#also. a lot of people just. have a very bad understanding on anarchism and left-leaning ideologies as a whole
prognostik-a2 · 1 year
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thinking about him ( anarky )
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drdemonprince · 14 days
what was your journey from libertarian to leftest/anarchist like?
well, as a teen i hated authority and society and wanted complete freedom so i was a libertarian. then i realized i was gay and trans and libertarianism weren't gonna do shit for me. when obama won in 2008 i noticed that i felt relieved, even though i had not voted for him. I went away to academia shortly after that, and became surrounded by liberal people, all of them doing research with a liberal point of view, and what do you know, product of my social environment and queer and desperate for acceptance among the group that said they cared about me, I became a liberal too.
over time academia mistreated me and rejected me for who i really was, and i started to transition and realize that i was disabled. i became more left-leaning frankly because it seemed like that was the only way to be able to survive as what i was, identity wise, and find anyone at all who would correctly gender me or tolerate me. if you want to be able to hang out with other trans people and have them treat you right, there are values you basically have to say that you subscribe to. anyone who didn't subscribe to those political values was mistreated, viewed skeptically, talked to like they were dumb, and ostracized. and some of those values did make sense to me, whereas others didn't.
i saw people pushed to the social margins for being libertarians, for instance, as if that is a political ideology that carries any danger when some random trans woman with a very weak social support system says in a support group that she maybe kinda subscribes to it. i was even terrified of people finding out that i used to believe in anything "wrong" according to the social dogma, for a while. but i tried to make the most sense of the confusing tangle of community held beliefs as i could, so that i wouldnt be completely ostracized from both straight and queer society at once. and so I was vaguely leftist, but with a confused understanding of systemic oppression based on identity (among lots of other things, like abolition and anti-colonialism), and a deep terror of ever saying anything that would ever get me criticized/cancelled/viewed as a bad person.
and then the pandemic happened and i wasn't so beholden to mass community scrutiny anymore. i read a ton i looked at how politics actually plays out, and i got a little bit more capable and secure in myself and came to similarly feel awed by how much people are really capable of when they aren't being controlled or dependent upon approval in order to survive. and anarchy basically asserted that it had always been there in me, i just hadn't known the name for it. and by then i felt safe and strong enough and had enough faith in others to decide it was okay to have opinions that others disagreed with, and that i wouldn't starve out in the cold if i gave voice to them.
like a lot of people, i had misconceptions about what anarchism really was and writers like Graeber, Wengrow, Solnit, etc really disabused me of that notion and made me understand that it wasn't a scary worldview at all, it was the most human and accepting one there really was out there.
My political journey has not been especially principled or philosophical, it has been emotional, intuitive, and rooted in a lot of social influences. i think that's what most political ideologies are about for people, ultimately, belonging and safety.
I was originally a political scientist by training and in that field's body of research we see that most people do not have consistent political belief systems, they agree to a mish-mosh of statements and support various policies that don't all add up in a logically explicable way. they also don't tend to have stable views over time. just as i think morality is a pretty bad explanation of why humans do what they do, and why we help eachother and avoid doing harm, it's very evident that political ideology is a piss poor predictor of political behavior or affiliation. the far clearer explanation far more consistent with the evidence is that people politically align themselves based on their social milleu and their feelings.
this is why i always feel myself holding back from dying for a cause, and blanch when MLMs start talking about needing to do all they can to bring about communism with an almost religious fervor (beyond the fact that such thinking also doesn't line up with a lot of communist thought and theory about how capitalism falls anyway). i dont think that any of these ideologies really carry all that much weight or influence people's actions, affiliations, or political behavior on the level we all pretend that they do. i dont think they're "real". anarchy is more of a philosophy of how to relate to other people in daily life, for me, rather than a religion about how the world needs to be or where we specifically need to be heading. it's more big-I Ideological for plenty of other people, and again, i blanch when they start preaching about it as if their whole life is in service to the idea of it. I think we do anarchism by living as if we're free, every day. and that's what i care about, if i'm being honest. feeling free, safe, and cared for by some other people, without conditions, right now.
