#also there isnt just one design all across the world
tendebill · 1 year
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printed this for my bestie's bday!! (she's the number 1 huen stan since like... 2018 or something idk how she stuck with it so long but man do i appreciate it, been listening to me ramble out my babies for 5 years and counting)
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iamnotshazam · 9 months
i saw the LotR films before ever reading the books and i love both. i turn now more to the books than the movies for enjoyment.
but i also feel like the three movies just. fucken. cracked it out of the park with some important things and i had NO idea how good i had it as a little nerd delving into the extended edition dvd extras. if i were a fan in the gritty-obsessed 90's hearing rumors of these movies, i would have expected at best stuff like: B-list acting that occasionally broke through with honest emotions. some skilled costuming and weaponry popping up in important scenes but mostly just knock-off viking opera aesthetic. homebrew DND imagery that made it painfully obvious by contrast which scenes they actually spent money on the set design and dressing.
and WETA and New Line and everyone on this!!! they did NOT accept lower standards cause it was fantasy! everyone else would have. This was genre filmmaking, this would have been perceived at the time as more like How the Grinch Stole Christmas than a Cecil B Demille-level epic movie. And the costuming department, composer, propsmaster and set designer all said "NO" and put their whole pussies behind it!
Jesus Christ the quality in those movies! Ian McKellan has undershirts like Gandalf the White might have! Bernard Hill has realistic quilted padding underlayers all made in the style a Rohirrim tailor and armorer would have made! Minas Tirith has a rat catcher because someone took a doodle and decided that would make sense in the lived reality of a massive city! Movie makers do not usually do this. It is NEVER about what isnt seen or necessary for the shot. You are judged professionally not by if you can cut corners in order to help production and still seem good, but by HOW MUCH.
I cannot blame anyone who worked on the Amazon series in the hands-on creative roles because the results are what they have been trained to do. Blame executives. Blame executives! Of course chainmail is going to be, i dunno, plastic or sewn into the edges of costumes if you dont have the money or time for real chain mail! And because it cannot be overstated how unusual the LotR trilogy filmmaking process must have been. It's like being given an average lower middle class family grocery budget and told to make a fancy Christmas dinner for 20 all by yourself with no help versus having a trained staff, a blank check, and Martha Stewart on retainer. That's not an exaggeration. That's the rhetorical gulf that someone (Valar BLESS them) in the bureaucracy had to wade across to convince execs to buy into the details. The Lord of the Rings movies are WEIRD.
And it shows. Bookfans bitch about the story changes, the balrog wings, the characterization differences. (Denethor was a reasonable person and even outsider Pippin could see he was very admirable to the people of Gondor, which made it sooooo much creepier when he suddenly snapped but i digress) but NEVER about the music. the filming locations. the set designs. the costumes. the props. the things that i really think count the most to help invest people in a different world!
No one ever complains about taking out the scene where Rohan is summoned to Gondor's aid with the Red Arrow, because yeah they could have made it work, they made the importance of other props like Andúril and, oh yeah, the One Ring very clear, but they had a better idea.
The beacons.
The beacons were not in the book.
Not in the same way, really, because while incredible to think about the narrative style was close third person, and you cannot follow beacons to rhapsodize about them when you're a tired hobbit getting saddle sore crossing national borders with a grumpy old wizard. Pippin sees the Beacons of Gondor at a distance when he's falling asleep and Gandalf tells him they're a mustering signal within Gondor. Which makes sense, really, they require some upkeep and would be awkward for two nations to negotiate how to handle - nevermind. That's it. That's all the beacons are in the text.
Someone adapting the script saw a moment that was ho-hum in the book but realized ! 💡⚡️That would look really great on camera! And it is now routinely listed as one of the most important cinematic moments of anything, ever.
There are so many things I still want to ask Peter Jackson, "Why???" but the original trilogy movies overall? Work. They work and they do more than work, they helped elevate an entire artform that I don't honestly know that much about and oh god i usually dont ramble about them like this im embarassed is this already acknowledged in tumblr tolkien circles? or are we just split into different little fandoms in order to keep the peace?
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anzuhan · 2 months
Hello! I'm new to your account but I just want to say your art is suuuuupper pretty! I want to know Anzu's lore, have you written it down anywhere or have discussed it with a previous ask yet?
hello, thank you and glad you asked 🫶 anzu never really speaks about anzu's lore because its overly complex and anzu wouldve wanted to save it for later for when anzu could actually pursue vtuber & idol activities, however its been 4 years and anzu still couldnt really. manage to do that. so anzu will talk about it now 👍 ^ _^)👍
anzu just hopes youre ready for a VERY long post (under cut because. otherwise itll be a post the length of do you like the color of the sky and dont wanna take up peoples dashes 😭)
so based on anzu's current design you'd probably think anzu is a vampire. which isnt entirely wrong but also. WRONG !! you see, anzu isn't from this world, universe, dimension, what have you. anzu comes from a very distant place in its own right that cannot exactly be entered, not even by anzu anymore due to how anzu was exiled from it. 'us' that live there are not entirely a species that is documented by the ones here, so anzu cant exactly tell you what anzu is, but the closest word to it of the inhabitants of this world would be probably close enough to shapeshifter; anzu doesnt exactly fit all characteristics of one, but that is still the best word youve all got for it ! anzu in a way also works like a candle, though anzu isnt made from wax or anything of the like (´ノω;`) anzu's insides are hollow and anzu's 'life' is given by a flame inside of anzu's body. it is closer enough to the fire that exists in this world, but also not entirely due to how it can hardly go out. back in anzu's 'world' we all lived under something close to a high governance of 'elders', but anzu would also compare it close to what people tend to call cults here. anzu did not like it, and though its painted as bad to be kicked out of that realm, anzu is kind of happy to have gone out ☆
anzu was also lucky enough to come across another of anzu's kind in the first world anzu was thrown into after the exile that could teach anzu how everything works. we are not exactly built for battle, though maybe sadly for anzu, anzu loves combat </3 our kind can go through dimensions, time and space at will, so we do not exactly age the same as humans. anzu could be 99308 one day and then 193993 the next one ! if anzu did some time skips or dimension skips or what have you. anzu has also given up trying to keep track of anzu's age, though last time anzu's checked, it was around 102000s (this may become invalid even by tomorrow)
the way we see things are as all stories, tales and also things far unknown beyond your imagination are their own dimension; dimensions are split into timelines; there is always a main timeline that shouldnt be interfered with, the one that you may call 'the one with the given fate', where all things go as they should, whether that be bad or not. and then after this one, theres thousands of subtimelines where minor changes have happened in everyones lives; anzu is free to go and disrupt those with anzu's own ideas of how things shouldve went~ truth to be told, anzu tends to become attached a ton to the ones that have sealed fates that cannot be changed.. well. almost, until anzu'd come in, of course ! and sometimes anzu cant help it but want to interfere. to how dimensions also work, a copy of every single person existing in said dimension exists in every copy of the main timeline; though, because anzu does not belong to any dimensions anzu goes thru, there can only be one anzu at a time anywhere.
anzu, across time and looking over all tons of different universes, has fallen in love with idols in each and every one of them. so anzu's quest is to end up becoming an idol in every dimension anzu goes to ! all different looks of anzu you see also tend to be so that anzu can fit in better here or there ... though despite anzu's spent so long among humans from so many different dimensions, anzu still struggles to understand some pretty simple things sometimes. either way, because anzu wants to be not only just any kind of idol but a cosplayer idol as well (i.e like fuyume hanamura from enst), its also good to have huge variety, right? ♡
this is what anzu looks like normally, anzu usually refers to this as 'default' or just 'sumika', given that was the name anzu chose when anzu had come onto a dimension outside of anzu's own. you may see it from time to time, and they may not always look identical but anzu thinks its pretty usual to spot in most drawings whenever it is the 'default' !
