#also tho im currently i bit nuts
shittygothbitch · 1 year
Ughhh I wna call in tmw. Hell I wna call in rn
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nanami-is-nanamean · 1 month
I like playing hsr-- as my irls say, im a bit of a grind/build player. I can attest to that, because no joke-- i spent an entire year just grinding and farming for materials for my characters. So you could say that im a bit well versed in how these characters work and run and tick. Of course, when you have two obsessions, its kind of inevitable that youd smash them together like dolls so--
Here's JJK characters typecasted as HSR characters
Please note that im more well versed in the characters as units so im gonna typecast them as such— i know jack about their plot and stories so i may or may not make a part two or more lmao
Lets go-- everything is under the cut
OH-- quick note!! Ill be doing the 06 class first because im more familiar with them, and most of my info comes from my own experience playing, and Prydwen my beloved lmao
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Gojo Satoru:
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For Gojo—as a unit, i wanna say that hes either the strongest unit currently or some kind of nuts shielder. Its an either or because duh. Bruv is Quite Literally The Strongest and Quite Literally Untouchable.
If were going with the former, aka the strongest—id say that he would be what is currently considered the meta, which is Acheron. I dont have an Acheron, but my friend does and she lent me her account so i can build her Acheron and other units and LET ME TELL YOU. HOLY SHIT. Even unbuilt, Acheron hits like a motherfucker dawg. Its genuinely crazy. Her Technique as well (heh) also lets her oneshot almost anything which is also inline with how he works. Jeez, i should probably go back to building her account...
If were going with the latter, aka nuts shielder ala Infinity, i was thinking either Fu Xuan or Aventurine—but settled on Fu Xuan as it filled out more of what Gojo could do. While she does actually take damage, as she directs damage to herself, she heals it all back which honestly?? Amazing symbolism for Gojo tbh—considering the fact that hes the most important figure in Jujutsu society, everyone would be fucking gunning for him man. And he'd just as easily bounce back and brush it all off with a quick smile and Purple. And speaking of purple—esteemed colleague, that is Just Her Ultimate.
But yeah—Gojo would be either Acheron or Fu Xuan, depending on what aspect of him were focusing on.
Geto Suguru:
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I'm gonna admit—this one was a little hard for me because who tf uses summons. And then it hit me.
Dear lord, my boy is just Topaz. Or Jing Yuan. LMAO—
Makes sense tho mechanically—Geto's technique is all about summoning curses to fight. Either for him or with him. Its just that the choice between Topaz and Jing Yuan capitalizes on what sort of fighting styles Geto wants to use. Topaz is more reliant on Numby doing damage, while Jing Yuan can do damage on his own without the help of Lightning Lord. This means then that Topaz is if Geto wants his curses to fight for him, and Jing Yuan is if he wants to fight with his curses.
Also the fact that I considered Sushang for him just because she summons a giant fucking chicken for her ult is. W o w .
Shoko Ieiri:
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Dawg. To be honest with you. I think this is gonna be the hardest one for me to typecast unit wise. Because like—Shoko is a heal bot fr fr. And like—thats literally all the Abundance characters man. I CANT JUST SAY "shes every Abundance character" AND CALL IT A DAY. I mean I CAN but I WONT because I have STANDARDS. So I suppose I'll knock off the ones she can't possibly be unit wise.
Bailu is an Instant No. If she can bring people back from the dead Bailu style, JJK would be a WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY. and YEAH YEAH the Gojo/Yuuta thing is different—Gojo was already super dead, she just transferred Yuuta to Gojos body my guy. Not Gallagher, since w've never seen her in a combat situation and we have no idea what pure RCE can do to a curse—and before you say im wrong, nuh uh dawg—youre thinking about Reverse Cursed TECHNIQUE. I'm talking energy. The two are very different. Thats like saying putting the car in reverse is the same as using diesel instead of gas. Luocha is also a no go since, if she can just cast a Simple Domain that heals everyone in range, JJK would be a completely different story. And, as much as this pains me to say it—she cant be Huohuo either, because if her healing people would also replenish their CE, JJK would be a different story—at the very least with more people alive in it lmao
And so. This leaves us with our F2P basic units. Lynx and Natasha. Which... honestly? Its weirdly fitting and cathartic in a strange sort of way. Its guaranteed they'd be there to help because you receive them as units early on in the game—just as guaranteed that Shoko would be there to help and heal any and all sorcerers who come to her. All units need healing, in any way shape and form—without em making sure our teams our alive, we quite literally cannot get thru half the content of the game. I would know, that friend DID NOT build any of their sustains. Constantly fighting for my life until I built Gallagher lmao.
But yeah—unit wise, it does fit. They both mainly are there to give healing and basic support to the units, without drastically buffing them or debuffing their opponents. Theyre just there to make sure the team is alive, and honestly? 🫡 you go babe. heres a free cigarette, on me.
Nanami Kento:
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Immediately I knew what the fuck I wanted him to be. Break effect character. Aka, current meta. So, obviously he'd be Boothill and Robin right?? Well—not exactly...
He'd deffo be Boothill thats for sure, but not so much Robin. Nanami's powerset is pretty simple—he focuses on a target and then, depending on his goal and/or amount of cursed energy, proceeds to put a weak point on them of which to hit. He can't be Robin because of how she works—she needs to transform via Ult to deal that optimal break damage and strike weak points despite whatever shes facing not having a fire element weakness. Whereas Nanami can just hit, without needing to transform into something else or needing a cursed tool or something.
For a little bit there, I considered Xueyi but ulimately said no because of her follow up and her being able to attack multiple enemies at once. While yes, I can flavor the follow up as a black flash or something (even though i really shouldn't since black flashes are based off luck and "being in the zone"), the multiple targets thing I really couldn't ignore because we've never seen him attack multiple targets at once—the closest thing we have is him being fast enough and strong enough to one shot curses back to back.
I was left with Sushang and Luka at this point, and ended up with Sushang. I was already settled with Sushang, when I remembered that Luka existed lmao—but decided to give him a shot anyways. I shouldn't have given him that shot because he doesn't fit Nanami as a unit. He's a Nihility "charge" unit—charge in the sense of, he needs to build up a certain stack to properly break and deal damage. When you relate that to Nanami, it doesn't work. Like I said, Nanami is simple and straight-forward, no muss and no fuss. There's a lot of mussing and fussing around with Luka that doesn't mesh well, along with the whole debuff thing Nihility has going—Nanami doesn't do that kind of DOT damage in the series, and doesn't deal too much of a handicap that I could consider it.
Nanami being Boothill and Sushang makes sense to me too. Nanami is a relatively fast person, being able to kind of run on water, fend off dozens of curses at the same time whilst taking minimal damage, and keep up with a Mahito that transformed himself into being really fast, and hits hard—both with the boost and assistance of his technique and without it. Like—he canonically killed Haruta 6 times. Were it not for his Luck Technique, his skull would've been pulverized by the first punch.
Boothill and Sushang's entire deal is to hit hard and hit fast—or at the very least, stay ahead of their opponents in the turn order via Break—Weakness, Super, or otherwise. Boothill's mechanics are a little more complicated than Sushang's but they're relatively simple and tracks with how Nanami works—he can force element weakness (Nanami's CT), hits really good and really hard to those he's focused on/appiled weakness on (nanami's CT again), and is able to clear out multiple enemies at once/inquick succession despite being a single target focus due to how strong and fast he is (nanami's CT and fighting style in general). Sushang's mechanics are much more barebones—she hits hard and she hits fast, which is basically the essence of Nanami in battle.
Haibara Yuu:
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Motherfucker dude, this one is EASY—my boy is OBVIOUSLY Pompom. BUT NO WAIT IM BEING FR THO—we barely see him in both the manga and the anime, and I even looked up whether or not he's a playable unit in JJK Cursed Clash or JJK Phantom Parade. He's not there dawg. He's literally just the mascot—😭😭😭 UGYFHBKSFSBHVDVKFHKSD
And as much as I'd love to make assumptions abt his technique and how he works—aka theorize abt the meaning of his name, make educated guesses with the short screentime he had, I don't think I can make a good guess or assumption on how he works.
