#also the wally was for my good pal
lynnbutlertron · 1 year
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doodles + a collab between me and the super awesome @kenziestham haaaii
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sketchy-tour · 10 months
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Of course, being commissions I bought, none of these lovely beautiful pieces are by me. Credits (in order) @frillsand @weevmo @lanlishiba @parrotparfait @kandavers
I am!! GONNA attempt to gush about all these pieces without devolving into keysmashes or screams but like. A. AA. AAA. I was gonna say "yall have no idea how annoying I am about Dandy" but honestly you do. You all do because I shake my silly puppet oc around CONSTANTLY.
ANYWAY I JUST!!! AUGH! ALL OF THEM MAKE ME SO HAPPY!!! The fact I get to see Dandy in art styles I love and adore around the fandom fills me with a joy I cannot even DESCRIBE to you!! OOH I JUST!!! I love them. I love these pieces. I stare at them all the time and now I'm rattling them all around at you guys!!!!! LOOK!!! LOOK AT THESE LOVELY LOVELY PIECES RN AND CHECK OUT THE ARTISTS!!!!!
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crabbypalsart · 1 year
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Of course, of course, as if I couldn't get any more rizzed up by a puppet than I already have, OF COURSE-
AU and Reboot!Wally design was created by: @bloodrediscream !🩸🩸🩸
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pastelalleycat · 1 year
"It's-For-You!" Talking Telephone Toy
Ring... ring... ring... it's for you!
Transcripts below!
[The phone rings once before it is picked up.]
Whether letter or parcel, whether rain, snow, or shine, we weather the weather and never decline! This is Eddie Dear of Eddie’s Post office speaking! How can I help you today?
...Hello? Is anybody there? ...Should I say the jingle again? Okay-
[Eddie clears his throat.]
Whether letter or parcel, whether rain, snow, or shine, we weather the weather and never decline! This is Eddie Dear of Eddie’s Post office speaking! Do you need stamps? I got ‘em! Envelopes and paper? You bet! Markers, crayons, glue, glitter, tape, staples- [Takes a deep inhale to catch his breath.] I got that too!
[Mumbling] ...I’m starting to think nobody’s there… Wait… I can’t remember if the phone was ringing… Maybe I was going to make a phone call... But who would I call? Well, if you’re there… Uh… Have a good day!
[The phone rings three times. Then it picks up.]
Hello? Hellooo?
Is this a prank call, kid? Listen, I got a better joke for you- What did the bee say to the flower? I wouldn’t know, I wasn’t there! What do I look like, a BEE’s-dropper?
[Rimshot and horn honk. Barnaby laughs. Silence follows.]
….Not even a chuckle? Boy, tough crowd! Hey, you can’t blame a guy for phoning it in! How about you call me back when you got something funny to say too, little buddy! Buh bye!
[The phone is answered in the middle of the first ring.]
You’re calling Howdy’s Place! The home of everything you need and everything you don't! Howdy Pillar at your service!
...Hello? Hello! Listen, pal, time is jokes and if I’m not laughing then I don’t have time! ...Actually, I do have plenty of time in stock, it’s in aisle two next to the bananas. But …I call ‘em cuckoo clocks!
[Howdy laughs at his own joke, but it becomes softer and more embarrassed as the silence follows.]
...Alright, alright! You’re giving me nothing to work with, buddy! I only deal in funny business and it looks like you’re runnin’ low, pal! So long! You get it? Like a caterpillar! Haha!
[The phone rings twice before it is abruptly picked up.]
Hello, this is the Partridge nest- Or I mean, this is Poppy!
…Hello? Dear? Are you there? I can’t hear you if you’re speaking! Maybe it is my connection- Oh my feathers, a telephone is so difficult to work with- So many buttons!
[The sounds of shuffling, squawks and noises of tutting can be heard.]
Oh my goodness! I- Oh no, I’ve dropped the telephone on the ground I- Gracious me, there’s birdseed everywhere! I- I will call you back, whoever this is! Oh- My feathers are full at the moment! Don’t worry about me! Have a pleasant day deary-
[A panicked squawk is heard followed by a loud thud. The phone call abruptly ends.]
[The phone rings once before it’s answered.]
Hello, this is Frank Frankly speaking.
...Hello? … Are you there?
...Is this Julie? This had better not be another game you’re playing! …Oh no, is this a prank call? Is this Barnaby!? Well, I have a prank for you too, you jokester! A lesson!
[Frank clears his throat.]
Did you know butterflies have their own way of sleeping? It’s not so much sleeping as it is having a rest ! It is always done with their eyes open, too! They also like to rest under leaves as a means of protection from dew or rain drops! Better yet, to hide from larger creatures with an appetite! A bit like you and those horrible hot dogs you love so much.
[Silence. Frank huffs loudly in annoyance.]
Well, whoever this is, I’ll have you know I have better things to do than wait for you to respond! Good bye!
[The phone barely has a chance to ring once before it is picked up.]
Hellooo! You’re talking to the brightest and most stupendous superstar this side of the neighborhood! Sally Starlet!
[A triumphant 'ta-da!' jingle, followed by silence. Sally whispers her next sentence.]
…I said ‘Hellooo!’ That’s your cue!
…What’s wrong, do you have stage fright? I know, I know, having a star for a neighbor can be so intimidating! She’s so terrific, you’re probably thinking! Phenomenal, staggering, breathtaking- I’m taking the words right out of your mouth, I bet!
[Silence. Sally sighs softly.]
Well, parting is such sweet sorrows, but I must shine my brilliance elsewhere! Why don’t you call me back when you don’t have such cold feet, hm? Farewell!
[The phone rings once, but in the middle of its second ring the phone is answered.]
Hello? [LOUDER] Hello!!
...Hey, are you playing some kind of game? Well- I want to play too! Okay, let’s go on the count of three! One… Two… Three!
…I don’t know how to play this game. ...Oh, I know what to do! We’ll make a new game! [Frantically spoken] We’ll need a jump rope, some chalk, a dice, a sandwich- I’ll call it… quiet sandwich jump rope! I better get everything ready, Frank’s going to love this game! Okay, bye bye!
