#also this was not the final product but it wouldn't let me export it unless i got rid of like half the effects and audio tuning lmaoo
fearandhatred · 9 months
you'd do well to say yes to me.
WARNING: slight flashes
so i somehow only recently registered the buzzing flies in ptolemaea and this is the first thing i thought of. just imagine both heaven and hell are actually really evil or something
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mizuuziz · 3 years
We're Together - Hyunjin
Tags: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Hyunjin x Reader (f), (Oral), (Protected sex), Mentions of relationship drama, Mentions of opposing to relationship, Mentions of violence, Mentions of a hitman, Mentions of Strong Language, Mentions of inheritance, Mentions of bribery
Do not repost unless it's the repost button on Tumblr. No translations permitted. Do not repost on other websites.
©Sleepyxhan All Rights Reserved
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You've been dating Hyunjin for a few months, your parents still continue to oppose your relationship. Your parents paid multiple guys to get you to break up with Hyunjin. You love Hyunjin more than anyone, you also wanted support from your parents at first. You did tell your parents about your relationship with Hyunjin from the moment you were almost done with your high school year. They snapped, they didn't like him because he wasn't as rich. Your parents own a big food company that exports food products overseas. They also grew cocky as their status increased.
"If you don't give that boy up, we'll make you do so." Your mother always opposed when she knew about Hyunjin. You hadn't seen this side of your mother until that point.
"I refuse to give up the person I love." You stood your ground despite being cursed at by your dad.
"Fine, but you're going to pay," Your mother said as she grabbed your wrist and locked you inside your room.
That was the first time you spoke about your relationship with anyone. Your parents only let you down, even your friends left you. They only cared about your status and left when you started dating Hyunjin. You couldn't leave the only person who cared about you. Now here you were, locked in your room and the windows were barracked with wood. At least you had your phone, they never took it away from you.
Y/n: I think I won't be able to go to school tomorrow
Hyunjin: Why? Are you okay? Tell me, did something happen?
Y/n: My parents oppose, but I'm not leaving you.
Hyunjin: I don't want you to suffer, I'm not that selfish.
Y/n: If you want to help me, don't get involved.
Hyunjin: You're my girlfriend, why wouldn't I get involved?
Y/n: You'll only get hurt, nothing will happen to me. Trust me.
Hyunjin: If they hurt you, I won't let them get away with it.
Y/n: I have to go now, but I love you. Don't get involved.
You finally put your phone away without seeing the last message sent from Hyunjin. Your parents could do so much harm to Hyunjin, but they won't get to him. You had no worries since you knew that your grandfather left you a fortune that your parents don't know about. You're an adult, they can't do much about the fortune. You had time to think about everything that went on in your life with Hyunjin. You always received valentines from guys who only wanted you for your wealth, but Hyunjin wanted the simpler things in life. You would always choose Hyunjin in a heartbeat.
You remembered how you started talking to him, the day your "friends" left you on your own. Students decided to ditch, but only kids that weren't as wealthy as you decided not to and you decided to arrive at school. The teachers decided to put their students in a classroom and put everyone in groups for an assignment. Yes, about only 31 students went to school that day, there were not that many students at the school in total. But, a school is a school at the end of the day. Hyunjin was waiting along with you outside the school. The school was so dead, compared to normal school days.
You got the courage to approach Hyunjin first, you didn't know if you would ever get the chance to talk to him again. You started blushing and your hands trembled. The cold winter only made you shiver even more. You walked straight towards Hyunjin who was only standing and looking at the school entrance. You stood in front of Hyunjin who only turned to look at you very confused. You were nervous that you didn't know how to start a conversation with him.
"Uh, I think today's a school day. I don't know what to do, do you know anything?"You tried to speak as smoothly as you possibly could. Hyunjin only looked at the floor.
You felt awkward since you weren't getting a response from the black-haired boy that only made you even more nervous. You were used to not getting responses, sometimes your "friends" wouldn't give you any response and only speak among themselves. You only didn't want to be alone so you endured. You spoke again to ease your awkwardness, he wasn't walking away just yet and only looking at you this time. It seemed like he thought you already would've walked away which only further confused him. He couldn't let a word out, he felt intimidated by you.
"I'm guessing you don't, but let's check it out. Wanna follow me?" You waited for at least any sign. He nodded and followed you.
