#always slyly scents you if you spend time with him outside of the bedroom as friends
merakiui · 2 years
What about Alpha!Jade? Is he better? Worse? 👀
Floyd will be blunt and brutally honest when he feels like it, but Jade can be rather deceptive. When you approach him with an offer for friends with benefits, he’s a little too quick to agree. You think Floyd might have rubbed off on him, but Jade’s always considered the possibility of an arrangement like this. Not that you’d ever know that, of course.
Jade is painfully vanilla the first few times. He does it on purpose. As fun as breaking you would be, you only expect him to be the alpha who’ll help you through your heats. Nothing more, nothing less. He won’t exceed any expectations, so all of his preferences are kept secret. He does stay a little while after the fact, but it’s usually to bring you refreshments and snacks if you need any. He’ll run a bath if you desire one. He’ll pick discarded clothing from off the floor and fold it in neat piles. There is no emotion in any of these gestures, and it feels like he’s your butler when he goes to these lengths.
I like to think that things change when he accidentally knots you. :) of course Jade’s usually good at keeping his restraint and he’s never let his desires get the better of him, especially not when he’s dealing with you. That’s how he frames it. It’s never helping you; it’s always dealing with the issue, as if it’s burdensome. But he was a little too lost in thought and you were so defenseless beneath him, shuddering through another orgasm, fingers curling into the dampened bedsheets, your legs wrapping around his waist. And…it just happened. One minute he’s fucking into your slick, warm hole and the next his knot has slipped past the ring of muscles, locking the both of you together. And he suspects that if you weren’t so heat-brained and your hole wasn’t so slick it would probably hurt.
It’s a little embarrassing that he allowed this to happen, and he knows you’d probably panic if you were more self-aware. But you throw your head back and cry so sweetly for him and he’s relieved it won’t cause any issues. It’s a little bothersome after the fact, though, because he has to wait until he can finally detach himself from you.
When Jade’s in love, he’s in love. He can hide it well, but one look at his dreamy, far-off expression and you’ll wonder what’s caught his fancy this time. There was never any intimacy in your relationship to begin with, but lately he’s started interlacing his fingers with yours when he fucks you, gently cradling your hand while you moan beneath him. And his kisses are always so deeply romantic, as if he has to taste you each time he kisses you so that your flavor remains on his tongue afterwards. Gone is vanilla Jade. When he loves you, he wants to love you until you’re on the verge of shattering. Expect ropes, handcuffs, blindfolds, and lots of other fun things he’s been dying to try on you. It’s a shame he can’t do this outside of your heats. He’s certain your reactions would be very interesting.
It feels like these feelings have snuck up on him because suddenly he no longer views you as an obligation he’s tasked with handling. Now he looks at you adoringly, as if you’re the only one he’ll ever see. And this complicates the matter because now he’d give anything to claim you for himself and knot you again, but this time with the intention of pouring his love into you.
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aliwritesfic · 3 years
Night Shift Part 3 (F!Reader x Frankie Morales)
Summary: Yours and Frankie’s weekends take very different turns
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: Emotionally abusive relationship, very brief mention of drug use, drinking, T*m D*vis makes an appearance
Part 1 Part 4
Frankie slept better that week than he had in months. Every night was long, uninterrupted, mercifully dreamless sleep. The diner had done exactly what he had hoped. When he awoke that Saturday afternoon, he felt better than he had in ages. He hummed while he rummaged through the refrigerator, grabbing out some leftover padthai and throwing it in the microwave.
Each night that week, a routine between you and him had formed. You’d work, barely exchanging words until the dinner rush was completed, then you’d make him a coffee and he’d make you something to eat. You’d requested something different each night, and each night you’d spoken to him a little more. Some nights you were in a better mood than others, but he quickly realised it wasn’t personal against him.
He found he was a little disappointed when he woke up that afternoon and remembered that it was his day off. If he was being honest with himself, he’d grown to enjoy your company. Something about you intrigued him, made him want to get to know you more.
Frankie spent getting stuff together for poker night with the boys. It was his turn to host, so all he had to do was make sure that his dining room table was clear and his portable speaker was charged. 
While he got ready, his mind kept wandering back to you.
He thought of the way you had a different smile for certain customers. The truly genuine one was reserved for only a select few of your favourites. He felt himself hoping that one day you’d give him one of those smiles, instead of the one that didn’t really reach your eyes and disappeared quickly. 
He thought of how when the diner was quiet, you’d lean against the counter and sip your coffee, your gaze firmly out the window. 
He thought of how when your shift ended and you checked your phone, your face would change for just a fraction of a second before you’d say goodbye and rush out the door. 
Jesus fucking Christ, he thought, do I have a crush?
Frankie hadn’t had a crush since high school, when he had finally had the guts to ask out Portia Inglewood. That relationship had lasted until he left the military, and brought all the emotional baggage with him.
A loud banging on the door knocked him out of his thoughts. 
“Cat!” Benny didn’t wait for Frankie to open the door. “We’re here, and we have beer!”
“You know where it goes,” Frankie called back. 
Santi grinned at his best friend and handed him a beer. “How’s the new job?”
“It’s exactly what I need right now,” Frankie told him. Santi nodded in understanding. They all had their own ways of dealing with what they carried. “Plus, the extra cash doesn’t hurt.”
Frankie didn’t want money - he had plenty from when he’d do private jobs with Santi. If he ever became desperate, he knew he could just join Santi on his next job. 
“Well, extra cash or not, I’ll always be the hottest person you’ve ever worked with,” Santi winked, making Frankie roll his eyes.
“Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better, man.” Frankie laughed. 
The night progressed in a haze of pizza and beer and poker. Will lost money to Tom, and Tom promptly lost it all to Benny. Santi told the group about the new girl he was seeing, some French expat over stateside for a few months. Benny double checked everyone was coming to the fight next weekend. Tom revealed that he and the girls were moving to Ohio to be closer to Molly’s parents. The boys promptly began planning a going away party, which would basically just be another poker night but with more beer and possibly a cake.
Any worries Frankie held seemed to melt away on nights like these. At one point, he briefly wondered what you were doing and if you were thinking of him too. Yep. Definitely a crush.
You didn’t like Kurt’s friends. Unfortunately, you were stuck spending your Saturday night with them crowded in your apartment, loud and disrespectful as hell. It didn’t matter to them that you’d asked time and time again could they please go outside to smoke, could they please put their beer bottles in the recycling bin, could they please not use your nice plates to do coke on. 
If your grandfather could have seen you now, he would’ve called you a push-over. You hated that you had become this person - afraid to stick up for yourself in your own home. Hell, you didn’t even know at what point you’d become this person. It just seemed to happen over the five years you’d been dating Kurt.
You had lost yourself in trying to be what he wanted.
With a sigh, you sealed yourself away in the bedroom with a bag of Doritos and your phone, wishing you could call your grandfather. You still had his number in your phone. Occasionally, you’d look at it, the numbers seared into your brain. 
Instead of calling the now disconnected number, you settled for messaging Sara. She was one of your only remaining friends from high school, and knew as much about your feelings as you were willing to let on. The thing was, you knew what she would say if you told her how you felt every single day. How lost, how hopeless you felt. She’d tell you to leave, forget Kurt and all the years with him, but to you it wasn’t that simple. 
Part of you still loved him, despite everything, and that part remained hopeful that you and Kurt could fix the fractures in your relationship. Plus, a voice in the back of your head told you he was right when he said he was the only one who could ever love you. 
Being alone, unloved, was one of your deepest fears.