[A long period of silence follows before three rings are heard. A pause follows even as the phone is answered before the sound of a heart beat can be heard below the ambient noise. This audio track constantly raises and lowers as it proceeds.]
Hello? Hello? Helloooo? … Ha Ha Ha...I’m only kidding. I know you’re there.
Did you like my joke? ...I think you were going to say... Yes! …Ha Ha Ha… You know… It is hard to hear you think through this funny phone of mine. It is as though you aren’t speaking at all. Maybe it is just a little fuzzy… Like me. Speaking of…
[The heart beat and ambience stop abruptly.]
...Do you know who I am?
[The heart beat and ambience resume.]
[Gasp.] Oh no. Well that’s not neighborly at all. We’ve never met before. But don’t worry. Even though you and I haven’t spoken before, I’ve seen you... Every time you have looked into my eyes. I want to know… What did you see?
I hope you saw a friend, but I’m not sure you saw a name... Stand still. Let’s start over. Ring ring ring. Click. Hi, I’m Wally. I’m so happy to finally meet you, I think you’re the absolute most.
Uh oh, I have to go now. Everyone is probably thinking about that strange phone call. It is funny to think about. …Ha ha ha… Don’t worry though, neighbor, it will be a little joke between you and me. You have to go too. You have work to do. Remember, until you hear me again, keep your smile merry and always know that I love you very much.
Good bye.
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starleska · 1 year
Hey I saw your fainting request and thought it looked great....I have a request of my own...
Can...you do wally x reader who is autistic? Like gets distracted and/or hyperfixated on things easily, does stims like arm flapping as an example, and other stuff?
Just love wally from welcome home ever since I randomly stumbled upon welcome home! I wish they would 'find tapes of the show' so we could legit watch the episodes and stuff! Imagine the glitches and tibits they could add in! Oh I'd love it! And I adore the puppets and this adorable horror so much!
oh hell yeah, this is the ask i was waiting for!!! 🔥🔥🔥 of course i can fill out this prompt for you darling - i'm autistic myself, and it's my headcanon that every single member of the Welcome Home cast is some shade of neurodivergent 🥰💖 the lovely official arm-flapping art of both Julie and Frank is all the evidence i need!! plus, Wally sleeping on a cake...i'm choosing to believe he's a big fan of that kind of texture 😂💖 speaking of!...
Wally Darling x Autistic Reader headcanons
⭐ when you first tell Wally you're autistic, he doesn't quite grasp the concept. he nods when you give the clinical definition, but it's clear he doesn't understand why you're making the distinction. however, when you first describe your special interests, Wally's eyes light up! he grabs a pencil and his sketchbook, and quickly scrawls a crude picture of your mutual neighbour Frank, along with a host of pretty butterflies. then, right by his side Wally doodles himself, surrounded by floating apples. "It's good to be excited by things," says Wally, with all the sage wisdom of a tenured professor. ever distracted, he flips to a new page and carefully (his tongue sticks out during the process!) renders you in pencil. then, he fills in the blank space with pretty, stylised doodles of all your most beloved interests - even the obscure ones which are not easily communicated in picture form 💖 from that moment on, you know you and Wally are kindred spirits. ⭐ stimming is something Wally does regularly, and he loves it when you stim too!! Wally's most prominent stim is singing - he's constantly humming a tune or thoughtlessly mumbling lyrics to himself, sometimes from known songs, and sometimes from original compositions. Wally is also prone to pacing and threading his fingers together when he's nervous or stressed: a rare occurrence, as his outward persona is typically bright and relaxed. however, Wally never wants his pals to feel left out: if his friends are stimming, he'll quite happily mirror the movements!! Julie adores it when Wally flaps along with her, and although Frank will never admit it, he appreciates when Wally sits on the floor and rocks with him. whichever stims you prefer, he's always delighted to be a part of what helps you navigate the world and make your body and brain feel better 🥰 ⭐ Wally loves to give you deep-pressure hugs. your new neighbourhood is a kind and accepting place, but even you can become overwhelmed by its sweet, rainbow brightness. you don't know why, but one particularly hypersensitive day, you begin to approach a meltdown and have nowhere to escape. without a word, Wally slips his soft, fuzzy arms around your waist and pulls you into his chest, face-first. his strength is astonishing, and although you have an initial moment of panic, all that tension and terror starts to slip away as you inhale his unique fruit-felt scent. Wally hums to you as he holds you - and keeps you in his arms until you feel relaxed enough to slip out of your own accord 🥺 i hope this is what you were looking for, anon :3c i know we all have our unique experiences as autistic people, but i hope this was broad enough and relevant to you. have a great day 😊💖
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trashcanplant · 5 months
Some Doodles
I was on a magma last night with @indecisive-dizzy so here some doodles I done did
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I thought this would be ridiculous, and I was right. They are NOT to proportion!!! I was just doodlin’. Anyway @cherrythepuppet your kid is break dancing at my kid.
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Paulette and Latter want to make s’mores and Howdy’s being a dick about it. I think Paulette and Latter are super close! If Latter lived in home, Paulie would definitely hang out with him instead of Howdy. Purple coded Pillars make me happy
I also made everyone a little treat!! Under the cut are 4 pfps free to use (with credit) of your favorite neighbors! More will be coming soon!
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We’ve got our Prized Pals and everyone’s favorite couple!! I am not that good at drawing Wally! (He has no eyebrows!! :[) but here it is!
