#also wow this got way longer than expected whoops
renegadeshroom · 5 months
i am once again procrastinating my bedtime but i just realised that i never had my final thoughts on the whispering skull! i finished it like a week ago or something. assorted ramblings under the cut
george faking his death by looking into the mirror at the end there got me REAL good. poor eyesight W lmaooo. i am so so so glad lucy made the only smart move possible -- im giving her this position over winkman bc though he was smartER about it than most everyone else it was just base profiteering on his part, which simply endangered someone else further down the line -- in relation to the mirror and smashed its shit in. megacursed mirror deliberately made out of seven ghosts that kills anyone who looks into it for too long and makes everyone who doesnt look into it long enough to die obsess over getting another better look into it is, shockingly, bad news! im still wary of deprac and dont entirely trust them and tbh barnes lucy probably saved your ass from getting mirrored to death by smashing that shoddy piece of shit thing into pieces. so like, thank her. idk, get her a cake or something. i am of course also suitably wowed by how um. literally explosive things got at winkman's auction. did not expect them to blow the whole thing up. and i am glad they were fiiiinally able to work together with kipps' team to mutually save their own asses. it had to happen eventually ofc, but we know the threshold now. amused that lucy got out of this whole ordeal without further meaningfully interacting with another girl whatsoever though things of interest to me:
afaik we did not learn the name of the whispering skull, despite learning the names of like everyone else in bickerstaff's little death cult. i wondered very briefly if maybe the deceased's relationship to ghosts in life is a factor in how their own ghost manifests, vis a vis the type system. even with the skull being the only type three so far, i think bickerstaff decidedly put that idea to bed however. im also beginning to think that particularly old ghosts are more powerful, generally speaking, but thats probably just a survivorship bias?
the skull was marginally helpful to lucy when the chips were down?? genuinely did not expect that, but i suppose it has a more powerful interest in exploiting lucy's ability to commune with it than it does a desire to see her and her friends get their shit kicked in. im sure the skull would greatly enjoy watching all of them kick the bucket in a variety of gruesome and horrible ways, but it has a very material interest here, and it seems remarkably easy to manipulate with the simple threat of being buried somewhere and forgotten forever. much to think about! it makes me wonder if lucy is the first person to be able to hear it... i would suspect, given marissa fittes reporting the existence of type threes, and the fact that george stole the skull from the fittes agency, it may have been one of the type threes encountered by her
thinking on it now, the skull is not, afaict, mentioned to be smaller than an adult human's skull. so despite the skull serving as bickerstaff's psychic protege in life, it seems to not have met its end at the same time or circumstances as bickerstaff. then again, maybe he just started out as bickerstaff's psychic lackey, but proved to be useful enough to hang around for longer than his psychic ability was potent
this really just turned into a list of musings about the skull huh. whoops
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chaoticornot · 2 years
9-1-1 lone star s04e02
I am so excited about this episode. Earthquake? Didn't that already happen once? Lol, I love that. It reminds me of a commercial where the house got put on a containership because they accidentally got the wrong container. What good advice TK. Don't miss the mark, yeah, no shit, dipshit, haha. I would hope not. No longer as alive as they used to be. That is hilarious. I love Tommy and Grace their friendship. Did I need to know that detail about Grace and Judd their relationship? No. Do I like having it? Absolutely yes. 
Aww, he is nervous, that is so cute. And how Carlos changed up his answer, haha. The way he said wife is so funny. Shut up. Is it because you're short, that is the funniest thing I have ever heard in my life. He looks so offended. Fair question. We should just combine the comas TK, Buck, and Eddie have been in and add them together so that the rest of the firehouses are covered. And they don't need to go into a coma. Also, it's more than the average human being and their entire family. Just the three, haha. She is such a vibe, but she could have signed them immediately. How she put the food in her bag was fantastic. I do not know if that is an insult or a compliment. TK bitching to Nancy is everything I could ever want. Get lost, I love their dynamic. Nancy and Tk are eavesdropping, I expected nothing less. Their faces are hilarious. She has a date, whoop. 
Oh no, Owen. The cop, wow. I knew there was a reason they brought him back but wow. So, he is undercover? Owennn! 
Her dateee. Oh, so he is that kind of preacher, like go off. Sir, Sir, repeat that again, Oh lord. So, it was a dream. Nice. Then I will see you there, Tommy, haha. I can not wait for her to tell Grace about this. The smile is so cute. Haha, Tommy, blurt it out. Why won't you? I love this conversation. 
Oehh, possessive TK, lovee. I was afraid for a second, but that is so fucking sweet. She means it so well, but he is so insecure, and it's painful. But good for him to go and see her. Their expressions are so hilarious. And now Owen is running his mouth. Oh no, Owen. C'mon dudee??? Haha. What a healthy way to respond. MY hot mess. They are so possessive in this episode. I hate you, Yeahh. Shut it, that is the cutest thing with the little smile and the teasing tone. Oh uh. Officer Reyes, that is not good. 
That little moment between Grace and Judd was adorable. Grace is so savage, I love it. Oh lordy, Omg. His eyes, no, not this, it was going well, and now I want to cry.
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distortedlightbeam · 5 years
Hi! Your edits are amazing. Can you tell how you make your gifs look so smooth? If that's not a secret. Have a lovely day anyway!
hi!!! thank you so much, i really appreciate it💞 and i don’t mind explaining at all, although i will mention that i haven’t been asked this before so i don’t know how much sense this will make. 
so, imo there’s six main components to making nice looking gifs. first is video quality, second is sharpening, third is cropping and resizing, fourth is coloring,  fifth is timing, and sixth is save for web. i’ll talk about them under the cut. also, the tools i use are handbrake, mplayer osx extended, and photoshop cc 2019. 
1) video quality: i highly, highly recommend you use 1080p as much as possible. 720p works ok, but the thing about gifmaking is that you’re taking tiny video clips and processing them quite a bit, so you really want to optimize your final result from the beginning onwards. you can go here to find most shows/movies, and here if you want to avoid torrents.
2) sharpening: sharpening is key to making gifs look good. when you’re cropping and resizing your gif, a well-done sharpen will help maintain that gif quality. this page is immensely helpful for directing you to gif tutorials, and it also has a link to the sharpening action i use myself.
3) cropping and resizing: tumblr has pretty strict rules about dimensions; if you go here it explains what the current guidelines are. 
there’s one trick i’ll mention i don’t think i’ve seen in reference to live action and cropping– let’s say i’m making a gif and i want the final size to be 540x230. generally speaking, when you crop things in ps, you’ll wind up with these weird white lines as borders. to avoid this, what you can do is crop the gif to a 542x232 ratio, use image size to reduce it to 542x232 pixels, and then use canvas size to crop it to 540x230. that way, you don’t wind up with those borders.
in addition, when you’re in image size, setting your resample to bicubic (smooth gradients) is a good idea.
4) coloring: now, i’m going to mention first that i don’t use psds. there’s an action i’ve made to set up my preferred adjustment layers, but i color each scene individually. my main advice when it comes to coloring is that you don’t want to go too overboard on either darkening or lightening up the gif, or you get those unfortunate grainy patches, weird gradients, and possibly an inability to understand what’s happening in the gif at all. a good balance of light/dark in your gifs will make them look great. work on each adjustment layer carefully and double check that what you’re doing is an improvement, and don’t be afraid to experiment.
5) timing: live action shows and movies are done at either 24 or 25 fps. this means that in a minute, you want your frames to be going at a rate of either 0.04s or 0.05s to look natural. now, ps has this super annoying glitch where you cannot actually save your gif at those setting initially if you ever move to timeline, which is the most useful setup for making smart objects, sharpening, resizing, and coloring. 
if you have your frame delay at 0.04s and then move to the 30fps timeline, the gif will end up at 0.03s and this is… too fast, usually. however, if you have your frame delay at 0.05s and then move to timeline, your gif will wind up being 0.07s, which is… too slow, usually. there’s an option in the timeline to change the fps from 30 to something else, but then you lose frames. i’m still not sure why, but i wouldn’t advise messing with it. 
what you have to do, unavoidably, once your gif has been completely done, is save it. and then you open it back up in ps and change the frame delay to either 0.04s or 0.05s to have natural looking speed. and then you save it again, and your gif will look like the improved video clip its meant to.
6) save for web: lastly, there’s a few things to look at in save for web when you’re exporting your gif. number one is the look of the gif itself. the way your gif looks in save for web is the most honest portrayal of your gif you will see; if you aren’t satisfied with it, now’s your time to go back and make some adjustments. number two is the settings. for live action, i have mine set at selective diffusion, 100% dither, and 256 colors. 
make sure your gif is set on loop for forever and that it’s below 3mb for posts and 2mb for your blog, and you’re good to go!
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kpopfanfictrash · 4 years
Raise the Barre (Ch. 1)
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Creative Content Contributor: @baebae-goodnight​ (WHO MADE THIS PERFECTLY GORGEOUS MOODBOARD)
Pairing: Jimin / Reader
Rating: 18+ (Eventual Smut)
Genre: Enemies to Lovers / Dance Academy!AU 
Word Count: 7,003
Summary: You and Park Jimin have been rivals for as long as you’ve known one another; ever since he tripped you in the front row of your first dance convention. When you graduate from high school and enter Russet Ballet Academy, you tell yourself you’re leaving all past quarrels behind. The main problem with this though, is that your past seems determined not to leave you alone.
Worse still, the obstacles you face while out in the real world might prove more challenging than anything your enemy has to offer.    
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Thumbs hooked beneath the straps of your backpack, you paused on the sidewalk to tilt your head up. A sign reading Russet Ballet Academy hung from the building above, detailing the location of the next four years of your life.
It was the dream of many to attend and yet, few ever came to walk these halls as its students. Only eighty dancers were accepted to their dance program each year; the fiercest competition from all over the globe.
Somehow, you were amongst them.
The day you’d received your letter still felt like a dream but here you were, standing under the sign and knowing you’d made it. You stared at it a second longer before your mom came up and squeezed your shoulder.
“Wow,” she said, also reading the sign. “Seems like just yesterday you fell on your ass at Hall of Fame, huh?”
“Mom!” You laughed, the moment effectively broken. “Why would you bring that up now? I was twelve!”
She grinned and glanced in your direction. “You just had such enthusiasm! Picked yourself right back up and kept going. I should’ve known then you would make it.”
Despite yourself, you felt your insides soften again. It sounded like something your old dance teacher, Miss Katie, would’ve said. She’d always had faith in your perseverance and ability. You hadn’t started competing until the age of eleven; in dancer years, this was considered late and yet, you grew quickly through the ranks. By the time you reached high school, you were known on the competitive dance circuit as one of the elites.
Your parents joked it was your contrariness that kept you going. Growing up, you’d never much liked hearing the word no – something your parents applauded and bemoaned in equal measure.
Hiking your bag higher, you turned to face your parents. “So, are you going to take a photo, or what?”
“A photo! Great idea.” Scanning the sidewalk, your mom found your dad. “Honey, come here! Honey! Hone – honestly,” she huffed, waving both arms overhead.
Finally, your dad noticed and hurried in your direction. “Have you seen the gargoyles?” he asked, clearly impressed. “The architecture of this building is incredible, Y/N. When you get settled, maybe you can find out for me who the builder –”
“Take the picture, darling,” said your mom, handing over the camera.
She moved beside you, hugging you tight enough to make breathing difficult. You were happy though, smiling brightly as your dad took the shot.
“Okay, okay,” you said, laughing after the tenth frame. “I think you guys have embarrassed me enough for one day, don’t you?”
“Debatable,” said your dad, grabbing your luggage to haul up the steps. “We’ve got to make up for all the days we won’t see you. You’re not coming home until the holidays, right? That’s a long time!”
At this, a small pang went through you and you nodded. He was right – your parents lived a plane flight away and you’d never been the wealthiest of households. You wouldn’t be able to return until three months from now, which was the longest you’d ever spent away from your family.
It was such a strange thought, you didn’t know what to do with it. As crazy as it was, since they often drove you crazy, you hadn’t ever lived far away from home and the thought made you sad. It was just another way your life was being upended.
As you entered the arched door of Grace Hall, your soon-to-be home, your head spun from the newness. In your small suburban town, you’d had a reputation. The best dancer, the straight-A student, the person with her act together – never mind what you did behind the scenes to make it appear that way. The point was, you were known.
Here, you were just another small fish thrown into the big pond. It wasn’t that you were a bad dancer – far from it – but here, everyone was the best. Everyone at Russet had passed the same bar, which meant the stakes would be higher than ever before. You had never danced under that kind of pressure and scrutiny.
Stomach churning, you once again wondered if you’d made the right choice. You’d been accepted into other Universities; ones without dance programs where you’d have a more secure future. Instead, you chose to pursue dance as a career.
It wasn’t that other majors were without risk or difficulty, but there was a certain physical and mental exhaustion associated with dance which most found to be a deterrent. You once had a teacher who said if you needed to think twice about dancing, you shouldn’t do it. Way too many people never made it to the top; if you weren’t prepared to make sacrifices for what you loved, then this wasn’t the path for you.
At the time, you hadn’t thought twice about your decision, but that was before the events of Senior year.
A week before the final dance competition of the season, your tendonitis grew so bad, you physically winced whenever you landed a jump. Your teachers finally caught on and forced you to see a doctor, who forbade you from dancing in the upcoming competition.
It had been the last one of the year; your final chance to compete and show everyone – well, someone – why you were considered the best. You went to the competition despite your injury, determined to cheer on your teammates, but something hollow settled into your chest as you watched, realizing your time on the stage would someday come to an end.
You realized how tenuous your body was and, by extension, your career. Of course, you’d known this before, but it had been your first time to face this knowledge head-on and it scared you. Tendonitis wasn’t something that went away, although it was a condition you could work through and manage. Still, your body would only get worse and although you knew you wanted to dance, now you had doubts.
As you stepped through the doors of Russet Academy, these doubts reared their ugly heads once again.
Hiking your bag further up on your shoulder, you plastered a smile on your face and pushed these thoughts away. That was last year. You were better now, fully recovered and approved to dance by your doctors. So long as you took care of yourself, there was nothing to fear.
More suitcases waited in the trunk of your dad’s rental car, but your roommate had already texted her arrival, so you headed upstairs. Noelle Carmichael was from California, a Sagittarius, had begun dancing at the age of three and loved caramel popcorn more than anything else in the world. All this information had been thrown at you during your first text conversation, which might have seemed like a lot, but after a summer of talking, you knew it to only be Noelle. 
As you lugged your bag from the elevator – the singular service vehicle had been repurposed for move-in – a head poked itself from a room down the hall.
When you nodded, your roommate whooped and leapt into view. 
“It’s me – Noelle!” she called.
She rushed to help you with your bags, chattering excitedly as you walked down the hall. Noelle’s move-in time had been yesterday, and her parents had already left, but they couldn’t wait to meet you the next time they visited.
You found her enthusiasm contagious and before long, most of your worries had been banished to the sidewalk outside. It felt like you’d known Noelle for much longer than the few months you talked over the summer. This greatly relieved you, since you’d been worried about making friends at Russet Academy.
Dancers weren’t always the friendliest, especially when it came to institutions like this. So much of dance was competition – competition for that ranking, that medal or that place in that dance company. It was hard to make teamwork a priority when so much of success was judged on the individual.
Noelle didn’t seem to think this way though, which helped ease some of your fears. You had both entered the ballet track at the Academy. You weren’t naturally a ballerina, but Russet recommended those who wanted to go into jazz or contemporary start with ballet. Smaller majors existed for tap and hip-hop, but those had never been your forte.
Meeting Noelle was enough for minimal tears to be shed while saying goodbye to your parents later that night. Your dad ended up crying, which of course set you off, but by the time they got in their rental car and turned the corner, you’d managed to mostly pull yourself together.
Noelle remained in the dorm while you said goodbye, lounging on her bed with a book in her lap. 
You paused on the threshold of your room when you returned, taking in the strangeness of all your surroundings. Your old comforter on a lofted bed, your laptop perched on a strange desk, your clothes hung in an armoire. It was both strange and familiar; the sight of it brought tears to your eyes.
“Oh, no!” Noelle said, hopping down from her bed. “Don’t cry, Y/N! I only just stopped crying this morning. If you cry, then I’ll cry and people will think something terrible is happening here.”
You laughed when she hugged you, hugging her back in the middle of the room. It was comforting to know someone else felt this way; after a moment, you pulled back to wipe your eyes.
“I’m fine,” you groaned, shaking your head. “Damn. I didn’t expect that.”
“I know.” Noelle smiled. “I was so excited to leave I forgot that deep down, I’m a gigantic baby. Huge mama’s girl.”
Stifling a laugh, you crossed the room to grab a Kleenex.
“If it helps,” Noelle said. “Some girls down the hall are having people over tonight. We could go and meet some of our classmates before orientation starts tomorrow. It should be fun!”
“That does sound fun,” you said, and you meant it.
A few hours later, you found yourself seated on equally horrible carpet in a room down the hall. Several other freshmen were seated beside you, sharing similar parting stories, which lifted your spirits.
“I bawled,” said Irene, clutching her chest. “I’ve had this giant countdown in my calendar all summer. I crossed each day off with a marker and then suddenly, I’m here and I miss my sister. Pathetic.”
Noelle laughed. “I’m just glad I was part of yesterday’s move-in day. It means only half of you heard my gigantic breakdown last night. Mad embarrassing. Pretty sure I told my brother I love him.” She shuddered. “He’s only supposed to get that honor on his birthday!”
The room cracked up, another girl chiming in and you swirled your cup, happily buzzed from the drink in your hand. You hadn’t had alcohol many times before, but it seemed appropriate for a night of new experiences. No one here was drinking to get drunk, since orientation began tomorrow, but some social lubricant tended to help in times like this.
Ballet wouldn’t start until Monday morning, so this was your last chance for a while to indulge. It wasn’t that you couldn’t drink during the semester, but you’d learned the hard way hangovers made for terrible class the next day. You’d only done it once before deciding to ban the idea of alcohol the night before dancing.
The other girls on your floor did their best to put you at ease. Aside from your roommate, there were five other girls who’d congregated in the room.
Ari and Jasmine lived in the room you all sat in. Ari lived within driving distance of the city, had the largest collection of gel pens you’d ever seen and had started dancing later in life (at age ten), which made it all the more impressive that she’d gotten in. Jasmine was from a tiny city in the south and was also a studio dancer; you recognized her the moment she spoke, having run into her as a teacher’s assistant at a dance convention you went to.
Also present were Irene, a ballerina from Chicago and Lia, who was on the hip-hop track. They were also roommates and although you probably wouldn’t have many classes with Lia, orientation tomorrow would be the same. As you got to know them better, the bubble of trepidation in your chest slowly deflated. Everyone here seemed nice – intense, but not as though they were out to get anyone.
As though conjured into being by your very thought, a girl appeared in the door.
She was tall, slim and had her hair pulled back in a French twist. Everything about her screamed ballerina, from her light blue warm-ups to her arched expression. The moment she appeared on the threshold, several people in the room quieted.
Noticing this, you glanced at her with renewed interest. It seemed the girl’s reputation preceded her, but you honestly had no idea who she was. Rather than introduce herself though, the girl merely sighed.
“I thought I heard something,” she said, her tone piqued.
Forcing a smile to her lips, Jasmine rose from the floor. “Hey, Sabrina!” she said, making her tone bright. “We were just getting to know one another. Did you change your mind about coming? We have room if you want to join.”
Despite her forced smile, you detected a glimmer of want beneath Jasmine’s words. Clearly, this Sabrina was considered a big deal. Jasmine’s hopes were immediately crushed the second Sabrina opened her mouth.
“No, thanks,” she said, her gaze sweeping the room. “I need to get to sleep soon. I want to wake up early and get in a quick barre before breakfast.”
Noelle, seated beside you, stared at Sabrina in amazement. “You already have access to rooms?”
Sabrina turned; a faint, amused smile crossed her lips. “Yeah. I went to Russet Prep. I’ve known most of the teachers here for years.”
Hearing this, your stomach sank to the floor. You’d known, of course, there was a feeder school into Russet Ballet Academy. You’d received the same audition letter many years ago, but the cost and distance had been too much for your family to consider.
While you’d understood the fact that you’d be amongst great dancers, you hadn’t thought specifically about Russet Prep ballerinas. Sabrina’s presence instantly dampened your mood, since the way she glanced at you confirmed what you already knew. 
She had a leg-up, she knew it and she wouldn’t hesitate to use it.
Leaning back on the futon, you slowly sipped your drink. “Did you just come here to say that?” you asked. “Or did you want something else?”
Multiple heads turned to face you. Irene’s lips twitched and beside you, Noelle let out a laugh. Based on their reactions, you got the feeling that Sabrina wasn’t very well-liked by her peers. 
Smile vanishing, Sabrina met your gaze. “That was all,” she said. “Just wanted to ask if you could keep it down. Some of us are trying to take this opportunity seriously.”
With that, she turned and stalked from the room. The door slammed shut behind her and silence lingered – until Noelle snorted and others began to laugh.
“Some of us are trying to take this opportunity seriously,” Noelle mimicked, rolling her eyes. “Give me a break. Like we all didn’t bleed into our pointe shoes to be here.”
The rest nodded in agreement and slowly, the conversation shifted to other topics. Although you joined in, uncertainty lingered in the back of your mind. It seemed some of dance’s cattiness had followed you after all. You weren’t truly surprised by this; after all, you were barely three months older than you’d been in high school. It was too much to expect people to become adults overnight.
Still, at least there was one cause for celebration this evening. The fact that you’d arrived at Russet meant you no longer had to compete against your most fierce rival.
For the next four years, Park Jimin, utter bane of your existence, would be nowhere in sight.
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Early the next morning, you stood in line for registration at Danley Hall and awaited your schedule.
“Honestly.” Noelle stood on her toes to peer down the hall. “Why do they insist on handing these things out in person? We could easily get them online and skip all this nonsense.”
“We need to take our ID card photos,” you pointed out. “But yeah, it sucks. You’d think they could’ve at least assigned us time slots.”
“Dancers.” Noelle shook her head. “Great at conceptualizing abstract choreography – not so great at administrative tasks.”
You laughed, facing forward as the line started to move. It stopped shortly thereafter, as did you, rearranging the bag on your shoulder. You recognized several people from last night and waved hello to them all, receiving greetings in turn.
When your phone vibrated in your pocket, you jumped in surprise. Pulling it free, you smiled when you saw the name of your boyfriend.