This was one of the nights you actually missed being at the diner. You missed the lemon scented countertops, the radio that seemed to be permanently set on the oldies station, hell, you even missed Frankie and his amazing food. He’d been working with you less than a week but he had already wedged himself into your stomach. But, it was just two more nights until you were back there. It struck you that this was the opposite of how most people thought. No one you knew actually wished to go back to work. 
It was almost dawn when you were woken out of your half sleep by Kurt stumbling into the room. 
“Baby,” he slurred, crawling into bed beside you. “Baby, I love you.”
“I love you too,” you mumbled, moving over so he could fit in the bed easier. He reeked of sweat and booze. 
“I’m sorry,” he planted a sloppy kiss on your neck. “I really try to be good.”
“I know,” you ran your fingers over his head. He liked his hair cropped short, in an almost military like style. “I try too.”
“Can we go back to how we were?” Kurt continued kissing you, his hands moving drunkenly over your body. You bit back a sigh, knowing where this was heading.
You decided it would be easier to let him do what he needed, despite how badly you wanted to sleep. The only saving grace was you knew Kurt would only last a couple of minutes before it would be over. 
“So, what’s the new guy like?” Manny asked. You were seated outside, at one of his favourite cafes. The sun shone down warmly on you both, brightening your mood.
“I like him, I think,” you said. “He’s nice, quiet.”
“And pretty cute, right?” Manny wriggled his eyebrows. 
“I hadn’t noticed,” you lied. Of course you had noticed. It was impossible not to notice. 
“Don’t feed me bullshit, I can tell when you’re lying.”
“Ugh, fine. He’s good looking. But that doesn’t mean anything.”
“That’s the thing lover, it only means something if you want it to.” Manny took a conspiratorial sip of his drink. “And I didn’t get a gay vibe from him.”
“Oh good, because the only thing holding me back from jumping his bones in the kitchen is that I didn’t know his sexual preference.” You rolled your eyes, deciding to quickly change the subject. “Anyway, how’s the new job?”
“I’m loving it!” Manny lit up. “Everyone says teenagers are the worst group to teach, but it’s like they forget middle school exists.”
You smiled at Manny’s happiness. It thrilled you to see someone you considered your best friend so happy. If anyone deserves the whole world, you thought, it’s him. But he wasn’t going to let you change the subject that easily.
“You know, maybe you could invite Frankie to one of our lunches,” Manny said slyly. “It could be a night crew thing.”
“That would mean inviting the weekenders,” you reminded him. Manny held a grudge against the weekend crew, but you could never figure out why.
“No, weeknight crew only. Come on, lover, it could be fun! Plus, I want to get to know my replacement a bit better. Make sure I’m not handing the spatula to someone I don’t approve of.” Manny pouted and switched on his puppy dog eyes.
“Ugh, fine, I’ll ask,” you conceded, “but don’t be surprised if he says no. The man probably has a life.”
“It can’t hurt to ask though, and I will bother you about it until you have an answer.”
“What are you planning?” You knew that look all too well.
“Just on making a new friend,” Manny said innocently. “Lover, you can never have enough friends.”
At that moment your phone buzzed with a text from Kurt.
Where r u?????
You grimaced and sent a quick reply, hoping it wouldn’t lead to what it usually did.
At lunch with Manny from work. I’ll be home in a couple hours, do you want anything?
“Why don’t you just break up with him?” Manny asked, watching you carefully.
Is he the gay 1?
Yes, you met him and his husband last year.
“It’s complicated,” you said. You didn’t have anywhere to go. You were terrified of being alone. Part of you still felt like you could salvage what you had. The one and only time you had tried to break up with him, he had threatened to kill himself if you left. 
“You deserve better than that,” Manny said. You remained silent, not sure if he was right. “You’ve been unhappy for ages now.”
“I’m happy!” You protested.
“No you aren’t. Don’t fucking lie to me. You’re miserable with that douche bag, even James agrees.”
“I haven’t seen James in months! How the hell would he know!” You were getting defensive, but you still managed to keep your voice lowered. 
“Lover, I talk that man's ear off every chance I get. Because I love him. Because he likes to hear me talk about my day and the people important to me.”
“I’m important to you?”
Manny rolled his eyes and threw his napkin at you. “Of course you are, you’re a sister to me. Stop trying to change the subject.”
“What subject!” You scoffed.
“The subject of you for some reason wanting to stay in a relationship with a man who makes you miserable,” Manny’s voice softened and he gently held one of your hands. The gesture almost made you tear up with its gentleness. You merely shrugged.
“Like I said, it’s complicated.”
Manny nodded. “Just please think about it, for real. I couldn’t sleep at night if I never said anything to you about it.”
The walk home was slow, you took your time to sort out your scrambling thoughts. Manny had offered to drive you, but it was a nice day, and you wanted to enjoy the sunshine. You pushed the issue of Kurt to the side, knowing either way the outcome would be the same unless you magically grew a spine and a few extra zeros in your bank account.
Instead, you thought about Frankie and how best to ask him to Sunday lunch. Honestly, if there was going to be a night shift tradition, it just felt downright rude to not at least extend an invite. And if Frankie said yes, well, that was even better. It was like Manny said - an opportunity to make a new friend. Just a friend.
So why did your stomach flip at the thought?
Tagging @hnt-escape if you’d also like to be tagged just let me know <3
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gustafsnightangel · 3 years
Shattered Lives Ch 40 Pt 3
They were awake early, first by Lily, closely followed by three excited boys, it was snow fort building day. The kids were up and dressed in record time, Brendan taking it upon himself to get Lily ready to hurry the process along, the twins practically dragging Gustaf out of bed before he caved.
“Ok, ok, I’m getting up.” He chuckled. “Go help Brendan with breakfast and Lily, we’ll be right there.” He said to the twins, Sildie’s giggle into his shoulder had him smiling. “I’m starting to regret my decision.” He quipped, hands roaming that lush body he’d ravaged the night before.
“It’ll be fun and they’re so happy.” She cupped his face with her hand and kissed him sweetly. “You make them so happy love.”
“We’ll see after I bury them in the snow up to their eyeballs.” He nuzzled his face into her neck, her scent arousing him. “Ever had sex in a snow fort?” He asked slyly, her burst of laughter was a sure fire no.
“No I haven’t.”
“Well if we put a roof on it and make it an igloo.” He kissed her longingly. “I might take you out there and fuck you in it.” He growled.
“That would be one to cross off the bucket list.” She laughed.
“It would. You could be my snow kitten.” He purred.
“It’ll be cold.”
“I’ll warm you up.” He kissed her again and pressed her into the mattress. “God I wish I had more time with you this morning to ravage you again.” He devoured her mouth and then pulled away. “I have to get up and shower before we give three boys an education when they come looking for us.” Her laugh always made him smile. The one that he only heard when she was stress free, guilt free, grief free, and genuinely happy, at peace with the world around her and her place in it. God he wanted more of that for her.
Showered and dressed Gustaf found the boys and Lily at the table eating, fueling up for a long day of snow fort construction. Making tea they discussed their fort, or rather the main fort and three smaller walls for the snowball fight, the boys were thinking long term. “This might take a couple of days to build.” He said gently, not wanting them to get their hopes up of everything being completed in one day.
“We can build and then do something else for a bit for a break.” Brendan suggested.
“I like that plan. And no throwing snowballs until we declare a snowball fight day.” He smirked, knowing the twins would shove more snow down his shirt given the opportunity. “We build, then we have a few days having the snowball fight ok?” All three agreed and Lily squealed making them all laugh.