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txxxciii · 1 year
hmm today I will reveal my personal favorite ships in welcome home
if you disagree with me it's fine, just keep in mind not everyone's ships are the same
Wally and Barnaby: the first ever ship I thought of when joining the fandom. My initial thought was that the basic formula of "two best friends" and "size difference" would definitely be a win-win for the fandom, but I was actually quite surprised to see some people who despise this ship, claiming it to be "zoophilic". Needless to say that I haven't heard or seen such argument against the Fluffybird (Red Guy and Duck from DHMIS) ship, but oh well. Anyways, I just think they're very neat and could definitely be classified as a "best childhood friend who have a little something going on" dynamic. And! While I mostly see these two as mutual pining partners, I can totally view them as a simple platonic "two guys being besties and having fun"! Also I don't know if any Welcome Home ships have names, but I saw someone call this pairing Wallaby and I think I'll go with that :)
Frank and Julie: now, listen to me on this one please. I know perfectly well Frank and Eddie are a canon couple, and I'm down with that! It's just that I'm a sucker for a more platonic-romantic kind of pairing between best friends. They just seem so funky together and have the good ol' "opposites attracts" dynamic with them. Again, same case as Wallaby, I ship these two romantically, but cool with them just being pals. There isn't enough male and female friendship representation in media, and I personally believe that Frank and Julie are a good example of such. My heart just simply melts whenever a Frank/Julie art appears on my feed, it's so wholesome and soft..
Howdy and Poppy: ... okay. I don't really have enough evidence to backup this one but uh. My brain just went and created this pairing in my head and I absolutely love it. JUST GENERALLY SPEAKING both of them have a parental vibe, and the contrast between a huge green guy with multiple limbs and a giant bird with mostly red feathers is just.. pleasing for my eyes (complementary colors! complementary colors!). While the fandom widely agrees that Poppy is a "worried mom friend of the group", I haven't seen anyone say that Howdy is much of an "outgoing dad friend of the group". Personality wise they'd make a pleasant dynamic and with how both of them basically take care of others in their own ways could be played out too. And just AHHHH thinking about them makes my brain very happy!!!! if no one draws fanart of them I WILL (threat).
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the-puppet-bracket · 10 months
Wally Darling propaganda:
"1. Canonically a puppet from a lost TV show in the ARG’s lore 2. HES SO SILLLLYYYYY!1!1!!1!1"
"My little evil baba"
"He weighs three apples when wet, autistic, loves staring, doodles, his house is alive, he's a tumblr sexyman"
"Wally Darling us runing a cult/Part of a cult and he thened as a sesame street puppet. I love him so much and he is so cute, he just also happens to follow an evil sentient house."
"He's a puppet and he's cool and I'm not good at words but I just like him he's cool and very nice and just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Needless to say I platonically love him a lot. GO WALLYYYYYYY!!!!! >=:D"
"Cute smol boi who may or may not be possessed and a cult leader ❤️"
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jaxxsoxxn · 6 months
Jason Peter the first flash was talking to Hal, Wally and Barry about the mission. They all just did with the suicide squad help as well, helping take down the villain, they had to face against
I have to met that was the most chaotic mission  I think I have ever faced my existence, being the flash well welcome to Gotham city Hal how said with a salute well, I can’t be all that bad right Barry Barry ?
Barry didn’t answer Jason question to occupied with something else across for them was Harley Bart, and Captain boomerang Harley and Bart with sitting in the couch, talking about anything about the whole mission.
Captain boomer, and the other hand, was lenient edge, of the couch, talking to Bart and Harley, with a beer in his hand, drinking it Jason was confused what was very looking at over there until he realized Barry was looking at that poor man’s behind Jason slept Barry‘s head without any warning smack
Ow what the hell was that for Barry ask confusing looking at the first the flash with a confused look.
Young man has anyone told you it’s pretty rude to look at someone’s behind what Barry was more confused until he looked back at boomerang and realized oh wait no I didn’t mean to no no no no that’s not. Don’t lie to me Barry I seen too many. Awful men looking at my woman’s behind and I had to give them a lesson to respect their manners like I’m doing to you
One second Hal and Wally starts laughing oh, this is the best day of my fucking life how said with a choked laugh it seems nice and innocent angel got in trouble looking at his rouges. Ass How does it feel buddy pal? You should make him apologize Wally said laughing even harder
You know, that’s a pretty good idea Wally what Barry said horrified excuse me young man over there. Wait wait no no no no no no no I promise I won’t do it again just please I’m begging, you no
Usually I try to go through my asks from the oldest to the newest, but I can't help myself, I adore this prompt :} so it'll be first! Also thank u for that, Butterfly anon <3
Jay wasn't huge on helping Suicide Squad at first, but after a few times Bart and Barry came back all jumpy and excited, even he had to rethink his stand on the TFX missions. In the end, it was better to be close to the possible danger.
So here he was, now after their first mission together, standing next to Wally, Hal and Barry, while the rest of their merry group watched a silly cartoon next to them. At this point, their conversation strayed back onto the topic of their little "get together". It's not that Jay didn't see the trio a lot, but time was different for every speedster in some way. Barry, so alike Bart, hated the way a second could last days, so he usually tried his best not to be "faster" in that way and took time traveling risks only when needed - or so he said.
"...and like usual, it'd be way smoother without your hot-headed temperament, Hal - right Barry?" a softly delivered joke went through the Flash, making the younger speedster stop and look at the man. Jay noticed that the blue eyes were staring at something on their left, so he followed them with his own glare.
At first glance, their dear superhero was just looking at the rest of their team. Bart and Harley were sat on the couch, younger ranting about something connected to Johnny Bravo, which was playing in front of them.
While it was a sweet sight, Jay couldn't help, but notice that the thing in actual first plan wasn't them, nor the couch, but Captain Boomerang, bent over the back of the couch, lazily sipping a beer. His long body was strung up in some places, making the t-shirt a tight fit over his back. But if it'd be that what caught Barry's eyes, Jay wouldn't find even a small issue with it, but the glaring wasn't ending on the upper part of Boomer's body - it was on the lower part. If Flash would have Superman's powers, he'd burn the Rouge alive.
Jay couldn't help the automatic response of slapping Barry upside his head, a disappointed grimace on his face.
"Ow, what was that for?" Flash looked at him, obviously confused, until Jay answered his question.
"Barry, I cannot believe you from all people would stare at someone's... behind like that." the older man's tone was softly quiet, yet still offended.
If Hal and Wally wouldn't be who they are, maybe they wouldn't catch his words. But usually when you put a space cop and one of beacons of hope together, you should expect them to catch things others don't.
