#also this is the first time I draw some of them jaja
danicloth · 4 months
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Everyone is here, but I mean EVERYONE… ✨💛✨
Sometimes I forget that there’re a lot of characters
A little something with all the gang and some alternative versions… not all ‘cause they didn't fit jaja
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tharett · 2 months
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**** This is going to be the last ranfren post I'll make ****
I'm pretty sure some of you may know (and by looking into the community, will probably tell me to "grow up" lololol), the ranfren creator has... a VERY problematic past (that i properly searched and educated myself about)... and I no longer want to associate with their work (simple as that, really)☝️🤓
[Context as to Why I'm Uploading this xd]:
I was in the process of drawing this page (with the intention of uploading it ywy) before finding about the LORE about the making of the Ranfren series, so I couldn't bring myself to NOT upload this after putting a lot of work in for it... and we find ourselves here in this awkward situation :v
So with this, I will bid the series adieu and continue uploading art of my other interests 🙇‍♂️
Eng Translation of my Chicken Scratch Handwriting:
Nyon and Nyen photo:
- ok 1/2 (letters on his shirt)
- Nyon looks too feminine lmao (in my style)
-Nyen (why is he always drawn all muscley??) (Future thare: I now know (HAH))
Luther photo:
[Headcanon Box]
- always unprepared for visitors (doesn't have enough drinks each visit somehow)
Luther (L): "I hope your friends like them..."
Randal (R): "thanks big brother! Woah, an ash tray for a cup!? Cool"
Avalona and Spider Girl photo:
Avalona Mercury (A): c'mon guys! Hurry up! N'hee hee hee!"
R: "I'm on my way ladies!!"
A: "ew you're drooling again hee hee!"
[OC]Hirose Daiki (H): "I'll stick around a bit!"
[Extra Notes]
- HS AU ☆ high school alternative universe
- they all get along like normal teens <3
Comic Strip (LEFT TO RIGHT! Also Numbered!!):
[Contex Box]
- meeting the Ivory Family
[Dialouge + Action Boxes]
H: "oh! Hey Sebastian (S)! What a coincidence! Wanna hang later?"
S: "H-Hirose? What are you...?" [First time meeting Hirose out of school]
H: "I'm also here for groceries?? Lol. Why else would I be here?"
L: "oh? Is he a friend of yours, Randal?" [Lean--]
R: "eeh, I guess? He's a friend of a friend" [uninterested]
H: "hello! I'm Hirose Daiki, Randal's and Sebastian's friend! You must be Randal's big brother, Luther, right?" [Offering hand for handshake]
S: "I told you, you don't have to greet them..."
H: "nonsense!! It's a pleasure to meet you! Hi Randal ^^"
R: "ugh... hi..."
L: "(Oh, he's nicer than the other one (Satoru)!) Well yes! Yes I am- it's a pleasure to meet you, too!" [Flattered Blush]
H: "the pleasure is all mine!"
R: "Seb, let's go to the candy section!"
[Contex Box (2)]
- later made plans to introduce his (Hirose) parents
Traducción de Todo lo que Dije antes pero en Esp xd:
**** Esto será el último blog de Ranfren que haré ****
Estoy seguro que algunos de ustedes saben (y al mirar los tipos de la comunidad, probablemente me dirán que "ctm/no mms" xdxd), el creador de Ranfren tiene... un pasado MUY problemático (en la cual yo tome el tiempo para buscar para que me eduque adecuadamente)... y ya no quiero asociarme con su trabajo (así de simple, la neta JAJA) ☝️🤓
[Contexto de pq subo esto xdxd]:
Estaba en el proceso de terminar este dibujo (con la intención de subirla ;-;) antes de enterarme de la HISTORIA sobre la creación de la serie Ranfren, así que como no subir este dibujo después de ponerle tanto esfuerzo para terminarlo, y pues... ahora nos encontramos aquí en esta situación incomoda :v
Así que con esto, me despido de la serie y continuaré subiendo arte de mis otros intereses 🙇‍♂️
Traducción Esp de mi letra culera JAJAJA:
Foto de Nyon y Nyen:
- ok 1/2 (lo que tiene escrito en su blusa)
- Nyon se ve demasiado femenino JAJAJA (en mi estilo xd)
- Nyen (¿pq siempre lo dibujan todo musculoso?) (thare del futuro: ahora lo sé (JAJ))
Foto con Luther:
[Caja con Headcanon] ("Headcanon" son ideas que son implementados en un personaje(s) de cómo interactuan/como reaccionaría en ciertas situaciones, etc)
- Siempre no esta preparado para sus visitantes (por alguna razón siempre no tiene suficiente bebidas para servir en cada visita)
Luther (L): "espero que a tus amigos les gusten..."
Randal (R): "¡Gracias, hermano mayor! Gau, ¿¡un cenicero para una taza!? Chido"
Foto con Avalona y Chica Araña:
Avalona Mercurio (A): "¡Vamos chicos! ¡Apúrense! ¡N'hji ji ji!"
R: "¡¡Voy llegando chicas!!"
A: "¡Que asco, estas babeando de nuevo ji ji!"
[OC]Hirose Daiki(H): "¡Me quedo con ustedes por un poco!"
[Notas Extra]
- UA de Prepa ☆ Universo Alternativo de la Prepa/Secundaria
- se llevan como adolescentes normales <3
[Caja de Contexto]
- conociendo la Familia Ivory
[Diálogo + Cajas de Acción]
H: "¡oh! ¡Que tal Sebastian (S)! ¡Que coincidencia! ¿Quieres pasar el rato?"
S: "¿H-Hirose? ¿Que haces aquí...?" [La primera vez que mira a Hirose fuera de la escuela]
H: "¿¿También estoy aquí para el mandado?? Lol, ¿para que más estaría aquí?"
L: "¿Oh? Este es un amigo tuyo, Randal?" [Se inclina--]
R: "eee, ¿yo diría? Es amigo de un amigo" [desinteresado]
H: "¡Hola! ¡Soy Hirose Daiki, amigo de Randal y Sebastian! Usted es el hermano mayor de Randal; Luther, ¿es cierto?" [Ofreciéndole la mano para saludarlo]
S: "te he dicho, no necesitas saludarlos..."
H: "¡¡Tonterías!! ¡Es un placer conocerte! Hola Randal ^^"
R: "ugh... hola..."
L: "(Oh, ¡es más amable que el otro (Satoru xd)!) ¡Por supuesto! Soy el hermano mayor- ¡Es un placer conocerte!" [Rubor Halagado(?)]
H: "¡El placer es todo mío!"
R: "¡Oye Seb, vayamos a la sección de dulces!"
[Caja de Contexto (2)]
- después hicieron planes para introducir sus padres (de Hirose)
Con esto, me despido y les deseo que tengan una buenas/os días, tardes, o noches 🫂💕
And with this, I say goodbye and wish all of you a good day, afternoon, or night 🫂💕
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sweet-tragedys-stuff · 2 months
My experience and things that happened at the Voltaire concert :]
First of all, a lot of strange things happened jajaja
It was literally the first time I went to a convention and a concert, so my hands were shaking a lot; Even when I went to buy the tickets for the photo and the autograph, the ladies who were collecting told me "Cálmate jaja, ni que se te fuera a ir (calm down jaja, he's not going to leave)".
Well, I approached where he was giving autographs and cell phone photos (my dad vanished, he went to buy prickly pears)
Voltaire and Mayumi greeted me very kindly greeted and I asked him (almost crying) to sign my drawing of "Riding a Black Unicorn", I thought he was just going to sign it and that's it. but when I gave him the drawing, he saw it and asked me "Tu dibujaste esto? (Did you draw this?)" but, he asked me surprised, I answered yes, He told me that I drew very well and he showed it to Mayumi and she also told me that I drew very well (I was almost dying of happiness, I just didn't cry because I had eyeliner and I didn't want it to be ruined) he signed my drawing and asked if I could take a photo with them, they told me yes and my father took the photo with me jskakjsa with. and then he asked me "como te llamas? (what's your name?)", I told him my name, and he told me "Maren? dibujas muy bien, espero que sigas dibujando (You draw very well, I hope you continue drawing)" and shake my hand (I almost cried ×2)
And something strange happened when he was going to sit down kajsjsja, As I said, my father was going to buy some prickly pears, Well, I'm going to try to explain this in the best way possible, because it is better understood in Spanish.
My father was eating prickly pears and Voltaire approached him and asked him what he was eating (yes, super random) and my father said "Tunas"
Prickly pears, in Spanish they say "tunas", and "atún" in English is tuna, I hope it is understood, Basically Voltaire thought my father was talking about tuna, when in reality he was talking about prickly pears
And Voltaire answered "Tunas?", my father said yes and Voltaire asked again "Tuna de Atún?" and my father replied "No, no, tuna de, de tuna" (wtf?) (he forgot how to say "tuna" in English) ". . . De atún?" "No, no, de, de cactus!" "Aaaaaah" kakjsjaajaa and then he said to Mayumi "Mayumi!, hay tunas! (there are prickly pears!)"
