#also yes hes horrorfell
aka-indulgence · 1 year
Home Invasion (Centipede!Sans)
So, I’ve missed writing about centipede!sans, he needs some love… so he’s here to pursue it himself by coming straight to you >:) huehuehue
TW: Bugs, beginning includes a nightmare where reader is covered in bugs (the first italics section), and centipede!sans being creepy and grabby with you
Legs, crawling all over you.
You couldn’t move.
A myriad of insects were wandering over your body, tickling you with their antennae.
There were too many of them. The sound was deafening. You could feel one start to crawl over your neck. You’re going to be buried in the mountain of them.
Your eyes widen as they approach your face. Your chest tightens, your mouth opens-
You sit up, gasping for air, sweat soaking your pajamas, heart beating a mile a minute. You swallow your spit, eyes darting everywhere, looking for those phantom bugs. You’re in your bed, and it’s still dark out. You let yourself smile in relief, laughing nervously. It was just a nightmare.
You throw the blanket to the side and lay back down, the sweat evaporating along with the fear on your forehead.
Just a horrible nightmare. You tell yourself, shivering. I hated that.
You sighed, and closed your eyes. Just go back to sleep now, (Y/n).
… You think you were in the middle of drifting off, when you heard the distinct sound of scuttling.
You blinked your eyes open, scanning the room, though it sounded like it came from outside. You were confused- maybe you were having a half dream and the nightmare was just going to continue? That was a terrible thought, but you had a creeping feeling that it might’ve been real.
Just to be safe, you kept your eyes open and quietened your breathing as you listened.
There it was again. The scuttling. And it sounded like it was shuffling over the floor, before it went quiet again.
You could feel a weight settling in your stomach. It sounded like it was out in the living room.
You stood up from the bed and tip-toed over to your door. You turn the key slowly so it wouldn’t click too loudly and… open the door.
Of course there’s not a lot of windows in the living room. The door is only open a crack, and you could barely make out your kitchen and table. You hold your breath, expecting something to move in the dark, but… nothing.
You don’t think you’ll be able to sleep once you find out what it is- maybe a cat broke in somehow or something? So, taking a deep breath, you turn on the torch of your phone and step into the living room.
Everything looks way more horrifying in the darkness. Why? The lighting from your phone is certainly giving your room a haunted house feel to it, which was doing wonders for your nerves. everything you shone your light on looked too bright and shiny while everything else looked too dark and shadowy. At least… so far the kitchen was alright. One knocked over can of tuna isn’t something to lose sleep over.
You find your way to the lightswitch and flick it on. Maybe it’s because it’s night and you’ve still got nerves from the nightmare, but it looked like a shadow moved- however there was nothing there when you looked. Instead, you find what looked like a dust explosion, trailing from a corner of the room, and you pause when you see where it comes from.
You feel dread forming in your stomach as you approach your cracked floor boards, snapped in half and splinters around a hole where a floorboard was popped off completely. There were suspicious scratches on the floor that… don’t look entirely unfamiliar. You’ve been finding random scratches on the walls and floor recently, and you just chalked it up as accidents you hadn’t noticed. Now though… there was a lot of them congregated around the hole and, hesitantly, you took a peek down.
And your blood. Ran. Cold.
Down under your floorboards- where you didn’t expect to have so much empty space in the first place- was a piece of centipede molt.
But it wasn’t really a ‘piece’ of centipede molt, was it?
No. It was a boulder-sized centipede molt. White, and crumpled, and- you don’t even know how long it’s been sitting there, but there was dirt and a bit of dust on it so it must’ve been sitting there for a while. And that was just its molt, how big was the beast that left it there?
Monsters from the wild almost never break into homes- they could be aggressive and terrifying but most were ‘shy’ of humans. But then again, news of monster and human scuffles weren’t unheard of.
I need to call monster services. You thought.
You thought hear a scuttle from behind you, but no giant centipede to be seen.
I need to call them RIGHT NOW.
How long has it been down there? Is it there right now? Please be under the floorboards.
As you sprint your way back towards the bedroom, you thought of the nights before. This wasn’t the first time you heard sounds in your house. They started about a week or more ago, and yeah, sounds in the dark weren’t comforting, they hadn’t seemed substantial enough to be anything. You’re not the girl that needed to sprint to get to her parents room when she heard a scary sound anymore. You chose to ignore it and went to sleep.
But now, with the molt… you remembered a lot of the sounds did resemble scuttling. You thought it was something creaking. Something flying into the windows.
… Or maybe it had been  exploring under your floorboards for god knows how long…
Oh fuck, you thought. Please go back down there.
You slip into your room…
And freeze.
There was no point in you trying to sneak back into your room, because as you stand there uselessly, a mountain of carapace, legs and bones was circling your bed, making his mark on the sheets, clicking his mandibles as he rose into the moonlight.
You inhaled so sharply it felt like you swallowed a thorn. You could feel your legs tense when the monster turned to look at you, and you rushed back out the door-
You fall to the floor and your phone tumbles out of your hand. You could feel something sharp wrapped around your ankle, just shy of impaling your skin. Your nails drag over the floor as you’re pulled into the room effortlessly. You scream and yelp as a storm of carapace and legs flood your vision. You feel the clawed ends grip and drag over your skin all over where you were exposed, leaving little welts all over your body. You gain your sight again when you’re lifted right into the middle of his twisting, endless body; his coils shifting and scuttling around as you’re settled into him.
He wasn’t squeezing- not too hard, at least. But you could feel your chest tighten and you struggled to breathe- you were panting and groaning like you couldn’t catch your breath.
You tried to wriggle but that only made him tighten around you more- you couldn’t move. His long centipede body had you circled up to your shoulders, the only part you could move was just your head. You could feel more of those centipede legs shift and move all the way down, tickling your feet and making goosebumps form all over you. When you look around you couldn’t even… see where he ended. His entire body had completely filled your room, spilling over the bed and stacking against the walls.
Your heart was beating in your ears as you looked up at the monster watching from above. He wasn’t entirely centipede, it appears: his upper half was skeletal from the waist up, and even then he was still bigger than you were. He had thick bones, resembling muscle, and his hands were clawed. Despite that, that wasn’t what struck the most fear into your heart- it was seeing his face.
His skeletal face was fearsome, large mandibles on the side of a wide smile full of razor sharp teeth accompanied by two abyss-dark eyesockets. One single glowing orb sat in his left socket, glowing with the intensity of a red star. Up from that socket was a skull fracture that left a hole in his head- just looking at it made you hurt to think about. He must’ve been through a lot of fearsome battles. In addition to his skull crack, one tooth was missing from his arsenal, and when you look everywhere on him there were minute scratches, indents, and cracks on his bone.
You see the end of his mighty body shift to the side, leaning against the door, shutting it close. Your phone lay uselessly on the floor, the screen turning off just as a leg crawls over it.
You feel a hot breath brush your face.
You turn your gaze back to your captor and feel your heart jump at how close he’s gotten. In the time it took for your frantic brain to take in the monster who has your life in his grasps, he’s leant in- possibly doing the same to you. Sweat beads on your forehead as he turns and leans around you, staying silent the whole time. His wide smile was eerie. It felt like he was a predator playing with his food with his sockets crinkling like that, and his legs digging into your flesh like it was aching to rip you apart.
You lean as far as you could as he approached. Goosebumps formed over your neck when he pushes his face into it. … You could feel him taking a deep sniff, followed by a deep, rumbly purr. You let out a surprised yelp when you feel claws trace over your scalp, leaving tingles where they went. The monster pulled back a little and turned to look at your hair, caught in his fingers, letting it slip between. His red orb dilated and refocused like a camera lens, picking the locks apart, looking at every individual hair strand like it was a mystery to him.
You couldn’t help but cough. His presence was overwhelming already. Everywhere you looked was his sprawling, crawling centipede body. The sound of his multitudinous legs filled the air with clicks, so much so that you couldn’t hear your own racing thoughts. Carapace rubbing and gripping onto you was distracting. And now, this close to his bony body, he smelled like iron, and musk, the air thick with his magic.
It sounded almost like he was laughing, and you noticed he was looking at you this time. Perhaps… sadistically enjoying how you couldn’t escape him, that his mere presence was crushing you (or perhaps it was his body tightening around you again.) He leant back.
It was odd. He tilts his head to the side and starts clicking his mandibles at you. You aren’t sure why, but the way he clicked them at you didn’t seem aggressive. You flinch as he twists around you, a couple of legs menacingly tapping over your clavicle, nearing your neck.
The imagery of being impaled by one of them enters your mind. You shudder.
It looked like he was waiting. Like… he was expecting you to say something.
“U-uhm,” You stutter. You inadvertently whimper as his claws trace down from your ear down to your jaw, tickling under your chin in a distinctly gentle… almost wanting way.
“H… hello?”
He clicks again in response, flexing his legs. You could feel your eyes getting heavy as you withheld frightened tears while he brushes your hair with his other hand.
“W-w… what do you want?” You squeak, a giant thumb brushing your cheek. “Do you…” gulp, “do you want to eat me..?”
He twitched, eyesockets widening, all movement halting. Was he… did he understand what you were saying?
All of a sudden, his great ribcage started to shudder, the quaking spreading to the rest of his long body.
“m… mheheheh…”
You grit your teeth as you’re shaken with his mighty, convulsing body, staring up helplessly at the monster. Was… was he… laughing…?
His sockets were crinkled, and he had one fist to his teeth, like he was trying to get ahold of himself. He shook his head, then extended a claw at you.
“... like…” He growled, the power of his voice rumbling in your chest. “like you…”
“L-like…? What do you-?”
You squealed as the entirety of his body starts moving again and those ticklish, frightening legs started crawling around you as the skeleton circles around you more tightly, nuzzling your face and trilling. He pauses on your left side and you freeze as his fingers crawl over from the back of your head to grip your right cheek. It felt like he was looking into your soul, his face mere inches from you. You freeze, breath hitched as a long, red, glowing tongue trails from your jaw up to your cheek.
He licked you. You could smell his breath- that blood scent, of prey having fallen to the beast’s teeth.
You couldn’t stop the frightened mewls as he fusses your face, sniffing you and shifting your body here and there, until you end up with your back against his ribcage and your head under his skull. His hands seal around your chest and stomach, and though in his turning and twisting you ended up moving out of his encircling coils, his lower half had its legs clamped around your legs, keeping you squished. against him.
You stiffened as he convulsed and squirmed, settling over the bed, having you placed on top of the rest of his carapace. Claws started tangling in your hair, as he seemed to obsess with it, feeling how silky it feels against his phalanges.
You quieted your breaths, rapid and shallow like a mouse, freezing when the monster purrs, rumbling against you. You huffed, pressing your lips together.