Sildie emerged from the bedroom to a laughter filled room. What she wouldn’t do to have the kids this happy all the time. She knew there would be tears and grief again at some point, but this was such a relief, acknowledgment they were healing. She sat and ate with Gustaf, the kids putting on layers and boots and coats. “You taking all four or you want me to keep Lily in here?” She asked as she sipped her tea.
“Taking all four. Lily will have fun throwing snow at the boys.” He grinned.
“Brave, brave man.” She chuckled. “You ok if I kick back and read for a little bit?”
“Sore after yesterday’s hike?” He asked slyly, not meaning the hike at all.
“A little stiff that’s all.” He leaned over and kissed her tenderly.
“I’ll massage it out later.” He growled and she snorted a laugh.
“I’m sure you will.” His grin was wicked, the sparkle in those Nordic blue eyes mischievous. “I’ll come out for a while and take some pictures, maybe sit out there in the sun and read, keep and eye on Lily.”
“Whatever you want to do love.”
“That’s the thing I’m a little lost.” She murmured.
“Idle hands are the devils plaything.” He muttered as he stood.
“You better watch out then.” She looked at him from under her lashes and bit her bottom lip.
“Careful kitten.” He growled at her ear. “I’m keeping score and that perfect ass of yours is going to be fire engine red when I’m done with you.” The ripple of arousal that shuddered through her made him grin. “You like the sound of that don’t you? Hmmm?” Her kiss was her answer, hungry, for him.
“Go make your fort.” She scoffed and playfully pushed him away.
Gustaf took the kids outside and helped them choose the location for their main fort and where they would build their three smaller walls for the snowball fight. They spent the morning crafting bricks of snow and packing down the floor of the fort. Sildie sat reading and taking pictures, a few videos, and watched as Gustaf and the kids bonded. It was so important for them to have this time and she was grateful that she’d found someone like Gustaf who wanted her as much as the four kids that came as a package deal. She ventured out with Lily and they started a small snowman, the tiny girl having the time of her life tossing more snow around and giggling as it rained down on her. By the time lunch rolled around they had five layers of bricks up for the main fort and Lily had built a snowman, sort of. It looked more like a blob but she was having fun.
“After lunch we can pack the gaps.” Gustaf said as he sat next to Sildie, the picnic style lunch an easier solution than shedding boots and jackets to eat inside.
“Something Lily can help with too.” Liam said taking a bite of his pizza.
“We have to be careful with Lily, make sure her fingers don’t get too cold.” Sildie said closing the front door bringing some hot chocolate and cookies out. She loved how the boys wanted to include their sister in everything they did as a family.
“Oh.” His face fell.
“She can help love. Just like when we built the snowman earlier. We just have to keep an eye out. Her fingers are much smaller than yours and mine, and she can’t voice what she’s feeling. You can tell me your hands are cold, she doesn’t have those words yet or know what they mean so we have to remember to check her fingers.”
They devoured the cookies, Lily asking for a second one and Gustaf giving in. Sildie sat with her book as the construction continued and by mid afternoon they’d started on the roof when Lily needed her nap. She fussed, not wanting to go down, but her body was clearly overruling her. Stripping down Sildie curled up in their bed with her, content with reading while the tiny girl slept, those wayward thoughts of having kids with Gustaf flitting in and out of her mind.
With the light fading, the boys as well, Gustaf called it a day and herded the kids inside. They were beat, but they had an igloo, complete with roof. Although how stable that roof was he couldn’t say. They could spend some of the morning tomorrow doing the other three walls for the snowball fight and call it good. The kids went to take showers and warm up as he stood in the doorway to their room and smiled. His two best girls curled up in their bed fast asleep. “You’re going to make a great mother someday love.” He murmured to himself as he snuck a few photos. Closing the door quietly he went to the kitchen to start dinner.
“Mum mum mum.” Lily patted her cheek softly.
“I’m awake little lady, just resting my eyes.” She chuckled and snuggled the child in closer, giving her smooches. She took Lily to bathe and get in her pajamas and realized it was very quiet in the cabin. Coming out to the living room four boys were curled up in front of the fire listening to Gustaf read Harry Potter. Lily squirmed in her arms crying a dad dad, and as her tiny feet hit the floor she was off running to him for a cuddle. Their bond was so strong, she thought, and her heart swelled. “He’s so good with them Quinn.” She whispered. “Don’t be mad at me for wanting this.”
“Well hello little lady.” He chuckled, that deep rumble Sildie adored filling the room as he snuggled Lily to him. “You going to help?” He said and kissed her head as he kept reading.
Sildie made tea, noticing the stew nearly ready on the stove, the timer ticking by. It was the little things he did, just took care of that made her feel so loved. The little things she didn’t have to worry about so she could read, or take a nap, or just have five minutes to herself and breathe. But he did them because he wanted to, not because he had to, or was asked to, and it was also the reason she sometimes felt she was taking advantage of him. “You’re not.” She muttered quietly under her breath. “He does it because he wants to. It’s his choice.” And it was, sometimes she just had to remind herself of that.
The boys sat around the table as the timer went off, Gustaf coming into the kitchen to help, Lily attached to his hip.
“I’ve got it, go sit.” She tapped a hand on his chest and kissed him sweetly.
“Good nap?”
“Yes. Didn’t really mean to crash out but I did.” She chuckled. “It’s still early so this one should go down normal time.”
“Good to know.” He growled. “Because even though I’m tired after today, I have a craving for you.” He breathed, and kissed her temple. She felt her pussy clench, just the thought of him fucking her was enough to get her system buzzed. “I’ve wanted you all day.” The brush of his fingers at her hip sent a shot of arousal to her core as she tried to get the garlic bread ready for dinner, his low chuckle mischievous.
They sat and ate, the twins telling her all about their afternoon and that she needed to go and check out the fort. She assured them she would when the sun was up. After dinner the kids cleaned their teeth and crashed out early, the days activities wiping them out. Gustaf sat on the floor in Lily’s room, the little lady tired and nearly asleep holding onto his fingers. Standing at the door she videoed him talking to Lily, soothing her, it might come in handy when he was away and homesick. It would be worse for him this time around and she was getting herself prepared to help him anyway she could. Lily would feel the separation more this time too, something Sildie wasn’t looking forward to. These moments seemed fleeting knowing he’d be gone for three months, and she’d capture and keep as many of them as possible.
He was tired, the exercise from the day had started to catch up with him. Finishing in the bathroom he crawled into bed, Sildie sitting up reading as he sighed into the pillow.
“Long day.” She chuckled.
“A lot of exercise.” His huff was one of humor. Even as he said that his hand wandered up her thigh, he still wanted her, craved the feel of her. She startled him when she snapped her book shut, placed it on the nightstand, and moved to straddle him, his semi hard erection pressing against her.
“Feels like you’re up for something.” She grinned, lips ghosting his.
“I’m always up for something with you love.” His fingers tangling in her hair as he devoured that clever mouth.
“Your turn to lay there and take what I give you.” She breathed and gently rocked her hips, her slick heat coating his cock.
“You going to ride me kitten?” He asked, dusty blue eyes finding hers.
“Mmmm, eventually.” She hummed and nipped his jaw before heading south over his chest and torso to kneel between his thighs. Hands spread his hips wide until his feet were flat on the bed, her tongue tasting him as she settled in to feast. As her lips kissed over thigh and torso, her fingers grazed his package sending fireworks off in his brain, the light scrape of her nails enough to make him hiss. “You like it when I do that.” She purred and did it again to emphasize her point, the hiss turning into a growl as she licked the base of his cock. Teasing him relentlessly she built his release up, and by the time she took him into her mouth to suck on him he was ready to beg her to let him come.
