#also you better believe !!!!! yuji and i join you at some point :3
kuroosdarling · 2 years
NESI + MEGUMI ! @myheroesaretired ᥫ᭡
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how he wants to spend valentine’s day with you :
ᥫ᭡ megumi takes you to the amusement park! he loves how excited you get about seeing the rides and he plans on winning you a little stuffed animal from the games. probably gets a little carried away and wins you like 5 but … who’s complaining! he’s not huge on PDA but he will his pinky linked with yours, possibly even holding your hand as you lead him to the next ride. but he will kiss you on top of the ferris wheel !! he’d be crazy not to. spending the day with you is all he wants and seeing you smile and giggle fills his heart with sm love <3
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i-am-distressed · 3 years
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Prologue-Part 2
Warnings: none
You thanked the officer that held the door open for you, nodding to one you recognized as ‘Nanami’ as you made your way to your destination, Captain Yaga’s office. When you committed the misdemeanor, you were 3 days away from starting your first day as a rookie for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. When you punched your ex, a few of the higher ups deemed your actions as ‘inappropriate’ and ‘out of line’, and they put your admission into the unit on ‘pause’ while they figured out what to do with you, but they weren’t the ones who decided what would happen to you.
It was the man who would hopefully be your new boss, Masamichi Yaga. The Chief, who apparently trained Yaga first hand, decided whatever he decides will be best, so this is your one shot to get this right. The other new recruits were starting today, so they put you on a ‘3 day probation to think about what you did’. You walked up the flight of stairs, letting your eyes wander as you did. The station was in nice condition. It had been remodeled a few years ago, so it was really sleek and new looking. It had an open concept layout, and most every room had plenty of windows in it, keeping the station open and light. It was much different from the 30+ year old academy you had spent that past 5 months training in, where every time you stepped into daylight your eyes spent a good 5 minutes adjusting to seeing an adequate amount of light. Already, this was a promising change, you just needed to not screw this up any worse than you already did.
You got to the top of the stairs and proceeded down the hallway the dispatcher you ran into had directed you to, Miwa? She was nice, much better than the other 2 girls who were sitting at their desks throwing balled up pieces of paper into a far off trash can. Walking down the hallway you found the second floor was much more closed off and professional than the first. It had more closed doors and private offices, not surprising since you saw a few doors with ‘Sergeant’ and ‘Lieutenant’ on them. You got to the end and stopped when you found the door that had ‘Captain Masamichi Yaga’.
You stopped taking a deep breath before you squared your shoulders and knocked. Just before you did, you heard the captain talking to someone, you didn’t recognize the voice, but it was clear it belonged to a man. “Come in.” You turned the knob before stepping in the door. “Go ahead and close the door, please have a seat.” Yaga motioned over to the second chair he had sitting in front of his desk, diagonal to the chair the unknown man was sitting in. You nodded as you closed the door, making your way to sit in the chair, keeping a professional posture and a steadfast expression.
“I don’t believe either of you have met before, no?” You looked over at the man. He had pinkish hair with a dark undercut, his eyes were dark red and sharp, even with how lazy his gaze seemed, it was intense. You could feel his eyes wandering you, not in a creepy perverted way, but in a scrutinizing judging way. And to be honest, you couldn’t tell which one would tick you off more. Beyond having hair that was definitely too long to be within regulation, he was also covered in tattoos. Maybe he was a C.I? “Never seen her in my life, can I go?”
Your eyebrow raised as you turned back to look at the captain, who had an almost visible tick mark appearing on his forehead. “No.” Sighing the man leaned back in the chair, crossing his notably muscular arms over his chest. You couldn’t tell since he was sitting down, but you guessed he was in the 6’0 range, probably taller. He was very fit, that much was for sure. And he definitely was no professional, that much was also for sure. Whereas you came in wearing a very nicely fitting pair of slacks and a silk button up, he came in wearing a tight white t-shirt and dark wash jeans, he was wearing what looked like a black flannel over his shirt, it being left open and the sleeves rolled up. It definitely didn’t meet the uniform standards, but it didn’t exactly look bad either.
