#also wow what a week that was…whew
banj0possum · 1 year
I need more jock x reader with reader having a big attitude and shows big disinterest in Brandon🥰
Jock x Gn Reader pt. 3
there was also an anon who requested reader topping Brandon so ill add it in as well :3
🏈 You've been tutoring Brandon for a few weeks now. Even after he passed that english test, he insisted you'd tutor him even in other subjects.
🏈 Of course you didn't care because you never wanted to tutor him in the first place.
🏈 No matter how clear your explanations are, he never got it until an hour of guiding him step by step, it was terribly draining to you and the alone time you were supposed to spend instead of teaching a dumb jock like him what 2+2 was.
🏈 Despite you thinking he's all muscle and no brains, Brandon's pretty smart, he gotta keep his grades up for football somehow, but the more time he spent playing dumb, the more time he spent with you, zoning out of your cute face that gets upset when you notice him staring at you googly-eyed, snapping your fingers at him to wake him up.
🏈 He won't say it out loud, but he relished the thought of your annoyed face, it awoken a part of him that he didn't even know existed.
🏈 Brandon would spot you amongst the crowd during break periods and if he tried to tease you or mess with you, you'd give him a sharp glare, sometimes grabbing his wrist or arm to stop him from wrapping an arm around you or playing with your hair.
🏈 It aroused encouraged him honestly.
🏈 His friends would notice him talking and hanging out with you more often and would ask him about you, Brandon confessing his slight big crush on you.
🏈 They'd coach him, telling him sweet poems to write, pickup lines, gifts, gestures to make you notice him, even his friends' girlfriends would tell him things they felt would work with you.
🏈 He had a few tricks he used on girls to get with them, but they never worked with you, so he might as well try.
🏈 He'd try to impress you, lifting weights, working out, all to get your attention. A compliment, a glance, even a scoff over how much he's trying, please notice him!!!
🏈 You rarely did, but whenever you do, you'd go out of your way to push him off his high horse, lunches bought for you were repaid with you teasingly treating him to food, even feeding him which flustered him to no end.
🏈 Cheesy flirts were deflected towards him whenever you gave him little touches and the like. You made him feel so small, so inferior...he loved it.
🏈 You'd walk in the room, and he'd be in a strange pose looking at you come in, his head resting in his hand as he spread himself on your couch.
🏈 "Is it just me or did it just get hotter in here?"
🏈 But you paid no mind, in fact, you leaned over him, your hands supporting you on both sides of him evidently trapping him as his face goes red by you glaring at him. "Uh-uhm...wow, now it's actually getting hot in here..whew!"
🏈 You hated it, but his little moves started growing in you, eventually earning smiles and giggles from you as you hid your face from him, but you always scoffed and shoved him away afterwards.
🏈 But that changed when you heard from one of your friends that he turned down a girl who wanted to sleep with him. He'd never do that! Unless he already has someone in mind...oh no..
🏈 You tried your best to avoid him that day but of course he found you, he was about to spew out another pickup line when you grabbed him by his letterman jacket's collar and slammed him into the lockers, pinning him.
🏈 You asked if all along his flirting and gifts were all a ploy to get you to fuck him through seething teeth.
🏈 His sweat dropped as you pinned him, his face getting redder by the second.
🏈 He gets shy all of a sudden, looking down like a sad puppy, pulling at your heart. You sigh as you let go of him, walking away from him.
🏈 "One chance, my house." You say as you leave him there with his hand on the parts of his neck that got red from you grabbing his collar.
🏈 When he saw you leave, he pumped his fists in the air and ran to tell his friends you asked him out.
🏈 He drove to your house in the best clothes he had without making him seem desperate. He knocked on the door and you let him in. He's been to your house many times but never because of another reason than tutoring, this seemed more intimate to him somehow.
🏈 You sat him down and you two talked, if he really liked you, if he really wanted to be with you, if he really liked you not just for a one-night stand.
🏈 "Y-you really thought that?...Sorry it's just- I'm not good at this...actual relationships I mean..I know it sounds bad but-...yeah it is..but I really like you (Y/N)! You're smart and funny and awesome! and really cute..."
🏈 You never saw him so genuine, something in the way he sat so curtly, avoiding eye-contact with you, you knew he wasn't lying.
🏈 Your glare softened and a smile starts appearing on your face. You scoot nearer to him to ruffle his hair before pulling his head towards you for a kiss.
🏈 He melted into the kiss, putting a hand on your cheek, deepening the kiss.
🏈 You suddenly grab a chuck of his hair, pulling his head back. "If I find out this is all a joke, your ass is grass you hear me?"
🏈 b o n e r
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ingravinoveritas · 6 months
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So anna posted this picture just after the trailer the assembly got released abit it fairly obvious after the trailer showed the 1st question so is she trying to show ppl that michael happy in this photo like he smile like he happy or been made to look happy for the family photo
What ur thoughts on Al post
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Ask from @kime11e, who also included a screenshot of the above comments:
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(Grouping all of these together for ease of answering.)
So...whew. Of course this all had to happen on Wednesday as I was at one speaking engagement and traveling on the way to another one today. Let me just make sure I have the order of events down... - The trailer for The Assembly came out earlier in the day; - Anna then shared the above photos from the trip to Disneyland Paris; - An hour or so after that, she shared the trailer as an Insta story; - ...And then a few hours later we see that she's replied to the comment in the screenshot above.
Wow. It feels like an entire week (or month's) worth of content somehow happened in the space of a day. I will say that for me, again what this all comes down to is timing and/or PR. The trailer was released and soon all of social media was abuzz over that one particular question (It was rude! It was totally fine! Let's use this as another excuse to attack Michael! and so on...). Bear in mind that we (as of now) have no idea what Michael's answer is to that question, but that did not stop the almighty furor from the fans assuming that he must have been offended/uncomfortable/upset and so on, and this set off a wave of fresh speculation and discussion about Michael and AL's relationship.
...And just when all of this chatter is happening, AL posts the family photos. The reasons for this could be numerous, from damage control (again, without us knowing how he even responded to the question) to trying to (again) push the "happy family" image, to who knows what. Whatever the case may be, I really don't feel like the timing was a coincidence. Also again, I am baffled by her choice of caption: "We dragged him" immediately followed by the tag #itwashisidea. Two things that seem to contradict each other, leaving it unclear what the truth actually is. Was it actually Anna's idea, insisting on them going away on Michael's three days off, and using that tag as a deflection?
It becomes even more interesting when you realize that David and Georgia are currently in Disneyland as well (albeit in California, rather than Paris). Not long after AL posted the pictures, the discourse on social media immediately shifted to "Omg, are Michael and David and their families are on vacation together?" And just like that, the focus yet again shifted away from AL and back to Michael and David (as it always seems to do).
One other thing that is interesting about the caption is that one of my followers sent me the below screenshot via DM, which is of a tweet Michael wrote in 2020 for Lyra's birthday, and the similarities are quite striking:
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The cadence of AL's caption and Michael's tweet could be a complete coincidence, but it's hard not to think that there is some PR aspect to this/that someone went to the trouble of echoing a previous tweet about the kids to reinforce a particular narrative.
In any case, I do think it is lovely to see Michael smiling, which he always does when the kids are there (in contrast, notably, to when we are talking about a picture of just him and AL). But what really struck me about all of this is the comment shown above, and Anna's response to it. The commenter added another response that is not shown, so I will include a screenshot of it now:
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What's so interesting is that the commenter asked exactly the same question that Michael was asked in The Assembly trailer...and AL set a very specific tone in her response to that (and to this commenter).
I've been surprised to see people characterize her response as "chill," when there is really nothing chill about this at all. It's her typical passive-aggressive style, which we're all used to at this point, but it also reeks of insecurity. I have a hard time seeing how this makes her a "queen," as someone who is "unbothered" would not respond in the way that she did. Regardless of whether the commenter was asking sincerely or meant it as a dig, someone who genuinely felt confident and secure in their relationship wouldn't even respond to this comment at all. I'm also not sure what people expected her to say. Do we think she would be fully honest about her feelings or admit to any cracks in their relationship? Most people (famous and otherwise) would not, and certainly not on social media, either.
