#also will be drawing two more mumbos after this lol
citrusinicake · 2 years
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yknow whats prettier than a vampire? a vampire with blood on him thats what
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mumscarian · 2 years
Omg I just adore the cat deer drawing of jellie!! Also, do you think scar would be earth kingdom citizen, or do you think he'd be a bender? I think it could work well either way- first thoughts I had about bender scar could be something angsty, like we already know all the benders were arrested, what would grian do if he found out? Or it could be like a feelings realization like "this guy's a bender I'm supposed to arrest him.. but why do I feel like I can't?" No matter what scar is just so mischievous, and with his whole crystal salesman thing going on, it would still be really fun to play around with characters.
The two parts of my brain are fighting right now, one says angsty "earth bender scar gets arrested/should be arrested" and "non bender scar isn't afraid of these fire nation people until he gets a close look at just how powerful they are, he likes their company but everyone's warned him.. and they don't seem too fond of him (from his perspective)" and the other side that's like "lol scar gives grian a creeping crystal as a gift/hides one in his stuff and eventually grian is stuck with a huge chunk of crystal somehow" and just other.. silly little crystal merchant with his cat deer (which no one knows how he even has one? Weren't those things extinct?). I love me some angsty lore, but knowing me, I'd probably stick with silly antics lol
Sorry this got long, so many thoughts. Mention atla and open the floodgates ig lmao
eeeee ty 😊!!! and i think scar would be a bender, but he'd hide it unless he really needed to use it-- that way we get the best of both worlds!
Like, imagine: After a while of the 'omg gtws is here with his weird crystals hehe he is not normal 😍' stage, all of them start meeting on the DL. It's not necessarily a secret, because interracial romances are inevitable when a country is occupying another and it's not that uncommon, but it probably will be looked down upon by their superiors. So, they start meeting in the forest (and im imagining this to be somewhere around where the freedom fighters were or maybe where haru was) and BAM theres danger-- idk, bandits, rockslide, whatever-- and scar SAVES THEM with his earthbending and then they all have a 'oh SHIT' moment because OOPS THATS NOT ALLOWED. but besides the initial shock, I really don't think that would add too much strain on their relationship other than just another layer of secrecy, because Grian and Mumbo both dislike authority (although Grian more than Mumbo lol) and i doubt they would even think abt ratting him out. I mean, hot crystal guy vs your shitty boss-- hot crystal guy would win EVERY time.
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and you thought we would have less angst~! lol nope!
@petrichormeraki @helleborusangel 
Grifter left briefly and returned with Sefter and Grifect, taking them over to where Grian and Mumbo had taken Jrum. “Oh I had the best idea! Since you have your kids and Sense and I have ours, they could be best friends! I’m sure they can get along great!”
“I’m not sure that’s the best idea right now.” Mumbo said, keeping Jrum close to him. “Jrum is very vulnerable right now and-”
“I kinda do want to play.” Jurm spoke up, tugging on Mumbo’s pant leg. “It was something nice I got to do when I was with d- uh… Bad.”
Mumbo hesitated, but then nodded. “I guess it probably wouldn’t hurt. But if anything happens to Jrum-!”
“Oh calm down, I won’t do anything to him.” Grifter replied. “Besides, I’m sure he wouldn’t let me.” And he pointed behind him to a doorway where Xannes was just coming in, followed by NPG.
“Jrum’s okay!” NPG smiled, before moving behind Xannes when he locked eyes with Grifter, the hels admin crossing his arms.
“You’re out of prison.”
Grifter smiled and pulled himself close to Sense. “Of course. Wouldn’t want to leave this hot stud alone for too long, now would I?”
“Well, You’ve had time with him, now it’s time for you to go back.”
Grifter pouted. “But my kids are having a playdate with Jrum. You wouldn’t want to upset a child, would you?” Grifter’s pout turned into a sly smile and he moved closer to whisper to Xannes. “And Sense has said you’re such a softie when it comes to kids. Before you can do anything to me, I could do whatever I want to that robot. I could create a fun little feedback loop and break them like that. And you couldn’t do anything about it because you decided NPG is better to protect, hmm?”