Yaga cleared his throat and you directed your attention back to him. “I’m sure you’re aware of the possible consequences of your actions, yes? Your record shows good grades, good conduct, and overall a spotless record. Nevertheless, what you did could get you in serious trouble a few years down the line, you’re lucky he didn’t decide to press any charges. I should tell you to go find another career, since it’s clear you don’t process emotions well.” You looked down at that, your arms had crossed over your chest and you held your tongue, he had a point.
“But, My wife happened to be there, and when I confided in her on what to do about the situation, she told me if I treasure my marriage I should show you some mercy. Our daughter was cheated on, so I can’t say I hate what you did. In light of that, a punishment is still in order,” He paused to lean on his elbows, gaze serious, and honestly intimidating as he stayed quiet for a moment.
"For the next 3 months, You, Y/n L/n will be doing a sort of probationary trial with this man sitting in front of me." The man's head shot up, his crimson eyes wide open as his face contorted into a scowl. "Yeah, no, she won't be. I don't take passengers." Yaga sat up, his glasses casting a menacing gleam, "If you'd like to keep your job, Corporal, you will be." The ‘corporal’ in question ‘tsk’d’ before sinking back into the leather chair, leg crossing lazily over the other as his hand gripped his bicep. He was muscular alright…
”Ms. L/n, this is Corporal Ryomen Sukuna, he’s just recently been taken off of suspension and is in a probationary period of his own. If at the end of these 3 months the two of you are deemed fit for duty, you will proceed on with your careers with no problem.” You looked over at the man, his red eyes finding your e/c ones as he raised an eyebrow, your own narrowing slightly at him before you smartly returned your gaze towards Yaga. “Do I make myself clear?” You both responded with ‘yes sir’ and he dismissed you.
You both stood from the chairs, him grabbing the badge that was slid over the desk while you made your way to the door. “Your first day is tomorrow, don’t be late,” Yaga turned to Sukuna, “I hope you understand, it doesn’t matter how good of a cop you are, this is your last chance, mess this up and you're done. Please cooperate.” Your eyebrows raised at that before you felt yourself cringe, great, the ‘probation officer’ they assigned you was some kind of delinquent? You opened the door and stepped out, Sukuna passing by you without a word, going his own way as you sighed, shutting the door and making your way back out of the station.
On your way to the front desk to sign out, you heard your name being called. “HEY! Y/N!” You stopped and turned, finding two of the new recruits who had graduated with you, Yuji Itadori and Megumi Fushiguro. They were nice, and good at what they did, so you were happy when you heard they’d be going to the same unit as you. You watched as Fushiguro smacked Itadori upside the head, “We’re inside, idiot.”
Your lip tugged up at that, watching as Itadori rubbed his head with a pout before turning to you, giving you one of his smiles. “Anyway, what did the Captain say? Are you gonna be able to continue with us?” You nodded as a small smile made its way to your face, “With conditions, yes.” Fushiguro nodded as Itadori gave you a thumbs up and ‘nice!’, “You’re lucky you didn’t get cut, the higher ups can be really cut throat when they want to be, i’d watch my back.” You nodded at Fushiguro, remembering the stories your dad had told you about people being let go for trivial things, although back then it was mostly family politics.
Fushiguro was from the Zen’in family, who was known for being exemplary cops, and had a strong presence in the station. From what you knew, there were at least 5 of them in this unit alone. “I will, they’re letting me join, but for 3 months i’ll be doing a probationary trial with one of the corporals.” Fushiguro nodded at that, Itadori’s eyes lighting up, “Which one did you get? We get assigned our T.O’s (training officers) tomorrow.” You felt your eye twitch as you thought back to the disrespectful and presumably problematic individual you had just met.
“Ryomen Sukuna. From what I know he just got back from suspension, so this is a punishment for him too.” Your eyes narrowed in confusion when Itadori’s widened in shock, “wAIT!? Does he have hair like mine?” You nodded, “Tattoos??” You nodded again, “Really bad attitude and terrible social skills-” “I think she gets it, what’s your point Itadori?” You almost laughed at how tired Fushiguro looked, despite being friends all throughout high school, and going to the academy together.
“Dude...her probation officer is my cousin Ryomen.” You watched as Fushiguro’s eyes now widened, his lips fighting a smile as he turned around, grabbing the collar of Itadori’s uniform as he dragged him off with a wave, “Good luck then, you’re gonna need it!” Your mouth opened to reply before you decided against it, just shaking your head and finally making your way to the front desk. ‘Ryomen Sukuna...I’ll ask dad about him later, I swear i’ve heard it before..’