As you both walked throughout the hallways, they were all empty. Your classroom all the way at the end of the hall was open, but you couldn't leave Hyunjin to go on his own.
"I know this is your classroom...Hyunjin, is that right?" You spoke as you stopped to take a look at his nametag and pointed to his class. He once again nodded. It first felt strange since he wasn't talking.
You took a look at a notice that was taped on his classroom door that was locked and with no light source from the room.
"Well it seems, you're in my class." You smiled at Hyunjin who followed you in your class. You were nervous, your heart was beating crazily. You saw your teacher inside and she explained how some kids that have rich parents paid others to ditch school like them.
"I'm sorry that this is happening, I had no idea. I also wouldn't ditch, my parents would cascade me if they knew I did that." Your teacher looked at you and Hyunjin looked concerned for you.
"Well it seems like you both are the first to be here, thank you for coming to school. I appreciate you two, really." Your teacher was sincere, she wasn't like the other corrupt teachers and avoided getting kicked out. You had the most status from the rest of all students and convinced your parents to not let her go. You guaranteed them that you would only be successful if she was teaching you.
Hyunjin took a seat first in the back and you sat with him. You got closer to Hyunjin to ask something.
"Are you okay, why haven't you said anything to me?" You spoke to him and he flinched immediately. He didn't expect you to speak to him.
He wrote down on a piece of paper that he took out of his bag.
"I'm sick, I got out of work late." The paper read, it only made you sad for him.
You took out your purple Thermo bottle that had warm, hot tea in its contents. You took off the lid and poured it like a cup.
"Here, drink some. I will too so you won't doubt the remedy. I also get sick too so I always bring some just in case." You scooted the tea towards Hyunjin.
"Are you sure?" He wrote down.
"Certainly, you don't owe me nothing. You followed me before, that's enough payment for me." You grinned towards the nervous boy who took the tea. You also drank some tea.
More students came in after a few minutes, they also seemed confused like you and Hyunjin were. Hyunjin finally felt warm, he was intimidated at first. He was intimidated and was also sick which is why he couldn't speak. He was intrigued, hardly anyone spoke to him. He didn't know why you spoke to him, he had no luxury.
He sipped and downed the tea you gave him, while you were briefly watching then turned away.
"Thank you, Y/n." he smiled at you for the first time. You were starstruck.
The students sat on the desks all around the classroom, they seemed relieved that the kids bugging them weren't present. Then, your teacher assigned everyone an assignment and divided the class into groups. Luckily, you got to be with Hyunjin. The assignment was to get to know everyone, you naturally got along with everyone else. Your group felt like they were all third-wheeling since you were being more talkative with Hyunjin. You just met Hyunjin, but it felt like you wanted to know everything about him. Everyone else was confused as to why you were talking to Hyunjin. Time went on, break time soon came.
You can tell that other girls liked Hyunjin, they looked at you with envy. You ignored them and invited Hyunjin to spend break time with you.
"Hyunjin, wanna hang out?" He looked confused, he didn't know why you would want to hang out with him.
Hyunjin nodded and both of you sat down on a bench. You asked Hyunjin about himself and he hesitantly answered.
"I want to be on a stage, but I'm worried that they'll only say I got accepted for my face." He looked sad when he answered your question.
"I'm rooting for you Hyunjin, don't let what others say get to you. Show everyone your talent, you are hardworking." You got Hyunjin to smile and look at you.
You offered Hyunjin your extra food, he didn't know whether to accept. He was a bit hungry and did accept the food. Hyunjin felt that for the first time, someone supported him. His gaze on you lingered, he didn't know why you supported him so much. You always did want to speak to Hyunjin, but the circumstances before this event wouldn't allow it. You wanted to get him alone, but you were never left alone because your "friends" always refused to let you go on your own. They mostly ignored you, but you weren't allowed to be alone. You had accepted your fate because there were times you felt lonely. This time around you reconsidered everything, you were letting people know how you really are. School had just started a few months ago, but you weren't going to waste time now that you had a chance to speak with Hyunjin.
You didn't just like Hyunjin for his face, you have seen his kind side many times. The first time you saw him was when it was the first day of school and he was helping out your teacher who was struggling with carrying textbooks. No one else had ever done such a thing, but you. Even looking at Hyunjin from afar made you happy.
