough. With the odd amount of people, Aizawa had made you stay beside him. “I want you to break all of their left legs.”
Was this a trick or a ploy? You were happy to accept knowing this to be an easy enough thing to do, you saw how they had all began to bunch together. It was paced easily, skimming through each and everyone of them, jumping onto the high buildings as you touched all their left legs with ease, even Midoriya whose quirk you had known to be superior had not been paying attention, you easily touched it before hiding it. Your last victim was Bakugo who seemed to be jumping around, you saw how he stood in front of Kirishima in the open area, well you were going to make this a show.
You already heard the screams of some of the class and whilst being distracted you touched the blond’s leg, having assumed it was the wind he ignored the feeling. Ready to attack just as you bounced back to Aizawa.
In an instance you saw the class cascade onto their left knees, the shouting and tears flowing from some of them. It was quick enough, and you almost felt the thrill of killing from doing this small action.
Even Bakugo who had tried to not become grounded was repressing growls at the pain, “What’s ha…” You heard Momo ask on the ground, even the boy you had known as Endeavor’s son had collapsed onto the floor.
“It’s good, and you can heal them as well.” Aizawa ignored the class taking it as an endurance test.
You nodded about to go reverse it, “no let them feel it.” He had stopped you, you spaced in and out watching them on the floor, you stood in silence, it was easy enough to be stealthy even the invisible girl was easy to get after seeing the gloves floating about.
Aizawa after a couple minutes let you touch there legs again, all regaining strength again. They were all a bit out of it but Bakugo seemed the most pissed at you, not understanding your quirk. The class stood in silence looking at you, you didn’t look at them, wanting to leave and just look out at the sky for a bit.
“Y/n, was that your quirk?” The questions cascaded out, but you refused to answer, you didn’t care if they knew but you felt anxious and untrustworthy of these people. They could end up using it against you, hell they might even try and cut your hands off, so you’re left quirk less.
You had heard it happened to Overhaul so what would make you think that these groups of future pro heroes wouldn’t do it you. “No.” Is all you say, it was a lie, and you were going to stick by it forever.
Lying monsters they are much more cunning than other monsters.
Look into the horizon and see hope, “can we go now?” You muttered to Aizawa, he nodded, you didn’t stop to talk to them instantly leaving.
You didn’t want to face the question and answers, you wanted to be alone. You understood after all these years of being isolated, making friends, being around other people had took a toll on you and you wanted to curl up into a ball.
You grabbed your bag changing as quick as you could, instantly walking past the class who had just arrived to change. You saw the message on the phone Hawks had given you a number and floor of where you assumed your room was.
Whilst walking towards where the dorms were you heard the shout of your name. Turning around you were met with Todoroki, “oh hi.”
“Your quirk its…” He trailed off not knowing the words.
He joined you in the walk to the dorms, “you can say villainous, I can kill people with it.”
“I wasn’t going to say that but at least you’re on our side.” He smiles out before talking about the class and how impressed they were with your quirk.
All you could think about were the words he had said though our side, what did it mean? Were there sides to this world, were you going to remain on the side of justice or go against Hawks and run and kill and be killed by him.
You had ignored everything else he had said, “I’m glad I’m on your side as well.” It was a blatant lie, but you were trying, trying to put on a façade. You tried to understand him, understand the emotions that were around you. But you didn’t understand it, didn’t understand how something has harmless as you had done had made them impressed. If they wanted to be impressed, you could kill someone. If they really wanted.
They pose as humans even though they have no understand of the human heart.
Todoroki talked about how meals worked and the works and before you knew it, he had dropped you off directly outside the dorm room. “I’ll come get you for dinner.” You nodded before sucking in a breath. You had your own room, your own sanctuary, you could make it look however you wanted.
You walked inside seeing your bags to the side, a desk and a bed it was normal and empty. Hell if you knew what to do with the room, you had no pictures to put up, no possessions only the new clothes Hawks had brought you. It was barren and you expected it would remain this way.
You laid on the bed, feeling the soft and warm covers, it was a new experience, the rags you had slept in prior being nothing compared to this. It was comfort that you had never experience, the few hours later bringing the half haired boy to your room.
You had put the clothes in the designated area and been waiting on the bed, staring out of the window. It was getting dull and wearing the clothes that fit too right, you opened the door to see Todoroki.
“We’re waiting downstairs.” You nod, pulling at the sleeves of the shirt as you followed the boy. He made conversation which you gave small yeah back too. You were eating for the sake of it, eating to fuel you it wasn’t to satisfy or pleasure you it was to make you stronger. That’s how you had been brought up and that’s how you seemed to remain.
You saw the class crowding a table, a confusion settling on your face. Even the angry Bakugo was perched on the table, Todoroki coughed, and everybody turned their backs. “She’s hear.” Mina squealed, “we got you a cake to celebrate you joining our class.”
Your face fell in confusion, why were they being nice? You had hurt them and now they had gotten you a cake, you had never had a cake, always being told it was bad for you and would ruin your quirk.
“A c…cake.” You stuttered.
“Yeah, a cake, look its got frosting.” Ururaka smiled moving to show you the cake.
It was Midoriya the next to speak, “we think your quirk is really cool and don’t want you to think we think it’s a villain quirk or something.”
Your eyes widened; the cake had blue frosting but the sound of Midoriya repeating what Todoroki spoke out too you. You took a deep breath before faking a smile, everybody seemed to believe it and your next words, “thank you guys so much it means a lot.”
Bakugo knew, Bakugo saw how your eyes were lying, how your face might have been smiling but inside you were dying. Those eyes of yours, the way your upper lip twitched whilst cutting the cake. He saw it all and, in the end, he saw how your fingers skimmed the knife, as if you were thinking about murder. But what did he know about an extra like you.
They eat even though they’ve never experienced hunger.
A couple weeks had passed, and you seemed to have settled in, well that’s what Hawks had assumed after every daily call with you. His words echoing in your head, one murder and you would die yourself. You had grown closer with all of them , specifically Mina and Kirishima, but Bakugo was another story, he was scowl every time you looked at him, everytime you tried to make conversation. You both hadn’t shared a single conversation only being around each other due to your mutual friends.
The day Mina had asked to study in your room had brought Kirishima, Sero, Denki and Bakugo to your room. You hadn’t expected all of them, but you put on a fake smile again, you didn’t need to revise, hell if it wasn’t for your quirk, you’d still be academically smarter then the rest of them.
You didn’t confess to this truth only accepting them inside the barren room, you hadn’t gotten time to print out the pictures you had taken with the class. As much as the villain inside of you hated to admit it you were enjoying your time. You had thought the first night at UA, that in a month you’d have killed them, the villain in you would come out and you’d stop all their hearts, but now, smiling with them maybe things were different.
Or maybe you were lying to yourself, because to Bakugo you still showed the lying nature, your eyes were filled with lies and could dare look at you. It was only for Kirishima who had dragged him alone, he wanted to ask why you lied, why you didn’t tell the truth? A true pro hero would never go to this extent, but he had no proof, it was in his head.
It was all true, you had continued this lie, making up about how your parents and you were distant, but you had a brother who you were close with. The brother who had stolen you had never been close with you, he hated you, resented your quirk and had killed anybody around you to prove he was the better child.
You imagined him locked up right now, locked away in the hell hole, it was callous, but you relished in his pain. Mina had begun asking questions which you ignored thinking, you zoned out looking out of the window. He was probably chained up, sobbing at how he regretted it all. Regretted hurting you, you bet he didn’t even know that you were the one to kill his mother.
It was comforting but you knew you would have to surpress these thoughts to seem normal. “Sorry, I spaced out, say that again?” You quickly spoke.
Bakugo had noticed you space out, noticed how your lips twitched upwards into a cruel face he had seen that face before. Seen it on every villain he had even encountered and the fear that filled him, startled you all as he knocked the books to the floor.
You continued helping Mina ignoring the boy who continued looking at you. He didn’t bother helping Kirishima, only glaring at you, it wasn’t like he cared if you trusted them or not. But you were no hero to him, even if Deku and Todoroki told you, you were a hero, you would always be something villainous. The night fell and they all left, Bakugo having glared the entire night, it was unnerving, and you were fearful he was catching on, but you dismissed it. It was easy to not overthink these types of stuff, you could always threaten the boy.
They study even though they have no interest in academics.
The late night was unnerving you could feel Bakugo’s presence surround the room, you jolted up. Looking around, feeling watched, before you noticed the hoodie Bakugo had been wearing draped over the chair. He might be awake, he could be, you didn’t care, you got up stretching before grabbing the hoodie and creeping out the door.
You were on the same floor as the boy, so in a quick few steps you arrived at his door. You knocked hesitantly, maybe you should’ve waited. You shook your head, knowing that the feeling of his hoodie in your room made you on edge. You knocked again, and on the third a sleep Bakugo opened the door.
They seek friendship even though they do not know how to love.
He rubbed his eyes before noticing who it was, “what the hell do you want?”
You scowled looking at him, “you left your hoodie in my room.”
You pushed it on him about to leave, but instead he grabs your wrist, “we need to talk.”
“We can talk in the morning.” You were fearful not of him but the threat he knew your secret, knew everything about you.
He ignored you dragging you inside and shutting the door, “sit down.” He mutters, you oblige sitting on the edge of his bed, he had been wearing a black shirt and shorts, you didn’t look at him, instead looing around his room. You see a picture of what looks to be his parents, he was the spitting image of his mother. He looked angry in it but even then, it was a family picture filled with love, something you would never have.
“Why do you lie?” He meets your gaze.
“L…lie, I haven’t.” You lie out.
“I see it in your eyes, you have this face and I’ve seen it on villains, who are you?” His voice had become harsher and you felt intimidated. Fuck, you had killed people and a rowdy blond boy was making you scared.
“I told you…”
He interrupts you, “Y/n just tell me the fucking truth for once.”
“Bakugo I don’t know what you’re on about.” You say acting dumb to leave this situation, “I’ve tried to be nice to you but you jus…”
He speaks over you to make you shut up, “you don’t want to be friends, what are you Y/n?”
His voice was eery and he continued to spew out the truth, “you’re a villain aren’t you.”
You take a deep breath the tears about to brim from your eyelids, “I’m the monster, parents tell their kids about.”
Bakugo watched the tears flow out, he didn’t know what to do, he brought his hand to your face wiping the tears with his thumb. “Y/n tell me the truth.”
You look a mess, but you didn’t care, and you confessed it all, you didn’t lie or skim over the truth. You told him from the moment you got taken to the moment you killed the woman who had made you call her mother.
You expected him to push you away, tell everybody instead he sat in silence. Before bringing you into his arms, “I shouldn’t have called you a villain.” It was a soft side to the boy who had been known for being aggressive, after hearing your sufferings he understood, and he wanted to make sure you were always safe and protected.
“I am a monster though.”
He makes you look up at him, holding your face in his hands, “you’re not, the monsters are those people.”
You don’t speak instead leaning your head against his shoulders, you had never been this vulnerable with anyone. He held your head onto his body, moving onto the pillow to let you lie down on him, he brought you comfort, let you cry on him. You weren’t a villain; you weren’t a villain and if Bakugo believed it then you weren’t a villain to the boy who had been surrounded by them just as much as you had.
After that night Bakugo and you had grown into a strong friendship, it was shocking to the class who had never seen you even talk. The way he would come and make you coffee in the morning, walk with you to each class. Sit beside you in at lunch, even go as far as it train with you just so you felt included.
But seeing how you both talked and smiled at each other, for the first time you had a genuine smile on your face, a genuine laugh that wasn’t filled with lies from your past. They watched how the two of you grew over the course of the next month, how the two of you grew closer and closer. It was unfathomable but you had made a true friend, a friendship that wasn’t based on lies, maybe one day you’d tell them all.
But at the time being you were content with having the angry boy be remotely nicer to you than anybody. It was Mina who had noticed how Bakugo would open the door for you or hold your bag occasionally. The unusual behaviour making everybody think he was sick, but all you saw from him was kindness that had evolved for you.
What they hadn’t realised was how at ease you both had gotten into a routine of sneaking into each other’s rooms. How you’d hold onto each other, talk and vent about the past in each other’s arms. Friends don’t do that; friends don’t hold and comfort each other like you both did.
On one of the many nights you both spent together, his arm around your waist, you looked at him. Looked at his fiery red eyes and fallen blond hair, he had become something more to you. Somebody who you could trust with your life.
“Stop looking at me, its creepy.” He scolds, you laugh at the boy bringing your hand to his hair.
You feel him stare down at your tiny figure, “I thought you were a real bitch the first time we met.”
“You don’t think that anymore.” You pout out nearing closer to his plump lips.
“I still think you’re a fucking bitch.” He laughs, cocking his head back before bringing it back to your face, the gap having narrowed and all you could see was his fiery eyes stare back at you. “You’re my bitch...though.”
You nod not making a remark as the gap closes between you. Your lips moving together in an instant, it was long awaited and seethed with love and hope. But most of all it proved the woman who you called mother wrong, you weren’t heartless, and you have the love she spoke about from Bakugo.
Monsters who always tell lies.
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artemisia--hq · 3 years
This prompt is from @kittensocute ‘kageyama and hinata are stuck on a ferris wheel ride’
When one thinks of amusement parks, games and rides, and generally a fun, happy time instantly comes into mind. This, however is decidedly not fun. This is a nightmare, a weaving of pure fear and terror, and Tobio swears if he ever manages to get out of here alive, he is so going to—
“Aaahh! Ahh! We’re gonna die! We’re gonna die!”
“Stop yelling, dumbass!” Tobio yells. He rubs his face with both of his palms when Hinata still wouldn’t stop screaming like a banshee. “Death is gonna be the least of your concern because I’m gonna kill you first if you don’t! Stop! Yelling!”
“That doesn’t even make any sense!” Hinata cries, “and you’re yelling, too!” He serves Tobio a stink eye, or as stinky as he can possibly muster with his ashen face and trembling lips. Tobio just returns the glare a hundred-fold, and that seems to do the job of shutting the idiot up as he looks away with an obnoxious huff.
But the sudden silence only gives way for Tobio to marinate in regret, recounting every action that had led to the disaster they’re currently in.
It was supposed to be a fun day in the amusement park, and it did start out that way. The first and last time Tobio had been to one was years ago, with Kazuyo-san and Miwa for his tenth birthday. It is one of his most treasured memories that is completely unrelated to volleyball, the only time he had fun without it.
But spending it with his friends (and yes, that includes that bastard Tsukishima, however mortifying that concept is), had been admittedly fun, too. They were all together during the first hour, playing games and getting into every ride they could. But he and Hinata had been pre-occupied with one-upping each other with a shooting game and before they knew it, their friends were out of sight.
It was Hinata’s idea to ride the ferris wheel to look for them. Now they’re stuck in a cramped, glass-covered carriage for fifteen minutes.
“This is why you don’t get to have any dumbass ideas, you dumbass,” Tobio grumbles out loud.
Hinata bristles. “Wh-what?!”
“This is all your fault in the first place.”
The other boy lets out a disbelieving gasp. “You’re the one who said, ‘oh yeah. Good idea,’” he says in mock imitation of Tobio, flattening his hair as he does so.