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among the usual white holographic hair and the usual characteristics, anzu's also had blonde hair for a while ... anzu does not really like to act as an idol like this, but anzu does that.. sometimes ! and for the blonde times, it was more a case of spicing things up.. ?
those are also just a very small portion of what anzu's 'default' looks like. below is a much much larger strip of looks, though not updated.
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okay ! now that we've established that that is, what a normal person would probably call anzu's 'natural' look, next are two charts of anzu's looks anzu used to use and that anzu still uses sometimes ! you see there far more often than the default, due to the fact that anzu prefers to perform idol work and activities through them. the default from before is more of a personal and casual thing(><*)ノ~~~~~
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(x next to the name means they do not get used anymore; checkmark means they still get used; the time below the name in paranthesis refers to when they were initially active)
though they all have a bit of a different personality and characteristics, theyre still all anzu ! anzu is anzu no matter what anzu looks like, so please dont forget that☆ if you wish to know more about any in particular, or want to see more art of either, feel free to send a further ask about it ! theres tons of arts of every single one of them.
anzu had also not described every single little thing about anzu's backstory or things anzu is capable of, tales of things thatve happened in this or that time/space/dimension/etc ; so if you have anymore questions about any and all of them please ask as well ! anzu is happy if youre interested in anzu♡
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pteropods · 5 months
I asked ppl to do this n then fell asleep im so sorry
ANIME ADAPTATIONS ARE NOTTTTT NECESSARY FOR ALL MANGA OH MY GOD. ACTUALLY IT WLD MAKE A LOT OF THEM WORSE. Anime adaptation baseline for animation has been getting a lot better lately (a very standard studio now could be on par with the most beloved and highly praised studio ten or twenty years ago) but NO MATTER WHAT the art- especially lighting- of a manga will almost always look worlds better than the anime adaptation, simply because more detail can be added when its a still image. Similarly, some things CANT be reasonably added from a manga without it looking weird. Comics can get away with noy having a background on a panel, be it out of ease or influencing the mood of the panel, but animation has a lot harder of a time switching from a background to a solid coor or design without good reason- its not impossible, and in fact very common of you look for it, but its just... not smth you can do as often as in manga
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[ID: The manga and anime versions of the "I am L" scene in Death Note. In the manga, lights shocked reaction is visible and ghe background has a flash of white to show that. Both L and Light have more detail.
In the anime, the visuals are a lot closer to L's face, with light not seen at all. There is less detail, but there is a shadow cast over half of L's face /End ID]
Take the "I am L" scene for example. The original manga has more shock to it. More of a creepy feeling, even. The anime maintains that in a way, but it also sacrifices a lot of the original appeal of that panel- the bacground flash, Light's face, etc. I wont discredit the anime and say that they didnt do a great job replicating the feeling with great music and voice dubbing, but visual-wise its. a little lacking. I will give credit to them, the shadow over the face does a more than you would think to improve this scene.
This is a manhwa, but a lot of fans bashed the solo leveling anime for this exact reason- the art of the manhwa had so much more detail and complex lighting than the anime, bcs it would be unreasonable for animators for spend time on the lighting for a minor scene in the show, but its easy for a manhwa artist to do it. And this is DESPITE solo levelling animation and visuals being an INCREDIBLE adaptation of the mood and original panels
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[ID: A screenshot of the anime vs manhwa adaptatiom of a character shooting a magic blast. The manhwa has more detail in the character and harsher lighting, and the anime has brighter light and a larger blast /End ID]
Pleaseeee click on the manhwa one to see the full thing. One thing about the manhwa vs anime is the fact that manhwas are often made to be scrolled vetically, where anime is a horizontal screen. The screenshot above of the manhwa isnt even the entire thing, it didnt fit in my screen. Imo the anime is AMAZING and does a fantastic job adapting it, but literally it Cant Do It Perfectly because of the difference in media form.
ALSO !! ppl forget that comics are an art form in of themself- the way the story is told goes beyond just showing the characters doing things. Panelling specifically is an incredibly influential aspect of it. YES, many authors dont put so much into the panels that a major facet is lost if made into an anime, but SOME DO
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[ID: Two Tokyo Goul pages. One is almost entrely empty besides Kaneki sitting in a chair saying "Mother". Above him is a text box reading "Instead of a person who hurts others, become a person who...".
The second page shows Kaneki's torture, the words "Over and over" written many times across the page, in various sizes and layouts. Through yhe page Kaneki narrates "When the injections wore off Yamori would give me "food" and wait for the injured areas to heal. Then, he would start all over again and give me an injection. Repeatedly. My fingers and toes regrew as if they were nails and hair, over and over. They. Regrew. Every. Time. and I felt like I was truly a monster." /End ID]
Sui Ishida is a genius in terms of panelling and using the art form to his advantage- I didnt even include my fav page of his here, bcs theres soooo many good ones and I hit the image limit lolz. He utilizes text in a way unreplicatable by an anime adaptation, which doesnt use that. Even if it did, text shown in an animation has a different feel to it than a comic, where thoughts, diologue, and narration all use text. Much like the formatting of Solo Levellinng, TG text cant be replicated in another medium.
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[ID: A page from Chainsaw Man, in which all the panels are seperates by arms /End ID]
Fujimoto has some amazing panelling in CSM, in the way he seperates panels. While this is the most notable one, theres SO many worth sharing if I wasnt constrained by an image limit. Utilizing the characters and scenes themselves as the panel borders enhances the atmosphere, and creates an even mote sinister feeling to the page.