“Oooo.” Noelle peered over your shoulder. “Who’s that? Boyfriend?”
“Yeah,” you laughed, swatting her arm as you opened his text. “It’s my boyfriend, Finn.”
“Finn’s a good name.” Noelle moved forward in line. “Strong. Noble. Damn, though – are you two doing long distance? Brave souls.”
“No – thank god. Finn’s at Redfield University. His orientation was last week, so we’re planning to meet up later tonight.”
“Redfield? That’s so close!” Noelle gushed. “Wow, you two are so lucky. And Redfield is a great school, too. I wholeheartedly approve.”
“Well, as long as you do,” you laughed. 
“What’s he saying? Wishing you luck with registration?”
“That, and asking where I want to get dinner tonight.”
“Sickeningly cute. I’d be jealous if I weren’t such a great person.”
You snorted, about to respond when someone called your name.
“Y/L/N, Y/N?”
Head jerking up, you saw a man at the office waving you forward. It seemed your time had finally come.
“That’s me!” you said, stepping from line.
The first stop at registration were two, tiny desks set before the main office. Past these, you could see someone finishing up their student photo. A bright flash went off, momentary blinding as you winced and faced forward.
“Here you go!” you said, placing your paperwork down. “Everything should be in order.”
The paperwork man barely nodded, grabbing the folder to rifle through. He seemed content to take his time and you quickly grew bored, glancing around the lobby. Much of your class was waiting in line, looking amusingly enough like a middle school dance. There hadn’t been general orientation yet, so most people had only met those in their (single-sex) dorm last night. Groups of boys and girls awkwardly faced off from across the hall.
While you waited, you began to size people up. It was unintentional, but you knew you’d be paired with someone for ballet and it seemed better to get a head start than not. Most people were unfamiliar to you, and you’d made no meaningful progress when a new voice said your name.
Freezing in place, you continued to stare at the hallway before you.
You knew that voice. It was one you could’ve identified in the depths of Tartarus itself – which honestly, was the only place you’d imagined hearing said voice again, since it belonged to Park Jimin. Top hellion of the underworld.
Slowly, you turned and had your worst suspicions confirmed.
Park Jimin stared back at you in the hall.
He wore a jean jacket, white t-shirt and golden sunglasses perched on his head, despite being indoors. Every part of his attire screamed pretentious, but no one around you seemed to notice. Instead, a buzz spread over the crowd as more and more people realized who you were talking to.
Before you could compose yourself, you demanded, “What are you doing here, Park?”
Jimin’s smile disappeared. Slowly, he walked forward and closed the distance between you.
“So, you’re not even going to try and be pleasant?” he asked, coming to a stop. Casually, he looked you up and down. “Surprised to see you here. Thought you’d stopped dancing, or something.”
Subconsciously, your hands balled into fists. Jimin had a way of getting under your skin that no one else did – even though admittedly, you could’ve just said hello. You didn’t have to act like he was the anti-Christ, even if he was.
“I didn’t stop dancing,” you said to him through gritted teeth. “You know that perfectly well.”
Jimin shrugged. “How was I supposed to know that? The last time I saw you, you were limping around like you were on your last legs. I just assumed.”
“I… was not limping,” you said with as much dignity as you could muster.
“Weren’t you on crutches?”
“My doctor made me use those!”
“Aha!” Jimin grinned, triumphant. “So, you were injured.”
“I had tendonitis,” you shot back. “Hardly fatal, Park. I’m fine now.”
“Right.” Jimin glanced at your feet. “Hope it doesn’t come back.”
From anyone else, you might’ve taken the words at face value, but this was Jimin. He’d never wished for your success before, so it would be foolish to imagine otherwise now.
Gaze hardening, you took another step forward until you stood nose-to-nose. Well, nose to chin was more like it. Jimin had grown since you first began competing against one another. You remembered a time when you both were the same height. This had once been a source of great amusement for you, choosing to stand directly before him at awards ceremonies.
You opened your mouth to tell him off when the paperwork man said your name again.
“That’s me!” you blurted, spinning around.
Jimin would have to wait, you decided as you strode forward. The paperwork man looked at you in alarm, clearly not used to having such enthusiastic participants.
“Uh, I know,” he said slowly. “You confirmed your name earlier. The photographer is ready,” he added, nodding towards the room Jimin had vacated.
Cheeks burning, you accepted your paperwork and nodded. Although you purposefully didn’t look at Jimin as you left, you could feel him smirking at you from behind.
Refusing to give him the time of day, you brushed past – or you would’ve, but the space was too small for dramatics. You nearly elbowed him in the spleen as you went, forced to squeeze against the wall in an undignified fashion.
Still, you didn’t look back as you entered the ID office. Some of your anger became transparent in your photo-taking, though – this much was obvious when you were handed your ID. Staring at this in horror, you remained frozen in the hall when Noelle finished and joined you.
“Oh, shit,” she said, glancing at your ID. “I feel a lot better about my photo now.”
“Hey!” you said, hand curling around the photo.
Despite this, you laughed, since she was right. On a scale of model to mug shot, your ID was definitely on the latter end.
As you walked away, you shook your head and shoved the ID in your bag. In the corner of one eye, you could see Jimin lingering while he talked with other students. You recognized no one in his group, except for a guy you thought you’d seen on YouTube. Hope on the Street, or something. Probably on the hip-hop track.
“Seriously, though.” Noelle looked at you sympathetically. “What happened? Photographer tell you he was going to murder your family?”
“Ugh, no,” you groaned. “Just got in my own head.”
“Uh-huh. And the fact that you were talking to Park Jimin right before had nothing to do with it?”
Blinking, you glanced at her in surprise. “You saw that?”
“Kind of.” Noelle looked a bit guilty. “I mean, it’s hard not to notice Park Jimin wandering the halls.”
You couldn’t help but scowl at this.
It was unprofessional, but your feud with Jimin went back so far, it was hard for you to be completely impartial. Your rivalry had begun when you’d both been picked to demonstrate the combination at NUVO dance convention and Jimin had tripped you while in the front row. He’d apologized afterwards, claiming ignorance, but you’d seen enough of his dancing by then to know Jimin didn’t make mistakes.
He’d tripped you on purpose.
Jimin was known on the competitive dance circuit, like you, but he had an almost cult-like following on YouTube and TikTok. Rumor had it, he’d been asked to join Ariana Grande on tour the previous summer, which was why you’d thought for sure you were rid of him. It seemed this was no longer the case.
“Yeah,” you grumbled as you neared Jimin in the hall. “He’s here, alright.”
Noelle hid a smile. “You don’t like him.”
“He’s an ass.”
“Yeah, he does,” said Noelle, gazing wistfully at his butt as you passed.
“Noelle!” you snorted. “That’s not what I said.”
“Huh?” Blinking innocently, she returned to you. “Oh, you said – oh. Sorry. Though you said something different.”
The smile she gave was incorrigible though and, despite your best interests, you laughed.
“I mean, he does have a nice butt,” Noelle argued. “Come on, Y/N. You have to admit that,” she continued once you were out of earshot.
“Hadn’t noticed.”
“I mean, he’s a dancer!” you sputtered. “We all have nice butts.”
“Valid counter-argument,” Noelle said as you walked outside. “But seriously, he’s not a good guy?”
Paused on the sidewalk, you turned to glance at the building. Danley Hall rose above you; the location of class every day for the foreseeable future. Some of that now felt tainted by the prospect of seeing Jimin every day, as well.
With a sigh, you met Noelle’s gaze. “No,” you said at last. “We were rivals all throughout high school and believe me, there aren’t enough terrible superlatives to describe Park Jimin. He’s the most annoying, most childish, least humble–”
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“–biggest suck-up, least trustworthy, mind-numbing idiot,” you finished, stabbing your salad with a fork.
Finn laughed at you from across the table. By this point, your feud with Jimin was old news to him. Shaking his head, curly brown hair flopped into his gaze.
“Damn, Y/N,” he said sympathetically. “That sucks. Can’t believe that jerk had the audacity to follow you to Russet. Sounds to me like he can’t get enough of you.”
Ignoring this, you rolled your eyes. “Believe me, it’s not that. Park Jimin doesn’t care about anyone but himself. It’s just Russet, you know? The most prestigious dance academy in the country. I just don’t understand how I didn’t know this,” you sighed, still troubled by the thought. “How come I didn’t know he’d be in the freshman class?”
“I don’t know.” Finn shrugged. “Maybe he doesn’t have a Facebook?”
Most of the freshman class had connected on Facebook, at least before someone made a What’s App chat for the group. Finn was probably right about Jimin not giving out his social media.
 “That’s probably true,” you grumbled. “But still.”
Finn laughed at your expression. Reaching across the table, he squeezed your hand in his. “Hey,” he said gently. “You beat him for what – four years? So, this is just another four years of putting him in his place. You’ll be fine.”
He was right, although in all honesty, Jimin had won about fifty percent of the time against you. It was one of the reasons you’d pushed yourself so hard in high school.
“You’re right,” you said, somewhat mollified.
“Of course, I am,” Finn said, letting go of your hand. “You’re talking to a man who put his loft bed together alone. By hand.”
You looked at him in alarm. “Did you at least use the manual?”
“Please, Y/N. Men don’t use manuals. We don’t believe in them, much as we don’t believe in cleaning, cooking, or coming in second.”
“Gross,” you groaned, throwing a cherry tomato at him. “Worst ad ever for the male sex. Besides, it’s not true – I beat Jimin in dance plenty of times.”
“Oh, come on,” Finn laughed. “He doesn’t count.”
Something about the way he said this made you sit a bit straighter. Finn resumed cutting into his steak, but you continued to stare at him across the table.
“What do you mean by that?” 
Finn looked up in surprise. “Well, you know. It’s not like he’s super manly.”
You stared at him, bewildered.
“I mean, he wears tights, Y/N.”
At this, your eyes narrowed. It wasn’t like you were Jimin’s biggest fan – you despised him, actually – but Finn’s argument was just stupid, even if he meant it as a joke.
“And?” You tilted your head. “He also bench-presses women above his head for fun. Are you being serious? Just because he –”
“Whoa, wait – I was kidding,” Finn said, looking stricken. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I just meant it as a joke, you know, since you hate the guy. Truce?”
You hesitated, still miffed, but ultimately deciding it wasn’t worth it. Finn truly looked sorry and this was Jimin, after all. Not that this made it better, but sometimes you grew tired of lecturing your boyfriend. Sometimes, it was just easier to let things go.
“I – yeah,” you said after a long pause. “Fine. Truce.”
“Come on.” Finn smiled and reached for your hand again. “You’re not really mad, are you?” He looked hopefully at you from beneath his curls. “Jimin’s the worst. What’s got you this upset?”
Sexism and toxic masculinity, you wanted to say, but he was right. This was Jimin and you hated that guy. It felt kind of weird to want to defend him to your boyfriend.
Still, though. Finn’s comment was annoying; it was one thing for you to insult Jimin. You did it based on Jimin’s merit, his talent, and the way he kept beating you. You’d never once insulted Jimin because of his gender. In the oddest of ways, it felt like your boyfriend had insulted you when he put down male dancers.
“I’m just annoyed by the whole situation,” you said at last, settling on a half-truth. “I hate the fact that Jimin won our bet.”
Finn nodded in sympathy, settling back in his seat to eat the rest of his meal.
You stared at your salad, no longer as hungry as you had been before. Remembering the bet had thoroughly ruined your appetite.
The bet had been made Senior year, a consequence of years of competition with no real declared winner. Jimin had been the one who suggested it, albeit after you goaded him into it. 
It had been your first competition of the season and you’d taken home the top trophy – First Overall in the Senior solo category. Jimin had come in second and when you met backstage, both holding your awards, you’d come to a stop to size one another up.
“Nice trophy,” Jimin said, his tone dripping with derision.
“Right?” Turning it over, you examined it. “Not sure where I’ll put it, though. My shelves at home are pretty full.”
“I think you’ll be fine,” Jimin said. “Competition is pretty stiff this season. I doubt you’ll win again.”
“Are you referring to yourself as my competition, Park?”
“Who else?”
“I wouldn’t worry about me,” you said, stepping closer. “After all, I beat you today. I can do it again.”
“Really?” He smirked. “What competitions are you going to this season?”
You told him, listing them off one by one without looking away.
Jimin listened and nodded. “I’ll be at four of those. How about a bet, then? Whoever wins First Overall at three of the five competitions declares themselves the winner.”
“Hm. What’s the catch?”
“No catch.” 
You paused, considering the implications of such a bet. “I don’t get it, though. What does the winner win?”
“Uh, our rivalry? Bragging rights for eternity? Pride? Take your pick, Y/N.”
“Pride,” you said with a snort. “Like you have any of that.”
“I don’t. Let me win it.”
You had to clamp your lips together to keep from laughing; it would’ve ruined your image to laugh at your declared enemy’s joke.
“Alright, fine,” you said with a shake of your head. “But here’s what I want in return – are you listening, Park?”
“Trying to.”
“At the end of this season – when I win – I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me I’m the better dancer.”
Jimin’s smile widened. “And what if I win?”
“Impossible. But if you do,” you allowed. “I’ll tell you you’re the better dancer. Deal?”
And that had been that.
Shaking your head, you returned yourself to the present and took another bite of your salad.
“We were tied,” you said, the same anger returning. “Jimin had won twice and I had won twice. It wasn’t fair that he just got to win because I forfeited the last competition. I was injured!”
Finn nodded in agreement, just as he had every other time you’d told him this story.
Feeling a little bit guilty, you pushed your tirade aside and tried to focus on dinner. A bet from Senior year wasn’t really important in the long run. All that mattered was that you and Jimin had ended up at the same place.
Still – you couldn’t help but worry he’d pop up one day to make good on the promise. You still hadn’t told him he was the better dancer; it’d be even more humiliating to do so now, surrounded by all your classmates from Russet.
“Anyways,” you said with a sigh. “Enough about him. How was your day?”
Finn began a story about the supposed shower-caddy thief on his floor and you settled back, nodding and laughing at all the right times. Listening to Finn talk was comforting. He reminded you of home, of family dinners and long drives and date nights at the movie theatre.
Being in his presence felt like second semester Senior year – that invincible feeling of knowing where you were headed and feeling unstoppable. Having him in the city made the transition to Russet slightly less terrifying. He was your single known in a future of unknowns.
Well, except for Jimin. Jimin was also known, but in the opposite way. The thought of him was anything but calming; he made your jaw clench, blood pound and heart start to race. 
Even in looks, Jimin was the complete opposite of Finn. Where Finn had floppy, brown curls, Jimin’s blonde hair was usually swept back from his face. Finn was a light-hearted guy, always talking with his hands and laughing at nothing, whereas Jimin was nothing but intense. Every time you saw him at competitions, he was either practicing or sleeping. There was no in-between.
Finn took things one day at a time, which was something you envied. You always felt you were hurtling towards something, the days passing by too quickly to do everything that you wanted. It was part of what made you a good couple, you decided. Finn took things slowly and you sped him up.
Aside from his major, Finn’s future was wide open. He had no real direction other than to learn and have fun, which you also envied. As much as you wanted to have fun at Russet, you knew there wasn’t much time on your chosen career path. Each second counted and you couldn’t afford to waste one.
Starting that night.
Finn walked with you back to campus, dropping you off at Grace Hall with a lingering kiss. It became more heated than you anticipated, each of you panting when you broke things off to head inside. It had been a week since he’d come to Redfield, which was the longest you’d been apart since you lost your virginity to Finn at the start of the summer.
The sex had been good as of late, but Noelle was inside and you had no desire to hook up with your boyfriend in the bushes outside your dorm.
Once you’d returned, you collapsed on your futon and groaned when you read the schedule for tomorrow.
Noelle laughed from her bed. “Copson’s ballet class?”
“Copson’s ballet class,” you agreed with a sigh.
Vlad Copson was known, even to the incoming freshmen. He was a brilliant dancer and choreographer, but utterly terrifying as a teacher. Rumor had it every freshman was assigned to him their first year just to lower the class number from eighty to seventy.
You didn’t believe this, of course, but that didn’t keep your insides from churning. As you tried to fall sleep later that night, you realized with certainty that this was a beginning. Everything you’d done before now, everything you’d once achieved no longer mattered.
Everyone at Russet was on the same foot and all that mattered was what lay before you. Not at all cheered by this thought, you pulled up your covers and eventually fell asleep.
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Vlad Copson turned out to be exactly what you had pictured; an immaculate man with a stern demeanor, wearing the exact same dress code he expected of his students.
He stood before the class the next morning, next to the stereo with both hands clasped before him. 
“Welcome,” he said, looking over his students. “I’m Vlad Copson, but you may call me Mr. Vlad for the duration of class. This is Ballet, Level 1.”
Approximately twenty faces stared back, caught in a mixture of certain awe and terror. You knew yourself to be among them, standing at the back of the room with Irene and Noelle. You’d been relieved to find them both in your classes, since there were two other schedules they could’ve been sorted into.
Unfortunately for you though, prep school Sabrina and hellion Jimin were also part of your schedule. They stood at the front on the opposite side and you did your best not to look at them, knowing no good would come from it.
Everyone in class was dressed exactly the same. The women wore leotards, buns, ballet belts, tights and pointe shoes. By this stage in your career, you were expected to do the entirety of ballet class on pointe. There had been much rosin-ing and banging of shoes before the class had started.
“Thank you to those who were on time,” Mr. Vlad said, casting a pointed glance at a boy near the front. Said boy had entered the room a few seconds after 8:00 AM. “For today, I’ll be lenient and let everyone stay. From now on though, class will start promptly on the hour. Those who aren’t ready will be asked to leave and come back when they can respect my time. Understood?”
A ripple of voices chorused yes.
“Good.” Mr. Vlad arched a brow. “You may have heard I’m a tough teacher. This is true. I am hard on my students, since you’re expected to be the best. Do you know how many applications Russet received this year alone? Nearly two thousand, and these were only from those who felt qualified to apply. Russet is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so I expect everyone who enters my classroom to act like it.”
Listening to him speak sent a bead of sweat down your neck. Although he didn’t say it specifically, you knew what Mr. Vlad meant. There were two thousand qualified individuals waiting to take your place if you failed. And that didn’t even include other students at the Academy, or even other dancers who waited out in the real world.
“For those who make it to the end, this will be a life-changing event.” Mr. Vlad paused. “There are teachers here who are far better than I – and I’m considered to be one of the best in the world. You’ll be pushed to your limits, but you’ll also grow at a tremendous pace. We gave you a spot because we believe in each of you. Prove us wrong, though,” he warned. “And that will be that.”
A lingering silence fell and in that quiet, you and Noelle glanced at each other. Again, you were glad for a friendly face. The entire speech would’ve been unbearable without one. 
The boy who’d been late was as red as a tomato, clearly embarrassed at having been singled out. You would’ve felt bad, except you knew it wouldn’t be the last time Mr. Vlad put someone on the spot. The attention could easily swing to you before the end of class.
“That’s enough chit-chat, I think.” Mr. Vlad turned towards the stereo. “We’ll start at the barre.”
No one moved and once he’d reached the music, he arched a brow. “Why is everyone still standing in the center, gawking? Barre!”
Had you been watching from outside, it might’ve seemed comical how quickly everyone scattered. You and Noelle chose a barre near the front, setting water bottles down and moving to stand at the center.
Placing yourself in first position, you turned your head and surveyed yourself in the mirror.
“Eyes on me, not the mirror!” Mr. Vlad called, forcing your gaze his way. “Before we get started, I’ll assign your ballet partners for the semester. You won’t do anything with them until across the floor, but I hate to disrupt our flow later on. When I call your name, raise your hand.”
Your heart sank as you turned to face forward.
This was something you’d known was coming. Ballet partnering was part of the set first year curriculum, but you’d been under the severe misimpression you’d be allowed to choose your own partner. Information on the process had been limited and you’d heard conflicting accounts from upperclassman before your arrival. Apparently, the teachers did something different each year.
“Ahn, Irene!”
Irene raised her hand, waiting awkwardly to hear her partner’s name.
“Olson, Brian! You two are partners.”
The red-faced late boy looked at Irene in alarm, then nodded. Irene nodded as well, lowering her hand and Noelle winced.
“Sucks,” she muttered beneath her breath. “Already paired with trouble.”
Privately, you agreed. It’d be unfortunate to be partnered with someone who’d already been singled out. You could only hope your assigned partner would be better than that. 
Mr. Vlad turned. “Y/L/N, Y/N!”
Your hand immediately lifted, waiting for what seemed like forever, until –
“Park, Jimin!”
 Author’s Note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JIMIN! Thank you for reading 😊 New chapters of Raise the Barre will be posted weekly; dates are listed on the series Master List. Requests for updates will be deleted. 
© kpopfanfictrash, 2020. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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lovely-ateez · 3 years
Vampire Shift~
ꕥPosted: 5/23/21
ꕥGenre: Fluff, Smut, Angst, College!au, Horror!au
ꕥPairing: Fem!Reader x Vampire!Jongho (feat Wooyoung and Minho from skz)
ꕥWord Count: ~5.9k (whoops)
ꕥWarnings: Horror themes, Language, Thigh riding, Unprotected sex, Mentions of blood and blood sucking (please lmk if I missed anything)
ꕥTag List: @cappujinho @bobateastay
ꕥA/N: I hope you all don’t a more spooky concept! Halloween is my favorite holiday and even though its May, it’s always spooky season to me lolol. Also! Feel free to listen to Vampire Shift by All Time Low while reading this (it’s only on YouTube I cry) since this is inspired by the song :)
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It was a terrible idea, really, to work the night shift at a gas station alone. Even more so when you’re a young woman whose only defense is the pepper spray on her key chain and 911 on speed dial. Alas, college bills don’t pay themselves and every spare opportunity to get cash was one I had to take.
The digital clock sitting on the counter next to me briefly flashed, indicating another hour had gone by. It was currently four a.m. and it was safe to say I was losing my mind. I’d worked for five hours now, and not a customer had come in. That was the only advantage, really. So long as no one was around my boss let me finish any assignments I had, which came in handy on more than one occasion.
I was only six paragraphs into a five page report and had been staring at my laptop screen for over an hour, feeling beyond brain dead. I was assigned the topic of financial statements and country trade deficits, and wanted to cry every minute I thought about it. I was half convinced to pay someone to write the report for me.
