#also they all make the exact same pose and smile in pics like i said it’s cute
touchlikethesun · 6 months
oh, to be a part of the london corporate girlie crowd…
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mrsarnasdelicious · 1 year
German Comic Con May 2023
First and foremost I want to talk about the amazing connections I have made on my very first con. I met people I had already been talking to online and new people who I brought into the Nowalls fold.
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I was in amazing company with a vast array of different people, who were all so open minded and so sweet. I had a hoot and I developed myself a bit more, socially. These girls made the con unforgettable and I carry each and every one of them in my heart. They were amazing to hang out with and to chat to and to exchange idea's with. The connections we made will last me this life time.
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Saturday was the biggest day for me, I had two photo ops and two autographs planned. Arnas first and then Mark. I could not have been more nervous even if I tried. Especially because Arnas was first, so I got thrown into the deep end big time. But it was sink or swim and Arnas was a lovely life guard.
He was so sweet asking for my name and smiling gently and I could barely get a word out. He asked me if I had a pose in mind, which I did, but I defo was far too nervous and feeling the pressure too much to be able to ask him to dip me. He suggested to just hug me, for which I am very grateful still. People say the photo turned out really good.
He was so warm and so gently and I felt like I fucked it up and was so awkward, but he tried his best with the nervous wreck I was.
Mark was next up and although I was not as nervous, I still felt the pressure a lot and I was very closed off to him, which I am sorry for, Mark did not deserve me locking him out like that. I think he felt it and he tried to make the best of what little I gave him to work with. He suggested we look up in the camera all bad ass and that went as well as I could be trusted with at that moment.
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I am not very happy with the picture I took of Mark, but the way he turned it on it's head was when it came time to sign it for me.
I lined up with the giftbag I constructed with the amazing contributions of Nowalls. Mark was very happy to receive his giftbag and thanked me for it, promising he'd look through it later. I confessed to him that his moustache makes him look a lot like my dad. He used to have the exact same moustache in the 90s. So Mark suggested he'd write 'I swear I am not actually her dad' on the pic. I told him to do it, but he changed his mind and said he'd put down a cool film title instead. He came up with '2 Take On the World' and I told him I have to write about that now and he told me I'd better.
My experience with Mark was very pleasant. He is very sweet and kind and is so ready to just have a chat.
He told me about the plans for Nowalls and tried to convince me to participate in their gaming plan, but no dice there, because I am not a gamer, and I have to plan around Fayen. He asked me if my partner was a gamer, trying to get him into the fold too, but I told him that was also not really going to happen.
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After Mark I went to Arnas' line.
To say I was starstruck is an understatement. My heart was beating so fast it showed under my skin. I was nervous and excited and amazed by how open a person he is.
I gave him his Nowalls giftbag, which he took and sprinted backstage with it. He returned after a few second, having gone through it and discovering I mixed up something adressed to Alex. So I asked my friend to go swap it from what was still in my backpack. Arnas made the joke he gets confused with Alex a lot. That broke the ice for the most part and I told him not to be like that. Then I gave him the smaller baggie with his birthday gift in. I made him pinky promise not to open it until his birthday and he better keep to that, or I will fly out to London and spank him.
He signed the photo and we had a small chat about where I was from (boy clocked me as Dutch, saying Dutch people always speak English a gentle way, unless they speak Dunglish) and he displayed his talent for Dutch swearwords. We somehow ended up in an exchange about NL having a lot of atheists, and me thinking it is bc we have a lot of academic inclined area's, though I meant to say scientific and Arnas mentioned Karl Jung being Christian.
Then my friend reminded me I had two questions to ask Arnas. The first question was 'What do Sihtric's tattoos signify?' and I at first forgot to specify it's about the finger tattoos, so he asked me which I like better. I said I meant the finger tat, that the scalp tattoo fits Sihtric well, but that I am not very fond of Jormungandr. He made me repeat the Midgard Serpent's name and then I pointed out I am a Norse Pagan (mostly) and he seemed very impressed by that. His answer was initially that the tallies are indeed that, to count how many people he's killed before he met Uhtred. But then Arnas added on that Sihtric might have just really liked tigers and wanted himself some stripes. And I had to be the killjoy to say 9th century England probably did not know tigers. My second questions was 'What is the name of your season 4 horse?' and he first answered with the actor horse name, which sounded pretty but I can't remember for the life of me. So I specified I was wondering about how Sihtric called the horse and Arnas stated it had been Heimdall, in his mind. He did not need to think on it long, either.
And then I gave him my miffy bracelet. He held out his wrist for me to put it on, but the last few links were all jumbled up, so I could not get it around his wrist properly. My hands were shaking a lot and Arnas first told me to take a steadying breath and then sort of cupped my hand with his free one. I did not manage to get the bracelet to close, so Arnas suggested he'd do it himself later in the green home after he'd managed to untangle the last links, but I told him I would really like to do it myself. So Arnas suggested I untangle the last links outside his line and come back to him once I got them undone. It took me a few minutes, together with my friend. I gave a hoot and Arnas was already coming back around his table to receive my bracelet. I was once more shaking and he again cupped my hand, assuring me it's okay and to take it slow. He also said I didn't have to be so careful, but I then said I did not want to cut off his circulation, which he agreed with.
Arnas gave me a good few hugs (against Mark's single, very half arsed hug. It was soo losey goosey) but I asked to be squeezed real tight. I felt so floaty and kind of like I was falling apart and Arnas gave me such a nice firm squeeze that it put me right back together.
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After that, I spend time wandering around with my friend and chatting up a storm with all of them. When we left it was raining and my friend and I foolishly spent a lot of time wandering around before we found the hotel. We spent a little while catching ourselves in the hotelroom and then went out to eat with a good group of other girls.
The second day I was feeling really under the weather. I had had an aweful night and felt like hellheim shat me out. But I want back to the con anyway, because I still had Alexander's giftbag and one of Arnas' envelopes had managed to stay in my backpack. My own poem to him, even.
We had the panel to attend to first, though. I lined up for a question and so did one of my friends. I asked the lads where Sihtric's family had gone and Alex answered they were with Stiorra and Uhtred's old age, which is a cop out if I have ever smelled one. But I was too nervous to press him for it and went back to my seat. My friend, mostly inspired by me asked Alex for one last 'SIHTRIC', which he readily did. Arnas, almost reflexively went 'Yes Lord' right away, which was such a joy to see, too.
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After the panel we wandered a little (I got myself a huge jumping spider plush) and I went up to Alex' assistant to ask if it was okay for me to give Alex his giftbags, whihc I could, as long as I got somewhere in the front of the line. I managed this and we waited a good long while for Alex to come back from the Photo Ops. By the time I was up, I was desperate for the bathroom. I have the feeling that I rushed through giving him his giftbags, but my friends assure it went well. Alex thanked me warmly and liked the scrabble tile candle I got him.
Once I had sorted my bladder out, I went to Mark's line and asked him for some writing ideas, but did not get much out of him, he really wanted to go on break, which I understand.
I went up to Arnas again and shilled out for a selfie. He asked me how I was and told me a bit on how he was doing and what he had done the prior night, which was so sweet. I took my phone out for a the selfie and the first thing he spotted was the picture on my phonecase, which is of my daughter when she was not yet a year old. I said that it's my kiddo and then turned the case around for the picture of my at the same age. He said he coulda sworn the pics were of the same baby. I showed him a pic of my dad and my kiddo, which is more recent. He loved my dad's garden and wanted to know where in NL it is.
He took two selfies and then made a bit of a face, for which I gave him a gentle slap on the shoulder.
I asked him for example pics of the finger tats, for my tattoo artist, as well. He DMed them over insta and then DMed me again at midnight with the bracelet pic.
I went back for a last hug a bit later on and I might have made a bit of a weird noise. But he's still talking to me on insta, so I did not freak him out with it, too much at least.
I had a blast of a time, even though half of the weekend I felt like utter crud. Paris cannot come soon enough.
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armpirate · 2 years
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Pairings: tattoist!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, friends to lovers, tattoo au, virgin reader.
Summary: You were awful on anything related to flirting, guys and sex. He was the perfect ladies man. You wanted to get rid of your virginity. And he was there to help you with everything you needed. You didn't have the best start, but that didn't mean you wouldn't have the best of the endings.
Warnings: Mutual masturbation, fingering, handjob, dirty talk
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I move my thumbs against each other, having a little fight on my lap as I try to hide my nervousness under the table. Her gray eyes keep reading my resume intensely, and the way she slightly curves one side of her lips down just warns me she might've read something she didn't like.
—So you haven't worked in this field?
The second her gaze moves from the sheet of paper to me, I feel small and intimidated.
—I've tried to do some unofficial work for some companies —she keeps her eyes on me, waiting for me to go on and explain what I've just said—. They kept doing contests for people to create new logos or new designs.
—You said you "tried", so that means they didn't pick your designs? —she looks at me over her cat-eye glasses.
Pressing my lips together, I shake my head slowly. She then nods, and that's how I know it's all over for me. It was the only thing I could use to prove I'm more than ready and excited to work on what I've been studying, and she took it down. Clearly, when you have thirty more people waiting in line to get an interview to work for your company, a person with no experience is the least of your problems. Dump one and one hundred more will show up to take the vacancy in their place.
—As you'd understand, we need someone with experience to be part of our marketing team. Doing some designs for fun isn't enough —she places my resume back on the table, and fixes her eyes on me—. I wish you all the best.
Wishing me all the best won't get my ass to work.
I fake a smile, barely curving the corner of my lips up, as I stand up to shake her hand that's hanging in the air.
Leaving the building isn't any better. Although I feel relieved by this moment passing by, I also feel disappointed on how this is the third interview I managed to book in the past six months just for it to turn out on me being rejected again for the exact same reasons.
Asshole: How did it go?
Jungkook sent this a minute after I told him I'd start the interview. Yet he seems to be keeping an eye on his phone. As soon as I reply to the text he sent thirty minutes ago, he shows up with a new text.
Me: Seems like I'll be serving drinks a little longer
Asshole: Their loss
Me: Thats what losers say to comfort themselves
Asshole: I was just tryna be nice 🥺
I try my best to hold in the smile that aims to form on my face as soon as I read his text, and see his emoji.
Me: What is Mr. Nice doing?
Instead of just answering it, Jungkook sends me a pic. He's posing in front of a mirror inside of the studio, and I can see reflected the tattoo chair where I was sitting when we decided to go back in time in my life. Jungkook's pouty lips and wide dow eyes, while he's keeping two fingers up for the pose make me instantly giggle.
And I know it's way too late when I'm aware of what's just happened.
My phone starts shaking in my hand, and when I look at the screen I see his name again. Trying to get back some of my usual self, I take the call.
—I've been tattooing a cobra for almost five hours.
—Cobra as in the tattoo or a body part?
—Oh... Oh —he says lower as soon as he gets the double meaning—. Dirty mind, I see. There's no better way to cope with rejection.
—You know what's better to cope with rejection? Not being reminded you were rejected —I sigh—. But thank you for trying.
I think it's the first time Jungkook doesn't go along and drag the conversation himself. And it's my fault, to be honest. He was trying to cheer me up, and I blocked whatever it was he was trying to do.
—So... are you done? —I finally ask— I mean, do you have more customers?
—Not until four —he groans, and all I can think is that he's stretching out on his seat—. I think I'll go to the gym, grab something for lunch and come back. Mark is here anyway. What about you?
—I'll prepare lunch and get ready for work —I keep looking back while I head to the bus stop, just to make sure it isn't coming yet.
—I thought you were on your off day.
—I wish —an ironic laugh leaves my mouth just with the thought of having to stand assholes after what happened fifteen minutes ago—. Still three days left for my weekend. But it's alright, I could be doing worse.
Jungkook is about to speak, or maybe he does say something. But I stop him the moment I see the bus driving past me and getting nearer to the bus stop.
—Shit —my legs start running before I can even hang up—. I gotta get going. Talk to you later.
And again, he's almost going to say something, but I end the call before he can even say it out loud.
✸ ✸ ✸
And I confirm today hasn't been my day at all. I've been acting like a rabid dog for most of the evening, which scared some customers away. Or, at least, they avoided being attended by me, because at some point Tammy just told me to prepare those drinks while she was the one taking the orders directly from them.
She knew about what happened before we started our service -she insisted too much to get to know what was going on with my face. She knew how I was feeling because she's gone to a lot of castings to get, at least, a secondary role in different plays, but she was always rejected for several reasons. I guess that's why she didn't take my bad mood seriously. She knows it isn't aimed at her, or my job as a bartender. But the fact that I was so close to what I wanted to do, and how I filled my head with possibilities and daydreams at the thought of being chosen, that being back to reality felt like a punch straight to the throat.
It kind of makes me feel like I'm not good at anything. I kept overestimating myself, and now I'm back to reality: It's been four years since I finished the degree, and I've only been able to get booked for a few interviews, when most of the time companies would reject me just by looking at my resume.
It's pathetic.
And that mixed with the fact that today I let Tammy carry with the whole service almost by herself isn't making it any better.
Not only am I pathetic, but also unprofessional and a bad coworker.
My mental rambling gets interrupted by one thought as soon as I reach my floor: What the fuck is he doing here?
—You sounded off on the phone this morning —he starts explaining—. So I bought some sweets —he raises the plastic box filled with striking coloured candy—, and drove here.
The way he's just standing there, looking so small with his baggy clothes, with his black bucket hat and his squared smile, combined with the fact that he drove here so late into the night just to try to cheer me up makes me suddenly forget about everything that's happened today.
I'm unable to say no, although I'm a bit tired.
We don't really do much the moment we get in my apartment. We don't talk about my interview, or how was work. We just sit on the floor, backs resting on my couch, while we watch a movie he chose. I was hoping for a horror movie, I was in the mood to see some gore content, but Jungkook ended up choosing The Ugly Truth.
—Have you come over to do a teaching class?
And that's all I can think about the second Gerard Butler hangs up the phone at the guy Katherine Heigl was trying to win over.
He shushes me without taking his eyes away from my TV, he doesn't even move his eyes away to pick the candies he wants to eat. Honestly, I don't even think he's blinking at this point. Yet the second I pick the last gummy bear, when he's eaten most of them, he holds my wrist and takes it away from my fingers with his teeth.
—I've only eaten two of...
He shuts me up when his lips collide against mine. I feel his tongue exploring my mouth, and just a few seconds after I feel something light and fruity against my inner cheek. It takes me a bit to process what's just happened, and my pussy throbs the moment I do. I always pictured that as something disgusting, yet the way he sneakily moved his tongue and the gummy went from his mouth to mine... It was too hot.
How am I even supposed to focus on the movie now?
But I do the second he acts like nothing has happened. And we move on to the scene where they're both in the club, where Butler confesses why he doesn't believe in relationships and how he's had his heart broken by different girls. My eyes unconsciously move to Jungkook, after my head remembers how he never invites girls over and how he got himself in this deal instead of going after someone he could end up dating. And my gaze doesn't seem to go undetected since he stops the movie and turns to me before I can even move my eyes away.
—You want to know, don't you? —he turns to me with a funny smile.
—No —I lie, of course I want to know. It's just basic curiosity—. But... if you feel like sharing.
He chuckles with my response, and turns his whole body to me. He frowns, and his gaze moves up as he tries to remember and select how much he wants to share with me right now.
—It was just one —he tilts his head as soon as he seems to start remembering things—. And she cheated on me. I loved her more than she loved me. Simple as that. After five years of dating, instead of breaking up with me, she started seeing one of my customers. She only said she didn't want to hurt me, but she wasn't feeling the same way. Living together, working together... It wore her out.
And that was her excuse? So her plan was to cheat on him until she got tired of the other guy and could go back to Jungkook as if nothing happened? I'm not able to understand how someone could do something like that to anyone. But the fact that it happened specifically to Jungkook, makes me feel some type of way.
I'm unaware of the face I must be making until he pats my head and laughs, trying to make that tension disappear.
—Chill, cocktease. Last time I saw that look, you threw a shoe at my head —he clicks his tongue—. And it's not like you have any reasons to be looking this way.
And he's right. At most, we are just two people getting to be friends as a consequence of a weird deal we both came up with. Getting affected by what he's just told me, in the slightest, is the dumbest thing.
—I'm just annoyed. That's it —I shrug—. I can't stand lies, and I always get worked up when something similar happens in movies or shows.
But is that really everything there is to it? I can't dig deeper in this question, because Jungkook's voice interrupts my own answer.
—You look cute when you're annoyed —he moves his thumb across the frowned space between my eyebrows.
—Huh, so that's why you always try to piss me off.
He puckers his lips while he thinks of the answer, and simply nods before his lips cover mine carefully. He tastes so sweet and addictive right now, I can't do anything but pull him closer by sinking my fingers on his locks.
The care and finesse disappears fast the second we start sucking on each other's lips like our lives depend on it. I know he started kissing me because he saw I was starting to overthink about a situation I'm not even directly involved in, he wanted to wash those thoughts away, and it's working.
Jungkook breaks the kiss, and he has the exact same expression he had the first time we made out and he left when things were about to start getting better.
—Can we go to your room? —he asks with a raspy voice.
The second we cross the door to my room, while still holding hands, he makes me turn to him. Jungkook has the same look he's had the other few times we've been in a similar situation, he looks concerned, but so eager for it to happen that he doesn't dare to say a word that could ruin all of this.
I place my hands on his shoulders, looking for support, the second I stand on my tip toes to kiss his neck. I try to remember the way his lips moved on my neck, just to mimic those same kisses on his skin and get a few groans from him. He sounds so good, it only encourages me to keep going while my fingers start unzipping his pants.
I feel the muscles on his back and shoulders tense and move the second he slightly bends, just to take his baggy jeans off. And his gray sweater follows right after. My mouth goes dry the second I see him only wearing a pair of black boxers. And fuck, black has never looked so good on anyone else before.
