#also.. scar tissue
oaxleaf · 11 months
love myself a cockroach of a character. i look at them and go ”how is that fucker not dead? they should be dead. they should be dead ten times over. how are they not?” and 90% of the time the answer is a combo of sheer stubborness and homosexuality
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hinamie · 2 months
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every so often i have to relearn how to draw yuuji or he starts fighting me
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hoofpeet · 10 months
I love your oc lore!!! The "biblically accurate cow girl" post for me thinking - what would top(?) surgery for them look like
I have also put a lot of thought into top surgery scars for my guys !! A lot of opportunity for fun & stylized scars
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starry-bi-sky · 27 days
welcome back to another game of 'starry gets Emotions about her aus that SHE Made as if she were a viewer' aka im analyzing my own characters again. today im having spontaneous feelings over Danny's facial scar in Things in Threes and his perspective of it vs everyone else
danny got his facial scar when he was five, protecting damian's cribside from a spontaneous attack by a pair of intruders. It narrowly missed blinding him and cuts down diagonally across his face. At five, it was jarring and incredibly noticeable, stretching from his hairline to his jaw. At 15 its still painfully noticeable, but scars do not grow with age, they shrink as your body grows around it. Now it only goes from the middle of his brow to below the center of his eye.
Danny's facial scar is a point of pride for him. Despite horribly traumatizing him he refused treatment to get rid of it because it was a physical reminder that it was him who got hurt and not Damian, that he was able to protect his family. Not once does he ever feel shame or disgust towards his scar, because to feel that is to feel ashamed of protecting Damian, and he is not.
To him, his scar is a trophy. A physical reminder of his capabilities and a reminder to keep honing his skills so that he can never be hurt like that again, nor allow anyone to get close enough to him or Damian to be able to hurt him like that again.
To everyone else it is a point of tragedy. To Sam and Tucker, it is just one more physical reminder of their best friend's sad, terrible background that he refuses to share with them. All they know is that it came from him protecting his brother when he was five, something that deeply horrifies them.
To Bruce and the rest of the family, it is a reminder of what Danyal has gone through. The leeching horrors of the league that resulted in a five year old boy killing two grown men and being permanently scarred as a result, and seeing that scar as something to be proud of.
There is so much to think about about Danyal's scar.
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dilfmobius · 8 months
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mobius + the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day LOKI 2x06 - Glorious Purpose
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wildstar25 · 7 months
I was thinking about WOL outfits and what not, so here's a question:
And to elaborate on the difference between option 1 and option 2, a brief explanation of my interpretations under the cut:
Illusion magic only masks the true appearance of an item, bending the light aether around the item to make it look different to the naked eye. No physical properties of the armour changes. It maintains its original dimensions and weight. If your WOL was wearing full plate armour then glamoured it to something more revealing, if someone tried to stab an exposed area, their knife would stop on impact of the concealed armour.
Transformation magic will fully alter the physical appearance of the armour into the applied glamour. It will take on the shape and structure of the WOL's desired form, but the properties of the materials used will be maintained. The high grade metal of the armour will be altered to a state where it was like a woven thread. The item would provide the same degree of protection as the original where it physically exists in its glamoured state. If your WOL glamoured their plate armour into a the street wear top, their actual abdomen could be pierced by weapon. Because this is magic you could fudge the physics if you so choose or say there's a secondary spell involved; but I'd imagine that if the transformation was completely lossless, your glamoured item will weight the same amount as the un-glamoured version. (Otherwise it would be more like a transmutation which is a lossy conversion and not reversible. The WOL turned their new savage tier BIS armour into a hempen camise and lost 95% of the material in the process. When they dispel the glamour they have that hempen camise's amount of the original armour piece.)
That's my take on the two options! I don't know if either of them really contradict any canon in-game explanations to the glamour system tbh. It's been so long since I picked up the intro quest and the only time I remember glamours being used as a plot device it was in the ARR Hildebrand quest line (I think the very end or within the coliseum arc, either way I'm not doing all that just to check and see that it says nothing of note)
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hidden-havven · 1 year
1 life left sure hope nothing bad happens to them..