**20 minutes ago in Yaga’s office before you arrived**
“Corporal, please have a seat.” Sukuna walked in, sitting down on the chair and bringing his elbows up on the arm rests, hands clasping together in front of his mouth. Sukuna had been on a 2 month suspension after yet another misdemeanor. The only reason he hasn’t been fired is because he’s truly good at what he does, and the department really doesn’t want to let him go but…”You’re aware of how we handle discipline in this department. So tell me how it is you’ve been dealt 7 out of the 8 disciplinary actions and you still have yet to change?”
The department had a sort of system for disciplining it’s cops. 1. A verbal warning (which Sukuna had ignored), 2. A written warning (Sukuna had thrown away), 3. Performance Improvement Plan (He had on multiple occasions ditched his supervising adviser), 4. Temporary Pay cut (He practically lived at the station, it didn’t phase him much), 5. Loss of privileges (see #4), 6. Suspension (recently completed), 7. Demotion (...up until 2 months ago it was Sergeant Ryomen Sukuna…) and 8. Termination. He could handle everything else but...termination meant he was done, and he was anything but.
“I told you captain, it’s not me who needs to change, the departments way too stuck up.” Yaga took a breath before he sighed, leaning back in his swivel chair, “I know the higher ups don’t always act accordingly, but they’re still your higher ups, and I can only defend your job beyond so many offenses.” Sukuna glared at the ground as his arms crossed against his broad chest. *Knock knock* “Come in”
TAGLIST: @alohablue 💙
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writerofcreativity · 4 years
I created this a two months ago. A Jujutsu Kaisen fanfic and my first one. I went over this and I think it's okay. Will people care to read this? I don't know. I just post this.
All Jujutsu Kaisen characters belongs to Gege Akutami.
I will be having a crossover with my characters from another project.
Right now, this doesn't contain any spoilers.
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Itadori Yuji found himself being surrounded by dead corpses of Curses and humans. Screams can be heard echoing throughout the crackling flames. "What the hell is going on?" He asked himself, wanting to help those in need but his body stood. As if his feet are rooted to the ground.
He felt a hand pulling at his pants. It made him looked down and his eyes widened in shock. The deceased are pulling him down.
"Please help us."
"It hurts."
"Kill me."
Yuji can not help but scream "this has to be a nightmare!" He shouted.
"Wake up."
The teenager shuts his eyes, hoping that this will end.
"Wake up, Brat!"
Yuji got kicked in the face and it made him jumped out of bed. "Was that just a dream?" He can feel himself sweating and his heart pounding. To be honest he felt relieved, it means that it was not real and those corpses are still alive.
"We have a problem on our hands." Yuji hears Sukuna talking to him and looks at his hands to look for the mouth, but he did not see any.
"Over here." Sukuna spoke.
Yuji got startled to see Sukuna standing in front of him "you bastard, you brought me to your Domain Expansion again? You want to settle the score? I can give it to you and make you cry!" He yelled.
Sukuna sighed "look around you, ya moron." He said.
Yuji was not going to fall for it but he still look and see that they are inside his room. "Either you're trying to trick me or I can do the Domain Expansion too." He said and feels excited to pull that off.
"As if I would do that. My Domain is much better than this pathetic excuse for a room. Also you can't do that." Sukuna shot down those two ideas "like I said, we have a problem on our hands." He repeated, as much as he hates it.
Yuji still remains on guard "you mean I have a damn problem now that you're out." He said.
"True. I would've been so happy to get out of your body but reality just wants to bite me in the ass. I will get to the point already, my powers are gone meaning I am powerless." Sukuna spoke in a serious tone of voice.
After being told that he is powerless, Yuji immediately went to find his friends and his teacher but Satoru is no where to be found, no surprises there.
"This has to be some kind of illusion." Megumi spoke.
"But he's really there. This time in person without Itadori being possessed." Nobara said.
The two first years were really surprised when Yuji called them over, and they saw Sukuna. They thought he was not real but it is revealed that he is physically there.
"Why is that bastard here? I thought that he needed a vessel to be here since his real body is just a corpse buried somewhere." Nobara looks at Yuji.