Xannes wasn’t sure what to say that wouldn’t cause some problem, so he just glared. Grifter’s evil smile quickly turned to one that was much sweeter, and he pulled Grifect over, letting the child talk to Xannes. “Hi Mistew Xannes! Awe uwu weawwy the best hackew evew?”
“I… am known as the best hacker, yes.” Xannes gritted out after another smirk from Grifter.
“Wow! Thawt's so coow! Cawn uwu teach me how tuwu duwu stuff wike thawt?”
“Don’t you want to play with… whatever Jrum would be considered to you? Cousin or some shit?”
“Yeah! But cawn uwu teach me watew?”
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” Xannes growled, rolling his eyes. Grifect went back over to Jrum and Grifter tried pushing Sefter to play as well, but the older sibling refused to join in.
“Hmm, it looks like Sefter doesn’t want to play. I guess I should take him back to Prof. Sense, you can watch Grifect, right dear?” The evil scientist nodded and Grifter gave him a kiss. “Now Grifect, remember what I told you.”
“I wemembew!” The young bot replied, getting a pat on his head from his dad. Grifter left with Sefter after that, but Grian and Mumbo watcher where they had been.
“You’ve got a bad feeling about that too, right?”
Mumbo nodded. “After what we’ve heard about him, of course I do.”
Sefter twirled a sword in one hand while holding an axe in the other. Behind him, Tommy was tied up and stuffed in a large chest, muffled sounds being the only thing to escape the box. 
On the other side of the room, Grifter dragged Grum along, who was doing his best to resist. “P-please. I d-don’t w-want to g-go.”
“I don’t care! I need you for this, so you’re coming with me. No one will even notice!”
“N-no. I w-want to s-stay with T-Tommy. P-Please!”
“Stop complaining or I’ll rewire you for what I need. I’m sure it can’t be much worse than a lobotomy.” Grifter threatened in a cheerful voice. “Now let’s go!”
Grum was scared by the threat and then stopped resisting. Grifter found it much easier to move the robot now, though the screen changing to a smiley face confused him. He hefted the bot onto his shoulder, quickly sent a message to Grifect, and then they were gone.
The_Grifter left the world
Sefter left the world
The_Grifter joined the world
Grumbot_System joined the world
When they arrived in the SMP, Grumbot jumped off of Grifter’s shoulder and pulled out a sword. “Alright, I’m guessing that means you can also find Theseus from here, right?”
“Theseus is likely to be with the admin. The admin also has a needed item. That item must be retrieved.”
“Good.” Grifter smiled. “Take us there!”
Grumbot hesitated, buffering for a few moments. “Console commands have been disabled. Locating Theseus is not available. Reinstate programs before trying again.”
“Ugh, well how do I do that?” Grifter huffed, smiled gone. 
Coordinates appeared on Grumbot’s face for a few moments before it spoke again. “If it has not been moved, those should be the coordinates. There will be people around it.”
“And they know my ‘good’ copy?” Grifter asked, using air quotes.
Grifter sighed and pulled on his new outfit, replacing it with a standard red sweater. He cleaned up his hair a bit, resisting the urge to mess it up again and then showed himself off. “How do I look?”
“You look like bzzt.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Grifter asked. Had the robot just censored a word. “I look like what?!”
“Was that not the goal? To look like bzzt? You did change into what looks like bzzt sweater.”
Grifter calmed down. “Oh, you were trying to say Grian’s name hmm? And people say I’m the bad one. He won’t let you say his name.”
“Incorrect. That is a recent addition as protection against the Admin and Dream.”
That got Grifter’s attention. “Oh really? So it’s something you’re doing on purpose?”
“Also incorrect. It has not been turned off and knowledge about the program is recent. It also cannot currently be turned off.” Grumbot explained in a deadpan voice, starting to walk to the quartz mansion, leaving Grifter to follow behind.
“Well now I’m curious. Why can’t you turn it off?”
“Another component controls that program.”
“Hmm, I see.” The helsmit nodded. “So, where are we headed?” He paused as Grumbot pointed to a building in the distance, far enough that Grifter needed to squint. “Over there? Pfft, why walk. I can get us there quicker.”
He grabbed Grumbot, and greenish magic swirled around them, teleporting them next to the building. “If you are attempting to mimic bzzt, that is not helpful for the image.”