My feeling is that Anna was very bothered by this, and (again) tried to copy Georgia's snarky/quippy way of responding to comments, and likely did not at all expect that person to throw it right back at her. So why, then, bother responding at all? Why not just block the person, or ignore the comment entirely? Because from my perspective, it seems like all AL did was draw attention to it, and to the fact that it struck a nerve in her, which just does not seem to be a good look from any angle. And all of this coupled with the timing of the post directly after the release of the trailer really makes me wonder what, exactly, Michael said in his interview. We'll find out soon enough, though, since the show airs tomorrow.
That is my take on AL's post and all of the events of the past few days. As always, this is only my perspective, but I am glad to hear from my followers with your thoughts, whether you agree or disagree. Thanks for writing in! x
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dennydraws · 2 months
That sure was a long vacation!
Hoooo booooy... 2 weeks! I've never had 2 weeks off before :D! On the positive side, wow yeah that was nice! Away from technology and being glued to a screen sure was nice!
I got to binge watch Dungeon Meshi! Now I can enjoy the memes more xD; It was pretty nice! Chillchuck is definitely a fave! The Mad Mage gave me strong Recifer vibes so now that bean has been rotating in my head more.
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I got...more art supplies! That... being, ok just me going through art stores and being unable to resist the siren call of "Get this!!" and finding out the local store near my work place now has copics and that's going to be very dangerous on my wallet lol I got to paint a mini for a first time! :D Well an actual 3D printed mini and I think I did okay for the limited pallet I had!
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It's lady Voice, on her way to summon a demon boyfriend ! :D;;;
And of course had some amazing one shot DnD sessions with my guest over and had great time! Voice got to hang out with a vampire mysterious hunter and chase down a pesky monster which she... set on fire - a lot. And the surroundings and dropped a rock on him... well ya know...
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I also managed to finish drawing Chapter 12 of The Sneric comic, just need to add the dialogue..and find where I wrote the dialogue xD;; I'm so sorry the update took so long! But hopefully next monday will be chapter update!
And... I came back to some more art fight revenges and attacks! I'm so sorry I couldn't respond to them, between the heatwave that hit and vacation at the end of July, I couldn't really fit time to draw during the last two weeks and I did want art fight this year to be relaxing experience and no rush or stress. I'm really glad I got the 8 attacks out of 10 planned and hopefully next year, my missed targets will participate and I will strike first for sure! :> Overall, I had great time during this year's art attack! I got so many lovely attacks/revenges and I will treasure them dearly!! (Voice sure is a favorite this year!)
And now... ... Dawntrail awaits but I got distracted by Fields of Mistria which came into Early Access recently and I don't know when I will pick FF14 again which makes me feel guilty but...the expac won't run away :D;;; it will be there for me to pick it, eventually. I've been hungry for the cute farming games and I've been looking forward to this one for a while! You won't escape me Balor! Although I played so very little it's been AMAZING and I love the characters and the smooth play. I can't wait to find time to sit down and draw my farmer bean :D;; I made a peppy one with short hair this time!
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Speaking of arts... I'm almost done with a sketchbook! :D!! You know what that means.... Sketchbook flip through video soon!! \o/
And...that's it! Whew, sure was a long post xD;; I'm sure I'm likely missing something... but anyhowsies, Thank you for stopping by, dear traveler! I hope your week starts amazing and have great rest of the day!
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
"tag redacted because i got too embarrassed" HELP WHY IS THAT A MOOD AKSKD, I'M ALWAYS HOLDING BACK IN MY TAGS AND ASKS BC I BECOME SELF AWARE AT THE LAST SECOND (the things i must keep to myself about mammon-). My tags are messy and long bc i always ramble
you already know why I'm here !! To enable !! that line from barbatos is wild in the best way, and understandable why you'd go crazy 😭 that's me with the horror devilgram where mammon is saying something like "ya look so scared. You know that only turns me on more?" Like HELLO GOOD SIR WKWKDF OKAY FINE YOU CAN MURDER ME IF YOU KEEP TALKING LIKE THAT WHEW
all I'm saying is 👀 barb smut would go hard LMAO
Also!! I saw the other ask and 😭😭🥹🥹 wdym people like my story?! brb sobbing, I LOVE Y'ALL SM FOR THE SUPPORT WAHHH
next part soon hopefully maybe 😭 I'm trying to beat og before Thursday (lesson 71) bc i go on vacation next week with limited internet, and I've been working hard on the solomams songfic. I'M AT 3.5K WORDS ?!
I'm not even done is the worst part, but i wrote a kiss scene and got all embarrassed at 3 in the morning. these bitches are switches and it shows (i think)
- ✨ anon
I am such a rambler in the tags! Sometimes I can keep 'em short and sweet, but then sometimes I say WAY too much and I have to delete stuff. And in this case, I was like, I can't with this lol. If you all only knew the realities of what I keep to myself... but after my ramblings, I'm pretty consistent with my tags. I tried to keep them as simple as possible so I wouldn't forget them.
I swear there was another card or event or something where Mammon said that MC being scared turned him on?? Or like they were making out and being chased by zombies or something and he was like wow I'm so turned on right now??? Something along those lines. Which I find very funny considering he's usually the one who's scared!
But oh wow "You need to learn your place." All I can think about is a situation where Barb has a bratty MC tied up and then it's all- okay I better stop before I have to redact things again. But yeah that line just awakens the brat in me lololol. TMI I KNOW.
AND YES! See, the consensus is that we love your story and want more of it lol! Whenever you're ready to share the next part, that is! I'm curious about the playlist drama!
Also you would be surprised at how quickly words can rack up if you aren't paying attention. This happens to me A LOT. Like all the time.
The thing about this, in my opinion, is that sometimes you need more words than you realize because you need the space to tell the story. Usually if I'm just writing something short and sweet, it's a single scene, plucked out of time, depicting a very simple idea. But the second a story gets a little more complex is the second you start finding you need more and more words for it to make sense! I say just go with it, let yourself write as much as the story needs!!
Everybody in this game is a switch as far as I'm concerned lol. I can't help it, that's just how they live in my mind.
Anyway, I hope you're enjoying the writing process! Don't push yourself and don't be afraid to write a lot!!
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cinamun · 6 months
Survivor anon here, because I liked that a lot better. Thank you, friend. I have so much to say with this update, chile…Whew. That was a rollercoaster and I am already seated for Season 25, I’ll be spending two weeks preparing for that premiere!
I have so much to say and yet all I can say is WOW!! You deserve all your flowers, friend. Your writing and nuanced perspectives on Black relationships, dynamics, families & hard-to-capture topics like abuse, DV, addiction, etc is a beauty to behold. You deserve at least three emmy’s by now.
Mercy…Let me not speak on this all right now. I gotta get myself a drink and digest before I speak. Except Bertie, I will be coming for you with a baseball bat just once because? She’s got me fucked up! Anyway. I’m glad Eva and Jayce have each other, and hope they can provide the type of support they will need for each other. They’re both being thrust into a messy hellscape of family dynamics, and I think it’ll be good for them to have each other…hopefully.
I continue to be amazed by the tapestries you weave. Take a well earned break from TFA. You deserve it, Cin!
First of all thank you so much survivor anon!
Me on my way to accept all three Emmys
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You know what the dopest part of ALL of this is though? Everyone impacted is now connected to a family that has gone through an entire generation of growth. A family with values that uplift communication, partnership, loyalty and unwavering love:
The Drake Family
This is how I know Eva gon' be alright, Jayce is gonna be alright and Mer..... the verdict is still out on her BUT this is also how I know little Emalee is gon' be alright, too.
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They all have access now to a family who has been through the worst of it and came out thriving. I just can't wait to see that come to fruition.
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incorrectfanfics · 5 months
Diakko Week 2019 "Soulmates"
“Oh wow,” said Lotte. “The latest story in Night Fall is amazing. Annabel really believes that Edgar and Belle are soulmates.” Lotte giggled at her seat in the park bench. Her friends, Akko and Sucy, looked on beside her. 