"I don't even know myself but the good news that he is powerless." He said.
"How can we believe Sukuna? He isn't an honest person, like all Curses. Most likely he is lying right now and strike at the perfect moment." Megumi is still on gaurd and is ready to summon his Shikigami if Sukuna makes a move.
"I would had killed the Brat the moment I manifested. I would had killed the two of you as well, if you were boring and the girl wasn't my type." Sukuna said "I discovered that my Curse energy is not what it used to be." He added.
Nobara puts her hands on her hips "would that mean Itadori have your Curse energy?" She questioned, sounded a bit curious at the idea.
"Oh! Then that means I am the new king!" Yuji spoke, brightens up.
"I wouldn't blame you, considering you ate my fingers." Sukuna muttered.
Megumi looked at his friends "we have to at least talk about this to Gojo sensei." He said.
"Talk about what with me?"
Speaking of the Devil, Satoru is now standing with his students and Sukuna. His students were startled by that sudden appearance.
"Gojo Sensei, where had you been?" Megumi asked.
"I was getting things ready. It was really hard to make that kind of arrangement with those shitty Elders." He answered, waved his hand up and down "you wanted to talk about Sukuna being out with me?" He already have his eyes on the King of Curses.
Megumi nodded "we initially thought that this isn't impossible for Sukuna to be out. Itadori have his body that is his to control and Sukuna is here in the flesh. He's not an illusion." He told him.
Satoru smiled "that is interesting. That means we don't have to kill Yuji but there is a little Curse energy that can be detected inside Sukuna." He spoke.
"Then we can get rid of him right? Clearly he's not a threat and is much more easier to kill." Nobara spoke.
"Nope. As much as we want to, we can't do that now. Sukuna still have fingers that are not eaten by Yuji yet and the deal was to let him eat all those fingers before we can kill him and Sukuna. However, this changes things." Satoru looking at both Yuji and Sukuna.
Yuji looked at Sukuna, particularly his hands. He has ten fingers on him "are you sure you're not playing with us, saying that you have no powers?" He questioned.
"You're still alive, aren't you? It's bad enough that I'm weaker than before, even without my remaining fingers but now my appearance matches yours for being too God damn long inside you." Sukuna muttered.
Yuji questions himself if he looks hideous, but since it was Sukuna, he just ignored it.
A loud clap is heard that filled the room. Satoru was the one who clapped his hands that loudly. "Alright everyone! We need to pack up for our trip! Two pairs of clothing and other important items!" He said loudly.
"Where are we going?" Megumi asked.
"It's a field trip and it'll be fun!" Satoru answered.
Yuji and Nobara now wearing faces of joy "what kind of trip will it be?" Nobara looked at Yuji "I don't know but I hope it's fine like Sensei says it will!" Yuji looked back at her. The two of them are very excited.
"Ah, Sukuna, you'll be going too." Satoru said to him.
"Hmph. It's not as if I have anything better to do now." Truth to be told, he can not help but feel excited. He had been absent for over millions of years. The world is now evolved, better or worse. He questioned if he caught Yuji's childlike curiosity while being trapped in there.
Satoru had taken his students to the airport without any problems at all, although there were a few Curses but those can be handle by others who will not have any difficulty. He did not say he was only bringing his first year students, so he brought the second year students as well.
"Gojo. This trip better not be a waste of our time." Maki looked at him.
"This trip will be worth it." He grinned.
"Even if this trip won't have Curses for us to exorcise, it would be good to unwind a bit." Panda spoke, grateful that the principal allows him to go.
"Tuna tuna." Toge muttered, agreeing with him.
Yuji immediately heard Aoi's voice calling to him but before he can escape, he got pulled into a hug by him.
"I knew it you would be on this trip too!" Aoi laughed, squeezing the poor boy.
"Muscle head is here too." Nobara muttered.
"Yeah." Megumi agreed.
"I thought you would stay behind, Maki."
The older Zenin daughter noticed her younger twin sister who is standing with her classmates. "And what? Miss out on all the fun?" Maki retorted.
"Gojo. What is the meaning of bringing Ryomen Sukuna with us?" Questioned Yoshinobu.
"Sukuna isn't much of a threat anymore. Just like with Yuji Itadori, I'm keeping an eye on him." He smiled.