Barry hates that fact right now, his face burning from embarrassment, when they side glance at the same place he was looking at, noticing the Rouge bent over.
"No, no, no, no! It's not like-!" he scrambled to explain, before Jay shot him a judgy look.
"Barry, do not lie to me, you were eyeing him like he's a steak! I've met a lot of men who couldn't stop looking at others like that, but I cannot believe you, my boy, would be one of them." he shakes his head lightly. "I just- I didn't even think you of all people would need to learn some manners!"
While Barry gets redder, almost matching his suit, Hal and Wally can't contain their laughter.
"Oh my stars, it's the funniest shit. Did- Did our beloved sweet angel got caught staring at Boomer's ass?!" GL shook hysterically, while laughing with his whole body. His left hand landed on Flashes arm, shaking him while the owner hid his face. "How does it feel ending up on the dark side, huh?"
Wally, before his mentor could react, chuckled and said jokingly:
"You should make him apologize, Jay, that'll teach him!"
The older Flash considered it visibly, before nodding his head in agreement, making Barry freeze in his place in fear.
"You know what, that's not a bad idea-"
"No, no, no, no-! Jay, please, you know me! It was just a moment of weakness, it won't happen again! C'mon, please, no- I'll stop, I swear, I will-!"
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hall0wedwyrm · 1 year
Welcome Home came back and I just spent like 4 hours looking through the website and I think I have a little theory or two. I think i could link these ideas together but im not sure how yet
Obviously spoilers for the new update!!! I highly encourage unspoiled exploration!!!!!!
I think its pretty clear that Wally. either literally him or his consciousness, is somehow trapped in the website. In the newest post on the News site, the website host says that they had to unfortunately had to close the guestbook due to there being a lot of submissions. The most important part though is where they say, "I believe closing the guest book was a good idea anyhow. There are. There are images I don’t remember uploading to decorate your messages. I don’t know how they got there." This, plus the way that the names of the images were seemingly written by Wally, makes it the most likely that Wally is inside the website. He was adding various images and messages to communicate with us, but now thats taken away from him since it closed. I think he then resorted to just drawing and leaving messages on other pages, through his doodles. The various drawings that appear on the main pages lead to messages from Wally. He wants to hear us speak to him, which is kind of how a kids show like Welcome Home would work. The characters wait for the kids to respond, but they can't actually hear us from inside the screen. Wally, therefore, must have knowledge that we can see him and hear him and he wants to be able to hear us. Wally talks about eyes a lot. In one of the messages he leaves, he even draws a pair of eyes and teaches us how to draw them, and I'm now realising that its probably so he can see us through them or something? (this is kind of a big block of text, but I like this theory)
Also the entire tape of 14 was so weird. Barnaby acknowledged the previous tapes, such as Howdy's story about his family and Julie's bad jokes, and having Home respond to him. Wally, as all the other ones, is completely silent... but Barnaby acknowledges that he is silent? He sounds genuinely concerned when he realised, asking what was wrong. HOWEVER, He doesn't say Wally's name, rather referring to him as buddy and pal n such. The most important part of this is how the tape ends. In all of the other tapes, the last character to speak says Wally's name directly (my favourite example being Frank saying "We're all safe here, wouldn't you agree Wally?") and what I think is a scream in the static. In tape 14, there is no scream, but it sounds like a creak, implying that Home said Wally's name and not Barnaby. I'm not really sure what the problem surrounding Wally's name is? Because there definitely is a problem with the characters acknowledging Wally in the tapes, which are potentially segments of the show.
I'm definitely going to re-look through the website again because i definitely missed tapes 3 and 5 (I noticed that theres is 14 in total and I might even try to listen to them in order too)
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theunderestimator-2 · 2 years
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Reading stories of betrayal, despair & friendships going south from “Wally …Did You No Wrong” by Ron Evans:
some of you may -or may not- be familiar with the sad & obscure tale of the lost Sex Pistol, Wally Nightingale, Steve Jones & Paul Cook’s schoolmate who actually put the initial pre-Pistols band together as a trio & provided the classy rehearsal space (“Riverside” studios in Hammersmith, London, where the boys could sneak in since Wally’s dad worked there as an electrician) but got the boot because Malcolm McLaren had decided he didn’t fit the image he had envisioned for the band, being the geeky & uncool kid with the ‘old man’s glasses’. He was completely erased from the Pistols history in a heartbeat, as though he had never existed and the rest is known R’n’R history.
Wally’s story remains a fairytale gone bad, one in which the dishonest get all the glory while the good guy is left with bollocks, and Ron’s book is so rich in first-hand feedback and so well written that sometimes it’s hard not to actually see the narrative played in your head as a scene from a movie that hasn’t been filmed yet. Like the heartbreaking part where Wally’s pals come to his parents’ house, after he was ousted from his own band, to get all the gear that he kept in his bedroom: guitars, acoustics, amps, saxophones, foot controls and harmonicas that had been nicked throughout the band’s lifespan. Wally had been gutted but he managed to keep it all in with dignity (he was such a lovely bloke that he even went for a drink with his ‘former’ bandmates that same night after he got the axe) and when they came with a van to move the gear, he dutifully even helped them to unplug and pack everything up, carefully putting everything in their cases, while his mum and dad silently stood in the hallway, till his mum broke into tears and had to be hurried into the living room while shouting that they owed Wally:
“I could hear her crying as I went back upstairs to say goodbye to Wally. His bedroom door was ajar and I looked through the gap. All I could see was that second-hand Les Pau copy he’d bought in order to start the band sitting on its stand, and Wally sitting on his bed crying”, says his schoolmate Steve Hayes.
