#also we finished the puzzle!!!
thebiggestmenace · 8 months
I am confused?
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here's why lmao
do indeed remember this season
the baby's name is Amara?? or is the guy just that out of it?
omg Sam is infected!!!! big shocker!!!! (menace knew this)
and the baby has the Mark of Cain???
hi, Billie!!!!
first mention of the Empty... I have a feeling this comes back around in s15
the holy oil worked???
Dean wrapping Cas in the blanket :(((
is this episode just from Baby's perspective? I love episodes with weird perspectives!!
"say it with me - a ✨️werepire✨️"
Finn Wolfhard?!
why do they keep flashing back to Sam's time in Hell??
I forgot Amara was God's sister
I also completely forgot about Sully wtf
Sam, please do not say yes. please
where did she send Dean?? oh, just to safety nvm
you had to have known this was a terrible idea, Sam
you're ready to watch the people you love die? really?
of course they're all in there now
so, if Lucifer is possessing Cas, then where is Cas? or are there just two angels in him?
Eileen!! I know the actress and I've seen people post about her, but I don't remember her?
did Mildred just insinuate that Dean has a crush on Cas?? cause I feel like she did... nvm I forgot about Amara smh
dude, the boys don't even sound the same in earlier seasons :o I hadn't noticed until now
Lucifer is not caged, actually
you have Crowley in a dog cage?? and are treating like a literal dog??
also if Cas isn't Lucifer's perfect vessel, why isn't it showing? like it showed for Nick?
Dean being absolutely devastated that Cas said yes to Lucifer vs Sam just rolling with that punch
they are such children 🤭
Bobby and Rufus were definitely a thing btw
I've said if before and I'll say it again, I miss Bobby
and Sam's been shot, how fun
but he's not actually dead?
a married hunter couple!!!
omg is this the episode we find out Chuck is God??? *
* it is!!! I always thought this happened in an earlier season
and Chuck has the samulet?? I could have sworn Sam had it?
KNEW HE HAD IT (did Chuck throw that in his pocket? maybe. but I will die on this hill. Sam kept it)
KEVIN??? oh nvm he's gone now
Amara is so,,,,,,, unsettling
omg family therapy with God and Lucifer!
of course Sam's gonna take the Mark without talking to Dean 🙄
is this actually gonna work?
did she just kill Lucifer and God??
guess not, okie
Cas is back!!!
all the goodbyes are normal and then he gets to Cas and is almost in tears???
so, it's fine? everything's normal now?
????? Sam just got shot at again???
gonna be honest, I thought Toni was Mary
another season down, hooray!!! this one was so??? I want to say anticlimactic, which was nice considering the other season finales! it's just odd? also wtf happened with Sam? did he get shot? cause it didn't sound it, so what happened? is there just a forcefield around the man? I guess we shall find out
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15
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kedreeva · 9 months
Okay if you haven't yet, and you have Netflix/Paramount+, consider giving "School Spirits" a chance.
It looks like a silly little cheesy teenage ghosts show, I put it on for background noise, and then got totally engrossed in the mystery. It's VERY well written, very well filmed, the mystery was GREAT and the payoff at the end is also great.
One of the things majorly lacking in shows I've recently tried to watch is that they try to do a twist/reveal at the end that comes out of nowhere. They don't want you to guess what they're doing. This show doesn't do that. This show wants you to guess. They give you seven different mysteries and enough clues to guess (most of) what is going on, so that when you get the final puzzle piece to any given mystery, it feels GREAT.
The story premise is this: a teenager in hs wakes up as a ghost in the hs, and doesn't remember how she died, and with the help of the other ghosts, tries to solve the mystery of her own death.
Simple premise. BEAUTIFULLY executed. Not all of the questions that arise get answered, but the main one (what she doesn't remember) gets solved by the end of the season, leaving the "why/how and what comes next" to be carried to the next season. It does a cliffhanger RIGHT. But now I desperately want to see the second season (which I believe has been approved, so it's a matter of waiting).
So pretty please, if you're looking for something to do and a great, engaging lil mystery to watch, consider! School Spirits!!
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bellatheinkdemon · 5 months
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Well I know what I'm saving my money on
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crystalpallette · 17 days
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the fact that rafisol is weak to ally's puppy eyes is crucial information. sega please port puzzle pop so I can have this information forever thanks
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nickbutnodick · 19 days
i MIGHT survive public high school
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pubwe-anon · 1 year
@sunrise-blvd has already guessed it 🤯 but since I only just finished sending out the asks + time zones differ don’t be discouraged cuz not everyone gets the ask at the same time!!
