#also while I drew dancer 'crying' he and busy both actually take a lot to cry like at all
iristial · 5 years
Keiichiro and Tsukasa for the ship ask
*in the distance, probably space, maybe even the edge of the solar system* YESSSSSS I THINK ABOUT THEM A LOT AND THEY’RE PERFECT
Gives nose/forehead kisses:
FOREHEAD KISSES LIKE NO ONE’S BUSINESS - and I think Tsukasa because Keiichiro, even in a comfortable relationship, can be Awkward over this sort of thing
I remember in the early days of LuPato, I drew Keiichiro giving Tsukasa a forehead kiss though…I think I posted it *peers under my mess of a blog* somewhere
But Keiichiro eventually gets comfortable enough to do this too ^-^
Gets jealous the most:
Both are mature adults capable of talking out misunderstandings and conflicted feelings
But Tsukasa probably has moments ranging from a comical “I’m not jealous” to reluctantly admitting it. Those moments could be counted on both hands
This is because Sakuya, in the en film, said that Tsukasa was crying over Keiichiro’s disappearance, and while her denial is probably true and Sakuya is being a troll, she usually loses her cool when 1) she’s proven wrong in a theory and 2) when she’s trying to hide her true feelings XD
Actually, I think their jealous moments would occur more during their academy days. Considering how great Keiichiro is and how much of a queen Tsukasa is, they would have various admirers. Also they weren’t a couple yet, but even then they wouldn’t act on their jealousy
Takes care of on sick days:
Keiichiro is someone who brought down a Gangler while poisoned and poised to die, so Tsukasa has to drag him back to bed on the non-dramatic, flu-filled days. The number of times she has to push him down when he tries to get up XD
And since she can’t cook and neither can Keiichiro, she goes out of her way to get him nourishing food :)
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day:
Do Kairi, Noel and/or Sakuya count?
I think they’d stay on the shore unless they decide to improve their swimming skills/someone forced them into the water, and then they’ll become engaged in the water fights
Brings the other lunch at work:
They share the same shifts most of the time, but Keiichiro forgets to eat so Tsukasa has to make sure he doesn’t, you know, collapse of hunger. World peace can’t be accomplished with a starving police officer haha
Embarrassingly drunk dancer:
Keiichiro is a light weight, but someone Kairi keeps egging him on in drinking games and he passes out after one or two bottles. Tsukasa will get buzzed but she’s sober enough to take care of Keiichiro when she has to and is the one who pays for his taxi. No drunk dancing for these people
If it’s any consolidation, Noel and Sakuya compensate for this XD
Firmly believes in couples costumes:
They don’t see the point in it, even if their uniforms match somewhat
They’d probably have matching phone charms or something small
I think Noel and Sakuya would try to get them to wear couple outfits XD
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas:
Keiichiro. Always Keiichiro. In the original series, he’s someone who’d give his heart (literally) if it brought happiness to the world/helped them, so Tsukasa can only sigh when he bought her a pink amethyst necklace that one time, that huge plushie with the softest fabric ever, etc. But they’re all gifts she likes so at the same time, she’s grateful for it and has to up her game
Makes the other eat breakfast:
They both believe that breakfast is an important meal of the day and will never skip on it, even if it’s a slice of toast
Remembers anniversaries:
They don’t really have an official date for when they became a couple, so they decided to settle on New Year’s Eve - the same day they kind of went on a date for the first time during their academy days. They remember it very well, and for a good reason in the future
One of the fics I owe you deals with this so ^0^
Brings up having kids first:
It was with a straight face and lowered eyes that Tsukasa asked the question - and Keiichiro choked on his drink. Choked on air. He just choked and she had to wait another two minutes
She’s considering two or three; Keiichiro’s concerned about the strain on her. They decide to consider the number after they get married
Kills the bugs:
Both. With straight faces, if it helps, either with their hands or with a newspaper
First to define them as a couple:
People just start noticing that they’re closer than usual. That, or someone jokingly asks if they’re dating. They end up seriously considering the question, bring it up to each other, and the next time someone asks this - it’s Keiichiro who confirms it. His audience is Sakuya, who’s very happy about the news but also flabbergasted because there’s no Korean drama worthy announcement of this XD
Who hides their guilty pleasures longer:
TSUKASA. She did try hiding her love for stuffed animals (which was oddly presented as a guilty pleasure, but the comedy potential), so I don’t see why not
How would guilty pleasures in a relationship work though *obviously a solo since birth.gif*
Snorts while laughing:
Tsukasa. It’s not every day when she does it, but Keiichiro’s known her for a long time so he knows it does happen. He thinks it’s endearing though (after a couple of months of being taken off guard) and smiles to himself when it happens ^-^
Thank you for the ask, @quatresnuku!
Send me ships
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When SuG announced their first ever Nippon Budokan concert to celebrate their 10th anniversary, there weren’t many fans who expected it would also be their last show ever – perhaps even the band themselves. But the dreaded announcement came just weeks before the big show, and needless to say, they turned their first Budokan show into a show that fans definitely didn’t want to miss.
If you’ve read our translations of SuG’s indefinite hiatus announcement, you’ll know exactly what kind of show they wanted it to be. It’s a bittersweet ending, with some members claiming they’ve failed or they haven’t done enough. But more than their feelings of regret, they wanted to express their gratitude to their fans that supported them over the last 10 years, despite their ups and downs and even their breaks.
It’s fitting, then, that they titled their show in a way that sums up the very essence of SuG: “HEAVY POSITIVE ROCK.” Over 7,000 fashionable fans crowded into Nippon Budokan on the evening of September 2, 2017. A small platform on the stage, meant for vocalist Takeru, read “HEAVY” in bold letters. A large screen lined the back of the stage.
