#also they team up and hunt jean for sport and whoever kills him the most before he rage quits gets out of doing the dishes
vicsuragi · 2 years
when do i unlock the secret de level where kim and harry play gta online and kim just mows harry down while he's standing in the middle of the street looking thru his inventory?
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justlostinautumn · 5 years
Playing House 3
Part 1, Part 2
Clint Barton x OC (Alexandra Knight)
Fury calls in help on a long hall mission that requires Clint to play house with someone he doesn’t know and has never met. Alexandra likes to work alone and isn’t one to play well with others. Nick and Alex have a past together and now Nick is asking his old friend to help out with the monitoring and infiltration of some HYDRA agents. But, not everything is as simple as it seems. Nick isn’t the only old friend Alex has on the team.
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This was a mistake I couldn’t trust them with this. This information will make them want to stop this mission, but I have done too much for it not to go through. If Clint pulls out I will still do it. I have to do it! I walk into Nick’s office and pull off my suit and slip on some ripped black jeans and a loose tank top with open sides that showed my bra, but also my tattoo. It was a black watercolour crescent moon.
“Born to be a monster.” I sigh as I run my hand down my side.
I walk back to the conference room my heels clicking on the floor I pull my hair into a ponytail as I walk into the room. They get a good view of my tattoo. I know Bucky and Nat are looking at it frowning because it wasn’t there when they saw me last.
“Nice tattoo!” Wanda smiled at me.
“Thank you.” I smile softly at her dropping my arms back down.
“Why did you kill whoever gave you that and why does Clint get to know eventually?” Tony was impatient.
“Information and leverage are the reasons why I killed the person. The reason Clint get’s to know it because it will help with the mission. The person I killed was a rogue who was about to sell a lot of information to the government about their employers, but you see doing that wouldn’t shut down the whole group but just that one individual. Meaning all my hard work and Nick’s hard work would go to waste… not to mention all the people I killed.” I sighed thinking about all the work I put in for the last 6 months.
“How many people?” Bucky looked worried.
“A fair few had to make it look like two people were killing so more than usual.” I was vague enough that the others wouldn’t know, but from the look in Bucky’s eyes told me that he knew what I meant.
“What I am going to tell you now Clint, might make you reconsider you wanting to do this mission. I don’t care if you pull out, to be honest, it would be easier. But, you need to know even if you don’t go I still am.” I state firmly and I look at Nick daring him to say something.
“What if something happens?” It was Barnes who asks.
“My vendetta is done. If I die at least I will die in peace.” I smile at him and his eyes widen when he realises what I said and his eyes soften and nod in understanding.
“What might change my mind?” Clint asked I sat next to him turning his chair so we sat facing each other.
“This isn’t just killing bad guys. They want people who they can get to kill people who stand in their way… sometimes these people are bad, sometimes these people are innocent. Before anyone suggests put them in hiding that won’t work, these people expect evidence. Faking won’t work, someone tried and the people I killed were the ones that killed the last assassins hired. There are ways to hide people but take too long even if this is a 2-year mission we can’t do that for every person. You are going to have to kill ‘innocent’ people.” I look him dead in the eye and I see him swallow deeply.
“This doesn’t bug you?” Steve looks horrified, Fury looked neutral he had an idea this might be the case.
“I walk a fine line, Barnes will tell you that Rogers. Life isn’t black and white, there’s a whole lot of fucking grey everywhere.” I look him dead in the eye not blinking which throws him.
“So you will kill innocent people?” Peter looked sick.
“I wouldn’t call scientists experimenting on pregnant women and their foetuses innocent, but if you wanna then whatever floats your fucking boat. Yes, there may be a few good people in the mix like innocent partners and children. But, what you have to understand the job is just that a job. Yes, it’s fucked up, but the way I see it is you willing married and support a monster. It makes you just as guilty.” I can’t help but sneer, I see Bucky stiffen.
“That’s why you took this mission on?” Bucky looked at me.
“And James wins!” I smirk and Fury shakes his head.
“What?” Tony frowns.
“No!” Bruce looks at me shocked.
“What?” I smile at him.
“You are Project Zero?” Bruce asked and Tony froze staring open-mouthed at me.
“Ding, ding, ding!” I smirk.
“What’s Project Zero?” Peter asked everyone looked confused besides Bucky, Bruce, Tony and Fury.
