alyxeris · 3 years
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been awhile.
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An excerpt from my upcoming young adult novel KEEPER OF THE WATCH, released on February 1st, 2018.
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thegoblinmatriarch · 7 years
@alyxeris because if Koryu wins, Rin wins. Its the law of Speed. And its the worst because no one ever wants Koryu to win but they always want Rin to win. So literally they either keep Koryu from winning and make Rin sad and suffer or they let Rin win and suffer Koryu being a smug asshole and publicly attempting to fuck Rin. It’s hard being in Speed. I also find it funny because, in theory, Quinn, Neo and Yuki should win the most because they are non-humans...
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gaslampsglow · 8 years
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Paging @plenilune, @alyxeris, and @saintapathis: first round edited.  Only, you know, like, six months later.  More to come soon.
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confluencial · 8 years
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This is BODE. It’s actually the origin of BODE, after which a ton more people made a ton more images for like 48 hours, after which point it completely died out. Now people occasionally bring it back, remembering the collective fever dream that was those 48 hours.
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goshdarnspiffy · 7 years
The looks I have planned for this week with @alyxeris are gonna be fucking K I L L E R. Consider yourselves warned.
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polyhorror · 8 years
Literal poly horror: I had a dream last night that I went monster hunting with my partner and metamour. We actually ended up working together great to catch the monster. (credit: @alyxeris)
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fleurgrimoire-blog · 8 years
I’d like to take a moment to send let you guys know how awesome @celestial-clitoris and @alyxeris are. They’ve been huge lights in my life, and I felt like broadcasting it <3
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alyxeris · 3 years
it's been a long time. for the first time in, well, a couple years i have some free time to myself. i’m listening to old dirty bourbon river show songs, back when charlie was still with them and it had some real bittersweet soul. just generally feeling pretty introspective and sentimental. i’m not looking at the clock. i’m not counting down the hours and minutes until that email comes in because i don’t really mind either way what it says. i have already lost so much to this crashing shitshow that has been the past couple of years. 
i’m having a hard time connecting to people. it feels so strange, like a fly futilely slamming into thick aquarium glass. i almost had an easier time talking to people when i was a heartbroken mess because i was trying so hard to put all the pieces back together i guess i just didn’t realize my communication was like throwing paper airplanes and hoping they landed where they were supposed to. i’m trying to fix the things that made me sad, trying to keep my head down and build some form of stability. i think i’m getting further and further out to sea though, and i can’t even see the lighthouse anymore.
i think i need to find joy in the drifting again. i haven’t felt joy much less hope in so long. i spent most of this godforsaken pandemic working at a healthcare clinic. it has perhaps irreparably harmed and traumatized me. the first bit of hope i felt in a long time was with the vaccines, but people’s ignorance and selfishness has circled us back into the same hopeless situation. i am disconnected from my community, from people, from friends, from my partner. switching jobs has made a lot of the seething rage subside, but now it’s all awash with melancholy. i’m not sure where the healing kicks in. 
everyone is dying around me, and i can’t do anything about it but grieve. freak accidents and a horrible, terrible unspeakable and senseless murder, and sickness, and age: so many people just disappearing. i am never going to get the feeling of my brother’s cold, dead hand off of my skin. it feels so permanently stained into my palm. different people, different last words exchanged. “you suck, but i love you”. “you’re doing a really good job”. calls never returned because there’s never enough time, and so, so much of my time has been stolen by this fucking pandemic. my time and my hope are gone. 
i sometimes worry i’ll never love people the same again. i’m hesitant now. i feel like if i don’t anchor myself then it won’t hurt as bad when they’re gone. i’ve always had commitment issues, but now i’m just afraid. maybe that’s the price of setting boundaries, you have to be able to drop people like they’re lead sometimes. you can’t be responsible for them. i don’t want to be responsible anymore. i don’t think i ever wanted to be, but there was no one else. i have spent so much time alone, why am i putting myself in a position to be lonely again now? why can’t i just talk and connect with people? build those tethers again for a little while to brave the rest of this absolute fucking hurricane.
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Good morning, and Happy first day of October! The crisp, cool air that comes with daybreak is a reminder that fall is definitely here. Though I will miss the long days and heat of summer, fall brings a season that appeals to all five senses. Remember to take a moment to stop and truly SEE, FEEL, HEAR, TASTE, and SMELL this wonderful time of year. 
Today marks the 4-month mark for the release of my first novel! On February 1st, 2018, my young adult novel KEEPER OF THE WATCH will be released to the public for the first time. It’s been a long road to get here, but I am over-the-moon excited about my book finally getting published! It just goes to show that perseverance pays off in the end. If I can do it, you can too! Never give up! 
So, here’s to celebrating my 4-Month-A-Versary! I’ll be posting excerpts from the book...stay tuned!
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thegoblinmatriarch · 7 years
hey uh i follow your witch blog @thegoblingrimoire and i saw your altar and it looks like, really bad. you're gonna curse yourself if you keep using candles of different colors, or leaving offerings to the fey, or putting living things on your unorganized altar. the stakes are really high and you seem like you don't know enough to be fucking with the fey or altars yet. so don't. also buy a sports bra.