As time went on, Hyunjin was more attentive towards you. You were given the cold shoulder from your "friends" when they found out you started hanging out with Hyunjin. You stopped caring about them and only hung out with Hyunjin. You both started hanging out in the library and shared lunches. Your heart was pounding as you got ready to go to the library. You stopped in front of the door, trying to calm down. Today out of all days, felt different like a special event. You walked into the library and sat down Hyunjin near a table that was secluded from the rest.
"Y/n, I'm nervous." Hyunjin sighed as he laid his head on your shoulder. You were already used to Hyunjin's closeness, but he still made you nervous.
"Why?" You asked as you looked at Hyunjin's expression of worry.
"I might do something that might get me killed," Hyunjin said as he looked at you and sadly looked down.
"Live as you please, I'll protect you." You put your fists in the air which made Hyunjin giggle.
"I'm not selfish Y/n, I wouldn't want to cause problems." You observed Hyunjin who in your eyes is the kindest person.
"You can't live pleasing others, but yourself." You made Hyunjin look at you with love. You were oblivious to his liking for you.
"Can I confess?" Hyunjin looked at you intensely, you didn't know what to do.
"C-confess to what?" You responded very nervously, he looked serious.
"Confess to wanting to take a walk." Hyunjin got up and tested the waters.
You nodded and both of you took a walk around the school. He finally stopped you before speaking.
"I like you, Y/n. I can't hold my liking back anymore, I need to know if you like me." He affectionately looked at you with longing.
"I like you too, Hyunjin. I have liked you since I first saw you helping a teacher out." You smiled as you looked at Hyunjin.
"I'm worried about your parents if we end up dating." He worried as he got close to hug you.
"If they don't accept our relationship, then I still won't break up with you. I'll wait until we're done with school and flee." Hyunjin still was feeling uneasy about your response.
"Don't, they're still your parents." Hyunjin was too kind and gave you an expected response.
"They stop being my parents the moment they hurt us." You wouldn't budge no matter what Hyunjin said.
"Hyunjin, will you date me despite anything else you worry about?" You asked Hyunjin intently
"I'm willing to date you and risk everything, you are willing to do the same for me." He smiled, someone else shared his feelings.
Everything led to where you are now, locked in your room. Your windows were barred, you couldn't do anything with your parents watching your every move. They seemed to have barred your windows while you were at school. Every moment after Hyunjin confessed, meant the world to you. Every lunch date, every hug meant the world to you. Even the affection and things he told you meant everything to you. You had been dating Hyunjin for months, yet you felt happier than you ever have. You had to leave your room somehow. Hours passed and you felt miserable. You felt hungry and felt like a prisoner. You had your electronics with you, but you needed food and fresh air or light source in your room. Finally, after moping around, your mother opened the door.
"If you want nothing to happen to your pathetic boyfriend, you will break up with him tomorrow and that will be the only time I'll let you go on a date with that poor kid." Her harsh words only made you angrier. She then left your room and cracked a smile at your anger.
You decided to sleep your anger off. You wanted this whole ordeal to only be a mere dream. You wanted to be happy with Hyunjin, yet things are only getting worse. After a while, you fell asleep, nothing changed. Windows were still barracked and your school alarm woke you up. The only time your mother came to your room to wake you up and give you food after an argument.
"Y/nn dear, breakfast is ready." She spoke as if she had done no wrong. She might have always been nice except yesterday, but you now hated her guts. Nothing will ever be the same, you lazily threw on whatever seemed nice to wear.
You got your morning routine done and your breakfast was on the table. You left the breakfast your mother made and randomly got your lunch ready with an addition to your new snacks for breakfast. You weren't wanting to eat your mother's food, she was in her bedroom when you left your house. She might be mad when she realizes that you had no interest in her food, but she crossed the line yesterday. Your whole mood was ruined by your parents and today felt like a living hell after finding out your parent's true nature. You knew someone snitched and it would be easy to find out who. Your walk to school made you feel sadder as you already knew about how you were threatened. Mere steps from the front of the school, you found out who snitched on you, since the shameless girl was approaching you. That shameless girl liked Hyunjin and even had a secret boyfriend.
"Omgg Y/n, how are you? Are you sad over your breakup with Hyunjin?" She smugly smiled as if she even cared.
"Honey, you must be dumb. Hyunjin and I haven't broken up, you must be mad." You meekly smiled at her and walked away. You now had it out for her.