He’s not wrong, but Tobio can’t give Hinata the satisfaction of being right, either, so he clicks his tongue and looks away.
Silence once again engulfs them.
Tobio gazes through the glass of the carriage to take his mind off of certain things that’s been circling his consciousness like incessant, annoying flies, things that shouldn’t be given permission to reside in his thoughts.
Getting stuck a hundred feet above the ground is bad enough as it is—getting stuck with the worst possible person just makes it a hundred times worse.
Tobio risks a sideway glance out on the corner of his eyes. Hinata has his arms around himself, as if he’s purposely trying to take up as little space as possible. Which is a weird concept to wrap around—as small as Hinata is, his larger than life presence could more than fill up a room, with that beaming smile and loud, cheery voice.
But Hinata is none of that presently. He looks quite pale, wide eyes darting around for every creak and squeak of the ferris wheel carriage, small hands clenching and unclenching the sleeves of his sweater. The most frustrating thing of all: he wouldn’t stop chewing his lower lip, now looking red and swollen and just so ki—
Tobio has to give himself a few mental punches in the head to wrench his attention away from it and to clear his thoughts.
See, this is why he absolutely shouldn’t be alone with this orange-haired gremlin. He gives Tobio horrendous ideas.
Tobio’s body temperature drops to subzero. Fuck, was he caught staring? Was he too obvious? He should run—wait, no, fuck, he’s trap, he’s done for—
“Wh-what?” He snaps, anger immediately acting as a reflex.
Hinata flinches, then he sighs, looking down on his feet. “Never mind.”
Something twinges in Tobio’s chest. God, why is he so…taken with this stupid idiot. “What is it?” he asks, cutting down his tone, just a little.
The other boy still has his eyes cast down, squirming. “Uhm…”
“Out with it, dumbass.”
Those round brown eyes squeezes tight as Hinata blurts out, “Canyouholdmyhands?”
Tobio sputters, “Wh-what?”
“Can you hold my hands, please!” Hinata yells, extending both of his hands like an offering.
Okay, either he has completely lost his mind, or Hinata has.
He goes for the more convenient option.
“Are you crazy? No!” He whips his hands behind him, for good measure. “Why would I?”
“Because I’m scared and my hands are cold!” Hinata grouches, and for a second, he has every intent to fight and demand for it, like he always does, but then he deflates and slumps on his side of the carriage. “I-It’s fine. That was weird, anyway. Sorry.” He then proceeds to hug himself again, shrinking within his sweater.
Hinata has never looked so tiny and vulnerable.
Tobio’s mouth starts to open when the carriage suddenly sways and groans on his hinges. Hinata screams and Tobio is already lunging forward even before his mind could even process things, and his hands grabs onto cold, clammy ones, fingers intertwining tightly.
“We’re gonna die! We’re gonna die, Kageyama!”
“Sh-shut up! That was just the wind!”
“I-I don’t want to die, Kageyama!” Hinata wails, tears pricking on the corners of his blown, shaky eyes. “I-I still have to be good in volleyball! I still have to beat you!”
Tobio has never seen Hinata this distressed before, or even this legitimately terrified. He’s always been a scaredy-cat, but never like this. Tobio shuffles closer, gripping their joined hands. “No one’s going to die, so stop screaming.” He gives another reassuring squeeze, and it might be instinct or reflex, but Hinata squeezes back. “I won’t let that happen.”
Hinata sniffs. He blinks his glossy, golden eyes at Tobio “R-really?”
Tobio nods. “Yeah.” He hears some commotion from below and he presses his face on the glass. “Look, they’re doing something about it now.” He turns to face Hinata again. He could go in for a smile, but he figures that would only scare Hinata more than comfort him. “We’ll be out of here in no time, so just…think about something else.”
Hinata shakes his head frantically. “I-I can’t. There’s nothing in here that can distract me!” Then his gaze lands on their entwined hands. “Except, maybe…this.”
“Yeah, well…if that helps,” Tobio murmurs as he stares at their hands, too, before stalwartly looking away. If Hinata finds comfort in that, Tobio, on the contrary, needs a distraction of his own away from it. He settles at looking over the glistening lake dotted with tiny boats shaped like swans and turtles at the distance, but all of his nerve endings seem to concentrate on the point of contact between the, feeling each ridge and bumps of those rough, calloused hands wrapping around his own. Yet, they’re also unbelievably soft, if that makes any sense. Hinata just seems to defy all rules of the universe, from his jumps to the feel of his hands.
They are a bit sweaty, though, which is kind of gross. But Hinata being gross is not an entirely alien concept to Tobio, so whatever.
“Your hands are really warm,” Hinata says suddenly in genuine awe, as if he doesn’t mean to say them out loud.
Tobio’s hands are not the only ones getting warm—he can feel the back of his neck and his ears prickle with heat. “And really big. And your fingers are super long.” Hinata adds.
Tobio is half a mind to withdraw his hand and pocket them into safety, if only to keep them away from scrutinizing large eyes and to save himself from spontaneously combusting. But it does seem to calm Hinata, so it’s a risk he just has to endure.
He faces the other boy—the whole distract himself thing isn’t really working, anyway. “Obviously, dumbass,” he jibes, “I’m bigger than you everywhere.”
Hinata just nods, then he’s silent for a moment, before whispering, “Is this weird for you?”
“What, that I’m bigger?”
“No, stupid,” Hinata says with a roll of his eyes. “I meant, this.” He gestures at their hand, lifting them and letting it drop in the space between their knees.
“It’s only weird if you make it weird,” Tobio says, although he’s not really sure if he’s saying that to Hinata or himself. “You’re the one who asked for it.”
Hinata shrugs. “That’s different. I didn’t think you’d be up for it.” When Tobio doesn’t answer, Hinata sighs. “I-I mean, you normally do this kind of thing with…you know…” he trails, his pale cheeks quickly rising in color, eyes looking anywhere but at Tobio’s face.
“No, I don’t know,” Tobio says.
Amber eyes finally locking with blue ones, Hinata says in the softest voice, “You do this kind of thing with the person you like.”
“I do like you.”
It must be the work of altitude and oxygen and all the science-y stuff Tobio never paid any attention to in class because it’s the only logical explanation why his mouth decides to run off without his brain. He resists the urge to face palm himself hard enough to propel himself into the next dimension.
Hinata, understandably, stares at Tobio like he’s grown an extra head plus a tail. “You—like—what?!” he screeches, face and neck dousing in crimson red, and Tobio figures, he’s faring no better. “Y-you like me?!”
“I-I meant as a-a friend!” Tobio stammers, shouts, whatever. “As a friend and—and teammate! Dumbass!”
“I-I know that! I-It just surprised me!” Hinata shouts back, even as his face burns even deeper, redder than the sun settling behind the mountains.
Then he snickers, quickly turning into a full-on laugh.
“W-what? What’s funny?” Trying to sound demanding is hard when Tobio’s heart is lodged in his throat and with his entire body on fire.
Hinata snorts out a giggle, then he’s smiling at Tobio, radiant and flushed and—
Here, trapped in a cramped, musty enclosed glass a hundred feet up in the air, Hinata—his rival, his partner, and if it isn’t obvious enough, the guy he’s been crushing on for months, looks achingly beautiful.
“Well, that makes me happy, because I like you, too!” Hinata exclaims.
Tobio has never really understood the expression ‘on cloud nine high,’ but he’s pretty sure this bursting feeling within his chest must be pretty damn close.
Then the beaming smile turns into a teasing smirk. “Even though you’re sometimes mean and violent and calls me dumbass more than my own name.”
And Tobio can’t help it, he smirks right back. “Dumbass.”
Their nonsensical argument of who likes who continues until the ferris wheel starts to turn and move again, continuing even after their feet touch the ground, as they zigzag their way among the crowd in search of their friends.
With Hinata’s hand still clutched over his.
Thank you for indulging my request (begging) for a prompt! I have to apologize, though, this is not as good as I’d like to be, but it does help me ease out of my writing slump. I hope you enjoyed it nevertheless! ^o^
You can also read it on ao3 (with minor edits)
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jeonqqin · 4 years
man up. [m] | pt. 2
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h. jisung x reader | netflix teen rom-com au
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— ❝Even with classes, annoying brothers, and an unrequited crush, you still figured your first year of college was going pretty well. Until you managed to get your first boyfriend, and suddenly your brother and his stupidly attractive best friend were attached to your hip for the whole damn ride.
or alternatively;
Why did Jisung care about you so much, and had his eyes always been that pretty?❞
CONTAINS: brothers best friend au, teen rom-com au, sorta crack fic, love triangle au, college au
WARNINGS: nopee, well ji looking at readers butt?
A/N: are u team Chan or team Han?
▸ request
CHAPTERS:  01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 +
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blog masterlist | ⟲ fic song
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© jeonqqin 2020
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After your afternoon class with Jisung, he quickly noted that you were absent for the rest of the day.
Sure, you didn’t have any other classes, but normally you would be hunkered down in the library with your nose stuffed in some sort of book, or wandering around campus with Felix at your heels. You were either cramming due to your procrastination or roaming around procrastinating. Jisung also knew you weren’t a fan of staying in your small dorm room since your roommate loved flaunting the fact that she had a boyfriend and how she wasn’t shy about anyone witnessing their ‘acts of love’.
So he really had no idea where you were, and it bugged him a little more than he would like to admit.
But outwardly, he didn’t want to show just how worried he was. You were his best friend’s sister, it wasn’t his job to make a fuss about something so trivial. It would be weird if he went looking for you… but if Minho just so happened to get word of his little sister’s sudden disappearance, Jisung would have to help his dear friend search for you.
It was only common courtesy.
“Minho, I think Y/n was kidnapped.”
“You WHAT?!”
Okay, starting the phone call with that probably wasn’t the best choice, but what other choice did he have. Jisung was an impatient guy.
“Yeah, I don’t know what happened.” He replied casually, already able to hear the panic on Minho’s end of the call. “She was here and then she wasn’t.”
Not only was he impatient, he was a(n idiot) songwriter; his words articulate and poetic.
Minho was silent for a second before cutting back for the call.
“I texted Changbin and he said she just ran off.”
Jisung frowned. “Do they know where she went?”
“Apparently to beat some sense into me.”
The two friends knew then where you were and a rush of panic filled their chests all at the same time.
Jisung nearly dropped his phone in the process of hanging up, immediately taking off towards the familiar apartment.
His worst nightmare was coming true—Chan was an unknown in Jisung’s mind. He was handsome, charismatic, and an older guy, so it was realistic to imagine you falling head-over-heels if you were to ever meet him. Unfortunately, it seemed like fate wasn’t in his favor and he was in deep shit if you were really at the apartment alone with Chan.
Alone with Chan.
He shivered at the thought.
The only brightside to the ordeal was that Minho was also aware of the dangerous situation. Out of everyone, he would be the only one to prevent any feelings from sprouting between you. Jisung counted on Minho every time and he never once failed to preform.
Dear god, he hoped he didn’t decide to stop now.
Arriving at the complex, he almost rammed full speed into Minho, who was also going as fast as his legs could take him. They only shared one glance before trampling over their feet to get up the stairs, no doubt bothering the neighbors along their way.
Minho was the one to swing the door open, his head on a swivel as he walked in. He was ready to break up any inappropriate business with as much force necessary—he didn’t care if Chan’s bicep was twice the size of his head, he had leg power on his side. And if he saw your tongue anywhere near Chan’s, Minho was going to be swinging.
There was a crash behind the closed door of the office, and both heads perked up at the sound.
Minho hurried forward, arm outstretched to grab the door, “No. No no no—”
Jisung never wanted in his life to see you involved with someone else. With your pretty eyes hooded and shining with desire, and your chest heaving heavily against the tight fabric of your blouse. It had been difficult enough to watch you fill out and grow into an attractive woman, he didn’t want to acknowledge the fact that you were old enough to meet other guys and moan their names.
He certainly didn’t want to hear you moan Chan’s name—of all people, why Chan?
“Shit, Chan—”
Jisung felt his face heat up as Minho pushed the door open, ready to pull his friend away to avoid the scene on the other side.
“—get your head away from my ass! The power strip isn’t even near there you prick!”
“Hey,” Chan defended with a laugh. “In my defense, all you said was it was over here somewhere. How do I know that somewhere isn’t next to your ass?”
The position that the two of you were in was compromising—though not in the way that Jisung had originally expected. It caused the two newcomers to freeze, their brains struggling to really understand what was happening.
The two of you were surrounded by thousands of cables and wires, black foam scattered across the floor as well. You were on your hands and knees, the only visible part of you was your bottom half with your head tucked underneath Chan’s mixing table doing who knows what. As for Chan, he was crawling around same as you, on his hands and knees with an extension cord wrapped around his shoulders.
“Uhm…” Minho gaped, eyes unable to focus on one part of the scene.
Jisung had no trouble at all, his eyes locked solidly on your raised ass.
You turned your head to look over your shoulder, eyes locking with Jisung’s and immediately widening. You couldn’t be in a worse situation—fucking hell.
In your haste to get out from under the table, you slammed the top of your head against one of the sturdy table legs and winced as Chan cracked up from your side.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in class—Jesus, ow…” You asked, your hand moving up to rub the forming bump.
“What’s going on?” Minho asked, his eyebrows brushing his bangs.
“Y/n wanted some help with her stats class and I needed someone to help me upturn this room and make it into a recording room.” Chan snorted at your little dramatic groans, completely unfazed by the growing frustration on Minho’s face.
But before Minho could say anything to Chan’s statement, Jisung stepped in.
His lips twisted sourly, “I thought Seungmin was going to help you with your stats stuff?”
You shook your head with a huff. “I will not subject myself to that kind of torture and I refuse to let anyone convince me otherwise.”
“Well you could’ve asked me.”
Defeated and jealous; Jisung could no longer hide it.
The two older boys could see it clearly in the way he looked at you with big sad eyes, though neither of them said anything. Chan’s brows furrowed in thought, it looked like you had someone else infatuated with you.
You laughed. “Uh-huh, because you’re the resident genius here. Jisung, you dropped two of your classes last semester because both professors were minutes away from giving you an administrative failure.”
“Yeah, yeah. Jisung’s head is full of rocks—” Minho dismissed, unsympathetic towards the scandalized boy next to him. “Why the hell are you turning my storage room into a junkyard?”
Chan finally stood, pulling the cord from his neck and throwing it to the side in favor of helping you up.
“It was already a junkyard, bundle-boy.” You said, voice clipped and annoyed. Who wouldn’t be after smashing their head against a solid piece of metal? “We were renovating.”
“Like hell you were. I thought I said no to the recording room?”
Minho’s rage was just about completely directed towards Chan, but to your surprise, the guy gave minimal to no reaction. His face stayed indifferent, wide shoulders relaxed and eyes set.
You’ll be dammed, the fucker wasn’t scared.
Chan wasn’t afraid of your brother.
There was someone on the planet who didn’t go running when Minho looked at them funny, and he was standing right next to you in his beautiful sleeveless glory. If you weren’t currently suffering from a possible concussion you would be dropping to one knee and popping the question then and there.
“Oh, so what you said earlier was a no?” Chan (very unconvincingly) feigned innocence. “Sorry, the phone connection must’ve been bad.”