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[ID: Two panels and a page from Witch Hat Ateliar. The panels are formatted by being indented into a wall. The page has a scenic panel with a complex, storybook-like border /End ID]
Kamome Shirahama is anothet author with amazing usage of panels and formatting- when background or lore is given, the panels have a fancy, intricate border to indicate its a story being told- see the right image. She also uses the parts of other panels to interact with new ones (see left image), and often has characters interact with the borders themselves. There is SO much I can say about her work but actually I think watching this video will do you better.
im getting exhausted writing all of this I may come back and talk abt gnpp since that was the one I actually meant to write abt. Augh whatever take this for now
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ganondoodle · 1 year
read about all the armor set pieces i never bothered to fin before stopping to play to make sure i wasnt missing any potential useful info and came across the thing that im guessing is the reward for the shrines given its description and i just
kinda sank back into sadness and desperation bc of how much i dont like it and im fearing they are just gonna mess it all up even further
i said it before but i have a seething hatred for how totk hurts botw in retrospect, like wow i liked the mystery of the sonau but never wanted an answer to it, i liked the mystery of who the ancient hero was bc of its strange depiction and man did i not want this kind of answer, some things not having an answer can be more interesting than having one, cant we focus on going forward instead of looking back further and further, it was fine with the shiekah but at the end of botw it felt like a relieved sigh of "ok the past is gone and done, now we can built a better future and move o-" NOPE LOL LOOK BACK EVEN FURTHER THERE WERE THE COOLEST PEOPLE EVEN FURTHER IN THE PAST OMG YOU GUYYSSS LOOKS HOW COOL THEY WERE AND ALSO FUCKED IT ALL UP LOOOOOK LOOOK
like in general i have nothing against introducing a new species/nation to zelda but the way they did the sonau is just nothing but frustrating to me, coming out of basically nowhere and suddendly being shoved into EVERYTHING, everything shiekah, basically erased bc ACTUALLY the sonau were here first lol and they were so much cooler and better in every aspect dont you DARE even THINK of any other boring old group central to the better game of the two (botw)
like i get it they are the new cool thing but they feel so much more suddendly FORCED into EVERY aspect of both lore and world and how everyone absolutely obsesses over them its like the devs were so scared of the player not being interested in them that they felt the need to make every second NPC obsessed with them just so they can constantly shove in your face how interesting they are (like i think they way this was done just made me even less interested/more annoyed, sorry, their design is neat yeah but i really dont care, you failed to make me care and TELLING me to care wont change that), the ancient shiekah felt so much better integrated as a natural part of the world without being annoying about it and i just ....
i worry about whats to come, both for possible DLC, or worse even another game pretending to be connected to it or just .. in general ... especially given how successful totk was and still looks like its only praised outside of my bubble of like minded people
i now got alot of people interested into my totk rewrite but now im worried ... isnt my energy and time better spent on something else .. especially if they are just gonna make it all worse anyway/mess with it more, like after seeing how much totk disappointed me yet how successful it is i doubt it will get better again
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20dollarlolita · 9 months
im trying to phrase this in a way that makes sense and isnt too long but its not working so: if i had a zelda print jsk but coorded it with all non zelda themed stuff, would it be cosplay lolita? (and also does this apply to the AP x Mario/Sailor Moon stuff?)
(the jsk is/will be made using ur tutorials btw!! you inspired me to keep sewing and designing through my Problems™️ - plus this means it'll have good lace and the right shape etc etc, im just curious if you as a person i appreciate from across the world have an opinion on fandom references vs cosplay)
So I did a post specifically on adapting Zelda looks into lolita fashion back in 2017.
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And back in April when I was still able to stand, I did a coord with a Zelda print. I made the dress back in 2016 as part of a school project, but the coord involved a lot of new lolita fashion pieces that I've obtained since then. The bottom part of the skirt is the opening graphics from Wind Waker.
The really short answer is a JSK made with a printed fabric can be lolita and isn't a cosplay, but you need to make sure that the print is suitable for lolita fashion. I did a guide on that too.
But there's plenty of dresses with Sanrio characters that aren't Hello Kitty cosplays. An interesting brand to check out with regards to this is Secret Honey, who has a lot of disney tie-in dresses. You can see the difference between a themed dress and a cosplay dress.
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Cosplay is cosplay. It's the art of dressing up as a character. In many cases, that's about creating or recreating specific garments worn in the source material. In cases where specific garments aren't being used, it's about looking like the character, and wearing clothing that is like what they could have worn. A good cosplay is going to go beyond just the garment and be a complete look, a head-to-toe costume.
Different from cosplay is things like Disneybounding, of which I guess the non-Disney version would be stealth cosplay. Disneybounding is dressing up in a way that resembles or reflects a character, without wearing a costume. This comes from Disney Parks policy that adults can't be wearing costumes in the park. A Disneybound look can distinctly resemble a character, but has to be constructed of modern(ish), mainstream(ish) garments. The whole look cannot be something that would look out of place at a Denny's at 2AM.
Themed lolita falls much more into Disneybounding than it does cosplay. The main difference is that a Disneybound look is composed of mainstream fashion pieces that resemble or remind you of a character. A themed lolita look is constructed out of pieces that can stand alone as lolita pieces, but that all fit a larger theme.
For an example on my coord up there, the skirt is a themed piece. The green linen was chosen specifically to look like Link's traditional green outfit, and the print is images from the game. My ocarina necklace is also a piece that I would not normally wear with a lolita look. However, the blouse is from Innocent World, a lolita brand. The overskirt was made by a lolita brand and was designed to be a lolita overskirt. The headbows aren't Zelda-themed and can be worn with other coordinates. The legwear was just going for color balance and doesn't actually add to the concept of the coord and objectively speaking, the bottom half of the coord is too punk-themed to really work with the top half of the coord. One of the really great things about wearing lolita fashion is that you can look at past looks, recognize that you like them, but also see things to improve on in the future. This is great because it allows you to experience wearing the same pieces repeatedly without wearing the same outfits repeatedly.
Regarding theme, a lot of brands have recurring themes and characters (Usakumya and Kuma Kumya are a good pair to start your research on). They make a lot of elements that are themed after these characters, but those pieces are themed lolita pieces, and not cosplay. (If anyone has ever done an actual Usakumya cosplay, please let me know ASAP. I need to see that).
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Many people who wear lolita fashion are also cosplayers, and so the community has really tried to stop using "cosplay" as a negative term to describe poorly done lolita. You'll run into "cosplay lolita" still used in context of characters like Wednesday or Misa Amane, where the author or artist decided that they wear "gothic lolita" and didn't actually do a ton of research.
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This means that people who wear their source material's "gothic lolita" look are really wearing a poorly-researched outfit made by someone who didn't really know what they're doing. People will also use the term "cosplay lolita" to describe a poorly-researched outfit made by someone who didn't really know what they were doing, as if "that's the sort of outfit you'd see as a cosplay of a character." However, it's a term that's falling out of favor and really isn't very nice to cosplayers who often spend a LOT of money and time on their cosplays.
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bibibbon · 2 months
Hi, I just came across your account and wanted to ask about characters with wasted potential, which I love to do already. This may come as a surprise, but the antagonists of the second MHA movie (Nine, Slice, Mummy and Chimera) are my favoriteHA characters, both in terms of design and small characteristics, so it was sad to see how the movie made their while goal be "remake the world into a Social Darwinism-type world where there is only survival of the fittest. I have my own headcanon on how I would change the group into revolutionaries who try to use their power to expose the unjustness and corruption of Hero Society, ideologically challenging Izuku, who know that what Nine is doing is the right thing, but it clashes with his own dream of becoming a Hero, which cannot happen when the Hero System is abolished once those injustices are brought to light. I would still like as to what you think about the four and how you would change them.
