#always welcome to message me tho i am genuinely just a chill person even if ur a fan of lando i can have a rational conversation xx
blamemma · 7 months
Do you mind sharing why you don’t like Lando?
how longs a piece of string x
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katsulia · 4 years
He offends you - part2
featuring : Atsumu, Kageyama 
TW : angst, weight insecurity 
You can find part 1 here 
a/n : sorry for the long wait ! requests are still open
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Not surprisingly Atsumu had got up early the next morning without any particular attention for you. Your state of mind hadn't improved and you had no motivation, so you spent the whole morning on the couch without paying attention to the TV programs. As if that wasn't enough, a message from Osamu came to remind you of the evening before.
How are the Onigiris I had added some that aren't on the market yet, and I would have liked your opinion? (Atsumu's is still shitty)
In front of the little enthusiasm of Atsumu you hadn't had the spirit to eat what his twin had prepared. At least it will avoid making lunch and that's good because it was the last thing you wanted to do.
Sorry Osamu! We didn't have the pleasure of tasting them, he was too tired! I'll give you my best opinion in a little while
Never mind, let's do it at his next game! I've got a booth, and I could pick you up! Can't wait to see you, (not him tho) !
The match or the only thing that Atsumu was preoccupied with at the moment but that had slipped your mind. Yet you were the kind of person who never missed his games and always wore his jersey when you went there to be the best of his supporters. Today you weren't even sure you wanted to go, or even if you were welcome. If he considered you too clingy and preferred to avoid you, he probably didn't want to have to face you there. Volleyball is what he loves above all else, there was no point in tainting his bubble of happiness and it's better to let him enjoy it with his teammates. Just the thought of it made your heart tighten in your chest. Because what you loved most about him was seeing him happy on the field. If giving him space made him better able to handle your relationship then so be it. 
Atsumu came home earlier than the day before, he knew that there was no point in staying late when the game was tomorrow. Once again he threw his gym bag into the hallway before heading to the bathroom. You hadn't reacted, you had to stay back, that's what he wanted. However, when he came back into the living room, his hair still wet and only in his underpants, he sat down next to you on the sofa.
"The bastard Samu didn't stop pissing me off because I didn't give us a shot at his latest recipes. Should we do it tonight and tell him how bad it is? "His way of talking was so caustic with that notorious smirk on his face. You just nodded your head without much effort. He frowned at your reaction, or rather your lack of reaction.
"Bad day? "His question was sincere, but the truth is that it was a pretty bad evening, bad night and bad day because of him and he didn't seem to realize it. He was staring at you a little worried while your eyes avoided his, preferring the weather report. 
"Yo babe you can tell me everything, I can't risk my lucky charm being in a bad mood tomorrow. "His tone was still playful but that didn't make you want to talk to him either, which made him want to get close to you and put his arms around your waist.
"STOP! Let go of me." Your sudden outburst caught him by surprise and he let you get away from him. But the little voice in your head was just reminding you that only yesterday you were cligny in his eyes even though inside your heart was beating faster just at the sensation of that little touch.
"What's up? Seriously, tell me what's wrong?" He was completely genuine and had given up being a tease. Reluctantly he kept his hands to himself so he wouldn't offend you any more.
"I'm a cligny and that's why you just ignored me. I promise I just wanted you to relax because you're stressed out. I don't want it to happen again so... just... uh... it's fine. "Your eyes were beaming and tears were threatening to run down. This vision was heartbreaking for Atsumu who remained silent for a long time not knowing what to do. Cligny? Oh no, he could spend days hugging you. But it all came back to him. The bath left behind, the onigiris abandoned and lying far away from you in bed. It was all his fault. A wave of guilt suddenly gnawed at him. 
"I'm sorry baby. You're not cligny at all. I'm just an asshole, okay? Like, you don't deserve this at all. And you're way too good for me, I'm really sorry. I was stressed out and I made you feel like you didn't deserve my attention. "His voice for once wasn't serene, but he felt really bad. He ventured out again and tried to take you gently in his arms, and to his delight you let him. 
"I am truly sorry. What I suggest we eat these famous Onigiri ? And then go to bed with each other. And tomorrow after my game, we can do whatever you want. I'll even book a day at your favorite spa, okay? That's what you deserve. I'll even stay home all week just for cuddles. "He spoke softly as he stroked your hair. You knew he was sincere and that's why you didn't answer and kept your eyes closed enjoying the pleasant feeling of his fingers on your scalp. 