So yeah. He's Pompom, he's an NPC KHDFJHGSIDKFX—
Rip Haibara, even in death, you don't due nothing other than change the trajectory of everyone's lives via dying BUKJRNLDFJXB
Thanks for reading...??? Genuinely feel like doing a cont to this but like—them as HSR character lorewise, or turning them into actual HSR units, or doing the other characters. Its p fun!! Also let me engage with HSR in a diff way other than me logging on, grinding Robin's domain, getting a bunch of shit artifacts and ignoring the main quest LMAO—
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firstdivisiongirl · 6 months
hello^^ id like to request a romantic match-up if its okay with you My pronouns are she/her and im an asexual. My MBTI is INTP and so please understand if im not able to identify myself that great. Yk the kid in the class who doesn't do any hw but passes all of the subject? Well yes thats me. Also im great at mathematics. I have kind of strict parents but more protective type so im not allowed to go to any person's house. I get told by my friends that when they first saw me i looked like a rly cold or egoistical person and all , as for my best friend (i asked her) to describe me in 1 word she said "comfort" so hope that makes sense. Im 5'2 tall... really bad eyesights like -6.25 and 5.75 (if i can remember correctly) . Im not really the outstanding type, but i do have some amount of confidence honestly. Also im a Christian and hope you get what i mean^^ Im able to like uhh copy people's personality and i currently have "the perfect girl" personality copied from the class president. I kinda sound like only complimenting myself soo here's some weaknesses or things like that I procrastinate so much and mostly doesn't get hw done until the deadline (im trying to stop even in the littlest). Horrible sleep schedule. And sometimes pushes ppl away out of frustration. I hate gathering any useless attention (like social anxiety). And mostly i do not feel much emotion until i like be burst of emotion. I really have a lot of great idea and is able to tell people if they're lying or not like kinda reading people but i dont really talk out loud about it, i only talk rarely about them out of fear they think im weird or smth because i was neglected and talked behind my back in 6th grade before. And a lazy fashion sense coming in!!!!!!!! i usually just wear baggy clothes or like wear smth the same mostly because im too tired to make another outfit and memorize it I like yanderes pretty much (crybaby, possessive, manipulating , clingy, obsessive type...) Deep inside im really clingy, childish and a sore loser , i don't really realize my surroundings so i tend to forget roads a lott I can be a motormouth if im comfortable by it and can be really quiet , some things depends on my mood tho Weirdly scared of person using the stairs behind me , bcz its really creepy. If a conversation annoyes or bothers me i really try and make excuses to get out of it.. Hope u can get smth out with my horrible explanation TT
and please remember to take care of urselff!!!!!! its my first ask so im a bit nervous TT its currently 10;37PM here, so have a great day and good day/night/morning!!!!!!^^ (me trying to come cheery and nice as much as possible)
Hey there. I try to take care of myself, but I am always a mess lol. Don't be nervous about asking. You did a good job. So onto the Tokyo Revengers matchup!
You Got...
Taiju Shiba!!!
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He is a tough nut to crack, but I think he would love you.
Both of you are religious and would bond over that and go to church together.
He needs a a partner who is confident.
He'd love how you can be anything you want to be and copy others.
I feel like he needs someone who can read people well, since he is a lot. You would be able to understand what's going on in his mind. Good luck, I think it is scary in there.
Would scare off people who walk behind you
He's the type of guy who would make sure you never get lost
Wouldn't really care if you were in tight clothes or baggy clothes. He loves you for you. (If he cared about looks he would have kicked Inupi out for looking like discount Sabo lol)
Dates would be anything you want. But there must be good food!
Would like your clinginess. That means he gets to spend more time with you.
I hope you like it!
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tigerdrop · 2 years
I think we should talk more about breeding kinks here specifically with whatever men you're currently thinking about. I finished read your snippets on your website so that inspired this anonymous question.
god. i have a lot of insane things i could say about it. WRT daniel and jamie. i want to put it under a readmore b/c im embarrassed but i dont want to use one b/c they dont work right on my theme (SO IVE LEARNED) so heres captain sisko cardboard cutout
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this is probably going to get weird but daniel is a weird guy. full disclosure
uh. god. i had a whole long thing typed out justifying it but all u really need to know is that daniel is one google search away from being a massive furry. if he had any idea how much anthro knotting porn is out there on the internet he would never leave his fucking room. he has it so bad dude
so like. this poor fucking guy wants to come in something so badly he cant see straight (who doesnt) and the only thing hes got is another dudes mouth on a blue moon. it would be a lot easier if he could just sniff out who wants to fuck on the air like a big stupid dog. a big mean doberman fursona with a spiky collar and a stupid hat. yknow. whatever
i think the idea of being a thrall to instinct and not having to navigate impenetrable social norms in order to have sex appeals to him. hes learned the hard way that he cant wrap his head around the intricate rituals. so its really great for his, uh. self-actualization. that he ends up with a buddy who likes to play along and makes it really, really obvious that he wants to use daniel like a dishrag
the ultimate torture, though: being a guy with a breeding kink dating a guy who gets off on edging you and stringing you out. imagine
daniel: i need to come in you so fucking bad. I need to knock you up jamie: Thats great buddy. If you come before i do im going to fucking kill you
tbh jamies standpoint on it is that he both never wants to have kids and is physically incapable of having them in the first place so daniels whole breeding kink is. like. a little oddity to him. something he feels a little conflicted about, given, you know, the gender . its a thinker
but really in the end its the ideal scenario b/c he gets to indulge daniel and play pretend with no consequences. its the same as if he was a cis dude indulging him. and tbh its worth it to see how fucking strung out it makes him. daniel sweating bullets at the idea of nutting in some big muscular hairy dude..........its neat. to him. and not to me. i dont care
its also neat to have jamie be a big ol bully about it too. all demanding and pushy. treating him like a bit of an animal about it...............whatever. insane animal style sexo while jamie doms the unholy hell out of him. sweet and sour both. Whatever
ultimately tho the goal is to nut in jamie and to do it over and over again and i think thats great for him. i think its even nicer if he accidentally comes too quick. all sweaty and desperate......poor guy.
(as an aside: jamie would never be for-real mean about his dick because - and not to be a huge fucking dyke here for a moment - your dick doesnt need to work like a pornstars b/c you dont even NEED one to have insane screaming bed-shaking sex. his fingers work just fine, right? get in there, buddy. finger your cum deeper into him. Jesus christ man)
alternatively. overstimulation. jamie using his iron thighs to keep daniel right where he is after he comes while jamie gets off. its like a punishment in its own right.....making daniel stay in place, all raw and sensitive and trembling......he would whimper. i think. cant do nothin but feel it. really really cute. stuff. i think
ok. sorry. this went a lot of places. goodbye forever
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peach-thekid · 10 months
[fandom literate rp ad] i'm back in my hunger games phase, don't @ me
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just when i thought it couldn't get any worse from rewatching the trilogy, i have now fallen back into the pits of panem after watching songbirds and snakes tonight… sorry in advance friends 🤡
heyo! my name is talia! i'm a 24yo female in EST timezone! former theatre kid, wannabe author, just a silly lil guy tbh. i'm looking for, you guessed it, hunger games fandom rp! this is a specific craving and i'll admit fandom rp is not my forte so i may not follow the "norm" oops. i just want to find a collaborative partner who really vibes and can be a friend to build an amazing story with in this universe! 🧡
does that sound like you so far? cool, cool, lets proceed
🏹 rp style and looking for: 🏹
daily/weekly replies, i have a lot of availability as of right now
18+ writers, character ages will have to be discussed due to the fandom canon, but just dont be creepy gdi
third person, past tense
literate to novella replies. i can go anywhere from 2 paragraphs to exceeding nitro count, depending on scene needs and inspo. quality > quantity tho!
romance is a must. m/m and m/f couples are my preference!
OCs only! canon charas can be discussed but not as mains. i also don't double and i don't do canon/oc couples, i'm sorry ya'll i know this is a deal breaker for some
obsessed with faceclaims, pinterest boards, spotify playlists, an organized and fun server, literally give me all the aesthetics and let me fangirl i am in desparate need
no SFW limits, i'm an open book and probably too desensitized
NSFW-wise, i am like 20/80 in terms of smut/plot. i am totally fine fading to black, i am fine to write it as long as it fits and serves a purpose, but i dont do erp and i don't focus on it as a necessity to a story
ghost friendly, if it isnt a vibe it isnt a vibe. if we are an amazing fit then you will be stuck with me forever but i'm just a stranger on the internet as of right now so no hard feelings
not a canon nut, so open to changing or expanding as we want. someone open to not be a stickler for every canon detail would be cool, obvi we will follow it but i'm ok to add or adjust as we decide!