Jungkook kisses my cheek and jaw, sliding his hands down my black polo shirt just so he moves them back up, taking the fabric with his digits until it's completely off my body. He moves the reverse of his index through my collar bone, down my chest -moving in between my still covered breasts-, and keeps going lower on my body until it reaches the edge of my jeans.
When he leans over me and I feel his warm breath near my earlobe, I try my best to relax and make my heart beat at a normal pace. But I know I failed when his lips curl against my skin as soon as he places them under my jar, just to leave a small kiss.
—Wait —I stop him, the moment the air hits directly against my exposed thighs—. I know it'll sound dumb, but I don't...
—You aren't ready? —he ends for me—. It's okay —he starts to step back.
—It's not that —I hold his arm—. I'm not ready for that —I move my head, and I'm sure he understands what I mean—, but I want to do something else. I want you to touch me —I whisper, unsure of what he'll think—, and I want you to teach me how to touch you.
Jungkook smiles at that, and points with his head towards the bed. Although he still asks a few times if I'm sure of what we are going to do. And honestly, I am. It's not like it's the first time we are in a similar situation, but it is the first time we are going to see each other completely naked.
—If you want to stop, just say it, okay? —he starts speaking the moment I'm lying in the middle of the bed, and he's following me right after.
I take off my bra and panties, under his attentive gaze. It's almost as if he's waiting for the minimum sign that shows that I'm uncomfortable to stop this, but far from that I bite my lip and get even more turned on when his black eyes travel down my body with such admiration and lust I'm starting to feel dizzy. But that feels like nothing the moment he takes his boxers off and leaves his cock in full display.
Sure I've seen a lot on porn sites, and of course I've imagined them while reading spicy books. And while his isn't as big as the ones I pictured, it's just as impressive how thick and hard it already is, while pointing directly at me.
He straddles my right thigh, while pushing the left one away to keep my legs spread for him. And while he holds his shaft with one of his hands, the other gives soft massages on my inner thigh, getting closer to my throbbing core.
—Put your fingers around me.
And just as he told me, I do it. He feels so hard in my hand, but at the same time so soft. He stops me when I'm going to move my hand up to his tip, and lets a string of spit fall from his mouth to his cock. The moment he starts motioning my hand under his on his cock, he lets out a grunt and slides the fingers of his other hand through my folds without a previous warning.
I move my hand on him slowly, up and down, while his fingers spread the wetness all over so he can start teasing my clit in circles.
—Have you ever touched yourself? —I nod, feel my mouth is way to dry to be able to answer with words.
The moan gets stuck in my throat when I feel the tip of his finger teasing my entrance, moving in circles until I unconsciously lift my hips to invite him in. The hold on his dick grows tighter as soon as his finger slips in, making both of us moan.
—You're so tight —he groans, sliding his whole finger in.
Jungkook starts moving in sync with my hand, and at some point I'm feeling tempted to look up to him to make sure whether he's liking it or not. But fuck, when his eyes meet mine, and I see him with that frowned sexy look, lips parted with a smirk I'm totally lost on him. I swirl my hand on his shaft, which causes that smirk to grow even wider.
I whimper when he moves his finger away, but let out a drowned moan when he adds a second finger to stretch me out.
—You're working on my cock so well —but just like the other time, his free hand reaches my face and separates my lips with his fingers so I can't keep my moans to myself—. Let me hear you. Let me know how good I'm being to you.
His fingers curl inside of me, reaching a familiar spot I've wanted to work on the few times I've tried. And he adds his thumb to the game, moving in circles on my clit. And that's when I know he wants to end me somehow. My head falls back, and my legs instantly move to spread wider for him, causing the thigh caged in between his legs to rub and press against his balls. He lets out a cracked moan as soon as the feeling hits him, and it only encourages me to repeat it a few more times.
—Jungkook —the wet sounds of his fingers are just making me go crazier by the minute—. Fuck, you're so good.
The knot in my stomach is about to crash, just a few more moves and I'll get loose right here and now. And of course he knows. He feels my pussy clenching around his fingers, which only makes him move faster on my clit and that particular spot. His hips start working on my hand the second his dick starts to tighten up against my palm.
A pornographic moan comes out of me when Jungkook's finger rub that same spot for the last time, and just a few seconds after I feel something warm falling over my chest and belly.
—Oh fuck —he moans with his eyes still closed—. Oh fuck —he repeats, but now he seems concerned.
When I open my eyes, he's looking at me worried. Carefully, his fingers leave my body and he gets up and heads to my bathroom.
—I'm sorry —he apologizes when he comes back with some toilet paper.
—It's alright —he starts cleaning me up softly, getting rid of the sticky liquid—. It's okay —I say, before he's able to apologize again.
—You were really good —he wipes the toilet paper over my sensitive core, making me whine slightly.
And while he's doing that, I think of that duality he manages to control perfectly. He was looking hot and sexy just a few seconds ago, and right now he's back to his cute self, glancing at me with a warm smile.
When he comes out of the bathroom, I see him looking around uncomfortably, uneasy. As if he weren't sure of what to do.
—You can stay the night —I assure him.
His eyes look shiny when he looks at me after I say that, but he shakes his head and starts picking up his clothes.
—It'll be better if I sleep back home —I see him dressing up.
Jungkook doesn't say anything else, he just kisses my head and leaves the room. And not too long after I hear the sound of my main door closing.
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sotorubio · 2 years
zoe’s social media content hasn’t changed at all…
u know when i said i'd come back to it i meant that i'd write a separate, original post abt it but who knew even after being semi inactive i could still continue to count on my passive aggressive anons to give me a more efficient way to talk abt my opinions under their comments. btw this is gonna be long n it's only part one i'll add more in a sec <3
anyway. if u want me to give u the benefit of the doubt i can assume u maybe just don't remember s5/6 all that much. the thing is that s7-8 are a unit n the change i'm talking abt has been gradually happening since s7 specifically bc they already knew what s8 was gonna be like. we as the audience didn't so ofc it didn't seem as insidious back then as it does now in retrospect when we know what it was always leading to. also inb4 someone comes complaining abt how i'm just making shit up now: this isn't a new thing i literally already talked abt this during s7. zoe's oversexualization vs mailin's "purity" hasn't come out of nowhere:
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now that said even IF u only remember s7 sm content, there still is like. a drastic unmissable change so idk what ur talking abt. but alright let's move on to zoe's instagram ❤️ here's her s5-6 type of content vs s7 aka what she posted before mailin's season was ever planned vs while her season was already concrete but her story wasn't the focus yet
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n these are her posts just from the first week of mailin's season + the last posts of s7 after her relationship w finn was ending
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i personally don't even think these individually would be bad but it's the fucking ig stories that are the last straw for me.
the nexts pics are from s5-7 n the content zoe posted during it
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we have silly faces & sweet smiles w butterflies, a ton of her in bed in hoodies n her glasses, a loooooot of taste testing n so many vids of her just eating food. the closest we've got to her silly faces in s8 that have been CONSTANT in the past? the sexy teacher look i guess. seriously, not even during halloween, during the sexiest of holidays, did she pose suggestively like this
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her just messing up her shirt looking like she drooled on herself n let's not forget her funny filters!
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n u might think wah wah ur just cherry picking the posts!!!! i literally went through ALL of her highlights n the ganggang account n tried to screen shot every post (excluding dancing, bc we'll get to that in the next part) that could be counted as suggestive n i got like. 3
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n u know what else i realized while doing that? on zoe's own instagram u can find more suggestive/"sexy" poses from kieu my than from zoe herself
now here's the content we have of her from one week during season 8, a season who's protagonist is uncomfortable w sex n is the most vocal abt women's rights n trying to emphasize women as more than sexual objects.
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in all of her pics she's posing w her butt out, she's sensually touching her chest n laying on the floor winking at the camera, almost flashing under her skirt while dropping it down n one of her shaking her hair to the lyrics "sometimes all i think about is you" & "can't make you happier now". now whether or not u wanna count that as lyrical symbolism when she's posting that around the time mailin is gaining interest in her ex is up to u but worth pointing out :)
and it IS imperative to know WHEN these new types of posts are being posted. who knows maybe mailin will organize some feminist movement n zoe will post a pic w no make up to participate. maybe she'll post an ugly hangover selfies after a major party during the season. these are not the Only types of pictures/stories she'll post. but u cannot deny the intentional timing of zoe, finn's ex, suddenly acting n posting like this out of the blue at the exact same time mailin, finn's new interest, is clip after clip emphasizing how much she dislikes the idea of sex/touch & fighting against the objectificaion of women. also literally as i was typing this post out zoe posts a new pic n i was pleasantly surprised to see it's just a cute silly butterfly ring :) oh and also the last slide is her sliding her hand up her thigh w the camera angle almost showing up her skirt :)
also like i said this is long lol but yes this was only the first part <3 in the next reblog i'll talk abt dancing like i promised. u know bc zoe loves dancing! <3 unlike mailin. mailin is awkward w dancing, she just stands to the side. mailin prefers football and is sporty. mailin is one of the boys as they beg her to join their team bc she's such a talented smart athletic girlboss who uses more than her physical looks to be cool.
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sheraphic · 3 years
hiii could you do one of these instagram things with eve.frsn and harry, i just love her style xoxo ♥️♥️♥️
𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
author's note; hi there anon, sorry for the waiting but here it is your request, hope you like it.
warnings; there can be a few mistakes with the grammar.
It would be wonderful If you ~reblog it~ that help me a lot, it inspire me for write more.
// masterlist //
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Liked by nickjonas, barbarapalvin and 3,633,820 others
yourinstagram walked all day and couldn't find the rainbow
View all 32,712 comments
harrystyles I'm looking at one right now
⤅ynfan992 he calls her rainbow 😩
⤅harryfan672 who gave you the right to be the most perfect boyfriend in the world?
⤅harryfan888 @harryfan672 only on this world?
⤅harryfan672 @harryfan888 you're right, let me correct it; the most perfect boyfriend in the whole universe
barbarapalvin love how you guys match in a heavenly way
yndaily I'm not gonna say who took this picture bc y'all know it already
⤅yourinstagram a stranger
⤅harryfan623 @yourintagram omg hahaha poor harry
⤅ynfan018 @yourintagram like, who's harry?
harryfan540 but- her eyes... so damn beautiful
stinegoyastudio lovely lady
yourbffinstagram saw it from my window 🌈
harryfan092 PROOFS!
⤅ynfan176 @harryfan092 what do you mean?
⤅harryfan092 @ynfan176 that they walk all around the city and no one saw them
⤅ynfan176 @harryfan092 uhm?? it's not like every single person in the city gonna be looking for them... You know, everyone have their own bussines
⤅harryfan800 @ynfan176 exactly! Why someone have to confirm that they were walking?
⤅harryfan092 @harryfan800 bc then it's not real
⤅ynfan176 @harryfan092 omg... Get outta here
lookitsnyoh i'm the blurry spot behind you
ynfan388 everyday passed by without being blessed to be beside you
ynfan729 ok but I want the beanie and the scarf
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Liked by yourinstagram, gemmastyles and 8,629,820 others
harrystyles In the middle of a rainy june
View all 52,913 comments
yourinstagram all that green and your eyes are still my favorites
⤅harrystyles @yourinstagram I'm blushing. On my way to... Where am I going?
⤅harryandyn guys stop, i can't cry all day
⤅yndaily she's a poet and he's her inspiration
⤅harryupdates @harrystyles love, i think you got a little bit flustered
⤅harryfan723 i want what they have!
harryfan811 when it will be my turn?
kaiagerber can she be my photographer?
harryfan402 everybody, say thank you to yn for took this picture of a lovely man
⤅harryfan331 @harryfan402 just imagining that he posed for it 🥺
alessandro_michele what a cutie
harryfan101 can- can i be god's favourite for once?
cazoff model material, naturally
adamprendergast_ what a pretty boy smiling at the void
⤅harryfan699 now i now that adam is the annoying friend of the gruop
emiozmen @harryfan699 don't even doubt it
harryking may a offer you an umbrella, my lord?
⤅harrynews one fan said he had an umbrella, but he just doesn't use it
⤅harryfan782 let the boy get wet
⤅harryfan226 @harryfan782 YOU DIDN'T
⤅ynfan335 @harryfan782 this is my favorite comment ever
troyesivan my life is brighter now
⤅harryfan602 @troyesivan we need a collab
⤅columbiarecords indeed
⤅harryfan602 @columbiarecords wait wtf
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Liked by gemmastyles, emmalouisecorrin and 5,290,214 others
yourinstagram contrast 🔹🔻
View all 30,171 comments
florencepugh = 💜
⤅yourinstagram :)
harryfan222 omg i get it now
ynfan889 this is so adorable
yoursisterinstagram this is a lot of chaotic energy for my board
yndaily we love their eclectic little world
zendaya big fan of your hair
ynfan022 how can i not love this two weirdos?
harrystyles you said crazy pose, not dramatic
⤅yourinstagram @harrystyles your smile it's crazy delightful
⤅harryfan700 @yourinstagram can i be you girlfriend too?
⤅harryfan191 @harryfan700 same, i fell in love because she knows exactly what she's doing
⤅ynfan748 this man won the best woman ever
harryandyn god, i see what you do for others
charlotteanneclark a mood
harryfan882 i really love that he feels so comfortable with her and their relationship to let us see this.
⤅harryfan525 @harryfan882 ikr he finallt let us see this side of him and I'm an emotional mess
⤅harryfan106 @harryfan882 i think we finally understand that he has a life and can love whoever he chooses
rosalia.vt happy but confused at the same time
harryfan441 ugh, they are so foolishly in love
t_chalament it's a yes from me
⤅harryfan722 timothee represents me
ynfan831 she matches his personality so perfectly
annetwist lovely pics!
⤅ynfan029 she loves her 🤍
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Liked by dualipa, harry_lambert and 8,190,644 others
harrystyles The route was traced, the playlist was ready; and even like that we get lost.
View all 76,882 comments
yourinstagram told you to give the map and you said no
⤅harrystyles @yourinstagram I wanted it to be a surprise!
⤅harrynews i can't bear too much cuteness
⤅ynfan551 these two are the only couple that made me belive that true love exists
⤅yndaily ow, an older couple having a disagreement🥺
⤅ynfan670 @yndaily i have high hopes for them getting married
mitchrowland I explained to you three times how the gps works...
⤅harryandyn harry and technology doesn't mix well
harryfan661 @mitchrowland he's a baby, you know?
⤅ynfan771 I'm from the future, and i came here to tell everyone that mitch doesn't know how a gps works either
⤅harryfan880 @yourfan771 I CAN'T WITH HITCH
pillowpersonpp oh, to get lost with great music in the background because your boyfriend it's too stubborn yo let you be the guide... Yes, it happened to me too
⤅yourinstagram @pillowpersonpp i hope god receives us both in paradise for having dealt with these men
⤅harryfan720 stoooooop mitch and harry twins
⤅ynfan182 @yourinstagram you're just a genius with your comments! 🖤
⤅harryfan788 @mitchrowland you gf exposed you, what are you gonna do about it?
⤅lookitsnyoh @harryfan788 the best thing he can do it's to bake some bread for her
helenepambrun so that pic was while you guys stop for indications or...?
⤅harryfan693 HELPPPPPPP
harryfan this it's so harry you can't tell me otherwise
harryfan ok but her dress, the vintage car and the vibe of being lost with your lover-💗 ugh, please leave alone with my singleness
mrbenwinston "the route was traced"
⤅harrystyles It was.
⤅harryfan837 HAHAHAHAHA STOP
⤅harryfan681 all his friends are roasting him lol
⤅harryfan716 he's upset, someone quick give him a lollipop!
⤅ynfan682 i really love this side of his fans
⤅harryfan346 @ynfan682 it has to be this way, otherwise he'll throw a tantrum
zanelowe harry mate, you better start listen to your girl
harryfan380 i'm laughing more than i should, sorry for them, but this it's golden comedy
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Liked by harrystyles, jefeazoff and 3,190,644 others
yourinstagram excuse the sunburn
View all 38,672 comments
harrystyles sorry, didn't know the lipstick would be waterproof
⤅harryfan806 did he just say that he kissed her cheeks while wearing lipstick?!
⤅traceeellisross @yourinstagram your boyfriend burned you sweetie haha
⤅harryfan992 i need the name of that lipstick, no matter if i have to give all my money
⤅harryandyn I can't, i just can't stop thinking about harry pecking kisses all over her face
⤅yndaily @harryandyn just thinking how funny It was the moment she realized that the kiss prints couldn't be wiped away and give harry a look like 😠
⤅harryfan714 @yndaily shut uppp! And he just giggling like the fckin demon that he is
harry_lambert ok guys you need to stop because i can't spend the whole day liking all your comments...
⤅harryfan782 then tell them to not be this iconic 🤧
dovecameron it's like seeing an angel in her own heaven
ynfan602 this queen and her eyes are the only reason i'm still alive
reiflerpaige you and italy are old lovers
harryfan503 i love that her hair it's the exact same color as her eyes! It's insanely accurate!
harryupdates you dind't hear this from me, but someone said that harry made that neacklace for her
⤅ynfan101 please don't do this me, i don't have enough tears to express how happy that makes me
⤅harryfan559 I KNEW IT!
⤅harryfan883 @harrystyles do you ship internationally? I would like to order one piece, pretty please 🤍
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Liked by arianagrande, annetwist and 7,380,721 others
harrystyles Malva thoughts.
View all 82,110 comments
gemmastyles I'll never share my favorite color with you again.
⤅harryfan733 this is so funny
⤅harryfan892 yep, that's something aquarius would do
⤅harryfan019 @harryfan892 no proof but i have zero doubts
yourinstagram Isn't that my white tablecloth you're painting on?