You were now inside the school and looking for Hyunjin. There were many students scattered around in the halls, but there wasn't a single trace of Hyunjin. You only sat outside your class to wait for Hyunjin, you then remember that you hadn't responded to his last text. You scrolled through your messages and the message appeared.
Hyunjin: Bye
Nothing else followed, that was the last thing he said yesterday. You gave up on sitting by your classroom and got up. You went back to the front of the school even walking by the many kids that are staring at you. Right then, the shameless girl and her secret boyfriend were kissing by a classroom, you took a photo. The photo you just took would greatly compliment a photo you took before of the girl cheating which you took just in case she would snitch on you. You quickly scurried to the school steps and sat. You also realized that Hyunjin was sitting down, not taking notice that you were looking at him.
"I was waiting for you, Hyunjin." You hugged Hyunjin as he took notice of you.
"I didn't know what to do if you didn't come to school." He sadly looked down as he caressed your cheek.
"I was just in my room all day as punishment. I wasn't sure if I was coming." You nervously looked down, you didn't know how to face Hyunjin at the moment.
"Let's go on a date." you smiled again as you looked at your confused boyfriend. You knew what your mom told you to do, but you weren't going to do that.
"Why?" He looked at you as if he sensed something.
"It might be the only time we can publically go on a date in a while until school ends. My parents also let me go on a date to break up with you, but I'm not doing that." You told Hyunjin everything. You felt more at ease.
"Let's do it." Hyunjin only smiled at you and enjoyed the morning air with you on the school stairs.
You were playing a dangerous game and you knew that things may only get worse. You were willing to go to the end of everything to be with Hyunjin. You both knew that there were only a few months left of school before you could make your move. Finally, you both went to your respective classes once the bell rang. Classes went by and breaks went by. Finally, you got ready to go on your date once Hyunjin stood by your classroom. Both of you walked the halls while holding hands. You were afraid that the family hitman would show up to pull a trigger on Hyunjin, who you love. You knew your parents would show no mercy with their personality now fully shown. You had a change of plans, you had to make sure that violence wouldn't unfold.
"Hyunjin, let's leave through the back door." Seemingly confused, Hyunjin nodded to your request. You had a gut feeling that something would be waiting in front of the school and you wouldn't want to wait and find out.
You only held on more tightly onto Hyunjin's hand, he's the person whose hand you wish to not let go of. You approached the back door and peeked towards the other side of the school to see that your intuition was right. There was the family hitman who you once respected.
"Hyunjin, someone was about to tail us. We have to run now." You notified Hyunjin about the hitman which only made him more alert.
"I know a place we can go to." Hyunjin flashed you his charming smile as you both ran to an unfamiliar place.
The atmosphere only made it clear that Hyunjin was your home. You both ran up the many streets that you already knew of to the unfamiliar turns you never took a look at. He only remained happy by your side as you followed him. An escape from your scary world only made you happy as your escape was with Hyunjin.
"I don't have much, but I live in this house." The house Hyunjin took you to was cozy which you liked. It was his home and you were happy that he was showing you his world.
"I don't care about social statuses when I have you, my love." You caressed Hyunjin's cheek and let go of Hyunjin's hand. Hyunjin only smiled at your response. He wondered if he was dreaming, he never wanted to wake up from his pleasant dream
"Y/n, how did you know about the hitman? Did you suspect it?" Hyunjin turned to look at you as he unlocked his house door.
"I kind of did, but I'm glad I did notice it. I couldn't live without you if anything happened to you." You felt like tears would threaten to fall as you imagined that a horrible event would end up with Hyunjin dying.
You only had around a month left of school and things were already bad. You decided to use your cards now, the girl would pay for what she did to you. You texted her mother everything you had and her mother promised to not say it was you. The girl that snitched doesn't even know that you had dirt on her because you never mentioned anything. Her family was even business partners with your family, so you know each other naturally. She made the decision to hurt both you and Hyunjin, you wouldn't let it pass. Finally, the deed was done.
"Are you okay?" Hyunjin asked as he saw you almost cry on his living room couch.
"Not really, I'm worried for us." You tried to remain calm since the hitman didn't see you both. You knew everything that the hitman had in his car since you happened to snoop around his things once.
"If it helps, let's pretend to break up for a month." Hyunjin didn't like seeing you worried and would do anything to help make you feel at ease.
