#also until i drew this i didn't realize that his shoes in this form are practically a 1:1 recreation of his normal shoes
rushlaunch · 1 year
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forgot i drew this
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Extremely late and I’m EXTREMELY sorry!😭 @bluboothalassophile happy belated EVERYTHING! And just thank you so much for being the incredible friend that you are!!!! 🥰You know what this is 😏and I hope you enjoy because this is the first of three parts. Three just seemed to fit... I had a ton of fun writing it and hopefully it’s not rubbish.
It took time and patience with an unpracticed key guided by an unsteady grip. A petite, pale girl caught her lip between her teeth, a tiny grunt escaping as she finagled with the door.
"Raven, is that you?"
But she was starting to get used to this.
There was a concluding click as the key's metal ridge caught the groove in the last lock of the six panel apartment door. When it opened, in wandered a wearied Raven Roth.
And Raven would have liked to think she wandered in gracefully, but she knew she was dragging. It was impossible not to while wearing shoes so abhorrently impractical they should have been illegal. So violent was the aching in her heels, that by the final stretch of half-block, they were nearly numbed. Gods and her back—it was practically killing her.
If she was being honest, Raven felt like something one of those city sweeping trucks scraped off the sidewalk at four-thirty in the morning. One could only hope she didn't look like it.
"Roy," Raven winced, eyelids squeezing shut as she spoke. "I'm alive—but barely."
"Jay?" Roy called out from somewhere in the foreground. "Where are you?"
As expected a low, disembodied grunt ushered out in lieu of a response.
"Didn't you hear—Raven's back!"
The door slid closed and a gust of air entered the foyer behind her, carrying with it the heady notes of brown sugar, nutmeg, and melted butter. And like a Pavlovian response, she forgot the discomfort and led herself up by the nose. Spine straightening, legs lifting, then posture rising. It was like her whole being had been revitalized in an instant. Who knew the promise of a home-cooked meal could do that? A wistful smile steered into her face as Raven thought about how evenings after work used to transpire.
Weeks ago, one foot in the door usually meant bra optional. And flattening into a decompression on the couch was a non-negotiable.
Needless to say, a welcome like this one would never not catch her off guard.
"Something smells like you've outdone yourself again," Raven spoke loudly over the faint sounds of sizzling, curiously craning her neck and sniffing the air distractedly.
And then Roy appeared. He was peering out into the foyer, red hair bleeding out against the backdrop of a white walled interior. "Dinner will be ready soon," he supplied and beamed at her. The brightness faded in increments as his deep pine eyes floated downward and he took what she was holding.
"Yep." Raven gave a single solemn nod and Roy let out a dramatic sigh.
"But it's Friday. Those bastards..." he muttered in disbelief and Raven smirked. Suddenly, he inclined his head toward the other room and inhaled suspiciously. "Do you...smell that?" Roy went rigid in realization. "It smells like I forgot the flip."
"It smells like...that one's Jason's," Raven corrected.
Red eyebrows raised, clearly impressed. "Right." He marched back briskly toward the kitchen, only pausing to point at the heavy bag full of file folders teetering on her shoulder. "You'll have to tell me and Jaybird all about...that."
"Yes, please." Raven let out a huff, lower lip quivering. "You're an angel..." Roy winked at the pout topped by pleading purple and disappeared.
"The irony," a low drawl called from just around the corner. "Are you always such a sight for sore eyes?"
It was Jason walking over with arms out as wide as his grin. Even without the sarcasm, his aura and footsteps were distinct—a dead giveaway. They were oddly as heavy as they were silent.
"Whoa…" he looked as concerned as Roy had moments ago. "Or are you just sore?" Strong, steady hands removed her bag from her shoulder. "That's better." Raven rolled her stiff arm muscles.
It was a relief, to hand off her burden for a moment, to no longer be dragged down by the weight of her work—and the world.
"How was our day?" he pressed like a man who knew the answer.
"Rough—and long..."
Quickly Jason knelt down, hand reaching out for her calf. "I've got you, Princess." And Raven placed a balancing hand on his shoulder while he undid her shoes, a grateful half-smile stitching across her face.
"Come, come."
He took her hand, twirling her around past the living room to deposit her right onto a stool next to the island. "Sit. Harper's making crepes." Jason pulled her stool close and spun it around, so he was faced with the back of her.
"Take it from me, they'll help with the tension. Of course... I also believe in a hands-on approach." Jason then cracked his knuckles—mostly for effect, because boy did he know what he was doing. His hands slid up her arms, to her shoulders and worked them over, then dug into the surrounding muscles with his fingers and kneaded hard with his thumbs.
"Mmm..." Raven's tension began to ebb and wane. "Well, that helps a little..." Jason turned up the pressure a few more degrees while his breath grew heated on her neck.
Aroma clouds were wafting around their heads, while Roy flipped another crepe in slow motion. And in an instant, Raven was transported to some sort variant of a Jason and Roy spa she didn't know she needed.
"Okay, that helps a lot." And she moaned in spite of herself. All her stress was melting away, turning into liquid and evaporating off of her, faster than the French butter Roy was melting on the stove. He tilted the bright red crepe pan in all directions, getting an even gloss of sweet, golden goodness in every crevice. And Jason's hands continued to manipulate each one of hers, until all the tightness in her upper body unknotted itself.
"Hmm, where else—where else? Ah." Jason's rough hands took hold of the chevron patterned lace covering her ankles and he began to massage away. "Did I tell you, how much I like these stockings?"
Raven seemed not to hear him. "Harder," she whispered. His knuckle pounded gently down her arches, then ground fixedly into her heel and, painstakingly along the sides. By the time he took her other foot into his lap, she was practically cooing. "Did I tell you how good you are at that?" The tip of Jason's tongue edged over the corner of his smile.