Needless to say that the late Wally Nightingale is my all-time favorite R’n’R anti-hero, the most underrated figure in the entire history of punk & the undisputed champion of punk rock underdogs, and Ron Evans, his younger schoolmate/neighbor/friend/bandmate in Key West -the band Wally Nightingale played after the Sex Pistols- has done an excellent job in documenting Wally’s tragic path to self-destruction. You can order the book from his site: https://www.ronevans.rocks/, as well as his cool music, which you can also enjoy on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1z5w6O0737uoAZutq48mrn
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crabbypalsart · 1 year
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OK quick shift of focus from what I am working on rn, but I really had to get this out of my system lest I go insane. X•D So, this "X Reader" fanfic with Wally I've been reading called 'Vista Alegre' on AO3 just wrapped up, and well, can I just say??? *UNCONTROLLABLE SOBBING*
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jazzzzzzhands · 1 year
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So nobody asked for this but According to the dialogue So FAR Howdy has 6-7 siblings, one Aunt, and maybe a cousin -Drew is a maybe because he said "Her (Sue's) brother" and not "Our Brother" like he tend to do with the rest. -The same thing with Henry. Henry is "Barley's cousin" not "Our Cousin" -Barley is either listed as both a brother AND a cousin OR there is two "Barley"s in the family -His father was mentioned, but we don't have a name yet Also "Wooly" Aunt Molly I think could be a Moth, since moths are very fluffy, and she seems to be an obscure relative I also think that there is a possibility that the entire family is grown into butterflies, while Howdy remains a caterpillar, although he is fully grown as well. But that's just my little thoughts BUT anyways, these are just silly observations and I hope we get to hear more about his family!!! Transcript of the OG conversation below:
HOWDY: …So my brother Charlie tells my sister Dolly that our brother Barley’s cousin Henry is turnin’ over a new leaf! But if ya ask me, Barn, a caterpillar’s always turnin’ over leaves! …We just call it a salad!
BARNABY: So you don’t believe the poor guy? Sounds like you’re just given’ him the short end of the stick.
HOWDY: Short end of the- [Befuddled sound] We’ve given that clown the whole branch!
BARNABY: So he’s a clown too? Now you’re speakin’ my language, Howdy!
HOWDY: You wouldn’t believe what happened next- So my brother Chuck wished our brother Buck good luck on gettin’ that cluck Henry to straighten up and fly right!
BARNABY: Fly? Wait, wait, wait- he’s a butterfly? I thought he was a caterpillar!
HOWDY: [Lets out a small laugh but quickly catches himself, tutting Barnaby] You’re bein’ a wise guy, Barn, but I’m serious! Then- You’re not gonna believe this- Outta the blue comes our sister Sue and her brother Drew talking to my sister Dolly about gettin’ Henry on a trolley to see our aunt Molly-
BARNABY: Woolly Aunt Molly?
HOWDY: Woolly Aunt Molly, Barn! On my father’s left hand side- My left, not yours! Maybe… My upper left hand-side!
BARNABY: [A hint of playful sarcasm] How could I get that confused?
HOWDY: But long story short- Molly tells Henry to listen to our cousin Barley and my brother Charlie who insist they’re through with my sister Sue and her brother Drew and to get back on that trolley and talk to Dolly about gettin’ his act together!
BARNABY: Oh brother-
HOWDY: No no, Dolly’s my sister!
[A brief pause, then both start laughing uproariously]
HOWDY: [Slowly winding down laughter] I know I can always talk to you, Barn. I tell ya, havin’ a big family ain’t easy- Too many things to keep track of.
BARNABY: You’re right about that- I’m just listenin’ in and I can barely keep track! The only family I got to keep track of is my dear, sweet Mama.
HOWDY: That’s right- Y’know, next time she comes around, you oughta let me serve her one of my strawberry soda pops!
BARNABY: Nobody makes ‘em like you do, pal. Speaking of which… How’s that drink treating you, Wally?
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nikrei · 3 months
June Comics Round Up
Successfully made it through the 80s!!!! There's a bunch so the reactions will be short and sweet.
Green Arrow (17-28) (1989-1990)
Its good!! Morgan showing up in 28 was really fucking funny, too.
Detective Comics (594-611) (1988-1990)
Carrying over from the previous year of having no Jason mentions, there is the absolute minimum fallout from his death in this run, which honestly sucks.
Batman (426-442) (1988-1990)
Death in the Family through A Place of Lonely Dying, absolute classic time, tho I have so so many issues with DitF. It has such a big impact with Jason's death that the surrounding racist Joker bullshit is given a pass. Jim Starlin is my enemy.
Catwoman (1-4) (1989)
This was awesome!! Direct sequel to batman year 1 centering Selina and fixing so much of frank miller's misogynistic bullshit.
The Huntress (1-19) (1989-1990)
This was so good and the art is so neat. My main gripe is still how isolated it is. Deffo makes it seem like Helena is not part of the larger dc world. The little sequel (Justice League Special #2) does a really good job of tying the solo back into the larger world.
Deadman: Love After Death (1-2) (1989)
A neat little story. The art is extremely stylised and I'm a huge fan.
Secret Origins (39~46) (1989)
Catching up on more backstories.
Flash (21-34) (1989-1990)
Wally has grown so much in so little time! Also him making pals with Fidel Castro is everything to me. Linda is sort of a bitch and I love that for her.
Suicide Squad (23-36) (1989-1990)
Janus Directive was a pretty good little event, but more importantly ORACLE!!!!!
Checkmate (11-32) (1989-1991)
Still can't believe that Harvey Bullock is a high-up in this secret government spy organization, how did that even happen??? A sort of mid comic overall but is pretty important for suicide squad
Peacemaker (1-4) (1987)
Chris kept showing up in Checkmate and referencing this mini so I went ahead and read it. This man is not okay y'all.
Manhunter (1-24) (1988-1990)
I will be honest I broke down and read this because in the Janus Directive issue he had contact with Oracle. It is pretty good tho!!
Hawk & Dove (1-5) (1988)
Read it because I was curious about the new Dove, and I love her so much.
Batman - Dark Knight Returns/Strikes Again (1-4)(1-3) (1986)(2001)
BAD (except Carrie ilu girl) (why'd they make u catgirl in the second one??)
Captain Atom (24-36) (1989-1990)
A solid story, excited to finish it up and see what happens with Adam's daughter
Firestorm the Nuclear Man (80-100) (1989-1990)
I'm sorta sad about the elemental direction that this goes. It defeats the whole purpose of the Nuclear Man. They've been consistently depowering him as time goes on and this seems like the last nail in the coffin. The Nuclear powers were so cool and different! Changing that to another guy with fire powers is just disappointing.
