#also want to add that little menace dressed up as infected sam for halloween one year
thebiggestmenace · 8 months
I am confused?
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here's why lmao
do indeed remember this season
the baby's name is Amara?? or is the guy just that out of it?
omg Sam is infected!!!! big shocker!!!! (menace knew this)
and the baby has the Mark of Cain???
hi, Billie!!!!
first mention of the Empty... I have a feeling this comes back around in s15
the holy oil worked???
Dean wrapping Cas in the blanket :(((
is this episode just from Baby's perspective? I love episodes with weird perspectives!!
"say it with me - a ✨️werepire✨️"
Finn Wolfhard?!
why do they keep flashing back to Sam's time in Hell??
I forgot Amara was God's sister
I also completely forgot about Sully wtf
Sam, please do not say yes. please
where did she send Dean?? oh, just to safety nvm
you had to have known this was a terrible idea, Sam
you're ready to watch the people you love die? really?
of course they're all in there now
so, if Lucifer is possessing Cas, then where is Cas? or are there just two angels in him?
Eileen!! I know the actress and I've seen people post about her, but I don't remember her?
did Mildred just insinuate that Dean has a crush on Cas?? cause I feel like she did... nvm I forgot about Amara smh
dude, the boys don't even sound the same in earlier seasons :o I hadn't noticed until now
Lucifer is not caged, actually
you have Crowley in a dog cage?? and are treating like a literal dog??
also if Cas isn't Lucifer's perfect vessel, why isn't it showing? like it showed for Nick?
Dean being absolutely devastated that Cas said yes to Lucifer vs Sam just rolling with that punch
they are such children 🤭
Bobby and Rufus were definitely a thing btw
I've said if before and I'll say it again, I miss Bobby
and Sam's been shot, how fun
but he's not actually dead?
a married hunter couple!!!
omg is this the episode we find out Chuck is God??? *
* it is!!! I always thought this happened in an earlier season
and Chuck has the samulet?? I could have sworn Sam had it?
KNEW HE HAD IT (did Chuck throw that in his pocket? maybe. but I will die on this hill. Sam kept it)
KEVIN??? oh nvm he's gone now
Amara is so,,,,,,, unsettling
omg family therapy with God and Lucifer!
of course Sam's gonna take the Mark without talking to Dean 🙄
is this actually gonna work?
did she just kill Lucifer and God??
guess not, okie
Cas is back!!!
all the goodbyes are normal and then he gets to Cas and is almost in tears???
so, it's fine? everything's normal now?
????? Sam just got shot at again???
gonna be honest, I thought Toni was Mary
another season down, hooray!!! this one was so??? I want to say anticlimactic, which was nice considering the other season finales! it's just odd? also wtf happened with Sam? did he get shot? cause it didn't sound it, so what happened? is there just a forcefield around the man? I guess we shall find out
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15
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