#also the sound design in this show is so fucking good
ozthearchivist · 7 months
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natsukazesan · 10 months
Okay the fnaf movie was pretty banging
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lostandbackagain · 1 year
dustfinger is so funny imagine being so painfully awkward that you just let your family think you're a cheater who abandoned them if it means you don't have to have a Conversation
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alchemistc · 15 days
"Evan's not here," Tommy says, and Eddie scowls at him as he pushes past Tommy, already aiming for the kitchen as he hitches the six pack he'd brought with him up under his armpit. It'd been a - a thing. A 'my best friend and my new friend are too busy sucking face to spend every spare moment distracting me from my problems' thing, a thing where Eddie sort of finally understood exactly why Buck had hip checked him on the basketball court months ago. He wants his best friend back. He wants the ease of his friendship with Tommy back.
Which is - Christ, he's selfish, is the thing. A month without Chris there to keep him occupied and Eddie has had some startling realizations about himself. ("You're not selfish, Eddie, you're the most selfless person I know." from Buck and "So fix it," from Tommy, a rare night out with the both of them because he'd headed date night off at the pass by asking Tommy to go out for drinks before he and Buck could make plans without him).
"My world doesn't revolve around Buck," Eddie tells him, and screws the cap off a beer to hand it to Tommy. Tommy's doing that judgmental face he gets when he wants to say something bitchy but hasn't put the words in the right order yet. And - Eddie's not lying. Buck is a fixed point, an ever present life-line, but he's not the fucking sun.
Neither is Chris, apparently, which is news to Eddie and he's - spiralling, still. Quietly, calmly, and he's only punched one hole in the wall on a bad night.
"You ever go to Frank?" Eddie asks, like Frank is the only therapist in the greater LA area, and Tommy rolls his eyes, disappears long enough for the muted sound of the television to go quiet.
When he comes back Eddie's reading the label on his beer bottle
"Apparently I resent you," Eddie says, and Tommy chuffs a laugh.
"No, I -." The words had been just as hard two hours ago. This little trip was his own design, he'd been told specifically to sit in it for a while but Christ, an hour a week isn't enough time to talk through his issues and it's not like he can tell Buck he resents him for finding something he's happy and stable and solid in. So. Tommy it is. "You and Buck are good together. I'm happy for you both. I am."
Tommy settles against a countertop with his hip digging into the Formica. His kitchen has gained a dutch oven that looks suspiciously like the one Buck has been showing Eddie for like six months that he couldn't justify the cost of because he's not around enough to use it as much as he'd like.
"I'm not usually the one without his shit together," Eddie says.
"No offense, Eddie, but I thought the whole point of therapy was you realizing you rarely have your shit together."
Also true. He's - usually better at hiding it though. Kim was a joker stacked up on a wobbly house of cards and he'd known, somewhere in the back of his mind, that she'd bring the whole thing tumbling to the ground. Mass casualty event. No survivors.
"You make each other better people," Eddie says, which is the wrong thing to say apparently because Tommy scowls.
"If you wanna completely ignore all the work we've both put into ourselves," he snipes, and - yeah. Fair. Buck's been in therapy for years now. Every once in a while he'll pull something out of his ass that makes Eddie's skin itch - something so mystifyingly self-aware that it makes Eddie want to claw into his chest cavity and rip out his fucking heart. And Tommy - well, he doesn't know much but it's not like Tommy's the paragon of perfection. He's worked through some shit. Is still working through shit, if the aftermath of his and Buck's first real fight is any indication.
"I've never been with someone who makes me want to work on myself," Eddie admits, and the lines around Tommy's eyes shift. He sighs.
"Never gonna find that if you don't want it for yourself."
Yeah. Frank's said as much. It's just - Eddie doesn't have a starting point. Tommy had the whole hiding his true self thing, and Buck had the dead-brother-shitty-parents thing, and he's whittling them both down to the sharp edges of themselves in his mind, which isn't entirely fair but it's easier than trying to confront what the fuck his own problem is. Dead wife, his kid in another state, a contentious relationship with his father, a whole backlog of PTSD he's never really confronted head on. Weird feelings cropping up about a religion he thought he'd left in the dust and sand of Afghanistan and a hole he's been trying to fill up with other people since - well, he doesn't even know since when.
Tommy's got his dog tags laying in the bottom of an empty fruit bowl on his kitchen table. Eddie's never seen them before, and some part of him knows Tommy'd brought them out for a conversation with Buck he'll never hear himself, and he aches. He doesn't want them, but he wants what they have, wants to be able to talk about the difficult shit without closing in on himself, wants to have someone to come home to, wants -
"I spent six months imagining my therapist's head exploding every time she made me talk about something uncomfortable," Tommy tells him, and takes a long drag off his beer. For the first time since he'd knocked on Tommy's door, Eddie actually feels a little bad about interrupting his night, but that just leaves him spiralling some more because Eddie usually feels bad about everything, all the time, so why hadn't he felt guilty about this until now? And why does he feel guilty about not feeling guilty?
"I just want him to fix me," Eddie says, and Tommy laughs. Laughs hard and long enough that Eddie's feeling offended. Off kilter and pissed off and -
"You're not a single loose wire, Eddie. Can't just replace a cable and have a clean slate. You gotta change your oil and replace the spark plugs and top up the coolant, over and over again until you die."
It's the sort of metaphor Eddie'd like to lob across the field of engagement just to watch it get shot to pieces. It's apt, though.
"Feels like the whole engines gotta go," Eddie tells him "Transmission's shot and my catalytic converter keeps getting stolen and the mufflers been welded back on so many times that it's half-solder."
"Christ," Tommy says, which. Yeah. Exactly. "Well you can't exactly send yourself to the junk yard for scrap and buy a newer model."
"Buck does," Eddie snaps, and Tommy rolls his eyes. He'd been there the last time Buck brought up his 1.0 days.
"Half the time a system update patches ten bugs and creates twenty more."
"So Buck's buggy, is what you're saying."
He rolls his tongue over his teeth. "You are running off faulty software and you've been refusing to update to the new version because you heard it'd burn the battery faster, is what I'm saying."
Eddie doesn't have a whole lot of charge to begin with. And the metaphors are starting to muddle in his brain, too many different ideas battling around when he's already spent an ornery hour talking to Frank and another trying to convince himself he doesn't resent his best friend for accepting his own fucking flaws and working on them.
Tommy sets the beer bottle down. Eyes Eddie for a moment, and Eddie wonders how often he levels that look on Buck, how Buck feels when Tommy flays him open and digs through his insides. "You wanna go hit something for a bit?" he asks, and Eddie nods so quickly he nearly smacks his nose into the brim of the bottle in his own hand. He's about done feeling his feelings, for the moment. He'll probably end up being annoyed that Tommy makes him wrap his hands before he takes some aggression out on the bag hung up in the corner of Tommy's garage, but maybe when Tommy gets annoyed with him and does that takedown maneuver that knocks the wind out of Eddie's lungs when they're sparring he'll let that go.
Tommy flicks his forehead on the way to grab him something to wear. "That's for calling my boyfriend buggy, jackass," he says, and laughs himself all the way down the hall when Eddie splutters after him.
His bedroom door snicks shut by the time Eddie's recovered enough to remind him that he'd been Eddie's friend first.
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thesiltverses · 2 months
A very big thank you
I posted this on Patreon, but really wanted to share it here as well:
Post-show life begins
For a long while now I’ve been getting up at 4.30 or 5am, grabbing myself the first coffee of four, and then coming to sit at my desk.
I open up the assembly cut of the newest TSV episode.
I listen to it, I try and pin down which scenes I need to be going back over today. I try and push through the entire morning without a break because when the momentum stalls, that’s what kills your release schedule. (I also worry endlessly about just how much of my hair is falling out, and how spending 12 hours a day wearing headphones could be contributing to that.)
