#also thinking of pirate morris “kidnapping” dion's princess archetype
brain-bumbler · 1 year
au where characters are split up into their archetypes
Well you know I'm gonna start with Dion, but I'll try to do my three favorite aquatos in-depth since you didn't specify
Clown archetype, because he needs to let loose and act more silly sometimes, needs to break out of his shell. Dion is completely embarrassed by this archetype
Ringleader, his passion for acrobatics and also his desire to live up to his parent's expectations
a princess or female acrobat type bc he has gender feelings. Though alternatively, all of the archetypes could be girls if he wants to have a REVELATION
Maybe a greek god "Dionysus" who could be his desire to rebel or want for teenage recklessness/revelry. May also contribute lots of dramatic poetry
"Fortune teller" sort of her internal image of what a psychic looks like based on those scary stories she heard growing up, her desire to give herself permission to be herself, no matter what that means
A character who looks most like her, but can go invisible or turn other people invisible, or maybe an archetype that can take on the general appearance of other people. The mask or the mirror, the way she hides herself from her family but also how she is charming and can fit into friend groups and has helped Raz hide his powers when it wasn't safe
Knife throwing performer who throws psychic blades at enemies while doing twirls, the marriage of her acrobat and psychic selves
A "strongman" the way he tries to protect his family and carry all their burdens
Ringleader who works to coordinate things and helps him juggle so many kids and responsibilities, his ambition and desire to make the circus great
I'm trying to think of a "dad" archetype that just lets him grab his kids and hold them close and always know where they are. maybe a lighthouse keeper! Because he wants them to always be able to find their way home
Other random ideas are Norma as a detective, Morris going full pirate aesthetic (bc pirate radio lol), and Adam having a ninja or a brave knight. Lizzie has a brawler like from mortal kombat. Gisu has a mad scientist or a jester. Milla and Sasha having archetypes based on the other, a disco dancer for Sasha and a more reserved teacher type for Milla because they've helped each other grow and been such great influences on each other.
If everyone was split up into archetypes people would find new niches and get to know new sides of each other they didn't think would get along with!
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