"That really is a shame..." he said and Raven lifted her head towards him in question. "About your day? How rough and hard it was..." His hand was lowering, slowing, but lingering. "Normally when you put those two adjectives together... It could be a good thing."
"Okay...!" Roy had come over suddenly with his spatula proffering a piece of crepe, still steaming hot from the pan. "I'm testing something out tonight, so I've added a special ingredient to this batch."
"Oh good. Raven did have one of those days. She could use some..." Jason pantomimed a flippant gesture. It could have been taking a long drag or it could have been—
"Not that kind... A different kind of special..." Roy shot Jason and Raven a long once over. Something in the way he said special made the air around them begin to bristle with titillation, anticipation. "A few drops of...lavender extract..." His voice dropped another octave. And he began to blow on the bite while Raven and Jason watched his full lips. It seemed cooling the steam from the crepe had an opposite and equal reaction. As if each breath was fanning the flames rising between them, like a bellow into charred embers in the hearth of a fireplace.
"Let me know what you think of it." Gently, he fed her piece from his fingers and Jason leaned his face close to hers, like he was attempting to steal it straight from her lips. Just before the point of contact, Roy clicked his tongue playfully.
Almost like he was calling him off.
"If you want some you'll have to wait." Dazedly, Raven blinked at Roy. He shook his head of chin length crimson hair, half of it was up in a bun with the rest hanging in his face. "I'll be back with the rest." Teasingly, Roy waved the spatula like a stake to ward off his dark-haired, undead roommate.
"Jason..." The brunette inched nearer to her at the sound of his name. She kicked his stool with her foot so it swiveled further away. Ultimately, it only caused him to move even closer. "Aren't we in rare form tonight?" she sighed.
"Don't know what you're talking about," Jason insisted bemusedly, doing his best to appear impassive. "I'm always like this." He examined her wrist with his forefinger and thumb. "As for you... That office of yours must be working you damn near to the bone. Did you somehow manage to get tinier, Raven?" The left corner of his lips curled up.
She tore it away and glared at him, aghast. "Insufferable, patronizing," Raven muttered under her breath, nursing her wounded forearm. "Ass."
"But this ass speaks the truth," he raised an eyebrow loftily. "If you would just join our firm..."
"Your firm?" Purple orbs narrowed to slits. "Just because you guys are mercenaries for hire—"
"Mmm... We really prefer the term 'vigilantes,'" Jason punctuated with air quotes. "Actually, from a branding perspective, it's Heroes for Hire™—Roy's got a whole...thing..."
"Whatever you're calling your 'backwoods operation'." Raven's air quotes didn't disguise the disdain in her voice. "The point is, I like my non-profit just fine... And I am not tiny."
"Alriiight." Roy arrived with a huge ceramic serving dish full of crepes with powdered sugar dusted on top. "Eat them while they're hot. Raven..." He slid a plate over to her. "Eat up."
"I thought I would always get the first bite," Jason teased. Then quickly lunged forward, stopping short of Roy's smirk, hip cocked toward his. "What've you got for me, Harps?"
On a delay, the redhead drew back, as if he just remembered Raven was in the room. "Don't be greedy, Jay," he said at last.
The ebony haired man, raised an eyebrow, but began to unload fresh food onto his plate. Once every inch of real estate was covered in crepe, Jason started to attack with his fork.
"So, when have I ever been greedy?"
Was that besides the fact that his plate was loaded up with most of the food the archer had just cooked? And besides the fact that he hadn't really helped?
But then... neither had Raven. Unless licking the batter and 'testing out' a crepe or two counted.
"Well, Raven's barely eaten a crepe and you're drifting into seconds. Where's your hospitality? Shouldn't you share with our guest?"
"I can be hospitable..." He chuckled. "I'd rather just...share our guest."
Roy shot him a warning glare on his way back to the stove. Jason shrugged before closing in another crepe and filling his mouth with another forkful.
"You're amazing," Raven deadpanned.
"Aren't I? But I've got nothing on the food. I have to say, this is the best batch by far," he announced. "Roy, do you have any more of those blueberries you got from the farmer's market over the weekend?" Jason started to smirk at Raven. "Or strawberries? I know how much you enjoy them."
"Try the table," Roy yelled over his shoulder, mild irritation edged in his tone.
"Well..." Raven shrugged, her expression coy as she reached over for the blue container. "They are in season..." There were few things that could enhance Roy's crepes, except fresh berries. Raven puffed out her cheeks as she rifled through an almost empty berry basket. "And... there are only three left... You sure helped yourself," she accused heavily under her breath.
"I didn't see your name on them," Jason returned. "So it was fair game, like anything else in this apartment."
Raven folded her arms. "I thought Roy got them for me, didn't you Roy?" He glanced up at her as he moved around the open kitchen.
"Sorry, we're low, Rae," Roy said regrettably. "I should have picked up more. You'd think after a couple weeks, I wouldn't still be acclimating to having an additional mouth to feed. What can I say?"
"Yes, we're very sorry." Jason pinched her stocking-clad leg, eliciting a gasp.
Raven cut knife-sharp purple eyes at him before the redhead came around to her stool. Roy wiped a hand across the words Banging Redheads & Banging Brunches printed in a large black font on the apron.
Probably a Christmas gift.
And one for which Jason must have been responsible.
He ruffled the purple strands at Raven's crown with his spatula free hand. "I hope that's okay."
"Don't be ridiculous." She brushed the strings fastening the charcoal colored apron and tugged. "Now go take that off and come eat with us." Roy planted a kiss on the top of her head, and shuffled out of the kitchen.