Today was different. I still woke up early - it’s a hard habit to shake off, and probably a useful one going forward. But I didn’t go to my desk, and I didn’t put my headphones on.
I went to the rocking chair we bought for our son when he comes, and I sat there - gently swaying and trying not to spill my coffee all over it, because for some reason it’s fucking beige - and looked out over the city skyline. 
I slugged back my coffee surrounded by all the stuff we’ve panic-bought for the baby, and I got to take all of it in - washcloths and the changing table and romper suits - with a sudden focus and a clarity and a rising excitement that I really hadn’t allowed myself to feel until today, because until today the work was still unfinished and there was still much left to be done.
All at once I felt very free, and fully sated, and happy and proud for everything that’s coming next.
There’s so much to feel grateful for from the past three years of working on this show. But what’s probably going to sit with me the most is being able to arrive at that moment and those feelings today, - and we have all of you incredible people to thank for that.
Not just in terms of listenership or financial support, although that’s been truly invaluable and a lifeline for us that’s enabled us to actually make the show - but also your enthusiasm, your passion, your jokes and comments and everything that’s helped to keep us motivated and working on it.
So - with as much feeling as words can convey, thank you so, so much for everything.
What’s coming next, in rough order
#1: Parentdom is going to take over our lives for a while! I also want to write the final Patreon episode commentaries in the next few days, while I have the time and the clear memories. #2: The next thing we’ll organise will be the post-season Q&A (we’d also like to do some kind of off-camera cast party if we can make schedules work, just to say thank you to our amazing VAs and celebrate with them). Please do ask us questions! #3: We have long-unfinished commitments to the Patreon which I need to complete: the last two episodes of So Long, Good Luck, and rounding off Sid Wright’s story. As ever, huge thank-yous for your patience with these; they’ve just been impossible to polish off while also working on the main show so much. #4: Something I’ve been thinking about for a long time is the possibility of going back to Season 1 and redesigning it from scratch to try and bring it closer in style to S2 and S3. We have the raw audio files - some of the mic quality will just be rough no matter what, but we can certainly try.  This is something I want to be conscientious and careful about; I very much want to respect the sound design work that’s already taken place, and ensure we’re not overriding anything. But I do know that the initial quality still sometimes puts new listeners off; we were learning a lot about direction and mastering from scratch, and our designers were working with limited budget and a total lack of plugins, so there’s simply a lot more we can achieve now. (This would also be a good opportunity for me to finally rework the transcripts, another fallen hurdle). #5: A few months back, we were contacted by a literary agent in NYC who was interested in us adapting the show into a series of novels. There’s a long road ahead to actually get published, but I'm thrilled to say that I have signed with them and I’m really excited to hopefully start work on the first book once I’ve settled into dad-dom. I’ll need to check what’s possible, but if it doesn’t interfere with any contract condition I’d obviously love to share excerpts on here as it’s written. #6: Then there’ll also be another larger audiodrama project - we’ve spoken about the different possibilities before! Excited to get started on our final choice.
Just one last word about endings
God, endings are scary. Because endings are impossible.
How many serialised stories actually end in a way that’s received unequivocally well?  People yelled at The Sopranos for its ambiguity and open-endedness. People criticised Breaking Bad for treating Walt too sympathetically at the end and relying on a generic mob of snarling Nazis to act as his final foe.
Endings are either too pat and neat, or too inconclusive to be satisfying, or too surreal and dreamlike, or they simply make what feels like the wrong choices for the characters we care about. We’re all caught in that barbed wire, creators and audience alike, weighed down by the baggage of what’s come before and we've already spent so much time anticipating the infinite possibilities of how it could all turn out - it’s like we can’t get free of the story that’s trying to end. 
And the beautiful thing about these longform, iterative works is that they insist upon becoming completely ungovernable. No matter how much of a planner the creator claims to be, how much prepwork they carry out - they were never really in control. There’s spontaneity and surprises and dead ends and beautiful distractions that come spilling out along the way (I was baffled and delighted to learn that people really - at the end of the show, with such limited time to spare - wanted to find out what had happened to Eddie*). 
So they can’t end. Not really. There’s too much wonderful mess in them to ever be reasonably disentangled.
And, of course, for every ending people remember with frustration or dissatisfaction, there’s another hundred endings that nobody remembers at all, because we lost our enthusiasm along the way and it feels better to keep going back to the start and avoiding the slow decline. (Who the fuck remembers how the umpteenth X-Files reboot ended? What increasingly tired post-modern antics was Alan Moore getting up to in the final League of Extraordinary Gentlemen books?). I really just didn’t want the show to end up in that latter category.
All of that probably sounds like I’m warding off criticism about the show's ending, but for me it’s actually been the opposite. 
For an ending which is all about narrative dissatisfaction, and failed potential and missed opportunities, and how we need to come to terms with the lack of existential fairness and certainty and narrative control in our lives and keep ploughing forward all the same for as long as we possibly can, I’m massively stunned at just how positive the reception has been on here and elsewhere, and that’s something I’m actively having to process, because I think I was fearfully anticipating much more pushback.
But, look - the Eskew finale was originally quite poorly-received and then people came back around to it over time. So I’m not going to pat myself on the back too hard, because maybe it’ll ultimately be the opposite with this show, and that’s OK. For 200 years everyone was convinced King Lear was improved by having everyone survive at the end and get married. Endings take time to settle into their final condition.
For now, I am incredibly relieved that the ending we chose seems to have landed for most people, and I’m incredibly grateful for the lovely messages we’ve got about it and for the trust in us that you’ve all shown throughout the story.
So, yeah, let’s end with another thank you, because that’s what I feel so deeply and so forcefully at this point.
Thank you so much again, and speak soon.
*My take? We’ve established that the guy is in some kind of blue-collar job and has been pushed into constant overtime due to the reduced workforce. We’ve seen that the so-called ‘national holiday’ doesn’t actually rescue workers from their commitments. So I personally imagine that Eddie was working during the parade somewhere on the city outskirts, and is alive and well.
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no1deepspacehater · 2 months
⸻⋅☾SYLUS - NSFW ABC's☽⋅⸻
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TW: Spoilers, General TW (It's Sylus, c'mon now) and mentions of CNC (he doesn't like it, it's just mentioned)
AN: Since he's come out i've been spending so much time exploring his character and unlocking his myths!! This man has me in a chokehold. I'm so sorry Xavier.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He’s gonna have you in his hold for a bit, he’s not a big cuddler, but he wants you to come down nicely. So it’s a bit of him watching you relax and whipering how good you were etc for a bit.
Then, mostly for him, he’s gonna have a bit of wine (he’s such an alcoholic).
He’ll offer you a bath and shower, which he does take even if you don’t want to (remember, aftercare goes both ways, this is his way to relax.)
But don’t worry, if you want some cuddles he’s willingly, after much teasing of how much of a needy kitten you are.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Everything is his favourite part.
But if he has to choose, his arms and hands.
He’s put a lot of hours into training, without his evol he can still strangle the light from someone’s life on his own and punch the daylight out of them too.
For you, he is an ass and tits man. Why does he have to choose? He can and will have both.
Loves to see a curvy dress on you that shows off your physique. His hand is so quick to slide around your waist, proud to have a good looking person like you by his side to show off.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Thick, clear ropes of the stuff. He almost gets annoyed with how messy it can be.
Not that he’s opposed to covering you with the stuff, no he just prefers to fill you with it.
Loves tasting you, and having you coat his entire hand with your essence.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
During his surveillance of you (stalking), has watched you bathed and shower at least once or twice.
Didn’t make it a habit, even he has lines, but he’s found himself enraptured with just watching you do these simple things.
It weird because he doesn’t watch you masturbate, nor masturbate himself really during the times he watched you shower.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Knows about sex. Fucks.
He’s experienced, you can’t tell me otherwise. He’s had a few workers here and there.
He also knows that just because he has experience with other women, doesn’t mean he knows all about your likings.