“Pfft, it’s fine. No one saw. And if they did, I would deal with it. Now let’s go inside. I already know what I’m going with. Oh, and you better play along, or else.”
Grumbot nodded, making Grifter frown about that fact that it didn’t seem even a little scared from his threat. The helsmit picked Grumbot up before walking into the building, putting on a smile. “Hey, we’re back. Mumbo’s still back in Hermitcraft with Jrum keeping Tommy company.”
“Did you not figure out how to help him out? His body’s still here and obviously he didn’t come with you.” Philza spoke, having returned and Techno gone once again.
The helsmit didn’t need to worry about figuring out an answer because Grumbot quickly answered. “The revival process for those from this world requires an extra step in the form of an item that the admin was in possession of. He will need to be found.”
Those there glanced at each other, which obviously didn’t mean anything good. “What’s wrong?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. Fundy held out his communicator, letting Grifter look at it before showing Grumbot. Grifter held in a smile when he saw that Theseus was here, and it looked like his old admin was here too. The errored message was interesting though.
“Obviously it isn’t good news. Dream was bad enough, I don’t want to see what an evil version of him is like. Unless of course it’s an opposite version and he’s nicer.” Phil spoke again.
“From what I’ve heard? He’s not really that nice.” Grifter replied. Not nice to most people that is, at the very least. But he wondered if this Nightmare person would want to be on the good side of a Listener. In fact, he had already lost his server, hadn’t he? So what more could he possibly lose from some sort of partnership. “And while it probably isn’t a good idea to go near him, it looks like we’ll have to.”
“I’m not sure how long it would take to gather people up to help with that.” The hardcore player said. “A lot of people are still injured from the banquet and-”
Grifter cut Philza off. Grian would probably be concerned for his faaamily~. Ugh. “I’m sure I can do fine on my own. Even an admin can’t do much against a Watcher. And while extra help would be nice, you getting close could just end up being more harm than good if you end up in the crossfire. I don’t want to need to revive anyone else just trying to get this thing.”
“He will also be getting some assistance already.” Grumbot spoke up, and Grifter held in the urge to roll his eyes. 
“I’m not sure that’s the best idea.” Grifter tried his best to sound genuine. He’s pretty sure calling the robot by its name would be more effective, but to be completely honest, he had forgotten it at this point.
“There is to be no discussion on this matter. You will be getting assistance.” Grumbot replied, pulling out an axe. “And the sooner travel is started towards the new admin, the better.”
Grifter looked over the people in the room. Obviously getting Philza to look after the robot wouldn’t be a good idea. Even if he wasn’t like his own dad, the helsmit was sure he would be equally as experienced. The demon was off the table too. No way the robot would escape from that. The enderman thing could just teleport around.The fox hybrid might also be too quick on the draw, though he did look young. But no, the fluffy haired boy with little nubs of horns poking out, he seemed like the best option.  He even already had a kid attached at his leg, so adding another would make things tougher on him.
Grifter took Grumbot over to Tubbo and put the robot in the teen’s arms. “Here, try to keep him occupied. I’m sure those two could even play together.” Though Grumbot didn’t react, it looked like the ziglin liked that idea, making it even more likely for the teen to respond positively. And that he did.
The helsmit sent a little wink to Grumbot before giving it a hug and leaving the building. As soon as he was outside, Grifter leaned against a wall and waited for the robot to come out. In a few seconds, there was a commotion from inside and then Grumbot rushed out of the building. Grifter immediately pulled the robot into his arms and teleported them away before anyone could follow outside. “I’m hoping you got what you needed?”
“That could not be obtained.”
“Well then what the fuck was all that noise?”
“Attempting to reconnect programs followed by a necessary escape.”
“Ugh, well I’m sure everyone’s out looking for you now. I’ll take us back and you can do whatever the hell you need to.”
“That would be a good idea.”
Grifter teleported them back. The Fox hybrid unfortunately stayed behind, but the helsmit quickly bashed him over the head, letting him fall to the floor unconscious. “Hmm, I think I could have gone a little harder without killing him. Normally there’s more blood. Maybe I’m just out of practice?”
Grumbot didn’t respond to the banter, just staring at the replacement console. It didn’t need all the programs, but it would be so easy to just add them all back. Its arm reached to plug itself in, but the other arm’s hand stopped the first. Its screen flickered for a moment, and then it released its arm and plugged in. Just a copy of the coordinated program. That’s all that was needed.