A video signaled the start of the show. An EDM-inspired back track played as the characters “1/12/2007-9/2/2017” were shown across the screen, indicating SuG’s start date and their end date – today. Despite the dramatic start, things picked up on a positive note quicky. Red lights and purple lasers accompanied the catchy beat of AGAKU, the opening track. The members dressed in monochrome for this part of the set, letting the music and graphics speak for them. The audience put their hands in the air, pumping their fists to the beat.
HELLYEAH brought even more color and energy to the stage. Takeru jumped on and off his mini platform as he pleased. Both heavy and positive, one could say HELLYEAH is a great representation of SuG’s final period. Fukanzen Beautyfool Days followed, the first “older” track of the set. Takeru’s face lit up in a huge smile more than once. Chiyu moved around the stage a lot, too, hyping up the standing crowd in the arena.
With that track finished, Takeru delivered his first MC of the evening. He thanked everyone for coming and asked if they were doing okay. Then he launched into a brief account of SuG’s blessed history. When SuG first started out, he said, there were maybe five people total who supported them. After only 6 months of playing together—by some miracle, Takeru said—they were able to sell out Meguro Rockmaykan, a venue that can squeeze in about 300 people if they try. The second miracle, he said, was that this Budokan show attracted a staggering 7,000 people when they thought they would only be able to pull in about 3,000.
Of course, with 7,000 people watching, SuG had to do something big. Starting with Toy Soldier, the next few tracks in the set featured a full dance team that filled in the space on the huge Budokan stage. Children danced expertly in simple black and purple T’s, then adult dancers came out for songs like Koakuma Sparkling, B.A.B.Y., and Mugen Style.
Later in the set, SuG performed their member introductions (not that they needed any) with instrumental solos. Starting with drummer Shinpei, a small team of dancers moved to the beat of each instrument; then followed bassist Chiyu, guitarist Yuji, and finally, guitarist Masato.
All dancers returned to the set for a more classic SuG song, sweeToxic. The catchy guitar and vocals were accented by some of Takeru’s own dance skills. The jazzy tones of Keiyaku Kanojo, Ikenie Kareshi followed, then the whole audience got up and jumping for FRIDAY!!.
A brief MC followed in which all the members thanked the audience for coming. The upbeat tones of gr8 story, ☆Gimme Gimme☆, and the excellent Japanese and English word play of SICK’S got the audience worked up in a sweat. mad$hip gave the setlist some contrast, adding just a touch of darkness to the otherwise totally positive set.
SuG’s fans were in for a rare, final treat next: a medley for their 10th anniversary. Song after song drew excited cheers from the crowd, such as R.P.G., Vi-Vi-Vi, and Crazy Bunny Coaster. 39GalaxyZ closed out the main set with dancers, energy, colors, lights, and even paper stars that fell gently from the ceiling of Nippon Budokan.
When the members came back for the encore, Takeru had swapped his dark clothing for a bright, red leather jacket. Rainbow lights lit up the stage for dot.0. After the song ended, though, the hard part began. It was time for the members to say what they had prepared to say in farewell to the fans, staff, family, and friends that had supported them over the past 10 years.
The members said their piece one by one, beginning with Shinpei. He had mentioned on Twitter that he hadn’t prepared what he was going to say at their last show; all he could think of was preparing for this last show to be the best. He couldn’t think past it. Despite that, he explained his unease at this being their last ever show and what he would do. There were a lot of people, he said, really a lot of people that helped them over the last 10 years. From fans, to staff, to friends, to family, to fellow bandmen, a lot of people had supported them and made SuG possible. Tears welled in Shinpei’s eyes and his voice broke as he said, “I never thought I could be this happy.”
Chiyu had said what he wanted to say already on Twitter prior to the show because he wasn’t confident in keeping thoughts in his head while delivering an MC on stage. He had mentioned how he wanted to express not their guilt, but their gratitude towards their fans at their final show. A lot of fellow bandmen, staff, fans, etc. gave him support over the years. For a while, he had contemplated quitting the bass completely. However, he said, thanks to the advice and help of his senpai bandmen, he ultimately decided that he would continue on with bass playing in one form or another, most likely support. It was a statement that lifted the hearts of the otherwise forlorn fans in the audience.
Yuji had prepared three things to say—well, after the second one, he revealed that he had actually only prepared two. He thanked those who supported them over the last 10 years. He also talked about how he knew many fans who became friends just by having the mutual interest of SuG. “Even after SuG is over, please take care of those friendships,” he said. “They’re important.”
It was Masato‘s final MC that put most of the audience in tears. Where the other members smiled, Masato clearly struggled with his emotions, frequently pausing during his MC to find his voice again. “I’m not angry, but I’m definitely feeling a lot of emotions right now,” he began. He was grateful for all the support they received over the past 10 years despite their pause. When he learned the Budokan show would be their last show, he explained, he felt hurt and guilty. He had wanted SuG to do so much more, he lamented. More than his regret, though, he ultimately wanted to express his gratitude.
Takeru came last. He reiterated his feelings starting with the announcement of their Budokan show in May, leading up to the day of the historical show. He explained how the band realized that you can’t just make it in the music business with music; there were still some things that the band wasn’t skilled enough at to keep going on. He was sorry he couldn’t keep his promise to go even further with SuG.
The first Budokan show Takeru saw, he explained, was 13 years ago. He said somewhere in the back and watched HYDE live on stage. He decided then that he wanted to perform on that stage some day. Life isn’t like a manga or a movie, he said, but “if I, a normal teenager, can get to the point of standing on the Budokan stage for myself, then you can, too. All of you!” he yelled into the audience, fervor adding volume to his words.