But trust, he’ll spend all night learning you.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Reverse and regular cowgirl, surprisingly.
Bet let’s dissect, even though you’re the one on top of him, he’s of course in control.
He has no trouble holding you down on top of him, or moving you up and down on him.
And of course, the sight is beautiful to him, he’s in close reach of everything, and of course, most of the time you have no other option to be face to face with him.
Where he can really see wha’t going on in your mind.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
I wouldn’t say he’s overly serious, but if you call his constant teasing humorous then he’s fucking hilarious.
But yes, he’s more focused on whispering the most outright naaesstttiest filth close into your ear while you come undone before him.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Shaved down to a minimum and neat. He has his own (very high quality) clippers for down there. Takes pride in his look.
Wouldn’t mind if you like to keep things natural, but does like to have things low for you as well.
Hell, he’ll go crazy if you have some type of design on it!
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He’s more of a dirty romantic.
But he can be sweet, in his own way.
Telling you how much he adores you, your sounds, your body.
Soft touches, handling you delicately at times.
And he keeps you pretty close during the act, lots of skin to skin touching.
His kisses range from feather light to deep kisses, and leaving marks is definitely one of his acts of affection.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
This might be crazy, but hear me out.
I do not see this man masturbating often.
Maybe like ONCE in a literal blue moon, like if he’s deadly bored. (And let’s face it, he’s too much of a busy man to be bored.)
Also, he’s the most powerful man in the N109 zone, and basically has most of Linkon in his hands, I’m sure he will find someone (You) that will satisfy his needs.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Need I say, BLOOD KINK!?!
Yeah, he get’s down like that, and I will die on this hill.
He’d love to see your pathetic attempts at trying to make him flinch as you draw a blade against his skin, it winds him up.
Won’t go too crazy on you, but let’s just say you’re going to need a bandage for that bike mark.
Ropes, whips, cuffs, he’s into that entire scene, anything to make you submit to him.
Vibrators are common place, one of his favourite things to do is to watch you fall apart without even laying a finger on you.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
One of his many secluded castles or cabins. He can get you as loud as he wants there.
Not that he really cares if anyone hears the both of you.
Prefers to be in a comfortable place really, but doesn’t mind if you want to get dirty in a semi-public place (Like a private room, clubs, office).
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Seeing you stand your ground.
Once, you pistol whipped a high ranking gangster during an undercover mission, after he ‘joked’ about a female being in a room. Then you proceeded to berate him and his whole crew coldly and put him in his place.
He was rock hard after that. Wanted to take you then and there.
Also has a thing for you being bratty, replying smartly to his teasing. Makes him want to fuck it out of you.
Seeing you dressed up. He knows you’re not materialistic, and neither is he, but seeing you in a fitting outfit that you bought with his card (that probably cost thousands), drives him crazy.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Consensual-non-consensual, or noncon stuff. Yes, he likes when you’re bratty and put up a fight a little, but not in that way. (He sees the effect of trafficking in the N109 zone, and doesn’t feel comfortable seeing anyone portray that.)
Anything that involves other types of bodily fluids, yes, that type of stuff. He finds it weird.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
LOVES a blowjob with all his cold heart. Would never say no. He can be kind of a head pusher, because he knows it ticks you off, but if you’re not comfortable he can resists, he just likes to hear you choking on him.
Does also like to eat you out, only if you’re cool with him doing it to the point of much overstimulation (he’s going to do that anyway).
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Definitely prefers Slow, sensual, but DEEP!!
You swear, you don’t know how he does it, but he’s gotten to places you can’t even reach with a dildo.
He’ll go wild sometimes and fuck you with sharp, sudden movements, because he’s close but he wants you to come before him (But he won’t tell you that).
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Prefers to have his way with you.
He can get busy at times, so he’s not always available for that. He tends to disappear randomly in the night and show up randomly.
If you beg him enough, rile him up enough secretly, he will not hesitate to push you up against a wall in an alleyway and give you what you’re asking for, just know that he always ties up loose ends, and we will be continuing later.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s very open, apart from the hard no’s.
Likes the heart pounding excitement from taking new, kind of dangerous risks.
Won’t do anything that will put you in serious danger or grievous harms way.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
If it’s night, he’s going to town.
But that’s mostly because he’s taking his time with you.
Short refractory period after the first 2-3 times, then after the 5th time he’s just focused on making you cum.
If it’s the day, let’s say about 2, maybe three rounds max. He’s definitely less energized because he’s normally asleep.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Not really toys, since the handcuffs, muzzles and whips have actually been used for other affairs... But they’re multipurpose, anyway, or so he says.
Does invest in vibrators and the like when he sees how much he can do to you with them.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Do you really have to ask this, for SYLUS?
The man was practically born to tease. You think it’s his new way of trying to kill you, or drive you insane, at least.
If he’s really feeling like a prick, he’s denying your orgasm a couple times, and punishing you hard if you do, by overstimulating you until you’re shaking.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s not a moaner, honestly, if he wasn’t talking you through it most of the time it’d be deadly quiet.
He’ll let out a grunt here and there, a breathy sigh that still gets you weak occasionally.
But of course, he’s talking you through it, and his vocabulary is quite expressive.
With his baritone voice, he could be talking about pineapples and it’d still get you going.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He knows the twins have been trying to eavesdrop sometimes.
Once, you asked if they could watch, and he allowed it.
He can always tell when they're there, and tells you that you spoil them too much.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Big, I don’t care, argue with the wall.
Okay okay, more length than girth if we’re being real, but he’s not skinny either.
At least 9 inches. He’s GIGANTIC, look at him! Def a shower.
VEINY!! Decorated from tip to balls.
His entire shaft turns red from stimulation, the tip being the brightest. It rivals his eyes.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Surprisingly not that high, honestly.
Sure, he likes to tease and rile you up, but it’s not like he’s expecting or wanting sex just because.
Can go pretty long without it honestly, there are other ways of having his fun with you.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Unless it’s in the morning/day, he’s staying awake.
Sex is one of the few energy-inducing activities for him that will keep him awake for hours.
Will probably play with your hair, or just lay by you for a while until taking a short nap himself, maybe sipping a few wines to relax him.
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tojisun · 11 months
OMG. the helmet!!:!!:!: this might be biker simon https://pin.it/3aqBTs5
holy fuck the details on that??? AND THE MUSSY HAIR????
…ok but it def terrified you when you first saw his helmet 😭
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you’ve been hearing johnny joke about simon being in his emo phase, talking about a skull helmet and teasingly call it cringe so you had… low expectations about what it could look like. you’ve seen graphic art on helmets before so you ascribed those to simon’s – a helmet you haven’t seen yet given that simon kept picking you up with his car instead so you never got the chance to glance at the art.
one night, simon messaged you saying that he’d crash at your place for the time being. the meet dragged on, apparently it’s because many members were preparing for the upcoming rally, and you replied to him, saying that he give you a call so you can unlock the door for him.
it’s two in the morning when simon calls, his muffled voice ragged from exhaustion as he tells you he’s outside. you mumble sleepily to him, dismissing his murmured apologies as you amble towards your door.
you peer through the peephole, fear dousing your previous exhaustion because what the fuck is that on the other side of your door.
“sweetheart?” simon’s voice crackles from your phone and you jolt, air rushing back into your lungs. you quietly turn, speeding away from your door to lock yourself in your bathroom, panicked breaths rasping from your dry lips.
“si,” you whisper, your voice broken from a building sob. “there’s someone outside my apartment.”
“what?!” simon replies, his own exhaustion morphing into concern. “do you see them from your room? are you safe?”
“yes,” you murmur, afraid to speak any louder. “i-i don’t know where you are right now but i saw them from my peephole and- si, i’m scared.”
there is an unusual pause on the other line, something you don’t expect from simon, before hearing him breathe in deeply and exhale with a trembling laugh.