“Soulmates?” Akko asked with ice cream on her face. “You really believe in that sorta thing, Lotte?”
“Well, probably not in real life,” Lotte answered. “But you have to admit, it does sound kinda romantic.”
“Sounds like a pain,” Sucy said. “Imagine being stuck with someone like Akko for a soulmate. Nothing but trouble.”
“What was that?” Akko yelled. “I’d be a great soulmate.”
“Akko, not so loud,” begged Lotte.
“So Lotte,” Akko started, “What do soulmates do exactly?”
“I’m not sure exactly.” Lotte flipped through the pages of her book. “In this latest volume, Edgar and Belle were finishing each other’s sentences. Then Edgar ordered Belle’s favorite lunch for her. And then at the end of chapter twelve, Edgar calms Belle down after her fight with the wicked headmistress. He knew exactly what to say to her. It’s like they’re totally in sync.”
“In sync, huh?” Akko mused. “Well, I bet it’s the same way for me and Diana.”
“You and Diana?” Lotte asked.
“That’s right. You two started dating not too long ago,” said Sucy. “It’s weird. Did you drug her or something?”
“I did not!” Akko yelled. “And it’s not that weird. I could get a girlfriend if I wanted.”
“Not the point I was making but okay,” said Sucy.
“I’ll prove that Diana and I are soulmates. It was meant to be,” Akko said, triumphantly.
“She’s not even listening,” Sucy thought out loud.
The next day at Luna Nova, classes were in session. The class was organized into study groups with Akko and Diana organized into the same group. The others listened in a circle while Diana started.
“With that the witch, Margret Craine started the cross wand method that would eventually be refined in the seventeen-”
“Hundreds!” Akko yelled. The rest of her group turned to look at her with blank stares. 
“...seventeenth century,” Diana continued. She gave Akko a sharp glare before picking up her notes. “When two witches cast the same spell, it can be used to amplify its power. It can also be used to cast two different complementary spells to create a third desired effect. The most important part is in the-”
“Timing!” again Akko yelled. Everyone turned to stare at Akko yet again.
“Y-yes, Akko. That’s correct.” Diana cleared her throat and tried to continue. “The timing of the spellcasting is important as the spell itself. Whichever spell is said first or if both spells are said at the same time is-”
“Important!” Akko yelled.
“Akko!” Diana snapped. “Is there something I can do for you?”
“Then may I continue uninterrupted?” Diana asked.
“Yes?” Akko sank down into her chair, hoping she was out of everyone’s view.
“I don’t think that’s what they meant by finishing each other’s sentences,” Sucy whispered.
Lunch was a packed mess as usual. Akko spun around the crowded cafeteria, apologizing to anyone she bumped into and hoping none of them would notice she was carrying two lunch trays stacked on top of each other. She dropped herself onto her seat near Lotte and Sucy.
“Whew,” she said. “That was a lot harder than it should have been. I can’t believe that goblin cook was so greedy. I just needed another tray for Diana. And would it have killed him to make her favorite?”
“Do you even know her favorite?” Sucy asked.
“No, but I bet it’s not this,” Akko answered. She pointed down at her tray. Her bowl of potato soup had spilled into her potato salad and her fries were scattered all over the place. “It’s always potatoes.”
“Miss Kagari!”
Akko turned around and froze when she saw Professor Babcock marching toward her.
“What do you think you are doing? Two lunches? I hope you paid for them. We still haven’t recovered from Professor Croix’s nonsense and then you have the audacity to steal two lunch trays for yourself!”
“N-no! They’re not for me.” Akko shook her head, desperately trying to explain her intentions until Diana showed up.
“Professor Babcock, please,” Diana explained. “I’m sure I can personally donate enough to cover a few extra lunches.”
“So generous,” Professor Babcock said in awe. “However, there are limits to this sort of thing. You understand that this will not happen again?”
“Of course, professor,” Diana replied. She watched as Professor Babcock walked away, talking to herself about, “the nerve,” and, “that girl.” Akko sheepishly lifted her tray for Diana.
“This one was actually for you,” she said.
“I already ate,” Diana said, coldly. “You and I are going to have words later.”
“Great,” Akko sighed. She sank slowly into her chair as Diana walked away.
Classes had ended for the day with everyone going to where they wanted to go. Some went into town while others went straight to their dorms. Diana however, was dragging Akko to the hallway outside of her room. She looked around to make sure they were alone.
“Now explain. You have been acting strange all day.” Diana whispered.
“Why are you whispering? We’re alone,” Akko asked.
“I’m trying not to raise my voice!” Diana crossed her arms. “And don’t change the subject. I want an explanation.”
Akko held her chin and looked up to the ceiling. She let out a “Hmm” as if to ponder something.
“What are you doing?” Diana asked. Akko broke from her thoughts. She looked straight into Diana’s eyes and placed her hand on her shoulder.
“Hey,” she said.
“Hi,” Diana replied. Akko raised her eyebrows. Diana sighed as Akko began to fidget. “You know I don’t get pop culture references.”
“I just wanted to let the most wonderful witch in Luna Nova know how much I appreciate her.” Diana remained silent. Her eyes locked with Akko’s. “Okay, fine…”
One explanation later...
“That’s what this was about? Soulmates?” Diana scoffed. “Honestly Akko, the definition of soulmates that you are referring to is a work of fiction. Nothing more. There is no such thing.”
“Well excuse me,” Akko said. “I just wanted to show everyone how in sync I was with my awesome girlfriend. But I guess that was just fiction too.” Akko turned to walk away but was pulled back by Diana.
“Akko, please don’t be that way,” she said. “You know you're very important to me. You don’t need to prove anything to me or anyone. We’d be more ‘in sync’ if you just talked to me about these things.”
“I know,” Akko whined. She wrapped her arms around Diana’s waist with her partner doing the same. They swayed back and forth in a little dance all their own. “You’re right, as usual. So are there really no such thing as soulmates?”
“In the magic world? There is this one thing, but it’s more of a curse,” Diana answered. “What we have is by choice. I want to be with you.”
“I knew were going to say that,” laughed Akko.
“Did you really?” Diana asked.
“Will you just let me have this?”
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lightdash · 1 year
HI... i finally beat covid & my brain is feeling a bit less mush, so i'm going to try and get into the swing of things here again! also, it's been two weeks since the dlc came out, which means i've gotta barf some thoughts under a readmore;
i've been spoiler conscious so i haven't had much of a chance to scream about it yet, but. But. (grabs you by the shoulders) Listen. i've been mentally comparing the end to dark oak since frontiers came out, because sonic x is in my brain at all times, so you can imagine the reaction i had when THIS HAPPENED,
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THAT'S JUST THE SONIC POWER CANNON BAYBEE!! THAT'S SONIC DRIVER i love it, aa so cool... 😭 and CYBER SONIC?! HIS TEETH and the blue is so pretty! he is definitely a love letter to fleetway and i'm very endeared by that — kanemaru-san's voice acting during that scene is just really good too, as usual but i was impressed!! hearing sonic scream like that hurt but.. wow... cool...
it feels strange, i'm having a "two cakes?!" scenario with light's blog now... wondering which ending i want to be canon for him. the original is still the best narratively to me, but i love sonic's friends actually getting to help in final horizon! AND THE GUN AND CYBER SONIC I CAN'T NOT HAVE THAT i think, i might... mix them. so that.. hm,
team sonic still hunts down the emeralds to help sonic. they all meet up at the end of ouranos, and sonic fights supreme.
once supreme is down, the end takes over it's body like in final horizon. sonic fights it, steals the gun, ect ect.
he goes cyber sonic and eggman shoots him out of the gun, but he misses supreme? and goes right through the moon.
enough to wound it but not enough to kill. sonic's free floating through space...
... and sage takes over supreme to save him.
they fight the end together normally, like in the original ending. sage's sacrifice remains in tact and we get the best of both worlds.
i'll write up a proper post for this another time so it's set in stone for light's blog canon but. whew! what a fun addition! i love it and i never want to do master king koco's challenge again thank you xo
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mutsky · 2 months
ok love sea ep 7 running commentary
-theyre sooo cute
-mut wears his heart on his sleeve like no one else wow
-also he could write a book on emotional intelligence he saw it was all too intense for rak and started acting silly
-youre the one who brought a horny 20 year old to live with you
-whats my puppy still doing out this late?