Hi @patrickowens86 👋
Iam going to be honest my knowledge of the MHA movies is honestly limited as I haven't watched them in their full entirety and the ones i did watch I probably forgot about.
That saying I actually enjoy your idea of making nine,chimera,mummy and slice into a revolutionist group and its a headcanon/rewrite that many have for the leauge of villains instead.
Nine is probably my favourite character in that movie and if Iam correct it was poverty that drove him to do what he did. Honestly I think it would be interesting if nine and his group had a team up with the league of villains and both were there to challenge Izuku and other characters views.
The abolishment of the hero system isnt inherently bad but it's definitely something that izuku may have difficulty in grasping because society has made him believe that to save a person you must be a hero.
Izuku's views and beliefs are ones that don't perfectly conform to the status quo but are different to the views of nine and the others. Izuku definitely needs many characters to challenge his views and vice versa. Izuku understanding that hero society is incredibly flawed is needed for his development and nine/ leauge of villains understanding that targeting kids won't get their point across and that heroes can also be victims of the system is also crucial.
Nine and his teams goal is something that I disagree with. Building a society based on only power so the most powerful are at the top and the least are at the bottom is a huge flaw within their thinking and ideology that they could develop out of.
I think the interesting thing is that all of these members have been ostracised by society due to their quirks and that's something that can connect them with either the leauge or some of the hero members.
Chimera was ostracised due to his mutant quirk which can connect him to spinner, shoji and koda.
Nine was driven to do this due to poverty which is something that both twice and ochako have experienced.
Slice was ostracised due to her powerful quirk which can connect to characters like lady nagant and hawks who were exploited due to their powerful quirks.
Personally I would build on their team dynamic and even have them offer nine help, question him and show that they're a strong team.
Checking from the wiki it's stated that slice and chimera worry about nine. It's also stated that nine shows his much more compassionate side to them so I would like to see more of that.
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w1tchcr4ftt · 3 months
Inside out 2: A ramble of me trying to explain my feelings about it
(under cut due to possible spoilers!!! You have been warned)
In short, this movie went beyond my expectations! I expected good and got better! Inside out is one of my favorite movies and as a person who hates sequels, this one hit the spot! I was so excited for everything and I loved it so much!
Now for a longer ramble of pros and cons and stuff cus I cant organize my thoughts and ideas like a normal person
Everything about the movie was good! The animation, the VA (I love anxiety's voice so much so silly), the storyline, and the pacing were all very well done
I adore the new emotions so much! I evidently favor anxiety... (shes relatable and I want to throw her at a wall) the designs are so very silly and they fit very well
I still love that the emotions can also show emotions and stuff! I think its interesting to see sadness be happy, joy be upset, anxiety be relaxed (the last bit with her massage chair), etc! I just think its neat!
Accuracy. Good God that panic attack scene has a death grip on me, Ive never seen a movie describe a panic attack in a way Ive felt connected to like this. Even so the rest of the emotions like embarrassment and envy's scenes around the firehawks, just trying to fit in is so painfully accurate.
Riley felt like more of a person in this movie! In inside out (1) she felt more like a puppet/vessel for the emotions to pilot, but having Riley actually be a person, even having thoughts of going against the emotions control (When anxiety wanted her to go look at the notebook but she didn't want to) That and the sense of self (which anxiety managed to rebuild in a day, that part gets me that it took them 13 years only for her to remake Riley in a day) felt like it made Riley a person and not a puppet
I love that the movie doesn't make Anxiety a villain, just an antagonist! Shes not trying to ruin Riley, just make sure shes happy, and that means a lot! In a world where villainization of mental disorders and neurodivergency is super prevalent, its so refreshing to see that even something as tough to live with as anxiety isn't put in a horrible light! She has good intentions, but lacks execution. It makes me happy to see something like this, where anxiety isnt stereotyped to hell ane also isnt villainized, but rather just trying and failing to help
Bloofy and Lance. That is all.
Everythint was very fast paced, I wish it was a little bit longer but the message got across just as well
I wish they used Ennui more! I love the concept so much but she felt underused in my mind
On the topic of emotions, I wish they gave Envy more time to be, well, envious. I thought the scene where she wanted Val's hair was silly but we didn't get as much of that like I hoped
I wish we got to see more of the islands and how they har changed especially friendship island! I know that wasnt the point of this movie its just an interesting topic! Wouldve also loved to see some other parts of Riley's mind since it obviously changed since last time!
Again, Bloofy. Lack of Bloofy and Lance content. Was severely disappointed.
All in all, I adored this movie! While there were a few cons I feel like they were made up for! I, again, adore Anxiety so so so much and again I love how the movie made it clear that no, anxiety isn't a villain or a monster or something evil and wront, but rather something to learn to work with! Everything about this movie lived up to its predecessor and im so happy I got to see it!
Out of the semi-serious context, I love the silly characters so much and Anxiety lives in my heart and will not leave me alone. I love the stupid orange muppet and her silly friends who help her deal with all her issues. I can promise you this will be my hyperfixation for a long time coming
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thekingofwinterblog · 7 months
Tolkien's forgotten dragons
So going over a gallery of tolkiens personal artwork, you learn a lot of lesser details about his legendarium that's not exactly mainstream.
Like learning that all flying servants of Sauron(most famously the nazgul) had their own coat of arms a unit, or that they had a specific name(Mordors Special Mission Flying Corps, no im not making that up, that's the actual canon name).
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Or the story of Turin getting that damned bridge built across the river from Nargothrond, which if you just reqd the text might not seem like the worst idea ever... Until you look at an actual draging of the gates of nargothrond, and you realize that any army of large enough size could have crushed their way through provided they knew where it was.
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(Honestly the elves of Beleriand, whatever else their talents might have included, they were not very good at defensive fortifications)
But there is one aspect of them that really stood out to me because it completely recontextulizes a lot of Tolkien's works.
His dragons.
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Now we all know Tolkien's Dragons, most famous being Smaug, and depending on your age, ans how you were introduced to the legendarium, you probably know him from one of the above portrayals.
Enormous, huge body, massive batlike wings, the only genuine difference being wheter he has 4 legs or two.
It's a very iconic image, seared into every single person who is a tolkien fan, wheter it be of smaug, or Glaurung, or Ancalagon the black.
All throughouth Tolkiens works, dragons are also refered to ubder the secription "Wyrm" which likely brings to mind the image above of Glaurung. Not a conpletely different concept, but a dragon that is more hunched over, his center of gravity being more to the geound so he looks more snake like.
But that's not at all what it means.
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It is also a completely false impression of how Tolkien's dragons actually looked.
Because Tolkiens dragons... Looked like this.