“shit, baby,” he says, his voice racked with mirth. “fuck, this is on me but, uh, that’s me that you saw.”
“what?” you repeat out loud.
“what you might’ve seen is my helmet. remember how i customized it with a skull design?” he clarifies, still sounding so fond before a muffled thumping echoes from his line. then, “i removed my helmet so if you want to check again, you’d see it’s me.”
you nibble on your bottom lip, feeling your heart begin to calm down. “y’promise?”
“on my life, baby.”
that’s all you needed before tiptoeing back to your door, hearing the way simon is still murmuring soft assurances of your safety, and peering through the peephole. you see simon – mussed up hair and exhausted eyes, but that’s simon alright.
you fling your door open, forgetting that you were in a call with him, and instantly dive into his arms. simon catches you with a quiet oof before fixing his arms around you properly.
“shh,” simon whispers, pressing kisses on the top of your head. “i’m home now. y’r safe.”
“m’sorry,” you sniff, embarrassment filling you up now as the panic completely bleeds away.
simon chuckles before pinching your chin to make you look at him. he smiles at you softly when you finally meet his eyes. “nothin’ to be sorry for, baby. i’m proud of you for going to safety and telling me right away.” he kisses your forehead. “you did good, sweetheart.”
he cuddles you as you two sleep and tomorrow morning, he shows you his helmet.
he pulls you to his lap, resting his chin on your shoulder as he points at the engraving, telling you about the multiple trial-and-error helmets he’s gone through until he’s finally found the one that he truly liked.
“mm, it’s pretty,” you say, pretending last night didn’t happen
simon kisses your neck. “i’m glad y’like it.”
your lips wobble at the realization that simon is also down to pretend with you.
you shift on his lap and pepper his face with kisses, humming in delight when warm palms cup your ass to push you closer towards him.
(simon doesn’t tell johnny but johnny knows anyway. he drops beside you with a crooked grin, his shoulder bumping yours.
“so you finally saw the helmet?” he asks.
you nod, ignoring the sudden warmth of embarrassment that fills your cheeks. johnny laughs.
“scary, huh?”
“yup,” you say, popping the ‘p’.
he hums, shaking his head. “made me almost piss my pants, lass. y’r not alone.”
that punches a laughter out of you.)
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i live for johnny n reader friendship <333
also ignore how long-ish this turned out again 😭 my fingers truly slipped
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AITA for not having time to read my mutual's writing?
Met a mutual on here, bonded through fanfic, have been tight with them for a few years with pretty much no bumps in the relationship, just overall had a really good time hanging around them when I could. We both write a lot and share our writing, and occasionally we talk about that writing/workshop it in passing.
In the past few years I've gone through a ton of life changes. Most notably I went from a multi-person household to a single-person one, and I've been living alone in a prohibitively costly city for a while now working 40 hour weeks and barely scraping by. As soon as the transition started I spent the last of my free income on a shitty little laptop so I could still write, putting down words on my bus/train commutes in the morning and quite literally writing on my breaks at work because I feel insane when I can't create. I bring this up to really stress that I don't have the time for the hobby, I force myself to make the time and even then it never feels like enough.
The only thing I can really stand to do with my 3 hours of free time at night is hang out with my moots online. I'm an extrovert so being around people recharges me. If I don't have designated social time I get super depressed and can pretty much feel my soul withering away. I also feel like I should probably mention that I kinda have a slew of mental issues, personality disorders and PTSD and AuDHD and the works. Point being, shit is rough my dude, but I am a person who likes to work hard and face challenges head on and even though we strugglin, we doing it with a positive outlook.
But! I am an incredibly solution-oriented person and I have found what I personally believe to be a good balance. No one should have to live like this, but I do, and I have found a way to be happy. My writing and my social time is all load-bearing. It is not something I just choose to do on a whim, it's all planned and scheduled and I adhere to those routines very strictly because, I cannot stress this enough, I will go fucking bonkers if I don't.
I'm mutuals with a lot of writers obv, and I sadly don't have time to read their work anymore, unless I get some extra time on my days off or something gets cancelled or like, I end up taking a vacation. I carry a great amount of guilt for this, though, even though I logically know it's reasonable. I try to support them where I can, cheer them on when I see them writing and tell them how cool their ideas sound, hype them up even when I can't actually read & review.
One of the things I do is sometimes I leave a kudos on fic I haven't read. I'm not trying to be ingenuine, and if they asked me I'd tell them like 'Oh I didn't read it yet, just wanted to show support!' but to me it's kinda like ripping a paper tab off a poster so that other's feel inclined to do the same. Plus my pals get a little email and a hit of serotonin.
Except one of my acquaintances, the one I mentioned at the start here, saw that I left kudos on a couple pieces another mutual of mine wrote this year. They more or less blew up my DMs with a ton of accusatory (like, literally presented like a 'GOTCHA!') stuff about how I was selective in who's fic I read, more or less implying that I secretly held some sort of grudge or negative feeling toward them and was making the conscious decision not to read or interact with their writing because of. Something, I don't actually know what they were trying to say. They also told me they vented to their friends about this MULTIPLE times, but they never once approached me to let me know they were feeling paranoid or neglected, they literally just took the most bad faith reading of it possible and then presented that to me like it was something I intentionally did, while the whole time I was unaware.
I tried to explain to them the kudos thing, that I didn't do it to every story, just ones I caught/noticed in my busy schedule. And I laid all this out and asked, multiple times, what free time am I supposed to read with? They didn't answer, and doubled down, kept trying to show me 'proof' that I was shorting them and no one else. Once they started to realize how wrong they were they backed down, but they didn't really apologize, or admit they were wrong, and they tried to end our relationship and left every single server we were in together. Because of some other unrelated stuff going on in my life, I didn't really consider them to be a close friend, but they were someone I really held dear and would've walked through hell for if they'd asked.
I still feel like there is something I'm missing here, and that's why I wanted to ask if I'm TA. I'm a pretty good communicator but one of the things I told myself when talking down my disordered thoughts (guilt about this prior) was "no one in their right mind would use reading fanfic as a metric for friendship." Now that I've had that exact thing happen, I'm starting to think maybe those thoughts weren't so disordered. Maybe this IS a big deal, and I should think about it more, but I don't even know what the solution to that would be. I just. Don't have time to read something lovingly crafted and appreciate it for what it is. All the hours in my week are used up, I'd have to lose sleep for this and with my mental health the way it is that is not an option.
Feel free to be a brutal, my skin is thick. Thanks!
What are these acronyms?
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rockatanskette · 1 year
So, I've written before about how our relationship with predators would probably intimidate aliens, but I just pictured another way we interact with predators that is honestly just as scary from an outside perspective: we pretend to be predators and even make up new ones, all just for fun.
Now, we also adopt predator patterns for utility: wearing striped makeup for camouflage, imitating roars and bird calls, etc. But I'm specifically talking about the video I just saw from Creature Bionics of creature rigs designed for a human actor to better do motion capture. I'm talking about voice actors and sound designers creating new and terrifying clicks and roars and growls because lions' roars just aren't scary enough. I'm talking about adults dressing up as plush monstrosities to entertain sports fans and children. Gritty is terrifying, objectively.
One day at an early meal, human Janet seems confused when her alien crewmates start asking about a shape-shifting monster that they keep seeing in human culture. They ask her what it's like to live on a world with "dogjons;" animals that can shift from a fan-headed creature with eye-covered wings to an amphibious eel-like figure, humanoid but not human, to a death-pale monstrosity that chases anyone who dares get near its food. Human Janet is confused until they say that the pale figure has eyes in its hands; bloodshot, and glassy.
"Oh, Doug Jones! No, he's not a monster, he's just a really good actor. Too good—the Shape of Water awakened something in me, specifically."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, let's just say the lady 'mating' with him isn't a horror story, it's a fantasy." Human Janet says, like it's nothing. Then something seems to occur to her, and her eyes brighten with what the aliens are quickly learning is mischief. "Oh my god. Am I the one who gets to explain monster fucking?"