-my poor meow meow hes so scared
-her ass whew
-im sorry that was uncouth
-we are getting closer to nasty lesbian sex
-"every part of you is fun to tease" OK
-a confession???
-this is the authentic lesbian experience bc she confessed and mook didnt even realize it
-in the end vi helps mook with her job
-bring your boytoy to work day
-this is just like in love sky
-pleaseeee give me old man yaoi try me pleaseee 2025 old man yaoi mame pleaseeee
-proud boytoy
-muts outfit would be so nice if he was just wearing normal jeans instead of cargo jeans jargos if you will (regular jeans and cowboy boots make him a sexy american hillbilly)
-prin is still annoying
-both rak and mook have cute outfits as well
-god shes a bitch
-how long does getting bn from the car take
-oh hiiii
-wow they look good
-the costume team for this episode showed out
-mook looks so mad
-dont touch her!
-oh its a little water calm down boss
-get her!
-she really is quite dumb
-where are the books?
-because hes in love with you
-again its mr emotional intelligence
-pleaseeee make try me next
-this is so meta bc tbnw did just have their pre production worship ceremony
-noeul giving peat heart eyes then realizing he has to be in character was so cute
-oh mook just clocked them
-guard dog boy toy
-chanya is acting her ass off and these two are being lovey dovey in the background
-sorta a date ngl
-her friend in her phone just being "friend"
-ughhh i need to make a mutrak dynamic post but that takes so much energy
-come on legs!
-ok so is mahasamut canonically 21
-and lastly a word from our sponsors
ugh the ending credits are everything
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inkofamethyst · 7 months
February 25, 2024
I met up with my family in NYC this weekend to explore and see Hadestown to celebrate my birthday and it was fantastic. I feel so rejuvenated after the quick jaunt (less than 24 hours in the city!). I'm not really a huge fan of NYC compared to my current city, but I can recognize its beauty and appeal (even though it gives me an awful experience of some sort every time I enter lol). We went to the New York Public Library and it was amazing. I wish we had hours to spend in there rather than minutes, but we had a show to get to.
Hadestown was... I don't really have words to express how much I enjoyed the show. I mean, it broke me, wrecked me, body mind and soul, but I'd see it again in a heartbeat. I'd heard about it from a friend of my dnd-friend way back in 2019 during or after a game of, you guessed it, DnD, and I'd wanted to see it ever since. I knew the story of Orpheus and Eurydice; one of my favorite tumblr posts of all time discusses the varied interpretations of the myth, and I honestly go back and read it once and a while because the story has always always always been beautifully tragic to me. So I knew how it ended (but I hadn't listened to the soundtrack--I'd refused all these years). And yet. I cried silently at intermission, knowing that Orpheus' quest would be in vain. I cried silently as Eurydice slowly dropped at the end. I cried during bows, I cried on the way out of the theater, I cried while expressing to my family how beautiful it all was. Why tell a story you know is doomed over and over and over again? And every single time, we hope they get it right, though we know they never will.
The music was excellent, the storytelling excellent, the actors (named and ensemble (even with just five they sounded so powerful)!!!!!), the choreography, the set design, the musicians, the lighting design (!!! (as a once-former lights person I'm keenly aware of the effect lighting can have on a story and whew they certainly used it))... All phenomenal. There was a choreographed bit in "Wait for me" with the lights swinging on beat and, just, wow. WOWWWWW. All involved should contribute to my next therapy bill lol.
My mother said she never realized I was such a romantic and, frankly, I didn't either. I mean I knew I was a crier. If there's one thing Imma do, it's cry. And cry ugly. But I think I'm drawn to stories about what love makes us do. Stories that show us how love can destroy, but we still do it anyway, again and again. We seek it out. We risk destruction for the chance at being known, truly and fully.* There was a line in act one from Eurydice, something like "All my life I've only held my own, now I just want you to hold me," and that knocked me out.
Y'all I think Hadestown might be my new favorite musical, surpassing Aida after, oh, six years?
I also had my first ever migraine during my trip lol. I'd braided my hair very very tightly, so it was pulling on my scalp, slowly forming a headache. That combined with the plethora of street smells, the greasy ham and pineapple pizza (which was so so so so good though, place called Carve), and two nights in a row of less than six hours of sleep (braiding lol) resulted in headache + nausea and I wanted to die. But it was nothing an Exedrin and some rest couldn't fix.
During my braiding marathon (a week and a half because I was so busy ugh (but they look gorgeous!!!!)) I watched Blue Beatle finally and thought it had a lot of heart. Regret not seeing it in theaters, but I think it came out during a period where I was just tired of it all ("it" being superhero movies). Also watched The Flash and thought it was very compelling. Flashpoint is not an uncommon means of exploration for the character, so I've seen at least a couple iterations of the same story, but I think this version was done quite well. It was interesting, well-paced, had a nice ending, and was a graceful way to get rid of Ben Affleck lol (also loved the old Batman theme <3 (ALSO also love Is She With You because that is a banger every single time)). I think Ezra Miller plays a really endearing Flash, shame he's crazy :/
Also watched a lot of animated movies on Max! I watched Belle (another with some "la-la-la"'s hehe) which was odd in many ways but was also cute and beautiful, compelling and full of heart. Then I did a bit of a Ghibli marathon of movies I'd never seen before: Tales of Earthsea, Princess Mononoke, Nausicaa, Arietty. All beautiful in their own ways. Very unique storytelling, gorgeous art, powerful messages. There are still several I want to see!
I finished Batman Beyond and the ending was dumb anticlimactic lol. The least they could've done was a two-parter that built to something satisfactory. Honestly the epilogue episode in JL (JLU?) was more compelling. Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker was pretty solid though. I think I'm going to give the DCAU a rest now hehe. Gotta catch up on the MCU, frankly. They've got some interesting things coming up...
*ReesaTeesa's "Who tf did I marry" series was something else. That was another thing I watched while braiding. Finished in two days. Was watching while making figures in the office and someone recognized her face lol. Three things. 1. I did not know a person could be tortured in the way that she was. What happened to her was awful, and it was only because she put herself in the vulnerable position of seeking love. 2. I can't say I fear a pathological liar specifically, but one of my romantic fears is wanting someone's affection so badly that I overlook red flags. Wouldn't be the first time. 3. I know how the internet works, so I shouldn't be surprised, but imo finding her ex's facebook and flaunting it in her comments was a breach of the social contract between ReesaTeesa and her audience, and it should not have been done. She does not want to be associated with that man. I fear for her peace and hope that he does not attempt to make a single penny off her. Was I curious too? Yes. But a person's privacy is more important than my curiosity, always.
Today I'm thankful for the time I got to spend with my family. I'm so thankful to have a family I enjoy spending time with. Teared up while saying goodbye :') We're considering making this a yearly thing while I'm in school here. That would be lovely. Also thankful that things are looking up for my sister, it's been a rough school year so far, but things are shifting toward the positive rapidly! Lastly, lowkey thankful that the subway was out of order today on my way back to my apartment. Forced me to take a shuttle which drove through parts of the city I'd not been to yet. Excited for spring and summer treks there, though!
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apolloknightly · 7 months
Now time for Daniel Andrew/Ikaros
At about the age of 23, Andrew (again, using Andrew to avoid confusion with Dan/Danny), was very well familiar with anything science. Mostly anything ranging from chemicals to physics
His step father Trayson got into working with Ectobiology and also ecto-chemicals. Mixing the ectoplasm with chemicals to figure out how what would react with what. Everything was going well, honestly.
Andrew got interested in helping Trayson with the ectoplasm mixing, experimenting. The source of the ectoplasm is directly from the Fentons; who inspired the two to work on this in the first place. Andrew's little sibling, brother, sister, whatever the hell you wanna call Xavier, wants nothing to do with it, preferring to get ready and finish schooling.