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Tolkiens dragons are called wyrms, because just like eastern dragons, they are very much meant to be snake like.
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They have incredibly long, serpentine bodies, massive whip like tails, with a lesser neck between the upper set of legs and the head, and they have very clear and large ears along with huge heads.
Meanwhile their legs have a very peculiar shape to them, with smaller back joins and massive front parts above the feet.
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Obviously they could be a bit bigger and thicker, as aeen with Tolkien's drawing of Glaurung setting forth from Nargothrond, but the very unique design remains. He and all his kind were far more like snakes, than they were dinosaur like.
We also get to see tolkiens ideas of how his dragons looked evolve over time.
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Here is how Tolkien first drew Smaug, and though very different from how later adaptions make dragons, he is not quite there yet. His tail isnt whip like enough, he lacks the distinct shape of the legs, and though Tolkiens smaug was never the level of the Live action movie's behemoth, he is still a bit too small, along with lacking the dragons enormous head compared to their body ratio.
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Meanwhile, here we have a later sketch of his final moments, and you can see Tolkien's idea of his dragons have solidified completely, the legs, the head, the enormous size(comparing him to the buildings of laketown, he has to be twice as big here as the previous sketch if not more), anf of course that incredibly long, whiplike tail that only tolkien's dragons have.
Its a very interesting take on dragons, more in line with Avatar the last airbender than any actual adaption of tolkiens work.
It also makes Ancalagon the Black's apparent size come across very differently.
Maybe he really was as big as some imagine him... But he would have been a giant, flying serpent, ala. Jormungandr the world serpent from norse mythology, not a living mountain as most takes draws him as.
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good [insert time of day here] i realised i never thought to ask you amid my delight of you being the most interactive follower i have that isnt an irl friend do YOU have ocs or blorbos. i wish to know. for reasons.
OH hello yes thank you for asking!!! I have several OCs but most of the time I simply Do Not Explain on here; I have lots of ideas and doodles but I make it mostly for myself and don't think to share — doesn't mean I don't want to tho! exhibit A: this absolutely massive post I'm about to make lmao. putting it under a read more bc Oh Boy, the floodgates have been opened
most of my OCs are for two different projects I have: The Visitors and my D&D Dark Star Campaign.
The Visitors is just a lil worldbuilding project I've been chewing on for.... oh wow, over a decade at this point??? I love all the OCs I have in there very very much, but they're definitely never intended to go in an actual story, I just enjoy the speculative biology and character / world building process.
Val is one of my oldest OCs, and she's changed SO MUCH over the years! nowadays, she's a sort of insect/dinosaur mashup alien who uses gravity warping magic and a very large axe to hunt demons. a huge issue for magic users of her species is keeping cool, as magic generates heat and can literally cook you from the inside out, so you'll notice the multiple vent-like spiracles across her body for this purpose. she was born blind and so relies heavily on her best friend, Django, to be her eyes and keep her safe. fortunately, Django has Too Many Eyes. he's a dragon genetically engineered by those in Val's species to be the perfect vessel for storing and releasing massive amounts of mirror-based magic. this kind of magic gives him many abilities, including seeing around corners, creating illusions, or multiplying attacks when applied in different ways, and he acts as Val's seeing-eye dragon. in battle, she likes to get up in the action while he holds back and gives her cues on what's happening, only jumping in himself if she's in major trouble. she's very friendly and excitable, and loves to get into the culture of whatever planet they're visiting, while he's more interested in observing and snooping. there's a lot of espionage and hijinks.
these are some of my most recent sketches of them, tho I'm sure the designs will changes in the future. specific colors don't matter at all, it's all about vibes! not pictured in the halfway colored one is Val's big iridescent black cape thing that has a slit down the middle for her rigid tail, nor her weird arms since I wanted to figure out where the torso vents could go.
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Duke is another Visitor who visits planets and solves problems, but his path to get there was a whole lot different! I made him up as a coping mechanism when I was 12, and I'm still very fond of him.
he started life as a human video game speedrunner and modder prodigy. in a "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" situation, a devil (very distinct from demons!) struck a deal with him, challenging his gaming abilities with his soul as the stakes. he won despite the devil's cheating, but that's where the resemblance to the song ends. in this world, a devil winning your soul allows them to fuse with you and gain total control over your body, mind, and actions; but if YOU win, the control is reversed! and like any 14 year old who suddenly has the power to rival minor gods and a chaotic creature living in their head.... he goes off the rails for a while. Val and Django eventually find him and help him cope. his powers include electricity, glitching reality, flailing his glaive around, and being a menace to evil overlords.
you can't see it very well in this picture, but his eyes and the segments between his tail glow lime green! I'm not a fan of drawing clothes, but in my head he's relatively fashionable for a teenager and refuses to wear anything other than black. also, he decided to tell me he was trans a couple years ago, thanks for letting me know buddy 😂
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my other project does actually get to see the light of day, if very slowly — I'm running a homebrew D&D campaign for my irl friends called the Dark Star Campaign! none of em use tumblr so WHEEEE I get to post all the spoilers I want! there's a kinda staggering amount of lore behind it and a ton of minor OCs, but the two I rotate in my head the most are Anya the Timekeeper and The Master, aka Armageddon.
Anya the Timekeeper is a chronomancy lich from an alternate universe! she used to help Armageddon travel the multiverse and gain power, but she's decided she's tired of being evil, and now hides in a mansion on a tropical island where she breeds dinosaurs for fun. though she's now very determined to help the party, they'll eventually have to kill her past self to prevent a paradox. her familiar is a little archaeopteryx named Trix who steals hats!
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(I commissioned this art from @/goodlouse a while ago! highly recommend checking out his blog!!)
Armageddon is the BBEG and he's SO EVIL and SO MUCH FUN. he's an ancient amethyst dragon who, up until a while before the campaign's beginning, was steadily finding alternate universe versions of himself, killing them, and eating their souls to gain Unlimited Power™. unfortunately, his partner in time (hah) Anya told him to fuck off, so the quest for Unlimited Power™ has been kinda slow lately. fortunately, a D&D campaign started, and he cheated his way into existing at the players' table as The Master! my players can ask to talk to him sometimes, and I'll put on a mask of his head I made specifically for this purpose — very useful for not breaking character when the character is supposed to literally be the one sitting at the table talking to the players. I don't try to hide the fact that he's evil and they all know it, the fun is in giving them little hints and tidbits of lore to munch on. right now he's being very docile and helpful but things will get very very interesting eventually as more of his nature and plan is revealed..... =)
I'm still playing around with what he looks like as The Master, but I really like this recent design I did. his eye glows dark and menacing. I haven't found a design for his dragon form I'm really pleased with yet tho :/
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okay wow thanks again for the ask, I have many many ideas in my head and it felt pretty nice to get em out!!