So. It looks like he isn’t going to eat you. But as the monster relaxes, a hand slipping under your shirt, mindlessly caressing it like… like a lover would, you think you have a very different problem at hand.
He lets out a satisfied sigh, the steam of air brushing your face, and you shake your head.
I guess I won’t be sleeping tonight…
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imlostontheinternet · 2 years
Tidbit from Ch.8 of Cave Bear by @llamagoddessofficial
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I adore this asshole, he makes my heart go wheeeee~
Lineart and solids under the cut ✂️
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Ooo!! Here's an idea I've had for awhile :D with some of the less cuddly boys, what about an s/o who's really clingy, and asks if it'd be okay if they cuddled/slept with with friends (all platonic!) To get their cuddle fix in!!
Underswap Sans - It depends on his mood. Usually, he will accept you fall asleep next to him, but the second you're asleep, he's GONE. He can't stand to just lay there for too long, he needs to move.
Horrorswap Sans - He can accept if you're really close, but usually, he will shake it off nicely, saying you don't need him to sleep better and that he's not that comfortable anyway. He's anxious about people touching him since the Underground, it can make him very uncomfortable.
Horrorfell Sans - He will sigh deeply looking at you, but he will do it, since he likes you. He will still sigh loudly from time to time to show you he's not happy with this lol.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He looks at you from head to toe with disdain and just smiles. "No, thanks." And then he goes back to whatever he's doing lol, he doesn't care.
Farmtale Sans - If you argue for twenty minutes about why you deserve this cuddle session, he might get annoyed and say yes but don't expect too much from him. He has work to do, and staying there and doing nothing is holding him back from doing this.
Mafiatale Papyrus - Urgh, he guesses he can make an effort. He's staring at you with nothing but disgust in his eyes after not even ten seconds. He hates when people get touchy. Since you're friends, he won't say anything. He's just giving you the look. You better not get used to it.
Mafiafell Papyrus - He will do it. But he will also complain and whine the entire time so it's not really relaxing. But eh, at least he did it. Sort of.
Error - He glares at you anxiously. If you gets too close, he will hiss at you. He doesn't like it, he doesn't care you're friends or whatever. There are pillows, use a pillow already!
Dustale Sans - You're hugging him. He's just... Standing there nervously, unsure of what he's supposed to do. He will be tense the entire cuddle session, just staring at you like you're going to murder him any second lol.
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"Hi! I want to adopt some bitties, any amount would be amazing! I'm Hime, and I do have a fair amount of bitties already and plan on getting more, so any bitties who wouldn't want to share probably would like coming home with me. I like reading, playing video games, and I run my own bitty center! I'd totally be willing to adopt any family groups in their entirety if any are interested."
(rp or one shot is fine with me, I'm unsure how exactly this works)
- @himesbittycenter
Hearing your interests and that you also own a bitty shop, I smile.
"Oh you'll love one of our bigger boys. He can play games with you and help around the shop that way. Here, I know just the fellow. He's very good at controlling large groups of bitties."
I go to the aviary and open it up, "Can I have a secretary, please?"
A large red and black bird with the teeth of an oni mask steps up, a papyrus type with a very intelligent gaze.
"I suppose my time has come?" He asks, fluffing a bit before smoothing his feathers back down.
"Yes, sir. Another bitty shop owner who has a lot of other bitties."
Stepping out of the aviary, he walks up to you and bows with his wings out carefully, not hitting a thing, "I am at your service, friend. Your wish will be my order."
I chuckle and usher you to the counter, "he's a horrorfell Papyrus, so he's very regimented and steady. He'll have even the most reluctant bitties on a healthy routine after a while, even if that routine is just snoozing a certain number of hours before meals."
When the paperwork is signed, I smile happily, "Be sure to send us any pictures if you take them. We love posting them on the pin board so the ones still waiting can see the successes."
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vrnicky · 2 years
You don't have to do this, though I do have an ask!
Could you write something where the reader is a gem, and they're a Taaffeite! Taaffeite is one of the rarest gems in the world. Less than 50 of them have been found.
For Undertale, Underswap, Underfell, Horrorfell, and Reapertale?
Oh! This is such an interesting ask!! Hope you dont mind that i will use the Steven Universe style of gem, of course!
Sans: well, he is invested in all the stuff you can do, where you have the gem because technically your gem is equally as fragile as the soul. He seems a little protective over you, either if your gem is a easy target.
Papyrus: oh wow! You can make weapons appeared through your gem, that's hot! Papyrus would take you to train with him! Even if you already know how to fight. He will always conpliment your gem, no matter what.
Blue: like Papyrus he will make you train with him and will get stars in his eyelights everytime you pull out your weapon from your gem, he can swear seeing you shine every. single. time. He loves it and he loves you.
Miere: he feels.. weird knowing there aren't much of your same gem in the whole world! Is kinda.. sad even.. but he has you, one of 50 and you chosen him. He adores you truly.
Red: actually, he got interested in you with your gem, at first he wasn't sure if talk to you or not but got the courage to get close to you and ask what gem you are. Its fun to see him get so protective over your gem.
Cap: Like Red, he's really interesting in everything about your gem and he doesn't think twice to get close to you and ask some stuff if you're comfortable with it. He's extremely protective over you after knowing the fact that any crack can alter your body for bad, he will not allow it.
Loan: honestly he would be like Red but he's so amazed by everything you are, he isn't the most about jewelry but he believes your type of gem is the most beatiful one.
Nayer: oh he totally compliments your gem all the time and while he is surprised about your weapon he suggest you dont make it appeared indoors, outside yes but not in the house, he doesn't want you breaking something and hurting yourself.
Azrael: he gets interested at how your gem is basically your soul, how your body can disappear if it gets hurt, he starts to investigate in the books about you and your gem, everytime he tells you his process you can see small stars in his eyes as he tells you, cute.
Deus: in the other hand, Deus is also interested in everything about your no nos or dos of your culture but he doesn't investigate it, he ask you about it and even if you think he will stuff silly, he will remember everything you told him. He wants to treat you right and will feel bad if he did something you dont like.
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rosescries · 2 years
So about to that ask about the machine activating and dragging MC to a dangerous world what if she landed in a Horrorfell or Horrorswapfell yeah the danger would be twice as bad but what if she convinced the other skeletons that the other skeletons would totally rescue her but with everyday that passed if they didn't come the would take something from her like say a finger or two? And when the machine magically tried to suck her back in the horrorfell bros/ horrorfellswap bros hung on to her and then demanded food from the boys or the girls gets it. It's really interesting to think about if I'm honest with you. Not to mention the reality that the Fell universe boys now know that's classic's horror isn't just limited to Classic but extends to them too. (Geez talk about evil) also they are Fell universes on top of starvation talk about messed up!
Well, in Horrorswapfell, she could gain enough of Wolf's (Horrorswapfell Papyrus) favor to save her from really loosing anything simply with what she knows about Mutt. The brothers have changed, yes, but at their core they're still the boys. So Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans) would reluctantly go along with it. It's nice for Wolf to have the company, even if he knows the affection is born from her relationship with someone else. Though they definitely would use her to their advantage when the machine pulls her back through.
It would be harder for her in Horrorfell though, she would likely loose something or gain a few scars at least. But if she's clever enough, she can manipulate them too with what she knows about Red and Edge. Which isn't a whole lot, but enough at least. Brick (Horrorfell Sans) isn't in.. the sanest mindset, so enough of the gentle and affectionate speaking and touching could effectively gain her his affection. Birch (Horrorfell Papyrus) wouldn't like it, but he wouldn't deny his brother simple pleasures and he does like the civil conversations he can have with her. As long as she keeps doing what she is, she can stay. They would have no problem threatening her though. They also won't have a problem using her either.
And yeah, it disturbs the Fells plenty to see what they could've been. What they could become in the future. It especially freaks them out to see what "they" did to Mc. Mutt especially.
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yinyanchan · 1 year
Ghost Town is wild!!! I am in love with the concept! I just kept wondering how the skeletons would react if their soulmate, unknowingly, just picked up and carried their skull around with them? But with Horrorfell Sans and Horrorswapfell Papyrus, oh boi, I can only imagine their faces if the reader accidentally gave them a face full of her chest!
Lol! As much as they'd enjoy it and what a way to go man. They can't live without their heads but they'd say it'd be worth it. These clever skellies have conveniently made little conjoining cubbies to hide their bodies or just their head is poking out of the earth. They've been there awhile and have a lot of contingency plans and that involve getting to survey without being truly discovered. Skulls littered about are avoided and let people know its not a safe place. The ones who stay are fair game. When reader tripped over Dire's skull it didn't flip over but it did painfully turn his head awkwardly in a different direction. Reader helped him out and righted him as he couldn't move while her eyes were on him. Nook has hidden his body in the wall behind the shelf in the storage shed she visits after Dire. Nook doing his namesake and able to crawl into and merge perfectly into the tiniest of nooks despite his size. But yes please. All skellies would love to have their heads buried against the place that holds their soulmates soul. Wolf and Fang? Oh hell yes it's not just soul resonance but sexual ... also... there is a hidden pervert. The ring totally called him out and he will reveal himself for what he truly is when he gets his claws on her. Thanks for reading and stay tuned!!!
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
I will put a limit to my questions and only send you five, this is the second one. What would Chaos' relationship be with the other pets? yes, even the eel, spcecially the eel
Lol alrighty
Rocky the rock (undertale): it is a rock. She dumped sprinkles on it once lol
Doomfanger (underfell): doomfanger hates her guts. If she ever sees chaos, she is instantly fluffing, hissing and spitting. Chaos has the tiniest bit of a crush on the cat lol.
Baby bones the kitten (underfell): tiny cat boy must be protected at all costs. In chaos’ eyes, bones might as well be her own pup. It also helps that the kitten is just a ball of pure affection. He doesn’t know how to hate other animals
Doris the eel (swapfell): well.. Doris is an eel. She likes the fake shipwreck in her tank and the tiny floating balls mal sometimes throws in there for her to nudge. One time chaos filled her tank with about fourty of those little balls. Doris decided to hide in the shipwreck for five hours. Chaos thinks she’s ungrateful
Baconator the chicken (horrortale): she’s one of the only chickens of oaks I actually named so she’ll represent all of them. Anyways the chickens love chaos of course. The chihuahua regularly sleeps in the coop with them, chases off larger birds, and occasionally dumps buckets of bugs for them to hunt, even if it gets her in trouble with willow
Older Doomfanger (horrorfell): considering this cat is 19 years old and much to brittle to handle chaos’ antics, she’s very gentle with doomy. Sometimes noir will come home to find willows dog snoozing with his cat. He never knows how she gets in
The rest of them she hasn’t met, so this is all what it could be
KFC the pigeon (fellswap): he would hate her guts no doubt. He hates every body except for mutt and oak. He’s not a very bright bird though, so chaos wouldn’t have any trouble handling him.
