#also. that’s so freaking cool that it’s a recipe that was passed down for THREE generations!!!
sakizm · 1 year
i’m a terrible midwestern person cause i haaaaaate mayo (which means like 99% of salads) but the minute a family friend said “i’m the 3rd generation to make this potato salad” as she set the salad down for dinner, i’m like okay i gotta at least try a bite of this…
her potato salad is the only one i’ll ever eat from now on
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thomasicism · 4 months
He wants to learn from her?! Oh, how wonderful! A wonderful recipe for disaster. Pun intended. It’s not that Cassi is a culinary jinx. The main concern that plagued her was that Thomas, as sweet as he is, would probably make the poor woman fumble and forget what she’s doing in the kitchen; Especially with the way he looks at her. How do people do that?! The look. Not just any look. THE look. The one that’s so simple, so casual, but can make the person on the receiving end melt like butter on a frying pan. Oh poor Cass, her brain just had a little bit of a lag processing this but it’s barely noticeable! Whew! “Hey, we’ll see where we stand in comparison to each other then. Name the time and place, and I’m down.”
Back to the way he’s looking at her right now though, shall we? His careful gaze upon her makes her feel like the rest of the world is a blur. The only thing that’s clear is them. Actually, the world is like the static of a vinyl player that’s overshadowed by their intertwining melodies. A harmony of their presence. Not quite the same as each other yet they seem to fit together quite nicely, wouldn’t you think?
Oh. He’s talking. Tune in! One two three, Cassi to earth! Once she realizes Thomas is genuinely interested in her work, the summer breeze suddenly feels like a sigh of relief washing over her. That might just be Thomas’s presence though. Even if he’s the manager of some big artist, she didn’t feel as intimidated at the thought of showing him her art as she thought she’d be. Not right now at least. “Yeah! He uh, he always shows them off wherever he can. Actually, if you pop by the store while I’m working, I might have a little surprise for you. Aside from like, my uncle’s makeshift gallery of painted records. There’s one tha-”
Aaaand her babbling is cut off when he removes the leaf from her hair. As his hand was in her hair, hell, the moment he reached out to her, poor Cassi looked like a koi fish opening and closing its mouth slowly. Like she was stunned by his gesture. It’s in a cute way, not like she saw a cicada in his hair.
Oh wait. Nevermind. There is.
She doesn’t exactly want to reach forwards but she doesn’t want to freak him out. Oh boy. She also didn’t want to ruin the moment. Her hands are sweaty and it’s now only partially because of their proximity. How the hell is she gonna tell h-
She’s just. Staring at the cicada in his hair. Good luck Thomas. Cassi is not much of a bug person unless it’s the prettier ones. Butterflies, dragonflies, ladybugs, those are cool. Cicadas are…a hard pass. The most Cassi does is slowly, sloooowly lift a finger with the same stunned koi fish face, attempting to open her mouth to articulate his current predicament.
~ 🖋️ (I am SO sorry this is long. I do not apologize for the cicada though. A little hee hee hoo. A little jest. A little jingle jingle like a silly fool)
He blinks.
He doesn't miss the little moments he catches her staring; not unaware of the way she zones out for a little bit between their exchange. And a small smile playing at his lips each time she does. It's endearing. He wants to know what she thinks about.
But... this time, it's different.
She looks more... shocked, than anything.
For a moment he's worried if he overstepped a boundary by being too close with her, but he follows her gaze to his hair. "Is... Something the matter? Something in my hair?" his brows furrow slightly, and he reaches up—
A wince at the touch, and he hurriedly flicks it out of his hair, not even bothering to look as it flies away. The telltale call in the distance—always louder than he'd have liked—is enough for him to know what it was.
"...Right. The wonders of being outdoors."
He gingerly shakes his hand, very visibly disturbed, before giving her a sheepish smile.
"I guess it's a good thing the leaf landed on you, instead of the cicada... I'd rather preserve the image of you now, without it. It's a lot prettier that way."
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crashing-comets · 3 years
Wee little plants
When the Straw hats returned, they didn’t have much time to talk about what happened while the crew separated them. Everyone had grown more robust physically, but no one had talked about how they were mental. A couple of weeks after the reunion, the Straw hat crew was sailing through the New World and heading towards a nearby island to restock. Sanji needed to fill the pantry and get more ingredients for the recipes he had learned, and Franky needed some more parts for the projects he was working on. For now, the crew was having a relaxing day in the sun. The girls were sunbathing and exchanging books to read, Sanji would pass by handing them colorful drinks and commenting on them, Franky was showing Chopper and Brook some of the things he learned in his two years away and some of the inventions that he made. Luffy and Zoro were napping in the grass, and Usopp was potting some of his plants. Robin stood up and walked over to Usopp, crouching down near his left side. 
“This plant is beautiful. What is it called?” Robin and Usopp shared the garden on the Sunny and frequently shared things about the plant they were growing. Usopp jumped a little, not hearing her approach him, but turned and smiled at her.
“Oh hey, Robin, This is a Nepenthes sanguine. They are also called pitcher plants. This one is a lot smaller than an adult should be, so I am wondering if it needs different soil because the seeds that I got this from was a swampy area on the island, and I wonder if they need to have those extra nutrients in the water like from algae?” Usopp stopped suddenly and gave an awkward chuckle, “ Sorry! I started to ramble again.” Robin smiled sweetly at him. 
“I don’t mind. It is exciting to see your thought process. Maybe you could make an algae farm for the plant for a substitute of that extra nutrients or maybe like a terrarium for the humidity?” Usopp hummed at the ideas and thought about how he could make it work. This plant was one of his favorites that he could keep from the island that he was stuck on. 
“Maybe, I just need to feed it more meat because there aren’t many bugs for it to eat naturally out at sea.” Usopp and Robin gave a small laugh when Luffy sat up and called out for meat. Luffy turned his attention to the plant that Usopp had sitting in front of him. 
“Woah! That looks cool. Can we eat it? Is it meat?” Luffy said, scutting closer to the plant, but Usopp blocked his view with his arm. 
“No! You can’t eat it! This is a plant that eats meat, and despite its coloration, it is not meat. This plant can probably eat you if it wanted to.” Usopp huffed, offended that Luffy wanted a bite of his favorite plant. “Plus, this is a small version of the plant, and it can break down so many things with its digestive enzymes. See there.” Usopp pointed inside the plant at tiny hairs that covered the inside of the plant. Luffy jumped on top of Usopp to get a closer look, but that movement pushed Usopp’s finger into the plant’s hair fibers causing it to clamp on his finger, starting the digestive process. Usopp yelped in surprise and tried to pry his finger from the plant, but he couldn’t get it out. 
“Oh crap, Luffy!” Usopp said, glaring at the captain. Robin had gotten up from her position next to Usopp and placed her hands on the plant, and Usopp’s hand intending to help but caused more pain for the sniper. “Ow, ow, ow, wait.” Luffy and Robin looked at him in confusion but stopped their actions. “This plant emits acid from the hairs to help digestion better, and we need salt! Luffy, go to the kitchen and get salt.” Luffy jumped up in a hurry and started running to the kitchen, tripping and waking Zoro in the process. Zoro took a moment to knock the sleep from his head and stared at Robin, trying to pull the lip of the plant to open more. Tears appeared in the corner of Usopp’s eyes, and Robin started to say comforting words to the sniper. Zoro jumped up and ran to Franky’s workshop to get Chopper. Luffy came running out with Sanji close behind him, yelling about stealing from the kitchen. When Luffy got down to Usopp and Robin, he handed the salt to Robin, who poured it around the plant’s lips. The plant gave a slight hiss and opened the chamber, and Usopp pulled his finger from the plant. Usopp burned his finger from the tip of the nail to his knuckle, and it was leaking blood in exposed parts of the finger. Chopper and the rest of the crew surrounded the group of three as Chopper pulled out his first aid kit and looked at Usopp’s finger. 
“What happened?” Chopper asked, turning Usopp’s hand over to look at the wound. 
“I was showing Luffy this pitcher plant, and I may have touched the hairs and started the digestive process.” 
“The what?” Sanji said, glaring at the plant in suspension. 
“Well, when the plant starts to digest the meat in the pitcher part of the plant, it emits acid to aid in breaking down the larger chunks of meat, but that meat happened to be my finger.” Usopp laughed. Robin was holding his shoulder and was surprised that Usopp wasn’t freaking out more than he was now. 
“You need to be more careful.” Chopper said, wrapping his hand. “And why aren’t you freaking out about this more?” Chopper yelled, gaining everyone’s attention. 
“Oh, this stuff happened all the time on the island that I was on. It isn’t as bad as it looks. The acid only breaks down the first layer of skin.” Chopper yelped at that fact. 
“So this was common on the island that you were on for two years?” Robin said as she ran her fingers through the sniper's hair. 
“Yeah, there is always something trying to kill you. Man-eating plants and the literal island.” Usopp laughed, but the rest of the crew stared at him, confused why their resident scaredy-cat was not freaking out about dying. Robin hummed and kissed his hurt finger. 
“I’m sure that it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.” 
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starkeristheendgame · 4 years
If you are okay with it, I was wondering if you could do a body switch soulmate au. When you first make eye contact with your soulmate you switch bodies. You stay in each other's bodies for 24 hours. I feel like this could cause some shenanigans on both sides. Tony hasn't had to be taught anything in awhile and Peter doesn't know how to run a company.
I was a little apprehensive about this idea at first but honestly? I adore it. I am afraid, however, I took this away from the ‘humor’ pathway and plopped it straight down into ‘light angst’. Please accept my apologies for that - And I’d be happy to write something more lighthearted if this doesn’t hit the spot. Keeping your own emotions and mindset out of what you write is hard sometimes. 
Slight AU in that they meet differently to CW. 
TW: Light angst | Slight hurt 
He was going to lose his fucking mind. He could feel each one of his IQ points disintegrating as he stared at the board (an actual digital board, what fucking year were they in? 2015?) and tapped his pen restlessly on the desk. He hadn’t been to school since he was eighteen. The last time he’d been in a classroom was January, giving a motivational speech to Princeton graduates. 
He felt too small and too stifled and if this woman pronounced Epinephrine wrong one more time, he was going to launch his desk at her and snap that stupid board in half. 
Because he could do that, now. Displays of sheer power. Because Peter Parker had been bitten by a genetically modified spider and Tony was currently occupying Peter’s body. 
Soulmates were so, so overrated. 
“Hey, wonder kid. Tap that pen one more time” the girl to his left whispered, and Tony shot her a cool side-eye. MJ quirked a brow at him, equally unimpressed, and nodded to the board. Tony scowled but knew the effect was ruined by the soft, pretty baby-face he currently wore. Curse Peter and his lopsided brows and his huge eyes. Curse soulmates for existing. 
MJ was thus far the only one who’d noticed The Switch. It was only sheer coincidence that Peter and Tony both had brown eyes of a similar enough shade that the telling switch of eye colour between soulmates hadn’t given them away. MJ, however, was astoundingly attuned into her best friend, and it had only taken three minutes in her presence for her scowl at him and ask who the fuck was wearing her friend’s meatsuit. Tony had to begrudgingly admit that he could see why her and Peter were good friends. She’d looked unimpressed at his claim until he’d pulled out his (Peter’s) phone to show the frantic texts from that morning, and then she’d huffed, rolled her eyes, and dragged him to first period. 
He thought lunch would be a reprieve when it came, but instead he found himself staring with growing dismay at a tray of food that he’d refuse even if he was a prisoner, blanching in disgust when a sloppy excuse for a mac’n’cheese was dumped into one of the slots. “I’m going to die” he complained, ushered along by an unsympathetic MJ. “This is cruel. This is inhumane. Dogs don’t even get fed this”. 
“Yeah, well. You’re a billionaire, so. Put up or shut up. I have no sympathy for capitalist elitists”. And, wow, rude. But understandable. He sank down onto one of the bench seats and tried to stop his stomach from rolling at the way the meal wobbled when it was set down. He’d been poking at it for several moments, largely ignored by MJ, when a shadow fell over his table. He looked up and stared with disinterest at the sneering figure above him, before he sighed. 
“Which one are you, then? Neb? Flake?” 
“Flash” the form above him frowned, and Tony waved a dismissive hand. 
“Yeah, whatever. Class killed off half my IQ points and I’m not wasting the rest on you. Off you pop”. He turned back to his pitiful excuse of a meal, prodding the macaroni distrustfully with his fork. The boy besides him gaped, flustered, before turning on his heel and stomping off. When Tony glanced up, the girl was looking appraisingly over her book at him. 
“Maybe you should leave your balls behind. Peter could do with them” she noted, before dropping her gaze again. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“How much money does he actually have?” 
“Sir’s total net worth including assets, liabilities and investments are currently estimated at just short of a trillion, Mr. Parker. In terms of ‘real time currently’ Sir has £515,268,385,012 as of the current hour”. 
Peter was gonna pass out. He was wearing the body of a man with five-hundred billion in the bank. He’d known Tony Stark was rich, obscenely and un-necessarily so, but that was a whole other level. Vaguely unsteady, he sank down on the plush couch, feeling a little green. It had already been a few hours since waking, but he had yet to get used to the fact that he was, for all intents and purposes, Tony Stark. 
“Does that bother you?” The artificial voice asked after a moment, sounding impossibly curious. Peter hadn’t thought AI of this level possible, but here he was, talking to a voice that was more realistic than some of the living people he knew. 
“Its...A shock, I guess. I mean, it does bother me, I suppose. Nobody needs that much money. That much cold cash alone could eradicate homelessness in America. But...I don’t know. Its his money, he earns it. He saves the world and stuff. I don’t know how you could put a value on some of the things he’s done”. 
The AI was quiet for a moment, pensive. “Sir’s ‘profession’ is high cost also, Mr. Parker. The worth of the Mark IVII alone is £6,000,500,000”. Peter thought about it for a moment, then gave in, humming softly. He supposed in that sense, having that much money kind of didn’t matter, then, when a huge chunk of it was consumed by saving the world. He’d seen how often that suit got dinged up, and had no doubt repairs and replacing parts was costly. 
“Am I allowed to get something to eat?” He asked after a moment, stomach rumbling a little. He’d spent so much time this morning freaking out and being consoled by JARVIS that he’d missed breakfast and lunch had slipped him by. 
“Of course, Mr. Parker. Several components of the kitchen are automated, but I am capable of guiding through any recipes or devices you are unfamiliar with”. 
JARVIS had apparently activated something called ‘Romeo and Juliet Protocol’ when it had been revealed that Tony had been Switched, and a large majority of the Tower was closed off and protected. Peter couldn’t leave the penthouse and JARVIS had strict control of everything, even down to the doors. Peter was happy enough to just sit there and wait it out, though. As amazing as being here was, snooping was rude, especially when what he could find could potentially compromise the entire world. 
He chose to make a simple, small sandwich which involved nothing more than a single knife and plate, marvelling at the giant fridge and the ridiculous amount of food within. Apparently Mr. Stark had a chef that stopped by once every other day with prepared meals, and was on-call for whenever he required a fresh meal without having to cook it. The produce was organic and far different to the sad, wilting lettuce that could be found at the local Cheap Fresh. 
Technically, if it was plausible, when you Switched you were supposed to follow a specific protocol set up by the Government, but Mr. Stark had ultimately lost his entire mind at discovering his soulmate was fourteen and had immediately demanded Peter stay locked up like Rapunzel while he pretended to be him for the day to throw off suspicion. Peter couldn’t deny that had hurt a little, but he understood it. Soulmates or not it would be the scandal of the century - Tony would be called all sorts of things at best and investigated at worst, and the nature of their age difference meant a lifetime of interference and monitoring by the Government and protective services. He knew it was easier to pretend it hadn’t happened, to hide it from the world. Tony had suggested a private agreement, a ridiculous sum of money in exchange for Peter’s silence. 
He realised he’d been staring morosely at his plate when JARVIS prompted him softly, and he sighed, taking a bite. There was no physical remote for the TV but JARVIS helped him to access a cache of movies and he settled on Inception, his weakness for Tom Hardy and Leonardo DiCaprio soothing the ache of his new reality. 
“Am I allowed to ask what running a business is like?” He asked after a while, head balanced on his palm. 
“In what regard, Mr. Parker?” 
“Well, I don’t know. I mean, I’m fifteen. I don’t know how to run a company, let alone run a company and be a superhero. What kinda stuff does he do? Does he attend meetings? Does he fly around the world on company retreats like in the movies?” 
JARVIS sounded lightly amused when he replied. “Sir has delegated much of the daily company operation amongst several trusted employees, but he is still the namesake, owner and CEO of Stark Industries. He does attend frequent meetings, but most of Sir’s ‘flying around the world’ is done for leisure or Iron Man related activity”. 
“Sir spends most of his time in the lab, conducting important work for both his priorities. Sir also does a respectable amount of charity work, investment work and supportive work. I believe his latest venture is funding the entirety of MIT’s PhD graduate projects”. 
Wow. That was...That would be a lot of money. And being supported by someone like Tony Stark was bound to be something to boast about, something that would fluff up your resume a little. 
“Does he enjoy it?” Peter asked after a moment, fingertips raising absently to the arc reactor in his chest. It ached constantly, a low-level background pain that never quite faded out of touch, the odd sensation of a gaping maw in his chest something that had made him heave earlier that morning. Mr. Stark was tired, burnt out, but still going. It made Peter want to spend his twenty-four hours just sleeping, to try and soothe the man’s headache. 
“Sir finds great gratification in his duties” JARVIS replied quietly, though he did not specify which. Peter gave a hum and succumbed to the desire to nap, curled up on the corner of the couch with Inception fading quietly into the background. 
He ate again when he woke up, and blinked when he saw the time. Mr. Stark’s phone had been heavily locked down, but he could still access the message channel between this number and his own. The messages there were disheartening. 
Told your hot Aunt I’m staying at that Nate kids house tonight. I’ll be coming to the Tower, but you won’t see me. I’ll stay on the level below.
