#also your colors are so pretty and vibrant ❤
writingwithciara · 7 months
Can't Wait ~Chris Sturniolo~
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summary: chris can't wait to fall in love
word count: 453
pairing: chris sturniolo x reader (just not in this part)
notes: this is just a little intro to my 'mcconnell chronicles' chris series that i wrote. it is based off THIS specific ian mcconnell song. hopefully you guys enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it 😊 also, can we take a minute to discuss how cute chris is in the gif? 🥰❤
part 1 / part 2 / part 3
i bet you got eyes and i bet they're really pretty i don't know what color but i'm guessing that they're really bright when the sun shines on 'em vibrant in the summer, little darker in the autumn
chris had waited his entire life to find a girl he felt comfortable enough around to express his love.
there was absolutely no doubt in anyone's mind that chris knew how to love. he just needed the right person to share it with.
he dreamt of his dream girl multiple times and with each dream, a new detail was revealed to him. the pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together for him.
the first detail he had settled on was her eyes. he knew they'd be pretty, no matter what color they were.
he could picture the way the sun would hit them at the perfect angle and brighten them up even more so than they normally were. and with the seasons changing, he had a feeling they'd be even more perfect in the fall or winter seasons.
his girls eyes were going to be his favorite thing. he just had to find the right ones to fall in love with.
and i got a feeling that you laugh sometimes and i'm pretty sure it sounds just like heaven opening up
everyone around him knew that chris was a silly, goofy guy so it was a no brainer for him to determine that his girls laugh was going to be super important to him too.
and he hoped that even when he was being his normal sweet self, she would still laugh and put as much love into it as she would normally do.
he could already hear her laugh ringing in his ears & it sounded so much like heaven to him.
he didn't even know her yet and he was already in love.
and i know that i won't get enough of your long or short hair blonde, red, brown whatever
the hair didn't matter to him as much. she could have any hairstyle with any color and he wouldn't mind one bit.
he would love the right girl even if she was bald.
he didn't care.
as long as she loved him as much as he knew he would love her, nothing mattered.
clothes that you wear bet they go together with your smile like tweens and twilight do
she could wear a tight dress out to a party or just stay in sweatpants for the night and chris wouldn't care.
if his girl was comfy, that's all that would matter to him.
he would still find her beautiful either way.
and i can't wait to fall in love with you
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @carolinalikesthings @fearfam69691
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musings-of-a-rose · 1 year
I have a request. Im going deaf and use asl. Can you write a fanfic with Joel or Frankie or Javi or Marcus or Pedro being married to a deaf woman? Falling in love dating and marrying? Post outbreak? It can be trying at times for me to date. And I love the smut and fluff 😜 thanks
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For You
Pairing: Javi G x ofc Ally
Word Count: 2700+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: I got a request from @jedi-in-crocs : I have a request. Im going deaf and use asl. Can you write a fanfic with  Joel or Frankie or Javi or Marcus or Pedro being married to a deaf woman? Falling in love dating and marrying? Post outbreak? It can be trying at times for me to date. And I love the smut and fluff 😜 thanks (Ally)
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
❤If you enjoy the fic, please consider giving me a warm beverage! (It is not required in any way!)
→Tell Tumblr this should be shared with others by reblogging! That's what the algorithm loves (it's how it works here. I don't make the rules!)
**Reader is not described
Main Masterlist
Javi G Masterlist 
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Market day in Mallorca was always a beautiful affair. Rows and rows of tents adorned the streets, bursting with vibrant colors of fresh fruits and veggies, various paintings, clay jars and mugs, the smells of homemade snacks and treats filling the air as people bustled past each other, lightly bumping shoulders with each other as they set their eyes on something they want. 
But Javi's favorite row was for the flowers. Beautiful blooms and plants bursting from various pots and glass jars, some massive and sitting in large pots on the ground, other small and dangling in the air at the end of macrame chains. He stops to look at each and every one, touching some of the petals or leaves and smiling to himself before moving on to the next. 