SonOfA the rooster (farmtale): SonOfA is actually only aggressive to wild animals and new humans (due to unruly teenagers trying to steal the produce). A chihuahua wouldn’t trigger his guard rooster instincts and he’d let her chill on the farm just fine. SonOfA is actually a really sweet bird when he’s used to you
Princess the cat (mafias): princess is a very social boy and if chaos doesn’t come on too strong first meeting, he would be tolerant of her presence. He likes being spoilt and will count her as one of the family if she ever brushed him
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popatochisssp · 4 years
would you consider updating the pet names post for the new guys? (specifically, what names they'd call their s/o) pitch calling his s/o "pet" and "kitten" in sweet treats had me WEAK...
Why yes, I can accommodate this request!
Ash (Undergloom Sans): Doesn’t lean too much on pet-names, they’re cute but a little too cutesy to be dropping all over the place willy-nilly, y’know? If he’s feeling a little goofy, he might call you ‘lover’ and really ham it up with an exaggeratedly “seductive” tone, just to make you laugh. ...But genuinely, privately, in his head and intimate moments with you, you’re definitely ‘bright-eyes.’
Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus): Very thoughtless about his pet-names, never really intentionally dropped--they just sort of happen-- and he’d get very flustered if you called him on it. ‘Dear-heart’ is a favorite and one he’ll use a little more indiscriminately (earlier in the relationship and occasionally in non-romantic contexts too), but when he’s distracted and casually drops a ‘sugarplum’ on you, that’s when you know he’s in deep.
Brick (Horrorfell Sans): When he’s talking about or to you, he loves to bring his first two claws to his chin and flick them down: ‘cute,’ literally, but ‘cutie’ in intention. He just thinks you’re adorable and he’s gotta make sure you know it. He’s also fond of giving the back of his hand a couple flicks to call you ‘pumpkin,’ since you’re just as cute and tasty as one. ;3 (He’ll probably also have a unique sign that he uses to stand in for your name in conversation, like ASL users tend to but that’ll be based off of your own unique traits, so unfortunately, I can’t tell you what that’d be!)
King (Horrorfell Papyrus): Almost never uses pet-names, they’re definitely too soft and he feels far more vulnerable using them than he’d like to be, so you’d have to be pretty far into the relationship before he’s willing to call you his ‘jewel’ to your face. You may be married by the time he lets the even more intimate ‘my heart’ slip out, but by then it’s definitely too much the truth (as he feels it) to feel embarrassed by.
Merc (Horrorswap Sans): Still fond of ‘darling’ and the ever classic ‘dear,’ when he’s being wholly sincere, but when he’s feeling playful, he gets a little more...adventurous. Pet-names are an easy way for him to fool around and be silly with you, even while maintaining The Façade, so you can go ahead and imagine any goofy, over the top, disgusting pet-name and he’ll probably say it at some point: ‘pookie,’ ‘snookums,’ ‘sugar-pie,’ ‘pudding pop,’ ‘cupcake,’ he has no shame and he’ll say it all...with a perfectly straight expression and even tone that just makes it funnier. He’ll tone it down if you ask, but he thinks it’s hilarious and would love to keep doing it.
Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus): Definitely not big on pet-names, they don’t come naturally to him and that makes them feel forced and not genuine enough when he does try to use them, so mostly he...doesn’t. But if you’re perceptive, if you’re really listening to him, you might notice that when you meet up with him, or if you surprise him, or you wake up together and he looks over at you, the first thing he says is starting to always be the same: “hey, you...” It doesn’t look like much written out, but when you hear it, when you see how he looks at you warmer and warmer every time... the more he says it, the more that ‘you’ sounds like ‘everything.’
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans): ‘Dear’ is a favorite still, as is the occasional ‘dearest,’ but when he’s feeling especially affectionate, yes, he’s very likely to call you ‘kitten,’ cute and feisty and very beloved. ‘Pet’ is the one you get when he’s cheeky and in the mood to tease-- he likes the possessive note of it about as much as he likes the chance it might rile you up a little and make you want to tease back. Rest assured, though, it’s all in good fun! 
Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus): Not all that verbal, so the pet-names are a little sparse too, just by extension. He will call you ‘beautiful’ often--whether you think of yourself as beautiful or not, you are to him, so of course he’ll want to tell you so sometimes--but that’s about it. ...Unless you count non-verbal pet-names, that is. Once you’re eased into the relationship far enough that the touch-barrier has been broken, you might notice that he likes to trace idle patterns on you with his claws, and if you really pay attention to what he’s tracing, you might also notice that the patterns aren’t always idle. Sometimes it’ll be your name, or a certain l-word, or maybe just a few little heart/soul-shapes to stand in for the same thing. You could call him on it and he’d be a little embarrassed, but he wouldn’t deny it, and unless you really hated it, he wouldn’t stop either. It’s just how he feels.
Sunny (Gastertale Sans): Calls you ‘kid’ romantically. You might also get some similar words, like ‘bro’ or ‘dude’ with the exact same sentiment, but ‘kid’ is the favorite, in spite of definitely being kind of old fashioned in comparison. He just... likes it, and in general the combination of casual, friendly terms with deeper, more genuine sentiment. If he’s feeling extra flirty, he might slip in a ‘sweets’ on you, but mostly, it’s ‘heya kid, what’s up?’ and ‘c’mere kid,’ and ‘damn, kid, you’re amazing... <3′
Aster (Gastertale Papyrus): A relatively traditional sort of fellow, he prefers some of the more classic terms of endearment himself, but tends to only use them in private. He’ll say them with some degree of playful exaggeration when you’re early in the relationship, but the longer it goes on, the more genuine the words will be. Still, getting hit with an earnest, gentlemanly ‘beloved’ for the first time might be a bit of a surprise if you’re not ready for it, and the errant ‘dove’ will probably hit just the same-- he’s extra fond of that one, actually, so he might hold it out for special occasions, or until he’s really sure you’re both a solid thing. But if you are, best get used to that now, because that’s what you have to look forward to! UwU
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pyrefell · 3 years
Helllo!!! I’m loving your headcanons so far!!!
Do you have any general personalities descriptions for your boys yet?
a of all, bsdaifjkbfjkowp thank you!!! b of all, im sorry this took so long?? i rewrote it like 3 times & it still might change bc im indecisive. also it turned into a lil bit of a headcanon post. i hope its understandable?
once again i am struck with the fact that the boys need nicknames. hmm.
Sans: Guy who is deliberately and unabashedly Cringe. Overall, fairly laid back. However, he still prefers to maintain distance between himself and most people. It was already a natural facet of his personality but it was exacerbated by the Timeline Jank. People tend to forget he’s as smart as he is, they don’t think he’s stupid, they just mostly know that funnyman side of him. If you're a dick to Papyrus, he's gonna be a dick to you.  
Papyrus: Things are so exciting and fascinating to him, even the most mundane things. Despite seeming completely oblivious to things that seem completely obvious, he's very smart and deceptively cunning. Even though he knows how people see him (a big loud child) and he doesn't get quite the reception his brother does, he knows he'll win them over one day! He tries to avoid thinking about how lonely he actually is. It’s fine. He knows Sans is dealing with something (he won’t tell him what) but he figures he doesn’t need much else on his plate.
Sans: In this post, I mentioned that he's kind of always naturally been the more outgoing brother and that he's taken on this much more outgoing and bubbly persona as a result of the impact the timelines have had on him. He's competitive in a more aggressive way (maybe not quite the right word to use but), by which I mean he's kind of a sore loser sometimes. Also? He's a huge flirt, he's pretty skilled in the art of flustering.
Papyrus: Also in this post, I said that he's pretty chill until the conversation turns to something he's passionate about, then he reaches True Papyrus Volume Levels (and Chaos Levels). He is fairly relaxed, yes, but part of it is compensating for how awkward he can be. He gets embarrassed really easy, even something as small as misunderstanding something that was said. However! He’s a pretty popular artist online! Though he uses a pseudonym, being recognized and talked to by a stranger in public is not something he would look forward to.
Sans: He’s cruel and crude, that’s kind of his whole thing. He’s not really the best at keeping a hold on his temper (though there’s a few other factors at play there). Keeping up the whole tough guy persona is the number one priority thus he doesn’t deal much with his emotions or inner turmoil or any of that other crap. Like US!Sans, he’s a flirt, except his flirting is mostly crude comments and jokes. And yet, somehow it works? Guy who is a disaster. He’s oddly nostalgic, mostly about his relationship with Papyrus. He wishes he could have been a better brother, but it seems like their relationship is too far gone.
Papyrus: He also doesn’t have the best control of his temper but he has an image to keep, one of a cruel and cold Royal Guard Captain. He didn’t used to be like this, but it’s necessary for his survival. He’s still surprisingly empathetic, something that could never really be beat out of him. HUGE perfectionist nearly to the point of it being debilitating. He oscillates between hating how weak he is and desperately wanting to be able to be weak. While he acts prideful about his ‘work’ int the Royal Guard, he is genuinely prideful about things like his cooking. Often to the point of arrogance.
Sans: He’s seen as very cold and calculating, well-spoken. But he also knows when and how to turn on the charm. That’s how he’s even made it this far in life, it’s vital to his survival. He can also be very prideful, particularly in his position as Queen Toriel’s right hand and in his ability to remain cool in high stress situations. He’s well aware of how overprotective he is with Papyrus, he’s terrified of how cruel the world is and terrified that he’s stunted him to the point of not being able to cope with it.
Papyrus: He’s deathly shy. If it were safe/a good idea to use his own brand of shortcuts to get out of situations, by god would he. He, like his non-Fell counterpart, thrives in the relative anonymity of being online. Past that barrier of shyness, he’s excitable and surprisingly jovial. He tries to find some reason to be at least content, he thinks it helps Sans worry less (even if it doesn’t really). He’s actually pretty mischievous, though only dares to pull pranks on his brother.
Sans: Horribly cynical and jaded. He’s working on it, even if he doesn’t particularly want to sometimes. He’s not home, so to speak, most of the time. He’s easily frustrated by the gaps in his memory, then he forgets why he’s frustrated and gets even more upset. He’s naturally very wary of everyone else and again, very much prefers to keep distance between himself and most everyone he comes into contact with.
Papyrus: He definitely tries to hide everything behind a happy demeanor, he tries to fix everything for just about anyone (especially his brother) without any fuss and tries to make it seem like he’s totally fine. There’s also this sense of jadedness, he tries to curb it but sometimes it still slips out. He still tries to act like himself, like he’d been before the Famine, but it’s exhausting and he’ll eventually come to terms with the fact that he’s no longer the same.