Sorry, kid. Seeing someone else wearing me like a Givenchy suit is just too head-spinning. 
JARVIS will keep you safe up there. We switch back at midnight, so try and get some sleep. You’ll wake up as yourself and I’ll get the plan in motion. 
“JARVIS, when was the last time Mr. Stark cried?” He asked timidly, and the AI was silent for a moment. 
“Four years ago, Mr. Parker”. 
“Oh,” he breathed out, vision blurring. “I’m sorry. I’m afraid I’m about to ruin that” and he let the teardrops fall.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Grow As We Go (Rosnali) - Athena2
Summary: Denali and Rosé face some ups and downs as they wait for their baby to be born.
A/N: This is another idea that came into my head and just had to be written. It’s pretty much all fluff, and I really hope you enjoy! Please leave some feedback if you like, I really appreciate it! Thank you to Writ for beta-ing!
Title from the song by Ben Platt.
Read on AO3.
“Can you look at it?” Rosé asks fearfully. “I just—maybe if you do it—“
“I got it.” Denali quickly rises off the bathroom floor and grabs the pregnancy test off the counter. She knows Rosé is hoping that if Denali looks at it first this time, it will bring good news. Not like the last two tries.
She resumes her position at Rosé’s side, leaning against the bathtub. Rosé’s legs are pulled up to her chest and she’s chewing her lip to shreds. Denali slides an arm around her shoulders.
“Whatever happens, it’s okay,” Denali says softly.
Rosé gives a stiff nod, squeezing her eyes shut so she can’t peek, and Denali turns the test over, the tiny thing like lead in her hand.
The world is silent except for Denali’s heart pounding in her chest. The air is thick with tension, the knowledge that once she reads what the test says, there’s no unreading it, no changing or undoing the information. Either Rosé is pregnant, or she’s not, and the whole world teeters on the edge of this stick. Denali doesn’t breathe as she stares at the test, trying to make sense of the pale blue lines—they really should’ve picked the test that just tells you if you’re pregnant or not—and matching it to the instructions on the box.
“Rosie,” she gasps, “Rosie, it’s positive!”
Green eyes fly open, not daring to hope just yet. “Are you sure? Should we do another?”
“I’m sure, baby.”
She opens her arms and pulls Rosé into them, everything full of hugs and kisses and excitement because they’re having a baby.
Rosé is really sick of starting each morning with her head in the toilet.
She always thought morning sickness was just something that popped up in pregnancy montages in movies, not something that would send her running to the bathroom every day, Denali trailing behind her to keep the hair off her face and rub her back.
Rosé groans as she releases her shaky grip on the sides of the toilet, leaning back and taking a glass of water from a worried Denali.
“Thank you.” Rosé sighs, grimacing at the bitter taste lingering in her mouth. “I’m sorry you have to start every day watching me puke my guts out.”
“Hey, we’re in this together, remember? A little vomit won’t scare me away.” Denali wipes sweat off Rosé’s forehead with a cold washcloth, and Rosé melts into the touch. “The doctor said the morning sickness should go away soon.”
“Fuck, I hope so.” She doesn’t want to complain, because she wanted this, knew she wanted to carry their baby. But she’s really sick of puking.
“I wish I could help you more,” Denali says wistfully. She keeps the washcloth in place, eyes scanning over Rosé’s face, searching for any signs of pain or anything wrong. The love Denali has for her warms Rosé’s heart, even if it’s a little strange to see her so cautious, so careful.
Denali’s no stranger to stress or anxiety or intense focus, to long hours perfecting everything she does. But she also has no trouble climbing on a pile of books, which are in turn piled on top of a chair, to change a lightbulb, or walking around with a self-bandaged broken toe, because ‘I’m at three months without an urgent care visit, Rosie, and why break the streak?’ She’s the reason their medicine cabinet is as well-stocked as a hospital supply closet, the reason ‘we can’t have nice things, Denali,’ after deciding that turning cartwheels was a valid way to test the size of their kitchen and knocking over a row of wine glasses.
Rosé’s the one who reaches for her soup recipe when Denali so much as sniffles, the one who insists on all the urgent care visits, just to be safe. A kind of nervous care she always has for Denali even if she herself is guilty of going to work when she should take a sick day, never wanting anything to stop her. The pregnancy has changed things, and now Denali takes notes at Rosé’s doctor’s appointments and looks at her in worry anytime Rosé has a cramp. Rosé’s just going to let herself be cared for, because there’s no one else she’d rather have care for her.
Rosé manages a smile, squeezing Denali’s hand. “You do help me. So, so much, Denali. Seriously, I don’t know what I’d do without you. I’m just being dramatic.”
Denali opens her mouth in mock surprise. “You being dramatic? I never would have guessed!”
Rosé swats at her gently.
“Really, though, you deserve to be dramatic. I mean, you’re carrying a baby, Rosie. Like, a little human.”
It feels special, to hear it like that. It’s been frustrating for Rosé to move slower than she normally does, to back out of their normal weekend shopping trips because she’s just so tired. Frustrating to feel so useless, barely able to help Denali make dinner without having to go to the bathroom every five minutes or take a break because her legs are sore. Part of her wants to push through, do the things she normally does. But she’s learning to give in, to let herself rest while Denali dotes on her, because it’s not just her anymore. She has a little human inside her.
Their little human.
“I love you,” Rosé says.
“I love you too.”
Rosé surveys the walls of the nursery, plotting out the arrangements for the jungle animal decals. Denali had painted the walls a soft pastel yellow last week while Rosé watched, because Denali was afraid of her being around the fumes. ‘I’m not gonna huff the paint, Denali, I just want to help,’ Rosé had insisted, because it wasn’t fair to make Denali do all the work, but she gave in and sat in the hallway without much of a fight. She’s always been cautious, and she can’t let anything happen to the baby.
Even if they’re getting the nursery ready, it still feels a little surreal, a little hard to believe that in a few more months, there’ll be a baby to fill it. Her belly is starting to grow, and she has to lean over it to kiss Denali on the cheek.
“We’re really doing this,” she whispers. There were moments after the negative tests when she thought they’d never get here, that the spare bedroom would forever be a spare bedroom, home to odds and ends and the occasional house guest. But now it’s really happening, and Rosé rests a hand on her stomach for proof.
“I know.” Denali leans her head on Rosé’s shoulder, and they stand there together, looking at the walls and picturing everything that will happen in this room. They’ll read to their baby here every night, each trying to outdo the other with ridiculous voices for the characters. They’ll play in here together, sprawled out on the rug laughing with joy. They’ll—
“Guess who’s here, bitches!” Jan’s voice booms down the hall, killing the moment.
The baby kicks, and Rosé rubs her stomach in sympathy. “Poor thing, not even born yet and Jan’s already giving you a headache.”
Denali thought it would be fun to invite their friends to help, but as Jan, Lagoona, Olivia, Utica, Symone, and Kahmora pack themselves into the nursery, the real fun is going to be seeing how many people they can possibly fit in here.
Olivia asks about a hundred questions; Utica gives long-winded answers to all of said questions; Jan and Lagoona argue about turning screws clockwise as they assemble the crib, the argument reaching its peak when Lagoona storms out of the room and comes back with the clock off the hallway wall to prove her point; Kahmora takes an hour to find a spot for one decal; and Symone is the only one who actually gets anything done, artfully arranging books and stuffed animals in a magazine-worthy spread.
When everyone finally leaves, the hall clock replaced and slightly crooked, Rosé and Denali sink to the floor of their baby’s room and let themselves dream.
Rosé’s sisters took their baby shower planning very seriously, and Denali’s eyes keep bouncing around the place, taking in the decorations and balloons and perfect dessert table with perfect pastel cupcakes and perfect pastel macaroons. They even got a freaking chocolate fountain.
Guests rush up to them, nearly trampling Denali in their hurry to kiss and hug Rosé and ask her all about the baby. Denali hangs off to the side, watching and hating the way everyone rubs their hand over Rosé’s baby bump without even asking her. Rosé would say yes anyway—she’s always craving touch and physical affection—but Denali still wishes they would ask. Wishes they wouldn’t treat Rosé like some novelty act, passing her around to each other to touch and commenting on how well she looks at this stage, like it’s any of their business, like her first priority should be how good she looks while seven months pregnant. Denali knows they mean well, but she hates it. And she hates how in public, people’s eyes go right to Rosé and blow past Denali, how often they ask Rosé where her husband is. Like Denali isn’t even there. Like the baby is Rosé’s only. She’s not jealous, not at all—especially not when every part of Rosé’s body aches, when her moods go up and down, when she’s exhausted but struggles to sleep. And Rosé is pregnant, after all—she deserves to have people fussing and fawning over her. But it’s like people don’t see Denali as part of this family, don’t see her as a mom, and it hurts especially now.
“Are you okay?” Rosé asks, and Denali’s heart melts. Even at her own baby shower, she’s still worried about Denali. “Did something make you upset, or uncomfortable?”
“I—“ She doesn’t want to do it here, in front of everyone, but part of her can’t hold back, can’t stop the feelings from running across her face, and Rosé notices, because she always notices.
“Hey, let’s go outside a second, okay? Get you some air?”
Denali nods numbly, letting Rosé lead her outside. The February air is cool on her face, and she didn’t know how hot she was until now.
“You don’t have to talk,” Rosé says gently, “but I’m here.”
She’s always here for Denali, and a rush of affection hits her. “It’s–you’re pregnant,” Denali blurts, every deep emotion betraying her with one of the most obvious statements of the century.
“Wow, really? I had no idea!” Rosé grins, rubbing her stomach, and it eases Denali’s tension, reminds her everything’s okay. “Did I do something?” Rosé asks, serious again.
“No, no!” Denali says quickly. “It’s not you at all.”
It’s not Rosé’s fault, and Denali won’t let her think it for a second. Rosé has been so good about it, always introducing Denali as her wife and telling everyone how excited they both are to be mothers. It’s not her fault she’s the one people direct all their questions to.
Denali takes a breath and continues. “It’s just … you’re pregnant. You’re the one having the baby, and sometimes people just–they make me feel like it’s your baby. Like I’m not part of it.”
Rosé nods intently, gaze turning sad as she listens. “I’m so sorry, Denali.”
Denali shrugs. “It’s fine. I’m not mad, it’s just … hard.” Part of regrets saying it, of putting this extra stress on Rosé when she’s dealing with enough, but another part of her is glad to have it out there, take the weight off her shoulders.
“Let me tell you something.” Rosé’s voice is firm now, and she takes Denali’s hands in a fierce grip. “This is our baby, Denali. Ours. You’re my wife. You’re the one holding my hair back when I puke and coming to all the doctor’s appointments and childbirth classes, and you’re the one who’s gonna be there for this baby and love them their whole life. Don’t ever think you’re not part of this, okay? You’re my wife, and I don’t care what anyone says, you’re our baby’s Mama.”
She lets Rosé hug her then, her arms fighting away all the doubts and fears she has, all the memories of peoples’ questions and stares.
“I love you, Rosie,” Denali breathes into Rosé’s neck. “You’re gonna be such an amazing mom. Seriously. I need to get my motivational speeches on your level,” she adds, pulling out of the hug with a smile.
Rosé grins too. “We’re both gonna be amazing, okay?”
Denali nods, and she believes it. She and Rosé have always balanced each other out perfectly, Denali getting Rosé to loosen up when she’s stressed, Rosé calming the chaos often brewing inside Denali. They could each be firm when the other needed encouragement, soft when they needed comfort. They can do this, and there’s no one else Denali would want to do it with. “Yeah, we are.”
“Good.” Rosé leans over and gives Denali a gentle forehead kiss. “Do you think anyone will notice if I take a cupcake from the dessert table? I really, really want one.”
Denali snorts, taking her hand. “Let’s go back inside, I’ll steal you all the cupcakes you want.”
Denali wakes slowly, blinking through the warm layers of sleep. Rosé is still sleeping beside her, and though Denali wants to surprise Rosé with pancakes in bed, she decides to wait. The back aches have been keeping Rosé up lately, Denali staying up with her watching home renovation shows and stroking her hair until she manages to drift off. She didn’t fall asleep until after 1am last night, and Denali wants her to get as much rest as she can.
They’re so close now. Just over a month away. Denali carefully pulls the blankets back up over Rosé, marveling at the swell of her belly. Pretty soon, they’re going to meet their baby, after all these months of waiting and the two tries before this. Denali remembers how awful those days were, how they had sat breathlessly on the bathroom floor, the pregnancy test shaking in Rosé’s hands as she looked at it. How she kept looking from the test to the box, checking and rechecking the results, how her face fell when she realized she hadn’t misread the negative result. The silence that came after, when Rosé couldn’t get the words out but Denali knew anyway. Rosé insisted she must have done something wrong somehow, her eyes filling with tears even though she never cried, and nothing Denali said could convince Rosé that it wasn’t her fault. But the worst part was that she wouldn’t let Denali wipe her tears for her, like she was afraid something was wrong with her and didn’t want Denali to catch that wrongness. Denali stayed at her side, watching Rosé sniffle and struggle to compose herself, until she finally slipped into her arms and let Denali hold her.
But that didn’t happen this time, Denali reminds herself now. She’s firmly in the present, watching Rosé sleep, red hair a tangled sprawl across her pillow. She’s so beautiful, even in her sleep, and Denali wonders if the baby will look like her, with red hair and green eyes and a wide smile. She’d love a little Rosie running around, she really would. But she wonders if the baby will get any of her too. They had picked a donor that they joked could’ve been Denali’s brother—dark hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, even dimples, for crying out loud. Will the baby have any of those traits, pieces of Denali even if Denali didn’t pass them on herself?
This is their baby, no matter how they look, and Denali can’t wait to teach them things, to share all the parts of herself. She wants to teach them to ride a bike, and ice skate, and make perfect chocolate chip cookies. She wants to help them find adventure and be brave and show kindness. She wants to give their baby all the love in the world, no matter what.
“I love you, baby,” she whispers to Rosé’s belly.
Denali stays in bed, cleaning out emails, until the mattress shifts and Rosé’s eyes flutter open, instantly searching for Denali and brightening when they see her.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” Denali teases.
Rosé gives a sleepy smile, snuggling deeper into her pillow and reaching her hands out for Denali to join her. It takes a lot of rearranging, with all the pillows Rosé’s been using to help her back, but they manage, cuddling close together and breathing each other in.
“Let’s have pancakes for breakfast,” Rosé says eagerly.
Denali smiles. “You read my mind.”
The first contraction comes like a lightning strike after they’ve put away the dinner dishes one Tuesday night, a bolt that shatters the fragile balance between pregnancy and birth, before and after, and shoves them toward the latter. They’re flying down the drop of a roller coaster after months of climbing to the top, and it’s more real than it’s ever been. Denali wants to panic, frozen at the whimpers Rosé is letting out, but her wife needs her. She pushes away her panic, grabs the bag they packed at the eight-month-mark, and squeezes Rosé’s hand as they head to the car.
She doesn’t let go until the nurses put a brown-haired, green-eyed baby girl in her arms.
It’s their first night home with Charlotte, and the air feels fragile. There’s no monitor to scream if anything goes wrong, no nurses just a moment away if they need something. They’re on their own now. On their own, but not alone. Because they have each other.
Rosé wanted to have the crib in their room, just for tonight, to soothe both their minds, and Denali agreed. This way they’re sure to hear her if she cries, and they’re only a half-step away. Rosé knows Charlotte will have to sleep in her room tomorrow, but for tonight, she’s here, and Rosé is perched on the edge of the bed, just watching her sleep. She’s absolutely perfect, with thick, dark hair like Denali and a tiny dimple in her chin like Rosé.
After everything, after all the tests and appointments and waiting, their baby is finally here, and she’s worth absolutely all of it.
“We should sleep, Rosie,” Denali says, sliding next to her.
“I know,” Rosé says. “I just–I just want to watch her a little longer.”
“A little longer,” Denali agrees, and she rests her head on Rosé’s shoulder as they marvel over their baby girl.
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
Prompto Argentum- Under The Waterfalls
These times may seem dark, but this too shall pass. I hope that I can work extra hard to brighten someone’s day throughout these next few weeks.
Masterlist here
Let’s Begin.
"You know what I just noticed?" you asked aimlessly to no one. It was probably one of the hottest days of the year and you and your friends had decided to just load up the car and take a drive somewhere. You didn't know if camping, hunting, chilling at the beach or whatever would come from this trip, but whatever happened was gonna be an adventure.
"What would that be?" Ignis chuckled from from front seat, already knowing what you were gonna say. It was a routine thing that you always did. You always found something about one of the guys you liked on a particular day. "What ever could it be this time?"
"Hold on, I'm thinking." you tapped your chin. "Gladio finally finished that 30 book series he was working on!" you suddenly said, looking over at the taller muscular guy who was nose deep in yet another book you probably didn't know the name of. "Ignis learned five new recipes this week! Noctis caught three rare fish in a row in the same place!" you continued.
"What about me?"
Prompto turned his head to look at you as he had been sitting in the front seat. He narrowed his eyes at you as if assuming you wouldn't have mentioned him in the first place. Call it paranoia, but you weren't too sure Prompto necessarily liked you. Sure he was nice and everything, but there was something about when you would try to talk to him. You didn't know if he just hadn't warmed up to you or secretly wanted you to get run over by a train.
"….Your hair is super floofy today!" you said. You resisted to urge to reach out your hand to touch it. "…and you have a Chocobo feather stuck too." you put a hand over your mouth to resist laughing too loudly.
"Huh?!?" he instantly turned away from you, looking in the side view mirror to see a large neon yellow feather stuck to the top of his hairstyle. "Awh man!" he groaned. "I'll ruin my hair if I try to take it out!"
"Then keep it in! I think it makes you look cool!" you commented!
"Really?" His tone had changed from partially annoyed to curious. "Like it works for me?"
"One hundred percent!" you replied.