Afterwards, I think he went to buy prickly pears, and I bought the key (500 pesos, holy shit, I spent half of my savings, but it was worth it) I also remember that I told Mayumi (because she was the one who sold me the key) "I'm sorry, I'm very nervous" and Mayumi replied "Aaaaw, don't worry"
But then, I remembered that I spent some time thinking about what would happen if I asked him for a hug, and that's what I did, I asked him "oiga, le puedo dar un abrazo, porfavor (hey, I can give you a hug? please)" (Call me strange, but I literally got to the concert with tears, sweat and blood, I needed that hug) and he didn't say anything to me, he just extended his arms and I gave him a hug.
Then, about 10 minutes before the concert started, He was no longer where he was giving autographs, and me and my father went for Chinese food, well, my father, because I was just thirsty even though I had only eaten one sandwich all day (Monterrey is a fucking oven) While we were in line to buy food, my father called me and I turned to find out what he wanted. . . Voltaire was behind me, no joke, seriously, And then, I took the opportunity to ask him what his height is, He told me that he wouldn't know how to say it, because he uses the system of inches, feet, yeah jaja, In the end he told me 6'1 (1.85 meters) Then Mayumi came and Voltaire asked her "Amor, cual es mi altura?" and Mayumi answered that 1.85 meters, It was irrelevant to say this, but I only wanted to because I found him in the fucking line to buy Chinese food, I mean, that only happend in La Rosa de Guadalupe.
now, the concert yippee
1.- At the beginning (finishing the song from The Last Halloween party) the microphone started to fall and he started shouting "Diurex!, Diurex!" And then he asked whoever was there "Amigo, tienes Diurex o algo? (Dude, do you have Diurex or something?)"
2.- Finishing the song "The Skeleton Dance" he said "No me lo vas a creer!, no me lo vas a creer!. . . Pero yo era ñoño. . . Talvez si me creas porque sigo siendo ñoño, pero ahora soy ñoño vampiro" (I, you're not going to believe me! You're not going to believe me... But I was a nerd... Maybe if you believe me because I'm still a nerd, but now I'm a nerd vampire)" akkskajs and began to tell about his life
3.- After telling his past he said "I ahora teniando 57 años, yeah, that's right, fifty seven, es una de las momias de Guanajuato, wey! (And now being 57 years old. Yeah, That's right, fifty seven, it's incredible, dude!, is one of the mummies from Guanajuato" At that age he still liked the same things as when he was 17
4.- I don't remember very well, because I didn't record it, that he said that people on the street told him "Que buen disfraz de dracula! (what a great Dracula costume!)" "Hey, todavia no es Halloween! (Hey it's not Halloween yet!)" and that offended him a lot, but after a while he no longer saw it as something bad and said "Ahora cuando la gente en la calle me dice 'que buen disfraz de dracula', yo les contesto 'Ay, muchas gracias! (Now when people on the street tell me 'what a great Dracula costume' I answer 'Oh! Thank you very much!')", but, he said it with a tone of voice and a pose that, jaja, made me laugh a lot
5.- I was saying that her most popular song is "The Night" because, well, it is the number one episode of "The vampair series" Well, he said that that song was very difficult and that he called his producer and told him to hire a professional guitarist, then they paid him his 3.5 kakskaks pesos ( joke, that lasts the song) and his producer told him something like "No hagas eso, porque cuando vayas a un concierto no vas a saber tocar esa cancion en vivo (don't do that, when you go to a concert, you won't know how to play that song)" and Voltaire said "Yo nunca voy a tocar esa canción en vivo! A nadie le va a importar esta canción!. . . 20 años después (I'm never going to play this song live! Nobody is going to care about this song! . . 20 years later)"
6.- After saying that he said "se vuelve viral, tiene 54 millones de views, y ahora yo, yo me tengo que, is embarrassment, I have to embarrass myself, me tengo que embarazar (it goes viral, it has 54 million views, and now I, I have to. . . is embarrassment, I have to embarrass myself, I have to get pregnant" okay, Let me explain, because this is a joke in Spanish, "embarrass" In Spanish, it means "avergonzar", buuuut, sounds VERY SIMILAR to "embarazar" and it means "to get pregnant" I hope it was understood jaja
So, he got confused, I don't know if it was a joke or not but he said "No me voy a embarazar? (Aren't I going to get pregnant?)"
7.- After finishing "The Night" said "Muchas gracias, ahora si necesito una chela (Thank you very much, now I need a beer)"
8.- Now "Raised by bats" because it gave an introduction of how he went to New York and ended up in places like that, he even made a joke that "termine en lugares, masomenos similares a este, termine con gente *señala al publico* se parecian masomenos a ustedes (I ended up in places. . . Let's say something like this, and I end up with people *points to the audience* more or less similar to you)" and he said to a guy "te digo, me encata tu disfraz, pero creo que no es un disfraz, asi es, asi es y asi es como debe ser (I tell you, I love your costume, but, I think it's not a costume, that's how it is, that's how it is and that's how it is It must be)" Then he said "En otras palabras, en otras palabras, yo encontre mi tribu (In other words, in other words, I found my people)"
9.- Then he said about "Raised by bats" he said "Aqui todos somos. . . Raritos (Here, we are all of us. . . Weirdos" but he said that in the USA he calls them "lovable weirdos" and he asked what that would be like in Spanish and they told him and he said "Raritos encantadores"
10.- He gave an introduction to his program "Gothic Homeking" and then said "Yo me despierto todas las mañanas, a las 4 de la tarde, y trato con toda mi alma y mi esfuerzo, vestirme como un villano de Disney. . . Y si esa gente afuera, piensan que porque así decoro mi casa y así me visto, eso me hace 'malvado' porque así me llaman, malvado, pues. . . Quizás así es (I wake up every morning, at 4 in the afternoon, and try with all my soul and effort to dress like a Disney villain. . . And if those people outside think that because that's how I decorate my house and that's how I dress, that makes me 'evil' because that's what they call me, evil, well. . . Maybe that's how it is)" holy shit, wow, even in the video you can see that I scream like a crazy bitch because he was already going to sing "When You're Evil"
11.- The Beelzebub's Philharmonic Choir, which is when people from the audience went up with Voltaire to sing, and I said "DAD, RECORD, RECORD" He said "déjame ver tus manos, si has, si has, ugt, en español! Déjame ver tus manos si has, si me has visto en concierto, otra ves. . . Sube las manos si esta es la primera vez que me vez en un concierto (entro yo kakska) pues, si has visto uno de mis conciertos, sabes que esta es la parte del show, donde yo escojo gente del público- (let me see your hands, if you have, if you have, ugt, in Spanish! Let me see your hands if you have, if you have seen me in concert, again. . . Raise your hands if this is the first time you see me at a concert (I enter kakska) well, if you have seen one of my concerts, you know that this is the part of the show, where I choose people from the audience-)" I don't remember anymore He said why I stopped recording to go to the stage, but he said that the only requirement was that we knew "When You're Evil" in full, I didn't know it but it was worth it to me and I looked for the lyrics in google
12.- when we sang the part that said
I pledge my allegiance, to all things dark
And I promise on my damned soul
To do as I'm told, Lord. Beelzebub
You have never seen a soldier quite like me
Not only does his job, but does it happily
He said "Aplausos, Aplausos, es lo menos que podemos hacer, terminan de vender sus almas a satanas en el encenario (applause! applause!" "It's the least we can do, you end up selling your soul to Satan on stage)"
Then I went to the professional photo and took a photo with him and I said something like "Hey, I would like to give you my pins that I have from you" and he stared at my pins and asked me if I I did, I told him no, that I had just done the almost human one and he told me (again) that it was very nice. Afterwards he told me that I could only take one, but that I should choose the one I liked the least, but he told me with a kindness and a smile that, God, displayed an aura of security. In the end, I gave him the one for "The Black Labyrinth" and the one for "Riding a Black Unicorn"
Well, he wore the one from Black Labyrinth (I saw it as logical because it came in black) but I thought he would only wear it while I was looking at him. The pin was never removed again, after I gave him the pin, he didn't take it off again.
"It doesn't matter, that's what I work for" but he didn't accept, I asked him for one last photo with the pin and I remembered that I had a drawing of Feathery wings, I showed him the drawing and asked him if he could sign it, but if he didn't want to anymore, that was fine, because I had already spent the autograph ticket and he asked me "Porque pensaste que no te lo iba a firmar? (Why did you think I wasn't going to sign it for you?)" And he stared at the drawing while I explained it and he asked me again, if I drawn that, just as surprised as before, and I think he was convincing me to give it to him and I told him it was for a friend and in the end He understood and signed it, I asked him if he was going to come next year and he said yes they invited him and. . . Ready, I'm gone, from the best moment of my existence so far.
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hi!! if you're still doing the hazbindergarten au, I assume since you've done moxxie you also take helluva boss requests? if so, can we get hcs for fizzarolli and/or stolas?? ty!! this au is very fun jaja
Hi! Yes, I am still taking requests for the hazbindergarten au! (I just kind of forgot about it, but I still love it lol)
(btw you also get a bonus addition of Blitz and Millie because I had written up hcs for them and forgot to post them)
Blitz: Severe dyslexia & ADHD, he struggles badly with reading and writing, which is later found to be profoundly exacerbated by untreated strabismus that has made him blind in his right eye. His father is hinted throughout the series to be involved in several illegal business dealings and that the environment at home is far from safe. His favorite times of class are P.E,  free play, and art (his art always relates to horses and/or pirates in some way, regardless of the assignment). Blitz has a remarkable ability to cause chaos, even without particularly trying to (though he honestly very often is). He has vitiligo, and is a little bit older than his other classmates, turning 6 early on in the school year. 