But today is different. As he nears the middle of the row of tents and tables, he notices a new vendor. Her area was smaller than the others, but the plants and flowers she had were breathtaking. Bright colors and green leaves strategically placed on a couple of shelved hand carved wooden tables created this ambience of tranquility despite the bustling crowd. But this was nothing compared to the woman in front of him, straightening up from placing the last of her pots on the ground, gently dabbing at her brow to rid her skin of the few beads of sweat that had accumulated. She turns and jumps when she sees Javi staring at her. 
"Oh!I'm sorry I didn't see you. Welcome! Is there anything specifically you're looking for?"
He's momentarily speechless, her green eyes shining up at him, her face framed by her auburn hair, the sun catching it at the right angle and making it glow. 
"I… I don't.." Why can't he speak? She's staring at him, a friendly smile on her face as she studies him. 
"That's ok. Are you looking for a gift for someone? Your mom or significant other?"
"Oh, no. My mother has passed and I am not… I mean, I don't have…" Javi sighs. "I am single."
Is he imagining the slight flush to her cheeks at his answer? Her eyes flick away from his for a brief moment before returning, her cheeks still a slight shade of pink. 
"Well then.. are you new to plants?" Javi nods, trying to regain his composure. "Ok great. Then may I recommend…" She looks around for a few moments before reaching for a plant with green oval shaped leaves cascading down vines out of a small hanging planter. She turns and holds it out for him, his breath catching in his throat when their fingers touch briefly at the exchange. She clears her throat a moment layer, shaking her head. 
"I uh… this is a pothos. Very easy to take care of. Water once a week or so and make sure they get some light. They're pretty sturdy."
"Th-thank you, miss…"
"Ally." She extends her hand and Javi shifts the pot into his left hand, extending his right to shake hers, his body nearly shaking when they touch. He hears her breath catch as well. Could she feel the same? 
"Hey lady! Do you have any monstera?" A large man pushes his way past Javi, nearly knocking him over to stand in front of Ally. 
"I uh…yes. Right here." As she shows him the plants, he proceeds for tell her some long winded tale of his own garden, her eyes flicking back to Javi apologetically. After several minutes it becomes clear that he won't be leaving soon and Javi had to head home for a meeting. He sighs, pulling out some money and setting it on the table for her. At the last minute he decided to write a little note, taking the pen and paper she had set there to make notes about plant care for people. 
I hope this is enough. I'll be back next weekend to make sure.
Javi leaves the paper and makes eye contact with Ally, her small, sad smile and nod indicating she saw him leave the money. 
Javi can't stop thinking about her all week. 
Javi returns every weekend for 2 months. At first, he makes up excuses for coming, looking for plants, what does a slight discoloration mean, anything he can think of to talk to her. He's never been very good at flirting or picking up signals, but she laughs at all of his jokes, blushing whenever he compliments her, and he swears he's caught her more than once checking him out. 
One weekend, Javi decides enough of enough- it's time to ask Ally out. Mayne just for coffee so if she says no, he can cover it up as a just as friends coffee. Or a thank you coffee. Something. 
Javi walks to her stand, waiting a moment to watch her, back to him as she moves about arranging her plants, her fingers lightly brushing against petals and Javi imagines what it must feel like to have those same fingers brush against his skin, digging into his arms as they meld their bodies together…
He shakes his head. Now isn't the time for lewd thoughts. It wouldn't help his nerves. Javi stops at the entrance to her booth, giving her space to move about. 
"Hi Ally. Got anything new today?"
She doesn't turn around, still moving about her plants. Javi clears his throat a little louder than he normally would. Still, she doesn't move. No turning to give him her brilliant smile that warms him up. Did he do something wrong? Say something wrong? His brain works fast, playing through all of their interactions. Nothing seemed amiss. Could he have misread something? 
"She can't hear you." The vendor next to Ally says as she comes to stand next to Javi. 
"Her aids are being repaired so she doesn't have them today."
His eyebrows pull together. "Aids?"