⤅ynfan129 someone is in trouble
⤅harryfan899 no in a white tablecloth harry!
⤅harryfan782 i can see a storm coming
⤅harryfan673 @harrystyles hey lad, i think they looking for you
⤅harryfan018 @harrystyles that's it, you'll sleeping on the bathtub tonight
zoeisabellakravitz Try periwinkle.
⤅harrystyles It's already in my notes
⤅harryfan820 most iconic interaction
anthonyturnerhair need to know where i can get those flower pots
⤅harryfan675 omg me too!
⤅harryfan772 i bet he has really cool items all around his place
⤅harryfan099 @harryfan772 i bet he was an interior designer on his past life
⤅ynfan681 @harryfan772 those are yn's flowerpots actually and you can find them on amazon! 🤎
⤅harryfan772 @ynfan681 wait, really?? They're sooo cool omg
⤅harryfan388 @ynfan681 so that means they're living together?!
mollyjane_x Prodigy
⤅harryfan819 he can sit on a rock and we'll say he's a fucking legend
⤅harryfan912 where's the lie?
claraamfo music, reading, painting... Leave some for the rest of us, the mortals.
⤅harryfan891 right? It's like, why he has to be so good at everything?
⤅ynfan723 And he's also @yourinstagram broyfriend 😩
⤅claraamfo @ynfan723 that's what hurt the most
sammywitte I never knew you knew how to paint.
⤅jefeazoff leave the kid explore.
⤅harryfan662 hahahaha i can't with jeff's comment
⤅harryfan982 @harryfan662 it's like they just comment to roasting him
⤅harryfan222 @harryfan982 and we are loving it!
⤅harryfan116 true friendship it's this
flammedepigelle inspired.
⤅harryfan671 oh, well...
⤅harryfan927 now e news it's going to write a ridiculous post about a love triangle between yn, harry and sharon
⤅ynfan813 @harryfab927 don't give them ideas! 🤫
⤅harryfan927 @ynfan814 omg you're right, I'm gonna delete it!
jennynails delivery will be this wednesday!
⤅harryfan712 harry's nails will be malva?
⤅harryfan991 omg that's so cute
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Liked by tchalamet, zendaya and 4,375,092 others
yourinstagram I'm Malva.
View all 42,713 comments
harrystyles In fact, you're the whole palette, my darling
⤅yourinstagram 🤍
⤅harryandyn he loves his little rainbow
⤅harryfan881 yep, that's my heart full of happiness to see him be so in love with her
⤅harryfan092 she is perfect for him. I mean it.
⤅harryfan330 she will take him to the moon for us.
⤅harryfan445 @harryfan330 and all we can say is thank you to the wonderful yn.
⤅harryfan672 @harryfan330 you should stop with that because it's ridiculous... She already took him to the whole milky way 🌌
⤅ynfan168 @harryfan672 omg i thought you were about to say something nasty about their relationship
⤅harryupdates @harryfan672 we thought that too, we were ready to reply back
⤅harryfan610 @harryupdates to fight back*
⤅harryfan777 @harryfan672 your comment was genious
⤅harryfan672 @harryupdates omg, didn't expect my comment will attract so much attention.
⤅harryfan672 @ynfan168 the only nasty thing i could say about their relationship it's that i'm deeply jealous
yndaily yeah yeah, so cute. When is the wedding?
massimobottura Undeniable expression of love.
⤅ynfan220 now i picturing them eating massimo bottura's delicious food... leave me alone please
⤅harryfan688 @ynfan220 this warms my heart
selenagomez Oh, he draw you ❤️
⤅harrystyles He indeed did it
⤅harryfan672 I can't with this man referring to himself in the third person
⤅harryfan339 @harryfan672 he's a weirdo
⤅harryfan980 thank god it's yn's problem now
⤅harryfan100 we finally can have some peace
⤅ynfan764 good luck honey @yourinstagram
⤅harryandyn this comment section it's gold
glenne_azoff now is when you decided to post in b&w?
⤅yourinstagram aesthetic
⤅harryfan771 I'm laughing more than i want heeelp
⤅harryfan821 @yourinstagram idol
annetwist I will need a copy of it
⤅harryfan111 guys I'm crying and it's just 8am
⤅harryfan337 if queen anne loves her, y'all need to do it as well. No excuses
⤅ynfan008 @harryfab337 has been decreed
harleyweir Didn't know i needed to see this, but I'm happy
charlotteanneclark You two put my expectations so high
⤅harryfan723 someone finally say it
⤅ynfan092 now i need a harry to my yn
spaceykacey lovers in their little birdhouse
tylersamj I see a stubble :)
⤅mitchrowland don't give him hopes, @tylersamj
⤅jefeazoff don't crash his hopes, @mitchrowland
⤅gemmastyles stop defending him, @jefeazoff
⤅harrystyles I want to grow a lumberjack beard :)
⤅yourinstagram we already talked about this, Harry.
– comments have been limited –
186 notes · View notes
Prompt — wearing their lover’s clothes! (also, “can I get my shirt back? ’'no.”)
Philioise 🥰
okay so i tried to fill the bill this time! things get a bit hot at the end but nothing worth an r rating!
let's see philoise + wearing their lovers clothes.
It had taken some convincing on Eloise’s part.
Phillip was a man with a very defined style and that style didn’t involve hoddies - an absolute pity according to Eloise. He liked his cardigans, his pleated pants, and his wingtips. He liked to look good and yet be comfortable and wasn’t here to be ashamed for taking care of his appearance. And really, it was fine. Eloise loved it. The only problem was that Penelope had been bombarding her with snaps of her wearing Colin’s oversized hoodies and although she would never admit it out loud, she was starting to feel the green-eyed monster burning in her chest. Goddammit, she wanted to take cute pics clapped in one of Phillip’s extra-large hoodies and post them on every social media account she owned.
But Phillip was not having it. Not even when she went out of her way to make obvious hints as to how she wanted to steal his clothes. Or rather, how she wanted to be given his clothes.
And really? What was the problem? Eloise had full access to his closet. She could just walk into it and grab whatever she wanted and he would not protest. But he was a smart man and smart men did not engage in couple wars with their girlfriend’s siblings. Especially not with Polin. Because out of every two words Colin said, one was Penelope. And Phillip loved Eloise but he preferred to keep his displays of affection a bit more subtle and he preferred his love confessions to be for Eloise's ears only. Nothing wrong with proclaiming your love and devotion for the woman you were sharing your life with every two sentences, really. But being around Colin was, in all honesty, a bit sickening.
But even if his love language were light, casual touches or his quiet but calming presence or listening to her ramble about her day, that didn’t mean he loved her any less. Where Colin’s love was loud, grandiose, overwhelming, Phillip’s love was quiet, nurturing, gentle. It was waking up to fresh flowers resting on a vase every morning, it was coming home after a long day at work to the table set and dinner ready, it was finding little notes scattered around the house, reminding her to take her keys with her, to drink some water, to drive safely. It was a soft kiss on her cheek every morning before leaving for work, a cup of her coffee exactly like she liked it placed on her hand. It was pressed flowers under her pillow. It was a back rub while they read together in the afternoons. It was books with his favorite parts and quotes underlined showing up on her bedside table randomly - full pages circled with this reminds me of you all over it. It was gentle praise and sincere encouragement. It was words of affirmation. It was a sense of finally belonging, being taken care of, and being put first, of mattering.
Phillip loved Eloise in all the ways she had ever wanted to be loved but didn’t dare to allow herself to yearn for and even in ways she never knew a person could love another person. He understood her silences as well as her words and always seemed to know how to make her feel better. There was something in his presence that never failed to make her feel safe.
There was nothing she could complain about.
But she wanted to take a bloody picture wrapped in one of his shirts and post it, dammit.
And then a brilliant idea crossed her mind.
She would see Penelope’s hoodie and raise it. Go big or go home.
And go big she did, indeed.
Phillip had one of those botanic conferences he loved so much that weekend, which meant she would (practically) have the house for herself. Or at least she would have the house for herself once the twins went to bed. The smart woman she was, Eloise had already crafted a detailed plan to tire them out so much all through the day, that the moment they came back home they would pass out, giving her the time to put her second master plan into action. It was genius if she herself said it.
The twins had drifted into a peaceful sleep as soon as their heads touched the pillows. The day had been filled with excitement, laughs, and a couple sugar highs that Eloise had made sure to schedule to last until they were on their way home. The plan had almost taken a turn for the worse on the ride home when their eyelids started to flutter. Nothing a good old banger couldn’t avoid. They ended up singing to the top of their lungs to songs Eloise had never heard before walking into those amazing kids’ lives but now she often found herself humming absent-mindedly.
She placed a sweet kiss on the top of their heads and made sure to tuck them in before closing the door quietly and making her way to the bedroom she had come to share with their father.
As much as she would have loved to take her time
Everything was ready; the lights settled to the perfect intensity, the phone resting on the tripod, and the throw pillows placed in a way that only added to the scene. All that she had to do was get in front of the lens. Surprisingly, the hardest part had been to pick the perfect garment to wear. Phillip had such a collection of nice shirts that it had taken Eloise a good twenty minutes to narrow it down to just two and then five more to come up with a winner. The soft baby blue cotton fabric looked very nice against her skin and it even made her eyes stand out so it became an easy pick. Even though the light yellow one was very nice too. Eloise took a mental note to keep it for a late date. Maybe she would have to ask Daphne to keep the twins for a night one of these days.
Eloise tried a couple poses on the mirror before settling for a suggestive yet not very explicit one. Her legs slightly parted, the hem of the shirt covering just about enough skin to allow the word tasteful to be used but to still spark the curiosity about what was (or wasn’t) behind, the first few buttons of the improvised attire open, allowing the valley of her breasts to peak over the lace brasserie, offering a glimpse of what was to come. The wicked smile adorning her features and messy hair the perfect last touches to her ravishing look. The camera snapped once, twice, thrice. Eloise studied the pictures, nodded with satisfaction, and with one last look at them hit sent.
My sunflower: A little something so you don’t forget to think about me tonight;)
Jesus, El, I almost crashed against the wall.
Just so you know, I always think about you.
My sunflower: I hope so.
Is that my shirt?
My sunflower: Maybe?
You little thief.
My sunflower: Do you want it back?
I think you ought to show me if you had stolen more of my clothes.
Like my boxers, for starters….
Eloise didn’t get much sleep that night.
The next morning she made sure to send Penelope a nerdy snap, Phillip’s shirt looking huge on her smaller frame, making her look like she was wearing an oversized dress. Judging by the dry response she got from her best friend, Colin was about to make a trip to the mall to get a couple dressing shirts. The bar had been raised. Hoodies were no longer good enough. It was pressed shirts or nothing now. Good.
Eloise surprised herself by how reluctant she was to take off his shirt. It had been only a day and she already missed him. His laugh, his hugs, his arms lazily thrown over her shoulders as they laid on the couch, the way he wrinkled up his nose with the first sip of tea… she missed having him around and the peace knowing he was close brought her. And it was funny because until that moment the realization of how used she had gotten to having Phillip by her side had not hit her. Their broken souls were two sides of the same coin, joined and twisted and embroiled until they became one.
So she threw a pair of jeans on, tucked the shirt in the pants, and went on and about with her day. The twins didn’t even bat an eye when she descended down the stairs muffled in their dad’s favorite gear. It was almost as if they had been expecting it for a while. In retrospect, they probably had not given it any thought because they were kids, smart kids, but kids and children didn’t tend to have the same worries as adults. For them, sharing clothes didn’t have a special meaning.
And Eloise realized that she should have gone digging into Phillip’s side of the closet a long time ago. Thinking about it, she couldn’t come up with the exact reason why it had gotten her so long to finally do something that had been on her mind for a while.
But Eloise didn’t have much time to dwell on the reasons behind her actions - or lack of them. Because the door sprung open, startling everyone inside, to reveal a smiling Phillip, bag hanging lazing from his shoulder.
“Daddy!” The kids rushed to his encounter, screaming happily, and attached themselves to his legs. He scooped them up, each in one arm, and when he looked up his eyes locked with Eloise’s. A knowing smile immediately overtook his features. Eloise knew that smile knew what it meant. It was the promise of something to come and it never failed to send a wave of heat down her stomach.
“Hi,” he had to lean in slightly to give her a soft kiss on the lips. The kids made disgusted noises and Phillip took it as his cue to let them run free. He watched them disappear up the stairs and only then did he turn his attention back to the brunette, his eyes burning into hers. “Is that my shirt?”
Eloise licked her lips. “Maybe.”
He grinned, closing the distance between them in two long steps, his lips brushing against her neck, tentatively running down her collarbone until they reached the valley of her breasts. The air caught in her lungs. Her eyes closed. And then he stopped. When she opened them again, he was smirking down at her. “Can I get it back?”
Somehow she managed to find the strength to talk. “N-no.”
Phillip grinned evilly. “Not even if I do this?” His fingers teased the hem of the shirt, sending a wave of electricity down her spine whenever they grazed her skin. Slowly, agonizingly slowly, he started unbuttoning the shirt, leaving a kiss on every inch of exposed skin.
“If you want your shirt. You are going to have to rip it off of me.” Eloise breathed out. And Phillip's eyes burned with desire and something that looked a lot like a promise.
Let’s just say, the shirt ended on the floor.
When she came into their bedroom later that night, there was a bag resting on her side of the bed. She looked around for him but he was nowhere to be found. Never one able to resist the temptation of satisfying her curiosity, she looked inside. Tears filled her eyes because there, resting in the bottom of the bag was a brown hoodie. Strong arms wrapped around her from behind, the warm breath against her neck making her hair stand up. "I would give you the world, my sunflower. All you have to do is ask."
It had taken some convincing on Eloise's part. But she never needed to try so hard.
59 notes · View notes
stevenbasic · 4 years
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“Oooo look at that one! And ahahah that one!” she sang, as we sat next to one another on the empty beach, “They look the same! You’re really just as good as any of the photographers I used to work with!”
“Oh, I don’t know…” I replied, trying to keep the silly delight I was feeling, being lauded by Melissa, out of my voice, “i-it’s probably just these better cameras, on these phones, these days…”
“No, no, you’re really good!!” she flattered, scooching herself closer to me. We had been sitting like this, next to one another on her towel in the sand, all alone, for a while now. We were going through the pictures of the day, the little “modeling shoot” she’d asked me to do for her, this afternoon after our morning classes at the conference. She was flipping through them on my phone - which she insisted we use - in trying to duplicate some of the shots she’d done at a photoshoot on this same exact beach, this little nature reserve, six or so years ago. Or was it two, or three? I had trouble pinning her down, on that one. Anyway, she wanted to put the pictures up on Instagram, she said, for a joke. Melissa had tossed the gauzy tapestry of her sarong over our heads, to keep us shielded from the late afternoon sun and able to more easily see the pictures on my phone's meager screen. The moment, thus, was intimate, the space between us tight...
“C’mon…” I deferred. It was disconcerting, how excited I was by her plaudits, how eager I was for her praise, even if it was just for my photography skills. We had been so friendly, here, all alone on our basically private beach over these past few hours. With no one else around, I had no airs to keep up, no appearances to maintain, and my guard had come down without a fight. I had allowed myself to both relax and give in too easily and too fully to the temptations of her flirty friendship. “I’m no photographer, really…you’re obviously just a really good model...”
“Ahhh, I was never really a ‘model’,” she deferred, “just a girl with the boobs some energy drink company wanted in their ads. But thank you...” She giggled, and nudged me with her bare shoulder. “...and you should learn how to take a compliment,” she told me. 
My heart fluttered.
I also can’t begin to tell you how fucking turned on I was. I’d just spent the better part of the afternoon following her around as she posed here, posed there, once in a while disappearing behind boulders or bushes to change in and out of multiple swimsuits for this, our ersatz modeling session, trying to duplicate the last time she was here. “Before” pictures stored on her phone, “After” now on mine…
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I must have looked like an overeager simp, a wide-eyed supplicant, when she - with demure giggles - had initially peeled off her beach dress to reveal her first bikini, a little, overmatched yellow thing, and asked me to start snapping. 
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She had framed it as a chance to see if she still “had it”, now that she wasn’t nineteen years old. Oh, she had it, I’d quickly and convincingly been shown, and in spades. In fact, the afternoon quickly became a study in how much bigger her tits had grown over the last few years, how much more Melissa there was everywhere, what kind of womanly body she was - if she's to be believed, god help me - still growing into. Our first looks, comparisons of the previous shots to today’s, were ample demonstration of that - it actually made her laugh: “Omigod I look huge in that one!!” or “I’m like twice the size I was then!!”  To her it was a joke but in all honesty it actually was quite dramatic, sitting here with her now, looking at these pictures.
It was also quite dramatic how soft her skin felt. 
She was leaned into me, under the canopy of her sarong, the skin and supple flesh of her bare left arm, shoulder, hip, thigh pressed abundantly against my sallow side. The day had cooled as evening approached, and her warmth was pleasant, the scent of her beach-sweetened body saturating our little space with its luxurious richness. My view - even notwithstanding the bikini pics - was equally enthralling. She had changed, after our shoot was done, back into her burgundy suit, because I had told her - when asked, pressed on the matter - that it was “my favorite”. So now our private world under the shade and shelter of her skirt was filled with her lap, her hair, her big, soft breasts in her string bikini. Sunlight dappled in, shadows emphasizing everything. 
I was so fucking hard. 
“I, uh, did take photography in college…” I conceded, bathing still in her praises and painfully aware of my erection, which was nearly a third person in our little makeshift tent. 
“Seeee??” she squealed, bumping me with her shapely hip, “I knew it! You were so good, too, making me feel comfortable, like a real professional.” She flipped to another photo, nonchalantly zoomed in on a little detail...