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
Idk why but most "this is why Kaeya has dark skin" theories make my skin itch. Like if hoyo makes one canon and the implications aren't horrible then okay but why can't ppl assume kaeya's homeland had more than one skin tone? Like...? That is the easiest answer until proven untrue. Why are we crafting theories around this 😭 No one is out here scouring the genshin text for why sumeru characters are pale. There are so many more interesting things about Kaeya's character to theorize about. Also doesn't the first Fatui Harbinger come from the same place and have around the same skin tone???
anon ur so real i think people obsess over it too much sometimes. on one hand i guess its because hoyoverse basically makes everyone white by default and that includes all the other khaenri'ahn characters we've seen, so, oh, kaeya MUST have a different heritage too– but youre so right that theres cooler stuff to theorize about when it comes to him lmao. and also khaenri'ah having people w multiple skin tones isnt even a difficult conclusion to reach? like even if you use hoyoverse logic (everyone white save for 1% of world population) bc khaenri'ah literally attracted people from all across teyvat. also about pierro (fatui harbinger) im not actually sure, but it sure looked like it in that design reveal for all the harbingers. while we're on the topic the fact that everyone immediately jumped at the headcanon that he MUST be kaeya's father just because 1) khaenri'ahn 2) dark skinned pissed me off a little lolll the hc seems to have died down now but. yeah. annoyed me a bit. interesting concept but gets boring with repetition
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tortilla-of-courage · 14 hours
I'm curious about your first impression of eow! I'm still wondering whether I should get the game cus of the price
im having a LOT of fun with it ngl!! more than I expected
like. okay gonna try to be as spoilerless as possible here. for context im up to just after the first temple/first heart container (in hindsight this got too long so im putting it under a read more oopsie)
the story and lore we've got going on so far is REALLY interesting and im actually fascinated by all the Implications™ they've dropped on how things work in this iteration of Hyrule. im dying to go talking to every npc i can get my very itty bitty tiny zelda hands on
gameplay wise im having a lot of fun too! i was a bit worried when the game was announced that id get bored of relying mostly on echoes to attack enemies, or that things would be too easy, but the way the game limits how many echoes you can use at a time makes it so you can't spam powerful echoes, and so you need to strategize a bit before running off placing echoes across a chasm (learned this the hard way. oopsie)
zelda (series) is usually very high in puzzle-ness already, but i feel like this game truly makes it feel like everything you use becomes a puzzle. you want that chest in a cliff? there's a bunch of boxes you cant move on their own down an optional but very tantalizing path? you ran into an enemy that may be a bit too much for your current echoes but you REALLY want that thing? if you can use your echoes accordingly with the environment you can usually get it without much issue
so far i haven't ran into anything that was inaccessible to my current level/abilities. as long as you place your things accordingly.....
i think if puzzles aren't much your thing you Could get frustrated with it at points, but i find most of the main path ones arent too hard to solve but. again. im only past the first dungeon so who knows how things may change
also the characters I've met so far are very charming and have made me laugh a lot; even the NPCs have unique designs from what ive noticed. and i think getting to see the way Link interacted with the world before we got there from the other npcs is SO cool and gives him a lot of personality. also id die for this iteration of Impa. lovely woman
OH AND TRI oh god i love tri. i was sooo worried tri would come off as Just Another Fairy Thing but so far i adore tri. they (i have no clue if they've got pronouns spanish has Not been clear with it lmao) feel like a nice mix fi and navi, kind of in a middle ground. closer to Ciela from ph's personality maybe? but they have that calmness and matter-of-fact attitude like Fi sometimes. i wish they let you talk to them outside story bits to know them more
i bought it right before it was released last night for $1200 mexican pesos which was about $60 USD, which isnt too bad considering most games go for $1500 MXN/$75ish USD nowadays. but if you wanna wait til it's a bit cheaper that could be a good idea, though i do think this game is worth every penny so far.
like i saw some people say before, this feels like they're taking some of the new things they added in BOTW/TOTK (i.e. general menu formats (but nicer), open world-ish, some abilities, etc) and adapting them to Classic Zelda games, giving the good old 2D zelda style a breath (lol) of fresh air
tldr: so far im really happy with it!!! i played until 3 am last night and i just woke up and plan to play more! Very puzzle oriented but we all knew it coming into it, boss encounter i had was interesting to fight in this new style, and the map is actually very sizable for a 2d zelda from what ive noticed. 100% recommended will report more once i get further in
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biggie-chcese · 5 months
Ummmm can I get a frickennnnnnnnn yomi hecksmile for the bingo
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rain code spoilers and LONG rant below:
yomi hellsmile is one of if not the funniest character in rain code. i was delighted nearly every time he was on screen because his over the top, camp-level Saturday morning cartoon headass evilness captivated me. i like his design but dont find him particularly attractive. i am just thoroughly entertained by the way that he looks like a hazbin hotel gijinka. i mean this in the most positive way possible. it's so fucking funny. when i first saw mr Red Hair with the emo bangs grinning at me and then a name literally meaning Hell Hellsmile flashing across my screen, i had to pause to laugh. what the fuck. this character is great.
the fandom doesnt get it and just hates him for the ch 2 scene or kicking yakou or whatever and like, yeah sure he did all that shit. but he's so funny. nearly every line of dialogue is golden. he should be on a reality TV game show what's bro doing being a cop
as for some other opinions... i do think that yuma should've been able reap his soul in ch 4. i dont have any desire for revenge for yakou or whatever. i just think there'd be something narratively compelling about makoto literally making use of the detectives and yuma's book of death as indirect hitmen for both of his biggest obstacles (yomi and huesca) so his hands would stay "clean" of this crime. using yakou to be rid of huesca, then using yuma to be rid of yomi. it feels strange to me that he had to do all that shit just to get some files. come on bro. just have sex with yomi and steal his keys while he's distracted or some shit. why do people have to die for some tax fraud records. yomi and the peacekeepers dont even put in much effort to hide their assholery and corruption. it's right in your face. WHAT would leaking this information do??? you're the top ranking official besides yomi so who are you even showing this evidence to???? the other knowingly corrupt peacekeepers and Amaterasu officials who benefit from yomi's rule?????? world's greatest mind, my ass. anyway tldr; it's an unsatisfying and somewhat baffling conclusion to yomi's downfall that just kinda makes makoto's plan seem unnecessary and silly. despite this, i didn't fill the "canon isnt real" bingo slot because i dont ignore canon i embrace it! i just have my gripes about this particular plot point
regarding the thing in chapter 2 that makes Everyone uncomfortable... i also dont think martina is a helpless innocent victim girlboss queen or whatever. like she was all down for all that toxic shit until bro brought out the cube machine n she was like "wait you're like. Killing me killing me? damn." like she just didn't wanna die. but she was into the sadomasochism stuff. that much is clear. she would return to him in a heartbeat if he was back in power.
ANYWAY wow i sure talked a lot abt a character who isn't even a personal favorite of mine. the brainrot isnt as strong but believe me when i say i love this guy.