When Grumbot unplugged again, Grifter picked it up. “I’m guessing that means you’re ready. Where are we headed to?”
Coordinates appeared on Grumbot’s screen and Grifter smiled before teleporting them there. They reappeared in a large field of snow, the helsmit glad he had changed back into a sweater. “You’re not going to freeze in this, right?”
Grifter nodded and then looked around. “I’m not seeing them. Are you sure these are the right coordinates?”
“The coordinates were altered slightly based on movement, positioning and terrain. They will be four chunks in that direction in a number of ticks.” Grumbot answered, pointing towards a hill.
“Alright, sounds good enough!” Grifter shrugged and then started dragging Grumbot along in the pointed direction. When they reached the top of the hill, the helsmit looked around, smiling when he saw the people he was looking for. Theseus was following behind what was presumably Nightmare. Then the helsmit’s gaze drifted to a few blocks behind them and the extra set of footprints following the pair. It looked like someone was using an invisibility potion.
Grifter pulled out a bow and arrow, attaching his signature TNT to the end of his arrow, and then fired it so it would land in front of the pair. Not enough to hurt either of them, but enough to startle them at the very least.
When it exploded, Grifter teleported closer, leaving Grumbot behind. “Hi there. I don’t really want you going much further.”
���Who the hell are you?” Nightmare spoke as Theseus glared.
“Mmm… I’m sure you’ve heard of me. I’m a Listener. Grifter to be precise. I’m sure Theseus has talked about his much better older brother. If not, well I guess he’s just more of a little shit than I thought.”
“Nope, he never mentioned you. But I’ve heard of your kind.”
“Aww, that’s too bad.” Grifter pouted, pulling back another arrow and firing it at the invisible figure. “Anyway, nasty tail you’ve got there.”
Nightmare and Theseus turned around to see an arrow floating in midair, footprints being created in the snow with nothing visible making them. Immediately the invisible figure was pulling armor on, ready to fight. “Thanks for the tip.”
“Anytime! Anyway, I need Theseus. Apparently Dadza really likes him still and is upset he’s gone. I wouldn’t do anything, but he kinda cursed someone that I actually care about, so if I don’t do this, it’ll end badly for me.”
“Well tell him Theseus is staying with me. There’s still some training he never finished.”
Grifter’s eyes lit up briefly and the implications, but he still frowned. “Can I at least have him long enough to take back to Dadza? It’ll take five minutes, ten tops. If he doesn’t let me bring bitch boy back, I can just try killing him.”
“Try killing death?” Nightmare asked, sounding skeptical.
Grifter nodded. “Yeah, we’re pretty sure I’m the only one who can actually do it. It’s why people really prefer being on my side.” The helsmit’s smile shifted to something darker. “Which is why you should probably… you know… Listen. Besides, being on my side has plenty of perks!”
Grifter couldn’t see Nightmare’s expression because of his mask, but eventually he nodded. “Fine. But you better be back before those ten minutes.”
Grifter nodded, giving a beaming smile before grabbing Theseus and disappearing. Nightmare put his arms behind his head, acting bored, before pulling out an axe and shield at the last second, blocking an attack. “I know you’re still here idiot.”
The invisible figure didn’t respond, so Nightmare just threw their axe at the person, the blade digging into the armor, deep enough to break through it. “I guess the durability was low.” Was all Nightmare said as he popped his arm back into place, having dislocated from the amount of force he used in the attack. “So, got a na-” Nightmare continued before being cut off as he was grabbed from behind.
“You are in the possession of a needed item. It must be handed over.”
“And what are you supposed to be?”
Grumbot buffered for a moment before answering. “Console. The admin used a console for various jobs before he was taken away and replaced by you. You likely still have an Item needed for the revival process of this world in your possession. The surrendering of that item would be appreciated.”
Nightmare kicked Grumbot away. “Not a chance.” He then pulled out a sword, hitting away the invisible figure. “Not like I can do it with this person fighting me.”
“Then they will be eliminated.” Grumbot replied, booting up its combat program. It pulled out a sword, ready to attack, but then was pushed to the ground.