“I was yelling to you from the other room.”
“These walls are very thick, Minho. It’s your apartment, you should know that.”
“Do you want to be homeless?”
“Define; home.”
That was it, he was your one true love.
As Minho began to cross his arms over his chest, squaring up to Chan with the glare of a certifiable killer, you slid out of the way to avoid the oncoming fist fight.
Or explosion, whichever route Minho decided to take.
But then the unthinkable happened—Minho sighed, dropping his arms to his sides and turning towards you.
Both you and Jisung stood speechless, because you just witnessed someone give Minho an attitude and not get beat down afterwards. Hyunjin had once attempted the same thing and had been chased around the quad for a good forty minutes until the taller man had gotten tired and your brother had become uninterested.
Felix told you that they were both reemed during dance practice that night for being too tired to execute their choreography.
Minho shook his head, “You and Changbin were probably going to convince me anyway. Might as well save the wasted time and get it done now.”
Either your brother had a fat crush on Chan, or the Lee Minho was afraid of someone.
You knew Chan was older than him, but someone had to have some sort of super power to keep Minho from kicking their shins and shoving a knee in their face.
“What is happening…?” Jisung wondered, eyes wide and mouth open.
Chan smiled, striding over to clap Jisung on the shoulder, making the shorter boy jump in surprise.
“Good news. We’re getting a recording studio.”
And you would like to get married to one Bang Chan please.
You joined Chan’s side.
“Now you can finish that song you were working on.” You said, nudging Jisung’s shoulder.
He was just going to ignore the sudden wave of excitement at the fact that you remembered that he was working on a song.
“Yeah, I guess so.” Jisung laughed tensely. “Looks like I’ll be around more often.”
“Yeah, definitely…”
You nodded absentmindedly, eyes locked on the exposed skin of Chan’s arms. Chan himself didn’t acknowledge your stare, but couldn’t help the smug smile that slid onto his face.
Jisung watched the exchange and groaned, looking over to glare at Minho for failing him the only time it truly would end badly for him. Because of course Minho had to be soft for Chan and of course Chan had to be moving in.
Why couldn’t Chan just be ugly?
“Okay,” Chan sighed, placing all the wires he held into a pile on the floor. Suddenly, he turned to you, “You held up your end of the bargain. Let’s work on some stats, huh?”
Your eyes widened for a second, caught in headlights.
“Oh,” was your smart reply. “But we didn’t get to finish?”
Chan waved it off. “The only reason we tried to get it all done was to make sure Minho couldn’t say no. Now that he’s accepted it, we don’t have to rush.”
As much as it bothered him not to finish a project.
You laughed at the little punch Minho threw at Chan’s shoulder on his way out of the room, mumbling something about “going to bed before Changbin comes home to beg for food”. He also made sure to pinch your cheek before leaving.
After swatting at Minho’s hand, you grinned.
“Okay, well… Let’s figure out how we’re going to do this.”
Chan mimicked your smile with a nod.
No way, Jisung thought as you followed his older friend out into the living room, no fucking way.
You just left him without an acknowledging glance his way, and all of a sudden he had a really terrible feeling about leaving you and Chan alone together. Anything could happen—kissing, fucking, god forbid you talk to him. You could become closer and gain feelings for the guy, which would not be a hard task considering Chan was basically the human embodiment of the sun and every damn person seemed to be pulled into his orbit after the first meeting.
Dammit, it was even difficult for Jisung to be mad at him. The guy was too lovable.
Cursing under his breath, Jisung all but ran into the living room to prevent any and all touching or deep talks, because heaven knew how much Chan talked about deep shit.
Ew, he sounded like Minho.
“You don’t have any notes at all?” Chan asked, eyebrows raised. “What do you even do in there?”
You let out a sigh.
“Stats is where I usually do my biology work.”
“Then what do you do in biology?” He questioned bluntly, his eyes skimming all the lost files on your computer that you had given up on ages ago.
“That’s where I write all my essays. The teacher—”
“—never stands up from his chair.”
With wide eyes, you laughed in surprise. Your mouth formed many words but nothing stumbled out, perhaps for a good reason because what you had in your head wasn’t very coherent on its own.
So you just pointed at the snickering Chan, “You…?”
His head shook and your mood dropped.
“I don’t do work for other classes,” he corrected, the mischievous smile slowly sliding onto his lips giving you a little hope back. “I actually produced a whole song in that class.”
Was Jisung dreaming or were you looking at Chan with those big bewildered eyes? Was that what was happening right in front of him? Could he be seeing things?
For once he really hoped he was going insane.
“I knew I wasn’t the only one that slacked off in that class!” You chirped, bouncing a little in your seat.
“And I still got a one-hundred on my exam.” He told you pointedly before passing on the laptop and leaning back on the couch.
Normally, smugness wouldn’t have been attractive to you but on Chan it was something else. His eyes lit up in a way that was almost pretty.
There was a pull towards him as he just sat there and looked at you. It was something that set you on edge in the same way it put you at ease, he just had such a conflicting presence and you really didn’t know how to process it. So your body pushed you forward on it’s own, and with no complaints from him, you felt your hand come to rest on his knee—
But out of the fucking blue, Jisung was throwing himself between you two, his thinner body fitting snuggly in the unfilled space. You sputtered and Chan nearly yelped, holding his hand to his chest to placate his thudding heart.
“Jisung—what the fuck?”
“Did you just jump over the back of the couch?” Chan frowned looking over his shoulder to really determine the path Jisung took to get there.
Jisung smiled obnoxiously, “I just figured I’d help you guys out. Considering I’m also in that class.” He wiggles a little more to separate the two of you even more. “And three brains are better than two.”
“Not when yours is nonexistent.” You quipped, feeling your lips pull into a pout at the intruder.
“Ah, how I love your humor.”
Jisung poked your nose with a tight lipped smile.
Sending Chan a look of apology, he shrugged, falling back further into the couch.
“Sure, why not?” Was his response, shoulders lifting up and falling back down with a huff. “Let me help you set up some proper notes.”
Jisung brought his hands together once to create a near deafening sound that had you even more irritable. His happy-go-lucky mood wasn’t funny when you were on the receiving end of the annoyance.
One nice thing—you couldn’t have one single nice thing ever.
Between your brother and his dumb best friend (that you may or may not have sorta feelings for) you couldn’t do anything. Your prime years were being wasted on sucky romance movies with Felix and Hyunjin and cat fights with Jisung. You couldn’t afford such bullshit for much longer.
“You know I love you, Y/n.”
“Stuff your love up your ass.”
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The rest of the week passed by smoothly with minimal conflict on your end and grades that didn’t have you contemplating slamming your face into a wall. On weekends you usually spent most of your time at Minho’s apartment while Changbin dicked around at the gym and your brother slept for the forty-eight hours that he had to himself. You could watch movies and finish your homework with no distractions.
That was until Chan decided to move in and steal your attention every moment he could. You were even starting to suspect that he was doing it on purpose after the time he walked out of the bathroom in only a bath towel and responded with a “oh, I didn’t notice you there”.
You also concluded that Felix was a snitch and no longer deserved your friendship, because once you shared with him your encounter with Chan, everyone in your group of friends was wired in to everything that concerned you and Chan.
Especially Jisung. Which eventually caused—
“Jisung why the hell are you following me?”
The boy in question didn’t bother to acknowledge you, instead he simply continued to walk at your side, hands stuffed deep in his pockets and hair just a little messier than usual, “What do you mean? This is how I get to my next class.”
You snorted. “Last time I checked, you had dropped your two-thirty class. And even then, it was on the other side of the building.”
Jisung couldn’t help but roll his pretty brown eyes.
“Says the guy who’s been up my ass all day.” You chirped, taking pride in the way he glared at you.
Jisung threw his hands up in frustration. He knew what he was doing was out of character, sure. But did he want to be called out on it?
“Can I not hang out with you? God, Y/n. We’ve known each other for years, I’d think you’d get used to me being around.”
You merely shook your head with a laugh, continuing forward.
“You’re really something else.”
He snorted, “So you’re being an adult now?”
“When am I not the adult when I’m with you? There’s no room for stupid energy with you around.” You replied cheekily
“Well I’m sorry for hogging all the ‘stupid energy’, damn…”
The way that Jisung held up the air quotes for “stupid energy” had your cheeks aching from how hard you smiled.
“Well, I’m going to lunch with Felix and Hyunjin right now. So unless you want to be subjected to their combined stupidity, I would suggest you go back to your dorm.” You sent him a small smile over your shoulder, just barely missing the way he tripped over his feet because of it.
Felix had called you in a rush right as you were getting out of your last class of the day and asked you to come eat lunch with him and Hyunjin. It was a one sided conversation that lasted almost ten seconds but you figured you had no other choice but to comply. Whatever reason he had for being in such a hurry was enough for you to listen.
“But you can come if you want, Sungie. I’m sure they won’t mind.”
It had been a while since you last called him that nickname—possibly way back when you were in primary school. It sent chills down his spine to hear you call him that again.
Jisung caught up to you easily, slinging his arm around your shoulders just as he used to when you began calling him Sungie. Over the years it had started to put a strain on him since he found it hard to differentiate what was friendly and what was too friendly. He had a girlfriend after all, and there were only so many things he could do with other girls that was acceptable.
But of course you were just Y/n. The little sister that bothered them all day and called him Sungie.
He didn’t have to feel embarrassed to hug you or tease you or hide his insecurities behind stupid pick up lines. Now matter how much it made his heart pound in his chest, you were still Minho’s baby sister—you were Jisung’s baby sister.
“I’d like that, my dear.” Jisung said, stuffing his free hand into his pocket and pulling you closer.
So close that it almost felt domestic.
Y’know, as domestic as it could get with someone who was like a little sister to him. He had a beautiful girlfriend too, so the domestication was more like a… family comfort and less like how it would feel if you were married and he was allowed to hold you as close as he wanted—
“Ah, you’re warm,” you hummed, making a small fuss of tucking yourself further into his hold. “It always looks like it’s going to be nice outside, but it seems like the weather changes its mind just as much as Hyunjin.”
You didn’t notice but Jisung was completely lost to everything you said after “you’re warm”. He just continued to hum and nod as if his brain wasn’t completely fried.
Jisung was in the midst of a mental breakdown when you somehow managed to lead him to the small restaurant right outside of the university. It was a popular place since it was so close and dolled out cheap food in a matter of seconds, which definitely appealed to its main demographic.
You spotted Felix’s head of purple hair immediately, a bright smile etched onto his face as he spoke animatedly to the waiter standing at the ready. The boy was cute, black hair and pretty dimples that made him appear younger. He also looked friendly with Felix with how he spoke with a wide smile that showed his perfect teeth.
You approached the table, shrugging Jisung’s arm off of you and ignoring his whine in protest.
“I made it,” you announced, gaining the attention of your friends—
And fuck.
You met eyes with Seungmin sitting in the seat beside Felix, and felt your shoulders slump as he flashed you a smirk.
“Glad you could come, Y/n.” Seungmin all but sang at your visible distress.
But Felix had a hold on your arm before you could respond with attitude, tugging you dangerously close to the waiter at your side.
“Y/n, this is Jeongin—” Felix gestured towards the boy who lifted his hand to wave. “He’s a school friend of Hyunjin’s.”
“It’s my last year.” Jeongin added with a shy laugh.
Peeling your eyes away from Seungmin, you got a good look at the boy in front of you. The unexpected cuteness both startled you and made your stomach flip. You really had to withhold from squealing and pinching his cheeks. He was so cute.
You smiled genuinely, “It’s nice to meet you, Jeonginnie.”
A small wave of red covered his ears at the sudden nickname, his long eyelashes fluttering in surprise.
Jisung just about combusted in his spot. He was getting pretty sick and tired of keeping tabs on all the boys you managed to hook around your finger, it was starting to get out of hand. Okay, maybe he was the stalker.
In a bout of frustration, Jisung grabbed your hand and interlaced your fingers, sliding into the booth beside Hyunjin and tugging you after him. You made a noise of surprise as your ass connected harshly with the cracked red cushion of the booth, sending Jisung a glare.
Though, he kept his eyes on the table, avoiding the amused looks on everyone’s faces, even going as far as swatting away Hyunjin’s poking fingers. But for whatever reason, he couldn’t bring himself to release your hand from his.
Jisung’s palm was sweaty in your hold, but strangely enough it was something that you didn’t mind.
Jeongin looked between you and Jisung for a moment before quickly coming to some sort of realization that only Felix seemed to understand. His mouth formed an ‘o’ shape and a small smirk was suddenly on his lips as he asked what drink you would like.
Whatever that was about, you didn’t like it.
“I’ll just have a water.” You answered skeptically, finally managing to pull your fingers free of Jisung’s grip.
“Water for me too.”
Jeongin didn’t bother to write down your orders, instead he just nodded and left with that same goofy smile on his face.
Why did your friends have to corrupt the poor kid?
You sent a glare towards Felix, ready to grill him about what the hell just happened but his eyes were on something else above your head, his lips forming into the same smirk that Jeongin had on. Whatever what’s either above you or behind you was either a stupid compilation video of League of Legend funny moments or your next victim.
“Care for one more?” Came from behind you.
And both your and Jisung’s heads swiveled around at a dangerous speed to see the beautiful image of Chan, and damn was he beautiful. He was dressed for the weather, arms now covered in a long black sweater that hugged every one of his muscles so so nicely, and instead of sweatpants, he was wearing jeans. You could definitely tell the difference between a casual day around the house and one where he was going to be seen out in public—was that makeup?
And Jisung frowned. It had been going so well.
It was his turn to send Felix a glare.
The purple haired boy mouthed something along the lines of “girlfriend”, but Jisung couldn’t (could) really make it out.
“Sit down.” You managed to choke out, motioning toward the table.
“Hey!” Felix greeted, standing up to fully embrace Chan in a hug.
You were floored.
“You know each other?”
Felix’s eyes flickered towards you, “We both grew up in Sydney.”
And you thought your eyes were going to pop out of your skull.
“You’re Australian?” You gaped, watching Chan as if he had sprouted a new head.
He then proceeded to spout off some heavily accented words that you could barely make sense of, and you could feel your heart practically flutter in your chest. After meeting Felix, you never thought you’d ever find an Australian accident sexy as hell—but Chan’s was, in fact, very sexy as hell.
“Wow,” Hyunjin whistled. “What does it take for one to become Australian, because fuck.”
You didn’t think you would ever agree with Hyunjin so much in your life.
Chan snorted. “I think you have to be born in Australia unfortunately.”
“Or you know,” Felix tossed sarcastically. “Live there.”
“Damn. Always the catch.”
You sighed, almost going as far as face-palming yourself and/or slamming your forehead against the table.
Instead you just sent Chan an embarrassed smile. “You can sit down if you aren’t planning on running away.”
“Thanks.” He laughed.
Unfortunately for you, there were already three people in your booth and he wouldn’t be able to fit beside you.
Fortunately for Jisung, there were already three people in your booth and Chan wouldn’t be able to fit beside you.