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realboutfatalfury · 9 months
finally got back to playing zero escape
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#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. ok. yay. <- so astonished#spoilers for puzzles and the ending i got? whoooooo care///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<- just to be real sur#i want to get every ending before the true ending and um. wow only got to finishing one today bc um. yeah#i thought the ending with clover you knooooooooooooooowww....... was fucked up but this. holy fuck? holy fuuuuuuuuck#hated the puzzles in door 6 second half. fuuuuuuuck that shit i hate pushing boxes I HATE FINDING 3 DIGITS WHERE THE SUM IS 15.#fuck that one in particular...#i thought it was finding numbers with the digital root of 6 bc F is the 6th later but no.. i gotta find 15 bc of hexadecimal stuff...#but my first guess is not wrong technically bc 15 does have the digital root 6 but still....#anyways. snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake um was seeing him again but also not bc. ☹#fuck fuck fuuuuuuck i literally stopped at the part where things get crazay. clover tells me snake has a prosthetic arm swag.#later we find his ''body'' and his left arm is a real arm. inchresting.#thought this haaaaaas to come back. and it did. ☹#AND THEN ACE. 😲 <- my face when finding out the truth#AND THEN CLOVER. clover 😭#god i'm still like just sitting here processing. woafsdjkfsnjks#AND THEN SNAKE. SNAAAAAAAAAAKE#also the zero bracelet being 6... what does this meaaan?????????!!!!!?!? and zero at the end. and akane disappearing WHA TDOES IT MEAN#well find out next time on gabe plays zero escape after not playing it for 2ish years. lol
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carltonlassie · 2 years
Yesterday I did an escape room but I have no tangible proof for it. The reservation was made online so I don't have a receipt or a stub, or a sticker or a doohickey for completing the thing, or like, any memorable convo with the owner afterwards about our score or anything. It could have all been a dream.
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sharkieboi · 2 years
everyone’s talking all these sophisticated points about Glass Onion but i personally cannot get over the lingering camera shot on the ass of the statue Benoit hides behind to eavesdrop on Miles and Peg
#shhh sharkie#i s2g they spent longer focusing on the ass than on Benoit’s reaction#trying to finish watching this tonight! i started yesterday but then K called and we were on the phone for like an hour and a half#fun convo very good to talk but at the end i was like ‘welp i just used up the energy and attention span i had been devoting to this movie’#and went to bed. so finishing it today hopefully#idk how like adhd motivated i am to watch it but im tired of seeing gifsets and posts about it and not being able to interact#i think i ended up seeing the first Knives Out in theaters but i had waited long enough that i was almost fully spoilered at that point#which like to be clear: i don’t care THAT much about spoilers#cause usually all the important details for the spoilers aren’t in the actual spoilers#it’s like I got the beginning and the end of the puzzle but all the steps to make that puzzle make sense are missing#but with the OG I waited long enough that I did end up getting spoiled for those middle details#and I spent more of the movie looking for those subtle clues instead of just letting myself experience them#anyway! i also took my adhd meds today cause i had work so we’re still in the timeframe for a slightly more neurotypical attention span#did not take my meds over my weekend cause i wasn’t sure i was going to be able to get them refilled before work#so this weekend was kinda a total write-off wrt actual productivity.#i did fun stuff but not important stuff#*stares at the giant pile of clean laundry that has not been put away*
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crokitheloki · 11 days
I'm 13 chapters into an 82 chapter fanfic. They've already gotten married. I don't know what else is coming and I'm SCARED
also. I puzzled too close to the sun and now it's 9 pm and I haven't eaten dinner
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echthr0s · 5 months
lol speaking of unlocking jobs in FFXIV, had another moment of it being incredibly clear how my understanding of games has developed over time, because all the melee jobs were impenetrable to me just a couple of years ago but I unlocked SAM last week and read the tooltips and was like "oh, ok, I get it" without even having to double-check the google machine. I felt so powerful
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akumanoken · 10 months
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i'm... stumped....
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kalloway · 11 months
tfw u think "hehe i'll just play a little Puzzle Kombat before going to bed and it'll be a nice relaxing time :)" and then shit gets real on round 5 (thanks, Nightwolf) ...and then you later realize the difficulty was on EASY THE WHOLE TIME oh my god why am I so bad at tetris-style games
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
My paternal grandmother was a librarian. I only got to see that set of grandparents once a year as they lived out of state. I fondly remember summers spent at their house watching That Darn Cat and The King and I on loop, hunting for water skippers in the back creek, and reading the entirety of the Peanuts comics.