Stolas: Born to an extremely rich and secretive family, he was initially enrolled in prestigious private schools, but repeatedly had to be discreetly disenrolled from them when he suffered “disgraceful” ongoing incidents of panic attacks and sensory meltdowns. Once he received diagnoses of autism, anxiety,  his father decided it may be “best to put him somewhere he’ll be out of the way” and enrolled him at the first special education classroom he found (which happened to be Charlie’s). Despite all of this, it does end up being a beneficial decision, with Stolas befriending Blitz almost immediately, and, feeling safe when he’s around him, becoming very relaxed and sociable. He mostly communicates through infodumping and scripting from all of the ridiculously advanced science and astronomy books he totes around with him at all times. His favorite time of the day is storytime and whenever the class takes a field trip to the school library he happy-stims the whole way there. Although he gets embarrassed that he doesn’t know as much “book stuff” as Stolas, Blitz enjoys being classroom buddies with him, with Stolas reading to him, and complimenting all of his artwork.
Millie: ADHD with severe hyperactivity & is profoundly hard of hearing. She has numerous rowdy siblings both older and younger than her, which can make managing some of her behavior in class rather difficult since being fast and loud is often advantageous at home. As the semester progresses she befriends Moxxie and helps draw him out of his shell, and she calms down somewhat around him. Her favorite parts of the day are P.E. and free play.
Fizzarolli: Afflicted with a profound connective tissue disorder that sometimes causes him severe pain. He wears complex orthopedic braces and sometimes requires the use of a wheelchair* when his pain is severe. His family works for, lives on the property of, and is implied to be indebted to Blitz’s father, with the majority of his benefit money his family receives for his medical care going towards their dues to him. He is very cheerful and sweet-natured, but if not engaged he will become restless and attempt to perform contortionist tricks for his classmates, not understanding that it will worsen his joint pain. His favorite parts of class are storytime and P.E. (where he gets to do P.T. exercise games with Pentious**)
*Pentious hates his P.T. exercise games, so Fizzarolli always does his best to make him feel better and have a good (or at least a better) time
**It’s very much a cobbled together DIY wheelchair, made from a plastic deck chair, some bicycle & big wheel tires, and a dismantled shopping cart. Everyone pretends it doesn’t violate 5 different school safety guidelines so Fizzarolli can enter the building when he's using it.
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In one of your posts you added some headcanons that SS stans came up with, and the one that really caught my eyes was "Sasuke's obsessed with Sakura's eyes"... This isn't funny at this point, it's complete desperation 🤣🤣🤣!! Since when did he say that??? I don't remember him ever looking at her in the eyes passionately, even in Boruto. How many lies do they have to come up with just for them to feel good about their ship??? If Sasuke doesn't say anything about her eyes, then I completely discard that idea. He doesn't even take the time to compliment her looks, not that he cares about that anyway 🤷🏽‍♀️. And in another post you said that they are asking SP to make Sasuke and Sakura kiss right? I'm sure that kiss would be a filler. Because it wouldn't affect the storyline. I don't read Boruto (I respect myself too much for that), so Idk what's going on in that crazy manga.. But apparently something not good is coming up for SS?? What exactly happened in the latest chapter??
Hello ANon! Oh yes, this "He is obsessed with Sakura eyes" is a thing that me and my friend always laugh at xD But yes, it's true. I read it in one their multiple meta post. Will not attach the link because too much cringe and i read it long ago. This post, conveniently selected some pannels and ...I dont know jaja tried to point out that always there is some connection between Sasuke's gaze to Sakura's eyes. For example they edited and cropped panels from Sasuke first reunion in Shippuden, and they cut Naruto out of the picture and made it seem...as if he were looking at her? Ah also because when he said "she was annoying" he somehow¿¿¿¿ was looking at her in the eyes (despite there is no proof of this lol) Of course they also added their so called s-mex/eyesmex whateverthefcuk pointing again that he has some kink with her eyes. Yeah. I know... Even if he doesnt word it or say something about them, you as mangaka can transmit those feelings especially in gazes and stares. Anime has the amazing characteristic of communicate a lot through the eyes, I myself can assure you as a drawer too (not a proffesional still but been drawing for 15 years.) If Kishimoto wanted to say something between...Sasuke having some obsession about Sakura eyes, he would have done it. Especially when Sasuke's eyes are so intense. In fact, in that chapter they selectively edited, Sasuke was staring at naruto, its the same when he was staring at him in Vote1 and we can go on. Say also Itachi's eyes when he is first introduced, meaning...Kishimoto knows how to do this job.
I can agree they had some chemistry when he saved her in the war (their only good scene) But this is as an isolated moment....to then confirm that he is obssesed with her eyes...Well, reading comprehension = 0
And regarding the kiss, yes this is something they always ask on twitter. They are desperate absolutely desperate for a kiss between them. I dont know if SP will make them kiss. In fact, the only couple they made kiss multiple times was SNS . We have a kiss for Naruto with Fuuka , whom he shared a very disgusted face.
Kakashi with this woman in a filler. And if someone remembers other ones let me know. But for canon... They could add even a kiss for Minakushi but never they did, or the strongest couples. So...i find it hard they made them kiss because its not relevant. If Sasuke kiss someone again, it may be naruto to maybe remember them of their first kiss, as some comic relief. Oh yeah i know Borusara kissed somehow but that was also filler and that kiss reflected SNS in fact So... xD About Boruto i dont know where people took this from, that something not good is coming for SS¿ Because I mean, SS is absolutey NON EXISTENT in Boruto. And I wonder if Ikemoto would plan to pull their romance in the manga, when he is dealing with this horrible topic about aliens and the bad copy of Akatsuki, Kara.
What some are especulating is that Sasuke death could be near, since he gifted his headband to Boruto which...We can take it as a bad and good thing at the same time for SNS. The manga nowadays is centered on Boruto, Kawaki, Sasuke and Naruto, Shikamaru and Amado. And the villains of course. Even this random girl Sumire, has more relevance and presence than Sakura and Hinata, so...i dont know what Bad thing could come for SS because its as if they have never been in there.
Something that maybe catched their eyes, is that Sarada complained that Sasuke is HER father more than Boruto's teacher. I find this marvelous lol because it just confirms what i have always said. But in any case, that the girl expressed (such as in canon as in a filler) this complaining its because we know whom is Sasuke's heart more connected with. (Despite what the gaiden said)
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mcnuggyy · 3 years
hey! i’m sure you get asks looking for art advice all the time, so feel free to redirect me if this is something you’ve answered before. i am so charmed by your art, especially the diversity of shapes in your characters and the way that you draw bodies! i really want to practice drawing more but i can’t seem to get The Human Form right. do you have any tips?
Sure thing! I’ve mentioned these tips in the past but it’s been quite some time since then so I’m happy to reiterate them! :-]
The big three things u always recommend when wanting to improve in any way, whether that’s with faces or body types, or even backgrounds, it’s always 1) observational studies 2) master studies and 3) practice practice practice!
1) Observational Studies. If you wanna get good at something, you gotta look at it a bunch! This can be figure drawing, going out to a park, or mall or other setting and drawing people you see, gathering reference online, though I always always always recommend figure drawing or live drawing on location over just looking at images if you’re able to! (COVID safety first ofc) all my best improvements have always come from just going out and drawing what I see, the world is full of diversity and wonderful people, and there are some schools that offer free figure drawing sessions if you have a student ID! This is why I always carry a sketchbook with me as well (and maybe a pair of glasses to keep it sneaky if ur nervous jaja) that way if an opportunity ever comes for some life drawing, I have the tools needed to do so!
2) Master Studies! So, you like the way I draw figures and different body types? I give you full permission to trace my art! I’m serious. Studying the way another person draws something is not only another great tool for learning, but a natural way for you to develop your art style! That’s why art students go to museums, or children trace their favorite characters, those artists have techniques and ideas to teach us! Study them, break up the form of a figure they drew, try to copy their style, see what tools they used, etc! This can also be expressions from a tv series, or a character design from a cartoon, or outfits from a magazine! Of course this is just for yourself, so you don’t really ever share or post these, but it is absolutely an underrated form of practice that I wish wasn’t so looked down upon (mostly by people who don’t know what they’re talking about to be fair lmao) despite being one of the ways a lot of us professionals get better!
3) Practice! Now taking those first two tips, you’re going to apply it to your own characters/designs/art and just do it a bunch of times! I usually recommend 15-30 minutes of drawing every day, 1 hour if you have the stamina for it! You can do a bunch of figure studies or some of those master studies as well for those 30 min. Just getting your hand and brain used to what you’re trying to learn!
In this doc I have the websites I use for figure drawing as well as some anatomy books and other resources in case you need them!
I hope this helps! If you ever have any questions or want some direct or specific advice my dm’s are always open :-]
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cristinardvaya · 4 years
Aquí está el primer cómic de "Risas y Jolgorios". Se suponía que tenía que publicarlo ayer, ya que era San Valentín, pero se me lío el día.