And as he had promised, he respected everything he had said, becoming a bit too cligny himself.
When you went to bed you locked yourself in the bathroom to put on your clothes to sleep. Something you never usually did, as you were never ashamed to change in front of Kageyama. He didn't really pay much attention to it, but you preferred that he avoided seeing you so vulnerable for fear that his eyes would look a little too much at the places where he didn't like your body. You waited behind the door until the light was finally turned off to go back to your room, not letting him see what was hidden under your pyjamas. You slipped into the sheets quickly while putting as much distance between you and him as possible, which would prevent him from feeling you and being repulsed by your heavy body. This too wasn't your usual behaviour, you always snuggled up to him, saying that his body was working like a permanent heater. But once again Kageyama was a little dense.
Even more surprisingly, you got up before him so that he wouldn't see you get changed and you opted for large jogging pants and a big sweater. He finally woke up and was quite stunned to see you already up and focused on your phone but didn't make any remarks. There are days like that he thought. He invited you to join him for breakfast, but to his dismay you had already had it, or at least that's what you said. The internet articles on how to lose weight and body fat were much more important and a bowl of chocolate cereal was not going to help you. When he was done he sat on the couch with you. He just wanted to enjoy the weekend with you and judging by the outfit you looked like you wanted to stay home and chill, which he didn't mind. However, you didn't lift your head off your phone and pay him any attention.
"What are you doing on your phone? "He was always so straightforward, but his curiosity itched him not understanding how you could stay away from him.
"Nothing special..." But once again your eyes stayed focused on the screen of your phone and he couldn't help but look over your shoulder. Sports programs? Why were you looking into that? He already had a coach and a whole team of nutritionists and you really didn't need to worry about him.
"Y/N you don't have to..." His life choices didn't have to affect your daily life, no matter if he had to incorporate animal proteins at lunch and fruity smoothies in the morning you didn't have to endure it. Still in your head, you did. You needed to lose weight, to build up your body. You were on two different wavelengths. He didn't push the subject any further, knowing full well that he wouldn't let you do it at the table, and he opted to put his head on your lap and let his hand caress your thighs. Immediately you took his hand off your thighs and tried to push his head away. He couldn't and shouldn't feel what was under your jogging pants. 
Kageyama was more than startled. Had he done something wrong? This sudden reaction from you was unexpected and he couldn't understand why.
"Is my head too heavy for your laps? "How ironic was it, heavy was he? Whereas yesterday it was you. The words were stuck in your throat and your breathing accelerated; you were in a state of panic and didn't know what to say or how to get out of this humiliating situation. You would do anything to forget what Kageyama had said the day before when he didn't seem to remember at all. You know that he was often clueless but right away it only made you feel worse. His gaze was still fixed on you looking for the source of your discomfort in order to understand what was wrong with you. He was lost and was not used to all this, which increased his stress level. His exterior was almost imperceptible, except for the fact that his eyes were frantically scanning your body from top to bottom. It was worse, you felt embarrassed and naked under his blue pupils but still didn't dare to say anything. Inside his mind was only stirring to try to understand what was going on and already he felt guilty for not being able to assess the problem and help you. Finally the first tears came to your cheeks, which only made you feel more embarrassed, but he couldn't stay silent.
"Did I hurt you? " The tone of his voice indicated hesitation and a severe lack of confidence. He wanted to help you but felt powerless and hated himself for it. Every time you were there for him when he came back from defeat or frustration and the one time you needed him he was of no use.
"Uh... no." You, on the other hand, hated yourself for being so weak and sensitive. You had nothing to prove to him and crying for so little seemed totally stupid. Yet you couldn't help the fact that it was him and that he was always so clueless really did put a strain on your chest. Kageyama gulped down his saliva with difficulty still not knowing what to do. All of a sudden you started talking again.
"I just don't understand. If you don't like the way I am, why do you stay with me? I know you can date any girl with an athletic body like yours. "Your eyes were empty and tears kept coming out which made your voice even weaker. He still didn't understand, where did all these ideas come from? "I know I don't look like them, but you could have said long before that my body was too big for your. That's why I want to do some sport, so that you don't think I'm heavy when I lie down with you. » 
And that's when he realized... He was definitely the worst boyfriend in the world: his lack of communication and his inability to express his feelings well was problematic, but he had taken it to another level. This time it was his words that hurt. He would accept a defeat at the hands of Hinata rather than this, knowing that he was the one causing the pain of his favorite person was terrible. But certainly not as awful as what you're dealing with right now, and the insecurity that it brought you.