"Hearing aids. Did you not see them?"
He hadn't. He was too taken in by her sweet words and gorgeous eyes, her obvious love for the plants she so lovingly cares for. When he doesn't reply, the woman turns more towards him. 
"She's losing her hearing. It'll be totally gone one day, I think. At least that's what she told me. She taught me some basic signs too in case she didn't have her aids. Lovely girl."
Javi watches the back of Ally, still tending the plants she loves so much. "I have to go. Can you tell her 'Javi has some work to do but he'll be back soon?'" 
The woman nods and Javi thanks her, turning promptly on his heel and heading straight for his car, pulling out his phone to call his assistant to help him with his task. 
A month later, Javi nervously approaches Ally's booth. What if she's mad at me? I hope I did not distress her too much. He swallows hard, taking the last few steps to her booth, watching her brush dirt from her hands, fingers rubbing gently on the gardening apron she always wore. She turns and sees him, eyes locking on his as she freezes, her eyes studying him, her focus slightly upset. She opens her mouth to speak but before she can, Javi raises his hands, willing the nerves to leave him as he starts to move. 
[Signed]"I am sorry I have not come. Your neighbor-" He points to the lady in the next booth over. "- told me about your hearing and how you use ASL-"
Her eyes well up. [Signed] "You know ASL?"
Javi shakes his head. [Signed] "I didn't. I spent the last month starting to learn it for you."
Pure shock flashes across her face as she points to herself. [Signed] "For me? Why?"
Javi takes a few steps towards her, closing the distance between them. He brushes a short strand of her auburn hair from her face, the sunlight glinting slightly off of the tiny tube connecting her hearing aids to the ear mold and he smiles, meeting her eyes. 
[Signed] "Because I always want to be able to talk to you, hear your thoughts. Anything you have to say."
Their eyes lock onto each other and he glances down at her lips, slightly parted. He brings his hands up slowly to cup her cheeks, giving her every chance to pull back. Instead, she grips his shirt, pulling him closer as their lips meet, soft and wanting. He wraps an arm around her, pressing his tongue to her lips as she eagerly responds. After several seconds, the lady in the booth next to Ally clears her throat and Javi pulls back, glaring slightly at the woman. Ally follows his gaze and looks at the woman, who is now smirking. Javi puts his finger on Ally's cheek, turning her head back to his. 
[Signed] "Will you have dinner with me?"
Ally smiles wide, brightening the entire area and warming Javi up as she nods enthusiastically. "I'm free tonight?"
Javi chuckles. "I'll pick you up at 8 for dinner."
Javi thinks he's never seen someone more beautiful than her. The dress she wore fits her perfectly, enhancing her physical features, but it's more than that. As Javi listens to her talk about cross pollination, he watches her confidence grow with her excitement about her plants, a non stop stream of words and he drinks in every one, his chin leaning on his fist as he watches her, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 
"And oh my God I've been talking the whole time, haven't I?" She blushes, hiding her face behind her hands, elbows propped on the table.
"No, no. Please continue. I love watching you talk."
She lowers her hands and looks at him. "Watching me talk?"
"Yes. The way your passion for what you do pours out of you, touching anyone near you." 
Her face heats up more and she fans herself for a moment. "You flatter me too much, Javi." 
He catches her eye and signs. "That's because I really like you."
As dinner continues, he learns more about her. Her childhood, how she ended up in Mallorca, how her illness is causing her to lose her hearing, eventually a total loss. So she wanted to spend time listening to the small sounds, the way the wind moves through pine needles, the way water splashes against the leaves, the way grass flows against the breeze. 
"Can I show you something?" Javi asks as he nervously offers his arm to Ally as they exit the restaurant. She takes it almost instantly, leaning into him and making his ears feel warm. 
"Of course. Anywhere you'd like to go, I'm there."