Here is the first comic of "Laughter and Merriment". It was supposed to be published yesterday, as it was Saint Valentine, but I had some troubles.
Espero que os guste, nunca había publicado nada así antes, y menos de Spones. He tenido alguna complicación al dibujar a Kirk (es difícil hacerlo reconocible 😢), pero vosotros diréis, a mí ya me gusta jaja. Y no se me da muy bien dibujar personas en perspectiva, estoy practicando aún.
I hope you enjoy it, I have never published something like this before, not even Spones. I had some dificulties at drawing Kirk (it is hard making him recognizable 😢), but you will judge, I already like it haha. Also, I'm not good at drawing people in perspective, I'm still practicing.
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STAR TREK: RISAS Y JOLGORIOS. "El estudio de la criatura". Por cristinardvaya
STAR TREK: LAUGHTER AND MERRIMENT. "The study of the creature". By cristinardvaya
1: (riiing)
2: Spock from the speakers: - "Doctor, I request permission to enter"
McCoy: - "Come in, Spock"
3: McCoy: - "Why is this unexpected visi-?
4: McCoy: - "What the hell happened to you?!"
5: Spock: - "I have had an accident with a creature of study"
6: (Some minutes later)
7: McCoy: - "Done"
8: McCoy: - "Next time, don't ask me for permission to enter in my room if it's an emergency."
9: McCoy: - "What were you thinking? That thing would have poisoned you... or infected... or even-"
Spock: - "Doctor, I know the risks"
10: McCoy: - "Then, you should know that, in cases like these, time is primordial, and you spent 30 seconds waiting at the door."
11: Spock: - "If you want me to enter directly next time, I will. However, I am not a supporter of that"
12: (Some time later)
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3: (fuoshh)
Spock: - "Doctor, the creature-"
4: (fuoshh)
Spock: - "!"
5: McCoy: - "!!!!"
6: McCoy: - "SPOCK!!"
7: Spock: - "Doctor! (ejem...) Excuse me... I was unware that you-"
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1: McCoy: - "Those with pointed ears don't call before coming in or what?!!"
2: Spock: - "..."
3: Spock: - "I must remind you that it was you who forced me to enter freely."
4: McCoy: - "For the love of Newton, Spock! Yes, but not when I just had a shower!
5: McCoy: - "I have to calm down... Otherwise, I'll go mad and end up talking to myself."
6: McCoy: - "Sit on my bed, we don't have to go to the med bay. I've everything I need in that shelf."
Spock, thinking: "I'm a vulcan, I'm in control of my emotions."
7: Spock, thinking: "I'm a vulcan... I'm a vulcan..."
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1: McCoy: - "Heck, Spock. Leave that creature alone. Not only you do bother it with that study, but also me..."
2: Spock, thinking: "... I'm in control of my emotions"
3: (pfsss)
4: McCoy: - "Done. The wounds don't worry me a lot. And I hope that, as soon as I treat them, you won't return for the rest of the day."
6: McCoy: - "??"
7: McCoy: - "Spock, did you hear me?"
- "You haven't complained since you sat there. Are you okay? Maybe it's because of the loss of blood."
9: Spock: - "... My mental and physical faculties are at full performance. Although I don't understand your worry. Vulcans are more resistant than humans in both aspects."
10: McCoy: - "Oh, then excuse me for having emotions. Next time I won't fear for your life."
11: Spock: - "I can't find any logic about fearing for my life. There's nothing that can cause my death right now."
12: McCoy: - "Always with your questionless logic"
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3: McCoy: - "Well, that's it"
5: McCoy: - "Got damn!"
6: McCoy: - "Everything has fallen!"
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1: Spock: - "I pick it up, doctor"
(Thinking): "What was the doctor feeling?"
2: McCoy: - "What you say..."
4: Kirk: - "Bones! What happened? Mister Scott told me that you shou-"
5: Kirk: - "-ted..."
6: (Glycerin)
8: Kirk: - "..."
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1: (fuoss)
2: Spock y McCoy: - "!"
3: McCoy: - "Jim! Wait! This is not what it seems!"
Spock: - "Captain!"
4: McCoy: - ¡Jim!
También he hecho un final alternativo, pero en este post no me deja añadirlo, pondré un enlace:
I also have made an alternative ending, but I can't put it in this post, I will add a link:
Por cristinardvaya
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hhinsectmafias · 5 years
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❚❙Ágape (Oc for Leviathan Clan)❙❚
Leviathan Clan by @thebonemummy 💖💖💖
- Name: Ágape Campbell - Alias: Just call him Ágape  - Gender: Male - Pronouns: He/Him - Age: 22 years old actually  - Species: White Dragon - Family members/Rank: Adoptive brother  - Personality: When he meets new people for the first time and has a dangerous image of them, he becomes fearful and thinks they might do something bad or hurt him, so he is always alert. He is kind, caring, patient and generous, rarely does he get angry or show any negative attitude. It is practically a huge cotton ball that once you have his confidence he will gladly spend time with him in his spare time, when he is busy, he prefers not to be disturbed (he pouts). - Status: Single - Powers abilities: His powers are divided into two facets, emotional and physical. As emotional powers, he has the power to control people's emotions as he wishes, he can make a person feel so happy that he overcomes fantasy and ignores reality, or so sad that he reaches a state of depression. where the victim cannot move, also, make his enemy feel other types of emotions, including his own, of course, he only uses them in cases of "serious danger". And as physical powers, they are those powers of direct attack. He can generate flames of white fire that burn anything, but not him, as well as lengthen his claws and scratch the skin until he reaches the bones, and finally, summon spirit dragons that are just as dangerous and can be very savages, if his owner orders them. And well, he has wings, so he can fly, and give him more access to launch attacks in all directions and be fast if he wants to. - Cause of death:  r̴̨̢̞̭͍̳͕̳̈́̀̈́ͅa̷͙̘͍̻̎̎̔̅p̴̛͓̩͓͎͚̣̓̃͒̓̈́͘͠͝ĕ̷̡͎̪̟͇͓͔̫̍͋͊͆͒͆͘̕͝ - Sexuality: Pansexual (But he is a transexual boy) - Likes: Study (he is a library worm, and the only way to get him out of his routine is by telling him lies and then taking him to a party or some distraction, because he must seriously socialize part of his family so please kidnap this boy) learn different types of magic, both white and black. Help his other brothers, if they need help, spend time with Winter (for him, she is the smoll princess of the house and he likes to give him love) sweets, hot chocolate, Italian food (even if Canadian) listen to music vintage and jazz, men's clothing (he's a man now so obvious) and Korean boy bands (he also likes to dance choreographies in secret) - Dislikes: Feeling in danger, threats, blackmail, humiliation, feeling watched, that the same thing happens again when he was alive. - Short biography: (This will be very short here because I don’t want to spoile so much about his past life, I prefer draw comics and make you cry WHEEze) He used to have a normal life, with his father, mother, and older brother. His mother passed away when Ágape was 7 years old, and his brother always tried to take care of him as much as he could, but he was only 12 years old at that time, and he could not always save his little sister (back then) from the constant dangers nearby.
Welp, I need to take a break, and draw asks again to get relaxed, before work in more detailed stuff jaja X’D But I’m really happy to finish this new boyo (u3u)/ I hope ya like him >;D  💖💘💘✨💟💟💟💖💓💕💋💕💕💋💞💘💘💓✨✨🌹💕
PLS Support me with your like and reblog you will help me a lot! (✿◠//w◠)
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Literally Sparkling and Apple headcanons because I see them as father and daughter (along with some other headcanons jaja)
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(In the human AU because I'm traumatised by thought of pregnant cookies) Apple's mother died from childbirth, leaving Sparkling to take care of his daughter on his own. Sparkling still thinks of the day. (In the Cookie universe, she from an illness at the same time Apple finished baking)
Apple was originally gonna be named Apple Cider, but Sparkling thought it would just be Apple since she doesn't have sparkling hair like her dad. Also, her mother is fruit-flavored (I'll post her in the future)
At first, he wanted to put her up for adoption (since Sparkling was in his early 20s and at the time and Apple was an accident), but wanted to make sure he was the best father for her.
Since Sparkling works at the bar 24/7, he relies on so many babysitters to take care of his daughter. Some for example, being Cream Unicorn and his dad's, Fire Spirit and Wind Archer.
Apple loves to draw her father. Sparkling has about 21 drawings on his wall.
Whenever Apple gets hurt or sad, Sparkling gives her a balloon to make her feel better.
Sparkling not only makes juice, but also is a great cook. When Apple was a baby, Sparkling made the best baby food she ever tasted.
Whenever Sparkling comes home, Apple jumps for joy and runs to hug her tired father.
Apple loves to snuggle with her father, and whenever Sparkling would go to sleep, Apple would sneak onto the bed next to him.
Sparkling sometimes cries over his late girlfriend (aka Apple's mother), and Apple hugs him to make him calm down.
Sparkling and Herb are dating, and Apple hasn't really found out yet.