But when Chan began to slide in the seat next to Felix, Hyunjin suddenly jumped with a yelp, glaring at the suspicious looking Felix in front of him. The two had a very strange conversation with their eyes before Hyunjin was huffing a sigh and maneuvering himself to slip under the booth and (clumsily, you may add) pop out on the other side of Seungmin, ignoring the spectacled boys' complaints as he sends Chan a smile.
Stupid plotting assholes.
“Just wanted to sit next to my… uh—”
“Boyfriend?” You supplied, blinking at him dully.
“Yeah, my boy—hey, fuck you!”
“Sorry, were you waiting to tell people?”
He took the liberty to be the kicker instead of the kickee and sent his foot into your ankle, making you hiss with a glare.
Felix nudged Chan’s hip to direct him into the spot beside you, his mouth open in a wide smile as you are further squished between both Jisung and Chan. With one boy being very broad and the other being very clingy, you barely had any room at all.
“Y/n, you look a little cramped, why don’t you scoot over here a little more—?”
“Jisung, if I get any closer to you, I would be on top of you.”
Hey, he wasn’t completely opposed to that plan.
Jisung certainly would rather have you on his lap than Chan’s. He couldn’t even think about that without grasping for your hand again, though you were too fast and managed to wiggle out of his grip.
“Yeah, Y/n. Why don’t you just scoot over?” Hyunjin sang, his mouth curled up in a coy little smirk that he always had carved onto his face.
“You scheming little—”
But your words were cut off by the clearing of a throat.
Seungmin leaned over the table, and the way his sleeves were rolled to his forearms was suddenly very noticeable. He looked at you with the intention to kill, and had he not been a prudish reincarnation of the devil, you would’ve thought he looked hot as fuck.
“Do you want me to retell the little incident that took place at last year’s Christmas party?”
A collective gasp went around the table, Chan being the only one who was absolutely clueless.
Felix whispered something under his breath about how “that was sworn to secrecy”, and Hyunjin’s wide eyes stuck to the side of Seungmin’s face like glue.
Even Jisung broke out of his jealous stupor to gulp.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“I would.”
That was the true form of Kim Seungmin. 
“What? Do dinners like this happen all the time?” Chan asked. “Do you ever actually eat?”
As if on queue, Jeongin stepped up to the table, notepad in hand and wide eyes sparkling. “Are you guys ready to order—?”
But Felix was dragging the boy down to his height, whispering something quickly into his ear, causing his eyes to widen. After enlarging, his gaze flickered back and forth between you, Jisung and Chan. 
“I… will give you guys a few more minutes.”
Jeongin scurried off and you wanted to kill everyone at the table. 
“Well, I’m going to answer my own question here and say no. There will be no eating food today.” Chan hummed, tossing his menu onto the table similarly to a petulant child. 
You huffed. What did you ever do to deserve any of this?
With both boys at either side of you, it seemed to create a visual representation of the conflict in your mind. And Seungmin looked like he was ready to pass out with how hard he was trying to hold in his laughter as Felix and Hyunjin simply smiled your way. 
To say that the two boys were completely clueless, would’ve been an understatement—
With Chan too busy thinking about all the food he wouldn’t be eating and Jisung preoccupied trying to grab ahold of your hand, they didn’t once notice the way that the three little devils stared holes into their heads. 
“I literally can’t stand any of you.”
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑌𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑒! 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑌𝑜𝑢
Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, justifying, encouraging, supporting nor trying to romanticize yandere behavior and lifestyle. This is all a work of pure fiction not meant to represent real life scenarios.
Warning: Mentions of stalking, kidnapping, and other toxic yandere behavior.
↬↬𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰↫↫
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Spending most of his time in the music room, Hongjoong rarely interacted with people, missed a lot of his other classes. Music was his only passion and love, the only things he ever really knew and cherished.
Recently though, he had been in a little bit of a slump. He could not find inspiration to write anything new. Words would come up, but he could not form any lyrics. Sounds would play in his head, but he couldn't compose a simple melody. It was frustrating and agonizing to him, he was actually about to lose all hope......
And then you came along. He was casually walking, passing through the classrooms, when he heard you, felt your voice penetrate deep in his soul. He had to find out who possessed such seraphic voice, and when he saw you, he was completely enamoured.
And then everything came together. Suddenly he was rushing back to his home, scribbling away and composing what had been on his mind for weeks. He finally found the inspiration he was looking for. He found you, and now that he knew you, he would worship the very ground you walked on. You are his muse.......
And he could never let you get away, or let anyone try to take you away.
↬↬𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪↫↫
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Seonghwa was the whole school's heart throb. Every girl was pining for him, doing anything they could to grab his attention. He loved the way they all basked in his glory, how just one wink or smile would make them all swoon and do anything for him.
Not you. For once, someone had actually rejected his advances, never budged to his charms or sweet smiles. Seonghwa was shocked, but not angry. He loved how you presented a little challenge and he was dying to make you crack. But that never happened.
And then he cracked. Desperate to make you his, he ended up spiraling down a web of obsession. He wanted to own you, control you, possess every bit of your mind and body. He would not stop at nothing until he got what he wanted. And he wanted you.
So he started becoming more and more aggressive towards you. Threatening you if you didn't comply to his whims. He hated how you dared to challenge him. So one day, while you were distracted, he took you away and kept you locked away, never to allow you to leave him.
Not until you've learned to submit to him.
↬↬𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸↫↫
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When Yunho first saw you, he felt an urging need to make you happy. He saw how alone you were. Being the new student wasn't easy, especially when you had such a dark and mysterious aura around you that made others afraid to get close to you. And you preferred to be alone.
But Yunho was determined to befriend you. He wanted to make you smile, make you happy. He loved spreading happiness and joy to others. Maybe he could rub off some of his sunshine personality on you. Others were scared for him to get close to you, thinking you'd do something bad to him.
In reality, they should be afraid for you. Yunho became incessantly clingy towards you. He was constantly messaging you, calling you, coming over to your house to spend time with you, trying to get close to you. While at first you welcomed his friendship, now it was suffocating. So you tried to put distance between you two, hanging out with other people.
He couldn't handle that. You're his. He saw you first, he reached out to you first. Why are other people trying to take you away from him? He can't handle you slipping from his fingers. He has to get you to stay in any way possible.
Nothing some self harming and guilt tripping can't fix.
↬↬𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰↫↫
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You never noticed the pair of eyes that were constantly glued to you. In fact no one ever noticed Yeosang at school. He was a loner. Always dressed in dark clothing, mostly consisting of hoodies in which he'd often hide his face in.
But he was always watching you. In class, he payed attention to you. He learned your locker number and would often look around your stuff. If things went missing, he was bound to have them, adding them to his shrine he kept in his room. He even followed you home when he had the chance, sometimes even stood outside your house, watching your bedroom window until you turned off your light.
He was enraptured by you. He wanted to have you, but had no idea how to get close to you. So he started leaving notes everywhere for you. At first starting off with cute love notes in your locker, but soon it escalated to actually leaving them inside your bedroom, detailing things that soon horrified you. You were scared of whoever was sending you these things.
He's not stopping though. Soon you'll finally know who he is......and he'll be the only one you'll ever need to know in your life.
↬↬𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷↫↫
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San was your childhood friend. Since the beginning, you two were inseparable. You were there for each other since you both learned how to read. He was basically like your brother, that's what you often thought about him.
He didn't see things like that though. He was convinced you two were soulmates. You were made for each other. No one knows you better than he does, and no one understands him like you do. He wants you to see him as a lover, not just a friend.
Problem is so many guys are after you and he feels threatened. So he had to do anything possible to keep them away from you, and if they got too close, sabotage your relationship with them at all costs, all while you never find out he's the cause of all your heartbreaks. All you know is that he's always there for you, he's your shoulder to cry on. He cries with you and holds you close as you pour out your feelings to him. He strokes your hair gently, promising to protect you...
All while you never see the sinister smile of accomplishment that forms on his lips when he's succeeded yet again in keeping you for himself.
↬↬𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲↫↫
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Mingi was often picked on and teased for being so awkward and for being a nerd. It wasn't unusual for him to get tripped, shoved, or even slammed into lockers on occasion. He was too shy to even say anything and too afraid to stand up for himself. One time, he got shoved so hard, he dropped all his books and his glasses went flying somewhere. Someone was kind enough to give them to him so he could see....
And that's when he saw you. You helped him pick up his materials and made sure he was not hurt. He was surprised you would help him, you were one of the most respected and popular students in school. What on earth would make you even glance at someone like Mingi? But you did, and you kept checking up on him, spending time with him and befriending him, helping him to be less shy and reserved.
For that reason, he began idolizing you. You're his savior, his very own angel sent to him. He can't let his little angel fly away from him. That's why he began changing for you, turning into what he needed to be in order to get you to love him. And if anyone dared to try and steal his angel away, well.......
He'd immediately snap and have no recollection of what happened. All he knows is that his hands are covered in blood and he succeeded in protecting you from anything and anyone he deems evil.
↬↬𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰↫↫
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You hated him with a burning passion. For as long as you could remember, Jung Wooyoung was your worst nightmare. What first started off as ordinary school boy teasing and pranks, turned into full scale bullying and torment.
You were always nervous to walk into school, not knowing what he was going to pull on you this time. No matter how hard you tried to avoid him, he was always there, always finding you. He was constantly belittling you, making you feel bad about yourself and sometimes leaving bruises that would last days.
You didn't understand why he was like this. One day, being so stressed and your anxiety going erratic, you couldn't take it anymore and begged him to stop. You wanted him to leave you alone at all costs, interesting option you gave him. But he promised he'd leave you alone from then on......
If you agreed to love him and only him, be good for him and obey him at all times. Only then would he stop. But would he really stop? Or will it only get worse until you break and become nothing but a lifeless doll for him?
↬↬𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸↫↫
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His first encounter with you was the biggest turning point in his life. He watched as you slipped on your way down the stairs during a passing period. You would have seriously gotten hurt if he didn't catch you in his strong arms. He just stared at you, admiring your features as you thanked him. He let you go then and he felt empty, but he vowed to never let you go again.
You never knew this but he became your protector. He thought you were too pure and precious to survive in this world alone. There were too many dangers and bad people who would try to hurt you, use you, or even worse, keep you two far away from each other. He could never let that happen. So protecting you often involved getting physical and keeping unnecessary people from entering your life. And then soon he realized he also needed to take people out of your life.
That's how you woke up one day in a strange house. He was there waiting for you to wake up, not at all bothered by your screaming and panic. Soon you'll learn it's all for your own good, that he only has good intentions and he's just keeping you safe....
And keeping you all to himself.
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners.
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living-with-pmd · 3 years
11 Women With PMDD Share What It's Really Like
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is the evil cousin of PMS. They share the same types of symptoms—moodiness, increased hunger, cravings, fatigue, cramps, pain, brain fog, and depression, among others—but for PMDD sufferers, those symptoms get so bad they can cripple a woman's ability to lead a normal life.  
While up to 85 percent of women get PMS, according to the US Department of Health, only about 5 percent of women experience PMDD, according to the American Journal of Psychiatry.
We asked women with PMDD what it's really like living with the disorder. Here are their stories:
"I was diagnosed with PMDD last summer. Six months prior to my diagnosis, I started taking a certain birth control and soon every month I was experiencing severe PMS issues. I am a generally happy person, but during those few days I was someone entirely different. I was extremely depressed and anxious, having much more frequent panic attacks, and was super sensitive and lonely. I was even suicidal, which was terrifying. And the worst part was I was convinced that I had always been this miserable, and that I would always be this miserable, and it was never going to change. It felt as if someone had completely burned out the light in me and all happiness and joy and hope was gone. I didn't make the connection that it was related to my period but thankfully a close friend did. I have since switched birth control, which helped a lot, and increased the dosage of my anti-anxiety and anti-depressant meds. Most importantly, I am aware of the way I feel those few days so I know to expect it, and I can logically remind myself that I will stop feeling that way soon. Looking back, I realize that I've probably always had pretty bad PMS or PMDD. The birth control worsened it but it was also causing a lot of issues I wasn't aware of previously as well." —Katherine H., 22, Edmonds, WA
"PMDD is out of control. I cry really easily for about a week. My biggest issue is that I am convinced that I am failing at everything—being a wife, a mom, work projects, fitness, my whole life! And even though it feels so real I constantly have to question if my feelings are valid or if they are amplified by my cycle. I just set an alert in my phone to remind me to consider my hormones the next time I feel that way." —Krysten B., 32, Toronto, CA
"A week before my period, I become a complete psycho, completely unlike myself. I'm tearful, want to eat everything that's sweet or salty, have absolutely no tolerance for anything other than perfection, and prefer to be left completely alone. I already take an antidepressant but my PMDD was a complete nightmare so my doctor gave me Prozac to take for just 10 days a month. Basically, I start it when I start to get that irrational feeling and keeping taking it until my period starts. And that's just the emotional stuff. On the physical side, I have debilitating cramps, backaches, and headaches that last for days. Yep. I'm a peach." —Kristen L., 40, Knoxville, TN
"In the past, PMDD almost made me suicidal and totally broke my spirit. Yes it wasthat bad. Every month. Eventually I got tired of being a 'crazy PMS woman' and decided I needed to fix this. Since I don't like to take pharmaceuticals, I branched out to homeopathic remedies and I discovered St. John's Wort and essential oils, especially clary sage and Doterra Calm-Its. It's a lot better now but I still have my hard days." —Amy S., 43, Zebulon, NC
"My PMDD got so bad I had to go to a psychiatrist and be put on Prozac along with another antidepressant I was already taking. I was a mess—anxious, crying randomly over the smallest thing, and eating everything in sight. One example is someone made a YouTube mashup of the Age of Ultron trailers with Pinocchio footage and the 'I've got no strings on me' song and that wrecked me for weeks. Every time I thought about scenes from Pinocchio I would start panicking and crying at my work desk. It's been a few years and I'm better now. I'm off birth control and weening myself off the Prozac. I notice a week before my period I will sob during any sad part in a movie or book I'm reading, and a day or two before, I notice I'm more likely to be anxious." —Kate W., 36, Alaska
"This has impacted my ability to work effectively. My pet peeve is when people say 'it must be close to your time of the month' when they simply don't like what I'm saying. I have run into that problem a lot at previous jobs and it makes it really hard to be taken seriously. It's bullshit because my feelings are valid regardless and also PMDD is not a joke. I am so lucky now to have a male boss who understands but it wasn't always that way. I have also have found a lot of relief with naturopathic and herbal remedies." —Amalia F., 28, Vancouver, Canada
"My PMS was tolerable until my second child was born and then everything went off the rails. I'd be looking forward to plans with others, happy, and then about 10 to 14 days before my flow would start, my mood would turn on a dime. I'd be horrible—crying, screaming that ~nobody understands~, just so much emotional pain. I'd basically lock myself up in the bedroom for a full day to cry, get angry, and feel sorry for myself. It took three doctors before I finally found one who would listen to me before I was finally diagnosed with PMDD. I took Prozac for three years for it but it made me feel numb, like a zombie and not like myself. So I quit and my family just deals with me now. As I've gotten closer to menopause the PMDD is not as bad, but can be very unpredictable due to hormonal swings from perimenopause. The worst part now is I feel like my friendships have suffered. I always seem to have episodes around major holidays and events and I end up bumming everyone out if I do show up so I end up staying home a lot." —Colleen T., 50, St. Paul, MN
"I'm overly emotional for the week before my period. Saying that makes it sound like it's not that bad but I get so distraught that my fiance has actually scheduled it in his phone as 'blood sport' to remind himself what's coming. I'm thankful that he's patient because I also feel like everyone hates me that week, too." —Kenlie T., 36, New Orleans, LA
"All month long I'm fine and feel even and calm and then suddenly, the week before my period, I can't handle even the tiniest little thing. My irritability goes through the roof (which is not great since I have a 5-year-old) and I feel like I have no friends. It really makes me sad." —Jessica S., 28, Broomfield, CO
"I know my period is coming because all of a sudden all of my joints hurt, especially my knees and ankles. I also get crazy gnarly cramps and once I even had a cyst that ruptured while I was on a date and the guy had to take me to the hospital! It was so embarrassing. Thankfully my husband now is very understanding when this time rolls around each month. The worst part is people who just think I make this stuff up. Some months are better than others and sometimes the pain is completely debilitating! My emotions are also a rollercoaster. Anytime I see something cute or inspiring, I burst into tears." —Ivie C., 21, Rexburg, ID
"My PMDD manifests in both mental and physical symptoms. From the time I got my period at age 12, I've had extreme cramps and heavy bleeding. I'd leak at school through a super maxi pad every class so I'd tie sweatshirts around my waist and have to scrub my clothes when I got home. It was super humiliating. I'd have to take six to eight ibuprofen at a time to deal with cramps, and if I didn't I'd end up on the floor sweating like I had the flu. Sometimes I'd even throw up. This meant I ended up spending a lot of time sick in bathrooms and knew where every restroom was at all times. Birth control helped manage the PMDD and other issues, but as soon as I was done having kids, I had a hysterectomy. That was the best thing I've ever done." —Mandy P., 39, Mendon, UT
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mrs-dynamight · 3 years
Be Nice To Me 3
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Part 2.