OOC chatter is a requirement, i am someone who wants to be your friend. idk how some of ya'll just be writing and not being annoying OOC i cannot do it
due to preference and previous experience, i am currently only looking for femme/afab writers, i hope you understand :)
OCs before katniss era, childhood friends then one moves districts and they get reaped and reconnect
mentor/OC relationship (a younger mentor who won when they were far too young and are now mentoring their best friend from childhood after abandoning them?)
our own spin on canon with OCs implanted into the original trilogy story, like a spinoff of sorts?
capitol x district or peacemaker x district
ensemble casts are ok too im vv open!
tbh i would love to write our own hunger games and include some canon cameos and make our own arena and have a beautifully tragic story and cast, gimme all the darkness and angst and violence and tragedy and moral dilemmas and deep character bonds and impossible happy endings and fights and spectacle just - we can do it, that's all i'm sayin' 👀
i've attached my writing sample below! despite the casual OOC, i promise that if we're a good fit, our stories will be full of nothing but effort and a mild obsession/hyperfixation ✨
contact stuff 📱
if you are srs please reach out over discord. i do not check tumblr enough i'm the worst so i would love to get notifs bahaha my username is: muppetmania
i'm a lil picky (and full of anxiety) so please tell me youre from tumblr, a bit about yourself, your rp style, what interests you about this, and a writing sample ofc, that would be so gucci of you i will give you a big hug 🥰
may the odds be ever in your favor or whateva whistling sounds
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leclerced · 8 months
Omg breakfast? Lemme tell you all about it
I know you want more savoury so imma just run through the sweet ones if u one day want one haha
Porridge but the fancy version. I do it on oat milk with cacao and bananas and sometimes yogurt as topping. Even better is Greek yogurt with apples fried in butter with cinnamon and a little bit of honey (like not a lot of butter just so there is something on the pan).
I love bruschetta with tomatoes. I can eat it every day really. Shakshouka, it takes a lil bit more time but it’s delicious. Basic avocado toast? With fried eggs? Also love it. Scrambled eggs on toast too. But I recommend doing the creamy ones. Idk I just discovered I’m pretty basic when it comes to breakfast.
Also in Poland idk if everywhere but in my region people eat lots of milk things for breakfast. So porridge, semolina pudding, even milk soups. Milk and poured noodles („kluski lane” in polish cause idk if the translation is the thing I think of), milk and pasta even!
i am a Picky Eater and ur ab to hear ab all my weird food things. im so sorry. im gna give my opinions on ur breakfast then tell u ab minee. read more bc this is long
i have never had porridge but i don't like that name. i occasionally like oatmeal which is a kind of porridge, made with rolled oats, but it also makes me vomit sometimes. so i would not eat porridge generally speaking.
i might try bruschetta. isn't that just like basically garlic bread ?? but cut the tomatoes. i only like cooked tomatoes in a sauce. not a fan of the chunks. bad mouth feel.
avocado toast >>> god tier breakfast tbh. would not eat w fried eggs on it tho bc i only like scrambled eggs. would not put scrambled eggs on my avocado toast.
scrambled eggs on toast minus avocado is good tho!! one of the best breakfast sandwiches ive ever had was bacon n scrambled eggs on rye bread from this cafe in kansas city. i genuinely have been planning to go back there just to get another sandwich.
shakshouka looks good tbh. ive watched sm cooking videos of ppl making it but i would not eat it bc.. eggs and tomatoes sound gross together. and i don't like poached eggs.
had to look up kluski lane, and i dont like egg drop noodles. bad texture. also not a soup fan generally speaking, potato soup and chicken and dumplings are the exception and only because i know how to cook them really well. im not a fan of my food being wet.
i have a lot to say about milk soup and milk and pasta and it is not nice. i just. hate the idea.
i love cooking. i love breakfast food. i will eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner numerous days in a row. bacon, eggs, sausage, potatoes. you can make the potatoes so many different ways for variety first of all, but then you can a scramble, a taco, a sandwich. whatever u want. love a breakfast taco and i know i said i hate tomatoes unless they're cooked but the exception is pico de gallo because i put that in my breakfast tacos sometimes.
love love love making a bagel sandwich, i don't like fried eggs so i make a lil omelet and fold it to fit my bagel, and put bacon, cheese, cream cheese, and avocado on them.
i also like muffins a lot, blueberry, banana nut, wildberry. i'll eat them every day for breakfast until im sick of them and then can't look at them for a year. currently have not had a muffin in months.
i also really love doing pigs n a blanket/sausage rolls. whatever u wanna call them. love donuts and some kolaches, but it rly depends on where u get them and i grew up in/near a czech town so i am very judgemental ab kolaches
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
I didn't want to but my last post got so long Tumblr can't load it AFSGSGAHH so this is my second post bc liveblogging this manga is part of my personality now <3
From where i left,
I love seeing Shibukawa i hate knowing how that fight will go down tho </3
Oh is that literally Andre the giant?
Katou baby you won't last
Yeah and uh, Katsumi whatever.
Poor Kozue on god pugoygpgu
Toba 🥺
Kozue like 😨
Chapter 186
You don't know but like 2 days passed and i actually forgot what was happening VÑVPJOYG
I just remembered that scene in the fairy odd parents movie where the crowd goes OHHH AHHH
I don't want to simp so early in the morning but UGHHH look at him!!
Hey has Baki always been doing the yujiro stand or is this new?
Feel you Mr Andre the giant i too have been told to not use my full strength. Though I'm just 1.60, my power comes from my anger issues and my god given right to kick ass
That's one strong kick
Rip the crowd n Andre the giant
Chapter 187
I don't think that's true Baki boy
That's a big number sir
I really don't care about this fight much at all surudtidkgxkhkdgksr
Poor Kozue man
Okay no apparently all cis men on the comments did want to become the string ???? Get help /j
Chapter 188
This is prob cool if you know who these people are. I unfortunately don't.
Look of bloodlust? He looks like the average fuckboy
Me watching the anime: omg that's so random why is he wearing glasses out of nowhere lol?
Me now (my brain is bigger): WOOOOOOOOO
I'm still obsessed with Toba's size
Okay i had to google who igari was bc i wasn't recognizing him, now I'm cheering on him
This is gonna be a good one, hopefully
That was murder
Chapter 189
Hehehe this title sounds promising 👀
I really can't tell if he's scared of confident, i HOPE he's confident like, he's my pollo afteral (i make that joke in Spanish bc idk how to do it in English 😭)
Nice feet (See? No one can accuse me of having a foot fetish because no one reads these haha!)
I'm not gonna simp for 3 lines straight but i can't just pass this without saying how much i love how Doppo looks in this arc my man looking more precious than usual 😌🥺💞
Shout-out to the ppl in the comments wishing Motobe a happy bday <33
Chapter 190
These men just LOVE breaking fingers don't they?
It was a pleasure knowing you Motobe-san
I must say Doppo first watching the fights with Katou now with his son is like, super damn sweet like this dude is just such a Dad™
Sumo is such a damn cool sport tbh, i watched like one documentary on it once and nothing else but it's just like damn
Lshekwhwksgskd someone was mentioning how they make Motobe sound like a badass but he loses every time and someone just responded "He's 50", which is similar to the justification i tried to give myself whenever Doppo kept fucking losing but then you have mfs like Shibukawa who is 70 and is just mad powerful KSVSNSH 😔
Chapter 191
Hehe the king ☺️
also if y'all wonder how I'm doing my jaw is currently trembling and i think i have a fever, but it's fine, we getting to 200 today boys
I really don't care much about Katsumi but he has a very shaped face i won't lie, his eyes are very pretty too. STILL DONT CARE BOUT HIM 🙄😒
They just throwing hands these mfs ffs
Katsumi that's a bit too far don't you think?
A fuckin pussy out sort of luck i see
Chapter 192
I hate smooth Retsu sm let him keeps his face wrinkles ffs
Obsessed with these lads
ANDRE MY MAN look at him
I love how these characters say <3
Fucked up to beat up a wounded man tho NGL :/
Chapter 193
Idk man after 180+ chapters Retsu's body doesn't look that wild to me
I know he will lose bc uh, Retsu obviously? But man i really like this Russian
Kozue that's how every match is
Hhhh 😬
He's dead.