Sparkling sometimes calls Apple "Applebee"
0 notes
thetruecaptain-blog · 6 years
if I could learn to let go
Thanks @nightsidemelody for giving this a read before I posted! You’re a gem. <3 This chapter is from the point of view of Karal, one of Marco’s long-time friends/supporters. It was inspired by one of Naomi’s POVs in Nemesis Games when Naomi wonders how she must have looked to Karal when she broke down in his wife’s arms. 
I would super appreciate comments on AO3, if anyone gets the chance. I’d really like to know your thoughts/feelings or any suggestions you might have! The Belter Creole translations are also at the end of the chapter there. 
Karal has known Marco Inaros for so long that he can’t remember a time in his life that Inaros wasn’t in it. It’s been him, Inaros, and Cyn for nearly two decades now. They joined up under Captain Rokku together and were slaving away on that mining and salvage ship since before they could grow beards. Marco’s always had big dreams, and really that isn’t so different from other Belter koyos except Marco actually has the kula to get there. He sets his sights on a thing and he gets it. There’s a way about him that sucks others in, makes his ambitions their own. Marco Inaros is headed for big places, big things. Anyone with eyes can see it. He’s the steadiest koyo Karal knows.
That’s why, in this moment, Karal feels as if he’s looking at a stranger. He’s never seen his friend so distressed.
“She’s acting crazy,” Marco says, scrubbing his hands over his face. He’s sitting on Karal’s sofa with his feet braced on the floor, elbows on his knees. There are faint circles under his eyes, evidence of a night without sleep. Karal can hear Filip cooing and laughing in the bedroom as Souja entertains him. “Threatened to leave me, take Filip, turn us in to those Star Helix welwalas.”
Karal’s brows draw down in a deep scowl as he tries to process this information. Naomi Nagata is no welwala. She hates the Inners as much as the rest of them. It was her pashang code that killed the Gamarra. This betrayal makes no sense until Marco speaks again.
“Hormones got the best of her, sasa?” Marco looks up, his dark eyes meeting Karal’s. Karal nods, remains silent because he knows Marco isn’t finished. Inaros rocks to his feet and paces across the room, clearly agitated. “Just sits and stares at the wall, her. Isn’t sleeping or eating. Came home once and Filip was soaked through, pochuye ke? Hadn’t been changed for hours.”
“I don’t trust her with Filipito like this, Karal.” Inaros turns back to face him, his jaw hard. “You and Souja will keep him tonight while I figure this out, ya? Trust you more than any, kopeng mi.”
Something tightens in Karal’s chest. Pride. Protectiveness. He lifts an affirmative fist. “Ya. Don’t even have to ask. Beratnas, us.”
Marco said things were bad, but Karal didn't realize how bad until Naomi shows up at his door, pale and drawn, tear-streaked and shaking. He can see from the look on Souja’s face that she hurts for Naomi. As she wraps her arms around Naomi's shaking shoulders her hazel eyes meet Karal’s across the kitchen and he can see concern, confusion, and distress written in them. Karal remains silent, just leans up against the doorway with his arms crossed, his brow set in a deep scowl as he tries to reconcile this desperate, sobbing girl with the bright young woman he once knew.
He knows Souja won’t tell Naomi that Filip was here just hours ago. She sympathizes, but her loyalty is to her husband. To Marco.
“Fodagut, Jaja,” Naomi pleads, using Souja’s pet name no doubt in an attempt to manipulate her, stir some kind of sympathy. He can see that it's working, because Souja’s eyes brim with tears as Naomi pulls back to look into her face. “I know what that sabakawala is saying but it’s shit. I would never hurt Filip!” Naomi’s hands go to Souja’s shoulders, her fingers half twisted into the fabric of her shirt. It's enough to make Karal start forward angrily but Souja catches his eye and motions subtly with one hand for him to keep back. Reluctantly he obeys, settling back against the wall with his teeth grinding together. “Why would he say that? Jaja, he's my son.” The tears flow freely but Naomi seems to be oblivious to them.
Souja swallows so hard that Karal sees it from across the room. “I'm sorry, Knuckles. Mi na sasa kepelésh da Filipito. If I did, would showxa, ya?” She's telling the truth. Karal knows who has the boy but he hasn't told Souja.
'I trust Souja, she's a good woman. But that's why you can't tell her. Better that she isn't burdened with it.’
Marco is right. Karal can see that now. It's killing Souja that she can't help. He feels a stirring of anger in his chest that Naomi has come into his home, caused his wife this kind of stress. Naomi needs to get her kaka together. It’s no wonder Marco doesn’t trust her with the boy.
“He has no right!” Naomi gives Souja’s shoulders a small shake. Even Karal can see that it isn’t an aggressive gesture. She’s desperate. “He's killed people. Innocent people! A whole pashang ship. He put blood on my hands. He'll turn our son into a killer, too.” Her voice trembles, cracks, and she pulls at Souja’s shirt as if that will somehow make her understand.
Karal’s jaw tightens. Yeah, Marco saw to it that that transport full of Inners went boom. He's a goddamn hero for it. Show those paxonísekis what the fuck happens when they put their boots on Belta necks. Show them that Beltalowda na gonya take it in silence. Knuckles should be proud to be part of it. Should be proud to be at the side of a man like that, a man who does what it takes, who delivers on his promises. A man who puts his people first.
“Mi na sasa nating about that,” Souja says, and reaches up to gently pull Naomi's hands from her shoulders but keeps them clasped between her own. “Mi sasa Marco is a good man. Koyo ámolof to unte Filipito. He's hurt by this. Talk to him, sésata. For his sake, unte for Filip's.” Karal feels a rush of warmth for his wife and her loyalty, her goodness. He'd have kicked Naomi out long ago, but Souja wants to help. If there’s any hope that Naomi and Marco will reconcile, Souja will see to it that it happens.
The silence stretches, like Naomi is struggling with what to say or do. She's trembling hard enough that it's visible in the line of her shoulders, in the way her knees jerk. Then she seems to wilt. Karal only sees her profile but it's obvious that the fight has gone out of her. He hears the way her breath hitches, watches as she dissolves into a mess of ugly tears. Souja pulls the broken woman into her arms and rubs her back, humming the same soothing tune she'd hummed to Filipito the night before, the only thing that had finally consoled him after an hour of crying and asking for ma-ma over and over.
What a mess, Karal thinks. A mess and a fucking shame. He'd always imagined Naomi fighting with them, had assumed she'd be at Marco's side as they led the Belt forward. That's the vision Inaros himself has always painted, but Karal can see now that it was never meant to be. Naomi isn't cut out for this, doesn't have the kula to do the work that needs to be done. Maybe it’s for the best that she breaks now, before she gets in any deeper.
Shaking his head, Karal turns away from the scene and walks into the bedroom. He pulls out his hand terminal to send the message he knows Marco is waiting for; that Naomi’s making her rounds, looking for Filipito. That he’s right. She’s acting crazy.
A pashang shame.
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linaisbluepancake · 7 years
how did you get into drawing/ animating on tumblr? I want to start but I don't know where to begin :( love your blog!!
Well anon, i remember I only did traditional at the time i started on tumblr about 3 and a half years ago, since I didn’t had a drawing tablet, so I dtarted posting my traditional drawing, there were few and at first didn’t got any notes, i got super excited when they went past 10 jaja, months later my mom bought me a used drawing tablet for my birthday I think? Ye and first I had to learn how to used it jajaja, i did what I could you know, i think by the time Magnus chase wasn’t even out and there was hype so Imthe first thing I drew was a mangnus ( i never posted btw ), overzaturated, a lot of difference with the painting in the hair and the face, but I was so happy and proud, and then i started drawing pjo fanart cause that was the fandom I was most in by the time, and posted them! (It was some percabeth i think). I posted some more couple times, and they got more notes but not really, when one got 50 i flipped shit. One day I thought myself I needed to somehow promote myself so by the time i was following this lil famous pjo blog and I asked them nicely that i was a beginner pjo artist and if they could check out my blog ( i know i know sounds like im annoying the shit of that person but i wanted more note yo ) and they actually did reblogged my stuff! And then they started getting notes till two of em were like 200 notes and i was jumping around like a rabbit jaja, also i gained followers. I just kept on drawing, and thankfully im here now, trying to improve and not giving up and having all this mijos following me 💛 good luck! I’d love to see ur drawing!
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limpblotter · 7 years
Fly me to the Moon
[Previously…] A/N: IM text and second to last part! xD  Summary: It's Christmas Time and Johan discovers the joys of instant messenger and unexpected surprises (Ft. Johnson Fam) WordCount: 3313 Taggies: @hell-yes-puns-and-ships  Warning: Panic attack/ Depressing thoughts
“Bow have you seen my watch?” Dre grumbled, rubbing his empty wrist as he crossed the large, open kitchen. He gently placed his hand on his wife’s shoulder and kissed the side of her face. “I just had it…”
“You mean this one?” She motioned to a black Rolex watch sitting on the counter right next to her cup of coffee. “Or that one.” She pointed, across the kitchen to the living room where another expensive watch sat folded neatly on the coffee table. “Or--”
“No it's the gold one, the one I wear for my ‘Drop em like it's hot’ meetings.” Dre smiled cockly, Rainbow arched an eyebrow not sure what he was talking about. “For the meetings where I drop some big news, big news mean a big watch. I gotta assert my dominance in that room.”