Sans: His competitive nature has morphed more into him being more of an aggressive hothead (though not quite to the level of UF!Sans). He’s really self-conscious about his new stutter and bringing it up frustrates him the same way treating him like a child had before. He has terrible mood swings, he can ruin his own day over nothing and it kills him. He’s really trying to get better, but he still has a hard time being honest with people.
Papyrus: He’s gotten pretty cynical since the Famine, he puts part of the blame on himself (if only he'd just been brave for once), even though he knows there's not really a whole lot he could have done. He’s even quieter than he used to be, he’d prefer if he could just fade into the background. He hates how much he stands out in any crowd and tries to avoid going out at all costs. The only one who can get him out is Sans because at least they can ignore everyone else and concern themselves with each other.
Sans: He’s...mean. Like. He tends to be a major jackass. He can’t help but think well, humans aren’t exactly gonna wanna know a monster, much less him. And hey! Might just help keep his newly expanded family safe! He ain’t complainin’! He’s really just bitter about how things have gone for him and his brother (and about how things will likely go in the future). For as many dark jokes he makes to Frisk and Aliza, he’d be the first one to come to their rescue, he’s just that kind of friend.
Papyrus: He’s fairly quiet these days, but don’t think he’s not going to find some way to give you some kind of attitude. He’s been putting a lot of work into taming his anger, which is no small task considering everything. He still has his moments, but he prides himself in being able to cool off and keep himself somewhat calm. He still hasn’t been able to do much about his perfectionism, in fact it’s gotten worse, but he’s trying. And he, like his brother, is extremely protective of his little family, and god help anyone who dares try anything.
A B-Bonus????
UF!Comic Papyrus: (he’s the only one with a nickname...lol) Reggie here struggles a lot with who he is as a person, is he more Sans? More Papyrus? An even 50/50? Or is he someone else entirely? He’s introspective and hyper aware of his mannerisms, particularity in the ones he deems too Sans-like or too Papyrus-like. He’s not exactly the nicest, partially as a mechanism to keep people away (it’s just...easier that way). Reggie keeps to himself most of the time. He’s not shy though, he’s more than willing to speak his mind, even if it comes out more crass than it was intended.
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capricioussun · 3 years
Which AUs are Void's most favorite to visit, and which are his least favorite? Has he ever visited any particularly odd AUs before?
Void has a few favorites yes! But he’s really fond of anywhere peaceful, and anywhere he has friends. A particular outertale variant is one of his favorites, they’ve known him for quite a while, one of the first timelines he helped back when he got started, as well as another AU of mine called Glitchedswap, he’s also fairly good friends with them, especially the brothers, Uno and Sky. He also likes to visit both a surface Horrortale and surface Horrorfell timeline from time to time, those surfaces usually tend to be very calm, and it’s nice to be one of the few Clips and Dusk will actually socialize with.
But, like I said before, he’s a pretty amicable guy, and anywhere someone greets him with a smile is somewhere he doesn’t mind going, whether it’s to visit or to do a check up.
Least favorites…pretty much most still-underground-fell types. There was even an AU he and an ally had tried to salvage where- well, let’s just say there are some pretty…dark AUs. And there are tons of AUs that don’t event quantifiably fit into the tale/swap/fell/fs/sf descriptors, sometimes they can be lovely, sometimes they can be gruesome. Anywhere he has to fight or work in secret because he’d otherwise be targeted are. Not his favorite, that’s for sure.
As far as weird AUs, certainly. He’s a seasoned multiverse traveler after all, he’s seen lots of peculiar AUs. One that stuck with him though was an early one. It was a completely normal tale timeline…except everyone had Mettaton’s legs. Barring Mettaton. It was simply so bewildering he never forgot it.
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aka-indulgence · 4 years
Centipede sans? May we hear more about him? You've definitely caught my interest. (Though it's not hard to do cause I love your writing and ideas! ♡)
(Also waaaa you’re very sweet! ;w;)
By the way, I’ve been talking about this concept with @someseriousthot! They keep giving me more material and hghghgh making me love this concept even more
First of all. He’s one of the creepiest Sanses I have in mind- to me, at least. And if you know me, you know that means I like him very much kjaldsd
He’s a Horrorfell Sans. And in this particular version (my version of him as a centipede), he’s not... very... kind. Also has a sadistic streak. 
You’ll hear the crawling of his many legs before you realize he’s already there.
Like I said, very creepy. Lots of legs. Predatory grin. He knows he looks especially creepy to humans, and it amuses him to no end. He likes the different reactions different humans give him when he shows off his... monstrousness.
Ambush/stalk predator. He won’t let you notice him unless he wants you to. And by then it’d already been too late.
Likes shaded, dark spaces.
He’ll let his centipede body crawl over you/a part of you while he talks. There’s no reason he has to do it... The pure, disgusting feeling you get when those legs creep over your skin, brushing it in such a wrong way with his plated body, watching you shiver and grit your teeth in an attempt to hold in a scream... He enjoys it way more than one should (Not that he cares).
While we’re at it, he’ll trap you with his centipede body. You can feel the crushing power he has with it as it shifts and tightens against your body.
Can kill you in many ways. Just from his skeleton part alone, he could tear you into a new one, let alone his centipede body... 
Likes playing with his food, especially the very pretty looking human he has caught in his immense coils...
... It’s difficult to tell whether he sees you as food, or... something else.
Also- his voice. It’s fucking deep. He’s very good at staying silent, but he’ll let out a guttural laugh when he’s delighted. Think UF!Sans but with extra bass. Very rough. Breathy. If his centipede body weren’t already enough to get a shiver out of you, I’d say his voice and way of speech would be enough to give you the thought that you shouldn’t mess with him.
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I don't know if it has been clearly established or not, but did the horrorswap and horrorfell monsters also eat humans like classic horrortale?
Yes and no.
In Horrorswap, monsters ate humans the same way in Horrortale. Except the Queen kept most of the resources so monsters actually didn't get to eat that many humans. Nugget ate some. Pumpkin never did, because the Queen won't feed prisoners expensive meat lol. Pumpkin ate mostly rats he caught passing by.
In Horrorfell, humans were eaten in Waterfall and New Home, but not Snowdin, as Chief refused it, as he wanted Snowdin to stay civilized. He fed the town with bats and little animals he hunted in the woods. Underfell is already a universe where it is hard to find food, so Horrorfell monsters suffered a little less from the famine, since they were already kinda used to it. They didn't eat every day already way before the beginning of the famine.
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kiokodoodles · 3 years
Prized possessions? Horrorfell and Horrorswap boys.
Horrorfell Sans: Spruce’s prized possession is his guitar. Music brings him comfort. He’s never forgotten how to play it and the notes. He still knows a few songs that he plays to comfort not only him but Sycamore too.
Horrorfell Papyrus: Sycamore’s prized possession is his Doomfanger’s collar. Unfortunately, she passed away before reaching the surface, so he holds onto her collar to remember the times she’s comforted him.
Horrorswap Sans: Juniper’s prized possession is his old scarf. It reminds him of the good times. Willow got him that scarf so he carries it around with him, even if it’s not around his neck. And yes, Junior’s prized possession is also his scarf.
Horrorswap Papyrus: Willow’s prized possession is his photo album. Since his memory has gone a bit bad, Juniper and him went through the photo album to add in little captions. Juniper added little notes within the margins which Willow reads time to time even if he’s not having problems with his memories.
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Yandere types
1. Sans ‘ The Judge ‘ - He is a very delusional yandere. He loves Antagonist with every fiber in his body and he wants everyone to know that she loves him too. He will stop at nothing to get her, because he loves her. His biggest goal is to get claimed. Something that is very clear for his yandere type is that he loves collecting clothing pieces from his lover. He also has a very lucid imagination, and if Antagonist doesn't clearly tell him something is wrong, he will talk himself into not minding it. Killing and kidnapping is something he's not above.  2. Papyrus ‘ The Liar ‘  - He's a delusional yandere. He is very narcissistic and loves himself, that's why gaining him as a yandere is very hard, as it would take a lot of make him even consider you as a possible lover. Of course, after that happens, he is very dangerous. He believes that his lover loves him because he is perfect for them. He's perfect for everyone. He doesn't like kidnapping, but if his lover won't stop trying to be hard to get, then he is not above doing that. He doesn't like killing, but he does know people who would kill for him.  3. Red ‘ The Sentry’  -   He's one of the most normal characters in the story. As long as he isn't driven to madness, people wouldn't notice that he is a yandere, but when he becomes, he is hardcore about it. He is affection and attention starved. To drive him insane, is pretty easy. Get him to be your friend and then stop giving him constant affection. He will go completely insane, willing to take you away as far as needed, just so you would be all of his. If he sees anyone getting more attention than him, as long as it's not his brother, he is willing to kill that person.
4. Boss ‘The Guard Captain’  -  He's one of those people who you do not know is a yandere until it's too late. He doesn't understand human feelings a lot, so it's hard for him to show his affection. For the lack of his affection, he gives with gifts and money. He is willing to do absolutely anything to make his lover happy, and will take everything they say as their wish. Of course, if driven him to absolute madness, he is not afraid to kill his lover so they would be his perfect little doll.
5. Lucky ‘ The Manipulator’  -  He is a very jealous person. So, it's not a surprise that he's a very jealous yandere too. He shows unhealthy expectations in friendships and relationships from the very beginning. For example, he wants to be the only important person and thing for his friend/lover. It's not a surprise that when he becomes a yandere, he doesn't want to share. He wants to be the only person that's important in his lover's life, and if killing everyone else is the key, he is willing to do that. He's the type of yandere who's willing to hurt his lover to teach them a lesson if they try to fight against him too much.
6. Stretch ‘ The Puppet ‘   -   There isn't much to say about him. He is a young guy who needs guidance, and had never been shown what normal love is like, nor how to treat his own feelings. He is the type of person who will go and hurt his lover, when his lover isn't willing to give him what he wants. As a yandere, he wants to monopolize his lover and well, it's the most basic type of yandere. Kidnapping is possible, but he doesn't have the money to have a place where to hide his lover, nor does he have an idea how to do it. The worse he can do is rape his lover and well, it's not good.
7. Razz ‘ The Lord ‘ -  He's the worship type of yandere. He wants to show that his lover is the best. The moment that he becomes a yandere, he drops the lover part, and completely goes insane with his part. He doesn't see his lover as a living being anymore, but as a god that needs to be worshipped. He's willing to do absolutely anything to protect his lover and he will collect everything that his lover leaves behind. How could he waste anything?
8. Mutt ‘ The Wild Dog’  - He's a simple yandere too. An obsessive yandere, but just because he is a simple yandere, don't put him off. He has his way around, and he knows how to make someone disappear without causing people to question stuff. We need to also remember that he has someone as Razz to back him up, and Razz works in the police force. Mutt is very obsessive. He wants to know everything about his lover, to have everything of his lover. He is not belong kidnapping his lover, not belong killing for his lover, not belong drugging and raping his lover for his own pleasure.