Chapter 194
Hey they aren't doing the white lips thing anymore that's sick
Motobe Latino /j
Chapter 195
Chapter 196
Look at the cocky mf man sjsgdhd
I must say i love the progression of Baki's personality
Chapter 197
Katsumi is deranged
My health problems are solved btw
I honestly hope Katsumi wins, for the honor of shinshinkai exclusively
Doppo looks so proud of his son 🥺
These mfs so childish ffs
...how is he that small 😭
I really don't understand any of these people
Chapter 198
I love seeing Toba just around doing shit like yeah king you go. My nostalgia enjoys his presence
Toba king i don't want to see you on a wheelchair please-
Toba baby you are going to die and horrible death and i will hate to be the witness of it
He's dead 😔
Chapter 199
Igari right? He's dead too. I have less doubt than anyone else, Hanayama is a beast.
Different? Idk man he looks the same to me
Chapter 200
Like it's not just brawling man if anyone the size and strenght of Hanayama did anything they would win no matter what, this mf is a beast
I'm sorry, he's gonna get WHAT? 😳
Ndhskshskhdkd obsessed
So glad at least SOMEONE is still a bro 😒
Obsessed he didn't even realize
And that's it for tonight, adiós
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
my fav boys with slick black s/o pt 1?
a/n: im losing inspiration for my current requests and i’m not feeling good mentally or physically. my mood has been down the whole week and it’s messing with my school work so that’s also putting me in a sad mood. but im also in the mood for some fightin words so i’ll use my comfort boys. this may be corny but hey it works for me and this is my blog ❤️
lets get it
Bakugo Katsuki
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bro you MATCH his ENERGY so well with your clapbacks
tbh... bakugo’s clapbacks are just trash
he got the aggression but cmon now
tf is “shitty extra”
boy if you dont sit ya ass down
he LOVES your clapbacks tho
them shits be making him lose his mind
any slick shit you say he eats that UP
one time monoma was talking too much shit and you just
“nigga if you dont sit yo ass tf down fore i snatch yo forehead tf off”
safe to say bakugo busted out laughing
you were ready to post up
he lives for when you be roasting ppl under ya breath
what he doesnt like is when you roast him
bc you can and will read a bitch no hesitation
he really thought he was special....
aint shit sweet come get these roasts nigga
“boy if you dont take them damn pants off. shits look like hammer pants. cant touch this headass”
yall know how i have desiree roasting him?
that’s exactly how it be
you got a sharp ass tongue and will use it against anyone
let someone get both of yall pissed off together???
straight up verbal abuse at that point
file a complaint bc you and bakugo def made someone cry before
i think the class lwk hates you bc you helped bakugo’s clapbacks get better
which is bad for them
yall rmb those roasting vids where they go mmm after each one?
thats bakugo in the back
“big body headass”
“dumpster truck headass”
typa shit
he’ll hype it up too much
Todoroki Shouto
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you think this man dont talk shit himself????
bro he can and will read a bitch RIGHT TO THEIR FACE TOO
he want all the SMOKE
yall together??? im sorry to whoever pissed yall off lemme plan they funeral
i imagine the way todoroki reads niggas is real sophisticated like he will point out every single insecurity you HAVE without even knowing you that well
no cursing for majority of them
“what shoes you got on?”
yall would read bitches together but like this
“shou it’s the lifting acrylics for me”
“it’s the dusty wig for me, love”
“its the disconnecting wig for me”
“its the cakey makeup for me”
painful for them
i think he can do rapid fire roasts as soon as someone tries to start shit with you
“i know you’re not coming for my s/o. it’s the talking shoes, it’s the bootleg supreme shirt, it’s the fake chain, it’s the brittle hair”
he gets real disrespectful and wont care who it is
unless it’s your friends or family then he’ll dial it back a lil bit
if you start roasting endeavor????
my mans might be on his way to the jewelers
“try this ring on. i wanna see if it can fit you”
he finna spouse you up (spouse IS gender neutral innit?)
unrelated but todoroki is a hottie and will “ah 😜 mwah 💋” everytime and you might have a video of him losing his mind girls in the hood LMAOOOOO
Killua Zoldyck
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now this boy.... cant roast for SHIT
yeah he’s a lil brat and can get mean and petty
but he cannot compare to you
this nigga’s a whole trained assassin but cant kill niggas with his words that well
i think the meanest thing he’s said is call you “a stupid fuckin idiot”
to which you responded with
“shut the fuck up, mushroom built ass bitch. body built like a smurf. hair lookin like hairballs cats cough up. dont get loud lil boy”
killua respectfully sat down and scratched his head
no cap that shit lwk hurt but he gonna pretend like it didnt
he dont even know what the fuck a SMURF IS
he just know that it hurt
lwk thought that was your nen
the ability to manipulate emotions into irritation or anger or some shit
like no baby they just good at roasting bitches
after a while he starts to hype you up in the back
“how you FEELLLLL”
eventually he learns how to roast and clapback then it’s over
the sass meter is overboard
like you might have to knock him a couple notches down
swear to god this boy uses clapbacks on leorio just to piss him off
one time leorio was telling killua to do sumn he just
“oh you must want me with the way you keep gobbling on my fuckin nuts i will do it soon relax”
you damn near BEHEADED this boy with how hard you slapped the back of his head
like it was funny but leorio wouldve JUMPED YOU
Kamado Tanjiro
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listen he likes to be the peacemaker
but with your clapbacks they’re enough to make zenitsu wanna post up
like you read him a lil too much
cue tanjiro rapidly apologizing while dragging you away
the first time you roasted the absolute shit outta inosuke he had to sit down
he didnt even know what the majority of the shit you said meant
same with killua all he knew was that shit kinda hurt
tanjiro be TIRED of yall
“y/n can you PLEASE relax”
of course you know your limits
there’s no way you’re gonna get tanjiro to roast people
but this one time you heard him clapback by accident
“you heard me loud and clear, sir. dont act like you couldnt hear me correctly.”
like oop?
i felt a lil HEAT
aint no where near burned but for tanjiro??? good e fucking nough
dont act like he dont say some lil slick shit on the dl
this man got pent up aggression fym
tho you do be making him laugh
esp in battle if you just start reading a demon
he cant help but snicker
baby loves the way you talk and wouldnt have it any other way
if you roast him he will just go
“oh okay 🙂”
he doesnt know how to respond to that
if you roasting someone who deserves it nezuko will be your hype girl bc tanjiro’s busy trying to de-escalate the situation 💀💀💀
“and thats why yo grandma got a busted funeral”
“y/n shut up NO THEY DONT SORRY”
before dragging you away
jfc you’re like verbally feral
Nishinoya Yuu
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your personal hypeman
will respectfully allow you to roast people
cant roast to save his life either
“you tell em!”
hopping around n shit LMAOAOAOAOAO
you got that shit
someone irritating him?
“y/n.... baby.”
“alright who is it?”
“aight bet. AYE BITCH”
legend has it tsukishima is still recovering from those third degree burns
do not roast him this man will run away he values his life
“oh you must be ready to attend this barbecue”
(love that guy)
“IM VEGAN” liar
and DIPS
nigga will 100% ROLLINGGGGGG THUNDAAAAAAA tf up outta there
he can clapback and that’s the most he’ll do
he do be saying slick shit bc i hc him as someone who want all the smoke
ride or DIE
on they ass
(struggling to come up with clapbacks w/o anything to clapback to 💀💀💀)
(been cryinf over rengoku and hw my brain is mush)
thats all for this one folks lmao
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kendricksendrick · 3 years
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Just saw this and wanna answer a few of them :))) feel free to dm me and im sorry in advance if i take forever to reply lmao
My pronouns are she/her, i went back and forth for a while with she/they but i think she/her is me :)) and im a lesbian
Currently the thing that makes me the most happy is seeing an audience of people enjoying a concert together, i took that SO for granted before covid and ive cried at all 3 concerts ive been able to attend/play at since things began to open up. There was such love in the air from everyone appreciating live music together i cant even express how happy it made me seeing everyone else enjoying things together again.
Something I’m very proud of is my solo clarinet recording from this past semester.
