#alternative fmk
myheartalivewrites · 3 months
3 and white house trio for the fmk alternate ask pls!
3, WELL: I would fight capitalism with Alex, my beloved class warrior; fight aliens with June because she'd be super rational about it all and she could manage the shit out of a space war; and fight zombies with Nora because she has just the right kind of unhinged brain you'd need for that.
Thanks for playing 😘
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taste-thewaste · 3 months
Taylor Nick Matthew 6
go clothes shopping with: definitely Taylor, I feel like we'd have a what not to wear thing going on and he could tell me what would look best on me lol
go to ikea with: Nick, I wanna eat meatballs and play hide and seek with his dumb ass
go grocery shopping with: matthew, i hate grocery shopping so much but we could talk about rwrb and he could distract me lol
thanks pal
FMK alternatives
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kiwiana-writes · 3 months
#2, Henry, Alex & Pez 😘
fist fight: Pez would fight fair, you know?
get drunk with: Oh my god absolutely Alex are you kidding?
share a flat with: Henry. He'd be a good, clean, respectful flatmate, and our combined book collections could test the engineering of the floor underneath the bookshelf.
[FMK alternatives]
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bigassbowlingballhead · 5 months
10. tzp, acd, marco
netflix and chill with, go ice-skating with, play dodgeball against
netflix and chill with tzp
play dogeball against marco
go ice skating with acd, he can teach me and catch me when i fall
fmk alternatives
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sparklepocalypse · 3 months
#3 for Alex/Henry/Pez xoxo MJ/kiwiana-writes
Fight aliens with: Pez. Dude's like a more flamboyant Tony Stark in my headcanon, so he's got the funds to get all the gizmos to defeat the invaders.
Fight zombies with: Henry. He has access to castles. Some of them have moats. The end.
Fight capitalism with: Alex. I feel like this one is a gimme, NEGL.
Put three names and a number in my asks and I'll answer the corresponding FMK alternative.
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punk-in-docs · 3 months
11 and 18 with Eddie, Prince Paul and Detective Quinn 😘
18. Go to a drive in move with, go mini golfing with, play monopoly with-
Ok I would sayyy,
Drive in movies? with Detective Quinn. But please know his hand will be up your skirt the entire time (also better believe he parks way way in the back for porny purposes)
Mini golfing? I would say Eddie. Cause he’d be a complete goof and make it fun. Also his ball would end up nowhere near where he intended it to go and it would just be hilarious watching this skrungly gremlin attempt to hit it from anywhere it’s unfortunately landed. If he misses a hole there’s lots of cursing. (You’d have to buy him a chocolate milkshake after to cut the pouting)
Play monopoly (or the century equivalent) with ? Prince Paul who would turn into a pissy brat who needs to be coddled and ridden like a pony if he loses (don’t rib him for it or he’ll leave handprint bruises on your ass for besting him)
11. Make soup for when sick, go on a long walk with, spend all day snuggling by a fire with-
Make soup for when sick? My heart goes out immediately to Eddie here (not just because I’ve written a blurb where the opposite happens) but also have you seen this boys diet? Man lives on gas station beef jerky, powdered doughnuts, and nicotine. Better believe he’s gonna get sick as soon as fall comes around. You’ll buy him chicken star soup and make home made mashed potatoes with butter for him when his throat is sore, and he’ll never stop looking at you with literal big red shiny love hearts in his eyes. (Will wanna kiss when he’s all snotty and fevery and gross- ew)
Cuddle up by a fire with? Snuggling with the one, the only, detective Frances Quinn. Because I just think he’s so needy and the more you drown him in affection the more he wants. He’d hire some cabin somewhere on a ski resort and be useless at chopping wood. So you’d have to stay in bed. All day. Napping. Cuddling. (Redacted) you also better believe the man will want to cock warm for as long as you are able.
Go on a long walk? Prince Paul. For sure. Have you seen that palace? How huge it is? The gardens? You could get lost walking alongside him. Either in the freshly fallen snow in the beautiful gardens. Or those large long halls around the palace when it’s bitterly cold outside. Either way a long walk aside him would be a stroll well spent. To show off your new silk dress and your adoring puppy of a husband.
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ladamedusoif · 8 months
Hi Rose!
Thanks for playing my ask game!
You asked for a FMK alternative so here it is:
teach a class to
be taught a class by
sit next to in a class
Dieter. Ezra, Javi G
Hi Kat!
Right. I've given this a lot of thought.
Teach a class to: Javi G.