"And that concludes thing 576 Y/N noticed today." Noctis joked, nudging your shoulder. "What will it be next week?"
"Now why would I reveal my secrets! That's something between me and well-….me!" you warned.
"Ah I see! A magician never reveals her secrets." Ignis laughed as he pulled the car to a stop.
"Camping…why am I not surprised." you grumbled lowly. There was a waterfall nearby the campsite. The water rushing through the river was crystal-like, clear as the cloudless sky. "At least it's not that disgusting swamp from last time."
"Yeah, I wonder whose idea that was." Gladio glared over at Noctis.
"It was the perfect fishing spot!" he protested.
You could only shake your head as you walked around to the trunk. You were about to grab one of the bags when a pale hand grabbed the hand before you could.
"I got this."
"Oh, Prompto! It's okay, I can carry it-" you tried to say.
" When a man offers you help, take it." was his reply. Without another word, he grabbed the other bag you had reached for then turned away, walking off to set up the tents. "Remember what happened last time." you could hear him mumbling. Of course he was referring to the time you grabbed something really heavy and took an entire ten minutes just to drag it along to the car.
"Right." you tried to laugh it off. You were left to your own devices after a while, the boys never asked you to help with anything. Them and their traditional ways. You tried to carry a cooler by yourself once, the next thing you know Ignis is scolding Noctis for letting you carry it alone. "Thanks for the tip." you mumbled sadly.
Okay, you may or may not have had a thing for Prompto since…well since you met him. You were really good at hiding it … from him. Only him in particular, he just didn't seem to like you much. Not even as an acquaintance. It felt like he only tolerated you because you were part of the team, but other than that. Did he even see you as a friend? Not in your eyes.
"You did it again, idiot." Noctis flicked his best friend in the back of the head. Prompto threw down the bags, turning to face the raven-haired male.
"What are you talking about?"
He motioned towards you who was currently having a chat with Ignis who was setting up the cooking station. It took Prompto a second to register what he was referring too. When he realized it, he wound up kicking something.
"AAH FUCK!" he snapped, realizing he rammed his foot onto a boulder in the process. "Damn it!"
"For someone who threatens us on the daily to stay away from Y/N, you're doing a terrible job of marking your 'territory'." He used finger quotes. You didn't belong to Prompto, not even a little. However, the way he talked about you to the others had them thinking he was living in a fantasy land when he said you were off limits.
He didn't intend to come off and rude and mean but for some reason, he always did when it came to you. He didn't know how to explain it, other than the way he knew best. Stay away from you and there wouldn't be any problems. Ignis however must have decided to ignore such a demand.
He could only watch in fury as you laughed at something Ignis said. It must have been real funny because you were holding your sides.
"That little….four eyed miscreant!
"…Do you even know what miscreant means?"
"Shut up!"
By the time night fell, you were far from sleepy. You snuck off from the campsite with a towel and a change of clothes. Alone time! Sweet! That sweet waterfall was just begging to be dived into. You tip toed around the tents and as soon as you were far enough, began jogging towards the lake.
You tilted your head to look up at the waterfall. You could see the moon peeking out from the mist of water that followed the falls down to the clear pool. You set down your stuff at the edge of the lake.
Off came your shoes, then your pants, then the shirt. You turned your head towards the campsite. You could barely make out the tents from afar. "It'll be fine." you unclasped your bra. "Not like they're gonna wake up any time soon." you mumbled, letting it fall to the grass. "Off you go demons." you let your undergarments fall to the ground. Without a second thought, you jumped into the water, making a huge splash. You just prayed none of your stuff got wet.
As you surfaced, you allowed yourself to just float for a moment. You stared up at the night sky, it was clear and cloudless. The stars scattered across the sky and the moon was so close you felt like you could touch it with your fingers. The moonlight shone down on the waters, casting a glow over you and everything around you. You waded over to the waterfall, moving behind it to peek out of the distorted lens. You reached out your hand to touch the falling droplets. You sat yourself on a rock, kicking your legs in the slightly warm water. Nothing could possibly ruin this peaceful moment-
"You should be sleeping."
You turned your head to the left, only to see a half dressed Prompto. Apparently he had found the back entrance to the lake. Both of you were hidden from the open space behind the falls, so it didn't worry you too much, but that didn't explain why he was here.
"HOLY SH-!" you instantly crossed your arms over your chest, covering your breasts. " What are you doing!?"
"Hey! It's only me!" You watched his and he unbuckled his belt. "And keep your voice down! You'll wake everyone up."
"D-don't take off your clothes!" you began freaking out. "I was trying to relax here!." you whined.
"Am I not allowed to relax too?" he pulled down his pants and threw them over a rock.
"Not when I'm practically naked!" you snapped. "Did you follow me?"
"I saw you leaving, I just wanted to make sure you were alright!"
"Why would you do that? " you scoffed, turning your head away from him. "You barely even like me." That also didn't explained why he was currently stripping down to his birthday suit!
"You don't know what I like."
"Well I know how you act towards me. It's enough."
Prompto peeled off what was left of his clothes and got into the water. His ducked his head under the waterfall, drenching his hair. He ran his hands through those blonde locks, washing all his stress away. He seemed to not be phased by the situation at all.  "You gonna stare at me all day or what?"
"Please. I wasn't looking at you." you lied through your teeth. Yeah, that was believable. You both were literally two feet away from each other, which was really close now that you really thought about it. You turned your head the other way. Whatever, no way in hell were you leaving.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" he said after a while.
There was an awkward silence between you two. You had never been left alone with Prompto before, and especially not in the nude.
"Been a while since I got to just enjoy a night like this."
"Tell me about it." you replied with a laugh. "Seems like we're always busy with something. Wouldn't be surprised if we had something to do in the morning." you turned your head towards him to find him running his hands through his dripping wet hair.
"Don't jinx it, because it actually might happen." He cracked a smile for the first time since he got there.
"Just stating facts." you slowly turned your head so you were looking straight at him. Your arms were still crossed, forbidding him from seeing anything. "You know how Ignis is with his missions."
"Where the lie in that?" He joked, making you laugh as well. Prompto tried to not let his eyes wander. "Why did you run off anyways?"
"Like I said, this is probably the only time I'll have to myself for a while. I'm taking advantage of it." you shrugged. "Speaking of Ignis, he was talking about you today."
"About what?" He narrowed his eyes into a glare. "What did specs say about me this time?"
"It wasn't anything bad. He was just talking about you liking me or something." you giggled at the thought. "I was laughing because of how unrealistic that thought was. You'd think for such a smart guy, Ignis would make his observations more clear. No way in hell would the be possible, right?"
Prompto stared blankly at you. He went from staring to slowly taking a step, then another then another. It was almost predatory with how he was moving in the water.
"Uh….right?" you nervously laughed again. "P-prompto?" you tightened your arms across your chest to the point where it was starting to ache. You were slowly but surely growing more and more nervous.
"Wrong." were his last words before he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you close to his warm body. He abruptly pressed his lips against yours. It felt kind of weird since he was anchoring his body over your arm, so you lowered them. Your felt your breasts push up against his broad chest as he comfortably tightened his arms around your waist. He was surprised how easily you melted into his touch but happy nonetheless. It took all your strength to not collapse against the rocks. You ran your fingers against his wet hair, gently pulling at each strand. You heart at this point was racing a million miles a minute
When Prompto pulled away, his entire face has flushed a deep pink color. Whether from embarrassment or lust, you couldn't tell. He stared down at you with hooded eyes and an unreadable expression. "You look so-…so damn hot right now."
The way your chest rose and fell so heavily, your innocent expression, those water droplets traveling down your neck, drip down your chest. "W-wait. Don't you have a thing for Cindy?"
"Used to." he corrected. "That changed a long, long time ago. Now all I can think of is you. All I fucking want is you." He began trailing prolonged sloppy kisses on your shoulder.  You tilted your head to the side to give him more access to your shivering skin. You absentmindedly wrapped your legs around his waist, giving him permission to go further with his actions. "I can see you feel the same way." he laughed. Only this wasn't his usual happy-go-lucky laugh. His voice was deep, vibrating almost. He almost sounded like he was growling with every word. "My question is…how far are you going to let me take this."
(….Yeah I couldn't finish this or else this would have been longer than a Game Of Thrones book. So what happens next is left to your discretion. See you next post.)
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mcrmadness · 3 years
color asks: yellow, blue, violet
Ask game: 20 colour asks.
Thanks!!! ^^ And also sorry for taking this long with this ask. It's been half-ready in my drafts for some time now but I just kept forgetting about it whenever I had time, and then remembered about it when I had no energy :D
yellow - what’s your happy place? real or fictional?
I think my happy place is home. Especially when I have been away for a while and finally get to go back home. Like, I live for that shit! I was the happiest I have ever been when I was studying in a vocational school several years ago, and the school is in another city which was about a 3h car drive for me to do 1-2 times a month. I usually spent one week at school, and the best moment was always when it was finally Friday and I got to go back home!
But I also really liked being there, because I always got an enormous energy boost from being on the road and somewhere else for a while. I always hated the moment of leaving to school, but still I always enjoyed being there, it was a nice change for what I normally did at work. So those 2 years were awesome time because when I was at home and work, it felt like a vacation from school (as I was so attached to those horses and habits at work!), and then being at school felt like a vacation from home and work as it was a bit more chill and not as hectic as what it sometimes got at work :D
I'm a "home mouse" as we say here in Finland, but still every single time I have been to somewhere else and come back home, it's insane how it just keeps me going for weeks or months to come. Like, really waking up from the grey everyday life and experiencing and seeing things you either have never seen before or at least not that recently.
The rest under the cut:
blue - which is your favourite mode of long distance transport? have you ever been on a plane? - if so, where?
I really love trains, man. Maybe it's in my genes because my paternal grandparents both worked for the Finnish railway company, and my dad often traveled by train as they didn't have a car, and he always kept saying how he loves traveling by trains. Or did when the seats still had more leg space.
I've also spent my childhood mainly traveling by trains because we used to get so severe motion sickness on busses, and it was hell before my mom found out about pills for motion sickness. But I've never had motion sickness in a train! There is a train station near where I live, and I can often hear the sound of the train and that always fills me with warmth and the biggest urge ever to travel to somewhere by train. I just associate it with the excitement of getting to somewhere else for a while, as well as with the tired but happy mood after coming back home from somewhere by train. I really want to go interrailing in Europe one day. It sounds so cool. From Finland, you can only get to Russia by train but not without a Visa.
My another fave long distance transport is my car. Just the freedom to do whatever I want and whenever I want, and to go to wherever I just want without having to be dependent on timetables or other people. It's undescribable.
And yes, I have been on a plane - thanks to die ärzte :DDD I just had to see them in Poland (in 2019) so a plane it was... as you can't really get anywhere from Finland without either taking a plane, cruiser (that costs hundreds of euros and takes up to 3 days depending on where you're going to) or a ferry.
I did not exactly enjoy it, in fact I thought I was gonna die either from a plane crash or from the shock, my heart did not calm down until I was safely back on the ground and I literally thought I'm gonna die from it. I was so afraid of passing out and closed my eyes, and then I felt motion sickness and was afraid of throwing up. Nice. Neither did happen in the end, but I seriously can't understand how people can sit on a plane and feel content for hours when just 1,5h flight (x4) was already way too long time for me. Just the realization that you don't have ground under your feet anymore is so freaking scary! At least I know now that my element is definitely ground, even if brown is not my fave color.
violet - what’s your favourite cake flavour? are you any good at baking?
Banana bundt cake. Which leads us to the second question as it's my late grandma's old recipe that I have modified a bit to fit my needs - mainly just replaced the wheat flour with oat and buckwheat flours as it doesn't change the taste of it at all.
So yes: I am good at baking. It's just stupid because it has never been my passion, nor do I really like it, yet of course I'm a natural talent at it somehow. I don't really know what I'm doing, yet they almost always turn out well. Maybe it's yet another thing in my genes since both of my grandmas were good at baking, especially my paternal grandma was constantly baking something, mostly Finnish type of buns (there are several different types, but my grandma made this long bun loaf thingy that is made from three dough rolls braided together). So maybe my baking "talent" comes from there...
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ninjakasuga · 4 years
Sonally Headcanon Prompt Masterpost.
Before the Sonsal Celebration Week, Year 2 hosted by @gojira007 for their @boundforfreedomsonsal blog, I began posting a series of Sonsal/Sonally headcanon prompts to help get folks stoked as well as just have some fun. Here is a master post showcasing all three series of prompts with my answers being under the cut. Since this is tied to the blog, I’ve nixed the NSFW prompts in the first set and will make a second post for those by themselves without tagging in the blog.
I can’t wait to see what others respond, while some of y’all did, it seemed like my third series of prompts flew under the radar as nobody replied to them. Oh well, I probably didn’t tag them right XD. In any case, enjoy the goodness! My answers will be below the cut.
1: Pet Names? 2: Habits as a couple they develop together? 3: Favorite ways their significant other shows their affection for them? 4: Their least favorite trait about the other that often causes occasional friction? 5: The moment they fully realized they were in love with the other?
6: How the marriage proposal goes and who asks first? 7: Kids, if yes how many? 8: What would a normal non-eventful evening at home for the two be like? 9: Adoption! Yes/No, Why? 10: Their Anniversary approaches! What would each do?
11: Favorite Vacation they took as a couple? 12: A special gift they gave the other that really touched their heart. 13: Sally’s pregnant, how do they handle the pregnancy ups and downs? 14: Parenting, how do they tackle it together? 15: Which of them is the parent to freak out most when their kid/s get into the dating age? 16: Who starfishes the most? 17: Oh no, one of them is sick, how do they handle tending to their loved one? 18: What do each of them do to ‘cool off’ when they have an argument they can’t seem to reach a compromise over? 19: The Wedding, big, small, or do they just elope? 20: Speaking of weddings, time for one of their kids (or their only child) to get married! How do they handle it?
21: GRANDCHILDREN!! Their kid(s) just made them Grandparents, what kind do you see them as? 22: The years come and go, as they leave their youth and start to get into the years between 50-70, what are they up too, where do you see them in their retirement years? 23: Time to host a family reunion (including extended family like the FF crew) 24: Awwww they’re having their 50th wedding anniversary, how do you see it going? 25: As with every life, there is death. One of them has passed, how does the other handle it? (for context this is under the assumption old age or something related did them in versus a sudden death by accident)
1: Aside from the ‘Sal’ nickname Sonic has always given our favorite Princess; I personally see a few unique nicknames between the two crop up over time as their romance blossoms. Sonic being the quip-meister he is mixes affection with a bit of humor giving us ‘Honey-Munk’ or ‘Fiery Red’. Sally naturally isn’t one to not give her own spin in kind with titles such as ‘Greeny Eyes’ or ‘Hunky-Hog’. Both aiming for endearing but also teasing the other with cheese when not using more ‘traditional’ romantic pet names like honey or darling. Keep them both on their toes.
 2: When sitting together and they have a free hand, they instantly go for a hand-hold on reflex. Another one I see them developing is little touches or pets of affection; another ingrained reflex after a time. Say Sonic is about to walk away, he gives Sally’s hair a little playful pet and flick. Another instance is either of them giving the other a quick peck be it greeting, leaving or they have a mutual eureka moment.
 3: Sally finds that as much as Sonic’s spontaneous behavior can be exasperating, it can also be endearing when applied in certain ways. Like a back or shoulder rub here and there, when she’s stressed. Pick-me ups when she’s down in the dumps and as corny or awful some of his ballads are, the effort is endearing for Sally. On Sonic’s end, he enjoys Sally just going on runs with him. No mission, no need for any ceremony, he just pops over, asks if she wants to hang, she agrees and they run off and just, enjoy the day. Probably make out somewhere in private too XD.     
4: Stubbornness is something both suffer from and their own unique flavors of it can be the force that drives them up a wall. Be it Sonic’s impulsive behavior, or Sally being too cautious, if they don’t see eye to eye, sometimes it takes a while before they reach a compromise. Sometimes it comes fast, others, not so much and when it doesn’t both need space to cool off.
5: This varies from continuity to continuity, but ultimately I feel the mutual feelings of love blossomed naturally and so organically neither truly grasped it until something just happened to push their feelings from the back of their mind, and into the foreground. Whatever this catalyst was it shakes them up into realizing their lives could easily snuff out one day and the regret of not saying the deep-down feelings they have to one another, causes one or both into a confession and it spills from there into ‘daaw’ territory.  
6: I myself see Sonic being the one to ask. Not so much out of a traditional romantic gesture; but it’s his nature to grab life by the horns and juice and jam onward. Once he sets his mind to it; he goes for it. Whether he actually plans a nice romantic moment or something more subtle is up in the air. Whatever and however it goes, Sonic is the first to ask. 
 7: Assuming they want kids (and I believe they do), I honestly see them being happy having however many they wish. In terms of planned children, they’d aim for one and go from there. Given they would only think to have children would be after the war, depending on how busy they are with any rebuilding efforts or in Sally’s case, running a Kingdom, would probably factor into their mindset of however many kids. I could see Sonic envisioning a big family, but happy to settle for one, to two or three once the ‘new baby shine’ wears off. Sally would want to be sure she could actually spend time and help raise the children so I see her being practical about the number of potential kids from the get-go.
 8: I honestly envision the two just, vegging to some degree. They could lie on the couch together and cuddle all night and call it a win, or the bed if they wanted to fall to sleep afterward. Whatever the status of the world, and their part in it; they just enjoy being home together and doing something together, mostly to relax. Cuddles, reading books together, bathing, cooking, sex, exercising, playing with their kids if they have any. So long as they (and any family they may have) can spend it together; that’s all that matters.
 9: Yes, even if they do have kids of their own, I can see them adopting, either before or after marriage even. Heck especially in story settings where Tails’ parents are not around; he’s instantly adopted as the first kid.