“Fuck kitten you feel so good.” He groaned as he thrust up into her mouth gently, his mind scrambled by the sensation of those nails raking his balls and her mouth sucking him into oblivion. She stopped as he peaked, the low whimper of frustration making her smile as she released him with an audible pop. Crawling up his body she kissed him, tongue teasing before she climbed off him and straddled him to face his feet. Hands guided his legs down to lay flat and slightly apart. Scooting forward she took his cock in her hand and stroked him, his hands kneading her ass as she positioned him at her entrance. Taking a hold of his ankles she impaled herself on his cock slowly.
“Kitten.” He choked, arching his head back as her tightness enveloped him, fuck she felt good. Moving her hands to the mattress she pressed against his ankles for him to widen his legs stretching her hips as much as her body would allow. Her soft moan as she started to ride him causing him to grip her ass and hiss as she took him apart.
As she rode him he slipped his fingers through her wetness, those silken folds spread wide for him to play with. “Let me feel you come kitten.” He said as he stroked slick fingers around her back door. She tensed as he toyed with her puckered hole, the orgasm looming, he felt it flutter around his rigid member. As she thrust down onto him he slipped two long fingers into her ass, the sudden fullness tipping her over the edge. With a soft cry she came hard, her pussy spasming around his cock.
“Don’t stop.” She cried and rode him harder, those long digits sinking further into her ass, the push and pull filling her deliciously. “Daddy don’t stop.”
With her this tight he wasn’t going to last, his own breathing becoming ragged as he held of blowing his load. As she crested those nails raked his package, the heel of her hand on her clit. She fucked him, took everything she needed from him for her own pleasure, giving him everything of herself in return.
“Daddy.” She cried as she teetered, her rhythm becoming faster as she took them both over the edge.
“Fuck kitten.” He groaned as he came, sparks dancing in his vision. She kept the torturous pace until they were both spent. Resting where she was she forced air into her lungs, breath ragged. A grin bloomed on her face when she felt him sit up and curl over her, hands supporting her, the need to feel her close. “I love it when you fuck me.” He growled, chest still heaving and gently bit down on her shoulder before sucking it. “Your moves kitten are out of this world.”
“I love taking you.” Her hand hooked behind his neck and she turned to kiss him tenderly. “Taking what I want, but giving you everything in return.” She kissed him again.
“Keep kissing me like that and I’ll have to return the favor.” He chuckled.
“If you’re not asleep first.” She grinned, he looked tired.
Eventually untangling themselves and bathroom hygiene seen to, they snuggled warm and satisfied. He had every intention of rocking her world again, but the toll of playing in the snow all day won the battle and pulled him under.
“Sleep love.” She murmured as she felt him relax as she stroked his scalp toying with the longer scruff of hair he’d been growing out. Laying there she let her mind drift, finally having the time and space to think about their future, to actually start to lay down roots. She plunged into sleep with him a while later, thoughts of their own brood of kids in the forefront of her dreams.
The scream that tore through the night woke him from a dead sleep with a start. He looked at his sleeping goddess beside him, Sildie was still out cold and he smirked. The woman could sleep through a nuclear disaster. Lily’s cry came again through the monitor, the little lady clearly not happy about something. “I’m coming Lily bear.” He murmured as he untangled himself from Sildie and got out of bed. Pulling on some sweatpants he padded out to Lily’s bedroom, the poor girl was beyond it. “What’s wrong little lady?” He soothed as he picked her up. Snuggling her in close the sobs of dad dad muffled into his chest broke his heart. “You have a bad dream? Hmmm?” He rocked from side to side the movement soothing her a little. “Shall we get you cleaned up? Have some cuddles?”
“Dad dad dad.” She cried, the tone softer now.
“You’re fingers are all cold.” He said laying her down to change her. “You get cold little one?” Once changed he fished out a thicker set of pajamas and dressed her.
“She ok?” Sildie mumbled from the doorway as he picked Lily up and curled her in wrapping the blanket around her as well.
“I think she got a little cold.” Damn he loved the look of her like this. Sleepy and crumpled, it was sexy as sin. “Go back to bed love, I’ve got her.” He murmured as she came to him and simply wrapped her arms around him and swayed.
“I love you.” She said softly.
“I love you too. Go back to bed.” He chuckled.
“You’re sure?” She mumbled, almost asleep on her feet.
“I’m sure.” He kissed her forehead. “I’ll be there in a bit.”
He chuckled as she shuffled back to bed. She was so adorable like this, but knew she’d kick his ass if he told her that. “Alright little lady. Back to bed for you too.” Lily had grown heavy in his arms.
He put Lily in her crib and took two steps before she started crying again. She wasn’t having it. She wanted Gustaf and he knew deep down she wouldn’t settle again tonight without him. “All right.” He soothed as he picked her up again. “You’re all right Lily.” He sighed. “Let me get my book and you can sleep on me while I read.” It was 3 am anyway and he doubted he was getting anymore sleep tonight.
With a quietly sobbing Lily in his arms he went into their room and grabbed his book from the nightstand, being careful not to disturb Sildie.
“Come to bed love.” She mumbled.
“She won’t go down, I’ll read on the couch with her, so you can get some more sleep.” He said and she rolled over to look at him.
“Bring her in here too.” She murmured tugging the covers back. “We’ll all snuggle up.”
Tossing his book back on the nightstand he did as she asked, all three of them curling up together under the covers. Lily’s sobs eventually turned into even breaths, the tiny girl finally sleeping.
“She’s asleep.” Sildie said softly.
“I can go try to put her into her bed.” He said, his fingers drifting up and down her naked body.
“No it’s ok.” She leaned up and kissed him tenderly. “Close your eyes love. Sleep some more.” His arm stiffened and drew her closer.
“My two best girls, my family. You’re beautiful love. Every inch of you. Inside and out.” He kissed her sweetly before she snuggled in closer, the three of them eventually falling back to sleep.
The next few days passed in much the same fashion as the ones before it, minus Lily invading their bed and sleeping on Gustaf. Days of fort building and setting up for their snowball fight, building a snow family that now stood proudly beside the fort, and a Lily sized snowball fight where the boys got to be a little sillier than usual.
They’d spent the day finishing the battle ground, the snowball fight scheduled for high noon tomorrow, and we’re now snowboarding on the small slope at the rear of the cabin. While the boys learnt to snowboard, Sildie found an old sled and took Lily down a few times, the child squealing and chattering the whole time. At the bottom of the hill she got some video of the boys and smiled. “I hope you’re seeing this Quinn. How happy they are.” She chuckled as Brendan wiped out face first into the snow, coming up with a grin plastered across his face. “Don’t let Ana destroy this.” She pleaded with the universe as her eyes cut to Gustaf. Her goofy man, so much love and kindness in that sweet soul, she thought. “He’s suffered enough because of her, let it be done. Please, just let it be done so we can move on.” That gorgeous smile spread across his face, those laugh lines winking at her. “I’m so in love with you.” She whispered.
She smiled as she thought back to yesterday when they worked on the fort and then hiked back to the lake to ice skate while the weather was cooperative. The twins falling on their asses most of the time giggling and making Lily squeal, while Gustaf skated with her in his arms. Her carefree, handsome man so at peace. It calmed her soul to know she could give him this, the time and space he needed to really relax and be himself.
Laughing as Gustaf wiped out, much to the amusement of the twins, she headed inside with Lily to start lunch, the boys following a while later as a storm started to roll in. The twins sat at the table with sulky faces. “Why the long faces?” She asked setting sandwiches out.