“Because your CEO title means nothing if you’re not waving around big, shiny things on your wrist?” She shook her head, sometimes her husband made her wonder what she got herself into. “The point is you leave your watches around all over the house I’m surprised you haven’t lost any until now.”
“No see, that watch is my lunch watch, swap it out when I’m going on lunch outs with the crew. Can’t flash anything too nice but I can’t be watchless.” He scoffed as pointed to the other one across the room. “That's my, I’m reading don’t bother me watch.” Dre nodded, then motioned to his empty wrist. “I need my ‘Drop em like it’s hot’ watch.”
After a moment of silence Rainbow shook her head and pulled the only conclusion she could think of. “Did you leave it in the bathroom?”
A lightbulb went off in Dre’s head and he pointed at the hallway. “And this is why I married you, we are a team.” He kissed her cheek and bounced up the stairs to retrieve his watch. There were few things in his life which he thought were sacred. His kicks, his watches, and his personal space. Which was why when he bought and designed the house, he had in mind an oasis like master bedroom. Far away from most of the rooms, a little corner of his personal space. So imagine his outrage when he found his master on suite bathroom was crowded with his children and his not-so-welcomed brother in-law. “What are you doing in my bathroom?!”
Junior popped his head out of the many bodies crowding around the vanity and smiled. “Uncle Johan is signing up for facebook and we’re helping him get the best quality profile picture around.” He gave his father an ‘ok’ sign before diving back in. Andre stood there, somewhat bewildered before shaking his head.
“No, no why does it have to be my in bathroom!?” He yelled, another child coming out from the herd and placed her small hand on her hip. Andre casted his eyes down to the youngest daughter of his family.
“Zoey said that the best lightening comes from bathrooms and your bathroom has the best lightening.” Diane shrugged a bit. “Zoey is on a roll in here, you do.not. Want to get in. We’ll call when we’re done.” She smiled and went back to the hustle and bustle. “No, we need the light in your eyes--wait! And, fluff his hair a little. Ok now hold the phone like, yes!” Zoey’s voice was high and cheerful. “I think we did it…” She pulled away and noticed her father was standing there with his arms wide open in exasperation. “Oh hey daddy.” Zoey smirked, still beaming from her handy work.
“Does anyone mind telling me why the four of you are crowded around in my bathroom like there is a concert going on?” Dre got a glimpse of Johan who wordlessly, walked out of the bathroom and climbed on his bed with his sandals still on. “WOAH WOAH now, not the shoes, JOHAN.” He yelled at him and usually Johan would prattle about something but...he was quiet his eyes glued to his phone more than usual. “...O-K, what’s wrong with him, wait no he’s quiet I don’t want to know.” Dre motioned his children away and retrieved the watch in question from the bathroom. When he returned they were all huddled behind Johan, looking over his shoulder at his phone. “No Dre. Don’t ask. It's not worth it…”
“Why isn’t he accepting the friend request yet?” Junior frowned, “you think he’s not online yet?”
“No way, I checked his facebook he made a status this morning.” Zoey had thoroughly stalked the guy in question. Johan came back doe eyed and with a sudden interest in social media. Of course she needed the details. “...maybe he’s blinded by how amazing you look with the flower crown filter.”
“Or maybe he doesn’t like you.” Diana crossed her arms and felt a nudge from her twin brother.
“Excuse her, uncle Johan, someone didn’t have their cereal this morning.” He mumbled, “I told you’d be cranky if you didn’t eat first.”
Clearly all his children were invested so Dre was swayed, he was going to pry and pray it wasn’t something he’d regret. “Alright, what are you all talking about?”
“Dad, Johan is trying to slid into the DMs with the guy he met in New York” Andre Jr. wiggled his eyebrow gaining only facepalms and groans from his siblings. “What?”
“What he is trying to say in a less...cringey way, is Johan likes a guy and he doesn’t know how to go about social media flirting.” Zoey smiled, “so we helped him out.”
“Social Media….flirting? Uh huh.” Dre shook his head and his children felt a lecture coming. “You know back in my day, we didn’t ‘slide’ into anyone’s Ims.”
“Whatever” Dre held up his hand, ignoring the fact he was corrected in the slang. “If you liked someone you called them, wrote them letters, took them out on dates. And you did not date someone you didn’t visit. Long distance only worked when you’re dating someone who’s going out to war or if you’re starring in a B rated Hallmark romcom movie.”
His children exchanged looks, “that's not how romance works now dad. You can date anyone anywhere in the world with a click.”
“HA” Dre sarcastically laughed and clapped his hands together. “I’d hardly call that romantic.”
“Oh coming from the guy who got mom a blender for their anniversary?” Andre Junior shook his head disapprovingly.
Dre dramatically placed a hand to his chest and backed off a bit, “your mother had been dropping hints she was into juicing, my gift was thoughtful and expensive! I am plenty romantic.” There was a silence that came over his children and he felt nothing but judgment. “Don’t you have to be at school, BEAT IT” He shoo’d them out of his room until the only person who remained in his room wasn’t even someone he was legally required to take care of. Dre had some choice words for his annoying brother in-law but something about Johan’s face stopped him. He jumped a bit when Johan suddenly gasped.
“...he’s talking to me... “ Suddenly Johan’s entire world muted and the only thing that mattered was this Facebook messenger.
[[Usnavi De La Vega: You have a facebook? … You just got a facebook.
Johan Johnson: Yeah I figure I’d try out this government monitored boobytrap that everyone seems to be a part of.
Usnavi De La Vega: jaja! ]]
Johan arched his eyebrow, was that a typo? He didn’t look into it too long, he noticed there were dots blinking at the bottom of his screen indicating that Usnavi was still typing.
[[Usnavi De La Vega: well as long as you have nothing to hide I think the government doesn’t give two shits lol, btw nice picture. You have a snapchat too?
Johan Johnson: blame my niece, she decided if I was going to leap into social media I was going into the deep end. She signed me up for Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and this thing called Tinder.
Usnavi De La Vega: Tinder ?? Isn’t that the hook up app or something? Swipe left or right, I don’t know what the kids use these days.
Johan Johnson: AH. Lol I won’t be using that one then…
Usnavi De La Vega: What government controlled dating apps is where you draw the line? I’m sure the government is very curious who you’d swipe right for.]]
He didn’t respond, his eyes might have been reading too far between the black and white typings of their conversation...But he would like to believe Usnavi sounded a little jealous. He frowned when suddenly another message came up and it was the end of their brief conversation.
[[Usnavi De La Vega: Sorry I got to help Sonny pack. He’s leaving for Cali in the morning *eyeroll emoji* I have half the mind to not send his ass anywhere...anyway, I’ll hit you up later, ok?
Johan Johnson: Later :) ]]
Johan groaned a bit, laying back on the bed with the phone on his chest. He felt his heart bang against his ribs. Any harder and his phone would have been bouncing on top of his chest. The bed dipped a little as Dre took a seat at the edge of his own bed. “So, hispanic guy huh?”
“Dominican” Johan beamed with a trance like smile.
“You know they have a lot of Afo-Carribean heritage in the Dominican Republic.” He smiled but then mildly wondered if he was confusing them with Haiti. “How do you plan on making it work with him being across the country, hm?” Dre was still mildly proving his point that long distance wasn’t healthy or very stable. There were very few exceptions. Johan didn’t answer right away, “like do you even know him?”
Suddenly his brother in-law sat up right and nodded. “He’s a store owner, he has money but is really careful...he’s really careful about everything actually. And yet, I can tell there is something in his eyes excitement and ….”
“I mean family facts, history, possibly any transmitted diseases.”
“Are you implying he has an STD?” Johan rolled his eyes, “He’s been on his own for a while, his parents died in...huh, December actually.” His voice trailed off.
“Wow…” Dre also sounded a little softer. “Must be rough. At least he has other family right? Hispanics got em’ big families like we do.” Dre nudged him a little with a comforting smile, but the facts began to pile up on Johan. Usnavi didn’t have much other family from what he remembered from their conversations. Usnavi’s parents died around this time, then his beloved abuela Claudia, his cousin was traveling away for the first time, and all his friends had moved out of the neighborhood. He was… alone. “I love the eggnog Puerto Ricans make, you think he’d have the recipe for that?”
“...Dre...would it be crazy…” Johan couldn’t fathom what Usnavi had to be feeling right now. However there was a chance, a sliver of a chance Usnavi was alone and sad...Johan couldn’t bear that idea. “If I go to him?”
Hallmark movie and there was a good chance Johan would be absent for Christmas. No commenting on their economic spending or having his mother relentlessly flirt. Dre turned and placed his hand on Johan’s shoulder. “Brother, this might be only time I call you this by the way, you care about him? You go. Right now. Immediately, I’ll even book you a flight.”
Dre was walking around with his head high after that. He did a good damn thing this morning and his kids had the nerve to call him ‘unromantic’. HA. Later around the dinner table, Bow mentioned how Johan wasn’t joining them for dinner and hasn’t been around the whole day. So Dre dropped his bombshell.