I worked so hard on it, and actually began learning it just as covid hit, i moved home, my life was turned upside down like so many others but after a year of working on it with my private teacher I’m super proud of where I’m at right now. Its also a little bittersweet tho because I’m getting a new private teacher in the fall (again) and this video really shows how muc ive grown in the past two years w the woman I formerly studdied under. I learned so much from her :)
My pride playlist is garb, and i hold myself on a very high pedestal w my playlists so heres one of my go to’s. Mainly early 2010s bangers, it always lifts my spirits when im sad and is great for parties!!
I dont remember realizing i wasnt straight, but recently i realized all the things i did as a kid that should have been obvious to myself that i wasnt straight. Remembering things lik that makes me laugh, like how didnt i know?? The moment i knew i was gay tho was my first time kissing a girl, it wasnt even good but i was still like yeah this is it.
Fave ship is bechloe, duh
On second thought, bechloe shouldve been a HUGE red flag to myself that ive always been gay like cmon haha
Someone who inspires me is my private teacher. Hearing her play for the first time and realizing shes an actual GOD at what she does showed me like what i could live up to. What i could strive for. Ive always been good at the clarinet, not to suck my own dick, but i practiced the bare minimum when i first started playing bc it was fun, and eventually levelled myself out a bit in high school. It wasnt until i started taking lessons in college that i realized the possibilities, and realized how far ive come in such a short time.
Ok ig i cant link the song that reminds me about pride but ill reblog w it, ive just been listening to it on repeat recently and ig it gives me pride vibes?
Finally id like to thank the first girl i ever had a major fucking crush on for helping me get to where i am w my sexuality. Literally could not have done it wo her. And i hope she never sees this ahaha
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liquidlikecats · 3 years
SIKE not really time to talk to the 3 bitches here who also play 3h. And by talk I mean that I'll put my thoughts on my current run out here and yall do whatever
So rn im doing AM lunatic classic and uh.... It's been an Experience TM. Battle prep is more important than ever. It's like 50% of the battle imo. You'll NEVER catch me going out into the field without checking everyone's battalions, weapons, combat arts and abilities.
It'ssss been fucking tricky. A big part of the last two battles I've done (Gronder and Anettes Paralogue) has been timing the enemy reinforcements. Learning that I can't do a certain thing like putting a unit someplace or killing a specific enemy until I've cleared a region out lest I'm overwhelmed by a new wave of enemies. Been a key factor with those two.
Oh and the first battle post ts? When you get to mop those damn thieves up? Took me several tries. P much every battle does actually. It was reaaaally fucking difficult to keep Dimitri and Byleth alive in that terrain and with the God damn boat load of enemies. Also had to play around a bit and see since I was missing four crucial units (Dedue, Petra, Hapi, Yuri). It was... An experience. That aged me by like 10 years.
Battles usually take me over an hour and they can get really fucking intense. Beat Gronder earlier but the fucking alliance reinforcements were tricky so it took me several attempts til I caved and reclassed Mercie, Anette and Ashe. Dedue was my fucking mvp tho, he was insane.
Made him a wyvern lord since I'm not a fan of armored units and he's doing amazing actually! He's got two big bad axes, the aegis shield and a lance and ever since I've slapped quick riposte on him he's been tearing thru his enemies like nobody's business. Well, also thanks to the +20 hit which I have for every single lion, courtesy of the snipers only run I did.
Felix is a wyvern lord as well! Wanted a change of pace. I was considering making him a war master, but I'll save that for my next run. He's fucking nuts, got 100+ avoid when waiting. I also gave him the chalice cuz he's my special little boy and making me very proud.
Yuri's a sniper this time! It's been a change of pace alright. Lowers his spd but his dex is p good. He's got way less avoid but he does have deadeye and canto so it's not actually a problem. Well, once I'd fixed his strength. He does have 88 crit which is really nice.
Something I haven't really had to rely on in previous runs (hard/normal) is having a secondary class ready. Byleth's got trickster, Anette and Mercie are maining gremory atm but also make damn fine valkyres, Ashe's got swordsmaster/assassin while Yuri has sniper/assassin.
This run is teaching me a Lot about flexibility. Changing up entire setups for big battles to make em work smh. And the timing of divine pulses. In previous runs I'd pulse it immediately when something didn't quite work out (like failing to kill an important enemy) but now I just wait and see. I don't have enough pulses to waste em on anything but preventing death and shit like that can be made work.
I think that's most of my thoughts for now? I currently play in one battle sessions since they're so intense. Now gonna go do cleanup after the Gronder battle (new month and all, gotta prep for the next one). I always take screenshots of how they're all doing at the very end of my run, maybe I'll post some of those once I finally get there.
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stimmedtavi · 3 years
spoilers for season nine nd stuff below the cut ---------------------
HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT?? HELLO???? currently losing my fucking mind i'm literally. HHhhHHhHHhhHHhhhhHh HELLO!?!?!?!?!!?! HELLO!?!?!?!?!?! i'm going fucking NUTS rn holy shit. abt to categorize all of this bcs OHHH MY GOOODDDDD im going nuts rn.
actual gameplay stuff (guns, maps etc) HHH HVHSHV HVHAHV WORLDS EDGE MY BELOVED.... also HELLO OLYMPUS W THE NEW SKY?? i'm so here for it on GOD i literally love the way it looks sm. the infected beat is hitting kinda weird idk how i feel abt that but im excited for the lore that comes with it. aLSO PK ON THE GROUND HELP HELP HELP OH MY GOD. i joined in season 4 and got so used to keeping the pk around w me and then BOOM they took my baby away from me i was so sad ab it bUT NOW SHES BACK WAHHH </3 i'm so happy. i feel like this season is going to be really really nostalgic for me bcs worlds edge nd pk are like.. tiny wraith portals to the past in my mind and it's so nuts. also the boeck bow or however u spell it looks really cool but i also Fear it Deeply bcs it looks very powerful. it can also have multiple hop ups which is fucking nutso?? like hello:?? thats a little scary imo but i'm excited to see it in use!!! also the triple take in care package is lowkey making me sad asf bcs i was semi hoping devotion goes back in since i Hate That Bitch but ehhh i agree semi that triple take belongs there. its kind of a bitchy gun to go up against anyways. this season and its 'meta' or whatever gamer ppl say is gna smack some ass on god.. character stuff (skins, emotes nd valk ofc) CATBOY OCTANE im so ready im so ready omg. i hope crypto gets something lowkey bcs i think he deserves it since i Love him and Care about him. i hope they start feeding lots of legends good stuff this season bcs we need to be dripped tf out for season 10. i will give respawn my soul if it is taken for payment. i also hope we get more dive emotes and perhaps there will be unlockable ground emotes? not sure ab that one since they are so new but im hype af for battlepass this season :D im really really excited for the ground emotes. like i cant even explain how excited i am. i saw the video of them and i genuinely just started yelling at my screen it was pathetic to watch.. anyways the way octane moves and stims and stuff?? since i always play him i never see his passive movements but i just feel so happy watching him stim and stuff bcs im the exact same way with my hands and full body stims. it makes me feel a lot more comfortable with the way i am and how i work. i feel like it's ok to stim nd stuff and thats how it should be!! i feel really happy rn pls vsjnv im trying so hard to sound normal. alos cryptos?? ground emotes?? im literally shaking and crying. the rare one is really cute dont get me wrong but the one where he uses his drone as a sword literally has me in tears. it's so nice looking and we don't get to see crypto's more playful side very often and then boom... he's using hack as a sword and i am in tears on my bedroom floor. his LEGENDARY THOUGH??? literally shook me to my core i was like oh my god oh m ym g od o??!?!?!?/ crypto is a huge romantic cc for me and i use crypto gamer bf funny haha as a joke quite often but like ?? he looks?? so cute?? like he finally looks like he's more comfortable in his skin. i find a lot of the time he seems to be full of discomfort and just very paranoid but in these emotes we see a softer side of him and it makes me really happy. i just can't stop thinking about these ground emotes man.. they mean so much to me. the other ones are v cool too ofc but i wont go into all of them since theres not enough time for me to discuss that lmivnjsdnv. okokok now VALK!! i'm excited to play in squads w her!! i think she and tav would be really good friends and i love her abilities (even tho i kinda think her passive is a bit op) but she seems really fun! i'm excited to try out using her !! general excitement i'm just all around hype for this season. i cant remember the last time i was this excited for a new season... it was probably season 5 tbh. olympus had me excited dont get me wrong but i really havent felt like theres been enough changes in other seasons to get me all riled up like this. so much is being added in (i didnt even cover arenas) and i'm super duper excited to wait 6 hours for the download file to
copy onto my ps4 <3 anaywyas im gna shut up now this is long
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vamplified · 3 years
Yo my name’s Rhi, Bees, or Toad. Any  of those work. They/them pwease. 20 babey!!! You might know me from my splatoon sideblog. I’m currently going to school for zoology, and I like to draw really niche content. Yeehaw!