“Nah, you might be useful later. Get out of the way.” Nightmare said before pulling out a trident and stabbing it into the ground, impaling Grumbot’s arm and nailing it to the ground.
As Nightmare and the invisible person fought, Grumbot looked at the trident. Fortunately it only injured one arm, and as a robot, it was ambidextrous. It pulled the trident out and held it in its hand. With the combat program active, Grumbot angled the throw, adjusting for movement from the other combat, and then threw the weapon.
In a moment, Nightmare was the one stuck to the ground. The invisible person tried to take advantage of the situation, but Grumbot managed to push them aside. The face flickered and then changed to its normal self, though even then it still flickered a bit. “Look, I’m just after my book. Give it here and you can be on your way.”
No one moved, Nightmare wasn’t even struggling, so Grum pressed his foot into Nightmare’s chest. “Give it up, or we could just stay here.”
“Who are you?”
“I think you know.”
There was quiet for a bit, but then Nightmare pulled out a book. “Fine, but I’ll be getting answers.”
“No you won’t.” And Grum pulled the trident out again before smashing it down on Nightmare’s face, shattering the mask he wore before the body disappeared into a cloud of smoke. Immediately Grum closed his combat program and curled into a ball. He started crying at what had just happened, everything quickly catching up with him. But the danger was gone now, right?
The sound of armor moving drew Grum’s attention to the now formerly invisible person, the piglin now looking down at Grum. The bot immediately regretted closing his combat program and tried to boot it up again, shakily drawing his sword. He didn’t want to die again, especially now he had the- the book! Grum dropped his sword and grabbed the book, shoving it into one of his extra inventory slots. It was just in time too as Techno grabbed him.
“D-d-don’t kuh-kill m-me ple-please!” Grum stuttered out. He was lifted up, which he thought was a curious way to kill him, but he also didn’t expect fireworks as a weapon, so anything was on the table with him. 
Instead, Techno just moved Grum onto his back before leaning down and grabbing the dropped sword. “Already made the mistake of killing you once. Besides, you’ll get rid of my ghost problem.” And then he started walking. Grum was still a bit scared of getting killed, thinking the piglin could be lying, but he was also tired. He was glad he still had the trident, which was channeling at the very least, so he wouldn’t necessarily need his charger, but conserving power would be good right now, so he went to sleep.
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wendibird · 6 years
A Witch with a Sandwich on a Sandy Picnic
Summary:   Rowena decided a picnic was in order, and a certain exclusive golf course had a beautiful patch of sand just perfect for the occasion. Of course, ulterior motives were at play, and she and her Road Trip buddy, Charlie, were up to some mischief, but what does one expect from two fiery red-heads like them? Characters: Rowena & AU Charlie, (Sam mentioned) Ships: None explicitly stated (though if you DO ship Rowena/Charlie, it doesn’t outright deny it) Word Count:  1536 Cross-posted to AO3 at: https://www.archiveofourown.org/works/14961677   Author's Note: This is actually my response to the GISH puzzle challenge titled "We Put a Spell On You" where we were supposed to find any creative way we wanted to depict the answer to the riddle. The answer itself is the title of my piece, and what you see here is the result of me picturing a certain red-headed witch eating a sandwich at a picnic someplace sandy. It went through a few variations, (originally, it was MUCH more bloody, but, I figured present-day Rowena is trying to turn over a new leaf and all,) and I hope people enjoy it for the fun piece it's meant to be. (I also hope the PTB at GISH will accept this as my artistic rendering, since I kind of suck at drawing anything other than trees and rocks. *LOL*)
Also, this takes place sometime between the end of episode 13X22 and most of what happens in 13X23.
The sun which beat down with unrelenting intensity was reflected back up again by the bright sand and would have proven horribly uncomfortable for the ginger-haired witch if it weren't for the large, colorfully striped beach umbrella under which she lounged on a blanket. Just next to her was a little wooden table on which perched a cocktail, the glass beading with condensation as well as a small plate with tiny cucumber sandwiches, all de-crusted and cut into dainty triangles. 
She languidly selected one from the plate, her nails, the deep red of scabs, complimented the plum-colored dress she wore, and took a bite, savoring the cream-cheese spread used, seasoned with dill and a hint of roasted red-pepper. "Och, Peter, I must say, your chefs here are quite up to par." She then laughed a little at the unintended pun as Peter, a tall, tanned, dark-haired young man smiled in a manner that could only be considered solicitous.