"Hmm...I guess I could have blueberries..." Raven mused. "Now that I think about it, they'd really compliment the lavender. I don't know that strawberries would in the same way."
"Do you know that for a fact?" Jason took a small sip from his cup, eyes trained on her through the glass. "Or have you ever considered...both?"
With a startling scowl, Raven looked up from the melted whipped cream atop the remaining crepes on the granite counter. "Have you ever considered why I like Roy more?" She retorted. "It's this."
"Really?" And Raven pushed his stupidly handsome, smirking face away from her own. "Little bird, don't tease," Jason moaned, dragging out the last syllable. "I promise to be good, I'll share—I certainly don't mind sharing with Roy." She rolled her eyes, popping a blueberry in her mouth and chewing thoughtfully.
Jason was mostly euphemism on a good day, but this was different. He'd been dropping these odd hints all week. But Raven told herself it was another unexpected caveat about living here. She didn't think she should breach the subject or even read too much into them.
After all, she was only crashing with Jason and Roy for a little while longer.
This was purely temporary, until the super in her building got around to fixing the circulation unit in her water closet of a studio. Or that was what she told herself at first. She was quickly growing accustomed to the perks of living with them.
Being spoiled was... Well, it was nothing short of wonderful.
Gone were the days of scrounging up sad boxes of cereal for breakfast, schlepping together leftover takeout for lunch, or unearthing bags of nearly expired popcorn for dinner. Roy and Jason worked out a ton and ensured their fridge was always stocked. Even on the off-chance that it rained and the farmer's market wasn't open in the park so they could do locally-sourced organic.
That, and they could actually cook.
At a moment's notice, Roy could whip up an amazing French toast, or a hearty stew. If they were feeling wild he'd make them breakfast for dinner or vice versa. Even Jason's most experimental chili recipe could be redeemed by a few generous grates of cheese or a dollop of sour cream.
And clearly business was great, because their apartment was fantastic. It was spacious, but had all these homey touches, like a handcrafted breakfast nook Roy and Jason built together.
But tangible things aside, Raven found she actually didn't mind the company. So gone were the days of being alone.
The moments where he wasn't an insufferable tease, Jason loved attending their two person book-club. They talked books, trashy to classic and everything in between, often punctuated by an impromptu neck or foot rub.
When Roy wasn't working out, planning a job, or doling out heaps of domesticity onto her and Jason, he was a hopeless romantic. He reinvigorated Raven's secret love of rom-coms. But he also liked to learn from her. So he played chess, scrabble, even backgammon, and once in a while they were able to rope in Jason for monopoly. Roy was a very graceful loser at board games, but he was amazing when he got his hands around a deck of cards. And Raven was finding, she had a lot to learn from him.
But Raven's favorite nights were the ones where they could all just be. Listening to something old or indie in the background and talking until the three of them simply passed out.
The apartment just felt full—of fun, of food, of friends. Of laughter and love.
It was a wonderful life, but it was a shame it wasn't her life. Raven was a realist, she knew she'd have to go back.
But for now, she was going to enjoy every single second of it.
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wasabito-reblogs · 4 years
here’s my entry for the konoha simps server collab :) check out the rest of the entries here or at @bakubabes-hatake’s page!
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prompt: occasions
word count: 2.5k
tags&warnings: established relationship, domestic fluff, hints of spiciness at the end (nothing major)
summary: In which you and Aizawa rediscover your synergy
There was a sudden click at the front door, following telltale sounds of a key being jimmied into the lock. Both were enough to break the still quietude and have Aizawa cracking open a bloodshot eye, his sleepy, hooded gaze darting around the room until he finally spotted the sudden intrusion.
You stood at the foyer, slipping off your work shoes, with a look of mild concern on your face. Your lips held a slight frown that looked misplaced, especially when directed at him. He knew immediately that he’d fucked up.
A damning, half-empty cup of coffee sitting innocently on top of your old Heroics in Society textbook drew your attention first, before any of the other things. In your shared living room, the state of disarray all pointed to the simple fact that your boyfriend had come home and gone straight to grading.
Aizawa coughed and sat up straighter on the sofa. Though his body moved in slow motion, his mind raced to find some logical reasoning to explain why he was, once again, neglecting his health in favor of work.
Stuck to his chest was the exam sheet he had been eye-balling before succumbing to fatigue. Even after a somewhat restful nap, Aizawa could scarcely make out what hieroglyphics Kaminari had written on his paper.
You came and leaned into the back of the chair to read over Aizawa’s shoulder. Pointing to the true and false section of the exam, you wondered aloud, “Why do the T’s and F’s look so similar? I can barely tell which is which.”
He snorted lightly with a roll of his eyes, “That’s probably the point.” He said, but considering he had just woken up, it sounded more like grumbled nonsense.
Your noncommittal hum in response was all he got before you plucked the sheet from his hands. He watched as you came around and stacked up his papers, making sure to separate graded works from the ones he had yet to look at. How many times had you caught him like this? Passed out on the living room couch with class 1A’s assignments scattered every which way.
“You really gotta take better care of yourself, Shou.”
“I know,” he tugged on your hand, bringing the back of it to his lips. “I’m sorry.”
Your gaze softened at his words and the sleepy expression on his face. It was almost too endearing. “Yeah, okay, you say that now, but I’m sure you’ll be back to it again tomorrow.”
Aizawa couldn’t even deny your claim. He was a workaholic through and through. Most of his time was spent doing some form of work, whether it be in managing his class as a U.A teacher or patrolling the city as a pro-hero.
No one understood the toll it took on him better than you. You were a quirk counselor at Ketsubutsu Academy, after all, so it was your job to make sure that both students and staff were taking care of their physical and mental health. A lot of your work tended to trickle into the home, usually in the form of fussing over your boyfriend and making sure he was taking breaks and getting proper rest.