I also often stream art and/or games! You can see if I’m actively streaming things here or on my twitch. I don’t really plan anything in advance because it’s mostly informal dicking around, im not a professional or anything. I just like 2 have fun babey
There’s going to be a lot of gore, eye stain, and potential body horror galore cus I love that shit. It’s all definitely tagged tho so make sure you have a blacklist installed if you dont wanna see it ((general tags are used, like #gore, #blood, etc)). If you need anything tagged lmk!
My main blog is @rhi-draws-things, my art blog is @bees-draws. I post cotnd/coh art here but RB all my nice stuff to my art blog!
DNI if you’re an asshole. This includes if you’re: homophobic, transphobic, a nazi, antisemitic, racist, pro-cop, support incest/underage, “map”, support pewdiepie/shitty people, and all that bullshit I don’t feel like typing out. If you’re a freak get out dude you know who you are, and if you have any questions, you’re free to ask. I support pan, bi, and trans people, if you don’t, get the hell outta here!!!!
YES I have AUs. NO I don’t talk about them cus I’m scared of social judgement. We exist. If you send me asks abt anything ill love you forever
Anyway, onto some more FAQs!
Will you draw _______ for me? Maybe? It depends! Simple requests or funny asks might get doodles, but theres no guarantee I’ll do it, or what you want. If it involves OCs or something a bit more specific, commissions are almost always open!
Can I use your headcanons / draw in your style? Fuck yeah go nuts dudes!!! Also if you do I’d love to see it. I dont get pings so DM me things if you want me to see it
You drew vent art / something I might think is personal… is it OK to reblog this? Yes!!! I never post any art (or post at all) unless I want or expect it to be reblogged. All of my art, even vent art, is 100% fine to be reblogged.
Is it ok if I tag your art as me / kin / etc? Hell yeah, go ahead! The only time I don’t want you tagging something as kin is if its a commission of somebody’s OC; as that is not my call to make. Anything else I draw is ok to tag as kin <3
I sent you an ask, but you haven’t answered it :( Sorry!!! Sometimes i really don’t have the energy to answer asks in as much detail or with as much art as I’d like to, so I tend to hoard them until I feel like I can properly answer them! I will most likely get to it, though I will admit it might take a while because I get a lot of asks. I only ever delete asks if they’re really weird, repetitive, or I’ve answered one just like it recently.
My question isn’t answered here! Good thing I have an ask box! :D
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gcnnerpaxton · 4 years
bri again making a terrible decision. do i need a fourth? no.......... bt here we are anyway. after this i promise im done fr a while bt :/ i lov this lil bitch so here we are........ give this a like if u wld b Down to Clown w him aka plot!
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「axel auriant & cismale」⇾ paxton , gunner, the senior radcliffe student’s records show that he is a leo and 22 years old. he is studying film, living off campus and can be loyal, resilient, anxious & indifferent. when i see him i am reminded of curling up in bed for days in a hello kitty comfort shirt, the click of a camera shutter & hand-me-down’s two sizes too big.
pinterest is HERE.
name: gunner brick paxton.
age: twenty-two.
gender identity: cis-male.
pronouns: he/him.
sexuality: demisexual.
birthday: july 31, 1998.
star sign: leo.
myers-briggs: istj.
year of study: senior.
major: film.
occupation: librarian.
place of birth: laramie, wyoming.
religion: catholic (non-practicing).
neen jst brought in gunner’s older brother so fr those who read elias’ bio u kno tht gunner is the middle paxton child w eli being the oldest n then they have wyatt who is the youngest!!
they lived at the top of a hill in a trailer in a trailer park neighbourhood in laramie, wyoming so to say the least that fucking sucked for everyone involved
the trailer was so small that all 3 boys ended up sharing a room, gunner and wyatt sharing a bunk bed bc they cldnt fit 3 beds into one room it really was every childs nightmare bt they quickly grew used to it tbh
gunner was always more of an artsy child than invested in sports - though he does enjoy baseball and continued even to this day after their dad made him join SOMETHING in middle school - so he never rly earned their father’s respect, but he was always close with his mom since they had the same calm temperament
DEPRESSION/ANXIETY TW - he also gained a list of mental health issues that their mom had as well, including social anxiety and major depressive disorder - DEPRESSION/ANXIETY TW END
VIOLENCE/ABUSE TW - their father always encouraged pretty volatile behaviour and it caused a lot of physical fights and arguments between the brothers when their dad told them the best way to get over it was to start hurting until someone tapped out, it was just a chaotic and pretty abusive household but no one knew and their mom definitely wasn’t going to say anything about it to their dad - VIOLENCE/ABUSE TW END
MISSING CHILD/KIDNAPPING TW - wyatt went missing on a weekend that their parents were gone because of a trip they won, and things just got worse from there
ANXIETY/DEPRESSION TW - high school was really rough for gunner, his anxiety grew worse as time went on that no one found wyatt, their dad grew more hostile towards them, and their mom just grew sicker, it was rare that she would ever leave her room and if she did it was in fits of random energy where she would do something spontaneous and completely unnecessary to their house as a way of coping - MISSING CHILD/KIDNAPPING/ANXIETY/DEPRESSION TW END
the two years that gunner was at home after elias finally left for school were basically torture and as soon as he could, he was falling his brother’s footsteps in getting out of wyoming to go to school at radcliffe
INTERNALIZED HOMOPHOBIA TW -  things are far better now that they’re out of their home situation, but gunner’s going through some more things personally now; the paxton’s were raised in an incredibly religious household, and he’s got some classic Catholic Guilt going on upon realizing that he’s not jst attracted to women n he avoided talking abt it forever/stayed in the closet fr far too long bt he’s sort of come out now in his own way even tho he does still get a bit nervous talking abt it rly - INTERNALIZED HOMOPHOBIA TW END
he’s also ‘dealing’ rn which is frankly funny to think abt bc this man is abt as threatening as a care bear bt money is tight between him and eli all things considering, and with the amount of meds he’s on, plus incredibly frequent doctor’s visits, needing to pay for extra epi-pens, inhalers, etcs. bills add up so he’s cutting back his meds n selling wht he can spare which is . so unhealthy bt thts life in corporate america baybee!
is literally allergic to everything. grass, cats, most fruits, milk, most nuts, bees, latex, probably more i cnt even keep up w them its pathetic
u can catch him n eli strutting around campus w matching epipen holders tht he got them fr eli’s 16th bday JKSDNGKLHSDGLK
if things cldnt get worse he also has quite intense asthma so he carries an inhaler with him at all times
n to make matters even WORSE he frequently has dizzy spells n bad memory problems bc of all the concussions he’s suffered from (about 8-9 at this point) as well as consistent migraines that can b literally debilitating sometimes
awkward n jst a bit of a Weirdo to b frank like if it weren’t fr eli he wld probably have one (1) friend he jst cnt converse w ppl
didnt have any friends in high school so took the time to teach himself rly weird things, knows a fuck ton of magic tricks, can yodel, juggle, solve a rubix cube with his eyes closed in under 2 minutes, just extremely weird and specific things
can honestly b a bit mean/barbaric to ppl he’s not close w/doesn’t kno has told ppl to their face before he doesn’t enjoy talking to them bc he has no concept of social constructs/norms
loves 2 film random things at parties, makes him feel more comfortable at them n he makes short films of them all after
update about his summer away: ended up heading to nyc fr a film internship n actually had a rly good time??? fr once?? jst had a rly nice summer fling after being a bit heartbroken throughout the school year it was jst a rly necessary n fulfilling summer fr him king of getting wht he finally deserves
this also led him to b like . oh maybe i’m Not broken bc he doesn’t realize........... demisexuality is a thing n wld get rly awkward during hookups a lot if hes jst not 100% comfortable w the person so now he thinks hes like a one man machine who actually has some Self Esteem n thinks he can have Sexual Relations all day every day (he cannot)
ppl who buy off him?? probs wld have to kno him some way hes too scared to sell to Random randoms KJSHDGKLHSDLG
other film majors :-)
some friends………. hes awkward bt he means well…………
a mans he wld Risk It All fr (aka a guy tht gunner actually has a crush on n is Extra Awkward probs a lil mean to bc hes still New to That)
ppl he has a crush on/unrequited crushes either way wtvr floats ur boat
some enemies tbh much like elias he has a temper n he tends to blow up rarely bt it happens n when it does it actually can b quite scary JKSHDGLHSDG
a muse….. mayhaps?? someone he always wants in his film projects
awkward past hook ups maybe some current ones teehee
anything Ur Heart Desires
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calm-me-down-oh · 4 years
How about all the questions ;)
skdsjf ofc u would get me back for that, under a readmore bc theres a lot!