Because my grandma was a librarian she was delighted to foster my love of reading. We made trips to the library every week. One summer when I was seven or so I got really into this kids series about princesses all named after gemstones, each had a unique magic power.
At the end of each book was a puzzle or some extra bit of lore to decode. All of them were easily copied down in some way. Until I got to Sapphire’s book. At the end of the story Princess Sapphire was in peril! She needed a hero to come save her from a terrible fate. And there, on the last page, was a decoder device. It needed to be cut out and assembled.
I had to help save the Princess!!! In the iron grip of a fever of imagination I immediately found scissors and started carefully cutting the page. The page warned only to use scissors with an adult present and I scoffed to think I needed supervision just for scissors! I was a hero!Her plight called to me from the pages, imaginings of how I would daringly rescue the beautiful sweet Princess Sapphire ran through my little brain-
And about halfway up the page toward my goal I froze. This was a library book. I couldn’t cut a library book! What was I doing?! Even now in my memory it stands as a glaring example of the first time I mastered impulse control. Tragically, too late.
I was distraught. My grandma had a sacred duty to books and I, villain that I was, had defiled a precious tome! I wallowed for some time in abject misery, experiencing the greatest amount of guilt my tiny body had ever previously held. I’d probably go to jail. For a crime as monumental as wielding scissors against a book I wouldn’t even get dessert in jail.
Gradually, I processed my way through the grief of my vile deeds. I couldn’t have the decoder, I slowly accepted. That might be punishment enough. And I had only cut the page halfway. So it was only half a crime... It wasn’t illegal to lie when you’d aborted an evil act, right?
I didn’t know but I didn’t want to face my grandma’s potential wrath. I have no memory of my grandma ever yelling at me. I waited until the next day to approach her.
“Grandma? I finished my book and when I got to the end I saw someone had cut the page! They probably wanted the decoder because I also want that but it was very bad to cut a book, wasn’t it?”
My grandma regarded me benignly. She carefully took the book to observe it and nodded. “It’s good to see that they stopped before they cut it all the way out. Let’s go tape this together, and then I can photocopy the page and we can make you a decoder.”
I was ecstatic. Rewarded for my honesty! I created and cracked codes for the rest of summer with the flimsy paper creation we’d made. I genuinely doubt my grandma believed that I wasn’t the perpetrator, but I loved that she acknowledged that the person responsible stopped.
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mossy-rock-in-a-field · 9 months
Several weeks ago, my retirement-age mother requested that I play Baldur’s Gate 3 for her because she has trouble with controllers/keyboards and wanted “to see what all the fuss is about with that cute wizard boy.” For context, my mother and I have done this sort of thing in the past with certain RPGs (dragon age, mass effect, etc.), but it’s been a few years since she’s personally requested a game like this. Basically, I control her Tav but let her make all the choices so she can determine how the story plays out without worrying about mechanics. She treats it like a choose-your-own-adventure book.
Anyway, here is a list of some of the things my mother has said and/or chosen to do throughout the course of BG3 in no particular order:
She is (obviously) romancing Gale. She is quite smitten with him and his passion for books and learning; she also thinks he’s polite and qualifies as “relationship material.” She also REALLY likes the things he’s said about his cat so far (my mom is a cat lady), so I know she’s gonna flip shit when we meet Tara in Act III.
She’s playing a normal druid Tav with a generally good alignment. Her favorite spell is Spike Growth because she thinks it’s hilarious whenever enemies walk into the AOE and die. I usually end up having to cast it at least once per battle per her request. Sometimes twice.
Contrary to her alignment, my mother tasks me with robbing every single chest, crate, barrel, and burlap sack we come across; this also includes people and their pockets. The party is always at max carrying capacity. ALWAYS. She doesn’t like selling things because “what if I need them.” The camp stash is in literal shambles. There is no hope of organizing it. She’s got like fifty seven sets of rags and a billion pieces of random silverware.
She MUST talk to every animal and corpse in the game. I think five hours of her total playtime so far (47ish) has been spent speaking to animals as many times as humanly possible. Like, I was thorough in my own playthroughs, but this is on a whole other level.