“The storms going to ruin the fort.” Liam huffed.
“No it won’t.” Gustaf said. “It’ll make it stronger actually, fill in all the gaps.”
“What if it falls down?” Finn asked, and Gustaf could hear the disappointment.
“It’s only a small storm Finn it should be fine, if not we’ll fix it.” He shrugged.
“Oh. Can we go play in it later?” He asked.
“Not today, by the time this blows through it’ll be bed time.” He grinned. “Anyway you know what fresh snow means?” The kids shook their head. “Better snowballs.” It also provided more insulation around the igloo for him to strip his goddess naked and fuck her into oblivion, but he kept that wicked thought to himself.
With a quiet afternoon of reading and playing board games, the kids amused themselves by strategizing how they were going to get Gustaf tomorrow. Brendan looked at Sildie pleading with her not to say anything as she overheard them snickering. She hovered near the table and kept her eyes on Gustaf and Lily while she spoke.
“I won’t say anything, but just know, if you dish it out you have to be able to take what he dishes back, because you know if you gang up on him he will retaliate.” She chuckled at their grins.
“We know.” Finn giggled.
“Ok then.” Boys, she thought, will be boys, and this is exactly what they needed, the overly large boy as well. It’s one of the things Sildie adored about her lanky man, he was a big kid at heart with so much love to give.
The snowstorm eventually subsided to gentle flurries and with the kids showered they were ready to settle with hot chocolate around the fire for reading and quiet time.
While the boys showered, Gustaf ventured out to the igloo to set the scene. With a few candles lit, he lay down a few mattress pads and sleeping bags to insulate their bodies from the cold, snow packed floor. Making sure nothing was going to catch fire and adjusting the terra-cotta pot heater, he came back inside to three boys and a very fussy Lily ready for some Harry to round out the night.
“Is the fort still up?” Brendan asked.
“Yep, still standing. Thought I’d check on it now as the snow’s almost stopped falling.” He glanced at Sildie and winked before snaking an arm around her hip as she stirred the hot chocolate. “You up for a little voyeurism tonight love?” He murmured, lips ghosting the pulse at her throat as he took Lily from her.
“We’ll freeze our asses off.” She snorted.
“Totally worth it and I set up a heater in there so it should be toasty by the time we head out.” He growled, his tone saying come and play.
“Let’s get the monsters to sleep first.” She scoffed.
“Piece of cake.” He bit down on the pulse thrumming under her skin and sucked. “I’m going to make you scream kitten, all those delicious sounds I’m going to pull from you.” He purred and left her standing there stirring the hot chocolate, pussy gushing already.
As Gustaf read to them, Sildie took a shower and slipped on a base layer, she had no idea what he had planned but it was going to be near, if not below freezing out there, igloo or not. The boys said their good nights and went to bed no fuss, no complaints, Lily didn’t get the memo.
“Don’t throw a monkey wrench in my plans little lady. You had your snuggle time the other morning.” He soothed as he rocked her, Lily eventually starting to drift. “That’s my Lily bear, sleep time. More snow fun tomorrow.” He cuddled her close, no rush to be anywhere, even though his cock was saying otherwise. She needed to go to sleep and stay there for the night to be a success.
An hour later he closed Lily’s door, checked on the boys, and found Sildie in their bedroom stretched out on the bed reading. With a finger to his lips to silence her, he crooked the other one asking her to come to him. Grabbing his phone and the baby monitor, he took her hand and led her to the front door. Silently pulling their boots and coats on they slipped out to the igloo like a couple of teenagers sneaking out of the house to get up to mischief. Making their way inside, it was a much warmer environment that greeted them than the outside air. There was enough room for them to discard their boots and coats, the base layer the only thing either of them had on.
He turned to look at her, gaze devouring every inch of her. A moment later his hand disappeared into her hair, mouth savaging hers, that unbridled need to have her suddenly consuming him. Groaning into her mouth she palmed his already hardening member, the firm strokes chipping away at his control. “Fuck kitten I want to ravage every inch of you.” He growled, tongue demanding entry into her mouth to tease hers. “Make you scream those beautiful sounds.” A hand dived under her shirt, greedy for her breast, the sharp pinch to her nipple causing her to cry out and clutch at him. “Just like that.” He stripped her down to bare skin and helped her do the same for him, cock hard and ready for her. Gripping her chin he claimed her mouth slowly, savoring every bit of her even though he wanted her hard, fast, and now. “On your hands and knees kitten.” He growled. “I want to fuck that pretty mouth.”
She dropped to the floor as he rose up on his knees, erection standing proud. Her mouth watered at the sight of him, she wanted to taste him, feel him. She loved this side of him, dominating, controlled, erotically sinful.
“Open.” He purred and she obeyed. He rested the tip on her bottom lip, tongue darting out to flick over the pre come that had gathered there. With a slow, gentle thrust of his hips she sucked him in. With a hand lightly fisted in her hair he pumped his hips, the sensation of that sultry mouth around him fueling his desire for her. When he was rock hard he stopped and pulled out. Loosening his grip on her hair he guided her up to kiss her. “You always feel so good when you suck me kitten.” He murmured, lips ghosting hers. “Lay down, hips on the pillow.” He said and helped her get comfortable in the confined space.
Talented hands spread her knees and pressed her thighs open. Dipping his head down he feasted, not waiting, not gentle, he devoured her like she was his last meal. The sounds that came out of her were feral, pleasure overloading her system at every touch. Her soft cry filled the snow enclosure as she came, the release so sudden it surprised her. Kissing his way up her body he claimed her mouth, the violent shiver of need streaking through her. “Always my favorite dessert. Are you warm enough?” He asked, the last thing they needed was to get sick.
“I’m fine.” She grinned.
“Mmmm good. The night is young kitten. I’m going to wreck you so slowly.” He said wickedly. “Give me your hands.” He commanded and she complied. From a pocket of his jacket he produced the scarlet silk cord and bound her wrists to the outside of her knees.
“You came prepared.” She smirked.
“Always. Not too tight?”
“No.” She breathed, eyes fixated on her bindings and those seductive fingers securing them. The lack of blindfold was a new experience for her. Rarely did he bind her while she had her sight. Taking her knees in his hands he pushed them open and back toward her for comfort until he was ready to take her.
“Look at me.” He purred and watched as her eyes snapped to his. “I want you to watch kitten, watch what I do to you, watch when I fuck you, watch as I take you apart a piece at a time.”
Kneeling close to her he straightened and stroked his tip through her wet heat. “Fuck kitten your soaked for me.” He murmured as he rested at her entrance. That soft gasp tumbled from her lips as he tip fucked her slowly, the broad mushroom head spreading her open.
Slender fingers slipped through her silky folds, each touch igniting every nerve in her body. She didn’t know what was more erotic, watching him toy with her, or his gaze. A gaze that held so much love and absolute devotion.
“Can you see kitten?” He purred, fingers dancing over her clit. The whimper falling of its own volition as she nodded.
Grasping her ankles in each hand he held them out to the side as wide as her body would allow him to stretch them into a V and watched her eyes take in every movement. “Relax your legs and hips.” He said softly and as soon as she did he thrust in. Her body bowed back as he slid in deep, his woman writhing in ecstasy as he filled her. Not waiting for her to settle he started to plunge in and out of her tight pussy, his girth stretching her further. “Look at me.” He growled and her eyes snapped to his, ice blue as the igloo around them and so lost to him as he started to pound into her slow and deep. The symphony of sounds coming from her as he took her would have woken the kids had they been inside the cabin. Those beautiful noises that aroused him, pleasured him, stoked the raging inferno inside him and the lust he had for her. Stroking his hands down her thighs he held her tightly and fucked her, the sound of their bodies slamming together adding to their pleasure. “Come for me kitten.” He commanded and felt her body obey. It welled up inside her and burst out, a soft scream tumbling from her lips as it ripped through her. “That’s it.” He crooned as another orgasm built quickly.