When was the last time you masturbated? Yesterday! Had a.. very hot convo w my gf
Do you enjoy being fingered/fingering? Uhh the only time Ive had it done to me the person had to stop bc they got uncomfy with it and it was overall just a bit odd,, wait it happened a second time and their nails were too sharp also sdkfhsdh I feel like I could get to like it though? If its like, actually properly done rather than my current experiences sdhfk
How do you feel about food during sex? nno thanks mostly? I guess it can kinda depend on the food though idk, like if my gf suggested somethin I might not mind trying it out depending on what it was yknow
What do you do directly after sex? um.. well afaik just kinda lay/sit in a daze for a moment, mayb have some water, get real clingy, kind of have to be nudged into doing stuff bc i guess my brain just stops working skjdfkj
Cuddle with the tip in? Hell yeah. cuddle with it all in. sounds good.
What’s the nastiest sexual thing you’ve done? I don’t think I’ve really done anything nasty sdjkfsj all the sex ive had has been quite brief and vanilla idk
Name a follower you would fuck. @you-better-make-me!
Name a follower you have fucked. None..
What’s the sexiest part of your body? Idk man I guess my thighs are ok people seem to like them anyway
FuckMarryKill: DJ Khalid, Rick Ross, Fat Joe Am i supposed to know who these people are
Would you ever be with a trans person? i think the real question is would i ever be with a cis person (yes i would be with a trans person i am with 2 trans people and i am trans and i havent dated anyone cis since i was like 15)
Riding dick or doggy style? yes
Ever fucked in a school? Nope
Most random place you’ve had sex? havent really had sex in a random place lmao just beds
Would you ever be part of the mile high club? maybe..? thats having sex on a plane right. idk. maybe
Name three of your spots. what does this mean fkjd
Fuck on the first date? Depends
Do you suck dick? I’m sure gonna try!
Do you eat ass? Idk maybe not skdfjhsjk
Do you eat pussy? Haven’t yet, nearly did, got too nervous sdkjfh
Do you like kissing? So much!!
Is farting during sex sexy? I.. I mean its not sexy but like im also not gonna have a negative reaction. unless its me. that is something im admittedly very nervous about fkjd
Ever fucked in the shower? Nope
How old were you when you lost your virginity? Uh............ good question. 19 or 20 i forget if it was before my birthday but within the last year. unless you only count penetrative sex, then I haven’t yet
Do you prefer sex in the morning, afternoon, or night? Y..yes? I suppose afternoon/night is usually a better time, morning is jsut sleepy and trying to remember how to exist hours
Do you like drunk sex? Haven’t had it but I do get horny when I drink, wouldn’t be against trying it with someone I trust
Do you like high sex?  Again never had it! And I haven’t really been high either so Idk
FuckMarryKill: Nicki Minaj; Cardi B; Kash Doll N..none for any
When was your first kiss? I was like 13 I think
How did you meet the person you lost your virginity to? College
Have you ever faked an orgasm? Nope. Wait maybe. Kind of. Idk when I was younger I was with this guy who would try get me to touch myself n I hadn’t figured out how to make it feel good so I’d just lie and say I was when i wasnt bc i didnt wanna do it so maybe at some point i said i came when i hadnt sdfhks
Ever painted/been painted on? Yeah but not in like a horny way, my ex would paint on my hand as kinda their way of flirting with me
You like sex toys? Sure
What’s your favorite sex position? Personally think missionary is underrated bc that closeness and being able to cling just sounds v good but also getting fucked from behind face down ass up also sounds,, v good lately
Sex on a bed, couch, or floor? beddd, maybe couch, floor just seems uncomfortable
Do you like car sex? Never had it, just seems a bit awkward but I guess I’d be open to trying it
You get instantly horny; what happened? My neck got bit!
FuckMarryKill: Trey Songz, Chris Brown, August Alsina. Kill chris brown. idk who the others are
Describe your crush. Don’t have one!
Woukd you ever be with someone with an incurable STD? Uh... Idk? I mean, theres preventative measures for basically all std’s right? So as long as those are taken so i dont also get it I guess it’d be ok
Rate your head game. No clue dkfhdsj
Rate your sex. Awkward!
Would you fuck someone outside of your race? ?? yes. what kind of question is this
Describe the type of freak you are. idk what this means but what first came to mind was ‘pet’ so take that as u will
Ever tasted your own nut/cum? Sure
Into golden showers? Nope
Body count: Under or Over 25? Wayyy under
How do you feel about nipple play? Uh depends! Not into being harsh like clamps etc just seems like itd hurt n not in a good way, but playing w/ them w ur hands and sucking on them. very good
Where do you like to be nutted on? chest/stomach seems good
Which are you better at: topping or bottoming? bottoming
What do you consider “too small?” Idk man dick is dick idc
Is play fighting foreplay? It sure can be!
Do you like angry sex? In concept maybe, in reality itd just kinda scare me
How long should a quickie be? Idk.. quick
How long is “too long” to have sex? Idk sex ends whenever one of u wants to stop, don’t think u can go too long if ur both comfortable with it
How long is “too long” to go without sex? Listen i.. am not the person to be asking this I’ve had sex maybe 3 times spread out over almost a year. i have never regularly had sex
Is “no” relevant in a relationship? Incredibly relevant!! Always!! Unless you’ve discussed beforehand that its ok to ignore it and have a safeword in place instead!! and then that safeword is not to be ignored!!
Do you believe in no-strings-attached sex? Sure but idk if i could do it
Would you have sex in a public bathroom? mmmaybe....
Would you have sex in a changing room? mmmmmmmmaybe
Who was the last person you had sex with? My ex
Describe your type. Idk I have the weirdest type i think they have like nothing in common then theyll all turn around and be into the same stuff or something its v strange
Name 3 turn-ons. Biting, just making out sometimes tbh, skin contact in places usually covered by clothes or under clothes..
Name 3 turn-offs. Umm. i definitely have turn offs but whenever im asked my mind goes blank. I guess being overly rough, hair pulling im undecided on tbh, and oh i usually dont like having my ass smacked but idk if itd change if it were like.. in the middle of sex
Name something that would make you stop in the middle of sex. Bad pain or panicking or it seems like the other person is uncomfortable. or someones knocking on the door for some reason sdkfjs
Would you answer a phone call during sex? no omg
Would you ever pay for sex? Nah.
Would you accept money for sex? Uh. Maybe? Wouldnt ask for it tho
How do you typically feel after sex? Mostly affectionate and good, but w the last person i was with sometimes it seemed like they just wanted it over and done with so i would get kinda nervous and guilty over that,, idk
Do you like your body? Nah
Ever sent nudes? Yep
Have you ever cheated on someone? Yeah he was abusive
Have you ever been cheated on? Idk, maybe, wait i think the guy i cheated on tried saying he cheated on me too but idk if he was just trying to get back at me so
Would you have a threesome? If I trust the people sure
Would you have a foursome? Same as above
Would you take part in an orgy? Uhh idk maybe, same as above applies tho
Would you let’s train be ran on you? Again if I trust the people yeah sure
How often do you masturbate? Idk it really depends sometimes im really horny and its like daily maybe more than once a day and then sometimes i just dont for like. a while
Sex with the lights on or off? on.. how are u meant to see what ur doing otherwise sdjkhfs
Sex with music or tv in the background? Sure, idc really. Though i have a thing if its like.. kids stuff.........dont do that..........
Do you have a cousin you’d fuck if you weren’t related? wtf no
In your last relationships, rate the sex? Uhh... good? I mean, good at the time, though like i said sometimes felt a bit rushed, and that now makes sense and i have very mixed feelings on it but mostly guilt bc the person i was with has since said they werent really into it. so.