The ringing of a bell indicated a customer opening the door and I closed my laptop to peer around the counter, ready to greet whoever entered. The first man to catch my attention was wearing sunglasses which fazed me, but I tried not to stare. The man that followed had black hair with blond underneath, a combination that I strangely liked. Both men were donned in all back, their faces stoic. They were attractive, I had to admit, but neither were my type.
And then, the last man entered. He looked over to me as he walked through the door, giving me a nod and a slight smile. His slicked back black hair matched his black ripped jeans and highlighted his red leather jacket. He was so handsome he looked like he jumped out of a magazine and I had to suppress a ‘wow’. A string of butterflies fluttered in my stomach and I did my best to ignore them, not even knowing his name.
The three of them wandered through the aisles until I could no longer see them, and I scolded myself for being so thrown off that I forgot say any form of a greeting. I sighed and turned my attention back to my laptop, opening it and blankly staring at the screen. My ears perked when I heard the men’s hushed voices.
“Y’oughta get that girl’s number. I saw the way you looked at her.”
“Yeah, Jongho. She’s pretty cute. If you don’t get her number you know I will.”
“Shut up.” One of the men, Jongho apparently, responded with a laugh, “Let’s just get some snacks, okay? It’s gonna be a long night. Also I’m buying tonight so get whatever.”
A smile crept on my face and I looked down, fiddling with my thumbs.
They think I’m cute. Maybe Jongho’s the one in red?
I heard the bell ring once more and a girl entered who I vaguely remembered from high school. She was popular but for good reason, probably being one of the nicest people I’d ever met. Our circle of friends overlapped slightly so I’d spent a fair amount of time with her. She was smart as a whip and gorgeous all the same, which seemed to stay with her. She looked bright, long red hair falling around her face, freckles still prominent as ever.
We met eyes and she smiled, “Hey y/n!”
I smiled and waved, “Hey Annabelle. How’ve you been? I haven’t seen you in awhile.”
“Good! I got into my dream college and it’s been great, although I’ve had to take some pretty hard classes.” She giggled, walking towards me. It’s honestly not too far from here. You go to Westgate University, right?”
I nodded and I put my laptop aside. She spoke again, genuinely excited for me, “That’s awesome! Congrats!”
“Thanks,” I smiled, “I’m taking it you got into Orholt?”
“I did! I was really-”
One of the men that entered earlier—the one still wearing sunglasses—shouted the redhead’s name and caught her attention, “Hey Anna do you want a Redbull or a Five Hour Energy?”
“Redbull! I’m not a monster.” She laughed.
The man nodded and walked toward us with several drinks and snacks in his hands.
“Oh! I want to introduce you to my boyfriend!” Annabelle turned to the man still wearing sunglasses and reached for his arm, “This is Minho. I met him at Orholt.”
Minho gave me a slight nod as I introduced myself and he placed the food and drinks on the counter. I began to scan the items, the mindless routine that I was used to by now. The loud sound of laughter made me look up, seeing the two other men approach us and place their snacks down as well. I watched them long enough to notice the way two-tone—my new affectionate name for the man with blond and black hair, I decided—shamelessly checked me out, a cocky smile on his face when I caught him. I just let out a small laugh before resuming my task, watching his confused reaction in my peripheral vision.
“Oh my god I totally forgot to introduce you to my friends.” Annabelle giggled and pointed to two-tone, “This is Wooyoung.”
“Hiya, Wooyoung.” I said with a confident smile, enjoying the way he still had a slightly confused look on his face.
“And this,” Annabelle nodded towards the man in red, “This is Jongho. Both him and Wooyoung go to Orholt, too.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Jongho. I’m y/n.”
“Very nice to meet you.” The man smiled before he sent me a wink.
I had never been a particularly shy person, but as he did so my eyes darted down as I felt my face flush. I didn’t notice the gears turning in Annabelle’s head as she put the pieces together.
I placed the final items in the bag, raising my head as Annabelle addressed me,  “You know I’m having a bonfire tomorrow night at my place and you should totally come!”
I stopped to think, first trying to remember if I worked the next day, then wondering if I was willing to go the bonfire when I realized I didn’t have to.
She sensed my hesitancy and her face fell, “Aw do you work tomorrow night? It’s a Saturday!”
“Oh no, I don’t. I...” I stopped to think for a minute. Although I likely didn’t know anyone else who would be there, I was familiar with Annabelle’s house, which brought me a bit of comfort, “Are all of you going?”
Annabelle gave a knowing smile, “Yes. All of us will be here.”
I nodded, accepting the credit card Jongho gave me, quickly after handing them the bags, and returning his card, “I’ll go.”
“Yay! We’ve gotta head out but I’ll send you the details. You’ve still got the same number, right?”
“Yeah I do.”
“Alrighty! I’ll see you tomorrow then!”
Annabelle left with a wave, her boyfriend on her arm and Wooyoung behind her. To my surprise, Jongho didn’t leave with them, the cocky look on his face all but telling me why he stayed.
I looked at him with wide eyes, playing innocent. “Can I help you?”
He placed an arm on the counter, his dark eyes seeming to put me under a spell. The confidence he was radiating was almost palpable and I felt myself being pulled to him. It was intimidating, to be honest.
“You’re really cute and I want your number.”
I let out a surprised laugh, “You really don’t beat around the bush, do you?”
“No, not really,” He propped his other arm on the counter, leaning towards me and raising an eyebrow, “So what do you say, doll?”
A smile crept on my face as I mirrored his actions and leaned towards him, “You gonna memorize my number? Or do you have a phone I can put my number into?”
Jongho’s smile got brighter as he reached to grab his phone, handing it to me. “You’re a firecracker, aren’t you?”
I shrugged, “I’d like to think so.”
When I handed his phone back, our fingers brushed and I could’ve sworn I felt sparks shoot through me at the simple interaction.
“Well I need to head out before the rest of them get too annoyed,” He nodded towards the exit where Annabelle, Minho, and Wooyoung left, “But it was enchanting to meet you, y/n.” He bowed, drawing a laugh from me.
“Ah yes. You as well, absolutely delightful.”
He gave me a smile, “I’ll text you later.”
"Sounds good. I’ll hold you to your word.”
“I’d expect nothing less.” And with that, he was out the door, leaving my heart a fluttering mess.
Me [8:37pm] So is there a dress code for tonight?
Annabelle [8:42pm] Nope! Wear whatever you’re comfortable with. I’m wearing this if it helps at all!
Annabelle [8:43pm] 1 Image Attached*
Me [8:45pm] So leather jackets and crop tops?
Annabelle [8:48pm] Haha sure! We can match!
Me [8:51pm] Lol bet. See you at eleven :)
Annabelle [8:51pm] See you then!
I started the process of slipping on a white cropped top followed by my light washed ripped jeans. I knew I was getting ready far earlier than I could have, but something about new events made me anxious and I had to make sure I looked nice. I giggled at the black leather jacket I was throwing over my shoulders, not having worn it since high school. In the middle of debating whether or not I should add another layer of mascara to my lashes, my phone dinged.
New Number [8:59pm] Y/n this better be you. This is Jongho and I’m texting you for a really important reason and I need you to reply quick
Me [9:00pm] Yeah it’s me. What’s going on are you okay??
New Number [9:02pm] I’m gonna go grab some food before I head to Anna’s. You wanna come with?
Me [9:02pm] Oh my god don’t do that to me, you buffoon. You scared me so bad rip
[New Number name changed to A Cute Buffoon]
Me [9:03pm] But sure I’m down lol. Here’s my address btw
Me [9:03pm] 1 Location Shared*
It occurred to me perhaps a bit too late that I was sharing my address with someone that I’d met only once and in a gas station.
I mean, he’s friends with Annabelle so he’s gotta be good right? God I hope so. I thought to myself.
A Cute Buffoon [9:04] Then it’s a date :) I live pretty close so I’ll be over in 10. That work for you?
Me [9:06pm] Fine with me!
A Cute Buffoon [9:06pm] Sounds good. I’ll see you soon ;)
I set down my phone and thanked myself for already doing my makeup. I checked myself out in the mirror, satisfied with my appearance and proud of how well my makeup turned out. I grabbed my bottle of perfume and spritzed the liquid in the air, letting it gradually fall on me so it wouldn’t be too overpowering.
You look beautiful, babe.
The waiting game was harder than I thought, not knowing what to do except awkwardly sit around and play an assortment of phone games. When exactly ten minutes had passed I heard my doorbell ring and I lifted myself from my couch, grinning at his punctuality.
I opened the door to see Jongho holding a bouquet of flowers, a smug look on his face. “Lovely to meet you here, stranger.”
I wanted to make a joke back but I couldn’t seem to think of anything, too surprised by the flowers in his hands. It wasn’t anything extravagant, the small bouquet of violets, but I felt my heart swell.
It’s perfect. He’s perfect.
My voice was small when I spoke, “No one’s ever given me flowers before.”
His eyebrows furrowed as a confused look painted his face, “Really?”
I nodded, taking the flowers from his outreached hands and smelling their sweet fragrance, “They’re beautiful.”
My eyes flickered to his, the tender look on his face making me feel as if I was melting on the spot, “You’re beautiful.”
I squealed, my face undoubtedly turning pink while my mind short circuited. I’d never become so shy around someone before and the only thing I could think of to say in response was another ‘thank you’ followed by ‘I’ll go get a vase for these.’
I opened my door further, rummaging through my cabinets for a vase when I noticed Jongho was still standing by the door, “You can come in, you know? That’s why I opened the door.”
He laughed nervously, “Sorry about that. Force of habit, I guess.”
I raised my eyebrows in a teasing manner, “What? Are you a vampire? Can you only come in if someone invites you?”
I thought I saw a flicker of shock on his face for a moment, but it was gone before I could register it and I shrugged it off, my eyes finding the perfect vase for the flowers.
“It’s just how I was raised.”
“I get that.” I placed the flowers in the vase, giving them a bit of water before walking up to Jongho and gently patting his cheek, “Your good manners are appreciated.”
He laughed in surprise, full gummy smile on display as he playfully swatted my hand away from his face, “Alright, alright. Let’s head out already.”
I made a sound of agreement before noticing a slight pink on his ears. I was temped to tease him, but ultimately decided to save it for later. If I could fluster him once I knew I could do it again.
The diner we went to was one I’d never heard of before, let alone been to, and I was beyond frustrated that I didn’t even know about it’s existence. It was an adorable fifties style diner and even the attire the waiters were wearing fit the theme.
“This is the cutest place to ever exist, I’m convinced.” I said as we sat down on the same side of a bright red booth.
“I really hoped you would like it. This is my favorite restaurant ever and they have fantastic milkshakes. If you’d like to share one for desert, I’m all for it.” A wink.
I bit my lip and hid my face in the menu that was placed in front of us, thankful for any method of escape.
“You’re so cute.”
“Ahh no don’t say things like that.” I giggled from behind the menu.
His hand grabbed the top of the menu, pulling it down so he could see me, “Why’s that?”
“Because you make me nervous. Like a good nervous!” I tried to explain, which only resulted in becoming even more embarrassed, “I-I mean I’m excited to be around you but I’m also nervous. I hope that doesn’t sound weird.” I cringed at myself. Never in my life did I think I’d be blushing and stuttering over some man, but my god did he prove me wrong.
“Not at all,” he reached over to take my hand in his, “because I feel it, too.”
Before I could properly react our waitress came over, taking our order and effectively saving me from becoming a human tomato.
We handed our menus back to her after ordering and she looked at us with a soft smile, “You two make a cute couple.”
While I was a bit too stunned to say anything, Jongho didn’t seem to have the same problem and went along with it, “Thank you, ma’am. That’s kind of you to say.”
When she left, Jongho leaned closer to me, “I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable by saying that we we’re a couple. I thought that-”
“No, I didn’t mind it!” I bit my tongue after likely saying that way too fast with far too much enthusiasm, but I meant it, “I didn’t mind it,” I said again, softer this time.
The tips of his ears once again turned a faint shade of pink, “Good to know.”
The food was as wonderful as it possibly could’ve been, their fries alone being one of the best things I’d ever consumed. Just as Jongho suggested, we shared a milkshake, which led to shy eye contact and laughter and my crush becoming stronger by the minute.
Just as Jongho paid and we were about to leave, a certain song began to play and he looked at me with an air of mischief, holding out his hand to me, “Dance with me.”
I took his hand, trying to hide my smile but failing. He led me away from the table and next to the jukebox. The area surrounding it was more open, probably with the intention for people to dance near it. He grabbed my waist, holding the hand of mine that wasn’t placed on his chest and looking at me in a way that could make any woman fall in love on the spot. We swayed to the music and I couldn’t help but feel full. Like I’d found all that I’d ever need.
Put your head on my shoulder~
“Do you know this song?” He asked with a smile.
I scoffed, “Of course I do! It’s one of my favorites.”
“It’s one of mine, too.”
Hold me in your arms, baby~
I mouthed along to the words as I felt the need to prove it to him. As if to one up me, Jongho began to sing along, his gorgeous voice amazing me.
Squeeze me oh so tight, show me~
That you love me, too~
I blushed as he looked at me while singing along, becoming a bit flustered himself when the lyrics clicked with him.
Put your lips next to mine dear~
Won’t you kiss me once, baby~
As if we were in sync our eyes darted to the other’s lips at the same time. I could feel Jongho’s breathing becoming heavier before he said in a hushed tone, “Can I kiss you?”
“Please.” Was all I could respond before I pressed my lips to his, fireworks igniting inside me when he kissed me back. His lips were so soft and warm and as crazy as it sounded, he felt like home. I felt him smile against my lips as the music continued to play.
Maybe you and I will fall in love~
The fire was loud, crackling and lighting up the faces of all those crowded those around it. It was essentially the only source of light in the dark of the night, except for the distant lights still on in Annabelle’s house. My hands were interlocked with Jongho’s as we sat around it’s warmth, both of us finding it hard to separate from one another.
Conversation was flowing all around us, and I was relieved to find that everyone I had talked to was kind and welcoming. I was more nervous than I realized, but having Jongho next to my side alone calmed me. Someone around the fire mentioned an old story involving Annabelle and I began to wonder where she was, having not seen her since Jongho and I first arrived. I mentioned I was going to look for her and he nodded, at first wanting to join me but then getting pulled into conversation with one of his former classmates. I told him I’d head off on my own and he nodded again.
I looked around what seemed to be the entire property and still there was no sight of her. At that moment I heard yelling coming from her house, startling me. I felt my blood run cold when I recognized one of the voices as Annabelle’s. The yelling didn’t sound like it was out of fear, but instead more aggressive, out of pure anger. Without thinking I ran inside, hoping to calm the situation but instead found what seemed to be out of a work of fiction.
An unfamiliar man was on the ground, obviously trying to get away from a hidden figure before him that seemed to be cloaked in darkness. He let out a sound that I’d never heard a human make, one that I couldn’t even compare to something I’d heard before, and a shiver ran down my back. As the figure took a step forward I recognized it as Annabelle, or what seemed to be some version of her. Her normally grey eyes were now bright red, sharp fangs on display as she snarled at the man. A group of people were surrounding them, alarmed looks on their faces but hardly trying to intervene.
“What the hell?” I whispered, my eyes wide as I tried to back away without anyone noticing. But of course, I just had to step on an empty soda can, all eyes pointing my way. As I looked at the people around me, their expressions seemed to mirror mine and I swallowed, suddenly feeling immensely claustrophobic.
I met eyes with Annabelle and she seemed to change in a flash, her eyes returning to their former color and fangs disappearing. She looked more panicked than I had ever seen her which only scared me more. She was always able to keep her stressors under control, but as she stared back at me, I saw a version of her I never had before.
I was barely able to form a sentence, adrenaline coursing through me at a rampant rate, “Um...” 
Annabelle slowly walked towards me, “Oh—hey! Sorry I disappeared for a while but how’s the party going? Are you having fun?” Panic was still evident in her voice but I knew she was trying to keep a hold of the situation.
“I...I don’t-”
A stern voice came from left, and I nervously turned to meet Jongho, an unreadable expression crossing his face, “Y/n.”
“Yeah?” My voice squeaked as I began to regret agreeing to come along in the first place, still hyper aware of all the eyes on me.
“Come with me.”
His eyes softened at my panicked state and he held out a hand, “Please?”
I was hesitant, but being anywhere away from the crowd and whatever Annabelle turned into seemed to be a good idea. I took his hand and watched as he exchanged a look with Annabelle that seemed to calm her. Turning on his heels he led me back to the bonfire, sitting in a chair and motioning for me to do the same. Seeing no one around us gave me a feeling of both anxiety and comfort, and I wasn’t quite sure which feeling was winning at the moment.
“Well I’m sure you have plenty of questions.” He started, “I won’t lie to you and try to convince you what you saw wasn’t real, because it was, but I need you to know that no one is going to harm you. That guy is Anna’s roommate and they get into an argument at least once a week. Sometimes it can be nasty, but they never get physical and neither would ever hurt anyone unprovoked. No one here would.”
I was silent for a few minutes, trying to process what I saw on top of the time bomb of information he dropped on me. “Is she...is everyone....are you a vampire?” I whispered the last words, almost too stunned and afraid to say out loud.
He smiled slightly, his kind eyes making me feel safe. “Yes. We’re what you’d call vampires.”
I took a breath, almost afraid to hear the answer to my question, “Am I in any danger by being here?”
“No, everyone here is good. They don’t pose any threat. There are plenty of dangerous vampires but we stay away from them. Besides,” He placed an arm around my waist, playfulness in his eyes, “If there were, I’d protect you from them.”
“Oh? And how don’t I know you’re not dangerous?”
He leaned closer to me, clearly enjoying this, “You don’t, I suppose. Doesn’t that make it fun?”
“That’s very much debatable,” I smiled for a moment before a frown took over, “Everyone just seemed really...I don’t know, startled I guess?”
Jongho let out a loud sigh, looking down at the ground for a few seconds before looking back up at me, “Humans aren’t normally invited to these parties. It’s assumed that everyone here is a vampire. The perfume that you’re wearing, whatever the hell it is, is masking your scent. If I didn’t meet you before today I wouldn’t have known you were human. I guess Anna didn’t tell everyone, either.” He placed a hand on my knee and looked at me with kind eyes, “How are you feeling?”
“Surprisingly calm considering that I just learned vampires exist.”
Jongho laughed, “Yeah I’d say you’re taking it pretty well. Like I said earlier though, I’m sure you’ve got plenty of questions, so fire away.”
“Yeah I have a few.” I hesitated, hoping he wouldn’t be offended by my question, “Exactly how old are you?”
“Oh are you gonna age shame me?”
“No but it’s probably an important thing to know...since we kissed and all.”
He laughed again and leaned back in his chair, placing his arms behind his head,  “How old do you think I am?”
I used his question as an excuse for my eyes to wander over his body. He was beyond attractive, very clearly fit and he knew it, which equal parts pissed me off and turned me on. As hard as I tried, I kept finding myself being pulled to his thighs. Even through his jeans I could tell he had strong thighs and I had to press my fingernails into my palm to keep from drooling. “From your appearance? Early twenties. From what age fiction usually tells us vampires are? I’d guess you’re a hundred and three.”
Jongho nodded with a smile, “I’m not quite that old but that’s a fair guess. You had it right the first time. I’m a pure born and we actually age, but we don’t age as quickly as humans. I’m twenty.”
“Pure born?”
“It means both of my parents are vampires.”
I nodded as another question came to mind, a smile on my lips. “Do you sparkle in the daylight?”
“Oh my god,” He covered his face with his hands, a mixture of a groan and a laugh escaping his mouth, “No, we do not sparkle in daylight, “His hands came to rest on his knees, “But it sucks that we really shouldn’t be in direct sunlight for over two hours a day. That’s normally the rule to go by. It’ll burn us if we’re in it for much longer than that.”
“So do werewolves and witches and everything like that exist, too?”
“Yeah pretty much. We don’t all get along, but we have to coexist. It’s something we’ve struggled with for a while, unfortunately. Basically everything you’d believe to be supernatural exists.”
I was silent for a while, not really knowing what else to say.
“Y/n? Are you doing okay? If you’re not comfortable being here I can drive you home right now or if you’d rather be alone I can call an Uber or—”
My heart skipped a beat at his kindness. “No, I’m okay. I guess I’m just surprised I’m learning about this just now.”
“We do a good job of hiding it. Also it was probably a given, but keep this as a secret if you can. Having a lot of people know about our existence can be risky.”
I gave him a silent nod, unintentionally leaning closer to him. The sound of approaching footsteps made me jump into Jongho’s arms. I didn’t know why I found comfort in him, knowing that he could be dangerous as well, but he’d been nothing but sweet to me. I had no reason to fear him.
Annabelle approached us but stopped, taking a few steps back when she saw how I was buried in Jongho’s arms.
“Hey y/n.” She rubbed her arm, looking down as if she’d done something wrong.
“I guess Jongho probably told you everything at this point. I’m really sorry if I scared you and I understand if you don’t want to be friends anymore.” Even in the dark I could see tears beginning to stream down her cheeks and I felt a pain in my chest.
I got up from Jongho’s hold and wrapped my arms around her, feeling her stiffen, “I trust you, Annabelle.”
Those four words seemed to relax her and she returned my hug, still sniffling, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. We aren’t supposed to tell anyone and I thought you might hate me—”
I pulled back, “Why the hell would I hate you? You’re still you.”
She laughed through tears, gripping me tighter, thanking me over and over for not pushing her away.
We’re gonna be okay. It’s all gonna be okay.
Not too long after, Jongho drove me home. The ride was more silent than when we were headed to Annabelle’s house, but the air wasn’t heavy or uncomfortable. Feeling tired, I laid my head on Jongho’s shoulder, faintly hearing ‘sleep well, baby’ before drifting asleep.
When I woke, I was in my bed. I reached for my phone on the bedside table and found a little note placed next to it that read:
I hope you don’t mind that I carried you inside. I tried to wake you for like five minutes but you were out cold. Anyways, I had a really good time with you yesterday and I hope you had fun too :) Text me when you wake so I know you’re okay. -J
I looked at my clock and saw that it was still early, but I texted Jongho anyway.
Me [3:00am] Not sure if you’re still up, but I really enjoyed yesterday, too. I’m exhausted so I’m gonna go back to sleep but I just wanted to say I’m okay and everything is good :))
A Cute Buffoon [3:00am] Sleep well, darling. We can talk in the morning
It had been roughly a month since Jongho and I started dating, and while I felt like I knew him pretty well, we had only known each other a little over a month, on top of the fact that he was a vampire which was essentially an entire separate culture. I’d asked him most questions I had early throughout our relationship, but one in particular kept replaying in my mind.