He was hitting every spot, stretching her, filling her, the pleasure almost too much.
“Watch me fill you kitten.” He growled, her eyes focusing on where his cock speared into her again and again, drawing out such ecstasy.
“Daddy.” She cried, her entire body tensing.
“Let it take you kitten.” As she came he thrust in harder, enjoying the feel of her clamp down around him as he buried himself to his hilt. “So good for me.” He murmured. His hands stroked down her body as he stilled his hips, the girth of him stretching her wide.
“Daddy.” Her whimper almost snapped his self control. That one word in that tone was enough to have him draw out of her and slam himself home. Not yet though.
“Soon kitten.” He purred, fingers drifting to her breasts. Rolling the nipples between his fingers she gave into the sensations, giving up the final shred of control. As he pinched the tiny buds hard he flexed his hips, the slight movement filling her completely, the arch of her spine offering herself to him. His cock throbbed inside her, all that wet heat clenching at him, she felt incredible. With each flex of his hips he built her release, it surged up from deep within her.
“Daddy, please.” Her whimper turned to a moan as he filled her again, the borderline painful pinch of her nipples sending a shot of pleasure to her clit.
“Let it come kitten.” He growled, patience was key he thought, but his own self control was crumbling. “Let it claim you.” He felt her body tense so tightly he thought she’d snap something, before a scream tore out of her as she came. Gripping a breast in each hand he pulled out and thrust in hard and deep, hitting every spot inside her until he bottomed out. Relentlessly he took her, pounded into her until one orgasm became another and a symphony tumbled from her lips. After her fourth he slowed to let her catch her breath, the gentle movement as erotic as what he’d just done to her. “Look at me.” He murmured, the soft command all she needed to obey. “Do you want more kitten?”
“Please daddy.” She whimpered, she wanted to feel him, have him devour her, fuck her senseless.
“So good for me. Roll over.” He said drawing out of her gently and helping her roll to her knees, chest bowed to the floor, head to the side.
Keeping her knees together he stroked those long digits over her folds, toying with her. He let his hands roam her body, more to check she was warm than to arouse her. That soft gasp turned into a moan as he slipped inside her, the tightness of her like this nearly making him come. Circling a hand on her ass cheek he was so tempted to spank her. “You’re going to find out what this means one day kitten.” He said as his hand circled.
“Yes daddy.” She whimpered, and he groaned at her answer, that endearment had his cock twitching in response.
“One day soon kitten.” He murmured.
“Please daddy.” She begged. She wanted it, oh, she wanted him to spank her right here and now.
“Kitten you are so good to me, but that’s not on tonight’s agenda. I have special plans for when I spank you the first time.” He purred as he snapped his hips and slid into her deeply.
With each thrust and flex of his hips, the tightness caused them both to grunt and groan, the ecstasy almost too much to handle. Taking her hip in his hand he pistoned his, watching her beautiful body take him in with each brutal stroke.
“Fuck kitten, I love taking you like this.” He growled as her pussy tightened around him and he increased his pace. Fucking her deep he took hold of the other hip and let his primal urge surface. Once he found his rhythm she was coming over and over again, her screams closer together and louder. His goddess in the throes of being fucked was a beautiful sight.
“I want to feel you daddy.” She whimpered and pushed back. “Please.” She begged, it was maddening what he was doing to her, making her feel and she couldn’t get enough of him.
“Greedy little kitten.” He teased, as his thumb slick with her wet heat pressed against her back door. “You want it all don’t you?”
“Please daddy, please.” Her gasp turned to a groan as he slipped his thumb inside. That groan turned to a scream as he thrust cock and thumb into her in a devastating rhythm.
“Such a beautiful sound when you come.” He purred and took her over for three more just like it. “Rock back, take me deep.” He commanded and felt all control slipping away when she did as instructed. “Fuck kitten just like that.” He took her hard, the rough brutal fuck of the primal beast that had surfaced pleasuring them both beyond conscious thought. She bounced on him as his hips drove his cock into her until he bottomed out, her thoughts non existent, brain completely turned to goo.
“Daddy.” She screamed. “Daddy please.” He gripped her hip painfully hard and pulled her on and off him as he fucked her, the scream a long wail as she came. She was sure she blacked out and maybe saw a few planets amongst the stars that were exploding in front of her eyes as her climax shattered her. His hand snaked around to finger her clit and she came again catching her off guard. Gripping her hip he rode her, taking what he wanted, the beast roaring from within him as he filled her with his seed. He took her, took them both, the sound of skin slapping against skin mixing with their groans and cries as they prolonged the pleasure for each other. Leaning over, he pressed his chest to her spine mainly for reassurance, and kissed the nape of her neck before nipping it.
“Lay down I’m not done with you yet kitten.” He growled and pulled out of her slowly. Helping her lay flat on her side, he rolled her to her back. Kissing her tenderly he looked at her flushed face in the candlelight, stunning, so beautiful with the burnished copper hall fanned out across the sleeping bags. He nipped at her throat, the trail leading him to hardened nipples. Biting down gently he sucked on them, hands cupping her breasts to feel them, fondle them. Those soft sounds urging him on, to take whatever he wanted. Kneeling between her thighs he bent and wrapped her legs around his neck, knees resting on his shoulders and feasted. Supporting her spine with his hand he lifted her so she was resting on her shoulders, thumb circling her back door and inching inside.
It was too much sensation, she came instantly, the soft mewling and frantic hands pulling on her bindings telling him she was all his, completely at his mercy, and totally beyond all comprehension. He added three fingers into her pussy, a groan at the sudden fullness turned into a cry as she came again. Fingers and tongue busy, he wrecked her, building her up and tipping her over until she was an incoherent mess.
“Last one kitten. Then I’ll take you inside and take you some more.” He murmured against her clit. He took her hard, unrelenting and she screamed as she climaxed, fuck he loved that sound. Lowering her to the ground he covered her with his body and nuzzled her neck.
“I don’t think I can move.” She mumbled, surprised she could string a coherent sentence together.
“Take a moment.” His amusement thick in his voice.
“I think I’m gonna need several moments. I guess I can cross igloo sex off my bucket list.” She laughed. She’d never felt this relaxed.
“Told you it’d be fun.”
“It’s not as cold now.”
“Because we heated it up.” His grin playful. “You’re beautiful.” He said honestly. “So beautiful.”
“Only to you love.” Her kiss was nothing short of sinful.
“You can’t kiss me like that after what I just did to you.” He said indignantly. Her giggle made his cock twitch, wickedness.
He sat back on his knees and released her bonds, the gentle kiss to her wrists always giving her that warm and fuzzy feeling. The tenderness from him was astounding and nothing short of mind blowing to her.
“Come on, let’s get dressed before we catch a chill now we’ve stopped fucking each other’s brains out.” She grinned.
“Good point.” He kissed her tenderly. “I love you Sildie.”
“And I love you sweet man.”
They helped each other dress in between stolen kisses and urgent hands. He felt like a randy teenager full of hormones. Carting the bedding back inside, he listened as he opened the front door, the cabin still quiet, all tiny humans were asleep in their beds where they should be.
Gustaf tidied up the igloo while Sildie checked on the kids before visiting the bathroom and curling up in bed to wait for him.