Hey actually you can go ahead and unfucking follow that blog because the entire point of me doing it was for positive energy and your gatekeeping is exactly what I did NOT want. Thanks. One of my witch friends who has been practicing for more then ten years helped me with it. In fact, the candles of different colors were encouraged since I used colors that matched the holiday. I also don’t seem to practice the same form of witchcraft as you. Which is fine. All good really. But like, back up? Because the way I was told to practice by everyone I knew is to do what felt right. I also practiced exactly 0 witchcraft with that alter and specifically said it was for practice and good vibes, not for offerings or any actual magic as I did none with it BECAUSE I don’t know how to do it. Maybe if you actually cared about it, you would have read that instead of coming on anon and coming at me.I’m 100% aware I’m still learning and everything I have seen has told me first and foremost to trust myself and my instincts. That’s what I’m following. Learning by practice. If you don’t like it and subscribe to a different thought, then you can politely unfollow me and ignore me while I learn in a way I am best at. Or maybe offer some real advice not “Lol don’t because your not good enough and ur wrong ur gonna curse yourself”Also my underwear choice has nothing to do with this comment and implies more malicious intent. It also means you follow me on a different form of social media because I didn’t post any work out pics here. I actually have been struggling to find a sports bra that fits my size so I wear what I have, but thanks for being a fucking asshole about it. @alyxeris if you wanna help me out on this, please do. Otherwise I’m turning off anon.
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plenilune · 7 years
do you have any makeup tips/ would you ever consider doing a makeup tutorial/ are there any tutorials you used when you were starting out? Your makeup always looks beautiful and I would like to learn how to do it like yours
oh man anon this is very sweet but my entire makeup routine is
- slightly nicer than the cheapest drugstore foundation (ivory, bc my genetic ancestry is entirely Scots/Irish, English, and Norwegian and I am a pale easily flushed creature)- some fancy-ass blush I got as a third-hand-hand-me-down when one of @alyxeris’ friends unloaded it on her, applied along my cheekbones and blended; I AM ALMOST OUT OF THIS WHICH MEANS I HAVE TO PICK A NEW BLUSH- Wet ‘n’ Wild liquid eyeliner, because a) it’s real cheap b) it’s the only eyeliner with a brush I like, reapplied like four times before I get it right even though I’ve been doing wings every day for like four years now, and no, I can’t explain how I do wings, it’s desperation and muscle memory at this point- varying Maybelline mascaras, whichever one’s on sale and makes my lashes thick and long and not clumpy- dark matte lipstain that is almost definitely either Nyx or Sephora brand- literally nothing else, I got fancy recently and now ACTUALLY CLEAN MAKEUP OFF MY FACE AT NIGHT with Lush’s 9 to 5 cleanser instead of sometimes remembering to scrub the eyeliner off with water - sometimes for fancy events I add glitter eyeliner (also Nyx though I’ve tried on the Urban Decay ones and they’re great) over the regular eyeliner and/or all over my face and body, because glitter- I love eyeshadow but have no skill in applying it so if I wear eyeshadow it’s just “uh, blend a nifty weird colour and then cover most of it in eyeliner????? DO I LOOK COOL”; I own like two eyeshadows and they’re dark purple and metallic gold
anyway other than switching from pencil to liquid eyeliner and changing from lipsticks to stains my makeup routine has not really changed since I was thirteen, when someone showed me how to do it at the mall and I used a lot of outrageously coloured makeup samples a friend of my mom sent that were totally tonally inappropriate for a reclusive long-haired barely-teen who wore outdated wire-framed glasses and dressed in exclusively the least cool peasant tops possible so I could pretend I was an extra in LotR and badly fitting jeans and ankle-length skirts from Goodwill, but also AWESOME
I think I learned how to do wings from like, an image-based step by step tutorial somewhere on the internet that gave basic brushstrokes? this was four or five years ago? anyway it is literally the only cool thing I can do so of course I do it Every Day and it tricks people into thinking I’m Good At Makeup
I am not Good At Makeup
I just like looking as dramatic as possible at all times
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@castigatetheruffians @alyxeris
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aureate-laureate · 8 years
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So I was tagged by @juguitos to do a thing. Here's 9 songs I got from putting my music on shuffle. I do listen to more pop than this makes it look like haha. I'll tag...@thetwiinarmageddon2, @gemazing, @andsotheuniverseended, @alyxeris, @themodernpecksie, and anyone else who wants to do it 😁
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Tagged by @joschimi
name: Ana/Nan 
height: 5'10" 
Hogwarts house: I’m not really into Harry Plopper, but probably Slytherin or Gryffindor depending on the day. 
fictional character I’d date: Prompto and Gladio (at the same time) (FFXV), Sanji (One Piece) 
favourite band or artist: Why? (The band, not a question haha) 
how many blogs do I follow: like a million 
what do I post about: ffxv right now, but regularly One Piece and video games 
do I get asks on a regular basis?: never. Send me asks, you dingles! 
aesthetic: pastel, skulls, hearts 
since this is a get to know your followers tag, i’ll tag my biggest fans: @fluffybunniedreamer @alyxeris @anael-seiyoku um anyone else who wants to do this!
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halleysvomit · 8 years
Tagged by @alyxeris​
how old are you? 20 what’s your current job?  Working for a landscape guy what are you talented at? Music, architectural design, pissing off my significant other what is a big goal you are working toward (or have already achieved)? Finishing college at some point what’s your aesthetic? "Charlie Kelly, but grungier and kinder to animals. Also more punk rock.” -Arden do you collect anything? I take great pride in my collection of bitchin’ t-shirts. what’s a topic you always talk about? The joy of painting what’s a pet peeve of yours? People who just walk right across fresh snow like they’re fucking hot shit. good advice to give? “If honesty is the best policy, then by process of elimination,dishonesty is the second best policy.” -George Carlin what are three songs you’d recommend?  Submarines by The Frights, We’ve Got a Situation Here by The Damned Things, Exploded Birds by Orbs
I tag anyone who feels like doing this.
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