Elsewhere, an alien accompanies xis human friend on a day out with their young. There's some kind of show being put on for human youth and Xlibthar is excited for this insight into how humans get Like That. Imagine xis surprise when the lights go up on the entertainment platform and a horde of creatures rushes up. They are large and bright yellow, with big black eyes as dark as singularities, with bright red spots on their heads that clearly indicate venom. Xlibthar shrieks and shields xisself behind Akio and Hinata, sure that something has gone terribly wrong.
"What are those?!" Xlibthar demands, quaking in xis shoes.
"Those? Oh, they're just Pikachus." Akio does not seem even the slightest bit distressed, and five-year-old Hinata is absolutely losing her mind with excitement at the sight of these garish monstrosities.
"What. On Earth." Because this could only happen on Earth. "Is a Pikachu?"
"It's a Pocket Monster. It's a series about monsters that battle with each-other. Pikachu is a mouse that can shoot electricity out of its body."
Xlibthar stares at Akio, wondering if this is an example of what humans call "gaslighting," because keeping monsters in your pockets sounds too insane even for humans. And, "you bring these things around your CHILDREN??"
"I mean, they're not real." Akio puts his hands over Hinata's ears. "They're just people in costumes. Though Nintendo would never let you see one with its head off."
Xlibthar has many questions: why? What? How? What? But one question has been answered: if this is what entertains human youth, it is exactly why Humans are Like That.
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dr-spectre · 18 days
So.... This game is 2 years old now huh?
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Honestly... I don't think i have a TON to say about this game. It's just a great ass fucking video game that has given me a lot of fun and great memories!
This game came out during my final year of school, which is kinda funny considering that Splatoon 3 acts like a "finale" to a trilogy. It's interesting how those kinds of things work out eh? Splatoon 2 came out at the start of my secondary education, and Splatoon 3 came out at the tail end of my final year.
I remember thinking before the game came out, "why do we need a Splatoon 3? This is pointless, it's just more Splatoon 2." And then my mind was quickly changed once i got to play the Splatfest test fire and the actual game itself.....
I completed ROTM in such a short amount of time and i documented my reactions to my friends. Although i was spoiled in that Deep Cut had boss fights and Mr. Grizz was the final boss, ROTM still gave me a giant smile to my face all the way through. It was so fun, so charming and just a really good single player experience.
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One of the things that i LOVE about Splatoon 3 is the vibe. I just love the location of Splatsville, i love the aesthetics, the lighting, the model improvements from Splatoon 2, the music, it's my favourite art style/aesthetic out of any of the Splatoon games by far. It just feels so polished, i don't know how to exactly describe it.
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Also the fact that this game won best multiplayer game of 2022 over CALL OF DUTY! OVERWATCH 2 AND MULTIVERSUS MAKES ME SO GIDDY AND HAPPY!
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PEOPLE GOT MAD ABOUT THIS AND THAT MAKES ME WANNA EVIL LAUGH! All of those fucking depressed and sad Call of Duty players who whine and complain about how "wahh modern gaming sucks!! There's no good games anymore wahhh!! It's all microtransactions wahhh!!" BITCH! SPLATOON 3 IS LITERALLY THE GAME YOU'VE BEEN ASKING FOR!! Yet you won't play it because it's on Nintendo huh? Yeah... You're a fucking PUSSY!! YOU'RE WEAK!! You're SCARED to be seen as less of a manly man!! You only wanna play games with oily dirty buff men.... Yet you call others who play games like Splatoon gay? Hmm..... Sounds like you're a wittle insecureeeeee!!!!
Have fun rotting in microtransaction hell you LOSERS!! GAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways.... uh.... sorry....
I also fucking love Deep Cut too. I thought i wasn't gonna like these guys and i remember thinking when i first saw them "oh... okayyyy..."
But now? I love these bastards.
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I love their dynamic and how they are bandits but they actually wanna help the people back in Splatsville. That is such a cool and unique take to have for Idol characters. The Squid Sisters are very cutesy and so are Off the Hook, but Deep Cut aren't. They are loud, messy, chaotic, in your face, rude, etc. They are about contrast and the character designers did a phenomenal job at conveying that theme via their backgrounds and looks.
Another thing that i love about Splatoon 3 is that it also acts as a celebration of things that have come before, Inkopolis Plaza and Square return as hubs, old colour combos from previous games act as loading screens, most of the music returns in the jukebox, it rewards long time fans for sticking around and for a long running franchise IT'S SUPER IMPORTANT to have that stuff!!!
Seeing the improvements in the model quality from Splatoon 1 to 3 genuinely makes me kinda emotional, it shows how far we've come in just a little under 10 years...
It really homes in on the point that... These characters, have grown up with us.... The Squid Sisters are about to reach their mid 20s, Pearl is nearly 30 fucking years old!!!
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And the last thing i wanna bring up before i talk about the Grand Fest...
...Is Side Order.
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This fucking DLC... My god... Being able to experience it by myself and just enjoy the stuff i was seeing, being able to SCREAM AND CRY AS MUCH I WANT WAS SO IMPORTANT TO ME DUDE!
When i got to the 10th floor in the tutorial and i saw Marina Agitando staring me down.... I did the loudest gasp a human could possibly do and my jaw was hung to the floor for a solid MINUTE!
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Marina's first fucking dev diary made me cry and scream, THAT IS NOT A JOKE!!!! THESE CHARACTERS ARE THAT IMPORTANT TO ME!
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And the final boss.... Made me cry, it broke me down, i was singing along to Ebb and Flow as best as i could, it felt like i was brought back to 2018, being in my room, listening to that song on repeat... I feel like a kid again....
I love this song... i love it so much... Like it's not the most hype finale song ever, but, the emotion behind it, the build up from Splatoon 2... The power this song has in it's meaning... It's some good shit man...
So yeah! I love Splatoon 3!!! It's my favourite game out of the series and anyone who is gonna jump into this game now is gonna have a LOT to chew on.
And... It's both sweet and sad that we're at the end. This is it... The moment we've been waiting for. The final Splatfest to end them all. The event 9 years in the making.
The Grand Festival...
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I am extremely excited and so FUCKING NERVOUS for this Splatfest!!!! I know i am going to cry and be so overwhelmed with joy. Seeing the Squid Sisters and Off the Hook perform their old songs again after all of these years is gonna make me sob so loudly it's not even funny.
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These characters genuinely mean the world to me and it's gonna be so fucking hard for me to watch their final major appearance and say goodbye. Cause after this, we don't know what's gonna happen. I know they will come back, they have to but... In what capacity? That's what I'm scared about...
So yeah, let's savior this moment when it eventually arrives, take all the time you need to be engulfed in the Grand Fest.
Thank you Splatoon 3, you have given me so much.... It's not time to say goodbye just yet but, i wanna watch you as you walk into the sunset with your head held high....
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JJK- Late Night Calls.
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you get a call from Jungkook at 7am, struck with worry you pick up only to find your adorably tired boyfriend.
Genre: smut, fluff, Jungkook x reader.
Warning: NONE!
A/N: came up with this in 10 minuets thought it was cute enjoy :)
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The familiar tune of your phone ringing broke you from your sleep, your vision was blurry but you could still clearly read the caller ID
Incoming Factime Video call: JK ♥️
It must have been 7am in Korea, Jungkook was never awake this early. You quickly answered, a million scenarios running through your mind as to explain why he was calling at such a time and none of them were good.
He must have seen the panic in your face as he croaked out. “Baby what’s wrong?”
“I thought something happened you’re never awake this early?” You felt a small weight lift off your shoulders as he chuckled.
“I’m fine baby just couldn’t sleep, missed you.” You loved how he sounded when he was sleepy.
You laughed at the way he was laying across his bed, small rolled up pillow underneath him. “You have got to get different pillows.”