“Project Zero was a program my parents created. Think Super Soldier, Black Widow and Spiderman Program. I was genetically enhanced with a cat mutation and some added extras. But, I was also injected with the new and improved Super Soldier Serum… all throughout my training and also my mother's pregnancy with me. I have the strength, agility, speed and endurance that would put you Super Soldiers to shame. The cat thing is all reflex, balance and a lot more. My training was more like torture, but also I learnt the normal things like emotions are a distraction, pain is a distraction, I learnt to fight with broken bones, I learnt how to not break under all kinds of torture, oh and I learnt how to not get my mind wiped. Parent’s always feared HYDRA would kidnap me and wipe me and use me against them.” I shrug like this was all normal and they all were gaping at me with open mouths. I look at Nick looking for an answer.
“Why not go by Black Cat?” Steve asked.
“I did for a while when I worked for my parents. But, when I left I went by Black Butterfly. Most people symbolise a black butterfly with misfortune and as an omen of death, and I just so happen to be both of those things.” I smirk at Steve.
“What are the added extras?” Bruce asked curiously.
“I believe there is some wolf in there and some other big cats… to be honest Doc I don’t know.” I shrug looking at him, I never really liked to think about what is in my blood it just brings back to the injections and I could live without it.
“That isn’t normal training for most of these individuals,” Nick spoke softly and I looked at them all realising I said too much and the doors in my mind start to close and I stiffen.
“Anyway, the decision is yours Barton, come or don’t. It doesn’t matter.” I nod and stand up and walk to stand next to Nick.
“I will do it,” Clint says calmly.
“Wait! What?” Steve and Tony looked shocked.
“She’s right, I knew Nick wasn’t asking me to do something easy. It made it even more clear when he told me it wouldn’t be Nat coming with me.” Clint shrugged.
“Plus it would be a waste of all of her hard work,” Nat smirked.
“Seriously, Buck what do you think?” Steve turned to his best friend.
“I’m sorry Steve, but I agree with Barton and Kitty over there.” Bucky states.
“You are thinking with your dick, not your head,” Sam shouted pointing at Bucky, something in me snapped and I was in front of Bucky grabbing Sam’s hand and pinning him to the table. His face smashed into the table and he moaned in pain and I hissed in response.
“He wasn’t going to hurt me,” Bucky whispered calmly rubbing his hands up and down my arms getting me to release Sam who was now sporting a bloody nose.
“The hell?” Sam shouted, I tensed but Bucky grabbed me and held me against his chest.
“I would be careful how you talk to Barnes and Romanov in front of her. She is protective over people she cares for, even if she won’t admit it.” Fury smirks at me.
“You are lucky you’re my friend,” I growled at him making him laugh.
“Nice Kitty.” Bucky scratched my head calming me slightly.
“Why not get Barnes to go undercover with her?” Tony finally asked the question everyone was thinking.
“Because he’s not the Winter Soldier anymore,” I say simply and everyone looks at me like I have grown another head.
“Of course he is.” Steve states.
“No, he’s the Avengers Winter Soldier, the Soldier atoning for his sins when he was in HYDRA. He is not Soldat, and also if I went into a HYDRA situation with the Winter Soldier we would be killed on the spot. But, pick the guy who is all ways overlooked on a team of heroes. A guy who on his own is a phenomenal individual capable of destruction if he wanted to, but is constantly overlooked by press and others. Someone, who slips into the background and becomes forgotten makes the job easier.” I answer not thinking about who I might hurt.
“What about Sam, Bruce, Steve or myself,” Tony asked.
“You and Steve are all over the press. Bruce is one wrong move from a bad day and Sam would not listen to what I say and think he knows a better way or would call Spangles over there for advice and would get us killed. Also, you’d all piss me off with the whole that’s wrong we should try and save them. You’d get me killed and I don’t mind dying, but if it’s because someone can’t do the job they are hired to do I will kill them and the target.” I spoke coldly.
“Why you and not Natasha or Wanda?” Steve asked obviously irritated by my answer.
“Witch over there wouldn’t be able to do the job and even though Nat would be able to do it she would second guess everything. Just because she did it once doesn’t mean she will be able to do it again. Walking away from this life isn’t simple, she would most probably be killed by someone who wants her head and they aren’t going to hunt for her when she has the protection of the Avengers. Whereas, this is the only life I know. It was the life I was born to do.” I say as if it is simple.