"I don't think I could pretend that I don't love you when I love you more than anyone else." You felt sad that things got to this point.
"I don't know what else to do, we have only a month of school left." He also knew that your hands were tied and you had no other choice.
"Only pretend. We will secretly meet and pretend to be in a study group." You finally confirmed and felt more at ease.
"My mom won't be here in a long time, she's overseas for her job." Hyunjin just notified you so you wouldn't feel awkward.
"In that case, we have lots of alone time." You winked at your shy boyfriend who joined you on the couch.
"Ohh I didn't mean it in that way." Hyunjin nervously spoke as he blushed furiously at your seducing mannerism.
"I already know that I love you, I also won't regret it no matter what happens." You only got closer to your boyfriend who only looked at you with lust.
"Be careful with what you say, babe," Hyunjin whispered in your ear as he lightly kissed your neck.
"I already know that I won't." You moaned and gripped Hyunjin's shirt as he kissed your neck.
Hyunjin stopped kissing your neck and started undressing. You started checking Hyunjin out as he undressed, wetness pooled in your panties as you watched him closely. Hyunjin caught you staring and winked at you. You quickly took off your clothes and you approached Hyunjin who was surprised at your forwardness. You kissed Hyunjin and only sat down on Hyunjin's lap as he was on the couch. Hyunjin took the opportunity to slip his tongue in the kiss, as you lightly grinded against him.
"A-ahh you drive me crazy, Y/n," He responded when you also slipped your tongue in and grinned.
Your hands caressed his face to his shoulders to his abs that were visibly shown. Hyunjin lightly kneaded your breasts as he noticed that you were also giving him pleasure. You both moaned at the new sensations.
"You're soo good, oh my gosh." You moaned as started kissing your breasts and sucking on them. You started jacking Hyunjin off as he sucked on your breasts. His raspy moans only motivated you more to make him cum for you.
He stopped sucking on your breasts after giving them enough attention to put his hand on top of yours as you jacked him off. He felt like he was close and stopped you.
"I might come too fast, now I'll focus on only you." He looked at you and gave you a warm smile.
He got in between your legs and you gave him permission to continue. He slipped his tongue in your heat and his tongue lightly thrust in. You only tangled your hands in his hair as your moans filled the living room. He was motivated to making you feel good as your moans were heard. He held your hand as he kept exploring your heat with his tongue. He found your sensitive spot and only kept thrusting his tongue in as your high came. Your body shuddered as you were desperate for your release. He soon rubbed circles on your clit with his long fingers as his tongue only focused inside you.
"H-Hyunjin, I'm gonna cum." You moaned as he smirked at his skill to make you cum.
You came and his tongue only licked off your release.
"t-that felt good." You spoke as you tried to catch your breath after cumming from Hyunjin eating you out.
"Oh, I can tell, Y/n." Hyunjin giggled as he kept on teasing you about how you wanted him.
"Well just like that, I'll make you beg to be inside me, Hwang Hyunjin." You smirked as you noticed that your boyfriend gulped at what you just said to him. You know that he knows that you'll be right in the end.
Suddenly you held Hyunjin down and his cock was mere inches from being inside. You smirked as you got a hold of his long cock and ran the tip of his cock down your slit. You moaned directly in his ear and he only clutched the couch sides as he felt your pussy mere inches from being inside.
"A-Ahhh, please put it in now Y/n," Hyunjin grunted loudly as you only kept running his cock down your slit.
You stopped your actions and only ran your fingers down his cock slit and looked at the erection that looked painful for him. His cock tip was red and you knew that Hyunjin was desperate to be inside you. You finally sank down slowly on him as he threw his head back. His hands were gripping your hips as you kept sinking down on his cock. Your toes only curled at the sensation of Hyunjin meeting your movements. You felt like you could cum at the sight of Hyunjin moaning your name. His string of curses and moans of your name only made you clench his cock inside you.
"F-Fuck, baby." He pulled out of pussy and switched positions with you. He entered your pussy again as he moaned again loudly.
"Ahhh, Hyunjin." You gripped on his shoulder blades as he angled directly in your g spot and thrust.
You kept clenching on his cock looked at his blissful state. You felt like he was close to release as you felt him twitch inside you. His grip on your hips was also tighter a bit, but not uncomfortable.