“You’re home early,” he commented. He kept your hand in his lap to fiddle idly with your fingers. “Something happen? … You look nervous.”
Even half-asleep, Shouta was astute as ever.
“Ah, not really. There’s this thing at work tonight, but I think I might skip it.”
His brows furrowed as he considered your words, “A work thing? Tonight?”
“Yeah, just a little ceremony for the staff, no biggie.”
“Sounds important. Are you sure you don’t want to go?”
“I—” you fumbled; how could you forget this man could read you like a book? Whenever you were dodgy or evasive, he knew just where to press until you were honest with him. “It’s actually an award ceremony. I’m being honored for my work at the school.”
Aizawa smiled, showing off a row of teeth in a way that made your heart skip a beat. You nearly missed his next words.
“I’m proud of you, kitten. Seriously, you deserve the recognition.” His long fingers threaded into yours, and you felt centered in the feeling of his firm grip like you were finally on solid footing. It definitely helped ease the tension off your shoulders.
“Thanks, Shou.”
“Of course,” he nodded. “So, what time is this thing, because I’m not letting you sit at home and miss it. And before you argue, consider the logic in remaining home when you know you’re being honored for something like this.” He stood from the sofa, stretching, and then cracking his neck. “It just isn’t rational.”
“So...you’re coming with me?”
You couldn’t hold back the surprise in your voice. It seemed almost too good to be true, you and Shouta going out together and to an event, no less. Usually, it took being dragged out of the house by his coworkers for him to enjoy a Friday night off.
Not to mention, no one knew of your relationship. His friends probably had their own assumptions but no one on your end knew a thing. This would be your first public outing as a couple.
“Of course I’m coming with you.” He said it as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. You smiled, realizing it was.
An hour later, you stood behind a seated Aizawa in the middle of your bathroom with a towel looped around your body, still dripping from your recent shower.
“You have to hold still, baby, or else it’s gonna hurt,” you mumble while adjusting your grip on the hairbrush.
He had asked you to help him out with his hair, but the task proved quite tricky. Its length and thickness gave you no other choice but to work in smaller sections, which you had no issues with. If only your fingers in Shouta’s hair didn’t put him straight to sleep again. This was the third time he’d nodded off and caused the brush to snag at his roots.
With a sigh, you attempted to run the brush gingerly through his hair once more. In the past, you’d seen pictures of your boyfriend as a child, always with his hair looking unkempt and so obviously unattended to; at least before he grew old enough to do it himself. Funnily enough, it was like you finally understood the reason why.
After a few more minutes of careful ministrations, you patted his shoulder and smiled. “All done!”
Aizawa looked up bleary-eyed, then shook his hair out and ran his fingers through it. “Nice, thank you.” He leaned over and pecked your forehead before standing to his feet. “Want me to do you?”
You snorted at the subtle implications of his words. “Go get dressed already. I can ‘do’ myself.”
“Oh, can you?”
You were tempted to play along with his little joke, but it was getting late and neither of you were dressed yet. Regrettably, you shooed him away so that you could continue to prepare on your own without him being a distraction
Following another thirty or so minutes, you dressed up and met Aizawa at the door. He had put on a crisp button up shirt and a pair of dark, tailored pants that fit him so well, you had to resist the urge to pinch his ass.
When you approached, he was standing at the mirror in the hall, tying his hair into a bun. You could tell he had given up on fussing with his tie just by the way it hung loose around his neck.
“Here, let me,” with deft fingers you undid the knot, sliding the tie off and then promptly tossed it onto the couch. You also unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt, smiling to yourself at the lidded stare Aizawa was pinning you with.
“You want me to go out like this?”
“I thought I’d let you off the hook,” you laughed. “No tie tonight.”
Closing the gap between you two, Aizawa planted a kiss at the corner of your mouth, as a silent thank you.
From what you understood, the ceremony wasn’t supposed to be a large one, still a good bit of Ketsubutsu staff and student body were present.
Already you could tell that Aizawa was a little put off by the amount of people, especially those who kept staring at you two. Though, it just couldn’t be helped. Not many knew that either of you were in a relationship. Dressed as he was, you wouldn't be surprised if most simply didn't recognize him as the pro-hero, Eraserhead.
Even you had to admit that your boyfriend cleaned up nicely, a stark contrast from his usual ‘rolled out of bed’ appearance.
“Hey! You made it!” Emi Fukukado, otherwise known as Ms. Joke, called to you over the crowd. You were just about to go over to greet her and the others when Aizawa cleared his throat.
“I’m gonna get you a drink.” he gave your hand a light squeeze and excused himself before you could respond.
“Hey, hey!! I’m so glad you’re here.” Your coworker had waltzed over and scooped you into a tight hug.
“S-Same,” you wheezed. “Mind letting go?”
“Oh whoops!” Emi laughed sheepishly. When she finally released you, you couldn't help but notice her looking around. “Weren’t you just with someone? I didn’t get a good look but I’m positive—”
“Oh yeah,” you looked around for Aizawa but couldn’t see him anywhere “I um...didn’t come alone. I came with my boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend?! Since when?!!”
“Ah! Well…”
Thankfully before you could delve into explaining anything, you were saved by the proverbial bell.
Over the intercom, the principal announced for all attendees to proceed towards the auditorium where the ceremony would be held. Although you followed Emi without question, you still silently searched for Aizawa in the crowd but to no avail.
You were escorted to a seat in the front row with all the others who were also being recognized. Still you couldn’t help wondering where the hell Shouta had gone. You could barely focus during the entire opening speech, your attention having been snatched by worry. If not for Emi subtly tapping your arm, you might’ve even missed your name being called.