Yoshinobu scoffed "you are being too careless, even if Sukuna poses no threat." He muttered.
Others were surprised to see him joining the trip. They thought he would stay in the school. Perhaps it was because of Sukuna's appearance, or it could be Satoru.
Most students from both schools questions why they are all here together. Satoru was the only who is speaking, not letting the Kyoto school's principal speak. "Think of it as a collaboration. We worked well together when fighting against Curses and all of us had so much fun when we were playing baseball. So, I want us all to enjoy our trip." Satoru said.
"Where will we be going?" Asked Noritoshi.
"To Atela." Satoru answered.
"You looked happier than normal, is this a special occasion?" Jogo saw how happy Mahito is.
The young Cursed Spirit chuckled "I had only thought that Japan only have Jujutsu Sorcerers but I found out there are more interesting people outside of Japan." He smiled.
"Cursed Spirits are everywhere. They are not restricted but that includes those of different races." Suguru spoke.
"That is why I want us all to go to Atela!" Mahito shouted.
"Why go to that place?" Jogo asked. He do not have any knowledge about that area.
"Because they have interesting people who I had heard about. I just it'll be fun." Mahito answered.
"I don't really care about those Sorcerers. We will kill them anyway." Choso quietly spoke.
"Si ti yrassecen rof su ot og?" Hanami asked, speaking backwards.
"Yes. Besides, I think we will meet new friends." Mahito said.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Bookshelf Briefs 12/21/19
Daytime Shooting Star, Vol. 3 | By Mika Yamamori | Viz Media – There’s less humor and more romantic drama in this volume, but that’s OK as the romantic drama seems to be slightly better. It helps that the teacher rejects the student, though I’m sure that’s not the end of it, and that scene manages to be the best in the volume. That said, Suzume is not the only one Shishio’s having issues with, and a lot of this book amounts to “sometimes you really do break up for the right reasons even if it doesn’t feel like it.” Honestly, the best relationship in the series so far may be Suzume and Yuyuka, who aren’t a romantic pairing but have the potential to be great friends provided they get past the love quadrangle. This is shaping up to be decent shoujo. – Sean Gaffney
Jujutsu Kaisen, Vol. 1 | By Gege Akutami | VIZ Media – Yuji Itadori is a member of his school’s Occult Research Club and when he finds a cursed object (a mummified finger that he eventually eats – ew!) he gets involved with a group of jujutsu sorcerers aiming to collect all the fragments of a powerful demon before they fall into the wrong hands. Spurred on by his dying grandfather’s words that he should help people, and by the realization that he’s the only person who can nullify the demon fragments before they cause more harm, Yuji joins up with their cause. This first volume was intriguing, if a bit gross at times, but Yuji feels really flat as a protagonist so far. I’ll keep reading for a bit in hopes that it all becomes more compelling. – Michelle Smith
Missions of Love, Vol. 19 | By Ema Toyama | Kodansha Comics – This has always been a fairly saucy manga for Nakayoshi, and it feels appropriate that the final volume has Yukina and Shigure, now a couple (if you’re surprised perhaps you should look at the cover), snowed in and Yukina being far too forward… at least till she’s taught that sex really is a step too far for someone still brand new to her feelings of loving someone else. Elsewhere, the manga is somewhat satisfying—I just don’t like Hisame, and even though the triangle with him and Mami is left unresolved it feels like he’s going to win, which doesn’t make me happy. But Yukina is cute, and we even get a callback to the glasses/social awkwardness thing. This was VERY up and down, but worth the ride. – Sean Gaffney
Monster and the Beast, Vol. 2 | By Renji | Yen Press – I enjoyed and was greatly intrigued by the first volume of Monster and the Beast, a somewhat unusual BL manga, so I’ve been looking forward to reading the series’ second volume. As the plot continues to develop, it’s revealed that Liam’s natural charm isn’t entirely natural. He puts it to honorable use in this volume, but it seems it’s gotten him into trouble more than once in the past. While Liam and Cavo travel together, Liam softens and opens up a bit towards his companion, making it clear that he actually does care for him and isn’t just taking advantage of the demon (something Liam would be completely capable of). As for Cavo, he becomes a little more daring in expressing his feelings and desires, although he still gets delightfully flustered. Monster and the Beast has its cute moments as well as some deadly serious ones. – Ash Brown