This passionate ending to the MC led into teenAge dream, a song Takeru wrote to his teenage self. The PV played on the back screen, drawing the audience’s eyes to that image of Takeru’s teenage self rather than the Takeru that stood on stage now. CRY OUT followed, then the first encore closed out with the audience singing along to Smells Like Virgin Spirit. “Louder! This is what you came here to do!” Takeru egged on the audience. The song ended and the members bowed and left the stage once more.
SuG had two more songs for the audience: LOVE SCREAM PARTY and Tokidoki Suteki na Kono Sekai, both positive and heavy songs that allowed SuG’s final show to end just the way they wanted to. All the members of the band and the dance teams came out to take a final bow. The band also took time to thank their staff—some of which had supported them the full 10 years—and most of all, the fans. Even after the show ended, it took ages for the members to properly say goodbye to their fans for the last time.
1. AGAKU 2. HELLYEAH 3. Fukanzen Beautyfool Days (不完全Beautyfool Days) 4. Toy Soldier 5. Koakuma sparkling (小悪魔sparkling) 6. B.A.B.Y. 7. Mugen Styles (無限Styles) 8. Sakura Ame (桜雨) 9. Mujouken Koufukuron (無条件幸福論) 10. Howling Magic 11. Instrumental solos 12. sweeToxic 13. Keiyaku Kanojo, Ikenie Kareshi (契約彼女、生贄彼氏) 14. FRIDAY!! 15. gr8 story 16. ☆Gimme Gimme☆ (☆ギミギミ☆) 17. SICK’S 18. mad$hip 19. 10th anniversary medley 1. Alterna 2. Oreshiki Continue (俺式Continue) 3. R.P.G. -Rockin’ Playing Game 4. Vi-Vi-Vi 5. 武士度-bushido-FREAKY 6. Fast Food Hunters 7. Crazy Bunny Coaster 20. 39GalaxyZ
-Encore- 1. dot.0 2. teenAge dream 3. CRY OUT 4. Smells Like Virgin Spirit
-Second Encore- 1. LOVE SCREAM PARTY 2. Tokidoki Suteki na Kono Sekai (ときどきすてきなこのせかい)
[Live Report] SuG's Last Live "HEAVY POSITIVE ROCK" at Nippon Budokan When SuG announced their first ever Nippon Budokan concert to celebrate their 10th anniversary, there weren't many fans who expected it would also be their…
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@all bros but sasuke: GO TO FUCKING THERAPY all of you and after u can say shit or not about sasuke >:c (especially madara/itachi)
Family Therapy part 1 
“Today, we are going to burn all our old bridges and build knew ones, stronger ones”
Sasuke rolled his eyes and looked at Izuna, making an indication that this was going to boring. Izuna smiled and nodded before getting hit in the back of the head. He hissed, looking at Itachi who was making notes like a nerd.
“He started” Izuna whispered.
“So, are there any questions before we start?” The man asked, he had this kind expression on his face and it almost looked like a mask, it was hard not to notice.
“Yes” Sasuke raised his hand, as if he was in school, “I actually already go to therapy...so...can I go?”
“No” Itachi responded for the therapist who just smiled kindly, pretending it was funny.
“I don’t think it is for you to decide, is it?” Sasuke asked the man.
“I think you are smart enough to know the answer to that and moral enough to know what the right thing to do is” He gave a supportive nod.
“Okay” Sasuke got up, “Bye suckers” He wanted to walk away, but Shisui pulled him back on the couch.
“I am telling you the moral sense is turned off on this kid” Shisui stated, looking at the therapist.
“It is not even a question, it is a fact” Sasuke admitted, nearly proudly when he leaned in to Shisui, who wrapped his arm around his youngest brother. Little did Sasuke know, it was his typical trick to keep the younger one to sit still and not get away.
“Shall we just start?” Madara suggested.
“Look at you paying attention” Obito turned his head towards Madara, looking impressed.
“Pff, the only thing I actually want to pay for is your silence and...a scotch”
“This is how I know you “ Obito sighed.
“We start with a warm up exercise before we proceed to the emotional side, I want all of you to get loose-” The therapist wasn’t even finished talking when Izuna slit off the couch on to the ground.
“He said get loose” Izuna justified his action.
“Keep him on the ground, where he belongs” Sasuke commented.
“How about we start with an exercise where we pretend to be air dancers-”
“I will stop you right there...what are air dancers? Because I can’t really dance, I mean I can hang around a pole-”
“It is the inflatable tube man” Itachi interrupted Sasuke.
“Yeah, the ones that goes down and then goes up and then down and then up!” Izuna laughed.
“Now quit it, they actually got a lot slower and don’t always go all the way down” Obito stood up making a similar movement.
“This is just a disgrace to dancing” Madara stated, crossing his legs and refusing to stand up.
“I don’t have to do this shit when I am talking to Mr Namikaze”  Sasuke whispered moving weirdly up and down next to Shisui.
“In a way, this makes up for a pretty good workout” Shisui tried to lighten the mood.
“What part of your body are you training, dude...come on” Sasuke hissed, rolling his eyes annoyed. Wasting an entire Sunday afternoon for this crap,  “I can’t believe I wore pants for this”
“Good job boys-”
“Hey, how does Madara get a compliment? He was just sitting the entire time” Izuna complained.
“Don’t be horny for compliments now” Obito said, immediately sitting back down.
“Hey, I was very productive in my mind” Madara yawned, “How long is this going to take? I want to see if I can make happy hour at the bar”
“Oh yes, I could go for a beer right now” Shisui said.