You stood up and walked across the stage, willing your legs to move forward. The principal shook your hand and presented to you a plaque with your name engraved in gold lettering. Several others on stage, some heroes and staff, also commended you with handshakes and warm hugs. You murmured thank yous all the way to your seat, but still you wondered about your boyfriend.
“Hey, Emi.” You said as you handed her your award. “I’ll be right back, could you watch this for me? I’m going to the washroom.”
Emi seemed a little concerned by your tone but agreed. “Got it!”
Quietly you exited the auditorium and headed in the direction of the reception hall where you’d last seen Shouta, but it was empty save for a few students milling about the snack table. You were tempted to ask if they had seen Eraserhead, but decided against it, you could find him on your own.
After about ten minutes of searching you went to one of the balconies overlooking the sports field. To your immediate surprise, there stood Aizawa, though he seemed preoccupied. There was a cell phone wedged between his ear and shoulder. He noticed you not a second later, and concluded his call quickly.
“Shou, what are you doing out here?”
He frowned. “I got caught up in a work call, I’m sorry. Has it started?”
“It’s more than started, it's almost over.”
Your boyfriend looked stunned for just a moment before he let out a sigh, “I’m really sorry I missed it kitten,” he came to loop his arms around you.
“Like I said, it was no biggie,” you mumbled.
“You okay?… You’re shaking.” he whispered, lips pressed against your hair.
“I’m fine,” you responded. “Just cold.”
At that, Aizawa pulled you closer into his chest, his arms acting as a shield against the evening chill.
Something had been on your mind since the beginning of the night. It was an intrusive thought and although you knew better than to entertain it, it was also proving to be hard to ignore. Shouta had been acting strange since arriving here. You thought it was because of the crowd but he wouldn't have missed the ceremony for something as minute as that. You breathed in his scent, slowly gathering the courage to ask what had been rattling in your brain for a while now.
“Be honest with me, Shou, are you afraid of us going public?”
You felt him stiffen and pull back slowly to see your face fully. He didn’t ask you to repeat yourself, so you knew he had heard you loud and clear.
“What makes you say that?”
You looked away from him, teeth sinking into your bottom lip, “I don’t know… it’s just a thought.”
Aizawa didn’t speak for a long while. He still held you close, almost protectively, but he remained silent like he was trying to find the right words to say.
“Yeah...I guess you could say that.” He sighed, “but it’s not what you’re thinking. I’m not afraid of what people will think when they see us, far from it. But the thought of you getting hurt because of your association to me...makes me...hesitant.”
You blinked up at him. The way his jaw was set as he spoke became proof enough that he wasn’t as unaffected by things as he appeared. Always so cool and collected, and yet he was possibly the most capable of emotion. You pressed your forehead against his chest as you considered your next words.
“I get that. But that doesn't give you an excuse to run off!” You pinched his arm lightly as if it emphasized your point.
“You’re right kitten, although it was an important call.” his lips spread into a wide smile. “How can I make it up to you?”
“Hm, I don’t know, but I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”
Aizawa huffed and rolled his eyes at you, then bent to capture your lips in kiss. It was heavy and comforting in a way mere words simply failed to be. And for a moment, you allowed yourself to get lost in that feeling. His hand drifted lower down your back until he was nearly cupping your ass.
“Mmmm, Shou.” You pulled back, feeling the heat in your cheeks. Aizawa said nothing, instead he smirked like he had something planned. He cupped your cheek, thumb brushing away a stray lash.
“Shall we take this home?”
(Part 2 in the works, stay tuned!!)
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yandere-romanticaa · 4 years
Not all that glitters is gold.
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The library was filled with quiet chatter from various students as the gentle rays of sunlight illuminated the ancient books in front of you, giving them an even more mysterious aura. You were preparing yourself for an upcoming assigment and seeing that you were a new student and that you couldn't peform any sort of magic, headmaster Crowley made it his mission to help you adjust in this quirky academy. But to be frank, assigments were the last thing you wanted to do. The headmaster also often made you clean up various parts of the castle which was in itself very tiresome and if you add the stress from the classes you took, it was safe to say that all you really wanted was to nap and maybe have a snack. It also didn't help that Grimm bearly lifted a paw to help you too...
But still, even in a dire situation like this you did your absolute best to remain positive. There was no use in panicking. Tapping your fingers against the wodden table, you looked at the window and was met with your own complexion and only then did you realize just how messy you were. You hair was messy and all over the place, your clothes were slightly filthy and your face had seen better days. You sighed as you retuned your gaze back to your books, waiting for your so called partner to show up. Headmaster Crowley assigned you a partner to work with for the next few weeks and you figured that he was going to be at least a year ahead of you. A part of you was overjoyed by the news since you really could use the extra help. The other part though couldn't help but to feel slightly nervous as you had no clue just who in the world he could be. Headmaster Crowley said that he was a competent and brilliant student and that you shouldn't have too much trouble with him.
As if on cue, the large wooden doors to the library were open and the distinct sound of shoes clicking against the tile floor could be heard as at least half of the students there stopped with their activites to marvel at the one who entered.
Vil Schoenheit.
You heard about him before, he was a well known figure in not just Night Raven but in the entire Twisted Wonderland. He was known for his breathtaking beauty and intelligence and the entire student body couldn't help but admire him. Head tilted up proudly, he sauntered towards your table and before you knew it he was standing right in front of you. You finally got a good look at him as you realized just how utterly flawless he was.
"No need to stare dear, beauty isn't something so contagious."
You couldn't help but to blush a little by his statement as you slightly pouted and looked down, too embarrassed to look him in the eye.