“No no I like my pillow.” He laughs, showing you how comfortable it is. “How’s London jagiya?”
You suddenly regretted being in a different country for work, the idea of morning sex seemingly more attractive than anything else. “It’s fine here, I can’t wait to be back home though. The food isn’t as good.”
“The food is the only thing?” He pouted, pulling the blanket further over his face. “What about me and bammie?”
You turned to the side, resting your leg atop the blanket. “Of course I miss you and bam too kook.”
“The bed is cold without you, empty. I think you should quit work and just be a stay at home wife.” He laughed again, although you could tell there was a sliver of hope to his absurd suggestion.
“Never gonna happen, you may be rich but I’m only half way there.” You both laughed, money was never something either of you took seriously you had always shared everything for as long as you could remember. You’d buy him dinner and he would buy dessert. He would buy you designer but he would also be more than happy if you brought him a pack of ramen. “Besides we aren’t even married.”
“Don’t remind me.” He shakes his head, before shifting to rest it upon his arms. “How many days until your back?”
“We should have the contracts finished up in a day or two and then we will have a celebratory dinner and I’ll be on the first flight back.” You explained as you watched him, his tattoos standing out against the white fabric of his sheets, his hair messy. You let your eyes wander, your imagination running wild thinking about how he would look completely naked. “are you wearing pants?”
“Come back and find out jagiya, I’m sure you’re already picturing the ways I’d fuck you.”
The sudden vulgarity of his words left you in a state of shock. “I- when I get home we are definitely doing whatever I’m thinking right now.”
“And what is that doll?” He laughed, fingers drawing circles on the sheet. “What’s going on in that pretty mind of yours?”
“Just thinking about how good your hand would look wrapped around my neck.” You pushed yourself further into the pillow, slightly shy.
“Too bad you’re too far away baby. We should sleep.” He closed his eyes, teasing you.
You groaned, fighting the urge to grind against the sheets. “Kook.”
“Hmm?” He mumbled, lazily.
“You turned me on.” You giggled, closing your eyes.
“I’m hard too beautiful, I’ll go to sleep thinking about good good your mouth will feel around my cock.
“Why couldn’t you call me at 8pm and get all dirty with me? Why does it have to be when I’m too tired to do anything?” You whined, wanting to cry from how much you missed his touch.
“It’s okay princess when you’re home I’ll take care of you. we should still sleep you have a meeting tomorrow morning don’t you?” You opened one eye, just enough to see him staring at you smiling.
“At six am, it’s 11pm right now. I have to wake up at 4am so I can finish the presentation.” You explained, your words slurring as you started to drift off. “Are you working tomorrow?”
“I have a few appointments nothing important, call me anytime tomorrow I’ll be there but for now get some sleep baby, I won’t hang up.”
“Promise?” You whispered, the folds of sleep covering you in a sheet of darkness.
“Always jagiya.”
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linkedin-offficial · 10 months
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is this anything . sky:cotl au
details (aka my rambling) under the cut
mostly set upon the whole idea that caine came from eden and tries to help everyone gain their wings (albeit doing a terrible job the entire time)
bubble keeps the name bubble!
they r a mantatee :3 suprisingly chaotic for a light creature and sort of has the "eat light and puff out candles" personality that caine should have but doesn't
i contemplated caine being called "the creature" just for shits and giggles (and eventually went with it) since im absolutely certain everyone who ever meets him ever would be terrified for a little bit until they realize hes sentient; he doesn't understand that the name is supposed to be sort of derogatory
caine is the only one with wings because hes the only one who can canonically fly/float!
(and yes his head is supposed to be a dark plant . i like to think im big brain for this)
the reason why his dark plant head is tinted red btw . my thought process was basically "ah yes. red = good bcus eden :]" even though thats convoluted since everyone hates eden but that makes it better in a way. i think
zooble > mismatched worksmith
"bows" given to them by ragatha as an identifier; not like theyd need one though ..
constantly making their own prosthetics due to growing boredom with their previous ones (autism™) and also carved the designs into their mask themself
kinger > reluctant royalty
same old kinger as usual .. when asked what he rules he doesnt particularly remember nor have an answer so hes usually treated with respect out of pity for being old and senile
second tallest behind jax , also the oldest (if you dont count caine i guess? whos sort of. ageless)
ragatha > plush friendfinder
matching bow with jax :3 sibling moment! (yes i like the ragatha + jax sibling dynamic . its amazing to me)
right eye does not glow and actually looks like a hollow hole if you get close enough to her face! also clothing making buddies with zooble :] she taught them how to sew without pricking themself
gangle > wrapped up theatre-goer (i had such a hard time thinking of a name .. and to be honest?? im not solid on this but WHAGEVER.)
shortest. obviously
likes to write plays in her spare time and reads them to zooble while they work
clothes are sectioned and Very flowy, and has a few (cracked and broken) masks she likes to use for play improv (and also uses for herself sometimes if she has a hard time expressing a certain emotion)
jax > towering tease (it sounds stupid but THIS is so fucking funny.i cannot resist this)
tallest OBVIOUSLY. like stupidly tall . has its advantages and disadvantages (like being able to steal things from gangle with no consequences . on the other hand. doorframes)
him being tall and having that be the only thing hes got going for him is absolutely hilarious to me and im leaning into that hard
he has a tail also, but its small and not visible from the chart
pomni > jittery jester (i had to look up "other words for anxious" for this.my intelligence is showing)
pretty much the only one i referenced real in game clothing for, which sort of fits! protag moment
this was all i really had, since other established things like their personalities and relationships arent really changed much. but this was fun to think about :3 input is appreciated !
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zweiginator · 2 months
oooh sobbing over the thought of CEO!patrick seducing you, the daughter of his business rival. he takes you into a private room at some fancy gala you’re both attending, shoves his hand up your designer ball gown and fingers you until you’re shaking, knees giving out, cumming over and over again. he has you pressed up against the door, rattling it with each thrust of his palm onto your clit. just after your third or fourth orgasm, you both hear your father walking down the hallway outside. your eyes widen. patrick is quick to shove his free hand over your mouth, press his body up against yours, and curl his fingers into that spot. he nips at your throat and shushes your muffled moans as you cum again "don't want daddy to hear his little girl give up some easy pussy like a whore for a zweig, do we?"
oh i gasped.
and its 100% a carnal desire for patrick. but its also to spite your father. he’s wanted to have you since your father showed the shareholder meeting a photo of you, his prized eldest daughter. he had told you all how proud of you he was. about to graduate with her bachelors and go off to her first big girl job.
patrick fucking hated him. wanted to take his investors away all for his shitty company with old-school systems and geriatric board members.
he was cutthroat, but so was patrick. even though he was pretty young for a CEO, just 34. your father thought he was much too arrogant. didn’t know the traditional values of business and pleasing customers.
but patrick knew more about user interface, coding. how people function in the twenty first century.
it seemed like your father’s and patrick’s companies were always neck and neck. served the same purpose, but acted like a war of generations, old money versus new.
and now he’s stuck at a gala with his fucking business rival, the old piece of shit. and you, his eldest daughter. so prim and proper and pretty.
patrick shakes your hand and you take a swig from your champagne flute. you introduce yourself and he says he knows exactly who you are. you apologize.
“i’m sorry im not sure who you are exactly. please forgive me i meet so many people.”