We were currently sitting on the couch in my apartment, cuddling each other. The TV was on but neither of us were really watching it. I was far more interested in the warm body in front of me, and based off of how Jongho was looking at me, the feeling was mutual.
I bit my lip, anxiously mulling over the question I’d wanted to ask him for weeks. I didn’t know how he would take it, let alone how I would bring it up, but I needed to ask at some point. Knowing he could probably sense my nerves, I gave in. “Jongho, can a human turn into a vampire?”
He hummed, turning to face me. “Why do you ask?”
“I just...I didn’t know if it could happen or not.”
Jongho chuckled, “Yeah it’s possible. It’s a long ass process to go through though, and there’s a lot that can go wrong, so it rarely happens.”
I shifted in my seat, trying not to appear overly interested. “Why is that? What can go wrong?
He smiled and raised a brow, his cocky persona resurfacing, “You sound so eager to know, dear. Do you want to become a vampire?” His eyes briefly flickered towards my lips before he tilted his head, dragging his soft lips across my neck. I let out a gasp when I felt the tips of his teeth lightly scraping the skin, “Or maybe you’re just looking for an excuse for me to put my mouth on you?”
Like with anything that exuded him, I felt myself becoming quickly overwhelmed, my mind now hazy and distant. I shut my eyes in an attempt to gain some semblance of control over myself.
“Your thoughts are swirling, doll.” Jongho began leaving gentle kisses along the side of my jaw, “Don’t think too much. Just let me take care of you. Okay?”
“Okay.” I said through a short breath, knowing we’d just have to have the conversation another time.
We’d had sex before, so it wasn’t like this was new territory for us, but every time felt like the first, leaving me just as out of breath each time.
He lifted me and placed me on his thigh, dragging me across his flexed muscles. I felt my eyes roll back at the simple motion, my need growing at an embarrassing rate. I grabbed his shoulders as I began to drag myself against him, whines and whimpers spilling from my lips.
“God you’re hot,” Jongho said through hot breaths, beginning to kiss my neck, no doubt leaving marks.
“Thanks I try.” I managed to say, pleased when Jongho laughed.
“You don’t even have to, and it’s completely unfair.” His hands moved under my shirt and danced along my skin, “It’s like you’re an angel come to life.”
I let out a loud moan, feeling tears well in my eyes from his praise, “You always make me feel so beautiful when I’m with you.”
Jongho responded with a smile, carrying me to my bedroom and laying me down on the bed while hurriedly discarding both of our clothes.
“You’re always so eager, babe.”
He nuzzled my neck as he climbed on top of me, his hands finding my own and holding them, “As if you’re not.”
“I never said I wasn’t.”
He then moved in between my thighs, teasing me with his fingers as he ran them along my wet slit, occasionally rubbing my clit, drawing small whines from me.
“Jongho please just fuck me already.”
“Sweetheart, do you even think you’re wet enough for me?” He cooed.
Feeling frustrated, I pushed my fingers inside myself with ease, pulling them out and spreading them so he could see my essence dripping down my fingers, “I don’t know you tell me.” I said with far more sass than I intended.
Jongho’s eyes widened at the sight and wasted no time positioning his cock at my entrance, pushing in and letting out the most beautiful groans.
Neither of us ever bothered to use protection because, to put it simply, vampires couldn’t get humans pregnant. It was only possible when both partners were vampires, and we took full advantage of that.
“Fuck—baby you feel amazing. You’re so warm and tight ohmygod.” Jongho moaned as he began to move, thrusting in and out of me at a steady pace.
I clenched around him, loving when he was vocal. His sounds helped get me off just as much as his actions, at times it seemed.
“You feel...really good...too.” I said through heavy breaths. And as much as I wanted to last longer in bed, with Jongho, I never could.
“I don’t know if it’s because you’re a vampire and you’ve got like magic powers or something or maybe you’re just a sex god—but holy shit...I’m close.”
He threw back his head and had the audacity to laugh, something I really couldn’t stay mad at with how good he was making me feel. “Babe it’s been like six minutes.”
“Don’t be an asshole.” I joked, my laugh turning into a moan. It only spurred Jongho on, making him angle one of my legs up higher, hitting deeper inside of me.
“I know you’re close, baby. I can feel it. Cum for me, baby girl. Let go for me.”
He reached down to tease my sensitive nub, drawing quick circles until I was seeing stars, chanting his name like a prayer.
After Jongho came down from his high, he disappeared into the bathroom as he always did, coming back with a warm towel. As he pressed the towel to my thighs I tried to ask again.
“So...about the human to vampire thing?”
“Well,” Jongho sighed, “I didn’t think I’d be able to distract you forever.” He smiled, “It’s mostly done because couples want to stay together. The thing is though, the vampire obviously gets a taste of the human’s blood and it can be hard to stop once you’ve marked them, especially since smell is such a big allure for us.”
He took a long breath, “Then the human will almost always pass out, and needs to be taken care of for the next couple days because they’ll be so weak. Another problem is that the scent of their blood will be amplified during those days and it’ll be harder for the vampire to not, you know...” He looked away, not able to say the words. I knew what he meant, we both did. In some cases, vampires would kill their human partners for of their blood. Sometimes it was beyond their control. Just a primal need that would betray them. “Then their scent is more easily detected by other vampires and the whole thing is just kinda a mess. I think I’ve only heard of five attempts and only one of them was successful.”
I nodded, not really knowing what to say.
“And then on top of it all, it can be harder for the human to adjust and it can put a lot of pressure on the relationship. Human and vampire relationships are dangerous.”
His face was serious as he ran a hand through my hair. I looked up at him and leaned into his touch.
He cleared his throat and averted his eyes, a shy behavior I hadn’t seen from him before, “I guess it’s important for you to decide then.” His eyes met mine again, “Is this still something you want to continue?”
“Our relationship?”
“Of course, are you crazy? You mean the world to me.” I swallowed, realizing he hadn’t voiced his own thoughts, “What about you? Do you want this?”
“I think you have a pretty good idea of what I want.” He smiled and pressed a quick kiss to my forehead, his eyes sparkling.
“Hey Jongho?”
He hummed, looking at me.
“I want to spend forever with you.”
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inkdemonapologist · 3 years
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SESSION TWELVE of the BatIM Call of Cthulhu game, aka Continuing to have a Great Time At The Masquerade! : )
Joey and Bendy destabilised early on, meaning Joey went through the ENTIRE masquerade UNABLE TO STOP SMILING
getting some mixed messages here, Joey
Sometimes u dress ur characters up as rabbits for fun but then you have a lot of emotions about them losing their minds and then u gotta draw them losing their minds while dressed as rabbits... anyway Jack being mind-controlled did NOT help Sammy hold onto his mental stability at this nightmare party in case you were wondering,
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[GM] Joey, make a POW roll also... [Joey] Oh, boy, [GM] ...because Bendy was also told to enjoy this party, and you guys just passed a plate of food, and he wants to eat! [Jack] FEED YOUR SON! [Joey] No!!! [Henry] HES A HUNGRY BOY! [Sammy] A GROWING BOY!
[Henry] Henry will look back to see if Moonlight is trying to follow them! [GM] He will see that Moonlight has grabbed onto the railing of the stairs and is hobbling slowly down them. [Joey] *extremely evil-sounding cackling*
[Jack] All Cthulhu Official Dice actually come weighted, to make you fail.
[Henry] Gotta try harder than that, bitch! [Henry] ....that wasn't in character. [Jack] It's in character, but he's only thinking it. [Sammy] That's the golden text you see on the wall if you use the seeing tool
[Henry] My Luck is 68, I don't know what y'all are doing! [Jack] We're spending Luck so that we'll fail! [Sammy] BEING UNLUCKY! I've barely spent any Luck, I'm just NOT A LUCKY GUY
[Henry] Oh, Avedon's here, [GM] There's a gunshot, and he tries to shoot Fowler! [Joey] Um, well, uh, whoops!, rest in peace Fowler! [Sammy] Yeah, that'll sort itself out, let's go! [GM] Moonlight seems to reconsider from telling people to grab you guys, to grabbing Avedon instead. [Joey] Oh! THANKS AVEDON, your sacrifice will, not be thought about in the slightest!!!
[Sammy] Is... weird question, does this room look like it matches the architecture of the rest of the house? [GM] [GM] [GM] ...make a sanity check.
[Sammy] It would be a like, Come on Jack, do you know where you are, shake it off, snap out of it, kind of thing. [GM] Why don't you make a... a.... oh boy, [Sammy] One of my REALLY persuasive social skills?
[GM] This probably just registers to Jack as, Sammy griping about a party, which isn't that strange. [Jack] Yeahhhh, he wants to leave. He always does that. I wanna stay at least a little longer! [GM] That just means it's Jack's job to find them something fun and good to do. [Sammy] Oh boy, [GM] I don't think Jack is being compelled to be aggressive about this necessarily, he just feels like he's Jack at a party, doing the things Jack normally does, and trying to have a good time! [Sammy] Ah, and everyone else is being weird, [GM] Yeah! Everybody's being really weird! You're at this nice party, and now you're in this weird room? The party's back there somewhere! [Jack] I mean not that he's opposed to bein' dragged into side rooms at parties by cute boys, but,
[GM] The table looks like a table that Henry has in his house, actually. [Sammy] Have I ever been in Henry's house? These are questions I didn't expect to need to ask tonight.
[Sammy] Jack, this is weird! You see this is weird, right?! [Jack] Well yeah, it is kinda weird that we're in-- what are we doing here? [Joey] Joey is going to grab Jack's arm, and point to the next door, and go "Party is this way!"
[GM] Peter looks worried... [Sammy] Sammy looks worried too! Well, Sammy looks angry, but in a worried way.
[Joey] Joey is going to scream frustratedly. [Sammy] Is there ink in this room? [GM] There is not. [Jack] Is there a party in this room? [GM] Definitely no, only the party you bring with you.
[Joey] Joey is going to scream again. [Joey] He's also going to kick the door. He might stub his toe. [Sammy] Through all this, Joey is smiling. I just need us all to remember that. [Joey] YES. Also his tail is furiously going. [GM] Bendy is also upset! There is nothing to eat here.
[Joey] Joey is going to try to feed Bendy some ideas, [GM] He doesn't want ideas, he wants food!
[Joey] So.... what happens if you fumble a sanity roll?
[GM] See, here's the silly part. At this point, right? At this point, the best place to do the tasks you want to do, involve either getting the stone out of the room with the safe, or having the staff that Henry is currently holding. [Sammy] So you would arrive, by completely different means, to the same place that we are! [GM] Clearly Joey is inside the safe.
[Jack] Bad and naughty Joey Drews get put in the safe to atone for their sins!
[Henry] Henry is going to channel his inner Joey Drew and round the corner and say "No, sorry about him, we're just here on inspection, we need to check the safe." [Henry] Which is probably a Fast Talk, which I hope it isn't, because my Fast Talk is a 5. [GM] Unless you wanna try to turn that into a persuade somehow? [Henry] I'll do Persuade! [GM] What are you doing to persuade them, rather than just lying? [Henry] *rolls* I failed... I'm gonna push it... [Sammy] *uneasy noises* IF YOU PUSH IT AND IT GOES BAD, IT GOES WORSE [Henry] AH! HAHA! I ROLLED A SIX! [Sammy] THAT'S STILL NOT LESS THAN FIVE! [Henry] WELL IM DOING PERSUADE! [Sammy] That means you have to NOT LIE! [Henry] ....Fuck. [Henry] Okay, uh, there's an emergency, we need the contents of that safe. [Sammy] THATS STILL A LIE??? [Joey] NO actually, THAT'S TRUE! [Henry] It IS an emergency!!
[Sammy] Sammy cannot believe that this is working.
[GM] Bendy does wonder what his plan is for getting out of the safe. This does not seem like a fun party place. [Joey] Um, [Joey] Joey says it's a surprise.
[GM] Henry, the safe does indeed open! And there's a Joey! [GM] Bendy says "Oh wow!" [Henry] Henry tries his best to keep a straight face, like yes! this is exactly what he came here for! [Sammy] (Sammy is NOT keeping a straight face) [Jack] (Straight? In this party?)
[Jack] He's probably saying something like, "What are you doing, he's one of us!" [Jack] And that could go either way. That could mean "No, he's chill, I will persuade you to stop!" Or that could mean, "We are also criminals!"
[GM, as the guards] Then why does he look like the Yellow King's messenger? [Henry] *not missing a beat* We get that a lot.
[GM] Something falls from the sky and lands in front of him. And it's a person! [Joey] Is he alive? [GM] Very much not. [Sammy] How... how Illusion of Living canon-compliant is this Joey...?
[Jack] So... it would probably occur to Jack that this is weird for a party,
[Henry] Joey don't touch it! [Joey] Why not? [Henry] There's runes around it. I don't know if you can touch it. [Joey] Joey's gonna touch it. [Henry] *long-suffering sigh* If you get zapped, I'll tell you I told you so!
[Jack] Jack really wishes we were just back at the party right now, you guys... [Jack] Only bad things have happened. [Jack] Pete's traumatised, Joey's goopy, the Lurker ate all of the snacks,
[Sammy] Can I try to break free from Henry? Sammy's gonna try to run over there. [Henry] At this point, Sam can go, if he wants. [Sammy] Okay, cool. Then Sammy's gonna go and put ink in his mouth! [Henry] Goddammit. I was hoping you were going to check on Joey!
[Joey] You can’t take all of the sanity hits! You have to leave some for other people! [Jack] Says you! You got so many temps!! And an indefinite!!
[GM] Bendy probably is complaining loudly about WHY DID HE WALK THROUGH THE RUNES??? [Joey] Oh! I thought he was going to complain about the party, or lack thereof, [GM] That’s part of not having fun at the party, he’s not into that! [Joey] Well, [GM] This is not a fun party activity!!
[GM] But he doesn’t think it will destroy either of them, if you do it right! [Jack] That’s a nice, way to end that sentence,
[Sammy] Let us hurry! May I take the stone? [Joey] Joey shrugs. [Sammy] Sammy will, uh, attempt to reach inside of... whatever this is, and find the stone. [Henry] Reach INTO your LOCAL boss, and you will find A Friend And Boy,
[Sammy] Is there anything in this room that I can pick up, and then hit him in the head with? [GM] Henry has a stick... uh....there’s a projector.... [Sammy] Can I pick that up? [GM] No, you cannot. [Sammy] It would be REALLY funny if Sammy dropped a projector on someone else’s head. [Sammy] HOW THE TURNTABLES!!!
[GM] ...Can you impale with a rocking horse...???? [Sammy] I don’t want to impale, I want to knock him in the head so he passes out!!! Rest your head, it’s time for bed!!!
[Jack] I don’t think Jack has any plans after this! [Jack] I meant that in the sense that he doesn’t know what he’s doing next, but the way I phrased it, now it just sounds like he’s hitting on Fowler, like, he doesn’t have anything to do after this, are you free? That’s not canon.
[Joey] I don’t know how this will go, [Sammy] Good luck! [Joey] But Joey would like to-- [Sammy] Sammy believes in half of you! [GM] w-which Sammy? wHICH HALF?!
[Jack] I know you said “note.” But my brain at first processed that word as “milk.” [Henry] *laughing* “Did you get my milk, Fowler?” [Jack] He drank the last carton and he didn’t buy more! [Sammy] “I’m going to the store, want me to get anything? *jumps into the lake*”
[GM] Combat Jack! [Jack] *exasperated* He’s not a Combat Boy! Jack is soft and warm, like mashed potatoes!!!
[GM] Norman is wondering to Henry if he oughta be concerned about you all getting what you want out of this. [Henry] .....Maybe.
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andromachesimp · 3 years
wow i keep forgetting to post the fact that i’ve updated here, whoops. anyways, new chapter of sacrificial (a fence fic) is up! we have a new beta reader to add onto my squad of lackeys and make the fic less crunchy, we have a bit of grody shit goin on, we got angst, and we got mmm why is he hot all mixed in to one chapter. also we broke 100k words! waow. 
anyways, full thing is up on ao3 (ink above), but there’s a surprise snippet below for those who are intrigued 
“Are you...feeling alright?” Nick asked, figuring it was probably a good idea to make his presence known. “Better?”
Seiji blinked, slowly turning his gaze onto Nick, still flexing his fingers. Huh. Nick had never noticed that he had nice hands.
“Is it your turn to keep watch?” Seiji inquired, his voice lowered.
“Yeah. It’s kinda late, I don’t think we were expecting you to wake up tonight.”
There was a moment’s pause before Seiji nodded. “I’m feeling alright,” he finally said. There was something strange about the way he was speaking; it was almost as if he was still on another plane of existence. “Better than before, though it’s fuzzy to recall.”
“That’s good,” Nick remarked. “Really good. I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
Seiji hummed his reply, slowly laying back down. “I won’t distract you anymore, then. Go back to keeping watch.”
“You’re not really distracting me, it’s alright.” Nick sat up, but Seiji was waving him off.
Once again, Nick was left in silence. But at least Seiji was doing better, that was what mattered, and a massive weight was off of Nick’s shoulders just knowing that. Breathing came normally again, his lungs no longer constricted by too-tight ribs. He returned to the position he’d been holding to keep watch, bringing his knees back up to his chest.
Seiji broke the silence again after a few minutes in an almost inaudible murmur. “Thank you, Nick. For helping me.”
“Of course,” Nick replied instinctively. “It’s what friends do.”
Seiji hesitated before speaking again, whether it was from minor horror or confusion, Nick couldn’t tell. “Are we...friends?” Seiji asked.
Nick found himself stopping in his tracks to turn and look at Seiji, really considering his next set of words. “I mean, I think so,” Nick finally said. “It’s kinda bound to happen when we’re traveling together like this.”
They sat there for a moment. Nick didn’t know if he should have taken it back, but Seiji nodded slowly after a moment.
“Then we’re friends,” he agreed.
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lunatens · 4 years
felix felicis (iii)
word count: 3.0k
part iii/iv
genre: fluff, harry potter au
pairing: hufflepuff!felix x ravenclaw!reader
a/n: it’s been uhhhhhhhhhhhhh over a year since i last update this whoOPS i am so sorry to keep you all waiting. thank you to everyone who patiently waited, and to everyone who’s new, i hope you like it!! there will be one more part to this series (that i will try my best to write in less than a year lol) (also for obvious reasons w**jin will no longer be a part of this fic)
the day of the gryffindor vs ravenclaw quidditch match has your stomach in knots, not about the game itself (you really couldn’t care less about the results) but about the boy you’re going to be spending the next couple hours with.
“okay y/n, first things first: that tiny ball is the golden snitch, and-” 
“felix, i’m not stupid,”
“right, yeah, sorry i’m just uhh..excited is all,’ he says shyly. you watch as the two teams whizz around the pitch, trying to keep track of all the different balls and players as felix rambles on about the rules to you. despite chan, changbin and jisung being your closest friends, you’ve never actually come out to watch them play before, always finding an excuse to stay indoors instead of sitting miserable and alone on an uncomfortable bench in typically  less-than-pleasant weather. 
“wow y/n, your friends are actually really, really good quidditch players.” felix comments with a look of mild surprise. “too bad they’re not hufflepuffs!”
“actually, at your last game they were telling me they wish you were in gryffindor, so i guess you’re not too bad yourself,” you comment with a small smile, and you have to stifle a laugh as felix’s face turns bright red. you hate to admit it, but felix is really, really cute--especially bundled up in his yellow hat and scarf, his hair sticking out and gently waving in the breeze whenever someone flies by on broomstick.
you watch the game in silence for a moment, still trying to find the appeal for the sport. the game’s been going for a while now, with neither team having found the snitch yet, although gryffindor’s leading in points. jisung zooms around the far end of the pitch, expertly evading the ravenclaw beaters’ attacks and catching the quaffle with a flourish. it doesn’t take long before he’s put the quaffle through one of the ravenclaw goalposts, and the gryffindor crowd roars in excitement. jisung does a lap of the pitch, posing ridiculously and waving to the crowd to get them even more riled up. you hear felix squeal in excitement beside you, and turn to look at him with curiosity.
“that’s just the best feeling ever, flying through the air and just having fun like that. it’s so freeing,” he says with a contented sigh. you furrow your brows and turn back to look at jisung, who’s now rejoined his team as the game continues.
“really? i mean, it doesn’t seem that great. it looks so cold and windy, and what if you fall? yeah, no thanks i’d rather stick to the ground,” you state. it’s not like you want to offend felix or anything, but you just really don’t get the hype about flying. 
“what?? you don’t like flying y/n?? but it’s so epic!” felix says in disbelief, and you shake your head in response.
“the only time i’ve ever ridden a broomstick is way back in first year, when we had to learn the basics, and i’ve got no interest in trying again.”
“i’ve never met someone so opposed to flying,”
“well, that’s what happens when you fall off and break your wrist and can’t take proper notes for weeks,” you say, wrinkling your nose at the memory. “see unlike you, i’m not gifted with good luck.”
felix looks at you blankly for a moment, thinking to himself, before a wide grin creeps onto his face.
“i haven’t even said anything yet!!”
“ok but i know what you’re thinking and i am NOT riding a broomstick, felix!”
“oh come on y/n, live a little!! it’ll be so much fun! what, are you afraid of heights?” felix asks teasingly. you shoot him a glare in response.
“yes!! besides, i don’t even own a broomstick.”
“yeah i kinda figured, so we can just use mine! i’m sure we’ll both fit, it might be a bit squishy though…” felix trails off in his own thoughts, and you choke on your own spit. you turn to look at the pitch, trying to focus on the game rather than thoughts of being pressed up against felix and holding onto him for dear life, breathing in the scent of h-
“eh, i think it’ll work fine. so it’s settled, after the game i’m taking you for a ride.” felix says definitively, interrupting your thoughts (good timing too, your brain was entering dangerous territory). 
“i dunno, felix…. it really doesn’t sound safe, i mean two people on a broomstick? i don’t care how lucky you are, i’m not taking any chances.”
“y/n, i promise nothing bad will happen. we won’t even go that high, and we can take it slow. trust me, it’ll be okay,” felix says, tentatively placing a hand over yours and looking into your eyes. you’re silent for a moment; has felix ever been this sincere in his life? you let out a sigh of defeat.