 10: Both of them are actually very good at remembering Anniversaries, and both have equally cut it close due to forgetfulness or busy schedules but they never outright forgot and had nothing to show for it. Sonic likes to make Sally breakfast in bed, given she’s often the busiest of the two and could use some TLC. Sally in turn usually wants to handle lunch and for dinner, they pick a mutual haunt and eat out. They often do a small gift exchange, be it something homemade or an item that caught their eye that screamed ‘this belongs to my beloved’. If and when kids come into the picture, usually they’re drafted into helping with surprises by one or both parents.
 11: Having lived in the Great Forest for most of their lives; the two have always had an affinity for nature. While some would love a ritzy stay at the swankiest hotel at Casino Night (they did that once and did enjoy themselves), in terms of vacation they truly enjoyed? Their world-tour camping Honeymoon; short and sweet they traveled around finding locals to enjoy Mobius’s natural beauty and spend a few days or a week in said locations. Just them the wilderness and, well all the stuff Honeymooners do ^_~.
 12: Sonic found Sally’s picture album during a raid on Robotropolis early in his active FF career. He stumbled across a warehouse where Robotnik kept mementos taken from the Royal Family as ‘gloat trophies’ and so Sonic liberated what he could carry. For the first time since the coup, Sally had pictures of her Father again as well as memories from their childhood she thought lost forever. She never forgot this. In return, Sally on a whim had Nicole stealth hack the Robotropolis network for misc files and found Uncle Chuck’s entries from when he was Minister of Science. The gem of this was, among his work files, was his special chili-dog techniques and recipes saved on file. While the actual science files went to Freedom Fighter use, the personal entries were given to Sonic who could once again recreate the magic his Uncle used to treat him too. Suffice to say in both cases, kisses were had even if in my mind this all happened before they got together.
 13: Pregnant Sally is both downright amusing, terrifying, and full of aw and d’aw. To Sonic, it’s a balancing act as he is trying so, very hard to do right by Sally. She needs rubs, he does it however long she needs. Cravings, he cooks them or rushes out to get it if she’s craving a particular take-out item. He hugs her when she has crying fits; tries to keep a cool head when she’s upset for no reason. Mainly, Sonic just tries, and yes he will put his foot in his mouth from time to time; but this is one of those events in his life where he focused on the nth degree. Sometimes to Sally’s annoyance and speaking of whom; it’s well a roller-coaster for her. Her body is changing and her hormones wreak havoc on some days. While never as vain as Sonic can be, Sally feels her self-esteem for her appearance dwindle at times, and she especially hates her mood swings. Most notably the ones where she snaps at Sonic, which often takes her back into the same kind of depression she felt when Sonic was assumed to have died and usually ends up crying and apologizing to him profusely. Thankfully Sonic’s presence and support help her weather everything and the end result to her makes the pitfalls ‘worth it’.
 14: Sonic is the ‘fun stay at home Dad’ while Sally’s doing her Queenly duties. That said, Sonic isn’t a slacker at keeping their child(ren) in line. He’s permissible to degrees, but even he’s matured enough to know there’s a fine to tow between being ‘friends’ with your kid and ‘being a parent’. Sometimes he can get over his head, but usually, he can either remedy the issue or he thankfully has Sally to back him up. On Sally’s end, taking cues from her Julayla and Rosie’s book on childcare, she tends to miss lessons with free-form playtime. Letting her children grow and figure things out, while always being within reach to help, and impart advice willingly whether she’s asked too or not. While often tired, Sally adores playtime with her child(red), and however many they have, she never wants to miss out on anything if she can help it. This is a factor both she and Sonic share as they desperately want any child or children they have to know they’re loved and have the security of their parents and loved ones around at all times. While each has their own path in parenting, they both prefer to work together than at odds as neither like arguing in front of the kids (even if it does happen from time to time but they try to avoid it).
 15: Both to a degree, each has their own hang-ups of concern whether the child is male, female or they have kids of both genders. Given some of their own romantic miseries during their teen years; they worry about any child of theirs going through anything of the same or really any heartache even if it may be inevitable. However they both don’t want to be overbearing; BUT, both insist on meeting the girlfriend/boyfriend post-haste once they know that’s on the table.
Also yes, they are the types who will discreetly threaten the significant other with bodily harm (even if it’s in pure jest) if they cause their child any grief.
 16: They share this one, sometimes one, the other, or both the same night. Depends on who’s the most exhausted. XD
 17: Sonic HATES being sick and waited on; so he tries very hard to play it off and handle himself. Sally will have none of that and threatens often to tie him to the bed if he resists too much. After a spell, Sonic begins to accept and even enjoy some of the pamperings. Sally accepts when she’s ill she needs to rest, but she still tries to get work done. Sonic has often caught her with Nicole’s hand-held or some kind of paperwork in bed to his displeasure. Sonic is instantly into caregiving when she’s sick and at times can be overbearing in pampering Sally. Something she has a love/hate thing about.
 If they’re BOTH sick, they compromise and lie together in bed, finding cuddling the other to be it’s own soothing balm to whatever is afflicting them.
 18: Sonic falls back to his go-to-thing; running. He goes on a run, however long to cool off and think in private as he ponders on the source of their friction. Sally tries to distract herself with some sort of brain-focusing tasks like a puzzle or a good book while mulling over the argument in her head to try and draw conclusions on why it went south and if she or Sonic were in the right or wrong. Eventually, Sonic returns from his run, and Sally puts away whatever she used to cool off and they both sit down and talk it over, eventually working things out and making up for any hurt feelings.
 19: No matter how they slice it, given Sally is a Princess, there’s gonna be some sort of big deal ceremony. I do see both Sonic and Sally wanting just a small wedding for their friends and family; especially if they opt to marry before the war ends. Then they’ll save the BIG SHOWY ceremony for after the war. Mostly if they can get away with postponing it that long. XD
 On the flip-side, if the story has Max still being a pill about Sonic being Sally’s squeeze; elope, no questions asked. ^_~
 20: Assuming the future-in-law is worthy of their child; they will jump for joy and be happy for their kid. Sure they will have some ‘giving away our baby’ jitters, but ultimately their child’s happiness trumps all discomfort they may have. There will be some crying but it will be tears of joy, and if anything their child having a wedding and moving on in their own life would be a great joy in of itself. It would be another symbol that whatever they suffered in the war was worth it. If just so their child could have a safe and peaceful world to grow up and live within; to find their own life and love. No greater joy can a parent hold for their child, especially these two.
 21: Once the two stop joy-spazzing over the news, you can expect them to be front and center Grandparents. The parents may have to pry the newborn away from them for the first couple of visits. Knowing how to take care of a newborn can be stressful they along with their in-law’s parents will help split babysitting duties and just enjoy being able to spoil the kid rotten and playfully hand them back to the parents when the going gets rough. Not that they won’t step up, but I feel every new Grandparent doesn’t have that moment of ‘now you see what I went through, ha!’. In any case, they are the type who will be as available and active in their grandchild(rens) life as much as they can be.
 22: Age does not slow them down much; maybe in the physical (despite what Sonic says), but these two will be firecrackers even as their fur dulls and greys. Some aspects of old-age will hit them hard, not just in that both are usually very active people, but some genetic ticking time bombs or perhaps past physical trauma from the war years have caught up with them. Sonic will take getting ‘slow’ the most, as running has been his ultimate expression of freedom. Sally will take bouts of forgetfulness hard given how organized and reliant on her mind she is. In this they will lean on each other more, their devotion and love pouring through ever stronger. Sally forgets something, Sonic has it written down and encourages her to keep a pen and paper on hand to jot thoughts down. While Sonic can’t run forever, what running he still can do, Sally encourages. If he’s truly not able to run, then they’ll walk together hand in hand and ‘pretend’ they’re zipping around the city. There will be a lot of sitting together, hand in hand, and since their kid (or one of them) has assumed the throne; they have a lot of freedom to do whatever fancy comes their way. They simply relish the fact they lived long enough to enjoy this stage of life when living to be an adult seemed like such a far off dream.
23: I envision sometime over the years as a Memorium for its role in giving the survivors of Robotnik’s coup, and serving as base and home for the Freedom Fighters and a second home for the people of Mobotropolis; Knothole is rebuilt in its original state. Feeling both nostalgic as well as the importance of Knothole to their history and that of the planet after the war; Sonic and Sally opt to host reunions there. Something about walking through the old village (even if it’s a recreation) just feels nice and getting to show their kids and grandkids where they came from feels right. I can see them alternating on Angel Island as well given its importance in the grand scheme of events as well. Plus who doesn’t love the view from the island?
 24: If anyone insists on a big party, they nix it. Only their family and closest of friends that are still around are invited. Being in their 70’s by this point, they prefer simple, and so there’s food and cake, and all the videos and photo albums out to reminisce, tell stories and enjoy life while they still can. Sonic being Sonic will at some point call attention and, with some effort, get on one knee and recite his proposal and marriage vows to Sally again, reaffirming his love which still burns ever brighter. Touched and while happy-crying, Sally will take his hand and affirm her vows as well as her own affirmation that her love for him still burns the same as ever. As they go to bed after the party, both Sally and Sonic cry joyfully as they hold one another. Feeling blessed at having lived the lives they have, and looking forward to however many they still have.:
25: There are a few ways I see this happening. If one of them expectedly passes before the other; the grief will be monumental. Having lived together as long as they have, experienced what they have, and enjoying a deep bong of love few can, losing their significant other will be a blow that they probably won’t recover from. I would expect within one or two years’ time, a combination of the grief and just not wanting to live on without their beloved will see whoever survived won’t make their sweetheart await them long in the here-after. Another scenario is if one of them catches a terminal illness, and they can prepare for it; Sonic and Sally will both make the best of what time they have. With the deadline closing in, whoever is not ill, I can see making arrangements so that once their beloved is about to pass, they will be given a legally approved injection to end their own life. While some of their family may not fully approve, for the most part, such a thing is understood and nobody objects.
 One way or another, they will be together, in the next life as they were in this one
 [The last one was admittedly a tad sad, but well as they say life ends eventually, and I felt like making the prompts feel like an evolution of their relationship like I did in the fanfics for the celebration week prompts.]
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Once bitten, twice stupid prt.42
Dinner was loud. It was chaos. And it felt like a weight off of Lance’s shoulder once they were done. No one had stabbed anyone. Nothing was broken. Matt and Rieva ate like civilised people, with Rieva even offering to help with the dishes. Sending the group off to relax in the living room, Shiro picked up the tea towel and Lance knew he was about to get “the talk”.
Filling the sink with water too hot for a normal human to withstand, Shiro at least let him get through the plates before breaking the silence
“So you and Keith?”
Lance cringed. He understood Keith didn’t want to lie, but with things so new, he’d kind of hoped he would... for a little while
“How did that happen?”
“I’m not really sure...”
“He didn’t see to know either”
Lance felt the dig. Shiro almost asking that question
“I guess it really changed when he drove me to Platt. My mother, well, you know she’s old. I was in... I was pretty upset and he drove me there. That’s when I turned into a bat”
“I remember that. He was freaking out”
“I gathered. I don’t remember what happened, but Coran made him see I hadn’t turned him. He looked after me for three days, then took me to see my Mami again. I know he’s your brother, but did you need to raise him to be so damn stubborn?”
Lance attempt at humour fell flat, much like he wanted to do. Kind of drop to the floor then crawl away from the conversation
“He was like that when I met him. I don’t know if he told you...”
“That he hasn’t had the greatest life because kids are cruel and he never felt wanted? There’s a lot Keith says, and a lot in the things he doesn’t say. He’d frustrating, stubborn, and quick to act before his brain catches up. His people limit is pretty much two, and if he doesn’t have his coffee he can’t human... but he’s got a big heart”
“I thought you’d bring him out his shell... I didn’t think this would happen”
Shiro didn’t have much right to complain. He had left Keith there
“Neither did we. We both thought Coran and Allura were daydreaming. Then Curtis started calling us soulmates... I’ve tried avoiding relationships all my life, then he comes in with his mullet and bad mood..”
“I don’t approve. And I’m not impressed that you didn’t take him to Coran when he started complaining about chest issues. Coran would have said something if he’d noticed anything during the checks he did on him... I haven’t been allowed to help him that much...”
“Yet you took him down an abandoned mine”
“In my defence, he climbed down after me. After I told him not to. He took plenty of photos down there”
“You really bought him a camera?”
Why did Shiro sound so shocked? He not only had a lie to sell, but Keith’s identity to protect and the man had been a lost puppy without his brother.
“Keith’s been stuck out here with nothing to do, and nothing of his own. It wasn’t fair he was left behind, so I wanted to do something nice for him. Coran told me I shouldn’t be training or pushing myself, which doesn’t give him a whole lot to do. He’s been doing plenty of normal human things. We went to movies in Platt. Hunk finally asked Shay out. Pidge roped him into one of her planning afternoons for a hunt that was not fun at all. We went drinking and he actually sang karaoke. He also tried to get into a fight, then threw up everywhere when we got home... but he’s been doing better. He’s not as angry when he first got here”
“No. I can see that... He’s my family...”
Lance cut Shiro off. Yeah. He got it
“I know. That’s why I told him that you two needed to talk. That he didn’t have to return my feelings and he should talk to you before we decided to date. I don’t have a good relationship with my siblings, so I’m not always going to get what goes on between you. But I don’t want to see him hurt. I don’t want him to feel obligated or pity because his blood triggered this change in me. I want him to live a good life and die old and happy. We’re not rushing things. We don’t want to rush things. But I’m serious in supporting him the best I can. He’s a grown man. He has his own job, money, and life. I don’t want him to be some pet kept on a short leash. All I want is for him to know he can be himself when he’s here and that I’m not about to judge him for it”
Shiro sighed, placing back down the plate he’d picked up to dry
“I need to know. Will having Matt and Rieva here endanger him?”
“Vampires have an evolved sense of smell. That’s why we don’t mix much. The same goes for werewolves. We have egos. A vampire who’s out of control is a vampire who’s let his ego go. I’m not in any hurry to start anything with Matt or with Rieva. Pidge is like a sister to me. You’re vouching for them, so I’m taking your word that this won’t become something. For his safety and yours, don’t come around when it’s a full moon, not the day before or the day after. If something happens, I can protect one of you, but I don’t know about both of you. Not from two werewolves, especially in a new environment. Curtis... it’s complicated. We didn’t get off on the best foot, but Coran sent him. I suppose because I’m closest thing to cursed and don’t want to harm anyone if I can help it. As for dating, we already know my teeth get in the way. We’ll treat it like anyone with a contagious blood disease does. If things cool off, then we’ll have an answer to what’s between us”
“And what if you lose control?”
“Even when I do, I seem to know Keith. I don’t remember anything from turning into a bat the first time. But it seems I clung to him. I’m sure Coran would say it’s due to our quintessence. I know when I shouldn’t be around him, and when to distance myself. I don’t know how many other ways I can swear I don’t want to hurt him”
“Accidents happen”
“I know. That’s part of the reason I didn’t want to admit how he makes me feel”
“And how’s that?”
“Almost alive... You should go join the others. Keith’s going to come marching in here expecting the worst. He gets a bit protective”
“He does that”
“One day it’s going to get him hurt”
“That’s why I can’t give you my full blessings”
Shiro wouldn’t be much of a brother or hunter if he simply rolled over on his human brother dating a monster
“I get it. I really do. Still, for Keith’s sake, I don’t want to fight with you. He loves you, and he needs you. No matter what he says”
“Keith’s isn’t like most people. When his heart breaks... he gets hurt ten, twenty, times worse than normal”
“I know. Like I said, there’s a lot in what he doesn’t say”
“I would prefer you waited before your relationship turned physical”
“We are. My body is going through changes and he respects that. Just like I respect him and nothing happened that night he was drunk, no matter how handsy he got”
“Drunk Keith is a bit...”
“Drunk Keith is a slut. Those are his words. That’s why I won’t do anything to break the trust he has in me. I don’t want him to live a life of regrets”
“I keep forgetting you’re older than us”
“Don’t remind me. I don’t enjoy looking barely legal”
“Coran can’t help?”
“Even if he could, I’d rather he help Curtis first. He’s struggling with his curse and it’s so cruel that he can’t control the things he says. His life’s been put on because of it. I’m sure he’s happy to have you here because he finally has someone who can reach out their hand to him. More importantly, do you know when Matt intends to reach out to Pidge? I’d like to let Hunk know so he can be there to support her”
“Matt was thinking of waiting a few days”
Great. He didn’t want to keep lying to his friends for that long... Pidge also wanted to go back and explore under the pub...
“Alright. I’ll work things out with him. I’ll finish up here”
Lance nearly didn’t head into the living room when he’d finished the dishes. Keith hadn’t come to check on him, he could hear Shiro attempting to draw his boyfriend into conversation with the others. Keith’s poor people skills must have been at their limit. Being the amazing host he was, Lance made up a batch of Hunk’s hot chocolate, making sure that Keith’d have enough milk for his morning coffees as he did. Feeling a little fancy, he got out his Mami’s favourite serving tray. It’d been a gift from all of them as kids. Well loved and well mended. All their names scrawled across the back. The “L” in Lance’s name drawn backwards. The “I” in his older sister Veronica’s name had a heart instead of a tittle. Rachel had a smiley grave. Marco had always had a flare for the dramatic, his name taking up nearly the whole back. Luis name was the neatest of all. Lance wasn’t so much of a dick as to scratch Luis name off... Not when Mami still loved the serving tray.
Loaded up with the twin jugs, cups, and cookies, Lance carried the lot into the living room. Rieva and Matt were cuddled on the rug. Keith had Blue in his lap, with Curtis and Shiro taking up the rest of his sofa. Hearing his voice, he found the group were watching Pidge’s videos. Lance felt more than a little embarrassed. Strangers watching were one thing, a group of people in his house watching him... was something else. Carrying the tray to the coffee table, Lance set it down carefully
“Thanks, Lance. It looks good”
Lance gave Curtis a thin smile, pained at hearing his voice droning on
“Hot chocolate made with lactose free milk and Hunk’s recipe. Help yourselves”
Nervously pouring a glass, Lance backed away, standing by the arm of the couch so he wasn’t in the way. Matt shot him as thanks as he got two glasses organised for him and Rieva. At least Matt didn’t think he was trying to poison him, not like a certain mulleted hunter the first time he gave him coffee
“Lance, wanna sit?”