She did NOT get Volo’s lobotomy, but she did let Auntie Ethel take her eye in hopes of a cure for the tadpole. I did not understand the logic then. I still do not understand it now.
She is far more interested in fashion than equipment stats. Do you have any idea how much gold I’ve had to spend on dyes just to make things match? SO much. Same vibe as that “please someone help me balance my finances my family is starving” tweet but instead of candles it’s thirty thousand fucking bottles of black and furnace red dye.
We broke the prisoners out of Moonrise, but they got on the boat too early and bugged the fight by leaving Astarion and Karlach behind. Wulbren Bongle somehow got stuck in combat mode even after engaging the cutscene on the docks below Last Light; he he kept trying to run ALL THE WAY BACK TO MOONRISE nine fucking meters at a time while I frantically tried to finish the fight with the Warden, otherwise Wulbren would have run straight into the shadow curse. (I would’ve let him go; fuck Wulbren Bongle, all my homies hate Wulbren Bongle. But my mom didn’t know that, and she wanted to keep him safe. So.)
She had me reload a save like eighteen times to save the giant eagles on top of Rosymorn Monastery. Wouldn’t even let me do non-lethal damage just to get past things. I think getting that warhammer for the dawnmaster puzzle took us like an hour and a half alone. (Yes, I know you can use any warhammer, but SHE didn’t.)
She’s started keeping an irl notebook to keep track of her quests between play sessions. She writes down ideas and strategies when she thinks of them during the week, then brings them to her next game session at my house. I think she wrote about three pages on possible approaches to the goblin fortress alone.
She insists that I pet Scratch and the owlbear cub before every single long rest, no exceptions. Sometimes I have to do it multiple times until she is absolutely sure that the animals know exactly how much she loves and cherishes them. She has also commissioned a crocheted owlbear plush from a friend of hers and is very excited.
I’m sure there’s a bunch of stuff I’m forgetting, but those are some fun things I thought of. She’s enjoying the game and is telling all of her retired friends to get it and play it for themselves. She asked me “what is Discord” yesterday and I think my life flashed before my eyes.
anyway shout out to my mom for being neat
Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5
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dragonsholygrail · 2 months
I know that dominating and intimidating monsters with a nice little sarcastic streak are hot and all, we love them and wanna fuck them, but can I also get some nerd monsters?
Like I just want a little nerd. I also want monsters who are just total dorks over their special interests and they share that with you in their own excitable ways.
Minotaur bf who’s a total dork over puzzles and games. You’ll come out into the living room at midnight, seeing the bed was empty, and you’ll find him sitting under the singular light of the dining table. Totally hunched over his almost finished puzzle that he started earlier that day. Then during game nights he’s an absolute best. You swear he’s the most competitive monster you’ve ever met. Winning round after round, chasing that high until he finally snaps and throws the board game off the table and you on it so he can celebrate his victory properly.
Orc bf who’s a fanatic about collecting weapons. He has all sorts of antique guns and swords. Many that you don’t even remember the name of and yet you can recite its entire history bc your bf will drone on and on about it. Whenever he gets a new weapon he gives you an entire tour of his collection room, showing you how he’s moved everything around to highlight his new weapon. You can’t help but find him painstakingly hot as he handles it and you make your interest known to him. His eyes darken, catching onto your meaning and suddenly you’ve replaced the weapon on the platform but he quickly returns it to its place as he fucks you with the handle, rambling about its many uses.
Dragon bf who’s hyperfixated on the quality of jewels and gold. He’s studied the art of jewelry making and blacksmithing. He can tell you the grade of a diamond just by glance, not even needing equipment to check. He loves to combine his two favorite things the most. You and the rest of his treasures. Adorning you with only his finest jewels and nothing else. Liking most how they barely cover anything up yet make your body shine like the angel you are. He almost can’t help himself as he throws you down onto his hoard and ruts into you, watching the jewels sway and bounce on your delectable body.
Werewolf bf who’s a complete gym bro and knows everything there is to know about fitness. He knows the perfect forms to every exercise you could think of, he’s memorized all the benefits to each individual piece of equipment, and he can tell you how best to maximize your time in the gym. Not that he ever would, respecting your level of interest or disinterest in the gym. He knows it’s more his thing and he’s happy you simply coming along with him to use the sauna for members only… and their guests. He loves the burn and the freedom of the run as he works out and releases that energy. But what he loves more is coming into the empty sauna after he’s done and making you both work up a real sweat as he takes you on the bench, the wet squelch of your joining bodies echoing off the walls.
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