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Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem!Reader, Denki Kaminari x fem!Reader
Warnings: Eventual mature content, angst, hurt/comfort, love triangle, the reader is lowkey toxic, everything will be adressed in every episode (:
Chapter warning: Swearing but just a little bit of it. Kissing because this is still on fluff mode
Chapter: 3/? Yup still don't know
Synopsis: You're in love with your best friend Bakugou, and you're cofessing to him but things get a lot more complicated when Denki starts to treat you different *wink wink*
Word count: 2.2k
Author's note: Okay friends, this is a little longer but it's cute, and it has some interesting things that will be relevant to the story, so read carefully, aaaand I must warn this is a slowburn. Hope you like it
Chapter 3 My Oh My - Aqua
We both left the empty classroom and went directly to class 3A. Tenya saw us coming late and started rambling about how punctuality is key for heroes and how we as seniors should give example and just Tenya stuff.
The rest of the class went pretty fast, I was thinking about what Denki said, he sounded so serious when he said the gig stuff, maybe I was overthinking, he has always been nice with me, just nice, we are friends right?
All those years getting to know each other, being partners in crime, spending too many nights wide awake talking about our future, the amount of pressure being a “hero” meant, how at the end of the day we were still children risking our lives, he understood that better than most of our friends; some of his words were burned in my mind forever: “I love helping people, but sometimes I wonder who’s helping us?” “I’m afraid I’ll turn into a puppet of the hero commission, like Hawks did” “I’m afraid of losing myself in the process”; as far as I know I was the only one that knew this side of Kaminari, everyone else always thought of him as the dyslexic class clown, but there were so much more of him that only jokes and a funny face after using his quirk, such a complex mind, sometimes I wonder if he plays dumb on propose…
Thinking about Denki almost made me forgot how nervous I was for my date with Katsuki, but the ring of the bell that indicates the end of the class made me jump from my desk in excitement.
-Oi dumbass, see you in a while, be punctual- Bakugo said picking up his stuff and heading to the door without looking back at me.
We talked about nothing in the way to the ramen restaurant, I wasn’t as nervous as I were on Monday and everything seemed to be going so smoothly, just as I thought, this was Bakugo Katsuki my best friend, the guy I was in love with, he had seen me covered in sweat and bruises from the hero training, had seen me cry over my failed math tests, he knew me, if he didn’t like me back I could deal with it, but this date definitely won’t ruin our friendship.
-Don’t make me laugh when I’m eating, you idiot- Bakugo said between coughs from almost choking with his noodles
-I didn’t mean it, but it’s true my greatest fear are those wacky waving inflatable things they put in the cars sales, they scare the shit out of me- I said laughing and with a bit of embarrassment for telling this stupid thing to my crush, but he found it hilarious
-I’ve seen you take down villains with a single hand and without sweating a single drop, but your greatest fear is ridiculous Y/N-
That kinda sounded like a compliment, and knowing Katsuki it probably was, I couldn’t help but blush but if someone asked me it was the spiciness of the ramen.
-I’m also a little bit afraid of heights, not as I used to, but it makes me a little bit nervous thinking about falling to my inevitable death- I said slurping the last of the broth in my plate
-Heights? No way, that means we can’t go rock climbing because of a certain pussy- Said the ash blonde, finishing his ramen as well
-Why? Is Bakugo Katsuki planning on taking me on a road trip anytime soon? – Oh shit that sounded way more flirty than I had planned.
I turned bright red right after I said that and to my surprise the boy in front of me was just as red as I was, that’s it I just made Katsuki Bakugo blush, I can die a hero now. We were not looking at each other, not saying a single word, just awkwardly sitting in front of each other.
-I… I was joking ´Tsuki- I began but he interrupted me with
-Maybe I want to take you to a stupid road trip, what you’re going to do about it? You can chicken now and saving me seeing you cry in front of a rock, but that wouldn’t be very Y/N of you- Aaaaand just like that Bakugo’s back
-Let’s go, Draw, I still wanna kick your ass in Mario Kart before curfew and knowing you, you will want to play those claw things and get some weird weeb thing, like a figure of that loud anime guy you like, the one who plays Volleyball; and of course you will be wasting all your money in the process- This man knows me damn too well
I was about getting my money to pay but he stopped me
-I got this-
-But ‘Tsuki I invited you, I have to pay for it- I said but the waitress had already taken Katsukis money
-If you beat me at Mario Kart, I’ll let you pay me back, but if I win… Well we will see about that later- Bakugo said without looking at me
Was that flirting? Is Katsuki Bakugo flirting with me? Did he noticed this was a date and that’s why he wanted to pay? Nah, he’s probably doing it to bother me, but if anything made me bush a little.
-Oi, you coming or what? – I was so caught up in the emotion that I didn’t noticed he was already heading to the front door
We walked a couple of blocks to the arcade, it was still early in the afternoon, we had a couple of hours before our curfew and I was going to make the best of them.
After the tenth time losing against him, I gave up.
-This is bullshit, I don’t know how but you’re cheating, there is no way I actually hit all those frigging banana peels, this game sucks, you suck- I said making an overdramatic mouth pout and crossing my arms on my chest.
I could hear Bakugos laughing on my side and when I turned to look at him, he had the most gorgeous look on his eyes, but when he noticed that I was looking at him he changed his expression.
-I told you so, you can’t beat me, but I’m a compassionate God, so I’ll let you choose the next game for you to lose in- His big smile was equally irritating as it was beautiful
Three games in and Bakugo was about to blow the whole arcade up, apparently, he can’t dance to save his life, so Dance Dance Revolution was the perfect game for me to choose. I was literally tearing up from laughter, he was so angry and upset.
-If you had spending more time with Mina and me you could have learned a couple of steps, but you had to go sleeping at eight like an old man-
-Have you seen this face? This is what a good sleep schedule does to your skin, but I guess you’ll never know about that-
-Oh god, is that a pimple? – I joked to make him even angrier, I leaned towards his face to mock him more -Oh he has a brother, and a whole family of angry little buds, this even looks like you-
He turned his head and his nose was almost an inch away from mine, his eyes locked with mines, we were so close that I could feel his breath, a little bit more and our lips would be touching, my mind was going blank, I suddenly forgot how to breathe, I thought that it was actually happening, I should close my eyes and go for it, I leant a bit closer, we were almost there…
-Y/N, we both know there is not a single pimple in this face- Said Bakugo moving his head back and creating some distance between us.
I felt my heart drop to the ground. He didn’t wanna kiss me, I probably made him uncomfortable being that close, I’m so stupid, I fucked up.
-There is the claw machine of the Volleyball dudes, and there is the owl one you like- Bakugo was trying to be a good friend to me, and as much as I appreciated it I was way too sad to even think about volleyball
After more than a half of my money spent, I was walking to the UA dorms with my Bokuto plushie and an ache in my heart. I couldn’t stop thinking about that moment, was I imagining everything? Was he not flirting with me? It felt so real, I wanted to cry, but that would only make things worse, I wasn’t looking at Bakugo for the first time since we’ve met. I couldn’t hold a conversation after that, I used the excuse of being too concentrated in winning the plushie, but now that we are walking side by side it feels weird not saying anything. Bakugo doesn’t seem to care, or even notice, he’s also very quiet, this feels way too awkward, I just want this night to be over and cry my heart out in my room. There is only a couple more blocks and this nightmare will end.
-Hey Y/N, wait- This is the first time I hear Bakugos voice since we started heading the dorms
I try to put my best “Everything is okay” face but I fail miserably when I see his face. I started to tear up and just hugged my plushie with my eyes fixed in the ground, I can’t see him in the face
-I’m sorry Katsuki, I wasn’t mean to put you in an uncomfortable situation, I wasn’t thinking and…-
I was grabbed so suddenly I dropped Bokuto
Before I realized his lips were pressed against my own. I was way too shocked to respond to his kiss, to my very first kiss. He pulled back, and a sigh left his lips.
-‘Tch, don’t apologise, I didn’t wanna kiss you in front of a bunch of losers- He said looking to his side, clearly avoiding my confused gaze
I didn’t hesitate, I grabbed his face and kissed him, trying to let him know how much I waited for that kiss. He quickly responded to it, for someone as strong and tough as him he was being gentle and caring, if this ain’t heaven, I dare God to come down and tell me this isn’t what glory feels like.
We kept the kiss, it became more and more passionate, he got closer to deepen the kiss, I could feel his arms around my waist, and I could taste the melon soda he had at the arcade in his lips. I opened my mouth just a little and I felt his tongue slowly brushing against mine. This was the pinnacle of happiness.
We broke the kiss with blushed cheeks and racing heartbeats. This was too much; my head was spinning and I almost cried tears of joy.
-I thought you didn’t wanna kiss me- I said with a broke voice
-I didn’t- His reply felt like a bucket of cold water
-What? You’re kidding, you kissed me- Knowing Bakugo he just said that to mess with me
-Y/N I didn’t want to kiss you, but not because of whatever stupid thing your mind its thinking right now-
-Then why? You can’t just kiss me and then tell me you didn’t mean it, you don’t like me? –
-I like you, a lot, and that is why this is getting way harder that it’s supposed to be, I’ve been dying to kiss you for a long long time Y/N, you had no idea how much I have fantasized with having you between my arms and telling you just how much I like your dumb pretty face, I like you, and don’t you ever doubt it-
-Then, why? –
-I’m going to become the no. 1 hero, and that means I have to try even harder than the rest of the losers in this and the other hero curses, that’s why I will be having internships abroad this semester, with the bests heroes not only in Japan but in the world. I have to be the best in everything, having a girlfriend will only be distracting and possibly a complete disaster because I will be a terrible boyfriend being that busy with hero training, and asking you to wait for me is selfish, even for me. I didn’t wanna kiss you and then leave for half a year, maybe even more, but then you looked at me with those stupid kitty eyes and I just…-
-You’re going away? And you didn’t told me? – Now I definitely started to cry
-Oi! You’re the first one to know I haven’t even told my mom yet –
-I’ll wait –
-What? No I.. –
-I said I’ll wait for you, Bakugo Katsuki I’ve been in love with you since we first meet, I’ve been waiting two years for this, this is just half a year, then we will have all the time in the world-
Now it was Bakugos time to shed a tear
-You don’t have to; I don’t want you to be waiting for me while I…-
My kiss didn’t let him finish what he was about to say, he was tearing, I was tearing, but it was beautiful.
-Six months and then you’ll be mine Katsuki, get it? –
-I don’t think this is a good idea, you dumbass-
-Maybe it isn’t, but what are you going to do? Stop me? - I replied and then we kissed one last time
Part 4.
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I really liked how this turned out, I'm going to the the masterlist post soon so you can find all the chapters together. As always I'm starting to write and in my second language (just give me my certificate already) so any error let me know, and if you want to be tagged message me. LY
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whumpingcrow · 3 years
Ink Poisoning - Chapter 2
Shiny New Toy
CW: BBU and everything in relation to that, drugs/alcohol, party themes/setting, tattoo whump, creepy whumper, scar mention, noncon/dubcon touching, crying, nightmares, bathing, lady whump, noncon drugging, vomit mention (let me know if I missed anything!)
The first thing that Nicko noticed about his box boy was how nice his skin was. He realized how creepy and serial killer-ish that seemed, but it only stemmed from an artistic place, for the most part he wasn't trying to be creepy. He had ordered him that way, to be as pale and smooth as possible. He did have a couple scars around his wrists, what looked like maybe he’d had too tight shackles or ropes there once, and some on his face, around his mouth. But besides that, he looked brand new, despite being recalled, or whatever. Nicko didn’t particularly enjoy the fact that his boxie was used, but it was so much cheaper that way. And so far, in the week and a half that he’d had him, it didn't seem like it mattered that he'd been sent back.
Nicko wasn’t home when he was delivered, he’d gone out to get new art supplies while Rory sat in his living room to wait for him. She had been coming over a lot, recently, unannounced and for long amounts of time. Nicko hoped she wasn’t wanting to move in with him. It was starting to bother him having to entertain her constantly, but right then he was glad that she had been there. Who knows how long the poor boxie would’ve had to wait in that box out in the snow if she hadn’t been. When Nicko got back, Rory had already given him a shower and gone through Nicko’s closet to get him clothes, and she was combing his wet hair out of his face when Nicko walked in. He looked so terrified, his shoulders high and tense and his eyes huge in restrained panic.
Rory took a liking to the boxie right from the beginning, Nicko suspected they might’ve had some sort of bonding moment when Rory let him out of the box and showered him and gave him clothes. Weirdly enough, Nicko didn’t mind so much. When he first noticed it, he was annoyed and jealous that this frail, falling apart at the seams boxie was getting more attention from his girlfriend than he was. But then he realized it wasn’t that bad, that when Rory came over now and Nicko had enough of her, he could stick her in a room with his box boy and they would keep each other busy.
Three days after he got there, Rory decided he needed a name. Nicko had been working on a piece in the kitchen, some dumb still life painting for class, and Rory walked in, her timid friend trailing closely behind her. He saw Nicko, sitting straight in the chair and putting those vibrant colors onto the huge white canvas, and he shuffled right up to him and sank down to his knees at Nicko's feet. That was another reason Nicko didn’t mind how much Rory liked to play house with the boxie, because they all knew who he was loyal to, they all knew who signed the papers and who was in charge of him. And when he did things like this, like groveling at Nicko’s feet and looking at him with wide, nervous puppy dog eyes, it made Nicko high on power.