Lance turned too look at Keith over his shoulder. Blue had been passed to Shiro, not looking happy about giving up Keith’s lap
“I’m good”
Keith might have told Shiro they were dating but they didn’t need to rub it in his face
“If Shiro moves over there’s enough space”
Now that Keith’s lap wasn’t offer, he felt strangely rejected. Warmth started creeping up from his belly... Now was not the time
“Actually, I’m going to head to bed. Yep. Goodnight all, see you in the morning”
Fleeing the room, the cup of hot chocolate made the trip up stairs with him. Slamming his door a touch too hard, Lance rushed to place his cup down on the bedside table. Downstairs Matt was making a comment about something sweet in the air, Shiro joking about it being the smell of the hot chocolate. Rieva agreed with Matt, adding how the smell made her hungry... Her tone saying what kind of “hungry” she meant. Lance seriously doubted they’d do anything to him, but the idea of two horny werewolves scared the fuck out of him. Striding across to his window, he opened it as wide as it went. He didn’t understand why these heat flushes had to keep happening. He’d made up with Shiro, and he’d made up with the others over dinner. Werewolves and meat was kind of a no brainer. Now he was supposed to be relaxing and getting to know them all better.
Stripping himself down, he was too hot for a pyjama shirt and opted for pants only. Given his naturally cold state, and the cool wind through the window, he should morgue slab corpse cold. He’d spent years witching his body would be warm, now he cursed it. The sun had barely been down the better part of an hour, and here he was going off to bed like a loser. Climbing into bed, didn’t help. Keith’s scent cling to his sheets, but the man himself wasn’t there.... and his stupid body want okay with that. The aching throb between his legs drew a whisper from him as wetness dribbled from his arse. Even with the distance, Matt could smell him. Matt colour smell him and the damn stupid mutt was growling over it. If he dared lay a finger on Keith, Lance was going to snap off the insulting digit, force it up Matt’s urethra then snap his dick off and feed it to him like some kind of “fingdicken”, operating on the same principle as a turducken. Maybe he could use bacon as an outer wrapping... kind of borrowing the spirit of “what’s in the box?”.
Slightly horrified by his own thoughts, he curled up up. He didn’t necessarily hate Matt. He just didn’t want Keith to be hurt. Shiro wouldn’t let Keith be hurt. Meaning his twisted thoughts never needed to form. Keith could take care of himself. An involuntary whimper escaped as the first cramp of need hit. Covering his mouth quickly, he listened for a response downstairs. Rieva was busy scolding Matt, the sound seemed to have escaped their attention. With his body like this, he was going to be forced to have a conversation he really didn’t want to have. They whole “hey, I’m not a werewolf but I kind of go into fits of heat” thing was going to make it complicated. Right now he wanted it to piss right off and never come back. He wanted to be downstairs with everyone else, getting know them and not seeming like a dick. Now he was hiding in bed too scared to jerk off in case he was heard. This vampire thing sucked.
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kylankingfiction · 3 years
Ryoichi Ishino | Chapter 1
Chapter 1: The Origin of GQO (Part 1)
“Hey, look, Sakura has U.A. on her high school future sheet. There’s no way a quirkless tranny like you could get into U.A,” someone teased me as I sat at my desk, minding my own business. I sighed a bit, fed up with the name-calling and teasing. I scratched at my head, a frown covering my face. Hitoshi, my best friend, looked over to me, seeing if I needed any help, but I gave him no response.
“I’m sorry, first of all, my name isn’t Sakura, dumbasses. Secondly, I’m not fucking quirkless. Thirdly, who the fuck do you think you are? I’ve kicked your ass four times over in the last month alone. Wouldn’t you be sick and tired of getting beat up by me?” I retorted in a calm voice before giving my famous death glare at him. He just gave a cocky chuckle in response.
“What are you going to do, huh? Nothing!” He says, trying to provoke me before I turned my body and punched him across the face. I stood up and grabbed my things before walking out of the classroom as the bell rang. I heard the rest of the class hurry to leave me behind. I grumbled to myself, shoving people out of the way as I walked down the hall.
“Fucking extras…” I mumbled before I noticed Hitoshi catching up with me. “Hey, how’s it going?” I asked him casually, to which he just rolled his eyes in response. I sighed and folded my plan paper, and shoved it into my shirt pocket before tugging at my mandatory skirt uncomfortably.
“You do know I should be asking you that…” he mumbled quietly and then looked towards me, watching me being uncomfortable. “Also, remember what the doctors said… once you get your surgery, you’re not going to be able to work out. You’re going to end up physically weak, and you can’t keep fighting people like you are now,” Hitoshi says to me, clearly concerned. I swapped out my shoes with him before starting to walk home.
“I know, I know, seriously. I’ve been prepared for that…” I mumbled, looking down, shivering at the sight of my chest so prominent under my blazer. “These need to get the fuck off of my fucking body,” I mumbled, gripping my hands. I just wanted to be myself, regardless of what others thought. I just needed to be myself.
I was sitting in bed, bandages around my chest after my surgery. I was in so much pain and too sore, but other than that, my top surgery went well. I was working on schematics for gear since I will be fragile when the U.A. entrance exam comes around, and with permission and filling out forums, I can have the equipment.
I could hear someone knocking on my door. “Come in!” I call without looking away from my notepad, tapping my pen on the paper. In comes, Hitoshi is holding a bag of fast food, drinks, and his pack. “Hey, I’m here with homework, and I thought you’d be hungry. I bought you a ten-piece,” Hitoshi said as he walked in, coming to sit with me on my bed.
“Oh, thank you. I am now that you mention it,” I say to Hitoshi, chuckling a bit. I move my notepad off to the side and lightly reach out to him for the food, but unable to really since my body was so stiff. He chuckled and handed me the container of chicken nuggets, then my french fries. I set them down on my lap and start to eat. He then pulled out the packets of homework I needed to do today.
“Everyone thinks you got arrested, by the way,” Hitoshi adds, chuckling lightly. I shook my head as I looked at my homework and ate. “Yeah, I didn’t think you’d be too impressed,” he said, rubbing the back of his head. He moved on my bed and leaned against the wall as he ate his burger.
“It’s whatever, not that funny though,” I said, reading over the packet. I held my hand out for Hitoshi to pass me my drink, which he does without thinking. “Fuck, are you coming over after school every day with food? Because I can get used to this,” I said as I took a drink, which made Hitoshi chuckle.
“Sure, I don’t mind,” he said, smiling at me. I smiled back at him for a moment before I grabbed my pen and set the packet onto my small table my parents bought me so I could work on my bed. I started to fill out the responses as I continued to eat. “Can I see your progress?” Hitoshi asked me, seeing my notebook with my makeshift schematics open. I nodded without looking away from my paper.
He flipped through the schematics and looked at my hero outfit design as well. “These are pretty cool, but your hero costume is so boring,” Hitoshi points out, showing me the page with the hero outfit. “Why not make it more punk? It’s just a baggy jumper with the boots, gloves and goggles,” Hitoshi said, looking back at it again.
“I don’t know… My quirk doesn’t feel like- It doesn’t feel like its punk, and shouldn’t my hero suit represent my quirk?” I explained, shrugging a bit, continuing the homework, and eating. He nodded, sighing a bit, looking at it again, then smiling a bit.
“You could add some buckles; that’d be cool,” Hitoshi suggests, chuckling a bit. He took a pencil and started to sketch some out as I shook my head and continued to do my homework and eat the food, he brought them.
Hitoshi came over every day after school for three weeks straight, bringing me food and homework and then bringing my homework back to the teachers. It was my first day returning to school, and everyone kept asking me why I got arrested. I kept telling them arson, and it freaked people out.
“Why did you keep telling them you got arrested for arson?” He asked me as we walked towards the Karaoke bar my dad worked at as a chef. Most of the food there was his original recipes by this point. We were planning on letting off some steam by singing our hearts out like we always did when shit got rough.
I shrugged in response to him asking why I chose arson. “Because it was far left, and I’m dying to burn down the Endeavor building anyways,” I explained, chuckling a bit at the idea. Hitoshi puts his face in his hands and shakes his head.
“That is not something you should say when you’re trying to get into U.A., and you know that already,” Hitoshi said to me, making me laugh even more before and winced a bit, my body still being tense from the surgery. When we got to the karaoke bar, we went to our usual table and sat down, ordering some appetizers and sodas.
“Okay, I’m going to go and sing my first song,” I said, patting his shoulder a few times before going up to the guy running the karaoke and putting in which song I wanted, heading onto the stage. I started to sing January Gloom by All Time Low, getting the usual cheers from the regulars who knew me and the fact that I was the head chef's child.
I was sitting and watching Ryoichi on stage. They were so handsome. They had been growing out their hair after having it completely shaved for the last two years. They still had around a third of their head shaved, and then the long part was as long as their ear lobe. And the over-the-top makeup they used looked amazing on them. They had black and dark purple today and black lipstick.
Maybe I was in love with them, but they aren’t interested, and I’m okay with that. I told them that I had feelings for the last year, and they rejected me. But we’re still best friends, and they trust me more than anyone. I notice a guy at the table next to ours staring up at Ryoichi in awe as they sang. I walked over with my soda and leaned on his table.
“You must be new here. Ryoichi normally performs all the time. Their dad is the head chef,” I said to him casually, startling a bit by my presence. “I’m Shinso, that’s Ishino. They prefer their first name, Ryoichi,” I added, holding my hand out. I mostly spoke to him because I didn’t want this guy to misgender them.
“Oh! Uh, yeah. My friend told me this place is a good place to hang out, so I thought I’d check it out,” he said softly, glancing towards me. He saw me holding out my hand and shook it. “I’m Sero,” he said, looking towards me and then glanced back up to them. “She’s beautiful…” he muttered under his breath. I did everything I could to not frown at him.
“They’re nonbinary and go by them and them pronouns. They also don’t like being called pretty or beautiful,” I said, glancing towards Sero, seeing the way he looked at them. I wasn't into the fact someone was looking at them like that, but from what Ryoichi had told me, he was their type. Sero flinched a bit, getting an apologetic look, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Oh shit, my bad…” he apologized and then looked down at his drink, blushing a bit. He seemed to be, well, questioning his sexuality. Ryoichi was the one who helped me figure out I wasn’t straight, so this wasn’t that big of a surprise to me. “They’re handsome…” he mumbled, correcting himself.
“Hey! How was it?” Ryoichi cheered after running over, smiling brightly towards me before hugging me. Before I could say anything, they looked towards Sero, staring for a moment. A light blush appeared on their face. Knowing Ryoichi, their brain probably stopped working if they thought he was cute. “So, who’s this nerd?” They asked, their tone shifting to be a bit flirty as they leaned against the table, smirking a bit. Yup, they thought he was cute, and if I’m not wrong, their exact thought right now has to be ‘Cute nerd boy’ over and over.
Sero looked towards them, blushing a bit. “Oh! I’m Sero; Shinso told me that your name was Ryoichi,” Sero said nervously, holding his hand out for them to shake. They smirked and shook his hand.
“Nice to meet you, hot stuff,” they flirted with him, which made his whole face turn a bright red at their words. I chuckled and put my hand on their shoulder.
“I’m going to go and sing a song. Don’t scare him off,” I whispered to them, chuckling a bit, making them blush as they continued to flirt with him. I haven’t seen Ryoichi show such interest in someone so quickly. Maybe it’s the top surgery? They’ve slowly gotten more confident as they transitioned and gradually became themself more and more.
I went all the way to the stage and performed a song of my own. I watched the scene below of Ryoichi flirting with Sero. He seemed very flustered, but it was nice to see Ryoichi hit it off with someone like this since he appeared to not be against the idea of someone who wasn’t a girl flirting with him, so I wasn’t too worried about that.
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stardancerluv · 4 years
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Gotham Lockdown 2020
Part 8
Summary: You are cooking up in more then one way, the old feelings of the Black Mask Club, 5 months into the the lock down.
Warnings: Roman & Victor take seperate showers...nothing explicit there, sexual unfulfiled chemistry betweeb Roman & reader.
Side story to Creative Fervor
Lyrics are from Heaven is a Place on Earth by Belinda Carisle. The lyrics are bolded and put in italics.
This, time Roman was truly asleep and Victor had not come upstairs. So after taking a very nice long and hot shower you acted on an idea you had the night before.
Pulling on one of Roman’s t-shirt and leggings, you went to your walk in closet and found one of your favorite dresses, heels...the works everything needed to complete the look. Putting it all on a chair beside the elevator you hurried back to Roman’s office.
Sitting behind his desk you found some very nice paper. Your stomach curled sitting in his chair but you shrugged it off you were on a mission. Though some past exploits filled your minds eye at what the two of you had done in there. It made your heart flutter.
Taking a breath, you wrote out the first invitation to Roman.
Roman, my beloved tonight I invite you to the special and exclusive reopening of the Black Mask Club.
Tonight there will be some limited entertainment at the Black Mask. Additionally, there will be an elaborate dinner to be served. There will appetizers, a very fine main course and it will end with an exquisite dessert.
Drinks and cocktails will be offered and upon to request.
In order to attend, I wish to see you dressed in all of your glory. Choose one of your most beloved suits, glasses are optional but your shoes and socks are also to accompany and finish your look.
You may come down to the club around the party time of three pm. Enjoy, your afternoon till this exclusive event.
You wrote one with the highlights of the invite for Victor. Happy with how they looked, you delivered the first invite to Roman. He was still sleeping away. You put it on his nightstand. He looked so wonderfully peaceful. This time you couldn’t resist and placed a soft kiss on his lips. Pulling back you ran to the elevator grabbing your stuff you headed to Victor’s floor. You had only been there a handful of times. You suppressed a giggle when you could hear him snoring. It did make it easier to find his room.
Spread wide across his bed, deep loud snores came from Victor’s sleeping form. Thankfully, some of his blanket covered him. You refused to imagine if he was actually naked under it.
You placed the invite on his nightstand. Hope he sees this, you mused. Then you ran off to the elevator.
Once downstairs, you brought your stuff to Roman’s office. Walking into the club you surveyed the area. You chose one of the medium tables and gathered some chairs around it. Quickly you hurried about, gathering decorations and transformed the table into a very nice display.
Climbing up on the stage, going backstage you lowered the screen then cued up one of the past performances to play. Roman kept them to watch at later times to see what could performances better.
Roman, rolled over and waking up he realized your arm was thrown over him. He had grown used to it, something he never thought he’d ever want. Now that your arm wasn’t there he missed it. He was surprised to see you were not even there and your side had grown cold. Rolling to get out of bed, he finally saw the piece of paper. Throwing his legs off the side of the bed, he ran his fingers through his hair. Arching, his stretched as far as his body would allow and let out a very contented sigh. Grabbing the note, which he soon realized was an invite a smile spread across his face. You were so freaking cute.
Padding over to the shower, he shed his boxers and went into the shower. He turned on the water so it would be just the right level of hot. Standing there, it felt good to just have the water run over his body.
Grabbing his favorite of the washes, he soaped up his body. He liked it better when you did if, but he did sigh contently as he soaped up his hair. Images of the two of you in the shower brought a know of pleasure in his stomach.
Turning off the water, he grabbed a towel he wrapped it around his waist. Eying his reflection, he grabbed his razor and shaving cream.
Sometime later he smirked at his reflection, perhaps he’d sneak downstairs before the time. He was sure you wouldn’t mind.
Victor woke up from darkness which was more welcome then his usual nightmare. Stretching he sat up and saw what you left on his nightstand. When he saw, he had to admit he was glad his blanket was still covering him. Things could have been more complicated since he slept in the nude.
Scratching the back of his head, he snatched the paper. He chuckled while reading it. Oh...Little bird, he mused always thinking of something for them to pass the time.
Getting up he made his way to his bathroom. Turning the knobs, he first turned the cold water. He loved how the cold pin pricks of cold would was over him. Rolling, his shoulders he stretched with a satisfying groan. He gave him a shake them he finally turned the hot water on.
Sighing, feeling his body relax he began to wash himself. This should be lots of fun. He had already discovered how good of a cook you were so be looked forward to what kind of spread you would put out.
You sat down on the stage. Phew, you sighed looking at the watch, an hour and a half had passed.
Wrapping a towel around his middle, went over to the mirror and wiped away the fog that had covered. Opening a jar, dipping his finger tips in just so he combed his fingers through his still wet hair. Happy that it was manageable he went to look through his clothes. Maybe he’s grab the suit he had taken from the tailor after making sure he got Roman’s suits.
Your music was loud, the kitchen smelled sweetly. You had just taken out the small cakes you had made. Once they were cooled you would decorate them.
You danced about the beat of the musics, occasionally signing loudly with the lyrics.
When you walked into the room
You pull me close and we start to move
And we're spinning with the stars above
And you lift me up in a wave of love
At the moment, you had just out the finishing touches on the appetizers. You double checked the recipe, realizing it still needed a dash of something you danced over to the spice rack.
When I feel alone, I reach for you
And you bring me home
You sang on the top your lungs, wiggling and swishing got back to to your dish you sprinkled it on the food. The tossing your hair from side to side you grabbed the tray and then slid it into the hot oven. Dancing to the sink, you wash you hands and then dry them on your apron.
When the night falls down
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I wait for you and you come around
“And I certainly do that.” His voice was rich and deep in your ear. You let out a scream and turning you are greeted by a chuckling Roman.
“You are such a beast.” Holding yourself on the counter, you were able to reach up and turn down the music. Getting back down, you could feel the solidness of his body. You could’t resist the shiver of pleasure rippling through you as he kissed a special place on your throat, you closed your eyes at the wonderful sensation.