After a bit of testing, something odd and strange was happening to the ectoplasm and chemical mixture. It was bubbling. Intensely. Andrew is unsure of what to do here, he squints. Then grabs another, dropping it into the bubbling mixture- only for it to explode. He covers his face but not well enough. The ecto chemicals causing a burn on his face, arm and partially on the upper body.
You'd expect him to get like ecto acne; but he only got the scarring. But the ectoplasm had gotten into his blood stream. His step father runs in, quickly getting water and a few other things to stabilize the burn.
After a week, and a thorough check up. Andrew was fine. Felt fine. That was until he managed to phase himself into the living room, Trayson, who of which was very much minding his business, stares at him in shock. With Andrew also staring at him in shock.
I know Andrew would become his ghost form even a few weeks later, black and navy blue hair becomes white and light yellow, his pony tail looks like a flame, but cold. His scar is now a odd green colour, eyes are an amber with the sclera now a light yellow. He looks to be wearing his protective gear; all now black with some accents of other colours. He does find a way to change his outfit.
He has.. ghostly wings too. Which amuses him, he figured out how to fly. How he got his name however was because of Xavier.
Or respectfully, Ikaros. Flown too close to the sun with the experimenting but at least he didn't die!... Well he's half dead.
Oh wow, hopefully he doesn't meet this Phantom kid. But then again, Andrew and his family don't live in Amity Park, they're a few towns over. And they only moved to America just a couple of years ago! ...everything is fine
(though now Andrew is worried he may run into this Phantom's enemies too... How fun!)
If you have questions, you're allowed to ask!! I love answering things
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pondslime · 2 months
Absolutely intrigued by “a woman on the verge of a nervous break…….. through”. Please do tell me more about it 👀
HELP. that's yet another saw fic jfshdhdsfhfdsjh unsurprisingly, it's also a self-indulgent smut brainworm. 💀 bc ofc it is
concept: adam x afab!fem!reader. adam pov, pre-trap.
you (career woman, w/ur fancy blouses & corporate polish) hire him to find evidence of your husband's suspected infidelity. he tails the guy for a couple weeks but comes up empty-handed. whew! your husband is definitely not cheating on you! congrats!!
except........wait? you seem disappointed. huh? you wanted proof of an affair..........to give you peace of mind in ending your shiny power couple relationship?? you still love your husband but you're not in love w/him anymore?? and uh?? WHY are you telling HIM all this???? and now you're straddling him in his shithole apartment & doing his eyeliner. seems like your marriage IS gonna end w/an affair after all. wow. what a GIG
here are some choppy random excerpts jdsfhhdfjhsdf:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
reader is a bit of a messy garbage person!! to outside observers..........who knows.........she might not seem to..........appreciate her life...........or smthn. kinda chick that might get her prissy ass stuck in a saw trap. w/that photographer she's been making out with. SAD. many such cases
wip tag for reference purposes
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prophecydungeon · 2 years
ok i'm watching the first half of S12 and doing the same as for 11. here we go:
the sniper rifle gag still hits
felix playing tucker like a fiddle (chefkiss)
hoo hoo wow tucker really did just watch one of his subordinates die directly in front of him
felix playing tucker like a fiddle (again) (chefkiss) and i made a Poast about it already but it's a special slap to the face that felix immediately starts laughing about it after seeing that it's really eating at tucker
"my naps take longer than five days" beerus and grif have this in common
man i love the way that 12 (and 13) started to play with halo canon. it's such a clever way to integrate a bunch of different assets without alienating non-halo-fans
f: ah, mm, okay, so you want me to help you rescue your friends because...? what? it's the right thing to do? t: yeah, it's called not being a dick. f: you know, if i recall, the first time these people ever asked you for help, you turned them down. figured this whole civil war thing wasn't your problem. in fact, i bet, if your friends had never been captured, you'd still refuse to lend them a hand. even if it was the "right thing to do." everyone has their price. i learned that a long time ago. and you're no exception.
whew, what a monologue. hitting them all (and tucker especially) right where it hurts and showing a teeeeensy-tiny bit of his hand in the process. felix's Baddie Moment monologue and the one at the end of this season are both really good too but this one's got to be my favorite. it's the "and you're no exception" that really seals it, tbh.
grif's sarge arc is also fantastic
tucker jumping over the crate and directly into the hole is exactly what happened to me during a spire of the watcher run a while back and blueregard was like "you hit that hole like nobody's business"
"i don't [care about losing people]. you do." (CHEFKISS)
"just sayin', guy does stuff for money" is unironically THE funniest read on felix possible and i th[TRUCK PASSES BY, HORN BLARING]
"i never wanted to be a soldier, tucker. none of us did. but felix? he chose this lifestyle. and he chose it because he's good at it."
i love kimball, A Lot, and i love how much this says about chorus. no one wanted this conflict to happen. no one wanted it to get as bad as it got. and as much as she leans on felix i feel like kimball also resents him for choosing to be what he is, even before everything comes to light. she would never have chosen this. it is unthinkable that he did.
i really like that the felix-and-locus backstory doesn't come right when we meet felix, or even at the very start of 12. it's at about moment that we're thinking "is there something else going on with the way that felix always zeroes in on locus as a threat?" after the battle at the end of 11 and the sortie at the start of 12, and it's also - even as The Lie he's selling - very tasty.
(my only regret with how i watched this season originally is that i wish i'd had more time to percolate in this lovers-to-enemies scenario for felix and locus because wowee if that ain't right up my alley... and to get The Reveal after weeks would've been Something. alas.)
grif's sarge arc.
felix's and locus's story, as kimball knows and tells it, is also really interesting for how different it is from any other antagonistic relationship we've seen in this show so far. there's really no one else i can think of who had a similar relationship. i guess wash and the meta, if you're really reaching, but the thing about felix and locus is that they chose to be on opposing sides, and rivalry bloomed into something uglier (at least in this version of the story). it makes for a GREAT yarn and it clearly strikes tucker very deeply when kimball tells him.
i loooove that the conclusion tucker draws from his conversations with both felix and kimball is "we should stop trying to be something we're not" and that it really was kimball who (inadvertently) pushed tucker to round of everyone else and leave
nearly 45 minutes into S12 and we get the first little crumbs that something bigger might be happening than just the civil war. again, love the way the chorus arc uses other H4 assets and the hardlight weapons especially
"they didn't take us to get shot, but they sure as hell left us to die."
"well, orders only work on soldiers. i am a mercenary." ooohoohoohoo. delightful crumb.
Team New Republic running face-first into Team Federal Army is so good. legitimately SO good.
honestly it would also have been really fascinating to see both sets of captives really buy into each side's motives and start fighting against each other in earnest. and THAT is a whole 'nother post
w: i did what i had to do. l: don't we all?
i love Bitch Mode wash, he should be allowed to do this more often
love the way this all starts to fray at the seams :)c
it's interesting that locus's portion of The Lie isn't actually much of a lie at all, and from what we see of felix in the second half of 12 and then in 13, i think felix would have been entirely capable of playing it like locus did: brutal and matter-of-fact, no frills. but he chose to become a (checks notes) charismatic mercenary with a heart of gold (or whatever it was), which, you know, speaks volumes
the shot focusing on the pistol wash is carrying when he faces locus in person again :)
locus really said "the mercenary (derogatory)"
"holy shit he's bilingual" ppl at work when they realize i'm not just smiling and nodding (joyful in this case not derogatory)
"the only people who aren't wearing armor these days are dead!" is still one of the bleakest things in this whole trilogy. man. i know it's a justification for machinima, but man.
wash moving to diplomacy immediately is so good. love that for him.
i've watched The Reveal a few times over in the past couple of weeks for reasons but it's especially good in context. man.
i love the way that locus tries to curb felix's monologue but lets him go on -- he's probably frustrated with hapless-as-fuck doyle and the others, too, and they're about to just slaughter all the reds and blues so whatever, toss felix this bone, right?
"does it hurt? knowing just how much death you've brought to this planet?"
see, okay, this. this is a GOOD way to use the medium for what it is. chorus is the first time that the reds and blues (minus wash lol) have ever racked up a considerable body count. and with machinima, the whole point is that you interact with the game world in a way that's different from the gameplay itself, so this lands really well as the reds and blues making the choice to kill, rather than a video game chiding you for being violent when the only thing you can do is click button to shoot gun.