"We all strive to do our best, Miss Rowena," he responded, bowing his head a little, the earpiece that had formerly been in his left ear now dangling from where it emerged from under his shirt collar. He had also loosened the straps on his utility vest which had SECURITY in large, white, block letters emblazoned across the back.
On Rowena's other side another man in security clothing waved a large fan towards the witch while a third man wearing the clothes of a golf caddy was busy peeling a small bowl of grapes.
A few others in various clothing ranging from security personal to caddies to waiters all seemed engaged in some task or another for the red-head.  Some fetched food, one was plumping a pillow behind her, and a middle-aged, somewhat plump man who was wearing expensive golfing clothes was quite busy giving her a foot massage.
From further off, yet another security man cautiously approached the sand trap on which Rowena had set up her little picnic, the brilliant green grass of the golf-course contrasting sharply with his black attire. He tilted his head a little as something apparently came to him over his earpiece. "Negative," he responded in a low tone, "still no indication as to why Jones and the others haven't apprehended the... security risk," he finished, not seeming too sure of what to call her exactly. "Moving in now."
As he drew a bit closer he paused, a look of confusion blooming on his face as he got a better look at the scene before him. "Um... the Senator has been located. He... uh... he seems... er... it appears he's giving the "security risk" a foot massage." He winced a bit as a sharp response came over the earpiece. "No, I am NOT making this up!" he loud-whispered. "Everyone else is accounted for. No one appears to be injured but... no one's... well, acting right. I'll try to move in closer to see if I can make contact."
As he indeed moved closer he crossed an unseen barrier, one formed by the 5 hex-bags Rowena had placed around her little beach oasis amongst the rolling fields of green, and his eyes briefly flashed with a violet light before his entire demeanor changed. Where before he had been tightly wound, like a cat stalking its prey, he now relaxed, holstering his gun as a somewhat vague but happy smile spread over his face. When the voice on the other end of the earpiece continued squawking at him, he simply pulled it out as the others before him had done and continued walking towards the sand trap at a leisurely saunter.
Rowena looked up, lowering her sunglasses a bit to better appraise the newcomer approaching them. "Well, aren't you a tall drink o' water?" she observed of the man who flashed her a cheery grin. "Why don't ye help Julio over there with the grapes?" she suggested as she gestured towards the shorter man.
Nodding, the man hopped down into the trap and walked over to Julio who moved over just a bit to give the other guy room. Just then, the distinct tones of "Scotland the Brave" jingled from her little clutch-purse and with a world-weary sigh, Rowena retrieved her phone and answered. "Yes Charlie dear, everything's going splendid. Have ye finished with all your computer-y mumbo-jumbo yet?" She waited as the voice on the other end of the line chattered away for a few moments. "Excellent! I'll just wrap things up here and meet ye at the rendezvous in five minutes."
With that, she ended the call, dropping her phone back into her clutch purse. Seeming to know what she wanted, the Senator had already started putting her glitzy, bronze-looking sandals back on her feet, and once that was done, she beckoned Peter over who gave her a hand standing back up again. The one who'd been fanning her set about retrieving the blanket and after he and another shook the sand from it, they folded it up carefully. Julio and the newest addition to her appropriated "staff" eagerly presented her with the bowl of peeled grapes, which she happily took, along with the blanket which was draped over her other arm. Someone else had already collapsed the beach umbrella and now they handed her that too.
Seeming satisfied, she fished a 6th hex bag out of her clutch-purse and muttered an incantation. Everyone who'd been under her spell all started yawning before apparently deciding it was a great time for a nap and began laying down wherever they stood. Once everyone was down and out she dropped the hex bag and said a few more words in Latin and that one, along with the five others arrayed out around her burst into flames. She then sauntered away, heading for a gap in the fencing through which she'd entered the golf course in the first place.
Waiting just on the other side was a little yellow Prius with the hatch already popped open. After depositing the blanket and umbrella inside, she closed it and went around to the passenger side, climbing in. Extending the crystal bowl of peeled grapes to the other red-head, she removed her sunglasses and quirked an eyebrow, smiling mischievously. "Well, that went well."