“Nobody is leaving until the Doctor Phopra says so” Itachi stated.
“Phopra...sounds like a blend from Phil and Opera” Sasuke muttered, but got completely ignored.
“Now, I want each of you to draw a number from the jar and then go to your partner, find a nice and comfortable spot in the living room for the next exercise, the ‘feeling wonderland exercise’”  
“Even the name sounds gay “ Sasuke commented, grabbing a number and immediately comparing it to Shisui’s “Damn it” He hissed before looking at Izuna’s who also wasn’t identical.
“You can stop praying, I drew number 2, we are partners” Itachi said.
“No, I have number 21” Sasuke immediately lied.
“Idiot, we are only with six people, at least try to make sense” Shisui smacked Sasuke lightly on the back of the head.
“Switch with me” Sasuke said
“I am paired with Madara”
“Keep your number, sucker” Sasuke got up and set next to Itachi, folding his arms and crossing his legs.
“Now, I want you to hold your partner and pull them closely towards you as if he is your baby you want to protect from the cruel world” The therapist said, walking around the living room to check if everybody was doing the exercise.
Sasuke and Itachi exchanged a serious look and both cracked a smile. Sasuke moved so he was lying down with his head on Itachi’s lap while Itachi stroked his hair.
“Why do you hate this so much? You don’t mind crawling next to me in bed, but now when you are supposed to, it is suddenly a problem?”
“Because it looks weird and stupid” Sasuke answered, “I mean look at everyone…”
The dark eyes examined the room and he wonder how Itachi ever came up with the idea of group therapy. This family had no boundaries to begin with. How did he ever hired a relationship therapist? Where did he find that guy?! On Craigslist?
“Come on, this is for the greater good, to strengthen our bond” Itachi smiled gently as he leaned in to place a kiss on Sasuke’s forehead.
“You are right, we already have the strongest bond in the room, I mean Shisui and Madara? Worst combination ever and I bet Obito doesn’t even know Izuna’s birthday...and they are like cosmic twins or some shit, you know what this means?”
Itachi raised an eyebrow looking rather worried.
“That we are totally going to win this, it is like shooting a baby through the head”
“Okay, first and foremost worst, that’s not how to expression goes, who shoots a baby through the head? It’s disturbing, secondly, this is not a competition” It seemed Itachi’s words were only half heard by the younger Uchiha, he seemed too busy examining the room.
“Yes, it is not a competition because we already won” Sasuke said, causing Itachi to shake his head.
“Just close your eyes and feel my love” Itachi moved his fingers over Sasuke’s face, closing his eyelids.
“It wasn’t instructed to close your eyes” Sasuke whispered.
“I know, I just don’t want you to look at me from that point, I once held my phone like that and it is one ugly angle”
“Wow, you are really opening up” Sasuke held Itachi’s cheek and he opened his eyes, “Do you want to talk about how that makes you feel? “ Itachi looked away exhaling deeply. “No, nissan, you should talk about your insecurities, how does it feel to have people look at you from that angle?”
“How’s it going here?” The therapist asked, sitting on the armrest of the couch.
“Not good, it seems everything coming out of his mouth is either sarcastic or some other way to mock everything” Itachi answered, looking disappointed at Sasuke.
“And why is that, Sasgay-” The entire room scoffed from the therapist’s pronunciation.
“It is Sasuke” Sasuke tried to correct him.
“Sasugay, that’s what I said” He smiled, Sasuke exchanging a look with Itachi.
“Sasugay, don’t avoid the question” Madara teased  from the corner in the room.
“The reason why you don’t feel weird by the fact your head is on Shisui’s crotch is because that is where your head 90% of the time actually is...around people’s dicks”
“Ooh ooh he ran and he scored~ Sorry Maddy!” Obito exclaimed.
“Back to my question, Sasgay, why is it so hard to let yourself be open towards your brother?”
“Because my brother is judgy and this is stupid”
“Explain why this feels stupid to you” The therapist crossed his legs and held on to his clipboard.
“Well, it is stupid because...I...I just don’t like pretending to be vulnerable” Sasuke frowned slightly.
“And why is that?” The therapist asked, narrowing his eyes slightly.
“I don’t know” Sasuke stated.
“I think you do” The therapist said, the entire room was quiet, listening eagerly.
“Because my dad said vulnerability is for weaklings and gutless people” Sasuke sat up, “And you know what, I have felt like a weakling, like a gutless person when mom hurt me, when she hit me and tried to kill me and I couldn’t do anything about it!” He stood up, “And don’t want to relive that!”  With those words he turned around and walked out of the living room, leaving the others behind.
“What happened?” Shisui looked concerned, getting up from the ground.
“He...he opened up” Itachi said, “I am concerned, is this good?”
“Yes, he is opening up” The therapist said.
“I am afraid, his voice sounded like he was about to cry ” Shisui looked at Itachi.
“I am going to check on him” Itachi got up and while he was followed by the others, he walked up the stairs towards Sasuke’s room.
“Otouto?” He called.
“No...not now! I need to be alone…” Itachi frowned by those words and opened the door. His expression turned to anger as he saw Sasuke with one leg out of the window.
“You are trying to get away…”
“No...no...I was just…trying to...commit...suicide?” Sasuke said, looking around him.
“What? Why would you jump out of the window when you have guns?” Izuna looked confused.
“He is trying to get away” Itachi clenched a fist, “Uchiha Waitforit Sasuke...get your ass back downstairs!” He shouted. Sasuke hesitated for a second, looking down the window.
“Don’t even consider escaping!” Itachi hissed.
“I was considering the suicide option…” Sasuke sighed and pulled his leg back in the room.