Do you sleep naked? Nah I at least have underwear on
How often do you go commando? Never
Are your nipples pierced? If not, would you get them pierced? Nope
Do you dive right into sex, or converse first? Uh, depends? Talking about it beforehand or even during can be good though. But i guess it doesnt have to be Right before it, it can be a bit in advance
After taking your clothes off, what’s the first move? Kiss.. touch,, etc,,
Do you make the first move? Um. w my ex i kinda had to bc as i said, i later found out they werent really into it. other than that i generally dont tho bc im very nervous abt all that, kinda especially after that discovery hdfbghf
Have you ever had sex with more than one person in a day? Nope
Do you like dryhumping ? Sure
Can you twerk or do a split on a dick? Probably not
Have you ever been recorded during sex? No but I’ve had a dream abt being recorded sucking someones dick it was weird
Do you watch porn during sex? W. who does that. how can u focus on that. why would u watch sex when ur having sex skdjfhsjdk
After fucking, do you try becoming friends with a one night stand? Never had a one night stand
What’s your kink? Praise! Marking! Collars!
Would you hook up with the same hook-up again? I don’t think i could have a hook up tbh so no
Ever made a relationship from a one night stand? nope
How romantic are you during sex? uh.. idk havent rly had chance to try being romantic during sex but soft sex sounds v good imo
Describe your sex in 5 words or less. in my experience so far? nervous and kinda awkward
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vindicta-reliquiae · 5 years
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i think this is also a good time for me to sorta kinda explain what’s been going on these 2 years i went AWOL.
i realized that my last post was about around December 2018 where i apparently said
“ i’ll try to get back when everything’s a bit chill “
well wouldn’t you know it, it kinda didn’t get chill at all as much as i wanted it to get. worklife was, well, the way i could put it right now is basically like a trail mix; the kind of trail mix you’d have a love-hate relationship with. yknow like how you’d eat the few nuts and fruits you like but throw the few that’s not to your liking at all, and at some point, you didn’t have a choice but to chew down that few walnuts and cashews you usually throw out.
yeah that.
i guess it’s emotionally tiring to me that trying to do things that i like/used to like just makes me more tired than i should and it’s frustrating to an extent. i liked what i was doing, but then i didn’t have that sense of accomplishment at all like i feel like i kinda wasn’t going anywhere. 
during these times, zumba was like a stress reliever for me, more so since i fucking love dancing. but it was near mid-December last year when i started to get some legit muscle pain, and it didn’t help at all that my work required me to lift and move heavy shit on top of having to be, well, nimble and active i guess.
i ended up at the short end of the stick when the pain in my right glute got worse a few days before Christmas, and it turned out to be sciatica. it ain’t fun at all, really. but painkillers and physio did help mostly, even tho the first few weeks were torture, it’s so bad i had to use a cane to walk.
even more so worse is that since i couldn’t walk or run at normal pace, i ended up doing counter duties which i’m thankful for really but still it didn’t help my thinking i was beginning to feel like a liability. 
so i decided to resign mid of January, mostly citing health concerns.
but i’m doing better than the first time it happened. i know what to do and not to, and even then sometimes i tend to forget. but basically, it’s not a easy walk in the park this whole time (no pun intended). and this return is, honestly, an unprecedented one because i was just looking for some couture posts for a fairytale redraw and i remembered my old Ryuko blog where i reblogged a few bunch of them and, next thing i knew i was looking back at old threads, got nostalgic and
here i am again.
i can’t promise i’ll be here as often considering
im in limbo now that i made a crazy risky (and possibly stupid) decision which i do not regret at all actually
current world situation also affects everything and everybody else etc.
but i do hope i can come by and interact again with everybody. im considering rewatching KLK again just to get a feel of the whole fandom again but rn maybe not. i do hope i havent lost my touch as Ryuko tho, considering most of the time this all happened post-Honnouji shit.
anyway that’s kinda about it i guess. stay safe yall. this prolly be a good time for me to brush up my writing in general :’3
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feycreature · 5 years
Every other multiple of 2 as well as all prime numbers.
u are. mother fucker.
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
coffee mugs. i have so many. 
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
lollipops but i dont eat sweets much to begin with
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
i prefer to not drink soda
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
somewhere between goth and grunge side note what the fuck is boho
7. earbuds or headphones?
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
FLOOR HOCKEY. my sophomore year we cut our hockey unit short by a week because the Str8 Boys got mad that they didnt understand hockey and my team kicked ass
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
13. lanyard or key ring?
i dont have keys.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
this is hard bc i dont eat sweets and i dont like chocolate much to begin with. im gonna go with starbursts
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
doc martens but theyre hiking boots
18. ideal weather?
60 degrees, sunny, not windy, maybe a little rainy.
19. sleeping position?
side, mostly
22. role model? 
i try to live a life that would make taliesin jaffe proud
23. strange habits?
oh there are so many but the only one that comes to mind is blowing into cups when i take them out of the cupboard
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
oh fuck i love swimming. but i havent swam in years. and probably wont get to until i get top surgery. so im gonna go with jet skiing because i can actually Do that
29. best way to bond with you?
i was gonna say share music with me but. the real answer is play dnd with me i am not joking
30. places that you find sacred?
other peoples’ homes. thats not my place to Be thats not my place to interfere with i Hate being in other peoples homes. our last two store meetings have been at my managers’ houses and i HATE knowing where my managers live and i HATE that ive been in their houses and sat on their furniture and eaten their food that is Their Space im not their friend i do not belong there
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
any t shirt, ripped black jeans, tall docs with too many buckles, black denim jacket i turned into a vest with safety pins along the shoulders, an assortment of spiky accessories, probably eyeliner
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
my dad forces the o’reily’s jingle into my brain on a daily basis
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
duffel bag
38. lemonade or tea?
arnold palmer babey
41. last person you texted?
u, dork. altho if we’re talking actual phone number texting, then my mom
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
it depends what it is. if its something im definitely using and will be annoyed for sure if i leave in my jacket like my phone or wallet it goes in my pants pockets, if its something im temporarily holding or wont use any time soon like pens/my inhaler/pads/change it goes in my jacket
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
comfort and my actual wardrobe says jean jacket, but my heart and aesthetic say bomber jacket
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
sweatshirt and underwear.
47. favorite type of cheese?
gouda i think
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
learning that one of my coworkers had a crush on one of the clowns from barnum and baileys and stands by it followed immediately by another coworker chiming in with “okay but teenage simba was HOT”
53. what is the current state of your hands?
cold and scabby (my tattoo is still healing)
54. what did you learn from your first job?
dont work in a warehouse. just dont.
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
i can draw, i can sing in front of people, id like to think im a good dm, and im apparently good enough at navigating customer service that in my year and a half at starbucks only ONE customer has ever complained about me and it was over something i said that she misheard
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? 
i was going to say “based on what i say the most itd be okie dokie” but thats a lie by that logic it would actually be “hi! what can we get started for you?”
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
“If I could pull the blood of you from my veins, I would.” -vex, critical role
62. seven characters you relate to?
weiss schnee (rwby)
rabbit (steam powered giraffe)
wolf (kippo and the age of wonderbeasts)
scorpia (she-ra)
aubrey little (the adventure zone)
beauregard (critical role)
ruby rose (also rwby)
66. favorite flower(s)?
67. good luck charms?
a collection of randomly found foreign change in my jacket pocket, a pretty d10 that was accidentally included in one of my dice orders in my Other jacket pocket
70. left or right handed?
so. im right handed. but im naturally left handed. my granny was one of those people who thinks left handed people are the devil so she forced me to use my right hand, so i default to using my left hand but its absolutely useless
71. least favorite pattern?
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
i know that this Means like mint chocolate or pineapple on pizza or something but. toffee nut and peppermint starb syrups. nobody believes me that its good except the supervisor that got me to try it. its good i swear.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
about a 6 unless its a prescription. if i can stand im gonna suck it up
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
im rly paranoid about foodborne illness so i Have to go with gas station coffee even tho im a little bit of a coffee snob
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
jokes on u i dont have either!
82. pc or console?
pc is this even a question
83. writing or drawing?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
89. who would you put before everyone else?
90. luckiest mistake?
the other day i made a drink wrong and more complicated that it needed to be and the moment i realized my mistake someone came through the drive thru and ordered the EXACT drink i had just made by mistake 
94. favorite season?
fall, hands down
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
exactly one and its mine
98. favorite historical era?
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