"Babe, c-cum inside me." You looked at Hyunjin and pleaded. He only smiled as he looked at you. He looked handsome as his lips were parted.
"Are you sure?" He looked into your eyes to make sure you were okay.
"Y-Yeah, I'm on the pill." You looked at him and winked.
He kept thrusting at a steady pace and kissed your neck as you moaned his name over and over. You clenched around Hyunjin as your body spasmed as you came. Hyunjin came inside you and held you close to him. You both stayed that way as he laid beside you and pulled out of you.
"That was amazing, I love you, Y/n." Hyunjin looked into your eyes and looked at you lovingly.
"We're figuring everything out Hyunjin and I will keep loving you until the end." You smiled and held Hyunjin's face with your hands. You caressed your boyfriend's face and pecked his lips.
Hyunjin got up from the couch and cleaned you up. He got back into the couch and cuddled you for a while.
"I really mean it when I say that I really love you." Hyunjin held you in his arms and you only hugged him back.
"I love you too, I will keep on loving you." You kissed your boyfriend's cheek and got up from the couch.
You got dressed and helped Hyunjin get ready as well. You reassured your boyfriend who seemed nervous.
"What we have to do is only pretend. We already know how we will meet. Don't worry about anything, school's almost out." You smiled as you hugged your boyfriend one last time before you left.
You were worried about your relationship, you really did love Hyunjin. You only needed to pretend that you broke up with him, but you knew that you needed to stay away from him in front of others. You were on the way back to school. Every path you took with Hyunjin only made your heart flutter even more. You let the air take your worries away as you approached closer to school. You snuck in through the back door and you successfully thought of something that would make you cry a lot. You raced through to the front of the school where the hitman's car was parked. He seemed startled as he noticed that you were crying and alone without Hyunjin. You pretended not to notice the hitman and walked home.
You know that the hitman would've already contacted your mother. It wasn't too late, but the sun was still out. You walked through the various beautiful views that were near your home. You felt tired, but at least you could pretend to be sad. You took out your house keys as you approached your house door and unlocked the door. You slammed the door to make it seem like you were mad. You quickly checked if there was anyone in your home, no one was home. You knew that it wasn't long before someone came home. You snuck into your mother's office to look at the documents that prove her bribery. You've known of her bribery but couldn't tell her directly if she ever chose to threaten you. You got the documents for safekeeping until you got out of the house and left copies for your mother.
You snuck the documents into your school backpack because you knew that she would rummage into your room. You decided to look outside and saw your mother's car come into the driveway. You started doing your homework and waited for her to get inside the house. You heard the door as she unlocked the door with her keys and went directly into your room as she got into the house.
"Huh, so you broke up with him," Your mother said with a smug smirk as she looked at your "crying" face.
"I hate you, I loved him too much. You're really horrible." You looked at her smiling face that wanted to continue to torture you. You only kept making tears fall.
She finally left your room and slammed your bedroom door. You thought about what to do for hours until it was nighttime. You had showered and laid in your bed as you thought about everything. Having to ignore Hyunjin only hurt you, you couldn't do that even if you tried. You know that you both already agreed to this, but you felt like you couldn't be apart from your boyfriend. At least, you ended up also taking revenge on the girl that wanted you to get in trouble. Your thoughts came back to the fact that you had enough information to bring down your parents. You decided to use your resources after you graduate and could be with Hyunjin. Your thoughts and dreams all led you to go to sleep.
The whole night made you feel uneasy about everything that was going to happen. You finally woke up from your slumber that made you not even want to go to school. Your whole day felt all worrisome right now. The month you would refrain from getting close to Hyunjin starts now and you felt saddened. You got up from your bed and started to get ready. The only difference was that you didn't feel motivated to get up. Putting on a smile and looking forward to school would be a lie. You finished getting ready and got your breakfast ready. You were glad your mother was already at work and your father is rarely home unless it were an instance like when he found out you were started dating Hyunjin. You only got cursed at that time and it made you feel so much hatred.
You finally walked out the door and were walking to school. You hated that you would have to walk by Hyunjin and ignore him. You were more worried about how he would act around you. The morning breeze only started hitting your face and your hair was only hitting your face. You felt annoyed as you got closer to your school because the acting would only start. The students started all coming to school and some started staring at you. You ignored the students and walked past everyone including Hyunjin who paid no attention to you. You walked past him and girls started lining up next to him. He was still your boyfriend, but you hated having to act. You were walking to your class until you were stopped by the snitch.