Javi helps her into his jeep, driving back towards the compound. The guards let him in and he drives down the winning dirt road, turning down a nearly hidden path. He follows it down until it clears a little, overlooking the water. He reaches behind him, grabbing a thick blanket from the backseat before getting out of the jeep, walking around to offer his hand to Ally, helping her out of the jeep. Their fingers lace together as she follows him towards a small, clear space where he puts the blanket down, spreading it out. He offers his hand again, grinning at Ally as she sits, laying down next to him when he lays down. 
"You see those stars there?" He points to the sky and Ally follows his fingers, squinting at the rapidly darkening sky. 
"Yeah I think so."
"That's the Scorpius constellation."
"No idea."
She laughs, turning her head to him and finding him already looking at her, a faint smile on his face. She watches him back, eyes roaming over his handsome face, with his prominent nose and curls you just want to touch. She leans in and Javi meets her halfway, their lips crashing together as she slides her fingers around his head, tugging at the curls at the back of his neck. Javi feels his pants tighten even more and he pulls back, his eyes moving between hers, his eyebrows raised in question. She replies by gripping his shirt, pulling him to her as she unbuttons his shirt, sliding it off his broad shoulders, only breaking the kiss for Javi to toss his shirt somewhere over his shoulder, both of them giggling as he lays her back, slotting himself between her spread legs. 
He holds himself above her, his soft lips pressing to hers as he grinds himself against her, feeling her heat beneath his pants. Then her fingers are at his pant line, fumbling to open his button and the kiss breaks, his forehead pressed to hers as she manages to open the button, sliding his pants down just enough for him to spring out, hard and wanting. He pulls his head back just enough to look at her, his own lust echoed in the depths of her eyes.
[Signed]”Are you sure?”
She nods. “Yes. Please, Javi, I need you.”
He slides his hand up her bare thigh, pressing his fingers between her thighs and moaning as he feels how wet she is for him, her own moan at his light touch mixing with his. She grips his hand, showing him how to touch her, his thick fingers sending jolts of pleasure out from where he touches her. But then he pushes her panties aside, Ally silently grateful for wearing a dress as he touches her, his skin on hers, sliding his fingers and touching her how she showed him. Her release comes from nowhere, a loud gasp and moan coming from her as her back arches, her body tensing with pleasure. Her back lowers, her chest heaving as she looks up at Javi, his eyes nearly black in the low light and she wraps her legs around him, trying to get him to move. He smiles and presses his hips forward, slowly pushing into her as he watches her face contort with pleasure at the feel of him stretching her open, small pants puffing out into his face until he bottoms out. Javi stays like that, pulling out only a little before pushing in, just to give her a moment, until he feels her hands grasping at his back, her heels digging into his ass and he gets the hint. He sets a comforting pace, not too rough and not too light, adding in his signature thrust that has her pulsing around him, his name tumbling from her lips as he comes with her, unable to resist the feel of her engulfing him. 
They stay like that for several minutes, her fingers lightly tracing a mindless pattern across his sweaty, bare back, their breathing syncing together. Slowly, Javi pulls out, a hiss on his lips as he pats at the ground for his shirt, helping to clean her up with it before himself. He chucks the shirt on the ground again, laughing lightly with Ally before laying back down, pulling her close to him as he feels her hand on his chest. He presses a kiss to the top of her head as they watch the stars. 
6 months later, they get married, happy to spend the rest of their days with each other, thankful that Javi stopped in the market that day.
→Tell Tumblr this should be shared with others by reblogging! That's what the algorithm loves (it's how it works here. I don't make the rules!)
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics @sullyosully @kmc1989  
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kdramaspace · 2 years
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MEMBER OF THE MONTH   ↳ Congrats Natalie @natahjikio!