You licked your lips as you turned to face him. “Roman, you...
Shhh...he silenced you by putting a finger to your lips. “I missed you and what I just saw...” mmm, he made a soft sound. “Was worth sneaking down to see you.”
“What did you see?”
He gave you a half smile, the easily be lifted you up onto the counter. His hands snaking warm paths around your middle as he held you. “I saw enough.” He kissed you then, you should remain firm, you still have the main dishes to make but his kisses were more delicious. You moaned and melted against him.
With your heart racing, you broke the kiss. You were breathless, when he kissed you deeply, like that he did that to you. “Roman, please I still have so much left to do.” You rubbed your hands up and down his torso, he dragged your hands to where his belt sat on him. You bit your bottom lip. “I’m serious.” You looked into those blue eyes that did so many things to you.
He then brought your hands to his lips, he placed a kiss on your knuckles. “Y/N,” he exhaled. “As you know, I always take what I want, when I want it.”
You nod. “I do.”
“But I can see from the condition of this kitchen,” there were bowls and food and dustings of spices and herbs left and right. “You are quite busy making this special.” Then he leaned in raising his eyebrows, “Victor will also be attending this exclusive opening?” He asked good naturally.
You nodded. “I wanted it to feel like old times.”
“My baby girl, always thinking.” He brought your hands down.
You shrug, “I try.”
“But baby...” His voice, grew deep and velvety once again. “I want to pick up where we left of.”
Now you were the one who drew closer. “Believe me, we will.” And you placed a very seductive lick on his throat.
He exhaled a little harsher. “My little minx.”
@darling-i-read-it @spn-obession @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @starwarsprequelfangirl @nebulastarr @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @itsknife2meetu @whyisgmora @theblackmaskclub @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @nomnomnomnamja @poe-kadot26
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nicknellie · 4 years
I’m just trying to reply to this through out the day so it’s all times lol (and then of course when I was going to send this it’s sadly didnt)
Thanks for linking the post, I think you brought up quite a few good points!!!
Honestly I thought you meant that both Julie and Flynn had matching jumpers however this works so much better. (Also yes Luke and Reggie would get this just because they can)
Just in case you don’t know what among us is when I go on my tangent here is the basics but basically there are 10 players in total and either 1, 2 or three are imposter (I’m choosing two here) whoever isn’t imposter just tries to complete tasks and figure out who the imposter is without dying
Box stuff
1. Yes, honestly the only time Luke’s room is clean is due to Alex because he is the mom friend. (And or Reggie because it could be that when Reggie is stressed he cleans but that also works for Alex)
Also that’s what I was thinking, Emily and Mitch just gave up. Definitely when he passed they just couldn’t change anything in his room because it was the one comfort that they had. That even though Luke isn’t here anymore, his room that he lived in was still there and sometimes they could pretend that he’s still there
3. They always bring him recipes to try out because Alex has magic with cooking and even if he has no clue what is going on it usually always taste good. (May not look good but it does taste good) Also love the detail of Reggie just forgetting about the recipes, he just has so much that he forgets some.
Board games and Jam stuff
1. Yes, they all have that one game that they can’t do. Monopoly is banned just because they are way too competitive and Alex has thrown drumsticks at Luke before.
I love the detail of the boys just guessing wrong just to annoy Bobby, they totally would too. In Cluedo, Reggie always thinks that it’s Alex, every single time.
(Among us tangent, really wish I can blame this on chaotic energy but no.
So Alex is pink, because
Luke is the colour white
Reggie is lime
Julie is red
Willie is cyan
And Flynn is purple
Alex and Willie are on the same team immediately (they just follow each other and keep each other safe) and Alex is a good imposter however Luke will only call him out for no reason at all when he is an imposter one time that they play together.
To give more reasoning they probably play together two times in total with 10 games each I don’t know, but the second time around Luke is salty and somehow knows when Alex is imposter even when he doesn’t seem suspicious at all.
Julie and Willie are the best imposter duo, alongside Alex and Luke. Reggie is not a good imposter and the first to die in the game is usually Julie (or Luke).
Wait yes, Alex can’t do life.
Oh Julie gets so mad at him however secretly she’s amused (Alex and Reggie are just having the time of their lives because they can tease both Luke and Julie also Flynn will definitely tease Julie as well)
Alex being the bank dealer is everything, and Reggie just forcing Luke to pay him is everything. (Not sure if this is a game rule but I’ve played a few times were you can give someone a building that has the cost/whatever you owe, so maybe they do that)
Honestly monopoly was banned before hand with Bobby but one day Julie brought it up and they just couldn’t tell her (Luke flipped a table... a table)
Also randomly Flynn and Willie are there just for chaos reasoning.
2. Yes lol
Number stuff
2. Alex and Willie just chilling and then Reggie ruining everything is perfect. (Also Willie is crying laughing during this whole thing, even more so when the hoodie rips and Alex just looks hurt and shocked at the same time towards Reggie)
So I watched the first episode, and I was mistaken. Maybe Arther changes as the show goes on but this is not how I thought the story went 😂
I was like, they changed the story but it still had to have the idea of Merlin helping Arther out with getting the sword out of the stone and in the shows there is a witch. I can’t tell if it’s because they are adding details to the story or if I just don’t know it. But yes just like with Merlin calling Arthur an idiot, my lord is total Alex energy. Definitely could see him doing that is real life at some point. Yes, Luke does still die from the hotdog
5. Same here!! Also the ones that you’ve mentioned I think I have read as well, have to love that for us (also the fact that everyone agree not to ship Alex with Julie and just have them be supportive wingpeople)
6. I love that for us. Also I love the sign idea, (Bobby somehow makes a sign to tell Willie that Alex is okay) it mostly comes because Alex is so distracted by Willie and the hair flip to notice that Willie is asking if he is alright or not. Wait I was still thinking about waterparks, moving to what you were actually talking about. I’m just keeping that in because
But yes, Bobby gets a sign from the boys and everything is better. (The sign is, don’t steal the songs, big no). Also I love how you say that they still go back to Julie but they make a quick pit stop
8. Yes, also their strengths complimented each other’s so without them there Bobby feels lost. So many props towards Reggie, I have no clue what is happening with that game at all times.
10. Aww happy Reggie with technology (also the fact that he doesn’t have to develop photos anymore makes him want to cry happy tears) ‘you don’t understand Julie, green photos. I’m not joking green photos, you don’t know my pain’
I know exactly what you are talking about, can’t remember the name at all though.
Reggie is just upset, but Alex and Bobby are rolling they find it that funny. Also Luke says something along the lines of, ‘it looked fine, I don’t see you blaming Alex and Bobby. This is not fair 🥺’
Wait yes, they always get recipes from bakeries. Also if a food is expensive/they don’t have enough for it but they want to try it sometime they (Reggie) will try to get a recipe just for Alex to make it.
Aw, Alex giving Bobby his own little box so that he always has something to eat.
11. And little did they know that Reggie actually met the Queen
13. Same here lol, but I’m not very good at sketching. However you should definitely do them if you want to! I’m in full support.
14. Yes exactly
16. Precisely, if it was anyone else Alex could say no however sue to the fact that it’s Luke and Reggie, he can’t
17. Oh my goodness you made my idea better. (Honestly I can’t type so I have no clue how I worded it) however I had meant that Reggie asks Caleb for baby pictures of Willie but your idea works so much better. (Also Willie isn’t really that creeped by the fact that Reggie has his baby pictures just accepts it)
Wait, I love that you said Caleb doesn’t question it. As if people ask Caleb for baby pictures all the time, or at least it’s normal (maybe normal Reggie behavior 🤷‍♀️)
But a Caleb scrapbook I love that idea. Also yes, Reggie just has baby pictures of everyone. Some random stranger that he saw once, yes, his great aunts ex husbands son’s daughter yes (oh my goodness what is that sentence). But basically everyone, even the queen
Yes, just them as babies in hot dog suits. Reggie also has a hat on for I don’t know why reasons. (Imagine if there’s a baby Willie with some kind of hot dog themed thing though)
19. Yes, Luke also smashes snow on peoples heads as well. And Alex is usually the one who stuffs it down the persons back (it is what Willie does as well, and they always have an alliance)
20. Exactly, Owen is such a great actor (also mentioning Booboo Stewart for same reasons)
And Owen does play Alex so perfectly, like Kenny could not have chosen a better actor for Alex even if he tried.
Honestly if the boys had hated Willie I would cry, A because no Willie and Alex and B that’s exactly what they are like and although it’s everything if no point A then sad. I mean, Caleb played Willie just as much as he played the boys. (I just want Caleb to be the good guy because but he does stuff like this whyyy)
Luke isn’t happy that Julie is mad at him however he’s happy that he was able to connect with Flynn
Anything that gets us Unsaid Emily is worth it in my books
21. Honestly I have no clue it’s just been something that I’ve been thinking about. Honestly both of those theories works so well and I feel like it will be so hilarious if Alex freaks over breaking in entering however he’s legitimately done something worse. Also yes, Emily and Mitch talking to Alex to make sure they are both alright is adorable
That would be hilarious, just send this to him one day 😂 😂
24. Yes, also just it either means Flynn and Carrie moments or Flynn singing which are both needed.
Yes only for one song, she can only manage one band and she doesn’t want to be a part of it (in that way). Yes it is a sad song with just them.
25. Imagine Alex and Carrie having a conversation and their banter just being everything
Yes and Luke is like the cool uncle who you go too when you want someone casual but I’m not going to call you out just yet to your father kind of person
26. Wait, yes that’s how all arguments used to get settled in the 90s and if Luke was in the wrong then he would usually write music (I’m basic apparently I can’t think of something else)
Same, especially if we get another hair flip from Willie.
28. This works perfectly! That’s exactly what happened and then ‘now or never’ came to be
32. I didn’t even think of the shop assistant giving him stickers I was just thinking of some random fan discovering Alex at 3 AM however I love that so much more.
Yes, he definitely would take extreme care of it and keep it in its pristine condition
35. Legitimately Ray just has so many kids, imagine if he tried to adopt Reggie, Luke, and Alex though that would be funny. And emotional at the same time
For the purpose of them looking amazing we are just going to disregard the fact that they can’t be seen on photo (maybe it’s a special camera that Willie has from the club i don’t know) (hmm or maybe if a ghost takes the picture then other ghosts can be seen?)
Yes I love that as well, the orb does look good for some reason lol
37. Who doesn’t live for heart eyes Alex (& Willie in my opinion). Yes, and these are not casual rules that you can break there’s legitimately a list and everything. Also Reggie isn’t allowed to wash it after shrinking it and changing the colour one time
39. Yes the dream father daughter team. They are so close (also just want to mention Ray in general not only with Julie but with Carlos as well, because you can tell that’s he trying so hard and is doing so well)
The categories are so funny also I love how we just have this so organized now
I’m sorry this took me so long to answer! I kept telling myself I would then getting sidetracked and now I’ve decided one o’clock in the morning is the best time to start writing this. Bare with me, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a lot of mistakes here 😂😭
1. Wait I didn’t think about that but I love it so much! Whenever the guys hang out at Luke’s before he runs away, Alex will walk into his room, tut at him or mutter something under his breath, and tidy while still managing to have a conversation with the guys - occasionally he’ll interrupt his own sentence to tell Luke off for the state of his room, like, “Oh yeah, I heard about that, it was — Luke, I swear if you don’t start picking up your dirty socks I’m going to shove them down your throat while you sleep — really cool actually, did you hear about...”. Also he has been known to just drag the vacuum cleaner in because he knows where Emily keeps it and he’ll hoover over the guys’ conversation.
And I can totally see Reggie stress cleaning? Bc usually he’s stressed or upset because of his parents fighting, right? So it must seem to him that everything is very disorderly and out of place, so to make himself feel better he spends hours putting things in the right place so everything is nice and tidy. It’s just an added bonus that the place gets cleaner. Also if the studio was messy the day before and suddenly clean when the band arrives in the morning then they know Reggie had a tough night.
Oh god that hurts. That hurts so freaking much. Just particularly the “pretending he is still there” part - I’m now imagining Emily or Mitch going up to Luke’s room alone, slowly sitting down on the bed or at the desk because they don’t even want to disturb the dust that has settled there. And they’ll look around the room and they’ll remember their son and all the things he used to do - write music, play games, hang out with his friends (who they remember and miss as well), and yes, argue with his parents. And they talk to him, sometimes in the way Ray and Julie do to Rose, as if Luke can hear them and is listening, but sometimes it’s as if he’s stood right in front of them. Tears in her eyes, Emily will whisper “How did your band rehearsal go?” because although it’s too late to start caring and to be okay with it, it comforts her to pretend it means something. She’ll imagine Luke’s reply, hear his voice tell her they made a killer new song, and she’ll smile as she replies, “That’s lovely. Well done, Luke. I’m so proud of you.”
3. Omg hang on I love that, like Alex being amazing at cooking but also completely clueless. He mutters to himself, “What the fuck does ‘fold in the flour’ mean?” then take a wild guess and somehow it tastes great. But like you said, it doesn’t exactly look very appetising.
1. Abwjskdlw Alex throwing drumsticks at Luke like a javelin or a dart or something, and Luke is frantically trying to dodge them but Alex has a seemingly endless supply of drumsticks, he just keeps pulling them out of nowhere and they’ve been there for half an hour of non-stop drumstick throwing and avoiding before he finally runs out.
YES and Reggie is totally serious about it too. Alex sneezes and Reggie is immediately like “that’s a tell!!! You sneezed last round too!!! I’m onto you, Mercer, I know it was you.” And Alex almost readies his drumsticks to throw at Reggie as well.
Oh this. This is glorious. I love this entire thing omg.
The detail of Luke saying Alex was imposter when he wasn’t sus just because he was annoyed is brilliant and would 100% happen. Also Julie-and-Willie and Alex-and-Luke being the best imposter duos is everything. Willie won’t kill Alex no matter what, but Julie is ruthless and Luke is usually first on her list.
Also I want to add what accessories they like because that’s fun! Although I haven’t played in months and can’t remember all of them, but this is what immediately springs to mind.
Luke - toilet paper hat
Julie - flower pot hat
Willie - top hat
Alex - the adorable little leaf thing
Reggie - pumpkin head hat thing
Flynn - no accessory, but she does have a tiny version of her character trailing behind her, you know the ones I mean right? She has a tiny child Among Us player with her at all times idk
Oh god, Monopoly is so much more hectic when Willie and Flynn join in. Willie somehow manages to collect so much money that he may as well just be the banker (definitely nothing to do with Alex being biased and “accidentally” slipping him a little extra cash). Flynn gets the best cards (that’s a thing in monopoly right? There’s a stack of cards in the middle you can choose from? Idk) and they basically win her the game. Luke gets angry, that’s when he flips the table again and Julie locks monopoly away forever
Same with Uno. Reggie doesn’t speak to Luke for a week after the first and only time they play Uno.
2. I love that, like Willie trying to be a supportive boyfriend as Alex watches his hoodie get torn to pieces but just not being able to contain his laughter, practically lying in Alex’s lap because he’s laughing so much. It only gets worse as Alex cradles his ripped hoodie in his hands like it’s a dead animal or something. Like Willie is trying to be nice but the whole situation is freaking ridiculous and it doesn’t work.
Ahahaha I’m so glad you watched it! It does change a bit as the story goes on, I’m sure you’ll like it (I’d always be willing to hear your thoughts on it if you keep watching as well, if you want!!)
And like right??? Alex has complete and utter Merlin energy like “No, there must be another Arthur because this one’s an idiot” may as well be Alex saying “No, there must be another Sunset Curve because these ones are idiots”
6. Lmfao Alex just totally stops functioning after the hair flip and Bobby has to step in, love that. He very calmly takes over the situation, or has a sign, or just like freaking slaps the back of Alex’s head to bring him back to reality.
Right??? They just very quickly say “hey Bobby it’s us don’t steal our music” and then appear in the garage. Kinda tempted to write it now actually
8. Okay, seeing as it’s half one, I don’t want to go off on a whole tangent about “their strengths compliment each other” but I will definitely do this when I’m more awake because it’s a goddamn goldmine
10. Yesss 🥺🥺 like at first he would be a little sad that he didn’t get the experience of getting them developed but then when he remembered how annoying it was he’d be so happy. And omg can you imagine he reaction to how instant it is?? And how high definition?? My boy would stay there staring at these photos for hours on end, wide-eyed, mouth open, awestruck
Oh I love that! Reggie claims it’s so that Alex can enjoy himself and cook something new, which it partly is, but mainly it’s because Reggie just wants more food
11. I now wanna say that Reggie has met a ton of celebrities but nobody believes him because it’s Reggie (and he literally said how adults never believed him as a kid). He’s met the queen, the band Queen, Billy Joel (just because I watched a Billy Joel concert tonight - side note, Luke absolutely adores Billy Joel and listens to him constantly), whoever the president was when the guys were alive, and plenty more
17. Omg lmfao that makes sense 😂😂😂 but yeah like now I love the idea of him having Caleb’s baby photos too, I’m not going back on it. Caleb just has them ready to hand over the next time they all see each other (idk if I already mentioned that?) and he does a big evil speech but hands Reggie the photos halfway through, still talking, and Reggie just smiles and tucks them away into his pocket
“Or at least normal Reggie behaviour” I love how that implies that even though they’ve only really met twice Caleb already knows exactly what Reggie’s like and not only accepts it but is willing to encourage it, showing that he probably thinks it quite sweet (because let’s face it, we all think Reggie is sweet, and Caleb may be evil but he’s not stupid)
Reggie having the queen’s baby photos omg I’m dead 😂😂 that time they met he asked her and like Caleb she didn’t question it, just handed over these probably priceless photos and they end up in some ghost’s scrapbook
Omg yes all of them in hotdog suits plus baby Willie with hotdog socks! Or eating a hotdog! Or with a hotdog stuffed toy! The possibilities are endless
19. YES definitely. Also, Willie and Alex’s alliance only lasts until one of them has the perfect opportunity to shove snow down the other’s back just to watch them squirm, then it’s every ghost for himself
20. You are SO right, Owen and Booboo are literally amazing, we really won with this whole cast.
And thank you so much for saying Caleb played Willie as much as he did the guys!!!! I’ve seen so much stuff recently about Willie hate and like no?? You’re right, Willie was as much a victim as the others. Also I am so in love with the idea of Good Caleb! I just want him to adopt Alex, that’s literally it. Maybe instead of Caleb being defeated by the end of the show, he has seen the error of his ways and has turned nice, now only using evil against people who upset Alex and Willie, pretty please, Kenny make this happen???