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arent ocean liners and cruise ships basically the same thing? how can you like one and not the other?
oh my guy, theyre certainly not the same thing.
they might seem similar to those of the world who arent super into ships, but theyre both different vessels by design and function. if youd rather watch a video detailing differences, id recommend this one by the great big move or oceanliner designs video comparing the strathaird to the pacific encounter, but ill also happily explain some basic differences because i like infodumping.
see we dont really have a use for ocean liners anymore; they were mostly phased out when jet air travel picked up steam. the only one existing today is the rms queen mary 2.
ocean liners acted essentially as buses for the sea. they offered regular passage across continents. the most famous route is probably the southampton to new york route which is what the titanic was intended for. most of the famous ocean liners were on this route like the lusitania, the queen mary, the normandie, the bremen, etc.
but there were plenty of other routes going across the whole ocean. the italian line had a south american service, canadian pacific had a whole thing from liverpool to quebec that linked to their railways, p&o did a lot of stuff around australia and aotearoa, etc.
because of the regular passage offered, ocean liners couldnt sail around storms like cruise ships do. they had to battle the storm to get to their destination on time which means the ships were designed with this in mind. they are designed to travel through open oceans to cross large distances while cruise ships tend to stay close to the coast and wont travel far at all, relatively speaking.
as such, ocean liners sit much lower in the water and will tend to have a long, pointed bow. this allows them to much more easily cut through oncoming waves. if theyre sailing around icy waters, theyll also have reinforced bows like the stockholm did. after titanic, ocean liners began to be built with a "second skin" to their hull which is just a second hull inside the outer hull to reinforce the ship and protect against damages from anything from rough waves to icebergs.
further, the bridge on an ocean liner will be higher up, often on the top deck. this both aids with navigation for the crew as theyll have better vision, but also stops high waves from breaking over the bridge and covering it with water. the very few times where this occurred were often rogue wave encounters like the lusitania and the leonardo da vinci. the lifeboats will also often be positioned more inward to protect them from any damage from rough seas or weather.
this isnt to say cruise ships arent built to withstand rough weather. they certainly are, but not repeated occurrences of it. an ocean liner was going to face rough weather week after week after week; cruise ships tend to have the luxury of avoiding it.
cruise ships will sit higher up in the water, their bows will likely be much softer in angle and they will sail at a much lower speed.
if an ocean liner is a bus for the oceans, then a cruise ship is a party bus.
while most ocean liners did have beautiful interior and quarters for passengers, they dont hold a candle to cruise ships which are comparable to holiday resorts.
as ocean liners were being phased out, many lines began operating them as cruise ships because they could easily be converted into such. this happened with plenty of ocean liners like the ss france. others were specifically designed to operate as ocean liners half the year and cruise ships the other half like the rms empress of britain.
however, a cruise ship could not operate as an ocean liner because its simply not built for that.
this isnt getting into all the ethics of both vessels and their industries because thats a whole different topic that i feel much less qualified to speak on.
i will say that i am not a fan of cruise ships or the industry as a whole, and that also, cruise ships are so fucking ugly, my dude. they look like badly designed malls dropped on top of ships.
but yeah tl;dr: theyre different types of ships with different designs and functions. see the bus vs party bus comparison, i guess.
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thinking about. that yugioh pokemon fusion thats been rattling around in my head. its been a few days.
so like, i know that yugioh and pokemon games have just been a thing. who wouldnt match yugioh, a series about games, with one of the most popular game franchises in the world.
but like, there are very few fics where its yugioh characters who live in a pokemon world. the true pokemon au that yugioh dm deserves.
anyway im a puzzleshipping fiend (im not sorry) so things have been rattling around my brain for a while.
atem, the undefeated pokemon champion, took the pokemon training and battling world by storm at a young age, his elite four are rumored to be the toughest that the pokemon world has seen in decades.
yuugi, a young man trying to popularize a new form of bonding/competing with your pokemon through collaborative games rather than head to head battle, who might also be atem’s childhood friend who then got yeeted to another region.
atem goes to visit another region for Pokemon Champ (TM) reasons and ends up running into yuugi’s grandpa’s shop. where yuugi happens to be hosting a demo or small competition for his new pokemon trainer games. idk what to call it. games where people compete with their pokemon but it isnt beating each other up. i think yuugi just doesnt like violence and ends up creating these games because he loves pokemon and bonding with them and games. i also think he should be able to keep his game designer roots in every au, he deserves it.
anyway, atem, who has been bored with pokemon battles lately, ends up joining. only to be faced with his old friend that he hasnt seen in years. and who he has been having a very very hard time forgetting (because pinning idk i just read romance not write it). but chooses to ignore that because yuugi also lowkey doesnt react to him at all. but he has fun! he has fun for the first time in a while! but then he has to leave because of Pokemon Champ Business (TM) and hes sad.
so cue his ace pokemon running away from him because atem has been Not Himself lately. as in being pokemon champion has changed him for the worse because pokemon politics ig??? im just pulling from my memories of “red being champion was not good for him so he runs away to a snowy mountain for years” fics because i feel like that applies. expect instead of running off to a mountain, atem just becomes really mean. and cruel. think s0 vibes. (ignore the fact that s0 atem was not that bad and hes honestly my favorite flavor of atem).
so atem’s ace pokemon have broken into the muoto family shop and yuugi is desperately trying to figure out how to contact atem to get them back. (yes he does rememebr atem, he just thought atem wouldnt care to be his friend again/forgot him, so he didnt really talk to atem during the day). cue um romance! and angst! and drama! and fluff!
idk i really like the canon yuugi-atem character arcs and dynamic. they build each other up and change each other for the better. i want that be come across in that au. even though i basically havent explained anything about it. i just really like the premise i set up for it. (no i probably will never write it, but i like sharing my thoughts). (feel free to write it if you want idk if people care enough for that tho lol).
atem is someone who has lost himself in the bitterness and cutthroat nature of the pokemon competitive battling circle, seeing people mistreat their pokemon and how there is so little of what made pokemon battling fun to him in the first place. and yuugi, who was lowkey ostracized for not being interested in the traditional pokemon battling culture even though he proved to be a really good pokemon trainer and battler, so he found solace in the games his grandpa would send him and share those with his pokemon. which then inspired him to create games that people could play with and along side pokemon, but he never had the confidence to introduce it to anyone past the small town he moved to after his parents’ divorce. (why am i putting all the yuugi backstory in here? idk hes just a kid with divorced parents, so his mom took him back to her home region to live with his maternal grandpa and changed his last name to his mother’s maiden name).
but then atem and yuugi meet again! different than they were as kids (i have more on that but idk where to put it), but nonetheless still them and they want to connect again but scared to reach out. until one stray ace pokemon forces them to connect again. atem is reminded of why he loved pokemon battling in the first place and sees it again in the games that yuugi creates. yuugi finds that confidence he needs to really spread his wings through atem’s influence and encouragement. theyre a dream team fr fr.