💌 NOTES FROM THE ADMINS Layla: natalie! the first thing that comes to mind when i think of you is those absolute gorgeous blending skills that you have!! and those super pretty colors sets!!! and your perfect typography is a chef kiss indeed... you’ve been feeding us with those gorgeous sets  of yours for months... and every time you never cease to amaze me.... so thank you for all of your contributions to our kdrama community and for being part of our little family, looking forward to your creativity to hit us again and for a new dramas to inspire you, wish you the best of the best... with all my love 💛💛💛 ↳ favorite works: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
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Sam: Natalie, I'm so happy to be featuring you this month! I love your big, pretty gifs. you have a delightful range of techniques whether it be with your natural scene gifs or your more creative colorful and typography sets. I wish I was half as creative as you! also I know I can always count on you and your blog to feature all the amazing drama ladies ❤︎ I cannot wait to see what the next year will bring in terms of your creations. thank you for being a part of our little kdrama community! ↳ favorite works: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
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Alexa: Natalie! The first thing that comes to mind when I think of your content is: colors. GOD your coloring is so stunning, it takes me out every time. I feel like your gifs encompass all of the things I want to be good at when it comes to giffing... vibrant colors, pretty blends, creative quote sets... you can do it ALL and you do it so well! Your period drama sets are always stunning as well! You make me want to watch them all even when I know I don’t have the time lmfao ;) We’re so glad to have you as a part of our network! Your content is always something to look forward to! We hope you enjoy this very much deserved little shoutout <3 ↳ favorite works: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
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shenzhiheng · 2 years
♡♡♡ When you receive this, tag your favorite content creators to give them a little shoutout and show some support! Let's try to end 2022 on a positive note and show others that they have brightened our days on tumblr!
aaah thank you for sending this to me mona!! took me a while to get to this but now i've finally got some time ❤
@baek1nho ♡ my fellow wenzhou enthusiast. love her compilation sets @gusucloud ♡ always makes super unique and gorgeous edits and recommends excellent dramas! @yilinglaozu ♡ pretty lbfad gifs and monthly gahan pain @winteams ♡ also has excellent taste in dramas and i really need to watch more so i can recognize the gifs! @thoresque ♡ blending master!! i don't think you've ever posted a gif set that doesn't blow me away. @oldfashioncupcakes ♡ wonderfully vibrant gifs @fangrui ♡ seems to have an endless supply of creativity, every single set tries something new and it's soo inspiring @xiaolanhua ♡ a color magician!! manages to bring out colors that i didn't even know could be in the scenes @yesdramas ♡ some of the crispest and high quality gifs i've ever seen @smittenskitten ♡ no.1 source for kinnporsche. also the gifs are so magically smooth and beautiful @nyx4 ♡ some of the most iconic gif sets on this website. i'm still thinking about raccoon wwx @sugarbabywenkexing ♡ han ying enjoyer who creates excellent gifs. do i need to say more
a huge shoutout to @userdramas + everyone in the discord, you're all fantastic creators and i enjoy seeing your creative progess!
(this accidentally turned out way longer than intended and i still feel like i forgot to mention so many people 😭)
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crowleyanthonys · 3 years
Content creator 2021 wrapped tag game
Cut this into what works for you. Want to do only one instead of five? Do it. Tag 2 people? Do it. This game is not your mum or the Apple App store to tell you what to do. But there are a couple of rules:
RULE 1: Review your creations over 2021. Tag some gifmakers/creators, friends and strangers to get them to do the same.
RULE 2: Link to the content, commentary optional.
5 (or more!) creations from others that made you smash the reblog button hard, closely followed by your ‘insp’ tag or ‘fave tag’. Link to sets that started conversations, outstanding composition, coloring, etc.
4 creations of which you’re proud. These are goals you scored. Nothing to do with notes.
3 creations others loved. Include the one that got most notes, great comments, or the classic ‘how dare you!’
2 creations that stretched you as a creator: style, coloring, blending, text, etc. include the one that should have got more notes.
1 creation of yours that you find most aesthetically pleasing to the eye and self AND 1 creation that broke and (maybe remade you) as a creator – we all have that one.
0 the creation that never was because nothing was working that day.
No need to be tagged to do this. Share what you all liked and made this year!!!
Overall comment on your creativity year 2021 ->
I saw so many others participating in this, so I decided to do the same!