"Before we even beging doing anything else may I ask, why do you look like that? When was the last time you took a bath, slept properly, hm?"
...Not even five minutes had past and this guy was already getting on your nerves. Your confidence grew back a little as you looked up at him, (e/c) eyed slightly narrowed in annoyance. His purple ones stared right back at you, his own distaste being put on display.
"Well? Aren't you going to answer me?"
You didn't have the patience for this.
He let out a sigh, closing his eyes in the process as he messaged his temples to calm himself down. He wordlessly sat in front of you, crossing his arms. Deep violet orbs stared back in to your own as neither one of you was willing to break eye contact. The air around you seemed to thicked as the perfume he wore started to invade your nostrils, the slightly flowery scent only causing you to furrow your brows even more. You two stayed like that for a few minutes, just studying each other in this thick silence. A few students who passed your table were weirded out by your behaviour but you paid no mind to them, and he seemed to be doing so as well. It felt like an eternity had passed until you finally decided to break the silence:
"Are we going to start working or what? We don't have all day."
"No, no we do not. But I absolutely refuse to work with someone who looks as filthy as you. At least take a shower!"
You couldn't help but to smirk a little knowing that you were getting to him. Being dirty was bothering you as well but he was just blowing this entire thing out of proportion.
"Don't you know that if you want to be the best you must look your best?!"
His teeth were gritted as his deep gaze seem to shot daggers in to your very soul but oddly enough he didn't intimidate you. A sudden wave of confidence washed over you as you found your voice once more, pure annoyance and determination lacing your voice.
"Vil, have you ever heard of the phrase "Not all that glitters is gold"? Looking good is not the be all and end all."
Your words stung the blond haired male as he continued to glare at you but no words came out of his mouth.
You two continued to bicker like this for the rest of the afternoon until the sun finally came down. The warm orange glow casted a shadown upon yours and Vil's table, only separating the two of you even more. You bearly got anything done that day and just before you could turn to leave, Vil's voice stopped you.
"Be back here tomorrow at the same time, and don't be late. Understood?"
You slammed the door shut, not giving him an answer.
"Not all that glitters is gold."
Your words ran through Vil's head as he angrily paced around his room, checking his reflection every now and then. He couldn't believe that headmaster Crowley had partnered him up with someone like that, it was just disgraceful! His blood was boiling and it felt as though it was going to burst from the raw and sheer anger he was feeling at that moment. What made him even more mad was that he was still thinking about you. Why the Hell was he doing that?! He has better things to do anyway...!
Hours turned in to days, and days turned in to weeks and you just could not seem to understand Vil. It bothered you greatly by just how arrogant he acted at times and his harshness towards you only made you dislike him even more. It also didn't help that he had such a strong presence in Night Raven so no matter where you went with Vil someone was bound to show up.
It was annoying.
Vil on the other hand pretty much never left your side and would pester you about literally everything you did. Your hair was too messy, that top didn't go with those pants, your back wasn't straight enough, your handwriting was poor, you were carrying the wrong book, you couldn't use any magic. It was getting to you, it honestly was. Just when you thought you could maybe get some time alone and gather your thoughts, Vil demanded that you eat lunch with him in order to keep and eye on you. He was driving you insane but it had become common for the two of you to fight, so much so that as a joke Rook even made a schedule. One Saturday morning though, Vil woke up in a rather bitter mood which was quite unusal for him. He did his usual morning routine, did his hair and make up, got dressed and took his books. Just as he was about to leave, the reality of the situation hit him like a truck.
It was Saturday.
You two didn't have to study together.
That thought should have brought him piece of mind but oddly enough, it didn't. His heartbeat quickened as a light sheen of sweat started to form on his forehead.
Why was he feeling like this?! He should be glad that he was no longer in your presence...! But he couldn't deny that at times, you were quite entertaining. Even if you were pretty much useless when it came to magic you were good with your words and just had this sort of charm that drew people in from time to time. When you bothered to get dressed nicely though, dare he say you looked absolutely stunning...
...What the Hell was wrong with him?!
Exiting the Heartslabyul dorm, you continued to laugh as Grim, Deuce and Ace walked by your side, Grim pouting while the other two could not contain their laughter.
"You stupid raccoon, you burned that cake to a crisp! You should have seen Riddle's face, he was soooo pissed~!"
"How many times do I have to tell you explosion head, I'm not a raccoon!"
Vil was annoyed by the noise the three of you were causing but just when he was ready to give you all a piece of his mind, he saw you, smiling and laughing your heart out. He'd never seen you in such a cheery state, the closest thing he'd ever gotten from you that could resemble a smile but even then it was always a teasing one, meant to drive him up the wall. He soundlessly watched your little group up from the staircase, millions of diffirent thoughts running throught his troubled mind. You were so oblivious, weren't you? Did you really fail to notice just how much attention you were getting by simply smiling?
Just as about you were going to leave the main hallway, you stopped dead in your tracks an odd sense of fear filling your stomach. Your gut was screaming at you that something was wrong, that someone was watching you and your every move and whoever that someone was, they were damning your very soul to the deepest parts of Hell. You finally got the bright idea to look up and once you did, nothing could prepare you for the subtle but cold terror that was creeping upon you. Up the staircase stood Vil in all his glory, but his face was stern, his red lips pressed in a thin line but it were his eyes that unsettled you the most. You've never seen so much raw hatred directed towards someone and for the first time in a while, you were left speechless. You had no smartass comebacks this time, no sassy or cute jokes to fire back at the vain student. All you could do was stare and stay still in your place and just pray for him to just move, even if it was just his pinkie finger.
"Uh, hello, Earth to (y/n)?! You still with us??"