“i wouldn’t expect you to know me. your father wants me dead. patrick zweig.”
you swallow the last of your champagne. “oh i’ve heard plenty about you. a CEO at your age? he despises it.”
but there’s a playfulness in your tone and patrick bounces off it. charms you the only way he knows how. subtly shows off his body; it’s clear he’s fit even underneath his suit. and, he flirts. not just with his banter but with his eyes. the curl of his lips in a smile. how he manages to get you somewhere more quiet. it’s much too loud out in the open like that.
he tells you your dress is gorgeous. he spins you around in it. and when you lose your balance, he catches you. it’s like a fucking rom com.
and then you’re in a separate, smaller conference room. patrick has had meetings at this hotel before, over shitty coffee and the promise of a cigarette after.
but he presses you against the wall. catches your lip in his mouth and licks inside. hot and messy and your leg wrapped around him. you sign and moan into his mouth because he’s good at this. of course he is, he’s ten years older than you. you pull his hair, his collar, his tie. and you feel how he smiles against your lip. your father would fucking hate this. his pretty little daughter hanging off him, squeezing his bicep for purchase.
you tilt your head back for him to kiss his neck and he bunches the skirt of your silk dress around your waist. you’re wearing a red thong. patrick smacks your ass. the sound reverberates and he presses a finger to your lip as if it were you who voluntarily made the sound.
he pushes his fingers into your mouth. tells you to get them soaked for him and you do, holding his wrist in place for him. there’s a tent in patrick’s pants but he wants you to cum. wants you to be his little plaything. have to bite your tongue when your daddy asks you if you have a boy in your life cause you could never tell him his sworn enemy just fingered you at the annual big investment gala.
he splits your cunt open with his fingers. and you’re already so wet for him. he clasps his free hand over your mouth and you don’t know how to be quiet because he’s cooing in your ear about that perfect, perfect pussy of yours.
“oh she likes me.” he strokes that special spot inside you that makes your knees buckle and you nod. tell him you’re cumming— but patrick just keeps going faster.
you’re being loud now. the sounds of his mouth devouring yours is lewd. your red lipstick is all over his neck, his cheeks, his own lips.
“dirty little girl. daddy’s wondering where you are right now. probably realizes he hasn’t seen me in a minute either. the toasts probably starting in a minute and here you are spreading your pussy wide open for me.”
patrick’s hand is around your throat. it all makes you cum again. your legs shake and patrick muffles a low, ‘shit’ because the doorknob is rattling and how are you going to explain how your makeup is on patrick’s suit jacket?
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rebelwrites · 9 months
I’ve been craving some Jax Teller. I need something tender and sweet, but in character. Something to make me feel safe and wanted, but not simply desired. Idc what you write or how you do it because I know it’s going to be 👌
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You Aren’t Meant To Be Back Until Christmas Eve
Jax Teller x Reader
This is a flash fic so it hasn’t been edited. It’s also good to be back writing again 🥺
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It was the week leading up to Christmas and to say you were rushed off your feet was a complete understatement. This was your favorite time of year, even though your stress levels were through the roof, you practically lived off coffee and energy drinks and hardly saw your boyfriend Jax. You knew he understood why you were so absent in the run up to the festive season, the small bakery had queues running down the street from mid October.
Leaning against the stainless steel counter, you took a deep breath looking at the stack of cookie trays that were cooling waiting to be iced ready for the morning rush. Your body ached to where all you wanted to do was sink into a scalding hot bath, not moving until the hot water eased your aching muscles.
The sound of your phone echoing around the industrial supplied kitchen pulled you from any thoughts, you knew it would be Jax, it always was this time of night. No matter what time you were working he would always drop you a call to see how you were getting on, even when he was on runs with the club he would always make a point of calling you. Brushing the flour on the front of your jeans you grabbed your phone, quickly answering the call before pressing the device against your ear.
“Is it a late one again Darlin’?” Your boyfriend hummed, you could hear the tiredness hanging from his words, this last run for the club must have taken more of a toll on him this time.
“I think I’m still gonna be here come opening,” you sighed, letting your gaze fall to the countertop. “Don’t get me wrong I love Christmas and the bakery but I just want to spend time with you.”
“The money is nice as well,” he chuckled, causing the corners of your lips to tug into a small smile. You knew how much the bakery meant to not only Jax but the club too. This was one of the first legitimate businesses that was set up, Jax surprised you one day by showing the vacant lot and the new sign he had designed, from that day the “From Anarchy, With Love” bakery was born.
“How was the run?” You asked, pulling the phone away from you ear, putting in on speaker so you could be free to move around the kitchen.
“Long as fuck,” he groaned, you knew he would be running he hand across his face as he spoke. “I am so fuckin’ done with the muling, it is just getting more risky with each run,” he mumbled, with each word he spoke you could hear the pain in his voice.
Before he could carry on the sound of someone pounding at the front door gained my full attention. “Hold on baby, I swear someone is trying to put their fist through the front door of the bakery,” you huffed in annoyance. It was probably one customer trying their luck to see if they could get their order early. But that didn’t stop you from reaching into the cupboard by the doorway of the kitchen, grabbing my hand gun, flicking the safety off before tucking it into the bank of my jeans. One thing was for sure when it came to being Teller’s old lady, you was never without protection, whether this was in the form of a 9mm, a member of the club or Jax.
As you moved through the building, the knocking got louder and more persistent. “Bloody hell, don’t punch my door in, it never hurt you,” you scoffed, fishing the keys out of the pocket of Jax’s hoodie.
You felt myself fumbling with all the locks, once again thanks to Jax being over protective, soon enough the door was finally unlocked and the moment you pulled the heavy wooden door you dropped the set of keys on the floor as you saw your boyfriend leaving against the brick entrance.
“Hey Darlin’,” he hummed, quickly closing the gap between the two of you, engulfing you into his arms. The feeling of his muscular arms wrapping around your body caused all the stress to dissolve. “Fuck, I missed you,” he whispered against your hair, guiding you further into the shop before kicking the door closed with his foot.
“You aren’t meant to be back until Christmas eve,” you breathed, pulling back slightly so you could take in the look of your tired man. Somehow you freed one of your arms, allowing you to reach up brushing your fingers against his cheek. “Not that I am complaining nevertheless, what happened Jaxy?”
The fact you were greeted with a moment of silence told you everything, you knew things were rocky with Clay, no one knew the toll that everything was taking on the blond nuzzling his face into your shoulder. He wouldn’t let the outside world see him like this, but with you he felt he could let the walls come crumbling down, allowing him to process all the emotions he was feeling, and he knew his feelings would be taken seriously.
“Clay is going off on one again, his hands are getting worse and he has gone behind all of our back and the club is now in a deep hole with the cartel,” he had a wobble in his tone as he spoke, he was angry about the whole situation and I couldn’t blame him, I would be to. “I just needed my girl.”
Your heart fluttered in your chest at his words, to the world he was the vice president of a violent club but behind closed doors he was just a puppy wanting love.
“I know you need to work so I can’t take you to the Christmas market I know you want to go to but I have brought take out,” he hummed, holding up the plastic carrier bag you had completely missed when he first came into the bakery, “and I thought we could spend the night icing them amazing cookie, like we did when we were getting this place ready for the opening.”
Tears threatened to spill over your lash line, you had never been with someone who would abandon everything just because they wanted to spend time with you, even if that meant that they would be working till the sun came up.
“You know I want the cookies to be edible and sellable right?” You smirked, cocking your brow at him.
“Shut up and get your ass in that kitchen, Darlin’”
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yanderestarangel · 1 year
TW: afab anatomy, ftm reader, vaginal sex, sex without a condom, creampie, praise kink, slight degradation.
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Sounds of low, hoarse moans, the light from buildings along the length of Hollywood's stone jungle entered the luxurious room of Cage's mansion.
You saw yourself riding his cock, your cunt gripping his thick, naked length, bodies working in a slow and passionate rhythm, constant and mutual, he moved his hips lightly with each movement of yours, Johnny grabbed your soft flesh, leaving light marks.
The smell of expensive wine and designer perfume that came from him entered your nose, making you more intoxicated at the moment, taking your hands to the muscles of his shoulder, slowly passing to the sides of his neck, damp and hot with sweat, reaching the back of his skin, running his fingers through the soft strands like a calm and sensual massage, his brown eyes penetrated yours, watching you with a face of satisfaction and lustful destruction, that gave you the gas to continue, he knew that, he did that on purpose, Johnny knew that you loved seeing his face contort with pleasure because of you, and he made sure to show you every reaction, every pure reaction of ecstasy that you gave him.