“Was anything you said even true?” Shisui asked, feeling like he got played.
“Shisui...come on...you have seen me fight” Sasuke rolled his eyes, “I am not vulnerable in any sense”
“Yet you are Itachi’s bitch”  Madara teased.
“Itachi pays the wifi, if you pay the wifi I be your bitch” Sasuke answered when he passed Madara to get back to the living room.
“You prefered to jump out of the second floor than to talk about your feelings!” Itachi snapped when he walked inside the living room, followed by the others.
“I don’t see the big deal I am already talking to Mr Namikaze and frankly I don’t think
I should be here”  Sasuke sat down, leaning his chin on his right knee.
“The big deal is that you keep everything locked up inside and at some point you are going to fall apart and then I have to pick up the pieces, like I do every time!”  Itachi raised his voice and it might have been the tone, or perhaps just the words, but at that point Sasuke looked hurt and for a brief moment it was clearly visible for everyone in the room to see before it was hidden away behind the big, black walls which were his eyes.
“Itachi, that was mean” Shisui commented
“It was bitchy and I am a bitch, but this was too bitchy for me” Madara added.
“No, no, this is good, let all the feelings out! Only then we are able to feel free, do you feel it?” The therapist asked and at this point Itachi was just straight up annoyed by everyone in the room.
“Do ya feel it, Mr.Krabs?” Izuna whispered, but Itachi ignored him in favour of expressing his annoyance.
“No! Because Sasuke doesn’t feel anything, but anger!”
“Look who is shouting!” It appeared quite controversial since Sasuke was shouting now too.
“Stop it, both of you” Shisui pulled Itachi slightly away.
“When do we get to the part where we can straight up talk about what annoys us the most, like how Shisui always supporting the wrong side”
Shisui was about to say something, but the therapist interrupted him.
“Actually, I am glad you brought that up, Itachi”
“You're welcome, at least somebody is taking this seriously” Itachi sat down, leaning back in the chair.
“Because that kind of language is actually counter productive-”
“Ooh snap!” Madara clicked his finger, enjoying Itachi’s annoyance more than he should have.
“Let’s start with the next exercise, I want you guys to sit in a circle” The therapist said.
“This better be good” Madara sighed as he sat down, as everyone was seated the therapist suddenly put his hands on Shisui shoulder, startling him.
“I want each of you to go around the circle and tell that person something that bothers you, but try to avoid words like never and always, instead of that, mention...your feelings”
“Uhm alright…” Shisui looked at Itachi on his right,  “I ‘feel’ like you complain a lot”
“Yes, this is good” The therapist said.
“I wouldn’t have to complain so much if you guys just did things right” Itachi folded his arms.
“Right, sorry I mentioned it” Shisui’s tone was sarcastic.
“Shisui, never apologize for how you feel” The therapist said.
“I thought we were not supposed to say the word ‘never’” Sasuke said, turning his head to the therapist who remained quiet for a couple of seconds.
“Good catch” He said.
“Uhm...okay...Izuna...sometimes you can be very annoying and needy, Madara your harness of assholeness is not appreciated, Obito…I have no problem with you whatsoever, Sasuke…” Shisui was thinking deeply, trying to find the right words,  “I am worry about you, a lot, and it hurts that you don’t realise how much everybody cares about you-”
“Owh right, I am hurting you guys” Sasuke wanted to get up, but Obito put his hand on Sasuke’s shoulder pushing him back down, “I am hungry, at least let me get something to snack on”
“Why do you suddenly feel hungry? You didn’t appear hungry a few minutes” The therapist tapped his finger against his chin.
“Because I wasn’t hungry back then, I am now”  Sasuke gave the therapist an awkward look.
“Or are you feeling sad and you try to progress the sadness by filling up?” He asked seriously.
“If I would have done that, I would not fit through that door” Sasuke stated, “I am hungry so I eat”
“He just wants to put something in his mouth so he would have an excuse to not talk and to put his focus on something else that is far away from his feelings” Itachi said, leaning forwards to look passed Shisui at Sasuke.
“Are you a psychology student?” The therapist seemed genuinely interested in Itachi.
“No, I am Sasuke-ologist” Itachi stated.
“So Sasgay, is that the reason why you eat so much?”
“Bitch, you didn’t, I don’t eat much, I just have a healthy appetite”
“You did not just call the therapist a bitch, apologise”  Obito said strictly.
“What?! No, he is criticising me for eating, a basic human...thing” Sasuke looked away from Obito.
“Sasuke, I am not going to repeat myself, you are in the wrong and you have to apologise”
“This isn’t working!” Sasuke exclaimed, “And honestly, I FEEL like I am being attacked”
“Sasygay, is always good to talk about how you feel”
“And I thought we weren’t supposed to say words like ‘always’”  Sasuke rolled his eyes, “You guys want to know how I really think about all of you, Shisui, you are worried about me? Look at yourself! You are in a terrible relationship, you smoke like half a pack a day, you are always stressed because of work and you wanna know why? Because you aren’t sure if you made the right choice becoming a lawyer because at the end of the day it was just a decision you made to annoy dad because he hated attorney lawyers! And you felt neglected by him!”  Shisui looked confused and the confusion turned into hurt before he looked away, not sure what to say.
“Let’s move on to Mr perfect because everything you do is so good, Itachi, I hate to break it to you, but you are a terrible, terrible brother, you are just like mom, you think you can make a difference by pretending you care about my mental health and shit, but the truth is...at the end of the day, you are not there!  Not for Christmas, for my birthday or for any occasion I actually want you -or I don’t know- NEED YOU around, to be honest, I stopped talking to you...I stopped telling you about my days or the stuff I have been up to because you have become so judgy!” Sasuke took a deep breath, shaking his head slightly.