You were brought back down to Earth by your friends touch on your shoulder. The hand belonged to Deuce and when his hand came in to contact with your shoulder, Vil's expression hardened even more. You laughed nervously, just trying to brush of Vil and you continued to walk with your friends.
So that's how we're going to play, hm?
No amount of preparation could prepare you for the horrors that awaited you on Monday morning. You were awoken by Rook who was given direct orders from Vil to bring you to the Pomfiore dormitory. Apparently, Vil made a little deal with the headmaster, and the headmaster approved. According to the arrangements, you could now sleep in the Pomfiore dormitory and you were to accompany Vil to all of his classes in order for you to better grasp certain subjects. The scariest part of everything though wasn't just this sudden change, but Vil's attitude towards you. If you two were in a crowd he was very nice to you, downright sweet even. In private though, his behavior would change and he would become a lot more controling and demanding. You could no longer be alone, it was a rule to be by Vil's side 24/7 and if you tried to break it Rook would just appear out of nowhere and deliver you to Vil.
His presence became overbearing as he demanded to be the one to dress you, wash your hair, do literally everything for you. You couldn't tell what was going on with him but something was surely wrong. His behaviour would shift so unexpectedly that you were never quite prepared for it. If you behaved well and did what he told you, Vil would spoil you with more undivided attention and gifts that most likely cost a fortune and then some. Some students even began to ship the two of you, cooing at Night Raven's "power couple". A lot of people were enchanted by the tale of the beauty Vil Schoenheit falling for a non magic user, but that person simply must be something special in order to catch his watchful eye.
You on the other hand felt like you could no longer breathe. Looking at your own reflection in the mirror, you bearly paid attention to the stunning purple dress that perfectly hugged your curves and the exquisite make up that Vil himself put on you.
You were a perfect doll, just like how Vil wanted you to be. He was going to break you, he was going to teach you a lesson about being oh so careless with his poor heart. And then he was going to mold you back together, in to the perfect little darling, worthy of being by his side.
Tagging @poisonepel because I would love to hear your opinion on this! You are a Vil Schoenheit connoisseur, please, do tell if you think he'd be like this? And sorry if this was bad, I'm new for writing Vil!
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Human Of Silver
Graduation day was here, angels from all over came and sat watching the guardian class of 2098 graduate. Of these graduates sat two good friends, Zazriel and Ophanim, the two had enrolled together and had gone on countless tasks together. Zazriel was ready to get his case and begin working as a guardian angel, Ophanim on the other hand was less ready. Ophanim had done numerous other tasks without Zazriel and managed to fail each one of them. Zazriel had tried to cheer his friend up by lightly pushing on him and flashing that gold smile he had.
“We get our cases today, so try not to look to down Ophanim!”
Ophanim just shrugged and walked, as the two finally made it into the large outdoor area. They took the first two sets in the second row, closest to the left side. The ceremony began with the leader of the School, Pahadron. Pahadron had also been the one to chose the cases for each student after graduation.
“I am proud to present the guardian angel class of 2098. They will be given cases and will report to guardian duty no later than the year 2099. Failure to review cases and watch over their case study will be grounds for readmission into the school; with penalties applied. Let these words not worry your hearts, we shall move on to calling the names. Beginning with the golden angels, then move on to the silver angels, afterwards I will go on to the rest of the guardian angels who did not fall in the top, but did not fail either. Please do not clap until I have finished calling all names,” Pahadron stated and then went on to call the first couple of names.
Zazriel and Ophanim had been a part of the golden angels, with this certificate in hands they had picked up their case file. Ophanim’s was slightly small, while Zazriel’s had been bulky and thick. Zazriel looked at Ophanim, Zazriel tried not to look surprised and keep walking while they got back to their sets.
“It could always be a mistake,” Ophanim shrugged his shoulders.
Zazriel nodded and keep looking down at the bulky case file in his hands. He must be watching over some middle aged criminal, he thought to himself. The desire to begin looking over the case was starting to wear on Zazriel, however, he knew it was wrong to do it now. He watched as the last group of angels got called up, they all received case files that looked they contained a small book, with no more than 15 pages.
Once graduation was over Zazriel went back to his apartment to begin looking over his case file, later on he would head over to Ophanim’s party. Zazriel opened the front door and plopped down the massive folder, a small photo landed on the floor. It was a photo of a group of friends, everyone was smiling and had their arms wrapped around each other. Zazriel smiled, he knew this wasn't going to be so hard, little did he know of the secretes that sat in the folder. Zazriel had showered and changed into a pair of khakis and a button down t-shirt matched with a pair of loafers. He called Ophanim and walked over to attend the party. The party had lasted all night, Zazriel had managed to get himself up and head back home by 9:30 a.m. Once he got inside his apartment, Pahadron had been sitting on his couch and looking through the file.
“Pahadron! What are you doing here?” Zazriel jumped back.
Pahadron stood up, “My apologies. I had watched your expression at graduation and you seemed unhappy with your case.”
Zazriel wasn't sure what to say, he was not unhappy with his case, however, he was not sure what was awaiting him. He watched Pahadron close the case file in front of him and sat back down on the couch.
“Well?” Pahadron stated.
Zazriel shook from his staring, “I’m sorry. I haven't gotten a chance to look over the case yet.”
Pahadron had raised his light grey eyebrows, “yet you still managed to judge the case already?”
“No!? I mean, no, I have not judged the case file,” Zazriel could feel his cheeks warming up.
“Then I suppose you can manage the things that are in this case,” Pahadron said and stood back up. “As one of my best students, I know you can handle this case.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good, now, I should be going as I have other students to check in on. Such as your friend Ophanim,” with that Pahadron had left.