9. Blackberry ‘ The WannaBe Guard ‘ - He's an interesting character. He shows one side, but is actually different. He has one pursue and it's to start a family, to get a kid or two or a dozen and then drop his 'lover'. He shows a clingy side, but believe me when I say that that's not how he actually is. If you manage to get him to become a yandere, he will drop his act and his lover's life will become a living hell.
10. Patch ‘ The Loyal Pet ‘ - This yandere is similar to Blackberry. He doesn't show his interest in someone or shows too much interest, but the thing is, when you actually get him as a yandere, things start to get extremely bad then. He might seem normal, but people around you will start dying. He will always be there when you need him the most and he knows everything about you, even if you never told him anything. In the end, one day you will wake up locked in his basement, and that's when your true life starts.
11.  Hickory ‘ The Butcher ‘ - This is a stalker yandere. You might think 'oh, this is another simple yandere' and you would be completely wrong. He takes it too far, and let me explain why. He is a type of yandere that wants to watch his lover. He doesn't need to even be part of his lover's life, he needs to watch them. He gets pleasure for that, and he actually finds it a turn off getting affection from his lover. What he wants is his lover and his younger brother to get together so he could watch them from afar have their perfect life.
12. Tatters ‘ The Cannibal ‘ - He doesn't understand love, that's why he can mistake his feelings for friendship. He get's addicted to people easily, but only to one at a time. He starts needing that person and he gets angry when he doesn't get them. He is dangerous in the sense that he has the backing of Hickory to get anything done. Another thing is that he never hides anything away. It's good, as if he would kidnap his lover, he would accidentally tell it to everyone and have his lover rescued, unless Hickory gets involved. Because then, that would not happen.
13. Echo ‘ The PlayBoy’  - Oh heavens dearest. This is a nasty yandere. He loves to break down his lover completely. He doesn't feel anything for his lover usually and will leave them when he finishes with what he wanted to do with them. Of course, if his lover is smart enough, they will manage to turn the tables and make him the one addicted to his lover. That's when his true yandere side starts to show. A nasty, jealous side, in which he wants his lover to only belong to him and is willing to kill others to reach that goal of his.
14. Green ‘ The BookWorm’  - He is bad at relationships, that's why his yandere type is very dangerous too in a normal situation. He is a loneliness inducing yandere. Showing emotions for him is almost impossible, as he is not interested in romance. What he wants is someone he knows he owns. He will try to make everyone hate his lover and make it so that he would be the only person that his lover can come and be with. Of course, it's possible to turn it around and teach him how to love, but it will be a long time before that happens.
15. Solaris/Dusttale Sans ‘ The Murderer ‘ - He's a bizarre yandere. He doesn't care for the same things as the other yanderes. What he wants, what he needs is something a little bit more. He needs to have stuff that came from his lover's body. For example, hair, nails, old skin. It's small, but something he needs. He's also willing to kill his lover and keep their dead body near him so he would have access to everything more. His level of Lv completely blinds any sense of guilt for him, so anything goes with him.
16. Hound/Dustswapfell Papyrus 'The feeling addict' - He's a lonely yandere. He regrets what he has done to everyone he loves every single day and the pain his killing him. He wants to become better, but is afraid of even asking for forgiveness. He desires for affection and can get violent when he will not get it. Even if he is regretful for what he has done, he is not afraid to kill anyone else in his way of having all of his lover's attention. Even his lover themselves.
17. Dings/Underswap Gaster ‘ The RiverMan ‘ - A very manipulative man. Who do you think Lucky learned from? He is abusive, mostly emotionally, and is not afraid to make his lover go to a point of wanting to kill themselves just to save them and make them feel like he is their own ally. He is dangerous and he is willing to kill others. He has the complete control over his sons and can use them to get to his lover without much trouble.
18. Aster/Underfell Gaster ‘ The Failed Scientist ‘ - At the very beginning, he will act like a gentleman, but as he enters in a relationship, he will show his dark side. He is abusive, physically and he's not afraid to hurt his lover and children if they don't listen to him. He will kill people who get in his way and he will keep his lover until the day he completely can't handle them and kills them. Yes, the only way to get rid of him is by him killing you.
19. Gaster/Undertale Gaster ‘ The Forgotten Scientist ‘ - He is a cold yandere. He doesn't really have time for his lover, but he will show some signs of being a yandere. For example, showing extreme jealousy when there is no reason for it. Show his less than pleasant possessiveness and of course, when he would start talking about love, it would spiral into something insane. He wants to own his lover and if his lover is not willing to accept that, then he is willing to kill them.
20.Rust/horrorfell Gaster 'The man who speaks in screams ' - He is a sweet man, who has been through a lot. He wants just to have someone that he could call his own and someone who would be a good mother for his two children. He is partially blind, so it is hard for him. He's happy when he finds someone that is just perfect for him. He is a pathetic yandere. He is willing to cry and beg on his knees for his lover to love him and not leave and he's willing to dust himself if that will prove his love to his lover. That's the while reason why he is partially blind.
21. Spice/Underlust Sans ‘ The Lover ‘ - He is quite a fun type of person. He doesn't mind sharing his lover and jealousy is never something that you should worry about him. What you should worry about him is that he will take keepsakes with himself of his lover and he is not afraid to hurt people who he thinks are not good enough for his lover. He doesn't mind sharing, but he needs to approve of them before he even thinks of doing anything like that.
22. Sugar/Underlust Papyrus ‘ The Friend-With-Benefits ‘ - He is a little bit similar to how Spice is, but in a worse case scenario. He only wants to share with his brother and anyone else is not something he would even consider. Jealousy is a very huge thing with him if someone else besides his brother interacts with his lover. He can get violent if he doesn't get what he wants, but he will always apologizes and try to do his best to make his lover forgive him.
23.Cotton/Lustswapfell Sans 'The Authoritative slut' - He is a very serious person in general, but well, even serious people have needs. He is a very loving lover in secret and very strict in public. He will try to get his lover with his own charms, but if that will fail, he is willing to kidnap his lover. He is manipulative, so making his lover break and start loving him isn't a hard task for him. Just know that if he will reprogram his lover, he will reprogram them as he wants completely. And you do NOT want that.
24. Lavander/Lustfellswap Papyrus 'The Affection seeker' - As a yandere, compared to most, he is very tame. He is a mix of being a clingy and obsessive yandere. He wants to know everything about his lover, and he wants to always only have their attention. Jealousy with this yandere rises a lot, especially if his Lover hangs out with someone that he believes to be better than him. He becomes very jealous and in general, it's best to avoid that, as he's not afraid to kidnap his lover, or hurt people around his lover.
25. Delta/Asylumtale Sans ‘ The Maniac ‘ - He has three personalities and that makes him an unpredictable yandere. His normal, Sans personality makes him to be a very cold and distant yandere, but who wants to know that he owns his lover. His Delta personality, makes him a very love sick yandere, who NEEDS to be in the presence of his lover and is willing to kill to reach that level with his lover. His Papyrus personality is a violent yandere, who is willing to heavily hurt his lover to teach them a lesson on how to treat him.
26. Daisy/Asylumtale Alphys 'The therapist' - After losing her lover, Undyne, she became very distant from everyone. If she would ever find someone who would fit her preferred type, someone who could stand in the place Undyne did, she would get obsessed with the idea of changing the person to be a perfect replica of Undyne. Willing to do anything just to be able to get her Undyne back in her loving arms.
27. Eros/Altertale Sans 'The gentle giant' - The only thing he needs is a family and he's willing to do anything to get that. He can't have children on his own anymore, that's why he is obsessed with finding his own little wife with little kids. He will be a perfect parent! He will do absolutely anything to be a wonderful husband. And well, if he will find his perfect little family, he is willing to make sure that the husband/father is out of the picture. Besides, he would be a better parent either way.
28. Nebula/Alterswap Sans 'The benevolent ruler' - He is very lonely. He wants to know that someone loves him. That someone adores him. He needs that, so at the first sight of finding someone like that, he will warp his fingers tightly around them and not let them run away from him. What he needs, what he wants is a perfect little 'friend' and he is willing to do anything to gain his own affection giver who will never leave him. Just know that getting too comfortable with him is dangerous, as one day, that tea you two drink together will not be so safe anymore.
29. Teddy/Horrorfell Sans 'The dusting butcher' - His brother and father are very unstable. They need a lot of affection that's why he was the only one in the family who was taking care of everything. He was used to never get any affection, any attention. If he would receive any, he would be weirded out and confused, asking what the person wanted in exchange. It would take a long time, but after opening him up, you would never be able to run away. You opened his heart, his soul. Made place in his care, and you will not be able to escape now. Just relax and be happy, or he will have to make sure that you are as damaged as his family so no one else but him could love you.
30. Cranberry/Horrorswap Sans 'The backstabbing maniac' - What is there to say about him? A sly and cruel monster, who caused his own brother's death to save himself, that was who he is. That's why it wouldn't be a surprise that he would find himself a lover to play along with and seem normal. Of course, when he won't need them anymore, he will throw them out. But if you are unlucky enough to actually catch his attention... Let's just say that you will learn what true fear is.
31. Bell/Horrorfellswap Sans 'The incompetent little helper' - He is highly damaged. The trauma of a fight, and the horrible memory of seeing his younger brother die from starvation was too much, causing him to regress mentally to an age where everything was alright. He acts like a child, but there are times that he comes back to his adult age. Those are the times you need to be mostly careful. Because that's when he is the most hurt and willing to do anything to keep his special lover with him, after he had went through losing his younger brother. Just know, do not play with a broken soul.
32. Knight/Horrorswapfell Sans 'The Try hard protector' - He is trying so hard to protect the people that he cares about, and he is that type of yandere. A protector. He will do anything to protect his lover. Even take it too far. He will kidnap his lover and keep them far away from others at the slightest thought of them being in danger. It's not healthy, and it's dangerous and anything can trigger him, but he is trying his best. He really is.
33. Azure/Dancetale Sans 'The dancer' - He is one of those yanderes that you won't know he is a yandere until it's too late. You might actually think he hates you, when in reality, he is madly in love with you! He will push you, while not washing his hand after because it's the hand that touched you. He might yell at you, but never forget the time he was close to you. You will only realize he is in love when it's too late and you are already in his basement, ready to start your new life with him.
34. Puffy/Danceswap Sans ‘ The Happy-Go-Lucky Dancer ‘ - He's the type of yandere that won't realize he's a yandere! He will talk himself into thinking that what he is doing is completely alright. That he is just doing this to protect a special friend, or that if his friend understood his reasoning, that they would completely agree with him. He can talk himself into doing anything, from small things like buying a gift to his friend to kidnapping them and killing people for them. A liar who believes his own lies is a dangerous one.