5 (or more!) creations from others that made you smash the reblog button
@ghiblisdaily okay tagging your main so that you see this but the way that you color animation on your @animeshojo blog??? is so pretty!  I love this Kimi no na wa Your Name gifset especially!  I find animation so hard to color, but the gifset is so crisp, the colors are so vibrant, and you make the sunlight shine even brighter???  Gorgeous, my dear Annie!!! 😍
@maria7potter I’m so obsessed with your blog???  Good Omens and Broadway? 😍  I think you make some of the prettiest gifsets in the gomens fandom, tbh!  I absolutely love your an angel that looks very much in love with a demon gifset, not only for making me want to cry, but also for how you colored it?  Those scenes you chose are some of the hardest scenes to color, imo, but the whole gifset looks so beautiful!!  Amazing work! 👏  (also I want to shout out your gomens + great comet set for the sole reason that it made me scream when I saw it--great comet is my favorite musical and combining my two favorite things in one post gave me a moment 😭 )
@bidoctor I have always admired your gifs, Jelena, and remember going through your own wwditsedits tag when I first got into the show!  I especially love your Nadja + favorite moments pt 1 post!  I hope to start making gifs of this show at some point, but am sort of intimidated by how darkly lit all of the sets are lol but this gifset in particular is so bright and rich in color, I’m really impressed! 👏  Also, I want to shout out your nature series, which contains 30 gorgeous posts!!! You have always had a talent with vibrant color in your content ❤        
@meliorn I have admired your work for such a long time, and it was really hard to choose just one gifset to shout out, but your GTKM Meme: Family Dynamics: The Rose Family gifset is just perfect! 😍👏  This set is a wonderful summary of the show and the Roses’ growth of not just a family, but as characters too, and I absolutely love the quotes that you chose! 🥺 I cannot imagine how long this took you to make, but it is always impresses me every time I see it!  The colors are outstanding as well! (I also really love your Crowley + colours series, btw!)
@lady-arryn I remember being so stunned when I first saw your Austen but with wlw gifset!  I’m still obsessed with this set almost a year later 😍 The soft colors, the layering, the fonts!!!  It’s beautiful and romantic! 🥰  We cannot have enough wlw content in the Austen fandom, so thank you for contributing more to our favorite ships that don’t always receive content or recognition!!    
4 creations of which you’re proud.
Anathema + red & purple--probably my favorite gifset that I created this year, tbh!  I wanted to create something fall/Halloween inspired, and I think I did a pretty good job of creating that aesthetic with the colors?  Compared to another Anathema gifset from earlier in the year, I think I definitely developed a better handle for manipulating colors.  I just love the vibrancy of the colors that I was able to achieve in this gifset!
Aziraphale + heart eyes-- Okay, I know that it’s a simple looking gifset, but I did something small with it that I think is neat lol  I changed the color of the trees behind Aziraphale from green to red to match the red that is featured in the background in Crowley’s gif.  Every time I look at this gifset I am so proud of myself???  Such a small change made a huge difference in my opinion.  I feel like it gives the gifset a more consistent look.  Also, you know, it symbolizes that they’re in love. 😏  
the ineffable husbands + 😍 series, part 2 because this scene??? I can  never color for some reason???  Arguably the most famous scene from s1 and I can never color it properly lol  Also whenever I gif this scene, I can never color it the same way as I did the previous time.  So here, I went a different route--purple.  And it looks okay!!  I think now that I’ve grown a lot more in terms of coloring, I see other things I could have differently, but I’m still really proud of how this gifset turned out, especially for a scene that has always been challenging for me to color!  
Emma + pink--Similar to the Anathema gifset mentioned above, I’m just very proud of how I’ve stretched my abilities in terms of coloring this year!  This is a drastic improvement from this Emma gifset I made earlier in the year (which I’ll talk about in a second), and I’m so proud of how rich the colors look!    
3 creations others loved.