“i better not regret this.” you mumble, and felix squeals in excitement. your heart flutters a bit when he grabs onto your upper arm enthusiastically
“you won’t, y/n!! it’ll be so much fun, i can’t wait. it’s gonna change your life for the better,” felix says confidently, and although you roll your eyes at him, you can’t help but smile giddily to yourself. 
the game ends in an overwhelming victory for gryffindor, and you and felix dodge red and gold banners and streamers on your way out of the pitch past ecstatic gryffindors and gloomy ravenclaws. you finally make it out, your stomach filling with dread as you remember what’s happening now.
“i’ll be right back y/n, i’m just gonna go grab my broomstick from the locker room!” felix says excitedly, before rushing off into the depths of the pitch structure. you stand awkwardly by yourself, shoving your hands into your pockets for warmth. your breath escapes your lips in visibles plumes, the air growing colder as the sun begins to sink lower into the sky. one of your professors walks by, reminding you to return to the castle, and you nod, telling them you’re just waiting for a friend. it’s not a complete lie, right? you think to yourself. the adrenaline from not only your upcoming flight, but also breaking the rules again (and for felix, of all people) fills your body with jitters.
as you wait for felix for what seems like forever, your mind starts to wander. watching the game with him today was...surprisingly fun? and my goodness, the way his eyes sparkled or his voice got squeaky when someone made an awesome play was maybe the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. not to mention his freckled cheeks, rosy from the biting cold, or his tiny hands that flailed excitedly when talking about strategies. was chan right after all? do you have feelings for felix? no, that’s absurd. you’re just excited to have made a new friend is all...haha...right?
you don’t get the chance to think more about it before someone pounces on you from behind.
“Y/N!!! YOU CAME!!!!” jisung’s loud voice rings in your ear.
“ew get off me, you’re all sweaty,” you say with a grimace as you shove the excited boy off your shoulders. “but good job guys, you did great! who knew you were actually good at quidditch huh,” you tease, and chan gives you a playful nudge.
“i saw you with a certain hufflepuff boy in the stands,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows, and you slap him on the arm.
“ok he practically forced me to go, it was the only way to stop his stupid begging and whining,” you argue, and your three gryffindor friends nod their heads in clear disbelief. 
“sure y/n, keep telling yourself that.” chan says, giving you a pat on the head which you swat away. 
“sorry that took so long, i-” felix’s out-of-breath voice stops mid sentence when he spies you with the other boys. “oh uh, hi,” he says shyly, clearly not expecting their presence. your friends grin knowingly and changbin and jisung start to whisper to each other. chan puts on a friendly smile and greets felix back, reaching out to shake his hand.
“thanks for coming out even though your house wasn’t playing,” he says, and felix seems to warm up to chan a bit. 
“i’d never turn down a chance to watch a good quidditch match! you guys are amazing,” he babbles, and you giggle at his enthusiasm, glad to see him and chan connecting. 
“you’re not so bad yourself dude. too bad we’ll have to crush you in a few weeks,” chan teases, and all the boys laugh.
“i’m impressed you were able to drag this one out, we’ve been trying to get them to come to our games for years,” changbin groans, gesturing to you. felix shrugs in response.
“i mean it wasn’t too hard, just a small bribe of some chocolate frogs and here we are,” felix says, and you feel three pairs of eyes burning into your soul. you can practically feel the smirks on their faces, and you can already hear the teasing you’ll experience later. 
“well anyways, we’re gonna hit up the great hall for some snacks on our way back, you coming? you’re welcome to join us, felix,” jisung invites.
“um actually...felixistakingmeforarideonhisbroomstick,” you splutter out, and you hear jisung make a strange noise of disbelief at what he just heard.
“sorry, what?” chan asks, and the grin on his face tells you he knows exactly what you just said. you let out an annoyed huff and repeat yourself.
“felix is taking me for a ride on his broomstick, and we better get going before it gets too late.” you say in defeat and embarrassment, reaching to grab a confused felix’s hand so you can get away from your friends before they have the chance to say anything about it. jisung opens his mouth to make what you assume is a raunchy joke about riding broomsticks, but a death glare from you shuts him up.
“okay, have fun! but not too much fun,” chan says with a wink before quickly ushering a protesting jisung and changbin back towards the castle. you’re grateful for the falling darkness, because you can feel how bright your cheeks are burning right now. 
“i’m so sorry about them,” you apologize, and felix laughs it off.
“they seem fun,” he says, then tugs on your hand gently. “follow me, i know the best place to go where we won’t get caught. trust me, i sneak out all the time with hyunjin and minho and we’ve never seen a soul.” you nod nervously as you follow felix’s lead, praying that you won’t regret this.
after a bit of walking and some light conversation, you arrive at a small clearing near the edge of the lake. 
“this is SO against the rules,” you mutter to yourself as you step over some large roots. felix gets to a spot where the sky above is clear (and growing darker by the minute), and there’s lots of room around you. he straddles the broomstick and motions for you to join him. as you make your way behind him, you can’t help but wonder if you're more nervous about flying or about the prolonged close contact with felix. there are so many layers of clothing between us, you tell yourself, it’s fine. you place your arms loosely around felix’s waist, nervous to get any closer.
“we’re gonna start off just hovering, okay? we’ll take it slow, it’ll be alright. you can tell me if you want to stop, but i really think it’ll be fine, trust me,” he says to comfort you, and you nod. felix kicks off the ground, and you gasp as you feel your feet dangling in the air. instinctively, your arms squeeze tightly around felix, and you press yourself as close to him as possible.
“i can feel your heart racing, it’s okay just relax!” felix says with a laugh.
“easy for you to say, you practically live on a broomstick,” you grumble, and you feel felix’s body shake with giggles underneath you.
“i’m gonna take us a bit higher now,” felix says, and you press your face into his back as you feel yourselves rise higher, the air getting colder as you ascend. you feel a gentle breeze tangling your locks, and the broomstick begins to inch forward. you open one eye slightly and let out a small squeak as you see how far the ground is below you. you’re almost above the height of the trees now, and felix is doing slow laps of the clearing. 
“see, it’s not too bad, right?” he asks, and you force yourself to open your eyes again. if you don’t look straight down, you have to admit the view is really nice. trees and rolling hills pepper the landscape, and you can see the quidditch pitch and hogwarts a bit farther in the distance. the last rays of sun are reflecting off of the lake, and the twilight sky is beginning to sparkle with the night’s brightest stars. 
“yeah, i guess it is pretty nice,” you begrudgingly agree. your knuckles are white as you hold on to felix for dear life, but the more time you spend up here the more you realize how stable he’s keeping the broomstick, and how much he does seem to be taking caution to make sure you’re comfortable. you let out a shaky sigh as you try to relax and take in the scenery as you hover above the trees. 
“there’s one more thing we can do, if you’re okay with it,” he says, asking for your trust. you say nothing, simply nodding into his back; you’re afraid if you open your mouth you’ll regret it. as soon as he has your confirmation, the broomstick suddenly bursts forward and you can’t help but let out a piercing shriek.
“FELIX!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!” you manage to yell over the howling wind. your eyes are tearing up from the cold night air, and your throat feels dry, and you’re convinced your heart’s stopped beating. felix just lets out a joyful laugh in response, yelling back to you “SHOWING YOU THE BEST THING ABOUT FLYING!” before plunging the nose of the stick into a dive towards the ground. he pulls up, of course, and does a few more fancy tricks before slowing down to a more leisurely pace above the treetops. 
you sit there in shock for a moment, wide eyed and breathless, trying to take in the wild turn of events.
“WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!! YOU IDIOT WE COULD’VE DIED OR SOMETHING,” you scream in between breaths, still trying to get your heart to stop racing. 
“but we didn’t, right? i told you you could trust me!! was that not fun??” he asks, giddy with adrenaline. you choose not to respond, because he’s right--as much as his sudden moves scared the living daylights out of you, you have to admit it felt pretty freeing. 
“this is my favourite view,” felix says to change the topic, and you lift your head up to look around. you’re coasting above the lake, the last rays of sun painting the landscape golden. more stars are out now, and the glow of the castle feels truly magical and welcoming. you steal a glance at felix, cheeks nose and ears bright red from the cold but an awestruck look on his face nonetheless. you don’t think you’ve ever seen him look so peaceful and content, and the feeling spreads to you as you finally relax your grip a little and rest your cheek on felix’s back. 
“thank you, felix,” you mumble, feeling surprisingly at ease now. 
“sorry, what was that?” he asks and you can hear the grin in his voice.
“i’m not saying it again,” you warn, and he remains silent. part of you wishes you could live in this moment forever, gliding over the mirror-like surface of the water with the warmth of felix to stave away the cold tendrils of night air.
“we should uh, head back. it’s getting pretty late,” he eventually says after a comfortable silence passes. you nod in agreement, and felix takes you back to the quidditch pitch, where he returns his broomstick quickly before coming back to walk with you to the castle. the walk back is mostly silent, with the two of you hiding from professors and prefects a couple times but making it back to the ravenclaw common room unseen. there seems to be some shift in the energy between you now, the silences feeling a bit more awkward than before, but neither of you wants to acknowledge it. 
“well, uh, thanks for trusting me. and sorry if i scared you,” felix says with a small laugh as you reach to door to the common room. 
“it’s okay, i uh...i actually had a really good time. you’re right, you know, it is a really wonderful feeling being up there.” you admit. you have to stop yourself from adding “with you” to the end of that sentence. “so thank you for everything, lix,” you say and you cringe at the nickname that accidentally escaped your lips. felix tries to hold back a smile but fails miserably, blushing at the nickname. 
“goodnight, y/n,” he says after clearing his throat.
“um..goodnight,” you say before going to answer the riddle to enter the common room. as you mutter the answer and begin to enter, you hear felix call after you.
there’s a long pause.
“uh, nevermind. goodnight!” he says, and before you know it he’s down the stairs and out of sight. confused, you creep up to your dormitory to get ready for bed. your dreams that night are filled with the wind rushing through your hair, beautiful landscapes whizzing past you, and most importantly of all, felix’s joyful laugh ringing in your ears.
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qhazomb · 3 years
I had a slightly angsty idea inspired sort of by your Thingrey AU and an anime with shapeshifting alien parasites.
Body Horror Warning
So let's say Gordon gets severely wounded, like impaled and suffering damage to some vital organs. Benrey panics bc he doesn't want to lose Gordon, so he calls on all the information he gained from eating enemy humans, figures out which organs are required for survival, and he uses shapeshifting to recreate the vital ones with some of his own biomass and then carefully sets them in place so they can pick up the slack left by the ruined human organs (which were removed, and possibly consumed by Benrey for 'recycling' purposes)
It would take some work, to make sure the replacement organs don't follow a "consume and convert" directive and end up completely replacing the human, but if it does work, then Gordon wakes up with a few enhancements.
(Or he wakes up partway through the process to see an alarmed Benrey with one limb tendril reaching into his chest. Wouldn't THAT be a shock)
And overtime, the result of living with alien organs means Gordon becomes less human (or more than human) as the alien organic matter integrates properly.
Basically another take on the concept of Benrey unintentionally making Gordon like himself, and teaching him how to exist in this new state.
OKAY SO THIS GOT REALLY LONG CAUSE I GOT TWO AUS/PLOTS THAT SHARE IDEAS WITH THIS HERE WHOOPS i’ve thought about something kinda similar to that whole “thingrey heals gordon by basically giving him a biomass transplant” thing! i’ve mentioned before that gordon doesn’t get his hand fully cut off in this au, but it does get cut down to the bone, and aside from some sweet voice to stop the bleeding, it doesn’t get proper treatment until they get back to the states. he keeps his hand, but it’s got nerve damage, and how well he can feel and move his hand fluctuates often. thingrey feels kinda guilty over this, both ‘cause if he’d just stuck around longer he probably could’ve healed the wound up fully, and also the only reason that red shirt attacked gordon in the first place was cause the dude was paranoid about gordon being another “thing”. he tries brainstorming ways to maybe fix the damaged nerves.... all he can think of is by replacing those nerves with his own biomass... but then, since literally every part of himself is connected to his consciousness, he’d basically become gordon’s hand, and neither of them are very jazzed about that idea. so he tries to figure out a way to replace the damaged nerves, and then maybe... remove his consciousness from those cells? and hope they don’t do like you said and basically turn into a fucked-up alien cancer. he tests this out on some deer in the woods, giving them non-fatal injuries that at least fuck up their nerves, replacing those damaged nerves with some of himself, trying to yank his own ‘brain’ out of them (takes a few tries, but he’s able to do it eventually!) and then very closely watching the deer to see if his old cells go all super cancer on the deer. when they don’t, just integrating cleanly and seamlessly with the deer’s body, he is absolutely delighted :) this doesn’t end with gordon turning into his own thing-alien, tho. i have another au that DOES, though! it also involves a “sharing a body” thing.
so gordon’s dying from some sort of unknown cancer-like disease he developed during those times he had to swim through fuckin’, probably-radioactive sewage water while there was a hole in his HEV suit with a big open wound. despite their best efforts, nobody’s able to figure out how to cure him, but then benrey gets the idea of just making him a new body like he does for himself. but to get gordon’s consciousness in said new body and actually stick, gordon needs to have a direct link to the cosmic ether like benrey does, so that his life energy will actually be strong enough to keep the body going. and to do THAT, gordon’s consciousness/life energy needs to hang out in a space that’s already full of cosmic energy. which benrey’s brain just so happens to be. this happens still kinda early on in them being roommates, so when benrey proposes the idea he is more than half expecting gordon to turn it down, rather dying than being stuck THAT close to benrey for however long it’d take to get him all cosmic-i-fied. thankfully benrey was wrong on that front, as gordon tells him that “Dude, you’re annoying as hell, but are in NO way worse than straight-up death. Let’s do it.” gordon doesn’t get to control benrey’s body any, he’s just riding shotgun. “spectator mode” as benrey describes it. he is able to feel all of benrey’s senses, though, and benrey uses this to do him another solid and offers to do stuff that gordon missed being able to do while bedbound, benrey’s like “i’m your player character in a life sim game now, bro.” the first thing gordon asks benrey to do is eat some fast food from like bk or mcdiddy’s or something because “All I could eat for well over a month was that nasty fucking slop they served at the hospital. In liquid form. I want. A fucking. Cheeseburger.” some weird dream shit also happens, and gordon ends up learning a whole lot more about his weird alien annoyance-turned-enemy-turned-roommate-turned-savior while stuck in his head. once gordon officially achieves glowcloud status, benrey puts him together a new body (he tried to get as many details about gordon’s old looks right, but also assured gordon that if any where off, he could fix them himself. grats feetman, YOU’RE a shape-shifter now, too!) oh yeah, and in order to get gordon out of benrey’s body, benrey just does what gets his own consciousness out of it. and dies. by just casually snapping his own neck. gordon is VERY DISTRESSED by this but tries to calm down cause he knows for a fact that benrey ain’t dead. it’s still awkward as hell having to tip-toe around his at-the-moment lifeless body, after gordon slips into his brand new one. tho when benrey ‘wakes back up’, gordon just yells at benrey for not giving him a proper warning before the guy broke his fucking neck. also later mr. coolatta does his bs time freeze thing to have a word with the newly ‘ascended’ gordon, and gordon decks in the fucking face, having now learned not only about benrey’s lab rat childhood, but that mr. coolatta is p much the whole reason benrey had to grow up like that. thankfully mr. coolatta is just ‘that’s fair’, as tommy was similarly pissed at him when he learned. (tommy didn’t punch him, but he did near completely avoid interacting with his father for over a month, and what little interactions they did have at that time, tommy made a point to give off just the angriest fucking vibes. mr. coolatta would rather have been punched, honestly.) THAT GOT LONG WOW, i’ve just had a lot of thoughts about this “sharing a body/becoming non-human” mix au of mine, ha ha. might make a whole fic one day. maybe. dunno.
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delimeful · 5 years
Fake title: Helpless
wrote a synopsis for this and then accidentally turned it into a whole fic. whoops!
Also for @hiddendreamer67 Feb Prompts Day 1: Ideal!
warnings: spider, spider biology, injury mention, fear
As a drider, Virgil was well aware that he should stay well away from the nearby human town, unless he wanted a bounty on his head and adventurers near and far coming to claim it. His capacity for human interaction was already strained whenever he rebuffed any advances into his woods made by ambitious explorers or lost travelers by gently scaring them back in the direction of society.
Well. He thought it was gentle, but apparently the townsfolk had been telling stories, because today he ventured near the edge of the woods to gather plants, and now he was here. Three of his spider legs were stuck in three separate steel-toothed traps, because having to get rid of just one leg wasn’t bad enough, no, of course they’d left more snap traps sitting around for him to recoil into like an idiot. 
He carefully avoided putting any pressure on his trapped legs as he peered around to make sure he wasn’t about to set off anymore, because those things hurt like a bitch. 
Behind him, a twig snapped underfoot.
He twisted around best he could, his front legs springing up in a threat display and his throat forming a spitting hiss. He was forced to drop back down a moment later, because his second left leg was one of the ones trapped, and he had automatically twitched in an attempt to raise it anyways, the motion sending agonizing pain through him. 
Before him, a human stood, shaking like a leaf. His soft brown eyes were locked on his spider half, pupils shrunk with fear. He wasn’t a hunter, at least. Not with that attitude. 
But he’d be going to get the hunters, and then Virgil’d really be fucked if he didn’t get over himself and tear his legs off already. Sure, it’d be agonizing and maybe he’d bleed to death, but would humans really give him any better?
“Relax,” he finally grumbled, tired of watching the stranger tremble, “I’m not going to eat you. I can’t even move, see?” 
He gestured to his legs, which were technically a majority free, but whatever. Wait, had he just implied that he would eat the human if he was free? Shit, he was so bad at this social interaction thing. This was why he lived alone in the woods, dammit!
The human jerked his head up to meet his gaze, as though surprised he could talk. “You’re not a giant spider,” he said, voice tremulous but almost… relieved?Virgil leaned back as far as he could, hoping the guy wasn’t about to have a mental break. 
“Uh, I’m a like, at least half giant spider,” he corrected, because he was incapable of keeping his stupid mouth shut, apparently. 
“But that means you’re also at least half not a spider,” the human replied firmly, never letting his eyes drift below torso level. “So it’s… fine! Everything’s fine!” 
He also ignored the way his voice cracked, instead dropped into a crouch to search the ground near him. After a moment, he perked up, and turned back to Virgil with a large, blocky stone in hand. 
Virgil couldn’t help but hunch down and curl his free legs in towards him, a strangled whine leaving him as his injured legs tugged at the traps. His breathing got shallower, wondering if he could get away on five legs. Humans only had two, it couldn’t be that hard, right? Unless the humans followed the blood trail he’d undoubtedly leave behind. 
The human took a step forward, brow crinkling, and Virgil’s resolve broke as another tug at his legs send a fresh wave of pain through him. “Oh spirits, please don’t stone me. Come on, just go get someone with a sword, it’ll be done so much faster. I- I haven’t hurt anyone, I swear!”
The human stopped short, which was weird because Virgil hadn’t expected pleading to work. “I– stone you?” He looked at the rock in his hand like he’d never seen it before. “No, no, I’m trying to help you! This is f- for breaking open the traps, not by killing you!”
That was ridiculous. Virgil uncurled slightly anyways, because he’d never learned when to stop hoping. “What? Why?” 
The human looked at him as though he was the crazy one. “Because you’re in pain and you need help?” He took another step forwards, hands lifted peacefully. Virgil resisted the urge to hiss another warning, unconvinced. 
“Most humans would be putting an arrow through my skull right now,” he replied, “so I don’t really see how me being weak and vulnerable explains your sudden mercy.” 
The human frowned. “Well, I have different ideals than ‘most humans,’ then. You deserve sympathy as much as anyone, even if you do have quite a few m- more legs than most.” 
He was nearly at the first trap now, putting him well in range of Virgil if he decided to grab him with arms or legs. His legs were visibly shaking, his eyes a little too wide, but he kept approaching anyways. Virgil exhaled slowly. 
“Fine. Do what you want.”
“I will,” the human answered brightly. He mumbled encouraging words to himself as he wrestled with the mechanism, finally springing it open with one last hit from the stone. Virgil pulled his bleeding leg to himself automatically with a wince, and dragged some silk webbing with his fourth leg to carefully and quickly wrap the bleeding injury. 
Below him, surrounded by spider limbs, the human had frozen with careful breaths until Virgil was still once more. “One down!” he uttered shakily.
The other two followed in much the same way, and though he was still feeling pain, his carapace was thick enough that he thought the wounds might heal over properly by his next molt. He owed this human all three legs, at this point.
“There we go!” the human cheered, taking a few respectful-maybe-fearful strides back to give him space. Behind him, something glinted in the sun.
Virgil acted on impulse, his body moving before his brain could catch up. His front legs jumped out to catch the human and pull him in with a yank, and then he reached down and lifted him right off the ground easily by the armpits. 
The human yelped, squirming in his hold, and he resisted the very spider urge to squish him against his chest until he quit wiggling. “Sorry, sorry! You’re okay, I’ve got you, I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“Whahuh!?” the human asked shrilly, round glasses slightly askew. He looked much softer, close up like this.
“You… um, you were about to walk into one of those traps,” Virgil explained, angling himself so they could see the metal glinting in the leaves. “I’m pretty sure humans can’t grow legs back, so…”
The human was silent for another stunned moment, and then turned to look at him properly. “Thank you so much,” he said, eyes shiny with awe. 
Virgil immediately felt embarrassed. “You’re the one who saved me, you don’t have to thank me…” 
The human chuckled. “I guess that means now we’re even! Oh gosh, I still don’t know your name after all this! I’m Patton,” he offered Virgil a toothy grin. 
“Um, Virgil,” he returned, still slightly off balance. He’d never gotten to exchange names with a human like this. “And I think I still owe you two more leg saves before we’re even.”      
Another one of those sweet laughs. Virgil carefully began to navigate between the trees, watching the ground. Once he finally deemed the area clear, he picked up the pace, darting over the ground. It was stilted with his injuries, but he could manage.
“Where are we going?” Patton asked, apparently content to dangle like a cat as they traveled. He’d only glanced down at Virgil’s legs once before losing a bit of color and keeping his gaze firmly on Virgil’s face. 
“Back to the town,” he answered. “That’s where you live, right?” 