Doom Patrol (17-29) (1989-1990)
Grant Morrison picked this up and dang it got very cool very fast. Jane i love all 70 of u!
Animal Man (6-23) (1989-1990)
This got So Cool and meta holy shit talk about your direct coie references and forth wall breaking. I honestly was Not expecting what happened to his family tho. Hugely recommend.
Starman (5-18) (1989-1990)
I really like Will he's a total sweetheart. And it's nice to have Bats and Supes show up and encourage and approve of new heros.
Wonder Woman (25-57) (1989-1991)
Barbara Minerva ur a legend. Also got to meet the Amazon's of Bana-Mighdall which was fun. I really like how much of a little brat Vanessa is, she feels just like a real middle schooler.
New Gods (1-28) (1989-1991)
Starts off with Jim Starlin (my enemy) teaming up with Mark Evanier to have Orion commit genocide in the first five issues. It can only go up from there because it hit rock bottom. Some interesting talk of the fixed nature's of the gods of new genesis and apokolips that I did like.
Mister Miracle (1-28) (1989-1991)
V. Funny. I love how Scott is 90% of Barda's impulse control. Also Shilo came back!! Best boy Shilo studying physics as his side gig from escape artistry!
Justice League International/Justice League America (22-50) (1989-1991)
I enjoy having the justice league titles as humor comics, but I wish that it didn't come with a sincerity allergy. You can be funny and sincere i prommy! It got close at Scott's funeral, which was nice to see tho.
Justice League Europe (1-25) (1989-1991)
Crimson Fox is super interesting, she is doing some wildly deranged shit I love them.
Martian Manhunter (1-4) (1988)
I'm generally not a fan of things that are like: everything u thought u knew about urself is a lie, this is the actual truth of u and ur culture. It's such an extreme way to do a retcon that it gets really clumsy really easy. This is an example of a good way to do it, with added totally gorgeous art. I recommend it.
Hawk & Dove (1-13) (1989-1990)
Dove is everything to me, I love her as much as I can't fucking stand Hawk holy shit that guys an asshole. Luckily the narrative agrees.
No bonus round this time I am falling so behind on the Konmic's club readings TT-TT
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midnighthybrid2 · 1 year
(Ok random thing that you’ll leave up to interpretation!)
The welcome home characters as professors at hogwarts basic headcanons? Like what kind of class would each of them be teaching? (Frank would be the next Snape there you cannot say that wouldn’t happen.)
(Maybe if you would like to what kind of house would each of them be in, again leaving that for you to make the user’s interpretation).
Helllloooo! This was an incredibly fun prompt to think about, thank you for sending it in! I’d love to do some more Welcome Home-Harry Potter crossover stuff in the future, actually, if you have any more ideas!
There’s no particular order to these, but I tried to make them make as much sense as I could.
Enjoy! This is gonna be real long, so strap yourself in!
Welcome Home Characters as Professors/Staff at Hogwarts
Julie Joyful - 100% Herbology (Hufflepuff). Julie would 100% be the Herbology professor- she’s described as having a garden of her own and able to talk to plants, after all. I imagine this would translate to her having a very close connection to the plants- students are unsure if she’s actually talking to them, or if she’s just really good at telling when a plant needs more water or new soil. I imagine she’d be a little bit of an airhead at times, probably misplacing any physical homework assignments (like essays) or even sometimes forgetting to lock up the greenhouses at night! She’s probably found a magical creature inside, eating some of her plants, on several occasions. Definitely has had to call Professor Frankly over to help her get them out! She’s better with hands-on assignments, and I imagine she'd be a very encouraging and kind professor.
Frank Frankly - Care of Magical Creatures (Ravenclaw). Oh I agree 100%, he’d be the Snape of this cast. This reminded me of the Potter Puppet Pals Snape puppet- he even has the unibrow and nose- and now I can’t get that voice out of my head when I picture Frank. Frank would be the harshest of the teachers and would be incredibly strict during all of his lessons. His class would be a mixture of hands-on learning and note-taking (so.. much… note taking…). It’s clear to anyone with eyes just how passionate Professor Frankly is about his subject, especially with how he tends to go into passionate, verbose speeches about the biology of the Bowtruckle (for example). This, unfortunately, tends to make him the target of the more rambunctious students who find his overreactions to disrespect quite funny. He’s the professor that sends most students to detention. Despite his grouchy demeanor, Professor Frankly is known to be good friends with Professor Joyful, much to every student’s surprise. They gossip in the teacher’s lounge.
Eddie Dear - Groundskeeper (Hufflepuff). Okay okay hear me out. Despite having a whole arts and crafts teaching segment, Eddie doesn’t entirely strike me as a teacher type. He’s the type that’s used to running around, delivering Mail and such to his neighbors. I can picture him being a very nice if a little clumsy, groundskeeper of Hogwarts. His favorite duty would be to care for the owls in the Owlery- putting him on good terms with the care of magical creatures professor- because he’s always had a bit of a passion for the Mail service. He could often be seen running around the school, taking care of incidents, and trying to reason with the ghosts (if Peeves still exists, Peeves would 100% take advantage of Eddie’s clumsy nature for his own amusement). Eddie would also probably be a lot easier to manipulate than Filch would, and would probably more often than not let students off with a warning rather than a very harsh punishment.
Wally Darling - Defense Against the Dark Arts (Ravenclaw). Before I get into his teaching style, hear me out with his house- Ravenclaw is described as being highly creative and curious individuals. Wally, despite not being the smartest, is quite the creative individual, and he’s described as being the one to learn with the viewer during episodes of Welcome Home. He gives me… Luna Lovegood vibes, in a way, where the way he thinks and looks at the world may be a little different from how others do, but in the end that doesn’t make him stupid. In terms of how he’d behave as a teacher, I picked Defense Against the Dark Arts because of his fandom-agreed tie to very dark themes and such. I imagine in a Harry Potter AU he’d have had many run-ins with dark creatures in the past, and now he uses his experiences to help others in the present. Like Lupin, most of his classes would be very hands-on and he’d be a very professional, maybe a little eccentric sort of teacher who’s very patient with all of his students. Outside of the class, however, he’s still quite patient but also gives off a much different sort of energy. It’s not unusual, for instance, to find the professor lying on the stairs for several minutes at a time after having- yet again- missed stepping over the disappearing step. He’s quite the oddball, but many students do enjoy him as a teacher overall.