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“How do I always seem to manage to get sand on my boob..?” she asked, more to herself in an aside. If she heard me chuckle I’m lucky; I was worried it sounded like a whine.
“It is a little weird traipsing around in front of your boss in a bikini,” she said, now casually flipping to the next picture, “but you were such a gentleman.”
Ha - ‘gentleman’. If only she knew the battle I’d been fighting all afternoon, trying to keep my composure, trying to look at ease as she giggled and bounced and posed, rolling in the sand, playing in the surf, smiling - or seething - for the camera.
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 I saw sides of Melissa I’d only seen in the countless images of her I’d surreptitiously collected on my pc at work, from her Instagram, ones I’d scoured from the net.  But here, in person, in the flesh, she looked bigger and more voluptuous than ever, and it had been all I could do to keep from outright groaning at times, when she would emerge from behind a bush, or a boulder on the beach, in a new bikini or one-piece. I might be kidding myself but I hope I made it look like I was keeping my cool and snapped pic after glorious pic. I was doing the best I could but in the end I knew I was not made for this; my heart is too weak and I was honestly afraid I might pass out.
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And these photos are all on my phone, I thought to myself, in a lurid anticipation.
“Well, you really look beautiful, in all of them,” I said, nodding but immediately knowing I’d said someth-
“Oh my god thank you!!” Melissa gushed, turning my way in our little shelter and dropping the phone, forgotten, onto our towel. “You are so nice, so great..!”
My heart nearly stopped as I looked at her, our faces inches away. Eyes made up, makeup heavy and dramatic for the camera. Her hair a huge soft mess of deep brown abundance, her dimpled smile and perfect cheekbones riveting and...
Fuck. She is so fucking gorgeous. 
She inched in closer.
Omigod is she going to..?
“I could just kiss you right now!” she laughed, her smile growing wide and her eyes dancing, playing over my face and then flashing as she read my reaction, the moment between us suddenly wired, charged. 
I can’t let this explode, I can’t I can’t I c-
“I-it’s true…” I mumbled, dropping my gaze away from hers back to the phone, laying beneath her thighs. I knew I should stop, stop. “I m-mean...the pictures came out g-great…”
Looking down, my eyes could not help but be drawn to her great breast, tanned and huge and swollen in her taut burgundy bikini, stray grains of sand the only imperfection on the smooth expanse of its skin. She was for the moment quiet, and breathing. Oh god I just stared. 
“D-Doctor J..?” she finally began, her voice dropping, cracking, sounding - for the first time - like she was unsure of something, “Do you like spending time with me?”
Oh jesus.
“Y-y-yes, of course,” I replied, unsure of what to do. 
“Okay...okay,” she continued, her voice still shaky. She was obviously trying to gather herself. “I was worried that I was maybe being too...pushy, that maybe you didn’t really want…”
Her words trailed off, and I could feel her looking at me, watching my face. I hoped to god she couldn’t tell that I was just staring at the swell of her big left breast, that rather she took the downturn of my gaze as just an inability to hold hers. 
“N-no, really, it’s...fun. Y-you’re fun,” I said, dumbly, too meek of course to tell her that every moment with her had been like a fantasy come true, that I would kill to spend every last second of mine just staring at her, ogling her, my only air the tanning oil and perfume from her skin of this moment right now. 
I had to hold my tongue, before saying anything else stupid. 
“We do have fun together, don’t we?” she continued, her voice dropping, familiar, “it’s been great, down here, watching you relax.” The slow, rhythmic burgeoning of her chest, how each of her strong breaths inflated her breasts into the tautness of her swimsuit, soft flesh bulging against its confines, had me hypnotized. “I like seeing you loosen up, enjoy yourself. I like seeing you have fun. I like helping you do that. In fact...I guess I should tell you. I have a little surprise for you…” she said. 
“A...a surprise?” I asked, witless at this point, eased into a tranquility of sorts by the closeness of her body, by her calm, even voice.
“MmHmm...a surprise,” she answered, gentle giggles sending jiggles through her boobs, “you lucky boy, you get another two days down here. You needed a break, you needed to relax, so I had Randi change flights for us, get another couple days away, another two days of vacation…”
“T-t-two days?” I asked, suddenly confused. I was going to...what? Be away another two days from the office? But the conference would be over, everyone else long gone. Except...wait. “Y-you too?” I asked, eyes up to meet hers for the moment, “You’re staying too?”
“Of course…” she purred, watching my eyes drop again, seeing my anxiety quickly assuaged, “If that’s alright? We can stay longer, just you and me. So we can relax, maybe talk about some of the stuff I learned, changes we can make in the office. Is that okay?”
“Uhhh…” I began, as the complications started to rise in my head. There were patients to be seen, things to do, and then there was- 
“I already okayed it with Sheryl,” she answered, as if reading my thoughts, “And we moved your patients. We took care of everything. It’ll all be fine, it’ll be so nice…”
“Y-yeah…” I replied, apparently agreeing to all this. Two more days? Just with Melissa? With Melissa, the beach, and her...her...
”Good..!” she chirped, jiggles again through her chest, “because I wayyyy overpacked. I have so many outfits I haven’t been able to wear yet...” Casually, she brushed a few grains of sand off her left breast, sending more seismic ripples through her tit. “And now I get to wear them just... for... you!”
She booped me on the nose.
She booped me on the nose?
I looked back up at her for a second, then down again, my eyes once more drawn helplessly back, surreptitiously askance, by the gravity of her breast. My view settled; I’d never seen those little freckles before, emerging from her tan.
“Do you want to look at any more pictures?” she asked, softly, obligingly. My phone, with our photoshoot, laid forgotten under her.
“n-n-no...thank you...” I squeaked, eyes now absolutely plastered on her breasts. Somehow I still held onto the hope that she didn’t realize I was all but outright gawping at her tits. Her cleavage was incredible, her big breasts squashed just enough between her arms to make them swell voluptuously together. I imagined, right then and there, what it must be like to slip in between them, slide into there, disappear, live in there, lost in her abundance...
”So we’ll leave late on Sunday morning, instead of early Friday,” she began again, satisfied, “Randi moved our flight to Sunday morning at 11:15. We’ll get a taxi from the lobby at nine, so you’ll need to be packed by…”
She paused.
“Dr J?” she asked, “Were you listening to me?”
”w-w-what?” I stammered, as my gaze shot back up.
”I said...were you listening to me?” Her eyes bore into mine, sternly.
”y-yeah...I was listening?” I felt like a schoolchild, caught daydreaming in class by his teacher. His huge, supermodel teacher with the ginormous tits.
“Really? You were listening?” Melissa retorted, the smile cracking her cheeks disbelieving me already, “Or were you just lost in my boobs?” 
Suddenly, she tossed her sarong, our shelter from the sun aside. My eyes were assaulted by the late afternoon sun; I squinted, shied back. Aside me, she sat up straighter. 
I was gaping, speechless as Melissa looked down at me, brow arched in already-final judgement. “Hmmm?” she hmmmd, “Were you? Anything to say?”
My mouth was open, my jaw slack, but I had no words. 
Firmly, she trapped my chin in her hand and - looking me straight in the eye, began to nod my head for me. “ ‘Yes...yes I was Melissa…’” she said, dropping her voice two octaves and moving my jaw like a marionette dummy, speaking for me, imitating me with the voice of a doofus, “‘I was looking at your boobs…’ ”
“N-No! Really I w-w-wasn’t…!” I pleaded, as she already began to laugh, releasing my chin. I was flushing hard, my heart and stomach having dropped themselves onto the sand, out of my body. “Please, Melissa, I was just-“
“Haha omigod  don’t be embarrassed! I’m joking!” she laughed, reaching her hands behind her to gather her hair - and of course casually present her magnificent chest, “I know they’re totally a distraction. Kinda hard to ignore.” My eyes flitted between her face - keeping eye contact - and her chest - trying not to ogle. What did she want me to do?!? “And you’ve been such a gentleman, doing your best not to, like, stare all afternoon.”
Oh, if she only knew...
“uh no, I uh…” Holy shit this was terribly humiliating.
”Shh it’s okay, you’ve been a good boy, you’ve earned it, taking all these pictures for me...,” she laughed, tossing her hair out again, in a voluminous wave behind her back, “stare all you want..!”
“oh my god…” I groaned, writhing in silent humiliation, overwhelmed by the indignity of the moment, and trying to look anywhere but at her chest.
To that, she just laughed. “Oh shush,” she insisted, “We both know you’re married, you and I both respect that.” She reached out to push a stray lock of hair, windswept, off my forehead. “But I know you’re just a man, and they’re boobs. It’s just a natural impulse.” She smiled at me, munificently. “So it’s okay, really…it happens all the time.”
“B-b-b-but, Melissa…” I began, stammering. I needed to...I dunno! Tell her I was...better than that! 
“Are you just not used to being with girls in bikinis, is that it?” she asked
“Uhhhh…” what?? “M-maybe…?” I answered, my voice trailing off. 
”Omigod look how embarrassed you are!” she cooed, “That's sooo cute!”
”No, r-really, M-Melissa, I, uhhhh…”
”Shhhhhh...it’s okay, really, I’m used to it” she said, her voice reaching out to soothe me, her eyes drawing me to her in their own embrace, “You don’t have to be a gentleman all the time…”
I had a lot of help on this one, from readers here at tumblr to my normal supercharged band of miscreants (DB20, Beetle, Antares). And huge props out to the morphers whose original images I used - MagicGrowthHormone, Stella5945 and @iphotoshopu​..I hope I'm not missing anyone.
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tuancore · 4 years
Lost You (Part 11) :
Starring- Jinyoung x reader
Genre- Angst
Summary- It's your choices and actions which made you miserable.
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Standing outside your apartment's door, you examined the door briefly, every single line and curve, remembering the time when you both first moved to this apartment after coming to Seoul, everything flashing before your eyes, rethinking your each and every decision in life. When you first came to Seoul, you felt like an outcast but with Jinyoung by your side, you had that hope of everything going to be alright, can't believe that same Jinyoung became so unfamiliar to you. Twisting the doorknob, you stepped in, just like the first time you entered with him.
Your eyes were covered with a velvety blindfold, you felt like stumbling every now and then in your heels, not knowing where he was actually taking you. He took you by surprise by picking you up in his arms, your hand naturally flying behind his shoulders. He chuckled seeing that terrified expression on your face, "Easy, angel I'm not going to drop you".
"Jinyoung, I swear if you're taking me to some horror house, you know how horrible they are" But he didn't reply you but kept on chuckling, making your stomach churn with anticipation. A ding sound, perked your ears, it was an elevator. He stepped out of it walking for awhile and then stopping again, "Angel,I found the best place for us, exactly what we were looking for", stepping in he gently placed you on your feet, slipping your blindfold.
"Welcome to our home" He grinned, seeing your shocked reaction. You gasped seeing all the showpieces and furnitures, all were exactly the same what you used to always discuss with him. You faced him with tears of joy in your eyes, smiling adoringly at him, "Everything....is exactly the same...". He nodded, hugging you gently while you melted in his arms,"You're such a crybaby..." Wiping your tears he cupped your face with both of his hands,staring into your eyes, he said,"I promise you angel, as long as I am with you I won't let you shed a single drop of tear. And that I'll keep you forever happy and safe in my arms".
The truth is promises are meant to be broken. You always heard that but never believed it until today. All of his words were nothing but sugar coated sweet talks, none of his promise were meant to keep. Dragging your feet to the middle of the living room, you stared at the large couch, it was Jinyoung's decision to keep it there so that you both could cuddle and watch movies on Sundays in each other's arms.
What was that for if he couldn't trust you enough?
Your gaze shifted towards the wall in the front, which at this point looked like some stalker's wall. Jinyoung out of many of his hobbies he was very much passionate for photography as well, and his all time favourite muse was you. You remember, how he used to budge you night and day to pose for him, most of the time you obliged which made him always run after you with a camera. After some time you got irritated, of his constant clicking, so you strictly ordered him to not to click your pics.
"Okay Okay! I won't ask you anymore to pose for me" He rose his hands in surrender, seeing a huge pout on your face.
He loved clicking your pics but it got irritating for you, since you wanted to enjoy moments with him without phones and cameras while he wanted to capture all the moments to reminisce about. So he found another way to keep on clicking your pics rather asking you to pose for him, he took your candid shots, whenever you fell asleep, or when you watered the plants, or when you cooked, when you jammed to your favorite songs, when you read books, or whenever you did some work on your laptop. He just loved you and only you. The wall was wall less and your face in frames more.
What was that for if he couldn't love you enough?
Out of so many pictures one was your favourite, subconsciously you walked closer to the frame taking out from the wall, caressing the image ever so lightly. It was a photo which was a candid shot clicked by JB, when you all went to the Disneyland in LA while visiting Mark's parents there.
"Why are you grinning like that?" Mark asked seeing your stupid grin, but failed to noticed two cones of ice cream in your hands. So you extended your hands showing him the cones, "My favourite ice cream!".
"Two cones? Each with five scoops?" Jackson commented not believing your childishness, "Ten scoops, are you even a girl?". Glaring at him you muttered 'idiot',"Of course I'm a girl that's why I love ice cream".
"More than Jinyoung?" Youngjae asked, teasing you on purpose. "Obviously!", You tilted the heads of both the cones forming a triangle as they the topmost scoops touched eachother, others mouthing an 'Ugh'. Your sparkly eyes became crescent happily biting on the scoops at once, when all of a sudden Jinyoung appeared out of nowhere back hugging you, his mouth on top of your head making it look as if he was about to bite you. Thats when JB clicked it. It was such an adorable picture and your favourite as well.
Someone really has said the truth, that only pictures last forever. Gripping the huge photogframe harshly in your hands, you threw it with a sudden force making it land at the corner of the room with a loud shattering noise. Everything was already over, so what was the need to keep reminiscing over such petty things.
"Youngjae-ah.....Why?....." Jinyoung whispered in disbelief holding onto Youngjae's shoulder, he couldn't believe that Youngjae whom he thought of his smaller brother would hurt him in the most cruel way possible.
"It's not only Youngjae hyung but your so called friend Jisoo too" BamBam hissed, at the thought of Jisoo. Jinyoung snapped at BamBam with shock, another hard punch in his gut, "What are you saying?....".
"Yes, Youngjae and Jisoo were the ones playing you, noona and Jackson hyung like a puppet without any of your knowledge and if you think I'm lying then why don't you ask Youngjae hyung yourself" BamBam concluded with a stern face. Jinyoung turned around facing Youngjae with a furious eyes.
"Why the fuck would you do this to us?! Why Youngjae!?! Why!!" Jinyoung snarled gritting his teeth, his hands wrapped around Youngjae's throat almost cutting his oxygen, Mark and Jackson pulled him from Youngjae while he coughed his lungs out, his own tears spilling out.
"Because I love her....I always have....It hurt everytime I saw her in your arms smiling and giggling, I—.....I felt that it could've been me instead of you whom she loved more than her life.....and to protect my heart from bleeding anymore. I seperated you both" Youngjae's explanation made everyone beyond shocked. They all never thought the reason behind it was another complication.
"The fuck did you say Youngjae!!" Jinyoung growled breaking from Jackson's and Mark's grasp, landing a harsh punch on Youngjae's face which made him fall on the couch behind him, Jinyoung hovered over him punching him a few more times.
"Stop It Jinyoung! Stop it!!" Jaebeom and Mark shouted trying to get him to stop but he was too mad to pay attention to those words, when Youngjae pushed Jinyoung from him throwing a punch at his face, with blood gushing out of his own nose.
Youngjae got up on his feet, wiping the blood spurting out of his nose from his hoodie's sleeves, his cheeks also scraped from Jinyoung's hard punches.
"Since when?" Jackson asked sternly, glaring at him. Youngjae smiled at the mere thought of you, continuing, "Since University, she was my senior. I fell in love with her over time, she was not only gorgeous but kind as well. She saved me from getting bullied almost for an year and after that everyone stopped bullying me, how could I just not fall for her? I planned to confess her but Jinyoung hyung beat me to it! And my heart shattered when she accepted his love, I was broken......".
"Bullshit! You never told me that you were getting bullied back then!Plus she never told me" Jinyoung asserted. "I was! But whenever I was with you all I saw was you drowning in stress to get your master's degree and your father's constant ranting, so I kept quiet!".
"She never told you because I asked her to promise me to not to let you know about me getting bullied otherwise you'll get another reason to stress over and I didn't want you to!"Youngjae informed with his fists clenched in rage, "When she finally became your girlfriend, I thought of moving on so I tried dating but hell not a single girl I've been with could compare to her, I tried hard to convince myself that she belonged to you, she loves you but no my heart wouldn't listen.....it continued to ache for her, how could I just throw away the love which I had for her for past five years!".
With that Youngjae began to untangle all the strings, how he saw Jisoo working for Jinyoung, and from the way she looked at his with those heart eyes was enough to tell that she was in love with him, so he proposed the idea to Jisoo while as accepted it without any second thoughts. All they were waiting was for a right time and a perfect plan, and they got that exact opportunity when he saw you and Jackson meeting frequently without Jinyoung in range.
Coming to those photographs, he didn't had to do much at all, he simply clicked the pictures of Jackson's bedroom with every minor details, and technology gave him the exact environment Jackson's room had, but the real problem was in finding a boy who had same physique as that of Jackson and vice versa for the girl, so that your faces could be photoshoped accordingly, but that stupid girl forgot to hide her streaked hair.
"If you loved noona so much then why did you slut shame her like this?" Yugyeom snapped. "Jinyoung hyung was always insecure of the boys around her, so I kicked him on his weak spot. I couldn't believe when he believed in those fake photographs more than his own girl, I guess he really didn't deserve her".