Aziraphale + heart eyes--although it’s a simple gifset, I’m glad people really enjoy this one!  As I mentioned above, I’m proud of the slight coloring trick I added here, and who doesn’t love this moment between A/C anyway? 🥰
Future husband meme, Crowley version--my meme sets are always super popular, so I’m not surprised that this one gained so many notes in comparison to other sets that I have spent much more time on lol  It’s okay though, I love making meme gifsets, I enjoy making people laugh!   
Future husband meme, Aziraphale version--same comment as above (although imo, this set is funnier than the Crowley version lol)
2 creations that stretched you as a creator:
knighthouse + colors--this was not the first time I had played around with colors in a gifset, but this was probably my first ambitious gifset with manipulating colors to this extent.  I think I have definitely learned a lot from creating this set, and it’s really interesting to compare this post to my most recent Emma gifset that I mentioned earlier.  Despite having to take a huge break once I started grad school this fall (and just starting to make gifs again this month), I am pretty pleased with how much I’ve grown this year in terms of coloring/manipulating color!
the ineffable husbands + 😍 series, part one in particular because I have always had difficulty gifing various scenes and making the coloring look consistent lol  I’m so used to gifing one particular moment/scenes/series of facial expressions and that is it.  Dealing with multiple scenes that may have different lighting and color schemes is something I’m still learning.  I’m still not 100% pleased with the coloring in this set, tbh, but, I’ll keep working at it!        
1 creation of yours that you find most aesthetically pleasing
I already talked about it, but the Anathema + red and purple gifset!
1 creation that broke and (maybe remade you) as a creator
Hmm, not sure how to answer this one!  Not sure if any creation really “broke” me this time (a few did in 2020, I think, though).  As you can tell, experimenting with manipulating color was the theme for my creations this year.  I think the my two posts that got me the most excited to continue exploring that within the GO fandom were my Anathema + pink and purple gifset and my Crowley + pink gifset?  I still get really sweet comments/tags on these posts, and it’s been almost a year since I posted the Crowley gifset!
0 the creation that never was because nothing was working that day.
I had a few other ineffable husbands memes planned out, as well as an angsty parallel post planned, but never had time due to grad school.  I won’t give much away in case I find the time later, so we’ll see!  
Overall comment on your creativity year 2021 ->
Looking back on 2021, I made quite a few gifsets, but probably not as much as I had in previous years due to school, which makes me sad.  I do feel a bit disconnected from the fandom at times, but this first semester made me realize that I need to create a better work/life balance for myself, so maybe I’ll do a better job at creating time for hobbies starting this upcoming semester.
Tagging (but only if you want to, of course!): @ghiblisdaily @maria7potter @bidoctor @meliorn @lady-arryn and anyone else who would like to participate!
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OKAY NOW THAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT DYED HAIR. So in 2019 I graduated from school and I decided that in 2020 I wanted to dye my hair since I never had the chance bc well, catholic private school where how you look determines if you're dumb or not, which means no pretty-color-dyed hair. And at first I too was like "just the tips" bc it was my first time dying my hair and stuff, but then I was like "well my hair grows fast so maybe dye it all til like... the middle?" And then I just dyed my whole hair pastel pink except my roots 😬. So if anybody wants to dye their whole head here's my experience:
If you want to dye your hair a really clear colour you can do it, but bleaching it is going to -basically- kill it and if you have really thin hair like me, it's going to break. I'm dark blonde (thought it was "light" brunette but apparently not) with thin hair and I'm not kidding when I tell you that my hair fell apart while the hairdresser was brushing it. Every hair that was completely bleached white was on the floor.
Clear colors will be gone the second time you shower and it's going to be a pain in the ass to dye it every two to three days, I'd recommend a darker color (please take in count that mine was BABY PINK, maybe baby blue last longer???).
Consider buying hair dye without amoniac, bc it damages your hair. I got mine at a shop specialized in fantasy colors such as pink, purple, fuschia, blue, etc. They basically sell you pigment so the colors are really strong and vibrant and you have to tone it down with conditioner(?? The other thing that is not shampoo. By doing this you can buy two bottles of 250 grams each and it's going to last a lot. Like, a lot, I haven't finished the second one yet.