“...what you’re meaning to tell me is you let my little brother, run off to New York by himself? During the holidays?! DRE” Bow stood up from the chair. “This was going to be our Christmas a family! I had a stocking picked out and everything.” She stormed for her phone while Dre’s kids gave him disapproving looks again.
“Way to ruin Christmas dad…” Diana sighed, picking at her food.
“Like, really” Zoey began, “Johan just got social media and how he’s flying across the country to see him? Talk about Creepy af, dad, you’ve practically ruined all of uncle Johan’s chances”
Had he?
Winter was a hard time. The cold in the city felt a lot heavier when the store was empty. It was too cold for too many people to walk on by. Most people ran into stores to hide from the merciless winds. The snow gathered along the sides of the sidewalks like small mountains, coating cars in their parking spaces. Usnavi was usually a little somber this time of year. His parents died this time of year so he had the reason. Usually though, he had Sonny who would light candles with him and binge watch Christmas movies. Benny and Nina use to pop in and drop off the Rosario’s famed Coquito. Abuela Claudia would conduct secret Santa at her place while Daniela somehow always got Carla or Vanessa as her Santa…
The barrio changed. Abuela was gone, her stoop filled with snow and her apartment now housing a new family. Daniela and Carla made it a tradition to spend Christmas with Vanessa who was downtown, living around all the Christmas decorations and the tree. Benny and Nina had a small family now, no doubt they were spending it together. Of course Usnavi got invitations to go...but...why would he? He was just a guest, in a house, a guest in a family. A sad face that probably wouldn’t get much joy out partaking in someone’s happy family.
Usnavi slugged on his jacket and hat. He gazed over his store one more time, keeping his mind busy from the clawing void that was just waiting to get to him while he was alone. Reluctantly he started to pull the grate down and locked up for the night. He rubbed his hands together and felt his phone go off. For a second, he thought it might have been Johan. He felt bad for leaving him hanging. Once he helped Sonny back and saw him off he messaged him back. The message remained sent, not even read so … “Heh…” He mused at the idea of Johan struggling with social media, even going so far to humoring his ego with the idea Johan got it for him. To his slight discouragement it was Sonny who texted him a picture of him and Pete at a dinner by the beach. 
The text read, 'He surprised me with dinner, the weather here is bomb cuz!! You need to fly out so we can all hang on this playa.’
Usnavi replied, having a snarky comment in mind...then he deleted it and responded with, ‘Enjoy it kid, you deserve it.’ 
Sonny was a good kid…why did he have to spend another sad holiday with Usnavi. He deserved to be where he wanted to be.
He tucked his phone away and made the quiet hike back to his apartment nearby. The city was a snowy ghost town. No doubt people were warm with family, getting ready for the holidays. He imagined families coming home from sightseeing or last minute shopping… He passed abuela Claudia’s stoop and the memories forced themselves into his mind. Unwillingly he recalled childhood memories, hazy from years gone by, of waiting up in Claudia’s house. His parents sneaking around for deals on Christmas presents. Usnavi only a kid helping set up the tree and candles. Celebrating Noche Buena by the time his parents got home, music playing, hugs and kisses…
It was almost painful for him to walk into his bleek and now empty apartment. Nothing waited for him here, not a soul or a cheer. He sloppily kicked off his shoes and coat. Making a beeline to the fridge he pulled out a green beer bottle and cracked it open. His phone buzzed again and once again his stomach did flips wondering if it was…
No. It was Benny, asking if Usnavi wanted come for the Rosario’s Christmas Eve dinner tomorrow. He didn’t want to but out of coursey he responded as vaguely as possible.
‘I’ll see how it goes with the store.’ Ben: ‘K man, you know the fam would luv 2 have u. Stop working so dam hard, it's xmas.’
Like that was an excuse. His parents worked through many holidays, Christmas too...but by nightfall they made it back just to light candles with Usnavi. Speaking of which...his eyes scanned the room for a tall red candle, the one with the Virgin Mary sticker on it. A candle so traditional that he was sure his parents and grandparents used the same one. He lit the candle and carefully walked it over to the closed window sill. “Otra Navidad…” He smiled placing it down watching the flickering flame dance on it's small wick. “...miss you guys…”his lower lip trembled. He bit his lip to try and keep it still but if it wasn’t one thing it was another, his eyes started to ache with bitter tears.
“Fuck.” He hissed, he should be over it by now. Every Christmas he felt this weight on his shoulders...his parents broke their asses every damn Christmas to get what they could to fill the tree. Every damn holiday day in and day out until the day they died. Working so hard just to put something under the tree for him, to give him something they didn’t have. Now he had the money, money he wished he had years ago when the people he loved still walked on the Earth. Now he could give his parents a vacation to Dominican Republic, a relief from the store… If only he hadn’t been too late.
If he worked harder. If he had made something of himself sooner. If he wasn’t such a failure of a son. His parents will never know, they died leaving Usnavi debts and worries, they died probably upset...Upset they were leaving their son behind with so much unfinished work. So much to carry, they weren’t here to see he was still managing. Abuela wasn’t here to see he was still going...He was too late.
Usnavi felt his lungs twist cutting off his breathing. His heart beating slow but hard against his chest, like it was trying to punch a hole out of his chest. His eyes widened when he realized he couldn’t breathe….he couldn’t! His body shook as he slowly fell to his knees, hard sobs breaking through his crumpling frame. He tried to calm his panic, calm the screams in his head that reminded him his parents and abuela died fully aware Usnavi was struggling. Died before Usnavi could do something for them, something they deserved.
Desperate to relieve himself he slumped forward and pressed his head against the cold, wood floor and forced himself to take shallow breathes.
Knock knock
His head snapped up so fast he felt the air trapped joints crack along his neck. He crawled across the floor, all the while forcing himself to take purposeful breaths.
Knock, Knock
Usnavi grabbed the doorknob and willed himself to his feet, leaning against the door. He ran his hand over his face covering the tear trails as best he could, then opened the door. “Who---” His eyes widened, he looked up at a slightly flushed and incredibly cold looking Johan. His jacket was barely warm enough for the winter they were experiencing at the East Coast. Johan’s eyes held Usnavi in a silent stare, he assisted him thoroughly and his face fell a bit.
“Usnavi, are you ok?”
Usnavi opened his mouth. “No” He wailed.
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snsmissionaries · 6 years
10/3/18 -- Sister Nicole Ritman, Spain, Madrid Mission
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Satan Works Hard, But We Work Harder 😈<😇😇
¡Hola a todos!
 This entire week falls under the slogan of my subject line. There's just some weeks where Satanás is obviously working against us and all our amigos. For example, the amigo we put on fecha kept having random stuff come up that made it hard to meet even though he wanted to. Once we finally met it was hard to actually give the lesson because random interruptions kept happening like literally a guy wandered in from the street into his living room and started asking him advice on how to remodel his kitchen. I'm not making this up, like can this wait? We had a member at the cita and she was so cute because she just tore out a paper from her notebook, got the guys number and sent him away lol. We still didn't get to teach the lesson because then, a minute later, he got a call that something heavy had fallen on a friend and he had to go help her. We were like ???? This is getting a little obvious Satan, back off. We were RELENTLESS and we finally got to teach him Lección 3 later that week after so many times trying to meet. This is just one example of how Satan was working against us this week but we wouldn't let him take the W. We worked so hard, I was soooooo tired. It's kind of funny because in the pictures I'm sending you can see me getting more tired in every one lol. 
 Things like that are pretty discouraging, but there were also some very encouraging things like when the member we had at his house for the cita pointed out a pencil drawing on the wall that was him copying the painting on the front of the Restauración pamphlet we gave him that has Jesus holding a lamb. Sooooo precious! 💜 Literally made it all worth it.
 Another high of the week was the member family we have noche de hogar with every week gave us cheesecake because it was the Father's Cumpleaños! They are the funniest family and make us laugh every week. They love to teach me new vocab and one of their favorites is "cremallera" (zipper). They call me Hermana Cremallera now because in church church they couldn't get my attention by saying "Hermana" but then they said "cremallera" and it worked lol. The spiritual message we gave last night was also one of my favs, if I do say so myself (I picked it last minute because we realized we didn't have anything planned lol. Usually we meet on Tuesdays, OK? We're not slackers.). We watched the "Create" video from President Uchtdorf that gets me everytime. It's amazing go watch it and you'll be so motivated after I promise! The daughter was kind of looking down ever since school started but we used the video to encourage her to share her talents and she sang for us (she hasn't done that since the first time I met her) and the light literally went back into her eyes! Honestly big miracles happen on the mission but my favorite thing is just seeing someone's day brightened a little bit, whether by something I did or if I'm just there to see it. I think that's something we can relate to on a universal level 😊
 This week for Zone PDay we rented out the soccer field and then went to Burger King  just like last time. Unlike last time, we chose Disney princesses that fit everyone's personalities and apparently I'm Meg from Hercules, and our Zone Leaders are Elsa and Pocahontas hehe. Also, we were supposed to do a photo scavenger hunt but idk what happened to that because we're all just sitting in the chapel and emailing now lol. I'm gonna make that happen next time though because that sounds legit. 
 Os quiero
 Hermana Ritman 
 How is the work progressing?