"Wow, so you did break-up with Hyunjin?" She stopped before continuing, "I'm glad that you found out that he was worthless."
You could tell that Hyunjin even heard because he turned to look at the girl also at you then went back to talking to the girls.
"Whatever I do is only my business, no one even asked you for your worthless opinions." You walked out leaving the girl standing there in shock.
You only had to wait after school to see Hyunjin in the private study cubicles at the library. You daydreamed while paying some attention to class. There were school breaks, but you stayed in class for all of them with your home-packed lunch. Then you tried to enjoy yourself being away from everyone, but you missed Hyunjin. You both were sometimes in a classroom and talked about everything while having laughs. You always spent time together even went through everything together. You always understood Hyunjin when he had to go to his part-time job since his mother's job is little, but not enough. You went back to classes until school was out and it was time to go to the library. You went to a cubicle and waited for your boyfriend. You were on your phone watching a series when you felt someone sit next to you. You could already tell who it was from the silent atmosphere.
"Had fun, huh?" You said taking your eyes off your phone to look at your apologetic boyfriend.
"Y/n, you know I can't control how they act around me," He said trying to take your hands in his.
"Look this is also hard on me, but I also get jealous," You said trying to get your boyfriend to see your point.
You looked away for a bit because you felt like today was hard enough.
"This really does feel like a break-up, huh?" Hyunjin asked as he kept looking at you.
"It really does and I wish things weren't this way," you replied to him trying to maintain your composure.
"Look, I'll let you leave me so that you don't get backlash for dating me." Hyunjin gave you his soft smile and he knew you were stressed out at the moment.
"I wouldn't be able to and I'm glad we're the only ones here," you said as you took your boyfriend's hand and held it before continuing, "because we should be able to get through this and see each other whenever we can."
"Are you sure you can do this?" Hyunjin asked as he looked at you to get your final answer.
"I want to do this with you, let's not be harsh on each other," You said as you leaned in for a kiss, "For us."
"I like the sound of that," He said before leaning in to kiss you back.
You both kept finding time to spend together, despite having to ignore each other at school. Your parents luckily believed that you were single, despite being out of the house a lot. You would also go see Hyunjin at his part-time job to spend time or even go to his house. Your relationship was still going strong for the one month you had to pretend to be broken up. Time flew and soon it was your graduation. You had the freedom to break out of what your parents expected from you. You also helped Hyunjin get confident about becoming a musician. You both finally decided to stop acting and kissed at the end of the graduation ceremony, to your peers' surprise. Hyunjin also got the courage to propose to you at the end of the ceremony with a bouquet of flowers in hand. You were happy that Hyunjin loved you as much as you loved him.
Your parents weren't even there and you had nothing to fear anymore. After the graduation ceremony, you celebrated with Hyunjin all afternoon before heading to the police station. You gave them all the evidence linking your parents to bribes and money laundering. It was a hard decision, but they also were controlling your life. It was hard to see your parents being picked up by the police, but you had to save them from becoming even more like monsters. You were able to get access to your trust fund after so many years of your parent's control of it. You also had the money your grandfather gave you as well as the house, that you decided to sell. Life was going great and you were able to support your musician fiance who had fans that loved him.
Your words stuck with him because you gave him the confidence he needed. Both you and Hyunjin ended up moving in together after getting into a good college. You both decided to live off-campus and wait to get married. Your parent's company started being managed by a more capable professional when you decided not to take over. Now everything led to your comfortable apartment with Hyunjin and wonderful life. You couldn't believe that you were able to be with your true love. You walked up to him and smiled at him.
"Wow, I wonder why my baby is so happy," Hyunjin said as he spun you around the spacious living room.
"My true love is here and we're together. That makes me the happiest," You said before deciding to lay down on the couch with your fiance.
"Let's cuddle, I missed you a lottt when you were gone at school," Hyunjin said as he pouted.
"My baby sure seems like he did miss me. I'll make it up to you, I promise," You said before giving pecks to your fiance on the lips.
"Okay then give me kisses first." Hyunjin giggled as he pointed to his lips, cheek, and forehead.
"Anything for you, baby," You said as you smiled at your breathtaking fiance before kissing him.
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