35. Lyric/Danceswap Papyrus 'The jokester dance fanatic' - Another yandere that you might not realize he is a yandere, until it's too late. But different than Azure. Lyrics is the type to be friends with his lover before anything else. He will madly obsesses over his friend, but keep the friends act up. He will do everything just to please his friend, giving the possibility to use him in any way his lover would want to. He is the type of yandere who would do anything for his lover, without even thinking a second time about if that will hurt him or anyone around them.
36. Rottenberry/Horrorfell Papyrus ‘ The Mute ‘ -  Rotten is... hard to love. Not because of his personality! He's a real sweetheart, it's just... He is very high maintenance. He is highly disabled. His spine was broken, so he is unable to move and is stuck in a wheelchair. His lower jaw is missing, that's why he is unable to speak. The place where his scar is, he can't see and he barely hears. It doesn't take much for him to fall in love with anyone who is willing to love him. Because of how he is, he doesn't know how to truly love, so he can become extremely toxic. He is similar to how Hickory and Tatters are. Because of all of his disabilities, Teddy does everything for him, and is the only one who can hear him as Rotten speaks to Teddy through soul waves.
37. Midnight/Outertale Sans ‘ The Star Fanatic ‘ - Similar to Azure, it will be too late when you realize that he's a yandere. He is argumentative and loves always being right. He is willing to hurt people as long as he will get his way and is in general a bad lover. He is willing to hurt others who believe they can steal his lover and he will stalk his lover, even if to just prove a point in his argument.
38. Marrow/Outertale Papyrus ‘ The Earth Fanatic ‘ - He can be two different yandere types. If his lover is not a human, then he is much tamer. He is possessive and acts more like an adult. He is willing to talk with his lover, but he still is very jealous in general. Now, if his lover is a human is when his creepy side comes out. He loves humans to the point of it becoming the creepiest thing ever. He wants to know everything, absolutely everything about humans from how they reproduce to why their hair falls. His obsessiveness will make him stalk his lover, collected everything his lover leaves behind and of course, kill anyone who gets in the way of his research.
39. Comet/Outerswap Sans 'The Curious human fanatic' - He is not as bad as Marrow, but he isn't exactly the most normal either. Unlike Marrow, he is always similar to everyone. He loves humans, but he doesn't go as far as Marrow. He would rather ask questions than forcefully get answers out of them. That's why he is a favorite between people, but can seem very manipulative and clingy. Because he is. He become attached easily and when he doesn't get what he wants, he will try and manipulative his lover into doing what he wants.
40. Pluto/Outerfellswap Sans 'The strength fanatic' - He is the tamest out of Marrow and comet. He doesn't care for specific spiecies, but about a specific thing. He loves strength! Only way to make him obsessed is by being extremely strong or by teaching him something that he didn't know before. He will start craving more and more of his lover's affection, until it's not enough and he'll kidnap them so they will only be his own.
41. Glitch/Error! Sans 'The destroyer' - He honestly doesn't seem like a yandere. Maybe in a sense, he isn't. He tries to stray from the path of obsession, but sometimes, at times, he starts to think that maybe it's time for him to be selfish too! And when he finally convinces himself to become selfish and keep his lover all to himself, just know it's not going to be pretty. He is the destroyer not for nothing.
42. Palette/Ink! Sans 'The creator' - He doesn't have feelings. He can smile, he can fake them, but he doesn't actually feel anything. That's why he can't get obsessed, right? But what if, what if there is someone, someone out there who makes him feel? Who makes him actually feel. Not good emotions, but makes him feel jealousy, anger, envy and obsession? Well, let's just say that it's not going to be pretty weird. I've been saying that a lot, but that's specifically for him.
43. Night/Nightmare! Sans 'The bringer of nightmares' - He's a distant yandere. He hates getting involved with other people, but isn't against that if people try hard enough. When he becomes obsessed, he becomes needy. In general, he tries to seem like he is a very smug and confident person, but in reality, he has a deep fear for being inferior to his brother. If he would ever lose his lover to his brother, he would lose his mind, going on a killing spree that wouldn't be stopped in any way.
44. Starry/Dream! Sans 'The bringer of gentle dreams' - A yandere who believes that he is on a higher morale end than everyone else. He believes to be the best and rightest out of everyone and he doesn't listen to others, thinking that his way is the right way. It's very toxic towards other people but he has show signs of not caring. For his lover, he would be very loving and affectionate, while holding them hostage in his basement. The most loving out of all the yanderes who kidnap their lover actually!
45. Sansy/Fresh! Sans 'The parasite' - This is an interesting yandere. Because he is a parasite, he doesn't have feelings. He gains the feelings of the host body that he takes over. The current host body has deranged feelings for a specific woman. His yandere type is obsessive and murderous. He will stalk his lover and will kill people to get what he wants. But if he ever changed hosts, he would change his personality and yandere type too, as he doesn't have a specific one himself.
46. Toffee/Storyshift Chara ‘ The Guard ‘ - She's a cold yandere. She doesn't get attached to people easily and she likes to help people. Of course, if she does get attached she completely changes. It's a weird thing, one moment she seems cold and distant but a friend either way and the other she is looking at you in a love sick expression. That would be how she would change while being a yandere. It's weird to describe but she is the type that wouldn't exactly show it a lot.
47. Plum/storyshift Asriel ‘ The Captain’s Son ‘ - He is a very responsable boy. He wants the best for people and will work towards that goal. Of course, if he would fall in love and completely lose his mind in love, he would become completely love sick and protective. Trying to please his lover in any way possible while keeping them locked away for their own good. He is also very jealous, so he would talk himself in taking his lover away if he is put under extreme jealousy.
48. Cherry/Shiftfell Chara ‘ The Pet ‘ - A soft spoken human who hates any sort of confrontation. Barely talks and when she does, her voice comes out soft and quiet. She gets attached to people very easily and finds comfort in sexual activities, thinking that if she engages in them soon, she will be loved more. She wants affection, both emotional and physical. She's the type of yandere who will hurt herself to make her lover do whatever she wants.
49. Majesty/Shiftfellswap Chara ‘ The Captain Of Pride ‘ - A prideful woman who believes she is the gift of god for every sinner. She wants to be worshipped and will get really angry if her lover will not do what she wants them to do. She is very violent when angered and is willing to start getting physical if she doesn't get what she wants for long time. She is the type of yandere who makes her lover completely hate themselves and believe that they should be thankful she is dating a vermin like them.
50. Brash/Storyswapfell Asriel 'The absent minded sentry' - A air headed individual who usually is deep in his thoughts. He loves joking around and flirting jokingly, but is a lot more serious inside. After the lost of his older sister, he had been very cold towards anyone who take a dominant approach in life. Only way for him to get obsessed with someone who is dominant would be if that person would take an interesting approach in dominance and actually remind him of his older sister. Then, he would start obsessing over keeping that person near him, as he doesn't want to love his 'older sister' a second time.
51. Skyblue/Storyshift Sans ‘ The King ‘ - A calm skeleton who loves to talk to people. His yandere type is manipulation. His calm demeanor will make people believe that he is always right and that you need to follow him and do what he says. He makes you trust him, and makes you believe him. It's best to not spend a lot of time around him, as he becomes like this even if he has no romantic feelings towards someone. He is just a naturally manipulative person.
52. Bloodbath/Shiftfell Papyrus ‘ The Catacombs Caretaker ‘ - He is a very violent and uncontrollable character. He wants things to get done now and immediately and will get angry if that doesn't happen. He is very controlling and wishes to have everything under his control. If his lover or anyone in his life dares to disobey him, he is not afraid to start treating them like a child, meaning he can go as far as kidnap his lover if he thinks they are being bratish with him.
53. Riffle/Mafiatale Sans ‘ The Mobster ‘ - He is a mobster. A sweet man but he can get violent too. He is possessive and wants everyone to know that he owns his lover. Meaning, he is not above going and marking his lover physically so people would know that they belong to him. He is obsessed with guns, so he will use guns to scare both his lover and kill people who get in his way. It's a nasty business with him, but it's a nasty business with every mafia guy.
54. Rose/Mafiatale Papyrus ‘The Right Hand ‘ - A love sick puppy, that is who he is. He will do absolutely anything to make his lover happy! He is delusional, but not to a point that he doesn't understand when his lover doesn't love him anymore. He just refuses to actually care about that and take it in any other way than them being shy or not ready to take that step into becoming more. His lover can kick him, beat him, insult him and throw him out but he will keep coming back until he is nothing but a pile of dust because of his lover. If his lover would ever die, he would kill himself so even in the after life he could be together with them.
55. Riggs/Mafiafell Sans 'The failing underling' - A flirty guy who's just trying his best to keep up with expectations but failing miserably. Most of the times, you might think that he is joking about some stuff that he does when he's in love. For example, saying that he would love to kill everyone who even looks at his lover. Well, let's just say he is not kidding. He's the type of yandere that will go through with his promises, even if he gave them drunkenly, forcefully or as a joke.
56. Whip/Mafiafell Papyrus ‘ The Boss ‘ - Whip is very serious about his job. That's why making him fall in love is hard. Especially if you are a human. But if you are persistent enough, he will open up his heart to you. The thing is, you do not want that. He will start spoiling you, loving you and then, slowly trying to ruin you, so he would be the only person you can depend on. He is in the mafia and he's capable of doing that. So, do not make him open his heart up, or you mind lose everyone expect him.
57. Slate/Mafiaswap Sans ‘ The Two-Faced ‘ - He's horrible. Both with his personality and with his lover. It's a mystery how anyone could ever handle him. He is an asshole with a god complex. It's pretty easy to figure out what that means. You know how Razz worships someone who he considers to be like a god figure? Well, Slate is the person who will make others worship him like a god. And well, as a god, he has his favorite little follower. Of course, if he see someone else taking their time away, as the god, he will kill anyone who gets in the way of his favorite little follower worshipping the group he walks on.
58. Slim/Mafiaswap Papyrus 'The blind follower' - He isn't someone who easily shows emotions. That's why it would take quite a while for him to even realize that he is in love with someone. When he does, he would still be cold towards them, but in private, on rare days, he would show his less than cold side. Show his loving and obsessive side. Show his side in which he would hold his lover in place for hours, not letting them move, not let them do anything but feel them in his arms, so he would know that they are his and that they are not running away. Well, not with that chain around their neck.