“Oh,” Patton said, almost disappointed. “I thought maybe we were going to hang out a bit longer. You’re much friendlier than most of the folk in town.” 
Wow. The townspeople must really suck if they weren’t being nice to a guy as sweet as this. Virgil chewed on his lip, debating with himself for a moment, but… if Patton had treated him so kindly while he was mostly helpless, there was no real reason to mistrust him. 
“I… do still technically owe you two more saves,” he said, voice faltering. “I should sleep now, but if you… wanted to come visit. That would be cool, I guess.” 
Pattton brightened, and Virgil found himself hoping it would be the first of many smiles he’d get to see.       
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queenofnohr · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland: Lilia Vanrouge Scary Outfit (SR) - Voice Lines + Personal Story
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Voice Lines
Summoning: Halloween is my home turf~♪ I’ll be looking forward to seeing your surprised face in the future. Groovy: Don’t look down on me. You never know— you might just end up spending the whole night sleepless, trembling in fear. Set Home: Roar~ How was that? I’m a dragon ghost. Home Idle 1: It is said that on Halloween night, the ghouls that served under the Witch of Thorns dance round a fire all night long. They’re party animals, surprisingly. Home Idle 2: I can remember the day I met a genuine Long from the East like it was yesterday. Their crimson scales were truly a sight to behold. Home Idle 3: Most sweets are delicious, but marshmallows aren’t my cup of tea. I can’t feel satisfied after eating them. Home Login: Trick or treat…… what? Have you already gotten used to my pranks? Then I’ll just have to prepare something extra special for you. Home Idle Groovy: If I were a real Long, I could give you a ride on my back. Shall I give you a piggyback ride instead? Home Tap 1: Ugh, the horns on this hat are heavy. And Malleus always has to deal with these on his head? Home Tap 2: My red nails are cute, right? I had Vil paint them. It seems these crimson nails are some kind of long lasting thing called “gel nail polish”. Home Tap 3: Silver and Sebek used to be such scaredy-cats way back when. The morning after Halloween, they’d do laundry all day without complaint. Home Tap 4: Have you seen Ace? The way he’s always eating Trey’s sweets makes them look so delicious, so I made some too. Home Tap 5: Whoops. Because of my height, the tail is a tripping hazard dragging on the ground. You should take care not to step on it either. Home Tap Groovy: ACHOO! …...Excuse me, the peacock feathers tickled my nose.
Personal Story I’ll Scare You to My Heart’s Content: Chapter 1
-Interior Hallway-
Ace: This is around where the Halloween Organization Committee was having their meeting, right? I was told to submit an application for using magic in our production, but…… Dorm Leader Riddle is super impatient, but if I wait a bit, Cater will come back to the dorm. Sebek: Silver!!! Don’t you dare fall asleep again!!!! Ace: Hm? That voice must be...... Of course it’s Sebek…… and Silver-senpai. What are you guys doing here? Sebek: Hm…… If it isn’t Ace. We’d like for Lord Lilia and the Young Master to review our decorations. So we’re waiting for the meeting to end. Ace: Wouldn’t be easier to just shoot them a text saying, “Let me know when the meeting is over.” You don’t have to wait right outside the door for the meeting to end. Sebek: You think that I could call those two on a smartphone!? There’s no way I’d do such a disrespectful thing!!!!! Ace: Okay, okay. I don’t know what’s so disrespectful about that, but I’ll wait for the meeting to end with you guys. All: ………………………… Silver: Zzzz...... Sebek: Silver! Don’t use me to prop yourself up while you fall asleep!!!! Silver: Ah! Sorry. Ace: Sebek, you’re way too loud. They’re having a meeting in there, so turn it down a notch. Sebek: Guh…… Of course, I wouldn’t want to get in the way of the Young Master’s work. Ace: Isn’t he falling asleep ‘cause we’re just standing around silently? How many times have you yelled at him instead of having a single engaging conversation? Sebek: Talk about something interesting, hm? Then, last night, the Young Master...... Ace: Yeah, of course it’s about the “Young Master.” Topics only you’re interested in are prohibited. Sebek: Why! He should be an exciting topic for everyone in the world! Ace: Oh, I know. Are there any interesting stories about Halloween in the Land of Thorns? Sebek: Isn’t Halloween more or less the same between countries? Silver: No…… I heard from my old man that Halloween is celebrated differently depending on the country and culture. The other day, Azul told me about how they celebrate Halloween in the Coral Sea, but it was different from how we celebrate at the academy or in the Valley of Thorns. Sebek: What, really!? …...A- Ahem! Let us chat a bit! In the Land of Thorns, lanterns are made of carved out wood. Though I don’t think they’re used any differently than jack o’ lanterns…… Ace: Wow, what else? Silver: Then…… When the moon rises high in the night sky, a scarecrow is burned in the castle’s town square, and people in costume dance around it. Ace: I see. So it’s like a midnight costume dance party. Sebek: It is not something as frivolous as some social event. It's a feast for ghosts where all the evil spirits in the land run rampant! …...I’m trembling just remembering Halloween ten years ago…... Ace: Yeah right~ You’re totally exaggerating. Sebek: I am not exaggerating!!!!!! You can only say that because you haven’t seen it for yourself!!!! Silver: He’s right…… What Sebek says is true. Halloween in the Valley of Thorns......is truly terrifying…... Ace: Huh? Even Silver-senpai is agreeing……
Lilia: Sebek, Silver. Sorry to keep you waiting. I voice hear your voice from all the way inside. Malleus: It’s fine if you wait, but be a bit quieter while there’s a meeting in session. Sebek: My...... My apologies...... Cater: What’s this? Ace is here too. What’s up? Ace: I brought the documents Dorm Leader Riddle told us to submit. Here they are. But I had some free time while I was waiting, so we got to talking about Halloween in the Valley of Thorns...... Sebek got all heated and said, “There’s nothing more terrifying!” Cater: Wow, I didn’t think Halloween in the Valley of Thorns was so scary. It’s said that life in the Valley of Thorns is centered around magic…… Do you also use magic to decorate? Malleus: Yes. Most of our decorations use magic. As for scariness, it depends on the person. Ace: See, Sebek is just a scardy-cat, right? Sebek: No, I swear I’m not......! Lilia: Kufufu. Putting aside whether or not Sebek is a scardy-cat…... It’s true that Halloween in the Valley of Thorns has a very different atmosphere than the festivities at this school Cater: Eh, how so? Ya boy Cay here loves scary stories. Tell me about it, Lilia♪ Lilia: Okay, then as Halloween ambassador from the Valley of Thorns, I’ll teach you guys all about it!
I’ll Scare You to My Heart’s Content: Chapter 2
-Interior Hallway-
Lilia: So about Halloween in the Valley of Thorns…… Well, where should I begin? Malleus: As Diamond stated earlier, life in the Valley of Thorns revolves around magic for the most part. Lilia: That’s right. So, the light from decorative Halloween lanterns aren’t from LEDs, but from fire magic. The lanterns are also made from carved wood, not pumpkins. Many of them are carved to resemble the ancestors of the followers of the night, like dragons and bats. Sebek: On the actual day of Halloween a lighting ceremony is held wherein the Young Master lights all the lanterns in the country with magic. The sight of the Young Master lighting those noble green flames can only be described as awe-inspiring. Ace: He uses fire magic to light all the lanterns in the entire country!? Cater: Is Malleus’s magical strength seriously that crazy!? Malleus: The Valley of Thorns is a small country that has less territory and fewer people than the Rose Kingdom. It’s not a particularly notable feat. Lilia: I remember the day the Queen first asked Malleus to light the lanterns. Malleus: ! Lilia! Don’t tell them that story……! Lilia: It was a catastrophe— Malleus was so enthusiastic he made a mistake in the amount of force he was using, and burned all the lanterns in the entire country. Houses and fields were set ablaze, and the whole nation worked together until morning to extinguish the fire. Malleus: ....... Lilia: The incident was engraved into the history of the Land of Thorns as “The Halloween Fire.” Sebek: I can’t believe it……! What a wonderful event to make the populace recognize the Young Master’s power! Ace: No matter how you look at it, isn’t burning peoples’ houses down no laughing matter……? Cater: As expected of Malleus. Even as a kid, he’s been on a completely different level. I couldn’t imagine him dressed up in a ghost costume, going around to all the neighbors, asking for candy with a, “Trick or Treat”~ Malleus: You’re right, I certainly haven’t ever done that. Though in the first place, the tradition of distributing sweets on Halloween does not exist in the Land of Thorns. Cater: Whaaaat, no way! Ace: In the Rose Kingdom, that’s the main event. Lilia: It’s true. The first time I learned of the custom of handing out candy was when I traveled to other countries. It’s a good tradition. Innocent children happy to receive candy are so cute. That’s why I wanted to let Silver enjoy it…… However, we lived far away from any other people. As a replacement for him being unable to go around a neighborhood to visit houses, I was the only one Silver could ask for candy. Silver: And I knocked on your door endlessly until my bucket was full. Ace: Wow, Silver-senpai and Lilia-senpai were neighbors. Silver: Neighbors, huh…… Well, you’re not wrong. Lilia: Silver asking for sweets over and over again was so adorable! No matter how many times he did it, he’d always laugh so happily. Malleus: We never did that, did we? Lilia: Why, do you want to do it too, Malleus? How about we do it this year? Malleus: Lilia, just how old do you think I am? Lilia: Age doesn’t matter as long as you’re having fun. Sebek: If you wish it, Young Master, I shall give you sweets as many times as you desire! Malleus: I’m saying I’m not going to do it. I’m no longer a child. Sebek: My…… My apologies. I’ve overstepped my position. Lilia: Kufufu. The part of Malleus that thinks like that is still a child, no? Ace: By the way, you said that Halloween in the Valley of Thorns is super scary, but none of this is scary at all. Silver: The scary part is what happens with the scarecrow in the castle’s town square…… Malleus: In the Valley of Thorns, it’s customary to burn a scarecrow in the middle of the castle’s town square at midnight on Halloween. And people in ghost costumes dance around the fire until morning…… Ace: Oh yeah, that’s the midnight dance party that you mentioned earlier. Sebek: That’s right…… And what’s truly terrifying is Lilia, dancing around the burning scarecrow, illuminated by flames!! Silver: Halloween ten years ago was especially horrifying…… An ominous dance you would never in a million years imagine could come from our usual Lillia-senpai…… Malleus: Ah…… Remembering that day makes even me feel like my entire body is freezing over. Lilia: What’s with you guys? In my youthful impetuousness, I just cut loose a little bit. Ace: Lilia-senpai’s dance…… But he doesn’t look scary at all. Sebek: You can only say that because you haven’t seen it for yourself!!!!! Malleus: His uncanny wriggling body was like a venomous snake, and just hearing his hoarse laughing voice felt like you were being cursed. Silver: His shadow stretched long across the cobblestones in the square looked like a giant demon that kidnaps children. Sebek: Both children and adults alike were terrified of his appearance and with a single glance returned home, trembling, and waited for the nightmare to end. Silver: Some of the children who witnessed Lilia-senpai had recurring bed-wetting issues. Ace: No way, you guys are totally trying to pull a fast one on us! Cater: Ahaha, even Malleus and the others got in on Lilia’s joke, and are playing along surprisingly well~☆ Though I think it’s true that the husky shouting he uses sometimes in Casual Music Club is a bit scary. Malleus, Silver, Sebek: (Lord) Lilia(-senpai) is nothing like this when he’s serious!!! Ace & Cater: Whaaaat? Lilia: Kufufu. Now I’m in the position to spread loveliness as Diasomnia’s cute mascot, however…… In the Valley of Thorns, I was feared as the, “General of Terror.” If you like, I can show you a scary face right now…… But I think it’s better to keep it as a fun treat for Halloween day proper. Ace: Should you really be saying that? Our expectations are gonna be sky-high. Cater: I’m looking forward to seeing it on that day, Lilia♪ Lilia: Kufufu…… Then your wish is my command, and I’ll scare you to my heart’s content. I’m very much looking forward to Halloween day.
*If it wasn’t apparent from the personal story, in this line Lilia implies that he’d scare Silver and Sebek so bad they’d do their chores without complaint the next day and/or were so shell shocked they’d just obediently do laundry and/or would wet the bed the night before
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blanc-et-n0ir · 4 years
How the Brothers Cope with MC gone
This isn't about MC leaving the Devildom, oh noo. I'm still not letting up on that beautiful, beautiful other timeline hahahahah.
He'll drive himself to work more, be more of a workaholic. He's already here passing out doing work, missing meals, not functioning properly. He'd also be more snappish, considering his tiring schedule and not needing to sleep. He would drown himself in caffeine and continue working on paperwork to forget about the pain it gave him.
His relationship with Diavolo and Barbatos will probably be tenser. He'd give short, snappish replies to Diavolo or Barbatos or outright ignore their texts or shenanigans.
With his brothers, it's a lot easier for him to snap or dish out punishments. His stress levels would go higher and he's more prone to getting annoyed over the littlest arguments the brothers have. Whenever the brothers would have an outburst, he'd scream at them and immediately punish them.
"Oh, I apologise, Lord Diavolo."
"I don't need to rest, I'll just finish all this work-"
He'll gamble more, throwing himself out there. Making more debts, getting more reckless with spending. He'd also get drunk more often. As the closest one to MC, he'd be the most affected. His bills would get bigger and longer, Lucifer would punish him more but he wouldn't complain as much anymore. Not when he doesn't c a r e about anything now that MC is gone.
He would get angry at Diavolo, probably even try to fight him or Barbatos. Like I said, he'd get more reckless.
He'd be snappish to his brothers and get angry at their quips even more. This time, it's less complaining and more of real anger. He'd storm around the place, lock himself inside his room and block all their numbers.
"MC, would like this..."
"Who cares about debts, I don't!"
He'd be more of a shut in. MC was the only one who could get him outside, other than the knowledge of new merch or concerts. Now, he won't even go out to concerts or buy merch. He'd hole himself inside his room, watching his recorded animes- the ones that he and MC used to watch.
He'd be spiteful towards Diavolo, maybe even complain about it a lot in social media. He would bash around and call him names and post everything, not caring what that might do.
He won't talk to any of his brothers. He'd just be inside him room, wallowing in despair and hatred. He'd talk to himself from time to time, acting as if MC was still there with him.
"MC used to watch this with me..."
"Hey, MC what do you think about this scene, hahahahahha!"
"MC!MC!MC! Please accept my friend request in this new game!"
He'd go into a fiery rage at first. Challenging Diavolo and Barbatos, maybe even going as far as threatening to kill them. He'd destroy everything in his path to the point that his brothers would need to hold him back. Then, later he'd be burned out from all his anger and leave him as a husky of nothing. He'd stay in his room, staring blankly at the wall and trapping himself in his own mind. Whenever someone would walk in, he'd snap at them immediately not caring that he's angry for nothing.
At first, he'd be angry at Diavolo and Barbatos. Trying to kill them as his rage consumes him. Later, when he's burned out he would be too preoccupied with his own thoughts to even think about the two.
He'd once again be too preoccupied with his own thoughts to even care about anything around him. He'd stay in his room but at times he would go outside, but he's still staring around blankly. When he bumps into any of his brothers, he'd snap at them angrily and they would fall into an argument.
"What are you doing?"
He would break down. At first, he would cry. He'd lock himself in his room, crying his eyes out. He missed MC. Then, he'd forget about it. He'd like to himself that he was fine and continue on like normal. No one would point out that he was going out to clubs a lot more often compared to before.
He'd be mad at Diavolo and Barbatos but overall won't do anything to them. He's mad, yes, they took away the one thing he was possessive over. But he can't do an y t h I N g to them. He knows that.
He would be on very tense terms with his brothers. Considering how he doesn't seem to care, he'd get into arguments with Mammon or sometimes even Satan when he does get out. It'll end explosively and Asmo would leave the house to go to a club.
"Oh look at all of you, maybe we should go to the spa sometime~"
"Who cares about some silly human, they all come and go anyways-"
He'd be devastated. MC was such a great friend to him. He'd lose his appetite a lot and constantly stare at the large amounts of food. He'd easily get sick when he thinks about MC. He would try and get himself back together but his thoughts would always longer back on MC.
He is not happy with Diavolo. He didn't only take away his brother but he also took away a friend. A dear friend. It was obvious he would be mad. Extremely so.
Whenever he sees his brothers fight, he'd flinch and try to keep them calm. He'd try his best to bring them back together as a family, thinking this was exactly what MC would want. But slowly, deep inside he breaks. He just wants his brothers and MC back.
"I don't think I'm hungry anymore-"
"There's no need to fight-"
"Mc... They wouldn't want any of you to fight... Right?"
He'd be stuck in the prison. That's it. He doesn't even know that MC left. He'd just think his brothers abandoned him again. That the human was of no use as usual.
"As expected, they were human after all."
"They probably care more about that human than me, as usual-"
Whoops, this was sad. Hahahahah, but I got inspired by someone mentioning that Mammon would be an alcoholic and this happened. Wow, my first ever headcanon thing bahahah
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risottoneroo · 4 years
Between His Fingers, Chapter Two
a/n: so it looks like i’ll be updating weekly! this one is longer, and i hope u guys like it!
tags: @kakyoins-bang​ @i-mean-i--guess​ @spaceeballs​ @casketjuice​
warnings: minors in a strip club, reader is disguised as a cocktail waitress, some very mild sexual content, mentions of Dio grooming(?) reader, stand fights, canon typical violence
chapter one
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one year later
“Find the Joestars, huh?” You muttered under your breath. “Seems easy.”
You looked around the Saudi Arabian strip club you were currently disguised as a cocktail waitress for. The disguise was a leather tube dress, accentuating your curves and showing a little window between your tits. It didn’t disguise the scars high on your back, covering your shoulders in a crude impression of wings. Your Stand, in materializing, had seared its wings onto your back forever. Your scars didn’t bother you. 
You were still more than pretty, and decidedly more confident. In just one year, you’d gotten very good at seduction and deception. Dio was a good teacher. You’d practiced in clubs just like this, finding men and making them buy you pretty things, before leaving without so much as a phone number. You were well known in Cairo for this trick.  Dio knew how to get his way, and now, so did you. He’d been reluctant to let you leave his mansion, but it was necessary to get rid of the Joestars. 
He didn’t like you smoking, and only let you do it in the bars you frequented to make money off stupid men. Your loyalty to Dio was such that you were even trying to stop that habit, but in this dark, hazy club, it was hard to not want a fucking cigarette. You took a deep breath and scanned the crowd.
Dio had said they’d be the tallest and worst dressed people there. You held back a snort. Like Dio had room to pass judgement on who was worst dressed. Regardless, the group you were focused on was definitely the tallest. Worst dressed? Debatable. Highly so. It wasn’t well lit in here, and they were a few yards away, but the biggest one was wearing some kind of school uniform. It looked tight, but he also looked very good in it. He looked bored, a cigarette dangling from his lips and surrounding them in smoke. Fuck. 
The next one was a redhead, with long, messy hair. His outfit was far from messy, being a much tidier school uniform. He looked uptight, but he was still pretty cute. He looked as if he was trying to communicate to the other man there that he didn’t want to be there. It was too loud for you to hear anything, the bass pounding in your chest. 
The last man was definitely the worst dressed. Even compared to Dio. A black shirt with one strap, slicked up hair, and white pants with boots? Wow. There was a lot of bad taste in that package. He looked drunk to top it off, and was laughing at the redhead. 
You started to make your way over. As you came closer, their conversation became audible over the bass. 
“Come on, Kakyoin, lighten up! Have a little fun!”
“We shouldn’t be here. It’s too public. Especially with the blood bond, Dio definitely tracked us here.”
You stifled a laugh, coming up to sit on their table. You put on a bubbly, airheaded front and said, “Who’s Dio, handsome?”
The redhead glowered. “Nobody.”
The biggest one snorted and flicked his cigarette ash behind the seat. You smiled charmingly. “Well, can I get you any drinks, boys?”
The one with slicked up hair nodded, already staring at your legs. The redhead seemed to be trying not to look at your tits, but failing miserably. He was blushing madly. The tall, dark haired one was impassive. He glanced you up and down. “A beer for me. I don’t care what kind. The drooling one gets water. Eh! Polnareff!”
The worst dressed of the bunch managed to tear himself away from your legs and look at the tall one. “Oui, JoJo?”
“Jojo” sighed and pulled his hat over his eyes. “Yare yare daze.”
You perked up. “Are you Japanese?”
He nodded. The redhead nodded with him, and said, “We both are. Japanese students.”
Time to gush. You gasped. “That’s so cool! What’s your names?”
The redhead glanced at his friends and smiled at you. He seemed to be warming up to you, which was good. “I’m Noriaki Kakyoin, that’s Jotaro Kujo, and the drunk one over there is Jean Pierre Polnareff.”
You had identified them from Dio’s descriptions by now, but he was cute. Kujo was the one with the most dangerous Stand, though they were all very powerful, and Kakyoin and Polnareff were both deserters from Dio. That couldn’t stand.
 You opened your mouth to say something else, and Jotaro got tired of it. “Eh, woman. Get us our drinks already.”
You smiled and stood up, walking over to him and straddling his lap. He averted his eyes, grumbling. Polnareff whooped. “Get it, Jojo!”
Kakyoin chuckled at him. Your smile turned to a smirk. “Now, is that any way to speak…”
You ground down on his lap and whispered in his ear, “To a fellow Stand user?”
Jotaro stiffened against you, becoming a wall of flexed muscle. His hands closed on your neck, and you smirked. “First mistake, Kujo… My Stand isn’t limited by me.”
A wing flicked out from your back. It threw Kakyoin and Polnareff against the wall. Kakyoin hit with a grunt and crumpled, and Polnareff went limp on impact. Your Stand’s hands materialized around Jotaro’s throat, burning through his skin. Its other pair of arms materialized around his wrists, searing skin and burning into his flesh. He cried out, not expecting the heat of your Stand. His grip slackened, and you pushed off him and jumped a few yards away. The music had stopped and people were fleeing the club at the first sign of trouble. You smirked. “You might be fast, but nothing can stop the holy light of my Stand, Angel of Judgement. It suggests the Judgement card in the tarot deck, and it will not rule in your favor, Kujo. My name is Y/N. You’d better remember that when you’re begging for mercy.”
His hand was on his neck, feeling the burns. “How is your Stand tangible, woman?”
You said, “It’s not. My Stand has harnessed ultraviolet light and radiation. It radiates the light of Heaven, and that light is still intangible, even if it sears your flesh, Kujo.”