She was dozing by the time he lay beside her. “You ok love?”
“I’m ok.” She sighed, still floating on the sea of bliss he’d inflicted on her. “So relaxed.” She said half asleep and he chuckled. “I can’t move.”
“Drink some water.” He said as she managed to roll over and face him. He steadied the glass as she drank, a sly smile tugging his lips. Draining what was left in the glass he placed it on the nightstand and climbed in under the covers, those soft curves calling to him. “You’re almost asleep.” He chuckled and all he got was a grunt of acceptance.
“Iloveyou.” She mumbled, already drifting.
“I love you too. Snuggle in. Sleep now.” He cocooned her against his body, long limbs holding her close.
No sooner had he tucked her in against him, she was out cold. “Night kitten.” He purred and followed her into a dreamless sleep with a grin plaster across his face.
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jaeminhours · 5 years
SUMMARY | Late nights and early mornings in July don’t mean anything without your boyfriend, Jaemin. Good thing he’s not going anywhere. In which you spend the most important moments of your life under the moonlight. 
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PAIRING | na jaemin x reader
CATEGORY | boyfriend!jaemin, fluff
SONG REC | Technicolour Beat - Oh Wonder
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It’s raining outside, in the middle of July at midnight, the summer showers wetting the tulips planted below your bedroom window. The rain patters on the roof above your head, and the wind whistles from outside your window from time to time, swaying your windchimes from side to side. The air smells of vanilla and vetiver, a flowery scent that follows your boyfriend, Jaemin, wherever he goes. He’s nestled into your side, his arms looped around your waist, his head buried in the crook of your neck. His mouth is pressed ever so slightly against the skin of your neck, soft puffs of air escaping his slightly parted lips with every rise and fall of his chest. 
It’s moments like these, with him, by your side, his eyes closed, hair mussed, face relaxed, that you wish you could stay there forever—just that one moment, for the rest of your life, you and Jaemin, the summer rain, and the deep smell of vanilla and vetiver tussled in his soft hair. You can’t help the smile that curls on your lips, and you find your hand combing over his head, tangling through his locks and nudging him closer to you. You sigh in content, trying to close your eyes and fall asleep, but before you get the chance, a small whine comes from the lump resting on your shoulder. Jaemin pulls his head away, blinking blearily up at you with wide, sleepy eyes. You almost coo at the sight. He’s really too cute.
“What’s up, baby?” you whisper. “Did I wake you?”
Jaemin nods, but lets a small smile crawl onto his face. “It’s fine,” he replies. “Can’t sleep?”
You comb your hand through his hair once again, and this time he preens under your touch, his eyes closing and lips curling pleasantly at your touch. “Not really. I just woke up a few minutes ago.”
Jaemin nods in agreement, then yawns, giggling. “We had a long day. I’m not surprised.”
You shrug, then slip the covers off, ignoring Jaemin’s grumbles of protest as you crawl out of bed, pulling on your slippers. “Where are you going?” he whines, and you don’t have to see his face to tell he’s pouting.
“I’m getting some water, now that you’re awake. My throat feels dry,” you say as you tie your robe around your waist. You hear the bed compress under Jaemin’s wait as he moves closer to you, and before you can tell him off, his arms are suddenly around your torso, and he pulls you into his lap, his fingers pressing into your sides.
Even in the darkness, you can still see the outline of his bright smile through the shadows.
“I’m thirsty, let me go,” you complain, but Jaemin only chuckles into your ear. A flash of annoyance passes through you, but it quickly dissipates at the feeling of Jaemin’s chest warm against your back, the sound of his hushed, breathy laughter next to your ear, his breath gentle and soothing against your skin. It’s extraordinarily difficult to be angry with Na Jaemin.
“Jaemin,” you grumble, trying and failing to extract his hands from where they’re playing with the tie of your robe. “Jaemin, my mouth is really dry, please.”
You can practically hear you beam, and you know what he’s going to say before the words even leave his mouth.
“I can help you with that,” he says slyly, and you roll your eyes, pushing yourself out of his arms. You turn to face him, your arms crossed, a playful frown creasing your brow as you look down at your boyfriend.
Your eyes are still heavy with sleep, but it does nothing to dim Jaemin’s beauty under the moonlight. His eyes are dark and big, but boyish and sly; with every blink, his lashes brush his cheeks, a soft smile pulling at his slightly chapped lips as he gazes up at you with an adoring stare, his eyes gentle, loving, tender.
His gaze flicks to your mouth, his eyes sparkling, and he sulks.
“Just one kiss?” he pleads, his lower lip jutted out in an exaggerated pout. “Just one, and then I’ll go get you a glass of water.”
You giggle, threading your fingers through his hair as you pull him down to meet you, your mouths pressing together in a chaste kiss. You pull him back by his hair, and he yelps in both pain and protest as he’s pulled away from you.
“What the fuck,” he whines, rubbing his head. “That hurt. Plus, that wasn’t a real kiss.”
You roll your eyes. “Okay, Nana. What’s your idea of a real kiss?”
Jaemin’s pout disappears, his eyes glinting under the moonlight. “I’m so glad you asked,” he purrs, hovering over you.
His hand creeps around to cup the back of your neck, and when his lips meet yours once again, he bites at them, catching your bottom lip in his teeth and tugging. You whine at the sensation, your fingers finding their way back into his hair and suddenly you’re the one pulling him closer, not wanting him to stop. His mouth moves painfully slow against yours, only interrupted by soft, hushed gasps of breath.
He’s holding himself up over you, his weight resting on the elbow he has braced beside your head, but as you tug him closer, he collapses over you, and you let out a huff of breathy laughter as his body melds to yours. It’s almost too hot, with the summer heat coming in waves through your open window, even under the shadow of the moon, but you can’t find it within yourself to care when Jaemin’s tongue slips into your mouth.
Jaemin kisses like he loves: tenderly, but unabashedly. He’s not afraid to test the limits, but he’s careful while doing so, making sure you’re comfortable while pulling you impossibly closer, covering your body with his own.
You can feel the rise and fall of his chest and the rapid beating of his heart against your sternum, and you grin against his mouth, nipping at his lips.
“Better not get too excited,” you murmur, as his mouth leaves yours and begins a trail of kisses down your jaw until he latches onto your neck. He giggles, his lips spreading against your skin.
“I won’t,” he says, sighing into a kiss he leaves on your collarbone. “I mean, when it comes to you, it’ll always be hard, but I’ll try my best.”
“Jaemin!” you laugh, struggling to push him away, but he latches onto you, clinging so that you couldn’t possibly force him away. He leaves kisses all over you, starting on your face and then moving down. You face burns as he reaches your robe, untying the knot and moving it to the side. His hands crawl underneath your shirt, making the fabric ride up, and you feel your ears light on fire as he leaves a kiss on your belly, right above your navel. His mouth is warm and wet against your naked skin, and your words are lost in your throat as he gives you a devilish smile.
He takes a deep breath, and then blows.
Jaemin is nothing if not versatile, and he can ruin any mood in a matter of seconds.
He’s blowing a raspberry into your stomach, and you can’t help the desperate shriek of laughter that escapes your throat as you thrash to get away from him.
“Jaemin, I—Jaemin, stop, it tickles!”
He only laughs harder, his fingers digging into your side. For a moment, you find yourself cursing your stupid crazy boyfriend, and his stupid fingers and stupid kisses that still manage to drive you insane.
For all the laughter, limbs are flying, and it’s inevitable that something will go wrong, so it’s not all that surprising when your hands connect with Jaemin’s shoulder in just the right place, and he goes tumbling off the bed with a shocked yelp.