"faster than you" : )
"miss me, assholes?" no. not in the slightest.
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mikaharuka · 2 years
☀️ (a comment that made your day?)
Heyo Alhaira!
There are four comments I wanted to shout out! The final comment is under the cut because it's long... but it's definitely the winner. Whew.
(@magma-saarebas19, @alpaca-clouds, @danceswithdarkspawn, @mrsmungus - I think y'all might be interested. It's a wild ride O.O)
Two simple and sweet ones (from Obsidian 10 and Midnight 14):
Your story is so good!!! This is literally my favorite twilight fanfiction ever!
I really like this fanfiction! I never thought I would like Mike as a character but here we go. Tbh I was looking for a little bit Carlisle action... but what I got was a whole new Twilight universe :)
One that made me think - this was left on Viridian 2 in mid-August last year, only 2 weeks after I started. It's stupidly obvious now... but I didn't know about my sensory style and this comment made it click:
Wow. I’m really in awe of your skills with scene setting and describing characters. You do it in such a way that provides a lot of lovely details but isn’t at all like your describing them consciously. It just reads really naturally while still painting a detailed picture in the readers mind.
And this last one... whew.
It completely freaked me out in the most flattering way possible!
...and yes, this one is on Azure. It's also the most recent chapter they've read. They haven't read Sapphire, Sangria, or Midnight yet!
So. This reader. This terrifyingly brilliant reader.
I'd call them a seer, but this goes way beyond that. Let me explain:
One - They had Mike pinned in a way no one else had. It's no big deal now, since everyone knows his color deal now... but this was written when Azure was the most recent chapter - back in September.
Back when even I didn't have his power completely nailed down yet. Before I went back to edit minor clues earlier on, about this power.
The part where both Beau *and* Mike come to school with dark bags under their eyes is quite damning. I have a strong hunch that Mike is hiding some pretty big shit from Beau. They both have a charm from Edward after all. Maybe Mike is starting to get some visions of his own? Or maybe he's had a Mandala of his own for as long as Beau, or just got one recently.
Two - They didn't just pin the future. Oh no. They also nailed my abandoned Apricity 1.0 as well! Beyond that, they even got me to reconsider using more of the original scene/intentions (still not sure how much, though)... and they have no idea about any of that:
I don't think Beau will doubt that they're vampires anymore after this dream, lol. The amount of time that Carlisle spent caressing his neck, biting his lips to the point that it breaks the skin, and finally biting into his neck to drink from him really made it clear. Carlisle was definitely showing off his possessive side with his pet names, but that last sentence was particularly chilling. "You're mine now, sweet boy," sounds like both a threat and a promise all wrapped in one. I shudder to think of what might happen if he saw someone was flirting with Beau. The other boy would be dead so fast...
I was so shocked that they nailed my original Apricity 1.0, that I actually clued them into it, in a deeper reply. I wrote this back to them - back when I was certain I wouldn't use the majority of it:
Oh yeah! I forgot to mention something earlier - bizarrely applicable to the point you made about what Carlisle might do IRL if someone tried something with Beau. So funny story - last year, when I was first writing out Cerise (the hospital chapter), I'd actually written an off-screen scene to get a feel for the characters and the actual in-chapter scenes. Mind you, that outtake and the first draft of Cerise are so far outdated now, that a good chunk of it doesn't connect to Cerise or Apricity of today... but traces of that scene still exist in both Cerise and Azure today. . In any case... in that super old Cerise outtake, after Carlisle grabs Edward and drags him out, they end up in that isolated hallway/room and Carlisle pretty much confronts Edward about... something (pretty obvious that something happened, even from today's Cerise). But within this very outdated draft, at some point, Edward starts egging Carlisle on about liking Beau, that first day at school, and Beau being his singer - just to get his straight-laced brother to react and well... Carlisle reacts... uhh... badly, to say the least. He ends up at Edward's throat on an instinct, but at some point he comes to and feels really terrible about it. Strangely enough, I was channeling a few pieces of that old outtake when I wrote Azure (and rewrote the today's Cerise from scratch)... so I'm actually kind of impressed that you somehow saw a piece of this old outdated reference I used for the dream sequence! . That being said, I'll leave it to you to decide just how outdated that outtake is relative to Cerise today. There are definitely a *lot* of major changes... but the outtake isn't totally irrelevant XD
And their cute reply to that:
Well, what are the odds of me asking what Carlisle would do in a specific situation, and that scene actually happened in an unpublished draft? Lol, that's amazing.
Three - You thought it ended there? Nope. It goes even further.
This person somehow nailed at the core of the mystic bond that those two share, as well as the elements of the dreamscape.
To be fair, they openly admitted that they read the chapter twice and noticed a ton of shit they didn't notice the first time around.
Also don't worry about spoilers. This is high-level enough that it won't give away stuff on its own... though Alhaira, I rambled about all of this in the DMs, so you should be able to see how close this person got.
The scariest part?
I think this person figured out my subconscious mind before I did:
The dream/vision was very interesting to read. Beau was able to recognize his surroundings, smell petrichor, remember to find his friends, etc. even in such a state. That he had so much control over his senses was surprising but seeing as this was more of a magical vision rather than a normal dream, it makes perfect sense. [...] The part where he felt a rush of power from the forest was intriguing. I know that he has more of the Current surrounding him than usual, but this is making me believe that maybe Beau can become a shifter or learn magic himself. [...] That Beau is enamored with him to the point that he'd let Carlisle do anything he wanted to him sounds extreme- so much so that I'm beginning to think that vampires have a lure or a siren's call or something else in your story. It's making me wonder if the actual Carlisle was present in this specific vision, and that's how Beau is being so affected by a supposed dream. [...] And boy, I'm excited to get some answers myself. The way the Mandala works is eating at me. I don't know if Beau is being affected so strongly from the Mandala because he isn't familiar with the current, he needs protection from the current, or if it's just the pull/lure of the vampire that he's connected to.
Well, I'll leave it at that for now... on its own, this isn't enough to spoil or anything, since they don't know the details for sure and are just theorizing. But this comment put a stupid amount of stuff into perspective, dragging so much stuff from my subconscious mind.
This was also the comment that made me revisit the whole thing with the Mahabhuta interlude, exploring the dreamscape and mystic stuff even further... even though this comment happened a whole three months before the vampire bingo card happened!
(I'll explain that in a post about the interlude soon, for Miranda's ask)
To say that I would pay money for their take on Midnight... wouldn't be a lie. I want to see what else they can drag from the depths of my subconscious. Heck, I'm like... 80% sure that if they read Midnight and soon, Prithvi, they'd be in striking distance of my exact plans!
Long story short... to say that this comment "made my day"... that'd be the biggest understatement of the month of last September!
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dalchiid · 1 year
Whew wow of all the climaxes we’ve had so far (and there’s been so many!) I think Minjeong’s arrival might be in the top 5. How unexpectedly things are have been heating up. In hindsight, of course y/n’s chance of escape would come through in the form of another vampire. I couldn’t even begin to wrap my head around how she’d be able to escape on her own. Although it seems that all the vampires we’ve met so far are pretty fucked up in their own form of hierarchy and loyalty to their own blood/race, but who’s to say there aren’t any truly good ones around? Minjeong just might be the answer.
Hoseok told y/n about his ex but he obviously didn’t go into explicit details. Was in Namjoon or Jimin who gave the tea on how their parents had to intervene to separate Hoseok from Minjeong? I can’t exactly remember but regardless she sure knows how to make an entrance. Which begs the question: why? She went through hell with Hoseok and fought hard to get away from him, so why come back? Is it a coincidence that Minjeong happened to run into the Bangtan clan at the mall or did someone tip her off? Is she really that selfless about y/n’s to the point she’s willing to put her own safety at risk again?