"You're perfect. I... I think you're perfect like that. And there's nothing to change. I'm... I'm sorry. I don't think you have to change your body or your weight at all. What I said yesterday was totally inappropriate. I wasn't expecting you to join me. I was focused on my game. And I know that's no excuse! Not a valid argument at all! Just please don't listen to my nonsense. I'm the worst at it. "He couldn't find the right words to express how guilty he felt and to be able to comfort you as you did so well when it came to him. Your head rose up to face him. For a long minute you stared at each other without either of you knowing what to say. And when you cracked a tiny smile Kageyama felt himself revived and meticulously he moved closer to you, taking your hand with his thumb stroking it.
"I am the worst. "And he rushed straight into your arms, his head in the crook of your neck. He liked to feel his body against yours and wouldn't change that for anything in the world. Eventually he detached himself from you and suddenly carried you like a princess.
"Heavy? Says who? Probably some idiot. You're literally perfect. " It was already the third time he used the word 'perfect' and your heart exploded. You also felt the heat rising up to your cheeks almost like the red tint of Kageyama's. There was no need for more words and as he continued to carry you he led you to your room. In his case actions proved more than words and he intended to show you that by first gently removing your sweater. And that's how he put his stamina to the test. 
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prettyboongi · 4 years
BTS Reaction | You React to Them Calling You Ugly [Part 1: The Hyung Line]
[A/N: When I first got this request, I knew it was going to be a challenge. Not only the title alone is super angst-ridden, this reaction is pretty much a reversal of what I usually do. Instead of them reacting to you, it’s the other way around. However, I was only able to finish the hyung line parts at the moment. But I will finish part 2 as soon as possible! Hope you guys enjoy!]
“Hey, Jin, am I ugly?” 
Your unexpected question catches your friend off guard. He looks up from his phone screen, catching the serious expression on your face. 
“That’s a random question,” he says with a light laugh, “What brought this up?” 
You look down at your coffee mug and sighed. “Well, the other day I was out with my little sisters at the mall, buying clothes and shit. We were only there for 2 hours and seven guys came up to us and started hitting on them. Just them though. I was completely left out in the dark. It was so embarrassing.” As far as you can remember, you’ve always felt ugly. Throughout the years, there was always someone pointing an imperfection of yours, whether it was your skin, hair or body shape. It definitely didn’t help having gorgeous sisters or even a friend as good looking as Jin. 
Jin looks at you sentimentally. “I’m sorry that happened, Y/N.” 
But you shook your head in response. “You never answered my question. Do you think I’m ugly?” 
“Why does it matter what I think of you? You’re obviously an amazing person, Y/N. 
“Just answer the question?” 
“Jin,” your voice sounded desperate as you looked up at your friend pleading eyes, "Please tell me."
Jin quietly sighs as he puts down his phone on your kitchen counter. “If I had to be perfectly honest, Y/N, you could look much prettier if you actually took care of your appearance.” 
“So you think I am ugly.” 
“I never used that word.”
“You didn’t have to,” you said quietly. Feeling your eyes burn with incoming tears, you turned your back on Jin. “But thanks for being honest.”
Jin felt absolutely terrible. As your best friend, he always made sure to be honest with you, and with his blunt nature, it was never an issue for him. But for the first time in your friendship, he sees that he shouldn’t be this honest. 
After a moment of uncomfortable silence, you hear Jin scoot from his chair and gather his things. “Hey, I have to run somewhere. See you later.” 
The moment you hear the door close behind him, that’s when you let you collapse onto the floor, quietly sobbing to yourself. 
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You honestly couldn’t understand why a person like Min Yoongi would ever be into you. Not only was he an amazingly talented rapper and producer, he’s also one of the most attractive men you’ve ever laid eyes on. That when he asked you out, you thought he was either pulling a cruel prank on you or he was some powerful drugs. I mean, how could you believe that he actually liked you. But after some persistence on his end, you decided to stuff down your insecurities and took a chance with love. 