59. Rus/Mafiaswapfell Papyrus ‘The Jack-Of-All-Trades ‘ - He is very talented, but very lazy. He's the type of person that he would try, he might achieve a lot, but he doesn't. That's why he doesn't pursue his lover. He might kidnap them, but if his lover ever escapes, he will let them run away. Why? Because he knows where they are all the time either way. He has connections everywhere, and she wouldn't travel anywhere without him knowing. One day he'll get less lazy and he'll make sure that she crawls back to him, but until then, he'll let them start a new life and make their see it crumble before their own eyes.
60. Mal/Mafiafellswap Sans ‘ The Malevolent Boss ‘ - He wants a wonderful romance. He wants to give in, but he can't! He has so much work to do so of course he couldn't just open up to his lover. He couldn't let them even realize how much he loves them... of course, he would allow them to love him and of course, he would be more than happy to keep anything of theirs just as a keepsake while he can't have them just yet..
61. Syrup/Mafiafellswap Gaster ‘The Spy ‘ - He can be anything they wants! Absolutely *anything* they want! His whole life is based on the fact that he can act however he wants to trick people. And he will do the same to get his lover! If his lover wants a sweet and loving lover, he'll be like that! If they want a rough and dominating lover, he's going to be that! If they want a submissive and quiet lover, well, he isn't good at being quiet, but he can try! Just remember, *never* push him away. He is the only one who actually loves you so do not push him away, Or you might just regret it in the long run.
62. Chompers/Mafiahorror Gaster ‘The deceased Don’ - Quiet, cold and distant, these were the words to describe him. He was a yandere that wouldn't realize he is a yandere. He would be surprised when he first would start having feelings for his lover. They would overwhelm him in a way that he would do absolutely anything that he would think about. For example, think that killing their friends would make them closer? He'll do it. Think kidnapping them was a good idea? He'll do it.
63. Ardor/Slavetale Sans 'The catalyst' - He hates humans. He hates humans with a burning desire. So why would he ever fall in love with one? But well, what could he do if this specific master of his wouldn't leave him alone! Every single time he would push them, hurt them, treat them horrible, they would treat him like he was actually worth something and not just a slave to play with. Well, then it means they love him, right? That means it's not too much for him to want them all to himself, right? And to be as violent as needed to get that, right?
64. Roxxy/Slavefell Sans  'The lovable pervert' - More? Oh, he wants more! More of what? More of everything! Nothing is enough for him. He wants more, he needs more and if he doesn't get it, he will get honestly angry. He will devour his master from the top to bottom, suck them dry of everything that they have! He'll get all of their love and affection and leave nothing, absolutely nothing to anyone else, because he deserves it the most!
65. Rogue/Slavefell Papyrus  'The reluctant slave' - He doesn't like being a slave, that's why he won't like having  a master. But. If a master that would spoil him, love him and adore him appear, he will become pudding for them. He will become the best thing they ever wanted. He'll be everything they ever wanted. They just need to make sure to keep him and only him by their side. He wants to be spoiled and drowned in their affection and he's willing to kill others to prove that.
66. Ditzy/Slaveswap Sans  'The savant slave' - He will be anything his master wants. He will do everything his master will want him to do. And he wouldn't need anything in return. But if his master would start showing affection. Start trying to teach him how to be less robotic and be a living being again, he will start showing his less than pleasant traits. He will show possessiveness, his jealousy and mostly, his violent outbursts. His master was teaching HIM how to be a living being, not them! So, his master only needed HIM!
67. Viper/Slaveswap Papyrus 'The skeptical slave' - He doesn't trust anyone. He doesn't trust his master. Gaining him as a lover or someone who would trust him is something that's almost impossible. He would always think that what his master does is to get something bad back, so he doesn't trust them. Of course, if his master would try hard enough, it's possible to work around him and his fears of being used, but if that would ever happen, it would open a new window of fucked up, worse than imaginable.
68. Wisteria/Slaveswapfell Sans 'The perfectionist' - This yandere wants everything to go by his made rules. Even if he is a slave, he is someone that will not give up and let someone break his rules. He wants his master to follow his rules and if he finds out that his master did not, he will not be happy. He isn't strong, but he knows how to hurt people as he collects information about them and can use it to hurt others.
69. Pup/Slaveswapfell Papyrus 'The perfect puppy' - Everything you ever want, every single kink, every single fantasy you can try out on him. He will never fight back. Or show any excitement. Or show anything actually. He doesn't care, as he is completely blank. Showing affection will not make him become different either. To cause a yandere reaction out of him, you need to go the other way around. To treat him horribly, to break him even further, to make him feel.
70. Azalea/Slavefellswap Sans 'The housekeeper' - He's perfect. He became perfect. There isn't much to say to him. People get bored of him so fast because of how perfect he actually is. Or well, is he really all that perfect? Is he really all that good? So why people trust him so much? Why do they look at him and let him do so much? Because he knows how to get on the good side of his masters. Just remember, don't actually make him feel. Or he might just never let go of his favorite master.
71. Foxglove/Slavefellswap Papyrus 'The perfect lover' - Loving but distant, that was what Foxglove is to people who he doesn't have feelings to. You would think that as a yandere, his feelings become stronger, and in a sense, maybe you are right, but they become stronger in the wrong way. He becomes more violent, more demanding and he will never let anyone even look at his master without showing what happens when someone tries to steal his master.
72. Mortis/SlaveDust Sans 'The loose canon' - He's insane. Both in love and normally. At the first taste of affection, he is addicted. He needs more, he craves it more! His master gave him affection after a specific thing, right? He would start doing everything for his master, as long as he would get a little affection. From a pat on the skull, to a hug to even something more physical. He is obsessed, addicted with affection that his master introduced him to and he will do anything to gain it. Even a little extra here and there that could be seen as bad, but hey, his master can't always know what's right and not, right?
73. Cassiopeia/SlaveOuter Sans 'The perfect prey' - From the moment that he got into slavery, he was abused over and over. He wanted to live a simple life again, and that would be enough to get him obsessed with someone. The aspect of being able to live a normal life with someone. If someone would treat him like a living being, he would start creating a small scenario in his mind. With how delusional he is, it wouldn't take long for him to think that they are just a married couple and he was a stay at home husband.
74. Jaws/Slavehorror Sans 'The starving slave' - He is traumatized, so letting someone near him is hard for him. He is scared of being hurt again, but he is willing to try after some time. All you need is to keep feeding him and talking to him. That's it, and he's hooked. He's hooked like a puppy, hooked like he had never been before. Just be ready for him to break out. He is a big and strong guy, and he can kill anyone if he wants. That's not a threat, unless you make it a threat.
75. Sam/Overtale Sans 'The Boy-Next-Door' - Oh, absolutely nice guy! Completely funny, wonderful! Perfect even!... Too perfect. Isn't he... too perfect? The more you would spend time with him, the more you would realize that he has no flaws. That no one has anything to say about him. That's not normal, right? So what's the problem? The problem is that he's manipulative and frightening. Anyone are too afraid to warn you about him and how dangerous he is... Just know that the moment you start realizing something is wrong, it's already too late. No one will help you anymore. He made sure of that.
76. Audrey/Overtale Papyrus 'The eccentric mascot' - Okay, so he is eccentric! Nothing wrong with a guy who enjoys feminine clothes and taking care of himself. What is wrong though is the way he obseses over making sure that the two of you always match. That everyone around you know that you two are together. It's normal and he is taking up too much of your life. You need some alone time too, and he needs to understand that. If he can't then maybe it's time to break up. Or well, try to at least. Let's say that he knows his way around kidnapping people who aren't willing to play along into his fantasy.
77. Frank/Overfell Sans 'The flirty mechanic' - He's a good guy! Flirty, but a good guy. Dating him would be wonderful. Until it isn't anymore. clingy, needy and jealous are the three words that describe him perfectly. He even has a weird nickname for you! 'my wife/husband' when you two aren't even close to getting married. You've barely dated for a few weeks!... Every single time you would try to break up, he would begin begging you to not do it, fall on his knees and cry as loudly as needed, making as big of a scene as needed. Let's just say, if you keep breaking his heart so much, he might just assume your friends and family are corrupting you.
78. Tommy/Overswap Sans 'The friendly donut shop owner' - The guy has a good heart, he just doesn't know how to show it! He always seem to rant, but he is good. Sure, he is flirty and shows too much attention to women, children and old people, but he has kind intentions! So stop trying to break up with him! So what if he just ruined your friendship, so what if he spread lies about you at your work and got you fired! You do not need anyone else but him, so this just makes it even better! Now you can finally accept to move in with him!
79. Pierre/Overswapfell Sans 'The justice obsessed policeman' - Actually a good guy, right? He works so much to stop criminals from doing bad, so he would never do anything criminal himself, right? Well, maybe he managed to see too many criminals work and got some tuff from the himself. For example, he learned quite a lot of stalking techniques from the stalkers he had arrested... Not that he's using it for bad!.. Just to make sure that his lover is fine. Not for any other bad reason...
80. Russel/Overswapfell Papyrus 'The child-loving kindergarden teacher' - A guy who's so sweet with kids can't be bad, right? That's what everyone things. But he's annoying, naggy and jealous. He's worse than people would think he is! Completely different from the person he presents near parents and the children! Well, I guess he did get too spoiled because of his brother being a cop and being able to push his crimes under the rug... It's not a threat, unless you take it as a threat.
81. Theodore/Overfellswap Sans 'The temperamental nurse' - Angry but caring. That was Theodore. It was hard to get along with him, but if you could look besides his horrible personality and lack of empathy for everyone who are not his patients, he's a good guy..! Of course, breaking up is fine, but be careful with what you drink or eat. Just know that he knows his way around poisons and drugs. Again, it's not a threat until you take it as a threat.
82. Tobias/Overfellswap Papyrus 'The helpless romantic' - Broke, good hearted and romantic. Not the perfect combination, but good one nonetheless! But he gets so childish and so needy! The first month, it's sweet, but later on..? It gets boring and repetitive. But you can't leave him! He loves you! Only he loves a piece of shit like you! Only he can deal with someone so lazy, so disgusting, so stop trying to break up and just settle down with him already!
83. Flynn/Overhorror Sans 'The veteran' - He is cold, but loving. He has a lot of fears and problems, but he isn't as bad as many people would like to believe. He looks scary, but he is a good guy. He really is. Sure, he gets violent at times. He can yell and he knows his way around killing people if you hang out around someone more than him, but it's all because he loves you and will not let someone just come and take something he owned first.
84. Angelo/OverLust Sans 'The insane cat gentleman' - Sarcastic and sassy, he was. Funny and always had a remark ready. That's why he was a wonderful friend! but a lover? He was far from perfect. He was needy and he couldn't settle down to just being second best. He needed to be the best for his lover, while his lover would never come close to being the best for him. Of course, what can he do. Kidnap his lover? Stalk his lover? Bah, he already did that all of that! What else?