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xavierdominico-blog · 6 years
Ultimate Overwatch Review by me
Exists in a intersection between style and artistry, a crossroad where pure heavenly joy matches tasteful, bright design to make a rare spark of magic. The individual who has deadshot aim isn't any more precious than the individual who has the decision-making capability to understand when a well-timed capability will turn an involvement, or the individual who has the map-sense to locate the perfect places to put sentry turrets. While it did not just drown me in choices, maps, and manners, it is blessed with a large number of tactical layers, and not one of them came between me and my personal pleasure of its extreme, concealed teamfights, along with thrilling overtime comebacks. Overwatch does a excellent many things nicely, but above all , its achievement is built on the backs of its numerous exceptional characters. It is fitting that the principal menu is dominated by a single of these constantly; their varied looks, roots, and characters are all laid bare with each pose they hit. Reinhardt's enemy hammer lands onto his shoulder with a meaty clank that amuses a broadsword resting against a medieval knight's plate , and Tracer's jovial grin is simply temporarily interrupted with a rebellious bang which slides across her face, enticing her to blow it back into position until re-addressing the camera and trapping all over the area. They are so different that you would imagine them looking absurd standing alongside another, but through careful, subtle visual cues chucked in their gear and apparel, they figure out how to look as though they share a frequent Earth, even when they hail from other corners of it.
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This diversity continues to stand out once you select a hero and hit on the battle together. Even though the 21 characters (all of whom have been unlocked in the beginning ) are roughly grouped into one of four"functions," no 2 sense equally. The robotic, changing Bastion and the anarchic, explosive-tossing Junkrat are equally technically Defenders, however they could not play with any more differently from one another. The former appears for a comfy place overlooking a key choke point and transforms to a minigun turret to conduct stage protection; the latter plays an area-denial match by lobbing timed grenades over extended distances, which sit on the floor blinking angrily, as if to say"go someplace else" to encroaching enemies prior to bursting. This powerful sense of distinction is significant as it keeps team makeup plans from devolving into easy formulas. Notwo two Supports, and 2 Attackers isn't the magic solution to get a winning group. You need to appear much deeper -- and if you do, the authentic splendor of Overwatch's gameplay excels.
Each Tool From The Box Among the sudden keys to surfacing those nuances is the refusal to provide up crutches to lean on. With hardly any arguable exceptions, no personality is concentrated solely about one catch-all weapon or ability to the extent which you could find success by utilizing it independently. Tracer's double machine-pistols have a higher rate of fire but bad precision, a brief clip, along with middling harm if you are not scoring headshots. Genji's shurikens are exceptionally damaging and boast unerring precision, but their slow rate of fire and lengthy traveling time may make hitting a little moving target hard. Nearly every key weapon fits this mould: they are helpful, and in the ideal situation quite strong, but not flexible enough for a safety blanket to cling to. Not only do all these small details help distinguish personalities, but they pushed me to research their other skills looking for success.
You need to appear much deeper -- and if you do, the authentic splendor of Overwatch's gameplay excels.
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And after I started looking more carefully, I could not stop discovering new items. Revisiting Junkrat's toolset, he does not have one standard, dependable gun to simply right engage an enemy facing him. Surehe could bypass grenades across the floor, leading his goal as best he could, but if you're good enough to win one-on-one firefights in this manner, you would not be realizing his entire potential.
One immobilizes enemies which wander to it, another blows them when triggered. In practice however, they may be much more. Steel Trap may be an escape tool, enabling you to disengage from battles with quicker enemies hoping to get on mind. Its positional alert upon being actuated enables it to double as a early warning system also, permitting you to know that somebody on the opposite team is trying to emphasise your defenses and holding them long enough for one to react. Or, plant a Concussion Mine along with a Steel Trap and only detonate it once you see it triggered as you are off someplace else peppering the object with grenades. You may even utilize Concussion Mine as a normal old grenade by pitching it in a bunch of enemies and detonating it manually since it gets there. Maybe most amusingly, you are able to detonate it beneath to rocket-jump up to otherwise-inaccessible places. Two skills on a single character opens up those chances, and as you might imagine, as soon as you get 12 characters scrapping over goals, using their skills to help and harm one another, additional layers of strategic nuance start to unfurl.
For instance: On her Pharah could be a significant headache by projecting herself into the atmosphere and hovering there while raining rocket-propelled passing down to opposing teams out of angles which leave both pay and positioning . Mercy's Guardian Angel capability allows her to swoop toward some other ally in scope, even up ones in the skies. Together with her capacity to slow her descent with her wings, she is the only character which may follow Pharah where she goes. So you wind up getting a lively duo flying all over the area -- that the one shoving rockets down people's throats while another switches involving recovery up her and buffing her already considerable damage output as necessary.
The amount of all of these minute particulars is that virtually every activity, even the ones that you repeat over and over, feel only a little bit magical.
Overwatch is loaded with synergies such as this: Reinhardt and Lucio, Zarya and Reaper, Torbjorn and Symmetra...there is no lack of opportunities for enthusiastic, coordinated drama, and if you reach a place where you feel comfortable shifting your personality on the fly at the center of a game to capitalize on feeble enemy group makeup, you truly feel as a strategic genius.