“Somehow you managed to insult everyone in the room within 10 minutes. Well done Ally Cat!” Nick laughed.
“They are asking stupid questions.” I pout at him and he pulls me into his side.
“I think you need a catnap before you kill one of my Avengers. You will be sharing a room with your husband.” Nick smirked at me.
“Okay, whatever. At this point, I’m too tired to argue with you.” I yawn and walk over to Clint and sit on his lap curling up and resting my head against his chest and drifting to sleep to the sound of his breath and heartbeat.
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venusgoths · 7 years
character wip
Name: Juandalynn 'Jude' Rivera-Carvajal Birthday: August 2nd, 1998 Alignment: Kinda fluid between true neutral and chaotic neutral Age/Year: 17 - 12th Gender/Pronouns: Demigirl, she/her & they/them Orientation(s): Pansexual
BIO Jude has no true familial birth, and therefore has no true biological parents. But, the woman she considered her mother was the one who dragged her out of the molten lava, in the boiling depths of the volcanoes of Chile. Carved by the gods out of volcanic rock and magma, the ash and fire turned to strands of thick hair eventually, and the jagged rock was shaped into brown skin, and thus became Jude. Her mother named her Juandalynn, but when she had gone to live her life with her father in America, the frustration of people not learning to pronounce her name birthed her preferred name, Jude.
The story of her parents was  as such; a Cuban volcanologist, photographing and studying volcanic activity in Chile, happened to stumble upon and photograph local cherufes. The man was fascinated by the creatures who would very rarely pull themselves out of the magma pools and volcanoes, unsure of what he was seeing, and was approached by Jude's mother. The two were enamored by each other, a kind of naive and infatuated love, and when Jude was birthed from the lava, her father made frequent trips out to Chile to visit the two. Eventually, though, the unfortunate romance between her parents was cut off, as her father's visits to the tiny region where her mother lived were a subject of interest to the locals. Her mother was hunted and killed when Jude was approximately 14 years old. And so, her father took her with him, and Jude continued the rest of her life in America.
While her father was Cuban, because of his scientific work, he lived and raised Jude in varying cities across the US. Jude was unable to live in colder weather conditions, unfortunately. At first, they had gone to New York City, but the winters left Jude exhaling pillars of smoke and soot as her fiery core smoldered out slowly, and it was harder and harder to find her a warm place to live. After a year and a half of frustration, culture shock and Jude's stubbornness to change, they subsequently moved out more west. They tried living in California, upon the west coast, but Jude couldn't enjoy the beaches and too-perfect weather. Being so close to water at all times scared her. Eventually, they landed in a sun-bleached desert town in the boons of Arizona. Jude's childhood was somewhat rough - she had the appearance of a young teenager, but had to go through the trouble of learning as much as she could of information from pre-k to high school. English came somewhat easy, growing up in an English speaking environment, but Jude's Spanish is extremely fluent.
The girl faced identity issues for much of her youth in America, not only with the knowledge of being so inherently different, but because Americans made everything so damn complicated. She considers herself half-Chilean and half-Cuban purely because of her parents. She also faces problems with anxiety and paranoia, caused after witnessing the death of her mother. The deep-seated issues of fear because of her mom manifested into anger issues, and so Jude struggled a lot as she managed through a couple of years of American middle and high school. Being a cherufe didn't make her life any easier either. Emotional flare-ups came with burnt school desks, piles of ash that were once homework and notes, and on one awful occasion, the west wing of a school being reduced to blackened soot. Teenage angst mixed with fire equaled a sucky youth.
Jude's relationship with her father was strained, but not entirely unhealthy. She just wished he had been around longer. Sadly enough, her lifespan is longer than normal humans, and the devastation of her mother's death was then added on with her father's death. He had always been caring and protective, but she could see how she wore him down over the years. Raising a kid wasn't easy, but raising what was essentially a fiery lava entity in the form of a teenage girl was something else entirely.  At first, Jude had blamed him for her mom's death, but his love and genuine care for her soon changed her thought's on the subject. She was somehow both very dependent on him, and completely independent and wanted to be her own person. Without him, Jude would have either stayed to live in the magma pools with the rest of her kind, and eventually been hunted. But, she wanted to be her own person and didn't like the idea of relying on one person so much in her life. Because of this, Jude went through her 'emo' phase, and that eventually turned into the grunge-y hybrid that she is now. Her father kept them afloat through teaching; he had abandoned his career as a volcanologist, and instead taught college classes about enviromental science and similar subjects. She thinks fondly of her father, though her death and watching him age took a toll on Jude.