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The only possible answer to this one. Look at him! He's so attentive and appreciative and kind. He'd send the sweetest emails and ask everything so politely. He'd listen so carefully and probably give you a thank you card at the end of the module. You would remember him forever and wonder how he's doing. (Actually, you wouldn't need to wonder. He'd send you a Christmas card annually.)
Be taught a class by: Ezra
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Look, there's never going to be a lull in the conversation, is there? He'd be spinning yarns to fill any silences and following several trains of thought at once, and would have an unnerving habit of using your name repeatedly to both connect with and unsettle you. What he'd be teaching, who knows. And who cares, frankly, when he's that pretty.
And that leaves:
Sit next to in a class: Dieter
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Look, depending on the class he might be a pain in the ass. He would probably be a distraction. He'd piss off Ezra no end. He'd probably be late half the time. But behind the shambolic exterior is one of the sweetest classmates you've ever had - actually pretty good on group projects, because his random ideas actually seem to work out; is massively appreciative when you share notes after he forgot to go to class one week (or maybe three weeks); and actually notices you, to the point where he gets in touch to check in when you're missing one week. Also, you like looking at his arm tattoos.
Thank you so much for this ask - perfect for me and so much fun to think about!
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coleskingdom · 6 months
8) Will. Kyle. Jay.
share a car with Jay, I’d let him drive ,I’m a good passenger, I’d bring snacks, would assume Alex Shelley hopefully had influence on music tastes or maybe he’s into podcasts.
share a bank account with Will he’s just got that 💰
share a cake with Kyle he seems like he’d share well.
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rayslittlekitten · 1 year
Let's keep it all Charlie: #2 with Will, Jax and Ray
2. fist fight, get drunk with, share a flat with
OOF. I gotta really think about this one.
Okay, any of them would easily kick my ass in a fist fight. It'd also probably be fun to get drunk with all three of them. I can't imagine it would be fun to share an apartment with Jax. I'd have to clean up after him all the time. Both Will and Ray I can see being neat freaks.
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Get drunk with Will because I'd love to see what he's like when his inhibitions are down and get to know him. It could be fun.
Share a flat with Ray because he's my #1.
Fist fight with Jax. He's probably the scrappiest one out of all three. Also, I get to touch him while he's topless and sweaty.
Thanks for playing!
fmk alternatives game
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myheartalivewrites · 3 months
june, nora, bea and #2 for the fmk alternatives!
The girls! I would fist fight June (I feel like she'd not be into it and would go easy on me, I would absolutely NOT get into a fist fight with Nora, someone's eye would be out by the end of it); easily get drunk with Nora, though I wouldn't let her take me to a second location; and I would share a flat with Bea, I need her organised, has-her-shit-together ass in my life, cannot do with messy and chaotic housemates.
This game was fun! Here's the link if you want to play
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taste-thewaste · 3 months
JK I SAW SOMEONE DID 5 so do 2 for Henry, George, & Hayes
fist fight: mmm George because he’s the one I know least about lol I still haven’t watched mary & George
get drunk with: Hayes! I’ll corrupt him
share a flat with: Henry my beloved 💖
Thanks bestie!!
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kiwiana-writes · 3 months
henry fox, alex claremont diaz and percy okonjo and #5 please MJ
go on a six hour road trip with (no car radio, you choose who drives): No car radio is fucking brutal, I NEED music on a car trip, so I'm picking Pez and we can do our own six hours of carpool karaoke. I feel like he'd have a similar wide range of songs in his repertoire to me lmao.
sit next to on a six hour plane flight: Oh, one THOUSAND percent Henry. On flights I just wanna put my headphones in and ignore everyone. We could read and enjoy each other's company in blissful silence.
sit across from on a six hour train journey: Alex! We could people-watch and scenery-watch and have long meandering adhd conversations about god knows what.
[FMK alternatives]
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bigassbowlingballhead · 5 months
Ryan, Oliver, Lou, 10
netflix and chill with, go ice-skating with, play dodgeball against
netflix and chill with ryan
ice skating with lou
play dogeball against oliver.
fmk alternatives
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Fuck Marry Kill alternative called Murder, Arm, Tax
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oflostinfound · 2 years
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sparklepocalypse · 3 months
5 for Pez, Nora and Bea 😘
Six hour road trip: Pez. Pez drives. (Because if I drive and Pez is feeling chatty I will go insane after hour two.)
Six hour plane flight: Bea. Bea has been so thoroughly trained in protocol that I'd never have to fight her for space on the armrest, and it'd be neat to snoop on which in-flight movie she was watching.
Six hour train journey: Nora. Nora strikes me as the sort of person who has lots of interesting facts about trains, IYKYK 😏
Send me an ask with three names and a number and I'll answer the corresponding FMK alternative.
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