It materialized behind you, and Jotaro squinted. It didn’t make any sense. It was almost as humanoid as Star Platinum, but much more graceful and angelic in appearance. It… No. She had four arms, three heads, and uncountable wings, pinwheeling around it like a halo. Her body was covered in countless eyes, opening, closing, blinking, glowing. It shone with an unimaginable radiance, lighting up the dingy club and setting the tables close to it aflame. Staring at it was giving him a headache. He shook his head and looked away. The moment it saw him turn away, it attacked. Your Stand grabbed his jaw and slammed him into the wall. He slumped to the floor, hand shaped burns littered on his body and his head bleeding onto the floor. You licked your lips. “Damn, Kujo. I’d hoped for more. Where’s that famous Stand of yours?”
He looked up and coughed. “As the old man says, ‘The moment an enemy starts to gloat about victory, they have already lost.’ Where is my Stand, you ask? Behind you, bitch.”
You gasped and whipped your Stand around, but Star Platinum was already there. Its fist crashed into your Stand’s jaw, and your vision went black.
You woke up in a hotel bed, with warm sheets over you. You sighed and stretched before remembering what had happened last night. Shit. Where were you? You got up and looked around.  It was a hotel room with two large beds, one of which was made neatly and one of which you had just gotten out of. You heard something faintly. Muffled conversation was happening outside. You crept to the door to listen. The redheaded one was talking. Kakyoin? Yeah. “You removed it?”
Jotaro spoke. “Of course I did.”
Kakyoin breathed a sigh. “Good. She’s no longer a threat?”
Jotaro must have shrugged. Kakyoin spoke again. “Her name again?”
Jotaro huffed an irritated breath. “Y/N. I told you. She told you. Yare yare daze...”
Kakyoin must have nodded.
You noticed you felt different, and immediately touched your forehead. No flesh bud, only a bandage. You sighed, then noticed you were in a long shirt, your bra, and underwear. You shrieked. Someone had seen you naked. Your scream brought in the two inhabitants of the room, Jotaro and Kakyoin. Kakyoin looked frazzled. “What’s wrong?”
You stood up. Oh. Fuck, they were tall. Standing tall, you reached Kakyoin’s shoulder, and Jotaro was at least half a foot taller than him. 
It didn’t matter. You mustered up your courage. “Where are my clothes?”
Kakyoin glared at Jotaro, who looked even more stoic. “I told you she wouldn’t be happy about us undressing her.”
Jotaro glanced at you, pulling his hat down. “Yare yare. We thought you’d be more comfortable like this.”
You glared at him. “Where are my clothes?”
Kakyoin pointed to the armoire. You pulled out your clothes and your bag, which you supposed someone else had grabbed. You went into the bathroom, feeling considerably irritated. You pulled on a pair of shorts, and a tank top from your bag. You stared in the mirror. You looked decent, except for the bruise on your jaw from Jotaro. 
Fuck, you wanted a cigarette. You took a deep breath. Stay calm. 
You went back out, carrying your bag and the shirt they’d dressed you in. “Whoever owns this shirt can have it back.”
Jotaro reached and took it. You shook your head and chuckled a bit. Kakyoin looked confused. “What’s funny?”
You smiled. “You two are hopeless with women, huh?”
Kakyoin flushed. “Uh.…well.”
He scratched the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly. “Yeah.”
You walked to him and craned your neck up to see him. “It’s okay.”
You put your hands on his shoulder to pull him down, and kissed his cheek, then did the same to Jotaro. Kakyoin flushed bright red. Jotaro grumbled. “Yare yare daze.”
He pulled his hat down to hide his blush. You laughed at him. He glared at you through his flushed cheeks. “Watch it, woman.”
Kakyoin hid a smile. Jotaro turned away and walked out the door. Before he left, he turned back, refusing to look directly at you. “The old man wants to talk to you.”
He slammed the door behind him. Kakyoin smiled at you and mussed your hair. “I think he likes you.”
You glared at him. “Don’t be dumb, Kakyoin.”
Kakyoin laughed. “Call me Noriaki. Nobody else does.”
You frowned at him. “That doesn’t make sense.”
Kakyoin blushed. “Well, I…”
You cocked your head. “Whatever you say, Noriaki.”
You walked after Jotaro. Kakyoin stared after you. He’d been joking about Jojo, but he was starting to realize that he himself really liked you.
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liliesoftherain · 5 years
Bittersweet Findings, in that Order
A/N: WOW I’m sorry this took forever, school started back up and I’m already so swamped on the first day??? Like pls, stop. I don’t want to . At least I got to finish this! I’m so happy ughjfoivfihviowuh, I didn’t get to edit this so I’m sorry for any mistakes(All my writing has mistakes in it cause I don’t edit hard enough just post, whoops) But enjoy!! I hope you guys like the fluffy part two(: (AND THE CRAPPY BATTLE SCENE AIFAPIHVPI)
Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x Reader
20. “Wait a minute... Are you jealous?”
Part One
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Izuku Midoriya!: Part 2
As soon as Jiro had slammed the door you felt nauseous. If it wasn’t bad enough everyone would believe you were crushing on the blonde, your actual crush had heard everything. Izuku had heard everything, and well you were honestly scared. As far as you were able to tell, there didn’t seem to be much of a reaction on his end. The thought of him not caring had your heart squeezing painfully in your chest. You already knew deep down that you probably wouldn’t have much of a shot with one of the top three students of U.A. You were always hopeful, of course, but you never really thought it would go anywhere.
But that didn’t mean it hurt any less when you found out it wasn’t ever going to go anywhere.
Besides being in pain, you now also had to deal with the stresses of Bakugou. His emotions were always out on display, yet everyone who disagrees just doesn’t know where to look. His eyes may be intimidating at first glance, and that’s why everyone chose to look away. But if you stayed to look longer, you could clearly see everything he couldn’t convey into words out on the table. His emotions tonight however, when you locked eyes, caused such confusion in your mind. His eyes almost looked, dare you say, disappointed. 
You wanted to believe it was due to the fact he didn’t like you, but that didn’t seem to be it. His disappointment was stemmed for another reason entirely and you couldn’t quite understand why. You knew the only way to solve it would be to just face him, and talk to him straight up. Even if it will be awkward, it’d be better to get the truth out to him now versus losing him in the sense of friendship and family. You were sure it would all blow over and no one would think twice about it once the school week began.
It was only Friday, and unfortunately you doubted you’d see much of Bakugou until then, just because he is awkward himself and most likely doesn’t know how to confront you about the ‘feelings’ you have. Which, you don’t.
Towards him anyways.
You thoughts were drifting off towards Izuku once more until Mina cleared her throat, desperate to break the tension that flooded the room.
“I swear, boys are such pigs. Listening in on a girls sleepover, don’t they have anything better to do.”
“Guess not,” Settling back on the floor, Jiro then wrapped herself in a blanket with her cheeks blazing, “I’m going to kill him when I see him next..”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine-” Momo glanced at you, “For the both of you. I’m sorry, we wouldn’t have said anything if we knew Bakugou was outside.”
“Yeah, at least dumbass probably didn’t realize who I was talking about, if he heard me that is.” Jiro sighed.
“Well it’s not that big of a deal because I don’t like Bakugou.” You shrugged.
“You don’t? I was so sure.” Mina grumbled, a hand on her chin as she began to think out loud-reminding you of the boy you truly liked.
Your chest tightened and you felt your face fall, the worried looks of the two on the ground confirmed it as they asked what was wrong.
“It’s just.. He was out there. He didn’t seem to care-I mean..” You huffed, annoyed at the pressure that began to build behind your eyes.
You didn’t want to cry, there was no reason to. He was just some silly crush, just another classmate, just Izuku.
But that was the thing, he was Izuku.
Izuku was everything you hoped to be and more. Strong, caring, enthusiastic, brave. He was an amazing hero, and you had no doubts that one day he will become the number one. He may not be a pro yet but he sure as hell had the guts to be. 
“Wait if you don’t like Bakugou who’s he?” 
The girls jaws dropped and the sight drew a tiny laugh from you.
“Babes you like Midoriya?” Mina slapped her hands over her cheeks, reminding you of that famous painting.
“Yea, I do.”
“It’s just, we didn’t expect that honestly.” 
“You just don’t seem the type to like someone like him.” Kyoka rubbed her neck.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You frowned.
“Nothing bad, I just meant that you two don’t really hang out too much. I’ve always seen you around Bakugou and Kirishima, I just never pictured you ‘d like Midoriya cause well-”
“He doesn’t seem like your type.” Mina cut her off, hoping she wouldn’t upset you.
You couldn’t be upset because you understood their questions, you really didn’t hang out with Izuku much. But that didn’t mean you didn’t like to hang out with him. You just got too nervous to ask to hang out more, when he didn’t seem to want to.
“I get it. It’s hard to talk to someone when they don’t want to talk to you back.” You sniffed, and didn’t even realize you were beginning to cry.
“Oh hun,” Mina wrapped her arms around you, “Midoriya looks up to you a lot!”
“Really? Why would he look up to me?”
“It’s true! Midoriya-kun is always talking about you and how he admires your strength, your battle tactics, and how smart you are!” Momo smiled, hoping to help sooth your worries.
Your tears were slow, maybe a tear here and there, but it was still more than anyone has ever seen you cry. You tried not to, you were too afraid to show such a raw emotion. Unlike Izuku, how was he so brave?
“Just because he ‘admires’ me, doesn’t mean he likes me. I’m sure he has no romantic feelings towards me whatsoever.”
“If he doesn’t like you then he’s tripping, who wouldn’t like you?”
“Exactly, Midoriya may not love anything as much as he loves AllMight-” That made the group laugh, “But that doesn’t mean he can’t like anyone else, meaning you.”
The hums of agreement were enough to stop your tears, and agree with them in hopes they would stop talking about it.
While you were thankful they were trying to reassure you, you really didn’t want to keep thinking about it.
You all agreed shortly after that going to bed would seem like the best option now, after the whole thing you guys felt pretty worn out. Making yourself comfortable on the bed next to Mina, you wished the two on the makeshift bed next to you a goodnight before everyone quickly nodded off. 
Except you, you were finding it hard to fall asleep as you recall the events that happened over and over again in your head. It was hard, trying to convince yourself that Izuku could actually care about you in that sense. But you couldn’t, there was no way someone as talented as him could look up to you like they said, let alone like you in any other way than a classmate. No way someone as talented as him could feel that way, someone so positive, well-collected, and just outright outstanding. 
You couldn’t hold a candle to someone like him.
These thoughts continued to plague your mind until you were too exhausted to think, finally falling into a sleepless slumber as your body felt cold and numb, even under all the blankets.
The entire weekend went by without seeing either boy, and it only caused your anxiety to grow. Was Bakugou ignoring you now? He really must have thought you had a crush on him, and you wished he would just talk to you so any awkwardness between the both of you would be over and done with. You just wanted things to go back to normal, which you hope would be easy enough if Bakugou would quit running away from you and let you talk.
When Monday rolled around you knew it was your chance to finally talk to the kid and tell him it was all a big misunderstanding. You headed to class early, hoping to catch him there since he was always the first in class. Thankfully you were right as always, walking into the classroom the only other person inside was Bakugou.
“Hey Bakugou, morning.” You greeted, walking over to his desk. 
His eyes immediately snapped up to stare at you, his body going rigid the closer you got. He was silent, and the longer it stretched the more irritated you got.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to not greet someone back?”
“Look, (l/n)-”
“I don’t like you, stop being weird already!” You huffed at how uncharacteristic he was being. 
You were taken aback by the look of surprise on his face, his eyes opening wide and mouth parted. It was funny to see such a look on his face so you snorted in amusement as your irritation wore off, effectively snapping him out of his daze. His face took on one you were used to seeing, narrowed eyes burning in annoyance and mouth set in a scowl.
“The girls were teasing, and they just assumed it was you. So I’m sorry to say I don’t have those kinds of feelings for you, I hope your heart isn’t crushed too badly.” You joked.
“Shitty girl,” Bakugou ran a hand down his face and let out a deep sigh, “Don’t be such a pushover and tell them to shut the fuck up then.”
“You’re telling me not to be a pushover? What about you, quit being such a pervert. What were you doing out there anyways, peeping tom.”
“Oi watch it,” He clicked his tongue, shoulders relaxing as he leaned back in his chair, “no one was peeping at nothin’, and I sure as hell wouldn’t do some dumb shit like that. I was there to watch someone get their ass beat. Which was disappointing by the way, you losers didn’t do shit.”
“Well wait for sparring later today, I’ll make sure some ass gets kicked for your sake.”
A smile fell onto you face as a lazy smirk rose on his, and you felt peace fall over you. This was how it was supposed to be, friendly and natural. No one was avoiding anyone, no awkward atmosphere. Friends and nothing more.
The door opening caused you to look back, only for your peaceful air to disappear as you caught sight of curly locks. You watched his eyes dart away as he took his seat, and you felt your body grow cold like how it every time you thought about him. 
Izuku swore he didn’t know how many times his heart could break, it must have been hitting double digits by now. As soon as he opened the door, he saw you looking at Bakugou who had some stupid smirk on his face. You two looked awfully chummy, you must have gotten together or something. The thought of you two together felt like a knife piercing his heart. 
Along with the pain, some unknown feeling sparked up and it had him confused as well as angry. His eyes narrowed and he quickly turned his head away, heading to his seat. He ignored the sensation of your eyes on his back as he sat down, the rest of the students trickling in which acted as a great distraction. He was exhausted, not finding it easy to sleep lately. While he hadn’t cried again since that night, it didn’t mean the pain he felt was any less. The earlier feeling was now gone as he struggled to pay attention in class, listening to the normal general ed lectures until it was time for the hero training. 
You were dismissed to put on your training uniforms then head out to the training grounds. Aizawa-sensei had met you there, giving the instructions of today’s session.
“It’s just regular one-on-one combat. Quirks allowed this time, but keep it in check. I don’t want to deal with it if you go overboard, so don’t force my hand to stop you. Got it? Good. Use this to immobilize your opponent. Here are the partners..”
You were handed white tape and made to select a piece of paper that had a match number your partner would share. You were paired with Ochaco, and she smiled brightly as you were the first team to spar. 
You didn’t mind her, she was a lovely girl, but it was the fact she was so close to Izuku that had you a little wary of her. She admitted to you girls once that she used to have a big crush on Izuku throughout the first year of school, so how could you not be? It was a bit daunting overall, she was in the position you wanted to be in when it came to the boy. You wanted to be able to hang out with him more often and not have it be a weird occurrence to do so.
You both took your place across from each other and waited for the signal, jumping into action once it was given. As long as you didn’t let Uraraka touch you with her hands, you would be okay. So as soon as she lunged, you willed your body to jump away from her as you landed off towards the side. You played this cat and mouse for a bit, making sure to not get hit by any rocks she had happened to find and use as ammunition. 
You managed to snag an opening and quickly knocked her off of her balance, pinning her to the ground on her front and quickly securing the tape around her wrists. Aizawa-sensei called it you win, and as the good sportsman you are, helped Uraraka up apologized for the rough landing. She laughed it off, saying it was an incentive to work harder to hope to catch you off guard and win next time.
Your eyes automatically searched for Izuku, as they always did, and much to your disappointment he wasn’t looking at you. He would normally give you a giant grin and a thumbs up, telling you his thoughts on the match once he had the chance to talk to you.
But now his gaze wasn’t nearly as happy as you remembered it to be, his brows were pinched and his normal smile was now pulled tight. His gaze was focused, heated one would say, staring straight at his own opponent. You missed his smile, you hadn’t seen it in a while. You were also curious as to why he ignored you all weekend and today, was he perhaps embarrassed about getting caught?
That had to be it, Izuku did get easily flustered or embarrassed, it might take him a bit before he could talk to you again. Which you didn’t like, but if that’s what he needed than you would be more than willing to give him that. Besides, he didn’t owe you anything. 
It’s not as if you were dating, he didn’t even like you for goodness sake.
You turned away from the boy, hoping no one saw the hurt that flashed across your face. You turned your attention to focus on the remaining matches, getting a weird feeling when Izuku and Bakugou walked up to take their own places after a couple of battles.
Izuku felt his body heat up when Aizawa called him to his own spar, his partner already waiting. Green meeting red in a heated gaze, Izuku felt that unfamiliar emotions from early come back tenfold. What was just a spark is now a flame, burning hot. Once the signal to begin was announced, the rational thoughts left. All Izuku could focus on was the way his heart hurt, the way his chest burned, and the discontented eyes that stared right at him.
What did Bakugou have to be dissatisfied about? He had you didn’t he? He’s always been one step ahead of him, Izuku knew this. Since they were kids, it was always Bakugou. Bakugou in the lead, Bakugou with the quirk, the friends, the power, the strength. Why now, after so much work, why is Bakugou still so far ahead of him? 
Midoriya and Bakugou dodged each other's blows swing after swing, the quirks not even being used at the moment. It was an even match for the most part, until Izuku saw Katsuki’s eyes flicker over towards the crowd, then back towards Izuku with a smirk and whispered;
“Wait a minute… Are you jealous? You should be.”
That’s when the last bit of self restraint snapped. 
The fire now a blazing inferno as his teeth ground together harshly, allowing more than a bit of his quirk to seep into his hand as his fist made contact with Katsuki’s cheek. His head snapped to the side as he was unable to block or move, even countering seemed out of reach as the boy staggered back, clearly not expecting such a hard punch. Bakugou’s eyes hardened in anger as he finally began to use his own quirk, explosions going off to propel him forward with more speed and more strength. 
Shouting and grunting was all that was heard from the two, besides the harsh sound of skin on skin. The two were going all out, and what surprised you the most wasn’t the look on Bakugou’s face, but how Izuku held the exact same look on his own. It was different to see him with such a smoldering look, as if he were upset at Bakugou for some reason. Which didn’t make sense to you, because while they weren’t the best of friends, Izuku was hardly-if ever-truly angry at Katsuki. You wondered if there was something that happened between the two of them to cause this type of behavior.
You gasped as you felt the intensity of their powers radiating off of them, it has been a while since you’ve seen Izuku battle with such a ferocity up close. You didn’t have the same work studies, so you hardly ever battled together on the field unless you were teamed up for one reason or another. So when you heard his loud cry, and saw energy coming off of his arm in large waves, you couldn’t help but worry. What was he doing battling so hard? 
What was he trying to prove?
Izuku had everything to prove, he knew it. Even if he wasn’t sure why he did, he knew he had to. It was some instinct, some deep down feeling that once lay dormant had sprung to life and was gnawing at him till he listened. Well, he knew what that feeling was now he supposed, it was what Katsuki said-
He was jealous.
But he had to listen to it, to show that he was the better man, to show that he was worthy, that he wasn’t just some crybaby. That he too was a man, worthy of-
Well, worthy of you.
As quickly as he let his power spike did it drop, the power coursing through him ceasing as his closed fist still struck against his opponents jaw, just with less vigor. He felt Katsuki’s clenched hand strike his cheek harshly, yet no stinging explosion followed. 
Both boys fell over from the force, and knew that they weren’t the ones to deactivate their quirks. 
You looked over to the left and saw your teacher with glowing eyes, a hard stare on his tired face. He must’ve known things wouldn’t have ended well if he allowed the fight to continue.
“Were you two even trying to trap the other, what’s gotten into you. I thought you both overcame this age old spat and were getting along better. I’m disappointed. Get out of here and get cleaned up, now.”
Aizawa didn’t let his quirk drop until the two were walking away, in the opposite directions. One towards the locker room, and the other towards the bathrooms. He just sighed at the sight, clearly annoyed at having to stop the match. 
“Next group, let’s go.”
Izuku’s hand banged against the locker door as he slammed it shut. Breathing heavy as he tried to still his racing heart, the pain in his body not registering as his adrenaline was way too high to allow it. It was an odd feeling, knowing you were in pain but unable to feel anything more than anger coursing through your veins. Was this how Katsuki always felt.
The thought of the boy alone sent another spike of jealousy through him, causing him to bite his lip as he glared at the ground.
“That was intense, are you okay?”
His head snapped up to meet your eyes, and his heart skipped a beat.
“(l-l/n)? What are you-”
“I asked Aizawa-sensei if I could check up on you, you guys were going at it pretty rough.” You said softly, not caring you were in the boys locker room.
While Izuku wanted to be thrilled at the idea you were worried about him, he couldn’t bring his body to cooperate. 
“Why do you care?”
You were stunned, the annoyance on his face and in his voice catching you off guard. You were unsure of what you did to him, was he mad at you? 
Izuku? Mad?
“Midoriya why wouldn’t I care about you? You’re my friend.” You swallowed your hurt at the word.
Little did you know Izuku did too.
“Friend, right.” He scoffed. 
Izuku wanted to kick himself for speaking so rudely to you, but at the same time wanted nothing more than for you to go away.
You were a constant reminder after all, a reminder that he’d never be good enough. 
Never be enough.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You crossed your arms over your chest defensively, growing aggravated.
“Listen, shouldn’t you be with Bakugou.” He copied your stance, also turning his head away from you.
His eyes were narrowed, and eyebrows drawn together with a pout on his face. You thought he almost looked cute, if it weren’t for the snarky tone he was using. Plus, when did he start calling him Bakugou? Even after all this time, he never failed to call him Kaachan.
“Bakugou? Why would I be with Bakugou-”
“Oh cut the crap,” He let out a frustrated cry, hands weaving through his hair, “Look I get it, he’s better than me. That’s what you think-that’s what everyone thinks! I was probably overthinking it, I know I was. Why would you ever like me in the first place. God, I’m such an idiot! To think I’d ever have a chance with you! I want to be mad at you, but I can’t! It wasn’t your fault I got so attached, so into you, but you keep coming into my life and I can’t just forget you! Whether it’s a study session, a spar, a friendly mall trip! I hate it all, because all I do is feel these good-for-nothing butterflies and-and these stupid feelings!.. Just please, leave me alone…” He cried.
The tears in his eyes made him feel even more angry, as he desperately tried to wipe them away.
“I-I know I’ll never be what you want. It’s not me and I’ll be okay with it but I can’t, h-have you here constantly reminding me! I, I just can’t-” A sob escaped his mouth, “It hurts, because I’m just proving to you how inadequate I am.. How worthless, how stupid, hopeless, lousy I am and I-”
Your body froze at his confession, and you weren’t sure what to do. Sure, this is what you’ve wanted for a while now, but at what cost? The boy you were in love with was standing in front of your, crying his heart out, pouring out his insecurities. You reached a hand towards him only to have him back away from it.