Brushing your hair after this WILL be a torture. I usually shower and then I brush my hair and it's just.... not it, once I ended up crying. So be gentle and patient with your hair, it's been through a lot. Try to make cream baths for it so it can get nice again (avocado conditioner is the best for this).
If you get a sudden rush of confidence and decided not to tone the color down so you get a really vibrant color, please go ahead, don't hesitate. I got one of those and just put the hair dye on and the result was GOOD. I've never felt more sexy tbh. Also remember that the color looks different wet from dried (dried the color looks lighter than wet), so please wait until your hair is dry to say "it looks awful/beautiful".
Even though I did went through a lot bc of my hair, I will be dying it again as soon as it recovers because it makes me feel more confident. So think about how your hair makes you feel (powerful? Confident? Happy? Ashamed? Insecure?) And base your final decision on that. I was really scared at first but once I saw the result I was living for it! Thanks for listening to my not-requested-advice! 😂❤
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aslaanjade · 4 years
✨ + /creations or /tagged/sometimes-i-make-shitty-edits (hope you're doing well anto
Hi there, Anjali dear!!!! *^^*  I’m doing fine !!!! Hope you’re also doing fine ❤❤ 
given gifset: i think this might be my absoulte favorite edit of yours *^^* it’s so breathtaking !!!!! i love how well you combined the gifs and the graphics and how nice your colorings looks with the given members !!!! your seriously have a gift for this kind of stuff ❤❤
kamado tanjirou gifset: i s2g the quotes combined with the gifs broke me deeply ç__ç and i love how good tanjirou looks with your coloring *^^* 
norman and emma graphic: i gotta be honest i’m so biased for norman and emma together but i just love how delicate the whole graphic looks!!! the light pink makes it so polished !!!! and the scenes you used also broke me down ç__ç it’s just so so pretty !!!! ❤❤  
ichiruki graphic: talking about biased, the sole fact that it’s an ichiruki-centered graphic makes this already pure perfection !!!!! it’s so colorful yet so soft *^^* !!!!!! ichiruki really look amazing with your coloring !!!! 
atsushi gifset: this giset is so simple yet so captivating !!!!! the second gif looks so vibrant and the color scheme with the other two gifs makes this gifset out of this world !!!! i’m so so in love with it *^^* 10/10 would recommend !!!!! ❤❤  
send me ✨ + your creations tag & I’ll answer with my top five favorite edits of yours!
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kdramaspace · 2 years
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MEMBER OF THE MONTH   ↳ Congrats Ro @jeonyeobin​ ​
Layla: Ro... it's your time!!! you've been blessing with all of those idol actors content from big and small fandoms for so long which is nice to see, and the photoshoots edits are very pretty, you have a nice crisp vibrant style which is very lovely, and how did snag this url 😍😍...... so thank you for filling up the tag with so many content and for being an active for for a long time, and thank you for being part of our family network 💛💛💛 wish you good vibes!! ↳ favorite works: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
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Sam: ahh, ro, congrats! so happy to have you be our featured member this month. your url is already iconic (also your new header! CLJ obsession is real ❤︎ ) you always deliver with the gorgeous photoshoot edits so I know I can count on your blog for those. I can always recognize your edits and gifs in the tag, it’s been so nice having you be a part of our little community. also your support for all the many idol actors!! It’s great to see so many of them breaking into acting and excelling. I can’t wait to see more from you in the future, and congrats once again ^^ ↳ favorite works: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
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Alexa: ro!!! so excited to be highlighting your amazing content this month! your gifs have always been goals in terms of coloring for me! i just love how warm and vibrant your sets always are. they’re so stunning and always capture to the feelings of the set you’re creating. i love that we can always count of you to gif the sweet and soft youth dramas featuring some of our favorite idol boys! the whole content is always so heartwarming and it definitely brightens up the tag whenever i see your content. thank you for sharing your beautiful gifs with us and for being about of our little net! all the love for you this month <3 ↳ favorite works: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
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