Our Fake Marriage, Vol. 2 | By Kiwi Tokina | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – Yae Sendo is living with her chidhood friend Takumi Natsume, now a famous architect, and posing as his wife to act as a buffer for all the chicks who want to bone him. Of course, he immediately starts putting the moves on her. Where are Yae’s family and friends to question this arrangement? Nonexistent. This premise was not the best to start with, but things take a downhill turn in volume two when Takumi tells her, “Resist if you want to. But I got no intention of stopping tonight.” By this point, she’s into it, but still.. this man basically said “I am fine with raping you” and it sends up no red flags! I assume readers were supposed to find story this sexy and/or romantic, given the implication that Yae was Takumi’s first love, but I find it icky and problematic. I shan’t be reading any more. – Michelle Smith
PENGUINDRUM, Vol. 1 | By Isuzu Shibata and ikunichawder | Seven Seas – Once again, I have not seen the anime this is based on, and I get the sense that a lot of the imagery probably works better when watched rather than read. Two brothers are dealing with a sister who’s dying, only to find her corpse possessed by the spirit of… something. Now they have to find a Penguindrum… and are not told what that is. And, on top of everything else, they run into a girl who’s very, very obsessed with her teacher. There are tidbits of a very interesting story here, and the possessed Himari can be quite funny (SURVIVAL! TACTIC!), but as with a lot of Ikuhara series that aren’t named Utena, I find it very difficult to get emotionally involved with it. – Sean Gaffney
Takane & Hana, Vol. 12 | By Yuki Shiwasu | Viz Media – I asked for more of Takane and Hana smirking at each other, and instead I get to what amounts to Takane losing his mind. He finally admits his feelings to Hana, who’s a bit poleaxed, and then proceeds to be an absolute ass for almost the entire rest of the book. He still has no idea how to properly interact with a girl he likes, and I hate to break it to him, but the solution to a relationship between a rich heir and an underage schoolgirl is not “well, whatever.” Hana spends much of the book simply exhausted, and I felt like that as well. Hopefully the next volume will get back on a more even keel, as I just don’t like Takane when he’s like this, and I don’t think Hana does either. – Sean Gaffney
UQ Holder, Vol. 18 | By Ken Akamatsu | Kodansha Comics – MORE Negima flashbacks, as the author tries to sell me on a Negi/Eva romance I still really don’t want, and essentially finishes giving us the backstory related to how things got this way. Next it’s time for more romantic stuff, as Chamo wants Pactios. Kirie isn’t able to do it because of her power, but Kuromaru can… and finally works up the nerve to confess about their future gender choices. Tota, of course,l takes everything in stride, but still it feels as if, as with Negima, any romance in the series moves at the speed of a slug. We also add in Karin towards the end, who wants to pactio with Eva but is steered towards Tota, and confesses some of her past as Judas Iscariot to him. If you’ve read all of both series, this was OK. – Sean Gaffney
The Water Dragon’s Bride, Vol. 11 | By Rei Toma | VIZ Media – I never doubted for a minute that this series would have a happy ending, but man, Toma-sensei really nailed the Water Dragon’s God’s terror in the face of mortality as well as Asahi’s abject despair when she believes he has died. It’s heartbreaking (and relatable). I also loved that Subaru’s confession prompts Asahi to take the initiative and get her smooch on with the Water Dragon God, and that he cries from his happiness. I will try not to think about how they’re going to navigate their future together and just be happy that they’re together. Looking forward to more Toma-sensei in the future! – Michelle Smith
Witch Hat Atelier, Vol. 4 | By Kamome Shirahama | Kodansha Comics – Another of the quartet of young apprentices takes the spotlight: Richeh, who wants to make her own magic and hates compromising. Sadly, that makes it hard to take tests, and she’s doing the next one, along with Agott and a third apprentice, a young man who seems to be abused and belittled by his instructor, but has a wealth of knowledge once he gets over his self-hatred. As always half the reason to read this is the art, which gives us the snake-like path that the test-takers travel down. And of course there’s Coco, who may not be taking the test but still finds a way to get herself into trouble, though more accurately trouble comes to her. This is still gorgeous and compelling. – Sean Gaffney
By: Ash Brown
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