“I thought of a good name for him,” Rory announced. Nicko turned to look at her, at how she leaned against the wall lazily, eyes droopy and words slurred. She was high, she was always high and Nicko really hated it. He told her all the time how much he hated it, she just never seemed to care. “What do you think about Giovanni? Gio for short.”
Nicko looked down at his boxie, who was now swaying just a little, looking a little pale. When Nicko’s hand found his wavy brown hair, he closed his eyes tight and pressed against the touch for the split second it was there, then he deflated as it was pulled away. “Giovanni,” Nicko repeated thoughtfully, “Yeah, it’s cute. Suits him.” With that, he lowered his paintbrush and smeared some red onto Gio’s nose, laughing at how shocked he looked. Giovanni looked up at Nicko, saw him laughing, and a tiny grin slipped onto his face. Nicko liked the way red looked against his pale skin.
The first time Nicko tattooed him, Giovanni cried. He didn’t move around or try to stop Nicko or make any sounds, he was perfectly behaved the entire time. Nicko was entranced, the needle was sliding across his skin smoothly, the dark ink looked so striking against his skin, and Giovanni was so good and still, he got lost in the moment. He had been working on it for probably a good two hours before he noticed Gio crying. Nicko didn’t say anything, simply pulled his hands off of him and looked back over his work. Maybe he should have opted for something smaller, and in a less sensitive spot, allow Gio to ease into the stinging pain of the needle before starting this huge, intricate bouquet on his ribcage. It was looking incredible, though, and Nicko had to finish it.
He glanced up at Giovanni, who was staring up at the ceiling with huge tears slipping down the sides of his face and into his hair, his bottom lip trembling as he took in tiny, shaking breaths. Nicko laughed softly at him, drawing Gio’s attention to him. When he realized Nicko was watching him cry, he frantically reached up and swiped away his tears.
“It’s ok,” Nicko said softly, “crying’s normal. I’ve seen grown men sob like babies in these chairs. You’re doing great, Gio. Just keep still, like you’ve been doing.”
Giovanni took a deep breath, then smiled at Nicko through his teary eyes. “O-Ok…”
Nicko felt a certain thrill when he tattooed Giovanni. Something about it was different than getting paid to do one, than having to sit in front of a bossy customer who would whine about it the entire time. Giovanni belonged to Nicko, he didn’t have a say in what markings were put on his body, he just had to shut up and take it. It also felt so much better, physically. Giovanni’s fragile ribs underneath Nicko’s hands, tensing occasionally as he tried not to jolt away from the pain, felt sort of similar to choking Rory when they fucked. He thought it was just because of the placement of his hands, the intimacy of touching someone's bare torso, but then when he was doing a couple on Gio’s arms another day it felt the same. His wrist was frail and breakable in Nicko’s hand and his fingers were twitching when the needle caught a sensitive spot, and Nicko was absolutely obsessed. He knew it wasn’t great to do so many tattoos all in a short period of time, but he couldn’t help himself. He caught himself thinking about it all the time, during class, while he was painting, while he was fucking around with Rory, when he was drunk, he was constantly imagining Giovanni's almost inaudible gasps of pain, the way his brown eyes dulled in fear when the tattoo gun started buzzing loudly, how he bit down on his full bottom lip when it really hurt. He just wanted to do it all the time. Even when he couldn’t take Gio down to the shop, he would lock them away in his room and bring out his own supplies. His were cheaper and older, and that meant it hurt worse, and the few times Nicko used it on him, Giovanni couldn’t help but let out tiny whines and hisses every so often. He looked mortified that he was doing it, when Nicko stopped to look up at him, he would duck his head in apology. Nicko wondered if he used to get in trouble for making noises while he was hurting.
Actually, Nicko wondered a lot of things about Gio’s past. Before he showed up, his biggest question was what had he done to be given up by his old owners? The company had listed him as “refurbished”, because he had done something that went against training and had to go back to go through the process again. Nicko couldn’t imagine him doing anything wrong enough to deserve whatever horrors were held in retraining. Hell, he had sat through about 13 hours worth of tattoos perfectly still and quiet, and he never complained, so it certainly couldn't have been because of his inability to do what his owners wanted him to. And Rory absolutely adored him, he let her play with his hair and smear makeup on his face and even pump him full of whatever drug she was using at the time, and he didn’t protest once. Giovanni was perfect. But maybe at one point he wasn’t, it was just hard for Nicko to imagine that.
After he realized that, he also couldn’t stop thinking about what he had done to become a boxie in the first place. From what he’d read, someone had to do something pretty awful for a judge to even consider that as an alternative punishment, it wasn’t something they gave you for vandalism or trespassing. Again, though, Giovanni was so soft spoken, so timid, so afraid of everything, Nicko didn’t believe he could do anything bad. At least not bad enough to warrant what he’d gone through.
That was only stuff Nicko thought of at night when he couldn’t sleep and he could hear Giovanni whimpering and sniffling to himself from his makeshift bed on Nicko’s floor. Once or twice he debated inviting him up into the bed with him so he’d stop crying, but something always stopped him. He told himself it was because Rory would be mad if she found them in bed together, but he knew that wasn’t the case. So for some reason, he just pretended he didn’t hear it and waited until it stopped. Or fell asleep anyway before it did.
The rest of the time, though, he was thinking about how perfect Giovanni was, and how much he liked having him around.
And then Salem came back and started messing things up.
Giovanni was scared of Salem right away, it was hard not to be scared of someone when they march right up with a huge black bag that looks like it would hurt so bad if it was swung hard enough, and start yelling and cussing. It didn't help that he was already freaked out enough because of the loud party that had been going on for three days now and whatever it was that Rory had made him swallow earlier. He didn’t mean to let his fear show, he was planning on just sitting very still and pretending he wasn’t there so he would be left alone, but he was so high he couldn’t help but react just a little. When Rory noticed, she grabbed his face and leaned in close and said “it’s ok, Gio, it’s just Salem, I won’t let him hurt ya.”
He liked Rory a lot. He was really scared of her, too, at first, with her bright blue hair and black powder smudged around her eyes like charcoal. She looked just as scared as he felt, as she looked down at him through the now open wooden crate he was still in, and for some reason that made him feel a little better. She helped him out of the box, held his shoulders to keep him steady when he stood on wobbling knees. Gio allowed her to lead him down the long hallway, walking slowly and patiently next to him so he wouldn’t fall. She sat right outside the bath on her knees and washed him off, her sharp nails dragging through his hair. She laughed at him when he closed his eyes and melted against it. When she was done rinsing the shampoo out of his hair, she leaned back with a sigh.
“My name’s Aurora, by the way. Like the princess.” When she said it, she smiled widely and her cheeks got a little rosy.
“Like the what?” He whispered.
She laughed at him again, this time it was just in disbelief. “The princess? Aurora?” He shook his head a little. “Sleeping Beauty? You don’t know her?”
He had been silent for a long time, thinking really hard, trying to remember. Was he supposed to know her? Was this part of his training? Did he forget? His heart sank the longer she stared at him, he was stupid and forgetful and she was going to send him back to training and he couldn’t go back there, it would kill him if he had to do it one more time.
But then she was reaching over to drain the bath, and standing up and trying to help him to his feet as well. She wrapped a towel around his waist carefully. “It’s ok, no one calls me that anyway. You can call me Rory, ‘kay?”
After that point, she wanted to be around him almost all the time. She liked to mess around with his hair, tug at it and put it into colorful rubber bands. A few times she had put some makeup on him. She told him that Nicko didn’t let her do it on him, even though she thought it was so attractive when men wore makeup. She told Gio it was ok, cause he looked better than Nicko would anyway, told him he was handsome. He liked when she said nice things like that. He didn't believe her, of course, but he still liked it. She would also give him tiny pills and make him breathe in smoke and put powder on his teeth, it all made him feel so strange and distant, more so than usual, anyways. Some of them made him feel so good he never ever wanted it to end, and some of them were so scary he ended the night hunched over the toilet vomiting in pure fear or sobbing in Rory’s comforting arms. He never refused anything she tried to give him, though, he wouldn’t dream of that.
As much as Gio liked Rory, it paled in comparison to how he felt about Nicko. Giovanni liked him so much that it scared him sometimes. He found himself wanting to be next to him always, felt utterly ruined when he wasn’t allowed to be. The way Nicko smiled at him, especially when Giovanni sat down at his feet while he painted, made him feel like screaming. He thought it was incredible what beautiful things Nicko could create with his hands, he often sat close by and watched silently as Nicko worked with thick, bright paints, completely mesmerized. One time, when Rory was gone and it was just Nicko and Gio, he gave him one of the pictures. It was while they were in Nicko’s room, Giovanni was sitting on the floor and watching the snow fall just outside, and suddenly Nicko was waving his hand at him to get his attention.
“Come here, I wanna give you something.” Gio wasted no time scrambling over to him, watching him intently as he ripped a piece of paper out of his sketchbook. Giovanni heard himself gasp when Nicko extended the paper out toward him and he saw it. It was him, Nicko had been drawing him while he was distracted by the snow. Nicko laughed at him, shaking the paper at him pointedly. “Here, take it. It’s for you.”
Giovanni blinked up at him in surprise, then slowly reached forward and took the paper with shaking hands, like he was afraid it was a trick. Once it was in his grip and Nicko had let go, he looked down at it with his breathing shallow. It was beautiful, just like everything Nicko created, and Giovanni felt so lucky, so thankful.
He was always thanking Nicko, even when he shouldn’t be. After the long, miserable sessions where Nicko would press that loud machine against him until Gio wanted to tear himself out of his own skin so he didn’t have to feel the sharp stinging and burning, he would look at the new design Nicko put on him and he would say “thank you” so genuinely, and it always made Nicko smile warmly. The pain was horrible, and Giovanni was so sensitive, he always had been, and he was so embarrassed when he cried, or when they were alone in Nicko’s room and he couldn’t stay silent. At first he was so worried Nicko would be angry with him for making noise while it was happening, but then he told him it was ok, it was normal, and it eased his anxiety a little.
Nicko was good at that, at making Gio less anxious. All it took most of the time was a small amount of reassurance, a simple “it’s ok, don’t worry”, and then he would feel better. Gio only wished that he did it more often, because everything made him nervous and Nicko could help him so easily, if he wanted to. Like when he would wake up from nightmares he wasn’t even able to remember, crying at memories that disappeared once he woke up. If Nicko just sat up for a second and told him it was ok, he would probably feel better instantly. But he decided not to, for whatever reason, and Gio just had to be ok with it. He would be ok with anything Nicko decided to do or not do, if he was being honest. As long as he didn’t get rid of him, as long as he just kept him around, Nicko could do whatever he wanted, and Giovanni would be happy. He did exist for Nicko now, after all, it was purpose to please him or entertain him however he asked, to do everything and anything he could to make him happy. So really, as long as Nicko was happy, so was Giovanni.
The only problem was Giovanni was secretly miserable.
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stressisakiller · 4 years
Time to Go Sunflower
Bucky Barnes x Reader Soulmate AU
(Hello Sunflower Part 6)
Summary:  6 months after escaping Hydra you have an unexpected visitor.
Warnings: Fluff straight Fluff. A little bit of melancholy 
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: Flashbacks are in italics. Bit of a filler chapter again, but needed to move forward with the story. Let me know if you have any requests for future chapters! Thank yall for reading!
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You had gotten to enjoy a normal life with Bucky for 6 months. Six months of going to work and coming home to spend time lounging around. You didn’t just lounge around, of course, neither of you is that kind of person. You work and worked out every day at a local gym, you had quickly become friends with the owner. He didn’t ask too many questions when you asked for a job and you taught women self-defense and helped keep the place running. Bucky taught a boxing class and helped you teach self-defense. He really enjoyed the ability to use all of his training to help others rather than hurt. The nightmares are the hardest thing for both of you. You both did this you weren’t proud of, you were both tortured, and now that everything was peaceful all of those memories were coming back to haunt you. You slowly fell into a routine on the nights when the nightmares kept you up. 
You woke up first, due to your nightmares or his, walking into the kitchen you would place the tea kettle on the stove. Bucky had surprisingly become fond of some chamomile tea when he couldn’t sleep, but only when you’re the one who makes it. You place your coffee mugs on the counter, you had gotten them as a joke when you first moved to Brooklyn. Smiling, you remembered the day you bought them. 
It was a chilly spring morning and you had just moved to New york. As you explored your neighborhood you noticed that there was a farmers market. You looked over at Bucky giving him your best puppy dog eyes. He rolled his eyes, before chuckling and saying,
 “I guess it wouldn’t hurt for us to look around for a minute. We could use some fresh fruit at the house.”
 Walking through the narrow paths you pointed out every funny or weird thing that you could find. Reveling in the small smiles that occasionally graced his face as you pointed out something especially silly. It was so different being able to do whatever you wanted, having time to just joke around. You couldn’t help being on high alert, even as you had fun walking through the market, and you could tell that Bucky was in the same boat. Your eyes scanning the area, taking notes of exits, and paying attention to everyone around you. Your eyes grazed over a particularly cluttered booth full of assorted kitchen items when you saw it. The perfect mug for your soulmate. You hurried over to the booth, Bucky following behind you confused at the sudden pit stop. You grabbed the mug and excitedly asked the man behind the table.
 “How Much?”
 “For a pretty lady like you, $5.”
 You quickly pushed the money into his waiting palm, turning back to Bucky to show him your treasure. It was a large white mug with the sentence “I never thought I would be a grumpy old man but here I am, killing it.”  He took one look at it and laughed out loud, a full belly laugh that had you grinning like an idiot. You had never heard him laugh like that before and it quickly became your favorite sound. He searched the rest of the market, looking for the perfect mug for you as well. You were walking past the last booth when he saw it. Dark blue with a yellow sunflower beside the words “I run off of coffee, chaos and cuss words.” It was his turn to rush over, purchasing the cup before you even caught up. Looking up at him with curiosity when you reached his side. He was grinning like a schoolboy when he showed you what he had found. 
Bucky’s arms sliding around your shoulder brought you out of your memories. You leaned back into his chest, pouring the water over the tea bags. You spun around and wrapped your arms around his waist, leaning your face against his chest. You always loved how warm he was, you didn’t normally get cold, thank you serum, but you still loved snuggling close to him whenever you got the chance. You both froze when you heard the knocking at the door, grabbing the gun you kept in the drawer you and Bucky shuffled towards the door, remaining as quiet as possible. You couldn’t help but shake your head at the Deja-vu of seeing Steve standing outside your door looking just a little bit lost. You looked over at Bucky, lowering your gun and tilting your head to let him know it was ok. Cracking open the door you scanned the halfway, before ushering him in. You heard Bucky’s gasp when he saw who it was. Locking the door you turned to face your guest. 
“Hey there Cap, what can we do for you at, oh 3 in the morning,” you asked glancing at the clock on the stove.
 “They are getting ready to start the trials for the information that Shield “leaked”.”
You caught Bucky’s eyes and knew that it was the end of your time out of the world of Shield and Hydra. There was sadness and resignation in his eyes but also determination.
 “So what do we need to do?” He asked. 