Wait yeah that’s a really good point. Again, it’s a looooong tangent and it’s ten to two so I won’t write it now, but Luke and Flynn being friends (and competing over who loves Julie more) is something I desperately need
21. Yes lmao like Alex when he was alive would sometimes graffiti with the boys or set fire to stuff for fun (because they’re teenage boys and that’s what teenage boys do right? Idk that’s what the ones I know do) but as a ghost when he’s invisible he’s just very unsure about going into a closed museum
24. Yesss I need this so muchhh you’re so right
25. Alex and Carrie friendship is god tier.
Small tangent but y’know what else is great? Carrie and Nick being best friends instead of dating. They would get on so well without the pressure of a relationship (once Carrie becomes a little nicer and Nick stops being possessed)
Exactly that’s totally what Luke is
26. Another Willie hair flip PLEASE I would die. Just, Alex short-circuiting around Willie is the best thing ever. And it’s got me wondering what other little things Willie does that basically break Alex: stretching when he’s wearing a crop top so Alex can see his stomach and the smallest bit of his chest; okay but swimmer Willie?? Willie was on his school’s swim team and still swims sometimes and for whatever reason Alex’s loses it; twirling his hair around his finger (bonus points: twirling Alex’s hair around his finger while they’re cuddling)
32. I just love the idea of literally anyone giving them stickers. Reggie’s just out and about in a forest in the middle of nowhere one day (even he doesn’t really know what he’s doing there) and somehow someone finds him and hands him their fanart
35. Omg I didn’t think about how emotional it would be but then you had to go and say this and now all I can think about is each of the boys getting the family they deserve after so long and being loved and cared for unconditionally even though they’re dead and Ray would call them his angels (because he kinda did in ep 7) and oh god it’s too much I love it
Ooooh yes I like that, it’s a good way around the issue 😂 ghost takes photo, ghost can be seen. Perfect
37. Pffffft lmao YES. Reggie just wasn’t really certain on how the washing machine worked because it was at Luke’s house not his and they had a different model and he forgot not to mix colours and it all went badly wrong. Also Luke is banned from wearing them without supervision because once he accidentally set fire to one and now it’s elbow has a burnt patch on it
39. Now you’ve mentioned that I want Ray and Trevor to be friends again! They were probably buddies until Julie and Carrie fell out, I’d love to see them reconnect
Personally my favourite thing of this whole experience is how “Alex and jigsaws” turned into “Reggie has the queen’s baby photos”
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piaclerc · 6 years
CNCO meets Queer Eye: Christopher Velez (Part Two)
Yeah I wrote it all together don’t worry. Shoutout to @christophersdicc for waiting❤️
Karamo already knows that Chris is super smily
And such a good person
He also did his research and knows everything that Chris had to go through to get where he is
Is super inspired by his whole story and his work ethic and down to earth personality and how he is so happy all of the time
Would work with Chris on time management and relaxation techniques cause even though he isn’t THE sleepy boi, he’s still a sleepy boi
Gets Chris into reading novels and learning about literally everything
Chris: did you know that Leonardo Da Vinci was left handed so all of his notes and writing was mirrored/backwards?
Goes with him to adopt a pet or sponsor a pet
Chris would ask his mom for a dog and she’d be like ???
“You’re on tour for most of your life and you expect me to take care of the dog when you’re gone?”
She gives in anyway after Karamo talks to her
Karamo being Karamo would just convince her in 30 seconds
Gets a blue Staffordshire pitbull cause Ecuador be hot and pit bulls be awesome
Would just fall asleep cuddling his dog
Her name would be Ana
He’d also sponsor an elephant in Africa cause they need to be protected
Would visit her when they’re not on tour or really close by
The elephant absolutely adores him and would be so playful together
Karamo is just like, “AHHH You’re all so cute”
Already knows this boy loves to eat
I feel like he would freak Antoni out with how much fast food that he would have to eat during tour
Antoni would be like, “YOU POOR CHILD COME HERE”
I bet my bottom dollar that he would teach Chris 5 minute recipes.
5 cheese grilled cheese for DAYZ
But like also calzones, fried rice, sushi, sandwiches, etc.
Chris would literally be in heaven
Antoni would put out a dish with like 3 portions for an aesthetic plate and Chris would lick it clean
Would def not leave anything for anyone else
Was supposed to make a massive dish for the boys
Ate it all by himself cause it was too good
Would ask Antoni to teach him extra stuff
Like the fancy stuff that high end chefs do
Antoni would be like, “Are you sure that you can handle it?”
But teaches him anyway
Chris would cut himself in three different places
Wouldn’t tell Antoni and just disappears to clean himself up
Comes back with bandaids on his hands
Antoni would be like ???
“what happened?”
Chris would shrug it off and just go back to peeling potatoes
Just a food appreciation binge honestly
Chris lookin like he got dressed in a small closet with strobe lights and fun house mirrors
It really is a testament to his beauty and personality that he gets away with some of the stuff that he wears
Tan walks into his closet and has a literal heart attack
Passes out on the bed
Gets up and decides to throw away like 85% of his clothes
Spends a WHOLE day of the week on just getting clothes for Chris and teaching him out to dress
Boy learns how to layer, colour match, pattern match, do textures etc.
Chris leans into a skater boi vibe with his tanks
But Tan is like you can’t wear that everyday
Gets him clothes that are closer to what he wore in the Pretend music video
Cause ngl that whole white jacket over dark shirt was hecking hot
Chris learns to French Tuck
I see a whole closet of button ups, aesthetic tees, jeans, khakis
But there’s also a crap ton of leisure wear cause Tan knows he’s on tour a lot
He gets a lot of athleisure clothes
He gets Chris a lot of blues, grays, and whites/cool tones to compliment his pale skin tone
But also let’s be real he looks good in yellows, reds, and oranges so it really doesn’t matter
Starts a sunglasses collection cause we know how much he loves them
Idk why but I feel like Chris would learn to fold pocket squares and find that the greatest thing ever.
Lets Chris keep his snap back hats and appropriate length flannel
Burns the flannel dress shirt in a bonfire at the end of the week
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The Nice Guy - Clint Barton X Reader college!AU - 1/6
I don’t remember if it was @rogue-barnes-16 or @cryforfandoms who inspired this, but it was one of them. Plus, I’m having so much fun writing Clint in NCNR, and also I’m sick of the trope of unrequited love actually being requited. (You’ll find out as you read it.) So, here you go. My first Clint Barton fic.
EDIT: I apparently accidentally removed the “keep reading” before posting. Sorry to everyone who found that before I fixed it.
Word count: 1453
Warnings: Mild angst. A tiny bit of commentary on my opinion of the traditional idea of masculinity. 
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The small party was in full swing when you arrived at Clint and Natasha’s new place. They had used Christmas break to move into their off-campus apartment and had invited your core friend group over for a New Year’s Eve bash.
The three of you had grown up together, and although your friend group had expanded once you were in college, you were still each other’s best friends. They had invited you to join them when the apartment hunt had started, but you’d just been upgraded to a solo apartment at your residence hall and were looking forward to not having roommates for once in your life.
“Hey, there she is!” Sam called out as you entered. “Riley! Your girl’s here!”
Your boyfriend, Sam’s roommate Riley, emerged from around the corner.
“Hey baby,” he greeted you, leaning in to give you a kiss and taking the grocery bags from your hand. “What did you bring?”
“Three bags each of nacho cheese and cool ranch Doritos for us normal people,” you grinned, pulling out a yellow bag. “And, of course, one bag of plain Doritos for the weirdo.”
“I heard that,” Clint said, swooping in from somewhere to grab them from you. “I’d be mad, but I’ve been seriously craving nachos all day. Thanks, Y/N.” He shoved a few dollar bills in your hand and bolted for the kitchen.
“Y/N, can you make sure he doesn’t light our new microwave on fire?” Nat called to you from living room. “He forgot to take the plastic off one of them last time.”
You winced and called back your agreement, giving Riley a peck on the cheek before following Clint.
“I can’t believe you can actually crave nachos with a recipe like that,” you teased Clint as you entered the kitchen.
He looked up at you from where he was peeling the plastic off squares of American cheese. “Says the lactose intolerant chic who wouldn’t know good nachos if they did the salsa in front of her. I don’t know how you stand that vegan cheese stuff.”
“At least I’m not dropping sandwich squares of cheap cheese on a plate of boring chips,” you shot back. “Have you ever considered, I don’t know, adding something with flavor? Taco meat, or salsa, or something? Heck, even flavored Doritos would make that stuff better.”
Clint dropped his plate in the microwave and shook his head. “There’s nothing wrong with simple. Besides, I’m in college; I’m taking advantage of the expectation I won’t know how to cook. I have to learn enough stuff in class already, so no way am I trying to cram more kitchen info into my brain when I can survive just fine on this stuff.”
You sighed and shook your head. “You’re hopeless, Barton, you know that?”
“And you love me anyway,” he grinned, dropping an arm around your shoulders.
“Whatever lets you sleep at night,” you laughed, shrugging off his shoulder and wandering back out to the party.
Clint watched you leave and sighed. Having you and your boyfriend hanging off each other in his apartment was going to test his self-control all night. This was going to be a long party.
You settled in next to Nat, who was curled up in her boyfriend Bucky’s lap. He was talking to Sam and Riley, leaving her free to converse with you.
“How are you two enjoying the new apartment so far?”
“It’s so nice being off-campus,” she admitted. “Clint’s a great roommate, too, when he’s not melting plastic in the microwave. Are you enjoying living alone?”
“Gosh, yes,” you sighed, “it’s perfect. No one leaves dishes in the sink overnight or their coat on the couch.”
She laughed and shook her head. “You always were a bit of a neat freak.”
“Hey, Nat?” Bucky shot you a look of apology as he cut into your conversation. “Can I get up, doll? I’d like to go with the guys who are picking up some pizza.”
Nat pouted at him, but you could see the smile she was trying to hide. “But I’m comfy,” she whined.
“If all the guys all go, we’ll get a few minutes of girl time,” you offered.
Bucky gave you a grateful smile when Natasha sighed and stood up. He, Sam, and Riley gathered their coats as Steve came up with his car keys.
“Hey, Barton, wanna join us?” Sam called. “We’re gonna go get pizzas and drinks. The girls are staying here to do who knows what girly stuff. We’ve got one more seat in the car.”
“Nah,” Clint said as he came around the corner, nachos in hand. “I’m gonna stay and finish these.”
“He’s practically one of the girls anyway,” Nat teased. “It can still be a girl’s night.”
Riley leaned over and kissed you on the cheek. “We’ll be back in an hour, baby.”
“All right,” you smiled up at him, “see you then.”
“What the hell?”
At Sam’s exclamation, the three of you looked up at the guys who had just tromped in with the pizzas and a few cases of soda.
“What?” Clint asked innocently.
You and Natasha were seated on the floor facing each other, painting each other’s toenails. Clint’s were already finished; he was leaning his back against the couch and reading an article from the latest issue of Us Weekly aloud as they dried.
Sam gave his feet a pointed look. “Your toenails are hot pink.”
“The color,” Clint informed him, “is called Bachelorette Bash. Nat’s are Russian Roulette and Y/N’s are Loot the Booty.”
Riley made a choking sound. You shot him a glare.
“Pirate booty, Babe. Treasure. Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“Man,” Sam shook his head, “you’re crazy.”
“Told you he was practically one of us,” Nat laughed.
You grinned up at your boyfriend. “I’d be happy to do yours next.”
“I think I’ll pass,” he said with a smile, bending over to kiss you on the top of your head. “Maybe Sam’ll take you up on the offer.”
“Like hell I will,” Sam muttered, drawing a laugh from his roommate.
“I’ll take mine in mint green,” Bucky announced, flopping down on the couch.
Nat blew on your toes as she finished the last one and reached for a bottle of base coat. “Do you mean Chillato, Mint Candy Apple, or Bon Boy-age?”
“The first one.”
“Dibs on…” Steve scooped up a bottle and read the color title, “Leggy Legend.”
“Shoes and socks off,” you laughed as you took the bottle from him. “Do you want base and top coat too, or just the polish?”
He looked at you like you were crazy. “Duh, base and top coat too! Gotta help that color last as long as possible.”
Sam shot a look at Riley. “We’re surrounded by crazies.”
“It’s just polish,” Bucky scoffed. “It’s not like having colorful toenails puts your manhood in jeopardy.”
“You could learn a thing or two from us,” Clint said with a nod. “We have attractive women fussing over our feet.”
“If you’re concerned about people seeing the color, I have some nearly invisible sheer polish you’re welcome to use,” Nat informed them, finishing the basecoat on Bucky’s second foot. “It doesn’t even have a girly name.”
“Shine makes your nails look healthier,” Steve teased.
“I’m good, really,” Sam insisted with a shake of his head.
“Same,” Riley agreed.
The two of them passed around sodas and slices of pizza to those who were stuck in place while their toenails dried. By the time the ball dropped on TV, everyone’s polish was dry and people had resituated themselves around the room.
“You know, we’re in New York,” Steve remarked dryly. “We could’ve gone to see the ball drop in person.”
“Yes, but the apartment is warmer,” Clint pointed out.
The singles in the room cheered as the ball dropped, while the two couples kissed.
“Happy New Year, Baby,” Riley whispered.
You smiled back. “Happy New Year.”
Well, that could have gone worse, Clint told himself as he lay in bed, the party long over. He’d gotten an hour with you and Natasha without Riley around kissing you every few minutes. He’d had to glue his eyes to the TV for your New Year’s kiss, but as hard as it had been to see you happy with someone else, he did like to see you happy. Maybe if he hadn’t been a coward through high school, you’d be happy with him instead.
He rolled over and curled himself around his extra pillow. As he slept, thoughts of you kept drifting through his head. Your smile, your laugh, the way you lit up at his stupid jokes….
Yeah, he definitely had it bad.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 6 years
Fear 4x15: Analysis
Okay, who watched Fear last night? I really loved this episode. I totally freaked out about three different times. Let's just dive right in.
 **As always, spoilers abound for FTWD 4x15. Don’t read until you’ve watched! You’ve been warned!**
In the opening credits, we saw a car with flashing lights. This is because we had several instances of walkers or people falling onto cars from great heights, making the alarms went off. Just having the car symbol makes me side-eye it, though.
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So, just as we suspected, Alica and Charlie found Strand and John. They had to go looking for some way to get them off the island.
John told Strand that he had symbolically relegated himself to an island before, but that "someone else took me off that island." I thought that was a really cool way to explain it and it definitely parallels to Beth and Daryl. We all know Daryl goes into survival mode intends to emotionally maroon himself on an island. It was Beth who brought him out of that, just as June brought John out of it. Yet another parallel between the two story lines.
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Searching for a boat to help John and Strand, Alicia and Charlie first look at a bathtub. It's one of those things they don't use and has no relevance to the story, so it must be symbolic. 
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There haven’t been tons of bathtubs in the show, but there've been a few. The one that first occurred to me was with the governor in 4x06. In the same scene where he gets the backgammon game and sees a wheelchair, he finds a legless walker in a bathtub. A bathtub, by definition, could also be part of the Bathroom/Toilet Paper Theme.
Alicia and Charlie meet up with Martha (Filthy Lady). She tries to kill them, but then passes out from blood loss. They end up taking Al’s truck back from her and use it to go rescue John and Strand. I noticed they did actually find a canoe on top of the car, but didn't use it. So, the symbolism here was very strong.
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They see a bathtub and then a boat, both of which have major connections to water. (Beth = water)
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The other thing that occurred to me is that we saw the boat, and we all know that ocean/boat/sailor stuff is reminiscent of Beth. And right after that, Martha started shooting at Alicia. She didn't hit her, but she hit the car window and the glass broke. (Broken Glass Theme) It reminded me of 5x16 where Sasha fights with FG over the gun and shoots the glass picture. I'm just pointing out that we have an instance of water-related objects, followed by a gunshot that breaks glass.
Eventually, they do manage to rescue Strand and John from the island and reunite with all the others.
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Morgan's group is still stranded at hospital. First off, Jim pees off the side of the building, onto the walkers. He had reasons for doing so, but I couldn't help but be reminded of Daryl peeing in the moonshine shack. And remember, Jim is the one who makes his own homemade alcohol. So, we have a person associated with that peeing, just like there Daryl did.
Morgan's group (sans Jim) decides to go back down to the hospital and look for Al. She got out her own way and has disappeared. They don't find her in this episode. But all the walkers that were clustered at the doors of the elevator are gone. Something drew them away. And why did they not come back when Morgan tapped his stick on the ground? Because the roof had caved in and trapped them all.
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Guys, that is EXACTLY what happened in TWD 4B, when Glenn was looking for Maggie. Remember in that case, they were in a tunnel and the roof caved in, trapping all the walkers. In both cases, we didn't see the actual cave-in, just the aftermath. In both cases, a couple (Glaggie and John/June) reunited directly after.
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Morgan decides he will stay behind and distract the walkers so the group can get away. This whole situation was very much like S1. The rooftop even looked a whole lot like the one they left Merle on. Some people people (Morgan in this case) created a distraction so the others could get out, just like Rick and Glenn created a distraction so that they could rescue the others from the mall in S1.