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plus more doodles (cw: blood (not very graphical))
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g e g g i s l o v e g e g g i s l i f e
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2hoothoots · 1 month
Revisiting P2 since the docu epilogue dropped and your AMV (<3) popped up as a sign for me to ask something that hopefully you haven't already spoken about years ago: What did you think of the in-game psych explanation for Maligula, that she's the primitive savage part of the mind? P2 is a weird mix of sketchy Freud/Jung concepts that Tim likes meshed with modern psych, and Maligula's deal seems like something they probably wrote a lot of different versions of but never quite solved elegantly
yeah, i think you totally hit the nail on the head - it's always felt like one of the parts of the story that they couldn't quite give enough polish to before they had to finalize it and move on with development. like - i went to go get my artbook to see if it had any insight into the writing process, and did you know that Nona and Maligula being the same person was apparently added way later in development? that's wild! i didn't know that until literally right now! i may or may not have skipped straight to my favourite characters when my artbook arrived and then put it on my shelf without reading the whole thing
ANYWAY, retrospectively i think it being a twist that was added later actually makes a lot of sense in the context of everything you mentioned. the Maligula problem, to me, is the fact that they're trying to juggle a bunch of different things that she has to be in the story. there's Maligula, the ruthless big bad, and Nona, the beloved grandma, and if you suddenly have to also make them both the same person... well, it ends up being kind of a thorny writing problem to make that work, haha.
here's some art i made so this isn't just a wall of text, rest of the answer under the cut
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i think one thing they could have done when they needed to rehabilitate a mass-murderer into a lovable old lady was pull back on either end of the spectrum. make your villain softer and more sympathetic, or give grandma a mean streak like she's one bad day away from a tragedy at the crochet club. and to give the story credit, i'm really glad they didn't. Nona is relentlessly sweet and endearing - and that's great! she needs to be in order to make the audience care about her, otherwise the emotional beats are never going to land. likewise, Maligula is a great villain, she's vicious and ruthless and at the culmination of her arc we see she simply does not give a shit about murdering hundreds of people. i love that for her, honestly, you go girl
but then, like - how do you connect the dots? how do you frame grandma having a violently murderous streak in a way that doesn't make the ending of "but she's over it now" feel kinda weird and hollow? and how do you do that while also being sympathetic to the game's themes around mental health? Maligula's informed by the traumatic things that happened to Lucrecia during the war, but she can't just be a manifestation of trauma, because the moral of the story being that trauma makes you a mass-murderer (until you beat up your trauma and shove it in a giant pit) would feel... really tonally dissonant!
so i think you're totally right that the sprinkling of pop-psych concepts we get ends up feeling a little bit like an awkward band-aid. Maligula's story is about how the horrors of war can shape you into a terrible person, who does terrible things - ...but there's also, like, special circumstances, so it doesn't feel weird that she goes back to being Raz's sweet grandma afterwards. special psychic circumstances! she's not just any war criminal, she's the fight or flight response gone out of control!
which - i dunno, i think that line in particular always stood out to me, because that's not really what the fight or flight (or freeze or fawn) response is, right? it's a temporary boost of adrenaline to the system to rev you up for getting out of a dangerous situation. an overactive fight or flight response is called chronic stress and anxiety. i know the games are pop-psych and not actual science, but it always stood out to me as a little awkward.
if it were me in the writer's seat - with the benefit of all the time in the world to workshop it, and no looming deadlines, and the hindsight of having a full completed game in front of me to think about - i might have tried to frame it around connection. i think you could swing the lens to instead focus on how violence, stress, trauma etc., make it harder to understand and empathise with the people around you. the tragedy of Lucrecia's story is that she came home to try and help her countrymen, the people she cared so dearly about. but the more time passed, the less she cared, the less she was able to see them as people. after Marona's death, the Maligula that remains is one who's unable to even care about killing her own sister. the alternative is too raw, too painful - instead, she sheds her last vestiges of remorse, and throws herself into the easy relief of violence. (we see this again, when Nona "awakens" as Maligula - when confronted with the baggage of her past, she chooses to wash it all away with force, unable and unwilling to care about the people she used to call friends.)
and i think shifting the focus like that ties it in thematically, too. a big theme (of both games, but especially the sequel) is how important connection is, how being able to understand and reach out to and rely on other people is a lifeline during hard times. PN2 touches on how there aren't really "good people" and "bad people" - everyone has the capacity to do wonderful or terrible things, and i think Raz's line to Maligula about how "everybody's got something like you" works. Lucrecia was never a monster, no matter how everyone tried to pretend she was. she was just a person, the same as everyone else - and just like everyone else, she could be pushed to extremes under the right circumstances. it just feels kind of odd when the implicit context is "everybody's got a mass-murderer hidden in the primal recesses of their brain", hahaha.