“You want to connect? You want me to tell you everything I feel? Fine, I feel sad, I feel depressed and I feel sucky! Because everything I do...I fail and you won’t ever understand because everything you do always goes right without any difficulties! I studied weeks for a fucking maths test, only to fail it! Do you know how that feels?! Of course you don’t because you’re a fucking genius”
“You think I had it easy because I am considered smart?! I missed my entire childhood because it was suddenly appropriate to be involved in stupid adult stuff, unlike you, I don’t have memories of packing my bag and going on adventures! Because I couldn’t! Because it was always ‘Itachi, you are smart, you know the right and mature thing to do’ and yes maybe I did, but I didn’t want to, I don’t want to sit here nag and complain and give constant speeches about how family is important...but if I don’t...we won’t last a day” Itachi exhaled deeply, “And right now...I am not even sure I want us to last”
“Madara, you seem to be thinking very deeply, do you have anything to add?” The therapist asked.
“Did I take back my red tie from Hashirama’s place? I can’t recall” Madara seemed lost in thought.
“Let’s not even begin with Madara” Itachi shook his head.
“His entire existence is just...a no” Sasuke added.
“You are very mean and not caring” Shisui sighed.
“The worst part is that you just ignore all of it by drinking booze and fucking your boyfriend” Obito added.
“Hashirama is too good for you, I keep saying it” Sasuke sighed.
“Nah, it is probably upstairs, is it? It was such a nice tie” Madara said, causing everyone to exhale deeply.
“You guys say I am annoying, but if I don’t talk it is going to be very quiet and boring, you don’t realize that! I think if Obito and Madara aren’t home, this house never talks about happy things, so yeah, I try to cheer up the mood and get the conversations going, it is better than having Sasuke be depressed, Itachi complain, Shisui...being boring, that is all I have to say” Izuna said.
“Is it?” Sasuke asked. “Nothing about a certain someone misplacing your stuff?”  Izuna remained quiet and just looked at Shisui.
“I ‘feel’ annoyed when you place my stuff from the table somewhere else and forget...so I lose stuff...expensive stuff” Izuna gritted his teeth slightly.
“We have been over this, if it is important, don’t litter it around, put it in your room” Shisui said.
“I don’t litter it, I place it somewhere...where I can find it” Izuna took a deep breath.
“Shisui is right, put it in your room if you don’t want to lose it”
“I place it wherever I want! And you guys should stop putting it away! It is literally bothering no one when I put it on the counter! NO ONE! Sasuke is right! Itachi is a controlling bitch and he always thinks he is so much better! You are only 2 years older, you are not my mom! Sasuke, fuck off you don’t even have it that bad! Shisui, stop trying to defend everyone and just keep yourself out of it, Madara, I don’t know where your tie is, Obito, nobody has anything bad to say about you because you are an uncle that only comes during christmas with presents, you are never there when somebody needs support and yes I was hurt when you didn’t let me make that T-shirt design and instead when to a fucking marketing team! We are family!”
“I don’t decided the t-shirt designs, but...I guess I could tell the marketing team to consult you next time?” Obito asked.
“Empty promises, I know how to recognise them” Sasuke said, looking at Itachi.  “Nobody has a problem with Obito because his appearance in general is already a miracle, thank you for making time in your busy schedule for your family, that doesn't come first, or second, but third”
“Which rhymes with turd” Izuna added.
“I can’t help that I have to work”
“It’s not a real job, Obito! You make people laugh, how long is that going to continue? Five years tops? And what will you do after that? You didn’t even finish college! You are the one setting the wrong example!”
“Wow, Itachi, back off” Obito said.
“I think I see more of you on the internet then I do in real life” Shisui added.
“I am not complaining, whoever can give me backstage passes to Lady Gaga is awesome” Madara stretched his legs.  
“Madara...don’t even...” Obito sighed. “Why don’t you say something?”
“Well, I don’t hold my thoughts back, I say whatever comes to mind, you all know the things I hate about you and I don’t mind making you guys feel bad about it, I do that everyday, sometimes I just make my assistant text it to you guys so I won’t have to”
“Is that healthy?” I asked
“I don’t know” Shisui responded. A silence emerged the room and it was awkward.
“Well...everything is out” Itachi stated, looking up at the therapist, “What do we do now?”
“How do we fix this?” Shisui asked
“How do we build these stronger bridges?” Izuna added. Everybody was looking at the therapist.
“I...I can’t take it anymore!” He shouted, “You guys are a lost cause! It’s a miracle to me that you guys haven’t killed each other yet!”
“I think because they know they won’t be able to kill me…and the effort should then really come from my side” Sasuke said
“I can poison the tomatoes?” Shisui suggested.
“Mass suicide, we put poison in our soup, we are all done then”  
“No, not everybody wants to die” Itachi said in a harsh tone.
“Not everybody lives for army dick” Obito commented, causing Sasuke to laugh.
“This is the unhealthiest family I have seen, I can’t help you!” The therapist grabbed his bag.
“No wait! You have to!” Shisui said.
“We can’t go on like this!” Itachi shouted.
“I can’t help you...I can’t”
“I wrote you a cheque, you have to, this is your job-”
“NO, I QUIT!” The man shouted and stormed out, slamming the door behind him while everybody could see him run towards his car.
“Wait...I never signed the cheque” Madara made a not caring gesture.
“Okay...I am going to my room” Sasuke stood up.
“What?!” Shisui and Itachi said at the same time.
“What? I am bored” Sasuke stated.
“Are you just going to ignore everything that has been said?” Obito asked.