"Youngjae......it's not love, it's obsession. Love is when you let the person you love just be happy, you completely shattered her! Jisoo and you both hurt the persons you loved! If you really loved her your heart would've ripped out everytime she suffered! It's not love Youngjae-ah, it's your obsession,it can't be love, it's not love........it's not......." JB croaked out choking on his own tears.
"After what you've done to her, Do you think she'll ever come to you? Do you?" Mark belted angrily. "She won't come to me but atleast she won't go to him either" Youngjae hollered with a sick grin, "And that's enough for me. If she can't be mine then she won't be his either".
"Youngjae fucking get out before we really do something to you which we'll regret for eternity!" JB yelled, motioning towards the door, shooting a last smirking gaze towards Jinyoung, he left without a protest.
Jinyoung dropped to his knees, feeling all the pain you felt through these days, all the tears you've shed for the pain he has given you. Small painful whimpers escaping his lips, everyone watched him crying.
"As much as I want to sympathise with you.....I can't, it's you who have brought this upon yourself" JB commented with a poker face eventhough his heart ached for Jinyoung. JB's remark send him further into the pit of guilt and remorse.
"Please..... forgive me......please....." Jinyoung stammered out sobbing hard, "I'm sorry.....I'm so so sorry", he just kept on pleading to the others, even when they were hurting seeing him before their eyes they were well aware that sooner or later this day will come, and Jinyoung will regret his each and every deed.
"You are sorry? You should be sorry. After whatever you've done to her, Do you think you deserve forgiveness?" Jackson crouched down beside him, his words hitting Jinyoung's heart like a dagger.
"Jackson.....I'm sorry......please forgive me. I was so wrong" He cried hugging Jackson, even if he wanted to hate Jinyoung, he couldn't Jinyoung was not only his friend but more of a brother. Unable to control his tears, Jackson sobbed hugging Jinyoung tightly letting him cry on his shoulder.
"Jinyoung hyung.....at some point we all can forgive you but the question is, Will Noona forgive you?" Yugyeom countered in a mere whisper. Jinyoung clutched onto Jackson's shirt, mumbling a quiet "No....".
"How am I supposed to apologise to her?" Jinyoung stared at Jackson for some assurance but found none, "I....I called my angel.....a slut.....how can I? I am such a monster, I even slapped her......when all she did was telling me the truth.....I hurt her, My angel begged me on her knees still I accused her of something so horrible. How can I be so heartless?....... Jackson, I—I made her feel so inferior......" Jinyoung gulped the knot forming in his throat as realisation hit him, facing BamBam he stammered, "BamBam....you said she is pregnant..... I—I despised my own child....our child.....How monstrous was I to hurt her this bad!!......".
By now everyone's eyes gleamed with tears, it was surely painful for him, but it wasn't anything compared to yours. Jinyoung has completely robbed you of your happiness, your everything, he tossed you away like you never meant anything to him while you continued to prove your innocence stepping on your self respect, self esteem. To be honest, he didn't deserve any forgiveness at all.
"Even if everything was set up by Youngjae and Jisoo, the way the things have degraded to, wouldn't have if you.....you" BamBam pointed out his finger at Jinyoung, "If you had faith on Noona, even a tiny bit, none of this would be happening right now. Instead of you crying here and she there, you both would be laughing and smiling in each other's arms........Loving eachother, accept it or not but you never trusted her enough. The way she was hurt, when you chose Jisoo over her......Gosh I can never forget the look in her eyes, She looked dead......so dead!".
Yugyeom patted BamBam's back with an attempt to calm him down, Yugyeom continued, "You can only pray for noona to forgive you. Everything is in her hands now".
The intense air subsided around everyone as BamBam's phone rang, answering the call immediately, he whispered, "Hello...".
The words from the other end broke BamBam to his soul, the phone slipped through his hands as he stared at Jinyoung completely emotionless.
"Noona had.....she had.....a miscarriage".
Part 10 // Part 11 // Part 12
Note: I'm not editing the drafts before posting them, so if you guys spot any errors, please let it slide, thank you so much ~~~
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silver-wield · 4 years
Can you do an analysis on Cloud and Tifa’s body language during that scene when they’re in Cloud’s room and he’s slyly referring to his promise to Tifa? There was crazy sexual tension in that scene and it honestly looked like Cloud was subtly being flirty with her 😭
No probs, Nonny! I actually already touched on their body language in a reply to a gif set of this bit, so we'll just expand on that ^=^
Ok, spoiler warning for ppl who haven't played – do I still need to do this? Eh ok, (I tag FF7R spoilers as final fantasy 7 remake spoilers) and it's gonna be a VERY long one so prepare to scroll.
Also, this is one person's interpretation of the scene, so if you disagree that's cool and we'll agree to disagree.
You're also gonna have to excuse the janky quality on some of the screens, I'm grabbing them from Youtube and it's frustrating af trying to get the exact moment I want.
Other analyses if anyone's interested.
Shinra HQ vision scene (Cloti/plot analysis) 
Chapter 3 (Cloti reblog) 
Tifa character analysis 
Aerith Resolution (plot analysis/theory – I should probably update this since I've had other ideas since then) 
Train graveyard (not really an analysis, but I got some sweet screenshots of Cloti) 
Clotiscrew tunnel analysis 
Cloti reunion analysis 
The Promise Analysis 
Andrea's approval (Cloti ask response) 
Leslie analysis (not mine, but a good read) 
Cloti action touching 
Aerti friendship analysis 
Now, strap in and enjoy the ride.
Keep reading
Recap time! Yall know the drill by now if you've read my other ramblings.
Chapter 3, where we get a room (lol), do some jobs and have a chat with Tifa. It's pretty basic stuff until the cut scene after Marle gives Cloud a talking to. She's the overprotective grandmother figure that Tifa needs in her life and she wants to make sure Cloud isn't messing with her. Now, why would she think that? Well, maybe she picked up some hints when Tifa mentioned Cloud to her about wanting a place to stay? Marle's pretty sharp, after all, and if she got the impression Tifa is carrying a torch, she'd definitely make sure Cloud's not about to blow it out. She tells him to pay attention to her, to listen. This is the very first instance of Cloud taking in that kind of info and it changes how he treats others for the rest of the game.
After the chapter 4 mission where Cloud reflects on his promise to Tifa, it's back to the slums for some rest. Then Tifa knocks on his door and enters. She mentions Cloud was gone for a while, and he answers he was walking so that he keeps Jessie's secret – because he's that kind of guy.
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Small talking Tifa is cute, but lol, Cloud seems to have purposely forgotten Johnny since he's yet another admirer of Tifa. For a guy who doesn't forget info like morons who could cause them trouble in the long run, it's pretty telling how quickly he is to dismiss Johnny.
Onto something more interesting in this pic, though. Cloud is sitting on the bed. Now, if he wasn't comfortable around Tifa he'd have got up. His eyeline is lower than hers so he has to look up at her. This puts her in a position of dominance over him – also not surprising since his mentality is that of a 16yr old around her and she's the adult in the relationship. Tifa for her part has her body turned to the side in a non-confrontational pose.
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Tifa has her hands clasped in front of herself (couple of seconds before this screen) which indicates she's trying to protect herself as she asks the question if Cloud is leaving Midgar. Not surprising since she's afraid of losing people she cares about and even just someone heading off somewhere else would upset her, though she'd try not to show it.
Cloud, for his part, looks away, appearing as though he's thinking it over, but we're already aware he's decided to stay and help Tifa out, so this is a fake out on his part. He's half-teasing, half trying to get a positive response from her (remember the water tower? Yeah, this is that Cloud. The dork. The one who is useless at talking to girls).
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I'm sorry, but Cloud is such a cheeky bastard I just can't with him! This is giving me all the throwbacks to his behaviour at the water tower and I love that it mirrors that moment, but with more success on his part this time. He's looking all around trying not to give himself away before it's needed. He's smiling and looks relaxed. He might be sitting but he definitely believes he has the upper hand between them at this point. Remember, I've said before that eye contact is important. Well, in this case, Cloud's deliberate refusal to make eye contact shows he's teasing. This is such a cute moment between them!
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Oh ho! But here's where his teasing ends. Cloud is being completely serious and obviously took the promise between them as being special. Ducking his head out of sight completely prevents us from seeing his expression and allows him to act in a casual way about something that's such an important part of who he became. But, he's not quite pulling it off because he's also looking quite defensive in this pose. His hands are clasped in front of him and he's leaning forward, looking at the floor. This is something very meaningful for him to talk about and he's hoping Tifa doesn't brush it off, so if he doesn't look at her he won't have to see her reaction.
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Tifa's obviously got her own interpretation of how that promise went. We can guess she did it because she just wanted a guarantee she'd see Cloud again some day from how she acted during the water tower cut scene. Here, she's leaning back on her hands which leaves her body language open, but also conceals something. She's looking down, the same way Cloud did. She's also hiding her true feelings towards Cloud the same way he's hiding from her, but she's being as honest as she can be as the same time. I've seen people call Tifa a liar because of how she doesn't address Cloud's memory problems in OG, but when you really take a close look at her, lying just isn't her. This is a complex moment between them. They've not long met again and they're having this heavy conversation. The feelings between them are still there, but there's all this other stuff that's more important. But, they know they're friends, and that's a good place to start getting to know each other again, and Cloud choosing to stay is that first step, with the quick follow up of him reminding her of their shared history.
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Cloud, you smooth bastard I love you for this! This is definitely flirting! He's looking directly at her, then dips his head to the side in an inviting gesture. His eyes soften and he gets this tiny smile on his face. His body language has changed, too. He's sitting up and back slightly with both arms by his sides. There's no more defensiveness about him. He wants to listen to her. Cloud is choosing to ask for Tifa's confidence. He's letting her know she can rely on him. That he's interested.
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For her part, Tifa's pleased, but surprised. She's not long got back in touch with Cloud and, while he's been a decent guy, she's had the overall impression he isn't the same as the soft boi she knew, so this is a revelation for her. The Cloud she knew is still within this Cloud – which anyone who knows the real!Cloud SOLDIER!Cloud storyline is exactly the point of this moment. Tifa knows his true self. The true self that comes out only when he's with her.
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Cloud, bro, I'm gonna combust from all these flirty gestures! Fully open body language, a smile, teasing tone. Goddamnit, just say you love her already! Yes, please, invite Tifa to check you out. Remember, he's still sitting. He's so relaxed and natural around her. Even if all you saw was two friends and no ship, you'd be insane to think he isn't a different person in this scene. He's not SOLDIER Cloud here.
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Tifa, for her part, isn't flirting here. She likes Cloud, that's clear, and her body language is reaching towards him, which suggests she has feelings towards him, but her tone is more playful and her expression is pleased. She's happy to see her friend isn't too different from the one she knows. Most of the flirting in this scene is on Cloud's side, which makes sense when you think of the torch he's been carrying for her. He's trying to get her attention, same way he did when they were kids. Tifa's oblivious but receptive because she likes him back, but she won't show it as much because she thinks he's not interested. Someone knock their heads together please lol
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OMG FUCKING HELL CLOUD JUST TELL HER YOU LOVE HER! Leaning back on the bed, totally vulnerable body language, drawing attention to the bod in an attempt to spark her interest – since he's clearly interpreted this line from Tifa as a rejection – this boi is trying so hard! He even looks a little disappointed she's not more impressed with SOLDIER Cloud, but we knew she preferred the dork anyway lol
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Now, I know everyone talks about the physical and emotional distance between them here, which is obvious, but what I'm gonna point out is after feeling like SOLDER Cloud has been rejected by Tifa – thanks to her preference for the real deal – Cloud looks away from her. She's brushed him off and he's hiding his upset by not meeting her eyes.
Tifa is still oblivious to this, but Cloud definitely has a look of disappointment on his face.
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Now, after that last bit you'd think Cloud would assume he's got no chance, but then Tifa says how glad she is to have him back and that cheers him up. He's still in that mindset of a 16yr old with a crush, whereas Tifa's moved on. She's had 5 years apart from him (she thinks it's 7, I know, but he saw her in Nibelheim and how she'd matured a little). She's not thinking of him in an openly romantic sense, whereas Cloud is definitely still deep in his feelings for her. Hearing she's happy to see him hints to him that he might still have a chance with her if they spend more time together. His soft af goodnight is the last indicator of his strong feelings for her. His body language is open once more, he's staring after her with a longing look and a smile and doesn't look away until the door closes.
Lol seriously though, Cloud is definitely still deep in the throes of his childhood crush. Tifa could resurrect hers with time because it's clear she does still harbour feelings for him, but she's not the type to be pushy or insistent. She'll let Cloud take the lead and offer subtle hints how she feels, hoping he feels the same. She doesn't pick up on Cloud's subtle flirting compared to those more in your face things he tried earlier. Through all of those interactions with her he's definitely trying to say that he likes her and he'd like her to accept his feelings, but the bigger gestures get the brush off, although she blushes and looks shy, and the smaller ones go over her head.
Unfortunately, these two are oblivious af and it's gonna take everyone's help to get them together.
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parkjess · 4 years
How would ASTRO propose to you:
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Idk why but I see Myungjun dating for quite a long time before proposing like 5+ years because he wants to experience the ‘real life’ with you before jumping into that kind of commitment and having kids, but ofcourse he can’t wait to start a family with you and be a great husband and father. It was a random weekend where your parents invited the two of you for a family dinner, little did you know it wasn’t a random weekend.
The first moment you announced Myungjun the exciting news of going to your parents house for a fancy dinner, he took the opportunity to do THE thing he was thinking about for a while now but waited for the perfect moment, and here it was. He called your mother two days before the dinner night because he couldn’t help his excitement anymore and had to share it and so it will not be a complete shock to your mother.
The big day came.
“Baby,” you answer the phone as your hubby calls you by his favorite nickname. -“Hey, what’s up? I’m on my way hon’.” You reply, he told you he was going to wait for you at your parents’ place. “Oh okay, I’ll see you in a few then, love you.” He said as a huge smile plastered on his face, and hung up. Myungjun wasn’t the type to be nervous usually because of his extroverted personality but oh he couldn’t hold his heart in place now. When you arrived, you could notice something strange is happening, and see a complete new living room from the big window your parents had. What the hell is going on? You thought and looked again at the number of the house to make sure you’re at the right place, even though it’s the place you grew up in. “Y/n, you’re here.” You’re mother greeted you as you came in, just to meet the person your heart belongs to, in a beautiful suit you bought him not long ago, and a bouquet of flowers. -“Myungj... honey, what is going on?” You asked with your eyebrows furrowed while your hubby walks up to you, taking a piece of your hair and placing it behind your ear, while staring at you with a precious smile and sparkle in his eyes. “Y/n, my sweetheart. I love you.” He says simply and then pushes his hand into the jacket’s inside pocket. Takes out a small blue box, and your tears start to fill your eyes. He kneels down on his left knee, opens the box and asks, “Will you be mine forever?”
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Your long time boyfriend took you to a yacht vacation you both needed since you two were working forever now and needed to clean your heads from everything and just enjoy each other’s company.
It wasn’t something unusual but it was just too quite. Your relationship is always full of excitement and everybody can see and hear your love even though neither of you likes being clingy in public, you are most like to show affection when the two of you are alone, like now in the beautiful, relaxing vacation your amazing boyfriend planned for the two of you. It was that perfect time where the sunset is close but it’s still light, he called you to come out of the inside of the yacht and you did.
There he is, your extremely hot boyfriend, dressed in a luxurious suit that makes him look like he bought this yacht. And you try your best to not push him inside the yacht and kiss him. But he had other plans for you.
“Babe, you look so beautiful,” he smirked. I repeat, HE SMIRKED. -“oh do I?” You tease him while walking up the stairs he stood on, reaching the last one and he stops you. “Wait, look.” He turns you around by your shoulders to face the beautiful sunset. The cold breeze hits your face slightly as you fascinated by the view, you turn around to face your boyfriend again. -“Jinwoo, baby what are you-“ you had to look down at your boyfriend since he sat on one of his knees, pulling out a little red box out of his pocket, opening it. “I want you. I want you to watch the sunset with me everyday for the rest of our lives. I want you to marry me Y/n, will you?”
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As fancy as the person, as fancy as the restaurant he will propose to you at.
He knew what he wanted and how he wants to propose to you since he first met you. Both of you were the perfect couple, everyone else would look at you and be jealous, not only because you’re dating this handsome guy but also jealous because he has you in his life. And he was SO damn thankful for having you.
He ordered this Friday night at this fancy restaurant only for the two of you, it’s your 3rd anniversary as a couple today and it wanted to make it special. Especially since the last two anniversaries went wrong because both of you were busy with work and could really celebrate on the exact day, so it was a makeup anniversary he hoped you will never forget.
There was great music, great food and the most important, your great boyfriend looking all handsome, even more than usual (if that’s possible). At the end of the dinner you went to the restroom to fix your lipstick, when you came back you saw his face, he was looking exhausted (exactly like in the pic above), leaning his cheek on the suitcase handle he had with him since it was a weekend in a different city he planned for you two. Sitting back on your sit, your eyes fall on a small, opened ring box he put there on purpose. But where the hell is the ring? You thought, probably someone just put it there.
“Sweetie,” he takes your hand in his, you immediately face him at once. Oh he just, he kneel down, getting closer to your sit with the ring in his other hand. “Happy anniversary sweetheart. I promise to take care of you forever if you agree. So, will you let me?”
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Dude, he be classic and fantastic.
You and you’re boyfriend went on a first perfect date at the beach, it was night time, after the sun decided she is tired and fell asleep. Although you are not a big fan of watching the ocean at night, it was truly perfect, for the both of you.
This is also the place he stole your first kiss. Romantically beautiful. Or beautifully romantic.
You haven’t been dating for a life time now, but he sees these last two years enough for asking you to be his wife, both of you had the feeling like you two know each other for years, when you just started dating. And the love feels endless.