Charlie giggled and happily plunked one of the grapes into her mouth before hitting the gas. "Definitely! I was able to hack into ALL of that douche-bag's tech he had with him. His phone, his tablet, his laptop. You would not BELIEVE the things he's kept on that, by the way."
Rowena sighed happily and enjoyed one of the grapes herself, leaning her head back as her co-conspirator rattled on.
"I got his passwords for his porn subscriptions, especially the VERY illegal ones, texts between him and his mistress, his account info for the rather expensive escort business he patronizes regularly, not to mention all the e-mails talking about the bribes for this, that, and the other-" Rowena made a shushing gesture as she finished chewing a grape.
"Yes, yes, I get the picture. Lots o' dirt on the filthy blighter... though, I will say he gives a good foot massage, but now what are ye goin' to do with it?"
Charlie grinned as she reached over, taking another grape herself. "Already done. While I was still connected to their server, I uploaded it to several news outlets as well as a bunch of online forums. That way if they try to trace any of it, it'll just lead back to the golf course. Which, by the way, is owned by our supreme ruler-in-chief."
Rowena just smiled as Charlie got them onto the freeway, heading for the open road. "So..." Charlie hedged a little, "Your distraction sure seemed to work. No one even noticed what I was up to. But, everyone's okay, right?"
Rowena rolled her eyes a little but nodded. "Don't be worryin' about that. None of em'll remember a thing, and no one got hurt. They're all takin a nice nap, and should be wakin up..." she took a moment to consult the gold, locket-like pendant watch hanging around her neck, "eh, in about five more minutes."
Charlie smiled with relief. "Good! Cause, they're all just-"
"Doin' their jobs." Rowena finished for her, chuckling a little herself. "I know, I know. Trust me, Samuel already gave me "the talk" before you an I left."
Charlie nodded emphatically. "So... what's next on our itinerary?"
"Ah, I don't know." Despite the attempted bored look she was affecting, mischief glinted from the witch's green eyes. "There's a certain Orange Baboon that could stand to be taken down a peg or two from what I hear."
Charlie grinned. "Oooo... Secret Service. You're actually gonna make me flex my muscles on this one."
"Practice makes perfect m'dear." Rowena sing-songed. "I have my witchery an' ye have yours. An clever witches can make strange magic happen in the world."
Charlie titled her head a bit, a contemplative look on her face. "Does this make me a technomancer?"
Since Rowena wasn't quite sure what that was, she just chuckled and popped an Enya CD into the player, and the ladies drove on towards the next destination on their extended adventure.
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stargleeksil-blog · 7 years
Criminal Minds s01e10 The Popular Kids review
Episode 10 – The Popular Kids
Alrighty. Here we go with episode 10, we’re nearly halfway through the first season, omg! I can’t imagine what the other 11 have in store. I’m still berating myself for living under a rock all these years.
Anyway, let’s see what this episode brings, because the title is rather unremarkable, which is strange for this show.
Okay, we’re back in Virginia. And there’s a guy and a girl running in the forest. Tha’ts kind of dangerous, isn’t it? Oh boy.
Wait. She’s running after a cheerleading practice? Isn’t that dangerous?
Girl, you heard a noise in the forest, get out of there! Especially when you hear a fucking scream. Oh my god this girl is so stupid.
And her boyfriend is dead. Get out of there, you stupid girl. Get out of there!
Police is on the scene, dudes. Oh, and marshals. Cool.
Ew!!! I didn’t need to see that skeleton. Ugh. It’s all charred and black and gross.
Whoa!!!!! How much sugar does Spencer put in his coffee? I mean, I love sugar, but how doeshe put so much sugar and remain so sexily thin?
Oh my god I’m dying. “Late night?” “Very.” “My man.” Oh Derek, I love you so much.
Hahaha, Derek is trying to make fun of Reid and he’s just like, totally oblivious and is like “there aren’t that many scientific errors in Star Trek”.
Oh my goodness, I bet when Reid asked about Derek’s dreams he was like, is this guy seriously asking me if I’m having sexy dreams? We just established he’s not sexually active.
Ooh, Satanic mumbo jumbo, so it’s a case for the FBI? Good to know.
God damnit, make Kirsten a regular already!