“ Yes...that exactly my plan”
“No...no, I can’t continue like this” Itachi stood up.
“Wow, niisan, I made a joke about the mass suicide thing-”
“We are going to Mr Namikaze”  Itachi stated and it seemed everybody agreed with him except for Sasuke...who just wanted to walk pantless around the house.
oxoSpecial thanks to @failureoftheyear 
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skyedestiny · 8 years
There Is No Easy Way (pt. 3)
Well, more like ‘part 2.5′.  This is going to be pretty short, I think.  But I had the idea to write this follow-up.  It was inspired by tags written by @allthingsjihope on their reblog of part 2, which I read while nodding my head because, yes, what they wrote is exactly how I pictured the aftermath of all this going.  So, without further ado, let’s get to it!
EDIT: MAYBE IT ISN’T AS SHORT AS I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE.  Perhaps it’s a proper ‘part 3′ after all, haha! Enjoy, nonetheless!
Parts: 1, 2, 3
They really should have been getting sleep.
But they were on tour right now and that meant they weren’t in their usual beds.  Hoseok and Jimin were sharing a hotel room.  The familiar company helped with the comfort but it still didn’t make shut-eye come any easier.  It was always hard to fall asleep some place that wasn’t home (or a makeup chair).
Well, for these two at least.  Jungkook could probably sleep anywhere and Taehyung was much the same.
In the end, it was better that the two normal roommates were paired for this.  At least they were both awake, and even if they were too wiped out from the day to really be chatting at the moment, the two of them had known each other long enough that their silence was a peaceful, tranquil one.  There was no awkward energy here.
The scene was almost terribly domestic - Jimin, lying on one of the hotel beds above the covers, one knee curled up.  His head rested on his pillow as he scrolled through his phone.  And on the other bed was Hoseok, sat in his t-shirt and sleep shorts with his back propped up against the headboard and a book in his hands.  He was even wearing glasses - those circular lensed ones that he’d been favoriting recently.
Jimin is sure Hoseok did it with the joke in mind, to look like some older, more ‘mature’ man - ‘the dad of the house’ look - even if he hadn’t said anything about it.  Hoseok’s snickering as he’d donned the glasses had confirmed as much.  Jimin had had to fight the urge to roll his eyes at that - Hoseok didn’t even need glasses.  It lightly offended the younger’s sensibilities, as someone who was inescapably bespectacled himself.  Not that Jimin needed reading glasses, but it was the same concept.
Hoseok’s weren’t even regular lenses! They were sunglasses.  Jimin was sure he was squinting behind them to be able to read, but ever dedicated to whatever act he was taking on for whatever joke or purpose, Hoseok powered through.
Whatever Hoseok was doing right now, though, didn’t phase Jimin so much as he read through the youtube comments on their video for “Spring Day”.  Between all the praise dedicated to the group, however, there were comments that Jimin found just as (a little more?) fulfilling.  
It was probably weird that seeing people express displeasure towards something Bangtan had put out would cause Jimin’s heart to hover a little, but he couldn’t hide the smile that painted his lips.  He actually hadn’t even known he’d been wearing one ‘til he snuggled just a little bit further into the bed and his pillow the way one would at hearing praise that flattered and soothed.  The sheets ruffled with the motion and the sound drew Hoseok’s gaze.
His famous bright grin bloomed fresh on his face at the sight of Jimin’s active beaming.  Something between a snicker and a giggle followed naturally after.  “What are you smiling about?” Hoseok asked, genuine curiosity bordered by teasing.
Jimin may not have been aware that he’d been casting his phone such a look, but Hoseok’s calling attention to it didn’t cause it to falter any.  Jimin figured it’d be best to explain by giving more of a demonstration, so he set to read aloud some of what he’d been seeing.  Readying himself for a performance, Jimin cleared his throat and raised his voice a few octaves.  “Daebak, Bangtan! Fighting!” He squeaked the words, waving his free hand in the air in a put upon show of excitement.  “Jimin-oppa is so handsome with pink hair I felt my heart fluttering!”
Normally Hoseok would send some sort of playfully chastising remark towards the younger for seemingly seeking to fuel his own ego, but right now, he was too busy appreciating Jimin’s own dedication to the character he’d put on.  All Jimin was met with this time was a bubble of Hoseok’s typical laughter.  It served to make his smile stretch wider.  But then he continued with the comment, on a path that the elder dancer likely hadn’t anticipated.
“But where is Hobi-oppa? My hope? Why can’t I hear his cool raps? I’m disappointed.”
And the comments that Jimin read aloud kept on like that.  Slowly, Hoseok was brought to his feet, took to leaning to see, with a knee resting on Jimin’s bed.  Eventually, he bent his leg beneath himself and took a seat.  But Jimin could see, from his periphery, that Hoseok’s amused look had dropped.  Now there was something vague filling it, a mixture of worry and shock.
He had to lean over to see.  He couldn’t believe what Jimin was reading.  Hoseok knew he had fans, and knew there would be some responses made to this avail.  But to say that he hadn’t anticipated just how many there’d be was an understatement.
Still, Jimin’s own smile had not dropped, and he was beaming when he finally stopped and met Hoseok’s eyes.
There was silence as Hoseok seemed to fight to pull himself from his thoughts.  But when he did, his expression was serious, genuinely chastising now.  He gestured with a nod of his head towards Jimin’s phone, an extension of his hand.  “Why are you so happy? People are upset with our work - what’s wrong with you?”
But Jimin’s good mood was resolute, and as he looked up from his pillow, he raised his chin at the elder.  “Nothing’s wrong with me, hyung, I just like being right.”