“The best thing would be for you to come live in the Avenger’s tower. We will give you time to get accustomed to it before we look into putting you on missions. The council will look at you more favorably if you are actively trying to make up for your past.” He stated, speaking as if he were ordering a cup of coffee. 
You tensed at that, “Does the council understand that we had absolutely no choice in our past? Maybe we could take them to a hydra base and show them what it’s like to have your brain emptied and someone else’s will forced on you.” you spat.
 “I know, Y/N trust me, I think it’s stupid for them to have these trials at all. You and Bucky have been through enough as it is but there is nothing we can do, not if you want to live a life where you aren’t constantly on the run.” He assured, his voice softening at you obvious distress.
You collapsed into yourself at the kindness in his voice.
 “I’m sorry Steve, I shouldn’t take my anger out on you. When do we leave?” 
“It would be best if we leave now. We will get all of your stuff to the tower as quickly as we can, but we need you to come back with me. We already have rooms set up for you and we want you to leave at night, fewer eyes on you.”
 You closed your eyes and dropped onto the arm of the couch at his words. You knew this was coming but you thought you would have a bit of a warning so that you could prepare. Yeah, the apartment you were in wasn’t great, but it was home and it was the first place you had truly felt safe and happy. Bucky placed his hand on your shoulder giving it a comforting squeeze. You lifted your head and eyed Steve, 
���Fine, but give us thirty minutes to pack the essentials.” You went to your room, not waiting for his answer. Bucky walked in shortly after, stopping your angry packing and pulling you into a tight hug.
“It’s going to be ok my little sunflower. I know we both wanted more time to ourselves before being dragged into this, but we will make it work, and we won’t do anything that we disagree with. Our decisions will be ours and our alone. Ok?” you relaxed into the hug and nodded. He pulled you back and gave you a quick kiss and started helping you throw all the things you needed, including the few pictures that you had into your duffle bags. You walked into the kitchen and grabbed your coffee cups, pouring out the now cold tea before packing them as well. If Steve thought it was strange he had the courtesy not to say anything. You had changed out of your pajamas as you packed, so as soon as you packed the mugs you were ready to go. 
Shrugging your duffle bag onto your shoulder, you took one last look around your apartment. You took it in, seeing a movie of memories flash before your eyes. You pulled your eyes forward before steeling yourself, grabbing Bucky’s hand and nodding to Steve. Stepping out of your home for the past 6 months you faced an unknown future. But with Bucky by your side, and Steve at your back you knew that you would be able to face anything.
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shotofire · 4 years
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•Overview: Bakugou was completely confusing. One second he seemed somewhat interested in you, and the next he acted as if he wanted nothing to do with you.
•Warnings: Cursing, the famous Bakugou anger issues, tiny bit of angst
•Season: Kinda in the season 1-2 range in my mind, but no specifics.
“Stop looking at me you nerd!” The angry Bakugou yells at Izuku, truly about to loose his mind. This practice scenario was pissing him off, why does Mr. Aizawa constantly feel the need to partner him with Izuku? He’d much rather be with you, you always listened carefully and never seemed to get distracted. Plus your quirks worked so well with one another’s.
Right after the words left his mouth Izuku was hit in the face with a piece of rock thrown at him by All Might. His body slammed to the ground behind him, wind completely knocked out of his lungs. He didn’t move after that, only letting a ugly sound past his lips as the pain overtook. Bakugou cleanched his fists tightly, knuckles whitening. He knew what was going to happen next.
If your partner is down and can’t manage to get up before 10 seconds, you don’t pass. It wasn’t anything major like a test, only some practice. But Baku still wanted to say he won even if he didn’t get a grade out of it.
“Maybe if you stop putting me with this weakling I could actually show you what I am made of,” Baku grunts. He wanted to blast Izuku in the face, and it took everything not to fulfill his thoughts.
Instead he let you creep into his mind, calming his over the top anger coursing through him. He’d never admit the affect that you’ve had on him since the beginning of the school year. At first he hated how you’d smile at him even if his face read leave me the fuck alone. He hated how you’d giggle when he’d try to be intimidating, or when you’d compliment him even if he completely ignored you.
Over time he started to soften up to it, and everyone noticed. Especially you, and it was amazing. But the somewhat calm Baku would only come out when no one else was around. No one else saw the extent to this side of him, only you. When others would come around he’d say some dumb comment to make it seem like he was a hardass.
It didn’t bother you all that much at first, you knew he was just trying to keep his ora the same. He didn’t want to let any of his classmates shit on his pride. But over time his words got more and more hurtful. He started to say mean things to you when others were near, which he didn’t at first. It’s as if he felt the suspicion for you and him growing between his classmates.
Bakugou stomps away from the scene not wanting to stand there any longer. You watched on a screen from a near by building, and you couldn’t help but frown. You can’t stand seeing him get all worked up like this, it always made him in a bad mood for the rest of the day. You left the room and met him in one of the extra waiting rooms. It was empty, only the two of you.
His eyes were filled with anger, but as soon as he saw you they softened. It was weird at first to see red eyes sparkle at the sight of you, but you quickly got used to it. It was rather flattering to have such a hothead find peace in you.
“Are you alright?” You ask in a soft voice. He huffs at your question before slamming his body down in a chair.
“No, i’m tired of being with Deku, he just holds me back!” He says in a thick voice, hand coming to slam down on the table. You reach up to take off his mask, red eyes watching your every move.
“I want to do stuff like that with you, but Mr. Assface never partners us up,” he says through gritted teeth.
You feel your heartbeat increase, and a small blush creep onto your face. He notices it and smirks a bit, he loves having this affect on you.
“Plus seeing you in your outfit in action so close would be mesmerizing,” he whispers, trying his best to fuck with you. He just loved your flustered face.
“Bakugou!” You squeal and hit his arm as hard as you can. But you also have a bashful smile on your face, which is always Baku’s goal.
“No really c’mon, I bet you’d love to see my biceps flexing as I punched shit, you’d love it!”
You shake your head to each side not wanting him to have the satisfaction of knowing you would absolutely love that. But he could tell by your increased blush that it had just the right affect on you. He can’t help but let out some laughter, teeth showing in full amusement.
Right as you were about to say something back, red-haired Kirishima walks through the door. Baku’s laughter almost immediately stops and his whole body language changes. The uneasiness began to fill your stomach and head, you only hoped he didn’t say anything mean.
“You did pretty good out there Bakugou, too bad I wasn’t your partner though. We would’ve made it through!” Kirishima says as he turns his arms into hard rock to show off a bit.
“You would’ve ended up just like Izuku, on the ground too hurt to move,” he says through gritted teeth. This side of him gave you anxiety. Of course he was always angry and short tempered, but this was different. It’s as if when you’re around he goes more out than usual. He didn’t want anyone to see even a hint of the side he shows to you, so his solution was to be as intimidating as possible.
You obsolutely hated it.
“Oh be nice Baku,” you said in a sweet voice.
His red eyes narrowed at you, and his teeth grinded against one another in annoyance. He stood up from the chair quickly and was towering over you, his goal to be as intimidating as possible was definitely working.
“I wouldn’t want to be partnered up with a weakling like you either. You’d hold me back too. I bet you wouldn’t even make it three steps in before getting your ass kicked!” His words felt like one stab after another. You came to understand why Bakugou was mean to others, why he acted the way he did. but with you, that’s something you could never understand.
You stare at him with hurt eyes. He’d never said something like that about you or to you, and it felt like shit.
Bakugou watched as your face grew pale and your bottom lip began to quiver. Tears started to build in your eyes, he’d never seen you cry. No one had ever seen you cry. To be honest, you couldn’t remember yourself the last time you had cried.
“What the hell Bakugou, chill out man,” Kirishima said.
You stood up, almost eye level. His eyes had softened a bit when you started crying, it was obvious. You didn’t know if Kirishima could tell but you definitely could. He knew his words were too far as soon as they came out.
He expected you to slap him, or even say a smart comment back. But instead you wiped your tears and said nothing, eyes still locked with his. He wanted to hug you, even though he never had before, and whisper a million apologies in your ear. Instead he stood there, frozen.
And he remained frozen as you turned on your heals and left the room, sniffling lightly as you walked away.
“Shit,” he mumbled under his breath. Right when he thought he was getting better at not being a total ass to you he just screwed things up even more. He wanted to do better for you, but it’s as if every cell in his body wouldn’t allow him to just let it go. To just be nice to you, for you.
Days went by, weeks, than a whole month since the incident, and you hadn’t spoken a word to Bakugou. He missed you more than ever, you seemed to be the only thing on his mind. But it seems as if you’ve completely blocked the thought of the hotheaded blonde out of your head. He doesn’t think you’ve even looked at him since the day your eyes were filled with tears.
Bakugou felt like he was going insane. To only have Kirishima to talk to became a nightmare. He wanted to hear your laugh, see you blush, and most of all he wanted things to be right again.
But you couldn’t help but think that things were never right. He was always angry, always confusing you, and always saying things for the benefit of nobody but himself. You just couldn’t put up with it anymore the pain was way too much to handle. Yet you still missed him like crazy.
You wanted to change him but that wasn’t your job.
Many people have said hurtful things to you in your past, most of them were worse then Baku’s words. But the fact that his felt so different and more hurtful than any others showed you how he’d softened you as well.
Reality set back in as Kaminari handed you a sheet of paper. You’d been sat your desk with eyes fixed on the wall thinking nonstop. It’s as if you forgotten where you were and what you were doing as you thought about the fire eyed boy.
“What’s this?” You ask confused. Due to not paying any attention you had no idea what was happening.
“An easy quiz over the stuff we learned during training the past few days,” he answers.
Thank God for that. For a second you thought Mr. Aizawa taught something while you were zoned out and pulled an ass move and gave a test. This stuff was easy, you’d been working hard on it for days.
The rest of the day went by pretty fast and it was normal, no big crazy things happening. You just wanted to go home and lay in your bed. It was your safe place, a place where you didn’t have to avoid any type of interaction with Bakugou. You knew it was silly to ignore him like this, to act as if he didn’t exist, but it was your solution to getting over him.
Everyone knew you liked Bakugou and they definitely thought you were crazy for it. You were one of the sweetest girls in class and loved working with people. So basically you were the complete opposite of Bakugou in every aspect, but yet you were so attracted to him.
Shit, i’m thinking about him too much.
The whole point of this ignoring tactic was to stop thinking about the blonde yet here you were struggling to think about anything but him. He may be hard to understand in some ways but you admired the challenge. You liked getting to know someone that wouldn’t open up to anyone else it made you feel special. And you liked to think that you made Bakugou feel special as well, but now you really don’t know.
Your feet guided you off the school grounds and onto the sidewalk. The walk home was about twenty minutes and it was a beautiful day. The weather brightened your mood.
You immediately froze. That voice hasn’t said your name for a month. You’d actually barely heard the voice at all due to constantly trying to drown it out. Emotions quickly began swirling and you had no idea if you felt like you were about to throw up or squeal with joy. At this point it was probably both, and at the same time.
Right as you turn around you see Bakugou running at you almost out of breath. Had he chased you from the school? You’d only been walking for five or so minutes no way you could’ve gone that far.
“What?” You asked dryly.
That one word with zero emotion was pure music to his ears. Your beautiful eyes hadn’t even glanced at him in the past month so this absolutely overjoyed him, but he tried to not let it show too much.
“Bakugou what do you want?”
He hasn’t realized how long he’d been looking at you since you two made eye contact. It was just entrancing, he’d taken your gaze for granted as well.
“I-I’m so sorry,” he said.
You were completely shocked. There’s no way hardass Bakugou was apologizing to you right now, and looking like a lost puppy as he does so. His eyes had never looked so sad, so soft, so.. sweet. You hadn’t even witnessed this side of him yet it was a whole different feel.
Words couldn’t seem to find their way past your lips or even in your mind.
“I’m like, really sorry,” he starts, “my pride gets in the way of us and it shouldn’t.”
Your eyes widen at his words, “Us?”
His hand comes up to scratch the back of his head, eyes looking at the ground shyly. Wow, Bakugou being shy? This was all out of a dream, no way it was real. It was one thing for him to joke around with you and be calm but to this was different. This was a layer deeper of Bakugou and you admired it.
“Yeah, us. We have something going on, right? Or has it all been in my head?” He asks embarrassed. He started to worry for a second that you didn’t feel the same but the heat rising to your cheeks answered the question.
“Again (y/n), i’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have done that, and i’m also sorry it’s taken me so long to even be having this talk right now. I’ll do better I promise, i’m never going to make you feel that way again,” he kept eye contact with you the whole time. He truly wanted you to understand how sorry he was and how much you meant to him.
He was about to say more but you wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug. He was hesitant at first, not sure what to think of this, but your warmth and sweetness radiating off of you calmed him down. You made him feel safe.
“Dont let me down Baku,” you said.
His arms come up to return the embrace, basking in how warm and fuzzy he felt. It was much better than being angry and yelling.
“I won’t, I promise.”
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destiniesfic · 4 years
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132 Hours, Chapter 7:
That’s what I think I fear most. Not the symptoms, but being out of control. My brain taking a backseat and letting my body drive.
Read chapter 7 on AO3, or read below:
“Seriously?” Cardan asks, holding up the local newspaper the Roach handed him. “We’re too cheap for the New York Times?”
“They were out,” the Roach grunts.
“This house is a nightmare,” Cardan says under his breath.
We’ve been brought out of our cell again to pose for a proof of life photo. Seated, because I can’t stand for long. Cardan is given the newspaper to prove the photo is current, although the Bomb is holding an old-fashioned Polaroid camera and I am not sure anyone will be able to make out the details. I have been asked to do nothing but sit still.
“Do you want us to smile?” Cardan asks, once the Bomb has the camera ready.
“If you want,” says the Bomb. “Go ahead.”
Cardan does. I glare daggers.
“Well, he’ll know it’s her,” the Bomb remarks. With a gloved, almost dainty hand, she pulls the Polaroid out and sets it on top of the minifridge to develop.
“Why did you smile?” I hiss.
Cardan shrugs. “Just because we’re hostages doesn’t mean we have to look like we’re having a bad time.”
“That’s exactly what it means.”
“Couple more,” says the Bomb, raising her camera again. “Bear with me.”
We do, as she snaps a couple more photos, presumably ones where I don’t look so much like I’m about to strangle Cardan. She takes the best ones and slides them into an envelope, which she seals shut with a little water on her gloved finger. No fingerprints, no saliva, no DNA. Just proof of life.
Cardan notices, too. “You’re pretty good at this crime thing,” he tells her. “Ever think about doing it for a living?”
“It’s really just a hobby for now,” she says dryly, handing the envelope to the Ghost, who heads up the stairs and out to deliver it who-knows-where.
“Looks like a full-blown side-gig to me,” Cardan returns.
The Bomb shrugs. “Well, this economy.”
I wonder if I should be alarmed or encouraged that our captors are beginning to genuinely like him.
It’s already late, after a long, mostly-silent stretch of afternoon in the cell, so we are fed and watered and allowed to relieve ourselves once more before we’re put away again. The Roach offers to help me walk, but I manage to make my way around the basement and eventually hobble to the mattress without assistance. It’s not dignified, but at least I maintain a scrap of my dignity.