Almost a month of dating, you have no regrets when it comes to Yoongi. He was nothing but a perfect gentleman and, most importantly, a perfect boyfriend. He loved everything about you, everything from your warm smile to your dry sense of humor. The only thing he didn’t like about you was your self-hatred and how you’re always quick to put yourself down. 
“I really wished you loved yourself better, Y/N,” said Yoongi. 
“Easier said than done,” you replied, laughing at his comment as if it was a funny joke. 
Despite how you felt about yourself, Yoongi thought you were beautiful, inside and out. Everyday he fell more and more in love with you and you felt the same for him. 
However, when he told you he wanted to introduce you to his friends, that’s when you broke out of your blissful reverie. At first, you vehemently refused, saying that it was way too soon and that you were too shy. But he didn’t buy it. 
“Come on, Y/N. What’s the worst that could happen?,”  he asked. 
You didn’t want to entertain his question with an answer but you did eventually break down and agreed to meet his friends. Knowing how sweet and mature Yoongi is, his friends would have to be the same way. Right? 
The plan was to meet up Friday night at the guys favorite bar downtown. Hours before the supposed rendezvous, you spent your time meticulously getting ready. Everything was picked out with the utmost care: your hairstyle, your outfit, your makeup. Of course Yoongi thought your prep was unnecessary but you wanted to make a great impression on his friends. Even if it was unnecessary, at least the effort you’ve put on your appearance boosted your confidence a bit. 
As you and Yoongi walk into the busy and warmly lit bar, you instantly hear a sharp shout from the other end of the establishment. 
“Yoongi! Over here!”
Nervous, you grabbed Yoongi’s hand before heading over to the booth the six men occupied. 
“Boys, this is Y/N,” he introduced you. “Please make her feel welcome.” 
You were so nervous you could only smile pleasantly and give a small wave. But deter the boys from warmly welcoming you. After scooting over to make room for you and Yoongi, the boys joked around with you, told embarrassing stories about Yoongi and overall just made you feel a part of the gang. It was safe to say that things were going great that night. 
It wasn’t until you were heading towards the restroom at the back of the bar when you spotted Yoongi’s youngest friend Jungkook. He had excused himself moments earlier to answer a phone call. You were planning on sneaking past him in order to not disturb his call when you mentioned your name.
“Her name is Y/N? Yeah I guess her name is kinda pretty. Too bad she looks fucking busted!,” he laughs into his phone. “Trust me, I’m not exaggerating. You think Yoongi-hyung would have taste in women but I guess not.” 
Listening to Jungkook, you felt your heart break into a million pieces as the intense feelings of shame heated your face. You quickly walked back to the table and pulled Yoongi aside. 
“What’s wrong?,” he asked, “You look like you're about to cry.” 
“I need to go home, Yoongi. I feel I’m on the verge of a panic attack,” you half-lied to him. You tried your best to hold in your tears but the first sob that escaped your mouth ruined it for you. 
Yoongi thought you were having a fun night but he did know you get panicky sometimes. He told you to head to the car while he said his goodbyes. 
You worked so hard to get ready for this night and it took one nasty comment to send you crashing down. 
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“Thanks for inviting me,” you say as you walked into Hoseok’s apartment. 
“No thank you for coming,” he replies with a cheery smile on his face. After helping you take off your coat, he leads you to his living room sofa. 
You couldn’t believe it when your longtime crush Hoseok began talking to you. To be honest, you were more than content dreamily gazing at him whenever you caught him around campus. But when one day he asked to sit next with you at the university’s cafe, it was practically a dream come true! 
For the next two weeks, the two of you kept up a flirty banter, both on campus and through texting. Having the campus hottie showing an interest you wouldn’t have thought things would get better for you. Well imagine your shock when Hoseok invited you to come hang out at his place. 
Once he sat next to you on the sofa, he put his arm around you and brought you closer to him. 
“What would you like to watch,” he asked you as he turned on the Netflix app on his TV. 
You nervously giggled. “Oh I dunno, it’s up to you, Hobi.” 
The two of you ended up settling for an indie romance film. However you two weren’t so invested in it. Especially after you started to feel Hoseok glide his hands on the soft curves of your body and felt his soft lips on your neck. One thing led to another and… let’s just say you two were emphasizing on the “Chill” part of “Netflix and Chill.” 