There it was - the smallest hint of a renewed smile on Hoseok’s lips.  He chided Jimin with a click of his tongue, and a shove to his hip.  It did absolutely nothing to sour the younger’s mood, especially not with it having just been bolstered by the slightest tell of a positive reaction that Hoseok had been powerless to fight against.  “Aish, come on, this is serious.”
“So is what I was right about,” Jimin reminded smoothly, immediately.  There was not a second of delay to the response.  
Hoseok softened, having momentarily forgotten about just what all this meant.
“People care a lot about you, hyung.  Not just us.  They want to see you and hear you and have you be happy just like we do.”  Jimin gave Hoseok time to respond, but right now, his hyung appeared to be frozen.  Frozen even despite the warm dusting of pink that rose to Hoseok’s cheeks.  Jimin could see it even in the dim evening lighting of their room, even against Hoseok’s cotton candy-colored hair.
Jimin always appreciated Hoseok’s face, but this expression, right here, how he looked in this moment - the younger dancer wished he could naturally snap a picture, so that he could commit this to memory.
But Hoseok didn’t respond, so Jimin continued.  “I can’t find it in me to be upset about seeing that.”  
Hoseok was still silent, though.  The only change in his appearance was that the blush spread further across his face.  Was he breathing?
The thought and sight of his flustered hyung had Jimin’s smile turn amused.  “Are you going to say anything?” he asked, shaking his head, a giggle swimming between his words.  “Are you still here with me?”
The elder dancer seemed to pop back into the world then- or, really, it was more like he’d never left, but life and thoughts once returned to circulating through his veins.  As if everything, in that moment before, had just been moving slower and now returned to natural speed.  Again, Hoseok could not help his smile, though he desperately tried to now.  This still didn’t feel like quite the sort of thing one should be giddy about.  And the expression was accompanied by sound - a high-pitched whine that was escaping through the very smallest space left between his lips that was building in intensity by the nanosecond.  
Hoseok looked around, seeming to search for something.  It became clear that he’d been looking for a place to hide his face when he, eventually, lowered his head to Jimin’s stomach.
The owner of said stomach let out a hearty laugh now.  Jimin shifted his phone away from his face so that he could better see Hoseok and, with his free hand, he pat the elder’s back.  “You should be happy, hyung! You have a right.”
But Hoseok felt Jimin’s laugh and his words reverberate through his center, and for some reason, none of that helped with his current bashfulness.  He felt his face heat more and nuzzled, on sheer instinct, further into his groupmate’s shirt.
Jimin gave another giggle, this time slightly less raucous.  “Hyung, that tickles.”
Hoseok didn’t rise, though.  He did respond this time, but whatever words he spoke were muffled too heavily to be coherent.
The older dancer, Jimin knew, was always highly affected by praise.  It was like, while he enjoyed it, he also had a sort of aversion to it.  Often, Hoseok would switch the focus of whatever kind words were directed his way, or he’d downplay himself.  Sometimes he’d react with a modicum of this sort of behavior.  But Jimin wasn’t sure that he’d ever seen Hoseok flustered to this state.  He imagined he must’ve been able to stave off the full brunt of flattery, normally, for the sake of acting with some dignity in front of the cameras.  (So much of their lives was surrounded by cameras.  None of them really minded it, but it did have its consequences.)
No, this was a different intensity altogether, and while it entertained and charmed Jimin, he thought it was about time that he gave his hyung an out to this situation if he truly felt uncomfortable.  (Even though the heat from Hoseok’s face admittedly felt pretty darn nice as it resonated right through the thin fabric of Jimin’s night shirt.)  He gave a rub at the elder’s back.  
Diversions weren’t always a bad thing, and these two were skilled at using humor for such things like no one else.  Deepening his voice, a far, far cry from the squeaky pitch Jimin spoke in previously, he talked down to the elder resting on his chest.  “Hope-aaaah,” he said, his tone one of teasing admonishment.  “Pull yourself together; aren’t you a man?”
He’d said just the right thing.  The combination of the casual title and disrespectful words had Hoseok’s head rise from his stomach in a second.  His face was no less beet red - it might’ve been more so.  And he stared at the younger in faux offense.
Jimin’s teeth found his bottom lip.  He was pretty sure some sort of playful retribution was coming but he couldn’t find it within himself to dread it.  
He was right, though.  Immediately, Hoseok said, “Excuuuuuse meeeee!” (The volume of his words was honestly too loud for this hour of night, but the other group members who served as their neighbors on the hotel floor were merciful and didn’t make a stink about it.)  Hoseok’s fingers immediately found the spot where his head had just been and he launched an attack, tickling the known sensitive spot.
It took a while, but eventually he stopped, delivering a final pat to Jimin’s chest.  “You cut it out with that.”  It wasn’t really said seriously.
Still, panting from laughter, Jimin answered, “Okay, hyung.”  His throat was coarse and he forced a cough to clear it.
Hoseok was about to migrate back to his own bed.  But he didn’t exactly look like he wanted to go, seeming to favor Jimin’s proximity over his book’s.  Jimin didn’t really want him to go either.  He suddenly found himself greedy to keep the elder so near to him.
So he spoke again.  “Hyung?”
He knew this would provoke.  “I was still right.”
A slow, playful growl of ‘frustration’ that built within Hoseok’s throat as he turned, slowly, to look back over to Jimin, a smile on his face and his eyes jokingly intense and bright.
The tickling fingers were back, as was Jimin’s laughter and now his feet kicked too.  But sounding above it was Hoseok’s voice, saying, “Aigooo, this kiiiid!!”
Yes, everyone most certainly did take turns glaring at the pair through bleary, sleep-deprived eyes the next morning.
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