He took you to another date night at the beach, the place where you fell in love, kisses for the first time, and in general, like to spend time together at. -“it’s so cold, don’t you think?” You continue walking on your own as your boyfriend stays behind you, leaving your hand. “Are you cold?” He smiles at you, you literally start to shiver from the cold wind hitting your clothes and hair. You nod your head as he stops again behind you, “Y/n,” he calls your name softly, you turn around, your arms are wrapped in each other. He kneels on the cool sand, the ocean that comes to its end- the shore, has the gentle, favorite sound of yours as you watch your boyfriend. The tears are coming down from your eyes probably because of the weather being too cold for your liking, but also because you get emotional. -“Bin-ah...” you whisper, the sound of your teeth hitting each other definitely can be heard. He holds your hand and shows you the ring that is stuck in the little box. “Y/n, I think we had so many beautiful days in this place, to this view and sound. Will you accept my request to marry you, to this beautiful view?” Well, your body was freezing, but your heart couldn’t feel any warmer.
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God damn let’s get married here and now don’t even kneel down. Oki shut up.
Park Minhyuk as being your favorite person in the whole world, had so many things in common with you and it made you fall for him even more everyday.
You are dating for 4+ years, enjoying each other’s company, you love to tell him how was your day and he loves to listen to your voice, and don’t even get me telling how much you love to hear his beautiful voice and stories.
One of your common passions was exploring beautiful places, except for each other’s hearts. Both of you LOVED nature. For all of its kinds. But especially trees, green views and flowers, He always took you on your free days to explore new places with lots of trees in, a place you can see the beautiful creations of god with god’s most beautiful creation- Park Minhyuk. You were having fun always when you were together, taking LOTS of pictures of each other in the breathtaking views. He suddenly sat on the damp, deep green grass to try a new pose for the pics. So you followed to be the same height as he is now. He’s all giggly because of how much of effort you make to get the best shots of him, his giggles are music to your ears. Aigoo, this guy is really unbelievable. He was pushing himself with one hand to help himself stand up, when suddenly the ‘low battery’ bubble appeared, you tried to cover your phone with your hand to see better since the sun reflected on the screen. You lift your head to face your boyfriend when you see he adopted a new pose, sitting on one knee, his hand is stuck in the pocket of his jeans, searching for someth- here it is. “Baby,” his husky voice calls, You are still sitting on the grass, busy in your own phone, not realizing what minhyuk is up to. Facing him again, one of your hands is sent to your mouth as you try to calm down yourself, which not really worked. He opens the little red, heart shaped ring box. (I’m not here don’t look for me). -“Oh my goodness, no minhyuk!” You start to cry, throwing your phone on the grass to cover your eyes with both your hands in disbelief. He smiles his big, joyful smile and grabs your hand away from your face. “Baby, I love you. Will you be my drama queen forever?” He jokes as you both laugh, you nod, handing him your hand and he slips the ring into your finger. (Sorry not sorry for writing the “yes I do” thing only for minhyuk it got me so emotional I’m out.)
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It’s your birthday, usually your boyfriend calls you at 11:59 to wish you a happy birthday a minute before it even starts.
But today, last night, it didn’t happen. Actually, it’s the middle of the day and he didn’t even texted or answered any of your calls. So he decided to broke up with my on my birthday with not even breaking up? You thought.
You decide to call Myungjun who already wished you happy birthday, he and all of your mutual friends, except for your beloved boyfriend. “Hey y/n, What’s up?” Myungjun answers. You can hear the familiar sound of sanha’s voice in the background. -“I- wait IS THAT SANHA TALKING?” You say furiously and loud enough for him to hear from Myungjun’s phone. And the moment you mention that, there’s complete silence. -“What the heck? I’m on my way.” You declare and hang up. While being on your way to ASTRO’s dorm, you texted sanha: ‘If you have something to tell me, just do it now. Don’t feel pity for me just because it’s my birthday.’
Your blood felt like boiling inside of your body and your heart couldn’t stop it’s heavy pounding. Going up the stairs to their dorm, you meet a tall figure in front of you. Lifting your head. Yoon sanha.
“Are you mad at me?” He speaks up, softly, all gentle and dressed up with a suit. His hand is stuck in the right pocket of his pants. -“Why didn’t you call me ba- where the hell do you think you are going with that suit?” It’s a suit you chose for him. “Y/n...” he steps in closer to you. -“WHAT!” You yell at him, all angry and upset because he forgot your birthday. Little did you know... “Happy birthday.” He leans in to kiss your lips while cupping your face. God damn it. It made you forget every other emotion you felt towards him, except for love. He pulls back slowly, lips still plumpy and against yours, until he kneels down, finally taking the ring out of his pocket. “I know you don’t wanna listen, so just answer. Will you marry me?”
Asdfhjhgjkjhygklyh Yoon sanha shut up
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ironmansuuucks · 4 years
Cotton Candy Girl
dewey finn x reader 
Hey guys! so this is a sweet little fic me and the amazing @thewolfisapartofmysoul​ have been working on recently!! all about the Dewey content hehe! in this fic we have the reader wanting to finally break free from societies expectations and change up her appearance! We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did writing it!!
warnings: fluff, angst, mention of smut 
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aesthetic by the amazing @thewolfisapartofmysoul​ - we literally sobbed over that pic of dewey for like twenty mins straight lol 
You woke up just before Deweys alarm was gonna go off early in the morning as you did every morning. You watched Dewey with your eyelids still heavy with sleep. You cracked a tiny smile at his features. A tiny bit of drool tickled down his bottom lip when he snored. Your eyes moved from his drooling lips, to his scruffy cheeks, to his hair. His brown locks standing in every direction possible... you sighed, deeply content having him next to you. His hair never stopped to amaze you. It was just so fluffy, so soft... and so SO Dewey... 
You scooted closer to him, feeling the heat his body provided under the sheets. You lay your leg over his, brushed your ankle against his calf and went to push your nose against his. Your head on his pillow, nose-to-nose. You carefully reached out, combing your hand through his hair. Brushing your fingers through the soft brown curls and whispered your boyfriends name to wake him up.
 "....Dew.... Dewey.... You gotta wake up dear... Gotta teach the kids what Rock is about..."
 Dewey slowly opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face as soon as his eyes found yours. His hands gliding towards your waist, hugging you as close as possible his morning voice croaked out: "Morning sweetheart... you look beautiful today..." 
 He pulled you against him and nuzzled his nose deeply into the nape of your neck, sniffing deeply he sleepily whispered: "... not fair... you even smell beautiful..." You had to chuckle a bit at that weird compliment. Dewey calloused fingers brushed softly over your back, up and down over your spine. He kissed you sleepily and murmured "...so... SO... soft..."
 You pulled away with a giggle and pecked his nose. "Okay rockstar... time to start your day. Joining me for breakfast and coffee?" He pumped up his fists and cheered a: "Hell yeah, i am!" your way. Before you could reply he launched himself out of bed and whooped loudly when he reached the kitchen before you. He leaned against the kitchen table, proud sleepy smile on his face as he offered you his fist to bump. You knotted your eyebrows together in confusion and he chuckled: "... loser's gotta make the coffee..." As you scoffed, a smirk creeped up your face. Gosh what a weirdo. You rolled your eyes, pumped his fist and turned around to prepare the coffee machine. 
 As soon as you turned your back to him you felt his arms sneak around your waist, and his scruff against your neck, peppering you with light kisses. "...waking up with you is my favourite, love..." 
* * * *
You had to rush Dewey out of the door. Again. Leaving early never had been Dewey's strong suit, and having to leave you had doubled this problem. You just hoped he was gonna be on time for his lesson today. 
 You paced around in your apartment, you were doing that for the past hour or so. Feeling anxious but bubbling with excitement at the exact same time. You clenched the guitar-pick in your left pocket when you dialed the number of the piercing studio. Heart hammering in your chest as you kept pacing the room. Repeating the mantra Dewey had whispered when he gave it to you: '...stick it to the man... stick it to the man... stick it to the man... sti-" The phone stopped ringing and someone picked up. 
 You nervously told the lady on the phone what you wanted, and asked if she had time today... knowing that waiting only caused you more doubt. You knew you really wanted this. It was just... Low self esteem and overthinking could cause hell sometimes. You made an appointment for later that day. And you felt relieved, giddy in excitement and stressed at the same time. 
 You tossed your phone on the coffee table and only then noticed the strength you had been clenching the guitar-pick with. Your knuckles sore from holding onto the little trinket for dear life. You smiled a bit at the memory of Dewey, when he gave it to you.
 Dewey knew you struggled. With yourself. Your image of yourself had never been positive... You struggled with the expectations of society, wanting to please every soul on the earth. Even if it wasn't your cup of tea, you would move mountains to make people happy. To feel validated. To feel worthy. This included your behaviour as well as your looks. "Keep your hair long, cause it looks pretty on you. Simple clothing suits you well... i like it on you." Everyone around you had influenced your inner self. Until you met Dewey. From the beginning of your relationship he made sure to tell you daily how beautiful you were to him, no matter what you chose to wear. Or not to wear. How you were enough. How you were worthy. How you were loved.
The guitar-pick was given to you right after you told him you often thought badly of yourself. He pulled it out of his jacket, and pressed it into your palm. Telling you: "When i’m ever in doubt, feeling insecure or nervous... i hold this, and think: 'stick it to the man'." He had pressed a soft kiss on your temple and continued while he pulled you in a caring hug, his strong arms holding you as he cooed: "...whenever you feel like that, hold the lucky-pick and remember i’m near. I;m supporting you in everything you do. You are beautiful. Your soul is beautiful. You are enough and always will be. Dare to be fearlessly authentic, love. I love the whole you. And i always will." 
 A single tear spilled again at the memory. You pulled the guitar-pick out of your pocket to kiss it, feeling its strength. Dewey’s strength and trust, seep into your very core as you recalled that beautiful moment of intimacy you two had shared. It was beyond a physical bond, more of a soul-matching bond. You looked at the scribble he made on the pick, the black of the marker a bright contrast at the shiney purple pick. Dewey wrote on it: "Be you" You flipped it around it said: "Faith & Trust. Dewey" 
 You but the pick back in your pocket and ran a hand trough your hair, sighing nervously but proud of your decision. Nose piercing it was. And you were gonna rock it. Damnit. It was the 'stick-it-to-the-man-thing' to do, and you knew you wanted it. For you. Not for anyone else. You were done with being exactly what society expected you to be. Let them meet the real you instead. The real you deserved the world. Dewey always told you that. You eyed the hair in your hands as well... and with a deep sigh you also decided your hair needed to be freed from stupid standards as well. New you. Well... old you, with a new bit of confidence in your authenticity. Change was a good thing... 
 You still felt a bit anxious to follow through with your plan... but figured that this was what you really wanted to do. It felt good. It felt genuine. It felt... freeing. But a bit scary too. You clenched the pick even more tightly... You liked it... You just hoped with all your anxious, authentic heart that Dewey would like it too.
* * * * 
Running back up the stairs to your apartment got you out of breath quickly. You shoved the keys in, unlocking the door, and slammed the door behind you once you were in, throwing your back against it. “holy shit” you breathed in and out quickly, regaining your breath. You did it. You wiggled your nose, feeling the foreign object, that had been impaled on your right nostril, move. “ouch”. It was still fresh.
You darted over towards the bedroom mirror, jumping into view of yourself. You squealed excitedly at your freshly dyed locks, running your fingers through the soft, baby pastel pink. It was so pretty. You were SO proud of yourself for doing it. Going against societies values and expectations, giving them a big fuck you. You stuck your hands in your denim jacket pockets, posing in the mirror. And for the first time in a long time, you absolutely loved what you seen, closing one eye and sticking your tongue out. You felt good and you looked amazing.
You glanced down at your watch. It was almost four. Shit. Dewey would be home soon. Suddenly insecurity began to kick in as you looked up in the mirror at yourself again. Would Dewey like it? What if he hated it? Shit. Maybe this was a bad decision. Had you done the right thing? I mean, you could always nip to the store and get a box dye- “Baby, I’m home!” you heard Dewey come through the front door.
No, Dewey loves you he’s gonna love it. You looked in the mirror again, giving your pink curls one last floof before he laid eyes on you “yeah hey Dew, I’m in the bedroom!”. You could hear Dewey’s feet begin to pad through to the bedroom.
“aw babe you will not believe what the kids were telling me tod-“ he paused once he seen you standing over at the mirror. Your hands in your pockets and smiling sweetly at him. His eyes widened as they examined your new features. “stick it to the man, right?” you smirked at him. Dewey literally squealed as he bounced over to you, in awe at how pretty you were. He was so proud. “baby you look amazing!” he exclaimed, picking up your hair and running it through his fingers.
“do you like it?” you asked hesitantly. Dewey lit up “do I like it?!?! Babe I LOVE it?!?!”. Dewey pulled you into a tight hug “I’m so so so proud of you” you giggled at his antics. Once he let you go you squinted your eyes and looked down at your nose, wiggling it. Dewey looked at you confused but followed your eyes to your nose, and.. “DUDE!! NO WAY?!?! Can I touch it?” he asked lifting his hand up, but you moved your head laughing “no, it’s still sore”.
He looked at you adoringly and picked up your pink curls again “my cotton candy girl”, before he went to kiss you sweetly. But you banged noses, irritating your nose piercing slightly “ouch” you laughed. “ah I’m sorry”. You smiled at him, leaning in to kiss him again, exaggerating your head movement this time, “I forgive you”.
Dewey moved his hands to your waist and you threw your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. “you know.. this whole.. stick it.. to the man… vibe.. is really.. sexy” he managed out between kisses. You hummed into him, “I’m glad you think so. Do you think this nose ring makes me look like a bad ass?” you smirked. “hell fucking yeah it does. My lil cotton candy bad ass” he kissed you again.
You kicked off yous shoes, still attached to Dewey. “how was your day?” you broke away from him but he leaned into kiss you again “that doesn’t matter right now – you do”. You giggled at him, kissing him back. Dewey pushed your jacket down your shoulders and you let it drop to the floor. He moved his hands to brush through the pink parts of your hair, then down to your shoulders and arms “mmmm.. so soft.. so proud of you” he hummed.
You flushed your body up against Dewey’s and you could feel the bulge growing in his pants. You giggled at him and knew what was coming next. Dewey brushed his hand up your arm to your tank top and bra strap, slowly pushing it down your shoulder. He moved his head and started leaving little kisses down your jaw, then your neck. You moaned lightly “Dew, it’s like after four we need to think about dinner soon” you giggled.
He hummed against your skin “the only thing I want for dinner is cotton candy”.
  Tags: @little-miss-shy-goth​ @paxenera​ @heknowshisherbs​ @missihart23​ @geminiacally​ @go-commander-kim​ @gegehaddock​ @baby-beej​ @sadpuppetshows​ @slowly-dying-of-boredom @hoodoo12​ @large-unit​ @thats-specific​ @vicunaburger​ @stranger-strings​ @bugdrinkss​
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mosylufanfic · 5 years
Dialogue Prompt #1.“It’s really not that complicated.”- Iris West-Allen (my girl spouting wisdom to whomever may need it)
Guess who has two thumbs and hates both taking pictures and online dating???
Profile Pic
Iris swiped through Caitlin's pictures. "Mmmfff. Mmmm. No. Oh, lord." She held up Caitlin's phone. "What were you thinking with this one?"
"That it was sexy," Caitlin mumbled.
"What?" Cisco said, popping his head up from where he was tinkering with the guts of something tiny and mechanical. He had on magnifying goggles that made him look like Maz Kanata from the new Star Wars movies. "Can I see?"
"No," both Iris and Caitlin said in concert, and he shrugged and went back to his tiny gadget. 
Iris said to Caitlin, "The expression on your face looks like you're being drawn and quartered."
"They're not looking at my face."
"Do you want a guy who's not going to be looking at your face? You put this on your profile, even buried, and it's going to be dick pics all day long, trust me."
"Troof," Cisco called out. "Listen to Iris. She is wise."
"Thank you," Iris told him. She looked back at Caitlin. "Unless that's what you want? A bunch of dick pics?" 
"Ugh. No, you're right." She slouched in her chair. "Get rid of it."
Iris deleted the offending picture and leaned forward. "Okay, I'm going to be very blunt, these are all awful. If you go fishing with these, awful is what you're gonna catch."
"Well, that's why I asked you to look over them."
"We're starting over. I know you take good pictures. I've seen them. Can I open your photos?"
"Go ahead," Caitlin sighed. "Nothing incriminating."
Iris swiped through the roll. "Aww, that's a nice shot. Look at that smile. Why didn't you use that?"
"It's also got Barry, Ralph, and Cisco in it," Caitlin said. "They say not to use group pictures, especially with men."
Cisco coughed, "Heternormative," into his work bench.
"I'm not denying that, but it's still good advice," Caitlin said.
Iris investigated her selfies. They were all as bad as the ones she'd used in her profile - stiff, self-conscious, the smiles pasted on like Caitlin had practiced them in the mirror.  
"We're just going to have to take more," Iris told her, and even though Caitlin protested, she maneuvered her into place in a spot with a nice background and good light. "Let's try a few face snaps, okay?"
But no matter what they tried, Caitlin came out awkward in all of them. When they switched to full-body shots, she arranged herself as if her own body was a mannequin in a store, and the end result was about the same. 
Iris lowered the phone. "What's the problem?"
"Sorry!" Caitlin said. "I'll do better. Give me a moment. Okay." She struck a pose and smiled brightly.
Iris took a couple more snaps, then shook her head. "This is the exact same problem you had with the selfies. Look." She handed her the phone, and Caitlin swiped through them.
"There's just so much to think about," she said plaintively. "How to hold my head so I look natural, and my arms so I look cute. And if I smile too widely then my eyes kind of scrunch up and disappear into my cheeks, but if I don’t smile at all I look mean.”