Poppy Partridge - Not a professor, would work in the Hospital Wing in Madame Pomfry’s place. (Hufflepuff). There’s no way that Poppy would be a professor- all of those spells and potion ingredients make her much too nervous, no no no. Poppy would instead work in the hospital wing as Madame Partridge and would help cure students and staff of their ailments. Don’t get me wrong- the sight of a boneless arm or a bloody werewolf wound would certainly make her faint from fright at first. Once that initial shock has passed, however, I imagine her practically squawking with worry as she works to patch her patients right up! She might overdo it at times, such as bandaging up sprains so thickly that the limb resembles more of a bowling ball than a limb, but she means well. I imagine she’s not that great at magic, but very knowledgeable on different healing potions and herbs.
Howdy Pillar - Either a Hogsmeade Salesman or Transfiguration (Slytherin). So… Howdy, to be honest, I don’t picture being a teacher in the Harry Potter Universe. Rather, I can see him being the owner of a General Store/Bodega down in Hogsmeade. His store would include general foods and stuff, but he’d also sell plenty of magical touristy items, such as ‘Limited Time - Spellchecking - Quick Quotes Quill - 50% Off Today!’ Or postcards featuring moving images of a snowy day at Hogsmeade or the Hogwarts grounds. However! For the sake of this post, I shall choose a job at Hogwarts for him- and that job would be the Transfiguration Professor. The main- and really, only- reason for this would be that… he’s a caterpillar… and… and caterpillars turn into (‘transfigure’) butterflies… I didn’t say I was clever when I was making these aight? Maybe he’d even be an animagus and could turn into a Butterfly, that’d be a fun nod to that. Anywho! As a teacher, Howdy would be the type to do pop quizzes- not in the traditional sense, however! He’d be like an auctioneer- saying stuff like “Name the Incantation for Fiend Fyre- am I hearing Pestis? Pestis what?- Did I hear it over here- aaaand correct, Miss Granger, Pestis Incendium! Ten Points to Gryffindor!” As for his House, I chose Slytherin because of the natural ambition that comes with being a Slytherin- Howdy’s a business and salesman, he’s quite the ambitious fellow. Not all Slytherins are evil, after all.
Sally Starlet - Astronomy (Either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, I’m 50/50). Sally was difficult to choose- I wanted to pick something theater-related, but there aren’t any very important classes related to that. There are a few elective classes, but those felt rather boring. When I remembered the astronomy class, however, I was immediately like “HAHA! YOU!” Sally’s incredibly passionate about her subject- some may say even a little too passionate. Somewhat like Trelawney and her passion/beliefs in Divination, Sally cares a whole lot about the planets and both what they can teach you and just what they are in general. The way she talks about them at times makes it sound less like she’s talking about planets and more so talking about old friends. It’s quite strange, especially to those who aren’t a fan of her subject and/or her very flamboyant ways. Like Frank, some students purposely mess with Sally to get a dramatic reaction out of her, more so because her ego tends to get irritating than because she’s unfair in class. Sally’s generally a pretty decent professor, being split pretty evenly between hands-on work and homework, she’s just very boisterous about herself often enough that it gets on some students’ nerves.
Barnaby Beagle - Charms (Hufflepuff). Charms for some reason always struck me as a more ‘chill’ sort of magic- at least compared to a lot of the others. I imagine that as the Charms professor, Barnaby is most definitely an incredibly laid-back sort of teacher. He’s the type that doesn’t stress much about deadlines and homework- quite frankly, he could care less about homework and dislikes having to grade it. He generally would only give students the bare minimum required homework, and then the rest would all be taught in class. Though his class would teach the students more or less streamlined charms and such, if you meet him after class he’d 100% teach you what he refers to as the ‘funner’ charms and their many uses. This includes more prank-like charms, such as how to bewitch snowballs so they focus on a target and continuously throw themselves at them. Basically, he’d be the Weasley Twins of the staff.
Hope you enjoy my drabbles, I somewhat wanna mess around with these ideas more in the future but I’m unsure what I’d do lol
If you liked these and have any ideas, please feel free to send in some asks! I’d love to hear y’all’s thoughts on the matter
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taiblogcomics · 3 months
Taking the "Fun" Back Out of Funeral
Hey there, knit caps. Are ya ready for some more dang-ass Countdown? Lemme tell ya, as bad as this comic is, at least it won't scare someone's dog or set off someone's PTSD, unlike other things you could be doing tonight~
Here's the cover:
Tumblr media
Okay, the costumes I understand, secret identities are a thing, even among the cape crowd themselves. But, like, Mia, did you have to bring your bow to the funeral? Like, unless you and the other archer heroes are doing some variety of 21 gun salute, you coulda left it in the car or at home or whatever. Or even just put it over your shoulder, it doesn't need to be in your hand right now. Like, everything else about this cover is pretty good, it's moody, it's framed well. But Speedy having her bow out just strikes me as so dumb in, I dunno. Did they think we wouldn't recognise her without it? Is Mia Dearden the DC equivalent of Tony Hawk~?
So, the recap. Former Teen Titan Duela Dent is murdered by a Monitor, and former Titans Donna Troy and Jason Todd are investigating it. Future Titans auditionee Jimmy Olsen is developing superpowers. Mary Marvel, related to Titans member Captain Marvel Jr, also got new superpowers. Holly Robinson, no relation to the Titans, is in an Amazon women's shelter. Karate Kid, who knows someone from Saturn's moon Titan, is in the past for mysterious reasons. And Trickster and Pied Piper, participants in murder of Teen Titans member Kid Flash, are on the run. We join our heroes at Kid Flash's funeral, already in progress.