Morgan ends up throwing a walker onto a car, setting off a blaring alarm to lure walkers away from the hospital’s entrance. That's very much like the car alarm Glenn used in S1 to distract walkers away from the entrance of the mall.
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Now, at this point it's obvious that this hospital is not Grady. Remember we wondered before if the hospital scenes in FTWD could possibly have been shot at the same location as Grady. At this point, it's obvious that is the case. Even if it didn't look the same in the show, I think they would've told us on TTD that it was the same location. They always do that.
They actually named the hospital this episode. It’s called St. Luke's, and we see a Travis County ambulance. I checked and there is more than one St. Luke’s Hospital in Texas, and Travis County is real as well. But at this point, it really doesn't matter. This parallels to Grady are crazy-strong.
Morgan decides to stay on the rooftop with Jim, mostly because the generator is out of juice in the elevators not working. So, he really has no way down because walkers are filling the stairwells. He tells June that “at least, I got you on your way back to John." That struck me as something that could be Beth-ish. Maybe he'll help her on her way back to Daryl and TF.
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I noticed they use the phrase “class A asshole” twice. I wondered if perhaps we could relate that to the A theme. Not only because of the “class A” part, but because remember that during S7, tptb said the A on the back of Daryl’s shirt at the Sanctuary stood for “asshole.” We knew that couldn't be all the A stood for because it wouldn't go with other instances, but obviously they’re repeating the same patterns.
The entire group comes back for Morgan because they need him. He's become their leader. (Which is interesting because I remember a lot of people asking who the new leader would be when Madison died. (“Died.”) People speculated either Alicia or Strand, although neither seem quite up to par. It's obvious now that Morgan has become the leader, rather than one of them. This gives him a lot of parallels to Rick because in S1, Rick was trying to make it back to his family ended up leading a group of people he didn't know. Morgan has now done the exact same thing. And of course, by extension, this gives Morgan parallels to Beth as well.
Here's the part that made me pretty much split water out of my nose. When Team Fear Family comes to rescue Morgan from the hospital, what do they show up in but a FIRE TRUCK!!!
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I mean, we have this hospital, and Morgan is trapped in it (technically on top) and all these different parallels with Grady. And then the group shows up in a fire truck? I seriously choked on my water when I saw that fire truck. I had to go rant to my group about how we don’t have to work for these parallels. They’re practically rubbing our noses in it. You don't get any closer to Grady than hospital with a fire truck in it.
 (Yes, I know there were spoilers about this some time ago, but I’d completely forgotten about them and my jaw still dropped when I saw it.)
Interestingly, they leave the fire truck behind and just take Al's truck. So, just like in TWD, the fire truck doesn't go with the group or show up again. We don't know exactly what happened with that fire truck in TWD. Obviously it was left behind at some point too. But keep in mind that they used it to rescue Morgan in this episode. I don't know how or why, but somehow that fire truck had something to do with rescuing Beth.
(P.S. I have more to say concerning this hospital and the generators and how they relate to the Battery Theory, based on a conversation I had with @boltthrutheheart right after watching this episode, but I’m gonna make that it’s own theory later in the week.)
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We saw the Breaking Glass Theme here when Morgan is trying to get down to the fire truck. He jumps down to a different level of the hospital and immediately a walker breaks through some glass and attacks him. I love that John Dorie shot the thing in the head all the way from the ground. That just makes him more freaking awesome than he already is.
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Jim gives his recipe for alcohol to Sarah before sacrificing himself so the group can live. He tells her to put the walkie to her ear so he can tell her that something only she can hear. That, too, is a parallel to S1. Remember that Dr. Jenner whispered something in Rick's ear that no one else heard. We now know it was that they were all infected. The rest of the group didn't learn that until the end of S2. Sarah seemed happy about whatever Jim told her, so I don't think it's a doom-and-gloom message. Even so, the parallel is there.
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Martha gets away. She writes the recipe on Jim's face and takes him as her new pet walker. (Does she strike anyone else as Michonne’s evil twin? Just wondering.)
What I predicted at the beginning of 4B is what exactly what has happened and is happening in terms of the plot of the show. (That it would probably take the entire back half of the season for them to all reunite and get back on the road to Virginia.)
At the end of this episode, Morgan stated that they were find Al (obviously what next week’s finale will be about), and then they will go to Virginia together. So, things are on track as far as I'm concerned. I'm honestly not thinking we’ll probably see Beth next episode. It's possible we might see her as a final cliffhanger sort of thing, but I just don't feel like we’re quite there yet in story. If they meet her, chances it will be on the road back to Virginia. But still, everything we predicted so far for Morgan’s group has happened.
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I’m very happy about that. ;D (Really not saying this to call myself a genius or anything. Just saying that if you read the signs and symbolism, the direction of the show becomes quite obvious.)
To close, just a couple of notes about things that were sent on TTD.
Aaron Stanford (who played Jim) pointed out that Jim had dialogue foreshadowing. Before they went to the hospital, he complained, saying they shouldn't go because they’d become trapped or separated and die. Everything he said came true. They did become trapped, got separated from Al, and he died.
On the one hand, it's sort of karmic justice because he was the one being negative about it, and therefore he was the one who died. That's just literature 101. The point is that they used a dialogue foreshadow, and then it was fulfilled. Remember how many dialogue foreshadows around Beth pointed to her living.
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Jenna Elfman point out something very similar. Talking about Morgan's arc, she said in the first episode of FTWD S4, Morgan ran away from Alexandria and ended up in Texas. Before he left, Rick told Morgan that would he find his way back to people. That eventually he would find people want to be with them again. That happened. In fact, that's what Morgan's entire arc has been about in Fear. But again, my point is that dialogue foreshadows happen and then are fulfilled on the show. Beth’s will be too.
Aaron Stanford also mentioned Cartman from South Park. I won’t go into this too much, but it’s not the first South Park reference people outside the show have made. It’s not even the first one connected with Beth. You can read the other post I did about this HERE and make up your own mind.
So, I thoroughly enjoyed watching this episode of Fear. Anything catch anything I missed?
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makayla-angelic · 6 years
Jashi Week-Day 2-Table For Two
Today’s drabble, a modern au in which a nervous Jack invites Ashi over for dinner. She accepts, but things go awkwardly all the way!
***Brace yourself, kind of long.
The sound of the school bell rang, signaling the end of another day. Seventeen year-old Shinjiro “Jack” Iwamatsu got out of his seat and grabbed his back pack and sighed before leaving the classroom with the other students. He asked Ashi to wait for him in the front of the building after school; he wanted to tell her something important. Jack headed to his locker to grab the rest of his stuff before heading outside. This was it. He was going to do it, he was going to to stop being scared and ask Ashi out on a dinner date.
Jack saw Ashi sitting patiently on a blue bench, backpack beside her, phone in her hand. She was smiling, so Jack hoped she was happy. And since she was in good mood, things could probably go a little smoother.
“Hi Ashi,” said Jack, walking up to her.
“Hello, Jack,” said Ashi. “Did you have a good day?”
“I sure did,” said Jack, already feeling the butterflies in his stomach. “Did you?”
“It was alright, just ready for the weekend,” said Ashi with a shrug.
“I’m ready for graduation,” said Jack. It was almost May, so senioritis had long ago kicked in.
“Yeah,” said Ashi chuckling.
“You want to walk home together? I mean, like we always do?” Jack asked.
“Of course,” said Ashi, smiling.
Jack and Ashi lived so close to the high school that they could walk to and from school by using the sidewalk and crossing over into their neighborhood. Jack lived on Franklin street, and Ashi lived only one block of a street down on Washington avenue. They had known each other since seventh grade. It seemed only destiny that Ashi had moved into Jack’s neighborhood and they had met and become friends. Both secretly liked each other, but were too nervous and too nervous about what their peers would say if they got together, until now.
Jack decided he didn’t want to waste anymore time, so he went in for it.
“Hey Ashi, I was wondering if you would like to go on a d- act-activity with me?” Jack said, stumbling up. He cursed himself for messing up already.
“Um...sure?” said Ashi with an amused, but slightly confused look on her face. “What kind of activity?”
“Well, I was wondering if maybe Friday we could hang over at my house, I could cook something, and we could watch a movie,” said Jack, rubbing the back of his head.
“You like to cook?” asked Ashi.
“I do!” said Jack. He knew how to cook some, but he still had trouble following certain recipes, knowing when to add certain ingredients, when to stir this, or boil that. But he was determined to try his best.
“So, what do you say?” asked Jack, hoping she would say yes and that he wasn’t embarrassing himself in any way.
“I thinks it’s a great idea, I’ll be there,” said Ashi with a smile.
“Great!” said Jack, smiling big. “Is six-thirty PM okay?”
“Sounds perfect,” said Ashi. “I’ll talk to my parents.”
“And I’ll talk to mine,” said Jack. He arrived at his house and they stared at each other silently for a few seconds.
“Well, I better go and get my math homework done,” said Ashi. “Plus, I have three out of my six other sisters who think just because they’re a couple minutes younger than me, they get to be the babies of the house. You know how that goes.”
“Yeah,” said Jack chuckling. “Well, see you tomorrow, and I hope to see you Friday.”
“Same to you Jack,” said Ashi. “See ya!”
Jack went inside his house, and Ashi walked on to her house.
Ashi asked her parents about going over to Jack’s house, and they said yes. Well, Ashi’s father wasn’t so sure at first, you know how fathers can be, but they had both agreed, so Ashi was happy. Jack’s parents said yes, that of course it was alright to bring Ashi over.
“Your father and I will just go upstairs and leave you two down here,” said Jack’s mother.
“Alright,” said Jack, with a smile.
“What will you be fixing for dinner?” asked Jack’s dad.
“I don’t know yet,” said Jack, rubbing the back of his head. “I need to think about it.”
“You could look in the cookbook,” said Jack’s mother, reaching on top of the fridge and pulling it down and handing it to Jack. Jack opened the cookbook and looked at the pages of different recipes to make, family recipes, passed down over the years, friend’s recipes, recipe’s from online.
“Now son, you don’t have to get too fancy, but whip up something nice, you know?” said Jack’s father.
“I understand,” said Jack, flipping pages. So many good recipe’s, but he was scared to try and cook one!
“Why not try the chicken and asparagus dish? It’s simpler than you think. Just follow the instructions step by step and you should be fine,” said his mother.
Jack nodded, but didn’t say a word. He knew he was bound to eff something up, he had a feeling.
When Ashi told Jack that her parents said it was okay to for her to come over to Jack’s house for dinner, he was excited.
“That’s great!” said Jack. He was nervous, but he couldn’t wait. “What movie do you want to watch?”
“I don’t know,” said Ashi. “What kind of movies do you have?”
“Spiderman, X-men, Fantastic Four, mostly action and comedy movies,” said Jack.
“One of my favorite movies is Howl’s Moving Castle, but you probably don’t have that,” said Ashi rubbing her arm.
“I have it on DVD,” said Jack.
“You do?” said Ashi excitedly.
“Yes,” said Jack. “If you want to watch that then it’s fine with me.” He smiled.
“Sounds like a plan,” said Ashi.
Friday finally arrived. The school day seemed to zoom by, and Jack and Ashi went home to get ready. Close to six, Ashi combed and brushed her hair, she put on a pink sundress with yellow flowers on it, and she sat at the vanity she and two of her other sisters shared, and put on a little foundation and lip gloss. Her sisters joked with her as she got dressed.
“I can’t believe little Ashi is going on a date with The Nerd,” said Avi, the “first-born.”
“He’s not a nerd,” said Ashi, reaching for her eye shadow.
“Does he even know how to cook?” asked Ami. “I bet he doesn’t even know how to boil some ramen noodles.”
Aki chuckled. “Watch him ask for help when he can’t tell if the water is boiling or not.”
“Come on you guys,” said Ashi angrily. “Please be nice. He’s gonna try his best.”
“Alright, alright,” said Avi. “Just remember that if you are unsure, number seven on the football team has his eye on you.”
“No thanks,” said Ashi, putting her makeup away. She wasn’t really interested in the football jock guys. Ashi said goodbye to her sisters and parents, and left the house and headed across the street. Meanwhile Jack was rushing to get everything prepared. He had gotten the casserole in the oven in the nick of time, but preparing it earlier had been nearly hell. First, he had totally overcooked the noodles and asparagus, but he hoped the cheese and the other spices would cover it up, that is, if he and Ashi could taste anything other than oregano, because he had accidentally shook the canister so hard, the top popped off and he had fumbled to catch it and so much of the herb had spilled into the casserole. Freaking out, he had dumped more cheese on top of everything in hopes it would mask it. He had also overcooked the chicken, and it looked dry. His parents had come down to check on him to see how everything was doing, and Jack told them that everything was okay and that the casserole was in the oven.
“Something smells a little funny, like too much oregano,” said Jack’s mother.
“Oh, well, I added just a tiny little extra because Ashi really likes that herb,” said Jack, lying.
Jack’s parents looked at each other then back at Jack.
“Well son, if you say so, good luck,” said Jack’s dad, patting his shoulder. Then his parents retreated back upstairs. Jack gulped. His parents already knew, he had probably messed up on something. Not long after, Jack was washing dishes when he heard the doorbell ring. He quickly moved away from the sink and in doing so, knocked into the vase of white roses he was keeping for Ashi when she arrived, and in doing so he managed to spill some water on the floor whilst keeping the vase from falling over.
“I’m coming!” cried Jack trying to hurry to the front door and he slipped in some of the water he spilled on the floor. Regaining his posture, Jack fixed his hair and clothes in the hall mirror, then he opened the door to see Ashi standing there, looking beautiful as always, but tonight, she looked exquisite.
“Hi!” said Jack, with a big smile.
“Hello,” said Ashi, returning the smile, what was all that noise I heard?”
“Oh, I, uh, just dropped something,” said Jack. “It’s all cool, come inside?”
“Gladly,” said Ashi, then she stepped inside, and Jack shut the door behind her.
“Mom, dad, Ashi’s here!” cried Jack, and a few seconds later, his parents came downstairs to greet her and give her a hug.
“Hello dear, you’re looking well,” said Jack’s mother. “Glad you could come on over here on this Friday night.”
“Me too,” said Ashi. She sniffed. “What’s that strong oregano smell?”
“That’s what we asked Jack, but he seems to be not telling us something,” said his mother. Jack shifted nervously. Ashi gave him a look.
“Well, we’ll be upstairs if you need us,” said Jack’s father, then he and his wife headed back upstairs.
“These are for you,” said Jack, handing Ashi the white roses.
“Aww, thank you Jack,” said Ashi, then she stood on her tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek.
Jack felt himself beginning to blush. If anything else unfortunate went down that night, at least he had the kiss on the cheek to remember it all by.
“Why is there water on the floor?” Ashi asked curiously.
“Oh, I tipped the vase by accident,” said Jack. He grabbed a paper towel and dropped to his knee’s and wiped up the water.
“Okay, well, that’s done, let’s pop in the movie, then we can fix our plates and eat!” said Jack. While Ashi took a seat, Jack booted up the DVD player. Still nervous about everything, he fumbled with the system for a few seconds, then he got the disc inside and got the movie playing.
“Something smells like it’s burning,” said Ashi.
Jack immediately ran into the kitchen and opened the oven.
“Heh, heh, I guess it would help if I didn’t burn the food,” He said chuckling nervously as he grabbed oven mitts to pull the dish out the oven, but he still managed to burn himself taking it out.
“Ouch! Dammit!” cried Jack, holding his pinkie finger.
“Are you alright?” asked Ashi, coming to his aid.
“Yeah, I think I should be good, just a tiny burn,” said Jack. He went to go run his finger under the water for a few seconds before slathering some Neosporin on it. Luckily, he managed to fix him and Ashi a plate, and carry it to the table with no issue; perhaps the rest of the evening would go over well.
“Well, this looks...appetizing,” said Ashi, looking down at her plate and poking at the crispy brown cheese crust that lay on top of the concoction on her plate.
Jack didn’t like how she hesitated before saying the word ‘appetizing’. Jack stirred the food on his plate before putting a forkful into his mouth. Ashi did the same.
“A little chewy,” said Ashi, talking about the chicken.
“Yes,” said Jack nervously.
Ashi swallowed. “How much oregano did you put in here?”
“Well,” Jack began. He tried to think of some other explanation to tell her, other than that he was bad at cooking, and he was so nervous right now, but he couldn’t.
“Well, you see, the recipe and everything, it calls for a lot of stuff....you see... I-I tried to do it all right... but then I couldn’t seem to understand....and then I-I”
“Jack!” said Ashi, reaching across the table and laying her hand on his. “It’s alright, we’ll go to Mcdonalds.” She smiled warmly. Jack couldn’t help but smile too.
“Mom, dad, we’re going to Mcdonalds!” cried Jack to his parents as he grabbed his keys.
“Okay!” was all Jack’s mother said. And so off they went. Jack and Ashi got a quarter pounder with cheese meal, and returned home, and sat on the couch and ate them while watching Howl’s Moving Castle.
“And so, the rest is history,” said Jack to his wedding guests, as he concluded his story on the microphone. Ashi sat smiling in her seat, makeup, jewelry, wedding dress and all. Her parents, Jack’s parents and sisters, who had heard the story a thousand times over the course of the five years they dated, were still greatly amused as though they were hearing it for the first time.
“It wasn’t the best official first date, but it remains special because it sparked something that we both knew, we would have our hearts for each other forever,” said Jack.
“Awww,” said all the wedding guests as Ashi teared up with joy.
“To longevity, peace, and happiness, forever and ever,” said Jack raising his champagne glass in toast.
“Forever,” said Ashi, and the rest of the guests, as they all too raised there glasses, and drank.
Phew! And there’s that! I hope it’s not terribly too long, but it is lengthy. I hope you enjoyed it! All credit for Jack’s “true” name goes to @sallychanscraps 
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