“I’m never going to be as good as him. I’ll never be as strong, I’ll never have what it takes. I’m not that outgoing, I know I’m shy, and I’m okay with myself.. I don’t want to change who I am, but hearing you don’t like the type of person I am hurts (y/n), can’t you see what you’re doing to me?” Watery green eyes bore into your own.
“Izuku I don’t like Bakugou.”
“Don’t lie to me, why-why would you-”
“Izuku,” You grabbed his face, being wary of the bruise that was forming on his right cheekbone, “I like you. I always have. You are stronger and braver than anyone I know. I don’t know why you’d think I’d believe otherwise.. You’re so headstrong in battle, you are exactly how I want to be as a hero, and you don’t even need to try! You’re caring, compassionate, forgiving, loving, sweet, yet so brave, tough, unyielding, strong-willed, Izuku. You’re the most assertive person I have ever met… And, well you know how I feel about assertive people.” 
You were whispering, tears in your own eyes but a smile on your lips nonetheless. It was beautiful to see his eyes widen with tears other than sadness, his frown softened into an unbelieving grin, to see such a lovestruck expression on his face.
A blush quickly formed underneath your hands, stutters spilling from his lips to form sentences.
“I-I, uh, you re-really mean that? You-er-you’re not lying t-to me?”
“When have I ever lied to you?”
“U-uh well.. Never.. But Kaachan was being-”
“Never. That’s right, plus when is Bakugou ever nice? He probably said whatever to make you angry, you know how he likes to egg you on. Don’t worry, I’ll kick his ass later,” You took a deep breath as you blurted out your next words, “I’m in love with you, Izuku Midoriya. Full on, unconditional love. And I don’t care if it’s too early because that’s how I feel. And while this may be crossing a line, I know that I will follow you anywhere, because I have the utmost faith in your abilities, in you. I love you, and I want to be with you. If you’ll have me.”
Your own blush spread across your face, growing more nervous the longer he took to answer. You began to retract your hands away from his face when his own slapped over yours, causing you to yelp in surprise.
“I-I-I LOVE YOU TOO AND W-WANT YOU TO BE MY G-G-G-GIRLFRIEND!” His eyes were squeezed shut, his entire body now red from embarrassment. 
Your laugh made him crack one eye open, and he felt all his worries and fears fade. Gosh, how were you so beautiful? 
“I would love to be your girlfriend Izuku, even if you are a big baby.” 
He looked offended at your words, playfully clicking his tongue.
“Great cause uh, you don’t have the choice of saying no!” His chest puffed out, eyes set firm as he stared at you with an intense look.
“Oh?” You rose an eyebrow, watching as his strong-guy demeanor fell in an instant.
“N-no of course you can say no, um, i-if you really wanted to..”
“I don’t. You know, everything I said was true. I like you for who you are, not who you think I like. I need you to be you, and no one else. Baby and all.”
He bit his lip nervously, looking into your eyes as he squeezed your hands in his, bringing them down from his face to rest in between you both.
“I can do that.”
“I wouldn’t want you any other way.”
Hearing those words Izuku knew;
He was a crybaby.
But he was your crybaby, and that’s all that mattered to him.
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[ ooc: ep 4 liveblog & opinions under the cut! this one got long winded because I had a lot that I was thinking about (and it took me twice the length of the episode to actually watch through it because I kept pausing to type oops) ]
yeeeesh that’s one way to start. thank you for letting bucky cry.
but also the look of pride on her face when she says “you are free” they’ve been working so hard and she’s so happy with the progress bucky has made ;_;
and now she’s so betrayed :(
but I’m also so glad Bucky learned xhosa that’s super important! <3 part of decolonization of the past involves respecting and learning and propagating languages and cultures that have been trodden over. Wakanda has been something of a safe place in that regard, and are now doing the outreach to help their continent and the world, but it takes the world of people within the majority putting in the effort and learning and embracing those cultures and languages (without appropriation, which I know is a fine line to walk sometimes) in order to really make progress. once it is no longer alien, it is also no longer scary, and can be held in proper esteem.
“sweet of you” shut your mouth Zemo xD
“she’s just a kid” thank you for your compassion Sam. and while she’s an extremist, I’m not sure whether Karli counts as a supremacist or just a terrorist? maybe she counts as genocidal if she’s truly trying to restore things to Blip conditions but it’s kind of unclear.
“the serum never corrupted Steve” “touché” YO EVEN HE ADMITS IT
Sam’s understanding of cultural habits (and there are many overlaps between various cultures and the ways they mourn) is such an asset here, and I’m glad that they’re pulling a contrast between the tech-driven, cold, calculating predictions made by certain people and organizations in other parts of Marvel and the general sort of soulful and instinctive approach here
Turkish delight. Excuse me but Narnia cemented the idea in so many people’s heads that it is this magical thing but it’s like superglue in your mouth. It is not irresistible, Zemo.
Legislation and social change as a result of violent action is nothing new. Every peaceful protest has been backed up by some kind of harm, whether it be economic, like a boycott, or physical, either damage to property or lives. I think instinctively people understand this, but it’s good to see it put in the spotlight.
Sam is “stranger danger” to these kids :/
“I know what happens when people say they’re going to help out... nothing.” Ouch.
The way Sam’s gaze falls at that too, because he knows theoretically that a lot of these injustices are happening and can empathize, but practically hearing it hurts. He doesn’t like not being trusted either, but I think he can probably understand why.
Zemo playing that psychology game! Kids love food and the idea that he must be a good person just for having a kid is dumb as hell but something that kids would gravitate towards. Smart man. Doubly smart for not telling them, Nat would approve if she didn’t hate him :P
Sam de-escalating is gonna be a trend I can just see it.
Cherry blossom tea? Interesting choice.
Nat vc: gosh it’s nice to see someone competent around here. 
ooooh they’re really reinforcing the idea of Captain America being a figurehead that inspires people
“heroes these days don’t have the luxury of keeping their hands clean” yeah well it’s because Steve had people like Bucky and Nat do do his dirty work, but sure
“all the people history just left out” OW
okay first of all Sam being the one who is insisting on reasoning with them because he knows what it’s like to come from an oppressed people !!! he knows grief and trauma !!! he can do this !!!!! I just know Walker is gonna fuck it up for them :P
second, Walker trying to emotionally manipulate Bucky? it’s a testament to how far he’s come that he doesn’t punch the guy immediately lol
Hoskins being the voice of reason as a foil for Walker again what?! this version of Lamar isn’t nearly as terrible as I expected.
Zemo calling that itty bitty girl his associate xD He really does understand the people here though... aaaand he’s getting handcuffed. Totally didn’t see that coming (he’ll probably break free anyway)
The conversation between Karli & Sam ;_; 
“you’re either brilliant or hopelessly optimistic” “por quo no los dos.gif”
Walker trying to guilt Bucky again god he’s so dumb. I appreciate the fact that he’s ruthless but he’s so narrow minded in how he approaches problems. oh no I have an issue let’s punch it until it dies! come on man.
Karli is so heartbreakingly naive and that’s becoming more and more obvious. I love Sam opening her up like this wow.
and the cuffs empty WHAT DID I TELL YOU
god we were getting somewhere ;____;
oh good just what we need, serum in Walker’s hands. he was already awful he doesn’t need to be more awful gdi
“we separate them and then we kill Captain America” ...yes, we’re listening xD
I know crazy because I am crazy... oh boy we got some internalized stuff, but let’s play it off
still a little blame game going in terms of where the shield ended up I see
pOINTY STICKS I cackled oh boy he gonna get his ass WHOOPED
Sam is enjoying the hell out of this
Zemo watching and drinking
“Looking strong, John!” “Bucky”
oooh dear they tangling and Zemo’s getting away.
your arm’s off! no it’s not
they all got their asses kicked ah well. also the look on Walker’s face says he gonna serum himself up, the lil fucker. oh no someone’s better than you how will your ego ever survive.
a lil Battlestar logo!!! shut up that’s cute. they’re really making him halfway likeable here.
“power just makes a person more of themselves”
ohhhh okay time to unlock Walker’s traumatic backstory. at least he feels bad about the things he did. at least he knows that those medals of honor are covered in blood. people are at least partly made by their circumstances, and I wonder what he was like before the war. the only indication we have of it is him being a football star, and while I may not have had the best track record with those in my youth, that doesn’t mean there aren’t decent ones out there...
Sarah’s “my world doesn’t matter to America, so why should I care about its mascot?” Oh, we’re speaking to the disenfranchisement of marginalized people hardcore today okay. if anyone’s gotten this far in my overly long commentary I want you to know that this is the realest alright? it’s hard to be proud of a country and its symbols when it doesn’t do right by you, when the majority doesn’t do right by you. am I glad I was born here? sure. are there worse places to be? sure. am I proud to be an american? oof, man, don’t ask me that.
Karli is not pulling her punches, she’s threatening the whole fam. Sam isn’t gonna like that... He sounds like he’s trying to suppress panic instead of being angry on the phone call with Sarah. I think he understands what Karli is trying to do, even though he hates how. And he’s worried, because he’s always gonna be worried. Poor guy. And there’s the confrontation.
Sharon got their backs!
Oof, seeing the gun with the shield.
Gunshot, run, oh, listening, he’s already got the serum, maybe? Given how deeply that shield is embedded in the wall I’m gonna say yes. YUP I WAS RIGHT.
Something about the water dripping and Lemar’s face makes me think he may have been waterboarded at some point :( but maybe he’s just in a lot of pain.
Ooh, we gotta upgrade that wingpack with Stark repulsors pls go Sam go
oh no. Lemar. fuck. FUCK.
oh good now you’ve done it. killing a guy as Captain America. fuck.
the blood on the shield as the last shot! ~cinematography~
hoooo I’m chilled. I knew something along these lines was coming but oof. 
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i-just-love-spop · 4 years
Another blood-stained shirt
@skyfireflight requested “Take your shirt off.” “...what?” “You heard me the first time.” for catradora, where Adora is injured, and Catra takes care of her injuries, so that’s what we’re doing today.
Summary: Catra hadn’t seen Adora this out of it since her sword had been infected in the Northern Reach. This definitely wasn’t good. That had to be a pretty bad concussion.
Now, if only Catra could actually focus on patching her girlfriend up with the shirtless blonde all over her...
In which Adora got hurt fighting some of the remaining Prime-bots and gets way too flirty when her girlfriend tries to take care of her injuries.
Takes place a bit after the series-finale.
[Once again, there’s some cursing – and there’s also shirtlessness and a bit of blood, in case you couldn’t tell from the summary 😂]
Adora took her red jacket off.
Catra gulped when she looked at her.
“That... can’t be good.”
All of them had been off fighting the remaining drones and robots that were still active on Etheria after everything for the last couple of days. While the clones were mainly confused since they were no longer connected to the hive-mind, having to adjust being their own person now instead of serving someone else’s will constantly – Wrong Hordak was doing a great job helping them –, the robots had decided that now that they weren’t controlled by a central computer anymore, they should just wreak havoc everywhere they came.
All in all, the princesses and their friends were doing a pretty good job taking care of them, but today hadn’t gone so well.
Catra hadn’t even realized what was happening until her girlfriend had suddenly pushed her, and when she’d turned around again, Adora was being pinned to the ground by a fallen tree that had been cut down by one of the robots’ lasers.
She had been trying to protect her girlfriend so much that she’d gotten hurt, and since She-Ra had signed off the moment the girl’s head hit the ground, she couldn’t even get the stupid tree off of her again.
And Catra was many things, but definitely not strong enough to lift a tree, so she’d contacted the others for help.
Eventually, Glimmer had teleported her friend out from under the tree, and of course, Adora being Adora, she had insisted that although her head hurt a little, she could walk back just fine.
Which she really, really couldn’t.
She’d leaned on Catra the entire way back, rambling and giggling about pretty much everything they came across.
Glimmer had tried to insist on taking her to see a healer, but Adora had insisted that she wasn’t hurt that badly and just wanted to go to her room to get to bed.
Now, they were sitting on said bed, and Adora had taken off her jacket to sleep and put it onto the bed next to her. The white shirt underneath was soaked with blood.
Catra couldn’t stop staring at her.
This was bad. This was really, really bad – a lot worse than the brunette had expected it to be.
“Wow, we’re doing a really great job ruining all of your white shirts with blood lately, aren’t we?”
The joke didn’t make her feel better or less stressed or worried like she’d hoped it would.
She felt awful because Adora had gotten hurt protecting her. If she’d just been more careful and watched out for her environment more, this wouldn’t have happened.
Adora did seem to find it funny, though. ...but that might be because of the concussion.
“It’s fiiine. I have like twenty more of these.”
Catra shook her head and gave her girlfriend a worried glance. The guilt was slowly consuming her.
“Why are you like this? You shouldn’t have done that. I don’t want you to get hurt. If I’m the one that isn’t paying attention, I should also be the one that gets hurt. Not you. After everything you’ve already been through, you of all people deserve to be happy and healthy forever. I’m sorry. I should have protected you better.”
Adora put a hand on her cheek.
“Don’t be upset, Kitty. I don’t like it when you’re upset.”
Catra smiled a little at her girlfriend’s words, but sighed at the nickname.
“You’ll never stop calling me that again, will you?”
“No, I won’t. Because you are a kitty. A cute kitty.“ Adora giggled, in a way that made it pretty clear she was kind of out of it. “My cute kitty.”
The brunette choked on whatever word she’d wanted to say before.
‘Holy- wow.’
Adora was really something, huh?
...and Catra was doing an awful job at being a good girlfriend and treating her wounds because the blonde was so freaking distracting.
‘Damn it, I need to focus,’ she thought to herself, closing her eyes for a moment to take a deep breath, so she could think clearly again.
First things first... she needed to actually see the wounds to be able to tell how grave they were and to tend to them.
“Take your shirt off.”
The sentence came out of her mouth very straightforward, and it took her a moment to realize how different that sentence sounded, especially in such a demanding voice, without knowing the intentions behind it.
Her girlfriend gaped at her and blinked.
“You heard me the first time.”
Adora then gave her a smug grin and raised an eyebrow.
“Well someone is being especially bold today...”
Catra shook her head.
‘Oh stars.’
Not only had Adora interpreted it exactly the way Catra hadn’t intended for it to sound... she’d also developed the whole thing even further.
‘Is she always like this when she‘s out of it?’
Despite everything, Adora did try to listen and take her shirt off, but the bloody fabric was stuck to her wounds, so it didn’t quite work as she’d expected it to.
She laughed.
”I think it’s fighting back. What a mean shirt.”
“Yeah, right, what a mean shirt...” Catra shook her head. She was incredibly worried – she hadn’t seen Adora this out of it since her sword had been infected in the Northern Reach.
That had to be a pretty bad concussion...
Catra thought for a moment.
“Alright, medical training said if bandages are stuck to the wound, you’re supposed to use water or alcohol to dampen the dressing. This is a shirt and not a bandage, but I’m hoping it will work anyway.”
Adora beamed.
“Yay, let’s get drunk!”
Catra covered her eyes with one of her hands.
Oh stars.
“...let’s not.”
She was definitely trying water first.
To Catra’s relief, soaking the bloody pieces of clothing with a dampened washcloth worked relatively well, and they were able to take the shirt off of her without hurting Adora further or reopening her wounds.
Catra had to force herself not to stare because holy shit her girlfriend was so beautiful, but she was also hurt and needed medical attention and that was more important than the brunette’s own need to stare at Adora all day.
Her chest was covered in bruises and her rib cage looked a little dented. That definitely wasn’t good.
Catra leaned forward to touch it carefully.
The blonde winced when her she did.
That definitely wasn’t a good sign.
Catra moved around her to look at her back, which, judging from the blood on the shirt, had definitely taken the most visible damage.
It really didn’t look very good, that much was clear from the very first glance.
The brunette’s gaze wandered down her girlfriend’s back.
She flinched when her look fell on the scars again.
Adora had a lot of scars – some from Horde-training, some from dumb accidents and some from the war... and then there were the scars Catra had left on her, that made the brunette feel sick and disgusted at herself every time she looked at them.
She looked down at her now shortened claws as she once again vowed to be better, to never ever hurt her again and to not let anyone else ever hurt her again, then took a deep breath and once again looked at the fresh wounds.
This looked bad. Really, really bad. And painful.
Catra gulped.
“You look... oh stars, you look awful.”
Adora’s back was covered in scratches and bruises, and she had an especially bad gash on her back just under her shoulder.
“Interesting statement from someone who was practically drooling all over me a few seconds ago,” her girlfriend replied with a smug grin on her face.
Catra blushed scarlet.
“I was not! ...but yeah, you’re very beautiful and I’m lucky to be dating you. I didn’t mean you look awful as in ‘I don’t find you attractive’, because I do, so much, I just meant your wounds look really bad.”
Adora just grinned.
“Awww, you called me beautiful. That’s pretty gay.”
She apparently hadn’t heard much else, or at least didn’t she seem to care about the rest.
The brunette shook her head.
“We‘re dating, you idiot.”
“Riiiight. That’s also pretty gay.” Adora beamed and kissed her, hands still wrapped around her when they separated. And damn, the way she looked at her... Catra would never ever get used to this – and she didn’t want to, because she wanted that nice, tingling feeling in her stomach that she got when her girlfriend looked at her like she was her entire world to never go away. “You’re pretty. And gay. And pretty.”
The blonde was all over her lap now.
Catra was losing her mind. It was great, but it also wasn’t, because she really, really needed to focus on patching Adora up right now.
“Yeah, and you’re a dumbass, and injured, and stars it’s really hard to focus on treating you medically when you’re half naked and all over me!” She kissed her forehead, then took a deep breath. “Princess, listen, you’re amazing and I could spend all day looking at you and hugging you and kissing you for all eternity and I would be happy! ...but you’re also hurt. Really, really hurt. And I’m worried about you. Please let me take you to see a healer, and if you don’t want that, at least let me take care of your wounds.”
Her ears flattened. She hated seeing the love of her life this hurt.
“I don’t need healers, and there’s no need for you to patch me up!” Adora replied and laughed. The laughing made her ribs hurt, and she winced a bit. “I don’t get hurt! And even if I do, She-Ra fixes me up again immediately! Let me show you!” She reached up into the air. “For the-”
Catra caught her hand and intertwined it with her own before the girl could touch the sword.
The hand-holding was enough to make her girlfriend blush and shut up because she was so amazed at it for some reason.
It was kind of cute.
“No, we’re not doing that.” It might have worked, but if it didn’t, the last thing she needed right now was for the girl with the bad concussion to have a sword and magic that she could accidentally destroy the palace with. “...but you’re kind of right. Shouldn’t She-Ra have healed these wounds already? She usually does that, doesn’t she?”
From the very little things she knew and remembered about the events on Prime’s ship – not that she wanted to remember more, because thinking of anything related to him still made her blood run cold –, she was pretty sure she’d overheard Adora saying something to Glimmer about how she might have broken both her legs but that they’d healed when she turned into She-Ra. So why hadn’t her wounds just healed now? That was strange, and worrying.
“I think She-Ra is a little woozy.” Adora laughed. “That’s me! I’m She-Ra!”
Catra groaned.
“...no kidding.”
Adora was completely out of it.
That was definitely a severe concussion, on top of what Catra guessed from the looks of it was at least two broken ribs – although the fact that she had the concussion and that she was so out of it maybe did explain why her wounds hadn’t healed yet.
“How are you feeling?”
She was really worried, but Adora didn’t seem to be feeling much pain at the moment.
The blonde just snuggled against her and yawned.
“Tired. But you’re warm and fluffy and that’s nice. You’re amazing, did you know that? Everyone come look at my girlfriend, she’s amazing!” Catra blushed again. Stars, why was Adora this cute when she was woozy? “I don’t wanna go see a healer right now. Can we just cuddle and go to sleep here? Please?”
The brunette sighed. Common sense told her that this wasn’t a good idea, but common sense signed off pretty quickly when she was with Adora, and especially when her girlfriend looked at her like that.
“Alright, but only if you promise me to let me take you to see a healer first thing in the morning.”
Adora nodded and snuggled against her.
Catra kissed her forehead.
“Now let me at least bandage you up a little, and then we can go to sleep.”
The last thing the girl felt was Catra’s warm hands on her skin as she dozed off.
When Adora woke up the next morning, her head was spinning and everything hurt.
“Ugh, what happened...?”
“You fought a tree. The tree won,” Catra commented immediately.
Adora groaned, the memories slowly returning to her.
“I regret everything.”
Catra rubbed her arm and kissed her cheek.
...okay, maybe she didn’t really everything. There wasn’t a single instance she had ever – or would ever – regret protecting the good she loved more than everything else in the universe combined, no matter how hurt she got in the process.
“I had a feeling you would, you idiot. There’s a glass of water on the bedside table with some pain meds, take them, and we’ll take you to see a healer afterwards, okay?”
“Mhm...” Adora tried to sit up and flinched. “Ow.”
Catra caught her and lowered her back onto the mattress.
“Careful, princess, you’ll hurt yourself.”
“Awww, are you worried about me?” The blonde snuggled against her girlfriend. For the first time since she’d woken up, she was awake enough to actually realize how the room looked – or, more importantly, how dark it was in here and what that meant, considering the fact that the curtains were open. It was still dark outside. “Wait. It’s super early. You’re not usually up this early.”
Catra had never been a morning person. This was weird. Really, really weird.
“I’m... not, actually. I’m up late.”
Catra grinned sheepishly.
‘She hasn’t slept yet? But why would she...’
And then it dawned on Adora.
‘Oh. Oooh.’
She squeezed her girlfriend’s hand.
“You... stayed up all night watching over me?” The blonde teared up. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yes, I did. There is so much I have to make up for. And even if there wasn’t...” Catra’s ears flattened.Someone had had to check on Adora every now and again to make sure her condition wasn’t worsening while she slept. Which it hadn’t, thankfully. Catra didn’t regret staying up for that. “I need you to be okay more than I need sleep.”
Screw the pain. Screw everything. Adora needed to kiss her girlfriend, immediately.
Catra was worth it. Catra had always been worth it.
Adora put her arms around her girlfriend, and when their lips met, she knew she’d never been happier in her entire life, broken ribs or not.
Getting to kiss the most beautiful girl in the universe was more than worth some pain and another blood-stained shirt, after all.
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