Zazriel now sat with the case file in front of him, the contents trying to spill out of the sides. He was determined to go through it all tonight and learn what secrets it held. He opened the folder and there sat the once happy photo that now looked sad. The whole room had gained an ounce of sadness as he was transported into a flashback.
The air was cold and thick, three friends stood sitting on a bridge in New York. They had flashed a couple of photos. The trio began to walk back towards a little silver car, the one in a small red hoodie began to speak.
“I miss him,”
“Come on, really?” the one with blue eyes spoke
The one with a leather jacket began to speak, “not again Delilah.”
“Delilah?” Zazriel whispered and the flashback ended fading back to his apartment. He looked around the room and everything was still in place. He flopped back down on the couch and turned the photo over, reading the names, “Drew, Delilah, and Spencer.” Zazriel wasn't sure which person he would be guarding but so far he really did not like this Spencer kid. Spencer had a smile that was sharp as knives compared to the others.
As Zazriel put down the photo he picked up the next item in the pile, it's a death certificate. He dropped it to the floor and pushed back. As his vision started to get dark, the area was not cold at all. It was warm, like the temperature had been turned up higher than the sun, Then he heard the scream, a scream he would never forget. He gulped heavy and turned, he was now standing face to face to what they refer as case 7-11-92. He fell to his knees.
“Case 7-11-92,” Zazriel was going to be sick. He knew the case by heart because it was one he had been tested on. Case 7-11-92 had been the worst. He remember meeting the angel that had been working on it, he remembered the lecture they got, he remembered the case file, and he remembered being told exactly what never to do. He shivered as he came back to his senses and placed the death certificate next to the photo.
The next couple of items had been handwritten letters asking for some form of help, each one more heart wrenching than before. Finally he got down to the bottom of first pile. Zazriel need a break, no, he need more than a break. He called over his friend Ophanim. Ophanim was busy, he was working on his own case file trying to study it. Ophanim had been lucky and got a new born baby. A baby without scars, life lessons, and lesions around their soul. Zazriel decided to head out to an angel bar and get a star duster. He need someone thing to take the edge off and the sweet alcoholic drink was the only thing that could help his aching heart.
On his way to the angel bar he got a call from Pahadron. Pahadron wanted Zazriel to bring the case file over right away. Pahadron wanted to speak to him about the contents inside. Zazriel had no other choice as he was still under Pahadron and the angel city rules. He went back to his apartment to retrieve the folder. He placed all the items inside the folder and noticed another item. It was a name on the back side of the folder, the name read: case file 7-10-93, Spencer Atkinson. Of course, Zazriel gritted his teeth and thought to himself. He got on the train to head to the upper south side. Before he got to Pahadron’s home he felt something warm in the folder, like a new piece was being added. He looked inside even though it was against angel rules to open a case file in public. He noticed a note, he knew what it was. A suicide note.
“Fuck, kid come on.” Zazriel said and waited for himself to be brought to case 7-10-93 area. He was waiting and waiting, for the case folder to realize that he need to be where the note was written. Finally the case file had reacted and he was sent to the address. He stood behind the boy, he could hear the sounds of paper being scribbled on. He watched the boy for a moment, sure he didn't like him, but he had a job to do. He also was going to be late getting to Pahadron’s home, which he was going to pay hell for.
“Drew why did you have to leave us too?” Spencer pleaded.
Zazriel crossed his arms, “Come on Spencer, get up.”
Spencer turned around to see Zazriel sitting on his bed, he jumped back and clambered onto the door like a wild animal. Spencer had looked at the angel that stood before him. The man had a sweet smile and light brown eyes, his hair was dark black, he was wearing khakis and a button down t-shirt. Spencer on the other hand had on faded jeans, a band t-shirt, and no socks or shoes on. Spencer on the other hand had dark brown hair and green eyes which had been much lighters than the angels. He wanted to yell at the man, he wasn't sure who he was, was he a demon or angel? He didn't know and he did not want to find out.
“Relax, I’m Zazriel. I’m here to do my job.”
Spencer froze “Zazriel?”
“Yes! That is my name. Now quit playing around I’m going to be late.”
Spencer released his grip from the door knob and moved closer to the other man. Spencer still wasn't sure if he was an angel or not. “How did you get here?”
“Kid, I do not have time for your questions. If you are going to summon me with notes then I need to be here for a good reason. Now, tell me are you going to hurt yourself or not?”
Spencer bit his lip, “no, I wasn't planning on it.” Tears began to fall from Spencer's green eyes, making the red veins appear so much more prominent. “I just miss Drew and Delilah. I’m so alone,” Spencer shouted with tears streaming down his face.
“Hey, hey. Look don't cry kid,” Zazriel stated and pulled Spencer's hand leading him over to the bed. “Lets sit down and talk about it.”
“I- I thought you had somewhere to be?” Spencer hiccuped and sat down. Zazriels soft touch had calmed him down and he managed to wiped away some of the tears.
“Pahadron can wait. I have a job to do,” Zazriel sat down on the bed with Spencer. “Now tell me all about it.”
The two had talked for a long time, all the time Zazriel hoped that Pahadron had been watching over them. Spencer talked for hours until he started to fall asleep. Upon which Zazriel tucked Spencer into bed. Zazriel hated to admit it but his hatred for this kid grew in new ways and somehow he was okay with that. Finally he checked the time and realized that Pahadron was going to be pissed. Zazriel waved goodbye to Spencer and he left to get back to heaven. By the time he got back to heaven Zazriel was exhausted and just wanted to head home. He decided to go home to his apartment. Once he made it inside and opened the door to he saw Pahadron inside.
“You passed,” Pahadron smiled, “This case is no longer yours.”
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