"Uh, question," Cisco said. "How many articles titled 'The best online dating profile picture' did you read?"
"They weren't all called that," Caitlin mumbled.
"My case, it rests," Cisco muttered to Iris.
"Maybe we should get Kamilla to come in and take these," Iris mused. "I mean, she's the professional."
"No!" they both yelped.
"I mean, she's so busy," Caitlin said. "I would hate to bother her."
"And, you know, portraits aren't, like, her thing," Cisco added.
"Okay, okay," Iris said, smothering her smile. She'd kind of thought that would be the response. "Let's try a few more."
They were still awful, and Iris shook her head. "You need to relax. Forget about all your body parts and what your face is doing. Just be Caitlin." She tried a few more shots.
"Mmm, no," Cisco said. "Mind if I try?"
"Knock yourself out," Iris said, holding out Caitlin's phone. 
But Cisco tugged his own out of his back pocket. "I really prefer my own equipment for high art," he said, making Caitlin giggle.
Iris leaned against the console, idly swiping through Caitlin's photo roll, going back to the best shots. Most of them were group pictures where she didn't even seem aware of the camera. She considered cropping a few, but when she tried, the quality of the picture itself went downhill.
She gave up and swiped back to the set she’d just taken. Like always with Caitlin, her brain was getting in the way as she tried to take something specifically to put on a dating profile. Studying the careful smile and the wooden poses, Iris bet she was thinking all about whatever faceless men were out there, judging her without ever having met her.
She was still stiff and awkward now, but Cisco moved around her, acting like a fashion photographer. "That's it. Yeah. Now gimme girl next door? Oh, the light on those cheekbones, baby!"
Iris noticed he was taking very few pictures, even though he hammed it up. But every so often his finger would tap the screen. 
"Now, I’m gonna need sultry, sultry, sultry -"
"Cisco!" Caitlin laughed, and Cisco snapped one last shot.
"There," he said, holding it out to Iris. "What do you think?"
Iris swiped through his shots. They were all cute - much cuter than the ones where she'd been behind the camera. But the last one was perfect. Caitlin was smiling, clearly not minding that her eyes were squinching up and her body wasn't held at the perfect angle. She looked pretty and happy and approachable. "This one," Iris said, holding it up to show Caitlin.
"Oh! That is nice."
"See?" Cisco said, tapping his phone a few times. In Iris's hand, Caitlin's phone buzzed with a picture text. "It's not that complicated."
Caitlin smiled at him, and Iris suddenly realized the one thing that all the best pictures of Caitlin had in common.
Cisco had been in all of them.
"No," she murmured. "It's really not."
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anyhao-archived · 5 years
okay since i didnt do a fan account for last time i saw vav, i decided i absolutely needed to do it this time especially since jacob was there this time. ill put this under a read more since i ended up talking a lot lol. but a few highlights from last year though real quick:
my mom went with me and she fell in love with st.van who seemed very impressed that a mother liked him so much jdkflgh
ace gets more attractive every time and. red is his color no one else can wear red except him
baron was exceptional at fan service as always
they changed their choreo for it to work for 6 people and i was very sad. but very impressed that they learned it all again
im sure theres more but thats all i can remember specifically off the top of my head. and it was over a year ago oops smh i shouldve wrote it down. anyways this year snapshots were rly expensive so i only got one with jacob and it was so so so worth it. the absolute love of my life apple of my eye my entire WORLD
i personally enjoyed this year much better than last year for a few reasons: it was the same venue who now knew what to do lol and not scrambling like last year. also the sound quality was... off. last year. could hardly hear vocals but this year it was BEAUTIFUL. also!!!! JACOB was there! that on its own makes it worth it for me! also my friend was there with me this year too hehe
also heres my fan account from 2 years ago (the first time i saw vav, with jacob) in case anyone wants to read that one too
ANYWAYS: the fansign. was much more rushed than previous years but that makes sense with the sheer volume of people there. i dont remember what i said to at least half the members lmao but i did tell jacob that i was happy he was here this time and that i missed him. also i literally went mute when i saw ace hahaha
i told lou and st.van thanks for coming (i think?) and originally i was gonna tell lou yeehaw cuz he was wearing a cowboy tie thing but i forgot. 
also ziu kept saying my name over and over except he kept pronouncing it wrong dsjhkgfl that letter ㄹ can be pronounced both as an R and an L. so my name is maiRin but he kept saying maiLin. props to him for trying again and again though lol. ziu’s handshake was so so hard too lol like he wouldnt let go so i told him he had a great handshake and he was like :))) YOU TOO!!. hes so loud and energetic lol
during the hi touch i kept thinking about how tall they are!!! like they mustve grown since last year lmao or maybe i shrunk?? anyways me and my friend made a heart together for the group photo
the concert was FUCKING AMAZING!! like i said they fixed the sound problem from last time so they sounded sooo good. they did all my fave songs except for abc but apparently ayno choreographed runway specifically for the tour bc so many of us wanted it lol
god. ace unbuttoned his shirt during poison and i think my soul left my body. and baron did that tummy tease by lifting up his sweater..... how can they do such a thing to me... im losing my voice and i can pinpoint the exact song why: dance with me. and spotlight. i screamed all those lyrics believe me!! 
ALSO THE STAGE PART?? where they called fans up on the stage? i got SO embarrassed secondhand. the 30 second eye contact made me so nervous that poor girllooked like she was abt to pass out. and then ayno kept coming closer and baron worked together w/ him and made sure she couldnt walk backwards and THEN? WHAT THE FUCK DOES AYNO DO he uses baron as a wall and does the FUCKING WALL SLAM!!!!!!!!! i dont think we screamed louder than at that moment. i couldnt watch some of the fan service it was just. so much.
and at the end!! baron did a huge dance break for poison’s encore stage and he was so close to me. he looked so fluffy and soft but also s*xy in that turtleneck sweater... 
during ending ments. people started chanting for jacob bc he wasnt there last time and i (cry emoji) as well as chanting ‘best leader’ for st.van. god i love vampz so much. st.van also took a pride flag and wore it too it was nice
and now: the snapshot session. unfortunately i only could afford one and i got mine with jacob. so some background knowledge: in their first concert i also took a pic with jacob where we did the E.T. pose where the tip of our fingers touch and. it was DESTINY OK the flash reflected off the glass behind us and lit up the exact spot where our fingers met and.. i cried when i saw it LMAO. 
SO! i brought that snapshot with me this time to show him!!! and i was able to thanks to some sneaky moves using my sweater and he was like :O but i dont think he focused on the E.T part he was more like: omg u took a pic with me before?? (like he was surprised he has fans? bitch i LOVE you you have so many fans what a humble boy but also. he needs to know hes got fans!!!!) and i was like yes!!! i saw you before!! :^) very happy abt it! and then we took the pic.
and our pose was him wrapping his arm around me. it was so sweet he held up his arm so i could come snuggle up near him and i wanted to literally DIE. and our pic together is so cute ill add it at the end!!!! and this time i did not run away lmao (spoiler 1st time i took a pic with him i ran away and the staff had to tell me to come back so he could say bye) dhfsjgk 
AND i said bye to him without stuttering!!! he smiled so brightly at me ;; and then he said: ill see u again. cant wait to meet you again. and my heart fuckin BURST. he wants to see me again!!!!!! bitch i wanna see u again for the rest of my LIFE!!!!!!!!
anyways im in my jacob feels in particular today now but also all the members were beautiful and talented and wonderful and it was just such a great night. i love them so so so much i would do anything for them
ok so ignore how i look but this is our snapshot: its a polaroid and we look so cute and happy together i wanna cry. i miss him already. apologizes for the blurriness and random lights its hard to take a pic of a polaroid lol
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artangel3993 · 5 years
this is pt 2 of this drabble and it wont rlly make sense w/o it!  time 4 violet. cw for i mean general fuckery that is conditionally present in the box boy universe, contracts n ownership discussed, also mention of drugs
the inspiration for the setting of the underground military bunker turned psychedelic warehouse is from a real case that was i think still the largest lsd bust in the 2000s which is neat. drug history! that link has pics of the actual bunker too and im p sure vice also did a documentary on it, its a really interesting case! anyways i just want to get to bunker time so i can introduce poppy bc i love her. 
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Safiya could not, for the life of her, figure out what the fuck was wrong with this algorithm. She kept running it through her IDE over and over, checked all the spellings of the variables, and it still wouldn’t run the way she needed it to, or be a functional block of code in any way, intended or not (she got that sometimes, when a program would run but it would do something completely fucking different than her intentions.) She dragged her hands down her eyes, and took another long sip of her energy drink. She hadn’t slept in two days and she was still behind on her end of the code for her company’s new game- which fucking sucked, but at the same time, Saf liked the challenge, the conflict. Having something to do. Vi left her with enough money that she’d never have to work a day in her life again and still be fine, but she was good at game development- well. Not right now, but in general. Right now, she was about to ring whoever invented C++ by the neck.
Safiya was set up at the table by the kitchen, hosting her computer, a jumble of folders and piles of unorganized papers, at least three finished Monster’s scattered in between it all, and herself: wrapped in a knitted blanket, the monitor’s blue light bathing her dark skin. Summer was a couple steps away on the couch, lying down on her stomach and watercoloring, her legs idly kicking this way and that in the air (when Saf was working, Summer liked to create with her, she’d put on one of Saf’s records and make all kinds of art in a concentrated, comfortable silence, but watercoloring was always her favorite. Sometimes she’d give Saf painted pictures of the characters in whatever game she was working on, which made Saf smile like an idiot every time and put them someplace safe.) There were still wildflowers and weeds weaved into Summer’s golden hair, mud caking her tennis shoes laid forgotten by the door, and a soft smile on her face; all clues that made Saf infer she’d probably been out in the garden this morning that Summer had recently started. Saf had a lot of land extending from the cottage she’d never explored and left wholly wild and uncared for, so Summer kind of took over. 
Now when Saf looked out one of the front windows, there were all kinds of flowers lining the house, fluffy bumblebees laying on their petals, the beginnings of an apple tree supported by two wooden poles on either side as big as the sapling was. Once, she got dressed in all of her protective clothing because Summer asked if she could bring her outside and show her the full tour, just to see her get excited talking about all the different seeds she’d planted, her plans to tie a swing to the big oak tree out front. Safiya, in those moments, felt like she knew Summer, really. Felt like she knew what she could do to keep her in that good place, and even if she still slipped into being far away, Saf could handle it.
(There were other kinds of days, too, when Summer felt like a completely different person and Safiya was out kicking in the fucking deep end with no understanding of what to do, if anything she could do would make a difference anyways. Sometimes Summer wouldn’t talk for days. Sometimes, she’d sit poised and elegant- on the couch or the rocking chair or her bed in what used to be the spare room- for hours and hours and hours with the only movement being her blinking every so often, her face otherwise looked like it was as trapped in a pose as the rest of her. Safiya would try sitting down with her, and talking as quiet and gentle as her voice would allow, ask her if she was alright, if she wanted to maybe stand up with her and they could take a little walk around the rooms of the cottage, maybe, or- or Saf could put on all of her gear and they could go outside together- take my hand, everything’s okay, you’re safe I promise- but Summer would be unresponsive at that point, staring straight ahead, and Safiya would realize just how fucking unqualified she was to try and help her at all.)
Safiya fell out of her thoughts as the record Summer put on got caught in a groove, and started repeating the same chord over and over. Summer’s head peeked up from the couch, and she walked over to the record player, delicately flipping the vinyl and motioning towards putting it back onto the player.
She never got the chance, though. The front door made a clicking sound, the hinges sighed, and Violet Lowe was standing in the doorframe. Summer dropped the vinyl and it shattered. 
“I thought I changed my locks.” Safiya didn’t move from where she spoke.
Violet shrugged. “You did.” There was quiet. She closed the door behind her to keep the light out.
Safiya stood up, her blanket dropping to the floor, and she felt stupid for being in her sweats and a pair of fucking crocs because it would be really great if she was anything close to intimidating right now. Still, she walked over to Vi, putting herself in between her and Summer. 
Safiya intended to say a lot of things to her, everything that had been boiling in her mind since the morning Vi left and didn’t come back, insults and how could yous and I deserve better than thats. Instead, this is what came out: “I missed you, Vi. So much.” If, Saf thought, she was just a little less emotionally stunted, there’d be tears in her eyes. She really thought Vi wasn’t going to come back this time.
Violet smiled, but it was unreadable behind her sunglasses. She was definitely selling again, it showed in the gold and silver coiling around her fingers in serpentine rings and  dripping down her neck, contrasted starkly against her black cocktail dress. She had new heeled boots that made her stand almost as tall as Summer was, their glossy cold-black finish the exact same shade as her perfectly maintained bob. “I know you missed me. It’s why I came back.”
“Where have you been selling?” Saf knew Vi had friends in the business with mansions up and down the west coast they’d hop around, going from city to city giving out all kinds of compounds and getting rich as fuck in the process, living like psychedelic royalty. But this felt different, she’d been gone for too long.
Vi shook her head. “Not selling. Manufacturing. That’s where the real money is. We don’t have to move around, either, we bought this underground military bunker-”
“A bunker. An underground military bunker.” How the fuck do you just buy an underground military bunker.
Vi mhm’d impatiently, as if she was puzzled as to Saf not being able to keep up. “It used to be for large weapons storage, but it got auctioned off. One of the smartest decisions me and Nic ever made.” Sometimes Saf didn’t recognize the names Vi would rattle off, but Nic, Nic she knew from the one time she’d been with Saf while she was away on her business trips. She swallowed the memories she, frankly, could not be less prepared to deal with, back down.
Violet took Safiya’s hands in hers, the cold metal of her rings making imprints against Saf’s fingers. “Saf, Elana’s making psychoactive compounds nobody’s even theorized about before, with the amount of privacy we have there. You understand? We’re about to change the drug underbelly of this entire nation. And I want you there with me.”
“I’d go with you?” Vi’d never offered to take her with, ever since everything happened that summer, with her Vi, Elana and Nic. Safiya looked back at Summer in her floral sundress (she only wore that one on days when she was feeling good, Saf knew it was her favorite,) who at that point had pressed herself against the wall, standing straight and dead silent, staring at the both of them, her face unreadably calm to most, but Saf knew she only disconnected like that when she was fucking terrified. The record was still in pieces on the ground. With both eyes on her, Summer peeled herself off of the wall and hurriedly started picking up the shattered bits. Safiya moved towards her, breaking Vi’s grip. “It’s alright, Summer, I’ve got this, don’t worry about it-”
“Summer?” Vi said behind her, and Safiya realized just how badly she does not want these two people in her life to interact ever. Fuck. “It suits her so well. How have you liked my birthday present for you so far?”
Safiya stomped back up to Violet, and in a whisper edging on a growl, “We are not doing this right now Vi.” Saf would make grave eye contact with her if it weren’t for the fact that Vi still had her fucking shades on. 
“Now, if you had such a problem with my generosity, she’d be gone by now, wouldn’t she?” And then, after a moment, she added: “Stop acting like a saint, Safiya. You’ve never been a good liar.”
The room buzzed with the echo of her words, and Safiya stood there, quiet, for a dragged out moment, trying to think of some way to spit back at her. It didn’t happen. With the most calm face she can put on right now, she turned back to Summer. “Summer, maybe you should... go outside, for a little bit. I’ll tell you when I’ve shown Violet out.” She makes those last words taste like venom, matter-of-fact, so Vi can hear her anger. 
“No, she can stay.”
Summer stopped dead in her tracks. Looking at the fear in her eyes, that sinking look that overpowered any kind of calm Summer usually had when Saf was there, Saf knew she was lost. Summer was listening to Vi, now, all Vi, the kind of gone Saf was all too familiar with people getting under Vi’s words.
“Anyways,” Vi said, a tad annoyed, as if all of that had just been a mere blip in the conversation, turning her head to address Saf, “yes, you’re coming with. You’d be safe in the bunker, I made sure of it. All of your special lights. I want…. I want you there. With me.”
If this had been in literally any other context, Safiya would’ve smiled at Vi’s effort to communicate her feelings, Saf had been with her for years and she knew how hard it was for her to even understand her own emotions, much less say them out loud. But she was pissed at her, and she was going to hold onto that feeling for as long as she could to make her feel worse. “Summer stays here.” There was no way in hell she was going to let Summer anywhere near Vi’s fucked up drug empire. 
Vi just fucking shrugged. “She’s coming.”
Saf charged at her again, pointing an accusing finger at her and getting close enough until it buried into the fabric of Vi’s dress. “You can act like I’m as fucked up as you are but I would never trust her with your or your f-”
Vi smiled, and batted Saf’s hand off of her as if she was a somewhat disinterested cat. “Let me rephrase that. My name is on her contract. She’s coming.”
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315-no-stage · 5 years
[20190827] TFG 「My dear Summer」Release Event Photo Session fan report
(Yeah, I know it’s been over two weeks since the event. LOL I’m not much of a timely blogger but if you want the blow-by-blow as it happens, my Twitter is the best bet. I tend to word vomit especially when I’m going through an anxiety episode... as you would see later on. I’m mostly doing this for memory keeping, for myself lmao. And for information too, if you’re interested, especially if you’re a fan living outside of Japan. Please keep in mind that my listening skills are stronger than my speaking skills. However, when put on the spot, under pressure, that goes all away ahaha. I can’t read Japanese apart from name kanji.)
I guess I should begin when I first heard about this event. It was around May 2019 when the TFG twitter announced that they are holding a two-shot cheki chance event to celebrate the release of their first single My dear Summer. At that time, I simply wanted to get my hands on the CD lol. We had dreams of going to Anisamano plans of going to Japan any time soon (since I only just came back from my Tokyo no Jin trip earlier that month). 