 We're working on finding as a mission and we set a super high goal as a companionship to find people to teach for the month of October so it should be really gearing up! So far, it's been a lot of foundation-laying, like seeing who is really progressing and who is not. 
 Has it been hot there?
 Yes--hotter than AZ from what I can tell, plus it's humid. The members say it's summer until November lol. But the heat doesn't bother me. The fact that it's socially acceptable to fan yourself with an abanico at any time, even in sacrament meeting or a lesson, helps. 
 Do you have air conditioning in your apartment?  How about most of the buildings?
 We have one room with air conditioning and so we sleep and study with it even though you're not really supposed to do that jaja. (We had piso checks and they said it was fine-don't worry) We're one of the lucky ones--a lot of people we meet with and other missionaries don't have it. 
 Do you cook for yourself a lot? or do the members feed you?
The members feed us occasionally. They feed the Elders a lot because they're good at asking, so it's our fault we don't get fed lol. Our amigos and recent converts feed us more because we see them for lessons. We also have an amigo that give us groceries everytime we see him, which is so nice. Everyone is so nice here, really. And ya I don't really mind cooking for ourselves though, we've gotten creative and I've learned a lot of things like putting a raw egg and a slab of butter and stirring it after your drain the water when you make noodles makes it sooo good. We also make fried rice, toasted gouda and salchichón sandwiches a lot. We also buy cheese frozen pizza and put this Spanish meat slices on it that are kinda like pepperoni and it makes me laugh because we Spanishified our pizza. 
 What is your favorite food there?
Idk if I can say churros and chocolate because I only had it once in Madrid but it's probably up on the list for me. Also Spanish empanadas they're not doughy like Sud América (those those have a special place in my heart too) --they're flaky. Also anything marisco (seafood) especially paella. 
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A-Radio on Anti-Fenix from CZ, updates on #PrisonStrike & #CharlotteUprising + music
This week we'll be rebroadcasting a recent update from A-Radio Berlin on the repression called Operation Fenix in Czech Republic against anarchists there.  Following that, we'll hear some music from Wildspeaker, Cara Neir and Allochiria. First, text from the intro to the A-Radio Portion:     "In the context of the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (23.-30th of August 2016), we had the opportunity of talking to a comrade from Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) in Czech Republic. The interview gives a short summary of the repression that started in 2015 and explains the singular cases and their current development, but deals also with the problems the movement had in the beginning to show solidarity. Last but not least, you get very good advice on the topic of solidarity and what to do yourselves. Since the interview, another comrade is in prison. Lukáš Borl, who had been living underground, has been arrested by the police on September 4." More info on the case at https://antifenix.noblogs.org/ Announcements Strike Updates This was a statement originally posted to itsgoingdown.org, which we have shortened for broadcasting. It pertains to updates on the September 9th prison strike, with some thoughts about how to move forward from here. For more such thoughts, you can check out the most recent IGD cast which includes interviews with IWOC organizers and resisting prisoners in Merced, CA. One thing is not in question: September 9th is now officially the largest prison work strike ever to take place within the United States. This strike against prison slavery that began on September 9th, the 45th anniversary of the Attica prison uprising has now entered it’s third week. According to organizers with Support Prisoner Resistance:     "As of 9/21 we have tracked 46 prisons and jails that experienced some kind of disruption between September 8 and 21st. This total includes both lockdowns reported by officials (some of whom deny that the lockdown was protest related) and reports of protests from prisoners and supporters (some of which did not lead to lockdowns or full strikes).    Of these, 31 facilities experienced a lock-down, suspension or full strike for at least 24 hours. Those 31 facilities house approximately 57,000 people. That is a guess at the minimum number of prisoners affected by the nationally coordinated strike.     There is likely much more going on behind the prison gates that we do not yet know about. We receive new information on a daily basis. In some places the strike lasted a day or a weekend, but in some, it seems to be going strong 12 days in." The strike has also grown out of the original expectations of many organizers. For instance, the strike has spread into both men and women’s prisons, into county jails, and has lead to not only work strikes, but hunger strikes, organized marches and protests inside facilities, expanded communication of prisoners to the outside, and full fledged uprisings. Despite a media blackout that is fueled by the advertising of corporations that make billions from prison slavery while the mainstream press drones on about politicians which vow to only expand it – the strike is only continuing and bringing more people into our networks. On the outside, thousands of people took to the streets. In Durham, NC and Brooklyn, NY, freeways were blocked. In Oakland, corporations profiting from prison labor were attacked. In Portland, streets and stores profiting from prison labor were occupied and shut down. In Austin, people shut down a facility showcasing products made by prisoners, and demonstrations, marches, and rallies were organized throughout the South. Across the US, noise demonstrations outside of prisons were organized, marches were held, and graffiti, banners, and posters were placed around the walls, freeways, and towns and cities of the US. Across the world, people also took action in solidarity with the prison strike. From Serbia to Sweden, Greece to Australia, Mexico to Spain, people released statements of solidarity, held demonstrations outside of prisons, and took action against corporations that profit from prison slavery. Moving Forward: In order to proceed, people need to develop a strategy around supporting the strike. This means figuring out if and how you can support a facility near you taking action, how you can link up and build connections with prisoners, how you could build up your organization or crew to carry out this activity, and also how you could carry out actions which push forward the strike. 1.) Support the Strikers:     Holding a demonstration outside of the facility.     Holding a demonstration outside of a corporation connected to prison labor in solidarity with the strike (especially if that is what the prisoners are working to create).     Hold a call-in campaign to the prison to demand that the prison meet the prisoners demands and end repressive measures against them.     Hold a letter writing night to make contact with the prisoners. Contact IWOC for more information if you have no established contacts.     Hold a fundraiser for established groups such as the Free Ohio Movement or the Free Alabama Movement. Remember prisoners are the front lines of this struggle. We must support them and their activity as well! 2.) Build your Squad:     Raising money so you can continue or begin to engage in prison support work.     Host a letter writing night to better connect with prisoners already engaged in action.     Host a call-in event with a prisoner who can discuss the conditions that exist where they are striking and how people on the outside can support them. Contact IWOC for more details.     Host a speaker, Skype presenter, or open discussion on the strike to move people from passive support to active participation. Plug people into the organizing and get them involved.     Organize a BBQ or social event where people discuss the strike, update people on what is happening, and read off actions and communiques. 3) Keep it Lit:     Organize a noise demonstration outside a facility taking action or one closest to you.     Organize and take action at a corporation profiting from prison slavery. Get creative!     Drop a banner in solidarity with the prison strike.     Organize a night of wheat-pasting flyers. Get people together and go out on the town and put up posters and flyers supporting the strike. Write graffiti and drop banners. Already, our comrades across the world are standing with us in solidarity. In a statement released by the ABC Solidarity Cell in Greece, they have called for international supporters to also take action in support of the ongoing strike on October 1st. The September 9th strike has been inspiring, but to stop now and simply step back and wait for the next eruption would be to loose out on bringing new people into our movement. To also stop taking action now when prisoners across the US are still on strike, still on hunger strike, and still risking their lives would be to betray everything that they have worked for. Now is the time to build. Now is the time to grow. But it is definitely not the time to stop. Repression at WCW Women's prison in Gig Harbor, WA To support prisoner resistance, from an anonymous prison staff in the state of Washington:      “I would like you and supporters to know that there was a symbolic protest at Washington Correctional Center for Women in Gig Harbor on September 9. Three women refused to go to work in the prison library. The emergency response team was dispatched and the women were taken to Segregation. At their hearing last week, they were given 20 days in seg, and are facing reclassification and probably the loss of their jobs. In my opinion, this was a peaceful, non-violent expression of their opinions meant to draw attention to the issue of prison labor, and the response was much more disruptive than the event itself. The library has been closed since September 9. According to DOC, this was the only action in the entire state of Washington.” Support for Amir Davis, Kinetic's Son In March of this year, the son of Kinetik was accused of stabbing Warden Davenport at Holman prison in Alabama. He was then shipped to Donaldson. He has since been assaulted, harassed, and tortured in Solitary Confinement. If you support FAM and the work we do then let Kinetik’s Sun know his sacrifices for change were not in vain. Those willing, drop him a postcard and those able, put a small donation on his books via the ADOC website. Amir “Jaja” Davis #268646 G-4 WE Donaldson CF 1000 Warrior Lane Bessemer, AL 35023 In Revolutionary Solidarity, Kinetik Justice To see a list of more people who have been explicitely targeted by officials in response to the Prison Strike, you can visit https://itsgoingdown.org Seeking #CharlotteUprising interviews As most of you are probably aware, following the police murder of Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte NC (who was killed while sitting in his car reading and waiting for his kid to get dropped off from school), there have been riots in that town which have lasted days. The mainstream media coverage of these events has been predictably terrible, following all the racist tropes we have come to expect from the likes of CNN and FOX. With an aim to combat these narratives, we at The Final Straw would like to put out a call for submissions or interviews that people would like to see broadcast on this show. Any interviews would be done from an explicitely anarchist perspective. For listeners looking for a good writeup, check out:
https://itsgoingdown.org/charlotte-solidarity-actions-across-us/ If this is at all interesting to you or anyone you know, give us a holler at [email protected] Playlist: http://www.ashevillefm.org/node/17633
Check out this episode!
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