anyway final notes that i dont have a place to put:
atem’s elite four are his canon priests, idk how it would work but i think having mahad and mana on there would be hilairous
yuugi’s first pokemon and ace pokemon is a gengar nicknamed yami (as inspired by this post)
i like to think of it as baby yuugi being very lonely in a new region and ends up hanging around some of the more dusty corners of his grandpa’s shop, and then one night a stray ghastly pops by and used its smoke to copy his hair and theyve been inseparable since
yami is also insanely protective of yuugi and scared his bullies off for him, and was very very not happy about a powerful pokemon (atem’s ace pokemon) breaking into the shop to cuddle up with his partner
yami and yuugi definitely have a gengar megastone btw
also yuugi has a garchomp nicknamed gandora whose yami’s second in command. i just love gandora a lot pls understand i adore the idea of yuugi being a little guy who just casually summons Gandora The Dragon Of Destruction on his opponents
atem’s ace pokemon is a ghost type, idk im thinking cofagrigus, because, its fitting
he also has a legendary he can just call upon, it just likes him and atem gives it treats every time it shows up (idk which legendary tho, but giratina could be a fun choice)
the Gang (TM) are yuugi’s friends that he made after he moved to the new region and are fairly wary of atem at first, but like they warm up eventually because yuugi likes him
kaiba is there still, and very rich and techy at that, and also the yuugi’s region’s pokemon champion who constantly challenges atem to pokemon battles and lives in yuugi’s town
i like to think steven stone but kaiba, which is to say rich and still makes his incredibly advanced and insane tech, but also really good at pokemon battling
kaiba also really likes yuugi’s game btw, but he never participates because of his trauma (winning? winning in some lame game? no winning only counts if its in a pokemon battle, thats the only way i can show my worth and validate myself) (no kaiba-kun, you just need therapy and some friends, pls let me be your friend and we can play games together)
yuugi and atem were friends as kids and they bonded over their love of games and pokemon, really yuugi was the one who inspired atem to become a pokemon trainer and atem was the one who inspired yuugi to make games, but then the Divorce (TM) happened
no atem didnt go looking for yuugi, its been like 15 years, yuugi probably has his own life now and doesnt need a reminder from the past probably definitely yeah
i think that atem’s pokemon like yuugi more than they like atem
teehee yes im a sucker for that trope, sue me
yeah i like pokemon aus, so what. no but i think about this every now and then and it gives me serotonin, thus i share with you.
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galaxyofender · 2 years
galaxy galaxy galaxy your Treebark fan kids all sound so interesting please share their origins
also do Ren and Martyn have a fav child (shshshsh ik realistically they wouldn’t but t’would be funny methinks
OKAY SO- first of all, here's a drawing of the three of them, look at my kids (from left to right: gawain, lycaon and persephone)
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this post is going to be quite long so uh under a readmore it goes
okay second, i'll start with persephone, because the is the eldest child
when ren and martyn brought red winter, disturbing the natural order of the seasons, they called the attention of a bunch of seasonal spirits, looking for what had caused such a disturbance.
the youngest of these, one named persephone, tries to look closer at the two people who have caused the problem by disguising herself among their villagers. martyn, however, recognized immediately that this girl is not one of their villagers. ren and martyn try to give her back to the spirits, but she returns pretty soon.
persephone starts hanging out around dogwarts more and more often, helping ren and martyn but also pranking them both. martyn keeps joking of trying to return her again to the seasonal spirits that decided to stick around dogwarts, but both ren and martyn find that neither of them want to actually return her back, that they both have grown so used to having her around.
by the time 3rd life ends, ren and martyn look at each other and realize they both accidentally adopted a daughter, so they ask if persephone wants to come to hermitcraft with them, to which she says yes! ren also gifts her the skizz blade after 3rd life.
later on, she makes a separate server for her friends called the oasis, but continues visiting hermitcraft pretty frequently.
(design note: if you know dnd and the eladrin elves, that isnt that unaccurate of a comparison to how persephone works! also she does take the form of an avian most times, usually an owl avian)
second child now, gawain!
soon after treebark adopts persephone, ren gets a complaint from two of his villagers, something about their child being replaced with a changeling. when both ren and martyn see of trying to figure out what is wrong, they meet gawain.
the villagers explain that they just realized now that the fae tricked them and that both are very pissed off about it, and that they wanted to get rid of the changeling child. martyn, being one of fae himself, talks ren into adopting gawain as well, if the villagers didn't want him as their son.
from that point fowards, dogwarts has both a princess and a prince! :]
after 3rd life, he lives in hermitcraft with ren and persephone before persephone makes the oasis server, and also martyn gifts him the red winter axe too.
(design note: for this universe, changelings take the traits of whoever they consider their parents to be, even if they aren't biologically related! that is why gawain looks the most like ren and martyn out of all of their adopted children)
last child, and i promise this one is the last ROVIN SAFETYRAT YOU WILL NOT TALK ME INTO MAKING A FOURTH, lycaon!
martyn still doesn't have a home server, so he is still wandering around as a world hopper after double life, even if he does return to hermitcraft pretty often.
during one of these wanderings, he comes across a village in a snowy taiga and a very young wolf pup in the nearby forest that acts very friendly and doesn't seem to have parents. visiting the villagers the morning after, martyn finds a child with white wolf ears and a tail, hanging around an old woman, who does really remind him of the baby wolf he saw the last night.
asking the old woman, she invites him in to talk with a warm cup of tea, since he clearly looked like he wasn't from here. she explains that the boy's name is lycaon, and that his mom passed away not long after he was born, because of complications with the birth. after that, she took the baby to raise, since nobody knew who the father was.
martyn asks about the wolf ears, to which the old woman replies that she's getting to it. she says that some months ago, lycaon and a few other children of the village wandered too far out, into what apparently was the den of a family of werewolves, and lycaon got bitten.
they all noticed that his hair went white and a pair of wolf ears appeared, and the villagers knew that the child was now a werewolf even before the next full moon. the rest of the village children are a bit scared, not knowing what to think.
martyn brings up that he does know a werewolf, not mentioning that he is the partner of the werewolf he is talking about but being very obvious that he’s so very gay for this specific wolf, and that he might be able to help. the old woman reacts to it in a way of "well, you can try, if the child will come with you."
lycaon, who was hiding and overhearing their conversation, immediately jumps out the second he hears of another person like him. the old woman laughs, and martyn is like "well, i can take you to meet him if you'd like" to which lycaon agrees that he wants to meet this person. the old woman comments that maybe it’s for the best that lycaon is around others like him.
when martyn brings lycaon to hermitcraft and to ren, it takes one look from ren of "can we keep him?" to know that this will end up being another adoption.
(design note: the red shirt lycaon is wearing is actually one of ren's shirts! ren has tried and failed in convincing him to give it back)
other notes to make are:
persephone and gawain are 14-16 ish years old, lycaon is 8-10 ish
i do have other fankids and these three are friends with them!
the oasis server gets made somewhere in late hc s8, so during moon big but before it all goes to shit. also lycaon gets adopted during s9, possibly after the king plot ends?
i did write a little thing about gawain yesterday :D
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