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You can spend several hours enjoying Overwatch before getting to this point by correctly wrap your mind around all of the little intricacies it's tucked away behind its own sheen, but you don't have to just to get a fantastic time with it. Just trying out various personalities, popping off their skills, and moving throughout their entire world feels almost indescribably right, and it is all due to tiny, nearly imperceptible details. The lid on Junkrat's grenade launcher flaps and clanks about along with his every movement, Lucio's motion has only the slightest touch of inertia, which means you truly feel as though you're skating once you play with him. Zenyatta's reload cartoon may be my favourite; I never got tired of seeing him open his arms to unveil a brand fresh pair of orbs before clasping them with a gratifying, metallic thud. It is a little thing, sure, but the amount of those minute particulars is that virtually every activity, even the ones that you repeat over and over, feel only a little bit magical.
Overwatch's 12 maps are flush with luxuriant details, and in addition, they play a major part in extracting additional depth from the throw toolsets. The first chokepoint on Hanamura begs to get static defenses such as Torbjorn's turret or Symmetra's sentries constructed around it, and also for attackers with the ideal mobility abilities (watch Pharah and Mercy over ) the lengthy gap between the left side of their first and second catch point becomes a tantalizing chance to emphasise the defenders until they could reset themselves. Payload-escort maps such as Route 66 supply high ground on each side of the Allied route, establishing paranoia-inducing ambush situations where Winston's curved Shell Barrier becomes valuable for protection against dangers that may be coming from many angles at the same time. You are not only considering how your personality will operate in the context of your group, but also about what chances any map supplies, and ways to exploit them.
Each map is directly tied to a particular target type, therefore their structure is well-tailored into the activity available. You never get that much disjointed sense of playing capture the flag onto a staff deathmatch map, such as you could in other multiplayer shooters where maps need to adapt an assortment of modes. The upsides are more subtle, but important. Maps are concentrated without feeling constricted; there is no question about where you are headed or how to arrive, as each flanking route and side door finally puts you wherever you want to be. This manner, Overwatch's map layouts enable you to pick your vector of involvement without risking you becoming lost in which the activity is not happening.
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Tying manners to maps within this one-of-a-kind fashion includes a little disadvantage as well though: Overwatch does not have a lot of different ways to change things up like most other games of its type do. This is not Halo where many maps encourage different team sizes, goals, and a ton of different altered rules. There is just 1 way to perform Volskaya Industries: it should always be strike the very first stage, then strike the second. This absence of customization allows for finely tuned action, but also cuts to the general width and wide range of their experience compared to other contemporary multiplayer games.
Overwatch takes pretty much every possible chance to create its throw and locales look like places and people instead of puppets and scenery.
However, like its personalities, Overwatch's maps are full of nuances that can take some time and repetition to understand, rather than simply from a mechanical perspective. Bits of narrative and world-building is discovered through the superbly conceived surroundings. Picture posters at the living room of a single map show the mech-piloting pro-gamer D.Va's actual name is Hana Song, which she had a picture career too. Another map includes a row of arcade machines, and should you just happen to be playing as Genji, the cyber-ninja may begin reminiscing about the number of hours of his"misspent youth" he burnt away playing with there. Occasionally characters that have a past and do not enjoy each others find themselves on precisely the exact same group, and you're going to hear about it. Overwatch takes pretty much every possible chance to create its throw and locales look like places and people instead of puppets and scenery.
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Concerning attributes, Overwatch is merely a little thin, but it satisfies the majority of the fundamental expectations of a multiplayer shooter and in certain ways, surpasses them. Its remarkable stat-tracking, per-character controller mapping, and availability options stick out. Additionally, it does a fantastic job of identifying and devoting very good play to enemies and teammates through a publication commendation system along with a candy"Play of the Game" highlight reel. Matchmaking is fast and dependable, and the decorative unlockables are amazingly charming and come in a fairly good rate without paying for additional loot packs. Nevertheless, I dug the personalities' inventory layouts so far, I did not need to ramble too much from them anyhow.
Overwatch is an unbelievable accomplishment in multiplayer shooter style. It bobs and weaves virtually perfectly between becoming the quick-fix adrenaline strike you may need after a long day of work, along with the thoughtful, tactical multiplayer experience which becomes the middle of all evening-long binges with buddies. It may not possess the most exhaustive collection of maps and manners, but it supplies almost endless opportunities for thrilling, coordinated drama, and if you are the one in the middle of itfeels as though nothing else.
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