So we open with Jimmy Olsen narrating about Keystone City and how much they love the Flash. Like, Metropolis is very fond of Superman, and the relationship between Batman and Gotham is contentious at best (and toxic at worst). But Keystone flipping loves the Flash. There's a whole Flash Museum, if you didn't know. But it's closed today, in favour of all the Flash-themed bars. Because their beloved hero has died. It's only, like, the third time this has happened! You'd think they'd be used to this after Wally, if not Barry. Just saying, this happens to the Flash a lot.
Jimmy's here in a role of official photographer, and he's not having a great time at this, the funeral for a fun-loving aged-up kid. Anyway, Jay Garrick, the golden-age Flash (too often the last Flash left), starts the proceedings. He introduces everyone to Bart Allen's secret identity, since he figures everyone deserves to know the name of the guy who was protecting their fair city. Bart, in case you didn't know or couldn't tell, is also the grandson of Barry Allen, who's still referred to as the Greatest Flash Ever. Geez, and they haven't even resurrected him yet. Give it a year, guys~
So while Jay continues eulogising, we cut over to Jason Todd, Donna Troy, and their Monitor pal. He thinks this is a waste of their time, and I hate to tell you, pal, but this whole series is a waste of time. This might be one of the better issues, in fact. And while he thinks this is a waste of time, Jason thinks his whole proposal to run off and start another tie-in miniseries to go searching the multiverse for Ray Palmer is also a waste of time. Donna tells them both to shut up, since she was actually a Teen Titan herself and wants to pay respects to Bart.
Cyborg comes up to eulogise next, and really, I invite you to read these yourself. Coz it's just a lot of nice things being said about Bart, who was always one of my favourite characters. Whether in his solo series or in Young Justice as Impulse, or in the Teen Titans as Kid Flash. Even the 13 issues they let him be the Flash to lead up to this were… Well, something, to be sure. Anyways, after Cyborg is Wonder Girl/Cassie Sandsmark, and she takes an unusual tack during her eulogy by vowing Bart's murderers will rot in hell. I tell you, no one vowed someone would rot in hell and my grandma's funeral.
So this declaration gets a couple folks in the crowd spooked. In the stupidest possible decision, Pied Piper and Trickster are actually in attendance at the funeral. Guilt, I guess! After Cassie's big rant, the pair of them leave in a hurry, figuring it was dumb to even come. Best they can do is hope some world-ending event makes everyone forget about this. And, I mean, technically that is what happened! After Final Crisis happened, everyone immediately forgot about Countdown--including the writers, even though this series was meant to be leading up to that one~
Piper and Trickster make their exit, but not cleanly enough. Once out in the parking lot, before the pair can go their separate ways, they're ambushed. But not by any of the heroes attending the funeral, including Jay Garrick, who distinctly shoots them a dirty look as they hastily exit. No, who shows up to stop them is C-list Firestorm foe Multiplex. Given his other associate, Deadshot, I'm guessing he was a member of the Suicide Squad at the time. The pair of them take out Trickster and Piper, with Deadshot declaring them to be the dumbest criminals he's ever seen. Yeah, no arguments from me, pal.
We eat up a couple pages still talking about Monarch and Forerunner, who need to move onto their own spinoff where we can really not care about them. Then we join Holly Robinson in her storyline. Athena shows her the amenities, which Holly makes snarky remarks about, but helps herself to regardless. Later on, while she's relaxing in one of those single-seater spa pools, another girl brings her some tea. She tries to shoot the breeze, but Holly blows her off, not interested in building comraderie through shared trauma. But then the other girl remembers to introduce herself. Her name's Harleen Quinzel. Yeah, she's in this too~
Back at the Flash Funeral, we've got Tim Drake giving a eulogy now. I wouldn't want to be the one following Cassie's "rot in hell" speech, but here we are. I kid, but this must really suck for Tim, coz Connor Kent/Superboy just died back in Infinite Crisis, and now he's the only original Young Justice member left. In fact, speaking of, he recalls "the last time it was this bad", a day when something bad happened to Donna. And if you know anything about DC Comics, especially Titans storylines, he's talking about Graduation Day, a comic only better than this series because it was shorter.
Anyways, right around the time the 2003 Titans started up, Bart had just heard of video wills. He had one made eventually, and the Titans have agreed that the whole people of Keystone deserve to see it. In the video, Bart's just recovered from being shot by Deathstroke, which was the first time he'd ever really confronted his mortality, and was the genesis for advancing his identity from Impulse to Kid Flash. And he's also reflecting on the Graduation Day incident. So he's ready to give this Titans thing his most serious try. And he'll be lucky if he goes out even half as cool as his grandpa Barry. Alas, Bart, you were not so lucky.
So while the video will is playing, Jimmy notices something odd about up in the rafters and goes to take a look. But Jason, Donna, and their Monitor fly away before he can get up the fire escape. Jimmy resolves to try and be a hero like Bart, now that he has powers. Meanwhile, the reason why they flew off so quickly is that both Jason and somehow the Monitor are being immature jackasses to each other, so Donna flew them away to straighten them out. Get ready for this to continue to be a recurring theme. So they resolve to finally go looking for Ray Palmer, who will solve all their problems for sure. And the comic ends on another page of Monarch and Forerunner that I just don't care about. Go be in your own spinoff already! I know you have one!
I'll be honest, this is actually one of the better issues of Countdown. Which is sad, because it's still dead depressing. Like, the main parts are well-written, and the sucky bits are all the things that tie it to the greater story of Countdown (Holly Robinson, Jason and Donna, Monarch). But I still think it sucks that they killed off Bart Allen for this storyline. (Both Bart and Superboy would return in the aftermath of Final Crisis, so they didn't even stay dead that long.) Like, if I haven't ranted to you enough already in stuff like Heroes in Crisis about how often DC loves to kill off members of the Teen TItans, here's another reminder. What a load.
And you know what, even though he didn't technically die in this series, I'm putting Bart on the list with Duela, Lightray, and Sleez, because his death was the direct result of Countdown and its plotlines. His funeral's in this series, so it's as good as.
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