His moans were getting louder by the minute, you could feel your inner walls squeeze his fat cock tightly, but you didn't want to cum, not now.
Johnny knew you were close to cumming, he knew the tightness of your pussy for months, years, time was relative at that moment, drunk on you and for you, only your body did that to him
"-Continue... You're doing so well... Please baby." -Johnny spoke hoarsely and needily, needy for you, he needed you, he wanted to cum, he needed to show you that you were his star. No one shone brighter in the starry sky of Johnny Cage's life and heart than you, in fact, at that moment, who was there was not Johnny Cage the movie star, but John Calton, the man in love with you, the man who would kiss the ground you walk on.
Your hips moved faster, the sound of skin against skin as Johnny thrust into you, helping you enter the sweet spot inside your pussy was so damn good.
Johnny saw a single tear fall from your beautiful face, you were so overstimulated, it was beautiful to see, you were beautiful, you were the most beautiful thing in his life, the luxury around his mansion was insignificant compared to you.
He wiped away your tears, and then kissed you, tongues fighting for control even though they didn't even have control of themselves, as he pushed deeper grabbing the sides of your ass, his head spun with the pleasure of your wet pussy wrapped around his cock him as well as if you were tailor-made for him, perhaps, you were.
"-I just want to see you shine because I know you are a star, baby..." -Johnny also said, shedding some tears, pushing deeper into your pussy, connected by flesh but also by the dance of your hearts.
"-Oh, you've been such a good boy for me, taking my cock like a champ. Look at you, so beautifully submissive, so eager to please. Your pussy feels so tight around me, so wet and welcoming. Don't you You can imagine how much it turns me on to see you spread out before me, submitting to my every desire." -Johnny's voice oozes with lust and dominance as he continues to ravage your trembling body, his grip on your neck adding a thrilling touch to the pleasure.
"-That's it, my little slut. Take every inch of me. I want to feel you milking me, your pussy clenching around me, desperate for more. You're so wet for me, aren't you? Admit it, tell me how much you You need my cock inside you." -He punctuates his words with powerful thrusts, his hips colliding with yours in a rhythm that brings you both closer to the edge.
"-Look at those tits bouncing, begging to be fucked. You're a naughty little slut, and I love it. You're mine to use, to fuck, to make scream. Your pleasure belongs to me, and I will win. Don't stop until I have claimed until the last moan of those beautiful lips of yours..." -Johnny's voice is hoarse with desire as he continues to move inside you, his eyes fixed on yours, filled with a mixture of adoration and lust.
"-Yes, darling, you are my star. You are the only one who lights up my world. Your beauty, your passion, everything surpasses anything else. You are enough, more than enough for me. I want you to feel that, believe it deep down in your core." -He continues to move inside you, each thrust into your pussy fueled by a desire to show how much you mean to him.
"-Yes, you're my dirty little star. So eager to please, so hungry for my cock. I can't get enough of you. Your pussy is so tight, so wet for me. You're making me lose control, boy. But don't worry, I'll take care of you. I'll make sure you shine brighter than any star in the sky." -He runs his fingers across your skin, leaving a trail of fire.
"-Fuck, you're doing so well, my star. I'm going to fuck you until you're a quivering mess, completely destroyed by pleasure. Your moans, your screams, are like a symphony to my ears. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I saw it and I'm not going to stop." -With one final thrust, Johnny pushes you to the limit, cumming inside your pussy, jets hitting your uterus, your body shaking with ecstasy as you succumb to the pleasure, to his touch, you were his and never and no one would change That, after all, he was your star boy and you were his star.
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loverofpiggies · 2 months
Oh, you watched Fiona and Cake, great!
I am curious, what were your thoughts about like Winter King or first opening? Or like about overall more mature stuff than in og adventure time
So now that I'm doing a huge rewatch of the OG Adventure Time, I will say I adore both in their own ways.
It was really cool seeing the more mature stuff in Fionna and Cake, sort of like the show 'grew up' with the audience, you know? And do NOT get me started on how much my heart was destroyed by Simons entire plight through.
See I never managed to finish the first show, mostly just got distracted, but on my rewatch I can tell I at least got through six seasons. I like how spaced out the original show is, and it makes the really sad shit with like the Ice King hit like a ton of bricks when it happens. It really feels like you're watching all these wacky people live their lives, and occasionally the horror of the Mushroom War reminds you of its effect, through Marceline, and the Ice King, and every character who was forced to live through it. I don't know, it's really nice!
Okay I'm gonna ramble so I'm putting a read more!
I was wondering if on a rewatch I'd get frustrated the way later seasons of Steven Universe made me get frustrated, but it never felt like that at all. It's just been... fun. It's just Finn and Jake on adventures, occasionally having to set down their fun and recognize the horror of things around them, and it's just. DAMN it's just done so well.
I just got to the episode where Finn meets Prismo and makes the wish, and accidentally ends up wielding the power of the crown, and all it did was break my heart. Like I was sitting there, and for a split second I was like 'wow that crown corrupted him really fast!' and then I remembered.... he was like 13 when he got the crown. He was still a child, and when Simon got the crown, he was what, in his 40s? He was just a kid, and couldn't possibly be able to handle or combat the crowns power. It just punched me in the gut.
So I very much enjoy how spaced out and silly the original Adventure Time is, because its such a unique world I love seeing more of it, and I feel like it makes the heavy scenes hit so much harder. With Fionna and Cake, I love how tight the story is and how structured things are. They're both SUCH good shows, with different ways of writing and different vibes and I adore them equally at this point.
ALSO THE WINTER KING, holy shit don't get me started, but I will rant about this mofo
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(These are keychain designs but I decided to put them together on a little canvas)
Firstly, I fucking LOVE the Winter King, and I'm really sad we didn't get more of him. I do wonder if the fact that Fionna's universe wasn't 'canon' during all the universe hopping, that if somehow the multiverse will reverse some things and 'repair' the damage. I'm not even saying that because I want to see the Winter King again, it just absolutely sounds like something that could happen in Adventure Time. Hell, look how they made Fionna and Cake just-- real! Thanks Prismo you're a cool guy.
But in terms of the Winter King as a character, and in terms of his universe? I want SO much more detail. Where is Finn, where is Jake? Marceline either left the Winter King or got killed, so I'm curious there too. The juxtaposition of genuine confidence and whimsy, and the mans incapacity to feel remorse or even real deep sadness (him saying 'Oh! The dead one?' when Simon asked about Betty was... holy shit) he was just an EXTREMELY interesting character, and I so badly want to see more of him.
Also dude was just funny. The fact he straight up admitted he thought about kissing his alternative universe self was so fucking funny, and plays heavily into his narcissistic behavior and tendencies.
On TOP of that, the idea of how he ended up cursing Bubblegum specifically would be so interesting. I read online people assuming when the Ice King did his spell, it was more like "I want Princess Bubblegum to love me, so I'll do a spell so she can understand what I'm feeling and then she'll marry me!" but then the 'understand what I'm feeling' is actually just... "Hey, I feel absolute madness, here, take it off my hands!' and might have just been a huge accident. We certainly can't trust Winter King's words about it.
I don't know. He was so fascinating, and the way he put feelers out to see if Simon would feel the way he does (Specifically talking about making an Ice Betty, then realizing Simon was disturbed so he shrugged it off with a laugh, being like 'no thats immoral obviously haha') and the fact that he was so cautious and smart about avoiding telling Simon how he conquered the crown? Like he would be glad to help and teach Simon how to keep his sanity AND his power... but obviously would have never spoken his secret the more he realized Simon would morally object to it.
I dunno. This character was in the show for 20 minutes and he was so fucking interesting I almost feel robbed. I hope maybe we can get some Adventure Time comics about the guy at the VERY least!
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