Sir Peter Ustinov: “Unfortunately, a super abundance of dreams is paid for by a growing potential for nightmares.” Yikes.
Really, Derek? You believe in specters and shit? Come on.
Ok, so the male pelvis is more narrow and the opening at the bottom is heart-shaped, as opposed to oval in the female. Good to know, Reid. Why the fuck is that important? I mean, yeah, for procreation reasons, but come on.
Up till the 4th century, society rejected the birthday celebration as a pagan ritual. Oh my goodness, Reid.
Someone needs to market Derek’s shades. Lol. It’s so douchey I love it.
Calling your daughter Cherish, cute.
Why are you touching the football, Reid? You hate football.
The sheriff’s kid is smart as hell? That’s unheard of J I’m kidding, of course. But it’s shocking he’s also a jock. Amazing.
Oh Elle. “I grew up in Brooklyn. You couldn’t get this many people rallied for anything less than free money.” Oh my goodness.
Ew. That guy near JJ freaks me out.
“Man this is one Payton Place of a town. Most everyone lives well above the median income of the country. You got doctors, lawyers, one guy owns a bunch of shoe stores up and down the eastern seaboard.” “Is he married?” “Yeah. Story of my life, sunshine.” Oh dear lord, those girls are the best.
“Various hanky panky.” Oh sweetie!!! I love Penelope!!!!
Oohh, the potential unsub is with Elle, and lo and behold it was the creeper next to JJ. Lovely.
“I’m Elle.” “Like the letter?” really, dude?
Ew. That’s gross. And dude, that’s evidence, no touchy.
Hahaha Reid yawning is the cutest.
LOD – Lords of Destruction. Cute. Not really.
Mike Zizo. In his twenties, but hangs with high school kids. Doubtful. I’m in my twenties and high school kids are seriously juvenile to me… or I’m just incredibly mature at 26… I don’t know.
That girl has a creepy look. Go talk to her, Gideon, before she runs away.
Underage drinking, some weirdo acting like the messiah, yup, this is a cult.
Aww, Gideon has followed her all the way into a church. He’s really devoted to his potential witnesses.
Cherish Henson wasn’t a virgin? Oh, snap! Mikey totally did her!
Wait, what? Where is he spouting all this Satanic origin is from Hebrew jumble? I mean, I’m not religious or anything, but I don’t get it. Wait, hold up, he may have a point … hmm.
How is Cherish missing this girl’s fault?
“A coffee would be nice.” “He takes about a quarter pound sugar.” Derek, be nice.
And why would you tell Hotch about Reid’s nightmares? That’s a dick move, buddy. Oh, and he told Gideon too. Lovely.
I’m totally with Reid on this. I mean, I know you have them too, but there’s a level of trust here.
Hey whoa. What the fuck is Cory doing there so quickly and panicky? Come on. How the fuck does he know about that? Something’s beyond fishy, it’s borderline whaley.
So they watched a body decomposing for fun? Ew.
Great. They found Cherish. Ugh. So gross.
“We draw stars, get drunk and listen to metal. That’s it.” Hahaha that’s lame, buddy. You know, Satanists aren’t that scary apparently.
Why did Derek send Reid away? Is he suspicious of something?
Well, yeah. They did suggest the Satanists.
Oh god. It’s the Sheriff’s boy. Lovely.
Oh so he has a gun now, too. God.
Oh hell no! Come on, why would you should Reid? Come on! Put it down, you fucker! I know you wanted Cherish, and killed Adam, but why kill her and be a dick about it?
Hahaha, “You were just a horny teenager who wanted to get it on with the cheerleader.” Oh Derek, you little shit. At least it got his attention and Reid could get away safely. Phew.
Yeah, punch him! Whoo!
“What happened?” “He wanted us to see the house” “Yeah, I got that! Did you have to tackle us both?” “You’re welcome, Reid.” Love it! I love those two so much.
Eugene Ionesco: “Ideology separates us. Dreams and anguish bring us together.” Come on, what’s with this morbid shit? Ugh.
Awww!!! They’re all sleeping except for Spencer and Derek, poor things. At least Gideon is uber observant. Love these moments.
Regarding character development this episode was so cute! I also liked that it wasn’t horribly brutal with the blood and stuff, but overall, it was kind of meh regarding the plot. Hope next one is better.
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