Before the Roach is able to lock us in for the night, though, Cardan catches the door in his hand and leans forward. He’s whispering, but the room is small enough that I can hear him anyway. “Hey, um, so, can I have my drugs back?”
Around Cardan’s shoulders, I see the Roach’s face split into a terrible grin. “Nah,” he says. “But nice try.”
And then he closes the door and leaves us alone.
Cardan rubs a hand over his face and goes to sit in his corner. I am staring at him. “You wanted to get high? Now?”
“I had some O on me when they took us,” he says. “Good quality stuff. Pure. Synthetic, obviously.” He glances at me.
“Sure,” I say. It’s never really sat right with me that people have figured out how to distill some of the compounds in pheromones—O for omega, A for alpha—and that other, richer people now use them as party drugs, but, hey, at least it’s hard to overdose. And synthetic means the chemicals weren’t harvested from anybody, so, ethically sourced high. In theory.
I’ve never tried A, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Taryn has by now. Locke is not a good influence.
“Actually, I was thinking of trying to dull my receptors, in light of…” He waves a hand. “Well, tomorrow being what it is, you…”
“Oh,” I say quietly.
“Nic always said I’d ruin them if I indulged too much.” It’s dark, so I can’t see his facial expression very well, but I make out his silhouette slumping against the wall. “Thought I’d finally take that bet.”
It takes me a second to realize he means Nicasia, his ex-girlfriend. Still his friend, though. I think. It’s weirdly humanizing, the idea that he has a nickname for somebody he likes. It makes him more of a person. “You call her Nic?” I ask. “I’ve never heard anyone call her that before.”
“Well, no. You’re not allowed. It’s a special privilege.”
I snicker but don’t reply, looking down at my hands instead. Tomorrow morning will be three days since I took my last suppressant. Two days since I woke up in this cell, locked in with Cardan. I’m about guaranteed to go into heat, and I don’t know what will happen after that. Whether I’ll have enough presence of mind to care about what will happen. If I will even be myself.
That’s what I think I fear most. Not the symptoms. Not even that I might end up mating with Cardan, of all people. But being out of control. My brain taking a backseat and letting my body drive.
“Jude?” Cardan asks quietly.
I don’t want to talk about it. Not with him. Not now. So I shift to a more comfortable seat against my wall and say nothing.
But he surprises me by asking, “Did you mean what you said before? Do you really blame me for what happened with Valerian?”
“Yes.” But there’s a twinge in my chest as I remember the shock on his face, the way he avoided my eyes the rest of the day. I had struck my mark, but at what cost? As he said, it’s not like he was actually there. I press the heel of my palm into my eye. “No. Maybe. I don’t know, Cardan. You didn’t help.”
“Yeah, but like…” I hear him flick at some dust on the floor. “I didn’t know, you know? I didn’t know what he was going to do. If I had known, I would have stopped him.”
I blink in his direction. “I thought you did know,” I say abruptly, and I don’t quite realize how true that is until I say it aloud. That Cardan, who has historically masterminded so much misery, must be behind this, too.
“After Locke…” I pick at one of the scratchy blankets. “I mean, Valerian was first, but then when it turned out Locke was trying to get with me and Taryn, I thought it was some awful competition between the three of you. Who could get in my pants first, or make me most miserable, or…”
“No, no.” Cardan actually has the audacity to look shocked. “Jude, I know that I can be a miserable son of a bitch sometimes, but there are lines.”
“Are there? You never acted like it. You insulted me every chance you got. You pushed me into a fountain.”
He chuckles weakly. “That again?”
“It was cold,” I grumble, crossing my arms. “I was cold all day. And I had to lie to my dad.”
And I don’t add the part that hurt most—that he said he was sick of smelling me and I needed to wash off. I can’t control how I smell to him. In fact, I always resented him for smelling so good to me when we clearly weren’t a match. It’s a little easier to get over since he’s so terrible, but it sucks to know that my body picked someone out who could not be clearer about his lack of reciprocation. A defect in me. Something else I can’t control.
“Well, yeah, but there’s a huge difference between that and rape.” He falls quiet for a second, then says, “I’m glad you defended yourself. I am. And I do admire you for that. That’s all.”
“Then you’re crazy. I don’t think anyone else does, aside from Madoc.” I look down. “It’s not what omegas are supposed to do. Fight back. Fight at all.”
I hear Cardan flick another dustbunny. “You know what Balekin said about it?”
My shoulders tense. I know that word of the whole thing had spread through the school like wildfire, even though the disciplinary meeting we had with the principal was supposed to have been confidential, but there’s a difference between knowing and hearing that Cardan’s older brother, of all people, had an opinion. “What did he say?” I ask slowly, dreading the answer.
“He said, ‘I don’t know what Madoc was thinking, sending those girls to your school.’ Like it was just something that was bound to happen.” I feel a little nauseated, but Cardan continues, “That didn’t sit right with me. I mean, you’d been going to school with alphas for ten years. You had alpha teachers. I mean, we had classes together for six years, and I never thought to—”
“Yeah,” I say quietly. “You’ve been very clear about that.”
“No, but—ugh.” Cardan runs a hand through his hair, frustrated. “I think Valerian was wrong. And Balekin was wrong. And you were right. I’d just never thought about it like that before.”
I sigh. “What do you want, a cookie? For thinking I deserve basic human rights?”
In the darkness, I see him wince. “You don’t pull punches, do you?”
“Not anymore.” I lean forward and run my hands over my bandages. The Ghost had done a good job with them. “I did mean what I said about you making it worse. Maybe you didn’t know what Valerian was going to do. Maybe you didn’t egg him on. But you upheld that hierarchy, you know. Strongest alphas on top, omegas on the bottom. You benefited from it.”
“Well, it’s just the—”
“The way things are. I know.” I exhale. “It’s not how they have to be.”
Cardan is quiet for a while. “Valerian liked to hurt people,” he says at last. “Anyone. Animals, even. It was his main alpha trait, that aggression. ‘Couldn’t be helped,’ according to his, I think, third psychiatrist. I think we all thought if we could direct that, use it for our benefit, point him in a direction like—I don’t know, an arrow…”
“Sounds like you need better friends,” I say. Managing Valerian sounds like trying to leash a rabid dog, and I truly do not envy him that. Hoping the dog will only bite other people is selfish and awful, but also bound to fail.
“I haven’t spoken to him since what he did to you.” His voice is unexpectedly firm. Again, he surprises me. “Tried to do, I mean. I told Nic and Locke to cut him off, too. He’s basically dead to us.”
“Oh.” I squint at him, feeling—I don’t know what I’m feeling. “Really?”
“But he was your friend.”
“Well…” Cardan taps his finger on the floor. “Maybe I don’t want a friend like that.”
I sit with that admission for a moment, trying to make it square with what I know of Cardan outside these walls. It’s almost like there are two of him: the awful one wreaking havoc outside, and the one in here, with me, who sounds almost on the verge of apologizing. Who uses his alpha charm for good on our kidnappers. Who reads books. Who almost seems to care.
“Your other friends are also kind of shitty,” I point out. “Didn’t Nicasia cheat on you? With Locke?”
Cardan shrugs. “Nic’s not so bad. Locke cheated on her with you and your sister, so I consider us pretty much even for that. Locke, though…” He sighs. “I wish he’d just admit he has a crush on me and get over it.”
I let out a shocked, choked laugh. “What?”
“What other explanation is there for him making out with pretty much anyone I’ve ever really liked?”
I had known about Nicasia, but it sounds like there are others I don’t know about. Still, must be nice, being Cardan, having that kind of confidence in someone being mean because they like you. “He’s a douchebag?” I suggest.
“Maybe,” Cardan says. “Too easy, though. I want complex, psychological drama, Duarte. I want homoerotic CW drama.”
“It sounds like you want Locke to put his tongue in your mouth.”
“I mean, for the experience, sure. Frankly, I’m a little offended he hasn’t tried.”
My cheeks hurt, and I realize I am smiling. How is he getting inside my guard so easily? Saying a few nice things about admiring my tenacity isn’t enough to negate years of schoolyard warfare. It feels good, though. Maybe even better because the person delivering the compliment is totally unexpected.
“Fine,” I sigh.
“Fine what?”
“You’re clearly angling to get your spot on the mattress back. It’s working.” I lean over as far as I can and pat the empty half. “Come on. Probably the last night you can sleep here.”
“You sure?”
It’s funny how I can now tell he’s raising his eyebrow just from the way he asks the question. It’s not a soft, gentle ask—like he’s worried about spooking me—but a sardonic one. Almost a challenge. So even if he is worried about spooking me, he’s spared my pride. I appreciate that.
This is the most I have actually ever spoken to Cardan Greenbriar. It turns out he’s kind of fun.
I shrug. “Sure. Either we’re going to be keeping our distance and you’ll have to take the floor tomorrow, or we’ll be too busy humping to sleep. Like bunnies. Might as well make the most of it while you can.”
Cardan kicks his shoes off, then sits down next to me on the mattress with a grunt. “I think it’s more like wolves,” he says, grinning. “Or dogs. On account of the—”
“Knot.” I visibly shudder. “I know. Gross.”
His grin widens. “Absolutely disgusting.”
I have to take a breath. This is a very specific heat/rut thing, the knot of it all, and most non-heat sex doesn’t trigger it. It is also one of the things I have looked forward to least about eventual sex-having, eventual partner-having. I had kind of hoped I’d get to practice without it. “But all kinds of sex acts sound gross when you break them down on a technical level,” I say, trying to reassure myself. “So maybe it’s not so bad.”
“Maybe.” Cardan props one of the pillows against the wall and settles down on his back, his arms crossed behind head. A model of comfort, of ease. I wonder how much he is faking. No one could be that cool in our situation.
I am quiet for a moment, looking up at the ceiling as though I can still count the criss-crossing pipes that run along it like country roads. “Does it bother you that you won’t ever have a mate? Not that you won’t mate, just that you probably can’t have a… like a mate mate?”
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Cardan tilt his chin up toward me. “Does it bother you?”
“It’s different for me. You know that.” I don’t lie down next to him just yet, but I do look at him. His shirt’s hitched up a little above his jeans, exposing a line of his flat stomach, the ridge of a hip bone. “Everyone I know is an alpha. I’ll probably end up married to one. I could be…” I trail off. “I don’t even know if I like the idea. Being tied to someone like that.”
“Being knotted to them, you mean?” I give him a little shove, and he laughs, then says, “Marriage is tying yourself to somebody too, you know.”
“I know. But not on a biochemical level.”
They used to call the connection between mates a “soul bond” for how deep it goes, how sensitive it makes you to the other person, their moods, their wants. We know more now about how the actual chemicals at play work, which has demystified a lot of it. There’s still a kind of romance to it anyway, I guess. But mating bonds are really difficult to undo, so how are you supposed to know that the person you bite is the right one? What if you choose wrong? At least with marriage there’s divorce. Like many things, a mating bond is something I’d resigned myself to going without, although it would give me a measure of basic protection I don’t currently have.
“I’ve thought about it,” Cardan admits. “I think everyone expects me to eventually end up with Nic still, even though… y’know, and in that case I could have someone else on the side, maybe. It’s pretty common. Or I could be like your dad and marry an omega anyway.”
I snort. “Yeah, that worked out really well for everyone.”
“You know, with what we learned today, Vivi’s theory—”
“I know,” I say quickly. “I don’t want to think about it.” Because that’s how I deal with these things. I don’t think of them until I have the time and space to handle them, which may be never, and definitely isn’t now. The last thing I need is to lie awake thinking about how Madoc might be involved in all sorts of unsavory things, up to and including arranging my parents’ murder.
Cardan does not seem to be giving this the same consideration. “Do you think Madoc and your mother were mates?”
I shudder. “I don’t want to think about it.”
“Vivi had to happen somehow.”
I slide down the wall to my pillow and make a small keening noise into my hands. “That doesn’t mean they were mates. I think Madoc would have found us a lot sooner if they were.”
“You mean he would have sniffed her out.”
“Yeah.” I frown, slipping briefly into memory. “My parents really loved each other, though. I remember that. They’d smile at each other, they’d kiss before my mom left for work, they—” My throat seems to close, and I swallow.
“Must be nice,” Cardan says under his breath. I’m not sure I’m supposed to hear it.
I look down at my hands. I rarely allow myself the remembrances of my mom’s smile, my dad’s arm looped casually behind her when we watched movies on the couch. They were both omegas. They were happy. “I guess I talked myself out of my point. Mates aren’t the end-all be-all of…”
Either Cardan is oblivious to my musings or he’s trying to spare me from them, because he continues, “I mean, regular sex is pretty fun. The not-heat kind. The not-mate kind.”
“It is?” I ask, trying not to let the question strangle itself in my throat. “So… are you saying you’re good at it? I should know, before—if this is all going to happen.”
His face screws up in thought. “I’d like to think so,” he muses. “T-B-H, it’s hard to get honest feedback when you have this much money. Girls, boys, alphas, omegas, they all tell you what they think you want to hear. Although Nic wouldn’t let me slack off in bed, so yeah, I think I know my way around.”
“Oh, well, good. That’s great.” I sink further down and pull my blanket to my chest, looking up at the ceiling. “If my hormones don’t render me totally incoherent, I’ll give you a rating.”
Cardan cracks another smile. “Out of five stars? Like an Uber?”
“Sure. You know. ‘Smooth ride, good driver.’” I cover my face with my hands. “God.”
“Maybe you won’t have to,” he says. “Maybe it’ll be okay. I mean, sure, we are living out the exact set-up of half the alpha/omega porn I’ve ever watched, but that doesn’t guarantee anything. Remember that movie everyone was buzzing about a couple of years ago, where they got stuck in the elevator but he held off?”
“That was a movie, with actors. Not a documentary.”
“Still, we’re dealing with, what? An elevator-and-a-half, two elevators of space? Could work out in our favor.”
I pull my hands down and look over at him. “Unlikely,” I say. “But sure.”
Cardan studies me, then turns onto his side and reaches out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind my ear. “I’m sorry,” he says, and I am struck dumb, thinking he’s apologizing for everything he’s done to me. But he adds, “Just in case something does happen. I know… I know this isn’t what you want.”
Well, that isn’t nothing. I shrug. With him so close, smelling like he does, looking like he does, I almost think I could do worse. “I mean, it’s not like I’m your first choice.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I see him purse his full lips. “Still, I wanted you to know.”
I turn onto my side to face him directly. “When’s the last time you apologized to anybody?”
“When I wasn’t forced to by an authority figure, you mean?” A little crease forms between his brows. “I honestly don’t remember.”
Definitely not nothing. I don’t feel better, but I could feel worse. “Can you do one thing for me?” I ask, and it comes out a whisper, like I’m a frightened child.
“Yeah,” he says, his voice equally soft, which just makes the whole thing even more horrible. That he’s not being what I thought. That he’s not being cruel.
I swallow, but make myself say it. “Don’t hurt me on purpose.”
Cardan’s lips part. “Oh,” he says. “Oh, Jude.”
I turn over, giving him my back. I don’t want to look at his face anymore. As much as I want to hear him say he is sorry, I don’t want to see him feel sorry for me.
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