By the time your heavy romp was over, Hoseok excused himself to the bathroom while you stayed on the sofa, basking in sheer ecstasy. The silence of the living room suddenly broke when you heard the vibration of Hobi’s phone against the coffee table. Feeling a bit nosy, you decided to pick up his phone to see what notification he received. However, your thumb accidentally slid across the phone screen and it opened to his messaging app. You knew snooping on someone’s phone was not only a bad idea, but a total invasion of privacy. But you were too noisy for your own good. 
The screen was already opened on Hoseok’s conversation with his best friend, Jimin. You read their most recent texts, then instantly regretted it.
Jimin: Y/N? The same Y/N you’ve been hanging out with lately
Hobi: Yeah that Y/N
Jimin: But why? Didn’t you say she was ugly as fuck?
Hobi: Don’t recall using those words… but i would be quick to call her cute or anything 
Jimin: Okay so why her tho
Hobi: Well she seemed desperate enough to fool around with so I thought ‘why not’?
Jimin: Dude
You were so dumbstrucked of what you’ve just read that you didn’t hear Hoseok’s approaching footsteps. 
“What’re you doing…,” he begins as he sees you with his phone in your hands, screen opened to his texts. “What the fuck, Y/N?!” He tried to grab the phone from your hands before you threw hard at his chest. 
“You fucking asshole!!,” you cried. You actually thought someone as handsome as Hoseok genuinely liked you. But sadly you were dead wrong. 
He ended up kicking you out of his apartment but you didn’t care, you wanted to get out there. To get away from him. After getting into your car, you drove to the nearest parking lot you could find and sat there in the silence. And wept. 
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Weddings were never your thing. For as long as you can remember, you were always dragged to go to someone's wedding. It started with relatives, then your older siblings, and now, as an adult, your friends. Everyone excused your hatred for weddings as you being a curmudgeon. But the real reason you weren’t a fan of them was that deep inside you knew you that no one would ever make you their bride. You were never going to wear a gorgeous yet outrageously expensive wedding gown. And most of all, you were never going to find a groom who will look at you lovingly while saying his vows before grabbing you for a passionate. But that’s life right?
You have gotten to a point where you swore off weddings because you just couldn’t bear them anymore. But your best friend since childhood just had to get engaged and made you her maid of honor. You loved her so much and wished for her happiness above yours so you decided to bear and grin through it. But this is the last one, you swore to yourself. 
Fast forward to three months into the engagement, it was the night of the engagement party. You and the rest of the bridesmaids were set to meet the groomsmen. The men were pretty normal, none of them really catching your eye. And then you were introduced to the best man, Kim Namjoon, and it was pretty much love at first sight. He was smart, funny and extremely handsome- saying that he was the perfect man would’ve been a complete understatement. And to your luck, he was incredibly kind to you and wanted to work side by side in this engagement. He gave you his contact information and social media, assuring you you can reach him anytime. And you did. Not only did you message him about the wedding, it soon evolved into friendly conversations about each other’s lives. In one of these conversations, you found that he was single and that he wasn’t planning on taking a date to the big day. Obviously, you didn’t have the balls to ask Namjoon out right then and there. But it did give you the incentive to wow him at the wedding. It was definitely something to look forward to. 
Fast Forward to the actual day of the wedding. For once, you actually put effort into your wedding appearance. You made sure you were beautifully glammed up, hoping to make Namjoon fall in love with you. During the reception, you even told some of the bridesmaids your plan, and they helped gas you up and gave you supportive platitudes. With their support and a few glasses of champagne, you were ready to ask Namjoon to dance. 
Walking up to the bar where he was sitting, your best friend stops you. 
“Hey, I was actually about to talk to Namjoon-”
“I know what you're about to do, one of the bridesmaids told me,” she interrupted. “Trust me, it’s not a good idea.” You were confused by her words, wondering why would stop you from finally giving love a chance. That’s when she pulled you aside and told you the truth. “He’s not a good guy, Y/N. He’s been making disgusting and hurtful comments about the bridesmaids and you especially. When he said that you weren’t “too ugly to fool around in the broom closet, but not hot enough for a one stand, I had to possess every power in me to not knock his lights out.” 
You just stood there, silently nodding and taking in her words. You put on a brave face but it was clear that your heart was broken into a million pieces. 
Your best friend pulled you into a tight hug. “Forget about that dumbass, you’re absolutely stunning. Just stick with me for the rest of the evening, okay?” 