I’m most curious as to what she meant by “He's not who you think he is.“ As in he’s not the loving boyfriend figure/hero everyone thinks he is? Well, we've already established that, however, I can’t help but feel she’s implying something more. The more I think about it who exactly are the Bangtan clan? They're in the business of selling their saliva drug but where does their hierarchy stand when it comes to other vampires? Maybe that’s not too important to this story, or maybe it is. We’ll find out well enough I’m sure. Lastly, y/n’s nausea...she’s not pregnant is she? Because that would really put a wrench in her plans. I know Hoseok doesn’t wrap it up but I also know anxiety can be nausea inducing, so let me not get too ahead of myself. I could be reading too much into things but you have a way of getting the gears in my head turning.
With that said, I’ve been so busy these past few weeks but it was really fun to binge read the latest chapters of Covetous. I’m always so excited to see which direction the story takes. Thank you for writing such an amazing story and doing so consistently at that! You’re amazing and I look forward to chapter 43!
— cloudy anon ☁️
Ah I forgot to add:
Y/n’s letter to Hyun-woo. I’m a little surprised Hoseok sent it like he promised. Then again, I’m not because if there’s one thing we know about Hoseok is that he always keeps his promise. Be it for good or for bad, he’s a man of his word. He’s done such a good job so far of playing the loving boyfriend role while giving his little warnings here and there. So I am surprised he let his mask slip a little. Then again, I’m sure the idea of your lover attempting to keep in contact with their ex-master/lover has the potential to tick anyone off.
I think I feel bad for Sunmi the most though. I hope nothing bad happens to her now that Hyung-won feels like she betrayed him. Speaking of Hyung-won, he’s such a precarious character. In the beginning it really seemed like he had no ill feelings towards y/n. Hoseok basically kidnapped y/n, sure, but from another perspective it feels more like Hyung-won sold her off, or more precisely gave her away. Not that she was ever morally his to give, but the technicalities of the whole master-servant relationship beg to differ.
It’s like Hyung-won was looking for any reason to get rid of y/n, and Hoseok’s arrival was the perfect opportunity. I get that it was out of concern for his brother, but y/n should realize that although she may not like it at Bangtan, returning to the Baek’s is no longer an option either. Even if Hyun-won was out of the picture, her relationship with Hyun-woo is equally strained and fucked up because I doubt he’d ever be content with going back to how they were pre-Hoseok’s arrival. Hyun-woo will always want more from her, probably more than she’ll ever be willing to give.
Minjeong just might be the answer. Or maybe she has a plan that'll benefit her in the long run.
I think it was Jimin who told her what happened with Minjeong. To be honest I don't remember and this is my story 😅 We'll see what her plans are in tonight's chapter!
It's not too important in the story but the Bangtan clan is just very well known because of what their job entails. Their father was already well known and despite knowing what they do people are interested in the vast amount of wealth they've procured. In a way they are in a high position in the hierarchy because people put them there. They want what they have and despite trying not everyone can successfully do what the Bangtan clan can do.
I don't know if Y/N's pregnant. Maybe, maybe not 👀 We shall see!
Hoseok can be loyal. If anything he really is loyal to those he cares about. Unlike some *cough cough* Namjoon. Her wanting to contact Hyun-Woo did set him off because he saw it as "you belong to me and not him anymore." His mind took him two steps ahead and he imagined them being reunited and he couldn't have that. No matter what.
Sunmi is just a gentle soul that wants to help as much as she can and she really fell for Y/N. She really wanted to make more of their blooming friendship.
Hoseok and Seokjin only did a little bit in their plan to take her home with them. Hyung-Won was convinced from the beginning. He didn't like how she had his brother wrapped around her finger and how jealous and possessive he became with her. He saw him acting like a spoiled child with his demands on who could interact with her. His dislike for Y/N began to grow the day Hyun-Woo said he wanted to be the only one to feed from her. He did his best to hide it because he didn't want to hear his brother's mouth. He'd oftentimes complain to Hyun-Sik about it. It's why Hyun-Sik did nothing to help defend Y/N.
Yeah Hyun-Woo wouldn't want things to "go back to normal." He'd want to continue this fantasy relationship with her even if it was against her will. So he's not any better than Hoseok.
And thank you for your kind words! Thank you for reading. Thank you for a lot of things. I really appreciate the support.
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inkykeiji · 1 year
Hi Clari! It's the Japanese-speaking anon here. Is it possible to join the anon club? I wanted to use 説 this Kanji, because I remember one of the first times I talked to you I mentioned it literally has "older brother" in it, and also means to explain... which reminds me of Touya-nii. But if not, that's fine too!!
Also, I see you're super excited about FFXVI, which makes me so happy! I happen to work for Square Enix (which sounds so fake, I know, but seriously) so seeing you enjoying it makes me feel like, somehow, I'm able to give back to you in some way? I love love love your writing and it's a great feeling to give back through another art medium in a way that I hope affects you the same way that your writing affects me emotionally.
hi hi!! so lovely to hear from you again!! (´∀`)♡
omg absolutely, of course you can join the anon club with that kanji!!! welcome to the club 🥳🥳 i’ll add you to the list! <3
I AMMMMM LITERALLY I LOVE IT SO SO SO MUCH the story has blown me away and clive has already become SUCH a comfort character for me, genuinely it’s an incredible game and i am so happy. i am also going absolutely feral for 28yr old joshua like,,, honestly i apologize for what you may see in coming weeks LMAO (*/ω\*) tho i am making a final fantasy side blog so you may be able to spare yourself from my absolutely unhinged feralness for the rosfield brothers anD THEIR DADDY WHEW
wow that’s so flippin cool what!!!!!!! i’m totally jealous!!! holy shit that’s so insane i don’t even know what to say other than i’m so honoured to have you here and a massive thank you to everyone at square for delivering such a beautiful, emotional game. it truly is a masterpiece in every regard, it has made me sob and i’m not even done it yet. you guys did incredible and you should be so proud!!!
honestly i love clive as a character, i love his depth and his complexity and his HUMANITY. his struggles with ifrit and his struggles with accepting past mistakes is extremely relatable to so many people, and i feel like ifrit himself can be used as a metaphor for a lot of different things: everyone will interpret it differently and relate to it differently depending on who their are + their life experiences and background, and that’s one of my absolute favourite things about art. and it was done so beautifully with clive in that regard. i, for example, relate to it by seeing ifrit as a metaphor for mental illness; not for clive himself but for me, and that already has brought me such immense comfort. so yeah, this game has definitely affected me on a deep, deep emotional level <3 thank you so much, you are so so sweet and i am genuinely so glad (and also flattered!! wow!!!) to have you here with me!!