When her father died was when Jude felt true devastation for the second time in her life. She felt as if she was withering, the fire inside being stamped and smoldered out, anger and anguish being exhaled along with soot as she sat crying in her burning home. When Jude came to, she laid under blackened wooden beams and debris, calm and burnt out. She knew she had to return home. By the time the firefighters got to the house, she had used whatever money her father left for her to book a flight to South America. Despair boiled in her gut as the girl made the trek into the mountains for the first time in decades. Jude thought of her mother, and every barefoot step left the ground charred. When she reached the summit of the volcano, her clothes slowly flittered away into ash from the pure heat, and she flung herself into the mouth of the Earth. The heat was comforting, and her kind greeted her eagerly, but Jude truly felt lost in that moment. When she surfaced from a magma pool, a slightly burnt brochure for Wollstonecraft Academy lay on the black rock nearby.
Now, for the last three and a half years, Jude has resided at Wollstonecraft but continues to isolate herself for the most part because of her anger issues and volatile powers. On-campus therapy sessions and her own drive prove that Jude is trying to best to make a good life for themself, but its proven difficult due to trauma and general social anxiety. She actively enjoys alternative rock music, something she picked up while living in the States, and is very into the punk scene and older music. She has taken up learning the bass guitar, and tries to write songs for a band she hopes to create  one day. Music is what she uses to cope, most of the time, but the girl also enjoys movies, literature discovered through her ELA courses, and is currently trying her hand at sports. She enjoys playing soccer casually, but couldn't make it on the team due to her aggressiveness when it came to competition.
SPECIES Appearance:  Jude's appearance in general seems to exert warmth and heat, from burning red hair to warm dark skin - she is 5'8", and has a lean lithe stature, though isn't particularly muscled or athletic. She doesn't seem very approachable, with a perpetually angry square face, a strong jaw, slightly pointed nose, and her thick ginger brows casting shadows over her brownish-hazel eyes, also framed by pale lashes. Her skin is a warm golden brown, and dark freckles from days spent in the sun can be seen on her face and shoulders. Jude's hair is thick and unruly, a fiery ginger curly mass of its own as it lays over her shoulders and down her back, as well as a few shorter strands falling across her forehead. The girl is half-Cuban, half-Chilean. Being a redhead, most can spot her from a mile away, and it only gets harsher to look at as Jude is closer to whoever looks at her. Her fashion sense is a mix of simplicity due to laziness, and a grunge-y garage band type style. An avid lover for flannels, plaid skirts, old painters jeans, boots, and hipster 'vintage' 90s t-shirts that she can find online. While she's not the best at makeup, Jude does enjoy tinted lip balms and mascara, sometimes pencil eyeliner scribbled on her lids as well if she feels more intense. Her whole look in general though is...kind of intense. You can't escape the intensity of fire when it's your core, after all. Jude wears prescription glasses as well, though not regularly.
Species/Rules of species: Jude is a Cherufe; an evil man-eating creature said to be made of rock and magma, and who inhabit magma pools in the volcanoes of Chile and are the supposed cause of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Rumor has it, the Cherufe's appetite for flesh was only satisfied by a virginal human sacrifice, thrown into the depths of their volcanoes, and some ideas described them as reptilian humanoids. In reality, Jude was created and 'birthed' in a volcanoe, deep in the magma of her mother's country, but not really man-eating or the cause of earthquakes. Jude is most definitely humanoid, but blurs the edges on being able to pass as a 'human'. Her core is fire and lava, and gives her the power to create and control fire at will. It manifests both outwardly from her body (such as a flame in her hand, breathing out fire, etc.), and also physically in her appearance when in full use. It doesn't happen every time, but a notable feat is Jude's hair appearing to be on fire, and her skin is constantly almost searing hot to the touch. Her powers are like a crappy life metaphor for her anger, something Jude feel's can be uncontrollable and combustive.
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