You gasp, clambering to the side of the bed to stare down at the heap of limbs that is your boyfriend, who’s staring up at the ceiling with a blank look on his face and a hand on his chest.
“Nana?” you whisper, feeling guilty. “I’m so sorry, are you okay?”
He groans. “My spine,” he groans.
You climb down the side of the bed, leaning over your boyfriend, hands hovering, afraid to touch him. “Is there anything I can do?” you say, panicking. “Does anything else hurt?”
His eyebrows are pinched in pain, but something doesn’t seem right. You quickly figure out his motive when he brings a finger to his lips, tapping them twice and cracking an eye open. His eyes are glimmering with mirth, and you sit back in exasperation, letting out a frustrated sigh.
“Are you serious?” you scold, slapping his arm as he shakes with laughter. “I was so worried about you!”
He grins. “I’m sorry,” he says, but he doesn’t look sorry at all. “One more kiss, just for good measure?”
You shake your head, retying your robe around your waist and fixing your mussed hair. “Absolutely not,” you say pointedly, trying desperately to hold your glare as Jaemin starts pouting again. “Only good boys get kisses.”
“I thought I was the best boy.”
“Not anymore, you’re not. Now go get me a glass of water. Please.”
Jaemin laughs, dusting himself off as he stands up. He leans forward, giving you a kiss on your forehead before he leaves to go to the kitchen. “Be right back, Your Highness,” he says, bowing as exits, and you laugh quietly.
Na Jaemin may be an idiot, but he’s your idiot, and you’ve never loved him more than you do on these summer nights in mid-July.
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jugaddict · 7 years
Baby, Please No Promises (Because We'd Keep Our Promises)
Fandom: Riverdale
Pairing: Kevin Keller/Joaquin (Joavin) 
Yes, I changed the lyrics of a Shawn Mendes song for this title. I’m Canadian, sue me.
Kevin Keller has three kinks: Secrets, extracurriculars and boys. All of them could be appreciated in a strictly platonic non sexual way.
Unless a boy who Kevin is fucking that he has to keep a secret is giving him a hickey like his college application depended on it.
Like what Kevin is discovering right now. Then words like “appreciation” and “platonic” and “non sexual” can be chucked out the window. In other words, all his own, Kevin is a slut for Joaquin.
But it has to come to an end.
“Babe,” Kevin says, he sounds out of breath because frankly he is, and he has to force himself to keep his eyes open and not let them go half lidded with pleasure. He slides his hands up from Joaquin’s waist to cup his face, brushing back loose strands of his soft black hair.
“Kev?” He replies, his voice sounded equally wrecked and it made Kevin shiver with desire.
“My dad’s shift is going to end soon, you need to go.”
Joaquin lowers his head back into Kevin’s neck and whines lowly.
Kevin has to bite his tongue to not blurt out “Same.” They were backed up against the wall of Kevin’s bedroom. Sparks flaring as they regained their libido for an impromptu round two, but still fully dressed. Kevin really wanted to change that but it was late, and his father is always on time.
“I don’t want to go,” Joaquin mumbles into his skin. And not for the first time Kevin wonders how the fuck is he a serpent.
“I mean you can stay,” he teases, caressing his hair, “and meet my dad and we can all have dinner and talk about politics and the role of non profit organizations like Amnesty International in third world countries.“
Joaquin looks up at him to glare. It’s dangerous, it really is, Kevin would be scared if he didn’t know him, but it’s adorable too. Kevin couldn’t help provoking him.
“Hey dad, sheriff of Riverdale,” he continues, chuckling at Joaquin’s growing horror, “meet my super hot super gay Southside Serpent boyfriend, can he sleep over?”
“Y-Your boyfriend?”
Oh shit.
“I mean-”
“Is that what you want?” He interrupts, “because you know that’s not a good idea right?”
“Yeah, no, of course,” Kevin says flatly, letting go of him, “slip of the mouth, sorry.” His gaze drops to the shadowed floor.
They both fall silent.
“So how many do you have?”
“What?” Replies Joaquin, lost.
“How many sidehoes, or boytoys or whatever,” Kevin says, trying to keep his tone light, failing miserably, “you know, besides me.” He slides down the wall he was pressed against and wraps his arms around his knees.
Joaquin frowns and sits down besides him. “None, you asshole.”
“How am I the asshole?”
“For assuming I’m some sleazy fuckboy who has sidehoes!” Joaquin responds, with disbelief.
“You’re a snake!” Kevin snaps, angrily, “They lie, and they cheat.”
“They’re also some of Riverdale’s poorest citizens, Kev. They come from broken families, and have really shitty lives. Most of us don’t have a choice.”
“What, like you?”
Joaquin’s eyes flash and Kevin realizes his mistake. He’s a white privileged upper class sheriff’s son, what right has he to go on and say that? Judging by the look on Joaquin’s face, what he said was probably true.
“My mom was a known drug addict in Southside when she had me, she left me on the steps of a trailer at the park and it just happened to be a snake’s. I know they aren’t saints, or even good people for the most part, but they’re my family, Kevin.”
Kevin reaches out for him, and Joaquin falls into his warm embrace. Kevin could feel tears threaten to spill, he willed them back into his eye sockets. He can’t cry in front of his serpent lover because he has feelings for him, for god sake.
“I’m sorry. I honestly didn’t mean it like that. I was just angry.”
“Because I want you to be my super hot super gay Southside Serpent boyfriend, okay?” Kevin admits, heat flushing his cheeks.
“I want that too, dumbass. Of course I like you, why else would I risk my ass every other day to sneak into your house just to spend time with you?”
“But then why-”
“I wanted to make sure you knew what we were getting into.”
Kevin breathes into Joaquin, addicted to his scent, his skin, his eyes, his hair, his everything.
“I know what I want,” he says.
Joaquin pulls out of the hug to kiss him. It’s gentle at first, but he deepens the kiss, encouraged by Kevin’s small throaty moan, and it gets dirtier by the second.
Kevin laughs as Joaquin works his way down his neck, yanking down his shirt to bite at the spot right above his collar bone. Joaquin looks up from his neck and raises an eyebrow.
“What?” He asks.
“We came full circle, and regardless of the fact I really do want to get down and dirty with my new secret boyfriend,” Kevin doesn’t miss the way Joaquin smirks, and he finds himself beaming as well, “my dad really will be here soon and you actually do have to go.”
Joaquin buries his head into Kevin’s neck and mumbles something inaudible. Kevin would like to think it was something cute and guaranteed-to-turn-a-snake-gang-member status-into-a-bunny-petting zoo-keeper sweet, but he honestly had no clue.
“Okay honey, up we go,” Kevin says grabbing his hand and hoisting them both up from the floor. He opens his window shades to make sure Joaquin’s car is still parked across the street and that his dad’s wasn’t. He leads them down the stairs and out to the lampshaded sidewalk outside. When they get to his car, Joaquin looks from left to right quickly before pulling Kevin into one last searing kiss.
“Text me when you get back safe,” Kevin says. His boyfriend rolls his eyes and Kevin smiles sheepishly. Joaquin opens the car door and buckles in his seat belt. “If it makes you sleep at night.”
“Uh, no, that’s against the point.” Kevin says slyly, his innocent expression morphing into something else, eyes going dark. He winks and closes the car door for him before slinking off into his house, leaving a dumbfounded serpent behind.
“Fuck,” Joaquin swears to himself silently, twisting his keys into the engine, but there’s a stupid smile on his face.
He’s falling for that Keller boy so bad.
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