but like, again, that's the privilege of hindsight, right? i've definitely also been on the other side of the creative process, stuck with something i suddenly need to make work in a story and having to come up with a solution that feels like a band-aid. sometimes you just gotta call it good enough, and move on. and i think the game is overall much stronger for having Nona and Maligula be the same person - it plays into the wider themes, it sets up some great emotional beats, and i think it's overall well-executed, even if there are one or two hiccups in the writing.
anyway, great ask! thank you for the invitation to ramble, this is something that stuck out to me on my first playthrough of the game and it was fun to sit down and get my thoughts in order
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gayestcowboy · 5 months
started doing my t injections in my thighs (still subcutaneous) because i got some scar tissue buildup on my stomach and honestly thigh injections rule. i get to take my pants off to do my shot. remember to rotate your injection site 😻
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God? Are you there? Do you hear me? Did you hear me, tonight, crying instead of throwing up, for the first time in a month? Did you see me? Did you see the way I stared at the wall, while terrible thoughts passed through my mind? God? Are you there? Can you remind me, please, just this once, can you remind me of all the promises? There are stars in the sky, God. There's sand on the shore. But God, please. Are they for me? God? Are you there? Do you hear me? I'm sorry. I am so, so sorry for all the things I do, and the person I've become. I'm sorry that all I can think is that it means I should die. I know my friends, my family, wouldn't want that. God? Are you there? How do I stop feeling forsaken? I'm not even depressed, God. You brought me through that. But I'm still in the valley of the shadow of death. If they take me to the hospital, God, I'm scared I won't get a choice. I'm scared the only choice I have is the one I must not, cannot, take. God? Are you there? Do you hear me? Do you weep for me? Did your Son die for me? And, God? If that's true, why? God, I have scars that might not go away. I didn't mean to go that deep. Not with those. Unless I do something, God, I will never be able to wear shorts again. I've worn them with scarring, yes, but not that scar. God? Are you there? God? Do you love me?
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baellielurk · 1 year
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pov you're seated at a dinner table and these are the other guests wdyd
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i-mybrunettelady · 6 months
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That one time she crash-landed in Cantha
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snowshinobi · 1 month
Kaveh left. Kaveh left Alhaitham, Kaveh forfeited the ownership rights to his half of their home, and he ran. Ran away from a friend who'd hurt him, ran towards brighter prospects.
Kaveh only talks about the woman his mother was; a renowned architect like himself, author of textbooks, leaver of families. She's back in Fontaine now. He's never mentioned going on or receiving visits.
So. My question is ... what hurt his mother so badly that she ran all the way home? Was it betrayal, as in Kaveh's case; a broken heart? Did losing her husband to the Sumeru desert make her unable to stand this place for one more second?
Alhaitham stayed. He stayed in the house where his friend hurt him. He opened the door for Kaveh when Kaveh had nowhere to go.
There is something here about the bravery of remaining. Of reclaiming scorched earth. Growing something soft and fragile and new. Like scar tissue.
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acheronist · 11 days
giving myself a solid B+ grade overall for this month's apprentice tattooing event...... i did more last-minute appointments this time so instead of my scheduled 15, i ended up doing about 18 tattoos in total over three afternoons, and i only started getting clumsy and really mean to myself during the last three appointments on the last day. so that's pretty good i think????
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latestdreamgirl · 1 month
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to be fully honest ive never really liked r.eynolds wade. . . i must admit it.
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seijorhi · 10 months
no excuse for this horny ass question miss rhi, but i keep thinking about (in your words) “Scruffy, rough, ready to fuck the reader on the forest floor tsumu.” something about human atsumu already having the libido of an animal.. but actual werewolf atsumu?? holy shit. how often do you think he fucks the reader, how does he fuck her, and does he accomplish his goals of having a litter with her :)
also that last ask took me entirely out
HMM i'm gonna say that because of their longer lifespan, the whole pregnancy thing isn't actually as easy as it should be. considering they have a tendency to fuck like rabbits there'd be werewolves everywhere ghfdkjfhdjs
that being said, atsumu's a determined little shit, and he's got nothin' but time (and his pretty, feral mate) on his hands.
that being said i think tsumu has a tendency to shift mid fuck. like either he comes back from eating people hunting, still a little out of it on blood lust and finds some weird sense of calm buried inside of you OR it's the opposite, and he gets so fucking worked up and savage the moment you squeeze around his cock that he can't fucking stop himself.
either way, there's not really any escaping him
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