#also yeah i brought up the niche thing with glazes and made a person shit a brick
insomniaticvoids · 8 months
This is a small list of art tips from studying art I can tell you after taking way to many art classes I'm practically a teacher myself:
-if your drawing from a reference pic something that in black and white has a minimum of 5 values
-if you are setting up a piece and it feels to spacious it's because there isn't enough things touching corners(2 sides of the paper must have something touching it don't be afraid to have an image cut off from being zoomed in)
-if you are stumped on composition learn photography rules! It's werid but gives you insight on what makes a image look good to the eye after all (rule of odd and thirds is good insight, same with leading lines if your setting up landscapes or nature from idea not reference)
-study shade(value ranges understand how it works and how to get it with the medium you like)
-dabble with different styles and techniques (you like drawing anime try drawing something that intrestes you with realistic twist or technique, use only pencils? Try inks) just have fun it foesnt have to be good but it'll probably teach you something or you'll find a new thing you like.
-sculpture uses different logic than painting or drawing you can be great at drawing but suck at thumbnailing sculptured and vise versa
-there is good days and bad days(my ceramics mentor words ring true od some days the clay doesn't want to work and you just have to accept it. I can vouch the clay has its own logic this is coming from a man thats done ceramics over 8 years of his life. Same applies to other mediums someday just aren't meant to be.)
-you will not ever be good when you start but that doesn't mean your bad
-you can learn lots but still not be good in the way you want.
-style comes with practice and repetition not from you wanting it to be a certain way. It'll work its way out over time (unique styles or any style comes with the practice of a craft. You can usually tell if a piece is done by an artist due to the style but not in ways you'd expect actually to)
-there's no right time or point you should "reach a certain skill point" or "right age to start" your learning is unique to you not to others.
-dont question the logic of an art medium or supplies much less why it works that way(what I mean is often when learning a new medium or simply seeing it used theres niche things you see people do or it works by. You will be confused by the trade stuff just don't question it I have so many things I forget aren't normal that I consider normal aspects of x art supply or craft that'd send a person into a comma)
-even if you think it sucks it doesn't what sucks is not making the piece
-you will probably get a werid collection or collecting habit of a niche item mine are pens. But also container gods artists love reusable container and will own an ungodly amount
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