“Okay,” the only thing you could reply with. 
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tazchat: i genuinely cried multiple times listening to this episode
BARRY: Why don’t they trust me? I’m repeatedly possessing them and I’m whispering cryptic messages their way, two totally trustworthy things!
“welcome to the same room as me fellas i say horny a lot”
everyone remembers!!! oh geez
o fuck we’re actually getting a Griffin Cinematic Monologue already!!! a classic “we see” style one i thought that didn’t start until the END of this ep
“sounds to me like the bubble needs to go down” me when i got into a twitter fight with that One Podcaster
“all else fails we all die and come back later!” even tho the loops are over. i know it’s a goof but it’s a Sad Goof In Retrospect
“she’s EIGHT my dude.”
“let’s go dummy.” / “that’s a good one june. sick burn.” fucked up but cool when your dad’s weird alien friend shows up 12 years older a year after you met him and he supports your sick burns against cops.
“yeah, i’ve lied to kids before.” MERLE.
i love the song “the purple worm” in theory but also like that is just straight up garageband loops a lot of the time. moreso than usual
merle casts a Good Spell and griffin gets a nat20 ... can’t even lie to make his dad feel good cuz they’re in the Same Room
Whenever He Casts A Fire Spell I Get Fuckin Hyped Like She Is Living Through You!
“why don’t you make a chair to throw at it!”
“i’ll tell you the one thing i always got.” / “what?” / “an idea!” he sounds so excited. i love him
Oh Worm
he just carries robot arms with him wherever he goes... to show off his collectionto Potential New Friends AND to fight big works with
“i got tentacles of my own!” / “oh i remember this one.”
Evard’s Black Tentacles: It Gets You Dick AND It Can Hold Back Worms That Are Trying To Destroy A City!
travis is on the floor weeping and justin is fucking relishing in it
why would you separate the tanks from the spellcasters...
Clint Makes A Cunnilingus Joke: Why
magnus just straight up improvising weapons ALL the time is so good. i love him
“this is a shitty shit shit idea you know that right.”
ziplining down roswell
poor baby roswell :(
magnus and taako’s Dumbass Accidental Father Figure
“roz, i’m not gonna do that to you.”
magnus wants to make the engine big so they go faster. is that how cars work???
there are so many goddamned stunts in this scene
oh god :(
“and you are in a white space.”
magnus what the FUCK did you make.
avi: [john mulaney voice] YEP, same SHIT as ALWAYS!
babeys :’)
Well Boys We Saved The Town! And Nobody We Met Died! But Also We Were Brutally Reminded Of Our Own Personal Traumas So Was It Really Worth It?
big lich energy
“i’m really proud of you.”
“you’re the bad guy.” / “WHO TOLD YOU THAT.” / “the director?”
“do you trust me?”
poor guy :/
he’s just. fucked up. oh god.
“lup—they don’t trust me. i can’t do it anymore, lup, i’m sorry.”
“the hunger is almost here. and when it arrives, this world will be lost.” have some OPTIMISM bitch!!! good ending!!!!
avi just sees a goddess and he’s just chill about it. king.
this scene where the town catches up is so beautiful.
they built a sign that says “Thanks!”
I’m About To Start Crying
avi is such a cool dude i love him. good npc
“did i make the right choice?” :( literally i started crying who am i
“big fuckin walking story bible over here.”
cassidy w a lil suit :) i picture cassidy as final pamesque and i don’t know why. but i love it
june is 15 :’) has a waitressing job and everything
An Tube With Magnus’ Name On It
barry stop possessing people jesus
“i won’t be able to protect you.” / “bite my ass,” and he opens the tube.
i wanna see ren.
top of her class :’)
“first and only graduate”
“i’ve been watching the whole time.” i’m literally crying. i hate this.
were the istus brothers modelled off of the undertale skellingtons. because uh happy fingers in his ass sunday
“is the static anything we need to be concerned about?” babe.
burly red robe
davenport takes the relic hell yeah
“that sounds fucking awful.” poor girl. Im Crying.
merle stargazes. which is nice. and deeply fucking sad.
there are fewer stars in the sky. merle it’s your evil fuckbuddy trying to talk.
super handsome face
“that one’s on me!”
“you can see what’s on it—but your mind turns to static.”
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