85. Whitley/OverLust Papryus 'The damsel in distress' - Whitley is a normal guy. Works, goes to school and in general tries his best to live a normal life. Of course, when he will fall in love, he will want to become the most important person for his lover and what better way to do that than to end up as someone who would end up in dangerous situations, just to be saved by his lover? It's not safe, and he could get hurt, he knows, but he would rather die knowing that his lover is going to try saving him than live a boring life.
86. Daniel/OverOuter Sans 'The passionate astronomer' - Some would say that his passion is already his obsession. And well, that just shows that he has the habit of getting obsessed. It's not good, and it's clear that it wouldn't take much to get him obsessed with his lover. One small compliment, small interest in what he likes, and friendly banter would get his heart skipping like mad when around his lover. He is one of the less dangerous yandere, more of a puppy in love than anything, but he can get obsessive, stalkerish and murdery is needed.
87. Tony/OverMafia Sans 'The typical dark backstory ex-mafiose' - Cold, and mysterious he seems. After his lover died, he decided to not let anyone else close to him. The only reason that he would allow anyone close to him is if they would remind him of his dead lover. It would start off normal, but slowly, end up with him trying to make this new lover of his a replica of his old one. And at the first sign of his lover not wanting that to happen, he would get violent. If they don't want to this willingly, he will just have to kidnap them and teach them what it means to be his lover.
88. Willow/OverMafia Papyrus 'The friendly rival' - Friendly but mysterious. Those were the words people used to describe. He loves friendly banter and is the type that will become a rival with someone to help them grow as a person. Showing him affection and love won't really do much. If you want to really get him, you should do something more... drastic. For example, join him in becoming rivals with someone. Force yourself into his life and slowly make him forget what life without you was. You will know that he's becoming a yandere when he will start agreeing with everything you say, without even asking for details. You hate someone? He hates them too! You want someone died? Don't worry, they already are! You want a new clothing piece? Here you go!
89. Grillby/Undertale Grillby ‘The Bartender ‘ - He is quiet but easily flustered. He never talks so when he finds someone who is willing to keep conversing with him, it makes him fall in love soon. He has a little bit of delusion in him, that's why he will start believing that because of that, his friend is interested in him romantically. If his friend is also an empoyee at his bar, he will start showing more attention to them, relieve them of a lot of work but pay twice as much. Of course, slowly, he would start wanting for more than attention. He isn't that dangerous as a yandere, as long as you give him what he wants. After you start to ignore him or show someone else more interest, he is not afraid to use all the powers he has to make the other person's life a living hell.
90. Firefly/Underfell Grillby ‘ The Cold Flirt ‘ - Hates any confrontasions and people who can't pay. He sees those types of people as lower, so he would never accept his lover to be poor or on the same level as him. He wants to be spoiled and have as much money as possible, so, it's not a surprise that he would want a rich lover. After that, he would do absolutely everything his lover wants, for the right price. He is jealous but usually shows it through angry remarks and his flames becoming actually painful and not just warm to the touch.
91. Sunny/Fellswap Grillby ‘ The Poisonous Bakery Owner ‘ - Eccentric but friendly, that's who Sunny was. People never could get to understand how Sunny really is. As a yandere, he will become very manipulative. He does this for a living! of course he knows how to manipulate someone. A sweet word here, a sweet word there and his lover would be a pudding in his arms. Of course, that doesn't always work, so killing someone that they care about would make them become close again, yes? He would always be there when they needed support, that's for sure!
92. Cerulean/Lustfell Grillby 'The flirty bartender' - He's a flirty bartender, who loves befriending others and making them feel comfortable. Of course, it's something that he has been doing for a long time, so it's not a surprise he knows how to make someone relax. As a yandere, he loves keeping stuff of his lover and he is not against drugging his lover to make them more willing to do what he wants them to do.
93. Grim/Horrorswap Grillby 'The starving sunshine' - After escaping from the underground, he is obsessed with getting food, like most of the other horrors, so it's not surprising. He can come off as cold and shy, because he is not used to interacting with people without having to be afraid of getting killed for food. He hates when people touch him and will make his flames painful if anyone even tries. As a yandere, he is very possessive, but still hates touches. He will hurt others when he thinks they are trying to steal his lover.
94. Peachy/Underswap Grillby 'The bubbling bakery owner' - His passion is making sweets and he will make all the sweets to make others smile! The moment that he starts to fall in love, he will start putting parts of him in the baked goods. From his magic to even his own dust if he gets obsessed enough. He just wants to be with his lover all the time and what better way to do that than to be inside of them!
95. Marshall/Overfell Grillby 'The divorcee parent' - Marshall doesn't care a lot about other people. He only wants to raise his daughter. Of course, the way to make him obsessed is to start getting along with his daughter. It can be from a daughter's friend to a elder person who helped his daughter. He just wants to find someone that would be a good mother for his daughter and he would do absolutely anything to keep his new little family together.
96. Elliot/Overswapfell Grillby 'The quiet librarian' - All he cares about is finish his work. As a yandere, he wants to make sure that his lover his following the rules. Stalking and kidnapping is a must for this yandere. He does stuff like that a lot, and it wouldn't be a surprise if he would end up hurting people around his lover.
97. Fletcher/Overfellswap Grillby 'The good samaritan' - He's a simple guy trying to survive in a hard world while doing good! Of course, as a yandere, he would barely be able to get his lover's attention. He would slowly start having people around his lover, but he couldn't help himself! Why can't he get the attention of his lover but others can? They don't deserve it, but he does! So he would of course want to kill others because of that.
98. Frankie/Overlust Grillby 'The hardworking bartender' - He is a quiet man, as he is a quiet lover. He has a goal and he will work towards it. As a yandere, he will do everything for his lover. He will start off as quietly following his lover around, before showing himself and doing anything they ask of him. If he will always there be, stalking his lover, at least he will be useful for them.
99. Pepper/Underswap Muffet ‘ The Silent Bartender ‘ -  She hates humans. It's not a secret. She doesn't see them as anything special, and just wants to make sure that they get what they deserve. If her lover would become a human, she would be confused. She would still hate humans, but she wouldn't hate her lover. She would make them into something else in her mind. Maybe a god, maybe a monster, maybe something else, but she would become delusional. And well, that's not the best thing ever.
100. Tania/Lustswap Toriel 'The ambitious caretaker' - She is a serious woman, even if she is very sexual too. As a yandere, she wants her lover to treat her special. Differently than anyone else and when she doesn't get that, she will be forced to kill everyone else who get special treatment from her lover.
101. Tori/Undertale Toriel 'The nursing mother-like one' - She is a very parental person. She believes that her way is the right way. That's why, when she finds a lover, she will want them to move in with her as fast as possible, and to drop every job and everything her lover has. She will reprogram them the way she wants, so do not worry about thinking about anything, as she will do the stuff that will make her lover feel better and have an easier life. No worries.
102. Ursa/Outertale Toriel 'The Patient motherly friend' - She's similar to Tori, but unlike the older woman, Ursa is much more patient. She is willing to not change her lover to fit her, but to change herself to fit her lover. Tori would want to make her lover move in with her, while Ursa would want to move in with her lover. She would want to quit her job and depend on her lover, to make her seem like her lover can't live without her anymore, as she did everything around the house. She wants her lover to become dependent on her.
103. Lottie/Overtale Toriel 'The grieving widow' - The moment that she would fall in love, she would start getting jealous of everyone around her lover. She had lost so many people. She lost her husband, she lost her children, she lost everyone. She wasn't going to allow anyone else to take anything else from her and if she needed to lose something, it will be because of her own two hands.
104. Marigold/Underswap Asgore 'The Parental friend' - He would probably fall in love with someone heavily younger than him, that's why he wouldn't even think of pursuing anything romantic with them, but he would want to find someone who would be like the person he likes. He will make someone else a perfect rip off of his lover. But if the person that he likes shows a sign of liking him or being friendly with him.. he might not be able to hold back.
105. Tenor/Underlust Asgore 'The sexual caretaker' -  He is friendly, and loves to share. He doesn't mind sharing his lover if his lover wants that. He doesn't mind being in a poly relationship, but the thing is, he needs to be the first one they love and if they don't give him the affection that he deserves and requires, he will slowly start killing off everyone else in the relationship. If they are getting in the way, he'll just make them disappear. No problem.
106. Trigger/ Horrortale Undyne ' The Fallen Queen ' - She is a possessive lover. She doesn't believe in death, she doesn't believe in there being no after life. So be careful. If you anger her, she will kill you so you together would be together forever even in the after life if you aren't how she wants! While with her, it's a forever kind of love, and she wouldn't allow her lover just to escape with death. Not anymore.
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ratsoh-writes · 4 years
Random skelly headcanons!
The three biggest eaters are oak (doesn’t know when to stop), mutt (a glutton with the metabolism of a Greek god), and peaches (honestly is just a bottomless pit). Of those three, peaches by far has the biggest appetite
There was a pizza shop that had a challenge. Eat this pizza the size of a tire in less than 30 minutes and you get it for free, you get a free tshirt, and they put your picture on the wall. Peaches annihilated that challenge and wears his shirt with pride.
Whenever oak goes out, he always wears a beanie. He’s not ashamed of his head injury, but there was one time a bee flew into his skull by accident, panicked, and stung him behind the eye. So uh yea, saftey first 
Sugar is a total clutz and regularly gets mysterious cuts leading him to always have some bandages on hand. Well one of his absolute worst accident was when he was doing charm a favor and delivering a cake. And sugar tripped on the CONCRETE while holding the cake. Well his first instinct was to save the cake of course so he ended up totally face planting and actually putting a small crack on the ridge of his nose. It was quite awkward coming home looking like he just got in a bar fight
Rythm is the easiest and funnest Skelton to spook, but there’s also two others that are really dramatic when jump scared. Pluto and sugar. If you spook Pluto, he’ll flush bright blue and usually starts floating in shock. Scaring sugar is a bit mean because he almost always ends up falling over or bumping into something and bruising himself
Honey is really easy to fluster when it comes to flirting, but for some reason, anyone could just plop in his lap and as long as he knows them and doesn’t hate them, he’ll be completely cool with it. Almost all of the friendlier skeletons have done that at least once. Cash and coffee are quite bold with him and are repeat offenders
Wine, mal and lord have a private group chat where they just gossip about eveyone. Well mostly wine and mal gossip. Lord was included because he’s still a swapfell/fellswap sans but he’s more of the third wheel since he isn’t as cutthroat as the previous two. If he’s gonna insult someone, he likes to say it to their face
Yes, underfell doomfanger and horrorfell doomfanger have met each other. They just kinda stared at the other for a really long time, hissed once in unison, and never looked the at the other again. Red and rust were very disappointed. They wanted to see something more dramatic
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