#alsoooo I hope I can finish the new fic I published
mintpurrfect · 2 years
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angst-in-space · 2 years
october ‘22 writing progress
words written: 19.9k
most words written in a day: 1806
least words written in a day: 126
current yearly total: 203.2k
projects worked on:
- ya sci-fi book revisions - sylvix pacrim au - edited/posted ch 8 of sylvix dreamscape fic - twiyor fic - matchablossom fic - outlined piece for 7yg zine
works published in october:
“throw away the key” (ace attorney/klapollo) “you’re a dream, i’m never waking up” chapter 8 (fe3h/sylvix)
october goals:
- revise roughly the first 15 chapters of my book - start editing the renga fic - maybeee start editing ch 9 of dreamscape fic if i have time - work on matchablossom fic - work on twiyor fic - work on sylvix pacrim au - perhaps work on altea rising a little - start fic for [redacted]
november goals:
- reach 50k for nanowrimo! - write at least first couple chapters of arctic monster wip - continue ya sci-fi book revisions - finish editing first 2 chapters of renga fic and hand off to betas - maybe start editing ch 9 of dreamscape fic - work on twiyor fic - work on matchablossom fic - work on sylvix pacrim au - start writing 7yg zine fic - ...maybe work a tiny bit on altea rising and/or red skies if i feel particularly ambitious?? lol
haha so...yeah.... october was kinda all over the place for me. i was feeling uh very overly optimistic about book revisions at the beginning of the month, with the goal to try and edit the first 15 chapters (the goal being to get through this round of revisions by the end of the year). but well. let’s just say i’m on chapter 4 right now soooo that did not really work out!! however it’s probably best that i take my time, as tedious as it can be.
which brings me to... it’s nanowrimo, yaaaaay!! planning to split my 50k words among several different projects:
1) continuing my current book edits! roughly 500 “words” of editing per day (i say “words” cuz i’m going to count deleted words as well as added words so yeah lol). 2) write ~500 words of my new book (arctic monster wip) every day. this is a book i outlined back in like july, and it had been Haunting me for a really long time before that. so i’m excited to finally begin writing it!! hoping to get to around 15k by the end of the month. 3) write ~500 words of fic a day. i have many wips i’d like to work on as you can see from my monthly goals haha. 4) and thennn the extra 166 words per day i will spend on...whatever is inspiring me most, or maybe will just count towards taking notes or something. YEAH!
i also still am working my way through my backlog of fics i need to edit/post... i at least finally posted ch 8 of sylvix dreamscape fic so i am happy about that (and have gotten so many lovely comments on it so far, thanks friends!!) but yeah i still gotta edit chs 9 and 10 AND i know i keep saying i will edit/post my renga fic from last year but...i mean it this time. i am almost done editing the first couple chapters of that, so hoping i can show it to betas soon and uhh maybe start posting by the end of the year??
oh yeah alsoooo i got into an ace attorney 7 year gap zine YAAAY so i will be starting to work on my fic for that as well. i am really excited for my piece (and might have teared up a bit while outlining it). 
so YEAH lots and lots of stuff to work on this month, hopefully i can get at least some of it done!! 
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angst-in-space · 2 years
april ‘22 writing progress
words written: 25.4k
most words written in a day: 1393
least words written in a day: 361
current yearly total: 90.3k
projects worked on:
- editing ch 7 of sylvix dreamscape fic - finished a draft of ch 8 and started writing ch 9 - writing new ending of my ya sci-fi book - editing renga fic
works published in april:
none 😖
april goals:
- post ch 7 of sylvix fic - start editing ch 8? - finish editing first two chs of the renga fic and hand that off to betas - meet my camp nano goal (30k words) - rewrite ya sci-fi book ending - continue reverse outline if i have time? - finish writing ch 8 of sylvix fic - at least start writing ch 9?? maybe finish it haha? - apply to writementor summer mentoring program - apply to roguementor
may goals:
- finish editing and post ch 7 of sylvix dreamscape fic - start editing ch 8 - finish draft of ch 9 and start editing ch 10 - finish writing new end of my book - work on reverse outline if i have time? - continue cutting down my book word count if i have time? - edit first two chapters of renga fic and hand it off to betas - apply to dvmentor - maybe apply to queeryfest
okay well first of all. i’d written out most of this post without realizing i had tumblr’s new beta text post thing turned on and was like “huh why does the text editing thing suddenly suck absolute ass”, then it randomly reloaded and DELETED MY ENTIRE POST so anyway PSA to uh not turn that on bc it fucking sucks and i’m fuming that i had to write this all out again but anyway kdjfkd. 
sooo didn’t quite meet my goal of writing 30k during april but i did write 25k so i got pretty close. i’d hoped to either finish writing the new end of my book or finish the sylvix fic and iiii finished neither! but still got a lot of progress done on both so we’ll call it a win.
put most of my efforts during april into working on my book and i hope to keep doing a bunch of work on that during may. still gotta finish writing the new ending and also significantly chop my word count (AGAIN) to fit said ending in lmao. but uh hopefully i can do it!!!
in my never-ending quest to get a writing mentorship... i did not get into revpit or writementor BUT i did end up on one revpit editor’s shortlist so that was very cool! i also had a phone call w her and she was very sweet and helpful and gave me a lot to think about in terms of what i can tighten/improve in future revisions of my book!! i also applied to roguementor so i’m keeping my fingers crossed for that. i plan to also submit to dvmentor aaand possibly queeryfest (the latter probably only if i don’t get into roguementor tho!)
as for fic things: did not post ch 7 of sylvix dreamscape fic yet... kinda struggling with editing it bc i’m not super happy with it dkjfkd - i’m probably overthinking things as usual but UGH. hopefully will get my shit together and publish that before the end of may. hope to also at least start editing ch 8, finish a draft of ch 9 and maybe start writing ch 10 (THE LAST CHAPTER...AAAHHH).
alsoooo hoping to finally edit the first two chapters of the renga fic and hand that off to betas before the end of the month. i got a bit of it done during april but... not much. and that fic has been on the back burner for way too long so i rlly gotta just edit/post it lmfao.
anyway i think that about covers it?? i probably had more things to say but i’m still fuming that tumblr ate my original post tbh DKFJDK. soooo yeah tl;dr hoping to finish writing my new book ending, get some work done on dreamscape fic, and edit/post some stuff!! 
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