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silvertsundere · 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (02/07/23)
whew quite a bit late this time cause I was catching up to something and then didn't want to post this without also having watched the fate special and the ryza premier but anyhoo
blue - finale/completed green - new series/new to me pink - catching up
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Imas CG: U149 Ep12 (Finale)
before anything else, also wrote a review for this on mal, was on the edge about it but did it cause some people convinced me, which most of what I say here but better structured wow. that's all I can say really. like a lot of people I was put off by the premise for this like "damn imas anime with just the kids? who asked for this?" and I'm not even a hater, I already liked a lot of the cast before this, albeit not nearly as much as older idols. but again, wow. it really surprised me and made me feel silly for ever doubting it and thinking it'd just be "imas for kids". it's an imas ofc it was gonna be good what was I thinking. Story: Just like the OG anime, each episode focused on each one of the girls, an issue they were having and ultimately overcoming it, from nina's fear that no one likes her unless she has her kigurumis to arisu's crippling anxiety when it comes to her parents which was planted little by little throughout the whole show with the huge payoff that was ep11, and a lot more in between. the overarching theme for the show was growing up, overcoming your fears not only with your own strength but also with the help of not only your friends around you but also the adults, which makes a lot of sense for a show about kids right. Art/Animation: honestly really really good, the anime was done by cygames' in house studio, just like the newest uma musume anime and it looks incredibly good, there was not a single point where I thought it looked cheap or could tell they were cutting corners in terms of animation, quite the opposite, I was surprised more often than not, like the chie episode that I mentioned all the time with the really good hand acting, but there's a lot more things outside of that Music: it's imas ofc the music is good, every episode had one or more insert songs around the halfway point and a different ED every week, again, just like the OG. hell some of those insert songs were brand new for the anime like kiryu's chara song or LiPPS's Nightwear that was added to the game in an event coinciding with the episode airing (huge brained). ofc I'm just being a simp for the idol music, what about the background music used in the episodes? that was good too don't worry, it was done by Miyazaki Makoto who also did OPM and SxF, and it always fit perfectly tho I couldn't point out any stand out track but it's also not the type of show where the music should stand out too much over the dialogues and stuff so that's a good thing. oh but I also wanna gush about how they're really good about when to NOT use music, there was a long scene in ep11 with 0 dialogue and music, only sound effects and it was soooo good, and there's more scenes like that sprinkled throughout the show. Overall: incredibly good ofc, I gave it a 10 when it's not that, but its imas and it's close enough that I couldn't give it anything else. idols just got me in an iron grip man this is known. if you like the OG imas, watch this; if you like any of the cast members, watch this (even if you think you dislike some of them like I did, do it, you'll prob change your mind); if you like idol shows, watch this; you've never watched an idol show and don't know where to start? well you should watch the OG imas from 2011 but this is a good starting point too
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Mashle Ep12 (Finale)
you're better off reading the manga than watching this. that's really most of what I have to say about it. from start to finish it was barely animated outside of the crumb of sakuga in ep11, and the audio didn't add anything to it either, with the music being forgetable at best and overly distracting at worst (looking at the rap track). the voice performances were alright for the main cast and some of the final villains but outside of that they left a lot to be desired too. not the worst adaptation out there surprisingly enough so it gets at least a 6
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Jigokuraku Ep13 (Finale)
unlike the mashle anime this is a great adaptation! I'd be totally ok with recommending this to someone if they didn't want to read the manga (tho you should still do that instead if you prefer the latter like me). I wanted to give it an 8 but the lack of sakuga held it back, I had high expectations with it being mappa but I guess juggling jujutsu, csm and snk meant that this was never gonna get the love it deserves. s2 has been confirmed, with no date, so hopefully it'll be at a time where it can have some more attention tho not holding my breath for it. anyway despite the lack of actual sakuga the action scenes still looked good and they did a good job capturing the colourfulness and creepiness of the island the ost was also really good, it really added to the ambience, especially some of the more creepy tracks and all the seiyuu did a great job, I was very excited when I saw takarie was gonna be yuzuriha and she did not disappoint and all the tensen sharing the same 2 seiyuu between male and female forms (as stated in the manga) and still being distinguishable was nice, ofc this is not to detract from the rest of the cast they were good too the anime ended at around where I expected, tho I didn't expect to see a shugen tease after the ED so that was neat, if they keep up at this pace we'll get at least 2 more cours, so like I said hopefully those get a bit more love
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Fate/strange Fake: Whispers of Dawn
holy moly I'm used to fate anime being good but I still prefer to keep my expectations low in order not to get disappointed and WOW the special was so good. like the only complaint I have is them skipping some stuff (like rider's summon) but I'm sure those'll be in the actual tv anime that was announce after the special (crazy). very curious to see what all they'll cover since the light novels aren't over yet but it'll prob be up til before a certain baddie shows up. anyway, back to the special. it looked amazing, with some juicy sakuga near the end, it's got an all star voice cast tho uchida maaya stole the show near the middle and the OST was great, to be expected from sawano. very pogged up for the anime now god bless
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Atelier Ryza Ep1
that double lenght ep got hands huh? it felt longer than the FSF special despite being shorter, I guess to mimick that early jrpg feel huh? but anyway it was.. decent really. I didn't expect much and it didn't deliver much, just looked average. I'm just happy to see my beautiful ryza animated 😊tho there we nearly not enough thigh shots outside of the OP and ED :(
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Mashle Ch162 (Finale)
it's finally over huh. kinda wild to think about. it was, alright. I had it as an 8 after I caught up to it and up until the end but had to knock it down a bit. it's a shame the final arc got stretched so much cause of them wanting to end the manga alongside the anime but I don't believe that was the author's decision. overall it's a fun series, like OPM meets a magic school. it took a bit for it at the start to find it's groove but when it got there (right after where the anime ended), it was a nice series to read weekly with a lot of cool looking fights. the cast was fun, albeit a bit annoying at times for me. if you just want a goofy series with good action give it a try cause that's it all it is
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My Hero Academia Ch218 - 392
SHEEESH that was quite a lot to catch up to huh, I thought it'd take a lot less time, and it could've if I totally focused on it but still anyway, I started mha right when it began, well not exactly, it had like 10 chapters or so? so close enough and I've always loved it a lot. I know it gets called a mid a lot cause the anime made it super mainstream but it's actually quite good. horikoshi is definitely the best artist in the magazine currently by a long shot, tho it takes quite a toll on his health :( the last time I had read was like right after deku got the whip power and right before the my villain academia arc, and shit's been popping off since then. horikoshi went on record to say fans don't like the villains so he cut it short and stuff, and I understand where people're coming from (not gonna get into it), tho I liked that arc. after that we had the training arc with endeavor which was kinda short, followed by a huge battle culminating in a big fight between all the heroes and almost perfect AFO. after that we had dark deku was which was very pog, with him becoming basically a vigilante and showing off his greater control over OFA. and then we're basically were we are right now, the big climatic final fight where everyone gets their chance to be cool and shine. like I said at the start, I've loved mha since the beggining and that hasn't changed at all, despite how long it might take I trust horikoshi to do a good job until the end, maybe in 2024, hang in there buddy!
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Dandadan Ch112
just an action filled chapter as expected but very cool nonetheless, it was great finally getting to see okarun fighting with his new upgrades also I say it all the time but it's crazy how a weekly series can look this good, this wasn't the only spread either
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Kindergarten WARS Ch22 - 24
nice chaps, not only did they have some great action but also served to introduce an overarching plot to break the series away from it's formulaic structure so far, just a couple more months til we're caught up with jp so that'll be nice
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Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Ch79
most of the chap was just leonidas' backstory which is like, one of the most well known in history but it wouldn't make sense to not include it regardless. we're only at the start but I still don't think he's got a chance of winning but we'll see
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Ice-Head Gill Ch2
an ok 2nd chapter tho coulda been a lot better, it was just a little self contained story, if it keeps going like this it's gonna suffer the same fate as ginka
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Do Retry Ch9
weird chap tbh, and idk if it's just me but it feels like the art took quite a hit, maybe it's just the new guys' design being weird. I figured this fancy book they introduced would've been written by his dad, and that he had some connection to the gang, but didn't expect it to get revealed so early but, gotta do what you can when ratings are so low
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Kill Blue Ch11
figured we'd be getting the next challenger soon, tho it is refreshing that he isn't just after noren. series has been doing p decently in ratings so there's no risk of it going anywhere currently but I would still like to see some more exciting stuff, maybe this duel will have something to satisfy me
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Witch Watch Ch115
the 1v1s start in WW and with a bang. having keigo not transform into wolf right at the start is very good, it'll be even cooler if he actually got to beat her without transforming but I don't see that happening
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Blue Box Ch107
another very good chap, continuing with things as normal without any forced drama or anyting, thank you miura. it was fun seeing natsu get teased by karen like this
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Martial Master Asumi Ch3
some nice action in this chap and they also introduced the brother that's been mentioned a million times so that's nice, it's still too early to know how the series is doing in rankings but with it coming from a veteran and do retry seemingly flopping I think it'll be fine
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Sakamoto Days Ch125
very cool action packed chapter again, I'd been hoping heisuke would be part of the fight so it's nice to see that finally happen, tho I don't have high hopes for our order friend here surviving
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Undead Unluck Ch165
chap was mostly just set up for the shen vs mui fight, kinda sad we didn't get to see billy or fuuko fight but oh well, this fight should be cool tho I hope shen actually gets to fight feng for real and it doesn't just end in one shot or something
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Akane-banashi Ch68
a nice chap, mostly just a cool down after hikaru's performance which landed her a 93 score. I had originally predicted her to get 96 and akane to get a 93 so it'd be funny if it was the other way around. I still don't feel akane is gonna win this competition at this point but we'll see if I change my mind after the first performance chap next week
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