I had my brother help me out with buying the CDs (Google Translate can only do so much) when he actually encouraged me to try for the cheki. He said it’s a lottery system, as usual, and it won’t hurt to try since I’m buying stuff anyway. So I did. I bought both the First Press Limited Edition sets A and B using my boy Haruto Sakuraba’s link and didn’t really think much of it. They said they were going to announce winners on July 24. The event was the following month, August 27.
The ball started rolling after that. July was the 2.5D Actor Appreciation Month. #25DAAM on twitter.I featured Haruto and Mayu Yoshioka on mine. Then we somehow secured tickets to Anisama 2019. A small part of me was hoping... what if I hit for that cheki chance with Haruto. Anisama was happening the weekend of the cheki event after all. My brother was willing to either go to Japan early or stay late. Our schedule all depended on the cheki event results.
The day before results were to be released, I was a mess. It’s been a long time since I got a panic episode but something was in the water that day. Add to that, the results. The time difference threw me off and I was obsessively checking my email. My brother told me to give it a full 24 hours to account for the time difference. So what did I do? I distracted myself with Kenji Arita lmao. My brother and I had been fairly lucky with chuusen whether it be for tickets or fan events. The last time I attempted a lottery was for the Nelke Planning panel with Shiratorizawa at JF19. I didn’t hit for that because they only recognized actual JP addresses and my proxy wasn’t allowed. (But it was all good because the standby crowd got so large they allowed us to watch behind the ticket winners anyway haha.) I was praying that that won’t be the case here too.
When I woke up the next morning for work, I checked my email... and it was there.  I had my brother actually open the email and translate for me. We were looking for a "できません" but instead, it was a long email full of instructions and congratulations. I actually got picked! I read and re-read the email many times just to convince myself that I actually won. The email said that exact time and place of the event was to be announced only to winners in a separate email nearer the date. Cool cool. I felt so special LMAO.
I actually got the specifics about a week after the first email. The directions were weirdly specific... and helpful for someone like me who doesn’t know what to do with North-South-East-West directions; I work better with “Turn right when you see a Mini Stop across the street from a pachinko parlor” types AHAHAHA. Time frame was 5pm to 8-ish, then they specified that Haruto would have less than an hour to get through all the chekis with fans. They also said something about which forms of identification were required, which gifts/letters are accepted, even how the poses were chosen. 
But even with all that... I had no idea what to do. I tried lowkey Googling and stalking butai/idol social media for fan reports and... I couldn’t find anything that answers my questions (and quelled my anxiety over the matter haha). So I hope if you find yourself in the same situation later, AND IF YOU’RE AN OVERSEAS FAN, I hope this long ass post is going to be helpful to you. I’ve been to one other cheki event - with Hiroki Ino in Cosplay Mania 2018 in Manila - but that’s more straightforward than this one. 
(My slogan should be “Will travel for cheki” ahahaha.)
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Now that you’ve read through all that, let’s fast forward to August 27. After a hearty lunch at DiveryCity Tokyo, I made my way to the venue using the EXACT directions they provided in the email. I got there at exactly 5PM. I get by okay by myself in Tokyo but my brother usually acts as translator for me, like a crutch. But like on my May trip, I was by my lonesome on this adventure. 
I see a couple of girls in skirts (I was in a skirt too and it was a good call because it was pretty much dress code lol) waiting by the lobby. The sign said B2F so I go down and see more dressed up girls, some even in a yukata. They started lining up so I do the same. I was trying to make myself look small because I was playing everything by ear. They started calling out everyone who hit for Kento so the line thinned a little bit. I got to the registration desk and the staffer who looked so much like Maki Kawase took my paper confirmation and ID. After looking through her sheet, Nobu’s, she politely corrected me that “Sakuraba-san isn’t until...” she said a time but in my flustered and frankly, embarrassed state, it took me a while to figure it out. She even referred to another staffer behind her for the correct time. I apologized and made my way out but then she pointed to a nearby bench, gesturing for me to stay there instead of going back up.
That was when I started panic tweeting HAHAHAHA. If you don’t want to read further, then please just click on this Twitter Thread instead. Thanks! But if you want Stephen King-level of detail, keep reading. XD
Watching those little kids do scales and random dances calmed me down. Miss Staff-san (let’s just call her that) kept tabs on me, glancing at me from time to time and whenever we’d meet eyes, she’d smile. That kept me grounded. Also, talking to my mutuals who were humoring me was a huge help. I managed to laugh and distract myself. When I started seeing a new batch of girls lining up with Haruto pin badges and an excess of purple on their person, I followed. When Miss Staff-san saw me up next, she gave me a huge smile and a thumbs up. I went up to register and.. my name was easiest to find since it was the only one in the Roman alphabet. I was number 50 in a list that I think went up to 75. 
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We were herded into an honest to goodness dance practice studio. You know, with all the mirrors and low ceilings. Picture samples of the poses were on the wall, as done by Reo and Haruto. Pose A was your generic “double peace” sign. Pose B was doing an “Asian squat” and the photo was taken from above. Pose C would have you back-to-back with the member. Then there’s the special pose. Haruto teased that he was inspired by Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Hello, Pose C. Haruto Sakuraba is 6′2″ and I am a hobbit. Nope. Plus I’m very basic when it comes to poses. Ask Ino hahaha.
As the room filled, it drove home that I was the only foreigner there. Normally, it wouldn’t have mattered to me but at that moment, I was under a lot of pressure, my earlier faux pas still had me embarrassed, plus my severe lack of Japanese speaking skill was getting to me. I know, it’s all in my head; obviously I overcame it but if you have anxiety, you know how stressful that can be. I tried keeping myself small, trying to blend in. All the while, I kept seeing Miss Staff-san in my periphery and that calmed me down somewhat.
Then they lined us up according to the number on the ticket. I know what 50 is in Japanese so I just kept my ears open for that. I dropped off my fan letters before I could forget (Nobu got one too, handwritten in English but with a typed up translation sheet) then we were led to another, larger dance studio area. At the opposite end of the room were room dividers. They had My dear Summer on loop but I was so in my head that I didn’t even suffer from earworm. I just kept updating Twitter. More for personal sanity than anything ahahhaa.
Haruto took his time with fans. I noticed Reo’s line went by much faster. By the time he was almost done (his started a bit later than ours), I think Haruto’s only on his 20th fan. I calmed down enough to get my bearings back and I was glad to know that I wasn’t the only one losing her mind. The other girls were talking amongst themselves about the back-to-back pose and what they want to say to him. He seemed so friendly, if the laughter and chatting we were hearing from behind the dividers were any indication, and all of us wanted to make a good impression. Giiirl, I wasn’t even sure if the boy spoke a lick of English! XD
Then. It was my turn.
The staffer asked me which pose I want to do and being the boring person that I am, I chose A pose. Another staffer took my purse but all I saw was Haruto up close in his TFG get up.
Haruto: ありがとうございます Me: OMG Hi! 海外 fan  です!  *Haruto’s eyebrows disappear into his fringe. Staff takes pic* Haruto: Ah double peace. Er so... Me: I'm from California. Los Angeles. Haruto: Ah, California. So you don't speak Japanese? Me: A little bit. Your English is good.  Haruto: Aaah, not so much. I try. So when did you get to Japan? Me: Sunday? I'm here for Anisama and to see you! Haruto: Ah thank you so much. Staff: Next! ありがとうございました  *Haruto hands me the cheki. we bow at each other* Haruto: ありがとうございました. Bye-bye! Me: ありがとうございました.
I mean, the whole thing couldn’t have been more than 30 seconds but it felt so much longer. His final  ありがとうございました has a bit of emphasis as if trying to teach me. Oh you! I knew at least that much. 
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Then was I was leaving the booth, I heard the staffers go, "Whoa... I didn't know you can do that!" And he was all "Ay-yah... hehe." GUYS. GUYSSSS!!!! I couldn’t stop smiling... from the moment I just had to the moment he just had to... ALL OF IT! And as I left the venue, Miss Staff-san was right there waiting for me at the door. When she was my delicately holding the cheki in my hand, she patted me on the shoulder and said  “ よくやった!” I never thanked anyone that profusely in my life. (Honestly, her kindness made me tear up.)
I have no flippin’ idea how I kept it together in there. It was a total Yuri On Ice moment where Yuuri just let everything go at that moment and let it all out on the ice when it mattered. I said pretty much everything I wanted to say which wasn’t much. All I wanted to do is to let him know that he has overseas fans. And to test how good his English skills are. 
And let me tell you, it was more than okay. There was absolutely no hesitation in his words. He kept eye contact and oh lawd, his SMILE up close? I don’t know how I’m still here telling you all this. Now every time I hear his voice, I hear it in English ahahaha. (I know he spoke Chinese at a radio show but I wasn’t able to catch that and they haven’t put up the archive at all. Pfft.)
What made me so happy was he ended up impressing not only me but the staff too!!! He even took control of the conversation. The staffers were like "What's going on?" smiling at him as we talked. I'm sofkng proud.
(I should mention that this is technically my 8th time seeing Haruto in person. I saw Tokyo no Jin seven times in May. I figured that would help me a bit with the stress but nope. Although, I cannot wait for everyone to see the TnJ BD and experience his take on Bokuto. You’ll understand this admiration all the more lmao.)
So there it is. If you’re still with me, thank you. I hope I didn’t come across as annoying. I was - am - just so excited that I was able to do this and I wanted to share my experience. Haruto is such a precious sweetheart. I wish him the best of everything.
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ultsracha · 6 years
Idol!Changmin (Q) x Model!reader Fluff
Anon:  Yes! We need more the boyz writers! If I may request, could you write a bulletpoint piece model!fem reader and idol!changmin/q meeting and falling in love? ❤️ A/N: Ahhh thank you for the request! changmin is my bias and so i would absolutely love to write for him so im glad this was requested. *disclaimer* this is the first thing ive written in a very long time and im sure it’s not the best, im sorry for that but hopefully i made up for it with adding other members cracky content as well <3 
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being a model was never what you intended to do when you grew up but you started posing for photography students during school and from there more and more people want to take your picture 
now, 3 years later it’s a whole career and you get to work alongside some amazing brands and creators to promote stuff 
one week, you were sent to seoul for a shoot with numerous other people to promote a clothing brand 
usually you didn't mind flying out to new places, in fact it was the best part of the job once you got over the language barrier 
but this time, you were completely alone, your manager couldn't come due to family problems and all of your friends had work
so you were completely alone going to this event
and little did you know it wouldn't just be a small shoot, tons of people were there from all over the world 
they had actors, singers and models from tons of different places and companies 
and most of them were older than you which made things more stressful
so, first day there and everyone’s being told their schedules and what they need to be doing 
when you’re given your schedule you see you’ve been put on the same shoot as a boy group and a handful of other models 
not that you minded because maybe you could make some friends seeing as you’d be there for a while 
luckily your shoot wasn’t for a while as they didn’t choose you as one of the major people involved with the project so you ended up in a backroom with a few other people minding their own business
it was reasonably quiet in the room, people chatting away and on their phones until the door burst open and a group of boys walked in
all of them were, well
very very very very cute
its uwu time
no wonder they’d been picked for this project, who wouldn't want something modelled by them 
They walked in together, one following behind the other. The final boy to walk in looked around at everyone until his eyes met yours
and when i say awkward eye contact, i mean awkward eye contact for about 6 seconds before he accidentally walked into his group member in front of him
followed by some profuse blushing and apologising 
they proceeded to disperse into the room and sit down
the one who made intense awkward eye contact lingered for a second, looking around before settling into a seat opposite you 
Now there were around 18 people all sat together, not really talking very much
and the air was, awkward. 
Until the organiser of the event came in to introduce himself and explain what you were all meant to do
The whole time he was introducing himself you felt someone looking at you, but whenever you searched everyone's faces no one was looking 
everything was going fine and dandy until the guy explaining the concepts and the activities you guys would be doing for the shoot asked everyone to introduce themselves one by one 
it wouldn’t usually be a problem, you’re a confident person and modelling has certain helped that but when surrounded by so many beautiful humans it’s scary as hell 
so, they all introduced themselves. one of the members called Hyunjoon even threw in a cheeky wink at the end of his introduction 
like who ??? let you be so cute 
but then it came to the one who held the awkward eye contact
he seemed dead set on never looking at you ever again after that first moment up until the second he stood
he looked right at you as he introduced himself 
explaining that he didn't mind being called Q or Changmin 
what a freaking cutie pie 
when it was your turn you felt the most amount of butterflies in your stomach since probably your first kiss back in primary school
introducing yourself as calmly as possible, only looking up from the floor briefly to see Changmin staring into your eyes with keen interest 
oof that was enough to set your heart on fire 
Finishing your introduction of where you’re from and how old you are, you sat down quickly feeling the heat in your cheeks increase when you saw two of the boys whispering together 
once the man was gone it was a lot easier for everyone to chat and discuss how they thought the project would turn out, excited to be part of such a unique shoot 
Changmin was glancing your way every few seconds, looking like he was having an internal battle with himself 
You decided to just be a bad bitch and go speak to him yourself 
he was with Hyunjoon anyway and you needed to congratulate him on winning the best introduction of the team award!! 
when you got there they both abruptly stopped talking and looked at you, waiting with wide eyes for what you were going to say 
“so you’re part of a boy group yeah?” you ask
might as well ease in gently yanno
they both looked at each other before Hyunjoon answered and began explaining their roles in the group
he explained in great length that Changmin was the main dancer 
speaking very briefly of the other members in order to explain that Changmin can sing and dance so well and he’s super amazing with fans 
Changmin all the while stood there blushing and trying to disagree with him 
honestly a sweet but strange interaction 
until finally Hyunjoon was called away by another member of the group 
leaving just you and Changmin alone 
you’d moved to a couch nearby by now so for a few moments you sat there admiring him as he watched Hyunjoon walk off 
when he turned back he rushed to say “I’m sorry about him, he loves to hype us all up. I’m not really that cool’ 
“No, I think you’re pretty cool...” You shrug, trying to pass off the compliment slyly which didn’t go unnoticed by him. 
A faint blush was working it’s way up his neck when the organiser walked back in with 3 sheets of paper 
“I can see you’ve all got to know each other more and now, I want you to divide yourself into teams as evenly as possible. I don’t want all the girls put in one team though because there are less of you” 
He then leaves the sheets on a table and walks off again leaving you to find the courage to ask Changmin if he’d want to be in the same team as you
Because I mean you’ve only known him for about 45 minutes but he’s already showed how sweet he is and you can’t help but feel excited at the idea of spending the next few days working with him
“So would yo-” 
“Hey could w-” 
You both tried to ask each other to be on the same team in the exact same second
Both of you burst into laughter and write your names on the paper one under the other still giggling the whole time 
The rest of the morning goes by just like this, giggling together and gradually getting to know one another more and more
by the time the afternoon rolls around he’s basically your best friend
You both love the same movies, same books, enjoy similar music 
Even as hair and makeup is being done you don’t stop talking and giggling
Lets be real here, a crush was growing 
It’s like within the space of 4 hours you’d become inseparable 
When the photos were being taken your teams connection together was so genuine
Working for a brand that’s entire concept is friendship and having fun together it was hardly surprising that the laughter didn’t end there 
The rest of the time you were there your cheeks never stopped hurting from how much you smiled and laughed 
Not just from Changmin but also from all of his groupmates too
Such a wonderful, fun group of people to be around 
You truly felt like one of them by the end of the shoot 
but lets not ignore the lingering glances you and Changmin exchanged, or how he always managed to find an excuse to be stood with you and how whenever he’d walk you to your hotel room door he would try and make the conversation last as long as possible and always, always end the night with a hug 
okay lets be real again, a crush had definitely formed, grown up, moved in and was now decorating the kitchen in your heart 
Like you couldn’t get enough of his happy energy and humour 
At the end of the final shoot when you’re all stood around talking and laughing Changmin grabs your arm and pulls you away
Clearly you don’t resist because like anyone would accept some alone time with Changmin 
Gently he leads you to a couch in the corner of the room and sits down
His cheeks are already rosy when he starts to speak, his hand starting to get clammy against your own
“y/n, will you go on a date with me?” he blurts out quickly and then opening his eyes wide as if he was surprised he said it
and in that moment 
your heart
burst and stopped and did a trip round the globe 
“Of COURSE” you literally scream
His face lights up immediately and he jumps up hugs you quickly and darts off back to the others
you hear them all cheer and see them start hugging and pushing around a very, very blushy Changmin 
Later that evening he arrives at your hotel room door, still wearing that same red hue on his cheeks 
You go to the arcade together and the whole evening is wonderful
it’s no different than how you guys have spent time together the last few days but this time Changmin insists on holding your hand every second 
As well as hugging you from behind when its your turn on the claw machine
Unfortunately you claw machine skills are... 
But of course, your knight in shining hoodie and jeans swoops in and wins you the stuffed animal you really wanted 
After you’d played every arcade game and taking endless amounts of cringey pics of each other you walk home slowly still hand in hand 
“You know, I’m really glad I met you” he states out of the blue, still looking ahead of him
“Me too, I feel so complete with you around me” you reply back, swinging your joined hands slightly 
From then on, you were never apart
Literally like the brand you did the shoot for hired you permanently for big moneys and a promise of a successful modelling career a few weeks after your first date with Changmin
Which you graciously accepted for only that reason
Not the fact the love of your life happened to live down road from your new apartment 
and all you wanted to was hold his and forever 
plus the rest of the group fully accepted you as one of their own 
like seriously it was hard to find any moments alone with your boyfriend when hanging out at the dorms because hyunjae liked to ask what you’re doing every 3 minutes 
as well as father maknae line demanding your attention every second you were there
not that you complained about any of it 
because who would complain about a family like that 
and a boyfriend like Changmin 
really out here living your best life huh
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